DataMax Software Group Inc.
1101 Investment Blvd.
El Dorado Hills, CA 95762
RFgen Developers Reference Guide
All Editions
RFgen v5.2
© 2024 RFgen Software. A division of DataMAX Software Group, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
RFgen 5.2 Developers Reference Guide
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Copyright © 2024 RFgen Software. A division of DataMAX Software Group, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
Visual Basic Scripts xxviii
Global User-Defined Subroutines and
Functions xxviii
Using External ActiveX files in the VBA
Environment xxix
VBA Global Variables/Objects xxix
VBA Declarations xxix
Short Cut Keys xxix
Middle click on tab xxx
Ctrl+F xxx
Ctrl+SHIFT+F xxx
Ctrl+SHIFT+H xxx
Ctrl + K, C xxx
Ctrl + K, U xxx
Ctrl+M+L xxx
Ctrl+M+O xxx
Ctrl+M+M xxx
Ctrl+ S xxx
Initialization Files 31
RFgen.ini 31
AutoAuthBATCH 31
Camera 31
Check 32
CheckLog 32
ForceReset 33
Indexviews 33
IsMobile 33
LBHealthChecker 33
LBS 34
LBSLog 34
LBSRedirect 34
MobileQueue 35
PurgeAfterNBRDays 35
RFSVR### 36
RefreshRate 36
ResetUDC 36
Schema 36
TMTimeout 37
TranLimit 37
Balloon.Init 38
Client.ini 38
Location 39
Batch Mode Stress Testing Flags 39
ERPDialogs.ini 40
GPRS.ini 41
Text Default Options 42
Edits Property Validation Options 48
Text (Character String) Validation 48
Pattern Match Validation 48
Pattern Not Allowed Validation 48
Numeric Only Validation 48
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Copyright © 2024 RFgen Software. A division of DataMAX Software Group, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
Integer Only Validation 49
Greater Than Validation 49
Less Than Validation 49
Not Equal To Validation 49
Data Range Validation 49
Date Validation 50
Index Validation 50
Contains String Validation 50
Not Condition Validation 50
Branch/Goto Validation 51
Strip (Data Entry) Validations 51
Events Property 52
AfterCellEdit 53
Click 53
ClickInLine 53
GotFocus 53
KeyPress 54
Initialize 54
InRange 54
Load 55
Lost Focus 55
OnBackup 55
OnConnect 55
OnCursor 56
OnDisconnect 56
OnEnter 57
OnEscape 57
OnFkey 58
OnLocale 58
OnMenu 59
OnPage 60
OnReadData 60
OnRefresh 60
OnReturn 60
OnRowColChange 61
OnRowColClick 61
OnScan 61
OnSearch 62
OnTimer 62
OnUpdate 63
OnVocollect 63
OutOfRange 64
Terminate 64
Unload 64
VBA Language Extensions 66
Application-Based Extensions 66
Balloon 67
CanBackup 68
CallForm 69
CallMacro 70
CallMenu 71
CanAdvance 71
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CanBackup 72
ChangeLoginForm 72
ChangeUserPassword 73
ClearValues 73
ClientType 73
ConnAvailable 74
Display 74
ExecuteMenuSelection 75
ExitForm 75
ExitSession 76
FormName 76
GetString 77
GetValue 78
IpAddress 78
Locale 79
LogError 79
LogErrorEx 80
MacroName 81
MakeList 81
MenuName 82
MsgBox 82
PageCount 84
PageNo 84
PromptCount 84
PromptNo 85
Reload 85
SendChar 86
SendKey 86
SetDisplay 87
SetFocus 88
SetMenu 89
SetMenuCaption 89
SetValue 90
ShowForm 90
ShowList 91
Sleep 92
ShowWait 92
Signout 93
SQLNum 93
Theme 93
TimerEnabled 93
TimerInterval 94
Update 94
User 94
UserName 95
UserProperty 95
UserRoles 96
Database Related Extensions 97
BeginTrans 97
DB.BeginTrans 97
CommitTrans 97
Count 98
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Execute 98
Extract 99
LogOff 100
LogOn 100
MakeList 101
OpenResultset 102
RedirectDataSource 103
RollbackTrans 104
SaveBitmap 104
UseDataSource 105
Database Stored Procedure Object 105
CommandText 105
CommandTimeout 106
CommandType 106
CreateParameter 107
Database Stored Procedure Object 107
DataSource 107
Dict 108
Execute 108
DataRecord Object 109
AddNew 109
Clear 109
IsEOF 109
MoveFirst 110
MoveLast 110
MoveNext 110
MovePrevious 110
MoveTo 110
Param 111
ParamCount 111
ParamName 112
RowCount 112
SchemaId 113
Device Extensions - Android, iOS, and
WinCE 113
ClickAndSkipPrompts 114
Dir 114
DispSleep 115
DeleteFile 115
EnableGPS 116
FileExists 116
ForceLocal 117
GetGPSInfo 117
GetTimeInfo 119
GoOffline 119
GoOnline 120
Id 120
Id 121
IsQueue 121
IsOffline 121
Id 122
GetGPSInfo 122
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Id 124
IsOffline 124
IsOnline 124
OffsetLngLat 125
Platform 125
PlaySoundFile 126
PlotInit 126
PlotStart 127
ReadFile 128
ScanEnable 128
ScanTrigger 128
SendBlueTooth 129
SendCommPort 129
SendUSB 130
SetBlueTooth 131
SetCameraOption 131
SetCommPort 131
SetUSB 132
Shell 133
Device.ShowConfig 134
TakePicture 134
Vibrate 135
WebLogin 135
WriteFile 136
WriteFileTimeout 136
cdObjects 137
DeviceObject 138
Create 138
Execute 138
LastError 139
Name 140
Release 140
ReturnValue 140
Dynamic Array Extensions 140
DCount 141
Del 142
Ext 143
FixLeft 144
FixRight 145
Ins 145
LField 147
Locate 147
LocateAdd 148
LocateDel 149
LocateField 150
Rep 151
RField 151
Embedded Procedure Object 152
Clear 153
ColumnCount 153
ColumnName 153
DataSource 154
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DebugLog 154
DisableParam 154
Execute 155
ExecuteMethod 155
LogMode 155
Name 156
Param 156
ParamCount 156
ParamEx 157
ParamName 158
Queue 158
QueueName 158
QueueOffline 159
QueueSeqNo 159
RowCount 160
SetKeyFields 160
Enterprise Resource Planning Extensions 161
BeginTrans 161
CommitTrans 161
LogOff 162
LogOn 162
MakeList 164
ReadData 165
RollbackTrans 165
SetHardRelease 166
SetSession 166
Form Extensions 167
Form.IconSet 167
Form.PageNo 167
JDE Processing Option 168
JDEProcOpt 169
Count 169
ParamName 169
ProgramId 170
TemplateId 171
Value 171
Version 172
List 172
List 173
List.ActiveRow 173
List.AddColSet 174
List.AddItem 174
List.AddItemEx 175
List.BeginUpdate 176
List.Cell 177
List.Cell(x,y).BackColor1 177
List.Cell(x,y).BackColor2 178
List.Cell(x,y).BackGradient 178
List.Cell(x,y).Bold 179
List.Cell(x,y).Expanded 179
List.Cell(x,y).ForeColor 180
List.Cell(x,y).Indent 180
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List.Cell(x,y).Italic 181
List.Cell(x,y).Underline 181
List.Cell(x,y).Value 181
List.Clear 182
List.Column(x) 182
List.Column(x).Align 183
List.Column(x).Autosize 183
List.Column(x).BackColor1 183
List.Column(x).BackColor2 184
List.Column(x).BackGradient 184
List.Column(x).Bold 185
List.Column(x).Caption 185
List.Column(x).DisplayOnly 186
List.Column(x).FontSize 186
List.Column(x).ForeColor 186
List.Column(x).Format 187
List.Column(x).ImageHeight 188
List.Column(x).ImageWidth 188
List.Column(x).Italic 188
List.Column(x).MarginBottom 189
List.Column(x).MarginLeft 189
List.Column(x).MarginRight 189
List.Column(x).MarginTop 190
List.Column(x).ScaleDecimals 190
List.Column(x).Style 190
List.Column(x).TrimSpaces 191
List.Column(x).Underline 191
List.Column(x).Visible 192
List.Column(x).Width 192
List.Columns 192
List.Count 193
List.Data 193
List.EndUpdate 194
List.Index 194
List.InsertItem 195
List.InsertItemEx 195
List.Node(nodeId) 196
List.LoadCells 197
List.PageDown 198
List.PageUp 198
List.ScrollDown 198
List.ScrollUp 198
List.SetColumn 199
List.Sorted 200
List.RemoveColSet 200
List.RemoveItem 200
List.Row.Index 201
List.RowSelector 201
List.SetDefaultColSet 201
List.Value(x) 201
MQTT Object 202
ClientId 202
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Connect 203
Disconnect 204
Error 204
OnMessageArrived 205
Publish 205
ServerAddress 206
SetLWT 207
SetPassword 207
SetUserName 208
SSL_SetCaPath 209
SSL_SetKeyStore 209
SetSSL_SetPrivateKey 210
SSL_SetPrivateKeyPassword 210
Subscribe 210
Timeout 211
MenuStrip (SideBar) Extensions 212
AppendItem 212
Clear 214
Count 214
Enable 215
Item 215
Refresh 215
RemoveItem 216
RemoveItemByName 216
Reset 216
SetItem 216
Show 217
Param Object 217
Param( ).Datatype 218
Param( ).Direction 220
Param( ).NumericScale 220
Param( ).Precision 220
Param( ).Size 221
Param( ).Value 221
ParamCount 221
Prepared 221
Results 222
Printer Extensions 222
Activate 222
Copies 223
EndDoc 223
FontBold 224
FontItalic 224
FontName 224
FontSize 225
FontStrikeThru 225
FontUnderline 225
GetName 225
NewPage 226
Orientation 226
PageWidth 227
Print 227
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PrintQuality 228
PrintRaw 228
SubmitPrintJob 229
Prompt-Specific Extensions 230
Align 231
AutoSize 231
BackColor 232
BackColorEx 232
BackGradient 233
BorderStyle 234
Caption 234
Checked 235
Children 235
Children.Append 235
Children.Count 236
Children.Item 236
Children.Remove 237
Cloning 237
Defaults 237
DisplayOnly 238
Edits 238
ErrMsg 239
FieldId 239
Font.Bold 240
Font.Italic 240
Font.Size 240
Font.Underline 241
ForeColor 241
Form.PageNo 242
Format 243
Height 244
Form.IconSet 244
Image.Bitmap 245
Image.DisplayMode 246
Image.GetBitmap 246
Image.LoadResource 247
Image.Path 247
Visible 248
Index 248
KeyBoardMode 248
Label.Align 249
Label.Autosize 250
Label.BackColor 250
Label.BackGradient 251
Label.BorderStyle 251
Label.Font.Bold 252
Label.Font.Italic 252
Label.Font.Size 252
Label.Font.Underline 253
Label.ForeColor 253
Label.Height 254
Label.Left 254
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Label.Theme 255
Label.Top 255
Label.Width 256
Layout.Column( ) 256
Left 257
Map.CenterMap 258
Map.GetAddress 259
Map.GetDirections 259
Map.GetLatLng 260
Map.PlanRoute 260
Map.Zoom 261
MonitorKeys 262
PageNo 263
Password 263
Required 263
The RFPrompt 264
ScrollBars 264
SelLength 264
SelStart 265
SetFocus 266
Tab 266
Tab.AltBtnBackColor1 267
Tab.AltBtnBackColor2 267
Tab.AltBtnBackStyle 267
Tab.AltBtnBevel 268
Tab.AltBtnBorderColor 268
Tab.AltBtnBorderStyle 268
Tab.AltBtnForeColor 268
Tab.Caption 268
Tab.CurBtnBackColor1 269
Tab.CurBtnBackColor2 269
Tab.CurBtnBackStyle 269
Tab.CurBtnBevel 269
Tab.CurBtnBorderColor 269
Tab.CurBtnBorderStyle 269
Tab.CurBtnForeColor 270
Tab.OpenTab 270
Tag 270
Text 270
Top 271
TreeView 271
Type 272
Image.Visible 273
Width 273
Screen Display Extensions 273
Bell 274
Clear (for Telnet Clients) 274
ClearEOL (for Telnet Clients) 275
ClearEOP (for Telnet Clients) 275
DrawLine (forTelnet Clients) 275
Height (for Telnet Clients) 276
Print (for Telnet Clients) 276
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Copyright © 2024 RFgen Software. A division of DataMAX Software Group, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
Refresh (for Telnet Clients) 276
ResetCursor (for Telnet Clients) 277
ReverseOff (for Telnet Clients) 277
ReverseOn (for Telnet Clients) 277
Update 277
Width (in Telnet Clients) 278
Screen Mapping Extensions 278
BeginTrans 278
CommitTrans 278
Connected 279
CurScreen 279
FindText 280
GetArea 280
GetAttribute 281
GetBackColor 281
GetCursor 282
GetForeColor 283
GetText 284
GoToScreen 284
IsScreen 285
LogOff 285
LogOn 285
PadInput 286
PingHost 286
ResetConnection 287
SendCTRL 287
SendCTRLAlt 287
SendKey 288
SendKeyAlt 288
SendText 289
SendTextAlt 289
SessionID 290
SessionPwd 290
SessionUser 290
SetBase 291
SetCursor 291
SetDelay 292
SetSession 292
SetTimeout 292
WaitForCursor 293
WaitForCursorMove 293
WaitForHost 293
WaitForScreen 294
WaitForText 295
WaitForWrite 295
SearchList Object 296
AddItem 296
BindControl 296
Cell 297
Cell(x,y).BackColor1 297
Cell(x,y).BackColor2 298
Cell(x,y).BackGradient 298
Table of Contents
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Cell(x,y).Bold 299
Cell(x,y).ForeColor 299
Cell(x,y).Italic 300
Cell(x,y).Underline 300
Cell(x,y).Value 300
Clear 301
Column 301
Column(x).Align 301
Column(x).Autosize 302
Column(x).BackColor1 302
Column(x).BackColor2 303
Column(x).BackGradient 303
Column(x).Bold 304
Column(x).Caption 304
Column(x).DisplayOnly 304
Column(x).Expanded 305
Column(x).FontSize 305
Column(x).ForeColor 305
Column(x).Format 305
Column(x).ImageHeight 306
Column(x).ImageWidth 306
Column(x).Indent 307
Column(x).Italic 307
Column(x).MarginBottom 307
Column(x).MarginLeft 307
Column(x).MarginRight 308
Column(x).MarginTop 308
Column(x).ScaleDecimals 308
Column(x).Style 308
Column(x).TrimSpaces 309
Column(x).Underline 309
Column(x).Visible 309
Column(x).Width 310
Columns 310
Count 310
Index 311
List 311
MaxRows 312
Normalize 312
ReturnAllRows 312
SetBind 313
SetColumn 313
ShowEmptyList 314
ShowList 314
SQL 315
Value 315
Server-Based Extensions 316
CallMacro 316
CommandTimeout 317
Connect 317
Disconnect 317
ExecuteSQL 318
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GeoGetAddress 319
GeoGetDirections 319
GeoGetLatLng 320
GeoGetMap 320
GeoPlanRoute 321
GetTable 321
IsConnected 322
MakeList 322
Ping 323
QueueMacro 324
ReadFile 324
SendQueue 325
SendTable 325
SetCredentials 326
SetHost 326
SetVPN 327
SetWAN 327
ShowProgress 328
SyncApps 328
SyncAppsEx 329
WriteFile 329
SigToImg 330
Socket Object 330
BytesReceived 331
LocalHostName 331
LocalIP 331
Protocol 332
RemoteHost 332
RemoteHostIP 333
RemotePort 333
State 334
sktClose 334
sktConnect 335
sktGetData 335
sktPeekData 336
sktSendData 337
OnClose 338
OnConnect 338
OnDataArrival 338
OnError 338
OnSendComplete 339
OnSendProgress 339
Soft Input Panel (SIP) Extensions 339
GetCurrentType 340
GetTypes 340
Keyboard 341
Mode 341
Reset 342
SetType 342
Show 342
Visible 343
Smtp Extension 343
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Attach 344
Bcc 344
Cc 344
Clear 344
From 345
Host 345
Message 345
Port 345
Send 346
Subject 346
To 346
Stored Procedure Extensions 347
CallAction (not used with Sybase) 347
CallProc (must be used with Sybase) 347
CallSelect (not used with Sybase) 349
Synchronization Overview 349
CommandTimeout 351
SetHost 351
SyncNow 351
SyncStart 352
SyncStop 352
System Error Extensions 353
AddError 353
AppName 353
Clear 354
Count 354
Description 354
DevGUID 355
IpAddress 355
NativeError 355
Number 356
UserName 356
System Level Extensions 356
CheckBoxNoClickFromCode 357
Color 357
ConnectionProperty 357
DeleteProperty 362
DisableTimeout 363
EnvironmentProperty 363
GetConnection 363
GetProperty 364
GetUserProperty 365
SelectKeyboard 365
SendMessage 366
SetProcOptionFields 366
SetProperty 367
SetTimeout 367
UserList 368
ValidateWinUser 368
TTS (Text-To-Speech) 369
TTS.PauseTime 370
TTS.ReadRate 370
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TTS.Repeat 371
TTS.SetLanguage 371
TTS.Speak 371
TTS.Spell 372
TTS.StopSpeak 372
TTS.Volume 373
Transaction Management Extensions 373
AbortTrans 373
CheckStatus 374
GetItems 374
GetItemsEx 375
MacroName 376
MoveQueue 376
QueueMacro 377
QueueName 377
SeqNo 377
Web Object 378
ConnectTimeout 378
DataSource 378
EndPoint 379
HeaderValue 379
InParam 379
OutParam 379
QueryType 379
ReceiveTimeout 380
Reply 381
Request 381
SendTimeout 382
Execute 382
Login 382
Logout 383
WWB.NET: Overview 384
AboutWinWrapBasic Instruction 385
Terms 385
#Language Special Comment 391
#Reference Special Comment 392
#Uses Special Comment 393
Abs Function 393
AddHandler Instruction 394
AddressOf Operator 394
Any Data Type 395
AppActivate Instruction 395
Asc Function 396
Assign Instruction 396
Assign Operators 397
Atn Function 397
Attribute Definintion/Statement 398
Beep Instruction 399
Begin Dialog Definition 399
Boolean Data Type 400
Byte Data Type 400
Call Instruction 400
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CallByName Instruction 401
CallersLine Function 402
CancelButton Dialog Item Definition 402
CBool Function 403
CByte Function 403
CChar Function 403
CDate Function 404
CDbl Function 404
CDec Function 404
Char Data Type 405
ChDir Instruction 405
ChDrive Instruction 405
CheckBox Dialog Item Definition 406
Choose Function 407
Ch' Function 407
CInt Function 407
Class Module 408
Class_Initialize Sub 409
Class_Terminate Sub 409
Clipboard Instruction/Function 409
CLng Function 410
CObj Function 410
Code Module 411
ComboBox Dialog Item Definition 411
Comman' Function 412
Const Definition 413
Cos Function 413
CreateObject Function 413
CSByte Function 414
CShort Function 414
CSng Function 415
CStr Function 415
CurDi' Function 415
CType Function 416
CUInt Function 416
CULng Function 416
CUShort Function 417
Date Data Type 417
DateAdd Function 417
DateDiff Function 418
DatePart Function 419
DateSerial Function 419
DateValue Function 420
Day Function 420
DDEExecute Instruction 420
DDEInitiate Function 421
DDEPoke Instruction 421
DDEReques' Function 422
DDETerminate Instruction 422
DDETerminateAll Instruction 423
Debug Object 423
Decimal Data Type 424
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Declare Definition 424
Decode64 Function 425
Decrypt64 Function 426
Delegate Definition 426
DeleteSetting Instruction 427
Dialog Instruction/Function 427
DialogFunc Prototype 428
Dim Definition 430
Di' Function 430
DirectCast Function 431
DlgControlId Function 431
DlgCount Function 432
DlgEnable Instruction/Function 433
DlgEnd Instruction 434
DlgFocus Instruction/Function 434
DlgListBoxArray Instruction/Function 435
DlgName Function 436
DlgNumber Function 437
DlgSetPicture Instruction 438
DlgText Instruction/Function 439
DlgType Function 440
DlgValue Instruction/Function 440
DlgVisible Instruction/Function 441
Do Statement 443
DoEvents Instruction 443
Double Data Type 444
DropListBox Dialog Item Definition 444
Encode64 Function 445
Encrypt64 Function 445
End Instruction 446
Enum Definition 446
Environ Function 447
EOF Function 447
Erase Instruction 448
Err Object 448
Error Instruction 449
ErrorToString Function 450
Eval Function 450
Event Definition 451
Exit Instruction 451
Exp Function 453
False Keyword 453
FileAttr Function 453
FileClose Instruction 454
FileCopy Instruction 454
FileDateTime Function 454
FileLen Function 455
FileOpen Instruction 455
Fix Function 456
For Statement 457
For Each Statement 457
Forma' Function 458
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Format Predefined Date 459
Format Predefined Number 459
Format User Defined Date 459
Format User Defined Number 460
Format User Defined Text 461
FreeFile Function 462
Friend Keyword 462
Function Definition 463
Get Instruction 463
GetAllSettings Function 464
GetAttr Function 465
GetChar Function 465
GetFilePat' Function 465
GetObject Function 466
GetLocale Function 467
GetSetting Function 467
GetType Operator 467
Goto Instruction 468
GroupBox Dialog Item Definition 468
He' Function 469
Hour Function 469
If Statement 470
IIf Function 470
Imports Definition 471
Input Instruction 471
InputBo' Function 472
InputStrin' Function 472
InStr Function 473
InStrRev Function 473
Int Function 474
Integer Data Type 474
Is Operator 474
IsArray Function 475
IsDate Function 475
IsDBNull Function 475
IsError Function 476
IsNot Operator 476
IsNothing Function 477
IsNumeric Function 477
IsReference Function 478
Join Function 478
KeyName Function 478
Kill Instruction 479
LBound Function 479
LCas' Function 480
Lef' Function 480
Len Function 480
Like Operator 481
LineInput Function 481
ListBox Dialog Item Definition 482
Loc Function 483
Lock Instruction 483
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LOF Function 484
Log Function 484
Long Data Type 485
LSe' Function 485
LTri' Function 485
MacroCheck Function 486
MacroCheckThis Function 486
MacroDi' Function 487
MacroRun Instruction 487
MacroRunThis Instruction 487
Main Sub 488
Me Object 488
Mi' Function/Assignment 489
Minute Function 489
MkDir Instruction 490
ModuleLoad Function 490
ModuleLoadThis Function 491
Month Function 491
MonthName Function 491
MsgBox Instruction/Function 492
MultiListBox Dialog Item Definition 493
New Operator 494
Nothing Keyword 495
Now Function 495
Object Data Type 495
Object Module 495
Object_Initialize Sub 496
Object_Terminate Sub 497
Oc' Function 497
OKButton Dialog Item Definition 497
On Error Instruction 498
Operators 499
Option Definition 500
OptionButton Dialog Item Definition 501
OptionGroup Dialog Item Definition 502
Picture Dialog Item Definition 502
Print Instruction 503
PrintLine Instruction 504
Private Definition 504
Private Keyword 505
Property Definition 505
Public Definition 506
Public Keyword 506
PushButton Dialog Item Definition 507
Put Instruction 507
QBColor Function 508
RaiseEvent Instruction 509
Randomize Instruction 510
ReDim Instruction 510
Rem Instruction 510
RemoveHandler Instruction 511
Rename Instruction 511
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Replac' Function 512
Reset Instruction 512
Resume Instruction 513
Return Instruction 513
RGB Function 514
Righ' Function 514
RmDir Instruction 515
Rnd Function 515
Round Function 515
RSe' Function 516
RTri' Function 516
SaveSetting Instruction 517
Second Function 517
Seek Instruction 517
Seek Function 518
Select Case Statement 519
SendKeys Instruction 519
SetAttr Instruction 521
SetLocale Instruction 522
Sgn Function 522
Shell Function 522
SByte Data Type 523
Short Data Type 523
ShowPopupMenu Function 524
Sin Function 524
Single Data Type 525
Spac' Function 525
Split Function 525
Sqr Function 526
Static Definition 526
Stop Instruction 526
St' Function 527
StrCom' Function 527
StrCon' Function 528
StrDu' Function 529
String Data Type 529
StrRevers' Function 530
Structure Definition 530
Sub Definition 531
SystemTypeName Function 532
Tan Function 532
Text Dialog Item Definition 532
TextBox Dialog Item Definition 533
Timer Function 534
TimeSerial Function 534
TimeValue Function 535
Throw Instruction/Function 535
Tri' Function 536
True Keyword 536
Try Statement 536
TryCast Function 537
TypeName Function 537
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Copyright © 2024 RFgen Software. A division of DataMAX Software Group, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
TypeOf Operator 538
UBound Function 539
UCas' Function 539
UInteger Data Type 539
ULong Data Type 540
Unlock Instruction 540
UShort Data Type 541
Val Function 541
Using Statement 541
VarType Function 542
VbTypeName Function 543
Wait Instruction 543
Weekday Function 544
WeekdayName Function 544
While Statement 545
Win16 Keyword 545
Win32 Keyword 545
Win64 Keyword 545
With Statement 546
WithEvents Definition 546
Write Instruction 546
WriteLine Instruction 547
Year Function 547
Objects Overview 548
Error List 548
WWB-COM: Overview 551
Terms 562
AboutWinWrapBasic Instruction 569
Abs Function 569
AddressOf Operator 569
Any Data Type 570
AppActivate Instruction 571
Array Function 571
Asc Function 571
Assign Instruction 572
Assign Operators 573
Atn Function 573
Attribute Definintion/Statement 574
Beep Instruction 575
Begin Dialog Definition 575
Boolean Data Type 576
Byte Data Type 576
CallByName Instruction 576
CallersLine Function 577
Call Instruction 578
CancelButton Dialog Item Definition 578
CBool Function 579
CByte Function 579
CCur Function 580
CDate Function 580
CDbl Function 580
CDec Function 581
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Copyright © 2024 RFgen Software. A division of DataMAX Software Group, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
ChDrive Instruction 581
ChDir Instruction 581
CheckBox Dialog Item Definition 582
Choose Function 583
Chr$ Function 583
CHuge_ Function 584
CInt Function 584
Class_Initialize Sub 584
Class Module 585
Class_Terminate Sub 586
Clipboard Instruction/Function 586
CLng Function 587
Close Instruction 587
Code Module 587
ComboBox Dialog Item Definition 588
Command$ Function 589
Const Definition 590
Cos Function 590
CreateObject Function 590
CSByte Function 591
CSng Function 591
CStr Function 592
CUHuge_ Function 592
CUInt Function 592
CULng Function 593
CurDir$ Function 593
Currency Data Type 594
CVar Function 594
CVErr Function 594
DateAdd Function 595
DateDiff Function 595
Date Function 596
DatePart Function 596
DateSerial Function 597
DateValue Function 598
Day Function 598
DDEExecute Instruction 598
DDEInitiate Function 599
DDEPoke Instruction 599
DDERequest$ Function 600
DDETerminateAll Instruction 601
DDETerminate Instruction 601
Debug Object 601
Decimal Data Type 602
Declare Definition 602
Decode64 Function 604
Decrypt64 Function 604
Def Definition 605
Delegate Definition 606
DeleteSetting Instruction 607
DialogFunc Prototype 608
Dialog Instruction/Function 610
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Dim Definition 610
Dir$ Function 611
