John W. Trescott
Time lost? You've got to be kidding. Where did it go? HOW
COULD time be lost somewhere? Oh sure, when we get older
we seem to think the days seem to short. We cannot seem to ac-
complish all we want to in that given amount of time. Or we say...
How time does fly. But it does not really go anywhere.
Read the Truth in this fascinating booklet.
Published by the
Light of Truth Ministry,
900 W. Alabama Ave.,
Anadarko, OK 73005. (405) 247-5162.
This booklet is given FREE and cannot be sold. It is given as
an educational service to all who want to know more about the
will of Yahweh for their lives.
Assembly of Yah
2695 N 409th Rd
Marseilles, IL 61341
e-mail: askyah@pcwildblue.com
Internet: assemlyofyah.com
1 [815] 357-9926
Granted, the Bible says the SEVENTH day is the SABBATH
OF YAHWEH THY ELOHIM. Granted, that YAH did, at creation,
make the seventh day KODESH TIME, and that He has com-
manded us to KEEP it kodesh.
But how can we know, today WHICH day is the true seventh
day YAH blessed and made kodesh AT CREATION?
Has time been lost? Has the calendar been CHANGED?
Were not ten days dropped out of it at one time?
How about living on a round earth? Does not one either
"gain a day" or "lose a day" in traveling around the world?
How about JOSHUA'S LONG DAY? Did that change the
weekly cycle?
How can we know that the name "Saturday," which is a pa-
gan name, was placed on the seventh day of the week according
to the Hebrew
Sun time 7th 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th 1st
Days of
Sat Sun Mon Tues Wed Thurs Fri Sat Sun
sions of
36 hrs
24 hours
and Day
This day
Order of
7th 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th 1st
24 24 24 About
24 24 24 24 24
To all these questions, there is a definite answerand
many lines of POSITIVE PROOF: YAH's Word says "Prove all
things." Let us banish all prejudice. Let us throw out precon-
ceived or past opinions. Let us investigate and find the TRUTH!
Questions about the weekly cycle are of interest to two reli-
gious groups. First, those who observe the seventh day of the
week as the Sabbath; and second, those who seek to honor the
resurrection of Messiah on the first day of the week, calling it "the
Lord's Day.
Many mainline Protestant denominations do not believe that
the fourth Commandment pertains to believers. But seeking to
honor the Messiah's resurrection weekly on the first day of the
week, it is of at least some concern to them to identify which day
of the week it is.
The elect body of Messiah is confident that observing the
commandment to keep the seventh day of the week as a Sab-
bath is Yahweh's will for all man kind, not only "believers." The
elect body of the Messiah is assured that "Saturday" is the sev-
enth day of the original cycle of 7 days set in motion at Creation
by the One we know of as Yahshua Messiah. It is the Sabbath
referred to in the New and Old Testaments of the Bible.
Some people find it hard to believe that the continuity of the
weekly cycle has been maintained for thousands of years. Many
are of the opinion that the weekly cycle has not been kept accu-
rately over the centuries.
Was the weekly cycle established from Creation ever dis-
rupted? Was the Sabbath Commandment that Abraham kept the
same one given to Israelites hundreds of years later on? Did the
Babylonian captivity disrupt the weekly cycle? Were there
changes made in the calendar after Messiah's resurrection that
caused the original 7 day cycle (weekly cycle) to change or be in-
terrupted? Did Joshua's long day interrupt or change the weekly
cycle? The extra daylight period is thought to be proof that the
weekly cycle was disrupted.
This assumption ignores the fact that a "day" in the Bible is
a night period and the subsequent daylight period. It is from sun-
set to sunset, and not based on twenty-four hours.
It also ignores the fact that this whole, long daylight period
is not referred to in the Bible as two days, but as one day. "So
the sun stood still in the midst of heaven, and did not hasten to
go down for about a whole day. And there has been no day like
that, before it or after it." Joshua 10:13b, 14a.
