Dacula Middle School
We are R.E.A.L. Falcons!
Respectful! Engaged! Accountable! Leaders!
Student Agenda 2019-2020
Leadership Team
Mrs. Kimberly Bussey, Principal
Mr. Blake Baldwin, Assistant Principal
Mrs. Tasha Baumgardner, Assistant Principal
Mrs. Charisse Deramus, Assistant Principal
Mrs. Bonnie Mondesir, Assistant Principal
Name ______________________________________ Grade ________
City ___________________ Zip ___________ Phone __________________
Homeroom Teacher _________________________
Bus Route # __________ Car Rider AM ________ Car Rider PM ________
The Falcon Agenda is one necessary tool between school and home used at DMS to communicate both
behavior and academic performance. The first Falcon Agenda book is provided to students at no cost.
If a student needs to replace his/her agenda due to loss or destruction, he/she will be charged $10 for a
My student and I have read and discussed the information contained in this agenda book.
_________________________________ ____________________________________
Parent or Guardian Signature Student Signature
137 Dacula Road
Dacula, Georgia 30019
770-963-1110 (Main Office)
770-338-4632 (Fax)
Dacula Middle School will become a world-
class school that provides a safe and
nurturing environment where students
acquire the knowledge, skills, behaviors, and
beliefs to be successful in college and
careers in a diverse society.
The mission of Dacula Middle School is to
develop each student into a highly literate
critical thinker who can effectively collaborate,
problem solve, and communicate his or her
learning as evidenced by measured growth.
We will:
model, teach, and expect behavior which
promotes honesty, integrity,
responsibility, and respect.
provide a safe and secure learning
demonstrate a commitment to
continuous improvement.
engage in professional learning on n
ongoing basis.
actively seek to understand our diverse
challenge each student academically to
achieve his/her full potential.
utilize effective teaching strategies based
on best practices to provide students
with motivating and challenging
collaborate with our colleagues to
enhance teaching and learning.
utilize differentiated instruction to
address the various learning styles and
abilities of students.
communicate with parents on a regular
We will:
arrive to class on time
pay attention in class.
remain on task.
demonstrate good behavior and not interfere
with the learning of other students.
demonstrate good social skills and give
encouragement when needed.
communicate with our parents and teachers.
be prepared and use good study skills.
be respectful of other students’ learning styles.
respect the diversity at DMS and treat others as
We will:
model and teach our children to show support
and respect for all teachers, administrators and
support our children by instilling good study
habits, proper nutrition, and regular sleeping
show that we are interested in what our children
are doing by making time to be involved with
school activities and programs.
support our children by making sure they attend
school daily.
communicate regularly with our children’s
support our children by reinforcing homework
skills and providing assistance as needed.
reinforce the importance of reading at home by
reading with our children and discussing the
material read.
Dacula Middle School does not discriminate on the
basis of race, color, national origin, sex, handicap, or
age in programs, activities, or employment practices.
Please contact the school’s Title IX Coordinator, Mrs.
Kimberly Bussey, if you have a complaint about the
manner in which you are being treated.
Dacula Middle School wishes to meet the needs
of all our students and families. If any member
of your family needs assistance or has any
questions regarding mobility impaired issues or
handicapped access, please contact the school
@ 770.963.1110.
Regular school attendance is essential for a
quality education. Time missed from class
results in loss of valuable educational
experiences. Make 100% attendance
your goal for this year. We want students
at school every day.
In case of a necessary absence from school,
a student must bring a written excuse from
a parent or guardian stating the reason for
the absence. A student must be present at
least half of the school day to participate in
extracurricular/after school activities. In
order for a student to be marked present,
he/she must be in class by 12:45 pm and
must not check out prior to 12:45 pm. A
student’s absence may be considered
unexcused if a parent’s note is not received
within 3 days of returning to school.