DlgControlId Function 612
DlgCount Function 612
DlgEnable Instruction/Function 613
DlgEnd Instruction 614
DlgFocus Instruction/Function 615
DlgListBoxArray Instruction/Function 616
DlgName Function 617
DlgNumber Function 618
DlgSetPicture Instruction 619
DlgText Instruction/Function 620
DlgType Function 621
DlgValue Instruction/Function 622
DlgVisible Instruction/Function 623
DoEvents Instruction 624
Do Statement 624
Double Data Type 625
DropListBox Dialog Item Definition 625
Empty Keyword 626
Encode64 Function 626
Encrypt64 Function 627
End Instruction 627
Enum Definition 628
Environ Function 628
EOF Function 629
Erase Instruction 629
Err Object 630
Error Instruction/Function 631
Eval Function 632
Event Definition 632
Exit Instruction 633
Exp Function 634
False Keyword 635
FileAttr Function 635
FileCopy Instruction 635
FileDateTime Function 636
FileLen Function 636
Fix Function 637
For Each Statement 637
Format$ Function 638
Format Predefined Date 638
Format Predefined Number 639
Format User Defined Date 639
Format User Defined Number 641
Format User Defined Text 642
For Statement 643
FreeFile Function 643
Friend Keyword 644
Function Definition 644
GetAllSettings Function 644
GetAttr Function 645
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GetConnection 645
GetFilePath$ Function 646
Get Instruction 647
GetLocale Function 648
GetObject Function 648
GetSetting Function 649
Goto Instruction 649
GroupBox Dialog Item Definition 650
Hex$ Function 650
Hour Function 651
Huge_ Data Type 651
If Statement 651
IIf Function 652
InputBox$ Function 653
Input$ Function 653
Input Instruction 654
InStr Function 654
InStrRev Function 655
Integer Data Type 655
Int Function 655
IsArray Function 656
IsDate Function 656
IsEmpty Function 657
IsError Function 657
IsMissing Function 657
IsNot Operator 658
IsNull Function 659
IsNumeric Function 659
IsObject Function 660
Is Operator 660
Join Function 661
KeyName Function 661
Kill Instruction 662
#Language Special Comment 662
LBound Function 663
LCase$ Function 663
Left$ Function 664
Len Function 664
Like Operator 665
Line Input Instruction 665
ListBox Dialog Item Definition 666
Loc Function 667
Lock Instruction 667
LOF Function 668
Log Function 669
LSet Instruction 669
LTrim$ Function 669
MacroCheck Function 670
MacroCheckThis Function 670
MacroDir$ Function 671
MacroRun Instruction 671
MacroRunThis Instruction 672
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Main Sub 672
Me Object 672
Mid$ Function/Assignment 673
Minute Function 674
MkDir Instruction 674
ModuleLoad Function 674
ModuleLoadThis Function 675
Month Function 675
MonthName Function 676
MsgBox Instruction/Function 676
MultiListBox Dialog Item Definition 678
Name Instruction 679
New Operator 679
Nothing Keyword 680
Now Function 680
Null Keyword 680
Object Data Type 681
Object_Initialize Sub 681
Oct$ Function 681
On Error Instruction 682
OKButton Dialog Item Definition 682
Open Instruction 683
Operators 684
OptionButton Dialog Item Definition 687
Option Definition 688
OptionGroup Dialog Item Definition 688
Picture Dialog Item Definition 689
PortInt Data Type 690
Print Instruction 690
Private Definition 691
Private Keyword 692
Property Definition 692
Public Definition 693
PushButton Dialog Item Definition 693
Put Instruction 694
QBColor Function 695
RaiseEvent Instruction 696
Randomize Instruction 697
ReDim Instruction 697
#Reference Special Comment 697
Rem Instruction 698
Replace$ Function 698
Reset Instruction 699
Resume Instruction 699
Return Instruction 700
RGB Function 700
Right$ Function 701
RmDir Instruction 701
Rnd Function 702
Round Function 702
RSet Instruction 703
RTrim$ Function 703
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SaveSetting Instruction 704
Second Function 704
Seek Function 704
Seek Instruction 705
Select Case Statement 706
SendKeys Instruction 707
SetAttr Instruction 709
Set Instruction 710
SetLocale Instruction 710
Shell Function 710
ShowPopupMenu Function 711
Sin Function 712
Space$ Function 713
Split Function 713
Sqr Function 713
Static Definition 714
StrComp$ Function 714
StrConv$ Function 715
Str$ Function 716
StrReverse$ Function 717
Sub Definition 717
String$ Function 718
Tan Function 718
TextBox Dialog Item Definition 719
Text Dialog Item Definition 720
Time Function 721
Timer Function 721
TimeSerial Function 721
TimeValue Function 722
Trim$ Function 722
Type Definition 723
TypeName Function 723
TypeOf Operator 725
UBound Function 725
UCase$ Function 726
UInteger Data Type 726
ULong Data Type 726
Unlock Instruction 727
#Uses Special Comment 728
Val Function 728
Variant Data Type 729
VarType Function 729
Wait Instruction 730
Weekday Function 731
WeekdayName Function 731
While Statement 732
Win16 Keyword 732
Win32 Keyword 732
Win64 Keyword 732
WithEvents Definition 733
With Statement 733
Write Instruction 733
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WWB-COM_Topic 734
WWB-COM: Overview 734
Year Function 746
AboutWinWrapBasic Instruction 746
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Visual Basic Scripts
Visual Basic for Applications (VBA) scripts allow
developers to provide additional functionality to
RFgen data collection applications by responding to
events using Visual Basic programming statements
(scripts). VBA Scripts allow the developer to
enhance the capabilities offered by standard RFgen
applications and other objects. In fact, developers
may take total control over the client device by
responding to field/system events, handling all data
display functions, and even sending SQL statements
through the RFgen database connection.
Programmable events include 'field' events (script-
ing is related to the current prompt) and application
events (scripting will be executed whenever this
event occurs; e.g. when an application is loaded).
In addition, built-in VBA 'extensions' give the
developer easy access to manipulate the client
device, and quick access to the connected data-
Global User-Defined
Subroutines and Functions
To use global subroutines and functions: Create a
module file using the VBA Modules and put your
'global' subroutines and functions in that file.
On the Properties tab in the RFgen Application win-
dow, you will see a list of available VBA modules.
Set each module to TRUE that you want that applic-
ation to be able to access.
You will then be able to call any subroutines or func-
tions from these modules in your RFgen Applic-
Note: There are 2 built in modules that are auto-
matically referenced by RFgen Applications. These
RFgen.bas The RFgen.bas is typically used to
contain functions and procedures that need to be
accessible from any transaction
Win32.bas The Win32.bas is typically used to
store global variables.
Table of Contents
Visual Basic Scripts RFgen Dev Ref Guide
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Using External ActiveX files in the VBA Environment
RFgen allows the incorporation of external ActiveX .EXE or .DLL modules by declaring an Object and using
the CreateObject method.
Dim MyObject As Object
Set MyObject = CreateObject("name.cls")
' name is the name of the ActiveX module
' subsequent usage
The syntax is slightly different when using a DLL compiled using Visual Basic.
Dim MyDLL As Object
Set MyDLL = CreateObject("ourDDC.DDCcom")
Where: ourDDC is the executable name DDCcom is the public class name containing the functions you wish
to call.
VBA Global Variables/Objects
Global variables and objects are available for use with RFgen, for storing and retrieving items related to a
specific session.
The preferred method for using global variables is to declare the variables in the ‘Win32.bas module, via the
VBA Modules option. Any public variables declared in the Win32.bas module will be available to all RFgen
applications and will maintain their values throughout the life of the RFgen session.
Public sMyString As String
Public iMyInt As Integer
Public oMyObject As Object
VBA Declarations
The VBA ‘General’ object is where the developer may declare variables that are available to all events in the
current application. User defined functions or subroutines may also be entered here.
Short Cut Keys
The following keyboard combinations will invoke the functions described below.
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Middle click on tab
Closes tab.
This will open the search function when in the script view.
This will find a specified script on a form (application form).
The following keyboard combinations will provide the functions described below.
This will replace a specified script on a form (application form).
Ctrl + K, C
This will comment current line/highlighted section (app scripts and modules). This short cut key will also
work in transaction macro scripts and in voice applications.
Ctrl + K, U
This will uncomment current line/highlighted section (app scripts and modules). This short cut key will also
work in transaction macro scripts and in voice applications.
This will expand all functions in a script.
This will collapse all functions in a script.
This will expand the function the cursor is on.
Ctrl+ S
This will save the changes in the designer that has focus, or changes to the scripting page (apps and mod-
ules). This short cut key will also work in transaction macro scripts and in voice applications.
Application Designer ShortCuts
Hold down ALT key while clicking on the page number or a control will renumber that prompts tab
Note: These short-cut key combinations are supported in RFgen and higher.
Initialization Files RFgen Dev Ref Guide
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Initialization Files
Initialization files are used to make changes to the default behavior of RFgen such as resetting data con-
nections based on usage, indexing databases, preventing server-side dialog boxes from stopping the RFgen
service and altering connectivity parameters for mobile devices.
The files are stored in the %AppData% / ProgramData / RFgen50, %AppData% / ProgramData / RFgen51,
or %AppData% / ProgramData / RFgen52 folder. The parameters for your configuration settings belong
under the [Environment] global setting.
Types are: Balloon.init, Clientini, ERPDialogsini, GPRSini, and RFgen.ini
The RFgen.ini initialization file provides configuration parameters for making changes to the default beha-
vior of RFGen such as resetting data connections based on usage or indexing of databases. It can also be
used to set transaction limits, and monitor JDE logs.
In all cases, the headings and settings are case sensitive, and the ini file must be created and modified using
Notepad. The RFgen.ini file is stored in the RFgen directory to work. For example:
The RFgen.ini parameters are: TextHint (overrides Device Authorization), TextHint (Choose Camera), Tex-
tHint (JDE connectivity and JDE log.), TextHint(Batch client connection), TextHint, TextHint, TextHint
(Checks for connection from a third-party load balancing server/applicance), TextHint (RFgen load bal-
ancing server wait times), TextHint (RFgen load balancing server logging) and TextHint (Shares RFgen client
licenses), TextHint (emulate queing transactions), TextHint from Reports, TextHint, TextHint (Reset of
Transactions), TextHint (AS400 index connections), TextHint (controls resets), and TextHint.
The AutoAuthBATCH parameter in a RFgen.ini file enables a batch client to connect to the server regardless
of the settings in the Mobile Development Studio > Devices > Authorized Devices screen or the Mobile Unity
Platform Console > Devices screen.
where True allows any batch client to connect; False will only connect if the batch
client is authorized.
The Camera parameter in a RFgen.ini file will specify which camera RFgen should used if the Windows CE
devices has multiple cameras.
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where n is from 0 to the number of available cameras minus 1.
The Check parameter in a RFgen.ini file will check for JDE connectivity before a business function is
where the option 0 turns the check off, and 1 is on.
Parameters for the X0010 call:
The CheckLog parameter in a RFgen.ini file will monitor the JDE.log for designated strings within the JDE.log
file's last 500 characters. It monitors for various test strings, and is used to reset child processes.
where the option 0 turns the log check off and 1 is on.
where Text1, Text2 ... will look for in JDE.log
If the LogText# is found, then it will stop and restart all RFgen child processes.
If one of the LogText parameters is found the server will:
1. Delete the log file. JDE creates a new file every time it starts.
2. Suspend all active client connections temporarily
3. Close all transaction manager client(s).
4. Close all data connections.
5. Start all data connections.
6. Start the transaction manager client(s).
7. Resume the active client connections.
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The ForceReset parameter in a RFgen.ini file will reset the data connectors after the specified period of time
has elapsed.
ForceReset = nn
where nn is a positive number in minutes. The option 0 disables the reset func-
When RFgen indexes tables for a database connector, by default, it only includes tables. If a solution also
requires table views use indexviews in the RFgen.ini file to set the index view.
indexviews = 1
where 1 enables this feature.
The IsMobile parameter in the RFgen.ini fie sets a queue on the server to pretend to be a mobile device
queue so that if the program executes "Server.SyncApps" and points to another RFgen server, that queue
will be moved to that other server instead of being processed on its current server.
IsMobile = name of the server
IsMobile = CostPoint
where "CostPoint" is the name of the other RFgen server
These parameters enable the RFgen server to listen for a connection from a third-party load balancing
appliance/system when you assign a LBHealthPort to the RFgen server and/or RFgen Mobile Devel-
opment Studio in the "[Environment]" section of the RFgen.ini file.
The Load Balance Health Checker can also be configured to accept data and send data back to the third-
party load balancing system. If the
parameter is specified, then the RFgen server will send the
text back to the requesting device before it closes the TCP connection and resumes listening for a con-
A restart of server services may be needed to activate these changes.
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For information on the RFgen Load Balancing Server ini settings, see LBS, LBSLog, or LBSRedirect.
where ##### is the port that will listen for a connection from the third-party
Load Balancer.
LBHealthText=Send this text back
where "Send this text back" is the text that is sent to the third-party Load Bal-
where "1" enables the listening of the port; "0" disables it.
The LBS value (Load Balancing Server) in the RFgen.ini file controls how long an RFgen load balanced server
will wait for replies from other RFgen servers. When a client attempts to connect a request is sent to all serv-
ers in the cluster. This setting controls how long the calling server will wait for replies.
ReplyTimeout=n milliseconds
where n is the number of milliseconds the server or calling server will wait for
The LBSLog parameter in a RFgen.ini file enables the server to log load balancing information in a log file.
This should be used with a Trace tool. For the option on creating the log file, see RFSVR.
where the option 0 is off; 1 is on.
The LoadBalanced Server LBSRedirect parameter in a RFgen.ini file allows servers to share client licenses
but not client sessions.
where the option 0 is off; 1 is on.
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If you want to clients connected to a load balanced server to share a license but
not the client session, use:
LBSRedirect = 0
The MobileQueue setting allows an RFgen server to emulate an offline device in terms of queueing trans-
actions. Using this setting in conjunction with Sevrer.SendQueue allows a server to queue transactions and
then transfer the transactions to an alternate server using the Server.SendQueue language extension.
RFgen configuration settings are used if a server needs to push queued items from a local RFgen server to a
different RFgen server for processing. Mobile devices also have scenarios where they need to push queued
items to a RFgen server, and the “Server.SendQueue” transfers items to the RFgen server.
If you have multiple servers where one has the collected the data and queues, but the other server has the
ERP connector, the “MobileQueue” command performs the same transfer.
Server A receives the queued transactions from the handheld, but doesn’t have the ERP connector to pro-
cess them. Server B has the ERP connector. Server A does not need any queue configured at all for a queue
name identified in the MobileQueue setting. Server A keeps the records internally.
Server B must have a queue configured and set to process the name mentioned in the MobileQueue setting.
On a timed event, Server A performs a Server.SendQueue like a handheld would, and the contents of the
internal queue will be sent to Server B.
This concept eliminates the need for Server A to have a data connector to Server B for the Serv-
er.MoveQueue command.
Note: This parameter is setup in the RFgen.ini file.
The Purge Data from Reports PurgeAfterNbrDays parameter in a RFgen.ini file will remove the performance
data that is visible from Reports > Performance Monitoring in the Mobile Development Studio or Mobile Unity
Platform Console.
where nn is the number of days.
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The RFgen Server RFSVR parameter in a RFgen.ini file causes the servers to generate a log file.
This is currently limited to the LBSLog (load balanced information).
For details on start/stop of logging of information see LBSLog.
where 0 is off; 1 is on.
### must correspond to the version of the RFgen server
'For RFgen 5.20 this will generate a logfile:
RefreshRate controls how often statistical information is sent from the RFgen server to a connected Admin
RefreshRate=n seconds
The ResetUDC parameter in a RFgen.ini file removes a connection from a pool, destroys it, and recreates the
connection for the next user. This allows the system to release the memory for the process in the system.
ResetUDCx = y
where x is set to the dataconnector and y is the value to the number of trans-
actions that will be processed before the reset takes place.
In the case of some DB2 ODBC connections, some tables may not be visible to RFgen because of settings for
the DB2 database. To make these tables visible, add an entry with the following format in the RFgen.ini file.
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You may have as many schemas as needed. These entries are only examples.
[AS400] DB2 Data source name in RFgen
Schema1=S104WL5M.RB1 specific database / library index
Schema2=S104WL5M.QSYS specific database / library index
TMTimeout parameter in a RFgen.ini file allows a Transaction Macro to execute longer than the built-in,
internal limit of 30-seconds. The built-in timer terminates any macro that runs longer than 30 seconds. Even
though a macro is terminated, it stays in the queue. Should a long running macro get half done, terminate,
and re-run, you could end up with a continuous loop. To prevent this problem, use the TMTout command to
lengthen the timeout period.
You might also set the timeout to 120 seconds or higher if downloading a large volume of data from a server
to a mobile device. After making this change the services should be restarted.
Where nnn is the timeout in seconds
The TranLimit parameter in a RFgen.ini file enables the Transaction Manager to process a specified num-
ber of transactions in the queue and then reset the queue. (A reset destroys and restarts the client process
in charge of processing the queue, and also recreates the data connector.) When this happens, the system
releases the memory used by the process.
RFgen added the ability to define multiple transaction limits instead of a single transaction limit in
the RFgen.ini file. This enhancement was added so you can control the reset of individual transaction queues
instead of having them all reset when just one limit is triggered.
To Set Limits - Specify a limit for all the queues with the command TranLimit=n by itself, or as a limit for indi-
vidual queues by queue name.
Where n is the number of transactions that will be processed before the Trans-
action Management process as well as its data connections are shut down and
then recreated.
If an RFgen queue accumulates 300 or more transactions, the Transaction Man-
ager will shut down the data connector and recreate the connection.
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To Reset Individual Queues - Specify by the unique name, the queue to be reset in a RFgen.ini file.
TranLimit = queuename1, queuename2, queuename3…
Where queue1, queue2...queuex are the names for each individual queue and has
its own section under the [Environment] setting to control the individual queues.
Within the individual queue sections, place another TranLimit=n command where
n is the number of iterations.
TranLimit=RFgenQueue1, TWDXX0100, TCCXX0200 [RFgenQueue1]
TranLimit=100 [TWDXX0100] TranLimit=100 [TCCXX0200] TranLim-
You can create a Balloon.Init file for the purposes of pre-setting the balloon’s generic behavior (like a tem-
plate) is consistent throughout the application by using values that are set here in the Balloon.Init file. This
allows you to then customize just the message in a Balloon but keep its behavior (i.e. look and feel, anim-
ation etc.) the same.
The following parameters and example values should be listed under the [Environment] setting.
Balloon.Text = “An error has occurred”
Balloon.Duration = 3
Balloon.Title = “Error!”
Balloon.ImageId = “ErrorIcon”
Balloon.CloseButton = True
Balloon.Animate = True
Balloon.WidthPercent = 0.6
Balloon.EndLocation = 200
Balloon.StartLocation = 0
Supported Versions: RFgen and higher
The Client.ini file provides configuration parameters for the RFgen Windows Desktop client and can be used
to change specific behaviors.
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This ini parameter is designed to allow the user to change the location of the client database. The client data-
base stores the configuration of the Desktop Client.
The usual place the client.ini file is created is:
\AppData\Roaming\RFgen5 or RFgen51 or RFgen52
The Desktop Client reads the client.ini file for the rfgen.xdb, the database storing the configuration. If an
entry exists it will use that database, if not the Desktop Client will look for the rfgen.xdb file in the default loc-
ation. Here is an example of a database path entry:
Batch Mode Stress Testing Flags
This feature is used to stress test a Desktop Client running in batch mode by implementing the "MultiBatch"
and "IgnoreGUID" flags in the Client.ini file under the [Environment] section, in the AppData folder.
MultiBatch=n This flag clones the existing batch mode database and renames it to that client's process
IgnoreGUID=n This flag gives the client (Thin or Batch) a unique GUID, similar to how the /ignoreGUID
cmd parameter works.
n is the expected number of clients to be launched, all using GUIDs and batch mode data-
base files.
MultiBatch=1 'The UserData.sqlite is cloned and renamed to UserData-{PID}.sqlite for one client.
IgnoreGUID=1 'A GUID is assigned to one client.
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The ERPDialogs.ini file provides the ability to automatically respond to dialog boxes created by software
(such as JD Edwards) running on the RFgen (Communications) server.
