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Quick Start
Lead: Gary Bayne
Phone: (510) 643-9476
Team: Health and Safety
Associate Director:
Brandon DeFrancisci
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Table of Contents
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FAQ Fact Sheet
UC Berkeley’s Office of
Environment, Health and Safety
(EH&S) manages Crane Safety
to ensure Cal/OSHA compliance
by campus Departments, Field
Stations, and Contractors using
University-owned overhead
cranes, hoists and rigging.
Administrative requirements,
training requirements, recordkeeping requirements, inspection criterion and procedures,
“Operator” and “Standby Person” safe-work procedures are included for all types of cranes
and hoists that are used for lifting/moving equipment and materiel.
There are two classes of cranes/hoists defined according to rated load capacities: Three
Tons and Under (3Ton)” and “Over Three Tons (>3Ton)”. The larger cranes are subject
to more-stringent inspections, load tests and scheduled maintenance. Smaller cranes /
hoists must have initial load tests and documented inspections leading to routine
maintenance. This program applies to any research, construction, and maintenance
activities that utilize such lift equipment.
Click here for guidance about your or your department’s Roles and Responsibilities.
Click here for guidance about Administrative and Operating Procedures.
Click here for Inspection Forms and other Program Documentation.
Engineering Lab
Bridge Crane
Art Practices
Gantry Crane
Research Apparatus
Chain Hoists
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Table of Contents
[Click on any Heading in the Table of Contents to go to that section of the program.]
QUICK START ................................................................................................................................ 1
TABLE OF CONTENTS .................................................................................................................. 2
PURPOSE/INTRODUCTION .......................................................................................................... 5
APPLICABILITY/SCOPE ................................................................................................................. 5
ROLES/RESPONSIBILITIES .......................................................................................................... 5
DEPARTMENTS ......................................................................................................................... 5
CRANE OPERATOR/“QUALIFIED PERSON ................................................................................... 6
STAND-BY/LOAD POSITIONING PERSON ..................................................................................... 6
EH&S ... ................................................................................................................................. 6
DEFINITIONS ................................................................................................................................. 7
CERTIFICATING AGENCY ........................................................................................................... 7
CRANE... ................................................................................................................................. 7
HOIST .... ................................................................................................................................. 7
QUALIFIED PERSON/OPERATOR ................................................................................................ 7
TYPES OF CRANES/HOISTS/RIGGING ........................................................................................ 8
CRANES AND COMPONENTS ...................................................................................................... 8
Bridge Crane ................................................................................................................................. 8
Gantry Crane ................................................................................................................................. 8
Floor Mounted Jib Crane/Boom Crane ..................................................................................... 8
Wall Mounted Jib Crane/Boom Crane ...................................................................................... 9
Monorail Crane ............................................................................................................................. 9
Anchor Plate (in ceiling) .............................................................................................................. 9
Rail, Track or Beam ................................................................................................................... 10
Trolley........................................................................................................................................... 10
Electric-powered Hoist ............................................................................................................... 10
Air-powered Hoist ....................................................................................................................... 10
Manual-powered Hoist ............................................................................................................... 11
RATCHETS AND COME-ALONGS ............................................................................................... 11
Ratchet Hoist ............................................................................................................................... 11
Come-Along Hoist ...................................................................................................................... 11
Slings ............................................................................................................................................ 12
Structural and Mechanical Lifting Devices ............................................................................. 12
PROGRAM REQUIREMENTS AND PROCEDURES .................................................................... 13
ADMINISTRATIVE REQUIREMENTS ............................................................................................ 13
Program Activities ...................................................................................................................... 13
Load Test Requirements ........................................................................................................... 13
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Load testing by a Certificating Agency .................................................................................... 14
Load Rating Reduction .............................................................................................................. 14
Quarterly Program Requirements ............................................................................................ 14
OPERATOR SAFE-WORK PROCEDURES ................................................................................... 15
Work Practices, Hazard Evaluation and Control ................................................................... 15
Rigging and Other Below-the-Hook Devices ......................................................................... 15
Housekeeping ............................................................................................................................. 15
Restricted areas ......................................................................................................................... 15
STANDBY AND LOAD POSITIONING PERSONS PROCEDURES ..................................................... 16
TRAINING REQUIREMENTS ....................................................................................................... 16
RECORD KEEPING REQUIREMENTS ........................................................................................ 17
DEPARTMENT REQUIREMENTS ................................................................................................ 17
Training ........................................................................................................................................ 17
Equipment Inspections .............................................................................................................. 17
EH&S RECORD RETENTION REQUIREMENTS ........................................................................... 17
REFERENCES .............................................................................................................................. 17
ISSUED BY AND NEXT REVIEW DATE ....................................................................................... 18
ATTACHMENTS ........................................................................................................................... 18
Structural and Mechanical Lifting Devices ............................................................................. 29
Rigging Hooks ............................................................................................................................. 30
Wire Rope Sling .......................................................................................................................... 31
Metal-Mesh Slings ...................................................................................................................... 32
Synthetic-web Slings ................................................................................................................. 33
Synthetic Round-slings .............................................................................................................. 34
Alloy Steel-Chain, and Wire Rope Slings ............................................................................... 35
Shackles ...................................................................................................................................... 36
Eyebolts ....................................................................................................................................... 37
Turnbuckles ................................................................................................................................. 37
Links and Rings .......................................................................................................................... 38
Wire Rope Clips .......................................................................................................................... 38
Swivel Hoist Rings ..................................................................................................................... 38
ATTACHMENT 7 ANNUAL 3+ TON CRANE INSPECTION FORM ............................................ 42
FAQ/FACT SHEET UCB CRANE/HOIST SAFETY PROGRAM ................................................... 1
EH&S FACT SHEET ....................................................................................................................... 1
CRANE/HOIST ................................................................................................................................ 1
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SAFETY PROGRAM ....................................................................................................................... 1
FAQ/FACT SHEET TABLE OF CONTENTS ........................................................................ 1
WHAT IS A CRANE? .................................................................................................................. 2
WHAT IS A HOIST? .................................................................................................................... 2
DOES THIS PROGRAM APPLY TO MY DEPARTMENT? .................................................................... 2
DO TO COMPLY? ....................................................................................................................... 2
THE CRANE IS RATED MORE THAN THREE TONS. WHAT DO WE HAVE TO DO? ................................ 3
THE CRANE IS RATED THREE TONS OR LESS. WHAT DO WE HAVE TO DO? .................................... 4
IF WE ONLY HAVE A HOIST, WHAT DO WE HAVE TO DO? ................................................................ 4
CAN WE CHANGE THE MANUFACTURED LOAD-RATING OF A CRANE/HOIST? ................................... 4
WHO DO WE CONTACT FOR LOAD TESTING? ............................................................................... 5
WHAT DO WE HAVE TO DO CONCERNING RIGGING AND LIFT GEAR? .............................................. 5
WHO NEEDS TO BE TRAINED? .................................................................................................... 5
WHO DO WE CONTACT TO GET TRAINING OR PROGRAM SUPPORT? .............................................. 5
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The University of California, Berkeley (UCB) owns many cranes and hoists ranging from
fractional ton chain-falls, come-a-longs and chain-hoists, to multi-ton overhead cranes.
