Travel Information CoE/CIS/Cornell Tech Travelers
All travelers should be familiar with the University Travel Policy:
Advances (Travel):
Travel advances are limited to only those expenses for which a traveler is expected to endure a hardship while
on travel status and expenses which could not have been paid via direct pay or a Cornell corporate card.
Complete a Travel Advance Form listing anticipated expenses.
Travel advances should be requested in close proximity to the travel dates, at least 10 days prior to departure
Receipts must be submitted to clear the advance within 30 days after completion of the trip.
Business Purpose:
Provide a clear and descriptive explanation for the purpose of the trip and attach a conference brochure,
itinerary or letter of invitation listing the date(s), schedule (include meals provided) and purpose of the event. If
being charged to a sponsored project, the purpose should directly relate to the project. The purpose should be
understandable by an outside party. The Business Purpose Guidelines document provides examples of
acceptable business purposes, which is available on our FTC website
as a quick link.
Foreign Travel:
All staff members, all students, and those faculty traveling with students are required to register their
international travel on the Cornell University International Travel Registry
If foreign travel exceeds one week, the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) requires evidence that business activities
constituted at least 75 percent of the total time away from home. The traveler should document the daily
business activities.
If charging a federally sponsored project for the cost of foreign travel, the airfare must be purchased from a US
Flag Carrier unless certain exemption reasons apply. Please reference the Foreign Flag Carrier Exemption
If you are unable to purchase from a US Flag Carrier, contact the FTC for guidance prior to the purchase.
Foreign Visitor Travel:
Travel reimbursements being processed to foreign visitors here on B visas or visa waivers will now be required to
provide the following documentation:
signed Foreign National Questionnaire
photocopies of the traveler's:
o passport
o visa
o I-94 card
If you need assistance with obtaining this documentation, the FTC will be happy to work directly with the Visitor.
You will be reimbursed for reasonable and actual expenses for laundry services that are necessary due to an
absence from home for more than five consecutive workdays, or when unusual circumstances mandate these
This service is only reimbursable for domestic travel.
Federal international per diem rates are inclusive of laundry services and therefore laundry costs are not
separately reimbursable.
Travel Information CoE/CIS/Cornell Tech Travelers
The university requires original, detailed receipts for all lodging, whether domestic or foreign.
If charging the travel to a sponsored account, in the case of pre-paid hotel reservations, request that the hotel
provide a “zero dollar folio” indicating the dates of stay. This folio, along with the receipt for the pre-paid
reservation, is required for reimbursement. Web receipts from Travelocity, Expedia (etc.) are not considered
sufficient documentation.
Choose a reasonably priced hotel with a single occupancy rate. Reasonable lodging includes hotels up to 4 stars,
depending on cost, condition, and availability.
The university’s online Travel Portal at
includes information on hotels and motels offering
discounted rates to university employees.
If staying in a private residence, Cornell will reimburse reasonable expenses for a token gift of appreciation not
to exceed $100. Documentation for the token gift should be submitted with the reimbursement request.
The use of Airbnb or other similar services is not recommended due to the potential risks to the traveler,
specifically related to fire protection and physical assault. If you choose to stay in a private residence through
the use of these services, you do so at your own risk.
Long Term Travel:
Travel in excess of 30 consecutive days is generally considered long-term travel, which is subject to different
Reimbursement for meals and incidental expenses during long-term travel will only be at 50 percent of the per
diem rates for those expenses in that location.
Receipts are required for all lodging.
Reimbursement will be made only for a traveler’s stay in publicly accessible residences/places of lodging.
If accommodations are obtained to allow for family members to stay with the traveler, only the cost of the
required accommodations for the university traveler is reimbursable. Comparable lodging documentation must
be provided with all reimbursements. Failure to do so could result in failure to reimburse for the entire amount.
Cornell reimburses traveler’s meals that are not otherwise paid for or provided using the per diem method only.
Per Diem Method
o The per diem method requires an overnight stay and is designed for short-term travel, which is generally
defined as less than 30 days.
o The per diem rate for the day is based on the per diem for the location the traveler is staying in that night.
o Domestic per diem rates include $5 per day for incidentals and international per diem rates include approx.
20% for incidentals.
o 75% of per diem is provided on the first and last day of travel.
o Travelers should record any meals provided so per diem can be adjusted accordingly, when attending a
conference or meeting a full copy of the agenda must be included.
Hosted Meals
o In situations where a traveler is hosting a meal with more or guests, reasonable meals and entertainment
expenses will be reimbursed.
o Costs should generally not exceed 150% of the daily per diem rate for that location per person including tax
and tip.
o A detailed receipt, identifying alcohol and non-business participants, along with the business purpose and
all guests’ names and titles, is required for reimbursement.
Travel Information CoE/CIS/Cornell Tech Travelers
Business Meals
o While on University travel, business meals (meals attended by two or more university staff or faculty
members, but no guests) are reimbursed at the per diem rate.
Day Trips
o Expenses for same- day university travel can be submitted for reimbursement using actual receipts, up to
the amount of the per diem.
