Soil Sampling
Effective Date: April 22, 2023
Approved by FSB Supervisor Page 1 of 30 LSASDPROC-300-R5 042223
Region 4
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
Laboratory Services & Applied Science Division
Athens, Georgia
Operating Procedure
Title: Soil Sampling ID: LSASDPROC-300-R5
Issuing Authority: Field Services Branch Supervisor
Effective Date: April 22, 2023 Review Due Date: June 10, 2024
Method Reference: N/A SOP Author: Kevin Simmons
This document describes general and specific procedures, methods and considerations to be used
and observed when collecting soil samples for field screening or laboratory analysis.
The procedures contained in this document are to be used by field personnel when collecting and
handling soil samples in the field. On the occasion that LSASD field personnel determine that any
of the procedures described in this section are inappropriate, inadequate or impractical and that
another procedure must be used to obtain a soil sample, the variant procedure will be documented in
the field logbook and subsequent investigation report, along with a description of the circumstances
requiring its use. Mention of trade names or commercial products in this operating procedure does
not constitute endorsement or recommendation for use.
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Table of Contents
Purpose ................................................................................................................................ 1
Scope/Application ............................................................................................................... 1
1 General Information .................................................................................................... 4
1.1 Documentation/Verification ........................................................................................ 4
1.2 General Precautions ..................................................................................................... 4
1.2.1 Safety ......................................................................................................................... 4
1.2.2 Procedural Precautions ............................................................................................... 4
2 Special Sampling Considerations ................................................................................ 5
2.1 Special Precautions for Trace Contaminant Soil Sampling ........................................ 5
2.2 Sample Homogenization ............................................................................................. 6
2.3 Dressing Soil Surfaces ................................................................................................ 6
2.4 Quality Control ............................................................................................................ 7
2.5 Records ........................................................................................................................ 7
3 Samples Collected for Volatile Organic Compounds (VOC) or for Per- and
Polyfluoroalkyl Substances (PFAS) Analyses ........................................................... 7
3.1 Soil Samples Collected for Volatile Organic Compounds (VOC) Analysis ............... 7
3.2 Soil Sampling for VOCs (Method 5035) .................................................................... 7
3.2.1 Equipment .................................................................................................................. 8
3.2.2 Sampling Methodology - Low Concentrations (<200 µg/kg) .................................... 8
3.2.3 Sampling Methodology - High Concentrations (>200 µg/kg) ................................... 9
3.2.4 Special Techniques and Considerations for Method 5035 ......................................... 9
Table 1: Method 5035 Summary ...................................................................................... 12
3.3 Soil Samples for Per- and Polyfluoroalkyl Substances (PFAS) Analysis ................. 13
3.3.1 Sampling Equipment .............................................................................................. 13
3.3.2 PFAS Soil Sample Mixing and Homogenization Considerations .......................... 13
3.3.3 Trace Level Sampling Technique for PFAS .......................................................... 13
3.3.4 Quality Control Samples and Standard Operating Procedures ................................. 14
4 Manual Soil Sampling Methods ................................................................................ 15
4.1 General ...................................................................................................................... 15
4.2 Spoons ....................................................................................................................... 15
4.2.1 Special Considerations When Using Spoons ........................................................... 15
4.3 Hand Augers .............................................................................................................. 15
4.3.1 Surface Soil Sampling .............................................................................................. 16
4.3.2 Subsurface Soil Sampling ........................................................................................ 16
4.3.3 Special Considerations for Soil Sampling with the Hand Auger ............................. 16
5 Direct Push Soil Sampling Methods ........................................................................ 17
5.1 General ...................................................................................................................... 17
5.2 Large Bore® Soil Sampler ........................................................................................ 17
5.3 Macro-Core® Soil Sampler ...................................................................................... 17
5.4 Dual Tube Soil Sampling System ............................................................................. 18
5.5 Special Considerations When Using Direct Push Sampling Methods ...................... 18
6 Split Spoon/Drill Rig Methods .................................................................................. 19
6.1 General ...................................................................................................................... 19
6.2 Standard Split Spoon ................................................................................................. 20
6.3 Continuous Split Spoon ............................................................................................ 20
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6.4 Special Considerations When Using Split Spoon Sampling Methods .......................20
7 Shelby Tube/Thin-Walled Sampling Methods ...........................................................21
7.1 General .......................................................................................................................21
7.2 Shelby Tube Sampling Method ..................................................................................21
7.3 Special Considerations When Using Split Spoon Sampling Methods .......................21
8 Backhoe Sampling Method ........................................................................................22
8.1 General .......................................................................................................................22
8.2 Scoop-and-Bracket Method........................................................................................22
8.3 Direct-from-Bucket Method .......................................................................................22
8.4 Special Considerations When Sampling with a Backhoe ..........................................22
9 Incremental Sampling Method ...................................................................................23
9.1 General .......................................................................................................................23
9.2 Field Implementation, Sample Collection, and Processing ........................................23
9.2.1 Introduction ...............................................................................................................23
9.2.2 Sampling Tools .........................................................................................................24
9.2.3 Field Collection .........................................................................................................24
9.2.4 Field Handling of ISM Samples ................................................................................24
9.3 Special Considerations When Using Incremental Sampling Methods .......................25
Figure 1 ..............................................................................................................................26
Figure 2 ..............................................................................................................................26
10 References ..................................................................................................................27
11 Revision History .........................................................................................................28
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1 General Information
1.1 Documentation/Verification
This procedure was prepared by persons deemed technically competent by LSASD
management, based on their knowledge, skills and abilities and have been tested in practice
and reviewed in print by a subject matter expert. The official copy of this procedure resides
on the LSASD local area network (LAN). The QAC is responsible for ensuring the most
recent version of the procedure is placed on the LAN, and for maintaining records of review
conducted prior to its issuance.
1.2 General Precautions
1.2.1 Safety
Proper safety precautions must be observed when collecting soil samples. Refer to
the LSASD Safety and Occupational Health Manual and any pertinent site-specific
Health and Safety Plans (HASP) and Job Hazard Assessments for guidelines on
safety precautions. These guidelines, however, should only be used to complement
the judgment of an experienced professional.
