Dacula High School Softball
Head Coach Tracy Keefer
Assistant Coach Kristin Croteau
Kristin_Cro[email protected]2.ga.us
Before any student is authorized to engage in a practice or in a game, he/she must among other requirements,
complete the following:
Insurance Policy - Each student must be covered either by the school approved accident insurance policy or by
a family policy. A waiver form signed by the parents stating that the student is adequately covered by accident
insurance with equal policies must be on file in the local athletic director's office before the student should be
allowed to participate. The wavier is a part of the Physical Form.
Medical History and Warning Form - A Medical History and Warning form should be sent home and signed
by the parents stating that they give permission for their child to participate in each sport and authorizing each
head coach to act on behalf of the student in case of emergency. This is a part of the Physical Form.
Physical Examination - Each student must have a physical examination prior to being allowed to participate in
a sport. Physicals are good for one calendar year.
PHYSICALS FOR SOFTBALL DUE: Prior to attending any Tryout. Physical must be on file to
participate !!!
Attendance - No student will be permitted to practice or participate in athletic activities on a school day if they
have not attended at least one-half of the day (three periods--exceptions must be approved by local
administration). Athletic activities must not be allowed to interfere with the regular school day.
In-School Suspension - No student will be permitted to practice or participate in athletic activities on a school
day if they have served in-school suspension.
Please Note - A student gains or loses scholastic eligibility on the first school day of each semester except for
the beginning of fall semester when eligibility shall be declared at the time the student has passed five or six
courses the preceding semester.
G.H.S.A. Eligibility – ALL students entering 9
grade are automatically eligible for fall season sports.
Year Students in HS 5
Year Students in HS 11
Year Students in HS 17
Gwinnett County Public Schools
Athletic and Extracurricular Participation
Code of Conduct
Participation in interscholastic competitions and any other extracurricular program is a privilege extended to the
students by the Board of Education. Students participating in extracurricular activities act as representatives of
Gwinnett County Public Schools (GCPS). All students are expected to conduct themselves in such a manner
as to meet the highest standards of GCPS at all times.
The Code of Conduct is designed to establish high expectations and standards for all participating students. All
students, parents, coaches, and sponsors understand that the top priority is academic achievement. The Code
of Conduct establishes high expectations regarding behavior and consistent consequences when violations
The Code of Conduct goes into effect on the first day a student joins a GCPS high school athletic team, any
other competitive group or extracurricular program. The Code remains in effect for the entire school year.
The offenses and consequences listed below are in addition to (not in lieu of) any school or criminal
consequences associated with the student misconduct.
All consequences listed in this Code of Conduct are minimum standards. The coach/sponsor has the discretion
to set consequences over and above the minimum standards.
Violation A: Students given Long-Term (exceeding ten days) Suspension (With or without GIVE option)
Consequence: Ineligible to attend or participate in any athletic or extracurricular
activity during time of suspension
Violation B: Arrest for, or charged with the commission of any act that is a felony or would constitute a
felony if committed by an adult.
(regardless of location or time of the alleged act; in or out of school)
Consequence: 1. Immediate suspension from all participation until such time as:
a. School officials determine that the student did not commit the act(s) or other felony conduct; or
b. Local prosecutors dismiss or drop all pending charges and
petitions; or
c. The student pleads guilty to a misdemeanor charge, in which case
refer to Violation D listed in this Code; or
d. The student is convicted and sentenced to a felony or is adjudicated delinquent in the Juvenile
Court of conduct which if committed by an adult could be charged as a felony and serves any
and all portions of the sentence including all periods of probation.
