How to Improve the Financial
Oversight of Public Corporations
©2016 International Monetary Fund
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Joint Bank-Fund Library
Names: Allen, Richard, 1944 December 13- | Alves, Miguel. | International Monetary Fund. Fiscal Affairs Department.
Title: How to improve the financial oversight of public corporations / this note was prepared by Richard Allen and Miguel Alves.
Other titles: Fiscal policy, how to improve the financial oversight of public corporations | How to notes (International Monetary
Fund) ; 5
Description: [Washington, DC] : Fiscal Affairs Department, International Monetary Fund, 2016. | How to notes / International
Monetary Fund ; 5 | November 2016. | Includes bibliographical references.
Identifiers: ISBN 9781475551983
Subjects: LCSH: Corporate governance—Quality control. | Corporations--Evaluation.
ISBN 978-1-47555-198-3 (paper)
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1International Monetary Fund | November 2016
Public corporations, otherwise known as state-owned
enterprises (SOEs), are commercial entities owned or
controlled by the government. In this note we discuss the
legal, institutional, and procedural arrangements that gov-
ernments need in order to oversee the nancial operations
of their public corporations, ensure accountability for
the performance of these corporations, and manage the
scal risks they present. In particular, governments should
focus their surveillance on public corporations that are
large in relation to the economy, create scal risks, are not
protable, are unstable nancially, or are heavily depen-
dent on government subsidies or guarantees.
e purpose of the note is to:
Clarify the definition and classification of public
corporations, and explain why their supervision is
important to manage a range of potential fiscal risks;
Propose a policy and a legal and institutional frame-
work for the financial oversight of public corpora-
tions, and tests of their economic and social viability;
Set out the range of financial controls and approvals
over public corporations that should be exercised by
the government, and indicators for reporting and
monitoring their financial performance and quasi-
fiscal activities; and
Recommend a checklist of key measures that a
government should consider taking to effectively
manage and oversee public corporations’ finances,
and the possible sequencing of these reforms.
Many studies have highlighted how failures of public
can result in huge economic and scal
is note was prepared by Richard Allen and Miguel Alves. e
authors would like to thank Ould Abdallah, Virginia Alonso Albar-
ran, David Amaglobeli, M. Astou Diouf, Israel Fainboim, Suzanne
Flynn, Andrea Gamba, Gavin Gray, Alessandro Gullo, Richard
Hughes, Yasemin Hürcan, Tom Josephs, Yugo Koshima, Ngouana
Lonkeng, Paulo Lopes, Erik Lundback, Maria Mendez, Ken Miy-
ajima, Mario Pessoa, Xavier Rame, Carolina Renteria, Christiane
Roehler, Rani Selyodewanti, Niamh Sheridon, Jongsoon Shin,
Alejandro Simone, S. Sriramachandran, Eivind Tandberg, Aminata
Toure, Hui Tong, Karla Vasquez, and Philppe Wingender for their
helpful comments and suggestions.
is note focuses on the oversight of nonnancial public corpo-
rations, as dened in the IMF’s Government Finance Statistics Manual
costs. A recent survey by Bova and others (2016), for
example, analyzes a series of episodes in which contin-
gent liabilities materialized over the period 1990–2014.
e study concluded that the maximum cost of those
episodes involving public corporations was 15.1 percent
of GDP, and the average cost was 3 percent of GDP.
Public corporations were the second-largest category of
scal risk after the nancial sector (which includes many
state-controlled companies). Moreover, the number of
episodes involving public corporations and their average
scal cost doubled between the 1990s and the 2000s.
In order to contain such risks, an eective regime
for the nancial supervision and oversight
of public
corporations should be put in place. is is important
for several reasons:
First, despite the large-scale privatizations that began
in the 1980s, companies owned by the govern-
ment continue to account for a significant share of
economic activity and, in many countries, the bulk
of public sector assets and liabilities (Figures 1 and
2). Kowalski and others (2013) show that the market
value of public corporations accounts for over 11
percent of the market capitalization of listed compa-
nies worldwide, and is even higher in many emerging
markets (for example, Brazil, 18 percent; India, 22
percent; China, 44 percent). Another study shows
that the share of public corporations among Fortune
Global 500 companies has grown from 9 percent
in 2005 to 23 percent in 2014, driven primarily by
Chinese public corporations (PWC 2015). Even in
regions such as sub-Saharan Africa, where the public
corporation sector is smaller, substantial fiscal risks
may arise, and issues relating to privatization and
resource revenue management can be important.
2014. Due to the specicity of banking supervision and regulatory
standards that apply both to private and state-owned banks, these two
types of public corporation are not covered in this note. Nevertheless,
many of the notes ndings and recommendations also apply to nan-
cial institutions such as state-owned commercial banks and develop-
ment banks, which can present signicant scal risks for government.
For this reason, their nancial performance should be monitored by
both the Ministry of Finance and the relevant nancial regulator.
Oversight of public corporations by government covers many
issues other than nance—for example, the monitoring of public
corporations’ compliance with their legal mandate, management of
personnel, security issues, and nonnancial performance.
International Monetary Fund | November 2016
Second, inefficient or poorly managed public corpo-
rations can impose substantial economic and fiscal
costs. The existence of public corporations is usually
justified by an intention to address potential market
failures—for example, the companies are considered
natural monopolies, or they operate in markets that
are protected from competition for strategic or social
reasons. However, in the absence of strong perfor-
mance incentives, public corporations also often
produce at high costs, overcharge customers, and
under-provide often essential services such as power,
water, and telecommunications.
Third, loss-making public corporations can be a
persistent drag on public finances in the form of
government guarantees, subsidies, loans, or capital
injections. Public corporations that approach
or enter bankruptcy often see their liabilities
assumed by government, even where those liabili-
ties are not explicitly guaranteed. A recent survey
found that public corporations were perceived
by IMF staff to be second only to the central
government budget as a source of fiscal risk (IMF
2012). This impression is confirmed by Bova and
others (2016) in the study noted above (see also
IMF 2016).
Fourth, many public corporations are pressured or
mandated to fulfill political objectives and engage
in quasi-fiscal activities that bear little relationship
to their core commercial operations and for which
the companies are not compensated from the
budget, especially in less-developed countries. Such
quasi-fiscal activities include, for example, public
service obligations that are below cost-recovery, price
regulations that imply cross-subsidies, ancillary oper-
ations outside the public corporations core mandate,
or excessive employment levels.
Finally, public corporations can be used as a mech-
anism for circumventing traditional fiscal controls,
and as a conduit for financial corruption (Allen
and Vani 2013). Governments have used public
corporations to conduct fiscal operations off-budget
or channel political favors and patronage to private
individuals and enterprises. These activities under-
mine the integrity of countries’ public administra-
tion, their financial management systems, and the
commercial incentives of the companies themselves.
It should be noted that the structure and economic
character of public corporations have changed quite
radically in the past three decades. Traditionally, many
Figure 1. Market Capitalization of Listed State-Owned
(Percent of gross national income)
United States
South Africa
United Kingdom
Czech Republic
Source: Kowalski and others (2013).