This Program assures compliance with Cal/OSHA regulations for Crane/Hoist Safety.
This program applies to any overhead lifting device that is attached to any building,
research facility or equipment owned or operated by UC Berkeley, and outlines Cal/OSHA
required load testing for all types of cranes, hoists and associated rigging/lift-gear at UCB.
Cranes rated above three tons require quadrennial load testing; cranes rated 3-tons and
less require load testing and certification upon installation or upon implementation of this
program by owner departments. Load testing must be performed by a Cal/OSHA
approved “Certificating Agency. Cranes may have their load rating reduced through a
documented “derating process.
This program also outlines the required “Qualification” documentation and procedures for
crane operators; outlines training contents for becoming a “Qualified Person; details
Administrative Procedures to be followed by departments implementing the program; and
Operating Procedures to be followed by qualified crane operators each time a crane is
used. In addition, it outlines inspection criterion for lift equipment and record-retention
requirements for all documentation associated with Crane/Hoist Safety Program activities.
Identify all cranes, hoists and rigging owned by the Department and falling under
the requirements of this program.
Designate one or more “Qualified Person(s)” to operate the crane or hoist.
Provide for and document each Qualified Person’s “operator trainingprior to
allowing them to inspect, maintain and/or operate specific department crane
Keep records of training.
Conduct documented quarterly inspections of all crane and hoist equipment.
Conduct annual inspections of cranes/hoists/lift gear 3+ tons by a Certificating
Agency, and a documented quadrennial load test conducted by a Certificating
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Assure all cranes and hoists in the department have had an initial documented load
test conducted by a Certificating Agency with results of the load test permanently
posted on the equipment.
Install and maintain permanent signage in sight of operators on any crane or hoist
that has been derated for the reduction of the load rating.
Inform department personnel of planned crane inspection/testing and coordinate
these activities between crane owners, EH&S and the Certificating Agency.
Ensure that University faculty, students and staff are not in the proximity of the load
test activities during load testing performed by a Certificating Agency.
Crane Operator/“Qualified Person”
Must be trained on the contents of this program and understand how to apply it to
the crane and hoist equipment they operate.
Must be “Qualified” by their Supervisor through documentation using Attachment 1
which is to be kept in their employee file.
Must follow the procedures outlined in this program every time a lift is prepared and
conducted, or during inspection and maintenance activities.
Must stop all lifting work and bring to the attention of the department management
any deficiencies, broken equipment or rigging needing repair/replacement and
never use any deficient equipment.
Must inform EH&S of any crane or hoist that is being permanently locked out due to
equipment hazards, when the use of the crane is no longer needed, or due to lack
of qualified personnel to operate the crane.
May be responsible for procuring equipment or repair services as a department may
deem appropriate.
May be required to “Lock out and Tag out” any deficient equipment according to the
procedures outlined in the UCB “Energy Isolation Program” to assure no unsafe
Stand-by/Load Positioning Person
Follow procedures outlined in this program.
Work under the direction of, and in constant communication with, the Crane
Operator/“Qualified Person”.
Coordinate with owner departments the load testing of cranes and hoists by a
Certificating Agency.
Provide any load-testing protocols beyond Cal/OSHA requirements as University
Risk Management and client need may dictate.
Provide for operator training.
Conduct periodic audits of Crane/Hoist Program compliance throughout all
University operations.
Update Crane/Hoist Safety Program as regulations or University requirements
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Certificating Agency
Certifying agencies are qualified agencies and/or persons licensed by Cal/OSHA to
examine, test, and certify cranes. EH&S maintains a list of pre-qualified Certifying
Agencies as part of program compliance.
A machine for lifting or lowering a load, and moving it horizontally, in which the hoisting
mechanism is an integral part of the machine. It may be driven manually or by power and
may be a fixed or a mobile machine, but does not include stackers, hoist trolleys, lift trucks,
power shovels, backhoes, or excavators.
An apparatus for raising or lowering a load, but does not include a car or platform riding in
guides or horizontal motion.
Qualified Person/Operator
A person designated by the department who, by reason of training and/or experience, has
demonstrated the ability to safely perform all assigned duties. Persons may be deemed
“qualified” to operate all or only specific cranes and hoists within a department by their
supervisor. “Qualifying” a crane operator is a documented process (see Attachment 1) as
outlined in this program. A “Qualified Person/Operator may also train a “Stand-by Person
to help them with the safe use of a crane/hoist. The “Stand-by Person” follows the
direction of the “Qualified Person/Operator” and specific procedures as outlined in the
Collectively referred to as “below the hook devices, are also called “lift gear. May be any
device used to carry, position, and secure a load while it is being hoisted or craned.
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Types of Cranes/Hoists/Rigging
Cranes and Components
Type of crane which lifts objects by a hoist
that is fitted in a trolley and can move
horizontally on overhead rails riding on top of
support beams located well above a floor and
a permanent part of a building’s structure.
Type of crane which lifts objects by a hoist
that is fitted in a trolley and can move
horizontally on a rail or pair of rails fitted
under a beam. Unlike Bridge Cranes, Gantry
Cranes have legs and rollers integral to the
support structure and are supported on a flat
surface or may roll on rails embedded into
the surface upon which the crane sets.
Jib Cranes consist of a horizontal load
supporting boom, which is attached to a
pivoting vertical column that is either free
standing or building mounted. They enable
lifting and lowering of a load within a fixed arc
of rotation.
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A Jib crane permanently mounted to a
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(Also known as a “Chain-fall” or “Chain
Ratchets and Come-Alongs
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(May be constructed of
chain, nylon webbing, mesh
steel webbing, wire ropes,
other types of ropes and
braided materials.)
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Program Requirements and Procedures
Administrative Requirements
The Department owning the Crane or Hoist designates all person(s) within their
Department who are responsible for the following actions:
Identifies all cranes owned by the department that must comply with these program
Identifies cranes rated over three tons and manages load testing every four years.
Identifies cranes rated three tons or less and manages their quarterly and annual
Designates “Qualified Person(s)” who may use Crane/Hoist equipment and
documents their timely training and application of this program by completing
Attachment 1 for each Qualified Person.
Identifies and inventories using Attachment 5 all crane(s), hoist(s) and rigging
owned by the Department that is regulated by this program.
Periodically audits departmental compliance with the program.
Ensures “Operator” and “Stand-by Person” training.
For Cranes/Hoists 3-tons or less, implements crane, hoist and rigging inspections
and testing. These are conducted visually daily or before each use following criteria
in Attachment 2, and documented quarterly at minimum using Attachment 2.
Assures that the load rating signage is attached to the crane or hoist and that
rigging capacity signage can be easily determined according to Inspection and Lift
Equipment Requirements
Performs annual inspections of lift equipment following Attachment 3 and
documents these inspections using Attachment 4.
