Twilio Elastic SIP Trunking FreePBX Configuration Guide, Version 1.0.1, 6.12.2018
Twilio Elastic SIP Trunking FreePBX
Configuration Guide
This configuration guide is intended to help you provision your Twilio Elastic SIP Trunk to
communicate with FreePBX, an open source communication server.
Please be aware, due to different versions, variations, add-ons, and options for FreePBX based
plarforms, the settings you see may differ from those shown in this configuration guide. This
document is intended to provide general guidelines for setting up your Twilio Elastic SIP Trunk
and not as a comprehensive configuration template for FreePBX.
Twilio does not provide direct support for third-party products; you should reach out to the
applicable vendors support options for specific assistance configuring their products.
Twilio Elastic SIP Trunk Provisioning
We begin by provisioning the Twilio Elastic SIP Trunk through the Twilio Console, following
the steps below. These steps assume there are no existing SIP Trunks provisioned.
Our examples will use the Twilio US1 (Virginia) data center as the primary data center for call
Termination and Origination and the Twilio US2 (Oregon) data center as the secondary data
center for call Termination and Origination. You should modify the Termination and Origination
URI’s based on the data centers that are physically closest to your location. A list of the regional
termination and origination URI’s can be found on our SIP Trunking landing page:
1. Log into the Twilio Console -
2. From the main Dashboard on the left side of the screen, select (...) for All Products &
3. Scroll down to Elastic SIP Trunking and click it.
4. From the Elastic SIP Trunking Dashboard, click the "Getting Started" button.
5. From the Getting Started with Elastic SIP Trunking page, Click the "Create a SIP Trunk".
6. Enter a Friendly Name. For the configuration guide, I used "FreePBX". Click Create.
7. On the "FreePBX" General Settings Screen, note the settings that impact this specific trunk.
**Configuring Your Termination URI (From FreePBX > Twilio)**
8. On the left side of the screen under your "FreePBX" Trunk Name, Choose Termination.
9. Note, that in order to use a Trunk for termination (FreePBX > Twilio) it must have a
Termination SIP URI and at least one authentication scheme (IP Access Control Lists and/or
Credential Lists). We will provision both authentication schemes.
10. In the Termination SIP URI edit box, enter a unique termination URI (we use "twilio-
freepbx" aka, on the far-right, you will be notified if the name is
unique and available when you click outside the edit box.
Twilio Elastic SIP Trunking FreePBX Configuration Guide, Version 1.0.1, 6.12.2018
11. Click the red (+) next to IP Access Control List to create a new IP Access Control List that
will restrict requests to your Termination SIP URI.
12. In the "New Access Control List" (ACL) provide a Friendly Name for the ACL, I used
"EnterpriseCPE". Under this list, you can have multiple IP addresses you allow to communicate
with your SIP termination URI. Enter an IP address and a Friendly Name for that IP address, in
my case "AtlantaFreePBX" and click Create ACL.
13. You should receive confirmation the ACL was successfully created and see the Friendly
Name, in my case "EnterpriseCPE", selected in the IP Access Control Lists.
14. Click the red (+) next to Credential List to create a new Credential List that will challenge
requests to your Termination SIP URI.
15. In the "New Credential List" provide a Friendly Name for the Credential List, I used
"EnterpriseCPEProxyChallenge". Under this list, you can have multiple credentials that allow
communications with your SIP termination URI. Enter a username, in my case "myfreepbx" and
a password, in my case "myfreepbxzx11%VzX" (pick a unique username and complex
password, It must have a minimum length of 12 characters, at least one number, uppercase
character and lowercase character) and click Create.
16. You should receive confirmation you have successfully created a new Credential List and see
the Credential List name, in my case, "EnterpriseCPEProxyChallenge" selected in the Credential
17. Scroll down to the bottom, and Click Save.
18. You should receive confirmation you have successfully updated your SIP Trunk.
**Configuring Your Origination URI’s (From Twilio > FreePBX)**
19. On the left side of the screen under your "FreePBX" Trunk Name, Choose Origination.
Twilio Elastic SIP Trunking FreePBX Configuration Guide, Version 1.0.1, 6.12.2018
20. Click the "Add new Origination URI" button, where we will define how calls are sent from
Twilio to your FreePBX.
21. For the Origination SIP URI edit box, enter the format (without quotes and with your unique
public IP address): "sip:;region=us1" with a priority of 10 and a weight of 10. This
will originate all SIP Traffic from the Twilio US1 (Virginia) data center to FreePBX. Click Add.