The reader should address chemicals
that pose specific toxicity or safety concerns and follow any other relevant
requirements, as appropriate.
1.2.2 Procedural Precautions
The following precautions should be considered when collecting soil samples:
Special care must be taken not to contaminate samples. This includes storing
samples in a secure location to preclude conditions which could alter the
properties of the sample. Samples shall be custody sealed during long-term
storage or shipment.
Collected samples are in the custody of the sampler or sample custodian until
the samples are relinquished to another party.
If samples are transported by the sampler, they will remain under his/her
custody or be secured until they are relinquished.
Shipped samples shall conform to all U.S. Department of Transportation
(DOT) rules of shipment found in Title 49 of the Code of Federal Regulations
(49 CFR parts 171 to 179), and/or International Air Transportation Association
(IATA) hazardous materials shipping requirements found in the current edition
of IATA’s Dangerous Goods Regulations.
Documentation of field sampling is done in a bound logbook.
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Chain-of-custody documents shall be filled out and remain with the samples
until custody is relinquished.
All shipping documents, such as air bills, bills of lading, etc., shall be retained
by the project leader in the project files. (Air bills are generated online via UPS
Campusship program and package tracking is done online). Receipts are not
always received at time of shipping.
Sampling in landscaped areas: Cuttings should be placed on plastic sheeting
and returned to the borehole upon completion of the sample collection. Any
‘turf plug’ generated during the sampling process should be returned to the
Sampling in non-landscaped areas: Return any unused sample material back
to the auger, drill or push hole from which the sample was collected.
2 Special Sampling Considerations
2.1 Special Precautions for Trace Contaminant Soil Sampling
A clean pair of new, non-powdered, disposable gloves will be worn each time
a different sample is collected and the gloves should be donned immediately
prior to sampling. The gloves should not come in contact with the media being
sampled and should be changed any time during sample collection when their
cleanliness is compromised.
Sample containers with samples suspected of containing high concentrations
of contaminants shall be handled and stored separately.
All background samples shall be segregated from obvious high-concentration
or waste samples. Sample collection activities shall proceed progressively
from the least suspected contaminated area to the most suspected contaminated
area. Samples of waste or highly-contaminated media must not be placed in
the same ice chest as environmental (i.e., containing low contaminant levels)
or background samples.
If possible, one member of the field sampling team should take all the notes
and photographs, fill out tags, etc., while the other member(s) collect the
Samplers must use new, verified/certified-clean disposable or non-disposable
equipment cleaned according to procedures contained in the LSASD Operating
Procedure for Field Equipment Cleaning and Decontamination (SESDPROC-
205), for collection of samples for trace metals or organic compound analyses.
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2.2 Sample Homogenization
1. If sub-sampling of the primary sample is to be performed in the laboratory,
transfer the entire primary sample directly into an appropriate, labeled sample
container(s). Proceed to step 4.
2. If sub-sampling the primary sample in the field or compositing multiple
primary samples in the field, place the sample into a glass or stainless steel
homogenization container and mix thoroughly. Each aliquot of a composite
sample should be of the same approximate volume.
3. All soil samples must be thoroughly mixed to ensure that the sample is as
representative as possible of the sample media. Samples for VOC analysis are
not homogenized. The most common method of mixing is referred to as
quartering. The quartering procedure should be performed as follows:
The material in the sample pan should be divided into quarters and each
quarter should be mixed individually.
Two quarters should then be mixed to form halves.
The two halves should be mixed to form a homogenous matrix.
This procedure should be repeated several times until the sample is
adequately mixed. If round bowls are used for sample mixing, adequate
mixing is achieved by stirring the material in a circular fashion,
reversing direction, and occasionally turning the material over.
4. Place the sample into an appropriate, labeled container(s) by using the alternate
shoveling method and secure the cap(s) tightly. The alternate shoveling
method involves placing a spoonful of soil in each container in sequence and
repeating until the containers are full or the sample volume has been exhausted.
Threads on the container and lid should be cleaned to ensure a tight seal when
2.3 Dressing Soil Surfaces
Any time a vertical or near vertical surface is sampled, such as achieved when shovels or
similar devices are used for subsurface sampling, the surface should be dressed (scraped)
to remove smeared soil. This is necessary to minimize the effects of contaminant migration
interferences due to smearing of material from other levels.
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2.4 Quality Control
If possible, a control sample should be collected from an area not affected by the possible
contaminants of concern and submitted with the other samples. This control sample should
be collected as close to the sampled area as possible and from the same soil type.
Equipment blanks should be collected if equipment is field cleaned and re-used on-site or
if necessary to document that low-level contaminants were not introduced by sampling
tools. LSASD Operating Procedure for Field Sampling Quality Control (SESDPROC-011)
contains other procedures that may be applicable to soil sampling investigations.
2.5 Records
Field notes, recorded in a bound field logbook, as well as chain-of-custody documentation
will be generated as described in the LSASD Operating Procedure for Logbooks
(SESDPROC-010) and the LSASD Operating Procedure for Sample and Evidence
Management (SESDPROC-005).
3 Samples Collected for Volatile Organic Compounds (VOC) or for
Per- and Polyfluoroalkyl Substances (PFAS) Analyses
3.1 Soil Samples Collected for Volatile Organic Compounds (VOC) Analysis
The procedures outlined here are summarized from Test Methods for Evaluating
SolidWaste, Physical/Chemical Methods SW-846, Method 5035.If samples are to
be analyzed for VOCs, they should be collected in a manner that minimizes
disturbance of the sample. For example, when sampling with an auger bucket, the
sample for VOC analysis should be collected directly from the auger bucket
(preferred) or from minimally disturbed material immediately after an auger bucket
is emptied into the pan. The sample shall be containerized by filling an En Core®
Sampler or other Method 5035 compatible container. Samples for VOC analysis
are not homogenized. Preservatives may be required for some samples with certain
variations of Method 5035. Consult the method or the principal analytical chemist
to determine if preservatives are necessary.
3.2 Soil Sampling for VOCs (Method 5035)
The following sampling protocol is recommended for site investigators assessing
the extent of VOCs in soils at a project site. Because of the large number of options
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available, careful coordination between field and laboratory personnel is needed.
