JULY 1, 2013
Prospectus Page - 1 -
Cummins Inc. ("Company") sponsors the Cummins Retirement and Savings Plan for Non-Bargaining
Employees ("Plan") for the benefit of eligible employees of the Company and its subsidiaries. The Company
has filed a registration statement on Form S-8 with the Securities and Exchange Commission ("SEC") to
register interests in the Plan and 500,000 shares of the Company's common stock to be issued pursuant to the
Plan and the Cummins Retirement and Savings Plan for Non-Bargaining Employees. This document, together
with the Summary Plan Description provided to you, as amended from time to time, ("Summary"), are the
Prospectus for the Plan, as in effect on July 1, 2013. This Prospectus is part of the registration statement.
This Prospectus includes a general description of how the Plan works. The rules and governmental regulations
that apply to the Plan are very complicated. Because this Prospectus is a general summary of a complicated
legal plan document, it does not explain every possible situation that could arise under the Plan. If there are any
differences between the information in this Prospectus and the formal Plan document, the Plan document will
be followed.
The Company files annual, quarterly, and current reports; proxy statements; and other information with the
SEC. You may read and copy any document that we file at the Public Reference Room of the SEC at 100 F
Street, N.E., Washington, D.C. 20549. You may obtain information on the operation of the Public Reference
Room by calling the SEC at 1-800-SEC-0330. In addition, the SEC maintains an Internet site at, from which you can electronically access the registration statement on Form S-8, of which
this Prospectus forms a part, including the exhibits to the registration statement.
Certain contributions may be initially invested in the Company stock fund, however, you can find information
about investment alternatives in the Summary.
The Company's common stock is traded on the New York Stock Exchange under the symbol "CMI".
The SEC allows us to incorporate information by reference into this Prospectus, which means that we can
disclose important information to you by referring you to another document filed separately with the SEC. The
information incorporated by reference is deemed to be part of this Prospectus, unless superseded by information
in this Prospectus. The following documents are incorporated by reference:
The Company's Annual Report on Form 10-K for the year ended December 31, 2010;
The Plan's Annual Report on Form 11-K for the fiscal year ended December 31, 2009;
The Company's Current Report on Form 8-K dated February 10, 2011; and
The description of the Company's common stock contained in the Registration Statement on Form 8-A
filed with the SEC on March 7, 2011.
We also incorporate by reference all documents filed by the Company and the Plan under Sections 13(a), 13(c),
14, or 15(d) of the Securities Exchange Act after March 7, 2011 and prior to such time as the Company files a
post-effective amendment to its Registration Statement which indicates that all securities offered hereby have
been sold or which deregisters all securities then remaining unsold shall be deemed to be incorporated by
reference in the Registration Statement and to be a part thereof from the date of filing of such documents.
Prospectus Page - 2 -
If the Company files a document with the SEC pursuant to this paragraph containing information that changes
or supersedes any information in a document previously incorporated into the Prospectus by reference, the
changed or superseding information shall be deemed incorporated herein.
You may request a copy of any filings referred to above (excluding exhibits), at no cost, by contacting us in
writing or by telephone at the following address:
Cummins Inc.
Attn: Mark J. Sifferlen
Vice President Ethics and Compliance and Corporate
Cummins Inc.
1800 One American Square
Indianapolis, IN 46282
July 1, 2013
INTRODUCTION ............................................................................................................. 1
DEFINED TERMS ........................................................................................................... 1
PARTICIPATION ............................................................................................................ 2
When Participation Begins ........................................................................................... 2
When Participation Ends ............................................................................................. 2
Reemployment and Change in Employment Status .................................................... 2
CONTRIBUTIONS AND ALLOCATIONS ....................................................................... 2
Types of Contributions ................................................................................................. 2
Participant Accounts .................................................................................................... 2
Automatic Contribution Arrangement ........................................................................... 2
Before-Tax Contributions ............................................................................................. 3
Before-Tax Contribution Limits .................................................................................... 3
Catch-Up Contributions ............................................................................................... 3
After-Tax Contributions ................................................................................................ 4
Contribution Elections .................................................................................................. 4
Rollover Contributions ................................................................................................. 4
Matching Contributions ................................................................................................ 4
Retiree Medical Contributions ...................................................................................... 5
Limitations on Total Contributions................................................................................ 5
Allocation of Gains and Losses ................................................................................... 5
Administrative Fees ..................................................................................................... 5
INVESTMENTS ............................................................................................................... 5
How Your Accounts Are Invested ................................................................................ 5
Information About Investment Funds ........................................................................... 6
Making or Changing Investment Elections ................................................................... 6
Importance of Diversification ....................................................................................... 6
VESTING ........................................................................................................................ 7
General Provisions ...................................................................................................... 7
Distribution of Benefits After Your Termination of Employment ................................... 7
Distribution of Benefits After Your Death ..................................................................... 7
Designation of Beneficiary ........................................................................................... 7
Forms of Payment ....................................................................................................... 8
Benefit Elections .......................................................................................................... 8
IN-SERVICE WITHDRAWALS ....................................................................................... 8
Hardship Withdrawals .................................................................................................. 8
Non-Hardship Withdrawals Before Age 59½ ............................................................... 9
Non-Hardship Withdrawals After Age 59½ .................................................................. 9
Distribution of Dividends on Cummins Stock ............................................................. 10
Nelson Profit Sharing Withdrawals ............................................................................ 10
Tax Consequences of In-Service Withdrawals .......................................................... 10
TAX WITHHOLDING AND TAX-FREE ROLLOVERS .................................................. 10
Tax Consequences of Distributions ........................................................................... 10
Distributions That Can Be Rolled Over ...................................................................... 10
Federal Income Tax Withholding ............................................................................... 10
PLAN LOANS ............................................................................................................... 11
Loan Repayments...................................................................................................... 11
Impact of Leaves of Absence .................................................................................... 11
Acceleration of Repayment Obligations ..................................................................... 11
Events of Default ....................................................................................................... 11
Consequences of Default .......................................................................................... 11
INFORMATION REGARDING CUMMINS STOCK....................................................... 12
Voting of Cummins Stock .......................................................................................... 12
Tender Offers ............................................................................................................ 12
CLAIMS PROCEDURES .............................................................................................. 12
Filing a Claim ............................................................................................................. 12
Denial of Claim .......................................................................................................... 12
Review of Denied Claims ........................................................................................... 12
Notice of Decision on Appeal ..................................................................................... 12
Right to Sue under ERISA ......................................................................................... 13
AMENDMENT AND TERMINATION OF THE PLAN .................................................... 13
Non-Assignment of Benefits ...................................................................................... 13
Domestic Relations Orders ........................................................................................ 13
PLAN BENEFITS NOT INSURED BY PBGC ............................................................... 13
MISCELLANEOUS PROVISIONS ................................................................................ 13
Trust Fund ................................................................................................................. 13
The Role of the Administrator .................................................................................... 14
Special Provisions Regarding Veterans ..................................................................... 14
Right of Recovery ...................................................................................................... 14
Limitation of Rights and Obligations .......................................................................... 14
Receipt and Release ................................................................................................. 14
GENERAL INFORMATION .......................................................................................... 14
PARTICIPANT RIGHTS AND PROTECTIONS UNDER ERISA .................................. 15
APPENDIX A DEFINED TERMS .................................................................................. 17
Cummins Inc. ("Cummins") has established the
Cummins Retirement and Savings Plan for Non-
Bargaining Employees ("Plan") to help you save for
retirement. This summary describes the principal
provisions of the Plan in effect on July 1, 2013, for
non-bargaining unit eligible employees, except for
the following:
employees at the Jamestown, New York, or
Charleston, South Carolina, facilities who
elected to continue participation in the pre-
cash balance defined benefit plan; and
hourly employees at Cummins Filtration's
Lake Mills, Iowa, facilities.
The benefits for employees in the excluded groups
listed above are described in other summary plan
Although we have tried to keep this summary as
simple as possible, the rules that apply to the Plan are
complicated. If you have questions, the shaded box
below tells you how to get the answers.
If you have a question that is not answered by this
summary, you may obtain information by using any
computer with internet access or by making a toll-
free telephone call.
To obtain information via internet access, you should
visit the Your Benefits Resources
web site at This web
site is your best source for detailed, personal
information about the Plan and your benefits. It is
also the fastest way to make Plan transactions. The
web site is available 24 hours a day, seven days a
You may also obtain information by calling the
Cummins Retirement Benefits Service Center toll-
free at 1-800-682-8788.* This toll-free automated
telephone system may be used to complete some of
the same transactions that you can complete online.
