Electric Propulsion - Our First 2,500 Miles
Every decision starts somewhere: You hear about a new system idea, read an article,
talk with others about options, do research - but it is often hard to say where the specific
start of the process begins.
For us, the idea for implementing electric propulsion started when we read an article in
Sail Magazine by Nigel Calder. The idea was intriguing but we did not realize how
deep it would take us when we first thought about it. We talked with friends about a
conversion to electric propulsion from diesel on a bluewater cruising sailboat. Many
thought it was crazy. Others, like us, were intrigued and even urged us to proceed.
The problem was that we did not have a boat when we first began to think about an
electric conversion. We had sold our CSY 37 in Gibraltar after crossing the Atlantic and
cruising for a year in the Mediterranean. Converting to electric remained an idea until
2007 when we bought our current boat, a Hylas 44.
We had been without a boat for five years and our ideas for where to cruise, sail, and
enjoy the water had changed quite a bit. Even more critical, one month after buying
our boat we found out that we would be having a child. Our new expanded family
changed everything for us but we still wanted to be near the water. It took us three
more years to finally make the plunge into electric propulsion.
In some ways it is easy to put facts on paper and say “this is how much it costs”; “this is
how the motor works”; “this is much quieter than diesel.” To provide the most useful
information we wanted to wait until we had really used the system in a variety of
conditions over a longer period of time. With this in mind, we have been cruising for 9
months - 2,500 nm of off-shore and coastal cruising along the East Coast of the US, the
Bahamas, and in the Gulf of Mexico.
This is an account of how and why we did it, the choices we made, the costs, and our
opinions on the positive and negatives of cruising in an electric-hybrid sailboat.
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Table of Contents
............................Electric Propulsion - The Conversion! 3
.....................................................Remove Existing Propulsion Diesel Engine! 3
...................Clean and Prepare the Compartment for the New Electric Motor! 4
.......................................................Installing New Electric Propulsion System! 5
................................................Why Electric Propulsion! 10
..................................................................................Our Component Choices! 10
..............................................................................Motor and Controller! 10
..................................................................................................Batteries! 12
...................................................................................Charging Sources! 12
...........................................Conversion Cost Summary! 15
..........................................................................Savings During Our First Year! 16
........................................................................Summary! 17
............................................................................................................Our Cons! 17
.............................................................................................................Our Pros! 18
.......................................................Authors’ Biography! 19
........................................................................Appendix! 20
........................................................................Test Data 1 - Old Diesel Engine! 20
...................................Test Data 2 - New Electric Motor with Same Propeller! 21
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Electric Propulsion - The Conversion
In order to provide a concise discussion, we have simplified the process of converting
from diesel to electric propulsion into three steps:
1. Remove existing propulsion diesel engine
2. Clean and prepare boat for the new system
3. Install new electric propulsion system
We have included photos to illustrate the steps and narrative to give some detail to the
Remove Existing Propulsion Diesel Engine
Our sailboat had an existing Yanmar 4JHTE diesel engine that is rated for 55 H.P. and it
had approximately 5,500 hours of runtime. This number is approximate because the
hour gauge was replaced by a previous owner of the boat. The engine ran well enough
when supplied with clean fuel. It could push the boat at over 6 knots while burning an
average of 1.25 gallons of diesel an hour (based on personally collected data).
Engine Compartment - Prior to Removal
The removal took two days of work that included dismantling the engine (mostly
transmission, alternators, hoses, and wires) as the boat was built around the engine and
it could not be removed intact. The actual lifting process was accomplished with three
people, straps, several 2x4 supports, and the main halyard.
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Engine Compartment - During Removal
Clean and Prepare the Compartment for the New Electric Motor
Once the engine was removed, the cleaning process began. The first phase of the
clean-up was the removal of old wiring and hoses (fuel, exhaust, and air venting) but the
real work was getting rid of 20 years of oil, grease, and rust buildup. The sound
proofing material was saturated with diesel and oil odors that could be smelled
throughout the boat but most prominently in the aft cabin.
After removing the bulk of the material and scraping the bilge and bulkheads with paint
scrapers and drill-driven wire brushes, we cleaned the compartment with degreasers
and a high-pressure washdown. There was a considerable amount of over-spray but it
provided a clean surface for the installation.
Finally, we applied several coats of Interlux Bilgekote paint to a provide a “like-new”
environment that makes maintenance inspections easier and helps to protect the
bulkheads and bilge.
