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Wstaw czasowniki w nawiasie w odpowiednim czasie Present Perfect lub Present
Perfect Continuous.
1. Can you hear the engine running? Steve …................ (finally/repair) his car!
2. ….................. (you/ever/play) polo, Mark?
3. Look, the sun is shining. It …..................(stop) raining.
4. We need to go shopping. How many people …................... (you/invite) to the party?
5. He is a renowned film-maker. He …...................... (make) films since 1967.
6. You ….................. (study) Maths for hours now. Take a break!
7. Look at her hair! What …................... (she/do) to her hair?
8. Please give me a moment, I ….................... (just/arrive)
9. I can’t find my car keys. …........................ (you/see) them?
10. The company …................................... (work) on that secret formula for years now.
11. ………………………… (you/ever/sleep) tent?
12. They ……………………… (live) abroad for many years and are having a wonderful time.
13. We ……………………… (not/swim) in a pool since we were little.
14. The boys ………………………… (play) basketball since morning! Tell them to come in now!
15. They aren’t here. They ………………………… (just/leave).
16. Ben and I ………………………… (be) friends for ten years.
17. I ………………………… (never/visit) Edinburgh Castle.
18. We ……………………… (not/see) each other for ages.
19. I ………………………… (cook) all morning! I’m exhausted!
20. …………………………….. (you/finish) your work yet?
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Przetłumacz zdania używając Present Perfect lub Present Perfect Continuous.
1. Ja nigdy nie uczyłem się francuskiego. Chciałbym iść na kurs.
2. Uczyłem się angielskiego cały dzień. Mam tego dość.
3. Czytała książkę przez dwie godziny i do tej pory przeczytała pół.
4. Czy kiedykolwiek grałeś w siatkówkę?
5. Ile razy byłeś w Polsce?
6. Jak długo pracujesz? Może powinieneś zrobić sobie przerwę.
7. On robił ten projekt przez dwa dni ale jeszcze go nie skończył.
8. Umyłem trzy okna dzisiaj i wreszcie mogę zobaczyć bloki naprzeciwko.
9. Jesteś cały spocony. Czy ty biegałeś?
10. Oni mieli dwa wypadki samochodowe, więc teraz jeżdżą ostrożniej.
11. Podróżuje od trzech tygodni i odwiedziłem trzy kraje do tej pory.
12. Nie podjąłem jeszcze decyzji. Potrzebuję więcej czasu.
13. Będziesz gruby! Jesz słodycze cały dzień.
14. On wypił cały sok. Butelka jest pusta.
15. Robię kanapki od dwóch godzin. Mam dosyć!
16. Spójrz na jej makijaż! Co ona zrobiła?
17. Właśnie upiekłam ciasto. Częstuj się.
18. Ona tańczy od 8 rano. Musi być wykończona.
19. Ten mężczyzna stoi na przystanku od dwudziestu minut. Musimy mu powiedzieć, że autobus
właśnie odjechał.
20. Jane śpi od 20. Obudź ją!
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1. has finally repaired
2. have you ever played
3. has stopped
4. have you invited
5. has been making
6. have been studying
7. has she done
8. have just arrived
9. have you seen
10. has been working
11. have you ever slept
12. have been living
13. haven’t swum/haven’t been swimming
14. have been playing
15. have just left
16. have been
17. have never visited
18. haven’t seen
19. have been cooking
20. have you finished
1. I have never learned French. I would like to go for a course.
2. I have been learning English all day. I have enough.
3. She has been reading a book for two hours and she has read half of it so far.
4. Have you ever played volleyball?
5. How many times have you been to Poland?
6. How long have you been working? Maybe you should take a break.
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7. He has been doing this project for two days but he hasn’t finished it yet.
8. I have washed three windows today and finally I can see blocks opposite.
9. You are all sweaty. Have you been running?
10. They have had two car accidents so now they drive more carefully.
11. I have been travelling for three weeks and I have visited three countries so far.
12. I haven’t made a decision yet. I need more time.
13. You will be fat! You have been eating sweets all day!
14. He has drunk whole juice. The bottle is empty.
15. I have been making sanwiches for two hours. I have enough!
16. Look at her make up! What has she done?
17. I have just baked a cake. Help yourself.
18. She has been dancing since eight in the morning. She must be exhausted.
19. This man has been standing on the bus for twenty minutes. We have to tell him that the bus has
already left.
20. Jane has been sleeping since eight. Wake her up!