SAP Business Intelligence Suite
Document Version: 4.2 Support Package 7 - 2019-02-28
Fixed Issues
This document contains important information about fixes
present in SAP BusinessObjects BI 4.2 SP7. Before
installing the software, we recommend that you read the
entire document. To find more information about this
release see:
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About This Document
SAP BusinessObjects BI Suite Fixed Issues 4.2 SP7
SAP BusinessObjects BI Suite Fixed Issues 4.2 SP7
Information Design Tool
SAP Note Title
'Could not register connection '<Connection_name>'. The network layer and database
is not a valid supported connectivity' error message displaying when using MS Excel
2013, 2016 and Sybase ASE 15.7 drivers in a multi source universe in Information
Design Tool
dfx column descriptions is showed as either empty/ garbled sentences when connected
to Oracle 12C R2
SAP Business Intelligence Platform
SAP Note Title
[CVE-2019-0251] Cross-Site Scripting (XSS) vulnerability in SAP Business Objects Fiori
Core dumps are generated when running "cscheck ds" or "cscheck find".
Cannot promote overrides using CTS+
DFO assert failures in logs during CMS start: the payload property is owned by another
Memory leak when using CORBA SSL in 4.2 SP05
Free-hand SQL based WebI report using Sybase ASE Open Client connection calling
Stored Procedure fails with "Not Converted: PDP Stored Procedure Connection" error
"View objects that the user owns" is not working properly when applied to Personal
Empty list and error occurs when accessing Inboxes in Central Management Console
Application name is not displayed correctly when logging into Fioried BILaunchpad
using WinAD SSO.
Some schedule jobs which are based on Calendar are not triggered by File Based
[4.2 SP05] Unable to refresh RCT converted freehandsql report which contain both
@prompt and @variable
Cannot disable/enable user account by Restful API when this account contains multiple
Import/ upload objects from BI Launchpad creates strtsxxx.tmp files
Tomcat 8.5.X fails to start after implementing SAP Note 2088195
Enabled HTTP Basic Authentication -for WACS - timezone service doesnt work
SAP BusinessObjects BI Suite Fixed Issues 4.2 SP7
BI 4.2 SP05 installation failed with DB2 11.1 on Linux 7.3&7.4
Unable to navigate to Categories in Fiorified Launchpad
IOMS installer use Port 80 for SSL Site confiduration and fails.
BI4.2 SP06 upgrade failed with INS13 if not using static IP
WinAD and SAP users with same name are not mapped under single User account
Prompt for Mandatory Bex Query Variables display the technical name, instead of the
description for report based off SAP BW Bex Query in Crystal Reports for Enterprise,
and viewed in SAP BI LaunchPad
Version Management - "Get Version" and "Get Copy of Version" does not restore or
add the version specific object into the CMS
In 4.2 SP06, files to SFTP destination are truncated and corrupt
Searching for content in Central Management Console is slow
UMT process stays in memory after closing application.
BI Workspaces display Flash files incorrectly in BI 4.2 SP6
The Web Page module in BI workspace cannot display CMC well
Cannot edit password when creating a new user after viewing a disabled user in Central
Management Console (CMC)
Typo in file
Only Root Folder is available for exclusion in Delete Tenant interface
Edge v41.16299.611.0: Accessing Office documents (Excel, Rtf ....) hangs BI
password incorrect SAP Authentication
Downloaded Pdf does not show the correct value
.properties files updated in webapps\BOE\WEB-INF\internal and other locations are not
kept through updates
Unused demo code to be removed from Data Federator
Output query to trace file when it fails to execute due to timeout
Workspace will not refresh when called from openDocument
Changing the Enterprise Password, terminates the users' Third-Party active sessions in
SAP Business Intelligence Platform
Improve performance of loading Platform Search application page in Central
Management Console