Simply follow the prompts, and the system will guide
you through your transactions. Customer service
associates are generally available from 7 a.m. to 6
p.m., Central Time, Monday through Friday.
The Your Benefits Resources
web site and the
Cummins Retirement Benefits Service Center use
state-of-the-art technology to ensure that only you
have access to your personalized account
information. When you visit the web site for the first
time, you are asked to enter personal information to
identify yourself and create a user identification and
password. You use the same password to access the
web site and the Cummins Retirement Benefits
Service Center. After your first visit, you can also
log on by using your Cummins WWID and password
from the "Active Cummins Employee" link.
*Outside the United States, Puerto Rico, and Canada,
please call 1-847-883-2076 (this is a toll call).
The Plan consists of two parts, a profit sharing plan
with a Section 401(k) feature and an employee stock
ownership plan ("ESOP").
The Plan allows eligible employees to make before-
tax and/or after-tax contributions, and it provides for
the following types of Cummins contributions:
matching contributions, and
retiree medical contributions.
All contributions, whether made by you or Cummins,
are held by the trust for your benefit and are invested
in one or more of the available investment options,
based on your directions.
The Plan is subject to ERISA, which is a federal law
that provides rights and protections for retirement
plan participants. See
on page 15 for more
information about your rights.
This summary describes the way in which the Plan
usually works, but it does not describe every
circumstance that might occur under the Plan. The
official Plan document adopted by Cummins
governs your rights. If there is any conflict between
this summary and the Plan document, the Plan
document will control. You have the right to review
the Plan document or obtain a copy of it upon the
payment of reasonable copying costs. If you wish to
review or receive a copy of the Plan document, you
should write to the administrator at the address
indicated on page 15.
This summary contains defined terms that have
special meanings. You need to know what these
terms mean to understand the summary. Whenever
we use a defined term, it is printed in bold italicized
print (for example, summary). The meanings of
defined terms are found in Appendix A, which begins
on page 17.
When Participation Begins
You become a participant on the date on which you
become an eligible employee. Once you become an
eligible employee, it may take up to two weeks to
update the recordkeeping system so that you can elect
to make contributions. For information on how to
make or change a contribution election, see
When Participation Ends
You cease to be a participant at the time your entire
interest under the Plan has been distributed.
Reemployment and Change in
Employment Status
If your employment status changes so that you are no
longer an eligible employee, but you are still an
employee, you will become a "limited participant."
As a limited participant, you may no longer make
contributions, and you are entitled to share in
Cummins' contributions only to the extent expressly
provided in the Plan.
If you do not again become an eligible employee
before you terminate employment, your accounts
will be distributed as provided under
on page 7. If you again
become an eligible employee, you may resume
making contributions and sharing in Cummins'
Types of Contributions
The Plan provides for the following types of
before-tax contributions,
after-tax contributions,
matching contributions,
retiree medical contributions, and
rollover contributions.
Participant Accounts
The Plan recordkeeper creates separate bookkeeping
accounts in your name to keep a record of your
interest under the Plan attributable to each type of
contribution made on your behalf. These accounts
record contributions, earnings and losses attributable
to contributions, forfeitures, and distributions. You
have the following accounts, if applicable:
before-tax account, which records your
interest attributable to before-tax
contributions, including catch-up
pre-1987 after-tax account, which records
your interest attributable to after-tax
contributions made before 1987;
after-tax account, which records your
interest attributable to after-tax contributions
made after 1986;
matching account, which records your
interest attributable to matching
contributions for plan years before 2008;
safe harbor matching account, which records
your interest attributable to matching
contributions for plan years after 2007;
profit sharing account, which records your
interest attributable to profit sharing
contributions to a predecessor plan and
transferred to this Plan as the result of a
plan merger;
retiree medical account, which records your
interest attributable to retiree medical
contributions; and
rollover account, which records your interest
attributable to rollover contributions.
To the extent that an account is invested in the ESOP
portion, a separate ESOP sub-account is established
for that account (e.g., ESOP safe harbor matching
If you participated in the P
lan at a time when other
types of contributions were made, or if you
previously participated in another plan whose
obligations have been assumed by the Plan, you may
have other types of accounts in addition to those
described above.
Automatic Contribution Arrangement
To make saving easier, the Plan has an automatic
contribution arrangement. Under this arrangement,
an election to contribute or not to contribute must be
made within 60 days of becoming an eligible
employee. If no election is made within 60 days, you
are deemed to have elected to contribute 6% of your
plan compensation as before-tax contributions. Your
deemed election becomes effective on the first
payroll date after the 60-day period ends. See
information on how to make an election and
discussion of before-tax contributions.
Contributions are withheld from your pay each pay
period and contributed to the trust. Unless you have
made another investment election, your contributions
are invested in the Vanguard Target Retirement Fund
with the date that most closely corresponds to your
You may elect to withdraw any automatic
contribution amounts within 90 days after the first
automatic contribution is withheld from your pay.
Your election must be made by telephone as provided
in the shaded box on page 1. The amount of your
withdrawal will be adjusted for investment gains and
Withdrawn automatic contribution amounts are
subject to ordinary income taxes, but they are not
subject to the additional 10% tax that applies to most
distributions before age 59. If you elect to
withdraw automatic contributions as provided in the
preceding paragraph, you are deemed to have elected
not to make before-tax contributions until you make a
new election. Matching contributions related to
withdrawn automatic contributions are forfeited.
Before-Tax Contributions
As an eligible employee, you may elect to have a
specified whole percentage of your plan
compensation withheld from your pay each pay
period and contributed to the trust as a before-tax
contribution. The procedure for electing to make
contributions is described under
on page 4. Your contributions are
subject to the limitations described under
on page 3.
In general, your before-tax contributions are excluded
from income for federal and state income tax
purposes, giving you an immediate tax benefit. Your
contributions are included in your wages for Social
Security and Medicare tax purposes, however.
Your before-tax contributions are contributed to the
trust and allocated to your before-tax account after
they are withheld from your pay.
The following example shows how you might benefit
by making before-tax contributions. You may wish
to consult with an accountant or financial advisor to
determine the impact of making before-tax
contributions on your personal tax situation.
Example: Janice Jones' plan compensation for a
year is $50,000. Her marginal federal income tax
rate is 25%, and her marginal state income tax rate is
3.4%. Janice elects to contribute 10% of her plan
compensation (or $5,000) as before-tax
contributions. By making $5,000 in before-tax
contributions, Janice reduces her federal and state
taxes by $1,420. She may use this amount for further
savings or other expenses. Janice also receives
matching contributions, which further increase her
retirement savings.
By making before-tax contributions, you reduce your
current income taxes. In addition, you will receive
safe harbor matching contributions.
Before-Tax Contribution Limits
Your before-tax contributions are subject to both of
the following limits:
50% of your plan compensation, and
the annual before-tax contribution limit
under the Code ($17,500 for 2013). This
limit is increased from time to time to reflect
increases in the cost of living.
If you exceed either of these limits, the Plan returns
your excess contributions, as required by law. We
will notify you if this occurs.
Your before-tax contributions are subject to a number
of limits. To the extent that your elected before-tax
contributions exceed these limits, they are reduced.
Catch-Up Contributions
You may elect to make additional before-tax
contributions, called "catch-up contributions," for a
plan year, if you are at least age 50 at the end of that
year. The procedure for electing contributions is
described under
page 4. Your catch-up contributions are contributed
to the trust and allocated to your before-tax account
after they are withheld from your pay.
If you have made the maximum regular before-tax
contributions permitted for the year, your elected
catch-up contributions are not subject to the limits on
regular before-tax contributions and other types of
contributions. They are subject to a separate annual
limit ($5,500 for 2013), which is adjusted
periodically to reflect increases in the cost of living.
To the extent that you have not made the maximum
regular before-tax contributions permitted for a year,
your elected catch-up contributions are treated as
regular before-tax contributions, subject to all of the
limits described under
BUTION LIMITS on page 3.
The federal income tax consequences of making
catch-up contributions are generally the same as
those for making regular before-tax contributions.
Catch-up contributions reduce your taxable income
for federal income tax purposes but not for Social
Security and Medicare tax purposes. In most states,
catch-up contributions have the same state tax
consequences as regular before-tax contributions.
