IMPORTANT SAFEGUARDS ........................................7
SAVE THESE INSTRUCTIONS �������������������������������������������������������7
SHORT CORD INSTRUCTIONS .....................................7
INTRODUCTION .......................................................8
Symbols used in these instructions �������������������������������������������8
Letters in brackets ��������������������������������������������������������������������� 8
Troubleshooting and repairs �����������������������������������������������������8
DESCRIPTION ����������������������������������������������������������������������������� 8
Description of the appliance �����������������������������������������������������8
Description of the control panel ������������������������������������������������8
Description of the accessories ���������������������������������������������������8
Description of lights ������������������������������������������������������������������9
PRELIMINARY CHECKS .............................................9
Checking the appliance �������������������������������������������������������������9
Installing the appliance ������������������������������������������������������������9
Connecting the appliance ��������������������������������������������������������� 9
Using the appliance for the rst time ���������������������������������������� 9
TURNING THE APPLIANCE ON .................................10
TURNING THE APPLIANCE OFF ...............................10
AUTOOFF ..............................................................10
ENERGY SAVING .....................................................10
WATER SOFTENER FILTER .......................................11
Installing the lter ������������������������������������������������������������������11
Removing and replacing the lter ������������������������������������������ 11
MAKING COFFEE ....................................................11
Selecting the coee taste ��������������������������������������������������������11
Selecting the quantity of coee in the cup �����������������������������11
Adjusting the coee mill ��������������������������������������������������������� 12
Setting the temperature ���������������������������������������������������������12
Tips for a hotter coee ������������������������������������������������������������12
Making coee using coee beans �������������������������������������������12
Making coee using pre-ground coee ���������������������������������� 13
MAKING CAPUCCINO .............................................13
Cleaning the cappuccino maker after use ��������������������������������13
HEATING WATER ....................................................13
CLEANING .............................................................14
Cleaning the coee maker ������������������������������������������������������ 14
Cleaning the drip tray and condensate tray �����������������������������14
Cleaning the inside of the coee maker ����������������������������������14
Cleaning the water tank ���������������������������������������������������������� 14
Cleaning the coee spouts ������������������������������������������������������14
Cleaning the pre-ground coee funnel �����������������������������������14
Cleaning the infuser ���������������������������������������������������������������� 14
DESCALE ...............................................................15
SETTING WATER HARDNESS ....................................16
Measuring water hardness ������������������������������������������������������ 16
Set water hardness �����������������������������������������������������������������16
TECHNICAL SPECIFICATION .....................................16
EXPLANATION OF LIGHTS .......................................17
TROUBLESHOOTING ...............................................18
GARANTIE LIMITÈE ................................................19
When using electrical appliances, basic safety precautions should always be followed, including the following
• Readallinstructionscarefully.
• Makesurethevoltageofyourelectricalsystemcorrespondstothevoltageshownonthebottomofthemachine.
• Donottouchhotsurfaces.Usehandlesorknobs.
• Toprotectagainstre,electricalshockandpersonalinjury,donotimmersecord,plugorapplianceinwaterorother
• Keeptheapplianceoutofthereachofchildrenanddonotleaveapplianceunattendedwhileinoperation.
• Unplugfromtheoutletwhennotinuseandbeforecleaning.
• Donotoperatewithadamagedcordorplug,oraftertheappliancemalfunctions,orhasbeendamagedinany
manner� Return the appliance to the nearest authorized service facility for examination, repair or adjustment
• Theuseofaccessoryattachmentsnotrecommendedbythemanufacturermayresultinre,electricalshock,or
personal injury
• Donotuseoutdoors.
• Makesurethepowercorddoesnothangovertheedgeofthetableorcounter-toptoavoidgettingaccidentally
caught or entangled�
• Donotplacetheapplianceoritselectricalpartsonornearelectricstoves,cookingsurfaces,orgasburners.
• Plugcordintothewalloutlet.Todisconnect,rstturnmachineo,thenremoveplugfromwalloutlet.
• Donotusetheapplianceforotherthantheintendeduse.Thisapplianceistobeutilizedfordomesticuseonly.The
manufacturer declines all responsibility for any damage caused by improper, incorrect, or irresponsible use
WARNING: To reduce the risk of re or electric shock, do not remove the cover or the exterior of the unit. Don’t at-
tempt to repair or modify the machine, doing so will void the warranty. Repair should be done by authorized service
personnel only!