The fact of the matter is that Yahweh continued to hold Is-
rael responsible for Sabbath keeping as though there had been
no long day. The weekly cycle and the Sabbath observed by Is-
rael had Yah's sanction as shown by the fact that Israel was held
accountable for Sabbath keeping throughout the Old Testament
from their deliverance from Egyptian bondage. In fact, they were
sent into a national captivity because they did NOT keep His
Sabbath kodesh, even though it was a perpetual sign between
the Kodesh One of Israel and His people. See Exodus 31:12-17
and Ezekiel 20:1-24.
Yahweh revealed the true creation Sabbath to all the chil-
dren of Israel in the raining of manna from heaven. The Israelites
had been in servitude and bondage in Egypt for many years.
They were not permitted to have any religious worship or service
during these many generations. They had no Bible, no Scrip-
tures, no written record of Yahweh's commands or ways. Per-
haps they had lost track of time, and did not know which was the
true Sabbath.
At the wilderness of Sin, two weeks before arriving at Sinai,
they grumbled and complained from the lack of food. Then
Yahshua heard, and He said.. "Behold, I will rain bread from
heaven for you... that I may prove them, whether they will walk in
MY LAW or no." This has to do with whether we will keep YAH'S
LAW. To disobey is SIN! Moses and Aaron said to the people, "At
even (sunset), then ye will know that YAHWEH has brought you
out from the land of Egypt: and in the morning, then ye shall see
the glory of YAHWEH. “
"And Moses spake unto Aaron, Say unto all the congrega-
tion of the children of Israel, Come near before YAHWEH... and it
came to pass, as Aaron spake unto the whole congregation of
the children of Israel, that they looked toward the wilderness, and
behold, the glory of YAHWEH appeared in the cloud... And it
came to pass, that at even (dusk - sunset), the quails came up,
and covered the camp, and in the morning the dew lay round
about the host." Exodus 16:4-13.
In verse 12 the words "at even" are a phrase in the He-
brew.. Bin E'rebim... between the two evenings. It signifies after
sunset during the twilight dusky portion at the beginning of the
first day of the week, for the weekly Sabbath ended at that sun-
set. Now they could work and gather the quail, and in the morn-
ing, manna.
Please notice, there was a RELIGIOUS ASSEMBLY on this
day of instruction, and the GLORY OF YAHWEH appeared. The
quail did not come up until the sun had set. WHY? Because this
had been a Sabbath day. At sunset, when it ended, the quails
came, and the people were privileged to go to work gathering in
food to eat. Next morning the manna fell. This was the FIRST
DAY of the week. If they tried to keep over any manna till the fol-
lowing day, it bred worms and stank (v-20). On the sixth day, (v-
22) twice as much came from heaven and they gathered twice as
much. Then, that sixth day, YAHWEH said, "Tomorrow is the rest
of the set-apart Sabbath unto YAHWEH." (v-23). They kept it
over, and on this day it did not breed worms and stink. However,
on the seventh day some of the people must have thought that
TIME WAS LOST. They were like some modern people who
were not sure WHICH DAY was the Sabbath, or whether it
makes a difference. They went out to gather on the seventh day
(v-27) - AND THEY FOUND NONE! On this day Elohim did not
send any!
So by over 29,000 miracles, day after day, week after week,
year after year, the Almighty Creator showed in no uncertain
terms which day of the 7 day weekly cycle was His Kodesh Time!
It proved WHICH DAY was the Creation Sabbath!
There were NO CHANGES at the Equinoxes! There were
NO 28 day months. All months began with the sighting of a slim
new crescent moon after a sunset. The Almighty Creator created
the sun AND the moon for figuring days, years, and seasons
(feast days). The Equinox in the spring begins a year. The visible
new crescent on or after that tkufah begins a month. The sun
sets and a new day begins.
Time could not have been mixed up or lost under the strict
Mosaic regime between then and the time of Messiah. The real
Yahshua, is the very One who instructed the Israelites to observe
His Kodesh Sabbath. Even Joshua's Long Day was just ONE
DAY, and it did not change the reckoning of time in any way. If it
did, then, Messiah kept the wrong day! We can come to the time
of Messiah, KNOWING that time was not lost up to then.
The long day of Joshua, when the sun stood still for "about
a whole day", is figured around (twisted and contorted) in a man-
ner to show that Sunday is the seventh day of the week.