Catch-up contributions are subject to a separate
annual limit.
After-Tax Contributions
If you are an eligible employee, you may elect to
have a specified whole percentage of your plan
compensation per pay period withheld from your pay
and contributed to the trust as an after-tax
contribution. The procedure for electing to have
after-tax contributions withheld from your pay and
contributed to the trust is described under
addition, you may make a lump sum after-tax
contribution in November, to the extent that you have
not exceeded the limit on such contributions for the
year, by sending a check to the Plan recordkeeper.
Your after-tax contributions are contributed to the
trust and allocated to your after-tax account after
they are withheld from your pay or paid by you (in
the case of a lump sum after-tax contribution).
The sum of your after-tax contributions and before-
tax contributions (other than catch-up contributions)
may not exceed 50% of your plan compensation. In
addition, if you are a highly compensated employee,
your after-tax contributions may not exceed 10% of
your plan compensation, and they may also be
limited by nondiscrimination requirements, in which
case the Plan may be required to return a portion of
your contributions to you.
The total amount of your before-tax (excluding catch-
up) and after-tax contributions may not exceed 50%
of your plan compensation. If you are a highly
compensated employee, your after-tax contributions
are subject to further limits.
Contribution Elections
You may elect to make contributions (before-tax,
catch-up, and/or after-tax) or to change an existing
contribution election either by telephone or over the
internet. The shaded box on page 1 tells you how to
access your account by telephone or over the internet.
Your election is generally implemented within two
pay periods after you make it.
Rollover Contributions
If you are an eligible employee, you may make a cash
"rollover contribution" of a prior distribution from
another tax-qualified retirement plan, provided that
the administrator has determined that your rollover
satisfies applicable legal requirements. You must
designate the investment fund(s) in which your
rollover contribution is to be invested. Rollover
contributions are allocated to your rollover account
and invested pursuant to your direction.
Do you have retirement plan savings from a previous
employer? You may be able to "roll over" a
distribution from your previous employer's plan.
Matching Contributions
You are entitled to safe harbor matching
contributions for each payroll period equal to the
larger of the two amounts described below:
100% of your before-tax contributions for
such period up to 1% of your plan
compensation for the period, plus 50% of
your before-tax contributions on the next
5% of your plan compensation for the
period; or
100% of your before-tax contributions for
the plan year up to 1% of your plan
compensation for the plan year, plus 50%
of your before-tax contributions on the next
5% of your plan compensation for the plan
year, reduced by safe harbor matching
contributions made on your behalf for prior
payroll periods during the plan year.
All safe harbor matching contributions are subject to
applicable legal limits.
Janice Jones' plan compensation for a year is
$50,000. Her marginal federal income tax rate is
25%, and her marginal state income tax rate is 3.4%.
As shown in the example on page Error! Bookmark
not defined., if Janice elects to contribute 10% of her
plan compensation (or $5,000) as before-tax
contributions, she saves $1,420 in federal and state
income taxes. In addition, she receives matching
contributions of $1,750 (100% of her before-tax
contributions up to 1% of plan compensation plus
50% of her before-tax contributions up to the next
5% of her plan compensation). Janice receives a
total short-term benefit of $3,170 (her matching
contributions plus tax savings), while saving for her
Matching contributions for a pay period are allocated
to your safe harbor matching account as of the end of
that pay period.
Retiree Medical Contributions
To be eligible for a retiree medical contribution for a
plan year, as of the last day of the plan year:
you must be an eligible employee, and
at least years must have elapsed since
the date on which you were first an
For purposes of the preceding sentence, you will be
treated as if you were an eligible employee on the last
day of the plan year, if, during the plan year, you:
terminated employment while an eligible
employee because of retirement, disability,
death; a plant closing; or a reduction in
force, or
ceased to be an eligible employee because
of your transfer to another position with
Cummins or an affiliate.
If you satisfy the eligibility requirements described
above, a $500 retiree medical contribution will be
made on your behalf and allocated to your retiree
medical account as of the last day of the plan year.
Limitations on Total Contributions
The Code limits the total amount of contributions that
may be allocated to your accounts for a calendar
year. The Code imposes additional limits on
contributions for highly compensated employees.
The Plan will comply with these legal requirements,
which may reduce the amounts that would otherwise
be allocated to your accounts.
Allocation of Gains and Losses
Your accounts share in the net gains and losses from
the funds in which they are invested. Net gains and
losses of a fund reflect income and losses from fund
investments, charges imposed by the fund, and
increases or decreases in the value of the fund's
Administrative Fees
Cummins pays certain administrative fees of the
Plan. You pay administrative fees specified by the
administrator and fees charged by the investment
funds in which your accounts are invested. In
addition, administrative fees may be deducted from
your accounts from time to time.
As a participant, you are responsible for the
following administrative fees:
a monthly administrative fee equal to .05%
of your account balance as of the beginning
of the month (but not to exceed $5.00 per
if you take out a loan, a $100 loan initiation
fee is charged against the loan amount; and
if someone tries to obtain a qualified
domestic relations order against your
account, a $400 processing fee is charged
against your account.
Your accounts share in the net gains and losses from
each of the funds in which they are invested.
How Your Accounts Are Invested
The Plan allows you to direct the investment of your
funds among a variety of available options. These
options allow you to choose a diversified investment
mix that is appropriate for your personal situation.
The Plan is intended to meet the requirements of
Section 404(c) of ERISA. Under that section, Plan
fiduciaries are not liable for losses that may occur as
a result of your investment choices. There is no
guarantee that your selected funds will always
increase in value. By selecting particular funds, you
accept the risks associated with those funds.
Except as provided below, the administrator selects
the investment funds in which you may invest your
accounts, and it reserves the right to add or delete
funds at any time. The administrator attempts to
select options that:
cover the risk/return spectrum of appropriate
investment classes;
are diversified and professionally managed;
have reasonable administrative fees; and
provide you with the opportunity to structure
a portfolio with risk and return
characteristics at any point within a
normally appropriate range of investment
In addition to the investment options selected by the
administrator, the Plan provides for a company
stock fund, which is invested primarily in Cummins
common stock. The company stock fund consists of
two sub-funds, known as the ESOP fund and the
Cummins stock fund. The ESOP fund consists
primarily of Cummins stock purchased with the
proceeds of an ESOP loan and dividends on that
stock. The Cummins stock fund consists primarily
of other Cummins stock purchased by the Plan and
dividends on that stock.
Your accounts and contributions to the Plan are
invested pursuant to your elections. If you have
failed to make an investment election, all of your
contributions, except your matching contributions
and retiree medical contributions, are invested in the
Vanguard Target Retirement Fund with the date that
most closely corresponds to your 65th birthday, and
your matching contributions and retiree medical
contributions are invested in the company stock
fund. Subject to the limitations of the Plan and the
funds, you may transfer part or all of your accounts
in any fund to another available fund or funds.
Information About Investment Funds
You may obtain a list and description of the available
investment funds, the funds' annual operating
expenses, copies of prospectuses and financial
statements, a breakdown of investment portfolios,
investment performance data, and information on the
value of shares or units and investment funds, by
calling the Cummins Retirement Benefits Service
Center or visiting the Your Benefits Resources
site, as provided in the shaded box on page 1.
Making or Changing Investment
You may elect to have your future contributions
invested in one or more of the available investment
funds or to transfer your existing accounts among the
available funds. Your investment and/or transfer
elections must be in whole percentages. In general,
if you make an investment or transfer
election before 4 p.m. Eastern Time of a
business day, your election is implemented
after the close of business on that day, and
if you make an investment or transfer
election on a non-business day or after 4
p.m. Eastern Time of a business day, your
election is implemented after the close of
business on the next following business day.
Certain investment funds may impose limits on
transfers within a short period after investing in that
fund. For such limits, you should review the
prospectus for the fund.
You may make or change your investment elections
by calling the Cummins Retirement Benefits Service
Center or by visiting the Your Benefits Resources
web site, as provided in the shaded box on page 1.
Importance of Diversification
To help achieve long-term retirement security, you
should give careful consideration to the benefits of a
well-balanced and diversified investment portfolio.
