Loudoun County, VA | Zoning Ordinance 1
Words and terms set forth within this Zoning Ordinance, and not defined elsewhere in this Zoning Ordinance, have the
meanings ascribed to them in this Chapter 12. Any word, term, or phrase used in this Zoning Ordinance but left
undefined will have the meaning ascribed to such word, term or phrase in the Merriam-Webster Britannica Digital
Learning Unabridged Dictionary located at unabridged.merriam-webster.com, unless in the opinion of the Zoning
Administrator, established customs or practices in Loudoun County, Virginia justify a different or additional meaning.
Abutting: Touching, adjoining, or having a common boundary.
Access: A means of approach or admission.
Accessory Snack Bar or Refreshment Stand: See "Snack Bar or Refreshment Stand, Accessory."
Active Channel: The area of the stream channel that is subject to frequent flows (approximately once per one and one-
half years), and that includes the portion of the channel below where the floodplain flattens.
Loudoun County, VA | Zoning Ordinance 2
Adaptive Reuse: Repurposing of an existing structure to accommodate new uses while preserving the structure. This
often involves improving existing structures to allow for modern design and programming them for the new use.
Adjacent: Abutting or directly on the opposite side of a dedicated public road.
Adjacent Steep Slopes: Very Steep Slopes located within the first 50 feet from the edge of a stream or floodplain.
Adult Day Care: A licensed establishment for 4 or more aged, infirm, or disabled adults, operated during a part of the
day only, that provides supplementary care and protection of individuals who reside elsewhere. This does not include:
A. Establishments licensed by the State Board of Health or the Department of Mental Health, Mental Retardation
and Substance Abuse Service; or
B. Dwelling units where an individual cares only for persons related to them by blood or marriage.
Adverse Impact: An impact that creates, imposes, aggravates, or leads to inadequate, impractical, unsafe, or unhealthy
conditions on a site or degrades or damages environmental or cultural resources on a site proposed for development or
on off-site property or facilities.
Affordable Dwelling Unit (ADU): A dwelling unit for rent or for sale that is regulated pursuant to Section 9.01 and
Chapter 1450 of the Codified Ordinances.
Affordable Dwelling Unit (ADU) Program: The ADU Program governs the provision and administration of
ADUs, establishment of ADU prices and price controls, eligibility requirements for the ADU Program, and the structure
and operation of the Affordable Dwelling Unit Advisory Board (ADUAB). The ADU Program is implemented pursuant to
Section 9.01, and Chapter 1450 of the Codified Ordinances of Loudoun County.
Affordable Housing Unit (AHU): A dwelling unit for rent or for sale developed pursuant to one of the
following funding programs:
A. Virginia Housing Development Authority (VHDA) (also known as Virginia Housing) Low Income Housing Tax
Credit (LIHTC) Program;
B. Section 8 New Construction (New Construction), Substantial Rehabilitation (Substantial Rehabilitation) and/or
Loan Management Set-Aside (LMSA) Program (also referred to as Section 8 project-based rent assistance);
C. HUD Section 202 Supportive Housing for the Elderly Program;
D. HUD 811 Supportive Housing for Persons with Disabilities Program;
E. United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) Section 515 Multifamily Housing Direct Loan Program;
F. USDA Section 538 Multifamily Guaranteed Rural Rental Housing Program;
G. Virginia Department of Housing and Community Development (DHCD) programs administering National Housing
Trust Fund monies, State Housing Trust Fund monies, or federal HOME funds; or
H. Other similar funding programs as approved by Zoning Administrator in consultation with the Loudoun County
Department of Housing and Community Development.
Affordable Housing Unit (AHU) Program: The AHU Program governs the provision and administration of AHUs. The
AHU Program is implemented pursuant to Section 9.03.
Agricultural Cultural Center: An establishment that educates the public about agricultural activities and/or the
heritage and culture of agricultural activities.
Agricultural Education or Research: An establishment that:
A. Investigates, tests, and demonstrates agricultural products and processes, including biotechnical agriculture,
veterinary, soil, plant, and animal sciences; or
B. Trains or educates persons in products and processes related to agriculture, horticulture, or animal husbandry.
Loudoun County, VA | Zoning Ordinance 3
Agricultural Processing: The processing and/or preparation of agricultural products, including changes to the physical
state or form of the agricultural product.
Agricultural Structure: A structure used primarily for agricultural purposes in which the use is exclusively in
connection with the production, harvesting, storage, drying, or raising of agricultural commodities, including the raising
of livestock.
Agriculture: A use and classification characterized by general active and ongoing agricultural activities, including
agronomy, aquaculture, biotechnical agriculture (including education parks for biotechnical agriculture or a
demonstration facility), forestry, fisheries, honey production, silviculture, and similar uses. Agriculture includes farming
activities, including the cultivation of crops and animal husbandry.
Accessory uses may include offices, storage areas, and repair facilities related to agriculture uses.
Agriculture includes:
A. A direct market business for sale of products produced onsite-including but not limited to PYO (pick-your-own);
B. "Community Supported Agriculture" (CSA), defined as an area of land managed and maintained by an individual
or group of individuals to grow and harvest food and/or horticultural products for shareholder consumption or
for sale or donation.
Agriculture does not include:
A. A grocery store or the retail or wholesale sale of products remotely related to the production of agricultural
products; or
B. Preparatory functions such as grading or creation of planting beds through stockpiling of dirt or other means
that do not result in an active and ongoing agricultural activity within 30 days.
Agriculture, Bona Fide: Agriculture conducted in accordance with standards of Section 4.08.01.
Agriculture Support Uses (Direct Association with On-Site Agricultural Activity): Uses that provide support and
services to agricultural, horticultural, and animal husbandry activities, which are limited to and that operate in
conjunction with and on the site of ongoing agricultural, horticultural, or animal husbandry uses. These uses include:
agricultural processing; agri-education; animal care businesses; commercial wineries; custom operators (haymaking,
brush hogging, crop storage, hauling, fencing, barn construction); equestrian event facilities; horse trails or networks;
farm co-ops; farm based tourism events; farm markets; farm machinery repair; feedlot (for ongoing, on-site, animal
husbandry activities); nurseries, commercial; pet farms; products combining recreation with consumption of agricultural
products; portable sawmills; small business uses; stables; stables, private; wayside stands; wetlands mitigation banks;
and similar uses.
Agriculture Support Uses (Standalone): Uses and activities that provide support and services to agricultural,
horticultural and animal husbandry activities, either on the site of the agricultural, horticultural or animal husbandry
activity, or off-site. These uses include: agricultural research facility; animal care businesses; central farm distribution
hub for agricultural products; equestrian event facilities; horse trails or networks; farm machinery repair; farm
machinery sales, rental and service; feed and farm supply centers; nurseries, commercial; and similar uses.
Agritainment: Events and activities that allow for recreation, entertainment, and tourism that is in conjunction with
on-going agricultural activities on-site (examples include corn mazes and, hayrides).
Loudoun County, VA | Zoning Ordinance 4
Airport/Landing Strip: Any area of land or water that is used or intended for the landing and taking off of aircraft, and
any appurtenant areas that are used or intended for accessory uses. Accessory uses may include runways, taxiways,
aircraft storage and tie-down areas, hangers, public terminal buildings and parking, helicopter pads, and support
activities such as airport operations, air traffic control, and dusting services. For purposes of this definition, "aircraft"
means a device that is used or intended to be used for flight in the air, such as an airplane or helicopter.
Alley: A right-of-way that provides secondary and/or service access for vehicles to the side or rear of abutting
properties whose principal frontage is on another street.
All-Terrain Vehicle (ATV): A small motor vehicle with 3 or 4 wheels designed for recreational use on various types of
Amend or Amendment: Any repeal, modification, or addition to a regulation; any new regulation; any change in the
number, shape, boundary, or area of a district; or any repeal or abolition of any map, part thereof, or addition thereto.
Amphitheater: A place, not enclosed in a building, having a stage and seating for performances, concerts, and the like,
with the seating for spectators arranged largely within a natural or artificial grade in the land such as a hillside or
Amusement or Theme Park: An indoor or outdoor facility designed for entertainment purposes and may include
structures or buildings, motorized or non-motorized rides, games, booths for the conduct of sporting events or games,
and constructed land features such as lakes, hills, or trails. Accessory uses may include office, retail and other
commercial uses commonly established in such facilities and related parking structures.
Animal Care Business: An enterprise that provides care and services for livestock or other farm animals, such as, but
not limited to, animal grooming, dental, blacksmithing, and massage, but that is not a kennel or an animal hospital.
Animal Hospital: A place for the medical care of animals. The boarding of animals at an animal hospital is limited to
that incidental to the hospital use.
Animal Husbandry: Uses characterized by the active and on-going propagation, rearing, exercising, feeding, milking,
housing, controlling, handling, or general care of livestock. The conduct of the foregoing activities with respect to
animals that are not livestock (e.g., companion animals, pets or non-domesticated (wild) animals) is not considered
animal husbandry.
Animal Services: A Use Category that includes uses related to the provision of services and treatment to animals.
Antiques, Art, and Crafts: An establishment that sells items such as furniture, household wares and decorations, and
related articles that have value and significance because of factors such as age, rarity, historical significance, design, and
sentiment, sells handcrafted items by local artisans, or displays or sells works of art.
Application, Active: Any Zoning Map Amendment application, Zoning Modification application, Concept Plan
Amendment application, Special Exception or Minor Special Exception application, Site Plan application, or Preliminary
or Record Subdivision application that the County has officially accepted for processing and such application has not had
processing suspended either by request of the applicant or by having no contact or activity occur in regard to the
application by the applicant and has been placed on inactive status pursuant to Section 10.01 of this Zoning Ordinance
or deemed inactive pursuant to the Land Subdivision and Development Ordinance.
Application, Inactive: Any Zoning Map Amendment application, Zoning Modification application, Concept Plan
Amendment application, Special Exception or Minor Special Exception application, Site Plan application, or Preliminary
or Record Subdivision application officially accepted by the County for processing but that has had processing suspended
either by request of the applicant or by having no contact or activity occur in regard to the application by the applicant
and has been placed on inactive status pursuant to Section 10.01 of this Zoning Ordinance or deemed inactive pursuant
to the Land Subdivision and Development Ordinance.
Loudoun County, VA | Zoning Ordinance 5
Application, Reactivated: Any Zoning Map Amendment application, Zoning Modification application, Concept Plan
Amendment application, Special Exception application, Minor Special Exception, Preliminary or Record Subdivision
application, or Site Plan application that was classified as inactive and that the applicant subsequently notifies the
County in writing of their desire to have the application brought to final decision.
Arboretum: See "Cultural Facility."
Arborist or Urban Forester: A person trained in arboriculture, forestry, landscape architecture, horticulture, or
related fields and experienced in the conservation and preservation of native and ornamental trees.
Archery: A structure designed for the use of crossbows, slingbows, arrowguns, bows and arrows, or pneumatic guns as
defined by Code of Virginia. [Note: Code of Virginia § 15.2-915.4. defines pneumatic gun as "any implement, designed as
a gun, that will expel a BB or a pellet by action of pneumatic pressure" including "a paintball gun that expels by action of
pneumatic pressure plastic balls filled with paint for the purpose of marking the point of impact."]
Area Median Income (AMI): The annually estimated area median income developed by the United States Census
Bureau for the Washington-Arlington-Alexandria, DC-VA-MD HUD Metro Fair Market Rent (FMR) Area (DC-VA-MD FMR
Area) as determined by the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) and used by the Department of Housing and
Urban Development (HUD), Virginia Housing Development Authority (VHDA) (also known as Virginia Housing) and other
State agencies, and local governments to determine eligibility for assisted housing programs for an area. Loudoun
County is part of the DC-VA-MD FMR Area. Also known by HUD as Area Median Family Income (AMFI).
Art Studio: The workshop of an artist, writer, craftsperson, or photographer, but not a place where members of the
public come to receive instruction on a more than incidental basis or to sit for photographic portraits.
Auction: An establishment where the property of others, such as objects of art, furniture, and other goods (except
livestock), are offered by a broker or auctioneer for sale to persons who bid on the items in competition with each other
at scheduled sales periods or events.
Auction Facility, Livestock: An establishment where the public may consign livestock for sale by auction open to
public bidding or sell livestock on a commission basis, consisting of pens or other enclosures and related facilities where
livestock is received, held, and kept for sale at auction and shipment.
Automobile Service Station/Automotive Service Station: See "Vehicle Service Station."
Automobile Sales Lots: See "Vehicle Sales."
Aviation: Uses characterized by facilities for the operation and maintenance of aircraft, including airports, hangars,
runways and landing strips, flight schools, and fueling facilities.
A-Weighted Sound Level: The sound pressure level in decibels as measured on a sound level meter (SLM) using the A-
weighting network.
Bank or Financial Institution: A business where the primary occupation is financial services such as banking, savings
and loans, loan offices, check cashing, and currency exchange outlets. It does not include financial services such as
investment companies, loan companies, credit and mortgage, insurance services, or brokerage firms.
Banquet/Event Facility: A use in which the principal function is hosting private parties at which food and beverages
are served to groups of people. The use has facilities for the refrigeration and preparation of food or provides facilities
for food through a caterer. Banquet/Event facilities, held indoors or outdoors, may also be an accessory component of
other uses such as, but not limited to: Restaurants, Hotels, Rural Resorts, Conference and Training Facilities, and similar
Loudoun County, VA | Zoning Ordinance 6
Bed and Breakfast Homestay: An operator or manager-occupied private dwelling in which overnight
accommodations are provided to the public and that may include a room for meetings and private parties as an
accessory use. The frequency and volume of paying guests is intended to be incidental to the primary use of the
property as a private residence. Accessory structures may be used for guest lodging.
Bed and Breakfast Inn: A lodging use that provides overnight accommodations to the public and may include rooms
for meetings and private parties as an accessory use.
Bedrock: Rock formation that underlies a surface covering such as soil or extends through the soil as a rock outcrop.
Berm: A landscaped earthen mound intended to screen, buffer, mitigate noise, and generally enhance views of parking
areas, storage areas or required yards particularly from public streets or adjacent land uses.
Best Management Practices: Methods and practices that are the most effective and practical means of preventing or
reducing the amount of pollution generated by non-point sources (NPS) to a level compatible with established water
quality goals. Best management practices may be applied in no-build buffers to protect streams and to control the
design and operation of stormwater management improvements, lakes and ponds, silviculture, farming, restoration
efforts, and development in and around stream corridors and water supply sources as further defined in the Facilities
Standards Manual (FSM).
Biotechnical Agriculture: Agriculture that uses biotechnical methods to modify living cells or organisms to produce
substances or perform processes.
Block: That property abutting one side of a street and lying between the two nearest intersecting streets or the nearest
intersecting or intercepting street and railroad right-of-way, unsubdivided acreage, river or live stream between any of
the foregoing and any other barrier to the continuity of development. A block may contain an alley.
Board of Supervisors or Board: The Board of Supervisors of Loudoun County, Virginia.
Botanical Garden: See "Cultural Facility."
Brewery Limited: A brewery licensed as a Limited Brewery in accordance with Code of Virginia § 4.1-206.1., as
amended, and subject to Section 4.08.05.
Buffering or Screening: Any device or natural growth, or a combination thereof, that serves as a barrier to vision, light,
or noise between adjoining properties, wherever required by this Zoning Ordinance and further defined herein and the
Facilities Standards Manual (FSM). Whenever used for screening or buffering purposes, "natural growth" must be taken
to mean coniferous or deciduous trees, bushes, and shrubbery.
Building: A structure, whether portable or fixed, having one or more stories, vertical surfaces, and a roof, designed
primarily for the shelter, support, or closure of persons, animals, or property of any kind.
Building and Landscaping Materials Supplier: A business that sells building materials or landscaping where the
majority of sales are wholesale transactions to other firms, not retail sales.
Building, Accessory: A building located on a lot, the use of which is associated with the principal building, and that is
located upon the same lot as the principal building.
Building, Civic: A structure used for community purposes, such as churches, community/recreation centers, service
organizations and libraries, located on a civic-use lot.
Building Height: The vertical distance from the ground to the top of a building measured in accordance with Section
Building, Principal: A building or buildings used for the principal use of the property .
Loudoun County, VA | Zoning Ordinance 7
Bus or Bus Services: As used within the context of the PD-MUB Zoning District, “bus” or “bus services” means Bus
Rapid Transit, express bus, circulator bus, commuter bus, feeder bus, or shuttle.
Business Support Services: Establishments primarily engaged in rendering services on a fee or contract basis to the
business, commercial, industrial, or institutional community, such as advertising; typical business maintenance;
employment service; management and consulting services; travel agent; protective services; equipment rental and
leasing; commercial research; development and testing; photo finishing; printing service; central mailing services; and
personal supply services. A "printing service" means a retail establishment that includes a quick print shop or the
operation of offset printing and other related equipment, such as, but not limited to, paper cutters, collating machines,
multi- colored press equipment, plate burners, binding, and photographic developing equipment.
Camp, Day and Boarding: A lodging use type defined as the following:
A. Camp, Day: A lot, tract, or parcel of land operated as either a commercial or non-commercial establishment in
which seasonal facilities are provided for all or any of the following: camping, picnicking, boating, fishing,
swimming, outdoor games and sports, and activities incidental and relating to those activities. Camp, day does
not include miniature golf grounds, golf driving ranges, mechanical amusement devices, or structures for
housing guests.
B. Camp, Boarding: Same as Day Camp, except that structures for the lodging of guests may be provided.
Campground: An outdoor facility designed for overnight accommodation of human beings in tents, rustic cabins, and
shelters for recreation, education, naturalist, or vacation purposes. Accessory uses include office, retail, and other
commercial uses commonly established in those facilities and related parking structures.
Capital Improvements Program (CIP): The Loudoun County plan for expenditures for physical facilities of
government, such as costs for acquisition of land or interests in land; construction of buildings or other structures,
including additions or major alterations; construction of highways or utility lines; fixed equipment; landscaping; and
similar expenditures.
Caretaker or Guard Residence: A dwelling unit on a site intended for use as a dwelling for a caretaker accessory to
the particular purpose of the principal use on the same site. The caretaker’s residence must be accessory to that
principal use. This includes a single-family dwelling accessory to a permitted or Special Exception use.
Carport: Any space outside a building and contiguous thereto, wholly or partly covered by a roof, and used for the
shelter of motor vehicles. A carport may have a side enclosure that is more than eighteen inches in height, exclusive of
required supports and the side of the building to which the carport is contiguous.
Car Share: A short-term (by the hour or day) motor vehicle rental service use that provides vehicles that may be rented
by its members, typically as a means to supplement mass transit facilities. Reserving a short-term motor vehicle takes
place remotely rather than at an on-site sales office.
Car Wash: A use consisting of an establishment engaged in the commercial washing of motor vehicles by hand or by
using production-line, automated, or semi-automated methods for washing, whether or not employing a chain
conveyor, blower, steam-cleaning, or similar mechanical devices, including car detailing services.
Cemetery: A use consisting of any land or structure used or intended to be used for the interment of human remains,
including columbaria and mausoleums. A cemetery may include administrative offices, maintenance buildings, and
storage structures. This use also includes any land or structure used or intended to be used for the interment of pet
animal remains.
Loudoun County, VA | Zoning Ordinance 8
Child Day Center: A use consisting of a licensed establishment other than a child day home, that offers care,
protection, and supervision of children for compensation only for part of any 24-hour day. This includes nursery schools,
kindergartens, or other facilities for which the purpose is primarily educational, recreational, or medical treatments.
Child Day Home: A use consisting of a licensed establishment located in a dwelling unit that offers care, protection,
and supervision for compensation to more than 4 non-resident children only for part of any 24-hour day. For the
purpose of this definition, “non-resident children” means children that are not the childcare providers’ own children and
children not residing in the home. Pursuant to the Code of Virginia, an establishment that offers care, protection, and
supervision for compensation to 4 or fewer non-resident children is considered accessory to a dwelling unit.
Civic, Social, and Fraternal Meeting Place: An establishment of a private non-profit organization, including fraternal
organizations, that provide social, physical, recreational, educational, agricultural or benevolent services. Such
establishment must not be operated for the purpose of carrying on a trade or business, and no part of the net earnings
must inure to the benefit of any members of such organization or any other individuals; provided, however, that
employees may be paid reasonable compensation for services rendered.
Civic Use: Public or quasi-public uses in residential or nonresidential areas that are accessible to the public and
primarily serve as gathering or meeting areas for the immediate community or reserved as open space that provides a
community amenity or promotes environmental or ecological functions. Civic uses may be public buildings; defined
space in residential, commercial, or mixed-use buildings; or outdoor space constructed to accommodate community
gatherings. Such uses typically include churches, schools, libraries, community centers, amphitheaters, and property
owner association meeting space or club houses. Civic Uses include Active Recreation Open Space, Passive Recreation
Open Space, and Community Open Space.