Engine Compartment - The Clean-up Process
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Motor Compartment - After a few Coats of Paint
Installing New Electric Propulsion System
An installation process will vary based on the motor selected but it is a fair assumption
that the motor will weigh less than the diesel that it replaces. However, adding in the
weight of the batteries the overall weight will be similar the diesel but in smaller, more
manageable parts. Our Thoosa motor was light enough to carry it up a ladder onto the
boat while in the boatyard.
We selected the ASMO Marine Thoosa 12000 and six Northstar AGM batteries to
provide the 72v DC needed to drive the motor. The Thoosa motor and the Northstar
batteries have the following characteristics and was close to a 1:1 match of weight
compared to our old diesel.
Thoosa 12000
12 kW motor
Total system weight (per ASMO) is 44 kg / approx. 96 lbs
Northstar AGM batteries
NSB 170 batteries
Weight per battery 128 lbs - total for six batteries - 768 lbs
By our estimate, we replaced the weight of the old engine with the new motor and
batteries to within 50 lbs - a trivial amount on a 30,000 lbs cruising sailboat.
One of the biggest challenges during the installation was that the new motor dimensions
were so much smaller than the old diesel. The old engine struts were too far apart to
hold the new motor. The struts are u-shaped steel that is through-bolted through
fiberglassed stringers. To adjust for the width, we had additional steel (2 inches per
side, total of 4 inches) welded onto the old struts to narrow the separation between
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New Wider Struts with Motor Suspended Above for Initial Measurements
In addition to the narrower motor supports, the vertical length of the new motor was
smaller. To adjust for height and allowing for motor shaft and propeller shaft alignment,
we used motor mounts rated for much more weight than was required but allowed for
greater flexibility in the height adjustment of the motor. The motor mounts we selected
were R&D mounts - model 800-021 - and provided over 5 inches of vertical adjustment.
In addition to supporting the new motor, the old engine struts became the base to
support the batteries. We built a battery platform out of 3/4” marine grade plywood that
was also laid up with several layers of fiberglass to support the weight of the batteries.
The platform is attached to the forward bulkhead of the motor compartment and
securely fixed to the steel struts. The batteries are also strapped to the platform and
spaced between the port and starboard bulkheads so as to prevent any movement of
the batteries.
We built a plywood panel on top of the batteries as a mounting surface for the
contactors and wiring used to connect the six batteries into a single 72v DC battery
bank needed for the motor.
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New Motor Mounts, Battery Platform, and Unfinished Wire Platform
After mounting the motor and batteries, the next steps were to attach the batteries and
the different motor components: motor controller, key, throttle, and battery monitor.
At the helm, we installed the on/off key, the throttle, and battery monitor. In the electric
propulsion world, the battery monitor is now the “fuel gauge” and the power output
guide. The AMPS OUT view provides an indication of the effort from the motor which is
similar to the RPM gauge for the old diesel. The AMP HOUR view indicates the “fuel”
remaining in the batteries.
During close-quarters maneuvering and docking, we have found that AMPS OUT and
the GPS are the best indications of effort and speed as there is little change in sound
produced by the motor. With our old diesel we would look at Engine RPM and listen to
the engine noise to estimate speed and effort.
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At the Helm - Key and Throttle (left) and Battery Monitor and Auto-pilot Controls (right)
In the motor compartment, the remaining components are readily accessible despite the
batteries occupying much of the space. In addition to the motor, motor controller, and
batteries; we also located the two battery chargers in the motor compartment.
We chose to introduce some additional complexity to the battery configuration. The
motor requires 72v DC. Six batteries in series would have been the easiest
configuration but we have a 4 year-old child onboard and want to reduce the potential
shock voltage when the motor is not in use. Therefore, our design allows for three
banks of 24v DC each. These three banks are then combined or separated as
necessary with the use of heavy-duty solid state contactors. An additional set of
contactors are used to isolate the battery chargers thus providing greater flexibility in
battery and charger management.
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The Motor Compartment
(clockwise) Batteries & Wire Platform, Battery Chargers, Motor Controller, and Motor
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Why Electric Propulsion
There are several options to choose from when switching to electric propulsion for a
sailboat. There are groups of people following the DIY route, there are companies
installing systems, and others are selling turnkey solutions that are complete enough to
be installed on your own.