Spreading your assets among different types of
investments can help you achieve a favorable rate of
return while reducing your overall risk of losing
money. This is because market or other economic
conditions that cause one category of assets to
perform well may cause another asset category to
perform poorly. If you invest a significant portion of
your retirement savings in any one company
(including Cummins) or type of asset, your savings
are not appropriately diversified. Although
diversification is not a guarantee against loss, it is an
effective strategy to help you manage investment
In deciding how to invest your retirement savings,
you should take into account all of your assets,
including any retirement savings outside of the Plan.
No single approach is right for everyone, because,
among other factors, individuals have different
financial goals, targeted retirement ages, and risk
It is also important to review your investment
portfolio, objectives, and options periodically to
assess whether your anticipated retirement savings
will meet your needs.
Your interest in your accounts is 100% vested at all
times. This means that you will not forfeit any of
your accounts if you terminate employment.
General Provisions
The Plan has been established to provide long-term
savings for a more secure retirement. As a result,
there are restrictions on your ability to take
distributions from the Plan before you terminate
employment. The circumstances under which you
may receive a distribution from the Plan before
termination of employment are discussed under
SERVICE WITHDRAWALS, beginning on page 8.
Distribution of Benefits After Your
Termination of Employment
If you terminate employment for a reason other than
your death, your accounts are distributed as provided
in this Section.
If the value of your accounts is not more than
$1,000, your accounts are paid to you in a lump sum
cash payment approximately 60 days after you
terminate employment.
If the value of your accounts exceeds $1,000, your
accounts are distributed in the form that you elect, as
described under
beginning as soon as administratively feasible after
you elect for distribution to be made (or begin, if you
elect installment payments). Under no
circumstances, however, may distribution of your
accounts be delayed beyond April 1 following the
year in which you reach age 70½ or terminate
employment, whichever is later.
If you terminate employment, and the value of your
accounts is more than $1,000, your accounts are
distributed pursuant to your election. See FORMS OF
Distribution of Benefits After Your Death
If you die before receiving all of your accounts, your
remaining accounts are distributed to your
beneficiary in a lump sum payment as soon as
possible after your death, unless your beneficiary
elects a later distribution date or one of the optional
forms of payment described under
PAYMENT on page 8.
Designation of Beneficiary
You may designate one or more beneficiaries,
including contingent beneficiaries, to receive
benefits that may become payable after your death.
If you are married, your beneficiary is automatically
your spouse, unless you elect a different beneficiary
with your spouse's written consent.
Your spouse's consent must:
acknowledge the effect of your election and
the fact that he or she is waiving benefits;
apply only to a specific beneficiary
designation, which may not be changed
without your spouse's consent; and
be witnessed by a notary public.
If you do not designate a beneficiary, or no
designated beneficiary survives you, your benefits
under the Plan are payable as follows:
to your spouse, if living at the time of your
death; or
if no beneficiary is then alive, to your
For beneficiary designation information, you should
call the Cummins Retirement Benefits Service Center
or visit the Your Benefits Resources
web site as
provided in the shaded box on page 1. You may
revoke, amend, or change your designation by filing
a new beneficiary designation, subject to the spousal
consent requirements described above. If you
become married after making a beneficiary
designation, your prior designation will no longer be
To make sure that your death benefits under the Plan
are paid according to your wishes, you should make
sure that you have an effective beneficiary
designation form on file with the recordkeeper. Your
designation should include contingent beneficiaries
as well as your primary beneficiary. Remember that
your existing beneficiary designation will no longer
be effective if you later become married.
Forms of Payment
All distributions are made in cash; provided,
however, you may elect for the portion, if any, of
your accounts invested in the company stock fund to
be distributed in the form of Cummins stock.
Your accounts are distributed as a single lump sum
payment, unless you elect annual installments over a
fixed period of time not to exceed the lesser of:
15 years or
a period not extending beyond your life
expectancy or the joint and last survivor
expectancy of you and your beneficiary.
If you elect installment payments, you may later elect
to receive the balance of your accounts as an
immediate lump sum payment.
Benefit Elections
To initiate a distribution after your termination of
employment, you should call the Cummins
Retirement Benefits Service Center or visit the Your
Benefits Resources
web site, as provided in the
shaded box on page 1. You will receive information
regarding your options, including your right to 30
days' notice of your options before distribution
begins, and what you must do to commence benefits
in a particular form.
The Code and IRS regulations strictly limit your
ability to withdraw your accounts before you
terminate employment. The following provisions
discuss those circumstances under which you may
take an in-service withdrawal. All in-service
withdrawals must be taken as a lump sum cash
In accordance with IRS rules, the Plan permits in-
service withdrawals in limited circumstances. All in-
service withdrawals must be taken as a lump sum
cash payment.
Hardship Withdrawals
General Provisions
You may take an in-service hardship withdrawal as
provided in this Section before you terminate
employment. The minimum hardship withdrawal
amount is $250.
To apply for a hardship withdrawal, you must request
withdrawal forms by calling the Cummins
Retirement Benefits Service Center or visiting the
Your Benefits Resources
web site, as provided in
the shaded box on page 1. The Plan mails the
required application forms to you or delivers them to
your Secure Participant Mailbox. The Plan
distributes the withdrawal payment as soon as
administratively feasible after approving your
IRS regulations strictly limit the circumstances under
which you may take a hardship withdrawal. The only
amounts available for a hardship withdrawal are your
before-tax contributions and pre-1989 earnings on
those contributions. The Plan approves a hardship
withdrawal request only if the requested withdrawal:
is on account of your immediate and heavy
financial need, as defined by IRS
regulations, and
is necessary to satisfy that immediate and
heavy financial need, as determined under
IRS regulations.
You may be able to withdraw part or all of your
before-tax contributions and pre-1989 earnings on
those contributions in limited cases of financial
Your Withdrawal Must be for an Immediate and
Heavy Financial Need.
The Plan considers your requested withdrawal to be
on account of an immediate and heavy financial need
only if it is for one of the following reasons:
unreimbursed medical expenses (as defined
by the Code) incurred by you, your spouse,
or your dependents, or necessary for you,
your spouse, or your dependents to obtain
medical care;
costs directly related to the purchase of your
principal residence (excluding mortgage
tuition, room and board expenses, and
related educational fees for the next 12
months of post-secondary education for you,
your spouse, your children, or your
a payment necessary to prevent your
eviction from your principal residence or
foreclosure on the mortgage on your
principal residence;
burial or funeral expenses for your deceased
parent, spouse, children, or dependent;
certain expenses for the repair of damage to
your principal residence as a result of a
casualty loss (for example, hurricane or
flood damage); or
any other reason deemed acceptable to the
Your Withdrawal Must be Necessary to Meet
Your Immediate and Heavy Financial Need.
The Plan considers your requested withdrawal to be
necessary to meet your immediate and heavy
financial need only if all of the following
circumstances exist:
the requested withdrawal does not exceed
the amount of your immediate and heavy
financial need, including any amounts
necessary to pay taxes or penalties
reasonably anticipated to result from the
withdrawal. Your withdrawal will be
considered necessary, only if the financial
hardship cannot be satisfied:
through reimbursement or
compensation by insurance or
by liquidating your assets;
by ceasing your before-tax and after-tax
contributions under the Plan;
by receiving all distributions (other than
hardship withdrawals) and all non-
taxable loans available to you from all
retirement plans maintained by
Cummins or an affiliate; or
by borrowing an amount sufficient to
satisfy your hardship from commercial
sources on reasonable commercial
terms. However, you do not need to
obtain a loan if the withdrawal will be
used to make a down payment on your
principal residence;
you have obtained all distributions, other
than hardship withdrawals, and all non-
taxable loans currently available under all
retirement plans maintained by Cummins or
an affiliate; and
you are suspended from making:
before-tax contributions,
after-tax contributions, and
any elective contributions or employee
contributions under any other plan
maintained by Cummins or an affiliate
(except for employee contributions
under a health or welfare benefit plan,
including one that is part of a cafeteria
plan under Code Section 125)
for at least 6 months after the withdrawal
In general, if you receive an in-service hardship
withdrawal, you may not contribute to the Plan for at
least six months after the withdrawal date.
Non-Hardship Withdrawals Before Age
General Provisions
If you are under age 59½, you may apply for an in-
service withdrawal of part or all of your rollover
account, after-tax contribution account, matching
contribution account, and/or retiree medical account
(excluding any portion of your retiree medical
account attributable to unmatured retiree medical
contributions). To initiate a withdrawal, you should
call the Cummins Retirement Benefits Service Center
or visit the Your Benefits Resources
web site, as
provided in the shaded box on page 1.