A short power cord is provided to reduce risks resulting from becoming entangled in or tripping over a longer cord�
- Longer, detachable power supply cords or extension cords are available and may be used if care is exercised in their use�
- If an extension cord is used, the marked electrical rating should be at least as great as the electrical rating of the appliance� If the
appliance is provided with 3- wire, grounding type cord, the extension should be a GROUNDING TYPE 3 - WIRE CORDThe longer
cord should be arranged so that it will not drape over the counter-top or table top where it can be pulled on by children or tripped
- Your product is equipped with a polarized alternating current line plug (a plug having one blade wider than the other)� This plug
will t into the power outlet only one way� This is a safety feature� If you are unable to insert the plug fully into the outlet, try
reversing the plug� If the plug should still fail to t, contact your electrician to replace your obsolete outlet� Do not defeat the
safety purpose of the polarized plug�
Thank you for choosing the ECAM 22�110 automatic coee and
cappuccino maker
We hope you enjoy using your new appliance�
Take a few minutes to read these instructions�
This will avoid all risks and damage to the machine�
Symbols used in these instructions
Important warnings are identied by these symbols
These warnings must absolutely be respected�
Failure to observe the warning could result in possibly life
threatening injury from electric shock�
Failure to observe the warning could result in injury or damage
to the appliance�
Danger Of burns!
Failure to observe the warning could result in scalds or burns�
Please note :
This symbol identies important advice or information for the
Letters in brackets
The letters in brackets refer to the legend in the Description of
the Appliance on pages 2-3�
Troubleshooting and repairs
In the event of problems, rst try and resolve them following
If this does not resolve the problem or you require further
information, you should consult Customer Services by calling
If your country is not among those listed on the sheet, call the
number given in the guarantee�
If repairs are required, contact De’Longhi Customer Services
The addresses are given in the guarantee certicate provided
with the appliance�
Description of the appliance
(page 3 - A )
A1� Control panel
A2� Grinding adjustment dial
A3� Cup shelf
A4� Beans container lid
A5� Pre-ground coee funnel lid
A6� Pre-ground coee funnel
A7� Beans container
A8� Main switch
A9� Water tank
A10� Infuser door
A11� Infuser
A12� Coee spout (adjustable height)
A13� Coee grounds container
A14� Condensate tray
A15� Cup tray
A16� Drip tray water level indicator
A17� Drip tray
A18� Cappuccino maker
A19� Steam/hot water dial
Description of the control panel
(page 2 - B )
B1� Lights
B2� button: turns the appliance on and o
B3� button: to make 1 cup of espresso coee
B4� button: to make 2 cups of espresso coee
B5� button: to rinse or descale the appliance
B6� Selection dial: turn to select the required quantity of
coee or use pre-ground coee
B7� button: to deliver steam to make hot drinks with
B8� button: to make 1 long coee
B9� button: to make 2 long coees
Description of the accessories
(pag� 2 - C )
C1� Measure
C2� Descaler bottle
C3� Water softener lter
Description of lights
Light ashing: the machine is heating up or a
rinse cycle is underway
The appliance is delivering one or two cups of
espresso coee
The appliance is delivering one or two cups of
long coee�
Light on steadily: the steam” function has
been selected;
Light ashing: you must turn the steam dial
An alarm is displayed on the control panel (see
the section: “Explanation of lights” on page
Light on steadily: the grounds container is
missing and must be inserted in the appliance;
Light ashing: the grounds container is full and
must be emptied�
Light on steadily: the water tank is missing;
Light ashing: there is not enough water in the
Light ashing: the appliance must be descaled
Light on steadily: the appliance is performing
a descaling cycle�
ECO ECO“EnergySaving”modeisactive.
Checking the appliance
After removing the packaging, make sure the product is
complete and undamaged and that all accessories are present�
Do not use the appliance if it is visibly damaged�
Contact De’Longhi Customer Services�
Installing the appliance
When installing the appliance, respect the following safety
• Theappliancecouldbedamagedifthewateritcontains
Do not install the appliance in a room where the
temperature could drop below freezing point
• Theappliancegivesoheat.