Figure 2. State-Owned Enterprises as a Percentage of
Global 500
3% 3%
2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014
China Rest of the World
Source: PWC (2013).
International Monetary Fund | November 2016
public corporations were natural monopolies. How-
ever, as a result of technological changes, many natural
monopolies have disappeared. For instance, such
sectors as electricity distribution (due to the opening
of the market to competition in many countries) and
telecommunications (due to the growth of the Inter-
net and the use of cellular phones, etc.) are no longer
natural monopolies. Many of the largest public corpo-
rations now operate in the oil, gas, copper, and other
mineral sectors, and some are only legal monopolies
rather than natural ones.
In this note, we discuss the essential building
blocks of an eective framework for the nancial
oversight of public corporations. ese elements
include a comprehensive set of denitions and classi-
cations that conforms with international standards;
a mechanism by which governments can review peri-
odically the status of public corporations to ensure
that they are commercially and economically viable;
a policy framework that determines the ownership
of public corporations, and their legal and institu-
tional status; a robust system of nancial controls and
approvals; and arrangements for measuring and moni-
toring public corporations’ nancial performance and
their quasi-scal activities. In addition, the note rec-
ommends measures that governments should take to
enhance their capacity for overseeing the nances of
public corporations—and how such reforms should
be sequenced.
Denition and Classication of Public
Public corporations can take a diverse range of legal
and organizational forms, and the terminology used
by countries to dene such entities can also cause
confusion. Public corporations are known by many
dierent names—state-owned enterprises, state-owned
entities, state enterprises, parastatals, publicly owned
corporations, government business enterprises, crown
corporations, and nonprot organizations (World Bank
2006, 2014; Allen and Vani 2013). In some cases,
government entities may be legally incorporated as an
enterprise but be largely or entirely engaged in non-
commercial activity; in other cases, entities established
as government agencies may be primarily or wholly
engaged in commercial activity. In many countries, the
legal and commercial distinction between public cor-
porations and other public entities engaging in service
delivery, regulatory, or quasi-commercial functions is
It is important to ensure that the denition
and classication of public corporations and other
public entities are clear, transparent, and, to the extent
possible, in line with international standards.
Countries should identify and classify public cor-
porations based on their economic nature. Specically,
the IMF’s Government Finance Statistics Manual 2014
(GFSM 2014)
denes corporations as “entities that
are capable of generating a prot or other nancial
gain for their owners, are recognized by law as separate
legal entities from their owners, and are set up for
purposes of engaging in market production” (GFSM
2014, paragraph 2.31).
A corporation is classied as a
public corporation if it is controlled by the government
(paragraph 2.107). Public corporations in turn can be
classied as nonnancial or nancial corporations,
depending on the nature of their primary activity
(paragraphs 2.113–2.116). Public corporations may be
under the control of either central or subnational gov-
ernments. Control, which is interpreted broadly as the
ability to determine the general corporate policy of the
A recent study of the United Kingdom, for example, found that
in 2014, more than 3,000 government companies were registered—a
number that has been increasing—but there is no unied and reliable
source of information on these companies (National Audit Oce
2015). In Egypt, public corporations comprise “economic authorities”
and “public sector enterprises.” e distinction between these two
categories lies with their legal status rather than their commercial
nature. Economic authorities are controlled by the government, which
approves their budgets and, ultimately, covers any losses, while public
sector enterprises have more operational autonomy, are controlled
by boards of directors, and are grouped under government holding
companies. In Cyprus, a generic category termed “nongovernmental
organizations” covers a wide range of entities, including regulatory
and sponsorship bodies, non-prot-making educational and cultural
entities, and nancial and nonnancial corporations, which may take
the legal form of either statutory entities or state-owned enterprises.
roughout this note, references to the GFSM 2014 framework
also apply to the GFSM 2001 framework. Both versions of the Man-
ual provide a broadly consistent treatment of public corporations
classication. e treatment of public corporations in the 1986
version of the Manual was more limited.
Dierent, and somewhat more stringent, denitions of public
corporations have been proposed by the OECD’s updated Guidelines
on Corporate Governance of State-Owned Enterprises (OECD 2015)
and international public sector accounting standards (IPSAS). For
example, the denition contained in IPSAS 1 (Presentation of
Financial Statements) requires a government business enterprise
(equivalent to a public corporation) “to sell goods and services, in
the normal course of business to other entities at a prot or full cost
recovery” (our emphasis).
Examples of nonnancial public corporations are national
airlines, electricity companies, and railways. e category could also
include nonprot organizations engaged in market production, such
as hospitals, schools, or colleges. Financial corporations are those
engaged in providing nancial services, such as banks, insurance
companies, and pension fund services.
International Monetary Fund | November 2016
entity, may be assessed by analyzing eight indicators, as
proposed in Box2.2 of GFSM 2014.
A government-controlled entity that is legally estab-
lished as an enterprise may not be a public corporation,
from an economic standpoint. Entities that are controlled
by the government should be classied as public cor-
porations only if they are market producers—namely, if
they provide all or most of their output at prices that are
economically signicant. Although there is no precise
numerical formula for determining whether prices
are “economically signicant,” the orientation of an
entity toward market production can be assessed by the
so-called market test. GFSM 2014 proposes that a unit
be classied as a market producer if the value of its sales
(excluding both taxes and subsidies not directly linked to
the volume or value of the output) averages at least half
of the production costs (broadly dened as the sum of the
compensation of employees, use of goods and services,
consumption of xed capital, and a return on capital),
over a period of at least three years. In practice, however,
diculties of valuation may arise. In sectors such as util-
ities, nuclear energy production, or weapons production,
for example, prices are often dicult to determine or are
not strongly linked with production costs.
Reviewing the Status of Public Corporations
Policy goals associated with the establishment of
public corporations may be achieved in a more e-
cient way. For example, a tax and regulatory frame-
work enshrined in law may be a more ecient and
transparent way to ensure that the government receives
its fair share of hydrocarbon revenues, while reducing
legal uncertainty for investors. Similarly, providing
targeted subsidies may be a more ecient means of
making energy more aordable for consumers than
ese eight indicators include, for example, ownership of the
majority of the voting interest, control of the board or other governing
body, and control of key committees of the public corporation, any
of which would be sucient to determine government control. How-
ever, in most cases, a decision on the source of control may require
judgment and an assessment of a wider range of indicators. A similar
framework, comprising ve indicators to assess the commercial orien-
tation and scal risks of public enterprises, was proposed earlier by the
Fiscal Aairs Department of the IMF (see IMF 2005, 2007).
Governments sometimes undertake scal or quasi-scal activities
(including the securitization of assets, borrowing, etc.) using special
purpose vehicles (SPVs). e classication criteria described above
also apply to SPVs, but the special nature of these activities, and the
fact that some of them may be established in a dierent country,
requires some elaboration. See GFSM 2014, paragraphs 2.136–
2.138, for further guidance.
setting up a public corporation. Legislation should
require the government to carry out a full assessment
of the costs and benets of each alternative in order to
inform policymakers whenever a proposal to establish a
new public corporation is put forward.