The Bible account is found in Joshua 10:12-14. "Then
spake Joshua to YAHWEH,... and he said in the sight of Israel,
Sun, stand you still upon Gibeon; and you, Moon, in the valley of
Ajalon. And the sun stood still, and the moon stayed...and hasted
not to go down about a whole day."
If you will notice the diagram at the beginning of this booklet
you will see that the long day was ONE day, AS THE SCRIP-
TURES SAID, and NOT two 24 hour days.
YAHWEH SAYS, "from even unto even shall ye celebrate
your Sabbath." The days OF THE 7 DAY WEEKLY CYCLE are
counted from SUNSET T0 SUNSET, according to the measuring
of time in the first chapter of Genesis. It is stated each day that
the evening and the morning were the first day, -- "the second
day," and so on. Nowhere does Yahweh's Word say, "The first 24
hours was the first day! and the next 24 hours was the second
cording to the SETTING OF THE SUN!
If there had been any loss of continuity or identity of the
Sabbath from creation until the exodus from Egypt, Elohim left no
doubt about its identity with the forty-year-long miracles. Even in
Nehemiah's time, the weekly and annual Sabbaths were still
known and observed AFTER coming out of Babylon. See Nehe-
miah chapters 710. No time had been lost up until then, for
they all knew exactly when to observe the weekly Sabbath and
the annual Sabbaths.
Josephus relates that under the leadership of the Macca-
bees, the Jews refused to fight with the soldiers of Antiochus on
the Sabbath. These events occurred during the time period be-
tween the end of the prophets (Malachi) and the first coming of
Messiah. See Josephus, Book XII, Chapter VI. This evidence
suggests a continuity of the weekly cycle from the time of the lat-
est Old Testament writings until the time of Messiah's ministry.
The four evangel accounts frequently reflect on accounts of
Sabbath-keeping in the life and ministry of Yahshua. Evangel ac-
counts abound in confrontations between Messiah and the Jews
on just about every conceivable charge the Jews could bring
against Him. However, there is no record of any disagreement
between Him and the Jews regarding which day was the Sab-
bath. It is inconceivable that the identity of the Sabbath would be
a problem when the Son of Yahweh was involved weekly in at-
tending the synagogues of the Jews on the Sabbath, giving ap-
proval of the time they set aside to worship. In fact, it was His
custom! Luke 4:16.
Now if we are convinced that the REAL, Yahshua set us a
RIGHT example, and that He observed the RIGHT seventh day,
we need have no further difficulty.
About 43 years after this, the Jews were driven into EVERY
NATION ON EARTH. [The term "Jew" does NOT refer to ALL Is-
raelite people for the most part...Ed.] From that time until now,
they have been separated, scattered into all nations. Through the
middle ages, the Jews in China had no way of communication
with the Jews of Africa; the Jews in Europe with those of other
parts of the world. Yet today, with communication restored over
every part of the globe, we do not find the Jews all mixed up. If
time had been lost, the Jews of one part of the world would be
observing one day, and the Jews of other parts other days. But
everywhere - in EVERY NATION ON EARTH, we find the Jews
have been keeping the SAME IDENTICAL DAY - the day we call
SATURDAY - the true seventh day. The JEW is the miracle of all
history - and the JEW is a proof that we have not lost the Sab-
bath. Ask any orthodox Jew today if HE has lost track of Yah-
weh's Sabbath. Why, such an idea would be nonsense to him.
He is not. in doubt!
The calendar now in use, a Roman calendar, has been
changed, but the change did not break the weekly cycle.
Prior to its change, it was called the Julian calendar, be-
cause it originated at the time of Julius Caesar, 31 B.C. - before
the birth of Messiah. The one change was ordered by Pope
Gregory, arid since then it has been called the Gregorian calen-
The Julian calendar was imperfect -- it inserted leap years
too frequently. Back in 31 B.C. they supposed the year was ex-
actly 365¼, days long, and to take care of the extra one-fourth
day each year, added a day to the month of February every four
years. But it was found later the years were 12 minutes and 14
seconds shorter than this. Consequently, by the time of Pope
Gregory, the calendar had drifted TEN DAYS away from the sea-
sons. The Spring Equinox, consequently, fell on March 11th, in-
stead of March 21st.