Performance of loading CMC page when user has no view right on some objects
BOBJ CTS doesn't work after Solman 7.2 U
Reduce amount of traces and remove some errors from log file
An extra .xls is added in the filename when schedule a Web Intelligence document to BI
Inbox with EXCEL format
SAP BusinessObjects BI Suite Fixed Issues 4.2 SP7
freessl201- issue while running Measurement tool for windows with SSL
SAML SSO is Not working for Information Platform Services (MiniBIP)
Opening a second browser tab with the same BI Launchpad session freezes the
Documents objects panel of the first BI launchpad tab
Lumira Designer Connection issue: LANG=1024
Restriction of TLS version for SSL communications in SAP Business Intelligence
Cannot upload local file which extension is upper case after applying limit the file type
with the method in SAP Note 2315665
Error when creating WebI documents with sub-queries for tenants in MTM
'Web Assistant' is by default enabled for all users in Fiorified BI Launchpad for each
Error on upgrade from SAP BI Platform 4.1 on BusinessObjects_LCM_dfo.xml
Logon time takes several minutes with Fiori Launchpad
Changes done at PVL (Product Viewing Locale) are not getting reflected on Calendar
picker values in Scheduling tab within interactive Launchpad (Fiori)
Performance of looking for a BOE service has negative impact on product operations
Editing a Monitoring watch displays incorrect rules and behaves inconsistently
Cannot Delete the tenant in 4.2
[CVE-2019-0259] Unrestricted File Upload vulnerability in BO 4.2/ Visual Difference
Slow to add Publication Recipients in BI
Trouble Embedding Webi Web Parts Into BIWorkspace Navigation List
DFO assert failures in logs during CMS startup for file
Improve load time of Source Documents tab for creation of publication
CMS may crash when an account's password is modified
The Version Management is not working in HEC
Cross-Site Scripting (XSS) vulnerability for hyperlink in BI Launchpad
In Infoview, right-click on a Web Intelligence report and click the Modify, HTTP Status
400 &#x2013; Bad Request is returned.
BI Administrator Cockpit is not displaying data for Document instances for today filter
Reduce duration to retrieve Usergroup tree in Central Management Console
Rollback not enable for the job created/exported via web and imported via CLI
Generic BIsizing link in system Configuration Wizard
Configure minimum value to trace Central Management Server query timing
SAP BusinessObjects Analysis
SAP BusinessObjects BI Suite Fixed Issues 4.2 SP7
SAP Note Title
Headers are repeated when exporting an Analysis edition for OLAP workspace to CSV
file format.
In the "Measure Format" dialogue box, some UI components may overlap others
Different corrections and improvements are brought in SAP BusinessObjects Business
Intelligence Platform by updating the BICS libraries to version 2.44.
Analysis component name under Properties is not retained after reopening the Analysis
for OLAP workspace
Viewing AO Workbook containing HANA http data-source gives 500 server error on BI
Launchpad / CMC
Analysis edition for OLAP is freezing when filtering on a hierarchy containing a slash or
a backslash character in its name or in its list of values.
Conditional Formatings are not reflected properly in Excel after export, when the
workspace contains a non-displayed hierarchy.
SAP BusinessObjects Dashboards
SAP Note Title
When running a dashboard, the labels of the Combo box cannot exceed the canvas
SAP Dashboards fails to launch on Windows 10 machines with error message Adobe
Flash player 9 or above is needed.
The tab order cannot be changed in Tabset component in Dashboard
SAP BusinessObjects Desktop Intelligence
SAP Note Title
DCP does not show the Slice & Dice Menu Bar
Using credential mapping in Desktop Intelligence documents connecting to BI 4.2
Support Pack 05 Patch 4 results in a database error
SAP BusinessObjects Live Office
SAP Note Title
Can't insert comments on WebI section part
Live Office can't support some WebI elements position well in PPT.