For Cranes/Hoists greater-than 3-tons, implements annual crane, hoist and rigging
inspections and testing by a Certificating Agency and documented using
Attachment 4 and Attachment 7.
Upon program inception, initial equipment installation, or when conducting load tests every
four years, the department’s designated responsible person must:
Assure that all crane and hoist components and their attachments to a structure are
engineered to support 125% of maximum load capacity of the equipment
component with the lowest load rating. The design of attachment to structure may
require a stamp by a Structural Professional Engineer.
Arrange for an initial load test of 125% rated capacity and performed by a
Certificating Agency (Attachment 6).
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Arrange for initial testing of rigging at 110% - 125% maximum load capacity (to be
determined by the Certificating Agency based upon type and use of crane).
Ensure rigging is tagged or otherwise marked with load capacities (unless it is an
alloy chain when tabulated data may be used).
Representative(s) of the Department work with EH&S Crane/Hoist Safety Program Lead to
coordinate the timing, space required, and access to the site with the Principal Investigator
(PI) or owner of the crane or hoist. Prior to the load test, a meeting is held with
representatives of the Certificating Agency and the Department personnel associated with
the use of the crane or hoist. In that meeting the following topics are discussed and
How the area of the load test is isolated from access by faculty, students, staff, or
The inspection procedures the Certificating Agency will be using.
The load testing procedures the Certificating Agency will be using.
How the Certificating Agency will be transporting load weights and other equipment
to and from the testing site.
The general types of PPE the Certificating Agency will be using.
During the load tests, a representative of the Department or EH&S visits the site to
verify that the procedures determined in the meeting prior to the load test are being
Load rating reduction is performed by a Certificating Agency and managed as a
load test.
Permanent signage must be installed that clearly identifies the reduced-load rating
of the crane or hoist, and is securely attached to the hoist near the hook and
maintained by the Department.
Perform and document in-house inspection of lift equipment using Attachment 2.
Remove and/or “Lock Out” deficient cranes or hoists per requirements of the UCB
Energy Isolation Lockout Tagout Program.
Removes damaged/deficient rigging from service until repaired or rendered
unusable prior to disposal.
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Operator Safe-Work Procedures
Only persons who have been “Qualified” by their department through a training process
that is documented using Attachment 1 may conduct the following work procedures:
Perform daily or prior to each use visual safety inspections of the crane/hoist
equipment following the checklist in Attachment 2.
If a crane/hoist has sat idle for more than one week, or the operator does not know
when the crane/hoist was last used, document the pre-use inspection using
Attachment 2.
Document quarterly inspections using Attachment 2 and keep these inspections on
Do not use deficient cranes or hoists and report deficiencies to designated
person(s) within the Department that are responsible for the ownership and
maintenance of the crane or hoist.
Operate cranes safely.
Do not proceed with lifting operations until all known hazards have been eliminated
or controlled.
Plan the lift, calculate the crane or hoist load capacity, and ensure that the crane or
hoist is used within its limits.
Monitor for rigging deficiencies during each lift.
Stop and do not proceed with lifting operations until newly identified hazards have
been eliminated.
Coordinate the lift with the Stand-by/Load Positioning Person with a pre-lift planning
Stay in view of the Stand-by/Load Positioning Person at all times during the lift.
Assure clear communication method(s) with Stand-by/Load Positioning Person.
NEVER travel on or stand under a suspended load.
Perform daily or pre-use visual inspections according to the requirements of
Attachment 3 and document these inspections annually using the checklists in
Attachment 4.
Protect rigging from damage while in use.
Properly store rigging to prevent deterioration and damage.
Render unusable and then dispose of deficient rigging.
Assure the floor space is kept clear of obstacles and slippery surfaces for the
operators, riggers, and load positioning personnel.
Set up “Restricted Areas” that include the locations of, and adjacent to, the lift/travel
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The lift/travel path of the load is marked by orange cones, yellow tape or other
means, to alert persons not aware of the hazards to keep away.
No one is allowed under a suspended load EVER!
Standby And Load Positioning Person’s Procedures
Follow the direction of the operator.
Warn persons nearby to stay out of “Restricted Areas”.
Assure clear communication method(s) with crane or hoist operator.
Alert the Crane Operator immediately of any hazards when identified.
Do not interfere with the lifting operation unless the operator permits it.
Stay in view of the operator.
NEVER travel on or put any part of your body under a suspended load.
May guide the load during lift through rigging rope tied to the load or push bars; use
gloves and do not wrap the rope around the hand or arm.
NEVER come in direct contact with the load during a lift.
Training Requirements
Qualified Crane Operators receive documented training on the operation of the
Crane/Hoist and associated rigging they use before they are allowed to use the equipment.
A Qualified Person/Operator may train a Stand-by Person for a specific and designated
lift as long as the Operator discusses all safe-lift aspects and known hazards concerning
the lift with the Stand-by Person, and coordinates their lift/rigging planning, prior to
conducting the lift.
The Department owning the crane or hoist has the option of providing training through:
A training provider outside the University.
Training within the department by a “Qualified Person”.
Training provided by EH&S. Contact EH&S at 642-3073 to be directed to the EH&S
training provider.
Regardless of the source, training content and attendance is documented using
Attachment 1 and kept in a readily accessible location by the Department and the Crane
Operator Supervisor, and must be provided upon request to Department management,
EH&S, or regulatory agency (e.g. CalOSHA).
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Record Keeping Requirements
Department Requirements
Retain Qualifications and Training records for Operators and Stand-by Persons at
least ten years after the person has retired or left University employment.
Retain any written evidence of daily/pre-use inspections for the last year.
Retain “Quarterly Inspections” for the last three years.
For Crane/Hoist and rigging, initial load tests for less than three ton rated cranes,
and quadrennial load tests for over three ton rated cranes, tests for all cranes and
“job-made” rigging, retain records for the life of the crane or hoist.
EH&S Record Retention Requirements
Retain indefinitely records of annual shop inspections that include cranes or hoists.
Retain indefinitely records of training provided by EH&S and other entities.
Retain indefinitely copies of load testing and load rating reduction tests until
equipment is dismantled or destroyed.