To correct this, ten days were dropped from the calendar.
But they were dropped only from the number of days in the
MONTH, not from the number of days in the WEEK. A man
named Lilius proposed the method which was adopted in making
the change. In the Catholic Encyclopedia, Vol. 9, page 251, un-
der article "Lilius," explaining this change we read: "Thus, every
imaginable proposition was made; only one idea was never men-
tioned, viz., the abandonment of the seven day week."
In the Catholic Encyclopedia, Vol. III, page 740, article
"Chronology," we read: "It is to be noted that. in the Christian pe-
riod, the order of days of the week has never been interrupted.
Thus, when Gregory XIII reformed the calendar in 1582, Thurs-
day, 4 October was followed by Friday, 15 October. So in Eng-
land, in 1752, Wednesday, 2 September, was followed by Thurs-
day, 14 September."
Since the Catholics changed the calendar, the Catholic En-
cyclopedia is the best historic authority there is on the question,
and is proof positive. For the reader to clearly understand it, and
SEE how it was worked out on the Calendar, we reproduce the
actual calendar. The change was made in Spain, Portugal, and
Italy in 1582. Here is the calendar for October, 1582…
October, 1582
Sun Mon Tues Wed Thurs Fri Sat
1 2 3 4 15 16
17 18 19 20 21 22 23
24 25 26 27 28 29 30
You will notice how ten days were dropped out. One day
was the 4th, and the very next day was the 15th of October. But
the 4th was Thursday, and the next day was FRIDAY. The
change in the calendar DID NOT IN ANY WAY CHANGE THE
SABBATH, or the succession of the DAYS OF THE WEEK.
The British countries refused to change the calendar when
the pope ordered it. They continued with the old Julian calendar
until 1752. And while their days of the month were different, yet
their days of the week were JUST THE SAME AS IN ROME.
Those who kept the Sabbath in England kept the same SATUR-
DAY that was called Saturday in Rome. Those who observed
Sunday observed the same day, both in Rome where the calen-
dar had been changed, and in London where it had not.
The English countries changed the calendar in 1752. By
that time it was necessary to drop out 11 days. The change was
made in September as follows...
September, 1752
Sun Mon Tues Wed Thurs Fri Sat
1 2 14 15 16 17 18
19 20 21 22 23 24 25
26 27 28 29 30
In Russia, the calendar was never changed until just re-
cently, IN OUR LIFETIME. Consequently, in the year 1907, the
day that we called the 14th of August, the Russians called the 1st
of August. Our calendars were 13 days apart. Yet, in BOTH
countries, we both called that same day WEDNESDAY. In BOTH
countries, SATURDAY fell on the same day of the week. The cal-
endar has since been changed in Russia. And still their Sunday
is Sunday - their Saturday is our Saturday.
For reference, see the previous article on "Chronology," in
the Catholic Encyclopedia.
We see that the calendar has been IN EFFECT SINCE 31
B.C. -- prior to the birth of Messiah, proving that there has never
been any change in the weekly cycle from the time of Messiah
until now. The SATURDAY of today is the same Seventh day of
the week as it was in MESSIAH'S time. We can, therefore, be
sure we keep the same Sabbath day that Yahshua kept, as His
custom was, setting us an example - the same day He said He
was MASTER of. Mark. 2:27 - 28. And it was purposely made for
(not against) all mankind.
Let us consider this argument that we "gain a day" or "lose
a day," depending on which way we are traveling, in going
around the world.
Did you ever stop to wonder how Jonah came to be out on
a wild sea, so he could be swallowed by the great fish? Jonah
was commanded of Yahweh to perform a certain task. But Jonah
did not want to obey. So he embarked on a ship, in an attempt to
escape "from the presence of Yahweh." Read Jonah 1:1-3. Now
was it not silly of Jonah to think that by journeying away from
home on a boat, he could escape from the command of Yahweh?
But we have many modern Jonahs. They try to tell us that a
certain command, proclaimed by Yahshua's own voice to all His
congregation, cannot really be obeyed if we embark on a boat
and travel far away from home, either east or west. It is the com-
mand which says.. "Remember the Sabbath day to keep it ko-
desh... the SEVENTH DAY is the Sabbath of YAHWEH thy Elo-
him." Did Elohim so complicate this command that it would re-
quire an astronomer to tell us how to obey?
