What is PDFlib TET?
PDFlib TET (Text and Image Extraction Toolkit) reliably extracts text,
images and metadata from PDF documents. TET makes available
the text contents of a PDF as Unicode strings, plus detailed color,
glyph and font information as well as the position on the page.
Raster images are extracted in common image formats. TET option-
ally converts PDF documents to an XML-based format called TETML
which contains text and metadata as well as resource information.
TET contains advanced content analysis algorithms for determin-
ing word boundaries, grouping text into columns, identifying table
structures and removing redundant items such as shadow text.
Using the integrated pCOS interface you can retrieve arbitrary ob-
jects from the PDF, such as metadata, interactive elements, etc.
With PDFlib TET you can:
> Implement the PDF indexer for a search engine
> Repurpose text and images in PDFs
> Convert the contents of PDFs to other formats
> Process PDFs based on their contents, e.g. splitting based on
headings (requires PDFlib+PDI in addition to TET)
> Check whether a particular location on the page is empty, e.g. for
placing a barcode or stamp
PDFlib TET Features
Accepted PDF Input
TET supports all flavors of PDF input:
> All PDF versions up to Acrobat DC, including ISO 32000-1 and -2
(PDF 2.0)
> Protected PDFs which do not require a password for opening or
for which the password is available
> Damaged PDF documents are repaired
All Writing Systems of the World
TET processes PDF documents in all writing systems of the world
and implements special processing required for some scripts:
> Latin, Greek and Cyrillic scripts
> Arabic and Hebrew including logical reordering of right-to-left
and bidirectional text; normalization of Arabic presentation
> Simplified and Traditional Chinese, Japanese, and Korean regard-
less of encoding; horizontal and vertical text
> Indic scripts (without glyph reordering)
> All other languages and scripts supported with Unicode output
Since text in PDF is usually not encoded in Unicode, PDFlib TET
normalizes the text in a PDF document to Unicode:
> TET converts all text contents to Unicode, regardless of the en-
coding method used in the PDF document.
> Ligatures and other multi-character glyphs are decomposed into
a sequence of the corresponding Unicode characters.
> Glyphs without appropriate Unicode mapping are identified as
such and are mapped to a configurable replacement character to
avoid misinterpretation.
> TET implements various workarounds for problems with specific
document creation packages, such as InDesign and TeX docu-
ments or PDFs generated on mainframe systems.
Content Analysis and Word Detection
TET includes several patented content analysis algorithms:
> Determine word boundaries which are required to retrieve
proper words
> Combine the parts of hyphenated words (dehyphenation)
> Remove duplicate instances of text, e.g. shadow and artificially
bolded text
> Recombine paragraphs in reading order
> Correctly order text which is scattered over the page
Page Layout, Table and List Detection
The page content is analyzed to determine text columns. Tables are
detected, including cells which span multiple rows or columns. This
improves the ordering of the extracted text. Table rows and the
contents of each table cell can be identified. Bulleted and num-
bered lists are identified.
PDFlib TET 5.3
Text and Image
Extraction Toolkit
PDFlib TET, 2021-03 PDFlib GmbH2
TET provides precise metrics for the text, such as the position on
the page, glyph widths, and text direction. Specific areas on the
page can be excluded or included in the text extraction, e.g. to
ignore headers and footers or margins.
Text Color
TET analyzes color information in the PDF page description and
returns precise color information for each glyph. This can be used,
for example, to identify headings or other highlighted text. Option-
ally the advanced color spaces Separation and DeviceN can be
extracted in a simpler alternate color space.
Image Extraction
Images on PDF pages can be extracted as TIFF, JPEG, JBIG2 or JPEG
2000 files. Precise geometric information (position, size, and
angles) is reported for each image. Fragmented images are com-
bined to larger images to facilitate repurposing. Image fidelity is
guaranteed since no downsampling or color conversion occurs. This
ensures the highest possible image quality.
Ignore Artifacts in Tagged PDF
In Tagged PDF, especially PDF/UA, irrelevant content may be tagged
as Artifact, e.g. headers and footers. TET optionally ignores Artifact
text and images.
PDF Analysis with the pCOS Interface
The TET library includes the pCOS interface for querying details
about a PDF document, such as document info and XMP metadata,
font lists, page size, and many more (see separate pCOS datasheet).