The specific sampling containers and sampling tools required will depend upon the
detection levels and intended data use. Once this information has been established,
selection of the appropriate sampling procedure and preservation method best
applicable to the investigation can be made.
3.2.1 Equipment
Soil for VOC analyses may be retrieved using any of the LSASD soil sampling
methods described in Sections 4 through 8 of this procedure. Once the soil has been
obtained, the En Core® Sampler, syringes, stainless steel spatula, standard 2- oz.
soil VOC container, or pre-prepared 40 mL vials may be used/required for sub-
sampling. The specific sample containers and the sampling tools required will
depend upon the data quality objectives established for the site or sampling
investigation. The various sub-sampling methods are described below.
3.2.2 Sampling Methodology - Low Concentrations (<200 µg/kg)
When the total VOC concentration in the soil is expected to be less than 200 µg/kg,
the samples may be collected directly with the En Core® Sampler or syringe. If
using the syringes, the sample must be placed in the sample container (40 mL pre-
prepared vial) immediately to reduce volatilization losses. The 40 mL vials should
contain 10 mL of organic-free water for an un-preserved sample or approximately
10 mL of organic-free water and a preservative. It is recommended that the 40 mL
vials be prepared and weighed by the laboratory (commercial sources are available
which supply preserved and tared vials). When sampling directly with the En
Core® Sampler, the vial must be immediately capped and locked.
A soil sample for VOC analysis may also be collected with conventional sampling
equipment. A sample collected in this fashion must either be placed in the final
sample container (En Core
Sampler or 40 mL pre-prepared vial) immediately or
the sample may be immediately placed into an intermediate sample container with
no head space. If an intermediate container (usually 2-oz. soil jar) is used, the
sample must be transferred to the final sample container (En Core
Sampler or 40
mL pre-prepared vial) as soon as possible, not to exceed 30 minutes.
NOTE:After collection of the sample into either the En Core
Sampler or other
container, the sample must immediately be stored in an ice chest and cooled.
Soil samples may be prepared for shipping and analysis as follows:
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En Core® Sampler - the sample shall be capped, locked, and secured in the original
foil bag. All foil bags containing En Core® samplers are then placed in a plastic
bag and sealed with custody tape, if required.
Syringe - Add about 3.7 cc (approximately 5 grams) of sample material to 40-mL
pre-prepared containers. Secure the containers in a plastic bag. Do not use a
custody seal on the container; place the custody seal on the plastic bag. Note: When
using the syringes, it is important that no air is allowed to become trapped behind
the sample prior to extrusion, as this will adversely affect the sample.
Stainless Steel Laboratory Spatulas - Add between 4.5 and 5.5 grams (approximate)
of sample material to 40 mL containers. Secure the containers in a plastic bag. Do
not use a custody seal on the container; place the custody seal on the plastic bag.
3.2.3 Sampling Methodology - High Concentrations (>200 µg/kg)
Based upon the data quality objectives and the detection level requirements, this
high-level method may also be used. Specifically, the sample may be packed into
a single 2-oz. glass container with a screw cap and septum seal. The sample
container must be filled quickly and completely to eliminate head space.
Soils\sediments containing high total VOC concentrations may also be collected
as described in Section 3.2.2, Sampling Methodology - Low Concentrations, and
preserved using 10 mL methanol.
3.2.4 Special Techniques and Considerations for Method 5035
If low concentration samples effervesce (rapidly form bubbles) from contact with
the acid preservative, then either a test for effervescence must be performed prior
to sampling, or the investigators must be prepared to collect each sample both
preserved or un-preserved, as needed, or all samples must be collected unpreserved.
To check for effervescence, collect a test sample and add to a pre-preserved vial. If
preservation (acidification) of the sample results in effervescence then preservation
by acidification is not acceptable, and the sample must be collected un-preserved.
If effervescence occurs and only pre-preserved sample vials are available, the
preservative solution may be placed into an appropriate hazardous waste container
and the vials triple rinsed with organic free water. An appropriate amount of
organic free water, equal to the amount of preservative solution, should be placed
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into the vial. The sample may then be collected as an un-preserved sample. Note:
the amount of organic free water placed into the vials will have to be accurately
Sample Size
While this method is an improvement over earlier ones, field investigators must be
aware of an inherent limitation. Because of the extremely small sample size and
the lack of sample mixing, sample representativeness for VOCs may be reduced
compared to samples with larger volumes collected for other constituents. The
sampling design and objectives of the investigation should take this into
Holding Times
Sample holding times are specified in the Laboratory Services Branch Laboratory
Operations and Quality Assurance Manual (ASBLOQAM), Most Recent Version.
Field investigators should note that the holding time for an un-preserved VOC
soil/sediment sample on ice is 48 hours. Arrangements should be made to ship the
soil/sediment VOC samples to the laboratory by overnight delivery the day they are
collected so the laboratory may preserve and/or analyze the sample within 48 hours
of collection.
Percent Solids
Samplers must ensure that the laboratory has sufficient material to determine
percent solids in the VOC soil/sediment sample to correct the analytical results to
dry weight. If other analyses requiring percent solids determination are being
performed upon the sample, these results may be used. If not, a separate sample
(minimum of 2 oz.) for percent solids determination will be required. The sample
collected for percent solids may also be used by the laboratory to check for
preservative compatibility.
Methanol is a toxic and flammable liquid. Therefore, methanol must be handled
with all required safety precautions related to toxic and flammable liquids.
Inhalation of methanol vapors must be avoided. Vials should be opened and closed
quickly during the sample preservation procedure. Methanol must be handled in a
ventilated area. Use protective gloves when handling the methanol vials. Store
methanol away from sources of ignition such as extreme heat or open flames. The
vials of methanol should be stored in a cooler with ice at all times.
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Methanol and sodium bisulfate are considered dangerous goods, therefore shipment
of samples preserved with these materials by common carrier is regulated by the
U.S. Department of Transportation and the International Air Transport Association
(IATA). The rules of shipment found in Title 49 of the Code of Federal Regulations
(49 CFR parts 171 to 179) and the current edition of the IATA Dangerous Goods
Regulations must be followed when shipping methanol and sodium bisulfate.