Search, Title, Message, Reset, Close, Text
Search 1 = Search on Title, 2 = Search on Message
Title Window Title
Message Message Text (only if 'Search' = 2)
Reset 0 = Don't reset connection, 1-5 = Connection number to reset
Close 1 = Close Window, 2 = Click button
Text Text on button to click (only if 'Close' = 2)
(include "&" to represent underscore, e.g., "E&xit" for "Exit").
1, Database Password Entry, ,1,1,
1, Database Error,,1,1,
1, OneWorld Error,,1,1,
1, OneWorld,,1,1,
1, PeopleSoft Error,,1,1,
1, PeopleSoft,,1,1,
1, Remote Job,,1,1,
1, Database Password Entry, ,1,1,
1, Database Error,,1,1,
1, OneWorld Error,,1,1,
1, OneWorld,,1,1,
1, PeopleSoft Error,,1,1,
1, PeopleSoft,,1,1,
1, Remote Job,,1,1,
2, ,JDB9103 - Fetch failed, 1, 2, OK
2, ,to Activate the component and correct the problem, 1, 2, Switch To...
1, RFDB,, 1, 2, Retry
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Even if 'Search' = 2, a window title must be included if one exists.
This ini file is designed to make the RFgen mobile client dial a connection so that data can be sent or
retrieved to the server while in a disconnected state. This file is not intended to establish a connection for a
thin client connection. If a General Packet Radio Service (GPRS) connection is desired for a thin client con-
nection simply establish it first, then any VPN connections if required and then launch the RFgen thin client.
In a typical implementation Server.Connect and Server.Disconnect are used both at the beginning of the pro-
cess, to retrieve validation data, and at the end to submit collected data. When the connect command is
executed the mobile client checks the phonebook setting in the RFgenCFG.exe program and uses either WiFi
or GPRS to make the connection. If GPRS is selected the ini file tells RFgen what settings to use. If RFgen
needs to establish the VPN connection as well then those settings can be documented as well.
Note that the GPRS and VPN connections must first be setup in the CE environment and RFgen simply ref-
erences and starts those connections.
Using any desired method, create and deploy a file called GPRS.ini to the install directory (by default: \Pro-
gram Files\RFgenCE). It contains the following settings:
Name=My Work Network
The Enabled parameter just tells RFgen if it should make that connection.
The Name parameter is the name used in the setup of the connection in the operating system’s con-
The User and Pwd fields, if needed, are stored in the ini file as well.
Text Default Options RFgen Dev Ref Guide
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Copyright © 2024 RFgen Software. A division of DataMAX Software Group, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
Text Default Options
A default property allows a data value to be generated automatically. For example, if you had two ware-
houses, one in Boston and the other in Sacramento, and wanted the user to default to the Sacramento Ware-
house without having to scan a barcode or enter the code for the Sacramento warehouse, the developer of
the application can set the default value to "Sacramento" so that when the user clicked on the prompt for the
Warehouse, "Sacramento" would display.
A blank value means that there is no default.
Placing a ';O' (semicolon and the letter O, not zero) after the default parameter is optional, and allows the
default to be overwritten.
Note: If using the VBA scripts, the Got_Focus event for a prompt contains a variable called ‘RSP’ which may
be set to the value of the data default and a variable called ‘AllowChange’ (for overriding the value) which
represents the value of the ‘;O’ expression; i.e., AllowChange = True, is the same as placing a ‘;O’ after the
specified default property.
Text Default
This will default the string value as entered. A string value can be any number, combination of letters, or spe-
cial characters. Format is:
String value(;O)
Sacramento;O means default equals 'Sacramento', allow 'O'verwrite. Values contained in ( ) are optional.
System Date Default
This will default the current Windows system date in the format specified by 'exp1'. If no format is specified
then the date will display using the format specified by the data item used for the prompt. Format is:
@DATE;O means default equals current date displayed using MM/DD/YY format
System Time Default
This will default the current Windows system time using the format specified by the data item used for the
prompt. Format is:
@TIME(;O) means default equals current time
Translate Default- Displaying Data From Other Tables
This will extract data from another table; i.e., 'translate' the data. Format is:
e.g.: @T,STATES,ID,3,NAM
Table is the name of a database 'translate table'.
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exp1 is the column/field name for the translate table where indexed data is found.
exp2 is the current prompt number or column/field name where the key for the indexed table data (i.e.,
data to match on) can be found; value must be a number lower than the current category number.
exp3 is the column/field name for the translate table which contains the data to be retrieved.
exp4 an optional expression used only if exp2 is an 'unlinked' textbox field (i.e., not a database field for
which RFgen can determine a data type); leave blank if exp2 data is numeric; let exp4 be a single quote " ' "
if exp2 data is a string.
@T,STATES,ID,3,NAM retrieves a state name from a table called STATES. Here ' ID' is an indexed colum-
n/field name for the STATES table, and 'NAM' is the column/field name that contains the state name. Data
from the current application, in prompt '3', provides the value of ID to use for the indexed search of the
STATES table
Concatenation Default
This will concatenate any items specified, and default the resulting string. Valid items are entry categories or
items enclosed by quotes. Format is:
@C,4,5,6,'***' means default equals prompt '4' value, joined with the prompt '5' value, joined with the
prompt '6' value, joined with the text string '***'. Since no ';O' is present, the data will be entered and the
application will continue at the next prompt
Character String Extraction Default
This will allow the default to be a portion of a previously entered input. Format is:
exp1 = entry category for the extraction.
exp2 = starting position of character string.
exp3 = length of string.
@SE,3,4,5;O means default equals data entered at prompt '3', starting at the '4'th character, and continuing
for '5' characters
Calculation Defaults
This will allow the default to be the result of an on-line calculation. Calculations may be performed using pre-
viously entered entry categories. Calculations are performed from left to right, and only arithmetic data is
allowed. Format is:
@=calculation(;O)(;precision 'n') n=0 to 4
+ = addition
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- = subtraction
* = multiplication
/ = division
@=6+7*"1.5";;2 means default equals the result of adding data from prompt '6' and '7', then multiplying
the result by '1.5', and displayed using '2' decimal points.
All calculations are rounded to the precision selected after each calculation. If no precision is specified, then
'4' decimal precision is used
Image Name Retrieval
In the case image controls, the Defaults property is filled in with the name of the image resource that has
been loaded into the prompt.
Last/Prior Entry Default
This will default the last/prior data value, entered in the previous use of this prompt. If the default value is
empty then the AllowChange parameter will be ignored. Thus a default of “@Last” will stop and allow input
on the first pass and skip the field on all subsequent passes. The intended behavior of “@Last” is to maintain
the last entered value until the application is exited.
Format is:
Lists (Listing Choices) Default
This default is used to list multiple specific choices, from which 1 item may be selected. Items selected
appear in a 'List' on the device. Format is:
Where 'heading' is the column heading name to print.
@list,Colors,RED,WHITE,BLUE allows the user to select 1 of the 3 colors
Skip the Current Entry Default
This default is used to conditionally skip the current prompt. Format is:
Conditional Operators (exp1,exp2,exp3) are:
exp1 = the prompt number
exp2 = a conditional operator from 1 of the following:
= for an equal to comparison
# for a not equal to comparison
> for greater than
< for less than
M for a matches comparison
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nM for a not matches test
I: exp4 exists in exp2 (same as NC)
C: exp2 exists in exp4
NC: exp4 exists in exp2
exp3 = the prompt number or string value (in quotes) to match on.
@SKIP,2,=,'N' means to skip the current prompt if the data entered at prompt '2' equals 'N'.
Note in this example that exp1="2", exp2="=", and exp3="'N'"
Set Default
This default is used to validate data before inserting the specified default value. Format is:
Conditional Operators (exp1,exp2,exp3,exp4) are:
exp1 = the value that will become the default
exp2 = the parameter to be compared to exp4. This can be a literal, a prompt number, or the RSP variable.
exp3 = a conditional operator from 1 of the following:
= for an equal to comparison
# for a not equal to comparison
> for greater than
< for less than
M for a matches comparison
nM for a not matches test
I: exp4 exists in exp2 (same as NC)
C: exp2 exists in exp4
NC: exp4 exists in exp2
exp4 = the second parameter to be compared to exp2. This parameter can be a literal or an edit such as
This sets the default to ‘Hello if prompt 2 is equal to the string value 100620.
This sets the default to ‘Hello if the string literal XYZ is not an ALPHA string. In this case, the default would
never be used.
This sets the default to ‘Hello if the second parameter (3) is contained within the forth parameter (12345).
SQL Statement (List) Default
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This default is used to develop multiple selection items from your database so that 1 may be selected.
Format is:
@sql, statement
(where statement is a valid SQL select statement)
The heading that appears is the database column name.
@sql, select PONum from OpenPO would select the purchase orders numbers column, from open purchase
orders table ‘OpenPO’.
A List, when used, clears the existing screen and lists selected data items (vertically) on the display screen.
The RFgen ‘List’ display feature is a ‘full screen display’. The user then selects 1 of the items in the list. There
are 3 examples of list creation which follow.
1. For predefined/known list box items use an ‘@list’ default:
Here: '@list,' indicates to RFgen that the statement is a 'default' parameter 'heading' is a name for the list
that prints at the top of the box when it appears on a device 'item.1, item.2,…' are a listing of selection items
to appear in the list.
e.g. - @list,Colors:,RED,WHITE,BLUE means to display a list with a heading of 'Colors:', and 3 selection
items RED, WHITE, and BLUE to appear in the list.
2. For selection items which come from a database table, use an ‘@sql’ default:
An SQL statement as an application 'default property' (for the prompt that will use the list) may be used to
select the necessary data from your database, as illustrated here:
@sql,select fieldname1 from tablename where fieldname2 ='%n'
Here: '@sql' indicates to RFgen that the statement is a 'default' parameter
'fieldname1' is the name of the table field/column to be displayed
'tablename' is the name of a database table which contains the fields/columns
'where fieldname2=' allows selection of certain data only
'%n' indicates data entered at prompt 'n' will be used for selection purposes.
@sql,select OrderNO from PObooks where PartNO ='%1' means to create a list box of order numbers from
table 'PObooks' where the part number was entered at prompt number 1.
3. Alternatively, for database items, use a VBA script, e.g.:
Public Sub FieldName_GotFocus (Rsp As String, AllowChange As Boolean)
Dim SQL As String
SQL = "Select fieldname1 from tablename where
fieldname2 = '%n'"
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Rsp = DB.MakeList(SQL)
AllowChange = True
End Sub
Here, the RFgen VBA extension DB.MakeList’ is used in a GotFocus event to make a list from the results of
the specified SQL statement. The results are passed to a prompt default variable named ‘Rsp’. A variable
called AllowChange is set to True, meaning override allowed.
User Default
This default will put in the login name of the user. Format is:
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Edits Property Validation Options
Validations/edit checks are available to test if data meets a certain criteria (e.g., the data entered is
numeric). A validation property is available for each prompt (i.e. TextBox or Memo controls that accept data
entries) and validations are entered in the Properties window of graphical control. Multiple validations/edits
are allowed. Select the Edits property, and select the drop down arrow. A multiple line input box will
display. Enter one edit per line.
Note that as soon as an entry passes an edit, any subsequent edits are
If an entry has no validation criteria, leave its edit property blank.
Text (Character String) Validation
This will test for an exact match between the data entered and the text edits required. A text edit may be
entered either with or without quotes.
Format is:
'string' (in single quotes)
'CA' means the user must enter CA to pass this edit test
Pattern Match Validation
This will test the data entered to see if it matches the pattern specified. Format is:
xA or xN
For example, 2A means that the data entered must have the format 'AA' (i.e., match 2 alphabetic characters,
for example: 'OR'). 4N means the data entered must be in the form 'NNNN' (i.e., 4 numbers; for example:
4N means the user must enter a valid 4-digit number.
Pattern Not Allowed Validation
This will test the data entered to assure that it does not match the pattern specified. Format is:
>#4N means the user may enter anything but 4 numbers (i.e., not 4 numeric characters)
#Hello means the user may not enter Hello in the prompt.
Alpha Only Validation
This will test the data entered to assure that it only contains alpha characters (A-Z and a-z). Note: no spaces
are allowed.
Format is:
Numeric Only Validation
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This will test the data entered to assure that it only contains numeric characters (0-9), and the special char-
acters '.' (period), '+' (plus), and '-' (dash). Note: no spaces are allowed.
Format is:
Integer Only Validation
This will test the data entered to assure that it only contains an integer number (no decimal). Note: no
spaces are allowed.
Format is:
Greater Than Validation
This will test the data entered to see if it is greater than a specified value.
Format is:
>number or >=number
>99 means that the user must enter a number greater than 99.
Less Than Validation
This will test the data entered to see if it is less than a specified value.
Format is:
><number or <=number
<99 means that the user must enter a number less than 99
Not Equal To Validation
This will test the data entered to assure that it does not equal a specified value. This is a string comparison
Format is:
>#’99’ means that the user must enter a string that does not equal ‘99’. Since prompts accept data as
strings by default this validation would work with numbers while treating them like strings.
Data Range Validation
This will test the data entered to see if it is within a specified range. This is a numeric comparison only.
Format is:
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exp1 = starting number for range.
exp2 = ending number for range.
RG/1,100 means that the user must enter a number between 1 and 100, inclusive
Date Validation
This will test the data entered to see if it is a proper date.
Format is:
Entering MMDDYY, MMDDYYYY, MM-DD-YY, MM/DD/YY among others are all valid entries.
Index Validation
This will test the data entered to see if it can be found within the edit string.
Format is:
I:YN means data must be either 'Y' or 'N', or ‘YN’.
Contains String Validation
This will test the data entered to see if it contains the specified edit string.
Format is:
>C:abc means data entered must contain the characters 'abc' somewhere within it
Not Condition Validation
This will test the data entered to see if it does not match a given condition.
Format is:
Conditional Operators (exp1,exp2,exp3) are:
exp1 = the parameter to be compared to exp3. This can be a literal (in quotes, even if numeric, eg ‘3’), a
prompt number, or the RSP variable.
exp2 = a conditional operator from 1 of the following:
= for an equal to comparison
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# for a not equal to comparison
> for greater than
< for less than
M for a matches comparison
nM for a not matches test
I: exp3 exists in exp1 (same as NC)
C: exp1 exists in exp3
NC: exp3 exists in exp1
exp3 = the second parameter to be compared to exp1. This parameter can be a literal or an edit such as
This checks prompt 2 to see if it is equal to the string value 100620. If it is NOT, the edit is satisfied.
This compares if the string literal XYZ is not an ALPHA string. Because XYZ IS an alpha, this edit is satisfied.
This edit is NOT satisfied because the first parameter (3) is contained within the third parameter (12345).
Branch/Goto Validation
>Technically, this is not a validation. Allows the display to Goto a 'downstream' prompt, based upon the data
'RSP' entered.
Format is:
@GOTO,5,RSP,=,”99” means to go to prompt 5 if the response at the current prompt equals “99”. See the
@SKIP default parameters for examples of 'conditions'
Strip (Data Entry) Validations
>Validates that 'str' is there, then strips data 'str' from the entry.
Format is:
@STRIP,P,str to strip data prefix 'str' if it occurs
@STRIP,S,str to strip data suffix 'str' if it occurs
@STRIP,C,str to strip the first occurrence of the data 'str' if it is contained in the data.
@Strip,P,NBR: means to strip the character string 'NBR:' if it prefixes the data.
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Events Property
You can access pre-scripted modules for managing user actions or device operations from:
* Application Designer: Options Menu > Show Scripting Events.
* Application Script: > [Select Object] > Select process from Proc drop down menu events. (Picture of
events in Script designer.)
* RFgen Client Events - The are device events, they are not associated with graphical control object-
s/prompts, and are source from the RFgen Scripting Modules. (Picture of RFgen Client Events).
The RFgen Client events from the RFgen.bas scripting module include: Initialize, InRange, OnConnect,
OnDisconnect, OnLocale, OnMenu, OutOfRange, and Terminate.
The Application object-based/ script-based events are:
AfterCellEdit, Click, ClickInline, GotFocus, Load, LostFocus, OnBackup, OnChar, OnDisconnect, OnEnter,
OnEscape, OnFkey, OnKeyDown, OnLocale, OnMenu, OnPage, OnProgress, OnReadData, OnRefresh,
OnReturn, OnRowColChange, OnRowColClick, OnScan, OnSearch, OnSendComplete, OnSendProgress,
OnTimer, OnUpdate, OnVocollect, and Unload.
Events that are global to the form are: GotFocus, Load, LostFocus, OnBackup, OnEnter, OnFKey, OnMenu,
OnPage, OnProgress, OnRefresh, OnReturn, OnScan, OnTimer, OnUpdate, and Unload.
Events that are global to a page are: OnSwipe.
If you are working with an event that is associated with an object (also called a prompt), you can script a
prompt to default to a data value (i.e. set a string to equal '1000') or data format (date/time format or trun-
cate text strings).
For additional information on available parameters, see Setting Default Values in the RFgen Developers
Reference Guide.
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The event occurs when the user makes a change to the contents of a cell in the DataGrid control. The event
passes the row and column that was changed, the value it was changed to, and the Boolean option to cancel
what the user did and set the cell back to its original value.
Group: Events
Applies to: Prompts (Graphical Mode Only)
Syntax: AfterCellEdit(Row, Col, Rsp, Cancel)
Row (Long) is the row of the cell changed
Col (Long) is the column of the cell changed
Rsp (String) is the value entered by the user
Cancel (Boolean) is set to True to discard the user’s change
The Click event occurs when the user clicks on a prompt or button with a mouse or pen. It is typically used to
determine if a user has pressed a button on the screen.
Group: Events
Applies to: Applications, prompts
The ClickInLine event occurs when the user taps on a button (i.e. the Search icon) that's inside a control
which also accepts other actions like data entries. The ClickInLine event is typically used to determine if the
button or icon was tapped.
Group: Events
Applies to: Prompts (Graphical Mode Only)
The GotFocus event occurs as soon as the user (either moving forward or backing up) reaches the data entry
field. This event is typically used to generate a default value that the user can either accept or reject.
Group: Events
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Applies to: Applications, Prompts
Syntax: GotFocus(Rsp, AllowChange)
Rsp (String) is the default value to display on the Client device.
AllowChange (Boolean) is set to True to allow the user to override the default, and is set to
False to generate an OnEnter event bypassing user interaction at this field.
This event is only available for Screen Mapping (i.e. ASA 400 / green screen terminals).
Note: The majority of the screen mapping commands that handle the placement of text to and from a green
screen / legacy system have been obsoleted in RFgen 5.2.
The KeyPress event occurs when the user presses and releases a key on the keyboard. This event is typically
used to capture incoming keystrokes and perform some action based upon user input.
Group: Events
Applies to: Applications, Prompts
Syntax: KeyPress(KeyAscii)
KeyAscii (Integer) is the ASCII value of the character pressed on the client device.
The Initialize event occurs when an RFgen client is initially loaded. It will occur only once, and is typically
used to initialize variables, open additional database connections or create links to ActiveX objects.
This event is accessed from the Solution Explorer > Scripting Modules -RFgen.bas. Set the Object to
"RFgen" and Proc to "Initialize".
Group: Events
Applies to: Applications (RFgen.bas)
Syntax: Initialize()
The OnInRange event occurs when a Mobile Client notices that there is an IP address available on the net-
work adapter. This event does not execute when using the Roaming Client because the OnConnect will
execute anyway.
This event is accessed from the Solution Explorer > Scripting Modules: RFgen.bas.
Set the Object to "RFgen" and Proc to "InRange".
Group: Events
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Applies to: RFgen (RFgen.bas)
Syntax: OnInRange()
The Load event occurs when the application is initially loaded. It will occur only once per form and is typically
used to initialize variables.
Group: Events
Applies to: Applications (RFgen.bas)
Syntax: Load()
Lost Focus
The LostFocus event occurs when the prompt that had the focus is giving it up to another prompt. This
would occur after the OnEnter event is finished and before the next prompt’s GotFocus event is executed.
Group: Events
Applies to: Application, Prompts
Syntax: LostFocus()
The OnBackup event occurs when the prompt with the focus receives a command to go back to a previous
prompt, as if the up arrow key was pressed.
Group: Events
Applies to: Application, Prompts
Syntax: OnBackup(Cancel)
Cancel (Boolean) is set to True if the backup movement should be stopped. Set it to False or do
not change the default to allow the backup to continue.
The OnConnect event occurs when the Mobile Client in a roaming state and it automatically discovers it has
connectivity to a network, and then makes a connection to the RFgen server. The event only executes after
10 seconds of continuous connectivity to the RFgen server.
To maintain data integrity it may be a good idea to include the Server.SyncApps and Server.SendQueue in
this event.
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This event is accessed from the Solution Explorer > Scripting Modules: RFgen.bas. Set the Object to
"RFgen" and Proc to "OnConnect".
Group: Events
Applies to: RFgen (RFgen.bas)
Syntax: OnConnect()
The OnCursor event occurs whenever a cursor (arrow) key is pressed. This event is typically used to allow
users to page through a list of data. The Up arrow is typically used to backup to the previous field (system
default); however, to bypass system processing of this event, set Cursor = “” (null).
Group: Events
Applies to: Application, Prompts
Syntax: OnCursor(Cursor)
Cursor (String) is the character value of the key pressed. Possible values are ('U'p, 'D'own,
'R'ight, and 'L'eft).
Public Sub PartNo_OnCursor(Cursor As String)
On Error Resume Next
If Cursor = "U" Then
'your logic
End If
End Sub
The OnDisconnect event occurs when the Mobile Client in a roaming state and disconnects from the RFgen
server because the client moved out range from the network. This event does not execute when the Serv-
er.Disconnect command is issued.
This event is accessed from the Solution Explorer > Scripting Modules: RFgen.bas. Set the Object to "RFgen"
and Proc to "Initialize".
Group: Events
Applies to: RFgen (RFgen.bas)
Syntax: OnDisconnect()
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The OnEnter event occurs when the user presses the Enter key on the Client device, or a default value spe-
cifies that no user input is allowed. This event is typically used to validate data entered, and/or adjust the dis-
play on the device. To reject the entry made by the user, set Cancel = True and RFgen will force the user to
re-enter the field.
The behavior of the OnEnter event can be set to execute on prompts regardless of whether the prompt can
receive focus by changing your server's environment settings or by using the InputState VBA Language
For more information see the topic "Use Legacy OnEnter Event" under Configure Environment Settings, or
review the code "InputState" in the Developers Reference Guide.
Group: Events
Applies to: Application, Prompts
Syntax: OnEnter(Rsp, Cancel, Message)
Rsp (String) is the value entered/scanned by the user on the Client device.
Cancel (Boolean) is set to False to accept the data entered and move to the next prompt, or
is set to True to fail the edit check and force the user to re-enter data at the current
Message (String) is a message to display on the Client device.
Supported Versions: 5.0, 5.1, 5.2 and all newer versions.
Notes: For more information see the topic "Use Legacy OnEnter Event" under Configure Environment
Settings. "Prompt.InputState" for the OnEnter event was added in
The OnEscape event occurs when the Escape key is pressed. This event is typically used to capture an incom-
ing Escape keystroke and perform some action based upon user input.
Group: Events
Applies to: Application, Prompts
Syntax: OnEscape()
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The OnFkey event occurs whenever a function key is pressed. In older versions of RFgen (5.1 and older), the
Function keys F1-F4 triggered pre-defined system events. To bypass system processing of these events set
Fkey = '0' (zero) and RFgen will ignore the event. In RFgen 5.2 and higher, the OnFKey event fires and then
the key is evaluated for the configured functionality. If you perform some action via script to override the
configured logic, RFgen needs a mechanism to stop processing at the event execution. The Handled variable
was introduced to stop the processing. Set it to Handeld = True if you would like processing to stop.
Group: Events
Applies to: Application, Prompts
Syntax: OnFkey(KeyId, Handled)
KeyId (Long) is the value of the key pressed. Possible values range from (1-10).
Handled (Boolean) is used to stop processing.
Public Sub Form_OnFkey(KeyId As Long)
On Error Resume Next
If KeyId = 5 Then
' In this example we are using the F5
' key to execute logic.