In addition to undertaking a critical assessment of the
economic case for establishing new public corporations,
governments should review periodically the status and
viability of existing public corporations. Table 1 sets
out a stylized framework for undertaking such reviews.
Governments should take into account both the eco-
nomic performance of each entity (for example, whether
it is actually or potentially protable, and whether
market conditions are favorable) and its relevance from
a strategic or a national security point of view. Such a
policy assessment, in turn, may depend on, among other
things, the governments political orientation regarding
issues such as the role of the market and state owner-
ship. Reviews of the status of public corporations should
also take account of the social context. For example, if a
public corporation is a candidate for corporatization or
privatization, the impact on income distribution should
be considered, given that privatization often results in
large employment losses in the short term. Even when
privatization is not a viable policy option, public corpo-
rations can still be exposed to market discipline through
partial listing procedures.
Policy, Legal, and Institutional Frameworks for
Public Corporations
An eective framework for the nancial oversight of
public corporations requires a clearly dened owner-
ship policy backed by strong legal and institutional
In some countries, the laws and regula-
tions governing business enterprises will provide much
A similar framework has been applied by the International Bud-
get Partnership in several recent studies—see, for example, e State
Table 1. Framework for Reviewing the Status of
Public Enterprises
Policy or Strategic Relevance
Low High
Commercial Viability
Close down
Convert into a noncommercial
government entity
Retain as a public corporation, monitor
closely operations and finances
International Monetary Fund | November 2016
of the required legal framework for public corpora-
tions. Such laws include those related to the structure
and powers of the management board, requirements
on nancial reporting, and independent audit arrange-
ments. However, for public corporations these laws
need to be supplemented by a public sector–specic
oversight framework that denes the respective goals,
powers, and responsibilities of the corporation, the
Ministry of Finance, and any line ministries involved.
is frameworks three main components are described
below. e interactions with nancial institutions (for
example, the potential domino eect of the nancial
collapse of a public corporation) and ties with other
countries (for example, through foreign shareholding)
should be taken into account in the institutional and
legal framework for public corporations.
Ownership Policy
e government should develop and publish a
comprehensive ownership policy for its corporations.
e ownership policy should provide a clear state-
ment of the states policy and nancial objectives as
shareholder in each company or group of companies,
which may be a mix of nancial, economic, and social
It should also state how the government
intends to exercise its ownership rights; the main
functions carried out by the government as owner
of public corporations; the objectives and mandate
of each public corporation; the organization of the
ownership function; the relationship between nancial
and nonnancial oversight; and the main principles
and policies to be followed, such as ensuring a level
playing eld between public corporations and the
private sector. e ownership policy should refer to the
constitution, laws, regulations, codes, and other docu-
ments that dene the ownership rights of the state. On
nancial oversight, the policy should explicitly address
the following elements: planning or budgeting require-
ments; reporting requirements; pricing and taris; div-
idend policy; nancial assistance from the government,
of the Art of State-Owned Enterprises in Brazil, June 2014, and similar
studies of Korea and South Africa.
In Sweden, for example, the government’s overall objective is
to create value for the owners”; in Norway, the state requires SOEs
to take corporate responsibility and uphold our basic values in an
exemplary manner”; in the United Kingdom, the objective is “to
ensure that Government’s shareholdings deliver sustained, positive
returns…within the policy, regulatory and customer parameters set
by the government, acting as an eective and intelligent share-
holder.” Examples quoted in OECD (2010).
including guarantees; and contractual commitments.
e policy should also ensure that all these elements
are included in the government’s nancial monitoring
and reporting framework. More detailed guidance and
examples of ownership policies can be found in OECD
Legal Framework
To establish clearly the respective roles of the gov-
ernment and its corporations in the area of nancial
management, many countries have found it helpful
to prepare a framework law on public corporations.
Such a law may be self-standing (for example, New
Zealand, Philippines), or it may comprise a chapter of
the public nance law (South Africa, Spain). e legal
framework should include the following elements:
1. A clear definition of a public corporation. If there
is a special legal form of incorporation only applied
to public corporations, then the law should define
the parameters of this legal form. If public corpo-
rations are incorporated according to commercial
law, then the legal framework should refer to these
laws and clarify whether they apply in their entirety
or include some special provisions for public
2. A clear definition of the financial oversight func-
tion, whether this role would be carried out by the
Ministry of Finance, a sector ministry in consulta-
tion with the Ministry of Finance, or possibly an
independent agency (as in the Swedish model);
3. A statement of the powers of the government
to receive, comment on, and approve the finan-
cial plans, financial targets, and annual financial
statements of public corporations; set financial
performance targets; and respond to requests by
public corporations for compensation of public
sector obligations, capital injections, borrowing, or
government guarantees;
4. A statement of the public reporting requirements
for all corporations, including a full annual financial
(containing a statement of operations,
a cash flow statement, and a balance sheet) pre-
pared in accordance with national or international
accounting standards;
e OECD Guidelines provide examples of how ownership
policies are exercised in a range of countries, including Finland,
France, Norway, Sweden, and the United Kingdom.
Probably also full quarterly statements for large, listed compa-
nies, for example, in accordance with stock exchange requirements.
6 International Monetary Fund | November 2016International Monetary Fund | November 2016
5. A requirement for the government to publish an
annual report on whether public corporations are
achieving their policy and financial objectives, and
complying with their obligations to prepare regular
and timely financial reports; and
6. A requirement for the annual accounts of the public
corporation to be audited by a reputable, indepen-
dent auditing body that is recognized internation-
ally, and to publish the audit report.
e role of the sector ministry and the public
corporations management board, in terms of exercis-
ing its responsibilities for planning and managing the
entitys resources, also needs to be clearly dened in
law (OECD 2015).
e sector ministry should be
responsible for policy issues related to that sector, but
it should not be involved in the strategic planning of
individual public corporations, especially if there exist
private sector competitors that are regulated under the
same policy framework. e governance framework
should be based on the “arms length” principle of
managing public corporations, which distinguishes the
functions of ownership and management. Management
boards should be allowed to exercise their responsi-
bilities without interference or pressure from their
respective line ministry. Where such independence can-
not be guaranteed, as is the case in many less-advanced
economies, the Ministry of Finance may need to
employ stronger oversight of the nancial performance
of public corporations.
Finally, the legal framework for public corpora-
tions should include sanctions to ensure that the
provisions are enforceable and eective. In particu-
lar, sanctions may be necessary to meet nancial or
operational performance targets, in cases of nancial
distress or insolvency, or in serious cases of fraud
and nancial mismanagement. Such sanctions may
assume various degrees of severity, ranging from addi-
tional reporting requirements (for example, monthly
Audit standards vary from country to country, and depend on
the legal status of the public corporation. If the public corporation
is subject to commercial law, audit requirements are likely to be
prescribed. e right to decide on who should audit a public cor-
poration may rest with the country’s supreme audit institution, the
Ministry of Finance, or the public corporation itself.
