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Cloud Services and Technical Support and Maintenance Services
1.1 This Data Processing Addendum and its Schedules (“DPA”) are incorporated into and form part of the
applicable terms of use, terms of service, end user license agreement or other agreement between Illumina
and Customer under which Illumina provides Customer the Services (the “Agreement”). The use of the
Services shall be deemed as an acceptance of the terms of this DPA.
1.2 The provisions of this DPA shall apply only to the extent required by Data Protection Laws in respect of
Illumina’s Processing of Personal Data on behalf of the Customer in providing the Services.
1.3 In the event and to the extent of a conflict between this DPA and the Agreement, this DPA shall prevail to
the extent of such conflict.
2.1 Unless otherwise defined in the Agreement:
Affiliatemeans, with respect to Illumina, an entity that, directly or indirectly, controls, is controlled by or
is under common control with such party.
Customer means the customer or recipient of the Services under the Agreement.
Data Exportermeans a Customer which is transferring Personal Data directly or via onward transfer to
Illumina, where Illumina is located country that triggers additional requirements for the protection of
Personal Data being transferred in accordance with Data Protection Laws.
Data Importermeans Illumina where it is located in a country that triggers additional requirements for the
protection of Personal Data being transferred in accordance with the applicable Data Protection Laws.
Data Protection Laws” means privacy laws and regulations applicable to the Processing of Personal Data
under the Agreement.
Illuminameans the Affiliate within the Illumina Group that provides the Services under the Agreement.
Illumina Group” means Illumina and its Affiliates.
Restricted Transfer” means a transfer of Personal Data from a Data Exporter to a Data Importer.
Servicesmeans the Illumina software products/platforms (such as BaseSpace Sequence Hub, BaseSpace
Variant Interpreter, Illumina Connected Analytics) that Customer may use for Processing data, such data may
include Personal Data (hereinafter “Cloud Services”) and/or (b) the provision by Illumina of support and
maintenance work for the Illumina products and/or services provided, in each case provided by Illumina
directly pursuant to the Agreement (hereinafter “Technical Support and Maintenance Services”).
Your Customer” means any or all individuals or entities that directly or indirectly access or use the Services
under Customer’s registered Illumina account.
2.2 In this DPA the terms Business”, Controller”, Data Subject”, “Personal Data, “Personal Data Breach,
Process/Processing, “Processor”, Sell”, Service Provider”, Share, and “Supervisory Authorityshall
have the meaning given in Data Protection Laws, or where not specifically defined under Data Protection
Laws, the same meaning as analogous terms in those Data Protection Laws. For the avoidance of doubt,
“Controller” shall include an entity that meets the definition of a “Business”, and “Processor” shall include
an entity that meets the definition of “Service Provider”, as both are defined by the California Consumer
Privacy Act, as amended and as applicable to this DPA.
2.3 A reference to a law, regulation or other document is a reference to such law, regulation or document as
amended, superseded or repealed from time to time.
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3.1 Illumina and Customer acknowledge that depending on the circumstances, and to the extent such concepts
are recognized under Data Protection Laws:
Customer is the Controller of Personal Data and Illumina its Processor; or
Your Customer is the Controller of Personal Data, Customer its Processor, and Illumina is Customer’s
4.1 The Processing description is set out at Schedule 1 of this DPA.
5.1 Customer shall ensure that its Processing of Personal Data and instructions to Illumina comply with Data
Protection Laws.
5.2 Illumina shall only Process Personal Data in accordance with Customers documented instructions, including
the performance of the Services as set out in this DPA unless required otherwise by applicable law, in which
case Illumina shall inform Customer of the legal requirement where legally permitted to do so. In particular,
and without limitation to the foregoing, Illumina shall not: (i) retain, use, disclose, combine, or otherwise
Process Personal Data except in the context of the direct business relationship between Illumina and
Customer as set out in this DPA and the Agreement and as otherwise necessary for the business purposes
and the performance of the Services specified in the Agreement or this DPA; or (ii) Sell or Share Personal
5.3 Illumina agrees that Customer has the right to take reasonable and appropriate steps to stop and remediate
any breach of this section 5, including any unauthorized Processing of Personal Data.