After positioning the appliance on the worktop, leave
a space of at least 3 cm between the surfaces of the
appliance and the side and rear walls and at least 15 cm
above the coee maker
• Waterpenetratingthecoeemakercouldcausedamage.
Do not place the appliance near water faucets or sinks�
• Arrangethepowercableinsuchawaythatitcannotbe
damaged by sharp edges or contact with hot surfaces
(e�g� electric hot plates)�
Connecting the appliance
Check that the mains power supply voltage corresponds to
the value indicated on the rating plate on the bottom of the
Connect the appliance to an eciently earthed and correctly
installed socket with a minimum current rating of 10A only
If the power socket does not match the plug on the appliance,
have the socket replaced with a suitable type by a qualied
Using the appliance for the rst time
Please note :
• Coeehasbeenusedtofactorytesttheapplianceandit
is, therefore, completely normal for there to be traces of
coee in the mill�
The machine is, however, guaranteed to be new
• Youshouldcustomizewaterhardnessassoonaspossible
followingthe instructions in thesection“Settingwater
Follow the instructions:
1� Remove the water tank, ll to the MAX line with fresh
water (g� 1A) then put back in the appliance (g� 1B)�
2� Place a container with a minimum capacity of 100 ml
under the cappuccino maker (g� 2)�
3� Plug the appliance into the mains socket and place the
main switch on the back of the appliance in the I position
(g� 3)�
4� The light ashes on the control panel (g� 4)�
5. Turn the steam dial to the I position (g. 5). The
appliance delivers water from the cappuccino maker then
goes o
6. Turnthesteamdialtothe“0”position.
The coee maker is now ready for normal use
Please note :
• Whenusingtheapplianceforthersttime,youneedto
make 4-5 cups of coee or 4-5 cappuccinos before the
appliance starts to give satisfactory results�
Please note :
• Before turning the appliance on, make sure the main
switch on the back of the appliance is in the I position (g
• Each time the appliance is turned on, it performs an
automatic preheat and rinse cycle which cannot be
interrupted� The appliance is ready for use only after
completion of these cycles�
Danger Of burns!
During rinsing, a little hot water comes out of the coee spouts
and is collected in the drip tray underneath�
Avoid contact with splashes of water
• To turn the appliance on, press the (g� 6): The
corresponding light ashes while the appliance is
heating up and performing an automatic rinse cycle (by
circulating hot water, the appliance heats both the boiler
and the internal circuits)�
The appliance is at temperature when the light goes o and
the lights corresponding to the coee buttons come on�
Each time the appliance is turned o, it performs an automatic
rinse cycle which cannot be interrupted
Danger Of burns!
During rinsing, a little hot water ows from the coee spouts�
Avoid contact with splashes of water
To turn the appliance o, press the button (g� 6)� The
appliance performs a rinse cycle, then goes o
Please note :
If the appliance is not used for an extended period, also place
the main switch in the 0 position (g� 3)�
To avoid damaging the appliance, do not place the main switch
(g� 3) in the 0 position until the appliance has been turned o
using the button�
The appliance is set to turn o automatically if not used for 2
The time can be changed so that the appliance switches o
after 15 or 30 minutes, or after 1, 2 or 3 hours
The set the auto-o, proceed as follows:
1� With the machine o and the main switch in I position
(g� 3), press the button and keep it pressed until the
lights on the control panel come on�
2� Press the button (on the left side of the dial) until
the lights corresponding to the number of hours before
the appliance goes o automatically come on:
15 minutes ECO
30 minutes ECO
1 hour ECO
2 hours ECO
3 hours ECO
3� Press the button (on the right side of the dial) to
conrm; the lights switch o
Use this function to enable or disable energy saving mode
When enabled, the function reduces energy consumption in
compliance with European regulations
Energy saving mode is active when the green ECO light is on
(g� 7)�
1� With the appliance o and the main switch in the I
position (g� 3), press the button and hold it down
until the ECO light comes on (g� 7)�
2� To disable the mode, press the button (on the left of
the dial)� The ECO light ashes�
3� To re-enable the mode, press the ECO button (on the left
of the dial) again� The ECO light comes on steadily
4� Press the button (on the right of the dial) to
conrm the selection� The ECO light goes o
Please note :
A few seconds may elapse between energy saving mode
and delivery of the rst coee as the appliance must heat up
Certain models are tted with a water softener lter� If this
is not the case with your model, you are recommended to
purchase one from De’Longhi Customer Services�
• Keepinacooldryplaceoutofdirectsunlight.