Even more diverse than the choices available for full systems and components are the
reasons why people decide to switch to electric propulsion. As the saying goes, “10
sailors, 10 opinions” but to name a few:
Quiet motoring
Fewer odors than a diesel
Lower maintenance time and costs
Reduced fuel costs
Better boat handling at docking speeds
No need to warm up the engine before leaving the dock/mooring
New and cheaper battery technology on the market
New and proven companies offering the technology
For us, the main reasons were fewer odors and less noise while motoring, reduced fuel
consumption, and the chance to introduce our son to more “green” technologies as he
grows up.
Our Component Choices
The three major components to an electric propulsion system are: 1) Motor and
controller, 2) Batteries, and 3) Charging Sources. Again, there are more choices than
can be easily listed but we wanted to share our thought-process and decisions on each
of these components.
Motor and Controller
“turn the prop as fast as the diesel - go as fast as the diesel”
After researching on and off for several years, watching some systems come and go,
and then some serendipity at the Annapolis Boat Show, we chose the ASMO Marine
Thoosa motor and controller. We wanted a reliable motor with a proven quality history
and a complete system that we could install ourselves. We knew we did not have the
patience or technical background to follow the DIY path but we felt comfortable installing
a new system with consultations from experts as necessary.
Our primary criteria for motor size was quite simple - if we could turn the propeller shaft
as fast as we did with the diesel then the boat would move as fast as it did before.
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We knew, from our research, that we should expect a shorter duration at the top-end
speeds than we got from our diesel. The style of sailing we try to do - day sails or long-
range cruising (but with no real time constraints) - works with the trade-off for
continuous top end boat speeds. We chose to implement a “hybrid-electric” approach
that is discussed later in the Charging Sources section.
The Thoosa 12000 is ASMO’s largest DC motor offering. We were the third purchaser
of the motor in the world and the first in the US. This motor is rated by ASMO for boats
35-45 feet in length which, at 44’, puts us just within the range. Another metric that we
considered was “1 Kw per ton of boat weight” which, at nearly 15 tons, the new 12 kW
motor is less than the target of 15 kW. However, after talking with the ASMO dealer for
the USA - Annapolis Hybrid Marine - we believed we could achieve top-end speeds
acceptable to us and maneuvering performance to be safe and seaworthy.
Prior to the conversion to electric propulsion, we performed sea trials to record boat
speed, propeller shaft RPM, and diesel engine RPM. After the conversion, using the
same propeller and shaft, we recorded boat speed, propeller shaft RPM, and watts
(AMPS Out x actual voltage DC). We performed the tests twice, except reverse, to
obtain an average to minimize for any current, wave, or wind impacts. The full test
documentation is included in the Appendix.
GPS Speed
Shaft RPM
Engine RPM
Forward - Idle
Forward - Low
Forward - Med
Forward - Med
Forward - Cruise
Speed Test Data - Propeller RPM with Old Diesel Engine
GPS Speed
Shaft RPM
AMPs Out
(72v DC Nominal)
Forward - Low
Forward - Med
Forward - Full
Med Reverse
Speed Test Data - Propeller Shaft RPM With Thoosa 12000 Electric Motor
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The new motor did not achieve the same top speed of the old diesel since we did not
achieve the shaft RPM but it did give us a top speed of over 5 knots. This speed fell
within a range we were comfortable with for safe maneuvering and our lifestyle of
“Cost versus New Technology”
Our choice for batteries was influenced most by cost and dimensions of the batteries.
We knew we wanted to fit batteries into the old diesel compartment to keep the weight
distribution similar to the old layout. We also new that we could not afford the newer
Lithium technology.
We chose the Northstar AGM batteries with a 200 amp-hour capacity. These batteries
are long and skinny which fit well into the space we had available. The cost of the
batteries was more reasonable than Lithium (1/3 the cost) for the same amp-hour
We expect the Northstar batteries to last 3-5 years. During this time, we expect the
price of the Lithium batteries to fall. This price drop will allow us to upgrade to a larger
amp-hour capacity in dimensions similar to our existing battery bank.
Charging Sources
“Use Existing Genset to Create a Hybrid Electric System”
We chose to configure our battery bank into three 24v DC banks that can be combined
into a single 72v DC battery bank using contactors. In addition to the safety reasons
already mentioned, this configuration allows us to charge the batteries in smaller banks
which gives them better “care and feeding” than if we had permanently combined a
bank of six batteries: avoiding over - or under - changing the first and last batteries in
the series.