Consult the above documents or the carrier for additional information. Shipment of
the quantities of methanol and sodium bisulfate used for sample preservation falls
under the exemption for small quantities.
The summary table on the following page lists the options available for compliance with
SW846 Method 5035. The advantages and disadvantages are noted for each option.
LASSD’s goal is to minimize the use of hazardous material (methanol and sodium
bisulfate) and minimize the generation of hazardous waste during sample collection.
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Table 1: Method 5035 Summary
Collect two 40 mL vials with
5 grams of sample, and one 2
oz. glass jar w/septum lid for
screening, % moisture and
preservative compatibility.
Screening conducted by
Presently a 48-hour
holding time for
unpreserved samples.
Sample containers must
be tared.
Collect three En Core®
samplers, and one 2 oz. glass
jar w/septum lid for screening,
% solids.
Lab conducts all
Presently a 48- hour
holding time for
preparation of samples.
Collect two 40 mL vials with 5
grams of sample and preserve
w/methanol or sodium
bisulfate, and one 2-oz.
glass jar w/septum lid for
screening, % solids .
High level VOC
samples may be
Longer holding time.
Hazardous materials
used in the field.
Sample containers must
be tared.
Collect one 2-oz. glass jar
w/septum lid for analysis,
% solids (high level VOC
Lab conducts all
May have significant
VOC loss.
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3.3 Soil Samples for Per- and Polyfluoroalkyl Substances (PFAS) Analysis
Sources of PFAS contamination in soils can include direct discharges, direct applications
of some PFAS products such as aqueous film-forming foams (AFFF), air deposition from
manufacturing stack emissions, landfill leachate, and land applications of biosolids or
effluents. The distribution of PFAS in soils is multifaceted and will be dependent on site-
specific conditions and soils as well as the individual properties of the PFAS such as
chain length and functional group. Heavy PFAS contamination of subsurface soils can
serve as long-term sources for both groundwater and surface water contamination. For
more information about conducting site investigations for PFAS, please see the Interstate
Technology and Regulatory Council’s (ITRC’s) April 2020 Fact Sheets: Site
Characterization Considerations, Sampling Precautions, and Laboratory Analytical
Methods for Per- and Polyfluoroalkyl Substances (PFAS), and Environmental Fate and
Transport for Per- and Polyfluoroalkyl Substances.
3.3.1 Sampling Equipment
Guidance documents recommend sampling equipment be made of stainless-steel, high-
density polyethylene (HDPE), polypropylene, and/or silicone. Standard soil sampling
equipment such as stainless-steel spoons, hand augers, and direct push samplers with
liners that are PFAS-free can be used to collect samples for PFAS analyses. Direct
contact sampling equipment that will be used to collect samples for PFAS analyses
should be decontaminated following the procedures in the Field Equipment Cleaning and
Decontamination at the FEC, LSASDPROC-206.
3.3.2 PFAS Soil Sample Mixing and Homogenization Considerations
Because studies have shown the loss of PFAS due to adsorption to surfaces, samples
should be minimally handled and directly placed into the sample container when
possible. Sample preparation procedures should be specified in the Sampling and
Analysis Plan (SAP). If compositing, mixing or homogenization of the sample is desired,
it should preferably be done at the laboratory so that a representative subsample will be
analyzed. In cases where the homogenization is conducted in the field, extra grab samples
should accompany the mixed or composited samples to determine the variability and
impacts on PFAS concentrations of the mixed samples.
3.3.3 Trace Level Sampling Technique for PFAS
To prevent PFAS contamination, extreme care is required when handling containers,
samples and equipment that will be used to collect samples for PFAS analyses. New
gloves need to be worn when decontaminating and handling sample containers and
equipment. When worn gloves become compromised by potential PFAS containing
materials, they need to be changed for new gloves. Nitrile gloves are recommended for
PFAS sampling investigations. Also, sample containers should be kept covered in
original packaging or in Whirl-Paks® until ready for use due to potential PFAS
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contamination from air deposition of vapors, aerosols, and particulates.
This trace level sampling technique is used to minimize PFAS contamination of the
samples. This process will require two field personnel for PFAS sample collection. When
the field investigators are prepared to fill the sample container(s), a designated sampler
will don new gloves while a second designee, also with new gloves, will assist by
opening sample container packaging/Whirl-Pak®. The designated sampler removes the
sample container(s) from the packaging but keeps them closed. Only after the second
designee is ready to fill the sample container does the designated sampler remove the cap
and hold it in their hand until the appropriate sample volume is obtained. After capping
the sample container(s), return them to their Whirl-Pak®. The designated sampler who
holds the sample container(s) should not touch anything else during the sample collection
process. This is important because of the wide use of PFAS in commercial products such
as clothing, field gear, personnel protective equipment, sunscreen, insect repellants, and
personal hygiene products. Additionally, the designated sampler should avoid touching
the sample media and the inside of the sample container. The second designee will
operate sampling equipment and assist with sample container packaging and labeling.
Sampling equipment known or suspected to contain PFAS should be avoided during
sampling activities.
3.3.4 Quality Control Samples and Standard Operating Procedures
For soil samples undergoing PFAS analyses, it extremely important that quality control
samples be collected as part of the investigation to account for the PFAS contribution of
the sample containers, decontamination solutions, gloves, decontaminated equipment and
plastic used to store equipment. Equipment rinse and material blanks are needed for
PFAS sampling investigations to assess the direct contact sampling equipment impact on
the sampling results. It is also helpful to take field quality control samples such as field
blanks, duplicates, and trip blanks to evaluate the soil sampling and sample handling
activities of the investigation. Laboratory sources of water used for equipment
decontamination and blank sample collection should be produced as PFAS-free or
assessed for background concentrations of PFAS.
Along with a good quality assurance program, standard operating procedures (SOPs) and
detailed SAPs are required for PFAS investigations to provide consistency between
samplers and investigations.
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4 Manual Soil Sampling Methods
4.1 General
These methods are used primarily to collect surface and shallow subsurface soil samples.
