Volume VIII, No. 1, 2007 1 Issues in Information Systems
Mohammad A. Rob,
University of Houston-Clear Lake, [email protected]
Michael E. Ellis, University of Houston-Clear Lake, [email protected]
This paper briefly describes the process of
development of several case projects through offering
a graduate level course on Data Warehousing and
Data Mining. It then outlines a particular case
project that describes the process of data extracting,
data cleansing, data transfer, data warehouse design
and development. It also outlines the development of
a data cube as well as application of OLAP tools
using Microsoft SQL Server Analysis Services to
understand business intelligence. The results can be
beneficial to an instructor who wants to develop a
practical course or a practitioner venturing into the
data warehousing and data mining area.
Key Words: Data warehouse, Business intelligence,
BI, OLAP, Data mining, Case, and Course.
In recent years, data warehousing and data mining
became a significant part of many organization’s IT
infrastructure. The historical data in the warehouse
play an important role in providing Business
Intelligence (BI) that helps companies to streamline
workflows, provide better customer services, and
target market their products and services. Software
development companies are also focused on
developing new tools and technologies for data
warehousing engines, providing data transfer
services from traditional sources to data warehouses,
performing analysis for business intelligence,
generating reports and ah hoc queries, and executing
data mining algorithms. Large companies such as
Microsoft, Oracle and IBM have significantly
modified their flagship databases such as SQL
Server, Oracle and DB2 to accommodate some of
these necessities. Other companies having significant
market share of the data warehousing and BI tools are
SAP, SAS, PeopleSoft, Crystal Reports, Business
Objects, Teradata, Informatica, DataMirror,
Hyperion, and Cognos [1-2].
Many IT consulting companies help large companies
develop and maintain their data warehousing and BI
efforts (see for example, www.mindtree.com).
Demand for personnel with specific IT skills in the
data warehousing and BI technologies has also been
growing. Today, a search for data warehousing, BI,
or data mining returns thousands of jobs scattered
across the nation [www.careerbuilder.com,
www.monster.com, www.dice.com].
The use of data warehousing and BI technology span
sectors such as retail, airline, banking, health,
government, investment, insurance, manufacturing,
telecommunication, transportation, hospitality,
pharmaceutical, and entertainment [3]. Due to
increasingly stringent budgets, rising operational
costs, and competition from online universities, many
educational institutions recently adopted data
warehousing and BI technology to improve their
business processes [4]. Universities are using BI tools
in areas such as academics, enrollment, financial aid,
alumni, development, finance, and human resources.
Wierschem, et al. [5] discuss many important issues
upon which universities can focus their data
warehousing efforts.
While almost all business sectors, government
agencies, and academia moved into adopting data
warehousing and BI tools, and there are significant
demands for skilled personnel in these areas, the
faculty members in computing and MIS programs
that are expected to teach the knowledge and skills
necessary to prepare their students for the rising job
market are lagging behind. Although a systematic
research has not been done to find out how many
universities offer such a course, a simple search of
the web or journal databases reveals very few course
offerings or papers in relation to teaching data
warehousing and/or data mining [6-8]. Similarly,
finding a text book that can be adopted for such a
course provides a gloomy picture; few of the books
available in the market are of research or tool-
specific in nature.
We have developed a graduate course on data
warehousing and data mining that provides students
with both the theoretical knowledge as well as hands-
on practice with data warehousing tools and
techniques. In the following, we provide a brief
outline of the course as well as the teaching
methodology adopted for the course. Since the main
focus of the course is for students to apply the
knowledge gained in the course to a case project
using a specific data warehousing tool, we will
Case projects in data warehousing and data mining
Volume VIII, No. 1, 2007 2 Issues in Information Systems
mainly focus on the description of the development
of such a case project.
Course Purpose
The purpose of the course is to acquaint students with
fundamental knowledge of data warehouse modeling
and design; the tools and techniques of data analysis
using OLAP (Online Analytical Processing)
techniques; to acquaint students with data mining
concepts, techniques and query language; and to
prepare students for future careers in data warehouse
planning, analysis, design, and implementation.