Public corporations may take a variety of legal forms. Some of
these entities may not include a management board in their gover-
nance structure. In some countries, public corporations have been
converted into corporations with modern board structures, with the
aim of ensuring the independence of the public corporations’ day-to-
day management from the governments ownership functions.
rather than quarterly reports), imposition of addi-
tional controls (for example, over sta recruitment,
pay, or major investment decisions); administrative
measures (for example, steps to dismiss or suspend
members of the management board); or, ultimately,
imposition by the government of direct control over
a public corporations day-to-day operations. In some
countries, sanctions may be applied to members of
the public corporations management board or indi-
viduals in government who have been charged with
the oversight of public corporations.
Institutional Framework
Because shareholders have the right to approve
public corporations’ corporate and nancial plans and
dividend policies, and to receive nancial reports, the
ownership and nancial oversight functions overlap
with each other. For this reason, some countries have
chosen to locate both the ownership and nancial
oversight functions in a central agency, often the Min-
istry of Finance, the Treasury, or the Presidency (exam-
ples are Brazil and Sweden). Other countries apply a
more decentralized ownership model or a mixture of
the centralized and decentralized models. e latter
approaches include:
In some countries, shares in public corporations
are held by an autonomous agency, or by a holding
company or investment company. Examples include
Austria (Österreichische Industrieholding AG),
China (SASAC), Finland (Solidium Oy), France
(APE), Kenya (Government Investment Corpo-
ration, GIC), Malaysia (Khazanah), Peru (FON-
AFE), Singapore (Temasek), and Spain (SEPI). The
management board of the holding company may
include representatives of the Ministry of Finance
(for example, Austria, Finland, Malaysia, Singapore).
The holding company model has the advantage of
putting in charge professional asset managers with
relevant private sector skills, who can actively man-
age the portfolio of public corporations. It also helps
to insulate the portfolio of public corporations from
political interference. Nevertheless, it requires some
prerequisites to be in place, such as the harmoniza-
tion of legal frameworks surrounding ownership and
oversight of public corporations, and the adoption
in law and publication of a comprehensive corporate
governance framework.
In other countries, Ministry of Finance staff often
lack sufficient sector knowledge to exercise effective
International Monetary Fund | November 2016
e Public Finance Management Act of 1999 and
Treasury regulations require public enterprises to submit
on an annual basis: (1) strategic plans, (2) nancial
plans, and (3) risk management plans.
e Department of Public Enterprises (DPE) enters
into a Shareholder Compact (a form of Performance
Agreement) with six of the largest commercial state
enterprises, in which key performance indicators and
other performance data are formalized. e DPE is
responsible for approving signicant transactions into
which the enterprise enters. e Minister of the DPE
is also responsible for nominating the board mem-
bers of most public enterprises, who must then be
approved by the Cabinet.
Source: Adapted from IMF (2016, Box A1.5).
Public enterprises are required to submit multiyear
budgets to the DPE at least one month before the start
of their nancial year. e National Treasury imposes
annual limits on the borrowing, guarantees, and other
contingent liabilities of the enterprises.
e Fiscal Liability Committee in the National
Treasury advises the Minister on short- and medi-
um-term contingent liabilities and guarantees related
to public enterprises.
Public enterprises are required to prepare annual
nancial statements in line with generally accepted
accounting practices within ve months of the
end of each year. ey are also required to submit
quarterly nancial reports to the DPE, or the super-
vising ministry when they are not subject to DPE
oversight of a public corporation.
In such cases,
line ministries often assume the policy/ownership
role, subject to a framework established and super-
vised by the Ministry of Finance or some other cen-
tral agency. Such a model is prevalent in countries
with a large and diverse portfolio of public corpo-
rations, where full centralization of the ownership
function may be difficult. Examples include Mexico,
South Africa, and Thailand. These decentralized
approaches call for close coordination between the
Ministry of Finance and the ministry or agency that
holds the shares.
Analyzing the nancial performance of public cor-
porations requires specialized and advanced skills that
in many countries are vested in a dedicated oversight
unit. In some advanced economies and middle-
income countries, this unit is located in the Ministry
of Finance, as for example in Chile, France, New
Zealand, South Africa, and Sweden; or in the Prime
Ministers Oce, as in Finland; or in the Ministry of
Planning, as in Brazil. In less-advanced economies,
which frequently lack expertise in corporate nance
ere are exceptions, however. In Honduras, for example, a
Directorate of the Secretariat of Finance (the Ministry of Finance)
provides nancial oversight of public corporations. e Directorate
produces quarterly reports on the nancial performance and human
resources of public corporations, using a range of indicators, and
advises the government on policies for public corporations.
and other required skills, the case for centralizing
resources in a single entity such as the Ministry of
Finance is strong. e monitoring units require a mix
of expertise in nancial analysis, corporate governance,
corporate nance, and law, and their sta may repre-
sent or support the representatives of the government
on the boards of public corporations. Box 1 provides
an example of how the central oversight mechanism
works in South Africa.
Public corporation monitoring units frequently
publish annual monitoring reports on the nancial
and operational performance of the public corporation
sector and the scal risks they create.
e tasks of the
For South Africa, see Analysis of the Financial Performance
of State-Owned Enterprises (
sis-nancial-performance-state-owned-enterprises); for Lithuania,
Annual Review of Lithuanian State-Owned Commercial Assets (http://; for Fin-
land, Annual Report of the State’s Ownership Steering (http://vnk.
pdf/1f84341c-ddb7-4a04-9de6-3fb50013c606); for France, French
State as Shareholder (les/les/
ports-de-l-Etat-actionnaire/2013/Overview_2013.pdf); for Brazil,
Prole of State Companies (Perl das Empresas Estatais) (http://
perl-dasempresas-estasais); for New Zealand, Annual Portfo-
lio Report (
portfolio/reporting/annual/2013/apr-13.pdf); and, for Sweden,
Annual Report: State-Owned Companies (http://www.govern-
Box 1. Central Oversight of Public Enterprises in South Africa
International Monetary Fund | November 2016
monitoring unit include analyzing the nancial plans of
public corporations, setting appropriate nancial targets,
monitoring performance against quarterly and annual
nancial reports, and assessing the cost and impact of
public service obligations and other quasi-scal activ-
ities. e unit may also advise the government on the
appointment of board members and on decisions of
whether to provide the company with more capital
or increase the annual dividend, in accordance with
the governments ownership policy. Monitoring units
need to work closely with the macroeconomic unit and
the budget oce of the Ministry of Finance to ensure
that any transfers provided to public corporations
made through the budget,
together with government
guarantees and the cost of public service obligations,
are correctly estimated and disclosed in the budget, the
medium-term scal strategy, or a scal risk statement.
