Title 20 District of Columbia Municipal Regulations 8-1
800 Control of Asbestos
801 Sulfur Content of Fuel Oils
802 Sulfur Content of Coal
803 Sulfur Process Emissions
804 Nitrogen Oxide Emissions
805 Reasonably Available Control Technology for Major Stationary Sources of the Oxides of Nitrogen
899 Definitions and Abbreviations
Appendix 8-1
800.1 The requirements of 40 CFR 61.141, 61.145, 61.146, 61.150, 61.152, and 61.154 (July 1, 1994
Edition), are hereby adopted by reference, with the terms used and defined, except that:
(a) The word "Administrator" as used in the CFR sections shall be taken to mean
"Director of the District Department of the Environment";
(b) Planned renovation operations subject to § 800 shall not be started prior to receipt of
written approval therefor from the Administrator; and
(c) Demolition operations subject to § 800, except for those subject to 40 CFR §
61.145(a)(3), shall not be started prior to receipt of written approval therefor from the
800.2 For the convenience of persons subject to the requirements of § 800.1, Appendix No. 4 to this
Subtitle contains pertinent parts of 40 CFR 61, Subpart M (July 1, 1994 Edition) which includes
the sections cited in § 800.1. Appendix No. 4 was published in the D.C. Register on June 21,
1996 at 43 DCR 3305.
800.3 To qualify for an asbestos abatement permit or license, a business entity or person shall:
(a) Comply with the requirements of the Asbestos Licensing and Control Act of 1990,
effective May 1, 1990 (D.C. Law 8-116; D.C. Code § 6-991 et seq.), as amended by
the Asbestos Licensing and Control Act of 1990 Amendment Act of 1993, effective
October 15, 1993 (D.C. Law 10-37; D.C. Code § 6-991 et seq.) and the requirements
set forth in these rules; and
(b) Show evidence of having completed a course of instruction on asbestos abatement
accredited by EPA under the Asbestos Hazard and Emergency Response Act, or at
least as stringent as the requirements of 40 CFR 763, Subpart E, Appendix C (July 1,
1994 Edition); and
(c) Be considered to be qualified for a license by endorsement if the business entity or
person is licensed in a state whose requirements are judged by the Administrator to
be at least as stringent as those of the District of Columbia.
800.4 The following exemptions apply:
(a) An asbestos abatement permit or license is not required for the removal of nonfriable
asbestos containing material; and
(b) An asbestos abatement permit, business entity or asbestos worker licenses and
recordkeeping requirements of the Act and its amendments are not required for the
removal of, or other activity involving, resilient floor covering materials, including
sheet vinyl, resilient tile, and associated adhesives, provided that the business entity
persons performing the removal:
(1) follow the resilient floor covering manufacturers' recommended work
practices for removal;
(2) are not required to obtain asbestos accreditation under applicable federal
asbestos requirements and regulations promulgated by the United States
Environmental Protection Agency (EPA); and
(3) for removals involving more than 18 square feet of resilient floor
covering material, notify the Mayor in writing at least 10 days prior to the
removal of the time, place and entity performing the removal and certify
that asbestos accreditation is not required under subparagraph (2) of this
(c) The requirements of Section 800 apply to removals and other activity involving
resilient floor covering materials only to the extent they are required under applicable
federal asbestos requirements, including the Occupational Safety and Health Act
(OSHA) asbestos standards and the EPA asbestos National Emission Standards for
Hazardous Air Pollutants (NESHAP).
800.5 To apply for or to renew a permit or license, a business entity or person shall submit a completed
application and pay the fee listed below, by certified check made payable to the D.C. Treasurer:
(a) License Fee Schedule
Asbestos Worker
$ 60/2 years
Business Entity
$ 600/2 years
(b) Permit Fee Schedule
261 - 2,600 linear feet or
$ 520
161 - 1,600 square feet
Greater than 2,600 linear feet or
$ 910
Greater than 1,600 square feet
(c) A blanket permit, valid for one year, may be granted to a business entity that has
entered into a contract for asbestos abatement at a specific site. The fee will be seven
hundred dollars ($ 700).
(d) The license shall expire two (2) years from the date of issuance.
(e) The renewal fee shall be the same as the current license fee.
(f) Fees will be adjusted annually based on the Washington, D.C. All Items Consumer
Price Index for All Urban Consumers for March of the preceding fiscal year.
800.6 To provide asbestos worker protection, a business entity or person shall:
(a) In accordance with 29 CFR 1926.58, designate a "Competent Person" who will have
the authority to suspend and start up operations when deviations from regulations
(b) Submit to the Administrator a written respiratory protection program as defined in
OSHA regulations 29 CFR 1910.134 and 29 CFR 1926.58;
(c) Provide disposable protective clothing, including gloves, hair covers, and respirators
approved by the National Institute of Occupational Safety and Health and capable of
being qualitatively fit tested using positive and negative methods;
(d) Ensure that each asbestos worker has been examined by a physician within the
preceding year and has been declared capable of working while wearing a respirator;
(e) Ensure that each asbestos worker receives an annual safety training review course in
accordance with 29 CFR 1926.58(k)(3)(4); and
(f) Ensure that there is no smoking, eating, or drinking in the work area.
800.7 To control emissions from an asbestos abatement subject to the requirements of § 800.1, a
business entity or person shall:
(a) Display caution signs, measuring at least twenty (20) inches by fourteen (14) inches,
wherever airborne asbestos fibers may be present, in accordance with the provisions
of 29 CFR 1926.58 (k)(1); and
(b) Except in emergency situations and except as provided in (c) of this subsection, at
least three (3) days before engaging in an asbestos abatement, post these signs
immediately outside all entrances to and exits from the work site or asbestos
abatement to inform the public in the immediate vicinity that asbestos abatement will
be done and keep the signs posted until the Administrator receives notice of final air
monitoring results as provided in (j) of this subsection.
