Emergency Support Function #6 – Mass Care, Emergency Assistance, Housing, and Human Services
January 2008 ESF #6 – Mass Care, Emergency Assistance, Housing, and Human Services Annex ESF #6-1
ESF Coordinator:
Department of Homeland Security/Federal
Emergency Management Agency
Primary Agency:
Department of Homeland Security/Federal
Emergency Management Agency
Support Agencies:
Department of Agriculture
Department of Defense
Department of Health and Human Services
Department of Homeland Security
Department of Housing and Urban
Department of the Interior
Department of Justice
Department of Labor
Department of Transportation
Department of the Treasury
Department of Veterans Affairs
General Services Administration
Small Business Administration
Social Security Administration
U.S. Postal Service
American Red Cross
Corporation for National and Community
National Voluntary Organizations Active in
Other voluntary agency and
nongovernmental support organizations
Emergency Support Function (ESF) #6 – Mass Care, Emergency Assistance, Housing, and
Human Services coordinates the delivery of Federal mass care, emergency assistance, housing,
and human services when local, tribal, and State response and recovery needs exceed their
y Robert T. Stafford Disaster Relief and Emergency Assistance Act (Public Law 93-288), as
y Homeland Security Act of 2002
y Homeland Security Presidential Directive 5
y Post-Katrina Emergency Management Reform Act of 2006
y Pets Evacuation and Transportation Standards Act of 2006
y Public Health Service Act, as amended
y Social Security Act of 1935, as amended
y Americans With Disabilities Act of 1990
The Department of Homeland Security (DHS)/Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA)
coordinates and leads Federal resources, as required, to support local, tribal, and State
governments and voluntary agencies (VOLAGs) in the performance of mass care, emergency
assistance, housing, and human services missions.
Emergency Support Function #6 – Mass Care, Emergency Assistance, Housing, and Human Services
ESF #6-2 ESF #6 – Mass Care, Emergency Assistance, Housing, and Human Services Annex January 2008
When directed by the President, ESF #6 services and programs are implemented to assist
individuals and households impacted by potential or actual disaster incidents. ESF #6 is
organized into four primary functions: Mass Care, Emergency Assistance, Housing, and Human
y Mass Care: Includes sheltering, feeding operations, emergency first aid, bulk distribution
of emergency items, and collecting and providing information on victims to family members.
y Emergency Assistance: Assistance required by individuals, families, and their
communities to ensure that immediate needs beyond the scope of the traditional “mass
care” services provided at the local level are addressed. These services include: support to
evacuations (including registration and tracking of evacuees); reunification of families;
provision of aid and services to special needs populations; evacuation, sheltering, and other
emergency services for household pets and services animals; support to specialized
shelters; support to medical shelters; nonconventional shelter management; coordination of
donated goods and services; and coordination of voluntary agency assistance.
y Housing: Includes housing options such as rental assistance, repair, loan assistance,
replacement, factory-built housing, semipermanent and permanent construction, referrals,
identification and provision of accessible housing, and access to other sources of housing
assistance. This assistance is guided by the National Disaster Housing Strategy.
y Human Services: Includes the implementation of disaster assistance programs to help
disaster victims recover their nonhousing losses, including programs to replace destroyed
personal property, and help to obtain disaster loans, food stamps, crisis counseling, disaster
unemployment, disaster legal services, support and services for special needs populations,
and other Federal and State benefits.
ESF #6 will assist in coordination with impacted local, tribal, and State governments and
communities without regard to race, color, national origin, religion, nationality, sex, age,
disability, limited English proficiency, or economic status.
Duplication of effort and benefits will be reduced to the extent possible.
ESF #6 will support local, tribal, State, and Federal agencies, voluntary agencies and
nongovernmental organizations, and ESF #8 – Public Health and Medical Services in addressing
the functional needs of special needs populations, as defined in the National Response
Framework (NRF) Glossary. Functional needs may be present before, during, or after an
incident in one or more areas, including but not limited to:
y Maintaining independence.
y Communication.
y Transportation.
y Supervision.
y Medical care.
Individuals in need of additional response assistance may include those who have disabilities,
who live in institutional settings, who are elderly, who are from diverse cultures, who have
limited English proficiency or who are non-English speaking, who are children, or who are
transportation disadvantaged.
Emergency Support Function #6 – Mass Care, Emergency Assistance, Housing, and Human Services
January 2008 ESF #6 – Mass Care, Emergency Assistance, Housing, and Human Services Annex ESF #6-3
The Federal response community recognizes the varying and special requirements of individuals
that require and utilize the assistance of family members, personal assistants, and/or service
animals and is committed to ensuring that the physical and mental health needs of these
individuals are appropriately addressed and that the individuals and assistance providers
remain together to the maximum extent possible during evacuation, transport, sheltering, or
the delivery of other services. Service animals shall be treated as required by law (e.g., the
Americans With Disabilities Act (ADA) of 1990).
The Federal response community recognizes the varying and special requirements of children
and is committed to ensuring that the physical and mental health needs of children will be
appropriately addressed, and that children will remain with their families or caregivers to the
maximum extent possible during evacuation, transport, sheltering, or the delivery of other
DHS/FEMA will coordinate Federal response and recovery operations in close coordination with
local, tribal, and State governments, VOLAGs, and the private sector. ESF #6 assistance is
managed and coordinated at the lowest possible organizational level—e.g., the Joint Field Office
(JFO) and the Regional Response Coordination Center (RRCC). Only requests that cannot be
filled or issues that cannot be resolved at the RRCC/JFO levels are elevated to the National
Response Coordination Center (NRCC) ESF #6 Branch for resolution.
Initial response activities will focus on immediate needs of victims.
Recovery efforts are initiated concurrently with response activities.
Headquarters-Level ESF #6 Support – National Response Coordination Center (NRCC) ESF #6
When activated, ESF #6 reports to the NRCC Operations Section.