Closed Depression: In a limestone area, a distinctive bowl-shaped depression of varied sizes in the land surface. It is
characterized by internal drainage, and an unbroken ground surface.
Cluster Development (AR Districts Only): A type of development design that allows for the subdivision of a tract of
land with a more compact residential design plus one or more large lots suitable for rural economy uses or commonly
owned open space. Land not included within lots or required for public or private streets must be maintained as
commonly owned open space. Community water supply and/or wastewater systems are permitted under this
development type within the commonly owned open space.
Cluster Development (CR and Suburban Zoning Districts Only): An arrangement of structures on adjoining lots in
groupings allowing closer spacing than would be generally permitted under Zoning Ordinance requirements, where at
least 20% of the lots have less than the required minimum lot area, which is compensated by maintenance of equivalent
open space, either elsewhere on the lot or in the form of commonly owned open space. All land not included within lots
or required for public or private streets must be maintained as commonly owned open space. Commonly owned open
space must be designed to constitute a continuous and cohesive unit of land that may be used for active or passive
recreation by residents and must be reasonably accessible to all permitted uses and all residential units within the
Codified Ordinances of Loudoun County, Virginia: The code identifying the laws, rules, regulations, and standards
of Loudoun County. Also referenced to as the "Codified Ordinances."
College or University: An institute of higher education authorized by the Commonwealth to award associate, bachelor,
or higher degrees, which may include on-campus student, faculty, and/or employee housing facilities.
Commercial: A use classification that collectively defines workplace, office, retail, and restaurant uses.
Loudoun County, VA | Zoning Ordinance 9
Commercial Strip Development: A linear, commercial development pattern along a road that includes 3 or more of
the following characteristics: predominance of single-story buildings, either standalone or connected; parking between
the building and the road; limited reliance on shared access points; broad road frontage; a lack of connection to an
existing settlement, (e.g., village centers or neighborhoods) except by road; lack of coordination with surrounding land
uses; and lack of connection to a pedestrian and bicycle network/limited access for pedestrians.
Community Center: A place, structure, area, or other facility used to provide fraternal, cultural, social, educational, or
recreational programs or activities, such as an Owners Association facility. This includes swimming pools, tennis courts,
and similar facilities, open to the public or a designated part of the public, and that may be publicly or privately owned.
Community Garden: A site gardened collectively by a group for producing herbs, fruits, vegetables, flowers, or other
ornamental foliage for personal use, consumption, or donation.
Companion Animal: Any domestic or feral dog, domestic or feral cat, nonhuman primate, guinea pig, hamster, rabbit
not raised for human food or fiber, exotic or native animal, reptile, exotic or native bird, or any feral animal or any
animal under the care, custody, or ownership of a person or any animal that is bought, sold, traded, or bartered by any
person. No agricultural animal, game species, or animal regulated under federal law as a research animal will
be considered a companion animal for the purposes of this chapter. The keeping of such animals is permitted as an
accessory use to a dwelling unit.
Companion Animal/Pet Grooming: A commercial establishment that provides grooming services for companion
animals or pets. Services may include cleaning, cutting, styling, or maintaining of animal’s skin, coat, hair, or feathers.
This use does not include the boarding or overnight stay of animals.
Composting: The manipulation of the natural aerobic process of decomposition of organic materials to increase the
rate of decomposition, which produces compost.
Composting Facility: A Solid Waste Management Facility that is located, designed, constructed, and operated
to compost yard waste as defined by Code of Virginia § 10.1-1400 to a stabilized organic product so that it does not pose
a present or potential hazard to human health or the environment.
Comprehensive Plan: The official document, commonly referred to as the General Plan and Countywide
Transportation Plan, or elements thereof, adopted by the Board of Supervisors, intended to guide the physical
development of the County or a portion thereof. Such plan, including maps, plats, charts, policy statements and/or
descriptive material, must be that adopted in accordance with Code of Virginia § 15.2 2226.
Concept Development Plan (CDP): Part of a Zoning Map Amendment (ZMAP) application or of a Zoning Concept Plan
Amendment (ZCPA) application. The Concept Development Plan may consist of both a visual and a written
representation depicting the layout and/or design of the development, and all associated proffers. When the Concept
Development Plan is approved through the legislative process, the plan then becomes binding on the developer and his
successors in interests.
Conference and Training Facilities: Facilities used for business or professional conferences, seminars, and training
programs, which may include accommodations for sleeping, eating and recreation.
Congregate Housing: Establishments primarily engaged in providing any of the following housing services:
A. Short term emergency shelter for victims of domestic violence, sexual assault, or child abuse;
B. Temporary residential shelter for the homeless, runaway youths, and patients and families in medical crises;
C. Transitional housing for low-income individuals and families;
D. More than 8 individuals with mental illness, intellectual disability, or developmental disabilities reside, with 1 or
more resident or nonresident staff persons;
Loudoun County, VA | Zoning Ordinance 10
E. More than 8 aged, infirm, or disabled persons reside, with 1 or more resident counselors or other staff persons;
F. Special care, treatment, training or similar purposes not listed above, on a temporary or permanent basis,
including orphanages.
Conservancy Lot: A lot, excluding the hamlet/cluster lots, open space and/or hamlet green/square, that will remain as
a large parcel(s), the bulk of which is in permanent open space easement and a portion of which may be designated a
building area.
Contiguous: In the context of a subdivision, a group of parcels where each parcel abuts at least one other parcel in the
group and the boundaries of such parcels are capable of being connected by a continuous line around the entire group.
Does not include separate parcels located on opposite sides of a dedicated public road. In the context of single-family
attached and multifamily stacked dwelling units, a group of dwellings where each dwelling abuts at least one other
dwelling in the group and the footprints of such dwellings are capable of being connected by a continuous line around
the entire group.
Continuing Care Facility: This type of facility may consist of 3 types of care or any 1 or 2 types:
A. Independent Living: A facility providing self-sufficient living and that may be affiliated with or located near
health care facilities;
B. Adult Assisted Living: A facility for people who cannot live independently and who need assistance with daily
chores and housekeeping; and/or
C. Nursing Home: A facility for individuals who require specialized nursing care on a regular basis but who do not
need to be hospitalized.
Contractor: An establishment engaged in:
A. The installation and servicing of items such as air conditioners, electrical equipment, flooring, heating, painting,
plumbing, roofing, tiling, or ventilation;
B. The planting and maintenance of gardens, grounds and yards, such as landscape contractors and lawn
maintenance services;
C. Construction and demolition services;
D. Maintenance services such as carpet cleaning, carpentry, roofing, exterminator, glazing, janitorial services,
electrical repair, plumbing, heating and air conditioning (sales and service), upholstery, painting and paper
hanging, sign painting, or rug cleaning; or
E. Remediation services such as septic tank services, remediation and cleanup of contaminated buildings, mine
sites, soil, or groundwater, integrated mine-reclamation activities, including demolition, soil remediation,
wastewater treatment, hazardous substance removal, contouring land, and revegetation, or asbestos, lead
paint, and other toxic material abatement.
Contributing: Helping, assisting, or adding to the historical integrity, historic architectural qualities, or archaeological
qualities of the subject Historic Overlay District and/or the said Historic Overlay District's historic associations. The
Zoning Administrator, or the Zoning Administrator's designee, establishes what is considered contributing to an HOD.
See also Non-Contributing.
Convenience Store: Establishments that retail a limited line of goods that generally includes milk, bread, soda, beer
and wine, packaged food and snacks, and household products, but not fuel sales for vehicles. Characterized by the rapid
turnover of customers and a high traffic/trip generation. Accessory uses include food preparation for carry-out or on-
site consumption (with seating).
Loudoun County, VA | Zoning Ordinance 11
Convenience Store (with Gasoline Sales): Establishments that include the activities listed in the definition of
"Convenience Store," and that may include fuel for vehicles, electric vehicle charging spaces, and/or a car wash.
Convention or Exhibition Facility: A building or structure with a convention hall, auditorium, arena, meeting rooms,
and/or exhibition area, designed to accommodate conventions, trade shows, meetings, and/or displays, and related
support services, and that does not include accommodations for sleeping.
Conversion Condominium: A condominium containing structures that before the recording of the declaration were
wholly or partially occupied by persons other than those who have contracted for the purchase of condominium units
and those who occupy with the consent of such purchasers.
Country Club: A land area and structures containing a club house, dining and/or banquet facilities, conference rooms,
spa, fitness facilities, or recreational facilities, available to members and their guests for a membership fee. A Country
Club must include an equestrian facility and/or a golf course and may include swimming pools, tennis courts, squash
courts, stables and riding facilities.
Country Inn: A business operated in 1 or more structures that offers overnight accommodations and may include
rooms for meetings and private parties in a predominately rural area. A Country Inn may include a full-service restaurant
for overnight guests, the general public, meetings, and private parties.
County: Loudoun County, Virginia.
Court: An open, unoccupied space, other than a yard with a building or group of buildings, which is bounded on two or
more sides by such building or buildings, and every part of which is clear and unobstructed from its lowest point to the
sky, except for landscaping, if any.
Covered Activities: For the purposes of Sections 5.04, 5.05, and Chapter 6, Covered Activities includes all of the
A. Land Development Applications.
1. Legislative: All Zoning Amendments, Special Exceptions, Minor Special Exceptions, Commission
Permits, Certificates of Appropriateness, Variances and Zoning Modifications reviewed for approval by the
Planning Commission, Board of Supervisors, Board of Zoning Appeals, or Historic District Review Committee.
2. Administrative: All Subdivisions (including preliminary subdivision plats), Site Plans, grading permits,
construction plans and profiles, and Zoning Permits and building permits that involve land disturbing
activities, modifications reviewed for approval by the Zoning Administrator.
B. Land Disturbances or Land-Disturbing Activity. Land Disturbances or Land-Disturbing Activities include, but
are not limited to: cutting; filling; clearing; excavation; grading; construction; reconstruction; investigations
(such as test wells); and the location, sourcing, and construction of water supply systems under Chapter 1040 of
the Loudoun County Codified Ordinances.
C. Uses in Chapter 3.
Craft Beverage Manufacturing: A small-scale brewery manufacturing no more than 15,000 barrels of beer per
calendar year licensed in accordance with the Code of Virginia § 4.1-206.1., as amended, or a small-scale distillery
manufacturing no more than 36,000 gallons of distilled spirts, licensed in accordance with Code of Virginia § 4.1-206.1.,
as amended. Accessory uses may include tasting rooms at which the consumption of beer or distilled spirts
manufactured on-site occurs, accessory food sales occur, and beer and/or distilled spirits manufactured on-site are sold.
Crematorium: A building with a furnace for cremating dead bodies, either animal or human.
Crest: The uppermost line of a mountain or chain of mountains from which the land falls away on at least 2 sides to a
lower elevation or elevations.
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Cultural and Government Facilities: Public or nonprofit facilities displaying or preserving objects of interest or
providing facilities for one or more of the arts or sciences or provision of government services. Accessory uses may
include parking and storage areas.
Cultural Facility: Museums, arboretums, botanical gardens, and nature preserves, nature study areas, and interactive
science and technology centers. These facilities may, as an accessory use, include related office, retail sales, hosting
of events, or scheduled classes in the same subject matter as is permitted for exhibits.
A. Botanical Garden: A place where documented collections of living plants are grown, exhibited, or labeled for the
purposes of scientific research, conservation, display, education. or passive recreational purposes. A botanical
garden does not include the harvest of plants or their produce.
B. Arboretum: A botanical garden that specializes in trees, shrubs, or other woody plants.
C. Nature Preserve/Nature Study Area: A place preserved as natural place set aside to observe or study wildlife,
flora or fauna, and where structures and changes to the landscape are limited to facilities that enable study or
observation (such as benches, trails, markers or observation platforms).
D. Museum: An institution for the acquisition, preservation, study and exhibition of works of artistic, historical or
scientific value.
E. Interactive Science and Technology Center: A facility (indoors, outdoors, or both) that provides access for
members of the public to interactive exhibits that promote an understanding of science, nature, engineering,
architecture, technology, or any mixture of these subjects. Access may be granted on a scheduled or
unscheduled basis, or both, for a fee or for free.
Cultural Tourism: Land areas used for visitation for cultural, natural, or agricultural education. This includes the
following as defined below:
A. Agritourism or farm-based tourism: A commercial enterprise that links agricultural production and/or
processing with tourism in order to attract visitors to a farm, ranch, or other agricultural business for the
purposes of entertaining and/or educating the visitors and generating income for the farm, ranch, or business
B. Eco-tourism: Establishments that focus on tourism, visitation, and observation of or education about natural
history, indigenous ecosystems, native plant or animal species, natural scenery, or other features of the natural
environment. Eco-tourism may include cultural activities related to those activities or work projects that tend to
conserve or safeguard the integrity of a natural feature, habitat, or ecosystem. Facilities for eco-tourism may
include recreational outfitters. Eco-tourism tends to result in a minimal or positive impact on the features
observed or visited or tends to produce economic benefits from conservation.
Data Center: An establishment engaging in the storage, management, processing, and/or transmission of digital data,
and housing computer and/or network equipment, systems, servers, appliances and other associated components
related to digital data operations.
Data Center Mechanical Equipment: On-site exterior machines used to sustain and/or provide energy for the
operations of a Data Center.
Day Care Facilities: Facilities for the care, protection, and supervision of children or adults on a regular basis away
from their primary residence for less than 24 hours a day. Accessory uses may include offices, recreation areas, and
Decibel: A unit for measuring the volume of sound using the A-weighting network on a sound level meter. Decibel may
be expressed as dB, dB(A), dBA, dba, or db(A).
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Decommission, Solar Facility: The removal and proper disposal of solar energy equipment, facilities, or devices on
real property. It must include the reasonable restoration of the real property upon which such solar equipment,
facilities, or devices are located, including (i) soil stabilization and (ii) revegetation of the ground cover of the real
property disturbed by the installation of such equipment, facilities, or devices.
Density: The amount of residential and/or nonresidential development permitted, as determined by the individual
district regulations within Chapter 2.
Density, Gross Residential: The number of units divided by the total area of the tract.
Developable Land: Any vacant land areas capable of being developed with buildings and infrastructure.
Development: Any man-made change to improved or unimproved real estate, including, but not limited to, buildings or
other structures, structural alterations or relocations of existing buildings, and enlargements of, additions to, changes in
and relocations of existing uses.
Development Permit: Written approval issued by an authorized official, empowering the holder thereof to do some
act not forbidden by law, but not allowed without such authorization. Examples include, but are not limited to, building,
zoning, occupancy and grading permits.
Diabase Rock: A fine-to medium-grained dark-colored igneous rock that is a good source for crushed stone for road
and building construction.
Dinner Theater: Establishments engaged in producing live theatrical productions, and in providing food and beverages
for consumption on the premises.
Dog Park: A park that provides a variety of recreational amenities for dogs and persons that may include benches,
parking, restrooms, and water fountains. If dogs are to be unleashed, the area must be fenced.
Donation Drop-off Box: An unattended portable container, receptacle, or similar device or structure that is located
outside of a building and intended or used for the holding of charitable or for-profit donated items by the general public
and may include, but not be limited to clothing, shoes, furniture, books, or other salvageable personal property with the
collection of donated items made at a later date or time. This term does not include recycling drop-off centers or mobile
containers that require licensing for transport on authorized roadways.
Dormitory, Seasonal Labor: A structure located on the same property as an active agricultural, horticultural or animal
husbandry operation, used for the purpose of housing persons on a seasonal basis who are not members of a family as
defined in the Zoning Ordinance and who derive all or part of their income during their occupancy from labor performed
on the active agricultural, horticultural or animal husbandry operation.
Drive Aisle: A circulation route through a parking lot for vehicular traffic that provides access to parking spaces and
may connect to a driveway. Also referred to as travelway aisle in the Facilities Standards Manual.
Driveway: A space or area specifically designated and reserved on a lot for the movement of vehicles within a lot or
from a lot to a street.
Dry Cleaning Plant: Establishments primarily engaged in mechanical cleaning of or supplying, on a rental or contract
basis, laundered garments, including lines, diapers, industrial work uniforms and related work clothing (such as
protective (flame and heat resistant) and clean room apparel), dust control items (such as treated mops, rugs, mats, dust
tool covers, and cloths), and shop or wiping towels. Also known as "industrial launderers."
Dustless Surface: A surface with a minimum of either two applications of bituminous surface treatment, concrete,
bituminous concrete, or equivalent paving material approved by the County and to be maintained in good condition at
all times.
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Dwelling, Accessory: A dwelling or apartment within or detached from the principal structure or other principal
use, the use of which is associated with and subordinate to the principal structure or use and that is located upon the
same lot as the principal structure or use.
Dwelling, Duplex: One of 2 buildings, arranged or designed as dwellings, located on abutting walls without openings
and with each building having a separate lot with minimum dimensions required by district regulations.
Dwelling, Live/Work: A designation applicable to a single-family detached or attached dwelling, that permits the
dwelling unit to have a ground floor business use that is permitted in the Zoning District.
Dwelling, Multifamily: One of a group of dwelling units in a multifamily attached or multifamily stacked residential
structure. For purposes of this Zoning Ordinance, multifamily dwelling includes any unit that does not meet the
definition of single-family attached or single-family detached.
Dwelling, Multifamily Attached: One of a group of dwelling units contained within a building, where each dwelling
unit in the building is separated from other dwelling units within the building by a vertical wall and a ceiling/floor, with
each dwelling unit generally consisting of a single floor or level, and each such unit being accessed by one or more
common entrances leading directly from the outdoors at ground level, except that a ground floor dwelling unit may have
its own ground floor external entrance. The dwelling unit may be separately transferable and capable of being
individually owned, such as a condominium, or offered for rent. Each such dwelling unit within the multifamily building
may be referred to as a “multifamily dwelling unit” or “attached multifamily dwelling unit”, and such dwelling units may
include various floor plans, such as studio/efficiency units, and floor plans with one or more bedrooms. Attached
multifamily dwelling units are commonly referred to as garden style, mid-rise, and high-rise condominiums/apartments.
Dwelling, Multifamily Stacked: A vertical and horizontal grouping of dwelling units, where at least 1 dwelling unit
within the grouping contains 2 or more stories and is situated over or under another dwelling unit. Each unit has its own
ground floor external entrance or shares its entrance with only an adjacent unit. Stacked multifamily dwelling units are
commonly referred to as stacked townhomes, one over twos, and two over twos.
Dwelling, Quadruplex: One of 4 buildings, arranged or designed as dwellings, located on abutting walls without
openings and with each building having a separate lot, with minimum dimensions required by district regulations.
Dwelling, Single-Family Attached: A duplex, triplex, quadruplex, or townhouse dwelling type.
Dwelling, Single-Family Detached: A dwelling unit designed for and occupied by one family only and not structurally
connected or attached to any other dwelling and with each building having a separate lot, with minimum dimensions
required by district regulations.
Dwelling, Temporary: A structure that is installed temporarily for use as a dwelling while a residence is being
constructed. Such structure must be removed within one month of the completion of construction on the primary
Dwelling, Tenant: A dwelling located on the same property as an active agricultural, horticultural, or animal husbandry
operation, occupied by a person or persons other than the owner of the lot on which it is located, who during their
occupancy, is employed by and derives income from labor performed on the active agricultural, horticultural, or animal
husbandry operation.
Dwelling, Townhouse: A type of single-family attached dwelling that is a group of 3 to 8 single-family attached
dwelling units, each of which is attached to at least 1 other townhouse dwelling unit by a wall that serves as a generally
vertical boundary for both units, with each such unit extending from ground to roof, with no dwelling unit directly above
another dwelling unit. Each townhouse dwelling unit consists of multiple floors or levels, with each unit having its own
ground floor external entrance or sharing its entrance with only an adjacent unit.
Loudoun County, VA | Zoning Ordinance 15
Dwelling, Triplex: One of 3 dwelling units, arranged or designed as dwellings, located on abutting walls without
openings and with each building having a separate lot, with minimum dimensions required by district regulations.
Dwelling Unit: One room, or rooms connected together, constituting a separate unit for a single-family owner
occupancy or rental or lease, and physically separated from any other rooms or dwelling units that may be in the same
structure, and containing independent cooking, sanitation, and sleeping facilities.
Easement: A grant of interest in real property by the owner to, or for the use by, an abutting landowner, the public, or
another person or entity, including both easements appurtenant and easements in gross.
Ecological Integrity: Maintenance of the structure and functional attributes characteristic of a particular locale, or
ecosystem, including normal variability.
Ecosystem: A complex network of organic communities and their interaction with their environment.
Eco-tourism: See "Cultural Tourism."
Education: Facilities for the education of students, including public and private schools at the primary, elementary,
middle, or high school level, vocational and technical schools. Accessory uses include play areas, cafeterias, recreational
and sport facilities, auditoriums, and before- or after-school day care.