' your logic
End If
End Sub
The OnLocale event occurs after OnConnect (only when a client application makes a connection) and passes
in the locale number based on the client device’s location. In the case of the United States, number 1033 is
returned. Based on this value you may set global values or default login forms (See App.ChangeLoginForm)
Group: Events
Applies to: Application, Prompts, and RFgen.bas
Syntax: OnLocale(nDeviceLocale)
nDeviceLocale (Long) is the value of the client device’s locale.
Public Sub RFgen_OnLocale(ByVal nDeviceLocale As Long)
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On Error Resume Next
Select Case nDeviceLocale
Case 1033
Case Else
End Select
End Sub
The OnMenu event occurs when the user clicks on a menu item that is used outside of a mobile app (form).
If one of the default actions is clicked, no code is required. For example, a button that brings up the RFgen
Client Configuration menu.
This event is accessed from the Application Control Panel, Applications Script View, or the Solution Explorer
> Scripting Modules: RFgen.bas. After RFgen.bas is selected, set the Object to "RFgen" and Proc to
Group: Events
Applies to: RFgen (RFgen.bas), Application, and Prompt
Syntax: OnMenu (sMenuAction)
sMenuAction (String) is the Action name of the button clicked by the user.
Public Sub Form_OnMenu(MenuAction As String)
On Error Resume Next
MenuStrip.Show(False) ' hide the menu after a click
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End Sub
The OnPage event occurs when the user clicks on a page number icon/prompt that changes the focus to the
page that was selected.
Group: Events
Applies to: Application Form Events
The OnReadData event occurs whenever data is successfully retrieved from a database by an RFgen applic-
ation. This event is typically used to force an immediate repaint of the screen to display all linked prompts val-
ues to the user.
Group: Events
Applies to: Application
Syntax: OnReadData(TableName)
TableName (String) is the name of the table that was successfully queried.
Public Sub Form_OnReadData(TableName As String)
On Error Resume Next
Screen.Refresh ' Repaint the current screen
End Sub
The OnRefresh event occurs when the screen is completely repainted (as when the user presses the F2 key).
It is typically used to redisplay information to the user that was displayed via Screen.Print statements.
Group: Events
Applies to: Application Form event
Syntax: OnRefresh()
The OnReturn event occurs when the user returns from a called application that had its return flag set to
True. It is typically used to process data from the called application.
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Group: Events
Applies to: Application
Syntax: OnReturn(Name)
Name (String) is the name of the called application that is returning.
The OnRowColChange event occurs when the focus moves between a column or row in a control that sup-
ports them.
Group: Events
Applies to: Application, Prompts
OnRowColChange(Row, Col)
Row (Long) is the value of the row being selected.
Col (Long) is the value of the column being selected.
This event is triggered when a prompt supporting multiple columns and rows receives a click event. The cell
(row and column) are captured in the event.
Group: Events
Applies to: Applications, Prompts
RowColClick(Row, Col)
Row (Long) the row on the control that was clicked.
Col (Long) the column on the control that was clicked.
The OnScan event occurs when RFgen identifies a preamble string in the data stream coming from a client
device. This event is typically used to validate that data was scanned, or to parse the data (PDF, RFID, etc.)
into a more usable format. To reject the data scanned, set the ScanData = “” and RFgen will remove it from
the data stream and prevent it from being entered into the current prompt.
Group: Events
Applies to: Application, Prompts
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ScanData (String) is the value scanned by the user on the client device.
The OnSearch event occurs only if a linked or unlinked text box has code in the OnSearch event and the user
clicks on the generated search command button. This is only possible in graphical mode. Any VBA code can
be placed in this event, even if it is not specifically related to searching a data source.
Group: Events
Applies to: Text prompts
OnSearch(Rsp, Cancel)
Rsp (String) The value in the textbox if any
Cancel (Boolean) Set to True to NOT run the OnEnter event and put the focus back on the prompt
The OnTimer event occurs at a user-defined interval when it is enabled. This event is used to perform some
action based upon defined time interval. For example, how long it takes to complete a task.
Group: Events
Applies to: Application Form
Syntax: OnTimer()
First the timer interval is set and the timer is enabled.
Public Sub Form_Load()
On Error Resume Next
App.TimerInterval = 1000
App.TimerEnabled = True
End Sub
'OnTimer event is given some logic.
Public Sub Form_OnTimer()
On Error Resume Next
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'your logic
End Sub
The OnUpdate event occurs after the last prompt has been entered and just prior to RFgen updating the
database. This event is typically used to validate that data was entered and process additional updates.
Group: Events
Applies to: Application
Cancel (Boolean) is used to cancel the update.
This event is only used with Vocollect data collection hardware. When the Vocollect device activates a Vocol-
lect task on an application, a recordset is sent to RFgen for processing. If RFgen needs to communicate back
to the user, RFgen passes to the Vocollect device another recordset.
Group: Events
Applies to: Applications where Vocollect hardware is used.
rsIn a DataRecord object that captures the collected data coming in from the Vocollect
rsOut a DataRecord object built in the RFgen VBA code that is sent to the Vocollect device
OnVocollect(rsIn, rsOut)
Public Sub prTaskODRUpdateStatus_OnVocollect(ByVal rsIn As DataRecord, ByVal rsOut As DataRecord)
On Error Resume Next
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rsOut.Param("ErrCode") = 0
rsOut.Param("Message") = ""
End Sub
The OutOfRange event (previously called "OnOutOfRange event") occurs when a Mobile notices that the IP
address is no longer available on the network adapter. This event does not execute when using the Roaming
Client because the OnDisconnect will execute anyways.
This event is accessed from the Solution Explorer > Scripting Modules: RFgen.bas. Set the Object to "RFgen"
and Proc to "OutOfRange".
Group: Events
Applies to: RFgen events (RFgen.bas)
Syntax: OutOfRange ()
The Terminate event occurs when an RFgen client is terminating. It will occur only once, and is typically used
to close manually opened database connections or release links to ActiveX objects.
This event is accessed from the Solution Explorer > Scripting Modules: RFgen.bas. Set the Object to "RFgen"
and Proc to "Terminate".
Group: Events
Applies to: RFgen events (RFgen.bas)
Syntax: Terminate()
The Unload event occurs when the application is terminating. It will occur only once, and is typically used to
release any system resources manually opened that are specific to this application.
Group: Events
Applies to: Application Form Events
Syntax: Unload()
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VBA Language Extensions
Visual Basic Assembly (VBA) Language Extensions are comprised of other categories of functions which are
used to manage more aspects of how an application looks or behaves. For example, a VBA Language Exten-
sion could be used to “Call the Form” of a specific application, or control a client device data display, manip-
ulate database records, communicate with other databases, control stored procedures, communicate with
attached or Windows-based printers and much more.
Some extensions work with the majority of prompts (also called “controls”) while others will only work with
specific types of prompts.
RFgen provides a VBA Language Extension .Net style dropdown menu
that helps you complete a script at design time and view the VBA language extension options that are avail-
Types of Extensions: Application-Based, Database Related, Database Storage Procedures, Data Record
Objects, Device (Android, iOS and Win/CE), Device Object (Windows Mobile/CE), Dynamic Array, Embedded
Procedure Object, Enterprise Resource Planning, JDE Processing Option, MQTT Object, Menu Strip, Para-
meter Object, Printer Extensions, Prompt-Specific, Screen Display, Screen Mapping, SearchList Object,
Server-Based, "SMTP", Socket Object, Soft Input Panel, Stored Procedure, System Error, System Level,
Transaction Management, and Web Object.
You can also refer to the User Guide or Help for detailed descriptions of the parameters associated with the
various VBA extensions.
Application-Based Extensions
Application-based language extensions are a group of general commands that can be executed against an
application or transaction macro. These types of commands are not specific to mobile devices, screen map-
ping or other specific functions.
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The application based extensions are:
App.Backup, App.Balloon, App.CallForm, App.CallMacro, App.CallMenu, App.CanAdvance, App.ChangeLo-
ginForm, App.ChangeUserPassword, App.ClearValues
App.ClientType, App.ConnectionAvailable, App.Display, App.ExecuteMenuSelection, App.ExitForm, App.Ex-
itSession, App.GetString, App.GetValue, App.IpAddress, App.Locale, App.LogError, App.LogErrorEx,
App.MacroName, App.MakeList, App.MenuName, App.MsgBox, App.FormName, App.PageNo,
App.PageCount, App.PromptCount, App.PromptNo, App.Reload, App.SendChar, App.SendKey, App.SetDis-
play, App.SetFocus, App.SetMenu, App.SetMenuCaption, App.SetPage, App.SetValue, App.Showform,
App.ShowList, App.ShowWait, App.Signout, App.Sleep, App.Theme, App.TimerEnabled, App.TimerInterval,
App.User, App.UserName, App.UserProperty, and App.UserRoles.
This command will create a pop-up message on the screen that can last indefinitely or for some number of
As long as the App.Balloon call passes in either a valid Text, Title, or IconId, then it will be displayed with
whatever combination of buttons requested. Original default behavior is kept the same when calling App.Bal-
loon with just the original parameters filled in.
Group: Application-Based Extension
Syntax: App.Balloon(sText, nDuration)
sText (String) the message to display.
nDuration (Long) the number of seconds the message should display. Set to zero to clear the
balloon or -1 for it to display indefinitely. If -1 is used, use a Balloon set to 0 dur-
ation to remove it.
Note: As of 5.2.5.x, "Balloon" was added as an object so it does not have to be used with the
App object. The following parameters were added in 5.2.5.x
The format for calling this function with all optionals filled in will look like:
App.Balloon(sText, iDuration, sTitle, sImg, bClose, bAnimate, dWidthPercent, iEndLocation, iStartLocation)
Parameter Description
bool value as to whether the balloon should animate moving across the
screen. If EndLocation isn’t set then it will move to the top of the form so that
it is just below the form header, and if StartLocation is not set then it starts at
the original centered location. Default value is false.
bool value as to whether to have a close button added to the balloon as an
additional column. Default value is false
int value for the form-coordinate Y location that the balloon’s animation will
stop at. If animation is false then this has no effect and a default value of -1
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Parameter Description
means that it will stop at the form’s heading area
the name of the image to use as an icon from RFImages. This is optional and
the default value of empty string makes the balloon draw with no image.
int value for the form-coordinate Y location of where the balloon should first
be drawn at with the top of the dialog aligned to that location. A default value
of -1 has it starting at the original location of where it is centered at.
the message’s title text, default value is empty and if left empty then the bal-
loon’s layout will only use one row. The title’s text is set to bold style and +2
font size compared to the theme size
double value restricted between 0.0 and 1.0 that is the percent of the form’s
width to lock the balloon’s size to so that it then only autosizes the height of
the balloon. The default value of 0.0 lets it autosize the width as well as the
height like it originally did.
'This will cause a balloon message with a spinning icon to display "Transaction Pro-
cessing" for 5 sec then the icon stops spinning and the message disappears.
App.Balloon("Transaction Processing...", 5)
Example 2
App.Balloon(“An error has occurred”, 3, “Error!”, “ErrorIcon”, True, True, 0.6, 200, 0)
Version Supported: RFgen 5.0 and newer.
Note: RFgen 5.24 added these parameters: Animate, CloseButton, EndLocation, IconId, StartLocation, Title,
and WidthPercent.
This function can be used to determine if the user can backup or not. For example, if the user is on a the first
prompt on a form there isn't any other prompt to back up to, then the value will return false. If there is a
prompt to backup to, then the return is True. This can also be used to determine if the user will be able to
exit the form if there is or isn't another prompt.
Group: Application-Based Extension
App.CanBackup( )
Private Sub TextBox1_GotFocus(ByRef Rsp As String, ByRef AllowChange As Boolean)
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On Error Resume Next
Dim bool As Boolean
bool = App.CanAdvance
App.MsgBox "Can.Advance returns "& bool
bool = App.CanBackup
App.MsgBox "Can.Backup returns "& bool
End Sub
Versions Supported: RFgen and newer.
This command will transfer the user to another application. There is an option to return from the called
application to the previous one, but if another CallForm command was issued to go to a third application
first, then as each application is exited, the user will be brought back to each of the previous ones until
finally coming back to the original application. There is no limit to the number of “sub” applications that can
be called.
The CallForm will fire at the end of the current event that the code is at. The CallForm function can only be
called once per an event. If the ReturnFromCall is set to True, then on return, the form will fire the Form_
OnReturn event. If you need to go to a different form as in-line code, then use the App.ShowForm function
Group: Application-based Extensions
Syntax: App.CallForm(ByVal FormName As String, [ReturnFromCall As Boolean = False], [SaveRSP As
Boolean = False], [InitScreen As Boolean = False], [FormOptions] )
FormName (String) The app form to be called. Select it from the pop-up list of forms when you enter
"App.CallForm" and press the Tab key.
ReturnFromCall (Boolean) Optional. True returns to the current application after collecting data in the
called application. False remains in the called application. The default is False.
SaveRSP (Boolean) Optional. True retains the value in the current prompt's text field. The default is
InitScreen (Boolean) Optional. True deletes the screens memory object prior to going to the applic-
FormOptions Optional. Is the whitespace delimited list.
Private Sub Form_OnFkey(ByVal KeyId As Long, ByRef Handled As Boolean) On Error Resume Next
' Each CallFrom will take the user to the expected Form after the Exit Sub
Select Case KeyId
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Case 1
' Simple example, leaving the Calender From will return the user to this app App.CallForm("Calendar", True)
Case 2
' Simple Example, leaving the ErrorPage Form will return user to their menu App.CallForm("ErrorPage")
Case 3
' Complex example, will take user to the ProcessingPage app with the ActionCode and Format options
' Will return user to this form when they are done in ProcessingPage app App.CallForm("ProcessPage", True,
True, , "-ActionCode=0560 -Format=mmDD-YYYY")
End Select
End Sub
Versions Supported: RFgen 4.0 and newer.
Notes: See also App.ShowForm. The syntax may be different in order versions.
This function is used to call any transaction macro and pass in the required passing parameters. It returns
True if the macro was successfully completed. These macros can be created from the Solutions Explorer >
Transactions Tree. See also App.MacroName.
Group: Application-Based Extension
Syntax: enValue = App.CallMacro(sMacroName, bQueueOffline, [vParams])
enValue (enMacroResult) Values are:
sMacroName (String) This is the name of the macro to be called.
bQueueOffline (Boolean) This determines whether the macro can be queued for
later processing if the host is not currently available.
vParams (Variant) Optional: A series of passing parameters as required by the
selected macro. Note: these parameters are the fields you defined
when you wrote the macro.
Dim enValue As enMacroResult
enValue = App.CallMacro("SaveData", True, "Sam", "2")
Version Supported: RFgen 4.0, 4.1, 5.0, 5.1, 5.2 and newer.
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This command will transfer the user to another menu. It is typically used to log a user into the server when
bypassing the Logon process. If the application making the menu call was deep within the menu structure,
the server will assume that the called menu is the root menu. Going back up 1 level from a called menu will
take you to the Login screen if one exists. (Note: the new menu will be called only after the Visual Basic
Event has been exited.)
Group: Application-Based Extensions
Syntax: App.CallMenu(sName)
sName (String) is the name of the menu to call as defined by the Menus tree.
App.CallMenu("Sample") ' Calls the "Sample" menu.
App.CallMenu("HR,PO") ' Calls the just these specific menus.
Version Supported: RFgen 4.0, 4.1, 5.0, 5.1, 5.2 and newer.
This function can be used to determine if the user proceed to the next prompt by checking if there is another
prompt to move to, or if the user is at the last prompt. For example, if the user is on a the last prompt on a
form there isn't any other prompt to move forward to, then the value will return false. If there is a prompt to
move forward to, then the return is True.
Group: Application-Based Extension
App.CanAdvance( )
Private Sub TextBox1_GotFocus(ByRef Rsp As String, ByRef AllowChange As Boolean)
On Error Resume Next
Dim bool As Boolean
bool = App.CanAdvance
App.MsgBox "Can.Advance returns "& bool
bool = App.CanBackup
App.MsgBox "Can.Backup returns "& bool
End Sub
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Versions Supported: RFgen and newer.
This function can be used to determine if the user can backup or not. For example, if the user is on a the first
prompt on a form there isn't any other prompt to back up to, then the value will return false. If there is a
prompt to backup to, then the return is True. This can also be used to determine if the user will be able to
exit the form if there is or isn't another prompt.
Group: Application-Based Extension
App.CanBackup( )
Private Sub TextBox1_GotFocus(ByRef Rsp As String, ByRef AllowChange As Boolean)
On Error Resume Next
Dim bool As Boolean
bool = App.CanAdvance
App.MsgBox "Can.Advance returns "& bool
bool = App.CanBackup
App.MsgBox "Can.Backup returns "& bool
End Sub
Versions Supported: RFgen and newer.
This function will set the default login application for the duration of the client’s session. The purpose is to
allow several different login applications (possibly different languages) to exist at the same time and have
the client’s device specify which login application should be used. In the RFgen.bas module use the
OnLocale event to get the client’s location and then use App.ChangeLoginForm in that event to display the
proper application for the user.
Syntax: App.ChangeLoginForm (sName)
sName (String) is the default login application name for the connected Client device.
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Version Supported: RFgen 4.0, 4.1, 5.0, 5.1, 5.2 and newer.
This command will change the user’s password to a new value if the old password is correctly provided. This
is a permanent change stored in the system.
Group: Application-Based Extension
Syntax: [bValue =] App.ChangeUserPassword(sOldPwd, sNewPwd)
bValue (Boolean) Optional is True or False based on the success of the command.
sOldPwd (String) is the user’s current password
sNewPwd (String) is the new password
App.ChangeUserPassword("Mike123", "Mike456")
Version Supported: RFgen 4.0, 4.1, 5.0, 5.1, 5.2 and newer.
This command will erase the values of all fields contained in the specified application. It is used to reset the
values for applications that must be called more than once.
Group: Application-Based Extension
Syntax: App.ClearValues([vName])
vName (Variant) Optional is the name of the application’s prompt to erase.
App.ClearValues("Cycle") ' Clears the values on the application titled "Cycle".
Version Supported: RFgen 4.0, 4.1, 5.0, 5.1, 5.2 and newer.
This function will return the type of client connecting in to the server.
Group: Application-Based Extension
Syntax: sType = App.ClientType
sType (String) "TE", “GUI", “MOBILE”, “XML”, “TMQUEUE”, or “TMEVENT”
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This function will return a Boolean (True / False) response that indicates whether or not the specified data
connection is currently working.
Group: Application-Based Extension
Syntax: bValue = App.ConnAvailable(vSource)
bValue (Boolean) equals True if the server is currently connected to the specified source;
equals False if it is not available
vSource (Variant) is the string representation or the numeric representation of the data con-
Dim bCheck As Boolean
bCheck = App.ConnAvailable(1)
bCheck = App.ConnAvailable("RFSample")
Version Supported: RFgen 4.0, 4.1, 5.0, 5.1, 5.2 and newer.
This property returns the name of the active display and is also used to change the active display imme-
diately to a different display at runtime. The App.SetDisplay is similar but it does NOT return the name of the
active display.
Group: Application-Based Extension
Syntax: App.Display=French
Private Sub Form_Load()
On Error Resume Next
App.SetDisplay("Standard1") 'This is the default display.
sName=App.Display 'Returns the name of the active display
TextBox1.Text=sName 'Displays the name of the active display which is Standard1
End Sub
Dim sName As String
Dim sOtherDisplayName As String
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Private Sub BtnDisplayName_Click() 'First click changes the display; Second shows the name of changed dis-
On Error Resume Next
App.Display="NonStandard" ' Sets display to the NonStandard Display (which has a yellow background)
If App.Display = "NonStandard" Then
End If
End Sub
Version Supported: RFgen and newer.
This command is used to select a menu item based on the index number or name of the item in the menu.
This command could be used to automate menu selections.
Group: Application Based Extensions
Syntax: App.ExecuteMenuSelection(vSelection)
vSelection (Variant) either the menu index or display text of the menu prompt’s item to be
selected and executed.
App.ExecuteMenuSelection("Inventory Transfer")
Version Supported: RFgen 4.0, 4.1, 5.0, 5.1, 5.2 and newer.
This command exits the current application. The VBA event where this is called must exit before this state-
ment is carried out. Therefore it is always best to use an Exit Sub statement immediately after this com-
Group: Application-Based Extension
Syntax: App.ExitForm
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Private Sub btnExit_Click()
On Error Resume Next
End Sub
See also: App.Signout.
This command exits the current device session completely, the same as entering ‘Q at the original login
screen. The VBA event where this is called must exit before this statement is carried out. Therefore it is
always best to use and Exit Sub statement immediately after this command.
Group: Application-Based Extension
Syntax: App.ExitSession
See also: App.Signout.
This property contains the name of the application and will return the application's name to any process that
calls for it as a string. This property is read-only.
Group: Application-Based Extension
Syntax: App.FormName
'This example script displays the name of the application in a label when the button is clicked.
Dim ApplicationName As String
Private Sub btnDisplayAppName_Click()
ApplicationName = App.FormName
lblApplicationName.Caption = App.FormName
End Sub
History App.Name changed to App.FormName in RFgen release
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This function will return the Translation Text from the Text Resource (the files containing the TextIds,
strings, and translated values for each string) that was saved as part of the application configuration. There
are two ways this command can be used. Either enter the Text ID and optionally the default text value, or
just enter the Text Resource value in place of the Text ID with no optional default text parameter. If no
default is specified, App.GetString will use the TextId as the default.
Group: Application-Based Extension
Syntax: sValue = App.GetString(TextID, [vDefaultText])
sValue (String) is the text string extracted from the Text Resource based on the locale of
the client.
TextID (Variant) is the Text ID value acting as a key to the Text Resource. Alternatively it
can be the Text Resource value (an alternate key) to the Text Resource.
vDefaultText (Variant) Optional is the text to be used if the Text ID cannot be located in Text
Dim sText As String
If the keys for a text resource were:
Text Id: 25
Text Resource: Hello
and the translation grid contained:
Locale: English
String Value: Hello There!
sText = App.GetString(25)
sText = Hello There!
sText = App.GetString(25, "Hello")
sText = Hello There!
sText = App.GetString("Hello")
sText = Hello There!
sText = App.GetString(99, "Hello")
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sText = Hello - Because the ID could not be found the default text was used
sText = App.GetString(99)
sText = <nothing> - Because the ID could not be found and there was no default text
sText = App.GetString("Hi")
sText = Hi - Because the ID could not be found but it was of string type so it was considered the default text
Version Supported: RFgen 4.0, 4.1, 5.0, 5.1, 5.2 and newer.
This function will get the current value of a field in the current recordset or the value of a specific prompt.
Group: Application-Based Extension
Syntax: vValue = App.GetValue(vField, [vFormName])
vValue (Variant) is the value extracted. (Note: this will always be a string value regardless
of the actual field's data type.)
vField (Variant) to extract the value from a prompt, or is the name of a field in the current
vFormName (Variant) Optional is the name of the application's recordset to extract data from.
This is typically used to extract data from a calling application’s recordset.
App.GetValue(2) ' Gets value from prompt #2
App.GetValue("PartNo") ' Gets the value from "PartNo"
App.GetValue(2,"Cycle") ' Gets the value from the second prompt on the "Cycle" application
Version Supported: RFgen 4.0, 4.1, 5.0, 5.1, 5.2 and newer.
This function will return the IP Address of the current Client device.
Group: Application-Based Extension
Syntax: sValue = App.IpAddress()
sValue (String) is the IP Address of the connected Client device.
Dim sAddress As String
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sAddress = App.IpAddress
Version Supported: RFgen 4.0, 4.1, 5.0, 5.1, 5.2 and newer.
This function can set or return the number or string associated with the current locale of the connecting
device. This command accepts a number Windows Language Code Identifier (LCID) and sets the locale
within the client session. Examples would be 1033 for United States and 1041 for Japan. A web search for
‘locale codes’ should provide a list of LCIDs.
Group: Application-Based Extension
Syntax: nValue = App.Locale
Alternate: App.Locale = nValue
nValue (Long) is the number associated with the current locale
nValue (String) is the text ID associated with the current locale
Dim nLocale As Long
nLocale = App.Locale App.Locale = 1033
nLocale = App.Locale
App.Locale = "en-US"
Version Supported: RFgen 4.0, 4.1, 5.0 and newer.