Cal/OSHA Subchapter 7. General Industry Safety Orders, Group 13. Cranes and Other
Hoisting Equipment: http://www.dir.ca.gov/Title8/sb7g13.html
EH&S, Construction Health and Safety Specialist
Gary Bayne
317 University Hall
Phone: 643-9476
Cell: 812-1547
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Issued By and Next Review Date
Issued by: Jim Gilson, Senior Safety Engineer
Gary Bayne, Health and Safety Specialist
Approved by: Brandon DeFrancisci, Associate Director Date: August, 2012
Review Date: Three years from publish date
Attachment 1: Crane Operator Qualification Documentation
Attachment 2: Daily/Pre-Use Checklist and Quarterly Inspection
Attachment 3: Rigging and Equipment Annual Inspection Criteria
Attachment 4: Annual Below-hook Equipment Inspection forms
Attachment 5: Crane/Hoist/Lift Gear - Equipment Inventory - Template
Attachment 6: Certificating Agency - Vendor List
Attachment 7: Annual 3+ Ton Crane Inspection Form
Attachment 8: FAQ/Fact Sheet Crane/Hoist Safety Program
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Attachment 1 Crane Operator Qualification Documentation
To: Personnel File for: __________________________________________________________
(Print Employee name)
From: _________________________________________________ Date: _____________
(Print Supervisor name)
This document confirms the Qualification of the above named employee to perform:
(Check all that apply)
Maintenance or repair on the following crane/hoist equipment within their department
(Attach an additional page if more space is needed)
Operate/inspect overhead cranes and hoists within their department (T8CCR§5006, 5031)
Inspect rigging and rig loads to be suspended within their department (T8CCR§5043)
Other: ____________________________________________________________________
This designation is based on evidence of safe performance of all duties related to
crane/hoist operation and verification by another “Qualified Person through: (Check all that
Training Appropriate training records
(including any skill checks or tests) are attached.
Experience This employee has been safely performing and has demonstrated skill in
crane/hoist operation for _____ years (minimum of five years).
Instruction This employee has received on the job instruction from me or another employee
who is qualified, has observed this employee’s work while performing this operation, and
confirms that the employee has the knowledge to perform crane/hoist work safely.
If, for any reason, as their supervisor, I think that this employee is not performing this operation
safely, this qualification will be revoked. Below are signature(s) of responsible person(s) verifying
training, experience and/or providing instruction:
Supervisor Signature: _______________________________________ Date: ________________
Qualifying Person (if not supervisor): ___________________________ Date: ________________
Employee Signature ________________________________________ Date: ________________
cc: EH&S; Supervisor file; Employee and their Personnel File
If training is part of the evidence used to qualify this employee, attach records relevant to this qualification.
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Attachment 2 Daily/Pre-use Checklist and Quarterly Inspection
CRANE/HOIST ID: _______________ LOAD RATING _________________________
OPERATOR/INSPECTOR ________________________________________________
DEPT./OWNER: _____________________ DATE/TIME ________________________
DESCRIBE TASK/PLANNED LIFT: _________________________________________
Crane/Hoist Operator’s Daily / Pre-use Checklist
(Check off as appropriate)
Has the crane/hoist and rigging been visually inspected and found
to be safe for use prior to the beginning of any lifting work?
Are all electrically operated cranes effectively grounded?
Is the load chart clearly visible to the operator?
Is the rated capacity visibly marked on the crane?
Has the load been calculated and verified to be below the limits of
the hoist and rigging?
Are operating controls clearly identified?
Is sufficient illumination provided for the operator to perform the
work safely?
Has a lift-plan of action been agreed to by the personnel involved?
Is the path of the operator and stand-by/load positioning person
been cleared of slip, trip, and fall obstacles?
Has the lift/travel path been secured or visually marked to prevent
entry by anyone?
Quarterly Inspection or when idle more than one month.
(In addition to Daily/Pre Use Inspection)
Functional operating mechanisms have been checked for excessive wear.
Readily accessible ropes, brakes, friction clutches, chain drives, and other
parts subject to wear have been inspected.
Wire rope that has been idle for a period of a month or more due to shut-
down or storage of a crane is given a thorough inspection before it is
placed in service. This inspection is for all types of deterioration and is
performed by a qualified person whose approval is required for use of the
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Attachment 3 Rigging and Equipment Annual Inspection Criteria
To “Pass Annual Inspection”, Departments must assure that all their Below-the-Hook Lifting
Devices and associated rigging either are immediately removed from service for
repair/replacement or meet the following requirements:
Structural and Mechanical Lifting Devices
The rated capacity of each lifting device must be marked on the main structure where it is
visible and legible. If the lifting device comprises several items, each detachable from the
assembly, each lifting device must be marked with its rated capacity. At a minimum, a
nameplate, name tag, or other permanent marker must be affixed displaying the following data:
Manufacturer or contractor’s name if fabricated on-site
Lifting device weight, if over 100 lbs.
Serial number (if available)
Rated capacity
Proof of inspection label by hoist and rigging inspector
Rigging Hooks
The manufacturer’s identification must be forged, cast, or die-stamped on a low-stress and
non-wearing area of the hook.
The operator or qualified person must visually inspect hooks daily or prior to first use, or if the
hook is not in regular service. If any of the following conditions are found, remove the hook
from service:
Cracks, nicks, gouges
Damage from chemicals
Damage, engagement, or malfunction of latch (if provided)
Evidence of heat damage
Hook attachment and securing means
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Wire Rope Sling
Wire-rope slings must be marked with the following information:
Name of trademark of manufacturer
Work load limit (WLL)
Diameter or size
Purchase order or serial number
Wire rope purchased to fabricate slings must be made in the United States by a member of
Wire Rope Technical Board (except stainless steel). Stainless steel wire rope must be made
in the United States and must be 302 or 304 grade stainless steel.
Wire-rope sling users must visually inspect all slings each day that they are used or prior to
use if the sling has not been in regular service (records are not required). Users must carefully
note any deterioration that could result in an appreciable loss of original strength and
determine whether further use of the sling would constitute a safety hazard. Slings must be
immediately removed from service if any of the following conditions are present:
Missing or illegible sling identification
Ten randomly distributed broken wires in one rope lay or five broken wires in one strand
in one rope lay
Wear or scraping of one-third the original diameter of the outside individual wire
Kinking, crushing, bird caging or any other damage resulting in distortion of the rope
Evidence of heat damage
End attachments that are cracked, deformed, or worn
Corrosion of the rope or end attachments
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Metal-mesh Slings
Metal-mesh slings must be visually inspected before each use. They must be removed from
service if any of the following defects are present:
A broken weld or brazed joint along the sling edge
A broken wire in any part of the mesh
Reduction in wire diameter of 25 percent due to abrasion or 15 percent due to corrosion
Lack of flexibility due to distortion of the mesh
Distortion of the female handle so the depth of the slot is increased by more than 10
Distortion of either end fitting so the width of the eye opening is decreased by more than
10 percent
A 15 percent reduction of the original cross-sectional area of metal at any point around
a handle eye
Any distortion or twisting of either end fitting out of its plane
Cracked end fitting
Evidence of heat damage
Synthetic-web Slings
Hand written or ink embossed markings are not acceptable. Sling tags must be indelibly
marked and the lettering must not wear off with use. The markings must remain legible for the
life of the sling. Each sling must be marked with the following:
Manufacturer’s name or trademark
Manufacturer’s code or stock number
Type of synthetic web material
Rated loads for the type of hitches used
Synthetic-web slings must be visually inspected before each use. Slings must be removed
from service if any of the following defects are visible:
Acid or caustic burns
Melting or charring of any part of the surface
Snags, punctures, tears or cuts
Broken or worn stitches
Wear or elongation exceeding the amount recommended by the manufacturer
Distortion of fittings
Knots in any part
Missing or illegible sling identification
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Synthetic Round-slings
Each polyester round-sling must be permanently marked or labeled showing the following:
Name or trademark of manufacturer
Manufacturer’s code or stock number
Rated capacities for the three basic hitches (vertical, choker, vertical basket)
Core fiber type if cover(s) is of a different fiber type, both fiber types must be identified
Length (reach) bearing point to bearing point
Each manufacturer must internally identify their product with name or trademark for
Synthetic round-slings must be visually inspected before each use and may not exhibit any of
the following in order to pass inspection:
Missing or illegible sling identification
Acid or caustic burns
Melting or charring of any part of the surface
Snags, punctures, tears, cuts or abrasive wear that expose the core yarns
Broken or worn stitches in the cover which exposes the core yarns
Wear or elongation exceeding the amount recommended by the manufacturer
Stretched, cracked, worn, pitted or distortion of fittings
Knots in any part
Alloy Steel-chain Slings
The following applies to slings made from grade 80 and 100 alloy chain manufactured and
tested in accordance with National Association of Chain Manufacturers welded steel chain
specifications 1990. If chain other than this is used, it must be used in accordance with the
recommendations of the chain manufacturer.