Surface soils are generally classified as soils between the ground surface and 6 to 12 inches
below ground surface. The most common interval is 0 to 6 inches; however, the data
quality objectives of the investigation may dictate another interval, such as 0 to 3 inches
for risk assessment purposes. The shallow subsurface interval may be considered to extend
from approximately 12 inches below ground surface to a site-specific depth at which
sample collection using manual collection methods becomes impractical.
If a thick, matted root zone, gravel, concrete, etc. is present at or near the surface, it should
be removed before the sample is collected. The depth measurement for the sample begins
at the top of the soil horizon, immediately following any removed materials.
When compositing, make sure that each composite location (aliquot) consist of equal
volumes, i.e., same number of equal spoonfuls.
4.2 Spoons
Stainless steel spoons may be used for surface soil sampling to depths of approximately 6
inches below ground surface where conditions are generally soft and non-indurated, and
there is no problematic vegetative layer to penetrate.
4.2.1 Special Considerations When Using Spoons
When using stainless steel spoons, consideration must be given to the procedure
used to collect the volatile organic compound sample. If the soil being sampled is
cohesive and holds its in situ texture in the spoon, the En Core® Sampler or syringe
used to collect the sub-sample for Method 5035 should be plugged directly from
the spoon. If, however, the soil is not cohesive and crumbles when removed from
the ground surface for sampling, consideration should be given to plugging the
sample for Method 5035 directly from the ground surface at a depth appropriate for
the investigation Data Quality Objectives.
4.3 Hand Augers
Hand augers may be used to advance boreholes and collect soil samples in the surface and
shallow subsurface intervals. Typically, 3-inch stainless steel auger buckets with cutting
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heads are used. The bucket is advanced by simultaneously pushing and turning using an
attached handle with extensions (if needed).
4.3.1 Surface Soil Sampling
When conducting surface soil sampling with hand augers, the auger buckets may be used
with a handle alone or with a handle and extensions. The bucket is advanced to the
appropriate depth and the contents are transferred to the homogenization container for
processing. Observe precautions for volatile organic compound and PFAS sample
collection found in Section 3.
4.3.2 Subsurface Soil Sampling
Hand augers are the most common equipment used to collect shallow subsurface soil
samples. Auger holes are advanced one bucket at a time until the sample depth is achieved.
When the sample depth is reached, the bucket used to advance the hole is removed and a
clean bucket is attached. The clean auger bucket is then placed in the hole and filled with
soil to make up the sample and removed.
The practical depth of investigation using a hand auger depends upon the soil properties
and depth of investigation. In sand, augering is usually easily performed, but the depth of
collection is limited to the depth at which the sand begins to flow or collapse. Hand augers
may also be of limited use in tight clays or cemented sands. In these soil types, the greater
the depth attempted, the more difficult it is to recover a sample due to increased friction
and torqueing of the hand auger extensions. At some point these problems become so
severe that power equipment must be used.
4.3.3 Special Considerations for Soil Sampling with the Hand Auger
Because of the tendency for the auger bucket to scrape material from the sides
of the auger hole while being extracted, the top several inches of soil in the
auger bucket should be discarded prior to placing the bucket contents in the
homogenization container for processing.
Observe precautions for volatile organic compound (VOC) and PFAS sample
collection found in Section 3. Collect the VOC sample directly from the auger
bucket, if possible.
Power augers, such as the Little Beaver® and drill rigs may be used to advance
boreholes to depths for subsurface soil sampling with the hand auger. They may
not be used for sample collection. When power augers are used to advance a
borehole to depth for sampling, care must be taken that exhaust fumes, gasoline
and/or oil do not contaminate the borehole or area in the immediate vicinity of
When moving to a new sampling location, the entire hand auger assembly must
be replaced with a properly decontaminated hand auger assembly.
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5 Direct Push Soil Sampling Methods
5.1 General
These methods are used primarily to collect shallow and deep subsurface soil samples.
Three samplers are available for use within the Division’s direct push tooling inventory.
All of the sampling tools involve the collection and retrieval of the soil sample within a
thin-walled liner. The following sections describe each of the specific sampling methods
that can be accomplished using direct push techniques, along with details specific to each
method. While LSASD currently uses the sample tooling described, tooling of similar
design and materials is acceptable.
If gravel, concrete, etc. is present at or near the surface, it should be removed before the
sample is collected. The depth measurement for the sample begins at the top of the soil
horizon, immediately following any removed materials. Turf grass is not typically removed
prior to sampling with these devices.
5.2 Large Bore® Soil Sampler
The Large Bor (LB) sampler is a solid barrel direct push sampler equipped with a piston-
rod point assembly used primarily for collection of depth-discrete subsurface soil samples.
The sample barrel is approximately 30-inches (762 mm) long and has a 1.5-inch (38 mm)
outside diameter. The LB® sampler is capable of recovering a discrete sample core 22
inches x 1.0 inch (559 mm x 25 mm) contained inside a removable liner. The resultant
sample volume is a maximum of 283 mL.
After the LB® sample barrel is equipped with the cutting shoe and liner, the piston-rod
point assembly is inserted, along with the drive head and piston stop assembly. The
assembled sampler is driven to the desired sampling depth, at which time the piston stop
pin is removed, freeing the push point. The LB® sampler is then pushed into the soil a
distance equal to the length of the LB® sample barrel. The probe rod string, with the LB®
sampler attached, is then removed from the subsurface. After retrieval, the LB® sampler
is then removed from the probe rod string. The drive head is then removed to allow removal
of the liner and soil sample.
5.3 Macro-Core® Soil Sampler
The Macro-Core® (MC) sampler is a solid barrel direct push sampler equipped with a
piston-rod point assembly used primarily for collection of either continuous or depth-
discrete subsurface soil samples. Although other lengths are available, the standard MC®
sampler has an assembled length of approximately 52 inches (1321 mm) with an outside
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diameter of 2.2 inches (56 mm). The MC® sampler is capable of recovering a discrete
sample core 45 inches x 1.5 inches (1143 mm x 38 mm) contained inside a removable liner.