This extension writes an entry into the General Error Log file. The purpose for the percent signs is if you use
this command in a global capacity and want to pass in parameters. Each percent sign is simply replaced with
the next item in the Params list.
Group: Application-Based Extension
Syntax App.LogError(sProcedure, sErrDesc, [sParams])
sProcedure (String) is typically the application name
sErrDesc (String) is the ErrDesc entry
sParams (string array) Optional these are parameters that will be substituted into the
ErrDesc where a percent sign is used.
App.LogError("Application1", "Invalid Item")
Time..: 3/27/2006 1:37:55 PM
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Process: Application1
ErrDesc: Invalid Item
App.LogError("Application1", "Invalid Item by user %", App.User)
Time..: 3/27/2006 1:37:55 PM
Process: Application1
ErrDesc: Invalid Item by user Sam
App.LogError("Application1", "Invalid Item % % % ", "1", "2", "3")
Time..: 3/27/2006 1:37:55 PM
Process: Application1
ErrDesc: Invalid Item 1 2 3
Version Supported: RFgen 4.0, 4.1, 5.0, 5.1, 5.2 and newer.
This extension is the same as LogError but lets the user change the category value of the log entry.
Group: Application-Based Extension
Syntax: App.LogError(sProcedure, sErrDesc, Category, [sParams])
sProcedure (String) is typically the application name
sErrDesc (String) is the ErrDesc entry
Category (enErrorCategory) is the list of message types such as Error, Information, System,
Trace and Warning
sParams (string array) Optional these are parameters that will be substituted into the
ErrDesc where a percent sign is used
App.LogErrorEx("App1", "Invalid Item", catInfo)
Time..: 3/27/2014 1:37:55 PM
Process: App1
ErrDesc: Invalid Item
Category: Information
Version Supported: RFgen 5.0, 5.1, 5.2 and newer.
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This is a read only property that returns the active, macro name under execution in a transaction. See also
Group: Application-Based Extensions
Syntax: App.MacroName
(String) The name of the Macro being executed.
Versions Supported: RFgen and newer.
This function builds a scrolling list of items that may then be presented to the user for selection using
Group: Application-Based Extension
Syntax: App.MakeList(sListData, vValue, vDisplay, [vHeading])
sListData (String) is the variable containing the list being created.
vValue (Variant) is the value that is returned when the user selects a specific list item.
vDisplay (Variant) is what the user will see for a specific list item. (Non-numeric values must be
in quotes.)
vHeading (Variant) Optional is the heading for the list. (Note: it only needs to be assigned
Dim sRsp As String
Dim sList As String
App.MakeList sList, 2000, "2000 ABC Company", "Select order"
App.MakeList sList, 2001, "2001 Widgets R Us"
App.MakeList sList, 2002, "2002 GoodFellows Inc."
sRsp = App.ShowList(sList)
Version Supported: RFgen 4.0, 4.1, 5.0, 5.1, 5.2 and newer.
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This function returns the current menu name but cannot create or set the menu name.
Group: Application-Based Extension
Syntax: App.MenuName ( )
Syntax: App.SetMenu(sMenuName)
sMenuName (String) is the default menu name for the connected Client device.
Dim sCurrentMenuName as String
sCurrentMenuName = App.MenuName
Related Topics: App.SetMenu
Versions Supported: RFgen and newer.
This function displays a message box to the user. The construction of the message box depends on:
a. Your text string entry; b) Which message box type was selected (i.e. information only versus ones with
buttons); c) Which button values you select and whether the buttons are customized; d) If you added cus-
tomized text for the caption of the buttons; and e) If you added a caption to your message box in addition to
the message. When a user selects a button, you can use the return to control the next behavior of your strip.
If you have a message box script that defines customized buttons, and you only want a string value returned
when a user selects one of the customized buttons at runtime, you can force RFgen to only return the string
value of the customized button.
To force this change, set the Configuration > Environment Settings > System Options > Use
Legacy Message Box to True.
If however, you want an integer value after the user selects a message box button (a customized button or
VBA provided button), leave the Use Legacy Message box value equal to False.
Group: Application-Based Extension
Syntax: vValue = App.MsgBox(sMessage, [enType], [iDefault], [vButtons], [vCaption])
The ‘value’, ‘type’, ‘default’, and ‘buttons’ variables match those of the Visual Basic MsgBox func-
tion; e.g.:
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vValue (Variant) will contain an integer or string indicating which selection was made.
vbOK =OK button
vbCancel =Cancel button
vbAbort=Abort button
vbRetry =Retry button
vbIgnore = Ignore button
vbYes =Yes button
vbNo =No button
sMessage (String) the message text to be displayed on the device
enType (enMsgBoxTypes) Optional the expected responses:
vbOkOnly = OK
vbOkCancel = OK, Cancel
vbAbortRetryIgnore = Abort, Retry, Ignore
vbYesNoCancel = Yes, No, Cancel
vbYesNo = Yes, No
vbRetryCancel = Retry, Cancel
vbCritical displays the Critical icon
vbCustom displays the Custom icon
vbExclamation displays the Exclamation icon
vbInformation displays the Information icon
vbQuestion displays the Question icon
iDefault (Integer) Optional an optional message box default:
1 = First Button
2 = Second Button
3 = Third Button
vButtons (Variant) Optional captions for the custom buttons;
“[A] [B]” will set “A’ as the caption for the
first button, “B” for the second.
vCaption (Variant) Optional the text that appears as the title of the message box
Dim vValue As Variant
vValue = App.MsgBox("Ok?", vbCritical+vbRetryCancel)
' Combine the Type parameter and sequence number to create the icon and the button type desired.
vValue = App.MsgBox("Continue with transaction?", vbYesNo, 1)
Dim vValue as Variant
vValue = App.MsgBox("Continue with transaction?", vbYesNo, 1, "[Good] [Bad]", "Program Stopped")
If App.MsgBox("OK?", vbYesNo) = vbNo Then Exit Sub
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The result in Value will be a string containing the label of the button pressed only if custom buttons are used. Other-
wise the button number is returned. Defining unique buttons returns the name of the selected button.
Version Supported: RFgen 4.0, 4.1, 5.0, 5.1, 5.2 and newer.
This function will return the number of pages that exist in an application. If no pages are used, then it will
return "0".
Group: Application-Based Extension
Syntax: vValue = App.PageCount
vValue (Variant) the number of pages in the current application
Dim iVal As Integer
iVal = App.PageCount
Version Supported: RFgen 5.1 and newer.
App.PageNo returns the page number (the value assigned to the "(PageNo)" property) of the active page. If
the form does not have any pages, it returns "0".
Group: Application-Based Extension
Syntax: AppPgNbr = App.PageNo
app.PageNo as Long
If App.PageNo = 1 Then App.ExitForm Else Form.Backup
Version Supported: RFgen 5.1 and newer.
This function will return the number of prompts that exist in an application. It is typically used when looping
through the prompts to set properties like Visible.
Group: Application-Based Extension
Syntax: vValue = App.PromptCount
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vValue (Variant) the number of prompts in the current application
Dim iVal As Integer
iVal = App.PromptCount
This VBA extension returns the prompt number of the prompt that has focus. Prompt numbers are the
sequence ids assigned to an object that can receive focus. This value is read-only.
Group: Application-Based Extension
Syntax: Nbr = App.PromptNo
Nbr (Integer) the number of the current prompt
Dim PromptNbr As Long
PromptNbr = App.PromptNo
Version Supported: RFgen 4.0, 4.1, 5.0, 5.1, 5.2 and newer.
This command acts like an internal CallForm request, and will fully reload the existing form. If the RFMenu is
the active form, App.Reload will reset the menu control and reload the current menu.
Group: Application-Based Extension
Syntax: App.Reload( )
'This simply reloads the form. There are no parameters
Versions Supported: All.
Note: In and newer, this resets the menu control and reloads the current menu when in the
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This function sends an ASCII character directly to the control on the screen as if it came from the keyboard.
The server does not intercept the character and process it. It is similar to the VB ‘SendKeys’ command.
Group: Application-Based Extension
Syntax: App.SendKey(nKeyASCII)
nKeyASCII (Long) the ASCII value of the character
App.SendKey(43) ' this would send the * character
Version Supported: RFgen 4.0, 4.1, 5.0, 5.1, 5.2 and newer.
This function sends the hexadecimal value that is equivalent to the physical keyboard or virtual-key code to
the server as if it came from the physical or virtual keyboard. The server will process it if it has special mean-
ing. For example, sending an F key will get processed in the Form_OnFkey event if it is programmed to do
so. It is similar to the VB ‘SendKeys’ command.
Note: To assign a function to a Fkey see the topic Configuring Sidebar Menus and Function Keys.
Group: Application-Based Extension
Syntax: App.SendKey(vkKeyCode)
vkKey Code
of Key / Func-
vkClear Clear key
vkRefresh Refresh the
screen/data key
vkExit Exit the applic-
ation key
vkTab Tab (to next
prompt) key
vkBackTab Tab Backwards
(to prior
prompt) key
vkDelete Delete key
vkInsert Insert key
vkUp Up arrow key
vkDown Down arrow
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vkRight Right arrow key
vkLeft Left arrow key
vkPageUp PAGEUP key
vkHome Home Key
vkEnd End Key
vkF1 vkF13
vkF2 vkF14
vkF3 vkF15
vkF4 vkF16
vkF5 vkF17
vkF6 vkF18
vkF7 vkF19
vkF8 vkF20
vkF9 vkF21
vkF10 vkF22
vkF11 vkF23
vkF12 vkF24
App.SendKey(vkClear) ' this sends the Clear key
Version Supported: RFgen 4.0, 4.1, 5.0, 5.1, 5.2 and newer.
This function sets additional (alternate) display names for an application. This provides a display "container"
for variations to the applications such as when the app runs in a different languageor is used with special
prompt captions (i.e. Extra large text if displaying on a forklift). The prompts may have their font sizes
changed to be seen more easily on large displays from a distance. The underlying code references the
prompts by their Field ID or number so the many displays of the application only need one code base.
See also App.Display.
Group: Application-Based Extension
Syntax: App.SetDisplay (sDisplay)
sDisplay (String) the name established for the alternative application display.
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Note: In RFgen 5.2, the ability to modifyor set the display's width and height programatically
was removed. The original purpose of modifying a display's dimensions was for
telnet systems which are not supported in 5.2. The client size is now determined
by the RFgen client.
For example, if you had these displays created:
Then this command will bring up the last display:
Version Supported: RFgen 4.0, 4.1, 5.0, 5.1, 5.2 and newer.
This command is used to reposition the focus to a specific prompt or the TabNo (tab number) assigned to a
specific prompt.
App.SetFocus should be the last statement for an event since subsequent statements will be ignored.
If the optional SaveRSP parameter is used the data entered for the current prompt will be saved in the cur-
rent record, prior to the App.SetFocus. The SaveRSP flag does not apply to the Rsp variable in the OnEnter
event but will only save the text in the textbox itself. To alter the textbox value in code use the RFPrompt
(1).Text property and give it a value.
The ValidateRSP flag will check the text value against the Edits property and also execute the OnEnter event.
This makes the most sense when the SetFocus method is used in an event other than the OnEnter event. If
the SetFocus method is used in the OnEnter event the ValidateRSP flag will not process the edits again or run
through the OnEnter event a second time. Be sure not to cause one SetFocus command to execute another
SetFocus command as this may lead to unintended results.
Group: Application-Based Extension
Syntax: [bValue =] App.SetFocus (vFieldId, [bSaveRSP], [bValidateRSP])
bValue (Boolean) Optional Returns True or False depending on the success of the command
vFieldId (Variant) is the prompt’s Field Id or number receiving the focus.
bSaveRSP (Boolean) Optional set to True to save any changes to the current prompts value before
switching focus to the new prompt.
bValidateRSP (Boolean) Optional set to True to call the edit checks and to re-run the OnEnter event.
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App.SetFocus(5) ' Cursor will go to prompt #5
App.SetFocus("PartNo") ' Focus goes to PartNo prompt
App.SetFocus("PartNo", True, True) ' Cursor will go to "PartNo", save current Text property and execute edits and
OnEnter event
'Moves the cursor to the next prompt that is two tab numbers higher than current prompt.
App.SetFocus(RFPrompt(App.PromptNo).TabNo + 2)
Version Supported: RFgen 4.0, 4.1, 5.0, 5.1, 5.2 and newer.
This function will set the default menu for the current Client device. This is typically used to set an initial
menu for an undefined user (i.e., you are bypassing the normal login process.)
The optional parameter ClearStack replaces the existing menu stack with the one specified if its set to True.
(True is the default.) False will add the specified menu to the top current menu stack and place the other
menus behind it.
App.SetMenu also reinitializes the menu immediately if RFMenu is the active form.
Group: Application-Based Extensions
Syntax: App.SetMenu(sMenuName, [bClearStack])
sMenuName (String) is the default menu name for the connected Client device.
bClearStack (Boolean) Optional. True will replace the existing menu stack with this menu. False
will add it to the top of the current menu stack.
App.SetMenu("Sample", True)
'Will replace the current menu and set the new default menu to "Sample".
Note: RFgen added parameter “ClearStack”.
Version Supported: RFgen 4.0, 4.1, 5.0, 5.1, 5.2 and newer.
This function allows you to override the default menu name. For example, if you are on the main menu you
could display the user's name instead.
Group: Application-Based Extensions
Syntax: App.SetMenuCaption( )
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'Personalize the menu caption to the logged in username in the RFMenu app
Dim sShowMyUserNameHere As String
sShowMyUserNameHere = App.UserName
App.SetMenuCaption (sShowMyUserNameHere)
Versions Supported: RFgen and newer.
This command will set the value of a field in the current recordset or of a specific prompt.
Group: Application-Based Extension
Syntax: App.SetValue(vField, vValue, [vName])
vField (Variant) to set the value or a prompt, or is the name of a field in the current recordset.
vValue (Variant) is the value to insert into the current recordset. (Note: all values are treated as
strings until passed to the database.)
vName (Variant) Optional is the name of the application's recordset to update. This is typically
used to insert data into a calling application’s recordset.
App.SetValue(1,"FX1") ' Puts "FX1" in prompt #1.
Puts "FX1" in "PartNo" prompt on "Cycle" application.
Version Supported: RFgen 4.0, 4.1, 5.0, 5.1, 5.2 and newer.
This will immediately call the requested form and hold script execution on that line until the user exits the dis-
played form. App.ShowFormis intended to display things like a Search form, Error form, Detailed inform-
ation, etc. where you want to pause current form execution, display / capture input from the other form,
then return and continue processing. In other words, App.ShowForm lets you call another application
without having to complete the current application's execution where as in the App.CallForm language exten-
sion, the current app execution must complete before calling another app form.
When you use ShowForm, your script that executes the command to show the form must originate from the
root (original) form. If the requested form displayed and completed its OnUpdate event, then
App.ShowForm returns True. If it doesn't then it returns False.
You can also use the Options parameter to load default values. (Options is like a GetValue function.)
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Group: Application-Based Extensions
Syntax App.ShowForm [name], [options]
FormName (String) The name of the other application form to be displayed.
FormOptions (This value is not used at this time.
Option Explicit
Dim bool As Boolean
Private Sub Button1_Click() On Error Resume Next
bool = App.ShowForm("ShowedFormModified")
App.MsgBox("App.ShowForm returns " & bool)
End Sub
Private Sub Form_OnUpdate(ByRef Cancel As Boolean) On Error Resume Next
App.MsgBox("App.ShowForm returns " & bool)
End Sub
Option Explicit
Private Sub Form_OnUpdate(ByRef Cancel As Boolean) On Error Resume Next
End Sub
Version Supported: RFgen and newer.
This function causes a scrolling list to be displayed on the Client device and allows the user to make a selec-
tion. (Maximum entries: 32,767.)
Group: Application-Based Extension
Syntax: vValue = App.ShowList(sList, [bForceDisplay])
vValue (Variant) is the value that is returned when the user selects a specific list item.
sList (String) is the list to be returned for display (i.e., set RSP = Value to display the list
on the Client device.)
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bForceDisplay (Boolean) Optional Use True or False to specify sending this command imme-
diately rather than at the end of the current event. The default is False.
See App.MakeList and DB.MakeList
Version Supported: RFgen 4.0, 4.1, 5.0, 5.1, 5.2 and newer.
This command will cause the Client device to sleep for the specified number of seconds. (Note: any activity
by the user will terminate the sleep mode.) The Visual Basic Wait command may be a viable alternative.
Group: Application-Based Extension
Syntax: App.Sleep(nSeconds)
nSeconds (Long) is the number of seconds to suspend program operation. This is usually used
to flash a message to the user, and then to erase it. (Note: The new timer feature is
recommended for time related programming.)
Version Supported: RFgen 4.0, 4.1, 5.0, 5.1, 5.2 and newer.
This function will display a spinning icon (an animated image).
Group: Application-Based Extensions
Syntax: App.ShowWait( )
Show (Boolean) True enables this feature; False disables it.
'When the button is clicked a spinning icon will appear to indicate the system is processing a request.
Private Sub btnFOk_Click()
On Error Resume Next
End Sub
Versions Supported: RFgen and newer.
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This command will cause the client to sign out to the login form.
Group: Application-Based Extensions
Syntax: App.Signout( )
Private Sub Button1_Click()
'The RFgen Login form displays.
End Sub
Versions Supported: RFgen and newer.
Group: Application-Based Extension
Dim sValue As String
sValue = SQLNum("123.456,78") ' returns "123,456.78"
This command provides a quick way to change the active theme in code. It only affects the local emulator,
and doesn’t change anything on the device.
Group: Application-Based Extension
Syntax: App.Theme
Version Supported: RFgen 5.1 and newer.
This command will enable / disable the ‘Form_OnTimer’ event within the client session. It is a good idea to
always disable the application level timer event when exiting the application. Use the Form_Unload event or
just before any App.CallForm command.
Group: Application-Based Extension
Note: see the Mobile Development Studio sample ‘FieldService’ VBA script for an example.
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Syntax: App.TimerEnabled = bValue
Alternate: bValue = App.TimerEnabled
bValue (Boolean) is the state of the timer event. Set to ‘True’ to enable timer functions.
See TimerInterval.
Version Supported: RFgen 4.0, 4.1, 5.0, 5.1, 5.2 and newer.
This command sets the interval for the Form_OnTimer event.
Group: Application-Based Extension
Syntax: App.TimerInterval = nValue
Alternate: nValue = App.TimerInterval
nValue (Long) is the number of milliseconds between timer events; i.e., for 10 seconds, set
TimerInterval = 10000.
App.TimerEnabled = True
App.TimerInterval = 1000
Version Supported: RFgen 4.0, 4.1, 5.0, 5.1, 5.2 and newer.
This function will invoke RFgen’s normal last-prompt update cycle which will call the Form_OnUpdate event
and, if successful, clear the form and reset the focus to the first input prompt. It will return a Boolean value if
the update processing was successful.
Group: Application-Based Extension
Syntax: App.Update
This function can set or return the user of the current Client device. The default login screen sets this user.
This id will then be used by any process that needs to know the logged-in user.
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See also: App.UserName.
Group: Application-Based Extension
Syntax: sUser = App.User()
sUser (String) is the current user of the connected Client device.
Dim sUser As String
sUser = App.User
App.User = "SAM"
Version Supported: RFgen 4.0, 4.1, 5.0, 5.1, 5.2 and newer.
This function sets and returns the active username even if the user is not managed by RFgen. For example, if
SSO, Adm or WebServices was used to log in the user, if the return package provides the username, then
this property will get the information from the package and set it up in the Admin Console (RFgen Mobile
Enterrpise Dashboard) so the active username can display in the Dashboard. If no user record exists, this
property will also create a new user record for the active user id specified via App.User.
Group: Application-Based Extension
Syntax: App.UserName ( )
'This example was based on the factory-provided RFLogin but the real intent of ApplUserName is for SSO
Private Sub Button2_Click()
On Error Resume Next
Dim sWhoIsUser As String
sWhoIsUser = App.UserName
TextBox2.Text = sWhoIsUser
End Sub
Versions Supported: RFgen and newer.
This Application property can set or return the value of the specified property on the currently logged in
user’s profile. This command references the App.User function to get the correct user and then looks up the
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parameter specified. This function also allows you to set properties for users even if they are not managed
by RFgen.
If no user record exists, it will create a new user record for the active user id specified via App.User. To cre-
ate the new user record, the active user must first be selected before executing the App.User command. See
also App.UserName.
Group: Application-Based Extension
Syntax: vValue = App.UserProperty(vProperty)
Alternate: App.UserProperty(vProperty) = vValue
vValue (Variant) is the value stored under the property’s value on the Users profile.
vProperty (Variant) is the property added to the current user’s profile
Dim vUserAge As Variant
vUserAge = App.UserProperty("Age")
App.UserProperty("Language") = "English"
Notes: Modified in RFgen to set properties on users not managed by RFgen.
Version Supported: RFgen 4.0, 4.1, 5.0, 5.1, 5.2 and newer.
This function allows the user to access to an application on a menu where the application and menu roles are
defined and the application form's Role property is defined.
App.UserRoles can also be used to dynamically update a user's record when and ONLY when the active user
has been selected. (An active user is a user that shows up in the RFgen User Management Console.)
You can use this script to add user roles to multiple users. For information on setting up the areas for restrict-
ing user access to an application, see To Limit User Access.
Group: Application-Based Extension
Syntax: = App.UserRoles()
sAdmin (String) is the role name assigned to the application.
App.UserRole = "Admin"
Version Supported: RFgen 5.1, 5.2 and newer.
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Database Related Extensions
Database related commands send and receive data to and from ODBC data connections. When operating in
a mobile environment, the SQL statements are directed to the local database on the mobile device. The list
of parameters are:
DB.BeginTrans, DB.CommitTrans, DB.Count, DB.Execute, DB.Extract, DB.LogOff, DB.LogOn, DB.MakeList,
DB.OpenResultset, DB.RedirectDataSource, DB.RollbackTrans, DB.SaveBitmap,and DB.UseDataSource
This function begins a new transaction. The server will track any changes made to the database until either a
DB.CommitTrans or DB.RollbackTrans are executed. You cannot have a second DB.BeginTrans for the same
data source before committing or rolling back the first one. On a mobile device, there is only 1 data con-
nection and it must be committed or rolled back before another DB.BeginTrans is used.
Group: Database Related Extensions
[bValue =] DB.BeginTrans(vSource)
bValue (Boolean) Optional indicates success or failure. If this command should fail because the con-
nection is not available, the remainder of the code should not be executed. There may be unreliable results.
vSource (Variant) data source name (DSN) or the data source number
This function saves any changes to the database that were started after the DB.BeginTrans command was
executed and ends the current transaction.
Group: Database Related Extensions
[bValue =] DB.CommitTrans(vSource)
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bValue (Boolean) Optional indicates success or failure
vSource (Variant) data source name (DSN) or the data source number
This function will return the number of rows contained in a specified rows item returned from the DB.Ex-
ecute function or any Dynamic Array.
Group: Database Related Extensions
Syntax: vNbr = DB.Count(sRows)
vNbr (Variant) is the number of rows contained in the Records item.
sRows (String) is the string representation of a static recordset generated by a SQL statement using the
DB.Execute function.
Dim sSQL As String
Dim sCols As String
Dim sRows As String
Dim iNbr As Integer
sSQL = "select * from ItemMaster"
DB.Execute(sSQL, sCols, sRows)
iNbr = DB.Count(sRows)
This function will execute a pass-through SQL statement on the host through the connection maintained by
the server. Any results from the statement will be returned in a text-delimited object. (Note: this means that
the item is a static view of the database and cannot be updated.)
Group: Database Related Extensions
[vErrNo =] DB.Execute(sSQL, [vColumns], [vRows])
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vErrNo (Variant) Optional is a return value; a value of '0' (zero numeric) means the SQL statement pro-
cessed normally.
sSQL (String) is the SQL statement to be sent to the database. As this is a pass through statement, its
syntax must be understood by the database, as no pre-processing will occur.
vColumns (Variant) Optional is a string representation of the columns returned by the SQL statement.