SAP BusinessObjects Mobile
SAP BusinessObjects BI Suite Fixed Issues 4.2 SP7
SAP Note Title
BOE 4.2 SP6 No securityContext.xml in MobileBIService webapps directory
SAP Business Objects Web Intelligence
SAP Note Title
Incorrect sql script is generated in query panel when using prompt filter based on
hidden object in a Web Intelligence report
Failover is not working in Web Intelligence Applet mode
Reset button for calendar input control does not work in Web Intelligence Interactive
Functions list is not displayed when typing in the Formula bar of Web Intelligence HTML
In Chrome, cannot select the right universe in the universe list when creating a Web
Intelligence document if there are too many universes and the name contains Japanese
When creating a Web Intelligence query based on Free Hand SQL data source, the
Query Name is not updated if you changed the name in Query Properties and click Run
Updating a Shared Element will delete the underlying Input Control in Web Intelligence
#TOREFRESH warning is missing on charts in Web Intelligence Interactive Viewer
Incorrect values may be displayed when hovering the mouse cursor over data points on
chart with 2 Y-axes in Web Intelligence documents
List of values is refreshed automatically in Web Intelligence prompts
When merging 2 cells and aligning with an existing border, an extra border is added in
Web Intelligence
Table outline doesn&#x2019;t work as expected when "Right to Left content alignment"
option is set in Web Intelligence HTML mode
Calendar selection for prompts not working when using the Web Intelligence Interactive
Viewer for Web Intelligence Reports
Error while opening a Web Intelligence document using Web Intelligence HTML
interface after upgrading the system
Prompt variant with non ascii characters does not take effect in Web Intelligence HTML
interface with Internet explorer browser on a 32 bits client machine
Mouseover on a Web Intelligence Box Plot char showing additional wrong information.
Web Intelligence schedule error: "Query Script Generation failed"
No data appears in a successfully completed instance of a Web Intelligence document
OpenDocument link with "Current Window" parameter opens in a new browser tab
instead of the same window when performed from Web Intelligence Interactive Viewer
SAP BusinessObjects BI Suite Fixed Issues 4.2 SP7
Prompt values are not retained while rescheduling a Pending/Recurring Web
Intelligence report instance scheduled to Web Intelligence Format
[CVE-2019-0237] Information Disclosure in SAP BusinessObjects BI Central
Management Console
Blank column appears when hiding column whose table header or footer is merged
An error has occurred when creating a variable with the same name or starting with the
same first characters of an existing object in Web Intelligence report
User can drag and drop objects to create table in Web Intelligence even if the
"Reporting - insert and remove reports, tables, charts and cells" right is denied
[CVE-2019-0262] Cross-Site Scripting (XSS) vulnerability in WebIntelligence
When checking the option "Show object name" in the Format Table menu of a cross
table of a Web Intelligence report, the background color of the row is set to black
Webservice(QaaWS) is trimming off space of prompt values before to send the query to
the database
Marks in prompt summary are truncated in Web Intelligence HTML interface after
Issues with title and legend location in chart when formatting Area Display in a Web
Intelligence document
Canceling a Refresh action on a Web Intelligence document opened with Open
document URL with parameter sViewer=fiori doesn't work
Change time level is not applied in the report in Web Intelligence Interactive Viewer
after navigating through the navigation map
Browser Console shows error when using opendoc with sViewer=fiori and
Error:" exception raised: java.util.NoSuchElementException" is encountered when
scheduling Web Intelligence documents containing prompts with default values
A prompt window unexpectedly appears in the Web Intelligence Interactive Viewer
when opening a document from an OpenDocument link
In the Central Management Console, the values for Vertical/Horizontal records in the
Quick display mode properties don't match in BI LaunchPad with the values of Rows/
Columns in Quick Display
Comment Field shows previous comments when exporting a Web Intelligence report to
When creating a Web Intelligence document using Excel files or Text files as data
sources, the application can't distinguish these data sources files
Unable to fold back an unfolded Web Intelligence column in Web Intelligence Interactive
Charts and images may not be correctly displayed in Web Intelligence Interactive
Viewer when several instances of the same Web Intelligence document are open
View script window is getting grayed out for users with advanced security rights