Source of Withdrawal
A withdrawal described above is made from your
accounts in the order of priority specified by the
Plan document.
Non-Hardship Withdrawals After Age
General Provisions
If you are at least age 59½, you may apply for an in-
service withdrawal of part or all of your accounts,
provided, however, that the minimum withdrawal
amount is $250. The $250 limit in the preceding
sentence does not apply to your profit sharing
account, however. To initiate a withdrawal, you
should call the Cummins Retirement Benefits Service
Center or visit the Your Benefits Resources
site, as provided in the shaded box on page 1.
Source of Withdrawal
A withdrawal described above is made from your
accounts in the order of priority specified by the
Plan document.
Distribution of Dividends on Cummins
To the extent your account is invested in the
company stock fund, you may elect for dividends on
Cummins stock held in that fund to be distributed to
you in cash as soon as administratively feasible after
they are paid to the Plan. You may make or change
your election at any time by telephone or over the
internet before the date set by the administrator with
respect to a particular dividend payment. If you do
not make the election described in this paragraph,
dividends will be allocated to your account.
Nelson Profit Sharing Withdrawals
If your account includes amounts attributable to
Nelson profit sharing contributions, you may apply
for an in-service withdrawal of part or all of your
account attributable to such contributions (a "Nelson
Profit Sharing Withdrawal"). You may make a
Nelson Profit Sharing Withdrawal only once every 12
months. The maximum withdrawal amount will be
equal to (i) the sum of (A) your account attributable
to Nelson profit sharing contributions and (B) your
previous Nelson Profit Sharing Withdrawals,
multiplied by (ii) 50%, minus (iii) your previous
Nelson Profit Sharing Withdrawals.
Tax Consequences of In-Service
In general, your in-service withdrawals, except to the
extent that they represent the return of after-tax
contributions, are taxable to you. In addition, if you
are under age 59½ and are not disabled, you are
generally subject to an additional 10% penalty tax.
Hardship withdrawals are not eligible for tax-free
rollover treatment, although other in-service
withdrawals are generally eligible for such treatment.
If any charge or discount is incurred by the trustee in
connection with a distribution (including an in-
service withdrawal) of your accounts, your accounts
are reduced by the amount of the charge or discount.
Tax Consequences of Distributions
Most distributions from the Plan are taxable to you,
unless you elect to transfer the distribution to an IRA
or eligible retirement plan as a tax-free rollover.
Most distributions before age 59½ are subject to an
additional 10% early distribution penalty tax.
The rules governing the taxation of distributions from
the Plan and tax-free rollovers can be complicated.
Therefore, we suggest that you consult with a
financial or tax advisor before requesting a
distribution from the Plan. You can find more
information about the tax treatment of Plan
distributions in IRS Publication 575, Pension and
Annuity Income, and IRS Publication 590, Individual
Retirement Arrangements. These publications are
available from your local IRS office, on the IRS
website at, or by calling 1-800-TAX-
Distributions That Can Be Rolled Over
Most distributions from the Plan (other than hardship
distributions) are eligible for tax-free rollover to an
IRA or eligible retirement plan that accepts rollovers.
Amounts eligible for rollover are called "eligible
rollover distributions." Before you receive an
eligible rollover distribution, the Plan provides you
with a written explanation of the income tax
consequences of the distribution and the rules relating
to rollovers.
Federal Income Tax Withholding
Federal law requires the Plan to withhold 20% from
any eligible rollover distribution to be applied toward
your federal income tax liability, unless you direct
that the distribution be transferred to an IRA or other
eligible retirement plan in a direct rollover.
Example: Jose Sanchez elects to receive his
accounts, which have a value of $10,000, as a lump
sum payment. He does not elect to transfer the
distribution to an IRA or other eligible retirement
plan in a direct rollover. Jose will receive only
$8,000, and $2,000 will be withheld by the Plan and
paid to the IRS on Jose's behalf toward his federal
income taxes. The entire $10,000 will be included in
Jose's taxable income.
You may apply for a loan from the Plan before you
terminate employment. To apply for a loan, you
should call the Cummins Retirement Benefits Service
Center or visit the Your Benefits Resources
site, as provided in the shaded box on page 1. Loans
must satisfy the Plan's loan procedures in effect at
the time you request a loan, including the following:
you may have only one outstanding loan at
any time;
your loan must be for at least $1,000;
your loan amount may not exceed the lesser
of (i) $50,000 (reduced by the highest
outstanding loan balance under any other
Plan loan to you during the prior year) or
(ii) 50% of the value of your accounts;
the term of your loan must be at least 12
months and may not exceed 54 months;
the interest rate on your loan is equal to the
prime lending rate, as quoted in the Wall
Street Journal on the first day of the month
in which your loan is made, plus 1%. As
required by law, your interest rate will be
limited to a maximum of 6% during certain
military leaves;
under most circumstances, your loan
payments are made by payroll deduction;
as security for the repayment of your loan,
the Plan takes a security interest in your
accounts in the amount of the loan; and
a $100 loan initiation fee will be charged for
any loan from the Plan and deducted from
the loan amount. Thus, if you take out a
$5,000 loan, you will receive a net amount
of $4,900 (the requested $5,000 minus the
$100 loan processing fee).
The Plan allows you to borrow money from your
accounts. The borrowed amount is considered an
investment of your accounts and, when repaid, is
invested in the same way as your contributions.
Loan Repayments
You must repay a loan, with interest, over the period
of the loan. In general, you must make loan
payments by payroll deductions each pay period.
Your first payroll deduction will occur within two to
four payroll periods after the date of your loan. You
may pre-pay your loan at any time after the first
anniversary of the loan date.
If you terminate employment with an outstanding
loan, you are on an unpaid leave of absence, or your
pay is not sufficient to cover your loan repayment,
you must make required payments monthly by
cashier check, certified check, or money order.
Impact of Leaves of Absence
The Plan allows participants on an approved leave
of absence, including a disability leave, to suspend
loan payments for up to 12 months. In addition, you
may also suspend payments during a military leave
protected by the USERRA. For more information on
the impact of a particular leave on your obligations
under a loan, you should call the Cummins
Retirement Benefits Service Center.
Acceleration of Repayment Obligations
The remaining balance on your loan will become
immediately due and payable upon:
your receipt of a distribution from the Plan
(other than an in-service hardship
distribution and any related distribution) or
your default under the loan (as described
Events of Default
If you fail to make required loan payments or
otherwise violate the terms of your loan agreement,
and you have not corrected the failure, your loan will
be deemed in default at the end of the calendar
quarter following the quarter in which the failure
occurred or upon your earlier receipt of a distribution
from the Plan (other than an in-service hardship
distribution and any related distribution). If you are
on a leave covered by the FMLA or USERRA, you
should call the Cummins Retirement Benefits Service
Center for more information regarding the impact of
your leave on your loan repayment obligations.
Consequences of Default
If you are in default, the Plan may reduce the balance
in your accounts by the amount owed on the loan, to
the extent permitted by law. If the Plan reduces your
accounts to satisfy your loan obligations, the
reduction amount will be treated as a taxable
If you are in default, and the Plan does not reduce
your outstanding accounts to satisfy your loan
obligation, the amount in default will result in a
deemed distribution, resulting in immediate taxation.
If you have a deemed distribution, you will not be
eligible for another loan until you have repaid the
deemed distribution to the Plan.
Please call the Cummins Retirement Benefits Service
Center or visit the Your Benefits Resources
site to apply for a loan or obtain additional
information about loans.
Voting of Cummins Stock
Except as provided below, the trustee will vote all
shares of Cummins stock pursuant to Cummins'
You have the right to direct how shares of Cummins
stock (including any fractional shares) allocated to
your accounts are voted on any matter put to a
shareholder vote. The trustee will vote the shares in
accordance with your direction (the "Directed
Shares"). If you do not direct the trustee as to how to
vote shares allocated to your accounts, the trustee
will vote the shares in the same proportion as the
Directed Shares allocated to other participants’
accounts. The trustee votes shares held by the Plan
that have not been allocated to participants’ accounts
in the same proportion as the Directed Shares.
Before a vote occurs, Cummins provides the trustee
and all participants entitled to direct the voting of
Cummins stock with required notices and
information regarding the vote. If you direct the
trustee how to vote Cummins stock allocated to your
accounts, your direction will be kept confidential,
except as required by law.