This is optional because Insert, Update, and other statements do not return data.
vRows (Variant) Optional is a string representation of the static rows of an SQL statement. This is
optional because Insert, Update, and other statements do not return data.
Dim sSQL As String
Dim sCols As String
Dim sRows As String
sSQL = "select * from Inventory"
DB.Execute(sSQL, sCols, sRows)
In the case of an insert or an update, the sCols and sRows variables would not be necessary because no
recordset is returned.
This function will extract from a recordset the one value at the specified column and row. A specific column
and row intersect at a single value.
Group: Database Related Extensions
vValue = DB.Extract(sColumns, sRows, iRecNo, vFieldNo)
vValue (Variant) is the value extracted. (Note: this will always be a string value regardless of the actual
field's data type.)
sColumns (String) is the string variable used to hold the list of columns in the DB.Execute command.
sRows (String) is the string variable used to hold the rows of data in the DB.Execute command.
iRecNo (Integer) is the row number within the retrieved recordset to extract data from.
vFieldNo (Variant) is the column number (numeric), or column name (String) within the retrieved recordset
to extract data from.
Dim sSQL As String
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Dim sCols As String
Dim sRows As String
Dim sPart As String
sSQL = "select * from ItemMaster"
DB.Execute(sSQL, sCols, sRows)
sPart = DB.Extract(sCols, sRows, 1, "PartNo")
This function is used to logoff a database connection. Note: this function does not need to be called by the
user. The server will call it automatically when shutting down the session. The first database connection is
the default Source value.
Group: Database Related Extensions
[bValue =] db.LogOff (vSource)
bValue (Boolean) Optional A True/False notification that the command processed successfully
vSource (Variant) data source name (DSN) or the data source number
Dim bValue As Boolean
bValue = db.LogOff(1)
This is used to logon the database connection and specify a user / password sequence for a database con-
nection. Use of this feature is optional.
Note: the user does not always require this function as the server calls it automatically when a session starts.
Group: Database Related Extensions
[bValue =] db.LogOn ([vSource], [vUserId], [vUserPwd])
bValue (Boolean) Optional A True/False notification that the command processed successfully
vSource (Variant) data source name (DSN) or the data source number
vUserId (Variant) Optional The login name to be used to connect to the database system
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vUserPwd (Variant) Optional The login password to be used to connect to the database system
Dim bValue As Boolean
bValue = db.LogOn("SQLServer", "SQLUser", "SQLPass1")
bValue = db.LogOn(1, "SQLUser", "SQLPass1", "CLIENT=800|TYPE=3")
bValue = db.LogOn("Access", "AccessUser", "AccessPass1")
This function executes a pass-through SQL ‘select’ statement against the database and converts the results
into a scrolling list of items when used with App.ShowList.
Group: Database Related Extensions
sMyList = DB.MakeList(sSQL, [bRtnAllCols], [bNormalize], [bScale, nMaxRows)
sMyList (String) is the list to be returned for display (i.e., set RSP = Value to display the list on the Client
sSQL (String) is the SQL 'SELECT' statement to be sent to the database.
bRtnAllCols (Boolean) Optional when set to True will return all the columns as the potential key, not just
the first column. Default is False.
bNormalize (Boolean) Optional when set to True will trim the spaces from the data so that it will display
consistently. Default is False.
bScale (Boolean) Optional formats the numeric values in the specified column if the database does not
store decimals. This option will position a decimal at a position from the right side. A comma will be used for
large numbers. This field is locale specific and will use the appropriate characters for each region. Default is
nMaxRows (Long) Optional limits how many rows will be allowed in the list. Default is 500.
Inside the OnEnter event where Rsp is declared as a String:
Dim sSQL As String
Dim sMyList As String
sSQL = "select PartNo from Inventory"
sMyList = DB.MakeList(sSQL, True, True, True, 1000)
Rsp = App.ShowList(sMyList)
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Rsp = App.ShowList(DB.MakeList(sSQL, True, True))
This function will execute a pass-through SQL statement on the host through the connection maintained by
the server. Any results from the statement will be returned in a RDO Resultset object. (Note: this item
defaults to a static view of the database and cannot be updated. Also, under the configuration of the data-
base, the ‘Connect Using…’ setting must match the declaration of the recordset; ADO versus RDO.)
Group: Database Related Extensions
oRs = DB.OpenResultset(sSQL, [vCursorType], [vLockType])
oRs (rdoResultset Object or adoRecordset Object) is a snapshot type resultset generated from an
SQL statement.
sSQL (String) is the SQL statement to be sent to the database. This is a pass through statement; its
syntax must be understood by the database, as no pre-processing will occur.
vCursorType (Variant) Optional indicates the type of cursor used by the recordset object.
vLockType (Variant) Optional indicates the type of lock placed on records during editing.
ADO Cursor Types
0 Provides a static copy of the records (you can't see additions, changes or deletions by other users).
You can only move forward through the recordset. Forward-only is the ADO default cursor type.
1 Existing records at time of creation are updateable. You can't see additions or deletions. All types of
movement are enabled.
2 Dynamic requires more overhead, because updates are immediate and all types of movement are
enabled. The dynamic cursor isn't currently supported by the Microsoft Jet OLE DB Provider, and therefore
defaults to a keyset cursor when adOpenDynamic is applied to a Jet database.
3 Provides a static copy of the records (you can't see additions, changes or deletions by other users),
but all types of movement are enabled.
ADO Lock Types
1 This value indicates read-only records where the data cannot be altered.
2 This value indicates pessimistic locking, record by record. The provider does what is necessary to
ensure successful editing of the records, usually by locking records at the data source immediately after edit-
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This lock type is supported by the Microsoft® OLE DB Provider for AS/400 and VSAM and the Microsoft OLE
DB Provider for DB2. However, the OLE DB Provider for AS/400 and VSAM internally maps this lock type to
3 This value indicates optimistic locking, record by record. The provider uses optimistic locking, lock-
ing records only when the Update method is called.
This lock type is not supported by the OLE DB Provider for DB2.
4 This value indicates optimistic batch updates and is required for batch update mode.
This option is not supported by the OLE DB Provider for DB2.
Using rdoResultset, the RDO language extensions must be enabled.
Dim oRs As rdoResultset
Dim sSQL As String
Dim sDesc As Variant
sSQL = "select * from ItemMaster where PartNo = '100620'"
Set oRs = DB.OpenResultset(sSQL)
sDesc = oRs!Description
This command will disable the server's auto processing of SQL statements to determine their correct source
and will instead route all SQL traffic that is intended for the specified ODBC data source to always go to the
other specified data source. To clear a redirection simply set the source and destination to the same data
Group: Database Related Extensions
bValue = DB.RedirectDataSource(vFromSource, vToSource)
bValue (Boolean) indicates success or failure
vFromSource (Variant) is the name or number of the data source to redirect.
vToSource. (Variant) is the name or number of the data source to receive the other database’s SQL state-
Dim bValue as Boolean
bValue = DB.RedirectDataSource("CAPlant", "NVPlant")
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This function cancels any changes made during the current transaction and ends the transaction.
Group: Database Related Extensions
[bValue =] DB.RollbackTrans(vSource)
bValue (Boolean) Optional indicates success or failure
vSource (Variant) data source name (DSN) or the data source number
This command will save the byte array of a bitmap picture directly to a database. The record in the database
must already exist.
Note: An alternative way to save is SigToImg.
Group: Database Related Extensions
[bValue =] DB.SaveBitmap(sTable, sField, bData, [vWhere])
bValue (Boolean) Optional indicates success or failure
sTable (String) is the name of the table in the database
sField (String) is the field name within the table
bData (Byte) is the byte array containing the image
vWhere (Variant) Optional a SQL parameter that updates or inserts the image to a specific record
Dim bVal as Boolean
Dim bImage() as Byte
Dim nSize As Long
Open "C:\MyPic.bmp" For Binary Access Read As #1
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nSize = LOF(1)
ReDim bImage(nSize - 1)
Get #1, , bImage
Close #1
bVal = DB.SaveBitmap("Images", "Image", bImage, "PartNo='100620'")
This command will disable the server's auto processing of SQL statements to determine their correct source
and will instead route all SQL traffic to the specified data source. Specifying zero will re-enable the server’s
auto processing and let it determine which data connection should receive the SQL statement based on
which connection was used to download the table structures.
Group: Database Related Extensions
[bValue =] DB.UseDataSource(vSource)
bValue (Boolean) Optional indicates success or failure of the language extension
vSource (Variant) is the name or number of the data source to which all future SQL traffic will be routed.
Database Stored Procedure Object
This object is
and has been replaced with the Embedded Procedure structure.
The StoredProc Object is used to execute a stored procedure. It features the following set of properties and
methods with which you can manipulate the object and its content.
The VBA extensions under this category are:
StoredProc.CommandTimeout, StoredProc.Data, StoredProc.DataSource, and StoredProc.Execute
Sets or returns a value containing a provider command such as a stored procedure call.
Syntax: StoredProc.CommandText = sValue
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Alternate: sValue = StoredProc.CommandText
sValue (String) stored procedure name
See Execute
Indicates how long to wait while executing a command before terminating the attempt and generating an
Group: Database Stored Procedure Object
StoredProc.CommandTimeout = nValue
Alternate: nValue = StoredProc.CommandTimeout
nValue (Long) time in seconds, default is 30
See Execute
Specifies the type of command prior to execution to optimize performance.
Syntax: StoredProc.CommandType = enValue
Alternate: nValue = StoredProc.CommandType
nValue (Long) numeric value for the command type
enValue (enCommandTypes) Sets one of the following values:
Constant Description
dbCmdText Evaluates CommandText as a textural definition of a command.
dbCmdStoredProc Evaluates CommandText as a stored procedure that will return
dbCmdExecuteNoRecords Evaluates CommandText as a stored procedure that will return no
dbCmdUnknown The type of command in the CommandText property is not known.
dbExecuteNoRecords The stored procedure does not return records.
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dbManualDeclare This will execute the stored procedure directly without checking the
dbOpenNoRecords For connection to Sybase.
See Execute
Creates a new Param Object with the specified properties.
Syntax: CreateParameter (nIndex, [enDatatype], [enDirection], [nSize], [vValue])
nIndex (Long) Represents the parameter’s index
enDatatype (enDataTypes) Optional the parameter’s data type
enDirection (enDirections) Optional the parameter’s direction
nSize (Long) Optional the parameter’s length
vValue (Variant) Optional the parameter’s value
See Execute
Database Stored Procedure Object
This object is
and has been replaced with the Embedded Procedure structure.
The StoredProc Object is used to execute a stored procedure. It features the following set of properties and
methods with which you can manipulate the object and its content.
The VBA extensions under this category are:
StoredProc.CommandTimeout, StoredProc.Data, StoredProc.DataSource, and StoredProc.Execute
This property indicates which data source to connect.
Group: Database Stored Procedure Object
StoredProc.DataSource = sValue
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Alternate: sValue = StoredProc.DataSource
sValue (String) name of the data source
See Execute
A string representation of the columns returned by the SQL statement.
Syntax: sValue = StoredProc.Dict
sValue (String) representation of the columns returned
See Execute
Executes the stored procedure in the CommandText Property.
Group: Database Stored Procedure Object
[bOK =]StoredProc.Execute
bOK (Boolean) True or False based on the success of calling the stored procedure regardless of the out-
Dim vDict As Variant
Dim vData As Variant
Dim spObj As StoredProc
Set spObj = New StoredProc
spObj.DataSource = "Oracle"
spObj.CommandText = "byroyalty"
spObj.CommandType = dbCmdStoredProc
spObj.Param(1).DataType = dbInteger
spObj.Param(1).Direction = dbParamInput
spObj.Param(1).Value = 100
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vDict = spObj.Dict
vData = spObj.Data
DataRecord Object
This object gives the user information about a stored recordset populated by other language extensions.
Group: DataRecord Object
To use this object, start with a declaration similar to:
Dim oData as New DataRecord
The objects in this group are:
oData.AddNew, oData.Clear, oData.IsEOF, oData.MoveFirst, oData.MoveLast, oData.MoveNext
oData.MovePrevious, oData.MoveTo, oData.Param, oData.ParamCount, oData.ParamName,
oData.RowCount, and oData.SchemaId
This method creates an additional entry in the DataRecord. As an example, when the TM.GetItems method
populates a DataRecord from a list of items in a queue, this method is used internally to grow the DataRe-
cord until the list is complete. If this object is being used for other purposes the AddNew method may be
used to grow the DataRecord as needed.
Group: DataRecord Object
Syntax: oData.AddNew
This method clears the object of any previously loaded information
Group: DataRecord Object
Syntax: oData.Clear
This method (End-Of-File) returns a True if the current pointer in the recordset is beyond the last entry or if
there are no entries contained in the object.
Group: DataRecord Object
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Syntax: [bOK =] oData.IsEOF
bOK (Boolean) Optional returns the True or False
This selects (moves the pointer to) the first entry in the object’s list of values.
Group: DataRecord Object
Syntax: [bOK =] oData.MoveFirst
bOK (Boolean) Optional returns True or False for the success of the command
This selects (moves the pointer to) the last entry in the object’s list of values.
Group: DataRecord Object
Syntax: [bOK =] oData.MoveLast
bOK (Boolean) Optional returns True or False for the success of the command
This selects (moves the pointer to) the next entry in the object’s list of values.
Group: DataRecord Object
Syntax: [bOK =] oData.MoveNext
bOK (Boolean) Optional returns True or False for the success of the command
This selects (moves the pointer to) the previous entry in the object’s list of values.
Group: DataRecord Object
Syntax: [bOK =] oData.MovePrevious
bOK (Boolean) Optional returns True or False for the success of the command
This selects (moves the pointer to) a specific entry in the recordset.
Group: DataRecord Object
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Syntax: [bOK =] oData.MoveTo(nRow)
bOK (Boolean) Optional returns True or False for the commands success
nRow (Long) the row number to move the object’s pointer
This property returns the values stored in the named columns of the DataRecord.
Group: DataRecord Object
Syntax: Param(vParamID, [vRowNo]) = vValue
Alternate: vValue = Param(vParamID, [vRowNo])
vValue (Variant) the stored value given a parameter ID
vParamID (Variant) then name of a column in the DataRecord
vRowNo (Variant) Optional if the DataRecord is a table containing multiple rows of data,
this parameter will move the data pointer to the specified row before retrieving the
Dim vData As Variant
oData.Param("ErrMsg") = "Wrong value."
vData = oData.Param("DeviceNo")
vData = oData.Param("FormId")
vData = oData.Param("IPAddress")
vData = oData.Param("ExecDate")
For a given row that is a table, this function will contain the number of columns returned.
Group: DataRecord Object
Syntax: vValue = oData.ParamCount
vValue (Variant) contains the count of the columns in the DataRecord
For example, a table named Inventory has 2 fields, Part and Quantity, and has 200 records.
Dim iValue As Integer
iValue = oData.ParamCount ' will return 2.
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This property is a collection of parameter IDs. In the case of the TM.GetItems use of the DataRecord object
the parameter IDs are:
(1) QueueName (5) Source (9) UserId (13) ExecTime
(2) SeqNo (6) Name (10) DeviceNo (14) Status
(3) TranDate (7) Record (11) IPAddress (15) ErrMsg
(4) TranTime (8) FormId (12) ExecDate
If the DataRecord object is used for another purpose the parameter names would be different. See the Para-
mCount property to get a count of the parameter IDs.
Group: DataRecord Object
Syntax: sValue = oData.ParamName([nIndex])
sValue (String) the name of the parameter at the specified index
nIndex (Long) Optional the index of the parameter to be evaluated
When using the TM.GetItems method, to retrieve the name of the macro for the first row in the DataRecord:
Dim oData As New DataRecord
Dim sMacroName As String
TM.GetItems(tmCompleted, Date, App.User, oData)
sMacorName = oData.Param(6)
sMacorName = oData.Param("Name")
For a given record set, this function will get the number of rows returned in the object.
Group: DataRecord Object
Syntax: vValue = oData.RowCount
vValue (Variant) the number of rows in the DataRecord
When using the TM.GetItems method, the number of queue entries returned would be returned.
Dim oData As New DataRecord
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Dim iValue As Integer
TM.GetItems(tmCompleted, Date, App.User, oData)
iValue = oData.RowCount
This property returns the Task ID of a Vocollect task that is currently loaded in the DataRecord.
Group: DataRecord Object
Syntax: sValue = oData.SchemaId
sValue (String) the task Id of a Vocollect task
Dim sValue As String
sValue = oData.SchemaId
Device Extensions - Android, iOS, and WinCE
These commands are used specifically on a mobile device installations. They provide methods for syn-
chronizing with the server, sending and receiving data, queuing transactions on the host, etc. For queuing
commands, the server’s Transaction Manager and the client’s Transaction Manager must be enabled.
The commands available for the device.[command] extension for (all platforms) are:
Device.ClickAndSkipPrompts, Device.ClickCoordinates, Device.DeleteFile, Device.Dir
Device.DispSleep, Device.EnableGPS, Device.FileExits, Device.ForceLocal
Device.GetGPSInfo, Device.GetTimeInfo, Device.GoOffline, Device.GoOnline,
Device.GUID, Device.HasUI, Device.Id, Device.IsOffline, Device.IsOnline,
Device.IsQueue, Device.OffsetLngLat, Device.Platform,
Device.PlaySoundFile, Device.PlotInit, Device.PlotStart, Device.ReadFile,
Device.ScanEnable, Device.ScanTrigger, Device.SendBlueTooth, Device.SendCommPort,
Device.SendUSB, Device.SetCameraOptions, Device.SetUSB, Device.Shell, Device.ShowConfig,
Device.TakePicture, Device.Vibrate, and Device.WriteFile
There are also additional extensions supported only for Windows CE devices when calling the Windows
device as an object through COM.
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For events that are related to device actions, see RFgen.bas under Events Property.
This method will turn on or off the user’s ability to click into prompts in a random sequence. The line
“Device.ClickAndSkipPrompts(False)” will allow the user to click in the very next prompt or any prompt that
already contains data. All other prompts will not receive focus if they are clicked. Using Device.Click-
AndSkipPrompts(True) will set the client back to its default behavior.
Group: Device Extensions
Syntax: Device.ClickAndSkipPrompts(bEnabled)
bEnabled (Boolean) True or False turns this feature on or off.
This function lists files and folders in a given directory.
Group:Device Extensions
Syntax: bOK = Device.Dir(vFiles, vDirectories)
bOK (Boolean) Returns True if the call was successful; False if the call failed.
vFiles (Variant) A string to be populated with a list of files in the folder. This list will be
delimited with Chr(1)
vDirectories (Variant) A string to be populated with a list of directories in the folder. This list will
be delimited with Chr(1).
Private Sub Button4_Click()
On Error Resume Next
Dim bOk As Boolean
Dim sFiles As String
Dim sDirs As String
bOk = Device.Dir("C:\temp\", sFiles, sDirs)
If bOk Then
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End If
End Sub
Versions Supported: RFgen and newer.
This command prevents the Android's screen from going to sleep. This is a useful feature for situations when
the Android device time resets to a different time than what is currently configured when it goes to sleep.
Group: Device Extensions
Syntax: Device.DispSleep (bEnabled)
bEnabled (Boolean). True prevents the Android device from sleeping. False allows the Android device to
Supported Versions: RFgen 5.2.4 and higher.
This command will delete a specified file on the mobile device. String data or binary data can be read.
Group: Device Extensions
Syntax: [bOK =] Device.DeleteFile(sPath)
bOK (Boolean) Optional the success or failure of the command.
sPath (String) the path of the file to be deleted.
Private Sub ButtonDelete_Click()
On Error Resume Next
Dim bOk As Boolean
bOk = Device.DeleteFile("C:\temp\test.txt")
If bOk Then
End If
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End Sub
Versions Supported: RFgen and newer.
This property will activate or deactivate the GPS receiver in the mobile device. Use Device.GetGPSInfo to
retrieve the real-time GPS data.
Group: Device Extension
Syntax: Device.EnableGPS(bValue)
bValue (Boolean) set to True or False to activate or deactivate the GPS receiver
This command checks is a specified file exists on a device.
Group: Device Extensions
Syntax: [bOK =] Device.FileExists(sFileName)
bOK (Boolean) Optional the success or failure of the command.
sFileName (String) specifies where on the mobile device the file should be found
vData (Variant) contains the data read from the file. String or binary data is allowed.
' For this sample code, first copy a file to the device.
Dim szBuf() As Byte
ReadBinaryFile("c:\\temp\\my-test-file.txt", szBuf)
Device.WriteFile("%PUBLIC%/my-dir/my-test-file.txt", szBuf, False)
' Check for the existence of the file
If Device.FileExists("%PUBLIC%/my-dir/my-test-file.txt") Then
App.MsgBox("Test file exists")
App.MsgBox("Test file is missing")
End If
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' Check for a non-existent file
If Device.FileExists("%PUBLIC%/my-dir/this-file-does-not-exist") Then
App.MsgBox("Failed to confirm nonexistent file")
App.MsgBox("Nonexistent file confirmed")
End If
Supported Versions: RFgen and higher.
This property will tell the Mobile Client in a Roaming state that it should only look to either the server or local
database for all data retrieval and updates. For example, if Mobile Client in a Roaming state was connected
to the server and the ForceLocal was set to False, when the user executes a TM.QueueMacro it would actu-
ally be queued on the server not the local device. DB.Execute would look to the server automatically to
retrieve the latest data rather than the locally stored data on the device.
Group: Device Extensions
Syntax: Device.ForceLocal = bValue
bValue (Boolean) set to True or False to force data access to either the server or local data-
Device.ForceLocal = True
This command will retrieve GPS data from an attached GPS receiver on the mobile device. If no receiver is
available or no signal is received the output will be zeros. This command would need to be called repeatedly
to update the screen if the device is in motion. Use the Form_OnTimer event to continuously populate vari-
Group: Device Extensions
Note: The operating system GPS APIs must exist on the device. To configure the GPS settings on the mobile
device locate the GPS configuration, set the Program COM port to ‘none’ and set the Hardware COM port to
the proper number based on the manufacturer’s documentation.
Syntax: [bOK =] Device.GetGPSInfo([vLongitude], [vLatitude], [vHeading], [vAltitude], [vSpeed])
OK (Boolean) Optional the success or failure of the command.
Longitude (Variant) Optional returns the longitude as a float value
Latitude (Variant) Optional returns the latitude as a float value
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Heading (Variant) Optional returns the heading as a value (0-360)
Altitude (Variant) Optional returns the altitude in meters
Speed (Variant) Optional returns the speed in knots (nautical miles)
Dim bOK as Boolean
Dim vLong as Variant
Dim vLat as Variant
Dim vHead as Variant
Dim vAlt as Variant
Dim vSpeed as Variant
bOK = Device.GetGPSInfo (vLong, vLat, vHead, vAlt, vSpeed)
bOK = Device.GetGPSInfo (, , , vAlt)
For converting meters to US feet use the following conversion:
vAlt = vAlt * 3.28083989501312
For converting knots to US MPH use:
vSpeed = vSpeed * 1.15077945
For converting knots to KPH use:
vSpeed = vSpeed * 1.852
For converting the heading into a direction use:
Select Case vHead
Case Is < 22.5: sText = "N"
Case Is < 67.5: sText = "NE"
Case Is < 112.5: sText = "E"
Case Is < 157.5: sText = "SE"
Case Is < 202.5: sText = "S"
Case Is < 247.5: sText = "SW"
Case Is < 292.5: sText = "W"
Case Is < 337.5: sText = "NW"
Case Else: sText = "N"
End Select
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This command will retrieve the Offset value which is the difference of the device time and UTC in minutes.
(The offset is NOT the difference between the device time and server time in UTC.)
You can call the function from an event such as a button click.
DeviceTime can use the normal date formatting functions, but by default it will be formatted like “11/1/2017
8:52:12 AM”.