6.1 Illumina shall ensure that its personnel engaged in providing the Services are subject to appropriate
obligations of confidentiality.
7.1 Customer provides general authorization to Illumina to appoint sub-processors in performing the Services,
including Illumina’s Affiliates and third-party service providers. As of the date of this DPA, a list of sub-
processors is set out in Schedule 2 of this DPA. Where Your Customer is the Controller, Customer has Your
Customer's general authorization for Illumina to engage the sub-processors listed in Schedule 2 of this DPA.
7.2 Illumina shall ensure that any sub-processor is subject to obligations which are substantially similar to those
set out in this DPA.
7.3 Illumina sub-processor portal (available at
contains a mechanism to subscribe to notifications of new sub-processors, and if Customer subscribes,
Illumina shall provide notifications of any new sub-processors engaged in connection with the provision of
the applicable Services. Customer may raise any objections to such changes by contacting
7.4 Illumina shall be liable for the acts and omissions of its sub-processors.
8.1 Illumina shall maintain the technical and organisational measures, as set out in Schedule 3 of this DPA.
9.1 Customer shall be responsible for responding to requests from Data Subjects exercising their rights under
Data Protection Laws (“Data Subject Requests”).
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9.2 Illumina shall notify Customer if Illumina receives a Data Subject Request concerning Personal Data Illumina
Processes in the provision of Services to Customer.
9.3 To the extent Customer in its use of the Services does not have the ability to address a Data Subject Request,
upon Customer’s request, Illumina shall provide commercially reasonable efforts to assist Customer in
responding to such Data Subject Request, to the extent Illumina is legally permitted to do so and the response
to such Data Subject Request is required under Data Protection Laws.
10.1 Upon Customer’s request and at Customer’s expense, Illumina shall provide Customer with reasonable
cooperation and assistance needed to fulfil Customer’s obligations as a Controller, as required under Data
Protection Laws, including to carry out a data protection impact assessment related to Customer’s use of the
Services and any related consultation with a competent Supervisory Authority, to the extent Customer does
not otherwise have access to the relevant information, and to the extent such information is available to
11.1 Upon becoming aware of a Personal Data Breach, Illumina shall notify Customer without undue delay, and
take steps to investigate and remediate the Personal Data Breach.
12.1 Illumina shall delete Personal Data as set out in Schedule 1 of this DPA.
12.2 Customer acknowledges, agrees, and authorizes Illumina to retain aggregated data generated in the
performance of the Services (which is not considered Personal Data) for internal record keeping, quality and
audit requirements.
13.1 Where Illumina provides Cloud Services and/or Technical Support and Maintenance Services as
contemplated by section 7 and Schedule 2 of this DPA, Customer authorizes Illumina to transfer Personal
Data to its authorized sub-processors, provided that Illumina shall comply with section 7 of this DPA at all
times and ensure that any Restricted Transfers are made in accordance with Data Protection Laws, including
the use of an applicable transfer mechanism such as standard contractual clauses.
13.2 W
here Illumina and Customer are located in different jurisdictions and there is a Restricted Transfer of
Personal Data from Customer to Illumina, the Data Exporter (Customer) and the Data lmporter (Illumina)
shall transfer and Process Personal Data in accordance with Schedule 4. In respect of any jurisdiction not
listed in Schedule 4, where required by Data Protection Laws, upon either party’s request, the parties shall
discuss any further steps that may be required to ensure any international transfers are lawful (including the
entry into any additional transfer agreement or terms).
14.1 Illumina shall, at Customer’s cost, provide such information as Customer may reasonably request to
demonstrate compliance with this DPA.