Unicode Postprocessing
TET supports various Unicode postprocessing steps which can be
used to improve the extracted text:
> Foldings preserve, remove or replace characters, e.g. remove
punctuation or characters from irrelevant scripts.
> Decompositions replace a character with an equivalent sequence
of one or more other characters, e.g. replace narrow, wide or
vertical Japanese characters or Latin superscript (e.g.
a) variants
with their respective standard counterparts.
> Text can be converted to all Unicode normalization forms, e.g.
emit NFC form to meet the requirements for Web text or a data-
Document Domains
PDF documents may contain text in other places than the page
contents. While most applications deal with the page contents
only, in many situations other document domains may be relevant
as well. TET extracts the text from all document domains:
> page contents
> predefined and custom document info entries
> XMP metadata on document and image level
> bookmarks
> file attachments and PDF portfolios are processed recursively
> form fields
> comments (annotations)
> general PDF properties can be queried, such as page count, con-
formance to standards like PDF/A or PDF/X, etc.
XMP Metadata
TET supports XMP metadata in several ways:
> Using the integrated pCOS interface, XMP metadata for the
document, individual pages, images, or other parts of the docu-
ment can be extracted programmatically.
> TETML output contains XMP document and image metadata.
> Images extracted in the TIFF or JPEG formats contain XMP image
TETML represents PDF Contents as XML
TET optionally represents the PDF contents in an XML flavor called
TETML. It contains a variety of PDF information in a form which
can be processed with common XML tools. TETML contains the
text plus optionally font and position information, resource details
(fonts, images, colorspaces), and metadata.
TETML also includes interactive elements such as form fields, an-
notations, bookmarks etc. It can even be used to analyze JavaScript
or color space details, ICC profiles or output intents.
TETML can be processed with XSLT stylesheets, e.g. to apply filters
or to convert TETML to other formats. Sample XSLT stylesheets for
processing TETML are included in the TET distribution.
The following fragment shows TETML output with glyph details:
<Box llx="111.48" lly="636.33" urx="161.14" ury="654.33">
<Glyph font="F1" size="18" x="111.48" y="636.33" width="9.65">P</Glyph>
<Glyph font="F1" size="18" x="121.12" y="636.33" width="11.88">D</Glyph>
<Glyph font="F1" size="18" x="133.00" y="636.33" width="8.33">F</Glyph>
<Glyph font="F1" size="18" x="141.33" y="636.33" width="4.88">l</Glyph>
<Glyph font="F1" size="18" x="146.21" y="636.33" width="4.88">i</Glyph>
<Glyph font="F1" size="18" x="151.08" y="636.33" width="10.06">b</Glyph>
TETML can include information about word and paragraph group-
ing as well as about tables and lists, image placement and annota-
tions along with geometric information for these elements.
TET Connectors
TET connectors interface TET with other software. They make PDF
text extraction available for various software environments:
> TET connector for the Lucene Search Engine
> TET connector for the Solr Search Server
> TET connector for the Apache TIKA toolkit
> TET connector for Oracle Text
> TET connector for MediaWiki
> TET PDF IFilter for Microsoft products is available as a separate
product. It extracts text and metadata from PDF documents and
makes it available to search and retrieval software on Windows
(see separate datasheet for details).
PDFlib TET, 2021-03 PDFlib GmbH3
Challenges with PDF Text Extraction
TET detects hyphenated words which span multiple lines, removes
the hyphen, and combines the individual parts to form a complete
word. This is important to ensure that searches for the full word
are successful although hyphenated parts are present in the docu-
ment. Dashes (different from hyphens) are treated separately since
they must not be removed.
Shadow and artifical bold Text Detection
Digital documents often contain shadowed text where the shadow
effect is achieved by placing the same text multiply on the page,
using a small offset between the instances of text. Similarly, bold
text is often simulated by overprinting the same text. As a result,
the document contains the characters in the shadowed or bold
word more than once. TET’s patented shadow detection algorithm
identifies and removes redundant instances of text to avoid excess
text extraction. While other software extracts the shadowed or
bold text multiply, TET correctly removes the redundant copies.
While extra instances of a word still result in a search engine hit,
no more hits would be found if the text is duplicated character by
character as in the example.