SAP BusinessObjects BI Suite Fixed Issues 4.2 SP7
Javascript error in palette.js when setting iframe size to zero while viewing an
Opendocument Page
The Calendar Picker displays Today instead of Now when prompt comes from universe
object in a Web Intelligence report
Firefox setting to view PDFs in browser may be ignored when opening a Web
Intelligence document in PDF format
Format Number is not taken into account in Web Intelligence when it is defined in the
Assign Data panel
Not able to create a prompt variant which has a single or a double quote character in
the name in a Web Intelligence report
Cannot apply prompt variant with value of type date time in Web Intelligence HTML
"Create prompt variant" dialog box: "Select All" button is enabled even if all prompts are
The drill on a dimension contained in a merged dimension is not working using the Web
Intelligence RESTFul service
Inconsistent formatting is applied when changing the size of a chart (width and height),
using measurement unit 'centimeter' in Web Intelligence document set with Web
Intelligence HTML interface
In Web Intelligence HTML interface, edit a break based on a null value raises an error
Text getting truncated in the document preview when attempting to print a report in Web
Web Intelligence Interactive Viewer cannot display more than 11 variants in list when
refreshing Web Intelligence document
Web intelligence Change Source fails with error "While trying to invoke the method .getDataSourceHeader() of a null object loaded from a local
variable &#x2018;dataProvider&#x2019;"
Adding NAII=Y parameter to a Web Intelligence openDocument link does not prompt for
Optional prompts
Intra Document link does not work in Web Intelligence Interactive Viewer using an iPad
Charts disappear when navigating to the current page using the Navigation panel in
Web Intelligence Interactive viewer
Selected object is missing in the "result from another query" filter when merge is applied
for Web Intellignce document in HTML Mode
Web Intelligence report fails to load the document link if &#x201C;Target area within the
Document&#x201D; option is checked and the report tab is named with accentuated
Unable to remove optional prompt values for Web Intelligence reports when
Default column caption for hierarchical prompts is omitted by Web Intelligence RESTful
Web Service
OpenDocument to a Web Intelligence report set to open in PDF renders a blank report
SAP BusinessObjects BI Suite Fixed Issues 4.2 SP7
Charts may not be displayed until scrolling down the report when viewing documents
using Web Intelligence Interactive Viewer in Google Chrome
Customizations set in the Central Management Console for &#x201C;Query panel
Toolbar=> Add query&#x201D; to hide &#x201C;TEXT&#x201D; as data source is not
getting reflected to the Web Intelligence HTML interface
Apply a Query level filter on Dimension numeric Object with Operator &#x201C;In
list&#x201D; or&#x201D; Not in list&#x201D; and selecting values from list Getting
error message WIS 10703
An internal error is thrown by Web Intelligence RESTful Web Service when exporting a
Web Intelligence document to ZIP (HTML) with additional ZIP entries
"Query script generation failed. See your administrator. Inconsistent answers. BW
system <SID> returns Specify a value for variable <Variable_Name> (IES 13)" error is
thrown in Web Intelligence Interactive Viewer when searching for List of Valuess in the
Prompt window
Bad perfomance issue when editing the data provider in Web Intelligence HTML
Undo operation cancels more than one action in Web Intelligence Rich Client or Applet
Document Structure and Filters panel came to blank after Undo operation to cancel the
recent added filter in Web Intelligence HTML interface
Selecting a node from tree view to refresh a Web Intelligence document through Web
Intelligence RESTful Web Service may lead to an error
Mozilla Firefox: Unable to create a new custom Palette for a chart in Web Intelligence
HTML interface.
Nothing happens when trying to perform an "Edit as a Geography by name" on a
variable with double byte Japanese characters using Web Intelligence HTML interface
In Web Intelligence HTML interface, Time Dimensions are not visible in a available
objects pane if parent dimension contains attibutes
Failed to parse report element (error: INF) error appears in a Web Intelligence
document having a filter on empty hierarchical caption
In some cases the chart's legend fails to be displayed when viewing reports using Web
Intelligence Interactive Viewer
Hardly possible to select the color and opacity when creating a new custom Palette in
Web intelligence HTML interface using German language
An internal error is thrown by Web Intelligence RESTful Web Service when getting
details of a merged expression built on hierarchical expressions.