The NRCC ESF #6:
y Coordinates and resolves national-level ESF #6 issues.
y Addresses RRCC requests for additional ESF #6 support teams and de-conflicts multiple
requests for limited resources.
y Contacts and activates national-level ESF #6 support agencies, as required.
y Provides consolidated reports on mass care, emergency assistance, housing, and human
services activities to the NRCC Planning Section for inclusion in the national situation report.
y Distributes ESF #6 information to ESF #6 support agencies, as appropriate.
Emergency Support Function #6 – Mass Care, Emergency Assistance, Housing, and Human Services
ESF #6-4 ESF #6 – Mass Care, Emergency Assistance, Housing, and Human Services Annex January 2008
Headquarters-Level ESF #6 Support – National Processing Service Centers (NPSCs)
NPSCs provide registration intake services and process disaster assistance applications,
including eligibility determinations for FEMA Individuals and Households Program. The NPSCs
are managed by DHS/FEMA Individual Assistance Division.
DHS/FEMA will ensure that individuals and families evacuated or sheltered are afforded access
to Federal disaster assistance, by providing access to the DHS/FEMA registration intake system.
This includes access for individuals who may need alternate formats, sign language
interpreters, or information presented in a language other than English.
Disaster victims may register for Disaster Assistance by phone, Internet, or in person at Mobile
Registration Intake Centers (MRICs).
State-Level ESF #6 Support
The State designates an official(s) to coordinate with Federal mass care, emergency assistance,
housing, and human services assistance. This official(s) will serve as the principal point(s) of
contact with the RRCC ESF #6 Branch.
Regional-Level ESF #6 Support – Regional Response Coordination Center (RRCC) ESF #6
Upon activation, the RRCC ESF #6 Branch:
y Assesses the situation and identifies resource requirements in close coordination with State
y Convenes regional ESF #6 support agencies.
y Provides ESF #6 liaisons to the Incident Management Assistance Team, JFO, and other
DHS/FEMA or State facilities, as appropriate.
y Coordinates ESF #6 Federal resource requests with Federal departments and agencies at
the regional level. Only requests that cannot be filled or issues that cannot be resolved at
the RRCC/JFO levels are elevated to the NRCC for resolution.
y Contacts and activates regional ESF #6 support agencies, as required.
y Provides updated consolidated reports on mass care, emergency assistance, housing, and
human services activities to the RRCC Planning Section for inclusion in regional situation
y Distributes ESF #6 information to ESF #6 support agencies, as appropriate.
y Provides technical assistance to designated State lead agencies, as needed.
As the primary Federal agency for ESF #6, DHS/FEMA will identify initial needs and ensure that
the requested and necessary support is in place for the ESF #6 support agencies to execute
their missions to include: requests for assistance, activation of pre-scripted mission
assignments, and issuance of mission assignments.
Emergency Support Function #6 – Mass Care, Emergency Assistance, Housing, and Human Services
January 2008 ESF #6 – Mass Care, Emergency Assistance, Housing, and Human Services Annex ESF #6-5
Liaisons from Federal support agencies and VOLAGs may assist the ESF #6 Branch at the RRCC
and JFO, as necessary.
Field-Level ESF #6 Support – Joint Field Office (JFO) ESF #6 Branch
Once established, the JFO ESF #6 Branch:
y Supports local, tribal, and State governments and VOLAGs in the provision of mass care,
emergency assistance, housing, and human services.
y Provides consolidated reports on mass care, emergency assistance, housing, and human
services activities to the JFO Planning Section for inclusion in field Incident Action Plans and
situation reports.
y Distributes ESF #6 information to ESF #6 support agencies, as appropriate.
y Reports on current mass care services and activities using data provided by the American
Red Cross and local, tribal, State, Federal, and other voluntary agencies.
y Anticipates and identifies future requirements in coordination with local, tribal, State, and
other Federal agencies.
y Monitors State requirement for the use of Federal-facilitated reunification systems (e.g., the
National Emergency Family Registry and Locator System (NEFRLS) and the National
Emergency Child Locator Center (NECLC)).
y Facilitates the process by which VOLAGs providing mass care services in affected State(s)
request resource support from the Federal Government and the designated State lead
agency for mass care.
y Coordinates with local, tribal, State, Federal, and voluntary agencies for additional shelter
capacity, including accessible shelters.
y Develops an initial housing strategy, in coordination with local, tribal, and State leadership,
DHS/FEMA Headquarters, and Federal support agencies.
y Coordinates with local, tribal, and State governments and VOLAGS to depopulate shelters as
required and, when possible, plan for the return of evacuees, including evacuees with
special needs, to their pre-disaster locations.
Staff from the ESF #6 primary and support agencies remain activated through the initial phase
of recovery activities to ensure all response issues are addressed and to support the transition
of related issues and responsibilities from mass care to housing.
Mass Care
Each State designates a lead State agency for mass care that works at the direction of the
Governor to ensure mass care services are provided to the affected population.
Emergency Support Function #6 – Mass Care, Emergency Assistance, Housing, and Human Services
ESF #6-6 ESF #6 – Mass Care, Emergency Assistance, Housing, and Human Services Annex January 2008
Local, tribal, and State governments in coordination with voluntary organizations will provide
shelter, feeding, bulk distribution, emergency first aid, and disaster welfare information (DWI).
DHS/FEMA, in its role as the ESF #6 lead, coordinates closely with the State to provide Federal
mass care resources to support and augment mass care capabilities, when requested by the
y Shelter: Emergency shelter includes the use of designated shelter sites in existing
structures within the affected area(s), as well as additional sites designated by local
government. Shelter sites shall be selected to maximize accessibility for individuals with
disabilities, whenever possible.
y Feeding: Feeding includes a combination of fixed sites, mobile feeding units, and bulk
distribution sites.
y Bulk Distribution: Bulk distribution includes distribution of emergency relief items to meet
urgent needs through sites established within the affected area(s). These sites are used to
distribute food, water, or other commodities in coordination with local, tribal, State, and
Federal governmental entities and voluntary agencies and other private-sector
y Emergency First Aid: Emergency first aid includes provision of basic first aid at mass care
facilities and designated sites and referral to appropriate medical personnel and facilities.
y Disaster Welfare Information: DWI includes services related to the provision of
information about individuals residing within the affected area to immediate family members
outside the affected area. It may also include services related to the reunification of family
members within the affected area.