The chargers we installed are as follows:
Sterling ProCharge 24v30
Universal Power Input from 90v AC to 270v AC / 40-70 hertz
Three (3) charging outputs channels - 24v DC up to 10 amps per output channel
Battery type is user selectable
Zivan NG3 72v
240v AC Power Input / 50-60 hertz
Single 35 amp, 72v DC charging output - configured at factory for AGM batteries
Our boat already had a diesel AC generator - NextGen 5.5 kW - that is located below
the galley sink and the companionway steps and we chose to use this genset for cost
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Existing Genset - 5.5 Kw NextGen Generator with 240v AC Output
Prior to converting to electric propulsion, our boat had a single 30 amp shore power inlet
and the genset was wired for 120v AC output. During the conversion, we added a
second 30 amp shore power inlet and rewired the genset to 240v AC output. This shore
power configuration allows us to use one shore power line to supply our house bank
charger, water heater, and AC outlets and the second shore power line to supply our
Sterling 24v30 charger and our other AC loads.
Shore Power Inlets - Two 30 Amp Lines
The 240v AC genset configuration allows us to utilize the two line configuration we use
when on shore power but more importantly the configuration supplies 240v AC to the
Zivan charger, which in-turn passes-through 72v DC through the batteries to the electric
The Zivan charger never runs off shore power to avoid the potential for out of phase
issues between the two 30 amp shore power lines, which would damage the charger.
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In summary, there are three battery chargers on our boat:
1. Hybrid-Electric Charger - 72v DC for extended propulsion (only runs via the
2. Primary Propulsion Charger - 24v DC (can be run via shore power or genset)
3. House Bank Charger - 12 v DC (not detailed in this case study)
The two propulsion bank chargers are isolated via contactors and have clearly labeled,
separate circuit breakers. As an additional control point, we intend to install a new
panel for these circuit breakers that contains a slide lock to physically ensure only one
of the chargers is selected at a time.
Charger Circuit Breakers - New Panel will Physically Ensure Single Selection
Genset and Utility Subpanel - (right enlargement) Control Switch for Battery Contactors
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Conversion Cost Summary
Due to differing budgets, available time, and mechanical training/abilities every
conversion to electric propulsion will be unique. We budgeted funds for both a boat
purchase and a conversion to electric propulsion and we were willing to perform most of
the conversion/installation projects ourselves. As mentioned before, we were not
inclined to follow the DIY approach to find and configure individual components of the
electric propulsion systems and we did not have the funding to hire others to do the bulk
of the conversion for us.
When we started our conversion to electric propulsion, specifically when we pulled the
old diesel engine out, we quickly found ourselves making changes, repairing newly
found problems, and adding in new systems not related to electric propulsion. For
example, we had 13 below-the-waterline through-holes but we filled in 10 of them over
the timeframe of our conversion, while combining gray water drains, converting to
composting heads, etc. We also replaced 100% of the fresh water plumbing and fuel
lines; removed one fuel tank, two heads and holding tanks, one shower; installed a new
propane stove and hoses; refurbished several overhead hatches; and replaced and
labelled nearly all the existing wiring on the boat.
With the above in mind, below is a summary of our costs to convert - restricted only to
the costs for conversion to electric propulsion.
Motor Components
ASMO Thoosa 12000 Motor, Controller, Throttle, Key, and
Mounting Hardware
Shaft Coupling, Mount Mounts, Misc. Hardware and Supplies
Battery Components
Batteries, Contactors, and Related Wiring
Battery Chargers
Electrical Design, Welding, Mill Work, Related Yard Labor
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Note on labor costs: we did not include the cost for our labor but we did spend most
weekends and an occasional day during the week working on the conversion over the
course of a year. We hired out a few items to ensure we leveraged experts as
necessary. For example, our battery wiring design, with the contactors, shore power,
and generator feeds was designed for us by JTB Marine Corp. in St. Petersburg, FL and
we had the boatyard mechanics align the propeller shaft and the motor. These costs
are included in summary under Labor.
Savings During Our First Year
Our first year of electric propulsion has been full-time cruising, both coastal and
bluewater. During the first, colder part of the trip we stayed in a lot of marinas for heat
but then anchored out as much as possible as the weather warmed.
We sailed when we could but also motor-sailed quite a bit. We ran the generator many
days to charge the house battery bank, as we did with the old diesel. Since we started
this cruise we have tallied 512 hours on the genset. We did oil changes and fuel filter
changes every 100 hours - 5 this year. We would have done the same with the old
Yanmar diesel.