Personal Travel Combined with Business Travel:
The University will only reimburse for the business portion of a trip.
You will need to provide evidence to support the business portion of the trip and the allocation between the
business and personal expenses.
Obtain a quote at the time of ticketing for a non-refundable economy class ticket to document the incremental
costs that will be treated as personal expenses and include it with your reimbursement request.
If, for other than a university business purpose, the traveler takes an indirect route, or interrupts a direct route,
reimbursement for travel costs will be either the actual cost or the costs that would have been incurred by
traveling the direct route by the most economical means, whichever is less.
Please clearly identify personal days when submitting your reimbursement request.
Except in extenuating circumstances, all travel reimbursement requests must be submitted within 30 days of the
completion of travel.
For late submission of a travel reimbursement exceeding six months from completion of the travel, the full
reimbursement will be considered taxable income to the traveler and reported to the IRS. Approval by the dean,
vice president, vice provost, or designee is required for all submissions exceeding six months.
There are 2 methods of requesting reimbursements:
o Complete the FTC travel checklist, attach original receipts and submit to the FTC for processing.
o Complete your reimbursement via the online travel system, print the travel checklist indicating online
completion, attach original receipts and submit to the FTC for final processing.
(Instructions and forms are located on the FTC website
Expedite your reimbursement by enrolling for Accounts Payable ACH direct deposit for your reimbursement.
Complete the ACH form
and fax it to 255-0866.
Student Travel:
Individual student travel cannot be direct paid. Exceptions may apply with group travel (3 or more travelers).
The traveler should select a mode of transportation that is cost-effective and efficient.
When making business travel reservations, purchase the lowest possible coach airfare that meets your business
Cornell does not reimburse for tickets acquired with frequent flyer miles.
The lowest level of premium class may be used for air travel if, before purchase, it is confirmed with your
administrative/finance manager that appropriate funds are available, and if any of the following conditions are
Travel Information CoE/CIS/Cornell Tech Travelers
o Any flight segment has a scheduled in-air flight time in excess of six hours, OR
o For flights that require circuitous service, the total scheduled in-air flight time is in excess of eight hours,
o A medical justification is documented by a primary care provider.
In rare instances, other extenuating circumstances may justify the use of premium class for trips that do not
otherwise meet the above conditions. In these instances, written advance approval from your dean, vice
president, or delegate, which must be attached to all requests for reimbursement.
Costs in excess of coach fare cannot be charged to a sponsored award. The difference between coach and
premium airfare must be charged to an unrestricted account.
If charging a federally sponsored project for the cost of foreign travel, the airfare must be purchased from a US
Flag Carrier unless certain exemption reasons apply. Please reference the Foreign Flag Carrier Exemption
If you are unable to purchase from a US Flag Carrier, contact the FTC for guidance prior to the purchase.
Airport Parking:
If you are on official university business, you may obtain Cornell’s parking discount at the Tompkins Regional
Airport. To do so, show your Cornell ID at the parking booth.
Campus to Campus Bus Service:
For travel between Ithaca and NYC, use of the C2C bus is the recommended and preferred mode of travel.
To obtain the university pricing this must be direct-charged to a university account.
Car Rentals:
The university has preferred supplier agreements with Hertz Corporation, Enterprise Rent-A-Car, and National
Car Rental for all local, nationwide, and international rentals. Corporate I.D numbers can be obtained on the
Travel Portal at
If you rent from a preferred supplier and submit the rental car corporate I.D. number for that supplier, insurance
is provided to you at no additional cost for domestic rentals for business travel.
If you are renting from a non-contracted rental company or did not automatically receive coverage, the
following insurance types are required and reimbursable: Loss Damage Waiver (LDW), Collision Damage Waiver
(CDW) and Liability Insurance (LI).
The following insurance types are NOT reimbursable: Personal Accident Insurance (PAI) and Personal Effects
Insurance (PEI).
GPS or car rental upgrades are not reimbursable.
Personal Vehicles:
A traveler should review his or her personal vehicle insurance coverage before using a personal vehicle on a
business trip, because the traveler's insurance is the primary insurance coverage.
The university will provide reimbursement for your business miles based on the IRS’ standard mileage rate,
which includes all gas, oil, repairs, and insurance costs.
Business miles are based on the most direct route and do not include normal commuting miles you would have
incurred travelling to and from your regular work location (i.e., you are required to deduct your normal
commuting miles from any mileage reimbursement request).
Unreceipted Miscellaneous Expenses under $75:
Cornell does not require receipts for miscellaneous travel expenses below $75, although the traveler is still
required to indicate the nature of the expense, the date, the location, and the dollar amount.
Examples include:
o Local transportation (taxi, metro, bus)
Travel Information CoE/CIS/Cornell Tech Travelers
o Hotel mailing, fax, phone or internet costs
o Airport or hotel parking
*Lodging, meals, and transportation to/from the travel destination (airfare, train, auto etc.) are NOT misc. expenses.
Please contact the CoE CIS FTS with any travel questions: [email protected]