14.2 Upon Customer’s reasonable and prior written request, and no more frequently than once every twelve (12)
months, Illumina shall make available to Customer evidence of the most recent third-party audit or
certifications setting out Illumina’s conformity in relation to Personal Data Processing activities pursuant to
this DPA.
14.3 Any information provided under this section is Illumina’s confidential information, and shall be subject to the
confidentiality terms of the Agreement or such other terms as Illumina may require. Customer may not
provide such information to any third-party or use such information for any purpose other than to verify
Illumina’s compliance with this DPA without Illumina’s prior written consent.
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14.4 If Customer can reasonably demonstrate that the information provided is not sufficient to demonstrate
compliance with this DPA, Illumina shall reasonably consider any further requests for information from
Customer to demonstrate compliance with this DPA.
14.5 Illumina will notify Customer if, in its opinion, any instruction from Customer infringes Data Protection Laws.
15.1 Customer acknowledges and agrees that the Services are provided on a one-to-many basis, and Illumina may
from time to time update this DPA, including to ensure compliance with Data Protection Laws.
15.2 Where Illumina makes such changes:
Illumina shall use reasonable endeavors to notify Customer of such changes, which may include
publishing such changes on Illumina’s website; and
if Customer, acting reasonably, considers that such changes would have a material adverse effect on
Customer’s ability to comply with Data Protection Laws, Customer may, within thirty (30) days of the
date of such change, terminate this DPA by providing written notice to
Customer acknowledges that Illumina will not have to provide the Services if such termination occurs.
Previous version of this DPA: April
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SCHEDULE 1: Description of the Processing
Cloud Services and Technical Support and Maintenance Services
Contact details
Illumina can be contacted at
. Illumina’s Global Data Protection Officer can be contacted at
Purpose of the Processing
The purpose of the Processing of Personal Data by Illumina is to provide the Services pursuant to the Agreement.
Nature of the Processing.
Personal Data may be subject to Processing activities including: (i) receiving Personal Data, including collection,
accessing, retrieval, recording and data entry, (ii) holding Personal Data, including storage, organization and
structuring, (iii) using Personal Data, including analyzing, consultation and testing, (iv) protecting Personal Data,
including restricting, encrypting, and security testing, (v) returning data to Customer and (vi) erasing Personal Data,
including destruction and deletion.
Categories of Personal Data.
(a) Cloud Services. When providing Cloud Services (e.g., to perform computational analysis), Illumina may need
to access genomic data and/or pseudonymized information contained in, for example, BAM files, FastQ files
and VCF files including run sequencing data (such as WGS or WXS data). Some Cloud Services accept
additional information and file types. Where Customer uses Cloud Services for the storage of data, including
Personal Data (e.g., health related information), Illumina’s Processing of the data uploaded by Customer is
limited to the storage of such data and Illumina does not access or otherwise process such information for
any other purposes (including for Technical Support and Maintenance Services). The transfer of Personal Data
to Illumina takes place on a continuous basis.
(b) Technical Support and Maintenance Services. Illumina will attempt to provide Technical Support and
Maintenance Services by using run metric data (which is not considered Personal Data). Depending on the
issue, Illumina may need to access genomic data and/or pseudonymized information contained in, for
example, BAM files, FastQ files and VCF files including run sequencing data (such as WGS or WXS data) in
order to properly troubleshoot and suitably investigate an issue which may arise with respect to Customer’s
purchased products/services. The transfer of Personal Data to Illumina takes place on a continuous or a on
an as-needed basis (e.g., to troubleshoot the reported issue), as applicable.
Illumina also Processes data localization requirements, i.e., whether data is determined to be sensitive within a region
and required to remain within that region or be scrubbed of the sensitive information before transiting outside the
Data Subjects.
The categories of Data Subjects whose Personal Data will be Processed by Illumina include patients, research cohorts,
and other individuals who have consented to Customer’s use of the Services, or for whom Customer has another lawful
basis to Process their Personal Data.