ESF #6 may provide the following support to local, tribal, State governments, and VOLAGs, as
requested by the State.
y Emergency Feeding and Distribution: ESF #6 will work in concert with Department of
Agriculture (USDA) Food and Nutrition Service (FNS) and with local, tribal, and State
governments and VOLAGs to distribute food and food supplies when their capabilities are in
need of additional resources from the Federal Government, as determined by the State.
This may include support to private-sector feeding operations, securing food commodities,
developing feeding plans, and obtaining warehouse space.
y Distribution of Emergency Relief Items: ESF #6 will support local, tribal, State, and
VOLAG points of distribution (PODs) for distribution of emergency relief items. Support may
also include transportation, technical support, and other mission-critical items.
Emergency Assistance
DHS/FEMA coordinates resources and emergency assistance in support of local, tribal, and
State governments, VOLAGs, and the private sector to augment their mass care response
activities, as requested or directed.
y Mass Evacuation:
The ESF #6 Branch, at the lowest available organizational level (e.g.,
JFO, RRCC, NRCC), may provide staff to support local, tribal, and State authorities with
mass evacuation.
ESF #6 mass evacuation activities and requirements are identified and addressed in the
Mass Evacuation Incident Annex to the NRF.
Emergency Support Function #6 – Mass Care, Emergency Assistance, Housing, and Human Services
January 2008 ESF #6 – Mass Care, Emergency Assistance, Housing, and Human Services Annex ESF #6-7
y Facilitated Reunification: When a mass evacuation process requires Federal support,
DHS/FEMA will track information on individuals and families in an effort to assist with the
reunification of separated family members. Tracking, locating, registering, and reuniting
evacuees and survivors are activities performed at local, State, and Federal levels.
y Household Pets and Service Animals: ESF #6 ensures coordination of mass care
services to provide for the safety and well-being of household pets and service animals
during evacuations and sheltering. ESF #8 and ESF #11 - Agriculture and Natural
Resources will ensure support to ESF #6 through an integrated response. ESF #11, under
ESF #6, coordinates Federal support services for household pets and service animals during
disasters. When requested by the State, ESF #6 will collaborate with ESF #8 and ESF #11
to ensure coordination of support to household pets and service animals.
The Federal response community recognizes the varying and special requirements of
individuals that require and utilize service animals and is committed to ensuring that the
physical and mental health needs of these individuals are appropriately addressed and that
the individuals and service animals remain together to the maximum extent possible during
evacuation, transport, sheltering, or the delivery of other services and in accordance with
the requirements of the ADA.
y General, Specialized, Medical, and Nonconventional Shelters: ESF #6 will provide
Federal assistance, resources, and technical assistance in support of local, tribal, and State
governments, VOLAGs, and host States when conventional and nonconventional congregate
care systems and shelter-in-place activities are in need of additional resources from the
Federal Government, as determined by the State. Congregate care facilities are accessible
to individuals with disabilities, whenever possible.
Nonconventional sheltering may include:
y Hotels, motels, and other single-room facilities.
y Temporary facilities such as tents, prefab module facilities, trains, and ships.
y Specialized shelters and functional and medical support shelters (through coordination
with ESF #8 and the affected or host State).
y Support for other specialized congregate care areas that may include respite centers,
rescue areas, and decontamination processing centers.
National Shelter System
The National Shelter System (NSS) is a web-based comprehensive database that provides
information for shelters posted to the NSS during response to disasters and emergencies.
Reports from the NSS will detail the location and capacities of shelters (evacuation, general,
ADA compliant, pet friendly, medical, etc.) open, on stand-by, or closed. The information in
the NSS is submitted by the local, tribal, State, and VOLAG entities operating these
y Support to Unaffiliated Volunteers and Unsolicited Donations: The Donations
Management Unit at DHS/FEMA Headquarters supports tribal and State government
management of volunteers and donated goods, as required.
The procedures, processes, and activities for Federal assistance to support spontaneous
volunteers and unsolicited donations are defined in the Volunteer and Donations
Management Support Annex.
Emergency Support Function #6 – Mass Care, Emergency Assistance, Housing, and Human Services
ESF #6-8 ESF #6 – Mass Care, Emergency Assistance, Housing, and Human Services Annex January 2008
Federal support to volunteer and donations management may include the following:
y A database system to manage and record offers of donated goods and services.
y Warehouse support for housing unsolicited donated goods.
y Coordination of unsolicited private and international donations.
y Voluntary Agency Coordination: ESF #6 works in concert with local, tribal, and State
governments, VOLAGs, faith-based organizations, and the private sector to facilitate an
inclusive, multiagency, communitywide, and coordinated response and recovery effort.
ESF #6 works with local officials, private nonprofit organizations, the State, and others to
establish a long-term recovery strategy to address the unmet needs of individuals and
families, including those with special needs. ESF #6 may also coordinate with National
Voluntary Organizations Active in Disaster (National VOAD) and international relief
organizations to support the efforts of local voluntary agencies and faith-based
ESF #6 coordinates among nontraditional and newly formed voluntary agencies, existing
social service agencies, and other government agencies with formal coalitions such as VOAD
and Long-Term Recovery Committees. Nontraditional voluntary agencies include disaster
response or recovery service providers that have not been involved with the planning and
coordination efforts prior to a particular event. New voluntary agencies include groups that
form in response to a particular event.
The National Disaster Housing Strategy defines the full scope of options for disaster housing
assistance, including:
y Temporary Roof Repair: Quick repairs to damaged roofs on private homes. This
assistance allows residents to return to and remain in their own homes while performing
permanent repairs.
y Repair Program: Financial assistance to homeowners for repair of their primary residence,
utilities, and residential infrastructure.
y Replacement Program: Financial assistance issued to victims to replace their destroyed
primary residence.
y Existing Housing Resources: A centralized location for identified available housing
resources from the private sector and other Federal agencies (i.e., Department of Housing
and Urban Development (HUD), Department of Veterans Affairs (VA), and USDA
y Rental Assistance: Financial assistance issued to individuals and families for rental of
temporary accommodations.
y Noncongregate Facilities: Facilities that provide private or semiprivate accommodations,
but are not considered temporary housing (e.g., cruise ships, tent cities, military
installations, school dorm facilities, or modified nursing homes).
y Transportation to Other Locations: Assistance to relocate individuals and families
outside of the disaster area where short- or long-term housing resources are available.