For the following violations (C, D and E), the school administration must have valid evidence and/or verification of the
violation as defined in the following:
1. Self-admitted involvement by the student
2. Witnessed student involvement by the sponsor, coach , or any staff member
3. Parent admission of their student’s involvement in tobacco, alcohol or other drugs
4. Verified by official police report given to the school
5. Evidence of violations through investigation by school officials
If the offense occurs at school or on school property (at any time), off school grounds, at a school-sponsored
activity, function, or event or en route to and from school, the student will be subject to the actions described
in the Student Conduct Behavior Code (Policy JCD) and the following consequences for extracurricular
Violation C: Tobacco (any type)
Consequence: 1
Offense - Consequence determined by approved local school athletic /
extracurricular policy
Offense - Suspension from athletic/extracurricular competition for a
minimum of 10% of the remainder of the season
Offense - Dismissed from team/activity but allowed to try out for
subsequent athletic/extracurricular activities after that
sport/activity has completed its season
Violation D: Alcohol/Other Drugs (Possession and/or Use)/Misdemeanor Criminal
Law Violations
Consequences: Coach/Sponsor and Administrator will meet with the student and
parent(s) or guardian.
Offense Consequence determined by approved local school athletic/
extracurricular policy
Offense - Suspension from athletic/extracurricular competition for a
minimum of 20% of the remainder of the season
Offense – Suspension from all athletic/extracurricular activities for
the remainder of the school year
Violation E: Violations of school rules that result in ISS or OSS
Consequences: In-School Suspension - Participation may resume when student is released from ISS.
Student cannot participate on the day s/he is released from ISS.
Out-of-School Suspension (Short Term not exceeding 10 days) Participation may resume after suspension is serve
Policy JDD
Violation F: Hazing
Consequences: Coach/Sponsor and Administrator will meet with the student and parent(s) or
Offense - Suspension from any athletic/extracurricular activity for a
minimum of 10% of the remainder of the season.
Offense -Suspension from all athletic/extracurricular activities for
remainder of school year
Lady Falcon Softball Policies
Dacula High School softball is a demanding activity that requires commitment of time,
energy, and responsibility. Being a member of this program brings with it responsibilities both
on and off the field
1. Academics
You are a student first, athlete second. Grades must come first! Decline in grades may result in
loss of playing time or dismissal from the program.
2. Attendance at all team-related activities such as practices, games, meetings, bus trips, fund-raisers, etc.
is mandatory. Everyone plays an important role on our team and therefore it is critical that you be at
EVERY practice and Team function.
You will be on time to practice and in practice attire (Dacula).
Practice is EVERYDAY after school 2:45pm-5:30 (Time is subject to change)
You are required to call, email, or text a coach prior to practice or game with an explanation as to
why you are not going to be attending
Players are responsible for communicating an absence or tardiness to their coach. Contact must
be made by PLAYERS not parents or other team members. Excessive absences or tardies will
have consequences.
You must bring a doctor’s note or teacher’s not if you will be late or absent. Doctor’s
appointments should be made around the softball schedule, not during games or practices, if
Attend all home games (JV players must attend Varsity HOME games)
No player is guaranteed to play. This is a High School team…not a recreational youth league
where all the players must play in a game. Players must earn their positions by their practice and
game performances.
3. Discipline will be invoked and administrated according to school, team, county, and state guidelines and
Gwinnett County “Code of Conduct” will take precedence over Dacula Lady Falcon Conduct
We will not tolerate lying, cheating, stealing, skipping practice, smoking, alcohol, drugs,
disruption in classroom, community or team.
Players are expected to represent the program with class and to conduct themselves as
young ladies on the field, at school, and in the community, in and out of season.
Social Networking
Student-athletes are not restricted from using any online social network sites and digital
platforms; however, users must understand that any content they make public via online
social networks or digital platforms is expected to follow acceptable social behaviors
under DHS general softball rules and also to comply with Gwinnett County Code of
Conduct, and the Gwinnett County Student Handbook for students. As a Dacula student
athlete, you must be aware of Student Handbook regulations. Ignorance or these
regulations do not excuse student athletes from adhering to them.
Things Student athletes should avoid:
Derogatory language or remarks about teammates or coaches; other Dacula
student athletes, teachers, or coaches; student athletes, coaches, athletics
administrators or representatives of other schools.
Condescending statements about or threats to any third party
Incriminating photos or statements depicting violence; hazing; sexual
harassment; vandalism; underage drinking or using tobacco or controlled
substances; or any other inappropriate behaviors.
