Lecture 8, 9
Propositional Logic:
Conjunctive Normal Form & Disjunctive Normal Form
CS2209A 2017
Applied Logic for Computer Science
Instructor: Yu Zhen Xie
Conjunctive Normal Form (CNF)
Resolution works best when the formula is of the
special form: it is an of s of (possibly negated, ¬)
variables (called literals).
This form is called a Conjunctive Normal Form, or CNF.
¬ ¬ is a CNF
( ¬ ) is a CNF. So is ¬ .
¬ is not a CNF
An AND (∧) of CNF formulas is a CNF formula.
So if all premises are CNF and the negation of the
conclusion is a CNF, then AND of premises AND NOT
conclusion is a CNF.
To convert a formula into a CNF.
Open up the implications to get ORs.
Get rid of double negations.
Convert to
Example: ( )
¬ ( )
¬ ¬
In general, CNF can become quite big, especially
when have
There are tricks to avoid that ...
Boolean functions and circuits
What is the relation between propositional logic
and logic circuits?
View a formula as computing a function (called a
Boolean function),
inputs are values of variables,
output is either true (1) or false (0).
For example,  , , =  when at least
two out of , , are true, and false otherwise.
Such a function is fully described by a truth table of its
formula (or its circuit: circuits have truth tables too).
Boolean functions and circuits
What is the relation between propositional
logic and logic circuits?
So both formulas and circuits “compute” Boolean
functions – that is, truth tables.
In a circuit, can “reusea piece in several places,
so a circuit can be smaller than a formula.
Still, most circuits are big!
 , , is
Every truth table (Boolean function) can be
written as either a conjunctive normal form
(CNF) or disjunctive normal form (DNF)
CNF is an of s, where is over variables or
their negations (literals); an of literals is also
called a clause.
DNF is an of s; an∧ of literals is called a
¬, , are examples of literals
Neither ¬¬nor( ) is a literal
¬ , (¬) are clause
¬ , (¬) are terms
¬ (¬ ¬) ¬ is a CNF
¬ (¬ ) is a DNF
¬( ) is neither a CNF nor DNF,
but is equivalent to DNF ( ¬ ¬)
Facts about CNF and DNF
Any propositional formula is tautologically
equivalent to some formula in disjunctive
normal form.
Any propositional formula is tautologically
equivalent to some formula in conjunctive
normal form.
Why CNF and DNF?
Convenient normal forms
Resolution works best for formulas in CNF
Useful for constructing formulas given a
truth table
DNF: take a disjunction (that is, ) of all
satisfying truth assignments
CNF: take a conjunction () of negations of
falsifying truth assignments
From truth table to DNF and CNF
A minterm is a conjunction of literals in which
each variable is represented exactly once
If a Boolean function (truth table) has the variables
, $, then ¬$ is a minterm but ¬$ is
Each minterm is true for exactly one assignment.
¬$ is true if p is true (1) , q is false (0) and r
is true (1).
Any deviation from this assignment would make this
particular minterm false.
A disjunction of minterms is true only if at least
one of its constituents minterms is true.
From truth table to DNF
If a function, e.g. F, is given by a truth
table, we know exactly for which
assignments it is true.
Consequently, we can select the
minterms that make the function true
and form the disjunction of these
F is true for three assignments:
o p, q, r are all true, ( $ )
o p, ¬q, r are all true, ( ¬$ )
o ¬p, ¬q, r are all true, (¬ ¬$ )
DNF of F: ( $ ) ( ¬$ )
(¬ ¬$ )
p q r F
1 1 1 1
1 1 0 0
1 0 1 1
1 0 0 0
0 1 1 0
0 1 0 0
0 0 1 1
0 0 0 0 9,
From truth table to CNF
Complementation can be used to obtain conjunctive
normal forms from truth tables.
If A is a formula containing only the connectives¬,
∨and , then its complement is formed by
replacing all by
replacing all∧by
replacing all atoms by their complements.
The complement of q is ¬q
The complement of ¬q is q
Example: Find the complement of the formula
(p ∧q)∨ ¬r
From truth table to CNF
Solution: ¬G is true for the
following assignments.
p q r G
1 1 1 1
1 1 0 1
1 0 1 0
1 0 0 0
0 1 1 1
0 1 0 1
0 0 1 0
0 0 0 1
p = 1; q = 0; r = 1
p = 1; q = 0; r = 0
p = 0; q = 0; r = 1
The DNF of ¬G is therefore:
(% ¬& ') (% ¬& ¬') (¬% ¬& ')
The formula has the complement:
(¬% & ¬') (¬% & ') (% & ¬')
It is the desired CNF of G
Canonical CNF and DNF
So for every formula, there is a unique canonical
CNF (and a truth table, and a Boolean function).
And for every possible truth table (a Boolean
function), there is a formula (the canonical CNF).
Recall, to make a canonical DNF from a truth table:
Take all satisfying assignments.
Write each as an AND of literals, as before.
Then take an OR of these ANDs.
Complete set of connectives
CNFs only have ¬,∨,∧, yet any formula can be
converted into a CNF
Any truth table can be coded as a CNF
Call a set of connectives which can be used to
express any formula a complete set of
In fact, ¬,∨ is already complete. So is ¬,∧.
By DeMorgan, ¬(¬ ¬) No need for !
But ∧,∨ is not: cannot do ¬ with just ∧,∨.
Because when both inputs have the same value, both ∧,∨
leave them unchanged.
Complete set of connectives
How many connectives is enough?
Just one: NAND (NotAND), also called the Sheffer
stroke, written as |
¬ |
¬(¬ ¬)
¬ ¬)
 |(|))
In practice, most often stick to
A B A | B
True True False
True False True
False True True
False False True
Susan is 28 years old, single, outspoken, and very bright. She
majored in philosophy. As a student she was deeply concerned with
issues of discrimination and social justice and also participated in
anti-nuke demonstrations.
Please rank the following possibilities by how likely they are. List
them from least likely to most likely. Susan is:
1. a kindergarden teacher
2. works in a bookstore and takes yoga classes
3. an active feminist
4. a psychiatric social worker
5. a member of an outdoors club
6. a bank teller
7. an insurance salesperson
8. a bank teller and an active feminist