Central Financial Control and Approvals
In exercising their ownership functions, governments
need to strike a balance between maximizing the opera-
tional autonomy of public corporations and minimizing
scal risks to government. Although nancial control
mechanisms vary from country to country, they typically
include some or all of the following elements:
Financial and policy objectives: Good financial man-
agement depends critically on a clear and opera-
tional statement of the governments financial and
policy objectives related to each public corporation.
The former may be expressed in terms of the public
corporations dividend, profit, return on equity, or
other indicators discussed below. The latter may
include the maintenance of universal access to
infrastructure services, provision of certain strategic
outputs, or provision of services at below market
prices, all of which should be compensated through
transfers from the government’s budget;
Financial plans: The ownership of the majority of
the voting interest gives the government a veto
power on all major decisions regarding corporate
policy and financial plans.
When assessing a public
Some governments (for example, Turkey in the 1990s) have
issued bonds to cover the losses or quasi-scal activities of public
corporations, without making transfers through the budget. Such
practices are nontransparent and can be prevented by appropriate
provisions in the public nance law.
In countries where the government owns “golden shares” or
share purchase options in public corporations, these powers can also
be exercised when the government is a minority shareholder.
corporations financial plan, governments should
ensure that, among other things, (1) financial tar-
gets, prices and tariffs, capital levels, and targets for
dividends are appropriate; (2) the balance between
commercial objectives and any public service obliga-
tions is adequate; (3) investment plans take govern-
ment priorities and related activities into account;
(4) financial and operational risks are actively
managed; and (5)public corporations do not create
subsidiaries as a means of transferring the control of
public assets to private interests;
Borrowing: The government—in some countries
with the formal approval of the legislature—may
establish ceilings on the borrowing of public cor-
porations as a whole and/or individually to limit
the contingent liability to government itself and the
impact on the wider economy;
Guarantees: Governments in some cases either
prohibit entirely or strictly control the issuance of
guarantees by public corporations to third parties, as
this impairs the governments equity in the corpora-
tion and is typically more expensive than extending
the guarantee directly from government;
Sale/pledging of assets: Public corporations’ nonfinan-
cial assets, such as land or buildings, are often pro-
vided to them by the government free of charge (in
some cases, the legal ownership of the assets remains
with the government, rather than with the public
corporation itself). For this reason, and to protect
its equity in the corporation, the government may
restrict the sale of these assets or their use as collat-
eral in financial transactions. It may similarly restrict
the pledging or securitization of future revenue
Mergers/acquisitions: Given the impact that mergers
and acquisitions may have in terms of the public
corporations’ operations and finances, as well as the
environment for competition, governments typi-
cally require their approval before a corporation can
merge with or acquire another enterprise; and
Corporate governance: public corporations should
establish professional management and a strong
corporate governance framework that can operate
effectively without government interference, in line
with international standards (OECD 2015). While
the government, as owner, has a direct responsibility
for selecting board members, the selection of chief
executive officers and other key personnel should
be performed by the board without government
interference. Because of operational autonomy
International Monetary Fund | November 2016
considerations, the formal feedback (and reporting
of potential risks) to the government should be
undertaken by the management board, rather than
by personnel of the public corporations concerned.
In addition, all public corporations should establish
an audit committee and a well-functioning internal
audit regime.
Monitoring Public Corporations’ Financial
Financial Reporting and Auditing Standards
Monitoring the nancial performance of public
corporations is greatly facilitated if public corporations
follow International Financial Reporting Standards
(IFRS) for nancial reporting and auditing. Compliance
with IFRS
ensures a high-quality source of primary
data on public corporations, including for the purposes
of their nancial oversight. By providing a true and
fair view on the accounting for assets and liabilities,
IFRS enhances the reliability of nancial information,
which is also more readily understood and comparable,
both domestically and worldwide. Independent audit
of public corporations’ nancial statements, conducted
in line with the International Standards on Auditing,
further enhances their reliability and is an important
prerequisite of sound nancial governance, especially for
large public corporations. In less-advanced economies,
the adoption of IFRS and contracting of international
accounting rms can involve large costs that may exceed
their nancial resources. In such cases, a prudent policy
may be to require only the largest public corporations—
or those with a substantial exposure to scal risk—to
comply with IFRS and international audit standards.
Compliance with IFRS also facilitates the consol-
idation of nancial data on public corporations with
Boards may need to be given guidance on issues such as
(1) how management autonomy can be assured, (2)how manage-
ment skills can be developed and sustained, (3) how board members
should be selected and remunerated, and (4) how to avoid pressures
to exempt certain public corporations from good governance princi-
ples in cases where vested interests are strong.
Depending on the country, the corporate legal framework may
require reporting rules other than IFRS. In some jurisdictions, only
listed companies are required to comply with IFRS, while other
corporations have to comply with national or regional standards (see
PwC, “IFRS Adoption by Country,” at
issues/ifrs-reporting/publications/ifrs-status-country.html for more
information). Recently, the IPSAS Board revised the applicability of
IPSAS, making these standards applicable for enterprises other than
commercial public sector entities.
data on the general government sector in countries
that follow IPSAS, GFSM 2014, or related standards.
Under IFRS, the recording of government support to
public corporations should reect the economic nature
of the transaction, rather than its instrumental or legal
form. is is consistent with the treatment prescribed
in IPSAS and GFSM 2014, thus allowing for an
accurate elimination of intra-governmental transactions
and stock holdings, for the purpose of consolidating
nancial statements. Particular attention should be
paid to so-called nancial transactions such as capital
injections, loans, and debt assumptions. If these trans-
actions create a true nancial claim of the govern-
ment on the public corporation, then they should be
regarded as purchases of nancial assets by the govern-
ment and not count against its reported surplus/decit.
If not, they should be recorded as capital transfers with
a positive impact on the net worth of the public corpo-
ration and a negative impact on the government’s sur-
plus/decit and net worth. GFSM2014 (Figures A3.1
and A3.2) presents decision trees to help determine the
economic nature of nancial transactions, which are
broadly consistent with IFRS/IPSAS.