Group: Device Extensions
Syntax: [bOK =] Device.GetTimeInfo([vDeviceTime],[MinutesFromUTC])
bOK (Boolean) returns a True if the mobile device successfully obtains the offset value. False if it
vDateTime (Varient) Returns the value in minutes.
This is an example of a pop up message box showing the device’s time and UTC offset:
Dim DeviceTime As Date
Dim MinutesFromUTC As Integer
Device.GetTimeInfo(DeviceTime, MinutesFromUTC)
App.MsgBox("Device Time = " & DeviceTime & ", which is " & MinutesFromUTC & " minutes from UTC")
This command returns a True / False regarding the attempt to close the socket connecting the mobile client
to the server. This will make the device go from THIN client mode to a MOBILE disconnected state.
Group: Device Extensions
Syntax: [bOK =] Device.GoOffline([vUser], [vMenu], [vForm])
bOK (Boolean) Optional returns a True if the mobile device successfully closes the
socket to the server. Since the thin client is shut down with this command, eval-
uating the response variable will never be reached unless there is a failure.
vUser (Variant) Optional If a user is specified then the device will set the current user
and load the menu associated with the user bypassing the login screen.
vMenu (Variant) Optional Specifying a specific menu requires that the optional User para-
meter be filled in. The User parameter will still load the default menu for that user
but then the Menu parameter will load, in addition. This means that if the user
backs out of the specified menu the server will display the user’s default menu.
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vForm (Variant) Optional If the form is specified then the form will be loaded after the
specified menu or the default menu. The Form depends on the UserID being
filled in.
Dim bOK as Boolean
bOK = Device.GoOffline
bOK = Device.GoOffline("Sam")
bOK = Device.GoOffline("Sam", ,"IMASTER")
bOK = Device.GoOffline("Sam", "BasicApps", "IMASTER")
This command returns a True / False regarding the status of opening a socket connection with the server.
This will make a disconnected MOBILE client an online THIN client to the server. If the user is going online
for the first time the server will present the login screen. If the user goes online with the configured client
inactivity timeout value they would see the session as they left it when going mobile. This command will not
work for Mobile clients with a startup mode of Disconnected.
Group: Device Extensions
Syntax: [bOK =] Device.GoOnline([vServer], [nPort])
bOK (Boolean) Optional return a True if the mobile device is successfully connected to the
server. Since the mobile client is shut down with this command, evaluating the
response variable will never be reached unless there is a failure.
vServer (Variant) Optional parameter to specify which server name or IP address should be
used. If this is not specified, the registry settings will be used.
nPort (Long) Optional parameter to specify which server port number should be used. If this
is not specified, the registry settings will be used.
Dim bOK as Boolean
bOK = Device.GoOnline("", 21098)
This returns True if the client has a user interface and False if it doesn't. For example, if the customer has a
Transaction Management service running in their environment, there is no user interface for the client. Or if
the customer is running Vocollect, a voice-controlled system, there is not a graphical user interface for the cli-
ent; Or if the customer is running a services console, there is no user interface for the client.
See also: Device.GUID.
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Group: Device Extensions
Syntax: Device.HasUI
Versions Supported: RFgen and newer.
This returns the name of a given device for Android, iOS, CE, and Windows Desktop clients. If testing with no
client connection, nothing is returned, and an error is generated and sent to the Event Log.
See also: Device.GUID.
Group: Device Extensions
Syntax: Device.ID
Dim sMyDevice as String
sMyDevice = Device.ID
This returns True if the client session is in a Timed Event, or in a Transaction Queue.
See also: Device.GUID.
Group: Device Extensions
Syntax: Device.IsQueue
Public Function Transaction(ByRef tt As Variant) As Boolean
On Error Resume Next 'Transaction = True
If Device.IsQueue=True Then
End Function
This command returns a True / False regarding the status of an open socket connection with the server. This
command is typically used to evaluate which state the client is in and then set variables that would vary
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between the server and the mobile device such as file path information.
Group: Device Extensions
Syntax: bOK = Device.IsOffline
bOK (Boolean) return a True if the mobile device is currently not connected to the server.
Dim bOK as Boolean
bOK = Device.IsOffline
This returns True if the client has a user interface and False if it doesn't. For example, if the customer has a
Transaction Management service running in their environment, there is no user interface for the client. Or if
the customer is running Vocollect, a voice-controlled system, there is not a graphical user interface for the cli-
ent; Or if the customer is running a services console, there is no user interface for the client.
See also: Device.GUID.
Group: Device Extensions
Syntax: Device.HasUI
Versions Supported: RFgen and newer.
This command will retrieve GPS data from an attached GPS receiver on the mobile device. If no receiver is
available or no signal is received the output will be zeros. This command would need to be called repeatedly
to update the screen if the device is in motion. Use the Form_OnTimer event to continuously populate vari-
Group: Device Extensions
Note: The operating system GPS APIs must exist on the device. To configure the GPS settings on the mobile
device locate the GPS configuration, set the Program COM port to ‘none’ and set the Hardware COM port to
the proper number based on the manufacturer’s documentation.
Syntax: [bOK =] Device.GetGPSInfo([vLongitude], [vLatitude], [vHeading], [vAltitude], [vSpeed])
OK (Boolean) Optional the success or failure of the command.
Longitude (Variant) Optional returns the longitude as a float value
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Latitude (Variant) Optional returns the latitude as a float value
Heading (Variant) Optional returns the heading as a value (0-360)
Altitude (Variant) Optional returns the altitude in meters
Speed (Variant) Optional returns the speed in knots (nautical miles)
Dim bOK as Boolean
Dim vLong as Variant
Dim vLat as Variant
Dim vHead as Variant
Dim vAlt as Variant
Dim vSpeed as Variant
bOK = Device.GetGPSInfo (vLong, vLat, vHead, vAlt, vSpeed)
bOK = Device.GetGPSInfo (, , , vAlt)
For converting meters to US feet use the following conversion:
vAlt = vAlt * 3.28083989501312
For converting knots to US MPH use:
vSpeed = vSpeed * 1.15077945
For converting knots to KPH use:
vSpeed = vSpeed * 1.852
For converting the heading into a direction use:
Select Case vHead
Case Is < 22.5: sText = "N"
Case Is < 67.5: sText = "NE"
Case Is < 112.5: sText = "E"
Case Is < 157.5: sText = "SE"
Case Is < 202.5: sText = "S"
Case Is < 247.5: sText = "SW"
Case Is < 292.5: sText = "W"
Case Is < 337.5: sText = "NW"
Case Else: sText = "N"
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End Select
This returns the graphical user interface identifier (GUID) for the attached device.
See also: Device.GUID
Group: Device Extensions
Syntax: Device.ID
Dim sMyDeviceGUID as String
sMyDeviceGUID = Device.GUID
Versions Supported: RFgen and newer.
This command returns a True / False regarding the status of an open socket connection with the server. This
command is typically used to evaluate which state the client is in and then set variables that would vary
between the server and the mobile device such as file path information.
Group: Device Extensions
Syntax: bOK = Device.IsOffline
bOK (Boolean) return a True if the mobile device is currently not connected to the server.
Dim bOK as Boolean
bOK = Device.IsOffline
This command returns a True / False regarding the status of an open socket connection with the server. This
command is typically used to evaluate which state the client is in and then set variables that would vary
between the server and the mobile device such as file path information.
Group: Device Extensions
Syntax: bOK = Device.IsOnline
bOK (Boolean) return a True if the mobile device is connected to the server.
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Dim bOK as Boolean
bOK = Device.IsOnline
This command is used to help set the GPS latitude and longitude. The latitude and longitude passed in will be
used internally to calculate the offset needed to adjust your current GPS position to be at the provided lat-
itude and longitude. The reason an offset is needed is so that RFgen can mathematically scale the pos-
itioning of the reference point on a map image you provided.
Group: Device Extensions
Syntax Device.OffsetLngLat(dNewLng, dNewLat)
Parameter Description
dNewLng The longitude of the device's current location.
dNewLat The latitude of the device's current location.
'If showing the location of RFgen in El Dorado Hills
Device.OffsetLngLat(-121.05474, 38.62096)
Versions Supported: …RFgen and newer.
This command returns an enumeration indicating the platform of the connected device.
Group: Device Extensions
Syntax: enValue = Device.Platform
enValue (Enumeration)
0 = Device_None (Application Testing)
1 = Device_WinCE (CE / Mobile Device)
2 = Device_Desktop (Windows Desktop Client)
3 = Device_Android (Android Device)
4 = Device_iOS (Apple Device)
5 = Device_Vocollect (Vocollect Talkman)
6 = Device_TN (Standard Telnet Client)
7 = Device_SOA (SOA Service Connection)
Dim vValue as Variant
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vValue = Device.Platform
This command plays any mobile-supported sound file by specifying the path to the file where the file exists.
Note: For RFgen 5.1, use Device.PlaySound.
For Windows CE, the path is the location of the Windows CE device.
For Android and iOS, only .wav files are supported, and a copy of the source file MUST BE PLACED on
the RFgen server under \ProgramData\RFgen51 or \ProgramData\RFgen52.
When the sound is played at runtime, the .wav file is first copied from the server to the client when the client
connects to the server.
You can also use this command to vibrate an Android or iOS device. For details see Vibrate.
Group: Device Extensions
Device.PlaySoundFileFile(sPath), Device.PlaySoundFile(“Number, Vibrate”)
sPath (String) the full path where the file is stored on the RFgen server
.wav The sound wav file to be played. The duration is the duration of the .wav file.
This example is applicable for Android or iOS.
This example is applicable for Windows CE:
Device.PlaySound("\Program Files\RFgen51\ERROR.WAV")
This command initializes the plot points on a map so that an end user can see a start and destination points
on an image such as a map.
Group: Device Extensions
Syntax Device.PlotInit(BSTR MapSource, double Geo1Lat, double Geo1Lng, int Geo1X, int Geo1Y, double
Geo2Lat, double Geo2Lng, int Geo2X, int Geo2Y, int MapEdgePixels, BSTR MapPrompt, BSTR userPin, enA-
lign UserAlign, BSTR TargetPin, enAlign TargetAlign)
Parameter Description
Geo1Lat, Geo1Lng
The latitude and longitude of the first reference point on the map image.This
is used to calibrate the longitude and latitude geo coordinates to X and Y pixel
coordinates of the map image.
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Parameter Description
Geo1X, Geo1Y The X and Y pixel values of where 1st reference point is on the map image.
Geo2Lat, Geo2Lng The latitude and longitude of the 2nd reference point on the map image.
Geo2X, Geo2Y
The X and Y pixel values of where the 2nd reference point is on the map
How many pixels to add as padding so that when the user’s pin icon is close
to the edge there is this many pixels spacing the pin from the edge. A value of
0 means that as the user moves to the edge of the zoomed-in map, they are
able to be right against the edge of the map with nothing past them being dis-
A value of 15 means that there will be 15px of extra map space displayed
past the user up until they go off the entire full map.
MapPrompt The name of the image control being used for this map image.
The image name of the map being loaded into the image control on the form.
This accepts both the name of an Image from RFImages as well as an abso-
lute path to an image locally such as “%APPDATA%\MapImages\Map.png”.
The alignment property for where the user pin should remain in respect to
the map area.
TargetPin The name of the image control being used as the pin for the target’s location.
UserAlign The alignment property of the target pin.
UserPin The name of the image control being used as the pin for the user’s location.
Example Under construction.
Versions Supported: …RFgen and newer.
This command refreshes the plot points on a map so that an end user can see his or her start and destination
points when the user's location changes relative to the destination. This command is designed to work with
Group: Device Extensions
Syntax Device.PlotStart(RefreshRate, optional TargetLat, double Geo1Lng, optional TargetLng)
Parameter Description
Refresh Rate
(Integer) Sets in milliseconds the redrawing of the map image and repositioning of
the user and target pins. The time is based on the form's internal clock/timer.
TargetLat (Optional, Double) - The value of the latitude of the target.
TargetLng (Optional, Double) - The value of the longitude of the target.
'After PlotInit is called, the user can then start the timed plotting by calling:
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Device.PlotStart(int RefreshRate, double TargetLat, double TargetLng)
Versions Supported: …RFgen and newer.
This command will read data from a file on the mobile device. String data or binary data can be read.
Group: Device Extensions
Syntax: [bOK =] Device.ReadFile(sFileName, vData)
bOK (Boolean) Optional the success or failure of the command.
sFileName (String) specifies where on the mobile device the file should be found
vData (Variant) contains the data read from the file. String or binary data is allowed.
Dim bOK As Boolean
Dim vData As Variant
Dim sFile As String
sFile = "\Program Files\MyFile.txt"
bOK = Device.ReadFile(sFile, vData)
This command enables or disables the user’s ability to scan a barcode. This command applies only for a sub-
set of Intermec and Motorola handheld devices. One example might be to disable the scanner just before dis-
playing a message box so that additional scans do not accidently acknowledge the message box and the
user is unaware there was an error causing future scans to fail as well.
The ScanEnable function also enables barcode scanning using the device's camera.
Group: Device Extensions
Syntax: Device.ScanEnable(bScanOn)
bScanOn (Boolean) when set to True enables the laser scanner
This command turns on the laser scanner for a subset of Intermec and Zebra (Motorola) handheld devices
for Window CE.
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On Android and iOS devices, this extension will also scan barcodes if the device uses a camera which sup-
ports scanning of barcodes.
See also the device extension "ScanEnable".
Android or iOS devices.
Group: Device Extensions
Syntax: Device.ScanTrigger( nTimeout)
nTimeout (Long) is the timeout period in milliseconds. The default is 10,000 milliseconds (10 seconds).
This command sends data (packets) through the mobile device BlueTooth port. Before you use this com-
mand, setup the port that will be used to send/receive data via BlueTooth. See the Device.SetBlueTooth for
more details.
Group: Device Extensions
Syntax: [bOK] = Device.SendBlueTooth(vPacket, vPort)
bOK (Boolean) Optional return value showing success or failure of received packet
vPacket (Variant) is the text stream to be sent to the serial port.
vPort (Variant) is the name of the port
Note: To obtain the name of the devices (the vPort value), you will need to manually pair the two
BlueTooth devices first. Refer to your device manufacturer documentation on how to enable BlueTooth and
pair a device.
This command is currently only supported on Android devices.
Sending a Tab character to a device that expects this format.
Sends data to the device serial port. This command replaces the commands Device.PrinterOn and
Device.PrinterOff that are still supported but are now obsolete. The server will automatically turn
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transparent print mode on or off as required.
Group: Device Extensions
Syntax: [bOK] = Device.SendCommPort(vPacket, iPort)
bOK (Boolean) Optional return value showing success or failure
vPacket (Variant) is the text stream to be sent to the serial port.
iPort (Integer) when set to a number other than zero it will route the data to this COM port,
if already configured. When set to zero, the default, it will send to the first COM port
configured with the Device.SetCommPort.
Sending a Tab character to a device that expects this format.
The Device.SendUSB command sends raw data (data packets) through the device's USB port that was
enabled using the Device.SetUSB command. These commands can be used for sending print commands to a
label printer, and are only supported on Android devices.
Group: Device Extensions
Syntax: bOK=Device.SendUSB(vPacket, vDevice)
bOK (Boolean) Optional - returns True if all bytes in the datapacket were received; False if it
vPacket (Variant) is the text stream to be sent to the serial port.
vDevice (Variant) is the name of the device / printer.
On Error Resume Next
Dim sZPL as String
Device.SetUSB(True, "PC43t") 'This enables the USB connection between the client device and peripheral (i.e.
sZPL = "^XA^PRB^FS^PFO^FS^BY3,2.0^FS" 'Lable format in Zebra programming language
sZPL = sZPL & "^FT100,120^B3N,N,102,N,N^FD1234-5678^FS"
Device.SendUSB(sZPL, "PC34t") 'This sends the Zebra print command over USB to the connected peripheral
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The Device.SetBlueTooth command and the Device.SendBlueTooth command enables the RFgen client to
send datapackets to a paired peripheral devices using BlueTooth technology. (For example, you can set up
your barcode scanner's BlueTooth radio to send string data to a label printer's BlueTooth radio.) The
Device.SetBlueTooth procedure is not used for sending transactions to RFgen.
To use this command you will need to know the device's name as that represents the device port. Device
names can be obtained by first pairing the devices and viewing the names used in the pairing process. Refer
to your device hardware manufacturer's documentation on how to enable BlueTooth and pair it with another
See also Device.SendBlueTooth.
Group: Device Extensions
Syntax: Device.SetBlueTooth
bVal (Boolean) True enables the BlueTooth technology on the device
vPort (Variant) is the port number on the device that will be used to send data to a peripheral
This command changes some default settings for supported cameras. Since different cameras may use dif-
ferent settings, values for some IDs cannot be known beforehand. For example, you may want to disable the
flash button before scanning on iOS, or keep it on.
Group: Device Extensions
Syntax: Device.SetCameraOption(enOption, vValue)
enOption (enCameraOptions) this ID contains either ImageBrightness, ImageContrast, or
vValue (Variant) the camera’s expected value for the named ID
Device.SetCameraOption(ImageFlash, False)
This command will enable or disable the serial port on a device.
Group: ceObject
Syntax: Device.SetCommPort(bEnabled, iPort, nBaudRate, iByteSize, enStopBits, enParity,
enFlowControl, nPollingInterval, [bIsUnicode], [bAddPrefix], [nPacketSize])
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bEnabled: (Boolean) True / False, enable or disable the serial port
iPort (Integer) 1,2,3,etc - the port number to activate
nBaudRate (Long) 9600, 19200, etc.
iByteSize (Integer) 7, 8, etc.
enStopBits (enStopBits) Select the appropriate stopbits from the drop-down list (1,1.5 or 2)
enParity (enParity) Select the appropriate Parity from the drop-down list (none, even,
odd, etc.)
enFlowControl (enFlowControl) Select the appropriate FlowControl from the drop-down list
nPollingInterval (Long) The device will poll the serial port and look for data coming in using this
timing interval in milliseconds.
bIsUnicode (Boolean) Optional alerts the server that the attached COM device sends and
receives in UNICODE. The default is False.
bAddPrefix (Boolean) Optional when set to true, all data returned in the scan event coming
from a COM port will have the COM port as a prefix
nPacketSize (Long) Optional when set to a positive number, the data will only be returned
in strings of this size. RFgen will cache the data until the packet size has been
Device.SetCommPort(True, 1, 9600, 8, 1, NONE, NONE, 1000, False, True, 8)
The Device.SetUSB command enables the USB port on the device so it can send raw data (data packets) to a
USB connected device / printer using the Device.SendUSB command.
The Device.SetUSB and Device.Send USB commands are currently only supported on Android devices.
When the client connects to the printer, a pop-up requesting permission to access the printer will display.
Once the authorization is granted, the user is not prompted again. Permissions are required only once per a
Group: Device Extensions
Syntax: bOK=Device.SetUSB (bEnabled, vDevice)
bEnable (Boolean) - True enables the USB technology on the device; False disables the con-
vDevice (Variant) is the name of the peripheral device (i.e. printer) connected to the USB.
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On Error Resume Next
Dim sZPL as String
Device.SetUSB(True, "PC43t") 'This enables the USB connection between the client device and peripheral (i.e.
sZPL = "^XA^PRB^FS^PFO^FS^BY3,2.0^FS" 'Lable format in Zebra programming language
sZPL = sZPL & "^FT100,120^B3N,N,102,N,N^FD1234-5678^FS"
Device.SendUSB(sZPL, "PC34t") 'This sends the Zebra print command over USB to the connected peripheral
Versions Supported: RFgen and newer.
Devices Supported: Android
This function gives the user the ability to launch a program that is supported by the device’s shell in the
scripting environment. For example, it can be used to execute a program that opens a webpage in a specific
Group: Device Extensions
Syntax: Device.Shell (ByVal File as String, ByVal Options As enDeviceShow)
File as String This first parameter contains the name of the file or shell program stored
on the device. Use closing quotes around the file name or command.
Options As
enDeviceShow This second parameter controls the window display for the program
called in the first parameter “File as String”.
Device_SHOWMAXMIZED = Activates the window and displays it as a maximized window.
Device_SHOWMINIMIZED= Activates the window and displays it as a minimized window.
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The Device.ShowConfig command .
This command will cause the device's user interface configuration menu to display.
Group: Device Extensions
Syntax: Device.ShowConfig ( )
* There are no parameters for this command.
Private Sub Button1_Click()
On Error Resume Next
End Sub
Version Supported: RFgen and newer.
Notes: In prior versions of RFgen, if a user on a client wanted to view their device configuration, the device
configuration menu was accessed via an system icon which would bring up the Configuration menu. In
RFgen and higher, this command can be triggered via a click event or you can use this command for
the F1 key.
This command will retrieve an image from an Android, iOS, or Window CE camera, and store the format of
the image (i.e. png, jpeg, or bmp) as follows:
1) Take the picture; 2) link the captured image to the prompt by its name or the prompt's array value; and
3) Set the timeout value on the client for the period where the image is sent to the server before the image is
dropped back into the prompt on the client.
Group: Device Extensions
Syntax: Device.TakePicture(Image() as Byte, [ByVal Timeout As Long=30], [ByVal Prompt]) As Boolean
bOK (Boolean) Optional The success or failure of the command.
bImage (Byte Array) - Stores the image file using the prompt's name or the array value.
Timeout (Long) - The timeout value for Thin client waiting for a response from the server. The
default is 30 seconds.
Prompt (Prompt)- The name of the prompt or the prompt's value that provides the name or
value for the image file.
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Dim bOK As Boolean
Dim bImage() As Byte
imgPic.Image.Bitmap = bImage
Device.TakePicture (bImage, 30, "imgPicture_pg1") 'where imgPicture_pg1 is the image control name
This command option must be used with the Device.PlaySound command to vibrate an Android or iOS
device. Not all devices support this option on Android or iOS devices. It is not supported on Windows CE
Group: Device Extensions
Syntax: Device.PlaySound(“Number, Vibrate”)
Number How long (duration) of a vibration in seconds. Defaut is 1 second.
Vibrate This command will vibrate the device.
The Device.WebLogin language extension initiates a SSO session for Android clients in Thin Client mode, run-
ning RFgen (or higher), and initiates a SSO session for iOS and Windows Desktop in Thin Client
mode, running RFgen
Batch mode is not yet supported.
As the name implies, the login session is initiated via a web session from the client to the target URL of the
third-party SSO solution provider.
The web client will await a URL redirect to the provider Redirect URL. When the Redirect URL is reached, the
web client will immediately close the entire URL and URL parameters will be returned in the ReturnParams
parameter. If the web client does not reach the Redirect URL, the web client will close.
Group: Device Extensions
Syntax: Device.WebLogin(ReturnParams as String, RedirectURL as String, Timeout as Interger) As
Return - (Boolean) The return value of the base extension is True on no error, False on error. If
returning True for success, the web client reached the Redirect URL and closed.
ReturnParams - (String) If successful, this value will hold the Redirect URL and any additional
URL parameters returned from the web service.
URL - (String) Login URL of the Single Sign On (SSO) service provider/server.
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RedirectURL - (String) The SSO provider's base URL address on SSO Login redirects. The web cli-
ent will await a web service redirect to this URL to trigger storing URL parameters and
existing the client.
Timeout (Miliseconds) - The default timeout value is 90,000 milliseconds while waiting to reach
the Redirect URL.
Dim bSuccess as Boolean
Dim sReturnParameters As String
bSuccess = Device.WebLogin(sReturnParameters, "https://ssoprovider.login/","http://localhost:12345/",90000)
Versions Supported: RFgen and newer.
Devices Supported: Android.; iOS and Windows Desktop/Ce
This command will write data to a file on the mobile device. String data or binary data can be written.
Group: Device Extensions
Syntax: [bOK =] Device.WriteFile(sPath, vData, bOverwrite)
bOK (Boolean) Optional the success or failure of the command.
sPath (String) specifies where on the mobile device the file should be placed
vData (Variant) contains the data to be written to the file. If it is string data it will be saved
in Unicode format otherwise it will be left as is. A byte array is also allowed.
bOverwrite (Boolean) set to True, this command will overwrite an existing file, False will return
a failure because the file already existed
Dim bOK As Boolean
Dim sData As String
Dim sPath As String
sPath = "\Program Files\MyFile.txt"
sData = "Sample Text"
bOK = Device.WriteFile(sPath, sData, True)
This command is used to set the timeout period when writing to a file that is large.