Transportation services may include return to the pre-disaster location.
Emergency Support Function #6 – Mass Care, Emergency Assistance, Housing, and Human Services
January 2008 ESF #6 – Mass Care, Emergency Assistance, Housing, and Human Services Annex ESF #6-9
y Permanent Construction: Direct assistance to victims and families of permanent or
semipermanent housing construction.
y Direct Financial Housing: Payments made directly to landlords on behalf of disaster
y Hotel/Motel Program: Temporary accommodations for individuals and families in
transition from congregate shelters or other temporary environments, but unable to return
to their pre-disaster dwelling.
y Direct Housing Operations: Provision of temporary units, usually factory-built. This
option is utilized only when other housing resources are not available. Units will be
appropriate to the community needs and include accessible units.
y Housing Resources are available from the private sector, FEMA, and other Federal
agencies (as described below).
y Small Business Administration (SBA) Disaster Loan Program
y Provides low-interest, long-term disaster loan assistance for qualified homeowners
and renters, nonagricultural businesses of all sizes, and nonprofit organizations to
fund the repair and replacement of disaster-damaged property.
y Provides loan funds that also may include money for such things as relocation,
mitigation, refinancing of existing liens, code-required upgrades, and one-year
insurance premiums.
y Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD)
y Provides access to and information on available habitable housing units, including
housing units accessible to individuals with disabilities, owned, or in HUD possession,
within or adjacent to the incident area for use as temporary housing.
y Ensures that disaster victims who were receiving Section 8 Rental Assistance
vouchers prior to the disaster are reintegrated into that program.
y Provides available HUD staff to assist when needed with mass care and housing
y When requested and funded by FEMA, administers the Disaster Housing Assistance
Program for eligible applicants.
y Provides housing resources for individuals certified as eligible for long-term housing.
y Provides access to housing counseling services.
y Provides enforcement of the Fair Housing Act and compliance with other civil rights
y USDA – Rural Development (RD)
As part of the National Disaster Housing Strategy:
y Provides information (location, type, owners, and/or management service) on USDA-
financed, currently available, habitable housing units that are not under lease or
under agreement of sale.
y Provides available USDA (RD) staff to assist when needed with ESF #6.
y Provides Letters of Priority Entitlement allowing the holder of the letter (identified
evacuee and/or victim) to go to the top of any USDA MF 515 or 514 waiting lists for
placement in USDA-financed housing.
y Assists eligible recipients to meet emergency housing assistance needs resulting
from Presidentially declared emergencies or major disasters.
Emergency Support Function #6 – Mass Care, Emergency Assistance, Housing, and Human Services
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y VA
y Provides available facilities suitable for mass shelter.
y Provides assistance to veterans affected by disasters to help them avoid defaulting
on existing home mortgages and/or foreclosure on their homes, as well as assistance
for veterans with disabilities to retrofit their homes with necessary accessibility
measures (e.g., wheelchair ramp).
y Develops and maintains plans to make available housing assets that are habitable, to
which VA has title and possession, for use by survivors in catastrophic disasters.
Human Services
Human Services provides assistance to address the nonhousing needs of individuals and
families. This assistance falls into the following categories:
y Cora Brown Fund – DHS/FEMA: The Cora Brown Fund is used for uninsured or under-
insured disaster-related needs of individuals or families who are unable to obtain adequate
assistance from other local, tribal, State, and Federal government programs or from
voluntary agencies. The fund is not intended to replace or supersede those programs;
therefore, if assistance is available from another source, the Cora Brown Fund may not be
used. Awards from this fund may be granted only at the discretion of FEMA.
y Crisis Counseling and Training – FEMA/Substance Abuse and Mental Health
Services Administration (SAMHSA): The Crisis Counseling Assistance and Training
Program provides immediate, short-term crisis counseling services. The program helps
relieve grieving, stress, or mental health problems caused or aggravated by a disaster or its
aftermath. Assistance provided is short term and is at no cost to the disaster victim.
y Other Needs Assistance (ONA) – DHS/FEMA: Awards help with medical, dental,
funeral, personal property, transportation, moving and storage, and other expenses
authorized by law (for uninsured or underinsured eligible applicants).
y Disaster Case Management – FEMA/Department of Health and Human Services
(HHS): ESF #6 provides case management services, including financial assistance, through
government agencies or qualified nonprofits to eligible individuals. Case management
ensures that a sequence of delivery is followed to streamline assistance, prevent duplication
of benefits, and provide an efficient referral system.
y Expedites claims for new Federal benefits.
y Ensures continuity of services to beneficiaries, such as Medicaid, Temporary Assistance
to Needy Families, Child Care, etc.
y Supports States hosting relocated populations by extending existing programs and
benefits or taking other actions as needed, consistent with program authorities.
y Provides support and consultation to the primary agency in the development and
provision of case management services, to include advocacy services.
y Provides public health and medical support under ESF #8.
y Victims of Crime Assistance – Department of Justice (DOJ): Supports local, tribal,
State, and Federal assistance to crime victim compensation in incidents resulting from
terrorism or acts of criminal violence, as appropriate.