• Afteropeningthepackage,usethelteratonce.
• Removethelterbeforedescalingthemachine.
To use the lter correctly, follow the instructions below
Installing the lter
1� Remove the lter from packaging and rinse the lter with
about half a liter of tap water (g� 8)�
2� Rotate the calendar disk so that the next two months are
displayed (g� 9)�
Please note:
The lter lasts about two months if the appliance is used
normally� If the coee maker is left unused with the lter
installed, it will last a maximum of three weeks�
3� Remove the tank from the appliance and ll with water
(g� 1A)�
4� Insert the lter in the water tank and immerse it
completely, sloping it to enable the air bubbles to escape
(g� 10)�
5� Insert the lter in the lter housing and press as far as it
will go (g� 11)�
6� Close the tank with the lid (g� 12), then replace the tank
in the machine�
7� Place a container (min� capacity: 100 ml) under the
cappuccino maker
8� Turn the steam dial in position I to deliver hot water
9� Let the appliance deliver hot water for a few seconds, til the
delivery ows regulary, then turn the dial in position 0�
Please note:
It may happen that a single hot water is not sucient to install
the lter: the lghts come on�
In this case, repeat the installing operation from step 8�
The new lter is active and you can now use the coee maker
Removing and replacing the lter
After rwo months (see date indicator) or when the appliance
has not been used for 3 weeks, you should remove the lter
and replace with a new one, proceeding as described at the
previous paragraph�
Selecting the coee taste
Turn the coee taste selection dial (B6) to set the required
taste� Turning it clockwise increases the quantity of coee
beans the appliance will grind and, therefore, the strength of
the coee obtained�
Turn the dial to MIN for an extra mild coee and to MAX for an
extra strong coee
Please note :
• Thersttimeyouusetheappliance,youwillneedtomake
a number of coees to identify the correct dial position
through trial and error
• DonotturnthedialtoofartowardsMAX,otherwisethe
coee may be delivered too slowly (a drop at a time),
particularly when making two cups of coee at the same
Selecting the quantity of coee in the cup
The appliance is set by default to automatically make the
following quantities of coee:
- espresso coee, when the button is pressed (1�35
� oz�);
- long coee when the button (4 �oz�) is pressed;
- two espresso coees, when the button is pressed;
- two long coees, when the button is pressed�
To change the quantity of coee the appliance delivers
automatically into the cup, proceed as described below:
- press the button corresponding to the quantity to be
modied and hold it down until the light ashes and the
appliance starts delivering coee� Release the button;
- when the coee in the cup reaches the required level, press
the same button again to memorize the new amount�
The quantity of coee in the cup has now been programmed�
Adjusting the coee mill
The coee mill is preset in the factory to make coee correctly
and should not require adjusting initially
However, if after making the rst few coees you nd that the
coee is too thin and not creamy enough or that delivery is too
slow (a drop at a time), this can be corrected by adjusting the
grinding adjustment dial (g� 13)�
Please note :
The grinding adjustment dial must only be turned when the
coee mill is in operation�
If the coee is delivered too slowly or
not at all, turn one click clockwise
For fuller bodied creamier coee,
turn one click anticlockwise (do
not turn more than one click at a
time otherwise the coee could be
delivered a drop at a time)�
These adjustments will only be evident after at least 2 cups of
coee have been delivered
If this adjustment does not obtain the desired result, turn the
dial another click�
Setting the temperature
To modify the temperature of the water used to make the
coee, proceed as follows:
1� With the appliance o and the main switch in the I
position (g3), press the button and hold it
down until the lights on the control panel come on�
2� Press the button to select the required
3� Press the button to conrm the selection� The
lights go o
Tips for a hotter coee
For a hotter coee, before delivery you are recommended to:
• rinse the appliance through by pressing the
button� Hot water ows out of the coee spouts and
heats the internal circuit of the machine so that the coee
delivered will be hotter
• warm the cups with hot water (using the hot water
• setahottercoeetemperature(seesection“Settingthe
Making coee using coee beans
Do not use caramelized or candied coee beans as they could
stick to the coee mill and damage it
1� Fill the container with coee beans (g� 14)�
2� Place under the coee spouts:
- 1 cup if you want one coee (g� 15);
- 2 cups if you want 2 coees (g� 16)�
3� Lower the spouts as near as possible to the cupThis makes
a creamier coee (g� 17)�
4� Press the button corresponding to the number of coees
5� Preparation begins and the light corresponding to the
selected button ashes on the control panel
Once the coee has been made, the appliance is ready for use
Please note :
• Whilethecoeemakerismakingcoee,deliverycanbe
interrupted at any moment by pressing one of the coee
• Attheendofdelivery,toincreasethequantityofcoee
in the cup, just press (within 3 seconds) one of the coee
Please note :
For hotter coee, see the section Tips for a hotter coee”.