The last item for a cascading List of Values is not well displayed in Web Intelligence
Interactive Viewer
Some Buttons, from change source dialog, are still in English even setting the Product
Locale as Japanese in HTML viewer
Section properties are not handled correctly when updating specification using the Web
Intelligence RESTFul service
Images in subfolder of the default SAP BusinessObjects Business Intelligence Platform
images folder are not displayed by Web Intelligence Interactive Viewer
SAP BusinessObjects BI Suite Fixed Issues 4.2 SP7
Web Intelligence HTML interface freezes when moving from a query to another which is
Calendar widget is grayed when updating an input control based on a date time object
Creating a report in a Web Intelligence document through Web Intelligence RESTful
Web Service may throw an error if "Track Data Changes" is not enabled
Range definition does not work properly on charts in Web Intelligence HTML interface
mHTML format generated from a Web Intelligence publication fails to open successfully
Right to Left content orientation of table columns is not working properly in Web
Intelligence Interactive Viewer
Different behaviors for Element function between HTML and Applet mode when editing
a Web Intelligence report if right "Reporting - create and edit input controls" is denied
In Web Intelligence HTML mode , Query Filter value entered in the &#x201C;Type
box&#x201D; of prompt is automatically getting selected while selecting a value from
List of Values
Formatting Locales are not taken into account when you schedule a Web Intelligence
Line Width cannot be reduced to 0 in Line Chart when creating a Web Intelligence
Report using the HTML Interface
Details objects are missing when creating an Element Link or an Input Control in Web
The previous values are cleared if List Of Values uses cascading prompt in the universe
An alerter should not be assigned several times to a cell when using Web Intelligence
RESTful Web Service
Impossible to add an Excel query after selecting "Open in Designer ..." in Web
Intelligence Interactive Viewer
Cannot duplicate a Formatting Rule for some Web Intelligence document in HTML
In Web Intelligence, the objects list is not filtered when arranged by Data Source in the
Create Element Link wizard
When a Web Intelligence report is created from a local Excel file in Web Intelligence
Rich Client, its settings cannot be edited in BI launchpad
When updating the specification of a Web Intelligence report using Web Intelligence
RESTful Web Service, the returned status is always the same even if the sent
specification is different or invalid
In BI Workspace, report parts appears blank when they are used with Web Intelligence
report with Prompts and with 'Refresh on Open' option enabled
Resetting the selection of an input control using Web Intelligence RESTful Web Service
should use default values if any
Object is shown as missing source when doing "Change data source" on all data
provider queries in Web Intelligence HTML Interface
Refreshing a Web Intelligence document with cascading prompts using Web
Intelligence Interactive Viewer may throw an error.
SAP BusinessObjects BI Suite Fixed Issues 4.2 SP7
The List Of Values screen overlaps The last value when trying to apply a custom sort to
a column in a Web Intelligence Report with Mozilla FireFox in Web Intelligence HTML
Impossible to run query with Temporal Sets when mixing Prompt and List of values
operands with Between / Not Between operator
Prompt answer cannot be modifed for BEx range variable without list of values
associated in Web Intelligence Interactive Viewer
In Web Intelligence HTML interface it should not be possible to define a default value on
an Input Control if it belongs to a group
Hidden objects at Universe level are not working as expected in Web Intelligence HTML
SAP BusinessObjects Web Intelligence
SAP Note Title
Blank rows appear in Excel when exporting a Web Intelligence report even though "hide
when empty" is enabled
Web Intelligence document performence issue for complex variables
DataDirect drivers for Web Intelligence are missing after installation on UNIX operating
Second cancellation of Web Intelligence report is slow in BI Launch pad Java applet
and Web Intelligence Rich Client
Incorrect data is shown in Web Intelligence reports based on a BEx query smart
measure since updating to SAP BusinessObjects Business Intelligence Platform 4.2
Support Package 04
Geographic chart content disappears after creating a merged dimension in Web
$InputFormSetDocPropertyException: Cannot update document property for report ID:
234 (Error: ??? 00)" error message appears when performing the Undo action in Web
Description of a Detail variable with an Associated dimension disappears from the
Variable Editor after re-opening the Web Intelligence document
PREVIOUS function return wrong result in the break header/footer of the crosstab in
Web Intelligence document
After creating a Free Hand SQL Web Intelligence report, if the connection name is
changed it does not get updated on the Web Intelligence report
Error: "The following database error occurred: [Data Federator Driver] [Server]
[Connector 'xxxxxx'] The SAP BW server reported an exception: (103) JCO_ERROR_LOGON_FAILURE: System
received an expired SSO ticket on sapbwp sysnr 49. For information about this error,
please refer to SAP Knowledge Base Article 2054721 on the SAP Support Portal. (IES
10901)" happens
Where operator with measure condition has no effect on Reference Object of a Web
Intelligence report
SAP BusinessObjects BI Suite Fixed Issues 4.2 SP7
Error may appear while opening Web Intelligence Rich Client in Standalone mode what
is not connecting to the network
Web Intelligence document is not displaying data in Serbian cyrillic when OLAP
connection is defined with any Serbian cyrillic language
Prompts based on BEx Variables may not be merged even if they have the same data
type and use the same prompt text.