Duration of the Processing.
(a) Cloud Services. Illumina deletes Personal Data as set out in the Agreement. Customer acknowledges the
foregoing shall not apply to the extent Personal Data is held in routine backups in which case Illumina shall
not use such Personal Data for any other purpose until such time as the Personal Data is deleted.
(b) Technical Support and Maintenance Services. Where Customer shares genomic data files containing run
sequencing data with Illumina to perform troubleshooting, such files shall be deleted within thirty (30) working
days from the date the technical issue which was being attempted to solve is reported as closed by Illumina.
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SCHEDULE 2: List of Sub-processors
Cloud Services and Technical Support and Maintenance Services
List of sub-processors for Cloud Services and Technical Support and Maintenance Services can be found here
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SCHEDULE 3: Technical and Organizational Measures
Illumina has established and maintains technical and organizational measures (TOMS”) designed to maintain the
confidentiality, integrity, and availability of Customer Data within the Products, and to prevent access, intrusion,
alteration or other interference by any unauthorized third parties of the same, that are compliant with (i) the
requirements of this TOMS; (ii) applicable laws and regulations; and (iii) industry best practices.
Except as otherwise allowed in the Agreement, Illumina shall use Customer Data on behalf of, or to provide Services
to, Customer solely and exclusively for the purposes authorized by Customer in order to perform pursuant to the
Agreement and only for Customer’s benefit. Illumina shall not de-identify (pursuant to all applicable legal
requirements) Customer Data unless required to do so as part of the Services or as otherwise permitted by Customer.
1. Definitions.
(a) Customer Data” means all proprietary or other non-public information related to the business of
Customer, including but not limited to all Personal Data received by Illumina in any tangible or intangible
form that relates to or personally identifies any Customer employee, patient, agent, consumer, end user,
or representative.
(b) Products” means any and all tangible items provided by Illumina to Customer under the Agreement. In
addition, and where applicable, “Products” shall include all hosted, platform, or cloud services furnished
by Illumina to Customer.
(c) Security Incidentmeans the successful unauthorized access, use, disclosure, modification, or destruction
of information within Illumina’s system involving Customer Data; provided, however, Illumina shall not be
required to report pings and other broadcast attacks on Illumina’s firewall, port scans, unsuccessful log-on
attempts, denial of service attacks, and any combination of the above, so long as no such incident results
in the defeat or circumvention of any security control, or in the unauthorized access, use or disclosure of
Customer Data.
(d) Services means any services for or on behalf of Customer performed by Illumina in connection with the
Agreement, including, but not limited to professional services, training, development, support,
maintenance, and any other services.
2. Information Security.
(a) Information Security Policy. Illumina has enacted, implemented, and adheres to a written internal
information security policy (“ISP”) that addresses the roles and responsibilities of its personnel and agents
(the “Workforce”) who have access to Customer Data or the Products. Illumina’s ISP accurately reflects
the laws, regulations, operational procedures, industry standards, and systems security configurations
implemented, and is appropriate for Illumina’s size and type of business, the Services, the types of Products
produced or sold by Illumina, and the cumulative volume and nature of the data that Illumina may store,
access, or transmit.
(b) The ISP shall address the following:
i. administrative, technical, and physical safeguards to protect the confidentiality and integrity of all
Customer Data within the Products;
ii. controls used with regard to identification, authorization, availability, assurance, and audit;
iii. maintaining and updating the ISP in accordance with industry standard practices; and
iv.roles and responsibilities of Workforce members
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v. education and awareness
vi. Security Incident responses
vii. auditing and reporting
viii. infrastructure information security
ix. access controls based on the principle of least privilege
x. authorization controls based on the principle of need to know
xi. encryption of information in transit and at rest
xii. physical access
xiii. asset classification and related controls.