Public Corporation Monitoring Reports
Monitoring reports on public corporations should
summarize the overall nancial performance of the
sector as well as provide information on individual
companies. Well-designed reports (note 16 has links
to good examples from several countries, and Box 2
outlines an example from Sweden) usually encompass
ve main sections:
An overview of the sector and highlights of public
corporation activities during the year, including
information on policy decisions or transactions that
had a material impact on the financial position of
the sector;
A full list of the companies owned by the government,
broken down by industry, size, and type of ownership
(for example, majority- or minority-owned companies,
strategic companies, or candidates for privatization);
An overview of how the government has exercised
its ownership policy, including the appointment of
board members, dividend policy, organizational and
governance arrangements, and the announcement of
financial and public policy targets;
In Brazil, the government prepared a guidance manual (Manual
do Conselheiro de Administracao) for members of the management
International Monetary Fund | November 2016
1. Financial overview
2. Events in brief
3. Ownership issues
a. Ownership model
b. Company cases
c. Nominations to company boards
d. Financial targets
e. Sustainability business models
f. Public policy targets
g. Remuneration and terms of employment
h. Company portfolio, including its valuation
i. Eect of company divestments and dividends in
government nances
4. Individual company data
a. Description of company’s mandate and
Source: Department for Innovation and State-Owned
Companies (2015).
b. Summary of activities in 2014
c. Targets (nancial, sustainability, and public
d. Performance review
e. Summary nancial information (abridged
income statement and balance sheet, key ratios,
reporting performance)
f. Panel charts (state ownership, gender
distribution, and one performance indicator)
5. General information
a. States ownership policy
b. Accounting principles and denitions
c. Legislation
d. Summary of changes in executive boards
e. Assessment of reporting practices
f. Guidelines for reporting
g. Guidelines for terms of employments for senior
h. Management responsibility for companies
Special topics, including a more thorough explana-
tion of issues related to the government’s ownership
policy: for example, changes in the policy frame-
work for public corporations, remuneration policy,
the valuation of companies, issues of organization
and management, and the impact of public corpo-
rations on government finances and the economy
more broadly; and
Information on individual companies, comprising
a summary of their operations, abridged financial
statements, and indicators of financial performance
for the current year and previous years. The report
should also provide a list of board members, key
personnel, and auditors, as well as information on
the governments shareholding and financial targets,
if applicable, together with data on key performance
indicators. This information could draw on a central
database of public corporations at the national and
subnational levels.
boards appointed by the Ministry of Planning. is manual covers
issues related to governance, coordination between the board and the
government, the role and responsibilities of management and board
members, conicts of interest, and remuneration. See http://www.
Indicators of Public Corporations’ Financial
Analysis of the nancial performance of public cor-
porations should include a range of indicators of the
protability, risks, and nancial relations with the gov-
ernment. e choice of specic indicators depends on
country circumstances, including the type of industry a
public corporation is representing, the level of risk, and
comparability with the private sector. However, nan-
cial surveillance by the government typically focuses on
indicators of:
Financial performance as measured by indicators
such as the profit margin (earnings/revenue), the
return on equity (earnings/equity), and the return
on assets (earnings/assets);
Financial risk as measured by indicators such as
liquidity (current assets/current liabilities), leverage
(assets/equity), solvency (liabilities/revenue), or the
probability of default;
ere is a broad range of indicators of rm default risk, such as
Altman (1968) Z-Score measures, Ohlson (1980) O-Score measures,
and Black-Scholes-Merton (1973) default probabilities, which take
into account broader rm characteristics such as protability and
size. In the case of public corporations, for which an implicit bailout
guarantee often exists, this probability of default can be used to
measure the implicit risk.
Box 2. Content of Swedens 2014 Annual Report of State-Owned Companies
International Monetary Fund | November 2016
Transactions with the government
in the form of
dividends, taxes, grants, compensation for qua-
si-fiscal activities (see below), and other subsidies;
changes in government equity holdings in the
public corporation;
and guarantees given or
called; and
Foreign linkages as measured by indicators such as
the relative weight of debt to foreign creditors, the
currency composition of debt, or the hedging of
currency risk.
Ideally, comprehensive information on these transactions should
be included in the governments annual nancial statements and
other scal reports.
Government equity holdings are reected in the government’s
balance sheet and may represent a substantial share of the assets and
liabilities under its control. Explaining the changes in equity hold-
ings requires a disclosure of transactions, valuation changes, or other
economic ows related to those assets and liabilities.
Table 2 provides examples of the specic indicators
monitored by the Australian government.
From a scal risk management perspective, the anal-
ysis of individual company information is as important
as aggregated data for the public corporation sector.
Another good example is Indonesia, where the ownership
entity uses eight nancial indicators to assess the nancial health of
nonnancial public enterprises. ese indicators include: the return
on equity, the return on investment, the ratio of current assets to
current liabilities, inventory turnover, total asset turnover, and the
equity to total asset ratio. A weighted average of the indicators is also
constructed in order to classify enterprises as “healthy,” “less than
healthy,” and “not healthy.
It would be good practice for a summary of scal risks from
the public corporation sector (drawn from relevant monitoring
reports) to be included in any wider scal risk statement produced
by the country. Bachmair (2016) presents a framework for the
quantication, management, and mitigation of risks stemming from
government guarantees and on-lending, and demonstrates how it is
applied in Colombia, Indonesia, Sweden, and Turkey.
Table 2. Australia: Financial Performance Indicators for Government Enterprises
Financial performance
(indication of the commercial viability of the
Financial risk
(information on the risk of an enterprise not
being able to meet its financial obligations)
Transactions with government
(impact of the transactions with the
government in the enterprise’s finances)
Profit before tax =
Revenue – Total expenses (excluding income tax)
Operating profit margin =
Earnings before interest and tax from operation
Operating revenue
Cost Recovery =
Operating revenue
x 100
Operating expenses
Return on operating assets =
Earnings before interest and tax
Average operating assets
x 100
Return on total equity =
Operating profit after tax
Average total equity
x 100
Return on equity based on operating assets
and liabilities =
Operating profit after tax
Average equity based on
x 100
operating assets and liabilities
Operating cash flow to sales =
Operating cash flow
Operating revenue
x 100
Debt to equity =
x 100
Equity based on operating
assets and liabilities
Debt to operating assets =
x 100
Average operating assets
Total liabilities to equity =
Total liabilities
Total equity
x 100
Operating liabilities to equity =
Operating liabilities
x 100
Equity based on operating
assets and liabilities
Interest Coverage =
Earnings before interest and tax
Gross interest expense
Current ratio =
Current operating assets
x 100
Current operating liabilities
Leverage ratio =
Total operating assets
x 100
Equity based on operating
assets and liabilities
Short term debt coverage =
Operating cash flow
Current liabilities
x 100
Dividend to equity =
Dividend paid or provided for
x 100
Average equity based on operating
assets and liabilities
Divident payout ratio =
Dividends paid or provided for
Operating profit after tax
x 100
Income tax expense =
the value of income tax or income tax-
equivalent expenses payable to government
Grants revenue ratio =
Grants to cover
deficits in operations
x 100
Public service obligations =
the sum of payments by governments to public
corporations for the specific noncommercial
activities that they direct public corporations
to undertake
Source: Australian Government, Productivity Commission, “Financial Performance of Government Trading Enterprises” (
International Monetary Fund | November 2016
e segmentation of public corporations according
to risk can be done through a composite indicator
(for example, a linear combination of business ratios,
weighted by coecients) or a simple count of the
number of indicators on which the enterprise exceeds
an established (safe) threshold. e government can
also stipulate that a public corporation be considered
a high-risk entity if a particular indicator reaches a
level that imposes an unacceptable scal risk. Enter-
prises with higher risk should be subject to a stricter
oversight regime (more frequent reporting, stricter
targets, tighter controls, etc.) and should be required
to implement risk-mitigating measures.