Accented Characters
In many languages accents and other diacritical marks are placed
close to other characters to form combined characters. Some
typesetting programs, e.g. TeX, emit two separate characters (base
character and accent) to create a combined character. For example,
to create the character ä first the letter a is placed on the page, and
then the dieresis character ¨ is placed on top of it. TET detects this
situation and combines both characters to form the appropriate
composite character.
Ligatures combine two or more characters in a single glyph. The
most common ligatures are the combinations , , and ; less
common ligatures are used for , , , , and many others. When
extracting text from digital documents, ligatures must be ana-
lyzed and separated to the constituent characters to allow proper
text processing. TET detects ligatures and delivers two or more
characters as appropriate. TET can optionally preserve ligatures if
Drop Caps
Drop caps are large initial characters at the beginning of a para-
graph where the top of the initial aligns with the top of the line,
and the remainder of the character drops down several lines. Drop
caps are used to emphasize the start of a paragraph. If they are
not treated properly the initial word is extracted in two parts: the
single initial character and the remainder of the word.
TET correctly removes the hyphen, but keeps the dash.
Other products extract »Inttrroduccttiion«.
TET correctly extracts »Introduction«.
Other products extract »Midi-Pyr´en´ees«.
TET correctly extracts »Midi-Pyrénées«.
Other products extract » e rst photographs«.
TET correctly extracts »The first photographs«.
Other products extract two words: the drop cap »S« and »tellen«.
TET correctly extracts the single word »Stellen«.
PDFlib TET, 2021-03 PDFlib GmbH4
Challenges with PDF Text Extraction
Unicode Mapping
Unicode mapping forms the foundation of PDF text extraction:
every glyph on the page must be assigned the corresponding
Unicode value. PDF complicates this tasks by supporting a variety
of font and encoding variants which may or may not provide the
information required to assign proper Unicode values. In the worst
case the document does not provide enough information with the
result that no usable text can be extracted from the document.
TET’s patented Unicode mapping algorithm implements a cascad-
ed algorithm which takes all available pieces of information in or-
der to determine Unicode values. For many problematic documents
TET extracts proper Unicode text where other products deliver only
unusable garbage.
Bidirectional Text with Arabic and Hebrew
PDF does not encode logical text, but is simply a container for
glyphs on the page. Text in the Arabic and Hebrew script runs from
right to left. Since it often contains left-to-right inserts such as
numbers or names in Western languages, text must be interpreted
in both directions – hence the term »bidirectional«.
Arabic poses additional challenges since the characters are used
in up to four different contextual forms. These shaped forms of
characters must be normalized to the corresponding standard
(isolated) form.
Damaged PDF Documents
PDF documents may get damaged because of transmission errors
or other problems. TET’s repair mode recovers many kinds of dam-
aged PDFs. Sometimes PDF documents are damaged so heavily
that the pages cannot even be displayed in Acrobat. Even in such
extreme cases TET often delivers the page contents of the docu-
Other products extract unusable garbage, while TET delivers text.
The page contents are not even displayed in Acrobat, but TET still cor-
rectly extracts the text.
TET reorders the visual mixture of right-to-left and left-to-right text
to create proper logical text output.
PDFlib TET, 2021-03 PDFlib GmbH5
Challenges with PDF Image Extraction
Color Spaces and Compression
Raster image data in PDF may be encoded in a combination of
eleven color spaces and nine compression filters, but common
image file formats such as JPEG and TIFF support only a subset of
these combinations. TET’s image engine balances the character-
istics of the PDF image with the capabilities of the image output
formats. Regardless of the internal structure of the PDF image, the
pixel image is extracted in one of the common image file formats.
Spot Colors
In addition to CMYK process colors images in PDF may use custom
spot colors. Technically, these color spaces are known as Separation
(single channel) and DeviceN (multiple channels).
TET creates TIFF output with additional spot color channels. This
is intended for applications which need superior color fidelity and
cannot accept any color conversion. If an image with DeviceN color
includes only a subset of the common CMYK process colors (e.g.
only Cyan and Magenta) the missing process channels are added
so that plain CMYK output can be created.
However, not all applications are able to handle spot colors; some
are restricted to plain TIFF output. In this case TET can be instructed
to emit a spot color channel as grayscale TIFF to facilitate process-
Merging fragmented Images
The images in many PDF documents are broken into small frag-
ments by the software producing the PDF. What appears to be
a single image on the page may actually consist of many small
pieces. For example, Microsoft Office applications often produce
heavily fragmented images which consist of hundreds or thou-
sands of small fragments. Adobe InDesign often segments images
into fragments of varying size in a process called »transparency
flattening«. TET detects fragmented images and merges the pieces
to form a usable larger image if the combined result forms a rect-
angular pixel grid. Only with image merging fragmented images
can reasonably be repurposed.