(c) Utility companies are not required to post signs three (3) days before an asbestos
abatement, but shall comply with any federal regulations regarding the posting of
(d) Enclose work areas with airtight six (6) millimeter thick plastic sheeting using water-
proof duct tape;
(e) Wet regulated asbestos-containing material to be removed with a solution containing
one (1) fluid ounce of surfactant mixed with five (5) gallons of water to minimize
(f) Deposit all asbestos-containing waste materials in plastic bags of at least six (6)
millimeters thickness and seal the bags;
(g) Label the bags as asbestos waste in accordance with the provisions of 29 CFR
1926.58(k)(2) and specify the date that the bag was sealed and the license number of
the business entity;
(h) Separate asbestos-containing waste materials from other waste and keep in a secure
area until removal, within seven (7) days of completion of the asbestos abatement,
and disposal, in accordance with the provisions of 40 CFR 61.150;
(i) Clean all surfaces in the work area until no residue is visible and the measured
airborne concentration of asbestos fibers longer than five (5) microns is less than one
hundredth (0.01) fiber per cubic centimeter using the methods specified in 40 CFR
763, Subpart E, Appendix A (July 1, 1994 Edition);
(j) Within twenty four (24) hours after receiving final written monitoring results of at
least two (2) samples per two thousand five hundred (2,500) square feet of floor area,
submit to the Administrator the data indicating asbestos concentration in the work
area after cleaning and before barriers are removed;
(k) Use negative pressure systems inside enclosures that exhaust air through a high-
efficiency particulate air (HEPA) filter at a flow rate that changes the air at least once
every fifteen (15) minutes and where practical, are vented to outside air; and
(l) Comply with the provisions of 40 CFR 763 Subpart E, Appendix A (July 1, 1994
Edition) when using the glovebag method.
800.8 The Administrator may, on a case-by-case basis, approve an alternative procedure for control of
emissions from an asbestos abatement provided that the business entity submits a written
description of the alternative procedure to the Administrator and demonstrates to the satisfaction
of the Administrator that compliance with the prescribed procedures is not practical or not
feasible, or that the proposed alternative provides equivalent control of asbestos.
800.9 To notify occupants of sites of impending asbestos abatement, a building owner or designated
representative shall inform occupants, not less than thirty (30) days prior to commencement of
the asbestos abatement, of the health or safety factors that necessitate the asbestos abatement and
the procedures that will be taken to protect the health, safety, and possessions of the occupants.
The business entity shall inform the building owner or designated representative of this
notification requirement. The Administrator may waive this notification requirement in the case
of an emergency renovation operation.
AUTHORITY: Unless otherwise noted, the authority for this chapter is § 412 of the District of
Columbia Self- Government and Governmental Reorganization Act, as amended, 87 Stat. 790,
Pub. L. No. 93-198, D.C. Code § I - 227(a); and § 3 of the District of Columbia Air Pollution
Control Act of 1984, D.C. Law 5-165, D.C. Code § 6-906 (1995 Repl. Vol.), Mayor's Order 93-
12 dated February 16, 1993.
SOURCE: Final Rulemaking published at 36 DCR 2554, 2555 (April 14, 1989); as amended by
final rulemaking published at 45 DCR 7037(October 2, 1998); as amended by final rulemaking
published at 47 DCR 9692 (December 8, 2000); as amended pursuant to the authority granted by
Title XII of the “Fiscal Year 2003 Budget Support Amendment Act of 2002,” “Other-Type Funds
and Adjustment to Other Fess and Charges” (D.C. Act 14-543), published at 49 DCR 11562
(December 20, 2002).
801.1 The purchase, sale, offer for sale, storage, transport, or use of fuel oil that
contains more than one percent (1%) sulfur by weight in the District is
prohibited, if the fuel oil is to be burned in the District.
801.2 On and after July 1, 2016, commercial fuel oil that is purchased, sold,
offered, stored, transported, or used in the District shall meet the following
requirements, unless otherwise specified in § 801.5:
(a) Number two (No. 2) commercial fuel oil shall not contain sulfur in
excess of five hundred parts per million (500 ppm) by weight, or
five one-hundredths percent (0.05%) by weight;
(b) Number four (No. 4) commercial fuel oil shall not contain sulfur in
excess of two thousand five hundred parts per million (2,500 ppm)
by weight, or twenty-five one-hundredths percent (0.25%) by
weight; and
(c) Number five (No. 5) and heavier fuel oils are prohibited.
801.3 On and after July 1, 2018, the purchase, sale, offer for sale, storage,
transport, or use of number two (No. 2) commercial fuel oil is prohibited if
it contains more than fifteen parts per million (15 ppm) or fifteen ten-
thousandths percent (0.0015%) by weight of sulfur, unless otherwise
specified in § 801.5.
801.4 Fuel oil that was stored in the District by the ultimate consumer prior to
the applicable compliance date in §§ 801.2 or 801.3, which met the
applicable maximum sulfur content at the time it was stored, may be used
in the District after the applicable compliance date.
801.5 When the United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)
temporarily suspends or increases the applicable limit or percentage by
weight of sulfur content of fuel required or regulated by EPA by granting
a waiver in accordance with Clean Air Act § 211(c)(4)(C) provisions, the
federal waiver shall apply to corresponding limits for fuel oil in the
District as set forth in §§ 801.2 or 801.3.
801.6 If a temporary increase in the applicable limit of sulfur content is granted
under § 801.5:
(a) The suspension or increase in the applicable limit will be granted
for the duration determined by EPA; and
(b) The sulfur content for number two (No. 2) and lighter fuel oils may
not exceed five hundred parts per million (500 ppm) by weight.