Page 25 of 43
The following information may be stenciled or stamped on a metal tag or tags affixed to the
sling. Where slings have more than one leg, ensure that the tag is affixed to the master link.
Ensure that the working load does not exceed the rated capacity of the sling.
Wire-rope slings must be marked with the following:
Manufacturer’s grade
Rated load and angle on which the rating is based
Numbers of legs
Sling manufacturer
Inspection due date label by hoist and rigging inspector
Steel-chain sling users must visually inspect all slings before they are used as follows:
Conduct a link-by-link inspection for the following defects: nicks, cracks, gouges, wear,
bent links, stretched links, shearing of links, cracks in any section of link, scores,
abrasions, heat damage, rust, corrosion or markings tending to weaken the links.
Reject damaged items.
Check steel-chain slings for uneven lengths when sling legs are hanging free.
Check rings and hooks for bends, distortion, cracks in weld areas, corrosion, and
scores, heat damage, or markings tending to weaken the links. Reject damaged items.
Perform inspection on an individual-link basis. If any link does not hinge freely with the
adjoining link, remove the assembly from service.
Remove from service assemblies with deformed master links or coupling links.
Remove from service assemblies if hooks have been opened more than 15% of the
normal throat opening measured at the narrowest point or twisted more than 10 degrees
from the plane of the unbent hook.
Do not straighten deformed hooks or other attachments on the job. Assemblies with
such defects must be reconditioned by the manufacturer or discarded.
Remove from service assemblies with cracked hooks or other end attachments;
assemblies with such defects must be reconditioned or repaired prior to return to
Do not use homemade links, makeshift fasteners formed from bolts, rods, and the like,
or other nonstandard attachments. Reject if discovered.
Do not use makeshift or field-fabricated hooks on steel-chain slings. Reject if
Page 26 of 43
Rigging Hardware and Accessories
Carbon steel eyebolts must have the manufacturer’s name or identification trademark
forged in raised characters on the surface of the eyebolt.
Alloy steel eyebolts must have the symbol “A” (denoting alloy steel) and the
manufacturer’s name or identification mark forged in raised characters on the surface of
the eyebolt.
Eyebolts used for hoisting must be fabricated from forged carbon or alloy steel.
Carefully inspect each eyebolt before use.
Visually inspect the hole to ensure that there has been no deformation.
Check the condition of the threads in the hole to ensure that the eyebolt will secure and
the shoulder can be brought down snug.
Ensure that the shank of the eyebolt is not undercut and is smoothly radiused into the
plane of the shoulder or the contour of the ring for non-shouldered eyebolts.
Destroy eyebolts that are cracked, bent, or have damaged threads.
Each shackle body must be permanently and legibly marked in raised letters by the
manufacturer. Raised or stamped letters on the side of the bow must be used to show the
Manufacturer’s name or trademark
Rated capacity, recommended safe working load
Grade A shackles (regular strength) - together with their pins and bolts must be forged
from carbon steel
Grade B shackles (high strength) - together with their pins and bolts must be forged
from alloy steel
Shackle pins must fit freely (without binding) and seat properly
Page 27 of 43
Turnbuckles may be used in sling systems provided that they are engineered, designed, and
approved as a part of the sling system. Approved turnbuckles must be marked and identified
for use with the sling set for which they were designed and must be load-tested as part of the
sling set.
Manufacturer’s name or trademark and turnbuckle size must be permanently marked on
the turnbuckle body
Eyebolts must be fabricated from forged alloy steel
Eyebolts must be provided with a jam nut of a type that does not depend upon
deformation of the threads for security
Turnbuckles must be inspected for damage before each use. Damaged threads, jamb
nuts, or bent frame members make the unit unsuitable for use.
Links and Rings
Links and rings are usually designed and manufactured as a part of the lifting hardware for a
specific purpose, such as the peak link on multiple-leg slings; however, the rings and links may
also be found on the load-attachment end of slings.
Rings or links should be marked by the manufacturer with the manufacturer’s name or
trademark and ring or link size
Rings must be forged or welded from low alloy steel
Welded rings or links must be subjected to a nondestructive weld test (NDT) and the
results must be documented. (NDT is not required for forged rings or links.)
Swivel Hoist Rings
Swivel hoist rings must have the manufacturer’s name or trademark, working load limit
(WLL), and recommended torque value permanently marked (forged, stamped, or
inscribed) by the manufacturer on the swivel hoist ring. Permanently attached metal tag
bearing the same information may also be used.
Check that swivel hoist rings for hoisting are be fabricated from forged carbon or alloy
Inspect permanently installed hoist rings before each use to ensure free movement of
bail and swivel.
Inspect swivel hoist rings thoroughly each before use.
Page 28 of 43
Inspect the hole to ensure that there has been no deformation.
Check the condition of the threads in the hole to ensure that the hoist ring will secure
and the bushing can be brought down for a snug fit.
Destroy hoist rings that are cracked, bent, have damaged threads, or do not operate
Wire Rope Clips (Clamps)
Wire rope clips must be permanently and legibly marked with the size and
manufacturer’s identifying mark.
Page 29 of 43
Attachment 4 Annual Below-hook Equipment Inspection Forms
Inspection Date
Inspector (print/sign name)
Each device displays the following:
(List details below)
Rated capacity is marked and legible.
Rated capacity
Lifting device weight, (if over 100 lbs.)
Manufacturer or contractor’s name if
fabricated on-site
Serial number (if available)
Proof of inspection label by hoist and
rigging inspector
Attachment 4
Equipment Inspection Forms (cont’d)
Page 30 of 43
Inspection Date
Inspector (print/sign name)
The manufacturer’s identification is permanently marked.