Educational or Research Facilities Use Related to the Agriculture, Horticulture and Animal Husbandry Uses
in the District: A facility for the investigation, testing, or demonstration of, or for training or educating persons in,
products and processes related to agriculture, horticulture, or animal husbandry, including biotechnical agriculture,
veterinary, soil, plant and animal sciences.
Electric Generating Plant and Transmission Facility/Utility Generating Plant or Transmission Facility: A plant
for the production of electricity, including appurtenant yards, equipment and facilities for the storage of fuels, water,
utility lines, exhaust stacks, and/or utility substation. This use does not include solar facilities.
Electric Vehicle Charging Space: An automobile parking space that includes an electrical component assembly or
cluster of component assemblies (battery charging station) designed and intended to transfer Level 2 charging (as
defined by the United States Department of Energy) electric energy by conductive or inductive means from the electric
grid or other off-board electrical source to a battery or other energy storage device within a vehicle that operates,
partially or exclusively, on electric energy, and is marked to indicate that such spaces are reserved for the sole use by
plug-in electric vehicles.
Electric Vehicle Supply Equipment (EVSE): Devices that provide electric power to a vehicle in order to recharge the
vehicle's batteries. EVSE systems include the electrical conductors, related equipment, software, and communications
protocols that deliver energy to the vehicle.
Emergency: Any occurrence or set of circumstances involving actual or imminent physical trauma, property damage, or
loss of electric or phone services that require immediate action.
Energy Storage Facility: Energy storage equipment or technology that is capable of absorbing energy, storing such
energy for a period of time, and redelivering energy after it has been stored.
A. Energy Storage, Utility Scale: One or more devices, assembled together, capable of storing energy in order to
supply electrical energy at a future time, greater than 600kWh in nameplate capacity.
B. Energy Storage, Site-Specific: One or more devices, assembled together, capable of storing energy in order to
supply electrical energy at a future time, less than or equal to 600kWh in nameplate capacity. Storage devices
Loudoun County, VA | Zoning Ordinance 16
are an accessory use located on the property providing the energy generation source. This does not include
energy storage facilities or devices associated with Solar Facility, Utility Scale.
Enfront: To face or to be opposite across a street.
Entertainment Facility: An establishment where the primary source of revenue is derived from live or recorded
performances shown or played for the amusement of an audience. Examples include music clubs and dance halls.
Equestrian Event Facility: An establishment engaged in equine activities and events including teaching equestrian
skills, participating in equestrian competitions, exhibitions, or other displays of equestrian skill (such as polo, dressage,
and show jumping). Accessory uses may include offices, storage areas, caretaker’s quarters, and caring for, breeding,
boarding, riding, or training horses associated with the Equestrian Event Facility use.
Erected: Constructed, reconstructed, moved or structurally altered.
Establishment: A business, institution, place or entity that operates or hosts a use, including any business, trade or
occupation. This includes all buildings, structures, land, facilities, or equipment engaged in operating the use.
Extractive Industries: The excavation, mining, dredging, or stripping of land or earth, including quarrying, or borrow
pits; or the extraction of groundwater (Water Extraction). "Quarrying" means commercial or industrial stone quarries or
operations involving removal from a site of natural accumulations of sand, rock, soil, or gravel. "Stone quarrying"
includes appurtenant structures such as crushers, screeners, and washers. Accessory uses include:
A. Crushing, treating, washing, and/or processing of materials, accessory to a quarry operation, when conducted
on the same property;
B. Manufacturing of concrete block, cinderblock or pre-formed concrete products, accessory to an approved
quarry use;
C. Retail sales of crushed stone or architectural stone products, accessory to an approved quarry use; and
D. Concrete batching plants or asphalt mixing plants consistent with Section 4.06.03 (Extractive Industries).
Façade: The exterior wall of a building exposed to public view or a wall viewed by persons not within the building.
Facilities Standards Manual (FSM): The Facilities Standards Manual of Loudoun County.
Facility: A building, structure, place, amenity, or piece of equipment that is provided or reserved for a particular use or
Fairground: A parcel or tract of land used as the site of any fair, exposition or public display.
Family: A group of people living together consisting of:
A. One or more persons related by blood or marriage together with any number of natural, foster, step or adopted
children, domestic servants, nurses and therapists and no more than two roomers or boarders; or
B. No more than 4 persons, not related by blood or marriage; or
C. Any group identified in Code of Virginia § 15.2-2291.
Farm-based Tourism: See "Cultural Tourism."
Farm Co-Op: A facility used by an organization of farm producers for co-operative technical and marketing assistance. A
farm co-op may include a central marketplace where farmers can deliver products for pick-up by consumers but does
not a wholesale distribution center.
Loudoun County, VA | Zoning Ordinance 17
Farm Distribution Hub: A place where farmers can deliver agricultural products for pick-up by consumers or
wholesalers, but not including a central place operated by a farm co-op where farmers can deliver products for pick-up
by consumers (see “Farm Co-op”). Farm distribution hub does not include such uses as trucking operations, stockyards,
auction houses, slaughterhouses, or canneries or other processing facilities.
Farm Machinery Sales and Service: An establishment for the sale, rental, and/or service of equipment normally or
routinely used on farms and gardens, and related parts, tools, and accessories, but not of non-farm equipment or
Farmers Market: A principal use that includes the sale of unprocessed and/or processed aquacultural,
horticultural, and/or agricultural products. Examples include nursery stock, perennials, annuals, bulbs, mulch, compost,
dried flowers, Christmas trees and greens, fresh produce, honey, cider, and similar aquacultural, horticultual, or
agricultural products.
A. Farmers Market, On-Site Production: A use that includes the sale of products that are grown and processed on-
B. Farmers Market, Off-Site Production: A use that includes the sale of products that are grown and/or processed
off-site. The use may or may not be located on the site of ongoing aquacultural, horticultural, or agricultural
activity. This use may include the sale of products from 1 or more vendors.
C. Farmers Market, Temporary: A temporary use in which stands or sales areas are set aside and rented or
otherwise provided that includes the sale of products that are grown and/or processed on-site or off-site and is
permitted for no more than 3 days per week per location. A Farmers Market, Temporary does not include
permanent structures and requires approval of a temporary Zoning Permit by the Zoning Administrator subject
to Section 10.04.C.3. A Farmers Market, Temporary may include temporary retail and the sale of products from
1 or more vendors.
Fee Simple Ownership: The complete ownership interest in real property; the ownership of the entire “bundle” of
rights attached to real property.
Feed and Farm Supply Center: A commercial establishment engaged in the provision of animal feed, bedding and
accessories, and farm and garden supplies (such as seed, fencing, hardware, pesticides, and fertilizer) to agricultural,
horticultural, and/or animal husbandry operations. Also known as a “feed-and-seed” store.
Feedlot: An enclosure (including a lot, yard, building, or corral) in which animals fed for slaughter are confined, that is
used for more than 30 days in a 1-year period, with or without an area for the raising of crops, forage, or other
vegetation and where animals fed for slaughter are allowed to graze or feed. A feedlot does not include any area where
animals are held for slaughter by a processor for a period of 30 days or less.
Fenestration: An architectural feature that provides a real, functional opening that allows light to pass or filter
through; or faux opening (a decorative veneer giving the appearance of an opening) in the building facade, through the
installation of curtain walls, or recessed or protruding windows or doors.
Fire and/or Rescue Station: Facilities for the provision of local rapid response emergency services such as firefighting
and mobile medical emergency services, including areas for the storage and maintenance of emergency vehicles and
equipment and housing and feeding of emergency personnel.
Fiscal: Of or relating to public revenues, public expenditures and public debt; public financial matters.
Flex Building: A building designed to accommodate a combination of uses, the exact proportions of each use being
subject to user needs over time and the applicable district.
Floor Area, Gross: The sum of the total horizontal areas of the several floors of all buildings on a lot, measured from
the interior faces of exterior walls. When calculating Gross Floor Area, include:
Loudoun County, VA | Zoning Ordinance 18
Elevator shafts and stairwells at each story;
Floor space used for mechanical equipment with structural headroom of 6 feet, 6 inches or more;
Attic space, whether or not a floor has actually been laid, providing structural headroom of 6 feet, 6 inches or
more; and
Interior balconies and mezzanines.
Gross floor area does not include:
Cellars or outside balconies that do not exceed a projection of 6 feet beyond the exterior walls of the building; and
Parking structures below or above grade and rooftop mechanical structures.
Floor Area Ratio (FAR): A number or percentage, derived by dividing the gross floor area of the buildings on any lot by
the lot area in square feet. The floor area ratio multiplied by the lot area in square feet produces the maximum amount
of floor area that may be constructed on such lot.
Focal Point: An identifiable space centered in a community and conveniently accessed by its residents that serves as a
place for gathering and communicating neighborhood identity, such as a central park, plaza, or green (including village
green and town green).
Food and Beverage Sales/Service: A use category composed of facilities for serving prepared food or beverages for
consumption on the premises, other than in a private residence or accessory to a principal use.
Food Preparation: An establishment for small-scale production of food and beverages for off-site consumption,
including delivery services and catering services. This classification excludes food production of an industrial
character (See Manufacturing, General).
Foot Candles: A unit of illumination; technically, the illumination at all points 1 foot distant from a uniform point source
of 1 candle power.
Forestry: The planting, growing and harvesting of trees, but not including sawmilling or other processing of trees or
parts thereof.
Freight: Establishments that provide over the- road transportation of cargo using motor vehicles, such as trucks and
tractor trailers, including general and specialized freight trucking. General freight transportation establishments handle
a wide variety of commodities, generally palletized, and transported in a container or van trailer, for local or long-
distance trucking. Specialized freight transportation requires specialized equipment due to the size, weight, shape, or
other inherent characteristics of the cargo. This use includes moving and storage companies.
Frontage: The portion of a lot that abuts a road.
Functionally or Economically Obsolete: The use for which a structure was originally constructed is no longer viable,
necessary, or productive, or the structure for which the original use was constructed is functionally inadequate, causing
the structure to no longer be used for the original intent, have a high rate of vacancy, and/or be in a state of disrepair.
Examples could include historic schools, churches, agricultural buildings, and fraternal organization meeting halls.
Funeral Home: An establishment used primarily for human funeral services and may or may not include facilities on
the premises for embalming and performing autopsies or other surgical procedures.
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Garden: A plot of cultivated ground adjacent to a dwelling, devoted in whole or in part to the growing of herbs, fruits,
flowers or vegetables for consumption by the household residing in the dwelling.
Garden, Native Plant: A planted type of Public Garden where the majority of the plants are Native Plants.
Garden, Public: A publicly accessible planted area that may also include paths, seating areas, and other hardscape
features, and is maintained for the primary purpose of public gathering space, public passive recreation, and/or public
environmental education, research, or conservation.
Geotechnical Report: A study of bedrock and soils used to help determine potential safe development that is prepared
according to standards in the Facilities Standards Manual (FSM).
Golf Course: A tract of land laid out with at least 9 holes for playing the game of golf and improved with tees, greens,
fairways, and hazards and that may include a clubhouse and shelter.
Golf Driving Ranges: A limited area on which golf players do not walk, but onto which they drive golf balls from central
driving tees. A golf driving range may contain outdoor lighting. A golf driving range may have, as an accessory use, a
putting or chipping green, miniature golf course, baseball batting cages, an accessory snack bar or refreshment stand,
and/or equipment rental of items pertaining to golf and baseball.
Government (General): Any area, building, or structure held, used, or controlled exclusively for public purposes by any
department or branch of the Federal Government, Commonwealth of Virginia, or the Loudoun County government. For
purposes of the Use Tables, "government (general)" includes only uses defined above that are not otherwise listed in the
Use Tables.
Green: A non-paved public open space within the Town Center Core of a TC Zoning District, a residential development,
or other mixed-use development containing a well-defined green space with landscaped areas. A green is a type of
Community Open Space.
Green Roof: A Green Roof is either of the following:
A. Solar Roof: A solar roofing system that generates reusable energy, and such reusable energy accounts for at
least 2.5% of the total electric energy used by the building to which the solar roofing system is attached; or
B. Vegetative Roof: A roofing system designed in accordance with the Virginia Stormwater Management Program's
standards and specifications for green roofs, as set forth in the Virginia Stormwater BMP Clearinghouse, in which
at least 50% of the total roofing area is vegetative.
Green-Wall: A vertically constructed element of a structure or building that is functionally designed with a primary
purpose of accommodating or featuring living plants across the surface area of the subject structure or building plane.
Greenway: A network of natural corridors that connect areas of open space. It follows natural land or water features,
like ridges or rivers, canals, or human landscape features like abandoned railroad, historic sites etc.
Ground Passenger Transportation (e.g. Taxi, Charter Bus): Establishments that provide passenger transportation
by bus, charter bus, automobile, limousine, van, or shuttle. Some services (such as taxi) are not operated over regular
routes and on regular schedules. Examples include charter bus, special needs transportation, taxicab owner/operators,
taxicab fleet operators, or taxicab organizations. This use includes fleet services that store, maintain, repair, fuel, and
service two or more vehicles owned by a single commercial or public entity. This use does not include publicly operated
bus or transit systems.
Groundwater: Any water, except capillary moisture, beneath the land surface in the zone of saturation or beneath the
bed of any stream, lake, reservoir or other body of surface water, whatever may be the subsurface geologic structure in
which such water stands, flows, percolates or otherwise occurs.
Loudoun County, VA | Zoning Ordinance 20
Group Living: Uses characterized by the residential occupancy of a structure by a group of persons that does not meet
the definition of Household Living. Tenancy is arranged on a weekly or longer basis, and the size of the group may be
larger than a single family. Generally, Group Living structures have a common eating area for residents. The residents
may receive care, training, or treatment at the place of residence, and caregivers may or may not also reside at the site.
Accessory uses commonly associated with Group Living are recreational facilities and vehicle parking for occupants and
Guest Room: A habitable room used or intended to be used for sleeping purposes only on a transient basis. A guest
room may have its own or a common bathroom and is not permitted to have independent kitchen facilities.
Habitat: The place or environment where animals or plants naturally or normally live and grow.
Hazardous Substance: Any material that poses a threat to human health and/or the environment. Typical hazardous
substances are toxic, corrosive, ignitable, explosive, or chemically reactive. Such substances must include any substance
designated by the United States Environmental Protection Agency to be reported if a designated quantity of the
substance is spilled in the waters of the United States or is otherwise released into the environment.
Headwaters: The source of a stream or river.
Health and Fitness Center: An establishment offering or providing facilities for, and instruction in, general health,
physical fitness and controlled exercises including weightlifting, calisthenics and aerobics. A health and fitness center
may include a spa or sauna as an accessory use.
Health Care: Facilities principally engaged in providing services for health maintenance and treatment of mental or
physical conditions. Accessory uses may include offices, meeting areas, on-site eating facilities for employees,
laboratories, parking, and maintenance facilities.
Health Official: The Director of the Loudoun County Department of Health, or his designated deputy; Health Officer.
Heavy Equipment: Bulldozers, dump trucks and similar pieces of large equipment and their accessories. The term
includes any vehicle associated with a business not included in the definition of business vehicle. A trailer used for
transporting heavy equipment is considered accessory to the equipment.
Heavy Equipment and Specialty Vehicle Sales and Accessory Service: Buildings and premises for the sale, rental
and servicing of trucks, buses, boats, recreational vehicles, taxicabs, ambulances, mobile homes, trailers, and farm and
construction machinery or equipment. This category must not be deemed to include automobile sales and accessory
service establishment.
Heliport or Helistop: An area, either at ground level or elevated on a structure, licensed or approved for the landing
and takeoff of helicopters and that may include accessory parking, waiting room, fueling, and maintenance equipment
(heliport). This includes an area designed to accommodate touch-down and lift-off of helicopters to pick up and
discharge passengers or cargo. This use does not include operation facilities other than 1 tie-down space and additional
facilities required by law, ordinance, or regulation (helistop).
Historic Resource: A historic resource is a property or structure that has one of the following historic designations:
A. Designated as or a contributing resource in a National Historic Landmark;
B. Listed or eligible for listing in the National Register of Historic Places or a contributing resource in a historic
district listed or eligible for listing in the National Register of Historic Places;
C. Listed or eligible for listing in the Virginia Landmarks Register or a contributing resource in a historic district
listed or eligible for listing in the Virginia Landmarks Register;
Loudoun County, VA | Zoning Ordinance 21
D. Listed on the Loudoun County Heritage Register or a contributing resource in a historic district listed on the
Loudoun County Heritage Register; or
E. Designated as one of the following types of Historic Overlay Districts (HOD) pursuant to Section 10.10.08:
1. Loudoun County Historic Site (HS) District;
2. Contributing resource in a Loudoun County Historic and Cultural Conservation (HCC) District; or
3. Contributing resource in a Loudoun County Historic Roadways (HR) District.
Historic Setting: The exterior portion of a historic resource or property that contributes to the historic significance or
character of the historic resource. Examples include walls, walkways, trees, gardens, relationship of a historic structure
to the road, relationship of a historic structure to landforms or topography, etc.
Home Occupation: A business, profession, occupation, or trade conducted for gain or support within a residential
building or its accessory buildings. A Home Occupation use is incidental and secondary to the use of the buildings for
dwelling purposes and does not change the residential character of such buildings. (See 3.03.E. for Home Occupation
Owners Association: A nonprofit organization operating under recorded land agreements through which: (a) each lot
and/or homeowner, condominium owner, or business owner is automatically a member, and (b) each lot or owner is
automatically subject to a charge for a proportionate share of the expenses for the organization's activities, such as
maintaining a common property, and (c) the charge if unpaid becomes a lien against the property. This includes a
property owner's association as defined in Code of Virginia § 55.1-1800.
Horse Trails or Networks: Paths or trails maintained for the purpose of horseback or other animal-mounted
recreational riding, but not including racetracks.
Horticulture: The active and ongoing cultivation and production of orchard, garden, or nursery crops on a small or large
scale, including the production of Christmas trees, field-grown crops, specialty crops, flowers, fruit, grapes (vineyard),
market gardening, nursery stock, nuts, ornamental plants, sod, vegetables, and similar horticultural uses; and the
cultivation of that produce by means of biotechnical or genetic engineering techniques. Horticulture does not include
preparatory functions such as grading or creation of planting beds through stockpiling of dirt or other means when those
preparations do not result in an active and ongoing horticultural activity within 30 days.
Hospital: Any licensed and Commonwealth of Virginia accredited health care institution with an organized medical and
professional staff and with inpatient beds available around-the-clock whose primary function is to provide inpatient
medical, nursing, and other health-related services to patients for both surgical and nonsurgical conditions and that
usually provides some outpatient services, particularly emergency care.
Hotel/Motel: Any single building or group of buildings, combined or separated, containing 20 or more lodging units.
This use may include features such as conference rooms, a restaurant, accessory snack bar or refreshment stand, or
swimming pool or exercise room that would attract clientele other than transient guests.
Hours of Operation: The time period during which an activity or enterprise is active, including any times during which
the activity is open to customers or other members of the public, employees are present and working, deliveries are
made, or equipment (other than utilities or ordinary indoor appliances) is being actively operated on the site.
Household Living: Uses characterized by the residential occupancy of a dwelling unit by a Family, whether owned by
the occupant or otherwise where tenancy is arranged on a month-to-month or longer basis. Accessory uses may include
recreational activities, caring for pets, gardens, personal storage structures, hobbies, and parking of occupants’ vehicles.
Hydrogeological Report: A study of groundwater, its location and prevalence that is prepared according to standards
in the Facilities Standards Manual (FSM).
Loudoun County, VA | Zoning Ordinance 22
Illumination, External: Illumination by a light source that is external to object or structure that contains the
illuminated surface.
Illumination, Halo Lit: Illumination created by concealing the light source behind three-dimensional opaque letters,
numbers, or other characters of a sign, resulting in the nighttime perception of a halo around the silhouette of each
character. This is also referred to as "reverse channel" or "reverse lit" illumination. A halo lit sign is not considered an
internally illuminated sign.
Impermeable Surface: Any material such as paved parking areas, sidewalks, or trail surfaces, which prevents
absorption of storm water in or through such surface but must not include permeable or "pervious" paving materials.
Impulsive Sound: Sound of a short duration, usually less than 1 second, with an abrupt onset and rapid decline.
Examples of sources of impulsive sound include, but are not limited to, punch press, discharge of firearm, and explosive
Industrial Storage: A fixed installation where any of the following are stored, either for subsequent transshipment to a
smaller fixed installation or for pick-up by truck for transport to the site where the product will be used by the
A. Oil and gas storage;
B. Petroleum products;
C. Natural gas;
D. Coal;
E. Lumber;
F. Building material;
G. Construction equipment;
H. Empty solid waste vehicles and containers; or
I. Building materials.
Industrial/Production Use: A use classification that includes nonresidential and noncommercial employment uses
such as, but not limited to, mining, milling and manufacturing.