(c) Risk Assessment. Illumina’s ISP identifies and assesses reasonably foreseeable internal and external risks
to the confidentiality, integrity and availability of Customer Data within the Products. Identification of
material threats and vulnerabilities shall be addressed with effective security controls within a reasonable
period of time after the completion of the assessment.
(d) Access by Individuals. Illumina shall limit access to Customer Data to Illumina’s Workforce who need access
to Customer Data for purposes of performing the Services. Illumina shall implement role-based access
controls designed to permit user access to Customer Data which are necessary to accomplish assigned tasks
on behalf of Customer.
i. Each user who has access to Customer Data and systems and equipment that host Customer Data
(“User”) shall have a unique identifier.
ii. Users shall be authenticated by one of the following methods: unique token, card key, biometric
reader, or individual password. Users shall be advised that their unique identifier and
authentication tool (e.g. password) shall not be shared with others.
iii. Where password authentication is employed to authenticate Users, Illumina shall:
1. prohibit guest accounts;
2. instruct Users not to write down passwords or store them on hard copy or locally on
3. periodically review User accounts and inactivate them when access is no longer required;
4. implement inactivity time-outs, where technically feasible, for User devices that access
Customer Data; and
5. implement automatic logoffs for Illumina systems and equipment that process Customer
iv. Illumina shall implement policies and procedures that state that Users are only permitted access
to Customer Data they have a business need to access.
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(e) Computing and Network Infrastructure Controls.
i. Network Isolation. If Illumina hosts applications which store or process Customer Data:
1. Network segments containing Internet-accessible services shall be isolated from internal
2. Network segments where Customer Data resides shall be physically or logically isolated
from segments containing other data.
3. Network segments shall be protected by a firewall. A change control system shall be in
place for changes made to firewall rule sets or other network infrastructure such as routers
and switches.
ii. Intrusion Detection and Prevention. Illumina shall employ risk-appropriate security measures,
such as network intrusion detection systems and intrusion prevention systems, to protect
telecommunications systems and any networked computer systems or devices that store,
process, transmit Customer Data. Illumina shall actively monitor network intrusion detection and
intrusion prevention systems.
(f) Disposal of Files, Media, or Products Containing Customer Data. Illumina shall destroy files, media, or
Products containing Customer Data in accordance with its ISP and industry standards.
(g) External Access.
i. Internet. Illumina shall protect its network architecture in accordance with industry standard
architecture, tools, and practices. This includes industry standard security for any DMZ, proxy
server, and internet connections. Internet access and communication to or from the internet shall
occur through an actively managed internet firewall service.
ii. Remote Access. If any member of Illumina’s Workforce has or shall have remote access to
Customer Data, Illumina shall adopt and maintain systems and procedures to secure such
connections and transmissions prior to granting remote access, including the use of secure
technologies employing multi-factor authentication, authorization and encryption, as applicable.
iii. Devices. Illumina shall limit access to Customer Data solely to Illumina owned and/or managed
devices. The access, transmission, use, storage and processing of Customer Data in not permitted
on any device other than Illumina owned and/or managed devices.
iv. Wireless Devices. Illumina will encrypt wireless network data transmission and authentication of
wireless devices containing Customer Data to Illumina’s network. Illumina shall employ industry
standard wireless encryption protocols in accordance with its ISP.
(h) Software Controls on Illumina’s Equipment, Systems and Media.
i. Illumina shall employ up-to-date and commercially available virus, anti-malware, and other
commercially reasonable system security agents (i.e. whitelisting) protection on its equipment
and systems, and such protection systems shall include real-time or periodic scans for viruses.
ii. Illumina shall apply security patches to any Illumina equipment and systems that address the
confidentiality, integrity, or availability of Customer Data as soon as practicable after they are
released, taking into account the criticality of the security patches.