The State Board of Education defines the
following as excused absences:
1. Personal illness
2. Death in the student’s immediate family
3. Recognized religious holidays observed
by your faith
4. Absence mandated by governmental
5. Incidents where attendance would be
6. Service as Page in the Georgia General
Assembly student is counted present for
the day
Early Arrival: Students are not to be on
school grounds before 8:55 AM unless
attending a supervised activity. Students
arriving early MUST have a signed pass by
a teacher giving them permission to go to a
teacher’s classroom prior to 9:00 AM. If
students arrive at school prior to 9:00
AM, they must be dropped off at the cafeteria
ONLY by using the bus lanes located off Auburn
Avenue. No student drop off is permitted in the
front of the school prior to 9:00 AM. Students
arriving before 9:00 AM will remain in the
Early Checkout: Missing instructional time is
detrimental to a student’s performance. Parents are
urged to make dental, medical, and other
appointments for students before or after school
hours. If it becomes necessary for a student to check
out during the day, parents must sign student(s) out in
the front office. Office personnel will then call
student(s) from class. Parents will be required to
show picture identification in order to check out
their children. There will be no check-outs or
transportation changes after 3:30 PM. Students
must have parent or guardian permission before early
check out will be permitted. The staff cannot accept
telephone authorizations to change transportation
arrangements for students. Changes in transportation
can only be accepted by email or fax that includes a
picture id. We must have personal contact to verify
that the request is from the parent.
Tardies to school: Students are required to be in
homeroom by 9:20 AM. Students who arrive later are
considered tardy and must obtain a pass to class from
front office staff. If a student has four unexcused
tardies in one six week period, he/she may receive
an administrative intervention. Excused tardies
include: illness, doctor’s appointments, or late buses.
Tardies to class: Students should arrive to all classes
in a timely manner. Tardies will count towards student
consequences on the team discipline plan. Excessive
class tardies may result in administrative intervention.
Students are expected to ride the assigned bus and to
get off at the assigned stop. If a student is going to ride
a different bus home, then a note must be given to the
child’s first academic teacher upon arrival on the day
of the emergency. Time must be allowed for phone
verification by school personnel. Drivers will not
allow students to ride an unassigned bus or to get
off at a different stop without written parental and
administrative approval.
Students not abiding by the rules and regulations of the
School Bus Transportation Department will be subject
to administrative intervention. Each bus driver
has complete charge of the students riding the
bus. Failure to comply with bus rules will result
in a bus referral.
offense: 1 day bus suspension
offense: 3 day bus suspension
offense: 5 day bus suspension
Students annually receive instruction in safe
riding procedures. Bus drivers read the Bus
Guidelines and Safety Procedures beginning the
first day of school. Monthly reviews are issued
to enhance the safety of children being
We strongly encourage you to have your child
ride the bus both to and from school; however,
if that is not an option and your child will be a
car rider, please abide by the following
Use the student drop off and pick up area
located in front of the media center.
Student arrival does not begin until 8:55
am. Students must remain in the car until
staff members are on duty and signal for
students to be released.
There are directional signs and staff
members located in the car rider lane to
assist parents and supervise students.
Do not pick up or drop off students in the
bus lane area or in the front of the school
during regular operating hours.
During afternoon dismissal, parents are
asked to turn off car engines while waiting
on students.
Students who are car riders need to be
picked up at 3:55 PM.
Parents must provide transportation for before
or after school activities. The school provides
no transportation for before or after school club
meetings and practices. Please make
arrangements for your student(s) to be
picked up on time. Students should be picked
up within 15 minutes of the end of all activities.
Failure to pick up a student on time may
result in loss of future after school activity
Students who are suspended either out of school or
in school may not attend any extracurricular
activity on day(s) of suspension.
The Gwinnett County Board of Education permits
students to have in their possession a cell phone or
other electronic devices (eReaders, Netbooks, laptop,
tablets, etc.). This equipment may be used on school
district grounds as long as it is being used for teaching
and learning purposes and school-authorized activities.
These devices are not to be used during the school day
for personal communication. Devices should be turned
off during school hours unless otherwise directed by
staff. Dacula Middle School and GCPS are not
responsible for any maintenance, damage, theft,
usage or usage charges, or loss of this non-school
district equipment. Students using these devices are
responsible for the maintenance, care, and protection of
their personal equipment that they choose to bring to
school. Students should use school provided phones
with teacher permission in order to call home for
emergencies. However, if a student is not feeling well,
he/she should report to the clinic to call home. Parents
should not expect students to check cell phones for
messages or receive phone calls during the school
day. Use of electronic devices without school
authorization may result in disciplinary consequences.