Specifically the course provides an understanding of
the concepts and knowledge in the following key
The difference between a database, a data mart,
d a data warehouse; operational vers
decision support syste
ms; the difference betw
Online T
ransactional Processing (OLT
P) and
line Analytical Processing (OLAP)
The data warehouse architecture and
ronment; the concepts of facts, dimensions,
and hierarchies; the Dimensional Model versus
Entity-Relationship Model; data warehous
odeling with Star- and Snow-flake schema
The concepts of cube and OLAP processing
rough roll-up, drill-down, slicing, dicing, an
pivot table. T
he ETL process – the conc
ept of
ata extraction, transformation and loading; da
mining techniques s
ch as classification,
ustering, estimation and prediction.
Designing and developing a data warehouse as
well as applying ETL, OLAP, and data mini
ools on cubes using Microsoft SQL Server
Analysis Se
Key C
omponents of the Course
The course mainly focuses on three areas: (i)
development of data warehousing and data analysis
concepts through lecture notes, textbooks, and other
online resources; (ii) writing and presenting two
research papers; and (iii) development of a case
project using the Microsoft SQL Server Analysis
Services as well as making three group presentations
and submitting a final report on the project. The
required textbooks for the course are, “Data
Warehousing Fundamentals” by Paulraj Ponniah [9]
and “Microsoft SQL Server 2000 Analysis Services
Step by Step” by Reed Jacobson [10]. Other
reference books used for the course are found in the
references [11-12]. The course is offered once a year
and the topics for research papers vary. During the
summer of 2006, they were focused on understanding
some of the concepts of data mining such as
classification, clustering, estimation and prediction.
The course webs
ttp://mis.uhcl.edu/rob/Course/DW/DW.htm) hosts
completed student papers and presentations.
Developing the Case Project
Students are required to work in groups to model,
gn, and develop a data warehouse. Each group
needs to choose a business industry such as airline,
education, retail, financial, insurance, hospitality,
investment, and healthcare. They will then collect
day-to-day business data found in files, databases,
spreadsheets, or text documents in various data
formats. Next they will develop a strategy to convert
these data into a common format as well as in
summarized form. They will then design and develop
a multi-dimensional data warehouse and transfer the
data to the warehouse. Using the data, they will then
develop a multidimensional cube using the SQL
Server Data Analysis Services. Finally, students will
apply OLAP and data mining tools to extract
meaningful business intelligence on customers,
products, purchases, and so on. Further details of the
case project requirements are outlined in the course
web site.
Presentations on the Case Project
Each student group is required to make three
presentations during the various stages of the project
development. The presentations follow a schedule
and they cover topics such as: (i) project definition
and planning, (ii) logical and physical design of the
data warehouse, and (iii) results of the cube
implementation through applying OLAP and data
mining tools. Further details of the presentation
requirements can be found in the course web site.
Note, about 50% of the students in the class worked
in various industries in and around the city of
Houston. This experience allowed almost all student
groups to work on real-life cases. All presentations as
well as the final report for each case project can be
found in the course website. The rest of the
discussion is focused on a particular case project.
Case projects in data warehousing and data mining
Volume VIII, No. 1, 2007 3 Issues in Information Systems
Business Scenario
The type of business used as a model for the project
is a Heating, Ventilation, Air Conditioning and
Refrigeration (HVAC/R) wholesale company. It is
modeled on a former employer of one of the team
members of a student group. The 50-year-old
company has about 260 employees divided between
its 215,000 square foot distribution center and 30
branch locations around the state of Texas. The
branch locations are setup with a small showroom
containing small items on shelves, like an auto parts
store. Overstock and larger items are in the
warehouse. Customers can self-serve for smaller
items, but must be helped for items in the warehouse.
All items are invoiced at the counter in the branch
The company sells equipment, parts, and supplies to
licensed contractors who perform work on heating,
air conditioning, and refrigeration systems. It sells
approximately 16,000 line items that come from
2,000 stocking manufacturers. These sales are
processed by an online transaction processing
(OLTP) system. A simplified representation of the
existing OLTP system is shown in Figure 1. As
invoices are generated, the individual invoice line
items are stored in the Sales table.
When more than one item is sold for an invoice, an
invoice line item is stored in the Sales table, with the
Invoice Number, Date, and Invoice Line Number as a
composite primary key. This composite key is also
necessary because invoice numbers are recycle
every year. Without the Date field as part of the
key there would never be any way to tell which
invoice you were referring to, invoice 150088
from 1998 or invoice 150088 from 2003.