Infrastructure: A use classification that includes the basic installations and facilities on which new development
depends. The public infrastructure includes public roads and public water and sewer lines.
Inoperable Vehicle: A motorcycle or motor vehicle, trailer, or attachment thereto which is required by the
Commonwealth of Virginia to display current license plates and/or meet safety standards, as evidenced by display of an
approved inspection sticker, which motorcycle, vehicle, trailer, or attachment therefore does not display said license
plates and/or approved inspection sticker.
Institutional Use: A use category that include public or private health, recreational or educational uses such as parks,
schools, libraries, hospitals and camps.
Intensity: Physical measures of the scope and scale of land use, including building height, bulk, and coverage. The most
common measurement of intensity is Floor Area Ratio (FAR).
Interactive Science & Technology Center: See "Cultural Facility."
Loudoun County, VA | Zoning Ordinance 23
Junkyard: Any "automobile graveyard" or "junkyard" as defined by Code of Virginia § 33.2-804 excluding sanitary
landfills or garbage dumps.
Karst/Sensitive Environmental Feature Setback: An area established from the edge of a karst/sensitive
environmental feature, in which land disturbance is restricted.
Karst Features or Karst/Sensitive Environmental Features: Karst landforms including but not limited to caves,
sinkholes, rock outcrops, perennial sinking streams, significant fissures/cracks, vadose shafts, or other karst anomaly
associated with calcareous geologic formations.
Karst Terrain: A type of terrain characterized by closed depressions and/or sinkholes, caves, rock pinnacles, and
underground drainage, and which results from solution of limestone and dolomite bedrock.
Kennel: Any establishment or use in or at which, 5 or more companion animals or pets over the age of 6 months are
trained, fostered, boarded (including day care services), held for adoption or handled.
This must not include any establishment whose principal use is grooming, any animal hospital, or pet shop.
Kennel, Indoor: Any kennel that is within a completely enclosed commercial facility with no outdoor activity in which
companion animals are confined or penned in close proximity to each other, except for the primary purpose of
grooming, or wherein any owner engages in boarding, breeding, letting for hire, training for a fee, or selling dogs, cats,
or other companion animals.
Landfill Water Service District: A specific area designated for water service by central water supply system, the
boundaries of which are determined by the County of Loudoun as shown on the Loudoun County Sanitation Authority
Water and Sewer Lines map, incorporated into this definition by reference, and found on the following page.
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Landfill, Sanitary: A publicly owned and controlled, engineered land burial facility for the collection, source separation,
storage, transportation, transfer, processing, treatment or disposal of solid waste. Associated uses may include a debris
landfill, a transfer station, Materials Recovery Facility (MRF), vegetative waste management facility, and/or an
incinerator. It must mean a facility so located, designed, and operated that it does not impose a present or potential
hazard to human health or the environment, including pollution of air, land, surface water or ground water.
Landscape Architect: An individual who is recognized by the State and who is registered with the state department of
professional and occupational registration as a "landscape architect".
Landscaped Open Space: An area which must include appropriate grassing of the area, placement of shrubbery and
trees, walkways, and appropriate grading such as to render the required open space area aesthetically pleasing.
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Land Subdivision and Development Ordinance (LSDO): The Land Subdivision and Development Ordinance of
Loudoun County, adopted by the Board of Supervisors to establish subdivision and site development plan standards and
procedures for the unincorporated areas of Loudoun County.
Ldn: The term for "yearly day-night average sound level", which means the 365-day average, in decibels, for the period
from midnight to midnight, obtained after the addition of ten decibels to sound levels for the periods between 10 p.m.
and 7 a.m.
Ldn 45 db(A): The term for the required level of noise attenuation in residential structures, expressing a required yearly
interior day-night average sound level of 45 decibels or less.
Legacy Zoning District: An existing Zoning District that does not align with Place Types of the General Plan that is
retained to continue implementing the Zoning District existing prior to adoption of this Zoning Ordinance and avoid
using more than 1 Zoning Ordinance.
Library: Establishments that maintain collections of documents (e.g., books, journals, newspapers, music, and recorded
information regardless of its physical form and characteristics) and facilitate their use to meet the informational,
research, educational, or recreational needs of the general public or their user. These establishments may also acquire,
research, store, preserve, and generally make accessible to the public historical documents, photographs, maps, audio
material, audiovisual material, and other archival material of historical interest. All or portions of these collections may
be accessed electronically.
Light Post Banner: See Sign, Light Post Banner.
Limestone: Geologic formation that is highly water-soluble and is characterized by numerous underground caves and
surface sinkholes; it is a natural groundwater aquifer and good water supply source. Limestone consists of a
conglomerate of various small rocks cemented together with a carbonate matrix and containing calcareous geologic
formations. In appearance, it is very similar to concrete.
Livestock: Animals, especially farm animals, raised for use, profit or enjoyment including horses and very small equine,
bison, cattle, pigs, mules, sheep, goats, alpacas, llamas, emus, poultry (including egg-producing poultry), and other
similar domesticated animals. Livestock does not include animals meeting the definition of “Pet”.
Live/Work Dwelling: See "Dwelling, Live/Work."
LOD (Limestone Overlay District): Limestone Overlay District, as defined in Chapter 5.05 of the Zoning Ordinance.
Lodging: A use classification composed of uses intended for living and sleeping only on a transient basis.
Lodging Unit: Rooms or connected group of rooms forming a single habitable unit used or intended to be used for
living and sleeping only on a transient basis. Each lodging unit must have its own bathroom and may contain
independent kitchen facilities.
Lot: A parcel of subdivided land occupied, or to be occupied, by one or more buildings and accessory buildings, and
open space, and other requirements of the provisions of the Zoning Ordinance. "Lot" must include the words "plot" and
"parcel". The term "lot" does not include land identified on a legally recorded subdivision plat filed among the land
records of the circuit court, as an "outlot" as referenced in Section 1.03.04.A.4.
Lot Area: The total horizontal area included within the rear, side and front lot lines or street lines of the lot, excluding
any streets or highways, whether dedicated or not dedicated to public use, but including off-street automobile parking
areas and other accessory uses. "Lot area" does not include portions under water, except where the total area of a body
of water is within the lot or where the width included as part of the area of the lot does not exceed 30 feet.
Lot, Civic Use: Land area within a Rural Village Center, so designated on the Village Concept Development Plan, upon
which structures may be erected for community use, enjoyment and benefit.
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Lot, Concave: A lot that has one side curving inward from the street on which the lot fronts.
Lot, Convex: A lot that has one side curving outward toward the street on which the lot fronts.
Lot, Corner: A lot abutting on 2 or more streets at their intersection, where the interior angle of the intersection does
not exceed 135 degrees.
Lot Coverage: The percentage of a lot area occupied by the ground area of principal and accessory buildings or
structures. Multifamily and nonresidential parking structures below or above grade, stand-alone mechanical structures,
and uncovered decks are excluded from lot coverage.
Lot, Depth of: The average horizontal distance between the front lot line and the rear lot line, measured along a
perpendicular line.
Lot, Interior: Any lot other than a corner lot, but including a through lot.
Lot, Irregular: A lot, usually but not always with sole access from a Class III road or private road, which is so located,
shaped or oriented to adjacent lots that application of general measurement methods or dimensional yard requirements
of the district in which located serve no significant public purpose, and/or with location of yards by type (front, side and
rear) not logically determined by nor related to yard patterns on nearby regular lots. Yard requirements for regular lots
must be followed where possible.
Lot Line: Where applicable, a lot line coincides with a street line. Where a lot line is curved, all dimensions related to
said lot line is based on the arc.
Lot, Outlot: A parcel of land identified on a legally recorded subdivision plat, subject to a permanent open space
easement or dedicated to a homeowner's association, which does not meet lot area and lot width requirements.
Lot, Record: The land designated as a separate and distinct parcel recorded among the land records of the circuit court.
Lot, Regular: A lot with direct access to a Class I, Class II, or Class III road, so located, shaped and oriented to adjacent
lots as to be reasonably adapted to application of general measurements indicated in Article I, and with location of yards
by type (front, side, rear and special) logically determined by, and related to, adjacent street or streets and adjacent
yard patterns. A regular through lot has frontage on two Class I, Class II, or Class III roads.
Lot, Through: An interior lot fronting on 2 parallel, or approximately parallel, roads.
Lot Width: See Frontage.
Machinery and Equipment Sales and Services: An establishment engaged in the sale, rental and servicing of trucks,
buses, boats, recreational vehicles, taxicabs, ambulances, mobile homes, trailers, and farm and construction machinery
or equipment. This does not include automobile sales and accessory service activities.
Maintenance and Repair Services: An establishment providing repair services for personal and household goods,
such as household appliances, computers, television, audio or video players or equipment, office machines, furniture,
leather goods, and knife sharpening. This classification excludes building maintenance services and maintenance and
repair of automobiles and other vehicles and equipment.
Major Recreational Equipment: Recreational vehicles (RVs), travel trailers, pickup campers, motorized dwellings, tent
trailers, boats and boat trailers, houseboats, and the like, and cases or boxes used for transporting that recreational
equipment, whether occupied by that equipment or not.
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Management Buffer: See also, "Riparian Protection Buffer". An area designed to protect a stream or river and its
associated floodplain from adverse upland development impacts. The “50-foot management buffer” is included within
the River and Stream Corridor Resources.
Manufactured Home: A structure constructed and subject to the National Manufactured Home Construction and
Safety Standards (42 U.S.C. §§ 5401, et seq.), which is:
A. Transportable in one or more sections;
B. 8 feet or more in width and 40 feet or more in length in the traveling mode, or is 320 or more square feet when
erected on site;
C. Built on a permanent chassis; and
D. Designed to be used as a single-family dwelling unit, with or without a permanent foundation, when connected
to the required utilities.
A manufactured home includes the plumbing, heating, air-conditioning, and electrical systems contained in the
structure. A manufactured home does not include units built prior to June 15, 1976 (known as "mobile homes").
[References: National Manufactured Home Construction and Safety Standards, 42 U.S.C. §§ 5401 – 5426); 24 C.F.R. Parts
3200–3279 (the "HUD Code")]
Manufacturing and Production: Facilities for the processing, fabrication, packaging, or assembly of goods, including
small-scale production and production by hand. Accessory uses may include offices, in some instances eating facilities
for employees, outdoor storage associated with the use, repair facilities, and caretaker’s quarters.
Manufacturing, General: Manufacturing of products, from raw, recycled or secondary materials, including bulk
storage and handling of those products and materials, or crushing, treating, washing, and/or processing of materials. It
includes incidental finishing and storage.
This does not include any activity listed under Manufacturing, Intensive or establishments that crush, treat, wash,
and/or process sand, rock, soil, or gravel (See Extractive Industries).
Examples of general manufacturing include the manufacture or production of the following goods or products:
A. Apparel (including clothing, shoes, dress making, and leather products);
B. Appliances;
C. Commercial bakeries;
D. Communication or computer equipment;
E. Drugs, medicines, pharmaceutical;
F. Electronic and computer products (including communication or computer equipment);
G. Electrical equipment or machinery;
H. Fasteners and buttons;
I. Feed and grain;
J. Food/baking (including coffee roasting, creameries, ice cream, ice, frozen food, confectionery, and beverage);
K. Food and beverage processing, canning, and storage;
L. Gaskets;
M. Household appliances;
N. Industrial controls;
O. Machinery (including farm and industrial machinery);
P. Mattresses;
Loudoun County, VA | Zoning Ordinance 28
Q. Medical equipment and supplies;
R. Mill work and similar woodwork;
S. Manufactured and modular homes and components;
T. Office supplies;
U. Optical goods;
V. Photographic equipment;
W. 3-D printing;
X. Textiles (including dyeing, laundry bags, canvas products, dry goods, hosiery, millinery); and
Y. Tobacco products.
Manufacturing, Intensive: Manufacturing or industrial enterprises with significant external effects, or which pose
significant risks due to the involvement of explosives, poisons, pesticides, herbicides, or other hazardous materials in the
manufacturing or other process. Examples of intensive manufacturing include the manufacture or production of the
following goods or products:
A. Asphalt mixing plant;
B. Batteries;
C. Chemicals (including chlorine, corrosive acid, cosmetics, disinfectants, fertilizer, insecticides, poisons);
D. Concrete mixing plant;
E. Explosives;
F. Industrial gases (such as acetylene);
G. Lime and gypsum products;
H. Medicines and pharmaceuticals;
I. Nonmetallic mineral products (such as concrete and concrete products, glass);
J. Paint (including lacquer and varnish);
K. Paper;
L. Primary metals;
M. Petroleum products; and
N. Plastic, rubber, and synthetic resins.
Market Area: The area from which an enterprise draws its customers on a regular and anticipated basis. Influencing
the size of the area are variables such as, but not limited to, type of product being marketed, surrounding land uses and
neighboring road network.
Market Rate Dwelling Unit: A dwelling unit in which the sale or rental price is not controlled by the Affordable
Dwelling Unit (ADU) Program or the Unmet Housing Needs Units (UHNU) Program.
Material Recovery Facility (MRF): A solid waste management facility that collects mixed solid wastes and manually or
mechanically separates recyclable materials to be marketed and disposes of all non-recyclable wastes to a permitted
facility, or a solid waste management facility for the collection, recovery and processing of materials, such as metals,
paper or glass, from solid waste for the production of a fuel from solid waste, including a solid waste transfer station.
Maximum Extent Feasible: A determination by County staff that all possible efforts to comply with a regulation or
minimize potential harmful or adverse impacts have been undertaken by an applicant, and that no feasible and prudent
alternative exists. Economic considerations may be taken into account but must not be the overriding factor in
determining “maximum extent feasible.”
Loudoun County, VA | Zoning Ordinance 29
Medical Care Facility: An establishment, whether or not licensed or required to be licensed by the State Board of
Health or the State Hospital Board, by or in which facilities are maintained, furnished, conducted, operated, or offered
to prevent, diagnose, or treat human disease, pain, injury, deformity, or physical condition, whether medical or surgical,
of two or more non-related mentally or physically sick or injured persons; or for the care of two or more non-related
persons requiring or receiving medical, surgical, or nursing attention or service as acute, chronic, convalescent, aged, or
physically disabled.
This use includes an intermediate care facility, mental retardation facility, outpatient surgery center, birthing facility,
diagnostic imaging facility, radiation therapy facility, dialysis facility, medical/physical rehabilitation and trauma unit, or
related institution or facility that offers treatment on an outpatient basis.
This use may be operated for profit or nonprofit, privately owned, or operated by a local government unit.
A medical care facility does not include a medical office or a hospital.
Metes and Bounds: A method of describing the boundaries of land by courses and distances.
Metrorail Station: All passenger facilities, structures, stops, shelters, bus zones, properties, and rights-of-way that are
owned, leased, held, or used by the Washington Metropolitan Transit Authority for the purpose of providing public light-
rail transportation services.
Micromobility Devices: A range of small, lightweight vehicles operating at speeds typically below 15 mph and driven
by users personally (unlike rickshaws), including but not limited to bicycles, e-bikes, electric scooters, electric
skateboards, shared bicycle fleets, and electric pedal assisted (pedelec) bicycles.
Mill, Feed and Grain: An establishment that produces food or feed for animal (non-human) consumption from grain,
grain byproducts, alfalfa, or other ingredients.
Mini-Warehouse: A building consisting of individual, small, self-contained units that are leased or owned for the
indoor storage of business and household goods or contractors' supplies.
Mitigation Measures: Methods used to alleviate or lessen the adverse impacts of development.
Mixed-Use Residential: For purposes of Section 7.05.03, is any dwelling unit located in any of the following Zoning
Districts listed in Chapter 2: TRC, TC, PD-MUB.
Mobile Vendor: An establishment, including any employee or agent of another, who sells or offers to sell, barter, or
trade from a mobile vehicle such as a food truck.
Model Home: A building having the physical characteristics of a residential dwelling which exists for the purpose of
display or advertising in connection with the sale of units in a residential development. The ultimate intended use for
such a model is as a dwelling.
Moderately Steep Slope Area: Naturally occurring land areas with slopes from 15% to 25%. The Steep Slope
Standards do not apply to slopes created by permitted land disturbing activities, such as, but not limited to, building and
parking pad sites; berms; temporary construction stock-piles; and road-side ditches.
Motorcycle: A motor vehicle designed to travel on not more than 3 wheels in contact with the ground. The operator
must hold a valid driver’s license with a Class M designation or a motorcycle driver’s license.
Motor Vehicle Sales and Accessory Service: Any use of land whereon the principal occupation is the sale, rental and
accessory service of vehicles in operating condition such as automobiles, motorcycles, All Terrain Vehicles (ATV), and
trucks stored on site. Vehicle sale, rental, and accessory service establishments are not deemed to include heavy
equipment and specialized vehicle sale, rental, and service establishments; however, specialized vehicles may be sold,
rented, and serviced as an accessory use.
Loudoun County, VA | Zoning Ordinance 30
Motor Vehicle Storage and Impoundment Yard: An area designed for the temporary storage of wrecked and/or
inoperable and/or abandoned motor vehicles, but not to include the dismantling, wrecking or sale of said vehicles or
parts thereof.
Museum: See "Cultural Facility".
Native Plant: Any plant specified as “Native” in the FSM, plus any plant from any of the following categories.
A. Regional Native: Plants (including their cultivars) shown on the USDA Plant List of Accepted Nomenclature,
Taxonomy, and Symbols (PLANTS) Database naturally occurring within the state of Virginia or the states of
West Virginia or Maryland.
B. Northern Virginia Native: Plants (including their cultivars and excluding any hybrid species) shown on the USDA
PLANTS Database naturally occurring within the state of Virginia in any of the following areas: Loudoun County,
Fairfax County, Prince William County, Fauquier County, Clarke County, Arlington County, or the City of
Natural, Environmental, and Heritage Resources: All natural, environmental, and heritage resources as identified
under Chapter 3 of the Loudoun County General Plan, as well as those protected by overlay districts and development
standards of the Zoning Ordinance.
Natural Heritage Resources: Natural Heritage Resources are rare, threatened, and endangered plant and animal
species; exemplary natural communities, habitats, and ecosystems; which are listed under the Natural Heritage
Resources database provided by the Virginia Department of Conservation and Recreation (DCR), Division of Natural
Heritage Resources.
National Historic Landmark: A district or structure listed on the National Register of Historic Places and considered to
be of unusual importance to American history, architecture, archaeology, and/or culture.
National Register of Historic Places: A register of districts, sites, buildings, structures, and objects significant in
American history, architecture, archaeology and/or culture that is maintained by the Federal Secretary of the Interior.
Naturally Occurring: Areas of land, landforms, slopes, and features existing in nature and not made or caused by
human manipulation.
Nature Study Area: See "Cultural Facility."
Neon: A source of light supplied by a glass tube that is filled with neon gas, argon, mercury or other inert gas that
produces ultraviolet light, and bent to form letters, symbols, or other shapes. Neon includes all tubular light sources that
employ a charged gas to illuminate a tube that glows, similar gas-activated tubular light systems that emit colors, and
other tubular light sources (including fiber optics) that are used to form letters and shapes.
Net Metering/Net Energy Metering: Measuring the difference between the electricity distributed to and the
electricity generated by a customer-generator that is fed back to the distribution system during the applicable billing
period. The purpose of which allows customers to interconnect their solar energy systems to the utility grid and offset
their utility electricity purchases by receiving a bill credit for excess energy generated by their solar energy system that is
exported to the grid.
Nonconforming Use: Any use lawfully being made of any land, building, or structure, other than a sign, on the
effective date of the Zoning Ordinance, or any amendment to it rendering such use nonconforming which does not
comply with all of the regulations of the Zoning Ordinance, or any amendment hereto, governing use for the Zoning
District in which such land, building, or structure is located.
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Non-Contributing: Not helping, no assisting, or adding to the historical integrity, historic architectural qualities, or
archaeological qualities of the subject Historic Overlay District and/or the said Historic Overlay District's historic
associations. The Zoning Administrator, or the Zoning Administrator's designee, establishes what is considered non-
contributing to an HOD.
See also Contributing.
Non-Habitable: Space in a structure that is not used for living, sleeping, eating, or cooking, such as, but not limited to,
garages, toilet compartments, closets, utility spaces or similar areas. Commercial and industrial structures do not have
habitable space.
Non-Point Source Pollution (NPS): Pollutants carried in stormwater runoff, including but not limited to sediments,
nutrients, animal waste, pesticides, salt and toxins, that cannot be traced to a specific point source and whose point of
entry into a stream cannot be determined.
Non-Profit Organization: An incorporated organization or group whose charter prohibits profit-making endeavors and
which enjoys tax exemption privileges.
Non-Vehicular Open Space: See Open and Useable Space.