• If thecoeeis delivereda dropatatime,toothin and
not creamy enough or too cold, read the tips in the
• Lightsmaybedisplayedonthecontrolpanelduringuse.
1 espresso 1 long coee
2 long coees2 espresso
Making coee using pre-ground coee
• Neverplacecoeebeansinthepre-groundcoeefunnel
as this could damage the appliance�
• Neveraddpre-groundcoeewhenthemachineisoorit
could spread through the inside of the machine and dirty
it� This could damage the appliance�
• Neverusemorethan1levelmeasureoritcoulddirtythe
inside of the coee maker or block the funnel
Please note :
When using pre-ground coee, you can only make one cup of
coee at a time
1� Make sure the appliance is on�
2� Turn the coee taste selection dial anticlockwise as far as
it will go to the position (g� 18)�
3� Make sure the funnel is not blocked, then add one level
measure of pre-ground coee (g� 19)�
4� Place a cup under the coee spouts�
5� Press the 1 cup coee button ( or )�
6� Preparation begins�
Danger of burns!
During preparation, steam is given o� Take care to avoid
1� When making cappuccino, prepare the coee in a large
2� Fill a container (preferably with a handle to avoid burns)
with about 3�4 oz/100 grams of milk for each cappuccino
to be made� In choosing the size of the container, bear in
mind that the milk doubles or triples in volume
Please note :
For a richer denser froth, use skim or 2% milk milk at
refrigerator temperature (about 41°F/5°C)�
To avoid milk with poor froth or large bubbles, always
clean the cappuccino maker as described in the section
3� Press the button� The light ashes�
4� Immerse the cappuccino maker in the milk container (g�
5� After a few seconds, when the light ashes, turn
the steam dial to the I position (g� 5)� Steam is delivered
from the cappuccino maker, giving the milk a creamy
frothy appearance and making it more voluminous�
6� To obtain a creamier froth, rotate the container with slow
upward movements� You should not deliver steam for
more than 3 minutes at a time�
7� When you have obtained the required froth, stop steam
delivery by turning the steam dial back to the 0 position�
Danger of burns!
Stop steam delivery before removing the container with
the frothed milk to avoid burns caused by splashes of
boiling milk�
8� Add the milk froth to the coee prepared previously
The cappuccino is ready� Sweeten to taste and, if desired,
sprinkle the froth with a little cocoa powder
Cleaning the cappuccino maker after use
Clean the cappuccino maker after use to avoid the build-up of
milk residues or blockages�
1� Place a container under the cappuccino maker and deliver
a little water for a few seconds by rotating the steam dial
to the I position (g� 5)�
Then turn the steam dial to the 0 position to stop the ow
of hot water
2� Wait a few minutes for the cappuccino maker to cool
down� Grip the handle of the cappuccino maker tube
rmly in one hand and with the other rotate the
cappuccino maker anticlockwise (g� 21), then remove by
pulling downwards�
3� Also remove the steam nozzle by pulling it downwards
(g� 22)�
4� Make sure the two holes shown by the arrow in g� 23 are
not blocked� If necessary, clean with a pin�
5� Wash all parts of the cappuccino maker thoroughly with a
sponge and warm water
6� Replace the nozzle and put the cappuccino maker back
on the nozzle, pushing it and turning it upwards until it
is attached�
Danger of burns!