The other tables in Figure 1, the Products,
Customers, and Stores, allow coherent reporting
of current sales data through joins between the
Sales table and the other three tables as needed to
provide descriptive data about products,
customers, and branch locations.
Why a Data Warehouse?
The day-to-day operations of the company rely
heavily upon the OLTP system. Everyone from
the purchasing department to branch managers to
accounts receivable rely on it for current
information to make normal operational
decisions. For the most part, it does what it is
supposed to do – it tells users what is currently
happening in the company.
Yet the OLTP system is painfully inadequate when it
comes to strategic decision support. These types of
information requests from management must be dealt
with individually by the information technology (IT)
staff. Data aggregations are programmed into
reports, but any comparisons across time or products
must be done manually. Data history in the OLTP
system typically goes back 2 years, even though the
company has been generating computerized data for
over 20 years.
A data warehouse is the solution. It will provide a
central repository for historical data. It will provide
an integrated platform for historical analysis of sales
data. It will allow the application of online analytical
processing (OLAP) techniques by users themselves.
With a data warehouse and OLAP, we expect to
empower users to perform their own roll-up and drill-
down operations to analyze sales across product
categories, subcategories, store regions, individual
stores, or any combination desired. They will have
the flexibility to view data and immediately look at
data in another form without sending a request to IT
for a new report. They will enjoy a true decision
support system that will provide strategic analysis in
a user-friendly format.
Expected Challenges
There are some technical challenges that need to be
considered. We mentioned previously that the
invoice numbers are recycled every year. Each
Figure 1 – The Simplified Model of the OLTP System
PK Invoice Number
PK Invoice Line Number
PK Date
FK1 Customer Number
Sales Person
FK3 Store Number
FK2 Part Number
Sale Price
PK Customer Number
Credit Limit
PK Part Number
PK Store Number
Case projects in data warehousing and data mining
Volume VIII, No. 1, 2007 4 Issues in Information Systems
ure 5
Product Hierarch
invoice number also has the store number embedded
within it. For example, invoice 150088 was written
at store number 15. It is a handy feature if someone
is tracking down invoices, but it is a problem for a
data warehouse. Product part numbers also contain
embedded information. The first three digits of the
seven-digit part number are used to identify a
category or supplier. For example, part numbers
3411208, 3416442, and 3417880 are all electrical
parts. Parts 7602392 and 7601008 are manufactured
by Sporlan Valve Company. This must be resolved
as we build our data warehouse model.
Designing the Data Warehouse
The following discussion outlines the process of our
data warehouse design.
Dimensional Modeling
The tables shown in Figure 2 are the tables that make
up the current OLTP system. To create a data
warehouse system we must determine how we are
going to extract meaningful data and logically group
the data. To that end, we prepared the information
package shown in Figure 3. The information package
allows the data warehouse’s designers to layout the
requirements for the dimension tables, their
hierarchies, and the facts to be modeled.
Dimension Tables
The information package was then used to create
the dimension tables shown in Figure 3. The
Time, Product, Customer, and Store dimensions
are each used to create dimension tables. The
dimension hierarchies will be discussed in the
next section.
Fact Table
The fact table used for this project was based on
sales information. The table contains ten
thousand randomly generated sales records for
500 dates beginning on January 1, 2005. Figure 4
shows the fact table design.
Data Hierarchies
Each of the dimensions
contains at least one
hierarchy. The
hierarchies allow users to
analyze data aggregations
in a very straightforward
manner using the OLAP
functions of Analysis
Services. The Product
hierarchy is shown in
Figure 5. All 16,000 products are grouped into
categories and each category if further divided into
several subcategories. For example, 2” gray duct
tape is within subcategory “Tapes” within category
“Supplies.” This allows related items to be grouped
and summarized for high level analysis while
retaining the ability to drill down to more specific
product detail.
The Store hierarchy simply allows individual store
data to be rolled up into a regional designation, and
then into a state name. Currently all stores are in
Texas, but the possibility exists that the company
could expand into neighboring states. The state
Figure 3 – Dimension Tables
Figure 4 – Fact Table
Figure 2 – Information Package
Case projects in data warehousing and data mining
Volume VIII, No. 1, 2007 5 Issues in Information Systems
Figure 6 – The STAR Schema
aggregation level is included now to make any future
changes easier to implement.