Nursery, Commercial: An agricultural/commercial establishment where plants, landscape materials, soils, and
accessory products are sold on a retail basis.
Nursery, Production: An agricultural establishment where plants are grown for resale on a retail or wholesale basis for
only those plant materials grown on-site.
Nursing Home: A place devoted primarily to the maintenance and operation of facilities for the treatment and care of
any person suffering from illnesses, diseases, deformities or injuries not requiring extensive and/or intensive care that is
normally provided in a general hospital or other specialized hospital.
Office, Medical: An establishment (including any room, studio, clinic, suite, or building) where individuals licensed in
the State practice medicine, osteopathy, dentistry, chiropractic, podiatry, physical therapy, psychiatry, clinical
psychology, or other health-related professions on an out-patient basis. This does not include a hospital, veterinary
service, or animal hospital.
Office, Professional: Any room, studio, suite or building wherein the primary use is the conduct of a business such as,
but not limited to: accounting, correspondence, research, editing, administration or analysis; or the conduct of a
business by sales representatives or manufacturers' representatives; or the conduct of a business by professionals, such
as engineers, architects, land surveyors, artists, musicians, lawyers, accountants, real estate brokers, insurance agents,
urban planners, and landscape architects. An office must not involve manufacturing, fabrication, production, processing,
assembling, cleaning, testing, repair or storage of materials, goods and products; or the sale and/or delivery of any
materials, goods or products which are physically located on the premises. An office, professional does not include a
medical office, veterinary service, or animal hospital.
Official Notice: A sign that provides the general public, property owner or other interested parties of government
actions, orders, or directions such as a public hearing, stop-work orders on a property that is non-compliant or in
violation of the Zoning Ordinance, or similar items.
Officially Accepted: The date that all required submissions have been made and the Director has signed the
application. This date must be deemed that date upon which a plan or other application has been officially submitted.
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Off-Site: Describing a location or an area of land which is proximate to a parcel of land defined as "on-site". Off-site
means not on site; that is, outside the lot or parcel that is the subject of a given land use application.
On-Site: Within a lot or parcel that is the subject of a given land development application.
Open and Usable Space: See "Open Space".
Open Space: Areas of trees, shrubs, lawns, grass, pathways and other natural and man-made amenities set aside for
the use and enjoyment of residents, visitors and other persons, unoccupied by structures, buildings, or facilities other
than those permitted by the applicable Open Space type, and accessible to and adequate for persons and functions it is
designed to serve. Generally, open space is intended to provide light and air and is designed for either scenic or
recreational purposes. There are 4 Open Space types permitted under Section 7.02: Open Space, Agricultural; Open
Space, Community; Open Space, Active Recreation; and Open Space, Passive Recreation. Open Space must be provided
as Commonly Owned Open Space where required under Section 7.02.
Open Space, Active Recreation: Open space provided for active recreation. If located on commonly owned open
space, owners association-owned recreational structures, buildings, and facilities may be open to the public for a fee,
provided the intent of the open space requirements is maintained. Examples include golf courses and sports pavilions
where the primary users of such structures, buildings, and facilities are said association's members, but outside users
must be secured for economic viability.
Open Space, Agricultural: Open space provided for agriculture that is protected by conservation easement in
accordance pursuant to Section 7.02. See also, Agriculture and Open Space.
Open Space, Commonly Owned: Open space that is owned and managed by an owner's association and restricted for
the use and enjoyment of such association's members and invitees.
Open Space, Community: Open space provided for outdoor gathering places, such as plazas, pocket parks, gardens,
public art, and amphitheaters. See also, Plaza, Civic Use, and Open Space.
Open Space, Passive Recreation: Open space provided for passive recreation.
Optional Overlay: See paragraph 2 of the definition of “Overlay District,” below.
Ordinary High Water Mark (OHWM): That line on the shore established by the fluctuations of water and indicated
by physical characteristics such as a clear, natural line impressed on the bank, shelving, changes in the character of soil,
destruction of terrestrial vegetation, the presence of litter and debris, or other appropriate means that consider the
characteristics of the surrounding areas.
Originating Tract: A lot or parcel of land in the AR-1 or AR-2 Zoning District which is to be the subject of a subdivision
through either the “Principal/Subordinate” or “Cluster” subdivision options as identified in the Zoning Ordinance. This
designation is for the purpose of establishing a base density of development in order to implement these two
subdivision options.
Ornamental Grass: Grasses that are grown for their aesthetic value and are generally low maintenance plants resilient
to harsh conditions, but does not include turf grasses.
Outdoor Sales, Accessory: An unenclosed area where the primary purpose of the area is for the retail sale of
merchandise. Such sales and or display area must be accessory and subordinate to a permitted principal use.
Outdoor Storage: The holding or storage, in an unroofed area, of any goods, junk, materials, or merchandise in the
same place for more than 24 hours.
Outdoor Storage/Storage Yard, Accessory: The holding or storage of merchandise, goods, vehicles, equipment or
materials as an accessory use to the permitted business. All outdoor storage is required to be enclosed by a fence, wall,
landscaped berm, or the like.
Loudoun County, VA | Zoning Ordinance 33
Outdoor Storage, Vehicles: The holding or storage of operable new or used automobiles, trucks, buses, snowmobiles,
motorcycles, all-terrain vehicles, boats, light aircraft, mobile homes, trailers, farm machinery, major recreational
equipment, or construction machinery or equipment. The storage of inoperable vehicles or equipment is considered a
vehicle storage and impoundment yard. This definition includes the storage of fleet vehicles, or vehicles owned or
operated by the business on the site, on a lot for more than 24 hours. This does not include the incidental storage of less
than ten vehicles owned by a business on the site for up to 48 hours or on Saturdays and Sundays.
Overlay District: A Zoning District superimposed on another. There are two types of overlay districts:
A. Standard Overlay: This is an overlay district that is superimposed on a base (or "underlaying") district, and
where the regulations of both districts apply to the use the use and development of the property. In other
words, the land subject to the overlay district may be used as permitted in the underlying district only if, and to
the extent that, the use is also permitted in the overlay district. Unless otherwise provided, overlay districts are
standard overlay districts unless otherwise provided in the regulations applicable to that district. Standard
overlay districts are established in Chapter 4.
B. Optional Overlay: An “optional overlay” is where the property owner may elect to proceed under the
regulations of the overlay district rather than the other district, and the other district no longer governs the use
or development of the property after this election is made (see ARTICLE 4, Division D).
Parcel: A contiguous lot or tract of land that is owned and recorded as property of the same person or controlled by a
single entity.
Park, Community: A park that provides a variety of small-scale, localized recreational facilities, such as playgrounds,
tot lots, volleyball courts, basketball courts, tennis courts, and un-lit playing fields, designed to be within short distance
of the primary users.
Park, Passive: A park that provides recreational uses, such as hiking, nature observation, and picnicking, that do not
require constructed facilities and make use of areas which are largely left in their natural state except for basic facilities
as bathrooms, benches, picnic tables, and trails.
Park, Regional: A park that provides a large recreation area that serves an entire region which may include multiple
jurisdictions. Regional parks are usually large in size and often include areas of natural quality suitable for outdoor
recreation activities such as golfing, picnicking, boating, fishing, swimming, camping, and hiking. May also include
restroom and parking facilities and a snack bar or refreshment stand, accessory.
Parking Facility: A lot or structure that offers parking as an accessory or principal use of the premises pursuant to
4.07.03. This includes any part of a shared parking arrangement approved pursuant to Section 7.06.08. A parking facility
is not used to store dismantled or wrecked motor vehicles, vehicle parts, or junk, or as an automobile sales lot.
A. Accessory: The area used for surface or structured parking of motor vehicles that meets the minimum standards
of the Zoning Ordinance and the Facilities Standards Manual (FSM) and that is an accessory use to the principal
use or structure on the lot or site. Surface parking includes on and off-street parking.
1. Parking Area: The area for the parking of motor vehicles including adequate driveways, if necessary, to
connect such space with a public right-of-way.
B. Principal: Surface or structured parking provided for motor vehicles as a principal use.
1. Off-Street Parking Facility, Free-Standing: A lot, or portion thereof, used for the storage or parking of 6 or
more motor vehicles where service or repair facilities are not permitted. This can include valet parking of
motor vehicles for a fee on a daily, weekly, or monthly basis as a principal use with accessory services, such
as auto detailing.
Loudoun County, VA | Zoning Ordinance 34
2. Commuter Parking Lot: An off-street, ground-level area, usually surfaced and improved, for the parking, on
a daily basis, of commuter vehicles. Often established in conjunction with mass transit arrangements and
car-pooling programs.
Pedestrian and Bicycle Network: A pedestrian and bicycle network may also be referred to or include sidewalks,
shared use paths, pedestrian walkways, on-street bicycle facilities, and/or Non-motorized User Circulation Systems
(NUCS) pursuant to the Facilities Standards Manual (FSM).
Pedestrian-Oriented Uses: Uses, particularly Commercial or Public/Civic/Institutional uses, located at the ground level
and the façade of the ground level floor includes architectural elements that activate a streetscape, including an
entrance and predominance of glass, and other elements such as awnings, arcades, cornice, or frieze.
Pedestrian Walkway: A right-of-way developed for use by pedestrians, including sidewalks, bicycle paths, jogging
and walking trails, and plazas.
Perennial: Ornamental herbaceous plants that persist for many growing seasons.
Perennial Headwaters: Perennial headwaters are Perennial Streams of the Catoctin Creek and the Goose Creek
originating in the Blue Ridge, Short Hill, and Catoctin Mountains.
Perennial Sinking Stream: A stream which flows year-round on the surface with an established flora and vegetation
which sinks underground. Groundwater is the primary source of water for stream flow. Perennial stream “means a body
of water depicted as perennial on the most recent U.S. Geological Survey 7-1/2-minute topographic quadrangle map
(scale 1:24,000) or identified by a method, established in guidelines approved by the Virginia Department
of Conservation and Recreation, that does not require field verification.”
Perennial Stream: A stream with flowing water year-round during a typical year, including the Catoctin Creek, Goose
Creek, Limestone Branch, Piney Run, Broad Run and their tributaries, as well as any unnamed streams discharging into
the Potomac River. The water table is located above the stream bed for most of the year. Groundwater is the
primary source of water for stream flow. Runoff from rainfall is a supplemental source of water for stream flow.
Performance Standards: A set of criteria or limits relating to nuisance elements which a particular use or process may
not exceed.
Performing Arts Center: A facility for the viewing of performing arts with a seating capacity of 8,000 persons or
greater. A Performing Arts Center is a type of theater.
Permeable: Describes materials that permit water to enter the ground by virtue of their porous nature or by large
spaces in the material.
Personal Instructional Services: A facility primarily devoted to giving instructions in music, drama, art, dance, martial
arts, sports, tutoring and test preparation, office administration, computer and data technology, cosmetology, drafting,
real estate, banking, health care, or other special subjects. This does not include a child day center, child day home, or
horseback riding school, however designated.
Personal Services: Establishments primarily engaged in providing services, including the care of persons or their
apparel. This includes dry cleaning and garment services, repair services (not otherwise listed), linen supply, diaper
service, coin-operated laundries, photographic studios, beauty shops, barber shops, shoe repair, spas, clothing rental,
locker rental, opticians, and tailors.
Establishments for the mechanical cleaning of garments, articles or goods of fabric, including linen, diaper, or uniform
cleaning, containing more than 3,000 square feet of gross floor area are regulated as a Dry Cleaning Plant.
Pet: See "Companion Animal."
Loudoun County, VA | Zoning Ordinance 35
Pet Farm: A facility in which livestock, farm animals and other animals are kept for public exhibition, viewing and
contact, regardless of compensation, and that may include related accessory uses and activities such as gift shops, picnic
areas, and recreational activities. A pet farm must not include retail pet stores and kennels, horse races, and such
activities as State and County fairs, livestock shows, rodeos, field trials, and horsing events.
Pet Shop: A retail establishment where companion animals are bought, sold, exchanged, or offered for sale or
exchange to the general public, and is operated in accordance with the Code of Virginia, Title 3.2.
Photovoltaic (PV): Materials and devices that absorb sunlight and convert it directly into electricity.
Planned Development: An area of a minimum contiguous size, as specified by the Zoning Ordinance, developed
according to plan as a single entity and containing one or more structures with appurtenant common areas.
Planning Commission or Commission: The Planning Commission of Loudoun County, Virginia.
Playground/Play Space: An area or space where recreational equipment is installed for play by children; a "tot-lot."
Plaza: A paved public open space of at least 900 square feet surrounded by streets and/or buildings. A plaza may
contain amenities such as benches, landscaping, water features, variation of ground levels, or artistic works. Driveways
or other facilities providing vehicular access to a use permitted in the district where the plaza is located are not
permitted within or around the perimeter of a plaza. A plaza is a type of Community Open Space.
Police Station or Substation: Any building or part of a building which is designated by a chief of police or sheriff to be
used as a police or sheriff’s station or substation and at which duly authorized officers perform law enforcement
Porch: The term "porch" must include any porch, veranda, gallery, terrace, portico, deck, patio, or similar projection
from a main wall of a building, covered by a roof, other than a carport, as defined in this Chapter. An "unenclosed porch"
is a porch with no side enclosure (other than the side of the building to which the porch is attached) that is more than 18
inches in height, exclusive of screens. Any portion of a screen that may be replaced by a window or other solid material
is not considered to be unenclosed.
Postal Services: Retail sales or business services establishment to facilitate the transmittal and receipt of letter, bulk,
and package mail. Postal services do not include a United States Postal Service facility, which is a Government (General)
Principal Lot: One of the types of lots permitted within the Principal/Subordinate Subdivision Development Option.
Permitted density is assigned to the Principal Lot for purposes of tracking the number of lots which can be subdivided
within the development. The Principal Lot may be further subdivided up to the maximum number of lots assigned to the
Originating Tract of the subdivision.
Principal/Subordinate Subdivision Option: A division of land in which a maximum lot yield is calculated for an
Originating Tract based on the gross acreage of such tract. The Principal/Subordinate Subdivision Option results in the
creation of one Principal Lot and one or more Subordinate Lots. Lots are served by individual well and septic systems
located on the subject lot.
Printing Plant: A commercial/light industrial use devoted to printing or bookbinding, including related large-scale
storage and transshipment.
Printing Service: A retail establishment, which includes a quick print shop or the operation of offset printing and other
related equipment, such as, but not limited to, paper cutters, collating machines, multi-colored press equipment, plate
burners, binding and photographic developing equipment.
Loudoun County, VA | Zoning Ordinance 36
Private Club or Lodge: A structure or facilities owned or operated by an organization of persons for special purposes,
such as the promulgation of sports, arts, literature, politics, but not operated for profit, and excluding churches,
synagogues, other houses of worship, and also excluding structures and uses associated with commercial or non-
commercial outdoor recreation. Adult entertainment must not be permitted at a private club or lodge.
Private Parties: Events that are not open to the public and are by invitation only.
Property Line, Front: A line running along the front of a lot, from side lot line to side lot line, separating the lot from
any street right-of-way or street easement.
Protected Corridor: (also “Protected River and Stream Corridor.”) A Protected Corridor is an area of natural or
established vegetation along a stream or river that may be sensitive to changes.
Public Facilities: Public parks, playgrounds, trails, paths and other recreational areas and other public open spaces;
scenic and historic sites; schools and other public buildings and structures.
Public Hearing: Meetings of the Board of Supervisors, Board of Zoning Appeals and Planning Commission held
expressly for the purpose of soliciting comments from the general public in accordance with requirements of the State
Public Safety: Uses for the provision of public safety and emergency response services, to include fire and/or rescue
stations and police stations or substations. Typically, these uses need to be located near the area where services are
provided. In some instances, employees are present on site around the clock. Accessory uses may include offices,
parking, and areas for maintenance of emergency vehicles.
Public Service Center and Storage Yard: A facility owned by a public utility, public agency, or private road company
that may include business offices, a dispatching center, and fenced yard for the storage of vehicles and materials related
to the maintenance, construction, and repair of a utility transmission line, substation service line and other such
facilities. The service and storage yard may include shop facilities for the servicing and repair of equipment. Similar
facilities owned by a public agency or private road company for maintenance of roads and interchanges are included in
this definition.
Public Transit: Any vehicular or rail transportation system owned or regulated by a government agency, used for the
mass transport of people.
Public Use: A use that includes any area, building or structure held, used or controlled exclusively for public purposes or
deemed essential for a public purpose, such as housing at affordable prices for the workforce, by any department or
branch of the Federal Government, Commonwealth of Virginia, or the Loudoun County government.
Public/Civic/Institutional Use: A use classification that includes assembly, death care services, government,
education, medical, and arts, entertainment, and recreation uses. Examples include community center, funeral home,
government, library, hospital, medical office, art studio, and park uses.
Qualified Professional: A professional who is accredited by or registered with a professional group operating within
the scope of his/her license that is acceptable to the County.
Radio, Radar and/or Television Tower: A structure for the transmission of broadcasting of radio, TV or radar signals.
Rainwater Harvesting: The collection and storage of rain collected on a site.
Receiving Property: The lot or parcel, or for mixed-use residential, the affected dwelling unit, that is the recipient of
the subject sound.
Loudoun County, VA | Zoning Ordinance 37
Record Plat: A map or a chart of a lot, lots, or subdivision, filed among the land records of the circuit court.
Recording Studio: A specialized facility for the recording and mixing of instrumental or vocal musical performances,
spoken words, and other sounds.
Recreation and Entertainment: Uses that are generally commercial and provide indoor or outdoor entertainment for
consumers. Accessory uses include offices, storage of goods, outdoor storage, parking, accessory snack bar or
refreshment stands, caretaker’s quarters, and maintenance facilities.
Recreation, Active: Outdoor areas dedicated to leisure-time activities, usually of a formal nature and often performed
with others, requiring equipment and taking place at prescribed sites or fields. Examples include sports courts, ballfields,
golf courses, playgrounds, tot lots, and swimming pools.
Recreation, Indoor: An enclosed or semi-enclosed building, tent, or structure designed to accommodate gatherings of
human beings for games (such as bowling alleys), athletics, cultural activities, martial arts, archery, rides, and the like.
Accessory uses include office, retail, and other commercial uses commonly established in those facilities, related parking
structures, mechanical or electrical amusement devices, accessory snack bar or refreshment stands, and equipment
sales or rentals.
Recreation, Outdoor or Major: Any establishment in which seasonal facilities directly related to outdoor recreation
are provided for all or any of the followings: skating rink (outdoor), picnicking, boating, fishing, swimming, outdoor
games and sports, animal-mounted trail riding, mountain biking, and related activities. Accessory uses may include
accessory snack bar or refreshment stands, offices, retail and other commercial uses commonly established in those
facilities, lodging for customers engaging in recreational activities onsite, and related parking structures. This use does
not include a stand-alone outdoor shooting range or track for motorized vehicles of any type, however defined. This use
includes any of the following:
A. Amusement or Theme Park: A facility, indoor or outdoor, designed for entertainment purposes which may
include structures or buildings, motorized or non-motorized rides, games, booths for the conduct of sporting
events or games, and constructed land features such as lakes, hills, or trails.
B. Country Club: a land area and structures containing a club house, dining and/or banquet facilities, conference
rooms, spa, fitness facilities, or recreational facilities, available to members and their guests for a membership
fee. Examples of accessory uses include equestrian facilities, golf courses, swimming pools, tennis courts, squash
courts, pickleball, archery, or miniature golf.
C. Fairground: A parcel or tract of land used as the site of any fair, exposition or public display.
D. Golf Course: a tract of land laid out with at least 9 holes for playing the game of golf and improved with tees,
greens, fairways, and hazards, and that may include a clubhouse and shelter.
E. Golf Driving Range: A limited area on which golf players do not walk, but onto which they drive golf balls from
central driving tees. A golf driving range may contain outdoor lighting. A golf driving range may have, as an
accessory use, a putting or chipping green, miniature golf course, baseball batting cages, a refreshment stand,
and/or equipment rental of items pertaining to golf and baseball.
F. Sports Stadium, Complex, Arena, or Sports Field: A facility, indoor or outdoor, designed for professional or
amateur sporting events, exhibitions, shows, or convocations.
Recreation, Passive: Outdoor areas dedicated for leisure-time activities that do not involve active recreation. Passive
recreation involves less energetic activities such as walking, hiking, horseback riding, sitting, picnicking, card or table
games, fishing, and observing nature. Passive recreation uses have fewer potential impacts on the site and on
surrounding land uses.
Loudoun County, VA | Zoning Ordinance 38
Recreational Vehicle Park: An outdoor facility designed for overnight accommodation of human beings in motorized
vehicles, rustic cabins and shelters, or trailers for recreation, education, naturalist, or vacation purposes. These may
include accessory office, retail, and other commercial uses with related parking structures. This use does not include a
Manufactured Housing Land Lease Community.