801.7 Unless precluded by the Clean Air Act or the regulations thereunder,
subsections 801.2 and 801.3 shall not apply to:
(a) A person who uses equipment or a process to reduce the sulfur
emissions from the burning of a fuel oil, provided that the
emissions may not exceed those that would result from the use of
commercial fuel oil that meets the applicable limit or percentage
by weight specified in §§ 801.2 or 801.3;
(b) The owner or operator of a stationary source where equipment or a
process is used to reduce the sulfur emissions from the burning of a
fuel oil, provided that the emissions may not exceed those that
would result from the use of commercial fuel oil that meets the
applicable limit or percentage by weight specified in §§ 801.2 or
801.3; and
(c) Commercial fuel oil that is transported through the District but is
not intended for purchase, sale, offering, storage, or use in the
801.8 For the purpose of determining compliance with the requirements of this
section, the sulfur content of fuel oil shall be determined in accordance
with the sample collection, test methods, and procedures specified under
§ 502.6 (relating to sulfur in fuel oil).
801.9 The following recordkeeping and reporting requirements shall apply to
any purchase, sale, offering for sale, storage, transportation, or use of
commercial fuel oil in the District:
(a) On or after the applicable compliance dates specified in §§ 801.2
and 801.3, at the time of delivery, the transferor of commercial fuel
oil shall provide to the transferee an electronic or paper record of
the fuel data described as follows, which must legibly and
conspicuously contain the following information:
(1) The date of delivery;
(2) The name, address, and telephone number of the transferor;
(3) The name and address of the transferee;
(4) The volume of fuel oil being sold or transferred;
(5) The fuel oil grade; and
(6) The sulfur content of the fuel oil as determined using the
sampling and testing methods specified in § 801.8, which
may be expressed as the maximum allowable sulfur
(b) All applicable records required under paragraph (a) shall be
maintained in electronic or paper format for not less than three (3)
(c) An electronic or paper copy of the applicable records required
under paragraph (a) shall be provided to the Department upon
(d) The ultimate consumer shall maintain the applicable records
required under (a) in electronic or paper format for not less than
three (3) years, unless the transfer or use of the fuel oil occurs at a
private residence;
(e) A product transfer document that meets federal requirements, such
as a Bill of Lading, may be used for the data in paragraphs (a)(1)
through (a)(6) and shall be considered a certification that the
information is accurate; and
(f) The Department may opt to require supplemental sampling and
testing of the fuel oil to confirm the certifications.
SOURCE: Section 3 of the District of Columbia Air Pollution Control Act of 1984, effective March 15,
1985 (D.C. Law 5-165; § 502, 32 DCR 565, 603 (February 1, 1985)); as amended by Final Rulemaking
published at 62 DCR 14839 (November 13, 2015).
802.1 The purchase, sale, offer for sale, storage, transport, or use of coal which contains more than one
percent (1%) sulfur by weight in the District shall be prohibited, if the coal is to be burned in the
District. However, when the Mayor certifies in writing that the combustion-gas-desulfurization
system used at a stationary source results in sulfur oxide emissions no greater than the emissions
normally resulting from the burning of coal with one percent (1%) sulfur content, coal of a higher
sulfur content may be burned at the stationary source.
802.2 Application for a certification shall be made, in writing, to the Mayor by the owner or operator of
the stationary source and, upon presentation to a seller of the certification, a copy of which shall
be retained by the seller, the sale, purchase, and transportation of the coal shall be permitted.
SOURCE: Section 3 of the District of Columbia Air Pollution Control Act of 1984, D.C. Law 5-
165, § 802. 32 DCR 565, 645 (February 1, 1985).
803.1 The discharge into the atmosphere of sulfur oxides calculated as sulfur dioxide, in excess of five
one hundredths percent (0.05%) by volume is prohibited.
803.2 Where the process or the design of equipment is such as to permit more than one interpretation of
this section, the interpretation that results in the minimum value of allowable emissions shall
803.3 Adding diluted air to the exhaust gas stream for the purpose of complying with the provisions of
§§ 803.1 and 803.2 is prohibited.
SOURCE: Section 3 of the District of Columbia Air Pollution Control Act of 1984, D.C. Law 5-
165, § 803, 32 DCR 565, 645 (February 1, 1985).
804.1 No person shall discharge, or cause the discharge into the atmosphere of nitrogen oxides from
fossil fuel-fired steam generating units of more than one hundred million (100,000,000) British
Thermal Units (BTU) per hour heat input in excess of the emission limits set forth in Appendix 8-
SOURCE: Section 3 of the District of Columbia Air Pollution Control Act of 1984, D.C. Law 5-
165, § 804, 32D CR 565, 645 (February 1, 1985).