Creating a serious danger to the safety of another person or making a credible
threat or serious physical or emotional injury to another person.
4. Participation
All players must attend Try-outs
All players are expected to participate in all summer activities (any individual that has
conflicts with school softball activities, the Player must address these with Coach Keefer
to be excused from participation.
Only those girls whose ORIGINAL (at start of season) travel ball team, qualifies for an
ASA-A, Gold, USSSA “A” National, or PGF Premier level Nationals may be allowed to
miss high school practices
Coach Keefer must be notified in advance that the player will be attending one of the two
mentioned National Tournaments.
Dacula Falcon softball must come as priority to all other softball or extra curricular activities
during the season.
Players may not practice or try-out with any other team UNTIL the High School Season
is over. (AUGUST 1
Oct ?) When eliminated
5. Financials & Fundraising. The Dacula High School Softball Program is a self- supporting entity. This
means we have to raise our own funds in order to have a successful program. The funds are needed to
purchase uniforms, equipment, umpires, field maintenance, and travel expenses to participate in
a. Each family is Expected to Join the Diamond Club and pay dues
i. Club dues are $400.00 per year. Due on 7/27/2017
1. Membership and Voting Rights
2. BBQ Tickets (see fundraising page for details)
3. Pre Game Meals
4. Player Package
a. Uniform pants, 3 pairs of uniform socks, practice gear
(2 t-shirts & 1 shorts), sweatshirt, and Senior T-shirt
iii. Player will not receive player packs until Dues are Paid
iv. Player will not participate in games, pictures, etc until dues are paid
All players and AT Least 1 parent are Expected to participate in
ALL fundraising activities
The funds are needed to purchase uniforms, equipment, umpires, field maintenance, and travel expenses
to participate in tournaments.
b. Each player will be obligated to raise at least $800
i. Additional fundraising plus dues Totaling $800.00 per player
ii. Must be raised by scheduled date 9/12/2017
iii. Players whose balances are NOT settled will not be eligible for
1. Varsity Letter
2. Any Dacula, County, or State Awards
3. Seniors unable to attend senior dinner
4. JV players may not be eligible to participate with Varsity in Post Season
5. Must pay for banquet meal
6. Unpaid balances must be settled prior to next year’s tryouts
Fundraising Dates
Tuesday May 9
Booster Club Meeting 7PM
Thursday July 27
Booster Club Meeting
Booster Club Dues are DUE ($400)
Golf Teams are Due (Must be submitted online)
Hole Signs, Raffle Prizes , Fence Signs are Due
Friday August 4
Meet the team cookout 6:30pm
Saturday August 5
Golf Tournament
Wednesday September 6
Any additional BBQ tickets Money Due
Saturday September 9
BBQ/Car Wash/ Yard Sale
Monday September 12
Final Account Balances are Due
Falcon Fall Classic (1
Weekend after Halloween)
Player Agreement
I, ___________________________, have read and agree to the terms, and conditions so stated
in the Lady Falcon Softball Polices, I hold no one else responsible for my softball career but
myself, I am ultimately responsible for being at practice, games, and other events on time with
the right equipment. I understand that being a Lady Falcon Softball player means that I am a
part of a well-respected program. I will represent Dacula Softball in an honorable manner, both
on and off the softball field. I agree to all of the softball rules and agree to make Dacula
Softball my priority over other non-academic activities during the softball season.
___________________________________ ______________
Student Signature Date
Parent/Guardian Agreement
I, _________________________, have read and understand the standard to which my daughter
is expected to adhere, so stated in the Lady Falcon Softball Policies.
I will do my best to support my child in their participation of Dacula Softball
I understand that each and every player’s presence is necessary in order for the team to
perform at its highest level
I will help my child learn the right lessons from winning and losing and from individual
accomplishments and mistakes
I will respect the coaching staff and I will not coach from the sidelines
I will respect the game officials and umpires
I will refrain from using abusive behavior or foul language.