Recreational Vehicle Unit: A travel trailer, pick-up camper, motorhome, tent trailer, or similar device used for
temporary housing.
Recyclable Materials: Any material separated from the waste stream for utilization as a raw material in the
manufacture of another product. This includes both source-separated material and mechanically separated material.
Recyclable materials include, but are not limited to, newspapers, office paper, glass, metals, plastic and corrugated
Recycling Collection Center: A collection site operated by a governmental entity, non-governmental entity, a for-
profit company, or a non-profit organization, for the acceptance by contribution, offering, redemption, or purchase of
recyclable materials from the public. These centers may contain permanent or semi-permanent buildings, or structures,
and typically consist of portable containers which can be emptied and readily moved. This term must not include
donation drop-off boxes.
Religious Assembly: A structure or group of structures intended for regular gatherings of people to attend, participate
in or conduct religious services and other related activities and associated accessory uses. Associated accessory uses
may include religious instruction classrooms, church offices, counseling programs, private school, youth programs,
parking, child and adult day care facilities, summer camps, recreational facilities, caretaker’s quarters, food bank, thrift
shop, sale of religious items, and cemeteries.
Religious Housing: A housing facility where the residents are limited to members of a specific religious order, and
where the housing arrangement is designed and intended to further the religious beliefs of that order. Examples
include monasteries or convents. This does not include a dwelling unit reserved for a priest or minister of a religion (such
as a parsonage, manse, and rectory), which are classified in accordance with the residential uses defined separately in
this section.
Renewable Energy: Energy generated from solar, wind, water, or geothermal sources.
Research and Development: An establishment (such as a laboratory) for general research, scientific research,
development and/or training. Activities include the invention, discovery, study, experimentation, evaluation,
identification, verification, design preparation, or production of products, new technologies, techniques, or
processes. Research and development functions include the repair, storage, sale, and resale of materials, goods, and
products relating to the research and development use. This may include the assembly, integration, and testing of
products in a completely enclosed building incidental to the principal use of scientific research, development, and
training. Does not include data centers.
Residential: A use classification composed of group and household living uses.
Resource Area Width: The total width of any FOD areas, and any areas of Adjacent Steep Slopes.
Resource Recovery: The process of obtaining materials or energy, particularly from solid waste.
Rest Home, Nursing Home, Convalescent Home: An extended or intermediate care facility licensed or approved to
provide full-time convalescent or chronic care to individuals who, by reason of advanced age, chronic illness or infirmity,
are unable to care for themselves.
Restaurant: Any establishment that provides as a principal use the preparation and sale of food and/or beverages in a
state ready for consumption within the establishment or off-premises and may or may not include a drive-through
facility, subject to Section 4.04.10.
Loudoun County, VA | Zoning Ordinance 39
A Snack Bar or Refreshment Stand, Accessory is not a Restaurant.
Also see "Restaurant, Rural".
Restaurant, Rural: Any establishment that provides as a principal use the preparation and sale of food and/or
beverages in a state ready for consumption within the establishment or off-premises.
Retail, Construction Establishment: Buildings or land used for sale of construction materials at retail or for the
rendering of construction services including, but not limited to, coal, wood, and lumber yards.
Retail, General: An establishment engaged in the sale of merchandise to the general public. Examples include
department stores, food stores, pharmacies, newsstands, candy shops, gift shops, craft shops, hardware stores,
household appliance stores, furniture stores, florists, or music stores. This does not include wood or lumber yards. A
general retail use may include accessory maintenance or repair services for merchandise sold on the premises.
Rezoning: A change in Zoning District designation for a parcel or group of parcels adopted by the Board of Supervisors.
Ridge: A landform
at the highest elevation of a drainage divide for the major watersheds mapped by the County or the
elongated crest or series of crests at the apex or uppermost point of intersection between two opposite slopes or
sides of a mountain.
Ridge Feature
: A landform which principally encompasses the primary mountain ridges above the critical elevations of
the Blue Ridge Mountains, Shorthill Mountain, and Catoctin Range, respectively, which are visible from the public right-
National Cooperative Soil Survey. (n.d.). Title 430 National Soil Survey Handbook. Title 430 National Soil Survey
Handbook, Part 629 Glossary of Landform and Geologic
Terms. https://directives.sc.egov.usda.gov/OpenNonWebContent.aspx?content=41992.wbaTitle 430 National Soil
Survey Handbook.
Ridge Feature data is displayed illustratively under the Environmental layers in WebLOGIS.
Riparian: An area of land contiguous to a stream, river, lake, or wetland that contains vegetation that, due to the
presence of water, is distinctly different from the vegetation of adjacent areas.
Riparian Forest: A strip of land along a river or stream where forest and vegetation help to protect water quality, filter
pollutants, regulate water temperature, enhance aquatic and wildlife habitats, and provide aesthetic value to the river
or stream. Also called a riparian forest buffer when part of a larger stream buffer.
Riparian Protection Buffer: RSCR buffer area that is a minimum 50 feet in width and measured beginning from and
extending landward from the greatest extent of the RSCR Floodplain, Adjacent Steep Slopes, as indicated in Table 6.01-1.
River and Stream Corridor Resources (RSCR): Certain water resources and associated land areas.
A. Resource Area.
1. Rivers and Streams.
2. Floodplain (including Major Floodplain and Minor Floodplain).
3. Adjacent Steep Slopes.
B. Buffer Area.
1. Riparian Protection Buffer.
2. Variable Riparian Preservation Buffer.
Rivers and Streams: A natural, flowing course of water draining 100 acres or greater.
Loudoun County, VA | Zoning Ordinance 40
Road: Includes the terms "street", "avenue", "way", "court", "drive" and the like. Pedestrian elements such as sidewalks
and trails are allowed within road rights-of-way to the extent allowed by the Virginia Department of Transportation or
this Zoning Ordinance.
Road, Centerline of: A line established as a centerline of a road by any State, County, or other official agency or
governing body having jurisdiction thereof and shown as such on an officially adopted or legally recorded map or, if
there be no official centerline, a line running and lying midway between the road right-of-way lines. Where road lines
are indeterminate and a pavement or a traveled way exists, the centerline is assumed to be a line midway between the
edges of such pavement or traveled way.
Road, Class I: Roads that were part of the State-maintained highway system at the time of adoption of the 1972 Zoning
Road, Class II: Roads meeting Virginia Department of Transportation's specifications and acceptable for maintenance
by the State, bonded as provided in the Loudoun County Subdivision Ordinance, or roads accepted in the State-
maintained highway system after the effective date of the 1972 Zoning Ordinance.
Road, Class III: A non-State maintained road which meets the design standards contained in the Facilities Standards
Manual. This includes private roads.
Road, Crossing of the Floodplain or Road Crossing: Any public road, private road or driveway traversing a
floodplain generally perpendicular to the flow of the drainageway.
Road, Local: A public road with a limited through function, predominantly providing access to individual lots. Local
roads are an outlet for neighborhoods, or may link neighborhoods, to the collector road network. Local roads are
characterized by low traffic volumes and low speeds.
Road, Major Arterial: A public road, designed to carry substantial amounts of high-speed regional traffic, usually
requiring at least 4 lanes for through traffic, and generally planned for restricted or controlled access. Routes 7, 15, and
50 are examples of major arterial roads.
Road, Major Collector: A public road generally serving an intra-county and, in some situations, an inter-county
function. Major collectors carry traffic from individual developments to arterial roads. New major collectors are planned
for controlled access, with turn lanes at all entrances. Major collectors are often 4, and sometimes 6, lanes. However,
existing rural major collectors may be as few as 2 lanes. Examples of urban major collectors include Route 640 and
Ashburn Village Boulevard. Routes 734 and 621 are examples of rural major collectors.
Road, Minor Arterial: A public road designed to perform a regional, as well as a local, function connecting
communities or other arterials across State or County boundaries. Traffic volumes generally require a minimum of
4 through lanes, although some existing minor arterials may have only 2 through lanes. Minor arterials have limited or
controlled access, with signals at important intersections and stop signs on side roads. Route 9 is an example of a minor
arterial road.
Road, Minor Collector: A public road generally serving several different neighborhoods and providing a linkage to the
major collector roads. This category of road allows for traffic mobility and individual, or combined, lot access. Minor
collectors may be 2 or 4 lanes and receive local and private roads.
Road, Private: A privately owned road designed and constructed in accordance with the Facility Standards Manual
(FSM) for direct access to individual lots, with the owners of said lots or an Owners Association responsible for its
maintenance. Includes private access easement roads and private streets as defined in the Land Subdivision
Development Ordinance (LSDO) and Facilities Standards Manual (FSM).
Road, Public: A Class I or II Road.
Rock Outcrop: Any rock exposed at or above the ground surface which is attached to the underlying bedrock.
Loudoun County, VA | Zoning Ordinance 41
Roofline: The lowest portion of a pitched or flat roof visible from a public right-of-way or adjacent property.
Rooming and Boarding: A group living use for 5 or more occupants, that do not meet the definition of family, where
sanitary facilities may be shared, a common cooking facility must be provided, and individual cooking facilities are
prohibited. Tenancy is provided on at least a month-to-month basis. Examples include single room and/or shared
occupancy units, rooming and boarding houses, and off-site student, faculty, and/or employee housing facilities
(e.g., dormitories, and/or fraternity and sorority houses).
Rural Cluster Lot: A type of lot located within an ARN or ARS District cluster subdivision.
Rural Economy Conservation Lands: One of the 2 required elements of a residential cluster option development
within the AR Zoning District located outside of the cluster portion and intended to accommodate rural economy and
open space uses as permitted in the underlying Zoning District.
Rural Economy Lot: A type of lot located with an ARN or ARS District cluster subdivision. A minimum of one Rural
Economy Lot is required to be located within any ARN or ARS cluster subdivision. The primary use of such lot is for rural
economy uses, with residential uses permitted in association with a rural economy use.
Rural Economy Uses: An array of agricultural and equine enterprises, tourist attractions and services, and commercial
businesses that are land-based, depend on large tracts of open land, and the area’s rural atmosphere.
Rural Resort: A private establishment consisting of a detached structure or structures located in a rural setting in which
lodging units are offered to transients for compensation as the principal use, along with conference and meeting
facilities, restaurant and banquet facilities, and recreational amenities.
Rural Retreat: A use, compatible with agriculture, horticulture, animal husbandry, open space and/or historic
preservation, which is engaged in the study, testing, design, invention, evaluation, or development of technologies,
techniques, processes, or professional and consulting services, and education and training related to those subjects and
services. Rural retreats may be used for basic and applied research services and education where the inquiry process is
conducted in a manner similar to that of institutions of higher learning or management consulting firms. Rural retreats
may include buildings or structures for associated training programs, seminars, conferences, and related activities.
Rural Village Center Subdistrict: The portion of the Rural Village (RV) district designated for pedestrian friendly,
mixed-use development, consisting of single-family detached, townhouse, apartment, storefront, workplace and civic
uses on the Concept Development Plan.
Rural Village Commercial Area: Land within the Rural Village Center designated primarily for commercial, apartment
and civic uses on the Concept Development Plan.
Rural Village Conservancy (VC) Subdistrict: Land within the Rural Village (RV) district surrounding the Village Center
subdistrict which is placed in an open space easement in order to offset the increased density in the Village Proper (VP).
Rural Village Residential Area: The land area within the Village Center subdistrict designated primarily for single-
family attached and detached and civic uses on the Concept Development Plan.
Rural Village Satellite Conservancy (RVSC) Subdistrict: Land within the Rural Village (RV) district which does not
adjoin the Village Conservancy, and which is placed in an open space easement in order to offset the increased density
in the Village Proper (VP).
Rural Village Workplace Area: The land area within the Village Center designated for employment uses on the
Concept Development Plan.
Sawmill: A mill for sawing timber or logs into boards or lumber.
Loudoun County, VA | Zoning Ordinance 42
Scenic River: Rivers, streams, runs and waterways that are designated according to State code.
School, Private: An establishment that meets State requirements for providing any kindergarten, primary, and/or
secondary educational course and does not secure the major part of its funding from any governmental agency. Such
use must not include an establishment for the instruction of adults, a day care establishment, a childcare center, a
childcare home, or an in-home school for the purposes of instructing children of the family of the household. Parking of
school buses on-site must be considered an accessory use to a school.
School, Public: An establishment for the education of students, at the primary, elementary, middle, or high school
level, including vocational, and technical schools, owned and/or operated by Loudoun County/Loudoun County School
Board, and public charter schools. Accessory uses include, but are not limited to, play areas, cafeterias, auditoriums,
parking of school buses, and recreational and athletic facilities/fields (lighted or unlighted).
School, Trade: A establishment offering courses or training in vocations such as welding and metal fabrication,
pipefitting, automobile body and engine repair, construction equipment operation, building trades, truck driving,
airplane maintenance, and mechanical and electrical equipment/appliance repair.
School, Vocational: See "School, Trade".
Screening: Whenever this term is used, it refers to any landscaping, screening, buffering, fencing, or other barrier as
required by this Zoning Ordinance. See "Buffering or Screening".
Setback: The minimum distance measured in horizontal linear feet by which any building or structure must be
separated from the point of reference (e.g., lot line, right-of-way, or building, etc.).
Setback, Perimeter: The boundary of a development contained within a Site Plan or development plan as required by
Section 7.01.07.B.
Sewage Disposal System, Individual: A complete private system for the collection, treatment and/or disposal of
sewage, located on the lot served.
Sewage Treatment Plant: See "Utility, Major."
Sewer, Public: A central, community, or municipal wastewater treatment system owned or operated by a
municipality or Loudoun Water for the collection, treatment, and disposal of sewage.
Sewer Pumping Station: See "Utility, Minor."
Sewer System, Central: The sewage treatment system for Eastern Loudoun County owned and operated by Loudoun
Water that is served by the Blue Plains and/or Broad Run treatment plants, and/or capacity supplied by the Upper
Occoquan Sanitary Authority.
Sewer System, Municipal: A sewage treatment system that is owned or operated by one of the incorporated towns
within Loudoun County.
Shared-Use Path: An asphalt trail designed to serve pedestrians, cyclists, and Micromobility Devices. When along
roadways, shared-use paths are physically separated from motorized vehicular traffic and located either completely
outside of the public right-of-way and within a public access easement, or completely within the public right-of-way,
provided transitions between the two may be necessary at road crossings and other areas.
Shooting Range, Indoor: A sport shooting range, as defined by the Code of Virginia, that occurs inside a fully enclosed
structure. [Note: Code of Virginia § 15.2-917 defines this as "an area or structure designed for the use of rifles,
shotguns, pistols, silhouettes, skeet, trap, black powder, or any other similar sport shooting."]
Shopping Center: Any group of 2 or more commercial uses of a predominately retail nature which:
A. Are designed as a single commercial group, whether or not located on the same lot;
Loudoun County, VA | Zoning Ordinance 43
B. Are under common ownership or management;
C. Are connected by party walls, partitions, canopies, or other structural members to form one continuous
structure or, if located in separate buildings, are interconnected by walkways and accessways designed to
facilitate customer interchange between the uses;
D. Share a common parking area; and
E. Otherwise present the appearance of 1 continuous commercial area.
Shoreline: The top of the streambank, which is defined in engineering terms as the water surface elevation of the 2-
year storm event.
Short Term, Recurring Zoning Violation: Any violation of this Zoning Ordinance of a type that is typically of a
relatively short duration or susceptive of regular recurrence. Violations in this classification are deemed to include, but
are not limited to, inoperable vehicles, commercial vehicles parked in residential districts, parking of vehicles on an
unpaved surface, exceeding maximum occupancy limitations for residential dwelling units, violations of sign regulations,
and violations related to permitted and or non-permitted temporary or seasonal sales.
Short-Term Rental, Commercial Whole House: The renting of a not otherwise occupied single family detached
dwelling unit or a not otherwise occupied accessory dwelling unit that is accessory to a principal single family detached
dwelling unit, in which the entire dwelling unit is used for providing overnight accommodations for a period of fewer
than 30 consecutive days in exchange for a charge for the occupancy or other consideration. A Short-Term
Rental, Commercial Whole House use located in a single-family detached dwelling is counted as a dwelling unit for
purposes of density calculations.
Short-Term Rental, Residential Accessory: The renting of a portion or the entirety of a dwelling unit as an accessory
use to a principal dwelling unit for a period of fewer than 30 consecutive days, and no more than 180 days per calendar
year, in exchange for a charge for the occupancy or other consideration. The Operator must occupy the dwelling unit
that the Short-Term Rental, Residential Accessory use is accessory to for a minimum of 185 days out of the calendar
Shrub: A deciduous or evergreen multi-trunked, woody plant that usually attains a mature height of no more than 10
feet. Preferred species are provided in the Facilities Standards Manual.
Sign: Any visual display that comprises letters, words, numerals, figures, logos, trademarks, symbols, emblems, devices,
or illustrations, or any combination thereof, which is used to advertise, identify, display, direct, or attract attention to a
property, business, product, service, person, object, institution, idea, organization, event, location, or entertainment. A
“sign” includes the background structure.
Sign, Animated: Any sign or part of a sign that changes physical position or light intensity by any movement, rotation,
strobing, illumination or other means, or that gives the visual impression or illusion of movement, rotation, illumination
or rotation. An animated sign may not be a Digital Sign.
Sign Area: The area within a continuous perimeter enclosing the limits of a sign. The sign area includes any frame or
other material or color that forms an integral part of the display or is used to differentiate the sign from the sign
background against which it is placed. Sign area excludes the base, structural supports, or uprights on which the sign is
placed. See Section 8.11. When a sign has two sign faces, only one sign face counts as the sign area.
Sign, Art Display: A hand-carved or hand-cast work expressing creative skill or imagination in a visual form that is
intended to beautify or provide an aesthetic influence on a public area. An art display may include a three-dimensional
statue that is placed in a park, courtyard, lawn, or similar area for public display. An Art Display Sign does not include art
displays that are not signs.
Sign, Attached: A sign that is mounted, painted, affixed, or otherwise secured to the wall of a building or structure.
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Sign, Awning: A type of attached sign that is mounted on, painted on, affixed, or otherwise attached to an awning or
canopy that is attached to a building.
Sign Background: The surface on which a sign is mounted, painted, affixed, or otherwise attached.
Sign, Backlight: An illuminated sign, where the source of illumination is located on the back of the sign or on the
interior of an enclosed sign.
Sign, Banner: A type of prohibited sign made of cloth, paper, vinyl, bunting or the like, intended to be hung either with
or without frames.
Sign, Building Façade for Determining Size of: See Section 8.11.
Sign, Danger, Aviation, Railroad, Bridge, Ferry Transportation, Red Cross, and other such sign: Signs as set
forth in Code of Virginia §§ 33.2-1204(5), (6), (7), (8), (15), and (17), as amended, and that are government signs.
Sign, De Minimis: Any sign with an area no greater than 2 square feet.
Sign, Development Entry: A sign located along the entry from a collector or arterial street where the parcel is
developed or subdivided for multifamily dwellings, or nonresidential or mixed uses with multiple occupants or tenants.
Sign Development Plan: A graphic representation showing a detailed plan of all freestanding and attached signs, art
displays, and murals proposed for a particular structure, lot, or development.
Sign, Digital: Any sign that displays digital copy, including any illuminated sign on which the illumination is not kept
stationary or constant in intensity and color when the sign is in use, including any light emitting diode (LED) or digital
panel, and which varies in color or intensity. In the sign industry, digital signs are also referred to as dynamic signs,
changeable electronic variable message signs (CEVMS), electronic message centers (EMCs), etc.
Sign, Entry: A development entry sign or subdivision entry sign.
Sign Face: The display surface or portion of the sign used for visual display. See sign.
Sign, Feather: A type of prohibited sign made of flexible material in the shape of a feather, quill, sail, blade or teardrop,
and mounted on a solid or flexible pole or cord. These are sometimes referred to as “quill signs” or “sail banners.”
Sign, Freestanding: Any sign placed upon or in the ground and not attached to a building. A Freestanding Sign
includes ground signs, pylon signs, pole signs, entry signs, and sidewalk signs.
Sign, Government: A sign erected and maintained by or under the direction of the County, the Virginia Department of
Transportation, other governmental authorities, or a court officer in accordance with the law. Examples of government
signs include, but are not limited to, official notices, traffic signs, directional signs, and historical markers.
Sign, Ground: A sign supported by uprights or braces placed upon or in the ground and not attached to any building. A
ground sign includes any pylon sign and does not include a pole sign, entry sign, or sidewalk sign.
Sign Height: The height of a sign must be computed as the linear measurement from the base of the sign at normal
grade to the top of the highest attached component of the sign. If the land is uneven at the base of the sign, the
elevation at the halfway point (middle) of the sign at the base must be used. Normal grade must be construed to be the
lower of (1) existing grade prior to construction, or (2) the newly established grade after construction, exclusive of any
filling, berming, mounding or excavating for the purpose of locating the sign. See Section 8.11.B.2
Sign, Historical Marker: A government sign erected to identify a site, location, or landscape related to a person,
structure, or event documented as historically significant at the local, state, or national level.