805.1 The requirements of § 805 shall apply to any person specified pursuant to
the following provisions of this section:
(a) Any person owning, leasing, operating, or controlling any major
stationary source having the potential to emit twenty-five (25) tons
per year or more of oxides of nitrogen, including the following
major stationary sources or parts thereof:
(1) Fossil-fuel-fired steam-generating units having an energy
input capacity of twenty million (20,000,000) BTU per
hour or more;
(2) Stationary combustion turbines of any size at major
stationary source facilities, including any associated heat
recovery steam generators and duct burners;
(3) Asphalt concrete plants having the potential to emit twenty-
five (25) tons per year or more of NOX; and
(4) Any major stationary source or part of a major stationary
source, other than those specified in this subsection, having
the potential to emit twenty-five (25) tons per year or more
of NOX;
(b) Any person owning, leasing, operating or controlling a major
stationary source ever subject to § 805 shall continue to comply
with all requirements of § 805, even if emissions from the subject
major stationary source no longer exceed the twenty-five (25) ton
per year applicability requirement of § 805; and
(c) The requirements of § 805 shall not apply to the following:
(1) Any person subject to § 805 who is able to demonstrate to
the Mayor that, since January 1, 1990, the major stationary
source has not emitted, before the application of air
pollution control equipment, twenty-five (25) tons per year
or more of NOX in any year: provided that the person
obtains a permit from the Mayor limiting the potential to
emit to less than twenty-five (25) tons per year and
provided the permit is transmitted to and approved by EPA
as a revision to the District's State Implementation Plan;
(2) Emergency standby engines operated less than five hundred
(500) hours during any consecutive twelve (12) month
805.2 Any person subject to § 805 shall comply with the following provisions:
(a) Any person subject to § 805 shall maintain continuous compliance
with all requirements of § 805 Compliance with the applicable
emission limitations shall be determined by test methods approved
by the Mayor and the EPA or by continuous emission monitors
satisfying the requirements of 40 CFR 60 Appendix B;
(b) Any person regulated under § 805 may apply to the Mayor by July
1, 1994 for an alternative emission limitation which reflects the
application of source specific Reasonably Available Control
Technology (hereafter referred to as "RACT." Any alternative
emission limitation provided for by this section shall also be
approved by EPA. An applicant for an alternative RACT shall do
the following:
(1) Demonstrate to the Mayor that it is not technologically or
economically feasible for that person to comply with the
applicable emission limitation. The demonstration shall
include a study of the capabilities of the following NOx
control options:
(A) Low-NOx burners;
(B) Overfire air;
(C) Flue gas recirculation; and
(D) Burners out of service;
(2) Determine an emission limitation reflecting the application
of RACT; and
(c) Testing performed to verify compliance shall be based on a period
during which the emission unit or air pollution control equipment
is used and operated under conditions acceptable to the Mayor and
the EPA and consistent with the operational parameters and limits
set forth in any permit or certificate in effect.
805.3 Any person subject to § 805 shall comply with the following provisions of
this subsection regarding emission control plans for implementation of
(a) Any person who owns, leases, operates or controls a major
stationary source subject to § 805 shall submit an emission control
plan to the Mayor for review and approval by the Mayor prior to
implementation of RACT. The plan shall be submitted to the
Mayor by the time specified in § 805, or within one hundred eighty
(180) days of the date the major stationary source or part of the
major stationary source first meets the applicability requirements
of § 805;
(b) Any person subject only to § 805.8, Procedures for Adjusting
Combustion Processes pursuant to the requirements of § 805, shall
only submit a notification to the Mayor that they will comply with
§ 805.8;
(c) The emission control plan shall detail how RACT will be
implemented at the major stationary source which is subject to §
805. Each plan submitted under § 805.3 shall, at a minimum,
include the following:
(1) A list and description of all the emission units at the major
stationary source which have the potential to emit NOx
including the following:
(A) A site plan identifying the location of each NOx,
emitting unit and the installation date for same;
(B) The size in millions of BTU per hour of each
emission unit;
(C) For fuel utilization major stationary sources, the
type of fuel or fuels combusted in each emission
unit; and
(D) The maximum NOx emission rate of each
emission unit in pounds per million BTU for each
fuel burned;
(2) A demonstration that the provisions of § 805 can be met by
each emission unit included in the control plan, including
the emission levels before and after implementation of
RACT of all emission units emitting NOx, for which the
emission control plan is being submitted;
(3) If applicable, the designs, specifications and standard
operating and maintenance procedures for any air pollution
control equipment used to reduce NOx emissions that is
used to implement RACT;
(4) The testing, monitoring, recordkeeping and reporting
procedures used to demonstrate compliance with the
applicable provisions of this section;
(5) A schedule for the implementation of RACT at the major
stationary source by the deadline contained in the
applicable provision of this section, including provisions
for demonstrating to the for periodic increments of progress;
(6) Any other information required by the Mayor; and
(7) The signature of a responsible official certifying the
(d) An emission control plan submitted by any person who owns,
leases, operates or controls a major stationary source or part of
major stationary source subject to § 805.8, or any person applying
for an alternative RACT under §805.2(b) shall meet the following
requirements, in addition to those of § 805.3(c):
(1) The plan shall contain a demonstration and description of
the RACT emission limits for this major stationary source
or part of a major stationary source; and
(2) Any information necessary to support the demonstration
made in § 805.3(d)(1), such as technological and economic
considerations, industry surveys, customer considerations,
(e) The Mayor shall approve emission control plans pursuant to the
requirements of this paragraph:
(1) For persons not subject to § 805.2(b) or 805.8, the Mayor
shall issue a final approval or disapproval of the plan; and
(2) For persons subject to § 805.8 or applying for an alternative
RACT under § 805.2(b) where the information submitted in
the emission control plan is sufficient to support both the
determination of RACT/alternative RACT and the
proposed schedule, the Mayor shall publish a notice of
public hearing. After the public hearing and the close of the
public comment period, the Mayor shall issue a final
approval or disapproval of the emission control plan; and
(f) Except as provided for in § 805.3(b), no emission reduction or any
other action taken at any major stationary source or part of a major
stationary source will constitute implementation of RACT at that
major stationary source unless that emission reduction or other
action is part of an emission control plan approved by the Mayor.