Incorrect value is displayed in Tile charts when filtering by an empty or null value from
an Input Control in Web Intelligence
The following database error occurs after running a Web Intelligence report on a UNV
universe on top of Teradata database : "[Teradata][ODBC Teradata Driver][Teradata
Database] GROUP BY and WITH...BY clauses may not contain aggregate functions.
For information about this error, please refer to SAP Knowledge Base Article 2054721
on the SAP Support Portal. (IES 10901) (Error: INF )&#x201D;
GeoMap appears blank for 'Jammu and Kashmir' state in Web Intelligence document
'Apply security filtering on open' option is not working correctly when opening Web
Intelligence report
After setting rows restriction on Universe side, no partial result warning is displayed
when running a Web Intelligence document based on Universe from MSAS 2008 cube
Web Intelligence reports fail due to maximum sessions reached error
Slow performance seen while navigating tabs in specific Web Intelligence reports
Web Intelligence report generates incorrect SQL when Linked UNV universe contains
Access Restrictions.
Web Intelligence report may hang when refreshing List of Values
Web Intelligence report showing partial data result when it is based on a universe that
contains a stored procedure with multiple execute statements
Merged dimensions become unmerged in Web Intelligence documents based on a BEx
query (direct BICS)
Web Intelligence document based on OLAP BICS connection is not extracting all
members from hierarchy that contains LinkedNode
The error "Universe generation failed for resource id" may appear when creating a Web
Intelligence document based on a BICS connection
"Invalid SET statement in the triggered action" error message appears when clicking on
Run query in Web Intelligence
Incorrect object name in Web Intelligence when creating query based on Free hand
The error "Security profile stored in object '<CUID>' is not accessible by current user,
the security to apply cannot be retrieved. Contact your administrator. (IDT 23148)"
appears in Rich Client
Images may appear distorted in PDF files when exported from Web Intelligence
Conditional Formatting is not getting copied from one report tab to another in Web
Intelligence report
SAP BusinessObjects BI Suite Fixed Issues 4.2 SP7
Memory leak and performance issue when refreshing Web Intelligence document with
BW datasource after upgrading to 4.2 SP6 (UNV based on BW)
Incorrect SQL generation when query stripping is enabled and there is a parameter
defined in Object WHERE clause in universe level
Refreshing a List of Values based on a HANA Input Parameter or Variable is much
slower in Web Intelligence 4.2 Support Package 06 than in earlier versions
GeoMaps based on a variable and used in a chart cannot be displayed when the Web
Intelligence document is saved and reopened
Error when running a query of a Web Intelligence report based on a Stored Procedure
universe with Date as Parameter
Refreshing a document in Web Intelligence Rich Client fails with the error "An internal
error occurred while calling ProcessDpCommandsEx API (Error: ERR_WIS_30270)
(WIS 30270) "
The font size in chart may change in Web Intelligence documents migrated to SAP
BusinessObjects Business Intelligence Platform 4.2
Incorrect value is returned in DatesBetween and TimeBetween function with
Blank column is displayed for Time dimension attributes if the parent dimension
contains some empty values in the dataset of a Web Intelligence report
Saving a Web Intelligence document with a dimension variable containing Dataprovider
() throws an error
An error "Missing Cube Name" may appear in the list of values within a prompt window
in Web Intelligence documents
Some erratic behavior, including unexpected shutdown and memory leak, may appear
when exporting complex Web Intelligence document
Web Intelligence Fold/Unfold functionality doesn't work on Multi-values Breaks
Platform Search Indexing never completes on large CMS repository with 1 or 2 logical
Filter on a time dimension additional attributes gives incorrect results in a Web
Intelligence report
Folded breaks generate multiple frames in Web Intelligence reports
Manually entered prompt values for complex selection variables are not show in the cell
with PromptSummary() function after refreshing the report
The cache generated in scheduling process is not used when exporting a Web
Intelligence instance to PDF, EXCEL format
Inconsistent search result during filtering on facets/categories
Geo Map in Web Intelligence document is not exported to PDF or Excel outputs when
its "Number of Ranges" parameter is set to "0"
Warning message "The custom script has been reset" is not displayed when Custom
SQL is updated