22. Click the (+) next to Origination UR, to add a secondary Origination URI, should the primary
encounter issues.
23. For the Origination SIP URI edit box, enter the format (without quotes and with your unique
public IP address): "sip:;region=us2" with a priority of 20 and a weight of 10. This
will originate SIP Traffic from the Twilio US2 (Oregon) data center to FreePBX, only if the US1
Virginia data center is unable to deliver the call. Click Add.
**Assigning Telephone Numbers To Your Elastic SIP Trunk**
24. On the left side of the screen under your "FreePBX" Trunk Name, Choose Numbers.
25. Click the "Buy a Number" button.
26. Search for a number that meets your needs.
27. Click Buy next to the number.
28. Click Buy This Number to confirm the purchase.
29. You will receive a confirmation dialog the number was purchased, click close.
30. Your purchased number is now associated with your SIP Trunk.
** This completes all the Twilio Specific Provisioning Steps **
Twilio Elastic SIP Trunking FreePBX Configuration Guide, Version 1.0.1, 6.12.2018
FreePBX Provisioning
This configuration guide was created using:
Asterisk 15.40, FreePBX (manual install)
During the process of configuring certain FreePBX screens, for example Outbound Routes, be
aware that some popular web browsers may attempt to autofill in fields with your FreePBX
username and password which will cause provisioning issues if allowed to happen.
FreePBX 14.x ships with pjsip listening on UDP/5060 and chan_sip listening on UDP/5160;
these are separate SIP stacks with separate configuration files. All trunks and extensions in this
configuration guide are created using pjsip.
1. Login to your FreePBX Web Interface.
2. From the Top Menu: Settings > Asterisk SIP Settings.
General SIP Settings (Tab)
--NAT Settings (Click Detect Network Settings)
--Codecs (Uncheck All except ulaw)
Click Submit
Click Apply Config (Red Button)
3. Open a shell prompt and reload FreePBX settings (to process the NAT settings).
[aklein@localhost ~]$ sudo fwconsole stop
Running FreePBX shutdown...
Shutting down Asterisk Gracefully. Will forcefully kill after 30 seconds.
Press C to Cancel
Press N to shut down NOW
[============================] < 1 sec
[aklein@localhost ~]$ sudo fwconsole start
Running FreePBX startup...
Taking too long? Customize the chown command, See
Setting Permissions...
Setting base permissions...Done
Setting specific permissions...
883 [============================]
Finished setting permissions
Starting Asterisk...
[============================] < 1 sec
Asterisk Started
[aklein@localhost ~]$
4. From the Top Menu: Connectivity > Trunks.
+Add Trunk
+Add SIP (chan_pjsip) Trunk
Twilio Elastic SIP Trunking FreePBX Configuration Guide, Version 1.0.1, 6.12.2018
General (Tab)
Trunk Name: Twilio-US1-North-America-Virginia
Outbound CallerID: +13213513261 (use your own Twilio Elastic SIP Trunk Number)
pjsip Settings (Tab)
General Tab
Username: myfreepbx (per my example)
Password: myfreepbxzx11%VzX (per my example, use your own unique password)
Authentication: Outbound
Registration: None
SIP Server: (use your own unique regional Termination URI)
SIP Server Port: 5060
Context: from-pstn-e164-us
Advanced (Tab)
DTMF Mode: RFC 4733
Click Submit
Click Apply Config
5. From the Top Menu: Connectivity > Trunks - Add the Secondary Trunk for the Alternate
US2 Data Center.
+Add Trunk
+Add SIP (chan_pjsip) Trunk
General (Tab)
Trunk Name: Twilio-US2-North-America-Oregon
Outbound CallerID: +13213513261 (use your own Twilio Elastic SIP Trunk Number)
pjsip Settings (Tab)
General Tab
Username: myfreepbx (per my example)
Password: myfreepbxzx11%VzX (per my example, use your own unique password)
Authentication: Outbound
Registration: None
SIP Server: (use your own unique regional Termination URI)
SIP Server Port: 5060
Context: from-pstn-e164-us
Advanced (Tab)
DTMF Mode: RFC 4733
Click Submit
Click Apply Config
Twilio Elastic SIP Trunking FreePBX Configuration Guide, Version 1.0.1, 6.12.2018
Insure FreePBX processes the new configuration (from the CLI):
[aklein@localhost ~]$ sudo fwconsole reload
Reloading FreePBX
Successfully reloaded
[aklein@localhost ~]$
6. From the Top Menu: Connectivity > Outbound Routes.
+Add Outbound Route
Route Settings (Tab)
Route Name: TwilioSIPOutbound
Trunk Sequence for Matched Routes:
Choose (Primary and Secondary for Failover):
--Twilio-US1-North-America-Virginia (First)
--Twilio-US2-North-America-Oregon (Second)
Twilio Elastic SIP Trunking FreePBX Configuration Guide, Version 1.0.1, 6.12.2018
Dial Patterns (Tab) We will use North America dial patterns for this example.