805.4 Any person owning, leasing, operating or controlling any stationary
combustion turbine subject to § 805 shall comply with the requirements of
this subsection as of July 23, 2018:
(a) The following emission and operational requirements shall apply,
as applicable:
(1) For any stationary combustion turbine that most recently
commenced construction, modification, or reconstruction
(as these terms are defined in 40 CFR 60, Subpart A, § 60.2
and § 60.15 as in effect on July 1, 2018) after February 18,
2005, and has a heat input rating greater than fifty million
(50,000,000) BTU per hour, based on the higher heating
value of the fuel:
(A) Emissions, with any supplemental duct burner firing,
shall not be greater than:
(i) Twenty-five (25) ppmvd, corrected to fifteen
percent (15%) O
when fired on any
combination of gaseous fuels; and
(ii) Seventy-four (74) ppmvd, corrected to
fifteen percent (15%) O
when fired on any
combination of liquid fuels;
(B) Only the peak heat input rating of the stationary
combustion turbine shall be included when
determining whether or not § 805.4(a)(1) is
applicable. Any additional heat input to associated
heat recovery steam generators or duct burners shall
not be included when determining the peak heat
input to the stationary combustion turbine; and
(C) When fifty percent (50%) or more of the total heat
input is from gaseous fuels, the emission limitation
in § 805.4(a)(1)(A)(i) applies, but when more than
fifty percent (50%) of the total heat input is from
liquid fuels, the emission limitation in §
805.4(a)(1)(A)(ii) applies;
(2) For any stationary combustion turbine that most recently
commenced construction, modification, or reconstruction
(as these terms are defined in 40 CFR 60, Subpart A, § 60.2
and § 60.15 as in effect on July 1, 2018) on or before
February 18, 2005 and has a heat input rating greater than
fifty million (50,000,000) BTU per hour, based on the
higher heating value of the fuel:
(A) Emissions from a stationary combustion turbine
alone shall not be greater than:
(i) Twenty-five (25) ppmvd, corrected to fifteen
percent (15%) O
when fired on any
combination of gaseous fuels; and
(ii) Except as provided in § 805.4(a)(2)(D),
seventy-four (74) ppmvd, corrected to
fifteen percent (15%) O
when fired on any
combination of liquid fuels;
(B) Emissions from a stationary combustion turbine and
all duct burners combined shall not be greater than
twenty hundredths (0.20) pounds per million BTU,
based on a calendar day average, when fired on any
fuel or combination of fuels;
(C) Only the peak heat input rating of the stationary
combustion turbine shall be included when
determining whether or not § 805.4(a)(2) is
applicable. Any additional heat input to associated
heat recovery steam generators or duct burners shall
not be included when determining the peak heat
input to the stationary combustion turbine; and
(D) Any stationary combustion turbine being fired on
liquid fuel, or any combination of gaseous and
liquid fuels such that more than fifty percent (50%)
of the total heat input is from liquid fuels, is not
required to comply with the maximum allowable
NOx emission rate in § 805.4(a)(2)(A)(ii) if it meets
the following requirements:
(i) The only liquid fuel used is Number two
(No. 2) fuel oil that does not contain sulfur
in excess of fifteen parts per million (15
ppm) by weight (as determined in
accordance with 20 DCMR § 502.6) ;
(ii) It burns liquid fuel only during periods of
natural gas curtailment, natural gas supply
interruption, startups, or periodic testing on
liquid fuel, when such periodic testing does
not exceed a combined total of forty-eight
(48) hours during any calendar year;
(iii) The owner or operator shall maintain
records of all instances of operation using
liquid fuel, including the fuel used, the date
and duration of the fuel use, the reason for
operating using that fuel, and all
notifications received from the natural gas
supplier notifying the owner or operator of
the beginning or end of a natural gas
interruption; and
(iv) The owner or operator shall maintain a
running calendar year sum of the duration of
all liquid fuel use each year for purposes of
periodic testing;
(3) For any stationary combustion turbine with a heat input
rating less than or equal to fifty million (50,000,000) BTU
per hour, based on the higher heating value of the fuel:
(A) Except as specified in § 805.4(a)(4), with any
supplemental duct burner firing, emissions shall not
be greater than:
(i) Twenty-five (25) ppmvd, corrected to fifteen
percent (15%) O
when fired on any
combination of gaseous fuels; and
(ii) Forty-two (42) ppmvd, corrected to fifteen
percent (15%) O
when fired on liquid fuel;
(B) Only the peak heat input rating of the stationary
combustion turbine shall be included when
determining whether or not § 805.4(a)(3) is
applicable. Any additional heat input to associated
heat recovery steam generators or duct burners
shall not be included when determining the peak
heat input to the stationary combustion turbine;
(C) When fifty percent (50 %) or more of the total heat
input is from gaseous fuels, the emission limitation
in § 805.4(a)(3)(A)(i) applies, but when more than
fifty percent (50 %) of the total heat input is from
liquid fuels, the emission limitation in §
805.4(a)(3)(A)(ii) applies;
(4) For any stationary combustion turbine with a heat input
rating less than or equal to ten million (10,000,000) BTU
per hour and fired exclusively on natural gas:
(A) Compliance with § 805.4(a)(7) shall be
maintained; and
(B) Only the peak heat input rating of the stationary
combustion turbine shall be included when
determining whether or not § 805.4(a)(4) is
applicable. Any additional heat input to
associated heat recovery steam generators or duct
burners shall not be included when determining
the peak heat input to the stationary combustion
(5) No combustion turbine shall be fired on coal or a synthetic
fuel derived from coal;
(6) Any stationary combustion turbine designed to be fired on
any solid fuel other than coal or synthetic fuel derived from
any other solid than coal shall comply with the
requirements of §§ 805.4(a)(7) and 805.7; and
(7) Any duct burner servicing a stationary combustion turbine
regulated under § 805.4 is exempt from regulation under §
(8) Any stationary combustion turbine subject to § 805 shall be
maintained and operated in a manner consistent with good
air pollution control practices for minimizing emissions at
all times, including during startup, shutdown, and
malfunction, and shall be maintained in accordance with
one of the following:
(A) The manufacturer’s emission-related written
instructions; or
(B) An alternate written maintenance plan approved in
writing by the Department;
(b) Any person required to comply with § 805.4 shall maintain
continuous compliance at all times. Compliance shall be
demonstrated by testing or by installing a continuous emissions
monitoring system:
(1) The emissions monitoring system shall do the following:
(A) Continuously monitor the NOx emission rate
from the major stationary source;
(B) Continuously record the NOx emission rate from
the major stationary source;
(C) Be installed and operated in a manner approved
by the Mayor and acceptable to the EPA; and
(D) Demonstrate that the NOx emission rate does not
exceed the applicable maximum allowable NOx
emission rate specified in § 805.4.