Emergency Support Function #6 – Mass Care, Emergency Assistance, Housing, and Human Services
January 2008 ESF #6 – Mass Care, Emergency Assistance, Housing, and Human Services Annex ESF #6-11
y Disaster Unemployment Assistance (DUA) – Department of Labor (DOL):
Administered by the impacted State, DUA provides financial assistance to individuals whose
employment or self-employment has been lost or interrupted as a direct result of a major
disaster declared by the President, and who are not covered by regular unemployment
y Department of the Treasury – Alcohol and Tobacco Tax and Trade Bureau (TTB):
Provides Federal alcohol and tobacco excise tax refunds to businesses that have lost assets
in a disaster.
y Department of the Treasury – Internal Revenue Service (IRS): Provides tax
counseling and assistance to taxpayers whose property has been damaged or lost in a
federally declared disaster area.
y Department of the Treasury – Bureau of the Public Debt
y Assists disaster victims by expediting replacement or redemption of U.S. Savings Bonds.
y May waive the minimum holding period for Series EE and I Savings Bonds presented to
authorized paying agents for redemption.
y Veterans Assistance Program –VA
y Provides insurance settlements, adjustments to home mortgages, and death benefits.
y Ensures continuity of services, such as pensions, to beneficiaries.
y Social Security Administration (SSA)
y Provides Social Security Disability, Social Security Retirement, Social Security Survivors,
Special Veterans, and Supplemental Security Income benefits.
y Ensures continuity of service to beneficiaries.
y U.S. Postal Service (USPS): Provides extended mail services to relocated populations.
y Disaster Legal Services – American Bar Association (ABA)/Young Lawyers
Program: Disaster Legal Services provides free disaster legal services for low-income
individuals who, prior to or because of the disaster, are unable to secure legal services
adequate to meet their disaster-related needs.
Agency Functions
Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service: Supports ESF #6 to ensure an
integrated response to provide for the safety and well-being of household pets.
ESF #11 provides technical support and subject-matter expertise regarding the
safety and well-being of household pets.
Department of
Food and Nutrition Service
y Locates and secures supplies of food, including federally owned surplus foods,
to supplement those in the disaster area.
y Provides statistics on the quantities and locations of food furnished by the FNS.
y Provides other food and nutritional assistance in accordance with ESF #11.
y Provides emergency food stamps.
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Agency Functions
Forest Service
y If available, provides appropriate resources (e.g., cots, blankets, sleeping
bags, personnel) for shelters.
y Resources will be assigned commensurate with each unit’s level of training and
the adequacy and availability of equipment. ESF #4 – Firefighting or the
USDA/Forest Service Disaster and Emergency Operations Branch is the contact
for this support.
Department of
Rural Development: As part of the National Disaster Housing Strategy:
y Provides information (location, type, owners, and/or management service) on
USDA-financed, currently available, habitable housing units that are not under
lease or under agreement of sale.
y Provides available USDA (RD) staff to assist when needed with ESF #6.
y Provides Letters of Priority Entitlement allowing the holder of the letter
(identified evacuee and/or victim) to go to the top of any USDA MF 515 or 514
waiting lists for placement in USDA financed housing.
y Assists eligible recipients to meet emergency housing assistance needs
resulting from Presidentially declared emergencies or major disasters.
Department of
U.S. Army Corps of Engineers
y Fulfills mass care requirements for ice and water in coordination with ESF #6.
y Provides assistance by inspecting mass care shelter sites to ensure suitability
and accessibility of facilities to safely shelter victims.
y Provides assistance in constructing temporary shelter facilities, including
accessible shelters, in the affected area, as required.
y Provides temporary housing support, such as temporary structures and
expedited repair of damaged homes (to include temporary roofing or other
repairs that facilitate reoccupation of minimally damaged structures), as
Department of
Health and Human
Human Services
y Executes requirements as defined under the Crisis Counseling and Training
y Provides support within the disaster-affected area through the deployment of
pre-rostered human services assessment teams.
y Provides interdepartmental policy and planning, program management, and
oversight of HHS staff onsite to HHS regional staff responsible for the
coordination of human services provision.
y Provides assistance to State agencies that administer emergency human
services programs within the Disaster Recovery Centers.
y Provides subject-matter expertise, consultation, and technical assistance to
ESF #6 partners on disaster human services issues (e.g., working with special
needs populations, assessing child care needs, accessing HHS programs that
address human services needs in an emergency, etc.).
y Coordinates with the ESF #6 lead agencies to ensure that the appropriate
benefits are delivered to the impacted population.
y Informs people receiving services under HHS direction about the availability of
the National Emergency Family Registry Locator System (NEFRLS) and the
National Emergency Child Locator Center (NECLC), and facilitates their access
to the system in order to assist displaced adults and medically evacuated
patients in reunification with their families.
Emergency Support Function #6 – Mass Care, Emergency Assistance, Housing, and Human Services
January 2008 ESF #6 – Mass Care, Emergency Assistance, Housing, and Human Services Annex ESF #6-13
Agency Functions
Public Health and Medical Services
y Provides HHS medical workers to augment health services personnel as
y Provides medical care and mental health services for impacted populations
either in or outside the shelter locations in accordance with appropriate
guidelines utilized by local health agencies.
y Provides technical assistance for shelter operations related to food, vectors,
water supply, and waste disposal.
y Assists in the provision of medical supplies and services, including durable
medical equipment.
y Coordinates emergency medical care in shelters as needed at the request of
affected State(s) in accordance with appropriate guidelines utilized by local
health agencies.
Department of
Health and Human
Veterinary Medical Services
y Identifies and provides qualified Veterinary Medical personnel for events
requiring veterinary medical services or public health support for household
pets and service animals.
y Coordinates and provides emergency and disaster-related veterinary medical
care services to impacted animal populations (including household pets and
service animals) in or outside of shelter locations until local infrastructures are
y Provides veterinary public health, zoonotic disease control, environmental
health, and related services.
Department of
Homeland Security
FEMA Citizen Corps: Involves community members in all-hazards emergency
preparedness, planning, mitigation, response, and recovery.
Department of
Housing and Urban
y Provides access to and information on available habitable housing units,
including housing units accessible to individuals with disabilities, owned, or in
HUD possession, within or adjacent to the incident area for use as temporary
y Ensures that disaster victims who were receiving Section 8 Rental Assistance
vouchers prior to the disaster are reintegrated into that program.
y Provides available HUD staff to assist when needed with mass care and
housing operations.
y When requested and funded by FEMA, administers the Disaster Housing
Assistance Program for eligible applicants.
y Provides housing resources for individuals certified as eligible for long-term
y Provides access to housing counseling services.
y Provides enforcement of the Fair Housing Act and compliance with other civil
rights statutes.
y Provides Community Development Block Grants to support communitywide
disaster recovery initiatives.