For the First Row Enter:
prepend edit box: +1
prefix edit box : blank
match pattern: NXXNXXXXXX
Add another row:
prepend edit box: +
prefix edit box : blank
match pattern: 1NXXNXXXXXX
Click Submit
Click Apply Config
7. From the Top Menu: Applications > Extensions.
+ Add Extension
+ Add New PJSIP Extension
General (Tab)
User Extension: 233
Display Name: Alan Klein (use your name)
Secret: choose dynamic password
Click Submit
Twilio Elastic SIP Trunking FreePBX Configuration Guide, Version 1.0.1, 6.12.2018
Click Apply Config
8. Configure your 3rd Party SIP Client to Register with the newly created FreePBX extension.
NOTE: For Trial Accounts, Called Numbers must be Verified following the steps below.
Adding a Verified Outbound Caller ID with Twilio
9. Place a test call using your registered SIP client to verify outbound calls work.
Refer to the later section on Troubleshooting, if you are unable to successfully place an outbound
call through Twilio.
10. Connectivity > Inbound Routes
+ Add Inbound Route
General (Tab)
Description: Twilio-Origination-Calls
Set Destination: Extensions (233 Alan Klein) for my Example
Click Submit
Click Apply Config
Twilio Elastic SIP Trunking FreePBX Configuration Guide, Version 1.0.1, 6.12.2018
11. Place a test call to your Elastic SIP Trunk phone number.
Refer to Troubleshooting, if you are unable to successfully place an inbound call to your PBX.
Twilio Elastic SIP Trunking FreePBX Configuration Guide, Version 1.0.1, 6.12.2018
Twilio Troubleshooting
The most comprehensive page for Twilio specific Elastic SIP Trunk Troubleshooting is our
Troubleshooting landing page,
You can look at the packet captures between Twilio and FreePBX by going to your Elastic SIP
Trunking call logs,, clicking on a specific
call date, and then on the right, clicking the download link next to SIP PCAP Log. This packet
capture is in the common .pcap format. Note that for SIP/TLS .pcap files will be blank.
Some of the common issues encountered:
1. The IP addresses and ports used for SIP Signaling and Media must be whitelisted so they can
pass through to FreePBX. The most up to date list of IP addresses and ports can be found on
the Twilio Console Elastic SIP Trunking Networking Information - The ;region parameter for the
Origination URI restricts the IP addresses to those regions defined for your origination
URI’s. A common symptom of a firewall issue is viewable in the .pcap file where Twilio
sends SIP INVITES to your origination URI’s with no responses from FreePBX.
2. The From/To/Request-URI/P-Asserted Identity should be in E.164 Format. What is E.164?
3. Twilio Trial accounts have limits which may impact how Elastic SIP Trunking is used.
Trial Accounts have a maximum of:
1 unique SIP trunk
1 origination phone number
4 concurrent calls
5 verified CallerID’s
Trial accounts may only place calls TO and FROM verified numbers. A purchased Twilio
phone number also qualifies as a verified number you can use as the caller ID.
4. Check the Twilio Debugger,, from the Twilio Console,
to see if a specific error message appears which may be preventing the call.
Twilio Elastic SIP Trunking FreePBX Configuration Guide, Version 1.0.1, 6.12.2018
FreePBX Troubleshooting
Add the following FreePBX Modules, to help facilitate troubleshooting.
From FreePBX Daskboard: Admin > Module Admin
Click the Standard and Extended Buttons (so they turn blue)
Click the Check Online Button
Install the Asterisk CLI Module and the Config Edit Module
Once both are installed, Click the red Apply Config Button
Both are now accessible under the FreePBX Admin Menu
Helpful Asterisk CLI commands (which you can enter under Admin > Asterisk CLI)
core show help pjsip
pjsip show settings
pjsip show version
pjsip show identifies
pjsip show endpoints
pjsip show transports
pjsip show auths
pjsip show aors
pjsip show contacts
pjsip show channels
FreePBX fwconsole commands:
"fwconsole" is the Linux command that controls FreePBX 13+ from the Linux command prompt
To Restart FreePBX/Asterisk from the shell: fwconsole restart, to reload the FreePBX
configuration, fwconsole reload.