(2) Testing shall meet the following requirements:
(A) Be conducted using methods approved by the
Department and acceptable to EPA;
(B) Demonstrate that the NOx emission rate does not
exceed the applicable maximum allowable NOx
emission rate specified in § 805.4, for each fuel
subject to such an allowable rate; and
(C) Be performed according to the following
(i) Once within one hundred and eighty
(180) days of either initial start-up of
the unit or the date of the applicability
of § 805 to the unit, whichever is later;
(ii) Units may rely on NOx compliance
testing completed after January 1, 2018
by submission of a written notification
to the Department, to be provided
within one hundred and eighty (180)
days of July 23, 2018, that includes a
summary of results indicating
compliance with § 805 to fulfill the
requirements of § 805.4(c)(2)(C)(i).
(iii) For units with heat input ratings greater
than ten million (10,000,000) BTU per
hour, based on the higher heating value
of the fuel, subsequent tests shall be
performed once each calendar year and
no more than fourteen (14) calendar
months following the previous
performance test, unless the
performance test results show
emissions are less than or equal to
seventy-five percent (75%) of the
applicable emission limit, in which
case the subsequent test must be
performed once during the next two
calendar years and no more than
twenty-six (26) calendar months
following the previous performance
test; and
(iv) For units with heat input ratings less
than or equal to ten million
(10,000,000) BTU per hour, based on
the higher heating value of the fuel,
and subject to a maximum allowable
NOx emission rate in § 805.4,
subsequent tests shall be performed
once every five (5) calendar years and
no more than sixty-two (62) months
after the previous performance test.
805.5 Any person owning, leasing, operating or controlling any fossil-fuel-fired
steam-generating unit subject to § 805 shall comply with the requirements of
this subsection:
(a) Any person owning, leasing, operating or controlling any fossil-
fuel-fired steam-generating unit with an energy input capacity of
twenty million (20,000,000) BTU per hour or greater shall, prior to
May 1st of each year starting in 1995, adjust the combustion
process in accordance with the procedure for doing so set forth at §
805.8; and
(b) After May 31, 1995, no person owning, leasing, operating or
controlling any fossil-fuel-fired steam- generating unit with an
energy input capacity of fifty million (50,000,000) BTU per hour
or greater and less than one hundred million (100,000,000) BTU
per hour shall emit NOx at a rate greater than the applicable
maximum allowable NOx emission rate cited in this paragraph. For
tangential or face-fired fossil-fuel-fired steam-generating units
powered exclusively by oil: thirty hundredths pound (0.30 lb) per
million BTU, based on a calendar day average;
(c) After May 31, 1995, no person owning, leasing, operating or
controlling a fossil-fuel-fired steam- generating unit with an energy
input capacity of one hundred million (100,000,000) BTU per hour
or greater shall emit NOX at an emission rate greater than the
following maximum allowable NOX emission rate:
(1) For dry bottom coal fired fossil-fuel-fired steam-generating
(A) Forty-three hundredths pound (0.43 lb) per million
BTU, based on a calendar day average, for
tangential or face-fired fossil-fuel-fired steam-
generating units; and
(B) Forty-three hundredths pound (0.43 lb) per million
BTU, based on a calendar day average, for stoker-
fired fossil-fuel-fired steam-generating units;
(2) For tangential or face-fired fossil-fuel-fired steam-
generating units:
(A) Twenty-five hundredths pound (0.25 lb) per million
BTU, based on a calendar day average, for fossil-
fuel-fired steam-generating units powered by fuel
oil or a combination of fuel oil and natural gas; and
(B) Twenty hundredths pound (0.20 lb) per million
BTU, based on a calendar day average, for fossil-
fuel-fired steam-generating units powered
exclusively by natural gas;
(d) Any person who owns, leases, operates or controls a fossil-fuel-
fired steam- generating unit subject to § 805.6(b) or (c) shall
submit an emissions control plan, and have the plan approved by
the Mayor under § 805.3. The plan shall be submitted by July 1,
(e) After May 31, 1995, any person required to comply with § 805.5
shall maintain continuous compliance at all times. For fossil-fuel-
fired steam- generating units subject to § 805.5(a), compliance will
be determined by recordkeeping as detailed in § 805.8. For fossil-
fuel-fired steam-generating units subject to § 805.5(b), compliance
shall be demonstrated by testing or by installing a continuous
emissions monitoring system. For fossil-fuel-fired steam-
generating units subject to § 805.5(c) compliance shall be
demonstrated by installing a continuous emission monitoring
(1) The emission monitoring system shall:
(A) Continuously monitor the NOx emission rate from
the major stationary source;
(B) Continuously record the NOx emission rate from
the major stationary source;
(C) Be installed and operated in a manner approved by
the Mayor and acceptable to the EPA; and
(D) Demonstrate that the NOx emission rate does not
exceed the applicable maximum allowable NOx
emission rate specified in § 805.
(2) Testing shall meet the following requirements:
(A) Be conducted using methods approved by the
Mayor and acceptable to EPA; and
(B) Demonstrate that the NOx emission rate does not
exceed the applicable maximum allowable NOx
emission rate specified in § 805.5.