The resultant sample volume is a maximum of 1300 mL. The MC® sampler may be used
in either an open-tube or closed-point configuration. Although the MC® sampler can be
used as an open-barrel sampler, in LSASD usage, the piston point is always used to prevent
the collection of slough from the borehole sides.
5.4 Dual Tube Soil Sampling System
The Dual Tube 21 soil sampling system is a direct push system for collecting continuous
core samples of unconsolidated materials from within a sealed outer casing of 2.125-inch
(54 mm) OD probe rod. The samples are collected within a liner that is threaded onto the
leading end of a string of 1.0-inch diameter probe rod. Collected samples have a volume
of up to 800 mL in the form of a 1.125-inch x 48-inch (29 mm x 1219 mm) core. Use of
this method allows for collection of continuous core inside a cased hole, minimizing or
preventing cross-contamination between different intervals during sample collection. The
outer casing is advanced, one core length at a time, with only the inner probe rod and core
being removed and replaced between samples. If the sampling zone of interest begins at
some depth below ground surface, a solid drive tip must be used to drive the dual tube
assembly and core to its initial sample depth.
5.5 Special Considerations When Using Direct Push Sampling Methods
Liner Use and Material Selection Direct Push Soil Samples are collected
within a liner to facilitate removal of sample material from the sample barrel.
The liners may only be available in a limited number of materials for a given
sample tool, although overall, liners are available in brass, stainless steel,
cellulose acetate butyrate (CAB), polyethylene terepthalate glycol (PETG),
polyvinyl chloride (PVC) and Teflon®. For most LSASD investigations, the
standard polymer liner material for a sampling tool will be acceptable. When
the study objectives require very low reporting levels or unusual contaminants
of concern, the use of more inert liner materials such as Teflon® or stainless
steel may be necessary.
Sample Orientation When the liners and associated sample are removed from
the sample tubes, it is important to maintain the proper orientation of the
sample. This is particularly important when multiple sample depths are
collected from the same push. It is also important to maintain proper
orientation to define precisely the depth at which an aliquot was collected.
Maintaining proper orientation is typically accomplished using vinyl end caps.
Convention is to place red caps on the top of the liner and black caps on the
bottom to maintain proper sample orientation. Orientation can also be
indicated by marking on the exterior of the liner with a permanent marker.
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Core Catchers Occasionally the material being sampled lacks cohesiveness
and is subject to crumbling and falling out of the sample liner. In cases such
as these, the use of core catchers on the leading end of the sampler may help
retain the sample until it is retrieved to the surface. Core catchers may only be
available in specific materials and should be evaluated for suitability.
However, given the limited sample contact that core-catchers have with the
sample material, most standard core-catchers available for a tool system will
be acceptable.
Decontamination The cutting shoe and piston rod point are to be
decontaminated between each sample, using the procedures specified for the
collection of trace organic and inorganic compounds found in Field Equipment
and Decontamination SESDPROC-205, most recent version. Within a
borehole, the sample barrel, rods, and drive head may be subjected to an
abbreviated cleaning to remove obvious and loose material, but must be
cleaned between boreholes using the procedures specified for downhole
drilling equipment in Field Equipment and Decontamination SESDPROC-
205, most recent version.
Decommissioning Boreholes must be decommissioned after the completion
of sampling. Boreholes less than 10 feet deep that remain open and do not
approach the water table may be decommissioned by pouring 30% solids
bentonite grout from the surface or pouring bentonite pellets from the surface,
hydrating the pellets in lifts. Boreholes deeper than 10 feet, or any borehole
that intercepts groundwater, must be decommissioned by pressure grouting
with 30% solids bentonite grout, either through a re-entry tool string or through
tremie pipe introduced to within several feet of the borehole bottom.
VOC and PFAS Sample Collection – Observe precautions for volatile organic
compounds and Per- and Polyfluoroalkyl Substances sample collection found
in Section 3 of this procedure.
6 Split Spoon/Drill Rig Methods
6.1 General
Split spoon sampling methods are used primarily to collect shallow and deep subsurface
soil samples. All split spoon samplers, regardless of size, are basically split cylindrical
barrels that are threaded on each end. The leading end is held together with a beveled
threaded collar that functions as a cutting shoe. The other end is held together with a
threaded collar that serves as the sub used to attach the spoon to the string of drill rod. Two
basic methods are available for use, including the smaller diameter standard split spoon,
driven with the drill rig safety hammer, and the larger diameter continuous split spoon,
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advanced inside and slightly ahead of the lead auger during hollow stem auger drilling. The
following sections describe each of the specific sampling methods, along with details
specific to each method.
If gravel, concrete, etc. is present at or near the surface, it should be removed before the
sample is collected. The depth measurement for the sample begins at the top of the soil
horizon, immediately following any removed materials. Turf grass is not typically removed
prior to sampling with these devices.
6.2 Standard Split Spoon
A drill rig is used to advance a borehole to the target depth. The drill string is then removed
and a standard split spoon is attached to a string of drill rod. Split spoons used for soil
sampling must be constructed of stainless steel and are typically 2.0-inches OD (1.5-inches
ID) and 18-inches to 24-inches in length. Other diameters and lengths are common and
may be used if constructed of the proper material. After the spoon is attached to the string
of drill rod, it is lowered into the borehole. The safety hammer is then used to drive the
split spoon into the soil at the bottom of the borehole. After the split spoon has been driven
into the soil, filling the spoon, it is retrieved to the surface, where it is removed from the
drill rod string and opened for sample acquisition.
6.3 Continuous Split Spoon
The continuous split spoon is a large diameter split spoon that is advanced into the soil
column inside a hollow stem auger. Continuous split spoons are typically 3 to 5 inches in
diameter and either 5 feet or 10 feet in length, although the 5-foot long samplers are most
common. After the auger string has been advanced into the soil column a distance equal to
the length of the sampler being used it is returned to the surface. The sampler is removed
from inside the hollow stem auger and the threaded collars are removed. The split spoon
is then opened for sampling.
6.4 Special Considerations When Using Split Spoon Sampling Methods
Always discard the top several inches of material in the spoon before removing
any portion for sampling. This material normally consists of borehole wall
material that has sloughed off of the borehole wall after removal of the drill
string prior to and during inserting the split spoon.