(List details below)
Cracks, nicks, gouges
Damage from chemicals
Damage, engagement, or malfunction of
latch (if provided)
Evidence of heat damage
Hook attachment and securing means
Attachment 4
Equipment Inspection Forms (cont’d)
Page 31 of 43
Inspection Date
Inspector (print/sign name)
Wire-rope slings are marked with the following information:
(List details below)
Name of trademark of manufacturer
Work load limit
Diameter or size
serial number
Slings must be immediately removed from service if any of the following
conditions are present:
Missing or illegible sling identification
Ten randomly distributed broken wires in one
rope lay or five broken wires in one strand in
one rope lay
Wear or scraping of one-third the original
diameter of the outside individual wire
Kinking, crushing, bird caging or any other
damage resulting in distortion of the rope
Evidence of heat damage
End attachments that are cracked, deformed,
or worn
Corrosion of the rope or end attachments
Attachment 4
Equipment Inspection Forms (cont’d)
Page 32 of 43
Inspection Date
Inspector (print/sign name)
Metal-mesh slings must be removed from service if any of the following
defects are present:
(List details below)
A broken weld or brazed joint along the sling edge
A broken wire in any part of the mesh
Reduction in wire diameter of 25% due to abrasion
or 15% due to corrosion
Lack of flexibility due to distortion of the mesh
Distortion of the female handle so the depth of the
slot is increased by more than 10%
Distortion of either end fitting so the width of the eye
opening is decreased by more than 10%
A 15% reduction of the original cross-sectional area
of metal at any point around a handle eye
Any distortion or twisting of either end fitting out of
its plane
Cracked end fitting
Evidence of heat damage
Attachment 4
Equipment Inspection Forms (cont’d)
Page 33 of 43
Inspection Date
Inspector (print/sign name)
Each sling is marked with the following:
(List details below)
Manufacturer’s name or trademark
Manufacturer’s code or stock number
Type of synthetic web material
Rated loads for the type of hitches used
Slings must be removed from service if any of the following defects
are visible:
Acid or caustic burns
Melting or charring of any part of the surface
Snags, punctures, tears, or cuts
Broken or worn stitches
Wear or elongation exceeding the amount
recommended by the manufacturer
Distortion of fittings
Knots in any part
Missing or illegible sling identification
Attachment 4
Equipment Inspection Forms (cont’d)
Page 34 of 43
Inspection Date
Inspector (print/sign name)
Each polyester round-sling is permanently marked or labeled showing the
(List details below)
Name or trademark of manufacturer
Manufacturer’s code or stock number
Rated capacities for the three basic hitches
(vertical, choker, vertical basket)
Core fiber type if cover(s) is of a different fiber
type, both fiber types must be identified
Length (reach) bearing point to bearing point
Each manufacturer must internally identify their
product with name or trademark for traceability
Slings are removed from service if any of the following defects are visible:
Missing or illegible sling identification
Acid or caustic burns
Melting or charring of any part of the surface
Snags, punctures, tears, cuts or abrasive wear that
expose the core yarns
Broken or worn stitches in the cover which exposes
the core yarns
Wear or elongation exceeding the amount
recommended by the manufacturer
Stretched, cracked, worn, pitted or distortion of
Knots in any part
Attachment 4
Equipment Inspection Forms (cont’d)
Page 35 of 43
Inspection Date
Inspector (print/sign name)
Alloy Steel-chain slings must be marked with the following:
(List details below)
Manufacturer’s grade
Rated load and angle on which the
rating is based.
Numbers of legs
Sling manufacturer
Inspection due date label by hoist and
rigging inspector
Link-by-link inspection
Uneven lengths when sling legs are
hanging free
Rings and hooks
Deformed master links or coupling
Hooks, twisted more than 10° or
opened more than 15%
Hooks, Cracked
Homemade links, makeshift fasteners
formed from bolts, rods, and the like,
or other nonstandard attachments
Makeshift or field-fabricated hooks on
steel-chain slings
Attachment 4
Equipment Inspection Forms (cont’d)
Page 36 of 43
Inspection Date
Inspector (print/sign name)
Raised or stamped letters on the side of the bow show the
(List details below)
Manufacturer’s name or trademark
Rated capacity, recommended safe
working load
Shackle pins fit freely (without binding),
and seat properly
Attachment 4
Equipment Inspection Forms (cont’d)
Page 37 of 43
Inspection Date
Inspector (print/sign name)
(List details below)
The manufacturer’s name or identification
trademark is forged in raised characters
on the surface of the eyebolt.
There has been no deformation of the
The shank of the eyebolt is not undercut
and is smoothly radiused into the plane of
the shoulder or the contour of the ring for
non-shouldered eyebolts
The threads are secure and the shoulder
can be brought down snug
(List details below)
Manufacturer’s name or trademark and
turnbuckle size is permanently marked on
the turnbuckle body.
Eyebolts are provided with a jam nut of a
type that does not depend upon
deformation of the threads for security.
Damaged threads, jamb nuts, or bent
Attachment 4
Equipment Inspection Forms (cont’d)
Page 38 of 43
Inspection Date
Inspector (print/sign name)
Rings or links are marked by the
manufacturer with the manufacturer’s
name or trademark and ring or link size
Permanently and legibly marked with the
size and manufacturer’s identifying mark
The manufacturer’s name or trademark,
working load limit (WLL), and
recommended torque value permanently
marked (forged, stamped, or inscribed) by
the manufacturer on the swivel hoist ring
Hoist rings have free movement of bail
and swivel
There has been no deformation of the
The threads in the hole are in a condition
that ensure that the hoist ring will secure
and the bushing can be brought down for
a snug fit
Page 39 of 43
Attachment 5 Crane/Hoist/Lift Gear Equipment Inventory
Model Number
Serial Number
Load Rating
Model Number
Serial Number
Load Rating
Structural and Mechanical
Lifting Devices
Model Number
Serial Number
Load Rating
Rigging Hooks
Model Number
Serial Number
Load Rating
Wire Rope Sling
Model Number
Serial Number
Load Rating
Metal-Mesh Slings
Model Number
Serial Number
Load Rating
Synthetic-web Slings
Model Number
Serial Number
Load Rating
Page 40 of 43
Synthetic Round-slings
Model Number
Serial Number
Load Rating
Alloy Steel-Chain , and
Wire Rope Slings
Model Number
Serial Number
Load Rating
Model Number
Serial Number
Load Rating
Model Number
Serial Number
Load Rating
Model Number
Serial Number
Load Rating
Links and Rings
Model Number
Serial Number
Load Rating
Swivel Hoist Rings
Model Number
Serial Number
Load Rating
Wire Rope Clips (Clamps)
Model Number
Serial Number
Load Rating
Page 41 of 43
Attachment 6 Crane/Hoist Certificating Agency Vendor List
Crane Load test / Inspection Service
Contracted through EH&S
5637-B La Ribera Street
Livermore, CA 94550
Phone: 925-273-0140
Fax: 925-273-0145
Other Crane Load-test / Inspection
All-Cal Equipment Services
3724 S Highway 99 Stockton, CA 95215
Fax 209-464-2314
Crane America Services
6336 Patterson Pass Road
Livermore, CA 94550-9577
Phone: 925- 960-8830
Fax: 925-960-8836
Crane Operator Training Services
California Crane School
16325 State Highway 49
Grass Valley, California 95949
(800) 496-3648
All Crane Training USA
Stephanie Bailey
Phone: 510-638-6243
Fax: 510-638-7438
Email: dbce_inc@yahoo.com
Website: www.allcranetrainingusa.com
Industrial Training Solutions, LLC
Sandy Phelps
Headquarters: San Jose
Phone: 408-489-0526
Email: sphelps@callits.biz
Page 42 of 43
Attachment 7 Annual 3+ Ton Crane Inspection Form
If the crane has more than one hoist, a separate annual inspection form
is filled out for each hoist.