805.6 Any person owning, leasing, operating or controlling any asphalt concrete
plant subject to § 805 shall comply with the following requirements:
(a) After May 31, 1995, no person owning, leasing, operating or
controlling an asphalt concrete plant which has the potential to
emit fifty (50) tons per year of NOX or greater shall emit NOX at a
rate greater than one hundred fifty (150) ppmvd at seven percent
(7%) O2 and carbon monoxide to a level of five hundred (500)
ppmvd at seven percent (7%) O2;
(b) After January 1, 2005, no person owning, leasing, operating or
controlling an asphalt concrete plant which has the potential to
emit twenty-five (25) tons per year of NOx or greater shall emit
NOX at a rate greater than one hundred fifty (150) ppmvd at seven
percent (7%) O2 and carbon monoxide to a level of five hundred
(500) ppmvd at seven percent (7%) O2;
(c) Any person who owns, leases, operates or controls an asphalt plant
subject to § 805.6 shall submit an emissions control plan, and have
the plan approved by the Mayor under § 805.3. The plan shall be
submitted by July 1, 1994;
(d) Any person required to comply with § 805.6 shall maintain
continuous compliance at all times. Compliance shall be
demonstrated by recordkeeping and testing or by recordkeeping
and installing a continuous emissions monitoring system as follows:
(1) The emissions monitoring system shall:
(A) Continuously monitor the NOX emission rate
from the major stationary source;
(B) Continuously record the NOX emission rate from
the major stationary source;
(C) Be installed and operated in a manner approved
by the Mayor and acceptable to EPA; and
(D) Demonstrate that the NOX emission rate does not
exceed the applicable maximum allowable NOX
emission rate specified in § 805; and
(2) Testing shall meet the following requirements:
(A) Be conducted using methods approved by the
Mayor and acceptable to EPA;
(B) Be conducted before May 1st of each year after
1995; and
(C) Demonstrate that the NOx emission rate does not
exceed the applicable maximum allowable NOX
emission rate specified in this subsection.
805.7 Any person owning, leasing, operating or controlling any major stationary
source or part of a major stationary source subject to § 805, other than
those particular types of emitting units addressed by § 805.4 through §
805.6, shall comply with the following requirements:
(a) By May 31, 1995, no person who owns, leases, operates or
controls a major stationary source with the potential to emit NOX
greater than or equal to fifty (50) tons per year shall cause, suffer,
allow or permit emissions therefrom in excess of an emission rate
achievable through the implementation of RACT as demonstrated
in an emission control plan under § 805.3(e);
(b) After January 1, 2005, no person who owns, leases, operates or
controls a major stationary source with the potential to emit NOX
greater than or equal to twenty-five (25) tons per year shall cause,
suffer, allow or permit emissions therefrom in excess of an
emission rate achievable through the implementation of RACT as
demonstrated in an emission control plan under § 805.3(e);
(c) Any person subject to § 805.7(a) shall have the RACT emission
limit approved by the Mayor in an emissions control plan approved
under § 805.3; and shall submit the plan one hundred eighty (180)
days prior to the applicable implementation deadline. The plan
shall also be transmitted to and approved by EPA as a revision to
the District's State Implementation Plan;
(d) By installing and testing continuous emissions monitoring system;
(1) The emission monitoring system shall:
(A) Continuously monitor the NOX emission rate from
the major stationary source;
(B) Continuously record the NOX emission rate from
the major stationary source;
(C) Be installed and operated in a manner approved by
the Mayor and acceptable to EPA; and
(D) Demonstrate that the NOX, emission rate does not
exceed the RACT emission limitations contained in
the emissions control plan that EPA has approved as
a SIP revision; and
(2) Testing shall meet the following requirements:
(A) Be conducted using methods approved by the
Mayor and acceptable to EPA;
(B) Be conducted before May 1st of each year after
1995; and
(C) Demonstrate that the NOX emission rate does not
exceed the RACT emission limitations contained in
the emissions control plan that EPA has approved as
a SIP revision;
(e) Any person required to implement RACT shall prepare and
maintain daily records sufficient to demonstrate compliance
consistent with the applicable averaging time. Records kept to
demonstrate compliance shall be kept on-site for three (3) years
and shall be made available to representatives of the Mayor and
EPA in accordance with the requirements of an approved
emissions control plan or upon request; and
(f) Any person required to implement RACT shall, upon request of
the Mayor, perform or have performed tests to demonstrate
compliance with § 805.7. Testing shall be conducted in accordance
with methods approved by the Mayor and EPA.
805.8 Any person required to adjust the combustion process of any major
stationary source subject to the provisions of this section shall do so
according to the following provisions:
(a) Adjustments shall be performed annually and shall include, at a
minimum, the following:
(1) Inspection, adjustment, cleaning or replacement of fuel-
burning equipment, including the burners and moving parts
necessary for proper operation as specified by the
(2) Inspection of the flame pattern or characteristics and
adjustments necessary to minimize total emissions of NOx
and, to the extent practicable, minimize emissions of CO;
(3) Inspection of the air-to-fuel ratio control system and
adjustments necessary to ensure proper calibration and
operation as specified by the manufacturer.
(b) The adjustments shall be made such that the maximum emission
rate for any contaminant does not exceed the maximum allowable
emission rate as set forth in this section.
(c) Any person required to adjust the combustion process of any major
stationary source subject to this section shall maintain, in a
permanently bound log book, or another format approved in
writing by the Mayor, the following information:
(1) The date on which the combustion process was last
(2) The name, title, and affiliation of the person who made the
(3) The NOx emission rate, in ppmvd, after the adjustments
were made;
(4) The CO emission rate, in ppmvd, after the adjustments
were made;
(5) The CO2 concentration, in percent (%) by volume dry basis,
after the adjustments were made;
(6) The O2 concentration, in percent (%) by volume dry basis,
after the adjustments were made; and
(7) Any other information that the Mayor may require.