Never leave the machine unsupervised while delivering hot
water� Stop delivery of hot water as described below when the
cup is full� The hot water spout becomes hot while water is
being delivered and must be handled by the handle only
1� Place a container under the cappuccino ma ker as close as
possible to avoid splashes�
2� Turn the steam dial to the I position� Delivery begins�
3� Stop by turning the steam dial to the 0 position�
Please note :
seconds before the hot water is delivered�
Cleaning the coee maker
The following parts of the machine must be cleaned regularly:
- coee grounds container (A13),
- drip tray (A17) and condensate tray (A14),
- water tank (A9),
- coee spouts (A12),
- pre-ground coee funnel (A6),
- inside of the machine (accessible after opening the infuser
door (A10))
- infuser (A11)�
• Do not use solvents, abrasive detergents or alcohol to
clean the coee maker
With De’Longhi superautomatic coee makers, you need
not use chemical products to clean the machine�
The descaler recommended by De’Longhi is made from
natural and completely biodegradable substances�
• Noneofthecomponentscanbewashedinadishwasher.
• Do not use metal objects to remove encrustations or
coee deposits as they could
scratch metal or plastic surfaces�
Cleaning the coee grounds
When the light ashes, the
coee grounds container must be emptied and cleaned�
Unless you clean the grounds container, the light will continue
to ash and the appliance cannot be used to make coee�
To clean (with the machine on):
• Removethedriptray(g.24),emptyandclean.
• Empty the grounds container and clean thoroughly to
remove all residues left on the bottom�
• Also check the condensate tray (red) and empty if
When removing the drip tray, the grounds container must be
emptied, even if it contains few grounds
If this is not done, when you make the next coees, the
grounds container may ll up more than expected and clog the
Cleaning the drip tray and condensate tray
If the drip tray is not emptied regularly, the water could
overow from the edge and seep inside or around the coee
maker This could damage the machine, the surface it rests on
or the surrounding area�
The drip tray is tted with a level indicator (red) showing the
level of water it contains (g� 25)�
Before the indicator protrudes from the cup tray, the drip tray
must be emptied and cleaned�
To remove the drip tray:
1� Remove the drip tray and the grounds container (g� 24);
2� Empty the drip tray and grounds container and wash
3� Check the condensate tray and empty if necessary�
4� Replace the drip tray and grounds container
Cleaning the inside of the coee maker
Danger of electric shock!
Before cleaning internal parts, the machine must be turned
supply� Never immerse the coee maker in water
1� Check regularly (about once a month) that the inside of
the appliance (accessible after removing the drip tray)
is not dirty If necessary, remove coee deposits with a
2� Remove the residues with a vacuum cleaner (g� 26)�
Cleaning the water tank
Clean the water tank (A9) regularly (about once a month) with
a damp cloth and a little mild washing up liquid�
Cleaning the coee spouts
1� Clean the coee spouts with a sponge or cloth (g� 27)�
2� Check the holes in the coee spout are not blocked�
If necessary, remove coee deposits with a toothpick (g�
Cleaning the pre-ground coee funnel
Check regularly (about once a month) that the pre-ground
coee funnel is not blocked� If necessary, remove coee
Cleaning the infuser
The infuser (A11) must be cleaned at least once a month�
The infuser may not be extracted when the machine is on�
1. Makesurethemachineiscorrectlyturnedo(seeTurning
2� Remove the water tank�
3� Open the infuser door (g� 29) on the right side�
Descaler contains acids which may irritate the skin and eyes�
It is vital to respect the manufacturer’s safety warnings given on
the descaler pack and the warnings relating to the procedure to
follow in the event of contact with the skin and eyes�
Please note :
Use De’Longhi descaler only
Under no circumstances should you use sulphamic or acetic
based descalers� Their use invalidates the guarantee�
Failure to descale the appliance as described also invalidates
the guarantee
1� Turn the appliance on and wait until it is ready for use
2� Empty the water tank (A9) and remove the softener lter,
if present
3� Pour the descaler into the tank up to the level A
(corresponding to a 3�4oz/ 100ml pack) marked on the
back of the tank (g32A), then add water (1liter) up to
level B (g� 32B)�
Place an empty container with a minimum capacity of 50
oz�/ 1�5 liters under the cappuccino maker �
4� Wait for the coee lights to come on steadily
Important! Danger of burns
Hot water containing acid ows from the cappuccino maker
Avoid contact with splashes of water
5� Press the button and hold it down for at least 5
seconds to conrm that you have added the solution and