It might seem to some, who do not stop to think very deeply,
that you have lost a day if you travel westward around the world -
or gained a day if you travel eastward. But this loss or gain is ap-
parent, NOT REAL! Think of what would happen if this were so.
Imagine twin brothers, one traveling westward around the world,
the other traveling eastward. If one has really lost a day, while
the other gained a day, then after one such journey, one be-
comes TWO DAYS OLDER than his twin brother. If they took
enough trips, one would in time be enough older to be the father
of his own twin brother! This is ridiculous, but it illustrates the
When a person travels, his days are not of even length. The
man who travels from San Francisco to New York in one day by
airplane finds that this particular day, for him, is counted as only
21 hours, because the sun sets three hours earlier in New York
than in San Francisco. Therefore, there is three hours difference
in time between these two cities. If the man returns, also by
plane, he finds his day on the return trip is computed as 27
hours. If he leaves San Francisco at 5 a.m., and arrives in New
York exactly twelve hours later, his watch will register 5 p.m., but
all watches and clocks in New York will register 8 p.m. To com-
pute time as others do there, he will have to set his watch up
(ahead) three hours. If he kept traveling around the earth, he
would have to keep changing his watch, until he had added 24
hours to his watch by the time he returned to San Francisco.
But did he really add A DAY to his life? Of course not. The only
change is in the way men COUNT time. This is merely a trick ar-
gument designed to confuse people, and justify them in disobey-
ing the commands of Yahweh. Sin is the transgression of the
LAW...STILL, and the wages of sin is DEATH...STILL.
Days begin and end at sunset, not in a 24 hour period de-
lineated by a clock. See any encyclopedia. History shows that it
was always custom to end and begin days at sunset until a few
hundred years after Messiah. We live on a round earth. A day is
measured by the revolution of the earth on its axis, in relation to
the sun. Since the Sabbath day begins, and ends, at SUNSET,
we observe it, here, when the sun sets, HERE. But the sun sets
three hours earlier in New York than on the Pacific Coast. Hence
Sabbath-keepers in New York begin their Sabbath three hours
earlier than on the west coast. In London, the Sabbath begins
nine hours earlier than on the Pacific Coast, if kept according to
Yah's directions.
The answer to it all is...WE KEEP THE DAY WHEN
THE DAY COMES TO US. Jerusalem is Yahweh's headquarters
for the earth. That is where Yahshua kept the Sabbath, and we
know HE had it right! Authorities believe it was by Yahweh's guid-
ance that men were caused to set the international "date line",
(where, because of a round earth turning on its axis a day must
be dropped or added IN COMPUTATION), in the middle of the
Pacific where it affects virtually nobody and almost exactly OP-
POSITE from Jerusalem! As time is now computed, Sabbath-
keepers the world over keep the SAME SABBATH, when it
comes to them. That is and always has been the seventh day of
the 7-day weekly cycle AT JERUSALEM.
KEPT ON THE SAME DAY, as that day comes to them, THAT IS
KEPT AT JERUSALEM. Sunday observers have no trouble figur-
ing WHEN their Sunday comes to them, anywhere on the earth.
We cannot run away from this on a boat.
We have a history of the true Assembly of Yahweh through
every century from Messiah until now. It has always been a SAB-
BATH-KEEPING Assembly. Through the middle ages, just as
prophesied in Rev.12:6, this true Assembly had to FLEE to the
wilderness, clear beyond the jurisdiction of the Roman Empire,
dominated by the Roman Catholic Assembly. In 363 A.D. (C.E.),
the Roman church passed the decree of the Council of Laodicea,
pronouncing the DEATH SENTENCE upon any found to be
keeping the Sabbath. Many true believers were MARTYRED for
keeping this day.
When men were willing to GIVE THEIR LIVES in order to
keep Yahweh's commands, do you think they could lose track of
the right day? Coming down to modern times, we find this As-
sembly, the true believers' Assembly, keeping the day that is
called Saturday - the same day the Jews have been keeping
right down through every year from Messiah until now.