SOURCE: Final Rulemaking published at 38 DCR 8105, 8156 (November 19, 1993); as Final Rulemaking
published at 47 DCR 9692(December 8, 2000); as Final Rulemaking published at 47 DCR 8644(October
27, 2000)[EXPIRED]; as Final Rulemaking published at 51 DCR 3877(April 16, 2004); as amended by
Final Rulemaking published at 65 DCR 13498 (December 14, 2018).
SOURCE: Final Rulemaking published at 51 DCR 7587 (August 6, 2004); as amended by Final
Rulemaking published at 60 DCR 10909 (July 26, 2013).
899.1 When used in this chapter, the following terms shall have the meanings
Asbestos abatement - the removal, encapsulation, enclosure, disposal, or
transportation of asbestos or material that contains asbestos.
Asbestos worker - a person who is engaged in asbestos abatement.
Business entity - a partnership, firm, association, corporation, or sole
proprietorship that is engaged in asbestos abatement.
Carrier A distributor who does not take title to or otherwise have
ownership of the commercial fuel oil or gasoline, and does not
alter either the quality or quantity of the commercial fuel oil or
Commercial fuel oil A fuel oil specifically produced, manufactured for
sale, and intended for use in fuel burning equipment. A mixture of
commercial fuel oil with noncommercial fuel where greater than
fifty percent (50%) of the heat content is derived from the
commercial fuel oil portion is considered a commercial fuel oil.
Distributor A person who transports, stores or causes the transportation
or storage of commercial fuel oil or gasoline at any point between
a refinery, a blending facility or terminal and a retail outlet,
wholesale purchaser-consumer's facility or ultimate consumer. The
term includes a refinery, a blending facility, or a terminal.
Emergency renovation operation - a renovation operation that was not
planned but results from a sudden, unexpected event that, if not
immediately attended to, presents a safety or public health hazard,
is necessary to protect equipment from damage, or is necessary to
avoid imposing an unreasonable financial burden. This term
includes operations necessitated by non-routine failures of
Encapsulate - the coating, binding, or resurfacing of a wall, ceiling, pipe,
or other structure to prevent friable asbestos or material that
contains asbestos from becoming airborne.
High-efficiency particulate air (HEPA) filter - a filter capable of
trapping and retaining at least ninety-nine and ninety-seven
hundredths percent (99.97%) of all monodispersed particles three
tenths (0.3) micrometers ([mu] m) in diameter or larger.
Negative pressure system - equipment that ensures that the static pressure
in an enclosed work area is lower than that of the environment
outside the containment barriers.
Noncommercial fuel A gaseous or liquid fuel generated as a byproduct
or waste product that is not specifically produced and
manufactured for sale. A mixture of a noncommercial fuel and a
commercial fuel oil when at least fifty percent (50%) of the heat
content is derived from the noncommercial fuel portion is
considered a noncommercial fuel.
Person - an individual or non-business entity, including a District of
Columbia government employee.
Retail outlet An establishment where commercial fuel oil or gasoline is
sold or offered for sale to the ultimate consumer for use in a
combustion unit or motor vehicle, respectively.
Terminal A facility that is capable of receiving commercial fuel oil or
gasoline in bulk, that is, by pipeline, barge, ship or other transport,
and where commercial fuel oil or gasoline is sold or transferred
into trucks for transportation to retail outlets, wholesale purchaser-
consumer’s facilities, or ultimate consumers. The term includes
bulk gasoline terminals and bulk gasoline plants.
Transferee A person who is the recipient of a sale or transfer. The term
includes the following:
(a) Terminal owner or operator;
(b) Carrier;
(c) Distributor;
(d) Retail outlet owner or operator; and
(e) Ultimate consumer.
Transferor A person who initiates a sale or transfer. The term includes
the following:
(a) Refinery owner or operator;
(b) Terminal owner or operator;
(c) Carrier;
(d) Distributor; and
(e) Retail outlet owner or operator.
Ultimate consumer With respect to a commercial fuel oil transfer or
purchase, the last person, facility owner or operator or entity who
in good faith receives the commercial fuel oil for the purpose of
using it in a combustion unit or for purposes other than resale.
899.2 When used in this chapter, the following abbreviations shall have the
meanings ascribed:
RACM - Regulated asbestos-containing material
Emission limits for nitrogen oxide in fossil-fuel-fired steam generating
units of more than one hundred million (100,000,000) British Thermal
Units (BTU.) per hour heat input are as follows:
(a) Two tenths (0.2) lb. per million BTU heat input (0.36 g. per
million cal.) maximum two (2) hour average, expressed in NO2,
when gaseous fossil fuel is burned:
(b) Three tenths (0.3) lb. per million BTU heat input (0.54 g. per
million cal.) maximum two (2) hour average, express as NO2,
when liquid fossil fuel is burned;
(c) Seven tenths (0.7) lb. per million BTU heat input (1.26 g.per
million cal.) maximum two (2) hour average. expressed NO2,
when solid fossil fuel (except lignite) is burned; and
(d) When different fossil fuels are burned simultaneously in any
combination the applicable standard shall be determined by
proration, according to the following formula:
x is the percent of total heat input derived from gaseous fossil fuel;
y is the percent of total heat input derived from liquid fossil fuel; and
z is the percent of total heat input derived from solid fossil fuel.
SOURCE: Section 3 of the District of Columbia Air Pollution Control Act of 1984, effective March 15,
1985 (D.C. Law 5-165; § 502, 32 DCR 565, 603 (February 1, 1985)); as amended by Final Rulemaking
published at 45 DCR 20-23 (January 2, 1998); as amended by Final Rulemaking published at 62 DCR
14839 (November 13, 2015).