Tender Offers
If anyone makes a "tender offer," or exchange offer,
or otherwise offers to purchase or solicits an offer to
sell 1% or more of the outstanding shares of
Cummins stock (collectively referred to as a "tender
offer"), you will have the right to direct the trustee to
sell, offer to sell, exchange, or otherwise dispose of
Cummins stock allocated to your accounts in
accordance with terms of the tender offer. If a tender
offer occurs, the Plan will provide you with detailed
information related to your rights.
Filing a Claim
If you or your beneficiary believes that the Plan has
not provided a benefit to which you are entitled, you
or your beneficiary may file a written claim with the
administrator. The administrator typically informs
you of its decision on your claim within 90 days. If
the administrator needs more time to consider your
claim, the administrator may extend the review
period by up to 90 additional days, provided that it
notifies you within the original 90-day period why an
extension is needed and when it expects to reach a
Denial of Claim
If your claim is denied, in whole or in part, the
administrator will provide you with written notice of
the denial, which:
explains the reasons for the denial,
refers to any Plan provisions on which the
denial is based,
describes additional material or information
needed to perfect your claim, together with
an explanation of why the material or
information is necessary, and
explains the Plan's procedures for reviewing
Review of Denied Claims
If the administrator denies your claim, you may file
an appeal with the administrator within 60 days after
receiving written notice of the denial. If you do not
file an appeal within this period, the administrator's
original denial will be final.
As part of your appeal, you or your authorized
representative may review any Plan documents
relevant to your claim and may submit written issues
and comments in support of your appeal. The
administrator will provide you or your authorized
representative, upon request and free of charge,
reasonable access to and copies of documents
relevant to your claim.
Notice of Decision on Appeal
If you file a timely appeal, the administrator
typically informs you of its decision on your appeal
within 60 days. If the administrator needs more time
to consider your appeal, the administrator may
extend the decision period by up to 60 additional
days, provided that it notifies you within the original
60-day period why an extension is needed and when
it expects to reach a decision.
If the administrator denies your appeal, the
administrator will provide written notice to you
stating the reasons for the denial and any relevant
Plan provisions on which the denial is based. The
administrator's notice will also inform you that you
are entitled to receive, upon request and free of
charge, reasonable access to and copies of all
documents, records, and other information relevant to
your claim. Finally, the administrator's notice will
inform you of your rights to bring an action under
Section 502(a) of ERISA. Subject to your right to
bring an action under ERISA, the administrator's
decision on your appeal will be final.
Right to Sue under ERISA
If you disagree with the administrator's decision on
your appeal, and you have followed all of these
claims procedures, you have the right to bring a civil
action in a court of law under ERISA Section 502(a).
Cummins has the right, in its discretion, to amend or
terminate the Plan at any time. No change will
decrease vested benefits that you have already
earned, except as may be required by the IRS for its
continuing approval of the Plan. Funds already
contributed to the Plan cannot be diverted for any
purpose other than the exclusive benefit of
participants and their beneficiaries.
Non-Assignment of Benefits
For your protection, you cannot assign your benefits
under the Plan to anyone else. To the extent allowed
by law, your benefits cannot be seized to pay your
debts or satisfy other obligations you may have.
However, a court may order payment of part or all of
your benefits under the Plan pursuant to a qualified
domestic relations order, and such payments will
reduce your benefits under the Plan. Under limited
circumstances, as permitted by law, the Plan
provides that your accounts may be reduced to
satisfy your liability to the Plan due to (i) your
conviction of a crime involving the Plan, (ii) a
judgment, consent order, or decree in an action for
violation of fiduciary standards, or (iii) certain
settlement agreements.
Domestic Relations Orders
A court may issue a qualified domestic relations
order requiring that part or all of your accounts be
paid to others, such as your former spouse (as part of
the division of marital property) or your children (as
child support payments). The Plan will comply with
any such order, provided the order satisfies
applicable legal requirements. You may obtain a
copy of the Plan's procedures governing domestic
relations procedures by calling the QDRO
administrator at (888) 858-5500.
If the Plan receives such a domestic relations order
relating to your accounts, it will notify you and the
individual claiming a portion of your accounts (the
alternate payee) of (i) its receipt of the order, (ii) its
procedures for determining whether the order is a
qualified domestic relations order, and (iii) its
decision as to whether the order is qualified.
An administrative charge of $400 will be deducted
automatically from your account for processing any
purported qualified domestic relations order related
to your account.
The administrator is required to tell you that the
Pension Benefit Guaranty Corporation ("PBGC")
does not insure benefits under the Plan. This is
simply because the Plan is a defined contribution
plan with separate accounts for each participant,
unlike a defined benefit pension plan with benefits
paid out of a single fund. This means that your
benefit is fully funded at all times with periodic
contributions (although it may change in value from
time to time due to trust gains or losses). The PBGC
does not insure the funding of this type of benefit.
Trust Fund
All contributions under the Plan are held and
invested in a trust, the assets of which are protected
from Cummins' creditors. Your Plan benefits will
be paid from the trust.
The Role of the Administrator
The Cummins Benefits Policy Committee serves as
the administrator of the Plan. The committee and
any persons to whom it has delegated administrative
duties may use their discretion to the maximum
extent permitted by law in performing their duties.
The administrator has full, discretionary authority to:
operate and administer the Plan,
determine eligibility for Plan benefits,
direct the trustee to make payments from the
trust fund to participants and beneficiaries,
interpret and apply Plan provisions, resolve
any ambiguities, inconsistencies, and/or
omissions, and
take any other action necessary or proper to
carry out its responsibilities under the Plan
document or ERISA.
Benefits under the Plan are paid only if the
administrator decides, in its sole discretion, that the
recipient is entitled to such benefits.
Special Provisions Regarding Veterans
You may be entitled to reemployment and other
rights after a period of "uniformed services" under
the USERRA, including certain contributions and
service credits under the Plan. For purposes of the
USERRA, "uniformed services" include the Army,
Navy, Marine Corps, Air Force, Coast Guard, and
Public Health Service Commission Corps, as well as
the reserve components of each of these services.
Training or service in the Army National Guard or
the Air National Guard, certain types of service by
members in the National Disaster Medical System,
and certain types of service by members of the
Reserve Officers' Training Corps also constitute
service in the "uniformed services."
To be eligible for USERRA rights and benefits,
before leaving for military service, you are generally
required to give your employer advance notice that
you are leaving the job for service in the "uniformed
services." When you return from military service,
you must timely submit an application for
reemployment with your employer and request
information regarding your reemployment rights.
Time limits for returning to work will depend on the
length of time of your military service. You should
contact the administrator to receive additional
information regarding your rights under the Plan in
the case of a leave protected by the USERRA.
Special provisions may apply if you leave for
military service.
Right of Recovery
If the trustee makes a payment that, according to the
terms of the Plan should not have been made, the
trustee may recover that incorrect payment. If an
incorrect payment is made directly to you, the trustee
may deduct it when making future payments directly
to you.
Limitation of Rights and Obligations
The Plan does not constitute a contract between
Cummins or any affiliate and any employee, and it is
not a condition of employment. Nothing in the Plan
gives you the right to be retained in the service or
prevents you from terminating your employment with
Cummins or any affiliate.
Receipt and Release
Any payment payable to you will be in full
satisfaction of your claim for such benefit. The
trustee or administrator may condition such payment
upon your delivery of a signed receipt and release.
Plan Name
Cummins Retirement and Savings Plan for Non-
Bargaining Employees.
Cummins Inc.
Post Office Box 3005
Columbus, IN 47202-3005
Attention: Benefits Policy Committee
Mail Code: 60803
(800) 682-8788
Sponsor's Employer Identification
Plan Number Assigned by the Plan
Type of Plan
Defined contribution profit sharing plan with Section
401(k) feature and employee stock ownership plan.
Plan Administrator
Cummins Benefits Policy Committee
Post Office Box 3005
Columbus, IN 47202-3005
Mail Code: 60803
(800) 682-8788
Plan Recordkeeper
Cummins Retirement Benefits Service Center
P.O. Box 64002
The Woodlands, TX 77387-4002
(800) 682-8788
State Street Bank and Trust Company
225 Franklin Street
Boston, MA 02110
Plan Year
The plan year is the 12-consecutive month period
beginning on January 1 and ending on December 31.
Agent for Service of Legal Process
Office of General Counsel
Cummins Inc.