A clinic worker is available in the clinic each day to
help with any serious medical problems that might
arise. Teachers will use discretion in permitting visits
to the clinic. A student may not remain in the clinic for
an extended period of time. If a student becomes too ill
to remain in class, the clinic will attempt to contact a
parent/guardian to pick the student up from school.
Students should not attend school if they have had a
fever over 100
within 24 hours of school or have
thrown up within 12 hours of school.
Whenever possible, medications should be
administered at home. Students may not carry any
medications on their person. In an effort to better
ensure the safety of students, all medications
(prescription AND non-prescription) must be delivered
to the school by the parent or guardian only. In
addition, medications must be accompanied by the
GCPS “Administration of Medication Request” form
completed by the parent. Medications must be in the
original, childproof container. Prescription
medications must be in the labeled
prescription bottle. Any medication not
picked up by the parent will be turned over to
the SRO for discarding one day after the last
day of the year for students.
Gwinnett County Student Conduct Policy
Statement (CODE JCD)
Please carefully read the Gwinnett County
Student Conduct Behavior Code (Policy JCD)
located in your GCPS Student/Parent
Handbook. A student in violation of the
Gwinnett County Student Conduct Behavior
Code will receive disciplinary action. All
parties involved in fights are subject to the
following consequences regardless of who
started the fight. First offense is a minimum
of 3 days of suspension. Additional
consequences may be issued, depending on the
circumstances related to the fight (i.e. weapons,
severe injuries, etc.). Students who instigate a
fight or encourage others to fight are also
subject to receive administrative
Dacula Middle School will continue the
Positive Behaviors and Interventions (PBIS)
approach to student behavior. Teachers will
manage their classrooms under the guidelines
of the school-wide behavior management plan
in an effort to assist students in monitoring their
own behavior thus encouraging them to make
appropriate decisions and demonstrate self-
control in their actions and words. The DMS
staff believes that behavior management is a
learning process and that middle school
students need consistent and continuous
feedback. The Falcon Agenda is one tool
between school and home used at DMS to
communicate both behavior and academic
performance. The first Falcon Agenda book is
provided to students at no cost. The Falcon
Agenda book is school property and students
are expected to treat it as such. If a student
needs to replace his/her agenda due to loss or
destruction, he/she will be charged $10.00
for a replacement agenda.
With successful implementation of the Dacula
Middle School Behavior Plan, it is the desire of the
DMS staff to intervene and assist students in correcting
their behavior before making a referral to an
administrator. Students are expected to follow all
classroom, school, and district rules. Should a student
choose not to follow the rules, the Dacula Middle
School Discipline Plan will be implemented.
Dacula Middle School follows a Positive Behaviors
and Interventions (PBIS) approach to student behavior.
Teachers will manage their classrooms under the
guidelines of the school-wide behavior management
plan in an effort to assist students in monitoring their
own behavior thus encouraging them to make
appropriate decisions and demonstrate self-control in
their actions and words. The DMS staff believes that
behavior management is a learning process and that
middle school students need consistent feedback and
explicit instruction regarding the behavior expectations
of DMS.
With successful implementation of the Dacula Middle
School Behavior Plan, it is the desire of the DMS staff
to intervene and assist students in correcting their
behavior before making a referral to an administrator.
Students are expected to follow all classroom, school,
and district rules. Should a student choose not to follow
the rules, the Dacula Middle School Discipline Plan
will be implemented. All rule violations fall into one
of the following categories; Classroom-Level, Minor,
and Major.
The DMS Discipline plan for Level 1- Classroom
infractions allow teachers, at their discretion, to assign
the following consequences to students who do not
meet the behavior expectation; Warning, Student
conference with action plan, Silent lunch, AM
detention, or PM detention. Examples of behaviors
displayed at this level include, but are not limited to:
Interrupting Instruction/Teacher, Off task behavior,
Not following directions, Constant Talking,
Unauthorized use of cell phones, etc.
The DMS Discipline Plan for Level 2 infractions
follows a progressive “step plan” in which
consequences continue to increase in
severity. Examples of behaviors displayed at this level
include, but are not limited to, Arguing/Talking Back,
Cheating, Leaving class without permission, Chronic
violations of Classroom-Level infractions, etc.