Source: IMF (2016, Table 3).
Eorts to build composite indicators of risk of individual
enterprises have a long history. One early example is the Z-Score,
which measures the probability that an enterprise will go bank-
rupt in the next two to three years. See Altman 2000, 2005.
In a recent paper (IMF 2016, Table 3), the IMF
has proposed a number of measures and techniques
to mitigate the risks arising from public corporations;
they can be summarized as follows:
Direct controls to limit fiscal exposure, for exam-
ple, by reducing the size of the public corporation
sector, or by imposing caps on the liabilities that
public corporations can accumulate;
Regulations and charges to reduce risky activities,
for example, by holding public corporation boards
to account for financial performance; and
The transfer or sharing of risks, for example, by
introducing explicit no-bailout clauses.
e government should consider provisioning for
those risks that are not mitigated. is could take the
form of expensing the costs of expected subsidies (for
example, compensation for quasi-scal activities) in
the budget, or setting aside nancial assets to meet the
costs of potential restructuring of public corporations.
Given that the prots of public corporations are not
fungible, the likelihood of scal risks materializing
from their activities (in the form of higher subsidies,
increased borrowing costs, or outright bailouts) depends
on individual companies’ performance. In this sense, the
government should assess the nancial performance of
each public corporation, segment them according to the
level of risk, and apply appropriate levels of control and
risk-mitigating measures to each segment (see Box 3).
Taking account of their macro-criticality, larger pub-
lic corporations should be subject to stricter oversight
regimes, even if the level of risk they pose is low (the
indicators most commonly used for measuring the size
of public corporations include the level of sales, assets
or liabilities, or income tax paid). Special challenges in
monitoring performance and risk may arise where a
public corporation has a complex corporate structure
that involves a large number of subsidiaries and shell
corporations, and where the information provided by
the parent company is unreliable or nontransparent.
Quasi-Fiscal Activities
Quasi-scal activities are operations carried out by
public corporations to further a public policy objec-
tive that worsens their nancial position relative to a
strictly commercial prot-maximizing level. Quasi-
scal activities can take a variety of forms, the most
common of which include:
Public service obligations: charging less than commer-
cial cost (cost-recovering) prices for the provision
of goods and services to the general public or target
groups (for example, setting artificially low prices
for public utilities, such as energy and water, thus
providing an implicit subsidy to consumers);
Noncore functions: obligations imposed by the gov-
ernment for the public corporation to provide goods
and services, or undertake capital investments, that
are unrelated to their core functions;
Subsidized purchases: paying above commercial prices
to particular suppliers of goods and services or assets
(for example, agricultural inventories purchased
from domestic farmers);
“Super-dividends: withdrawal of own funds in excess
of the distributable income of the accounting year,
normally as a consequence of sales of assets or pay-
ments out of accumulated reserves; and
Pricing for short-term budget revenue purposes: set-
ting a higher price for goods and services so as to
increase a public corporations profits and divi-
Box 3. Fiscal Risks Related to Public Corporations: Segmentation and Mitigating Measures
13International Monetary Fund | November 2016
Transportation services in the European Union
(EU), typically engage in three dierent types of pub-
lic service obligations:
Obligations to operate a service (for example, a
low-density branch line) or a particular service level
(for example,services at night or on weekends/
Obligations to transport customers at specified fare
levels (a regulated fare structure below cost recovery
or with restrictions on fare increases); and
Obligations to offer concessional fares to specific
groups, such as students, the elderly, disabled riders,
military personnel, civil servants, etc.
Under EU legislation, government units must
establish a public service contract with any passenger
transport operator that has been granted an exclusive
right of operation, or compensation for public service
obligations, or both. ese contracts mandatorily:
Sources: World Bank (2011); and European Union (2007).
Define in a clear way the public service obligations
with which the operator needs to comply, and the
geographic areas concerned.
Establish, in an objective and transparent manner,
the basis on which compensation payments, if
any, are to be calculated, and the nature and
extent of any exclusive rights granted, in a way
that prevents overcompensation and distortion of
Determine the arrangements for the allocation
between the operator and the public authority of
(1)costs connected with the provision of services,
and (2) revenue from the sale of tickets.
For contracts awarded without competitive tender-
ing, the legislation further stipulates that the com-
pensation should not exceed the net nancial cost of
contractual obligations. To increase transparency and
avoid cross-subsidies, the legislation also requires that
accounts of public services be separated from accounts
of other (noncompensated) activities.
dends in the short term, even if this risks reducing
the companys market share and its profits in the
medium term.
e cost of delivering public service obligations
and subsidized purchases should be fully funded
through the budget, and it should be disclosed sepa-
rately in the nancial statements of both the gov-
ernment and the public corporation. is disclosure
of information should describe the type of activity;
the rationale for performing it through the public
corporation, rather than directly through the state
budget; the opportunity cost of the activity; and
the mechanism designed to compensate the public
corporation for the negative impact on its nancial
position, if applicable. Such an approach is trans-
parent and holds the government accountable for
the performance of its companies and the delivery
of public services. It also prevents the government
from using public corporations to hide activities that
are essentially scal, by requiring their full costs to
be recognized in the budget and the governments
nancial statements. In addition, disclosure allows
for comparisons with the nancial performance and
eciency of private corporations that are competing
in the same markets as public corporations. Box 4
presents examples of how public service obligations
in the transport sector are disclosed and managed in
the European Union.
ere are several methods of estimating the costs
of quasi-scal activities, depending on their nature.
For targeted reduced-tari regimes or above-market-
price payments to suppliers, the cost of the quasi-scal
activity can be estimated as the dierence between sales
of output at observable market prices and the prices
specied by the government for the specic target
groups. Other types of public service obligation, such
as obligations to operate low-density transportation
services (for example, little-used bus or rail routes,
or night/weekend/holiday services) or generalized
low-tari regimes, where market prices are not directly
observable, can be estimated through indirect methods,
for example, using the actual cost of providing the
e literature refers to dierent methods for such estimations
(see, for example, OECD 2010, Box 1.10). While there is no
preferred method, the government should develop an approach that
removes inconsistencies in measuring the nancial performance of
public corporations.
Box 4. EU Regulatory Framework for Public Service Obligations in the Transportation Sector
International Monetary Fund | November 2016
Example A: Reduced rail tariff for students
e government requests that the Public Railway
Corporation transport college students from the
Central Station to the University Station at a quarter
of the regular fare ($1 per trip). In 2015, the Railway
Corporation sold 23,000 student fare tickets.
Cost of 2015 quasi-scal activity = $17,250 =
23,000 × $0.75 (assumes a price elasticity equal to zero)
Example B: Subsidized bus route to a rural
e government requests that the Public Bus
Corporation maintain in operation a loss-making
route between the capital city and a rural community,
without raising fares charged to passengers. e gov-
ernment allowed the corporation to borrow in order to
cover the underlying decit, and it has agreed to pay
compensation sucient for the corporation to achieve
a nancial surplus on this route comparable to the
surplus obtained on other routes it operates. Details
of the operations of the loss-making route in 2015
were as follows: operating costs, $56 million; interest
paid, $4 million; ticket sales, $20 million. e average
surplus obtained on other routes was 10 percent of
ticket sales.