begin the descaling procedure� The light in the button
remains on steadily to indicate that the descaling program
has begun� The light ashes telling you to turn the
steam dial to the l position�
6� Turn the steam dial a half turn anticlockwise to the I po-
sition� The descaler solution ows out of the cappuccino
maker into the underlying container
The descale program automatically performs a series of
rinses and pauses to remove the limescale�
It is normal for several minutes of inactivity to elapse
between rinses�
After about 30 minutes, the water tank is empty and the
and lights ash� Turn the steam dial clockwise as far as it
will go to the 0 position�
The appliance is now ready for rinsing through with clean
7� Empty the container used to collect the descaler solution
and replace it empty under the cappuccino maker
8� Remove the water tank, empty, rinse under running
water, ll with clean water and replace� The light
4� Press the two red release buttons inwards and at the same
time pull the infuser outwards (g� 30)�
Clean the infuser without using dish soap as it could be
5� Soak the infuser in water for about 5 minutes, then rinse
under the tap
6� Clean coee residues from the support where the infuser
7� After cleaning, replace the infuser by sliding it onto the
internal support, then push the PUSH symbol fully in until
it clicks into place
Please note :
If the infuser is dicult to insert, before insertion, adapt it to
the right size by pressing the two levers shown in the gure�
8� Once inserted, make sure the two red buttons have
snapped out�
8� Close the infuser door
9� Replace the water tank�
Descale the appliance when the light on the control
panel ashes (g� 31)�
9� Turn the steam dial anticlockwise to the I position (g� 5)�
Hot water comes out of the spout�
10� When the water tank is completely empty, the light
11� Turn the dial to the 0 position� The light goes
Fill the water tank again and the machine is ready for use�
Descaling is necessary after a period of operation established
according to the water hardness set�
The machine is factory set for a hardness value of 4�
The machine can also be programmed according to the
hardness of the water supply in the various regions so that the
machine needs to be descaled less often�
Measuring water hardness
1. Remove the TOTAL HARDNESS TEST” indicator paper
attached to this manual from its pack�
2� Immerse the paper completely in a glass of water for one
3� Remove the paper from the water and shake lightly
After about a minute, 1, 2, 3, or 4 red squares form,
depending on the hardness of the water� Each square
corresponds to one level�
Level 1
Level 2
Level 4
Set water hardness
1� Make sure the appliance is o (but connected to the
mains electricity supply and with the main switch in the I
2� Press the button and hold it down for at least
6 seconds� The and lights come on
3� Press the button (on the left of the dial) to set
the actual water hardness as measured by the indicator
Level Level Level Level
1 234
4� Press the button (on the right of the dial) to
conrm the selection�
The machine is now reprogrammed with the new water
hardness setting
Voltage: 220-240 V~ 50/60 Hz max� 10A
Absorbed power: 1450W
Pressure: 15 bars
Water tank capacity: 1�8 liters max�
Size LxHxD: 238x340x430 mm
Cable length: 1�15 m
Weight: 9�1 kg
Coee beans container capacity: 250 g max�
Insucient water in the tank� Fill the tank with water and insert it correctly, pushing it as
far as it will go until it clicks into place
The tank is not correctly in place� Insert the tank correctly and press as far as it will go�
The grounds container (A13) is full� Empty the grounds container and drip tray, clean and
replace� Important: when removing the drip tray, the
grounds container MUST be emptied, even if it contains
few grounds� If this is not done, when you make the next
coees, the grounds container may ll up more than
expected and clog the machine�
After cleaning, the grounds container has
not been replaced�
Remove the drip tray and insert the grounds container
The grinding is too ne and the coee is
delivered too slowly or not at all�
Repeat coee delivery and turn the grinding adjustment
coee mill is in operation� If after making at least 2 coees
delivery is still too slow, repeat the correction procedure,
turning the grinding adjustment dial another click until
delivery is correct (see the section: Adjusting the coee mill
on page 12)� If the problem persists, turn the steam dial to
the I position and deliver water from the cappuccino maker
The "pre-ground coee" function has been
selected without placing any pre-ground
coee in the funnel�
Place pre-ground coee in the funnel or deselect the
"pre-ground" function�
The machine must be descaled� The descaling procedure described in the section
Too much coee has been used� Select a milder taste or reduce the quantity of pre-ground