Observe precautions for volatile organic compounds and Per- and
Polyfluoroalkyl Substances sample collection found in Section 3.
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7 Shelby Tube/Thin-Walled Sampling Methods
7.1 General
Shelby tubes, also referred to generically as thin-walled push tubes or Acker thin-walled
samplers, are used to collect subsurface soil samples in cohesive soils and clays during
drilling activities. In addition to samples for chemical analyses, Shelby tubes are also used
to collect relatively undisturbed soil samples for geotechnical analyses, such as hydraulic
conductivity and permeability, to support hydrogeologic characterizations at hazardous
waste and other sites.
If gravel, concrete, etc. is present at or near the surface, it should be removed before the
sample is collected. The depth measurement for the sample begins at the top of the soil
horizon, immediately following any removed materials. Turf grass is not typically removed
prior to sampling with this device.
7.2 Shelby Tube Sampling Method
A typical Shelby tube is 30 inches in length and has a 3.0-inch OD (2.875-inch ID) and
may be constructed of steel, stainless steel, galvanized steel, or brass. They also typically
are attached to push heads that are constructed with a ball-check to aid in holding the
contained sample during retrieval. If used for collecting samples for chemical analyses, it
must be constructed of stainless steel. If used for collecting samples for standard
geotechnical parameters, any material is acceptable.
To collect a sample, the tube is attached to a string of drill rod and is lowered into the
borehole, where the sampler is then pressed into the undisturbed material by hydraulic
force. After retrieval to the surface, the tube containing the sample is then removed from
the sampler head. If samples for chemical analyses are needed, the soil contained inside
the tube is then removed for sample acquisition. If the sample is collected for geotechnical
parameters, the tube is typically capped, maintaining the sample in its relatively
undisturbed state, and shipped to the appropriate geotechnical laboratory.
7.3 Special Considerations When Using Split Spoon Sampling Methods
Observe precautions for volatile organic compounds and Per- and Polyfluoroalkyl
Substances sample collection found in Section 3.
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8 Backhoe Sampling Method
8.1 General
Backhoes may be used in the collection of surface and shallow subsurface soil samples.
The trenches created by excavation with a backhoe offer the capability of collecting
samples from very specific intervals and allow visual correlation with vertically and
horizontally adjacent material. If possible, the sample should be collected without entering
the trench. Samples may be obtained from the trench wall or they may be obtained directly
from the bucket at the surface. The following sections describe various techniques for
safely collecting representative soil samples with the aid of a backhoe.
The depth measurement for the sample begins at the top of the soil horizon.
8.2 Scoop-and-Bracket Method
If a sample interval is targeted from the surface, it can be sampled using a stainless steel
scoop and bracket. First a scoop and bracket are affixed to a length of conduit and is
lowered into the backhoe pit. The first step is to take the scoop and scrape away the soil
comprising the surface of the excavated wall. This material likely represents soil that has
been smeared by the backhoe bucket from adjacent material. After the smeared material
has been scraped off, the original stainless steel scoop is removed and a clean stainless steel
scoop is placed on the bracket. The clean scoop can then be used to remove sufficient
volume of soil from the excavation wall to make up the required sample volume.
8.3 Direct-from-Bucket Method
It is also possible to collect soil samples directly from the backhoe bucket at the surface.
Some precision with respect to actual depth or location may be lost with this method but if
the soil to be sampled is uniquely distinguishable from the adjacent or nearby soils, it may
be possible to characterize the material as to location and depth. In order to ensure
representativeness, it is also advisable to dress the surface to be sampled by scraping off
any smeared material that may cross-contaminate the sample.
8.4 Special Considerations When Sampling with a Backhoe
Do not physically enter backhoe excavations to collect a sample. Use either
procedure 8.2, Scoop-and-Bracket Method, or procedure 8.3, Direct-from-
Bucket Method to obtain soil for sampling.
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Smearing is an important issue when sampling with a backhoe. Measures must
be taken, such as dressing the surfaces to be sampled (see Section 2.3), to
mitigate problems with smearing.
Paint, grease and rust must be removed and the bucket decontaminated prior to
sample collection.
Observe precautions for volatile organic compound and PFAS sample
collection found in Section 3.
9 Incremental Sampling Method
9.1 General
ISM is a structured composite sampling and processing protocol that reduces data
variability and provides an unbiased estimate of mean contaminant concentrations in the
area targeted for sampling. ISM provides representative samples of specific soil volumes
defined as decision units (DUs) by collecting numerous increments of soil (typically 30
100) that are combined, processed, and subsampled according to specific protocols.
Triplicate samples are collected to measure and evaluate the reproducibility of the sample
Like all sampling approaches, ISM should be applied within a systematic planning
framework. The size, orientation, and location of a DU is site-specific and represents the
smallest volume of soil about which a decision is to be made (USEPA 1999, Ramsey and
Hewitt 2005, HDOH 2008a, ADEC 2009). DUs are based on project-specific needs and
site-specific DQOs. More detailed information on conducting sampling using ISM can be
found in the Interstate Technology and Regulatory Council’s Incremental Sampling
Methodology (ISM-1).
9.2 Field Implementation, Sample Collection, and Processing
9.2.1 Introduction
The goal of most sampling efforts is to collect a sample that is representative of
the target area (or DU). ISM is designed to collect representative and
reproducible soil data. To help ensure data quality, all field sampling and field
processing activities should be performed and supervised by personnel trained in
ISM implementation
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9.2.2 Sampling Tools
The selection of the appropriate sampling tool for collecting an ISM sample
depends on the cohesiveness and composition of the soil substrate. The sampling
tool should obtain cylindrical or core-shaped increments of a constant depth from
the presented surface so that each increment collected is the same approximate
volume and mass.
See Figures 1 and 2 for examples of sampling tools for nonvolatile ISM sample
collection. Various other hand augers, core sampling tools, step probes, etc., are
available from environmental or agricultural suppliers and are applicable to ISM
if the specifications meet project DQOs. It is highly recommended that the
proposed sampling tool is tested at the sample location prior to full mobilization
to ensure that the sampling tool is appropriate for site conditions. If a pilot
sampling effort is not possible, a variety of tools to address different soil types or
site conditions should be taken into the field.