________________________________________ _____________
Parent/Guardian Signature Date
The Diamond Club
Our Purpose
To support, encourage, and advance Dacula Softball and the coaching staff by:
Cultivating clean wholesome spirits
Promoting good sportsmanship
Develop high ideas of character
Promote projects to raise funds to improve and maintain the program and facilities
Maintain the up-keep of our facilities
Diamond Club Officers:
President: Brian Ballew
Vice President:
Treasurer: Melissa Lord
Secretary :
Special Officer:
Committee Chairs: (Pending Update)
Webmaster : TBA
Building, Grounds, Maintenance:
Falcon Nest:
Senior Night: Senior Parents
Banquet: Senior Parents
Concession: Every Parent
We are a self-sufficient Program
*The program relies on the help of ALL Players and Parents for:
1. Workdays (maintain Complex)
Bring your mowers, blowers, yard equipment to work on the field to maintain
2. Fundraising (to raise Money)
Fundraising pays for:
Facility improvements & maintenance
Budget Expenses
Staff Support
Parents are EXPECTED to:
Join a committee
Concession stand duty
Support all Fundraising activities
Attend Workdays at the field
ALL players and a 1 parent representing each Player are required
to participate in ALL fundraising and other activities
Tuesday May 9
Booster Club Meeting 7PM
Workouts Wednesdays
Workouts Monday-Thursday
July 31-August 4
Thursday July 27
Booster Club Meeting
Booster Club Dues are DUE ($400)
Golf Teams are Due (Must complete online form)
Vacation Raffle tickets due
Hole Signs, Raffle Prizes , Fence Signs are Due
Friday August 4
Meet the team cookout 6:30pm
Saturday August 5
Golf Tournament
Wednesday September 6
Any additional BBQ tickets Money Due
Saturday September 9
BBQ/Car Wash/ Yard Sale
Tuesday September 12
Final Account Balances are Due
Falcon Fall Classic
Go to the Web page to stay informed on latest information and to print additional forms need for fundraising.
Softball Budget
Banquet/Awards $2300
o Meal (Catering)
o Trophies/Plaques
o Senior Gifts
o Decorations
Equipment $5500
o Uniforms
o Balls
o Gear
o Instructional Tools
Staff Support $10,900
o Uniforms
o Clinics
o Discretionary Funds
o Gifts
o Coaching supplements
Falcons Nest $1550
o Meals (pregame/Sr Dinner)
o Sr. Night (cake, Blue & Gold helium Balloons, Flowers)
o College Signing (cake)
Tournament Expenses $1000
o Fees
Maintenance $1800
o Field
o Fieldhouse/Complex
Club Membership Dues $1310
o Parent Booster
o State of Georgia Incorporation
o Gwinnett County Diamond Club
o GA Dugout Club
Miscellaneous $500
o Banking Checks
o PO Box
o Website
o Fundraising Expenses
o Player Celebrations
o New Player Locker Plaques
TOTALS $24,860
Dacula High School Softball Fundraising
Total Per Player $800 Per Year
$400.00 Diamond Club Dues DUE: 7/27/2017
Dues Include:
Parent Membership with Voting Rights
Player Receives a player packet: (PLAYER KEEPS)
o White uniform game pants
o 2 pair of game socks
o 1 pair of shorts
o 2 T-shirts
o 1 Sweat shirt (Hoody)
o Senior T-shirt (if applies)
15 Pre-sold BBQ tickets
Mandatory Fundraiser
Player Credit
Due Dates
Golf Team (4 Players)
Required by EACH
$400 $200 July 27
Vacation Raffle $50 $25 July 27
BBQ/Car Wash $150 September 6
Falcon Fall Classic
2 Shifts (1
$100 November 1
Additional Fundraisers
Any combination of fundraisers to credit player account.
Additional Golfer
July 27
Hole Signs
July 27
Corporate Sponsor
July 27
Fence Signs (1 Year)
July 27
Fence Sign (Renewal)
July 27
Fence Sign (2 Year)
July 27
BBQ Tickets
September 6
Vacation Raffle
July 27
Falcon Fall Classic Shifts
November 1-5
Mail Out Letter
All $ Goes to Account