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(i) Security Training and Enforcement.
i. Workforce who shall have access to the Customer Data or the Products shall receive regular
training and instruction regarding security policy and proper security practices in accordance with
industry standard practices.
ii. Illumina shall have a process in place for Workforce to report instances of noncompliance with
the ISP.
iii. Illumina shall implement technical features or controls to record Security Incidents. Illumina shall
investigate and resolve incidents where unauthorized access and attempts are verified.
(j) Monitoring and Logging. Illumina network and systems that process Customer Data have the capability to
produce system and security logs in accordance with industry standards.
(k) Data at Rest. Illumina shall encrypt all Customer Data at rest using methods and algorithms consistent with
current National Institute of Science and Technology (NIST) standards.
(l) Limited Data Collection. Illumina shall limit the amount of Customer Data collected (or that may be
accessed) to that reasonably necessary to accomplish the legitimate purpose for which it is accessed or
collected. Illumina shall limit the time Customer Data is retained to that reasonably necessary to accomplish
such purpose and comply with applicable laws.
(m) Return or Destruction. Upon completion of the functions performed on behalf of Customer and upon
written request by Customer, Illumina agrees to, and shall, immediately destroy, or upon Customer’s
written request, return all Customer Data to Customer, except to the extent it is commercially
unreasonable to return and/or destroy such Customer Data. Such return or destruction of Customer Data
shall include all originals; however, Illumina may retain copies stored on disaster recovery or other archival
systems in accordance with its retention requirements or as otherwise required by applicable laws. If
requested by Customer to destroy Customer Data, Illumina shall provide a written attestation to Customer
that such Customer Data has been destroyed. If the return or destruction of some or all such Customer
Data is commercially unreasonable, Illumina shall (i) retain only that Customer Data which is commercially
unreasonable to destroy (ii) return to Customer or destroy the remaining Customer Data that Illumina still
maintains in any form; (iii) continue to extend the protections of this Security Agreement and the Data
Privacy Agreements to the Customer Data for as long as Illumina retains the Customer Data; and (iv) limit
further uses and disclosures of such Customer Data to only those purposes that make return or destruction
of the Customer Data commercially unreasonable which applied prior to termination.
(n) Business Continuity Management. Illumina shall conduct a business impact analysis for the Products to
prioritize their criticality and recovery in order that critical services and data are recoverable in a timely
fashion following any business interruption.
(o) Illumina shall document and maintain technical recovery and business resumption plans for the continuity
of critical services in the event of an interruption.
(p) Security Incident Procedures.
i. Illumina will notify Customer, in writing, of any verified Security Incident of which Illumina
becomes aware as soon as practicable.
ii. If a Security Incident caused by Illumina or its agents or subcontractors requires notification to an
individual under any law or regulation, Customer will have sole control over the timing, content,
and method of notification with respect to the Customer Data, and Illumina will promptly
reimburse Customer for reasonable costs and expenses incurred as a result of the breach, subject
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to the limitations on liability in the Agreement. Illumina will mitigate, to the extent practicable,
any harmful effect that is known to Illumina of an unauthorized use or disclosure of Customer
Data by Illumina or its subcontractors in violation of the requirements of this TOMS, the
Agreement, or applicable law.
3. Communication Systems and Access to Information. During the term of the applicable Agreement, Illumina may
receive access to Customer’s systems. Such systems are intended for legitimate business use related to
Customer’s business. Illumina acknowledges that Illumina does not have any expectation of privacy as between
Illumina and Customer in the use of or access to Customer’s Systems and that access by Illumina to Customer’s
systems is subject to Customer’s scrutiny, use and disclosure, in Customer’s discretion. Customer reserves the
right, for business purposes, to monitor, review, audit, intercept, access, archive and/or disclose materials
received by or from, or stored in any of the Customer Systems. This includes, without limitation, email
communications sent by users across the internet and intranet from and to any domain name owned or operated
by Customer. Illumina further agrees that it will use appropriate security, such as, for example, encryption and
passwords, to protect Customer Data from unauthorized disclosure (internally or externally) when accessing
Customer’s systems.