Note: Volatile ISM sample collection should follow Method 5035
recommendations. See Section 3 of this SOP.
9.2.3 Field Collection
Incremental soil samples are prepared by collecting multiple increments of soil
(typically 30 or more) from a specified DU and physically combining these
increments into a single sample, referred to as the “incremental sample.” Samples
are collected in triplicate from different locations within the same DU. Sample
increments locations can be selected by a random number generator or evenly
spaced across the DU to ensure that the incremental sample is representative of the
DU. Survey flags or other markers can be helpful in identifying increment
collection locations prior to beginning sample location.
The number of increments to be collected from each DU of a site investigation
should be evaluated during systematic planning as part of the DQO process and
documented in the sampling and analysis plan (SAP).See section 5.3.2 of ISM-1
for subsurface ISM sample collection.
9.2.4 Field Handling of ISM Samples
ISM samples collect a larger volume of soil than discrete samples and will require
a larger collection container than may be specified by the laboratory or that is
typically used. For example, a gallon-sized sealable plastic bag or a liter glass jar
may be used depending upon the suspect analytes. When building the incremental
sample by collecting increments, it may be more practical to collect the sample in
an aluminum pan, plastic bucket, stainless-steel bowl, or other easily transported
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container until the entire sample has been collected. The final sample can then be
processed in the field or transferred to a container for shipment to a laboratory for
sample processing and analysis.
Processing of ISM samples is ideally performed in a laboratory. However,
subsampling, disaggregation, drying, and sieving are some processing steps that
may be required to be performed in the field. Field processing may be necessary if
field analysis will be performed on the samples of if the laboratory is unable to
perform the sample processing steps required. Any field processing steps should be
rigorously performed to ensure that the sample representativeness is maintained
through analysis. To ensure proper sample size reduction and representative
subsampling, they should be performed using a 2-D Japanese slab cake and
specialized subsampling tool, a riffle splitter, rotary cone sample splitter, or similar.
Sample volume reduction of ISM samples should not be conducted with a stainless-
steel spoon and a stainless-steel bowl. All sample processing equipment should be
appropriately decontaminated between sample stations.
9.3 Special Considerations When Using Incremental Sampling Methods
Selection of an appropriately sized and positioned Decision Unit is important
to ensuring quality data and useful results
Steps should be taken throughout the sampling effort to ensure that the
representativeness of the sample is maintained from collection through analysis
Advance coordination with the laboratory is necessary to ensure that the
laboratory has the capability and capacity to conduct any sample processing that
may be necessary. If the lab cannot complete the required processing steps, the
sampling team may need to perform the sample processing steps in the field.
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Figure 1
Figure 2
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10 References
International Air Transport Authority (IATA). Dangerous Goods Regulations, Most
Recent Version
LSASD Operating Procedure for Field Equipment Cleaning and Decontamination,
SESDPROC-205, Most Recent Version
LSASD Operating Procedure for Field Equipment Cleaning and Decontamination at the
FEC, SESDPROC-206, Most Recent Version
LSASD Operating Procedure for Field Sampling Quality Control, SESDPROC-011, Most
Recent Version
LSASD Operating Procedure for Field X-Ray Fluorescence (XRF) Measurement,
SESDPROC-107, Most Recent Version
LSASD Operating Procedure for Logbooks, SESDPROC-010, Most Recent Version
LSASD Operating Procedure for Sample and Evidence Management, SESDPROC-005,
Most Recent Version
Title 49 Code of Federal Regulations, Pts. 171 to 179, Most Recent Version
US EPA Test Methods for Evaluating Solid Waste, Physical/Chemical Methods SW-846,
Most Recent Version (Method 5035)
US EPA Region 4 Safety and Occupational Health Manual. Region 4 LSASD, Athens,
GA, Most Recent Version
ITRC (Interstate Technology & Regulatory Council). 2012. Incremental Sampling
Methodology. ISM-1. Washington, D.C.: Interstate Technology & Regulatory Council,
Incremental Sampling Methodology Team.
ITRC (Interstate Technology and Regulatory Council) April 2020 Fact Sheets: Site
Characterization Considerations, Sampling Precautions, and Laboratory Analytical
Methods for Per- and Polyfluoroalkyl Substances (PFAS), and Environmental Fate and
Transport for Per- and Polyfluoroalkyl Substances
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11 Revision History
The top row of this table shows the most recent changes to this controlled document. For
previous revision history information, archived versions of this document are maintained
by the LSASD Quality Assurance Coordinator (QAC) on the LSASD local area network
History Effective Date
LSASDPROC-300-R4, Soil Sampling, replaces SESDPROC-300-
R3Added Section 3.3. Soil Samples Collected for PFAS Analysis.
Added Section 9, Incremental Sampling Method including Figures 1 and
General: Throughout the document, mention of SESD was replaced
with LSASD as appropriate. Mention of Document Control Coordinator
changed to Quality Assurance Coordinator.
Cover Page: Changed Kevin Simmons, Environmental Scientist to Life
Scientist. Changed Acting Supervisor, John Deatrick of the Enforcement
and Investigations Branch to Supervisor, Applied Science Branch.
Changed Acting Supervisor, Laura Ackerman, Ecological Assessment
Branch to Supervisor, Hunter Johnson, Superfund Section. Changed
Bobby Lewis, Field Quality Manager, Science and Ecosystem Support
Division to Stacie Masters, Quality Assurance Coordinator, Laboratory
Services and
April 22, 2023
June 11, 2020
Title Page:
Updated the Enforcement and Investigations Branch Supervisor from
Archie Lee to Acting Supervisor, John Deatrick.
Section 1.5.2: Omitted “When sampling in landscaped areas,” from first
sentence of eighth bullet.
Section 3.2.4: In the first paragraph, first sentence, added “(rapidly form
second sentence.
(MOICA)” or “Percent Moisture” was changed to “Percent Solids”, both
in the text and in Table 1.
August 21, 2014
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December 20, 2011
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November 1, 2007
SESDPROC-300-R0, Soil Sampling, Original Issue February 05, 2007