Box 3005
Columbus, IN 47202-3005
Service of legal process may be made upon the
Source of Financing for the Plan
Employee and employer contributions.
As a participant, you are entitled to certain rights and
protections under ERISA.
ERISA provides that all Plan participants will be
entitled to:
Examine, without charge, at the
administrator's office and at other specified
locations, such as work sites and union halls,
all Plan documents, including collective
bargaining agreements and a copy of the
latest annual report (Form 5500 Series) filed
by the Plan with the U.S. Department of
Labor and available at the Public Disclosure
Room of the Employee Benefits Security
Obtain copies of all Plan documents,
including collective bargaining agreements,
copies of the latest annual report (Form
5500 Series), and the updated summary pla
scription, upon written request to the
administrator (the administrator may mak
reasonable charge for copies);
Receive a summary of the Plan's annual
financial report (the administrator is
required by law to furnish each participant
with a copy of this summary annual report);
Obtain a statement telling you whether you
have a right to receive a pension at normal
retirement age (age 65) and if so, what your
benefits would be at normal retirement age
f you stop working under the Plan. This
statement must be requested in writing and
is not required to be given more than once a
year. The Plan must provide the statement
free of charge; and
Receive quarterly statements of your
account balance under the Plan in
accordance with applicable law.
In addition to creating rights for participants, ERISA
imposes duties upon the people who are responsible
for the operation of the employee benefit plan. The
people who operate your Plan, called fiduciaries of
the Plan, have a duty to do so prudently and in the
interest of you and other participants and
beneficiaries. No one, including your employer or
any other person, may fire you or otherwise
discriminate against you in any way to prevent you
from obtaining a pension benefit or exercising your
rights under ERISA.
If your claim for a pension benefit is denied or
ignored in whole or in part you must receive a written
explanation of the reason for the denial. You have
the right to have the administrator review and
reconsider your claim (within certain time limits) and
the right to obtain documents relating to the decision
(without charge).
Under ERISA, there are steps you can take to enforce
the above rights. For instance, if you request
materials from the Plan that the Plan is required by
law to provide, and you do not receive them within
30 days, you may file suit in a federal court. In such
a case, the court may require the administrator to
provide the materials and pay you up to $110 a day
until you receive the materials, unless the materials
were not sent because of reasons beyond the control
of the administrator.
If you have a claim for benefits which is denied or
ignored, in whole or in part, you may file suit in a
state or federal court. However, before you file suit,
you must first comply with the claims procedures
described in this summary (see page 12). If you do
not follow these claims procedures, you will have no
right of appeal and no right to file a lawsuit for Plan
benefits, and any denial of a claim for benefits will
become final and binding. In addition, if you
disagree with the Plan's decision or lack thereof
concerning the qualified status of a domestic relations
order, you may file a suit in federal court, provided
that you have first gone through the Plan's claims
If it should happen that Plan fiduciaries misuse the
Plan's money, or if you are discriminated against for
asserting your rights, you may seek assistance from
the U.S. Department of Labor, or you may file suit in
a federal court. The court will decide who should
pay court costs and legal fees. If you are successful
the court may order the person you have sued to pay
these costs and fees. If you lose, the court may order
you to pay these costs and fees, for example, if it
finds your claim is frivolous.
If you have any questions about your Plan, you
should contact the Cummins Retirement Benefits
Service Center or visit the Your Benefits Resources
web site, as provided in the shaded box on page 1. If
you have any questions about this statement or about
your rights under ERISA, you should contact the
nearest office of the Employee Benefits Security
Administration, U.S. Department of Labor, listed in
your telephone directory or the Division of Technical
Assistance and Inquiries, Employee Benefits Security
Administration, U.S. Department of Labor, 200
Constitution Avenue N.W., Washington, D.C. 20210.
You may also obtain certain publications about your
rights and responsibilities under ERISA by calling
the publications hotline of the Employee Benefits
Security Administration.
"account" means the separate bookkeeping account
or accounts maintained in your name to keep a record
of the different types of contributions made on your
behalf and the earnings and losses on those
contributions. See page 2. Where the context
permits, "account" also refers to the value of the
"administrator" means the Cummins Benefits Policy
Committee. To the extent that the committee has
delegated any of its responsibilities as administrator
to any other person, that person will be treated as the
administrator with respect to the delegated
"affiliate" means an employer that must be
combined with Cummins for purposes of applying
the federal tax rules applicable to retirement plans.
"beneficiary" the person entitled to receive any of
your accounts remaining after your death.
"Code" means the Internal Revenue Code of 1986,
as amended from time to time.
"company stock fund" means the investment option
under the Plan that invests primarily in Cummins
stock. To determine the value of this fund, you can
visit Your Benefits Resources
and view the total
stock value. This fund consists of the ESOP fund
and the Cummins stock fund.
"co-op employee" means an undergraduate student
who alternates between attending school for a term
and being employed by Cummins for three to four
"Cummins" means Cummins Inc.
"Cummins stock fund" refers to the sub-fund of the
company stock fund that consists primarily of
Cummins stock that was not purchased with the
proceeds of an ESOP loan.
"disability" means that you are eligible to receive
disability benefits under the Cummins long-term
disability plan on account of your physical or mental
"eligible employee" means:
a salaried employee,
an hourly employee whose terms and
conditions of employment are not covered
by a collective bargaining agreement, or
an hourly employee whose terms and
conditions of employment are covered by a
collective bargaining unit that provides for
the employee's participation in the Plan,
who (i) is not an excluded employee, (ii) is not
eligible to participate in a Cummins-sponsored home
country retirement plan, (iii) is not on an expatriate
assignment in the United States that began after
December 31, 2011, unless he/she was participating
in a Cummins-sponsored plan in his/her home
country immediately before his/her transfer to the
United States and is legally barred from continued
participation in that plan, and (iv) is either a legal
permanent resident of the United States or holds one
of the following types of United States' visas:
F-1 Student,
F-2 Spouse or Child of F-1 visa holder,
H-1B Specialty Occupation,
H-2B Temporary worker performing
services unavailable in country,
H-3 Trainee,
H-4 Spouse or Child of H-1, H-2, or H-3
visa holder,
L-1 Intra-Company Transfer (but, for
calendar year 2007, only if a participant
before 1/1/06),
L-2 Spouse or Child of L-1 visa holder,
O-1 Extraordinary Ability (for years after
O-3 Spouse or Child of O-1 or O-2 visa
holder (for years after 2007), or
TN Trade visa for Canadian or Mexican.
"employee" means a common law employee of
Cummins, except for a nonresident alien who
receives no United States income from Cummins or
an affiliate.
A" means the Employee Retirement Income
Security Act of 1974, as amended from time to time.
"ESOP" refers to the portion of the Plan that is an
employee stock ownership plan. All amounts
invested in the company stock fund are part of the
"ESOP fund" refers to the sub-fund of the company
stock fund that consists primarily of Cummins
common stock that was purchased with the proceeds
of an ESOP loan.
"ESOP loan" means a loan to the Plan for the
purpose of providing funds to purchase Cummins
"excluded employee" means one of the following:
an employee receiving disability benefits
under the Cummins long-term disability
an employee on layoff;
an employee on a non-paid leave of absence;
a co-op employee, temporary employee, or
summer intern;
a person designated in good faith by
Cummins as an independent contractor,
regardless of whether that person is later
determined to be a common law employee
for tax purposes; or
a person employed by Cummins on a basis
that excludes him or her from participation
in any of Cummins' benefit programs.
"FMLA" means the federal Family and Medical
Leave Act of 1993, as amended.
"highly compensated employee" means, with respect
to a plan year, an employee to whom Cummins
and/or one or more affiliates paid compensation of
more than a specified amount during the preceding
plan year. For determining whether a person is a
highly compensated employee in 2013, the specified
amount earned in 2012 is $115,000. The specified
amount is adjusted from time to time, as provided in
the Code.
"married" means that you are married under the
laws in effect in the state in which you reside at that
time, subject to any contrary provisions of federal
"non-highly compensated employee" means an
employee who is not a highly compensated
"participant" means an eligible employee or former
eligible employee who is, or may become, eligible to
receive a benefit from the Plan.
"Plan" means the Cummins Retirement and Savings
Plan for Non-Bargaining Employees, as amended
from time to time.