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SCHEDULE 4: International Data Transfers
1. Definitions. For the purposes of this Schedule 4, the following definitions shall apply:
FADP” means the Swiss Federal Act on Data Protection of 19 June 1992 (SR 235.1).
FDPIC” means the Swiss Federal Data Protection and Information Commissioner.
GDPR” means Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and the Council of 27 April 2016
on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free
movement of such data, and repealing Directive 95/46/EC (General Data Protection Regulation).
SCCsmeans the Controller-Processor (Module 2) or the Processor-Processor (Module 3) of Standard
Contractual Clauses published by the European Commission, as applicable.
UK Addendum” means template Addendum B.1.0 issued by the Information Commissioner's Office
and laid before Parliament in accordance with s119A of the Data Protection Act 2018 on 2 February
2022, as it is revised under Section 18 of those Mandatory Clauses.
2. European Economic Area. Where Customer transfers Personal Data that is subject to the GDPR to Illumina,
and Illumina is located in a country that does not ensure an adequate level of protection within the meaning
of the GDPR, the SCCs shall apply as follows:
The SCCs shall be incorporated into this DPA by reference and be considered duly executed between
Customer and Illumina upon entering into force of this DPA.
Clause 7 (docking clauseoptional) shall not apply.
Option 2 (general authorization) under Clause 9(a) (use of sub-processors) of the SCCs shall apply and
“[Specify time period]” shall be replaced with “ten (10) days”.
The option under Clause 11 (redress) shall not apply.
For the purposes of Clause 13(a) (supervision) of the SCCs, the Data Exporter shall be considered as
established in an EU Member State.
Option 1 under Clause 17 (governing law) of the SCCs shall apply, and the governing law shall be the law
of the Netherlands.
Any disputes arising from the SCCs shall be resolved by courts of the Netherlands (Clause 18 (choice of
forum and jurisdiction)).
For the purposes of Annex I.A, Customer and Illumina can be contacted as set out in Schedule 1 of this
DPA. The activities relevant to the transfer under the SCCs relate to the reception and provision of the
Services under the Agreement, as applicable.
Annex I.B to the SCCs shall be interpreted in accordance with the descriptions in this DPA, including in
Schedules 1 and 2 of this DPA.
The Dutch Data Protection Authority (Autoriteit Persoonsgegevens) shall be the competent Supervisory
Authority for the purposes of Annex I.C to the SCCs.
Annex II to the SCCs shall be interpreted in accordance with Schedule 3 of this DPA.
3. Switzerland. Where Customer transfers Personal Data that is subject to the GDPR and the FADP to Illumina,
and Illumina is located in a country that does not ensure an adequate level of protection within the meaning
of those Data Protection Laws, the following additional provisions to the SCCs shall apply in order for the SCCs
to be suitable for ensuring an adequate level of protection for such transfer in accordance with Article 6
paragraph 2 letter a FADP:
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The FDPIC shall be the competent Supervisory Authority insofar as the data transfer is governed by the
The law of the Netherlands shall be the governing law.
The courts of the Netherlands shall be the choice of forum (Clause 18), but this shall not exclude
individuals in Switzerland from the possibility of bringing a claim in their place of habitual residence in
Switzerland, in accordance with Clause 18(c) of the SCCs.
The SCCs protect the data of legal entities in Switzerland until the entry into force of the revised FADP.
4. United Kingdom. Where Customer transfers Personal Data that is subject to the Data Protection Laws of the
United Kingdom to Illumina, and Illumina is located in a country that does not ensure an adequate level of
protection within the meaning of those Data Protection Laws, Customer and Illumina agree to the terms of
Part 2: Mandatory Clauses of the UK Addendum. The information included in Part 1 of the UK Addendum is as
set out in the Schedules of this DPA. Either Customer or Illumina may end the UK Addendum as set out in
Section 19 of the UK Addendum.