Asterisk PJSIP Troubleshooting (bold text enables SIP messaging in Asterisk CLI)
Asterisk CLI (from Bash Shell):
asterisk -vvvr
core set verbose 4
core set debug 4
pjsip set logger on
core set verbose 3
core set debug 0
pjsip set logger off
From the FreePBX Dashboard:
Admin > FreePBX Support
Twilio Elastic SIP Trunking FreePBX Configuration Guide, Version 1.0.1, 6.12.2018
Caution: These changes will impact call origination and termination until the full set-up is
completed and verified.
1. Log into the Twilio Console -
2. From the main Dashboard on the left side of the screen, select (...) for All Products & Services
3. Scroll down to Elastic SIP Trunking and click it
4. Select Trunks
5. Click on you SIP Trunk (my Example used: FreePBX)
6. Under Secure Trunking, Toggle the Slider to Enabled and Click Save
7. Click Origination, and modify the origination URI's to use TLS by clicking on each entry and
making the following change (adjusting the IP address to match your configuration):
Current: sip:;region=us1
New: sip:;transport=tls;region=us1
Current: sip:;region=us2
New: sip:;transport=tls;region=us2
For this configuration guide, we used the following process detailed
at:, to create the necessary
certificate files to enable SIP/TLS
Download the Twilio Root CA Certificates:
Importing Twilio's Root CA Certificates
Right Click Save As Link: Download Twilio's CA certificate (name: cacert.pem)
Save the file to: /etc/asterisk/keys on your FreePBX server
1. Login to your FreePBX Web Interface.
2. From the Top Menu: Settings > Asterisk SIP Settings.
3. Click on the Chan PJSIP Setting Tab
4. Under TLS/SSL/SRTP Settings, next to CA Chain File, enter /etc/asterisk/keys/cacert.pem in
the edit box
5. Under TLS/SSL/SRTP Settings, next to Certificate File, enter /etc/asterisk/keys/asterisk.pem
in the edit box
6. Under TLS/SSL/SRTP Settings, next to Private Key File, enter /etc/asterisk/keys/asterisk.key
in the edit box
7. SSL Method set to tlsv1
8. Verify Client: No
Twilio Elastic SIP Trunking FreePBX Configuration Guide, Version 1.0.1, 6.12.2018
9. Verify Server: No
10. Under Transports, enable tls
11. Click Submit
12. Click Apply Config
13. From the Linux prompt, execute: fwconsole stop and then fwconsole start (to being listening
on TCP/5061 and process the new certificate changes)
14. From the Top Menu: Connectivity > Trunks
15. Select the first trunk, Twilio-US1-North-America-Virginia, and click the edit icon
16. Click on the pjsip Settings tab
17. Click SIP Server Port: 5061
18. Click Transport:
19. Click the Advanced Tab
20. Scroll Down to Media Encryption: SRTP via in-SDP (recommended)
21 Click Submit
22. Click Apply Config
23. From the Top Menu: Connectivity > Trunks
24. Select the first trunk, Twilio-US2-North-America-Oregon, and click the edit icon
24. Click on the pjsip Settings tab
25. Click SIP Server Port: 5061
26. Click Transport:
27. Click the Advanced Tab
28. Scroll Down to Media Encryption: SRTP via in-SDP (recommended)
29 Click Submit
30. Click Apply Config
Notes, you will see the following entries in your log file and the Asterisk CLI. Twilio uses wild
card certificates. Even though this log entry appears, it will not impact call processing if verify
server is set to no.
ERROR[3857]: pjproject:0 <?>: tlsc0x7f5b6033cd38 RFC 5922 (section 7.2) does not
allow TLS wildcard certificates. Advise your SIP provider, please!
Twilio Elastic SIP Trunking FreePBX Configuration Guide, Version 1.0.1, 6.12.2018
Relevant Twilio Documentation
Twilio Elastic SIP Trunking
SIP Trunking Configuration Guides
Troubleshooting Your SIP Trunk
Twilio SIP Trunking Scale and Limits
Elastic SIP Trunking Emergency Calling
Calls Per Second (CPS) - Trunking Termination
Elastic SIP Trunking: Region selection for origination traffic
On-demand pcaps – Greater Visibility into Elastic SIP Trunking
Announcing Secure Trunking