Time lost? You've got to be kidding. Where did it go? HOW
COULD it be lost somewhere? Every person in every nation
would have to realize the same time has been lost for him and all
people on earth! Oh sure, when we get older we seem to think
the days seem so short. We cannot seem to accomplish all we
want to in that given amount of time. Or we say...How time does
fly. But it did not really go anywhere.
Finally, consider the scientific proof of ASTRONOMY. We
quote from the official government statements to the League of
Nations, as published August 17, 1926, in an official League
document. The government of Finland presented this observation
from one of its astronomers: "The reform (calendar reform before
the League) would break the division of the week, which has
been followed for thousands of years, and therefore has been
hallowed by immemorial use."
The government of France presented the following state-
ments from two of its leading astronomers: "One essential point
is that of the continuity of the week...a continuity which has ex-
isted for so many centuries." "The continuity of the week...is
without a doubt the most ancient scientific institution bequeathed
to us by antiquity."
Stated Prof. D. Eginitis, director of the Observatory of Ath-
ens, a member of the League Committee, "The continuity of the
week...has crossed the centuries, and all known calendars, still
We have presented the proof of history, the proof of the cal-
endar, the proof of the Jew, the proof of the martyrs of the true
Assembly, the proof of reason, the proof of science, and astron-
omy. We might add that of the Roman Catholic Church, which
through the centuries has preserved its Sunday intact, as the day
FOLLOWING the seventh-day Sabbath as kept by Yahshua. and
the early apostles. The Catholic priest today is no more in doubt
about SUNDAY being the true FIRST day of the week, than the
Jew is about Yahweh's Sabbath.
Would Yahshua, the Creator of the universe, set apart a cer-
tain day, put His blessing on it, (Gen. 2:1-3), make it KODESH
TIME, command that it be KEPT KODESH FOREVER, and then
let that kodesh time become so lost we cannot tell when to keep
it? TIME LOST? If so, then you and I are LOST SOULS, for it is
SIN to profane Yahweh's Sabbath! That is the 4th point of the
Law. Sin is the transgression of the Law. I JOHN 3:4. If we break
only ONE OF ITS POINTS - any one - we are guilty sinners.
James 2:8-11.
The very last recorded words of Yahshua say... "Blessed
are they that DO His (His Father's) Commandments, that THEY
may have right to the TREE OF LIFE." Revelation 22:14.
The foregoing was adapted from the text of: HAS TIME
BEEN LOST? published by the Bible Sabbath Association, HC
80, Box 8, Fairview, OK 73737 and The Weekly Cycle published
by the Bible Advocate Press, P.O. Box 33677, Denver, CO
Why are so many people simply turned off at the Truth of
The prophet Jeremiah said.. "To whom shall I speak, and
give warning, that they may hear? Behold, their ear is uncircum-
cised, and they cannot hearken: behold, the word of the Yahshua
is unto them a reproach; they have no delight in it." Jer. 6:10.
How sad. The people of America in general, and all parts of
the world, simply have no delight in the Word of Yah. In fact, if
they would consider the old paths written in the prophets, and
walk in them, they would find rest for their souls. But they do not
believe that, and insist it is all a yoke of bondage.
But what said the Spirit of Messiah through Jeremiah in Jer.
6:16? It said the people have set their will, voluntarily, to turn
away from all that would give them peace of mind and rest for
their souls.
"Thus says Yahshua, Stand ye in the ways, and see, and
ask for the old paths, where is the good way, and walk therein,
and ye shall find rest for your souls. BUT, they (the people) said,
The reason most people want you to think time has been
lost is their rebellion against the Creator of the universe, rebellion
against His Kodesh times, and plain, simple disobedience. As
Rom. 8:7 says the carnal mind cannot be subject to the Law of
Yahweh. [However, the true spiritual mind can.]
What do you, the reader, intend to do? Will you continue on
in your willful disobedience, and reap death? Or will you
CHANGE, and be obedient, accepting the shed blood of the real
Yahshua for your past sins, be baptized, receive the Kodesh
Spirit of obedience, and continue walking in true and loving obe-
dience to the commandments of your Father and also your Sav-