Can't apply custom sort to a variable which is based on a grouping variable in a Web
Intelligence report
SAP BusinessObjects BI Suite Fixed Issues 4.2 SP7
When auto width option is checked for Table columns, Hidden Columns are visible
when document is displayed in Design/structure Only
WebIntelligenceProcessingServer sever crashes with error "[IllegalArgumentException]
<pageIndex>" when a Web Intelligence document has GeoMaps
Refresh Failure when running end to end trace
"Error: Provider Selection Object: Initialization Issue (Error: INF )" is showing up when
refreshing a Web Intelligence report based on a BEx query
Wrong Week number for Time dimension in WebIntelligence for Fiscal calendar
Chart title in Web Intelligence always displays "My Title"
Count() returns wrong values in Web Intelligence document containing multiple
dataproviders and merged dimensions
Error #MULTIVALUE occurs when using NoFilter() function in Web Intelligence
Empty sections are still visible in Web Intelligence document even if 'Hide section
instances when empty' option is checked
In Web Intelligence documents with incompatible dimensions in a table, #DATASYNC is
not displayed when 'Avoid duplicate row aggregation' option is checked
When refreshing list of values of a Web Intelligence document based on a BEx query,
the memory of the DSL Bridge Service keeps growing
Custom and automatic titles in chart within Web Intelligence documents are replaced by
the default title "My Title" after migration
Web Intelligence reports with Hindi fonts are not getting exported properly to PDF
format from both Web Intelligence Rich Client as well as BI Launchpad
In a Web Intelligence Document, Hierarchy is flattened in the Table while adding a
detail object
Font Tahoma used on a Web Intelligence document is fall backed on Unix, text used in
a cell may wrap when it should not
The error "Universe generation failed for resource id" may appear when creating a Web
Intelligence document based on a BICS connection involving calculated variable
Table Borders are missing in Web intelligence document when exported to PDF format
Error occurs with Query Filters in Web Intelligence document based on universe using
derived tables with "@Execute(List of Values)" expression
In Web Intelligence Document, &#x201C;Apply changes and close&#x201D; generate
error when trying to create an HANA document with mandatory variable having no
default values
The error "SAP DBTech JDBC: [2048]: column Store Error : Search Table Error"
appears when refreshing a Web Intelligence document based on a HANA Calculation
Cannot expand the hierarchy object when it is placed into the section cell and set with a
default expansion value
In a large table at the bottom of some pages, some rows are truncated in page mode or
when exported the document to PDF
SAP BusinessObjects BI Suite Fixed Issues 4.2 SP7
When scheduling a Web Intelligence document with the delivery rule "the scheduled
content contains data", the result is a warning even if there is 1 Row of data in the
Hidden rows are still visible when viewing a Web Intelligence document in Structure
only mode
Web Intelligence documents are going to "success" status even when Server Group
Right is denied when scheduled
BW variable using Selection option type with wildcard Pattern default values is not
getting displayed under Prompt query filter in Web Intelligence report
Refreshing a Web Intelligence report based on a BEx query takes more time in SAP
BusinessObjects Business Intelligence platform 4.2 SP05 Patch 8 than with previous
Web Intelligence document scheduled in the Inbox is not saved in WID format and
cannot be deleted
Hierarchy Node values may not be displayed at correct level after upgrade from SAP
Business Intelligence 4.1 to SAP Business Intelligence 4.2.
SAP Crystal Reports
SAP Note Title
Searching Crystal Report with multiple groups/subreports in Crystal Reports' dhtml
viewer will take a long time and might crash the viewer
Selected parameter value displays as technical value, instead of displaying it&#x2019;s
description, for report based off SAP BW Bex Query in Crystal Reports for Enterprise,
and viewed in SAP BI LaunchPad
Parameter prompts for values, despite the values were already supplied in the
OpenDocument URL, for report created in Crystal Reports for Enterprise, when using
Error: 'An error occurred while generating a new report template. No error.' when
attempting to create a report in Crystal Reports off an SAP BW BEx Query using the
SAP menu
The Thai fonts are incorrect when exporting the report into a PDF file
PDF417 barcode shows incorrectly in CR .NET SDK Winform viewer
Memory Leak in SAP Crystal Reports Server, OEM Edition
Passing an X-SAP-LogonToken using Crystal reports Javascript API creates an
additional session.