Department of the
y If available, provides appropriate resources (e.g., cots, blankets, sleeping
bags, personnel) for shelters.
y Resources will be assigned commensurate with each unit’s level of training and
the adequacy and availability of equipment. ESF #4 or the USDA/Forest
Service Disaster and Emergency Operations Branch is the contact for this
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Agency Functions
Department of
y In response to an act of criminal mass victimization (mass violence, domestic
or international terrorism), may coordinate through the Office for Victims of
Crime (OVC) with local, tribal, State, Federal, and voluntary agency service
providers in the provision of assistance via the Antiterrorism and Emergency
Assistance Program or other mechanisms.
y Provides security at mass care facilities when necessary to augment the
capacity of local, tribal, and State authorities.
Department of
y Through the Occupational Safety and Health Administration, provides technical
assistance related to worker safety and health issues.
y Executes requirements as defined under the Disaster Unemployment
Assistance (DUA) program.
Department of
y Provides highway information and other resources related to supporting
transportation activities.
y Provides information on status of and plans for transportation infrastructure
and operations.
Alcohol and Tobacco Tax and Trade Bureau: Provides Federal alcohol and
tobacco excise tax refunds to businesses that have lost assets in a disaster.
Bureau of the Public Debt
y Assists disaster victims by expediting replacement or redemption of U.S.
Savings Bonds.
y May waive the minimum holding period for Series EE and I Savings Bonds
presented to authorized paying agents for redemption.
Department of the
Internal Revenue Service
y Assists victims with filing claims for tax refunds.
y Provides tax information and assistance.
y Distributes disaster kits containing tax forms and publications to help victims
determine the amount of a causality loss deduction for destroyed property.
y Provides information on ways to reconstruct destroyed financial records.
y Provides copies or transcripts of previously filed tax returns free of charge to
taxpayers located in the federally declared disaster area.
y May postpone tax deadlines to provide extra time to file and pay before
assessing any penalty or additional amount to the tax. Interest may be abated
for the period of time for which an extension of time to file tax returns and pay
taxes is granted because the individual or business is located in a Presidentially
declared disaster area.
y Executes agreement to supplement DHS/FEMA’s teleregistration capabilities.
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Agency Functions
Department of
Veterans Affairs
y May provide for food preparation and stockpiling in its facilities during the
y Provides for the provision of medical supplies and services.
y Provides medical workers to augment health services personnel to support
mass care operations, as appropriate.
y Provides available facilities suitable for mass shelter.
y Administers the laws providing benefits and other services to veterans and the
dependents and beneficiaries of veterans.
y During incident operations, provides emergency healthcare services to veteran
beneficiaries in VA medical facilities, to active duty military personnel, and, as
resources permit, to civilians in communities affected by national security
emergencies. Contributes to emergency support functions, including providing
remedial infrastructure restoration, mass care services, resource (logistic)
support, and health and medical services.
y Works with lenders concerning foreclosure/waiver/underwriting/credit
protection flexibilities related to VA-issued home loans.
y Provides assistance to veterans affected by disasters to help them avoid
defaulting on existing home mortgages and/or foreclosure on their homes, as
well as assistance for veterans with disabilities to retrofit their homes with
necessary accessibility measures (e.g., wheelchair ramp).
y Develops and maintains plans to make available housing assets that are
habitable, to which VA has title and possession, for use by survivors in
catastrophic disasters.
General Services
Provides resource support for ESF #6 requirements as requested to meet the
needs of the affected population.
Small Business
y Provides low-interest, long-term disaster loan assistance for qualified
homeowners and renters, nonagricultural businesses of all sizes, and nonprofit
organizations to fund the repair and replacement of disaster-damaged
y Provides loan funds that also may include money for such things as relocation,
mitigation, refinancing of existing liens, code-required upgrades, and 1-year
insurance premiums.
Social Security
y Manages America’s major income-support programs.
y Provides expedited processing of new Federal benefit claims during emergency
U.S. Postal Service y Provides change-of-address cards for victims to notify the USPS of relocation
addresses for mail forwarding, and assists in the distribution, collection, and
mailing of those cards.
y Provides an electronic file of address-change information furnished by victims.
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Agency Functions
American Red
y Provides Red Cross staff to work daily at DHS/FEMA regional offices in support
of ESF #6 Mass Care activities.
y Provides specially trained liaisons to work at designated DHS/FEMA locations to
support ESF #6 Mass Care activities as requested.
y Provides subject-matter expertise on regulations, policy, and all relevant
American Red Cross issues including general mass care planning,
preparedness, response, and recovery activities, as well as Red Cross-specific
activities in these areas.
y Provides information on current Red Cross mass care activities as requested
prior to and during response operations.
y Supports DHS/FEMA in working with designated State lead agencies for mass
care in planning preparedness and response activities, to include exercise
y Provides guidance to designated State lead agency for mass care as the State
determines its needs for Federal resource support.
y Promotes cooperation and coordination among government and national-level
NGOs that provide mass care services and appropriate government entities
engaged in planning for response to major disasters.
y Works on a case-by-case basis with DHS/FEMA on transient accommodations
to eligible disaster victims.
y Supports reunification efforts through its “Safe and Well” website and in
coordination with government entities as appropriate. Facilitates and supports
reunification programs in general population shelters operated by the American
Red Cross.
y Promotes public information sharing through its website (www.redcross.org),
National Response Center, and “Safe and Well” website.
The American Red Cross’s role as the Nation’s largest mass care service provider is
separate and distinct from its role in the NRF. As the Nation’s largest mass care
service provider, the American Red Cross provides sheltering, feeding, bulk
distribution of needed items, basic first aid, welfare information, and casework,
among other services, at the local level as needed. In its role as a service
provider, the American Red Cross works closely with local, tribal, and State
governments to provide mass care services to victims of every disaster, large and
small, in an affected area. In providing these services, the American Red Cross
fulfills its humanitarian mission, acting on its own behalf and not on behalf of the
Federal Government or any other governmental entity.
