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under the Building and Construction Industry Security
of Payment Act 1999 (NSW), but Probuild rejected the
claim in its payment schedule on the basis that it was
entitled to liquidated damages of $1,089,900 from
Shade. An adjudicator awarded $277,755 to Shade and
rejected Probuild’s liquidated damages claim.
Probuild challenged the decision in the NSW Supreme
Court, and was successful on its alternative argument
that although there was no jurisdictional error, the
decision should be quashed by the Court because
the rejection of the liquidated damages claim involved
an error of law on the face of the record. The Court
held that the adjudicator had wrongly assumed that
the onus was on Probuild to demonstrate that Shade
was at fault for the failure to achieve practical comple-
tion on time.
The decision is significant because it potentially
opens the door to greater judicial scrutiny of adjudica-
tion decisions, which may result in less certainty and
more disputes for the industry.
However, it is important to note that the position is not
yet settled—the decision is controversial given previ-
ous case law, and Shade has brought an appeal which
is due to be heard in December 2016. In a decision
staying the original costs order in favour of Probuild
During the second half of 2016, a number of high-
profile cases across Australia have offered significant
insights to stakeholders in the construction and min-
ing industries. Below we review several of the key ones.
New South Wales
Case: Probuild Constructions (Aust) Pty Ltd v Shade
Systems Pty Ltd [2016] NSWSC 77
The scope for challenging an adjudicator’s decision in
New South Wales may have expanded.
Earlier this year, a single judge of the New South Wales
(“NSW”) Supreme Court held that the Court has juris-
diction to review an adjudication for any error of law on
the face of the record. This represented a significant
expansion of the grounds on which a court can review
an adjudication, which was previously limited to the
confined notion of jurisdictional error (including non-
compliance with the essential elements of the legisla-
tion, such as invalidity of the payment claim).
The decision concerned a contract between Shade
Systems (Shade”) and Probuild Constructions
(“Probuild)” under which Shade agreed to supply and
install external louvers to the facade of an apartment
complex. Shade issued a payment claim for $324,334
Projects Disputes in Australia: Recent Cases
Jones Day Commentary
pending the outcome of the appeal, the Court recognised
the “public importance” of the issue and held that Shade has
reasonable prospects of reversing the decision in its appeal,
so a decision by the NSW Court of Appeal will bring welcome
clarity to the industry.
High Court of Australia
Case: Paciocco v ANZ [2016] HCA 28
High Court clarification on the penalties doctrine, which has
important implications for the enforcement of liquidated
damages clauses.
By way of reminder, this dispute concerned the question of
whether late payment fees charged by a bank (ANZ), consti-
tuted a penalty, but has been cause for wider interest given
the impact on the penalties doctrine across a range of indus-
tries, including in the context of liquidated damages clauses
in construction contracts and disputes.
The Federal Court had originally held that the late payment
fees were impermissible as penalties, on the basis that they
were extravagant and unconscionable when compared to the
actual loss suffered by the bank. On appeal, the Full Federal
Court overturned that decision, and the High Court has now
agreed with the Full Federal Court.
The High Court decision confirms that a payment on default
or breach of contract will only be a penalty if it is “out of all
proportion to the interest of the party which the provision
seeks to protect”. This is a high bar. More importantly, the
High Court has clarified that this must take into account the
totality of the party’s interests and is not confined to losses or
expenses directly caused by the breach.
Within the construction industry, the decision will also make
it harder to argue that a liquidated damages clause for delay
on a project is a penalty. This is because, particularly on large
projects, delay can have a large number of indirect impacts
which principals can point to as part of the legitimate inter-
ests to be protected by a liquidated damages clause under
the test confirmed by the High Court. This can be the case
whether the assessment of that legitimate interest is one of
the damages actually suffered upon a particular delay, or a
prospective estimate of the damages made prior to com-
mencement of the project. However, it is perhaps even easier
to do so on a prospective basis when there may be additional
factors that represent realistic commercial risks even if many
of them may not actually come to pass in the event of a par-
ticular delay.
Case: SSC Plenty Road Pty Ltd v Construction Engineering
(Aust) Pty Ltd [2016] VSCA 119
Mediation is not a “method of resolving disputes” for the pur-
pose of Security of Payment legislation.
The Victorian Court of Appeal was recently asked to consider
the validity of a determination by an adjudicator appointed
under the Building and Construction Industry Security of
Payment Act 2002 (Vic) (“Victorian Act”).
In calculating a progress payment due under the construc-
tion contract (the contract”), the adjudicator took into account
variations” to the contract pursuant to s10A of the Victorian
Act. That section permits variations to be taken into account
in certain circumstances, including: (i) where the contract sum
does not exceed $5.0 million; or (ii) where the contract sum
exceeds $5.0 million, but the contract “does not provide a
method of resolving disputes under the contract. The dispute
resolution process under the contract required the parties’
representatives to meet to try to resolve the dispute, and, if
unsuccessful, to attend mediation. If the mediation was unsuc
cessful, the parties were entitled to pursue their rights at law.
The adjudicator considered that the contract did not provide
for a dispute resolution method and thus took into account the
variations in determining the amount of the progress payment.
The principal challenged the adjudicator’s determination in
the Victorian Supreme Court, arguing that the contractual
requirement of mediation constituted a “method of resolving
disputes”. such that the adjudicator was not entitled to con-
sider variations pursuant to s10A of the Victorian Act.