Customers are included in three hierarchies within
the Customer dimension, as shown in Table 1. It is
important to note that each customer will be found in
each of the three hierarchies. This provides three
different ways to look at summarized customer data.
Looking at the Time dimension should be
straightforward, until you come to the “Season”
attribute. Because of the nature of the business,
seasonal sales differences can be an important
analytical topic. A large percentage of sales occur
during the summer, but there are also considerable
heating sales in the winter and new construction year
around. Since this provides two different ways to
aggregate according to time periods, there are two
hierarchies within the Time dimension, as shown in
Table 1.
Table 1: Hierarchies in Customer and Time dimensions
Customer Time
Size License Type Category Calendar Seasonal
Small (2-3 techs)
Medium (4-10 techs)
Large (11-20 techs)
Corporate (21+ techs)
“A” license (HVAC and refrigeration)
“B” license (HVAC only)
Day of the week
Database Schema
Since the dimension tables were not normalized and
the size of these dimensions was not too large, the
STAR schema was implemented. The STAR schema
is shown in Figure 6. The STAR schema was also
selected because it provides an intuitive design that
can more readily be understood by users.
Database Implementation
While much of the data could be readily transformed
into the tables created for the STAR schema
implementation, some data cleansing was required.
Data Cleansing
As discussed earlier in the Technical Challenges
section, both invoice numbers and part numbers pose
a problem in that they contain embedded information.
Figure 7 shows an example of the information
embedded in a part number. So as part of the data
cleansing process, these embedded identifications
were replaced by integer keys in the dimension tables
and the corresponding records of the fact table. The
Product Part Number is then replaced with a new
integer value.
Dimension Implementation
Figures 8 shows the Customer dimension table along
with some actual data implemented in Microsoft
Access. Other dimensional tables are similarly
populated with necessary data.
Fact Implementation
The SalesFact table is implemented according to the
design (Figure 6) and sales data were populated
according to the discussion before. All four fields of
the primary key are shown (Figure 9). Note that
TimeID values begin with 3 instead of 1. TimeID =
1 is 1/1/2005, a Saturday, and TimeID = 2 is
Case projects in data warehousing and data mining
Volume VIII, No. 1, 2007 6 Issues in Information Systems
Figure 9 – The SalesFact table implementation
Figure 8 - Customer dimension
Figure 10 – Cube implementation in Microsoft SQL Server Analysis Services
1/2/2005, a Sunday. All stores were
closed on weekends and there were no
Cube Implementation and OLAP
Figure 10 shows how the dimensions and
fact table are implemented in a cube using
SQL Server 2000 Analysis Services.
Jacobson [10] outlines the process of
developing a cube in SQL Server from
Microsoft Access database. Figure 11
shows a screen shot of the result of an
OLAP operation on the
cube, displaying facts for
customers in various
categories. The final report
in the course web site
provides results of roll-up
and drill-down operations of
OLAP performed on the data
for various hierarchies of the
Conclusion and Discussion
As mentioned earlier, many of
the executives within this
privately held company are
very skeptical towards new
technology and resist change.
However, even someone with
this mindset is impressed when
they are given a new set of
tools that gives them the ability
to make more informed
decisions. The power of the
OLAP tools alone implemented
in this project would make a
very persuasive argument for
the implementation of a full-
scale data warehouse.
With management buy-in also
comes new ideas for aggregation levels that can be
added or modified to fit the user’s analytical needs.
This may be the only way to incorporate views of the
data that have been buried in obscure reports or that
have possibly never been implemented before due to
their complexity. We would include more
dimensional attributes and actual data to enable a
meaningful data mining effort, which we have tried
rather unsuccessfully with the current data.
1. Data Warehouse, Data Mart, Data Mining, and
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Irvine, California.
Case projects in data warehousing and data mining
Volume VIII, No. 1, 2007 7 Issues in Information Systems
Figure 11 – OLAP operation showing measures by customer category
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9. Pon
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. Jacobson, R. (2000), Microsoft SQL Server 2000
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11. Inmon, W. H. (1996), Building the
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