Crane Inspected _________________ Load Rating ___________________________
Date _________________________________________________________________
If more than one hoist on the crane, specific hoist inspected:
1. Crane hooks have been inspected for the following:
Cracks; Deformation of throat opening more than 15% in excess of normal opening;
More than 10 degree twist from plane of unbent hook.
The following hook(s) has been removed from service on this date: ________________
2. Wire ropes have been inspected for proper lubrication, excessive wear, broken
strands, and proper reeving:
The following rope(s) has been removed from service on this date: _________________
Conditions such as the following are sufficient reason for replacement:
In running ropes, six randomly distributed broken wires in one rope lay, or
three broken wires in one strand in one lay.
Wear of 1/3 the original diameter of outside individual wires.
Kinking, crushing, bird caging, or other damage resulting in distortion of the
rope structure.
Evidence of any heat damage.
Reductions from nominal diameter of more than:
1/64 inch for diameters up to 5/16 inch
1/32 inch for diameters 3/8 inch to 1/2 inch
3/64 inch for diameters 9/16 inch to 3/4 inch
1/16 inch for diameters 7/8 inch to 11/8 inch
3/32 inch for diameters 1 1/4 inch to 1 1/2 inch
In standing ropes, more than two broken wires in one lay in sections beyond
end connections or more than one broken wire at an end connection.
Reduction of rope diameter below nominal diameter due to loss of core
support, internal or external corrosion, or wear of outside wires.
Page 43 of 43
3. Examination of structure or parts by electronic, ultrasonic, or other nondestructive
methods has been conducted by a State Certificating Agency, if necessary.
State Certificating Agency ___________________________________________________
Print Name of Inspector __________________________________________________
Signature _____________________________
Date of Inspection ________________
4. Wire rope which has been idle for a period of a month or more due to shut-down or
storage of a crane is given a thorough inspection before it is placed in service. This
inspection is for all types of deterioration and is performed by a qualified person
whose approval is required for further use of the rope.
Qualified person who conducted the inspection ________________________________
Signature _____________________________
Date of Inspection ________________
Specific rope inspected ___________________________________________________
Page 1 of 6
The UC Berkeley Crane/Hoist Safety Program ensures compliance with Cal/OSHA regulations
for Crane/Hoist Safety. The program applies to any overhead lifting device that is attached to
any building, research facility or equipment owned or operated by UC Berkeley, and to anyone
who operates the device.
WHAT IS A CRANE? .................................................................................................................. 2
WHAT IS A HOIST? ................................................................................................................... 2
DOES THIS PROGRAM APPLY TO MY DEPARTMENT? .................................................................... 2
COMPLY? ................................................................................................................................ 2
THE CRANE IS RATED MORE THAN THREE TONS. WHAT DO WE HAVE TO DO? ............................... 3
THE CRANE IS RATED THREE TONS (OR LESS). WHAT DO WE HAVE TO DO? ................................. 4
IF WE ONLY HAVE A HOIST, WHAT DO WE HAVE TO DO? ................................................................ 4
CAN WE CHANGE THE MANUFACTURED LOAD-RATING OF A CRANE/HOIST? ................................... 4
WHO DO WE CONTACT FOR LOAD TESTING? .............................................................................. 5
WHAT DO WE HAVE TO DO CONCERNING RIGGING AND LIFT GEAR? ............................................. 5
WHO NEEDS TO BE TRAINED?.................................................................................................... 5
WHO DO WE CONTACT TO GET TRAINING OR PROGRAM SUPPORT? .............................................. 5
Safety Program
EH&S FAQ/Fact Sheet Crane Safety Program
Page 2 of 6
What is a Crane?
A machine for lifting or lowering a load and moving it horizontally, in which the hoisting
mechanism is an integral part of the machine. It may be driven manually or be
powered and may be a fixed or a mobile machine, but does not include stackers,
industrial lift trucks, power shovels, backhoes or excavators.
What is a Hoist?
An apparatus for raising or lowering a load by the application of a pulling force, but
does not include a car or platform riding in guides, a monorail or any other type of
horizontal moving device. Note that a hoist is an integral part of any crane but also
may be used alone and not part of a crane.
Does this Program apply to my department?
If your department owns, uses, or has in place a crane or hoist of any load rating,
whether in use or not used, then this Program applies to your department.
We have a crane/hoist that is no longer used. What do we have to do?
If your department owns, but no longer uses a crane or hoist, EH&S will upon request
come out to your department and lock out and tag out”’ your crane or hoist so that it
can no longer be used. If your department chooses to have this done, then
inspections and load testing of the “moth-balled” equipment and rigging is no longer
required by Cal/OSHA or this program; however, if the equipment is to be used again,
it will need to be re-load tested and inspected by a Certificating Agency before use.
Contact EH&S at 642-3073 should you wish to ‘mothball’ your crane and hoist
Does this program apply to all overhead lifting equipment we operate?
Equipment attached to building structure that lifts, or equipment that is mobile or
moveable and lifts but is not classed as an “industrial lift truck”, rigging equipment
selection, inspection, maintenance and use are all governed under this program.
Learn more about equipment governed under this program by reviewing the “Types of
Cranes/Hoists/Rigging” section of the program.
We have equipment regulated by the Crane / Hoist Safety Program. What
do we do to comply?
1. Conduct an initial inventory of all crane and hoist equipment under Department
2. Determine which equipment stays “in use” and which is to be permanently “locked
out” by EH&S and/or disposed of.
3. Arrange for EH&S to permanently “lock out” unused crane/lift equipment or remove
to “Overstock and Surplus”.
EH&S FAQ/Fact Sheet Crane Safety Program
Page 3 of 6
4. Determine what program requirements apply to each piece of functioning
equipment based upon lift capacity (≤3Ton or >3Ton).
5. Schedule with EH&S and contract with a Certificating Agency an initial
Inspection/Maintenance/Load Testing of your department’s equipment and rigging.
(Matching funds may be available for this service.)
6. Identify “Qualified Operators and Stand-by Persons” within Department for training.
7. Schedule training of “Qualified Operators” with EH&S.
8. Document Operator Qualifications and successful completion of training and insert
into personnel file with copies sent to EH&S.