"plan compensation" means, with respect to a plan
year, the following types of compensation paid to
you by Cummins during the plan year and included
in your taxable income for the plan year: regular pay,
sick pay, variable pay, overtime pay, commissions,
holiday pay, vacation pay, shift premium, short-term
disability pay, pay for responsibility, and six sigma
bonus, increased by any amount excluded from the
preceding type of pay on account of a salary
reduction election pursuant to Code Section 125 or
401(k). Plan compensation does not include sign-on
bonuses, invention awards, pay on leave of absence,
relocation pay, deferred compensation, or severance
pay. To the extent required by Code Section
401(a)(17), your plan compensation for a plan year
may not exceed the limit imposed by Code Section
401(a)(17) for that year. The limitation for 2013 is
Amounts described in the preceding paragraph and
paid to you within 60 days after you terminate
employment will generally be included in plan
compensation, provided that you would have
received the payment if you had not terminated
employment. Except as provided in the preceding
sentence, amounts paid to you after you terminate
employment generally are not included in plan
"plan year" means the fiscal and accounting year for
the Plan. The plan year is the calendar year.
"qualified domestic relations order" means a
domestic relations order meeting requirements
specified in the Code that requires the payment of all
or a portion of your Plan benefits to others, such as
your former spouse (as part of the division of marital
property) or your children (as child support
payments), thereby reducing the benefits payable to
you under the Plan.
"retirement" means, with respect to a participant, a
termination of employment (i) under circumstances
that are considered a retirement under a tax-qualified
pension plan or, (ii) if the participant is not covered
by such a plan on his or her termination of
employment, on or after the participant's 55
pouse" the person to whom you are married on the
applicable date.
"summary" means this summary plan description, as
amended from time to time.
"summer intern" means a full-time student who is
employed by Cummins during his or her summer
"temporary employee" means a person performing
services for Cummins on a temporary basis who is
paid through the payroll of an unrelated entity, such
as that of an employment agency.
"terminate employment" or "termination of
employment" means, with respect to an employee, a
complete termination of the employment relationship
with Cummins and all affiliates. "Termination of
employment" does not include the following:
a temporary absence due to vacation,
sickness (not including disability), or layoff;
military service to the extent required under
a leave that qualifies as a family or medical
leave under the FMLA;
a Cummins-approved leave of absence for
not more than two years; or
a transfer of employment from Cummins to
an affiliate or a change in status from an
employee to a leased employee.
"trust" means the trust established and maintained
under the trust agreement to hold the assets of the
"trust agreement" means the trust agreement for the
trust or trusts through which the Plan is funded.
"trustee" means the trustee of the trust.
"unmatured retiree medical contribution" means a
retiree medical contribution that has not been
allocated to your account for at least two years.
"USERRA" means the federal Uniformed Services
Employment and Reemployment Rights Act, as
Cummins Retirement and Savings Plan
July 28, 2016
This Summary of Material Modifications (“Summary”) describes certain changes made to the
Cummins Retirement and Savings Plan (“Plan”). In the event of an inconsistency between the terms of this
SMM and the terms of the official plan document, the terms of the official plan document shall control.
This Summary amends your Summary Plan Description (“SPD”) as follows:
1. To delete “Cummins Retirement and Savings Plan for Non-Bargaining Employees” each time it
appears therein and insert in its place “Cummins Retirement and Savings Plan” to reflect the renaming
of the Plan, effective January 1, 2015.
2. To amend in its entirety the fourth paragraph of the section titled “How Your Accounts are Invested”
on page six, to read as follows:
Your accounts and contributions to the Plan are invested pursuant to your
elections. If you have failed to make an investment election, all of your
contributions are invested in the fund or funds that the administrator
designates from time to time as the default under the Plan. For participants
hired on or after April 1, 2016, the current default fund for all of your
contributions is the Vanguard Target Retirement Fund with the date that
most closely corresponds to your 65th birthday. For participants hired prior
to April 1, 2016, the current default fund for all of your contributions except
your matching contributions and retiree medical contributions is the
Vanguard Target Retirement Fund with the date that most closely
corresponds to your 65
birthday, and the current default fund for your
matching contributions and retiree medical contributions is the company
stock fund. The administrator reserves the right to change the default fund
under the Plan or to designate new default funds from time to time. Subject
to the limitations of the Plan and the funds, you may transfer part or all of
your accounts in any fund to another available fund or funds.
3. To insert the following after the first sentence of the section titled “Right to Sue under ERISA,” to
read as follows:
The Plan provides that you generally have one year from the date of
receiving a final decision by the administrator in which to commence such
an action. No other legal or equitable action involving the Plan may be
commenced later than two years after the time you know, or had reason to
know, of the circumstances giving rise to the action.
To the extent not preempted by federal law, the Plan is governed by the laws of the State of
Indiana, and any lawsuit or other action arising under the Plan exclusively shall be in the
Southern District of Indiana.
ACTIVE 213962013v.1 RSP-NB
RSP for Salaried & Non-Bargained Hourly
Locations: 110, 111, 115, 135, 190, 200, 220, 240, 250, 260, 291, 300, 301, 390, 400, 500, 600, 610, 631, 640, 650,
652, 660, 661, 662, 700, 721, 810, 815, 950, 951, 952
Cummins Retirement and Savings Plan
July 28, 2017
This Summary of Material Modifications (“SMM”) describes certain changes made to the
Cummins Retirement and Savings Plan (“Plan”). In the event of an inconsistency between the
terms of this SMM and the terms of the official plan document, the terms of the official plan
document shall control.
This SMM amends your Summary Plan Description (“SPD”) as follows:
1. To insert a new second paragraph under the section titled “Distributions After
Termination of Employment or Death,” to read as follows:
If you have accounts attributable to your previous participation in another plan, there
may be additional rules regarding the circumstances under which you may receive a
distribution from such accounts. You should call the Cummins Retirement Benefits
Service Center if you have questions.
2. To insert a new second paragraph under the section titled “In-Service Withdrawals,” to
read as follows:
If you have accounts attributable to your previous participation in another plan, there may be
additional rules regarding the circumstances under which you may take an in-service withdrawal
from such accounts. You should call the Cummins Retirement Benefits Service Center if you
have questions.
890, 892, 893, 894
Cummins Retirement and Savings Plan
July 27, 2018
This Summary of Material Modifications (SMM”) describes certain changes made to the
Cummins Retirement and Savings Plan (“Plan”). In the event of an inconsistency between the
terms of this SMM and the terms of the official plan document, the terms of the official plan
document shall control.
This SMM amends your Summary Plan Description (“SPD”):
1. To delete the first paragraph of the section titled “Retiree Medical Contributions” and to
insert the following in lieu thereof:
To be eligible for a retiree medical contribution for a plan year, as of the last day
of the plan year:
you must be a covered employee, and
generally, at least 2½ years must have elapsed since the date on which you
were first an employee.
However, if you are covered by a collective bargaining agreement with any of the
unions listed below, special rules may apply to you as a result of bargaining:
International Association of Machinists and Aerospace Workers, Local
Lodge 698,
International Association of Machinists and Aerospace Workers, AFL-
CIO, Local Lodge No. 1943,
International Union of Operating Engineers, Local Union Nos. 18, 18A,
18B and 18C AFL-CIO, and
International Union of Operating Engineers, Local 66.
2. To add the definition of covered employee to Appendix A, as follows:
Covered employee” means, with respect to the retiree medical contribution, a
participant who
(i) an eligible employee on the last day of the plan year,
890, 892, 893, 894
(ii) during the plan year and while an eligible employee, terminated employment (A)
after reaching the age for receiving an immediate retirement benefit under any
defined benefit plan of an affiliate in which he or she participates (or, if the
employee does not participate in any such plan, age 55), or (B) on account of
disability, death, plant closing or general workforce reduction, or
(iii) ceased to be an eligible employee during the plan year but remained an
830, 831, 837, 847, 849
Cummins Retirement and Savings Plan
July 27, 2018
This Summary of Material Modifications (SMM”) describes certain changes made to the
Cummins Retirement and Savings Plan (“Plan”). In the event of an inconsistency between the
terms of this SMM and the terms of the official plan document, the terms of the official plan
document shall control.
This Summary amends your Summary Plan Description (“SPD”) to insert a new second
paragraph under the section titled “In-Service Withdrawals,” to read as follows:
If you have accounts attributable to your previous participation in another plan, you may
have additional rights, and there may be additional rules, regarding the circumstances
under which you may take an in-service withdrawal from such accounts. You should
call the Cummins Retirement Benefits Service Center if you have questions.