File menu should be disabled when viewing Crystal Reports in Fiorified BI Launchpad
The CPU usage of bw publisher service is always high
Suppress Embedded Field Blank Lines also looks at static text and does not suppress.
Error: 'The database table <Table Name> cannot be found', when refreshing a report
based off in Crystal Reports
SAP BusinessObjects BI Suite Fixed Issues 4.2 SP7
&#x201C;View Vendor&#x2019;s Web Site&#x201D; button is removed from Select
Barcode Type dialog box in SAP Crystal Reports designer.
Memory leak in CrystalReports RAS .net/com SDK
SAP Crystal Reports for Enterprise
SAP Note Title
Parameter field(s): {?Name} are in use and require a value. (CRS 314) (CRS 302)
When Scheduling Crystal Reports
Incorrect values in Hierarchy field in Crystal for Enterprise report connected to BW 7.5
Some 15 digit numeric prompt value converted to scientific notation in Crystal Reports
for Enterprise
Crystal Reports Error: 'CRSDK01152' when refreshing a report based off a Bex Query
that uses Selection Optional Variable, which is used in a formula or sub-report linked
parameter, in Crystal Reports for Enterprise
Subfolders are not displaying in the Open Report dialog window in Crystal Reports for
Enterprise 4.2 - Support Pack 06
HANA 2 OLAP connection does not work in CR4E Designer
Incorrect report details returned post BI upgrade for Crystal reports for Enterprise report
containing goups based on Hierarchies
Error: 'Crystal Reports has encountered an unexpected error and needs to close.
CRSDK01016' when refreshing a report based off a Universe connecting to a Time
Dependent SAP BW Cube
Interactive Filter UI crashes CR4E Designer in some case
Default Parameter values NOT retained for Crystal Reports for Enterprise if parameter
is passed through the OpenDocument link
Adding com.azalea.ufl.BarcodeLibrary lib always generates an error
After changing the Group Type 'For Each Record' in a chart, the Legend Label text
cannot be modified in Crystal Reports for Enterprise
Loading UFL lib with invalid APIs wouldn't crash CR4E Designer any more
Crystal Reports RAS SDK replace database connection fails when using
In Crystal Report for Enterprise, Fail to create report with big decimal off Oracle
Database using JDBC connection
Fail to logon to HANA at first refresh for CR4E local report when that HANA Connection
entry doesn't exist in Server Connection list.
Semantic Layer
SAP Note Title
SAP BusinessObjects BI Suite Fixed Issues 4.2 SP7
HANA input parameter not appears in Translation Management Tool Prompts section
when translating Web Intelligence report
In Information Design Tool, UNV/UNX conversion of parameter with List of Values
should change the &#x2018;D&#x2019; parameter type into &#x2018;DT&#x2019; type
if the preference Date->DateTime is set
Information Design Tool lacks memory when opening and closing huge resources many
Delegate Search Fails In UNX
No data retrieved when using date type Query Filter in Web Intelligence report based on
SAP HANA OLAP connection
Unable to modify Business Security profiles for particular universes, using the Security
Cache class with java SDK.
After convert unv universe to unx in Information Design Tool, some Outer Join direction
was changed unexpected
Primary Keys are removed from Attributes when Saving a Business Layer with the
Semantic Layer SDK
On SDK check integrity return error on hidden object
Unable to delete Universe Business Filters using Java SL SDK.
One hour earlier than the correct time shows for the setting date when selecting day
light saving change date (e.g 07/10/2018) for date prompt when scheduling WebI
document or setting default time for date type parameter in information design tool
Cannot edit a joined column in derived table and saving with no errors in Information
Design Tool
'Failed to publish: <universe name> ' error message seen in the Status column when
converting a stored procedure based .unv universe to .unx universe in Information
Design Tool
Performance regression on Web Intelligence Hana based report having hierarchies
The error 'The query cannot run because it contains objects that reference incompatible
tables.' is not displayed when adding incompatible objects in a Web Intelligence report
Query Panel filter: hierarchical list of value using contexts fail with below error
'Parameter Test has an invalid formula associated with it.' error is seen during
Parameters and Lists of Values Integrity Check in Information Design Tool