Level 2 Consequences:
STEP 1: Silent Lunch
STEP 2: AM Detention
STEP 3: PM Detention
STEP 4: On-Team Isolation and
Parent/Teacher Conference
STEP 5: Saturday School
STEP 6: Administrative Conference
*For each step listed above, a parent/guardian
will be contacted.
The DMS Discipline Plan for Level 3
infractions are handled with an administrative
referral. Examples of behaviors displayed at
this level include, but are not limited to:
Aggressive Behavior/Fighting,
Harassment/Bullying, Profanity toward a
teacher/student, Chronic violations of Level 2
infractions, etc.
Dacula Middle School acknowledges that good
grooming and personal attire positively affect
student achievement and conduct. Dacula
Middle’s dress code is designed to reduce the
likelihood of distraction or disruption and to
maintain an academic focus in the classroom
and on campus. Students will be expected to
observe modes of dress, styles of hair, and
personal grooming that support the “First
Comes Learning” atmosphere at Dacula Middle
If in the judgment of an administrator or a
member of the staff a student is dressed
inappropriately, the parent will be called to
bring the student appropriate clothing. A record
of dress code violations will be kept and
consequences assigned for repeat violations of
the DMS Dress Code.
1. Shirts/Blouses/Tops/T-shirts
Blouses/shirts should be constructed so the
tops of the shoulders are covered (no halter
tops, spaghetti straps, tank tops, tube tops,
or bare shoulder tops of any type will be
allowed). Blouses/shirts that expose any
portion of the waist, hips, or midriff are not
allowed. All shirts or blouses should either
be collared or have a non-revealing (no
cleavage) neckline. **Other blouses/shirts
that are not appropriate for school include, but are
not limited to, lowcut, see through, backless, or
tube tops. Clothing with rips or holes above the
knee will not be allowed. Should pants have holes
at or below the knee, leggings must be worn
underneath the pants. Boys are not to wear
sleeveless shirts. Shirts may not be longer than 12
inches above the knee, approximately to the first
knuckle of the thumb. If shirts are beyond this
length, students will have to tuck the shirt in their
pants, shorts, or skirts.
2. Clothing shall fit appropriately. Pants and shorts
must be worn fitted at the waist at all times and are
not to be so large that the crotch sags revealing
underwear or drags on the ground/floor. Belts
should be worn with all pants with belt loops.
Athletic spandex, stretch pants, leggings of any
length are not permitted by themselves. A shirt or
sweater that extends below the index finger when
the arm is stretched out by the side must be worn
over spandex, stretch pants, and/or leggings.
3. Headgear- Headgear is prohibited. This includes,
but is not limited to caps, hats, hoods, doo-rags,
bandanas, wave caps, sweatbands, headbands,
sunglasses, or any other head covering. No combs,
rakes, curlers or picks can be worn in the hair
(exceptions based on religious beliefs).
4. No student clothing shall display words or symbols
that advocate or depict violence, drugs, alcohol,
sex, racial slurs, demonic pictures or writing,
illegal gang affiliation or other illegal activity
expressed or implied. Clothing with student writing
on it should not be worn.
5. Shorts, skirts, and dresses should reach below the
fingertips when arms are placed to the side of the
body with relaxed fingertips.
6. Shoes- Health regulations and safety factors
require that shoes be worn at all times at school
(bedroom shoes, flip-flops, beachwear, heelies or
athletic sandals are not permitted.)
7. No pajamas, sleepwear, or blanket of any kind are
allowed to be worn/brought to school.
8. Hair shall be clean and neatly groomed. Any form
of hairstyle or makeup which is considered
contrary to good hygiene or which is distracting or
disruptive to the educational process will not be
permitted. As styles change, so may restrictions.
9. Heavy winter coats are not to be worn during the
day. Those are to be left in homeroom. No heavy
winter coats are to be worn after Spring Break.
10. Students may not wear trench coats or other
long coats that resemble the style of a
trench coat to school.
11. Jewelry or accessories that may be used as
weapons are not allowed to be worn at
school. This includes, but is not limited to,
wallet chains, mouth grills, jewelry such as
spiked rings, spiked bracelets, two or three
finger rings that are joined and bulky
chains worn around the neck or waist.