9. Destroy and dispose of unwanted or damaged-beyond-repair lift equipment and
10. Set up and maintain Records of all Crane/Hoist Safety Program activities.
11. For all Cranes/Hoists - Conduct quarterly documented inspections and annual
documented inspections per guidance in the program.
12. For “Cranes Over 3 Ton Capacity” - Arrange for documented annual inspections
and quadrennial load testing, and required maintenance which must be completed
by a Cal/OSHA approved Certificating Agency.
The crane is rated more than three tons. What do we have to do?
The Administrative Requirements section of the Crane Program describes how the
crane’s Owner-Department must document the following activities for cranes rated
more than three tons:
Schedule an initial load test performed by a Certificating Agency.
Perform daily (or before use) inspections (Attachment 2).
Perform thorough quarterly in-house inspections (Attachment 2 & Attachment 4).
Arrange for annual inspection by a Certificating Agency (this can serve as one of
the quarterly inspections and documentation is provided by the Certificating
Arrange for quadrennial load tests by a Certificating Agency. (This can serve as
one of the quarterly and annual inspections and documentation is provided by
the Certificating Agency).
Remove deficient cranes and/or lift gear from service until they are repaired.
Identify Owner-Department person(s) who are “Qualified Operators” to inspect
and operate cranes.
Assure “Qualified Operators” are properly trained on crane safe-work practices
and procedures according to the program training requirements.
Maintain records of program activities relating to each Department-Owned crane.
EH&S FAQ/Fact Sheet Crane Safety Program
Page 4 of 6
The Crane is rated three tons or less. What do we have to do?
The Administrative Requirements section of the Crane Program describes how the
crane’s Owner-Department must document the following activities for cranes rated 3-
tons or less:
Arrange for an initial load test performed by a Certificating Agency.
Perform daily (or before use) inspections following an Operator checklist outlined
in Attachment 2.
Perform and keep on file documented quarterly in-house inspections using
Attachment 2.
Remove deficient cranes from service until they are repaired.
Identify Owner-Department person(s) who are “Qualified Operators” to inspect
and operate cranes.
Assure “Qualified Operators” are properly trained on crane safe-work practices
and procedures according to the program training requirements and documented
using Attachment 1.
Maintain records of program activities relating to each Department-Owned crane.
If we only have a hoist, what do we have to do?
Perform daily inspections each day the hoist is used following the checklist in
Attachment 2.
Perform and keep on file documented quarterly in-house inspections using
Attachment 2.
Remove deficient hoists from service until they are repaired.
Identify Owner-Department person(s) who are “Qualified Operators” to inspect
and operate hoists.
Assure “Qualified Operators” are properly trained on crane safe-work practices
and procedures according to the program training requirements and documented
using Attachment 1.
Maintain records of program activities relating to each Department-Owned hoist.
Can we change the manufactured load-rating of a crane/hoist?
Any crane or hoist may be “derated” to a lesser load rating, but deration must be done
by a Certificating Agency with appropriate documentation kept on file. The derated
load-rating must be plainly posted on the lifting-device with permanent signage.
If the load rating is to be increased beyond the manufactured load rating, such a
system must be engineered by a structural engineer who signs-off and “stamps the
higher load-rating for the lifting-device. The re-engineered system must be load-
tested by a Certificating Agency with appropriate documentation kept on file. The
higher-rated load-rating must be plainly posted on the lifting-device with permanent
signage. Significant cost in engineering/rebuilding the crane or hoist and its support
EH&S FAQ/Fact Sheet Crane Safety Program
Page 5 of 6
structure are likely to be incurred to re-rate a crane/hoist system to a higher load
capacity than originally designed.
Who do we contact for Load Testing?
Each Owner-Department is responsible to assure their cranes and hoists are current
in Certifying/inspection by contracting with a Cal/OSHA approved “Certificating
Agency”. For cranes larger than 3-tons capacity, initial load testing and annual
inspection services combined with quadrennial load testing must be performed by a
Cal/OSHA qualified Certificating Agency. Owner departments of this equipment are
required to arrange for the initial and quadrennial load testing and annual inspections
of this equipment directly with a Certificating Agency. See Attachment 6 of the Crane
Program for a list of Crane/Hoist Load test/Inspection Certifying Agencies approved by
EH&S for campus use.
For cranes / hoist 3 tons or less in capacity, contact EH&S (642-3073) for further
information and to obtain possible funding for crane / hoist inspections for newly
installed or existing equipment.
What do we have to do concerning Rigging and Lift gear?
“Below-the-Hook” rigging requires pre-use visual inspections by trained “Qualified
Operators”, must be inventoried, and must have a load rating label on the device by
the manufacturer. This process is documented annually by owner departments using
Attachments 3, 4, and 5.
Who needs to be trained?
Qualified Operators and Stand-by Persons must be trained on the safe use and
inspection of the crane/hoist(s) they work with through a documented training process.
As an option, a person may be designated “Qualified Operator” by their supervisor, PI,
or Department Manager who have the qualifications and experience themselves to
understand the hazards associated with the lift equipment, and the “Qualified
Operator’s” skills/knowledge to safely work around those hazards. Either way, a
“Qualified Operator” is documented by completing Attachment 1 and keeping it in the
person’s file and the crane log book.
Who do we contact to get training or program support?
Operator Training can be conducted by EH&S or a contractor. See Attachment 6 for a
list of Training Service providers, or contact an EH&S Crane Specialist through the
EH&S Front Desk, 642-3073, for scheduling EH&S training, finding a qualified trainer
or to seek other program support.
EH&S FAQ/Fact Sheet Crane Safety Program
Page 6 of 6
How do we get Cranes, Rigging Inspections and Load Testing done?
1. For cranes/hoists 3 tons or less, EH&S has prequalified a “Certifying Agency
Contractor” through an RFP that is available for hire as noted in Attachment 6 of
this program.
2. For the known cranes/hoists rated three tons or less, and for a limited time after
the implementation of this program, EH&S is scheduling and funding load tests
for this equipment at no cost to owner departments. EH&S will be contacting the
responsible parties in the departments that own the cranes and arranging
scheduling for the load testing and inspections. Departments may also contact
EH&S (642-3073) and ask to have their cranes/hoists load tested and inspected.
3. EH&S will continue to fund load tests and inspections of new cranes/hoists three
tons and less until the funds are exhausted. Once these funds are exhausted,
the owner department is still required to have the load testing/inspection of
cranes/hoists three tons and less completed by a Certificating Agency, but cost
of these activities must be borne by the owner department.
4. For new equipment, and cranes/hoists in excess of three ton capacity, owner
departments contact EH&S when a crane/rigging inspection need is identified.
EH&S partners with the crane-owner department to guide inspections/load
testing, and is on site for initial inspection and load testing along with the
department’s responsible person.
5. For existing and new crane/hoist equipment that is greater than three ton
capacity, the equipment must be enrolled by the owner department in an annual
inspection contract with a Certificating Agency, and have quadrennial load testing
completed on the equipment by the Certificating Agency. All costs associated
with the ownership and operation of cranes/hoists in excess of 3 tons are borne
by the owning department.