The main cost difference between diesel propulsion and hybrid-electric propulsion for us
has been fuel consumption and reduced costs for oil changes, as follows:
Old Diesel
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In short, we are happy that we made the switch to electric propulsion.
We have had a great break-in period, using the boat in almost all conditions:
Cold weather, Chesapeake Bay sailing and motoring
Motoring, sailing, and motor-sailing in the Atlantic ICW
A placid, almost silent, trip through the Dismal Swamp
More ICW motoring, mixed with offshore days with light and heavy weather
Anchoring in Georgia (ICW) to recharge the propulsion bank in order to press on
through opposing currents - seamingly always against us
Days motoring on the ICW using only electric - recharging overnight at marinas
Frustrating days trying to sail into the wind but making slow progress in a sea with
slower electric propulsion
Successfully electro-powering through a channel, into 25 knot winds, and a
building sea
A very wet, but safe, two-day sail across the Gulf Stream around the North end of
Almost three months of Bahamas cruising with only one stop to get some “just in
case” fuel even though we did not need it
An electric only trip up the Miami River
A near perfect slow motor-sail from Dry Tortugas to Tampa Bay
Our Cons
For us, there are two primary drawbacks when using the electric propulsion system
while cruising:
On a longer motor-sailing day where we use the genset for our hybrid-electric
propulsion, we still hear a diesel albeit much quieter than the old diesel engine.
In addition, depending on the speed we are trying to make, we might use the power
from the 72v DC charger AND some additional power from the batteries. This
requires that we run the genset AFTER we arrive to recharge the propulsion battery
bank. Compared to the old diesel propulsion, where we were all charged up at the
end of a long motoring day, we now have to continue to run the genset. Of course,
when pulling into a marina this is not an issue.
Slower motoring in a sea.
Although a known drawback when we finished our initial sea trials, this still can be
frustrating when we remember how the diesel continuously pushed better through a
sea. It is important to note that the electric propulsion pushes well through a sea but
not for a long duration of time a diesel provides.
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Our Pros
There are many advantages to electric propulsion. For us:
Quiet Motoring
By far the best part of electric propulsion is the quiet motoring. It feels like sailing
because you can still hear the water, have a soft spoken conversation, and your bones
don’t feel shaky from the rattle of diesel engine.
Reduced fuel costs
We go less and less often to the fuel dock and we are considering taking out a second
fuel tank to get some more storage below decks.
Improved Boat Control
The slow speeds that you can apply to the propeller with electric propulsion allow for
much more control in docking. You can immediately go between forward and reverse
without the telltale “clunk” of the transmission from the diesel. We enjoyed ever time
a dock master would come to help move us into a new slip or help us away from the
marina and they would say “ok go ahead and warm up your engine” - it was nice to
say “no need - we have an electric motor.”
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Authors’ Biography
Bill and Amy McManus are currently cruising on their Hylas 44 in the Gulf of Mexico.
They, along with their son, Finn, and cat, Quincy, have spent 2012 cruising the US
Atlantic East Coast, Bahamas and the Gulf of Mexico.
They are members of the Ocean Cruising Club (OCC) having crossed the North Atlantic
in 2001 aboard their CSY 37. They cruised the Mediterranean as far East as Italy and
then sailed back across the Atlantic aboard a Catana 43 catamaran in 2003.
Counting their current cruise, they have cruised or lived aboard for over six years on
three different boats.
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Test Data 1 - Old Diesel Engine
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Test Data 2 - New Electric Motor with Same Propeller
s/v Marama! ! ! October 22, 2011
Test data for new motor
Same Prop - Diameter 17” Pitch Variable - Auto Prop
Severn River - Annapolis MD
Conditions - Less than 5 knots of wind, calm water
Gearing 22/72
GPS Speed
Shaft RPM
(72v DC Nominal)
Slow Forward
Slow Forward
Med Forward
Med Forward
Full Forward
Full Forward
Med Reverse
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Test Data 3 - New Electric Motor with New Prop and Gearing
s/v Marama! ! ! July 1, 2012
Test data for new prop - Diameter 18” (Fixed 3 Blade) with 13 pitch and cup
Prop should be considered 18/14
Biscayne Bay Florida
Conditions - SE Winds 5-10, light chop
Gearing 22/90
GPS Speed
Shaft RPM
(72v DC Nominal)
Slow Forward
Med Forward
Full Forward
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