Corporation for
National and
Provides teams of trained National Service Participants (including AmeriCorps
members, Learn and Serve America volunteers, and Retired and Senior Volunteer
Program volunteers) to carry out a wide range of response and recovery support
activities emphasizing disadvantaged communities and special needs residents,
y Canvassing, needs assessment, and information distribution support for State
and Federal operations.
y Shelter and feeding support; and distribution of water, food, ice, and other
emergency goods.
y Debris clearance, temporary roof repair, and elimination of identified
health/safety hazards.
y Unaffiliated volunteer support and warehousing assistance.
y Registration and call center support.
y Case management assistance.
y Other appropriate activities identified by ESF #6 coordinators or DHS/FEMA
Voluntary Agency Liaisons (VALs).
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Agency Functions
y Facilitates and encourages collaboration, communication, cooperation, and
coordination, and builds relationships among members while groups plan and
prepare for emergencies and disaster incidents.
y Assists in communicating to the government and the public the services
provided by its national member organizations.
y Facilitates information sharing during planning, preparedness, response, and
recovery, and after a disaster incident.
y Provides members with information pertaining to the severity of the disaster,
needs identified, and actions of volunteers throughout the response, relief, and
recovery process.
y Provides guidance in sharing client information, in promoting spiritual and
emotional care, and in the management of unaffiliated volunteers and
unsolicited donated goods, as needed.
Adventist Community Services
y Receives, processes, and distributes clothing, bedding, and food products.
y Provides emergency food and counseling and participates in the cooperative
disaster child care program.
America’s Second Harvest
y Collects, transports, warehouses, and distributes donated food and grocery
products for other agencies involved in both feeding operations and
distribution of relief supplies through its national network of food banks.
y Processes food products collected in food drives by communities wishing to
help another disaster-affected community.
y Develops, certifies, and supports their food banks.
y Serves as a liaison between the food banks and the donors.
y Educates the public about the problems and solutions of hunger.
American Baptist Men/USA: Provides cleanup, repair, and initial rebuilding.
Short-term volunteers work cooperatively with Church World Service.
American Disaster Reserve
y Provides trained staffing teams to assist government agencies and other
organizations in the operation of Emergency Operations Centers and the
performance of disaster management functions
y Provides trained teams to meet specific needs identified by local jurisdictions
and established in memorandums of understanding,
y Provides technology applications of the Internet to disaster management.
American Radio Relay League (ARRL) – Amateur Radio Emergency
Services (ARES): Provides volunteer radio communications services to Federal,
State, county, and local governments, as well as to voluntary agencies.
Ananda Marga Universal Relief Team (AMURT)
y Provides food and clothing, shelters, and counseling.
y Renders emergency medical services, sanitation, etc.
National Voluntary
Active in Disaster
Catholic Charities, USA
y Provides assistance to communities in addressing the crisis and recovery needs
of local families.
y Provides ongoing and long-term recovery services for individuals and families,
including temporary housing assistance for low-income families, counseling
programs for children and the elderly, and special counseling for disaster relief
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Agency Functions
Christian Disaster Response: Provides:
y Initial on-site disaster assessment program.
y Emergency food service—fixed-site kitchen/feeding and mobile food service.
y In-kind donations of disaster recovery supplies.
y Advocacy for disaster victims (elderly, poor, minorities).
y Home repair or rebuilding.
Christian Reformed World Relief Committee (CRWRC)
y Assists churches in the disaster-affected community to respond to the needs of
persons within that community.
y Provides advocacy services to assist disaster victims in finding permanent,
long-term solutions to their disaster-related problems, as well as housing
repair and construction, needs assessment, cleanup, child care, and other
recovery services.
y Assists disaster survivors through interreligious partner organizations in the
United States and worldwide on behalf of its 32-member communions plus
affiliated agencies.
y Convenes local churches and religious organizations to form an interfaith
organization to coordinate responses to unmet needs during the recovery
Church of the Brethren Disaster Response
y Provides cleanup and debris removal from damaged or destroyed homes and
personal property.
y Trains volunteers through the Cooperative Disaster Child Care Program to
establish child care centers following major disasters.
Church of Scientology Disaster Response
y Assists relief crews in providing food and water.
y Provides emotional and spiritual care.
Church World Service
y Stand on the side of the oppressed through advocacy with and for those most
in need.
y Seek out unmet needs of all survivors – particularly people who were
vulnerable and marginalized before the disaster.
y Provide a larger vision of life that includes emotional and spiritual care as well
as physical rebuilding.
y Assist in long-term recovery of those in need.
y Restore and build community relationships.
Convoy of Hope: Facilitates relief efforts between churches and other
organizations to help best serve the needs of survivors. With its fleet of trucks,
300,000-square-foot warehouse, and Mobile Command Center, and utilizing the
first response POD (Points of Distribution) model, Convoy of Hope’s U.S. Disaster
Response (USDR) has become an active and efficient disaster relief organization,
providing resources and help to victims in the first days of a disaster.
National Voluntary
Active in Disaster
Disaster Psychiatry Outreach: Provides education and training in disaster
mental health to a range of professionals in the emergency management sector.
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Agency Functions
Episcopal Relief and Development
y Sends immediate relief grants for such basics as food, water, medical
assistance, and financial aid within the first 90 days following a disaster.
y Provides ongoing recovery activities through rehabilitation grants, which offer
the means to rebuild, replant ruined crops, and counsel those in trauma.
y Works primarily through Church World Service in providing its disaster-related
Feed the Children
y Provides help to victims of natural disasters occurring in the United States and
around the world.
y Depending on the situation, provides food, water, blankets, cleaning supplies,
or other relief supplies to individuals and families affected.
Friends Disaster Service (FDS)
y Provides cleanup and rebuilding assistance to the elderly, disabled, low
income, or uninsured survivors of disasters.
y Provides an outlet for Christian service to Friends volunteers, with an emphasis
on love and caring.