Sign, Home Occupation: Any sign upon property displaying the name and/or address of the occupant(s) of the
premises and the nature of the home occupation(s).
Loudoun County, VA | Zoning Ordinance 45
Sign, Illuminated: Any sign or any part of a sign that is: (1) illuminated, externally or internally, from an artificial light
source located for the specific purpose of such illumination, or (2) created by the projection of illuminations onto a
surface (such as a building wall). An illuminated sign includes any digital sign, internally illuminated sign, externally
illuminated sign, or halo lit sign.
Sign, Incidental: A sign located on a flag, banner, or rigid panel that may be freestanding or mounted on a pole or a
wall or similar structure, with or without a structural frame, that is normally incidental to the allowed use of the
property, but can contain any message or content. The incidental sign category includes Light Post Banner, De Minimis,
Temporary, and Miscellaneous Signs. Examples of incidental signs include directional signs, real estate signs, non-
commercial opinion signs, menu boards, garage sale signs, holiday decorations, property or tenant identification names
or numbers, names of occupants, signs on mailboxes or newspaper tubes, signs posted on private property relating to
circulation or private parking, political signs, signs warning the public against trespassing or danger from animals, or
signs stating hours of operation, open/closed, accepted forms of payment, business/professional affiliations, etc. This
paragraph is provided to clarify the regulations and does not limit the content of incidental signs.
Sign, Light Post Banner: Cloth, paper, vinyl, bunting or the like, intended to be hung individually or in pairs and either
with or without frames on a light post.
Sign, Linear Foot (LF) for Determining Size of: See Section 8.11.
Sign, Mural: One-of-a-kind visual depictions and/or works of art or licensed reproductions of original works of art
including, but not limited to, mosaic, painting, or graphic art techniques that are applied, painted, implanted, or placed
directly onto the exterior of any structure. This definition is not intended to discourage the use of new paint and printing
Sign, On-Site: Any sign located on the same site, the same parcel, or the same development as the use that owns or
controls the sign.
Sign, Outlined with Neon: Any sign that uses neon, argon, or similar gas to illuminate transparent or translucent
tubing or other material to emit light outlining all or a part of that sign. This sign is only permitted upon approval of a
Sign Development Plan.
Sign, Pole: A type of freestanding sign that is supported by at least one visible support structure or pole. A “pole sign”
does not include a flag mounted on a flagpole.
Pole Signs
Sign, Projecting: A type of wall sign attached to and projecting outward from a building face or wall, generally at a right
angle to the building.
Sign, Pylon: A type of ground sign permanently affixed to the ground, supported by one or more supports, and the
overall height of the sign, including the supports, is greater than the sign's horizontal width. A pylon sign is commonly
used for multitenant buildings or developments.
Loudoun County, VA | Zoning Ordinance 46
Sign, Sidewalk: A movable sign not secured or attached to the ground or surface upon which it is located. A
sidewalk sign may be freestanding, placed on an easel, or constructed in a manner to form an “A” shape.
Sign, Subdivision Entry: A sign located along the entry to a residential subdivision.
Sign, Temporary: A sign constructed of cloth, canvas, light fabric, cardboard, wood, wallboard, metal, or other light
materials, with or without frames, which is intended to be displayed for a temporary duration or is of a nonrecurring
nature. [Note: examples of customary uses for temporary signs include real estate signs, garage sale signs, holiday
decorations, and political signs. This paragraph is provided to clarify the regulations and does not limit the content of
temporary signs.]
Sign, Wall: A type of attached sign that is mounted, painted, affixed, or otherwise secured to the wall of a building or
structure. Types of wall signs include but are not limited to awning signs and projecting signs.
Sign, Window: A sign posted, painted, placed, or affixed to the inside or outside of a window. For purposes of this
definition, a curtain wall or window wall is not considered a window and is considered a part of the building wall.
Silviculture: The art and science of managing the establishment, growth, composition, health, and quality of forests
and woodlands, typically dependent on Best Management Practices. Silviculture is limited to tree and shrub planting;
limited tree clearing for firewood and clearing of dead and diseased trees and invasive species; tree pruning and
trimming; and timber harvesting, including the planting, growing, cultivating, cutting, and harvesting of trees growing on
a site and the loading, unloading, and sorting of trees on a site where they are grown for wood or wood-based
Sinkhole: A vertical opening or closed depression in the land surface and formed by solution of carbonate bedrock and
downward movement of soil into bedrock voids or by collapse of underlying caves.
Sinking Stream: Any stream draining 640 acres or less that disappears underground into a Swallet, Sinkhole, Closed
Depression or Cave Opening.
Site Plan: A required submission, prepared and approved in accordance with the provisions of Chapter 10.06, which is a
detailed engineering drawing of the proposed improvements included and required in the development of a given lot. A
Site Plan is not to be construed as a Concept Development Plan, as required by other provisions of the
Zoning Ordinance. Reference the Site Plan Procedures of the Land Subdivision and Development Ordinance (LSDO).
Slaughterhouse: Any structure or land where livestock raised off-site are: (1) slaughtered; (2) preparing processed
meats and meat byproducts; or (3) rendered and/or refined animal fat, bones, and meat scraps. This includes
establishments primarily engaged in assembly cutting and packing of meats (i.e., boxed meats) from purchased
Slope: The vertical elevation of land area divided by the horizontal distance, expressed as a percentage. Slope
percentage must be determined using the County base planimetric and topographic maps or if required, then other
topographic maps, elevations, etc., prepared by such persons licensed to perform surveys to determine such
information. See also related definitions of “Very Steep Slope Area” and “Moderately Steep Slope Area,” in this Article.
Small Business, Agricultural and Rural: A business, profession, occupation, or trade established as a principal use,
subject to Section 4.04.19.
Small Business uses must not include the following elements:
A. Franchises.
B. Branch Facilities.
C. Partial elements of larger enterprises that have other business facilities in other locations.
Loudoun County, VA | Zoning Ordinance 47
Snack Bar or Refreshment Stand, Accessory: An accessory use that prepares and/or serves snacks and non-alcoholic
beverages for consumption on the premises and is operated solely by and for the agency, group, or owner operating the
principal use and for the convenience of patrons of the facility.
Soil Mapping Unit: An area of similar kinds of soil materials on the same landform, as defined in the Interpretive Guide
to Soils Maps of Loudoun County, as amended.
Solar Facility: A facility for the primary purpose of collecting, generating, and/or transferring electric energy from solar
radiation (i.e., sunlight). Includes without limitation any ground-mounted solar energy generation facility.
Solar Facility, Utility Scale: A solar facility for the primary purpose of supplying energy to the power grid. Such facility
may include energy storage, utility lines, and/or a utility substation.
Solar Facility, Site-Specific: A solar facility for the primary purpose of supplying energy to a principal use on the same
site and that such solar facility is accessory to.
Solid Waste: Any garbage, refuse, sludge, and other discarded materials, resulting from household, industrial,
commercial, mining, and agricultural operations, or community activities, but not including (i) solid or dissolved material
in domestic sewage, (ii) solid or dissolved material in irrigation return flows or in industrial discharges which are sources
subject to a permit from the State Water Control Board, or (iii) source, special nuclear, or by-product material as defined
by the Federal Atomic Energy Act of 1954, as amended.
Solid Waste Container: A container that is specifically designed, constructed, and placed for use as a depository for
the storage of solid waste, which includes dumpsters, bulk containers, refuse containers, or other such containers
specifically designated as waste receptacles.
Solid Waste Facility: Any "solid waste management facility" or "sanitary landfill" as defined by the Virginia Waste
Management Act (Code of Virginia § 10.1-1400). This use includes Landfill, sanitary; and Garbage incinerating, reducing,
or dumping for compensation, including loading or transfer.
Solid Waste Incinerator: A facility or device designed for the treatment of solid waste by combustion.
Solid Waste Transfer Station: A solid waste collection or storage facility at which solid waste is transferred from
collection vehicles to hauling vehicles for transportation to a central solid waste management facility for disposal,
incineration, or resource recovery.
Sound: An oscillation in pressure, particle displacement, particle velocity, or other physical parameter, in a medium
with internal forces that causes compression and rarefaction of that medium.
Sound Level Meter: Means an electronic instrument, which includes a microphone, an amplifier and an output meter,
which measures noises and sound pressure levels in a specified manner. It may be used with the octave band analyzer
that permits measuring the sound pressure level in discrete octave bands.
Special Event: A temporary commercial or festive activity or promotion at a specific location that is open to the public
and is planned or reasonably expected to attract large assemblies of persons. Special events include, but are not limited
to, carnivals, festivals, circuses, music fairs or concerts, tent revivals, art shows, crafts shows, rodeos, corn mazes, civil
war reenactments, equestrian shows, firework displays and events, or similar events open to the public. A private party
held at a Banquet/Event Facility (including Hotel, Conference Center, Restaurant, Rural Resort, or similar facility), Bed
and Breakfast Homestay, Bed and Breakfast Inn, or Country Inn must not be deemed a special event. In addition to
events open to the public, a private party which is held at a location other than the foregoing or held on property not
occupied by the host, must be deemed a special event. “Special event” does not include temporary or seasonal retail
sales of goods, products, or services, such as temporary sales of Christmas trees, farm produce, fireworks, and other
similar seasonal goods.
Special Exception: Special Exception applies to the following:
Loudoun County, VA | Zoning Ordinance 48
A. Special Exception (Use): A use that may be allowed in a Zoning District subject to conditions imposed by the
Board of Supervisors, in accordance with the procedures and standards for Special Exceptions in Section 10.11;
B. Special Exception (Process): The process that provides the Board of Supervisors with an opportunity for
discretionary review of requests to establish, construct or modify uses or structures as described in Sections
Specimen Tree: Any tree that has been individually designated by the local governing body to be notable by virtue of
its outstanding size and quality for its particular species.
Sports Stadium, Complex, Arena or Sports Field: See "Recreation, Outdoor or Major."
Spring: A feature where the groundwater flows naturally from a rock or the soil onto the land surface or into a body of
surface water.
Stable: An establishment that keeps or boards horses.
A. Stable, Private: A facility that boards:
1. Horses for the private use of the owners and/or residents of the lot; and/or
2. No more than 10 horses not owned by the property owner or resident.
B. Stable, Livery: An establishment that boards:
1. More than 10 horses not directly owned by the property owner;
2. More than 10 horses used for hire; or
3. A combination thereof.
State: The Commonwealth of Virginia.
Steep Slopes: Surface formation with a vertical incline greater than 15%, which is sufficient steepness to cause
problems such as erosion or increased flooding when land is disturbed. See also, Moderately Steep Slopes and Very
Steep Slopes.
Step-Back: An area of a façade above the first floor of a building or structure that is located a set distance recessed
from the façade, story, or portion of the building or structure below it.
Stockpiling: The acceptance, collection, accumulation or aggregation of dirt, fill, or gravel from off-site sources, for a
period of more than 12 months.
Stockpiling, Temporary: The acceptance, collection, accumulation or aggregation of dirt, fill, or gravel from off-site
sources, for a period of less than 12 months on a parcel. Such stockpiles are removed or immediately graded out in
accordance with an approved grading plan.
Stone Quarrying Industries: Commercial or industrial stone quarries or operations involving removal from a site of
natural accumulations of sand, rock, soil or gravel. The meaning of "stone quarrying", includes appurtenant structures
such as crushers, screeners, and washers and also includes, as an accessory use, retail sales of stone products, but does
not include any other industrial use, such as concrete batching plants or asphalt mixing plants.
Storage Area: An outdoor space accessory to a permitted use, used for the purpose of storing equipment, vehicles,
construction materials, and similar items necessary to the permitted use.
Loudoun County, VA | Zoning Ordinance 49
Storage, Bulk Gasoline: A fixed installation where these products are stored, either for subsequent transshipment to a
smaller fixed installation or for pick-up by truck for transport to the site where the product will be used by the
consumer. Materials may be stored in one or more tanks on the site, the size of a tank being constrained by Federal and
State regulations pertaining to construction and safety standards. Such facilities must not include retail sales. Accessory
tanks for agriculture, temporary construction or personal use are excluded from this definition.
Stormwater Management Improvements: Surface or subsurface drainage improvements, storm sewers, detention
and retention ponds, and other such improvements as required by the Facilities Standards Manual (FSM) or the Loudoun
County Stormwater Management Ordinance.
Story: That portion of a building included between the surface of any floor and the surface of the floor next above it or,
if there be no floor above it, the space between such floor and the ceiling next above. A basement is counted as a story
if it is used for business or dwelling purposes. A mezzanine floor is counted as a story if it covers more than one-third of
the area of the floor next below it or if the vertical distance between the floor next below it and the floor next above it is
20 feet or more.
Stream Bank: The confining cut of land forming a natural channel for the nontidal water movement of a stream.
Stream Restoration: A process designed in accordance with the FSM and approved by the County. An increase in base
flood elevation may be permitted provided a CLOMR is obtained from FEMA prior to approval of the requisite Floodplain
Alteration application for such use.
Street, Centerline of: A line established as a centerline of a street by any State, County, or other official agency or
governing body having jurisdiction thereof and shown as such on an officially adopted or legally recorded map or, if
there be no official centerline, a line running and lying midway between the street right-of-way lines. Where street lines
are indeterminate and a pavement or a traveled way exists, the centerline is assumed to be a line midway between the
edges of such pavement or traveled way.
Streetlight: A pole or pedestal mounted luminaire with a metal halide or other full spectrum bulb.
Street Tree: Any tree that has been individually designated by the local governing body and which grows in the street
right-of-way or on private property as authorized by the owner and placed or planted there by the local government.
Structural Alteration: Any change, modification, addition or deletion to the bearing walls of an existing structure.
Structure: An assembly of materials forming a construction for occupancy or use including, among others, buildings,
stadiums, tents, parking lots, platforms, stagings, observation towers, telecommunications towers, radio and TV
broadcasting towers, water tanks, trestles, piers, swimming pools, open sheds, shelters, walls, power line towers,
and pipelines.
For the purposes of Sections 5.04 and 5.05, the term “structure” includes, but is not limited to, all buildings, water/dam
embankments, retaining walls, field/tile drainage, road construction, and cut or fill operations.
Structure, Accessory: A building or structure subordinate and incidental to, and located on the same lot with, a
principal building, the use of which is customarily found in association with and is clearly incidental to that of the main
building or to the use of the land, and which is not attached by any part of a common wall or roof to the principal
Subdivision: The division of a parcel of land into 2 or more new parcels. The process of subdividing is regulated by the
Land Subdivision and Development Ordinance.
Subdivision Plat: A record plat for a subdivision. See "Record Plat."
Subordinate Lot: One of the types of lots permitted within the Principal/Subordinate Subdivision Development Option.
Subordinate Lots may not be further subdivided.
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Substantial Conformance: Substantial conformance is determined by the Zoning Administrator and means that
conformance which leaves a reasonable margin for adjustment due to final design or engineering data but conforms
with the general nature of the development, the specific uses, and the general layout depicted by the plans, profiles,
elevations, and other demonstrative materials proffered by the applicant.
Swallet: A hole in the land through which surface water is delivered to the aquifer (may be considered the opposite of a
Telecommunications Facility: A facility utilized by a public service utility or commercial public telecommunications
service under the jurisdiction of the Virginia State Corporation Commission and/or licensed by the Federal
Communications Commission to provide commercial public telecommunications services. A telecommunications
facility may include a tower, monopole, antenna hub site, and other antenna support structures or equipment buildings.
A telecommunications facility does not include non-commercial applications, such as amateur radio operations, or uses
or structures that are accessory to and solely used by an individual business.
A. Antenna, Telecommunications: Any structure or device used to collect or radiate electromagnetic waves,
including both directional antennas, such as panels and microwave dishes, and omnidirectional antennas, such
as whips and satellite dishes, but not including satellite earth stations. A telecommunications antenna includes
an antenna hub site.
B. Antenna Hub Site: An area containing one or more unmanned equipment structures sited to serve
telecommunications antennas. An antenna hub site may be located on a different lot than the
telecommunications antennas served.
C. Antenna Support Structure: A self-supporting or bracketed ground-mounted pole 60 feet or less in height that is
accessory to and used to support one or more telecommunications antennas and no more than one related
unmanned equipment structure.
D. Monopole, Telecommunications: A single, self-supporting pole-type structure, tapering from base to top and
supporting a fixture designed to hold one or more telecommunications antennas. A monopole does not
include a telecommunications tower.
E. Tower, Telecommunications: A lattice-type structure, guyed or self-supporting, used to support
telecommunications antennas. Does not include a radio, radar and/or television tower.
F. Temporary Mobile and Land-Based Telecommunication Testing Facility: Whip antennas, panels antennas,
microwave dishes, and receive-only satellite dishes and related equipment for wireless audio-transmission with
low wattage not to exceed 500 watts, from a sender to one or more receivers, such as for mobile cellular
telephones and mobile radio system facilities.
Temporary Retail: A temporary use in which stands or sales areas are set aside and rented or otherwise provided, and
that are intended for use by various unrelated individuals or entities to sell articles that are primarily homemade,
homegrown, handcrafted, old, obsolete, or antique and may include the selling of goods at retail by businesses or
individuals who are generally engaged in retail trade.
Theater: An establishment engaged in the commercial exhibition of motion pictures to the general public or used for
the performance of plays, acts, dramas by actors and/or actresses. This use includes a performing arts center.
Toll: To pause or delay the running of a period of time set forth by statute or the Zoning Ordinance.
Town Center Core: Within the Town Center (TC) Zoning District, a zone that provides a concentration of vertically and
horizontally integrated mixed-use buildings, multistory single-use buildings, and pedestrian-oriented design located
proximate to each other to generate and support pedestrian activity.
Loudoun County, VA | Zoning Ordinance 51
Town Center Fringe: Within the Town Center (TC) Zoning District, the transition area located between the Town
Center Core and surrounding development and includes pedestrian-oriented businesses and activity balance with
Residential and other uses more dependent on vehicular access.
Town Green: See "Green."
Trails: A marked or established path or route for non-motorized recreational use. Examples include, but are not limited
to footpaths, raised boardwalks, biking or hiking paths, and horse trails.
Transit Facilities: Includes transit or bus shelters, bus terminals, stations, and associated right-of-way. A "transit
shelter" means a roofed structure on or adjacent to the right-of-way of a street for bus passengers. Accessory
uses include vehicle and bicycle parking.
Travelway: Part of a road for vehicle use.
Tree: A single perennial woody stem attaining a height of 15 feet or more at maturity.
Tree Canopy: The area projected to be directly beneath the crown and within the dripline of a given tree species after a
10-year or 20-year growing period that is counted to fulfill canopy requirements.
Tree Cover: The area directly beneath the crown and within the dripline of a given tree species or forested areas.
Tree, Deciduous: Trees and shrubs that shed their leaves annually, usually in autumn.
Tree, Evergreen: A non-deciduous tree, often used for the purposes of screening, weather barrier, or accent planting.
Acceptable species are provided in the Facilities Standards Manual.
Tree, Large Deciduous: A deciduous tree, usually single trunked, which typically attains a mature height of at least 30
feet. Acceptable species are provided in the Facilities Standards Manual.
Tree, Small Deciduous: A deciduous tree which does not typically attain a mature height of greater than 30 feet.
Acceptable species are provided in the Facilities Standards Manual.
Undisturbed Grade: The grade and elevation of land prior to excavation, filling, or grading.
University: See "College or University".
Unmet Housing Needs Unit (UHNU): A dwelling unit for rent or for sale that is regulated pursuant to Section 9.02.
Unmet Housing Needs Unit (UHNU) Program: The UHNU Program governs the provision and administration
of UHNUs. The UHNU Program is implemented pursuant to Section 9.02, and applicable sections of Chapter 1450 of
the Codified Ordinances of Loudoun County.
Urban Deck: A platform for landscaped greens or engineered to accommodate buildings, which spans over major
roadways. The intent of an urban deck is to create and enable pedestrian movement across an otherwise, typically
impenetrable barrier, and to provide space for activity that can link both sides of the roadway.
Urban Forester: See "Arborist or Urban Forester".
Urban Growth Area: Any area within the County that is currently served with public water and sewer or that is
planned to be served with public water and sewer at sometime within the timeframe of the Comprehensive Plan.
Use, Accessory: A use of a building, lot, or portion thereof, which is customarily incidental and subordinate to the
principal use of the building or lot.
Use, Commercial: Any wholesale, retail, or service business activity established to carry on trade for a profit.
Loudoun County, VA | Zoning Ordinance 52
Use, Nonresidential: A principal use that is not listed under the Residential use classification of the use tables in
Chapter 3 of this Zoning Ordinance.