Sharp objects that could pose a danger,
such as spikes or safety pins, are not
allowed on clothing or book bags.
12. The following clothing or symbols have
been identified by the Gwinnett County
Police Gang Taskforce as being commonly
identified with gangs. Administrators will
consider overall indicators to assess the
appropriateness of the student’s attire. We
are looking for patterns of behavior and
dress and not necessarily individual
Wearing the following could result in a dress
code violation:
a. Gang related attire includes
but is not limited to the following: long
bulky chains and necklaces, large
oversized pendants, gang-styled belt
buckles, bandanas, altering clothing
from its original form to change the
names and/or intended marking on the
clothing, sweatbands and/or
headbands, and draping articles of
clothing, towels, or other objects out of
pants pockets or over the shoulder or
neck area, extra-long belts with excess
hanging loosely, and suspender(s)
worn off the shoulder.
b. Wearing clothes in an
asymmetrical pattern such as rolling up
one pant leg, wearing a dominant color
every day of the week, jerseys (other
than community recreation league
jerseys) with the numbers 8, 13, 14, or
88 (or any other numbers that have
been deemed as gang related by the
Gang Taskforce).
Any article of clothing, including footwear,
perceived to be a threat or safety hazard to the
student or the school community, will not be allowed.
Students may bring water in a clear container from
home to have during class. Colored drinks are not
allowed in the classrooms. Juice boxes are allowed in
the cafeteria during lunch only.
Flowers and balloons will not be delivered to students
nor should students bring them to school. They are a
disruption in class, in the hallway, and cannot be
transported on a school bus. Anything delivered to the
school will be kept in the front office. Parents may pick
them up at this location.
Parents/Guardians are welcome to come to school and
have lunch with their child on his/her birthday. Please
sign in at the front office prior to going to the Falcon
Cafe. Birthday parties are not permitted.
To ensure safety and security at Dacula Middle, all
visitors MUST report directly to the main office to
sign in. Once the visitor has shown proper ID, he/she
will be issued a badge to wear while on school
premises. Before leaving campus, visitors are asked to
sign out. Parents are invited to visit the school
regularly and to be involved in all school activities.
Parents who wish to visit the classroom may
request approval 24 hours in advance via the
appropriate grade level administrator.
Cafeteria visitation is permitted with proper registration
via the front office staff. Parents are permitted to visit
with their child in a designated area of the cafeteria
during the child’s scheduled lunch period. Parents must
give written approval for any non-staff member other
than themselves to visit with their child in the cafeteria
prior to any visitation.
No visitor may park along the curb in the front of
the school. Violators are subject to ticketing/towing.
Inclement weather conditions may cause the school to
be closed. School closings are determined by the
Gwinnett County Public Schools Central office staff
and not by the DMS staff. Announcements of
closings will be broadcast via local news media
(television and radio stations). The basic
premise to observe is that school is open or
will remain open unless specifically
announced otherwise.
Eligibility for participation in any extra-
curricular activity will be based on grades
earned during the semester prior to the activity.
Criteria to participate will include academic,
conduct, and effort grades. A student must
maintain satisfactory grades in all three areas in
order to represent Dacula Middle School as a
participant in extra-curricular activities. It is the
student’s responsibility to know the
requirements for the various activities and
organizations. A list of clubs and organizations
can be found on the Dacula Middle School
webpage at
The Gwinnett County Board of Education has
adopted the following grading scale:
A = 90-100 B = 80-89 C = 74-79
D = 70-73 U = Below 70
Students are expected to earn their grades on
homework, classwork, and assessments based
on their own performance. Cheating is strictly
prohibited and will result in disciplinary
Progress reports will be issued every six weeks
of the semester. A semester grade report will
be issued at the end of each semester. The
student is responsible for making all progress
reports available to his or her parents. The
grade report envelopes are to be signed by the
parents or guardian and returned to school
within five (5) school days. Grades can be
accessed real time via the GCPS parent portal
and the student’s My eCLASS.