coee then make the coee again�
The coee beans have run out� Fill the beans container
The pre-ground coee funnel is clogged� Empty the funnel with the help of a knife�
The infuser has not been replaced after
The inside of the appliance is very dirty� Clean the inside of the appliance thoroughly, as described
If the message is still displayed after cleaning, contact
customer services�
Below is a list of some of the possible malfunctions�
If the problem cannot be resolved as described, contact Customer Services
The coee is not hot
The cups were not preheated� Warm the cups by rinsing them with hot water (Please note
you can use the hot water or rinse function)�
The infuser has cooled down because 2/3 minutes have
elapsed since the last coee was made�
Before making the coee, warm the infuser by pressing the
rinse button
The coee is thin or not
creamy enough
The coee is ground too coarsely Turn the grinding adjustment dial one click anticlockwise
while the coee mill is in operation (g� 13)�
Continue one click at a time until coee delivery is
satisfactory� The eect is only visible after delivering two
page 12)�
The coee is unsuitable� Use pre-ground coee for espresso coee makers�
The coee is delivered too
slowly or a drop at a time
The coee is ground too nely Turn the grinding adjustment dial one click clockwise while
the coee mill is in operation (g� 10)� Continue one click at
a time until coee delivery is satisfactory� The eect is only
Coee does not come out of
one of the spouts
The spouts are blocked� Clean the spouts with a toothpick�
The frothed milk has large
The milk is not cold enough or is not is not skim or 2%
You should ideally use skim or 2% milk at refrigerator
temperature (about 41°F / 5°C)�
If the result is still disappointing, try another brand of milk�
The milk is not frothed
Cappuccino maker is dirty Clean as described in the section "Cleaning the cappuccino
maker after use" on page 13�
Steam delivery stops during
A safety device stops steam delivery after 3 minutes� Wait a few minutes, then activate the steam function
The appliance does not
come on
It is not plugged into the mains socket Plug into the mains socket
The main switch (A8) is not turned on� Place the main switch in the I position (g� 3)�
What does the warranty cover?
We warrant each appliance to be free from defects in material and workmanship� Our obligation under this warranty is limited to re-
pair at our factory or authorized service center of any defective parts or part thereof, other than parts damaged in transit� In the event
of a products replacement or return, the unit must be returned transportation prepaid� The repaired or new model will be returned
at the company expense�
This warranty shall apply only if the appliance is used in accordance with the factory directions, which accompany it, and on an
Alternating current ( AC ) circuit�
How long does the coverage last?
This warranty runs for two years (2) from the purchase date found on your receipt and applies only to the original purchaser for use�
What is not covered by the warranty?
The warranty does not cover defects or damage of the appliance, which result from repairs or alterations to the appliance outside
our factory or authorized service centers, nor shall it apply to any appliance, which has been subject to abuse, misuse, negligence or
accidents� Also, consequential and incidental damage resulting from the use of this product or arising out of any breach of contract or
breach of this warranty are not recoverable under this warranty� Some states do not allow the exclusion or limitation of incidental or
consequential damage, so the above limitation may not apply to you�
How do you get service?
If repairs become necessary, see contact information below:
U.S. Residents: Please contact our toll free hotline at 1-866-528-8323 (1-866-Latte-Best) or log onto our website at www�delon-
Residents of Canada: Please contact our toll free hotline at 1-888-335-6644 or log onto our website at www�delonghi�com
Residents of Mexico: Please contact our toll free number 01-800-711-8805 for assistance or log onto our website at www�delon-
The above warranty is in lieu of all other express warranties and representations� All implied warranties are limited to the applicable
warranty period set forth above� This limitation does not apply if you enter into an extended warranty with De’Longhi� Some states/
countries do not allow limitations on how long an implied warranty lasts, so the above exclusions may not apply to you� De’Longhi
does not authorize any other person or company to assume for it any liability in connection with the sale or use of its appliance�
How does country law apply?
This warranty gives you specic legal rights, and you may also have other rights, which vary from state to state/country to country