Although the image is fragmented in small parts (top), TET
extracts it as a single reusable image (bottom).
Photoshop displays spot color channels of extracted TIFF images in
the Channels window (left). Double-clicking one of the icons reveals
the corresponding alternate color (right).
Device-dependent CIE-based Special
DeviceGray CalGray Indexed
DeviceRGB CalRGB Pattern
DeviceCMYK Lab Separation
ICCBased DeviceN
TET processes all color spaces which may be used in PDF.
PDFlib TET, 2021-03 PDFlib GmbH6
Many Ways to use TET
TET is available as a programming library for various development
environments, and as a command-line tool for batch operations.
Both offer similar features, but are suitable for different deploy-
ment scenarios. Both the TET library and the TET command-line
tool can create TETML, TET’s XML-based output format.
TET offers the following deployment options:
> The TET programming library (component) is used for integration
into desktop or server applications. Examples for using the library
are included in the TET package.
> The TET command-line tool is suited for batch processing PDF
documents. It doesn’t require any programming, but offers
command-line options which can be used to integrate it into
complex workflows.
> TETML output is suited for XML-based workflows and developers
who are familiar with the wide range of XML processing tools
and languages, e.g. XSLT.
> TET connectors are suited for integrating TET in various common
software packages, e.g. databases and search engines.
TET Cookbook
The TET Cookbook is a collection of programming examples which
demonstrate the use of TET for various text and image extraction
tasks. Several Cookbook samples show how to combine the TET and
PDFlib+PDI products in order to process and enhance PDF docu-
ments, e.g. add bookmarks or links based on the text on the page.
The TET Family of Products
The TET family comprises the following products:
> The TET core product as described in this datasheet.
> TET PDF IFilter is available as a separate product. It is suitable for
use with Microsoft search products, e.g. Windows Search, Share-
Point and SQL Server (see separate datasheet for details).
> The TET Plugin for Adobe Acrobat is a free utility for extracting
text and images from PDF. It can be used to evaluate TET interac-
Supported Development Environments
PDFlib TET is everywhere – it runs on practically all computing
platforms. We offer 32-bit and 64-bit packages for all common fla-
vors of Windows, macOS, Linux and Unix, as well as for IBM System
i and IBM Z. TET is also available for mobile systems including iOS
and Android.
The TET core is written in highly optimized C and C++ code for
maximum performance and small overhead. Via a simple API
(Application Programming Interface) the TET functionality is acces-
sible from a variety of development environments:
> C and C++
> Java
> .NET and .NET Core
> Objective-C (macOS and iOS)
> Perl
> Python
> RPG (IBM System i)
> Ruby
Benefits of using PDFlib Software
Rock-solid Products
Tens of thousands of programmers worldwide are working with
our software. PDFlib products meets all quality and performance
requirements for server deployment. All products are suitable for
robust 24x7 server deployment and unattended batch processing.
Speed and Simplicity
PDFlib products are incredibly fast – up to thousands of pages per
second. The programming interface is straightforward and easy to
PDFlib Products all over the World
Our products support all international languages as well as Uni-
code. They are used by customers in all parts of the world.
Professional Support
If there’s a problem, we will try to help. We offer commercial sup-
port to meet the requirements of your business-critical applica-
tions. By adding support you will have access to the latest versions,
and have guaranteed response times should any problems arise.
We offer various licensing programs for server licenses, integration
and site licenses, and source code licenses. Support contracts for
extended technical support with short response times and free
updates are also available.
About PDFlib GmbH
PDFlib GmbH is completely focused on PDF technology. Customers
worldwide use PDFlib products since 1997. The company closely
follows development and market trends, such as ISO standards for
PDF. PDFlib GmbH products are distributed all over the world with
major markets in North America, Europe, and Japan.
Fully functional evaluation versions including documentation and
samples are available on our Web site. For more information please
PDFlib GmbH
Franziska-Bilek-Weg 9, 80339 München, Germany
phone +49 • 89 • 452 33 84-0