Students and parents should log into My
eCLASS to check course content calendars
and to access the latest information
regarding homework, class activities,
upcoming assessment dates, and current
grades. Through homework, students have the
opportunity for enrichment, extension, and/or
remediation of instructional goals and the
opportunity for practice of basic skills.
Students will be given two days for each day
missed to make-up work. It is the student’s
responsibility to ask the teacher for any missed
assignments. When it is necessary for a student to
be absent from school, he/she should log on to My
eCLASS and obtain assignments posted on the
course content pages.
It is essential for parents, administrators, and
teachers to work together cooperatively. Parents
may write or email a child’s teacher or
administrator requesting a conference or may call
the school and ask the teacher to call to set-up an
appointment. Parents wishing to visit the
classroom may request approval 24 hours in
advance via the grade level administrator.
In October and February, GCPS middle schools
have early release days to provide time for teachers
to meet with parents.
Students who have injured themselves and cannot
walk up the stairs should request an elevator pass
via the school receptionist. Each pass is only valid
for time prescribed by the students’ doctor.
Students should provide a note from their doctor
indicating injury and length of time that they will
need to use the elevator. Students will be assigned
a same gender Falcon escort by their homeroom
teacher. Students are not permitted to ride the
elevator without their assigned Falcon escort.
The school phones are for business purposes.
Phones are available to students only for
emergency purposes. Emergencies do not
include forgotten homework, projects, lunch
money, or participation in after school
Urgent telephone messages from a parent or
guardian will be delivered to the student by an
office representative after the degree of
emergency has been determined.
Students will not be called out of class
to receive phone calls.
The mission of the Dacula Middle
School Cafeteria is to pursue the
education of nutrition and show the
significance of how important nutrition
is to the children of our community.
All lunches are planned using a Food-
Based Menu Planning Approach and
contain 5 food components-Fruits,
Vegetables, Grains, Meat/Meat
Alternate, and Milk. A reimbursable
meal contains 3 of the 5 components at
a minimum and a 5 of the 5 components
at a maximum. A reimbursable meal
also contains at least one serving of the
fruit or vegetable component. We have
a federal lunch program that offers free
or reduced price meals for children from
families that meet eligibility
requirements. Application forms can be
obtained from the lunchroom manager.
Because the media center is an important
resource that is used by the entire school,
it is necessary that all users are aware of
the rules for using the resources in the
media center.
Media center hours: 8:30 AM to 4:00
Always come to the media center with a
clear purpose, such as finding an
enjoyable book to read, finding answers
to questions, or doing research. Since
others are also in the media center with
goals to accomplish, it is not the place to
visit with friends.
When using online sources, be sure to
abide by the Acceptable Use Policy for
GCPS. This policy states that students
are to be responsible users of the
internet. Use sites that are appropriate
for acquiring school-related information.
The first place to find information is the
subscription databases provide by the county.
Google is not a first choice. Personal email is
not to be checked on DMS computers.
If coming to the media center on a pass, please
sign in when arriving and sign out when leaving.
If a book is removed from the shelf and not
checked out, please return the book to its proper
Books may be checked out at the circulation
desk. The student must have a teacher pass if not
coming with the entire class in order to check
out a book. Student books are checked out for 2
weeks. If a book is needed after this time, come
to the media center to renew the book. The book
must be with you in order to renew it.
Reference books (encyclopedias and other books
located in the reference section) may not be
checked out. These books are identified with an
R or REF on the spine.
Students cannot check out books for other
School projects may be printed in the Media
Center at no charge.
Counseling services are available to all students. Our
counseling program, designed to be preventative and
developmental, includes classroom guidance
activities, small group counseling, individual
counseling sessions, and crisis counseling. Counselors
help students adjust to the demands and
responsibilities of middle school, prepare for high
school and the world of work, and learn to resolve
conflicts with others. They encourage students to set
academic goals, develop good study and work habits,
and learn to make responsible decisions.
Counselors help parents understand the student’s
abilities, academic progress, and social, emotional,
and educational needs. They also work with parents
and students on communicating more effectively.
School counselors are not able to work with
individual students on a weekly basis but are
available to meet with students upon request from
the student, parent, teacher, or administrator. If a
parent chooses to exclude their child from any
counseling activity, the counselor must have that
request in the form of a letter.