At first instance and on appeal, the adjudicator’s decision
was upheld. The Court of Appeal held that the purpose of
s10A is to ensure that parties have available a means of finally
Jones Day Commentary
determining an entitlement to a progress payment, rather
than a mere forum to address the controversies between
them. Accordingly, mediation is not a “method of resolving
disputes” for the purposes of s 10A(3)(d)(ii) of the Victorian Act
because it does not ensure a final resolution.
A second issue before the Court was whether the adjudica-
tor was bound to adopt the value of work determined by the
superintendent (under powers conferred by the contract).
The Court held that the role of the adjudicator is entirely stat-
utory, not contractual, so the adjudicator’s valuation was not
constrained by the terms of the contract. Requiring the adju-
dicator to simply adopt the price of the superintendent would
be inconsistent with the adjudicator’s statutory obligation to
independently assess the value of the progress payment.
The case helpfully demonstrates that if contractors wish to
avoid adjudicating disputed variations under the Victorian Act,
they must ensure the contract includes a dispute resolution
process capable of ensuring a final determination. While the
process may include mediation (as many such provisions com
monly do), there must be further steps that ensure a resolution
(other than legal proceedings) in the event mediation is unsuc
cessful (for example, a binding third party determination).
Western Australia
Case: Ralmana Pty Ltd v BGC Contracting Pty Ltd [2016]
WASC 131
When claiming an EOT or delay costs in legal proceedings, a
party must plead and prove the satisfaction of any conditions
precedent, including notice provisions.
The Western Australian Supreme Court considered an appli-
cation to strike out claims in respect of an Extension of Time
(“EOT”) and associated delay costs, on the ground that the
claimant had not pleaded satisfaction of a notice require-
ment that applied to EOTs under the relevant contract.
BGC Contracting (“BGC”) subcontracted Ralmana Pty Ltd
(“Ralmana”) to carry out excavation and filling of earthworks
for rail embankments, roads and associated works for the
purpose of building the roads and rail for the Roy Hill Project.
The subcontract required that in order to claim an EOT,
Ralmana was required to request an EOT from BGC’s desig-
nated representative under the subcontract.
Ralmana commenced proceedings against BGC claiming
$33 million for delay costs (including due to access and site
problems). Ralmana’s claim did not positively plead satisfac-
tion of the requirement to first request an EOT from BGC’s
designated representative. BGC sought to strike out the
claim on that basis. In response, Ralmana argued that any
non-satisfaction with the requirement was a matter to be
raised and proved by BGC, and that in the absence of it doing
so, the Court should assume satisfaction of the requirement.
The Court rejected Ralmana’s argument and struck out the
EOT claims accordingly. It held that satisfaction of a condi-
tion precedent for the claim for a liquidated sum (including
an EOT), such as a notice provision, is a matter which must be
positively pleaded and proved by a claimant. To do otherwise
would in effect ignore the express provisions of the contract.
When claiming an EOT or delay costs in legal proceedings,
a party will need to establish the satisfaction of any contrac-
tual conditions precedent to making the claim. This makes
it important that contractors comply with any notice require-
ments or other preconditions for any time or money claims,
and maintain records of doing so in order to support any sub-
sequent proceedings should a dispute arise.
Case: Armour Energy Limited v AEGP Australia Pty Ltd [2016]
QSC 153
Interpretation of a condition precedent in an exploration farm-
out agreement highlights the importance of clear drafting.
The Queensland Supreme Court considered the proper
interpretation of a farm-out agreement (“Agreement”) in
which Armour Energy Limited (“Armour”) agreed to sell a 75
per cent interest in petroleum exploration permits to AEGP
Australia Pty Ltd (“AEGP”). Armour sought specific perfor-
mance of the Agreement. In determining the application, the
key question was whether a condition precedent had been
satisfied. It required execution of a Deed of Assignment and
Assumption (“DOAA”) by Armour, AEGP, the Northern Land
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Council (“Council”) and the Native Title Parties, for the pur-
pose of assigning the rights and obligations owed to the rel-
evant Native Title Parties under the exploration permits.
Instead of the DOAA, the Council executed a Deed of Covenant
(“Deed”) in respect of each existing Native Title Agreement.
Armour argued that execution of the Deed satisfied the condi
tion precedent because it had the effect of obtaining the con-
sent of the Native Title Parties to a novation and assignment
of the exploration permits to AEGP, by the Council acting on
behalf of the Native Title Parties (as their legal representative).
Conversely, AEGP argued that, for the condition precedent to
be satisfied, each Native Title Party had to execute the DOAA
in the form annexed to the Agreement.
There was clearly a degree of ambiguity in the drafting of
the relevant clause. Further, the draft DOAA annexed to the
Agreement failed to identify the names of the Native Title
Parties. Nonetheless, the Court was able to resolve this by
finding that the terms of each Native Title Agreement were
incorporated by reference into the Agreement. The Court held
that, viewed objectively, in the context of the Agreement as a
whole, the clause did not require strict execution of the DOAA
by each Native Title Party. Instead, the Deed simply had to be
substantially in the form of the draft DOAA (which it was). As
each Native Title Agreement had been novated, the execu
tion of each Deed by the Council was sufficient to bind the
assignee (AEGP) to the rights and obligations under the explo
ration permits. As the condition precedent was satisfied, the
Court ordered that the Agreement be specifically performed.
As well as providing a timely reminder of the importance of clear
and unambiguous drafting when setting conditions precedent
in mining contracts, this case demonstrates that the native title
consequences when assigning rights to rural land (in particu
lar mining permits) are not mere formalities. The specific rights
and obligations to the native title stakeholders should always
be clarified when buying and selling such interests. This will
help ensure that the relevant conditions precedent can be eas
ily satisfied so that there are no unintended consequences and
no difficulties in enforcing the agreement in the future.
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