Use, Principal: The primary use and chief purpose for which a lot or the main building thereon is designed, arranged, or
intended and for which it is or may be used, occupied, or maintained.
Use, Residential: A use that is listed under the Household Living and Group Living use categories in the Residential use
classification of the use tables in Chapter 3 of this Zoning Ordinance.
Use, Temporary: A use of land limited in both duration and the number of annual occurrences, excluding uses and
events customarily associated with the principal land use (e.g., weddings at a church, sporting events at a stadium).
Utilities: A use category composed of facilities for the provision of infrastructure services that support legally
established uses and that need to be located in or near the area where the service is provided. Accessory uses may
include control, monitoring, data, or transmission equipment.
Utility Line: See "Utility, Minor".
Utility, Major: Major facilities related to the provision, distribution, collection, transmission, or disposal of
public water or public sewer, or telephone, cable, electricity, or natural gas owned and operated by a public utility (as
defined under Section 56-232 of the Code of Virginia) or a public service corporation (as defined under Section 56-1 of
the Code of Virginia), necessary to support legally established uses and that do not meet the definition of "Utility,
Minor". Includes the facilities listed below, and accessory storage areas for vehicles and equipment necessary to provide
those services, and accessory structures such as switch boxes, transformer boxes, and cap banks. Does not include
A. Water Supply Reservoir: A dam and impoundment area created and operated to store water for public water,
including necessary or customary appurtenant facilities such as access roads and transmission pipes. Water
storage tanks and water treatment plants are separate uses not included as part of a water supply reservoir.
B. Sewage Treatment Plant: A plant for the primary, secondary, or tertiary treatment of sewage for public sewer.
C. Utility Substation: A facility that is part of a regional interconnecting grid system or dedicated to an individual
user for the transformation, transmission, switching of transmission and/or distribution voltages, and/or
distribution of usable/consumable electric power; or transmission of natural gas, or television or telephone
D. Water Storage Tank: A tower or other facility for the storage of water for public water.
E. Water Treatment Plant: A facility for the purification of potable water for public water.
F. Water Well, Municipal: A well used to collect water for a municipal water supply system. Accessory uses include
access roads, utility lines, generators, and well houses.
Utility, Minor: A minor facility or other structure for the provision, distribution, collection, transmission, or disposal of
public water, public sewer, telephone, cable, electricity, and natural gas necessary to support legally established uses.
Includes the facilities and structures listed below, and accessory structures such as switch boxes, transformer boxes, cap
banks, and meters. Does not include telecommunications. Generally, does not have employees on site. For purposes of
NERS, may include flood control or stormwater drainage infrastructure.
A. Sewer Pumping Station: A public sewer facility with electric-powered pumps, designed and constructed to raise
wastewater in elevation, pump effluent uphill to a gravity feed sewer line, or overcome head losses due to
pipeline friction.
B. Utility Line: A line suspended overhead on utility poles or buried underground that is used for the transmission
and/or distribution, or conveyance, of public water, public sewer, natural gas, telephone, or electricity. Pursuant
to Code of Virginia § 56-46.1., electrical transmission lines of 138 KV or more, approved by the State Corporation
Commission, are deemed to have satisfied the requirements of the Zoning Ordinance.
Loudoun County, VA | Zoning Ordinance 53
C. Utility Pole: A ground-mounted self-supporting vertical structure made of fabricated metal, treated wood or
concrete used to elevate electrical and communication distribution and/or transmission lines and antennas,
whose primary function is the support of wires, conductors and associated apparatus used for the distribution
and/or transmission of electrical energy and/or land line communication signals.
D. Water Pumping Station: A public water facility for the pumping of potable water.
Utility Pole: See "Utility, Minor."
Utility Substation: See "Utility, Major".
Vacant Land: A lot or parcel of land on which no improvements have been constructed.
Variable Riparian Preservation Buffer: RSCR buffer area that varies in width as needed to achieve a required
minimum buffer width, beginning from and extending away from the Riparian Protection Buffer and associated water
body, as provided in accordance with Table 6.01-1.
VDOT: The Virginia Department of Transportation.
VDOT Resident Engineer: The Resident Engineer for Loudoun County of the Virginia Department of Transportation, or
his designated deputy.
Vegetative Waste: The decomposable materials generated by yard and lawn care or land clearing activities, and
includes, but is not limited to, leaves, grass trimmings, and woody waste such as shrub and tree prunings, bark, limbs,
roots, and stumps.
Vegetative Waste Management Facility: A solid waste management facility that manages vegetative waste (as
defined by Code of Virginia § 10.1-1400).
Vehicle, Business: A vehicle associated with a business. Business vehicles must not exceed a rated capacity of one and
one half (1.5) tons and must not have more than two axles.
Vehicle Charging Station: A parking space that is served by equipment that transfers electric energy (by conductive or
inductive means) to a battery or other energy storage device in an electric vehicle.
Vehicle Repair, Heavy: An establishment engaged in major mechanical and body work performed on vehicles, repair
of transmissions and differentials, straightening of body parts, painting, welding, or similar work. Accessory uses include
light vehicle repair establishments, but do not include establishments for the sale, rental, and service of heavy
equipment and specialized vehicles.
Vehicle Repair, Light: An establishment where the primary use is the sale, servicing, repair and/or installation of gas,
electric, or hybrid motor vehicle accessories, such as: spark plugs, batteries, distributors and distributor parts, tires,
brakes, brake fluid, mufflers, tail pipes, water hoses, fan belts, light bulbs, fuses, floor mats, windshield wipers, wiper
blades, grease retainers, wheel bearings, and mirrors. Light vehicle repair may also include greasing, lubrication and
radiator flushing, minor servicing and repair of carburetors, fuel pumps, oil pumps, water pumps and lines, electrical
systems, and minor motor adjustments not involving removal of the head or crankcase or racing the motor.
Vehicle Sales: An establishment where the principal occupation is the sale, rental, and accessory service of
vehicles stored on-site and in operating condition. "Vehicles" include automobiles, motorcycles, All-Terrain Vehicles
(ATV), and trucks stored on site. "Vehicles" do not include heavy equipment and specialized vehicle sale, rental, and
service establishments. However, specialized vehicles may be sold, rented, and serviced as an accessory use.
Loudoun County, VA | Zoning Ordinance 54
Vehicle Service Station: An establishment where gasoline, petroleum, diesel fuel, oil, grease, batteries, tires and
automobile accessories are dispensed at retail as a principal use and/or where, in addition, only the following services
are rendered and sales made:
A. Sale and servicing of spark plugs, batteries, and distributor parts;
B. Tire sales, servicing, and repair, but not recapping or regrooving;
C. Replacement or adjustment of mufflers and tailpipes, water hoses, fan belts, brake fluid, light bulbs, fuses, floor
mats, seat covers, windshield wipers, and wiper blades, grease retainers, wheel bearings, mirrors, and the like;
D. Radiator cleaning and flushing, provision of water, anti-freeze, and the like;
E. Washing and polishing, and sale of automotive washing and polishing materials;
F. Greasing and lubrication;
G. Providing and repairing fuel pumps, oil pumps, and lines;
H. Servicing and repair of carburetors;
I. Emergency wiring repairs;
J. Adjusting and repairing brakes;
K. Minor motor adjustments not involving removal of the head or crankcase or racing the motor;
L. Provision of convenience goods for gasoline supply station customers;
M. Provision of road maps and other information material to customers;
N. Provision of restroom facilities;
O. Performing State vehicle inspections;
P. Car wash; and/or
Q. Electric vehicle charging spaces.
A vehicle service station does not include major mechanical and body work, straightening of frames of body parts, steam
cleaning, painting, welding, storage of automobiles not in operating condition, or any activity involving noise, glare,
fumes, smoke, or other characteristics to an extent greater than normally found in vehicle service stations.
Vehicle Storage and Impoundment: An area designed for the temporary storage of wrecked, inoperable and/or
abandoned motor vehicles. This does not include the dismantling, wrecking, or sale of motor vehicles or parts.
Vehicle Wholesale Auction: An establishment that sells or offers for sale motor vehicles, at auctions on a wholesale
basis, only to licensed new or used vehicle dealers or wholesalers. Accessory uses may include services such as title
processing, clean-up, and light service and repair of vehicles for sale for auction, the sale of food to customers, financial
services, test-drive track, the storage or marshaling of auction vehicles, and the sale of specialty vehicles at auctions on a
wholesale basis.
Vehicular Access: Required access to any lot that must be provided at a width sufficient to provide necessary
emergency access and as required by Section 4.300. Design and Construction Standards of the Facilities Standards
Vertical Cost: The cost of constructing a prototypical single-family detached (SFD) affordable dwelling unit (ADU) as
established on a semiannual basis by the Affordable Dwelling Unit Advisory Board (ADUAB). Vertical cost does not
include the cost of land for the ADU.
Very Steep Slope Area: Naturally occurring land areas with slopes greater than 25%. The Steep Slope Standards do not
apply to slopes created by permitted land disturbing activities, such as, but not limited to, building and parking pad sites;
berms; temporary construction stockpiles; and road-side ditches; also referred to as Adjacent Steep Slopes when located
inside of River and Stream Corridor Resources.
Loudoun County, VA | Zoning Ordinance 55
Veterinary Service: A service for the medical or custodial care of animals where the animals are not brought to the
establishment but are cared for on an off-site basis. Accessory uses include an office and storage areas for equipment
and supplies necessary for conducting the veterinary service. This use does not include crematory facilities.
Village Green: The primary public open space located within the Rural Village Residential Area that primarily contains a
well-defined, generally permeable green space with landscaped areas, pedestrian ways and passive recreational areas or
any combination thereof. A mix of uses, including storefront, civic, and residential must front the Village Green.
Village Square: An open, generally impervious, public space used for group gatherings, displays, meetings, concerts or
other community activities.
Virginia Landmarks Register: A listing of historic properties in the Commonwealth of Virginia as maintained by the
Virginia Department of Historic Resources.
Visitor Accommodation: Uses composed of lodging units where tenancy may be arranged for periods of less than 30
days. Accessory uses include parking, laundry, recreational uses, and food services.
Warehousing Facility: A building used primarily for the holding or storage of goods and merchandise. A mini-
warehousing establishment must be deemed a separate and distinct use.
Waste-Related Uses: Uses that collect sanitary waste or uses that manufacture or produce goods or energy from the
composting of organic materials or processing of organic or related waste materials, or the collection or stockpiling of
dirt. Waste-related uses do not include uses that receive hazardous wastes from others or that process other than
organic material or related waste materials. Accessory uses include offices and repackaging and transshipment of by-
Wastewater System, Community: A wastewater treatment system for the collection, treatment and/or disposal of
wastewater operated by Loudoun Water that is designed to serve small scale development, including clusters, where
permitted by this Zoning Ordinance. Such system may serve only one lot, where a community system is required by this
Zoning Ordinance for a specific use.
Water Extraction: The use of an on-site well, spring or any other water source for the extraction or collection of
water for off-site use. Water Extraction does not include Water Well, Municipal, or Rainwater Harvesting.
Water Management Plan: A plan of irrigation indicating a sustainable water usage rate, identifying the water
source(s), establishing a schedule of withdrawal, and providing methods for mitigation of undesirable effects.
Water, Public: A central, community, or municipal water supply system serving more than 2 lots owned or operated by
a municipality or Loudoun Water for the purpose of furnishing potable water.
A. Water Supply System, Central: The water supply system for Eastern Loudoun County owned and operated by
Loudoun Water for which the source of water is purchased from the City of Fairfax and County of Fairfax water
supply system.
B. Water Supply System, Community: A water supply system owned or operated by Loudoun Water that is
designed to serve small-scale development, including clusters, where permitted by this Zoning Ordinance. Such
system may serve only 1 lot, where a community system is required by this Zoning Ordinance for a specific use.
C. Water Supply System, Municipal: A water supply system that is owned or operated by one of the incorporated
towns within Loudoun County.
Water Pumping Station: See "Utility, Minor."
Water Supply Reservoir: See "Utility, Major."
Loudoun County, VA | Zoning Ordinance 56
Water Supply System, Central: See "Water, Public."
Water Supply System, Community: See "Water, Public."
Water Supply System, Individual: A private water supply system located on the lot served.
Water Supply System, Municipal: See "Water, Public."
Water Storage Tank: See "Utility, Major."
Water Pumping Station: See "Utility, Major."
Water Well, Municipal: See "Utility, Major."
Wayside Stand: Any structure or land on a farm used by the property owner, their family, or tenants to sell agricultural
or horticultural produce, livestock, or merchandise principally produced on that farm, which is clearly an accessory use
of the premises and does not change its character. Produce grown on other farms and accessory products also may be
Wetland: Those areas that are inundated or saturated by surface or groundwater at a frequency and duration sufficient
to support, and that, under normal circumstances do support, a prevalence of vegetation typically adapted for life in
saturated soil conditions, as identified by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers or the State of Virginia. Wetlands generally
include swamps, marshes, bogs, and similar areas.
Wetland Mitigation: Wetland enhancement, restoration, creation and/or preservation project that serves to offset
unavoidable impacts to wetlands, wetland buffer areas, and other associated natural habitats. A Wetland Mitigation
Bank is a type of Wetland Mitigation.
Wetland Mitigation Bank: A natural resource management technique authorized by Part 404 of the federal Clean
Water Act, or other state or federal law, as applicable, using wetland preservation, restoration, creation and/or
enhancement to offset or replace wetland functions that are lost due to development. Wetland mitigation banks are
typically large areas of wetlands operated by private or public entities, which may sell credits to other entities to
compensate for wetland loss or impact at development sites or enter into other similar arrangements.
Wholesale Distribution, Warehousing, and Storage: The storage or holding of goods, which may include the sale of
goods to other firms for resale, including activities involving significant storage and movement of products or
equipment. This use does not involve manufacturing or production. Examples include:
A. Carting;
B. Cold storage;
C. Distribution facilities (as defined below);
D. Apparel wholesale;
E. Express crating;
F. Hauling;
G. Feed locker plants;
H. Fulfillment centers that combine storage with call centers;
I. Hardware storage;
J. Merchant wholesalers (such as restaurant supply sales);
K. Warehousing of materials;
L. Wholesale sale of paper supplies, shoes, sporting goods, professional and commercial equipment and
supplies; and
M. Otherwise preparing goods for transportation.
Loudoun County, VA | Zoning Ordinance 57
A "distribution facility" means the intake of goods and merchandise, individually or in bulk, the short-term holding or
storage of such goods or merchandise, and/or the breaking up into lots or parcels and subsequent shipment off-site of
such goods and merchandise. Distribution may be provided to an entity with an identity of interest with the distribution
facility or to businesses and individuals unrelated to the distributor. The term "Distribution Facility" also includes a
transshipment facility for the temporary holding, storage and shipment of goods or vehicles.
Winery, Commercial: An establishment with facilities for making and bottling wine for sale on site or through
wholesale or retail outlets. A commercial winery is a winery that does not meet the definition of a Virginia Farm Winery.
Winery, Virginia Farm: An establishment: (1) located on a farm with a producing vineyard, orchard or similar growing
area and with facilities for fermenting and bottling wine on the premises where the owner or lessee manufactures wine
that contains not more than 18% alcohol by volume; or (2) located in the Commonwealth with a producing vineyard,
orchard or similar growing area or agreements for purchasing grapes or fruits from agricultural growers within the
Commonwealth, and with facilities for fermenting and bottling wine on the premises where the owner or lessee
manufactures wine that contains not more than 18% alcohol by volume. As used in this definition, the term owner or
lessee must include a cooperative formed by an association of individuals for the purposes of manufacturing wine. In the
event such cooperative is licensed as a farm winery, the term “farm” as used in this definition includes all of the land
owned or leased by the individual members of the cooperative, as long as such land is located in the Commonwealth.
Accessory uses at a Virginia Farm Winery may include: commercial wineries, and wine tasting rooms at which wine
tasting occurs, accessory food sales related to wine tasting, and wines produced on-site are sold. A farm winery license
must be designated either as a Class A or Class B farm winery in accordance with Code of Virginia § 4.1-219. Any farm
winery licensee may manufacture and sell cider in accordance with this definition and Code of Virginia § 4.1-213.
Wood, Metal and Stone Crafts: Stone cutting, welding, blacksmith, tinsmith and woodworking shops with accessory
storage. Includes establishments that:
A. Cut, shape, and finish wood for building or miscellaneous uses using handheld tools or power-operated
woodworking machinery (such as circular and band sawing equipment, planing machinery, and sanding
B. Cut, shape, and finish marble, granite, slate, and other stone for building and miscellaneous uses;
C. Buy or sell partly finished monuments and tombstones;
D. Transform metal into intermediate or end products (other than machinery, computers, or electronics) through
fabricated metal processes, such as forging, stamping, bending, forming, and machining, used to shape
individual pieces of metal, or other processes (such as welding and assembling) used to join separate parts
together; or
E. Treat metals and metal-formed products fabricated elsewhere.
Yard: Area on a lot that must be unoccupied by any structure, except as permitted by this Zoning Ordinance, from the
ground to the sky located along the perimeter of a lot, the dimensions of which are set by the Zoning District Regulations
of the Zoning Ordinance.
Yard, Front: The required yard measured from any road abutting the lot and extending across the full width of the lot.
Yard, Rear: The required yard measured from an abutting alley or the lot line opposite the front yard and extending
across the full width of the lot.
Yard, Side: The required yard, that is neither a front yard nor a rear yard, extending from the front yard to the rear
yard or other front yard when no rear yard exists.
Loudoun County, VA | Zoning Ordinance 58
Yard Waste: The decomposable waste materials generated by yard and lawn care and includes leaves, grass trimmings,
brush, wood chips, and shrub and tree trimmings. Yard waste does not include roots or stumps that exceed 6 inches in
Yard Waste Compost: A stabilized organic product produced from yard waste by a controlled aerobic decomposition
process in such a manner that the product can be handled, stored or applied to the land so that it does not pose a
present or potential hazard to human health or environment.
Yard Waste Composting Facility: A Solid Waste Management Facility which is so located, designed, constructed and
operated for the composting of the portion of household waste that consists of grass clippings, leaves, brush, or tree
trimmings arising from general household yard maintenance, is composted to a stabilized organic product so that it does
not pose a present or potential hazard to human health or the environment.
Zoning Administrator: An appointed County official who serves as the Zoning Administrator, charged with the
interpretation, administration and enforcement of the Zoning Ordinance for Loudoun County, Virginia, or his/her
Zoning District: The various classification of agricultural, residential, commercial and industrial zoning categories
provided for in the Zoning Ordinance and the areas on the Zoning Map in which such different districts are mapped. As
used in this Zoning Ordinance, the term "Zoning District" can refer either to the zoning category, i.e., "the A-3 Zoning
District", or the areas mapped in such uses on the Zoning Map.
Zoning District, Agricultural: The following Zoning Districts are considered Agricultural Zoning Districts:
A. AR-1;
B. AR-2;
C. A-3;
D. A-10; and
E. Are subject to the Right to Farm Act (Code of Virginia § 3.2-300 et seq).
Zoning District, Mixed Use: The following Zoning Districts are considered Mixed Use Zoning Districts:
B. TC; and
Zoning District, Nonresidential: The following Zoning Districts are considered Nonresidential Zoning Districts:
A. UE;
H. GB;
K. RC;
L. OP;
Loudoun County, VA | Zoning Ordinance 59
M. IP;
N. GI; and
Zoning District, Residential: The following Zoning Districts are considered Residential Zoning Districts:
A. SN-4;
B. SN-6;
C. SCN-8;
D. SCN-16;
E. SCN-24;
F. R-1;
G. R-2;
H. R-3;
I. R-4;
J. R-8;
K. R-16;
L. R-24;
M. PD-H;
O. TR-1;
P. TR-2;
Q. TR-3;
R. TR-10;
U. CR-1;
V. CR-2;
W. CR-3;
X. CR-4;
Z. JLMA-1;
BB. JLMA-3; and
CC. JLMA-20.
Zoning Map, Official: For Zoning Districts, Overlay Districts, and other mapped features subject to standards in this
Zoning Ordinance, the official Zoning Map, is the County mapping data, which are in digital form as displayed on
WebLogis and publicly available County GIS data. The Zoning Map is the final authority as to the current zoning status of
land and water areas, buildings, and other structures in the County save for subsequent amendments enacted by the
Board of Supervisors and not yet officially recorded on said map.
Loudoun County, VA | Zoning Ordinance 60
Zoning Permit: A document signed by the Zoning Administrator as a condition precedent to the commencement of a
use or the erection, construction, reconstruction, restoration, alteration, conversion, or installation of a structure or
building, acknowledging such use, structure, or building complies with the provisions of the Zoning Ordinance, or
authorized variance therefrom.
Zoo: A facility, indoor or outdoor, where animals are kept for viewing by the public.