Estimated economic cost of 2015 quasi-scal
activity (millions) = $40 = $56 + $4 – $20
Compensation paid in 2015 (millions) = $46 =
($56 + $4) × 1.1 -– $20
Example C: Super-dividend from national energy
e Board of the National Energy Company (totally
owned by government) determined the distribution of
$100 million in dividends, in relation to the opera-
tions of 2015. e $100 million resulted from a dis-
tributable income of $60 million, a sale of land of $30
million, and a draw down on accumulated reserves of
$10 million.
Cost of 2015 quasi-scal activity (millions): $40 =
$30 + $10
e government accounts should record this
amount as a nancial transaction (exchange of equity
for cash), rather than as revenue.
additional noncommercial services. “Super-dividends
can be measured by the amount in excess of distrib-
utable income
that has been paid by the public cor-
poration as a dividend to government. Box 5 provides
illustrative examples of the estimation of quasi-scal
activity costs.
Building Capacity for Overseeing Public
Putting in place a system for overseeing public
corporations that meets all the requirements discussed
above can be challenging for developing or emerg-
ing market economies, and takes time and resources.
Advanced economies have spent many years building
and rening these systems. In less-advanced economies,
Equivalent to the net result of current activity (“continuing”
under IFRS), before distribution and income tax, excluding any
exceptional transactions generating holding gains or losses.
a cautious step-by-step approach is required. In many
countries, however, ineciencies and scal risks are
concentrated in a relatively small number of public
corporations, which should be subject to the most
intensive monitoring. Moreover, many of the “best
practice” solutions discussed above have a substan-
tial cost and require a high degree of competence
within the government and the public corporations.
Some of these reforms may not be practicable in the
short term in low-capacity countries. In such cases,
a risk-based and sequenced approach to building an
oversight regime for public corporations is strongly
recommended. Table 3 provides a checklist of the main
elements of such a system and a possible prioritization
of the underlying reforms:
• In the short term (up to one year), the government
could ensure that a full inventory of public sector
entities with commercial or quasi-commercial func-
tions is taken and that these entities are classified
according to the latest international standards
Box 5. Illustrative Examples of Quasi-Fiscal Activity Cost Estimation
15International Monetary Fund | November 2016
(GFSM2001/2014); that a basic reporting frame-
work for public corporations that are high risk or
have a large fiscal or budgetary impact is established;
and that the role and responsibilities of the Pres-
ident’s Office, the Ministry of Finance, and line
ministries participating in the oversight of public
corporations are determined.
• In the medium term (up to three years), the legal
framework relating to public corporations could
be established (or revised), providing the Ministry
Table 3. Implementation of an Oversight Regime for Public Corporations
System Elements Suggested Prioritization
Short Term Medium Term Long Term
1. Definition/classification/status of public corporations
1.1 Inventory of public corporations
1.2 Classification of public corporations in line with GFSM 2001/2014
1.3 Periodic review of classification and optimal status of public corporations
2. Broad ownership policy, comprising:
2.1 Government’s objectives as owner of public corporations
2.2 Organization of ownership function
2.3 Mandate of entities exercising ownership role
2.4 Main principles and policies to be followed
2.5 Information disclosure requirements
2.6 Dividend policy
2.7 Modalities for financial assistance from the state
2.8 Policy on quasi-fiscal activities
3. Disclosure of mandate for each public corporation
4. Legal framework for public corporations
5. Public corporation oversight unit in Ministry of Finance, with the following functions:
5.1 Advice on financial support to public corporations
5.2 Analysis of financial health of public corporations
5.3 Estimation of fiscal and budgetary impact of public corporations
5.4 Advice on appointment of board members
5.5 Advice on annual dividends
5.6 Central financial controls and approvals
5.7 Monitoring of financial reports and performance indicators
5.8 Drafting of annual public corporation monitoring reports
5.9 Estimation of costs of current and future quasi-fiscal activities
6. Central financial control and approvals, comprising:
6.1 Review and approval of financial plans
6.2 Approval of new borrowing and of concession of guarantees
6.3 Approval of sales or pledging of assets
6.4 Approval of mergers or acquisitions
6.5 Review staffing and remuneration policies
7. Publication of annual Public Corporation Monitoring Report, comprising:
7.1 An overview of the sector and highlights of activities
7.2 A full list of companies owned by government
7.3 Information on individual public corporations’ financial performance, public
service obligations, fiscal risks, etc.
7.4 An overview of how the government exercised its ownership policy
7.5 Financial impact of transactions between public corporations and government
International Monetary Fund | November 2016
of Finance (or another approved entity) with the
required powers to review the financial plans of
public corporations and monitor their performance;
a public corporation ownership policy should be
developed; the Ministry of Finance should strengthen
its capacity to supervise public corporations; and the
financial oversight unit could start to publish a con-
solidated annual report on public corporations.
• In the long term (more than three years), the
government could further enhance the framework
for monitoring the financial performance of public
corporations, by developing a more elaborate set
of performance indicators and targets; the cost
of delivering public service obligations and other
quasi-fiscal activities should be fully funded in the
budget and disclosed in financial reports prepared
by the government and the public corporations;
and the government could carry out a review of the
economic and financial status of business enterprises
and whether they should continue to be classified as
public corporations.
Successful oversight regimes are likely to require
the building of strong support among the various
stakeholders and the public. Given the many fail-
ures of public corporations over the past years, it is
important for governments to prepare an eective
communication strategy that clearly outlines the
objectives of oversight and its potential outcomes,
and to develop a change management plan that eec-
tively eliminates or reduces the opposition to reform
from individuals or groups.
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Additional Reading
Cebotari, A., J. Davis, L. Lusinyan, A. Mati, P. Mauro, M.
Petrie, and R. Velloso. 2009. Fiscal Risks: Sources, Disclosure,
and Management. Washington: International Monetary
Crown Ownership Monitoring Unit. 2013. Annual Portfolio
Report. Wellington: New Zealand Treasury.
Department for Business, Innovation and Skills. 2014. Share-
holder Executive Annual Review 2013–14. London: HM
Government Shareholding Agency (APE). 2014. e French State
as Shareholder—2013 Report. Paris: Ministry for the Economy
and Finance and Ministry for Economic Regeneration.
inno-V, KCW, RebelGroup, TØI, SDG, and TIS.PT. 2008. Con-
tracting in Urban Public Transport. Amsterdam: inno-V.
Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development
(OECD). 2014. Financing State-Owned Enterprises: An Over-
view of National Practices. Paris.
Ownership Steering Department. 2015. 2014 Annual Report of the
Ownership Steering Department. Helsinki: Prime Ministers Oce.