HOPE Coalition America: Supports disaster survivors by assisting with
budgeting and developing financial recovery plans.
Humane Society of the United States (HSUS): Through the HSUS National
Disaster Animal Response Team (NDART™):
y Serves as a resource for individuals, animal-related organizations, government
agencies, and others concerned about the urgent needs of animals before,
during, and after disasters.
y Provides assistance with animal rescue, handling, and transport in a timely and
humane way.
HSUS assists ESF #6 with the coordination of other participating entities having an
assistance animal-related mission.
International Aid
y Provides trained disaster aid and medical personnel.
y Provides trauma counseling.
y Provides food and medical supplies.
y Provides disease prevention products including portable medical clinics and
water purification systems.
International Critical Incident Stress Foundation: Provides emotional and
spiritual care.
International Relief and Development
y Distributes food and critical supplies.
y Helps communities develop effective social services through collaborative
efforts to improve roads; renovate schools; rebuild utility, water, and sewage
systems; and establish health facilities.
National Voluntary
Active in Disaster
International Relief Friendship Foundation: Provides needs assessment, case
management, distribution of designated relief supplies, and spiritual care and
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Agency Functions
Lutheran Disaster Response
y Provides for immediate disaster response, in both natural and technological
disasters, long-term rebuilding efforts, and support for preparedness planning
through synods, districts, and social ministry organizations.
y Provides crisis counseling, support groups, mental health assistance, and
pastoral care through its accredited social service agencies.
Medical Teams International: Enlists volunteers as needed to the stricken
areas and sends money and supplies for cleaning and reconstruction.
Mennonite Disaster Services: Assists disaster victims by providing volunteer
personnel to clean up and remove debris from damaged and destroyed homes and
personal property and to repair or rebuild homes. Special emphasis is placed on
assisting those less able to help themselves, such as the elderly and people with
Mercy Medical Airlift (Angel Flight)
y Ensures that no needy patient is denied access to distant specialized medical
evaluation, diagnosis, or treatment for lack of a means of long-distance
medical air transportation.
y Ensures the provision of urgent transportation in situations of compelling
human need and homeland security emergencies.
National Association of Jewish Chaplains (NAJC): Provides emotional and
spiritual care.
National Emergency Response Team (NERT): Provides coordinated
emergency services with Federal, State, and local government agencies.
National Organization for Victim Assistance (NOVA): Provides social and
mental health services for individuals and families who experience major trauma
after disaster, including critical incident debriefings.
Nazarene Disaster Response (NDR)
y Provides cleanup and rebuilding assistance, especially to the elderly, disabled,
widowed, and those least able to help themselves.
y Works in the recovery phase by assisting with the emotional needs of disaster
Operation Blessing: Transports food and emergency supplies to disaster
The Phoenix Society for Burn Survivors: Provides social services and
emotional support for individuals who experience major burn injuries, as well as
their families.
National Voluntary
Active in Disaster
Points of Light Foundation and Volunteer Center National Network
y Coordinates spontaneous, unaffiliated volunteers.
y Meets the needs of the local community and other disaster response agencies
through its affiliated network of local Volunteer Centers.
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Agency Functions
Presbyterian Disaster Assistance (PDA)
y Works primarily through Church World Service in providing volunteers to serve
as disaster consultants and funding for local recovery projects that meet
certain guidelines.
y Provides trained volunteers who participate in the Cooperative Disaster Child
Care program.
y Provides volunteer labor and material assistance at the local level.
y Supports volunteer base camps for volunteer groups assisting with the
rebuilding efforts.
REACT International: Provides emergency communication facilities for other
agencies through its national network of Citizens Band radio operators and
volunteer teams.
The Salvation Army
y Provides emergency assistance including mass and mobile feeding, temporary
shelter, counseling, missing person services, medical assistance, and the
warehousing and distribution of donated goods including food, clothing, and
household items.
y Provides referrals to government and private agencies for special services.
Samaritan’s Purse
y Provides emotional and spiritual care.
y Provides cleanup assistance.
Save the Children: Provides children’s disaster preparedness workshops.
Society of St. Vincent De Paul
y Provides social services to individuals and families and collects and distributes
donated goods.
y Makes stores’ merchandise available to disaster victims. Operates retail
stores, homeless shelters, and feeding facilities that are similar to those run by
the Salvation Army.
y Provides warehousing facilities for storing and sorting donated merchandise
during the emergency period.
Southern Baptist Convention Disaster Relief
y Provides more than 200 mobile feeding units staffed by volunteers who can
prepare and distribute thousands of meals a day.
y Provides disaster child care. The agency has several mobile child care units.
y Assists with cleanup activities, temporary repairs, reconstruction, counseling,
and bilingual services.
Tzu Chi Foundation
y Provides emotional and spiritual care.
y Provides medical and financial assistance.
United Church of Christ: Provides coordinators who help to organize volunteers
for cleanup and rebuilding efforts, and also participate in response and long-term
recovery efforts in communities affected by natural disasters.
National Voluntary
Active in Disaster
United Jewish Communities (UJC)
y Organizes direct assistance, such as financial and social services, to Jewish and
general communities in the United States following disaster.
y Provides rebuilding services to neighborhoods and enters into long-term
recovery partnerships with residents.
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Agency Functions
United Methodist Committee on Relief (UMCOR)
y Provides funding for local United Methodist Committee on Relief units in
response and recovery projects based on the needs of each situation.
y Provides spiritual and emotional care to disaster victims and long-term care of
children impacted by disaster.
United Way of America: Provides experience, expertise, and resources to local
United Ways facing local, regional, State, or national emergencies.
Volunteers of America (VOA)
y Makes trucks available for transporting victims and supplies to designated
y Collects and distributes donated goods and provides mental health care for
survivors of disaster.
National Voluntary
Active in Disaster
World Vision
y Trains and mobilizes community-based volunteers in major response and
recovery activities.
y Provides consultant services to local unaffiliated churches and Christian
charities involved in locally designed recovery projects.
y Collects, manages, and organizes community-based distribution for donated