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Group: Device Extensions
Syntax: [bOK =] Device.WriteFileTimeout(sFileName)
bOK (Boolean) Optional the success or failure of the command.
sFileName (String) specifies where on the mobile device the file should be found
vData (Variant) contains the data read from the file. String or binary data is allowed.
'Create a large (at least 50 MB) test file on your server. For example: "c:\temp\large-test-file"
' Add a form that runs code such as the following:
' Set long timeout
Device.WriteFileTimeout = 60
' Copy file to the device.
App.Balloon("Sending (long timeout)...", -1)
Dim szBuf() As Byte
ReadBinaryFile("c:\\temp\\large-test-file", szBuf)
Device.WriteFile("%PUBLIC%/my-dir/large-test-file", szBuf, False)
' Check for the existence of the file
If Device.FileExists("%PUBLIC%/my-dir/large-test-file") Then
App.MsgBox("Test file exists")
App.MsgBox("Test file is missing")
End If
Supported Version:
The mobile environment also supports the ability to load and execute COM objects on the Windows CE
COM objects are loaded and run by executing the language extensions ceObject.Create, ceObject.Execute,
and ceObject.Release.
ceObject is an object you must declare as a variable first and then use that variable.
The objects must be derived from the IDispatch interface and must be compatible with VBA scripting envir-
Additional variables/objects for Windows CE are:
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DeviceObject, Name, ReturnValue, and SetCommPort.
Note: Microsoft Support for Windows CE devices was sun setted in 2020.
This object is declared as a variable type and used to execute COM objects from the CE device. It is not part
of the Device object directly but is a subset of CE functionality specifically for calling COM objects.
Group: ceObject
The following examples would all start with:
Dim [WithEvents] oMyObj As DeviceObject
If the object supports events include the WithEvents statement in the Dim statement. If WithEvents is
declared as part of the Dim statement, this event would also be available from the script window’s drop-
Private Sub oMyObj_OnEvent(ByVal EventName As String, ByRef rsData As DataRecord)
End Sub
This command loads a COM object stored on the CE device. Calling Create multiple times on the same pro-
gram id will increment the reference count. Create will only register for events, if specified, on the first call to
The SysErr.Number object should be inspected to determine if Create was successful.
Group: ce Object
Syntax: [bOK =] oMyObj.Create
bOK (Boolean) Optional the success or failure of the command.
(See Execute)
This command executes the COM object stored on the Windows CE device. Execute will first determine if the
COM object has been loaded. If the object has not been loaded then Execute will attempt to load the object
without events. If the object could be loaded successfully, the method executes. The object will remain
loaded after this method completes execution.
The SysErr.Number object should be inspected to determine if Execute was successful.
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Group: ce Object
Syntax: [bOK =] oMyObj.Execute(sMethod, [vParams])
bOK (Boolean) Optional the success or failure of the command.
sMethod (String) Method is a text string that represents the method that you wish to execute.
vParams (Variant) Optional parameter array where you specify the parameters to the
method. The parameters must be specified in the appropriate order that the method
Dim bOK as Boolean
Dim oMyObj As DeviceObject
Dim vErr As Variant
Dim sParam1 As String
Dim sParam2 As String
Set oMyObj = New DeviceObject
oMyObj.Name = "DeviceObjectTest.ioInterface"
sParam1 = "Value1"
sParam2 = "Value2"
bOK = oMyObj.Execute("Method1", sParam1, sParam2)
vErr = oMyObj.LastError
If vErr <> "" Then
App.MsgBox "COM failure: " & CStr(vErr)
App.MsgBox "COM object returned: " & oMyObj.ReturnValue
End If
This property returns the last error generated from the Execute method.
Group: ceObject
Syntax: vValue = oMyObj.LastError
vValue (Variant) is the error number returned from the COM object
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(See Execute)
This property sets the program ID of the object that you wish to load on a Windows CE device. The object
must have been successfully registered on the device for the Create function to succeed.
Group: ceObject
Syntax: oMyObj.Name = sProgID
Alternate: sProgID = oMyObj.Name
sProgID (String) a string indicating the program ID of the object that you wish to execute.
Example: (See Execute)
This command releases the COM object on a Window CE device. Calling Release multiple times on the same
program ID will decrement the reference count. Release will free the object when the reference count
reaches 0.
The SysErr.Number object should be inspected to determine if Release was successful.
Group: ceObject
Syntax: [bOK =] oMyObj.Release
bOK (Boolean) Optional the success or failure of the command.
Example: (See Execute)
This property returns any value being passed back from the COM object on a Windows CE object.
Group: ceObject
Syntax: [vValue =] oMyObj.ReturnValue
vValue (Variant) Optional the value returned by the COM object.
(See Execute)
Dynamic Array Extensions
This product supports a special kind of string variable called a 'dynamic array'. The word 'dynamic' means
that this type of variable is designed to allow stored data to grow or shrink in size. In addition, the stored
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data is easily accessible and changeable. Dynamic arrays allow volumes of data to be organized, stored, ref-
erenced, counted, and manipulated by use of just 1 single string variable. Access to the data is instant-
aneous via the Dynamic Array VBA extensions that follow.
Dynamic Array Structure
Dynamic Arrays are special string variables that use low end ANSI characters (1, 2, and 3) as 'delimiters' to
separate data into Fields using Chr(1), Subfields using Chr(2), and Sub-subfields using Chr(3). These delim-
iters were chosen because data being entered or scanned are never expected to contain them. To use
Dynamic Arrays in your programming, you do not need to reference these characters, the server simply uses
them internally to manage stored data.
Why Use Dynamic Arrays?
1. There are no limits to the amount of data that may be stored.
2. The alternative is to declare and use subscripted variables, the number of which may be insufficient .
3. The server has been optimized to access and manipulate this type of data instantaneously.
For illustrative purposes, the ‘Field’ and ‘Subfield delimiters are represented in the examples below as fol-
Dynamic Array Field delimiter (Chr(1)) as a ‘&’
Dynamic Array Subfield delimiter (Chr(2)) as a ’#’
Dynamic Array Sub-Subfield delimiter (Chr(3)) as a ’@’
These functions work on fields, subfields, or sub-subfields, and are available for use with the Dynamic Array
DCount (Delimiter Count), Del (deletes), Ext (extracts), FixLeft (pads from left), Fix Right (pads from right),
Ins (insert value)
LeftField (search from left then extract), Locate (find index), LocateAdd (add value if it doesn't exist),
LocateDel (removes a value), LocateField(searches by string or delimiter)Rep (replaces), RField (searches
from right then extracts), SortAlpha (sorts alphabetically), and SortNum (sorts numerically)
The DCount function (Delimiter Count) may be used to determine the number of occurrences of a specified
delimiter within a string, or a string variable. The command will also add 1 to the count to actually represent
the number of values or fields stored within the string variable. This makes the DCount command really
return the number of available fields in the record so that extra logic is not necessary when determining the
length of a loop structure used to manipulate the contents of the string.
Group: Dynamic Array Extensions
Syntax: vNbr = DCount(vVAR, vDELIM)
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vNbr (Variant) is a number of delimiters found in the variable plus 1.
vVAR (Variant) is the string value to be evaluated
vDELIM (Variant) is a specified delimiter character, or multi-character string to count; e.g., to
count dynamic array delimiters use Chr(1), Chr(2), Chr(3).
Dim nNbr As Long
Dim sNames As String
sNames = "John&Mike&Albert"
nNbr = DCount(sNames,Chr(1)) ' Nbr = 3
sNames = "&Mike&Albert"
nNbr = DCount(sNames,Chr(1)) ' Nbr = 3
sNames = "&Mike&"
nNbr = DCount(sNames,Chr(1)) ' Nbr = 3
Note that +1 has been added to the actual count of Chr(1) (represented here with a character ’&’) count of
2. Also note that just because the fields are empty, they are valid slots where data may be inserted.
The Delete function deletes a field, subfield, or sub-subfield from a dynamic array.
Group: Dynamic Array Extensions
Syntax: vREC = Del(vREC, vFLD, [vSUB], [vSSUB])
vREC (Variant) is the dynamic array variable name
vFLD (Variant) is the array field number to search
vSUB (Variant) Optional is the array subfield number
vSSUB (Variant) Optional is the array sub-subfield number
Dim sNames As String
sNames = "John&Mike&Albert" ' Three records of names
sNames = Del(sNames, 3) 'sNames becomes "John&Mike"
sNames = "John&Mike&Albert" ' Three records of names
sNames = Del(sNames, 2) 'sNames becomes "John&Albert"
This next example shows each record with 3 values; Name, Age and Language.
sNames = "John#31#English&Mike#34#Spanish&Albert#40#English"
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sNames = Del(sNames, 1)
'sNames becomes "Mike#34#Spanish&Albert#40#English"
sNames = "John#31#English&Mike#34#Spanish&Albert#40#English"
sNames = Del(sNames, 2)
'sNames becomes "John#31#English&Albert#40#English"
You can also delete portions of a record.
sNames = "John#31#English&Mike#34#Spanish&Albert#40#English"
sNames = Del(sNames, 2, 1)
'sNames becomes "John#31#English&34#Spanish&Albert#40#English"
sNames = "John#31#English&Mike#34#Spanish&Albert#40#English"
sNames = Del(sNames, 2, 2)
'sNames is now "John#31#English&Mike#Spanish&Albert#40#English"
sNames = "John#31#English&Mike#34#Spanish&Albert#40#English"
sNames = Del(sNames, 2, 3)
'sNames becomes "John#31#English&Mike#34&Albert#40#English"
Using the Sub-subfield concept, maybe the language has sub categories like Canadian English and United
Kingdom English.
sNames = "John#31#Canadian English@UnitedKingdom English&Mike...
sNames = Del(sNames, 1, 3, 1)
'sNames becomes "John#31# UnitedKingdom English&Mike...
Here everything between the Chr(1) delimiters is considered the first field. The 2 versions of English are a
part of the third sub-field. So reading the DEL statement: Using the first field, look at the third sub-field (all
the languages) and delete the first sub-subfield.
A Dynamic Array is like a database stored as a single string. Everything between the Chr(1) delimiters are
fields referenced by the first number. If there are any Chr(2) delimiters, each piece makes up the complete
record. If there are any Chr(3) delimiters, they make up the complete subfield.
The Extract function returns a field, subfield, or sub-subfield value from a dynamic array.
Group: Dynamic Array Extensions
Syntax: vVAL = Ext(vREC, vFLD, [vSUB], [vSSUB])
vVAL (Variant) is the string value extracted from the array.
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vREC (Variant) is the dynamic array variable name
vFLD (Variant) is the array field number to search
vSUB (Variant) Optional is the array subfield number
vSSUB (Variant) Optional is the array sub-subfield number
Dim sNames As String
Dim sValue As String
sNames = "John&Mike&Albert" ' Three records of names
sValue = Ext(sNames, 2) 'sValue becomes "Mike"
sNames = "John&Mike&Albert" ' Three records of names
sValue = Ext(sNames, 3) 'sValue becomes "Albert"
This next example shows each record with 3 values; Name, Age and Language.
sNames = "John#31#English&Mike#34#Spanish&Albert#40#English"
sValue = Ext(sNames, 2, 3) 'sValue becomes "Spanish"
Here Mike#34#Spanish is the second record and the third subfield value was retrieved.
Using the Sub-subfield concept, maybe the language has sub categories like Canadian English and United
Kingdom English.
sNames = "John#31#Canadian English@UnitedKingdom English&Mike...
sValue = Ext(sNames, 1, 3, 1) 'sValue becomes "Canadian English"
There are times when the Extract function can be very helpful. For example, if you create a comma-delim-
ited list of items and must parse through it, writing code to manipulate the string and keep track of the
pointer can be extensive. Instead use a statement like:
sList = Replace(sList, ",", Chr(1))
This replaces the comma with the Chr(1) character. Then in the loop you only need to EXT(sList, i) to get
each entry out. Use the DCount command to get the length of the list.
This function pads a raw string to the left with a specified character until the specified length is reached. If
the optional 3
parameter is not specified, spaces are used. (This is not specifically a Dynamic Array com-
mand but is commonly used to manipulate them.)
Group: Dynamic Array Extensions
Syntax: vValue = FixLeft(vStringData, vChars, [vPadChar])
vValue (Variant) is the padded string value
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vStringData (Variant) is the string containing the raw data
vChars (Variant) is the total size of the resulting string
vPadChar (Variant) Optional is the pad character to use. If none is specified, spaces are
Rsp = FixLeft(Rsp, 8, "A")
If Rsp was “123” then Rsp becomes “123AAAAA” because it puts the character ‘A as many times as neces-
sary after the Rsp value until the length of Rsp is 8, left justifying the StringData value.
This function pads a raw string to the right with a specified character until the specified length is reached. If
the optional 3
parameter is not specified, spaces are used. (This is not specifically a Dynamic Array com-
mand but is commonly used to manipulate them.)
Group: Dynamic Array Extensions
Syntax: vValue = FixRight(vStringData, vChars, [vPadChar])
vValue (Variant) is the padded string value
vStringData (Variant) is the string containing the raw data
vChars (Variant) is the total size of the resulting string
vPadChar (Variant) Optional is the pad character to use. If none is specified, spaces are
Rsp = FixRight(Rsp, 8, "A")
If Rsp was “123” then Rsp becomes “AAAAA123” because it puts the character ‘A as many times as neces-
sary before the Rsp value until the length of Rsp is 8, left justifying the StringData value.
The Insert function inserts a value into a field, subfield, or sub-subfield of a dynamic array.
Group: Dynamic Array Extensions
Syntax: vREC = Ins(vREC, vFLD, [vSUB], [vSSUB], vSTR)
vREC (Variant) is the dynamic array string variable name
vFLD (Variant) is the array field number to search
vSUB (Variant) Optional is the array subfield number
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vSSUB (Variant) Optional is the array sub-subfield number
vSTR (Variant) is data or variable name, which will be inserted at the dynamic array location
(vFLD, vSUB, vSSUB).
Dim sNames As String
sNames = Ins(sNames, 2, 0, 0, "John")
Inserts string 'John' into dynamic array sNames. If sNames was originally null, then after the insert, field2 contains
‘John'; i.e., sNames = '&John'. Here, field1 is null.
Note: Suppressing the zeros [i.e., sNames = INS(sNames, 2, “John”)] gives the same result.
sNames = Ins(sNames, 2,"Mike")
If data already exists for field2 (John), then an additional insert would move field2 data to field3; i.e.,
sNames = '&Mike&John'. Here, field1 is null, field2 = 'Mike', and field3 = 'John'.
Using the subfields the following string can be created one element at a time using 9 Insert statements:
sNames = Ins(sNames, 1, "John")
sNames = Ins(sNames, 1, 2, "31") ' First record, second field
sNames = Ins(sNames, 1, 3, "English") ' First record, third field
sNames = Ins(sNames, 2, "Mike")
sNames = Ins(sNames, 2, 2, "34") ' Second record, second field
sNames = Ins(sNames, 2, 3, "Spanish") 'Second record, third field
sNames = Ins(sNames, 3, "Albert")
sNames = Ins(sNames, 3, 2, "40") ' Third record, second field
sNames = Ins(sNames, 3, 3, "English") 'Third record, third field
If you used insert statements and the sub-subfield values you can get this:
"John#31#Canadian English@UnitedKingdom English&Mike"
sNames = Ins(sNames, 1, "John")
sNames = Ins(sNames, 1, 2, "31") ' First record, second field
sNames = Ins(sNames, 1, 3, 1, “Canadian English”) First record, third field, first sub-field
sNames = Ins(sNames, 1, 3, 2, "UnitedKingdom English") ' First record, third field, second sub-field
sNames = Ins(sNames, 2, "Mike")
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The LField function searches a string from the left to extract a sub-string by using a specified delimiter char-
Group: Dynamic Array Extensions
Syntax: vVAL= LField(vStringData, vDelimiter, vStartField, [vNumberFields])
vVAL (Variant) is the resulting sub-string value located in StringData
vStringData (Variant) is a string or string variable to be searched
vDelimiter (Variant) is a specified delimiter character
vStartField (Variant) Optional is the Delimiter to start from when searching the StringData
vNumberFields (Variant) Optional specifies the number of sub-fields to retrieve.
If VAR = "111|222|333", then:
VAL = LField(VAR, "|", 1) returns VAL = '111'
VAL = LField(VAR, "|", 3) returns VAL = '333'
Note: If StartField = 1, then the LField function will return a sub-string which starts at the beginning of VAR, up to the
first occurrence of Delimiter.
The Locate function may be used to find the index of a field, subfield, or sub-subfield within a dynamic array.
Group: Dynamic Array Extensions
Syntax: vNbr = Locate(vVAL, vStringData, [vFLD], [vSUB], [vOption])
vNbr (Variant) is an integer that indicates the location of VAL, or 0 (zero) if VAL is not loc-
vVAL (Variant) is the string value to be located
vStringData (Variant) is the dynamic array variable that will be searched
vFLD (Variant) Optional is the array field number to search
vSUB (Variant) Optional is the array subfield number to search
vOption (Variant) Optional the column within the row to search
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The ‘&’ character is used like the Chr(1) delimiter to separate the different rows. The ‘#’ character is
used like the Chr(2) delimiter to separate different values within a record, In this case, the name and
the age and the language. The ‘@’ symbol is used like Chr(3) to delimit between a sub-field. In this
case, the difference between 2 languages.
Dim Nbr As Integer
Dim sNames As String
sNames = "John#31#Canadian English@UnitedKingdom English&Mike"
Nbr = Locate("Mike", sNames) ' Nbr = 2
Nbr = Locate("John", sNames) ' Nbr = 0 since there is depth to record 1
Nbr = Locate("John", sNames, 1) ' Nbr = 1
Nbr = Locate("31", sNames, 1) ' Nbr = 2 since 1
record was specified
Nbr = Locate("UnitedKingdom English", sNames, 1, 3)
Nbr = 2 since 1
record and 3
subfield was specified
If you do not know the row number where your data is then you can specify 0 in place of the Field and
Sub values to search the entire array.
Nbr = Locate("31", sNames, 0, 0, "V2") ' Nbr = 1
Assuming you know the layout of the array (Name, Age, Language) then you can locate the “31” any-
where in the array and specifically look at column 2 for the match. This will return which row is the
first with the data.
If your columns are Chr(3)-delimited and the rows are still Chr(1)-delimited then use an “S” to find the
sNames = "Names" & "John@Mike@Steve@Rob" & "Addresses"
Nbr = Locate("Steve", sNames, 0, 0, "S3") ' Nbr = 2
You still need to know the format of the array so, in this case, Steve was found in the known third pos-
ition of the unknown second row.
The LocateAdd function will add a value to the dynamic array only if the value being added does not already
exist. If the value does exist but has associated subfields the new value will still be added to the end of the
list. This function does not interact with SUB and SSUB fields and therefore treats a whole record with sub-
fields as 1 string during the compare.
Group: Dynamic Array Extensions
Syntax: LocateAdd(vVAL, vInfo, [vDLM])
vVAL (Variant) is the value to be located or added to the Dynamic Array.
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vInfo (Variant) is the dynamic array variable that will be searched.
vDLM (Variant) Optional is the delimiter to use when searching.
Dim sNames As String
sNames = "John#31#Canadian English@UnitedKingdom English&Mike"
LocateAdd("Mike", sNames) ' Since Mike already exists nothing is added
LocateAdd("John", sNames) ' Since John is associated with subfields in the first record, it will again be added
to the end of the string:
"John#31#Canadian English@UnitedKingdom English&Mike&John"
LocateAdd("Albert", sNames, "X")
This adds “Albert” to the end of the list and uses the letter ‘X’ to separate the last entry and Albert.
The LocateDel function will remove a value from the dynamic array and report the location in the list where it
was. If the value does not exist, 0 is returned. This function does not interact with SUB and SSUB fields and
therefore treats a whole record with subfields as 1 string during the compare.
Group: Dynamic Array Extensions
Syntax: vNbr = LocateDel(vVAL, vInfo, [vDLM]).
vNbr (Variant) the position in the dynamic array where the VAL was found and deleted.
vVAL (Variant) the value to be located and deleted from the Dynamic Array.
vInfo (Variant) is the dynamic array variable that will be searched.
vDLM (Variant) Optional is the delimiter to use when searching.
Dim Nbr As Integer
Dim sNames As String
sNames = "John#31#Canadian English@UnitedKingdom English&Mike"
Nbr = LocateDel("Mike", sNames) ' Nbr = 2, the second record
Nbr = LocateDel("31", sNames, Chr(2))
Nbr = 2, since the age is a subfield specifying the Chr(2) delimiter finds “31” in the second position of the first
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The LocateField function may be used to find the index of a field, subfield, or sub-subfield within a dynamic
For example, if your string is: "Tom;32;England*Jane;29;Spain"
If you wanted to locate "32" with delim ";" the function will return 2 (the second field).
If you wanted for locate "England*Jane" with delim ";" the function will return 3 because they are con-
sidered 1 unit.
Note that the semicolon is ascii 59 and the asterisk is ascii 42.
The way the function operates is by searching the string on the designated character until it reaches an ascii
character that has a lower value.
Group: DynamicArrayExt
Syntax: LocateField(ByVal Find as Variant, ByVal String as Variant, [Byval Delim]) as Variant
Find (Variant) will return the index position of the sought after string/field.
String (Variant) is the string value to be located.
[Delim] (Variant) is the delimiter variable to be located.
Public dynArray As String
Dim i As Variant
Public Property Get delim(sign) As String
Dim v As Variant
v = Array(" ", "#", "@", "&")
delim = v(sign)
End Property
Private Sub btnLoc1_Click()
On Error Resume Next
If TextBox1.Text = "" Then
App.Balloon("Must have Field to find in Textbox", 1)
Exit Sub
End If
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i = LocateField(TextBox1.Text, dynArray)
App.MsgBox(TextBox1.Text & " is at: " & i)
End Sub
The Replace function replaces a field, subfield, or sub-subfield in a dynamic array.
Group Dynamic Array Group
Syntax StringData = vRep(vStringData, vFLD, [vSUB], [vSSUB], vSTR)
vStringData (Variant) is the dynamic array string variable name
vFLD (Variant) is the array field number to search.
vSUB (Variant) Optional is the array subfield number.
vSSUB (Variant) Optional is the array sub-subfield number.
vSTR (Variant) is data or variable name, which will be inserted at the dynamic array loc-
ation (vFLD, vSUB, vSSUB).
Given : "John#31#Canadian English@UnitedKingdom English&Mike"
StringData = Rep(StringData, 2, "Albert") ' removes Mike and returns:
"John#31#Canadian English@UnitedKingdom English&Albert"
StringData = Rep(StringData, 1, "Fred") ' removes whole first record and returns: "Fred&Albert"
Using subfields, given:
"John#31#Canadian English@UnitedKingdom English&Mike"
StringData = Rep(StringData, 1, 2, "80") ' using the first record and the second subfield, 31 is replaced with 80 giving:
"John#80#Canadian English@UnitedKingdom English&Mike"
StringData = Rep(StringData, 1, 3, 2, "US English") ' using the first record, the third subfield and the second sub sub-
field, United Kingdom English is replaces with US English giving:
"John#80#Canadian English@US English&Mike"
The RField function searches a string from the right to extract a sub-string by using a specified delimiter char-
Group: Dynamic Array Extensions
Syntax: vVAL= RField(vStringData, vDelimiter, vStartField, [vNumberFields])
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vVAL (Variant) is the resulting sub-string value located in StringData
vStringData (Variant) is a string or string variable to be searched
vDelimiter (Variant) is a specified delimiter character
vStartField (Variant) is the Delimiter to start from when searching the StringData
vNumberFields (Variant) Optional specifies the number of sub-fields to retrieve.
If VAR = "111|222|333", then:
VAL = RField(VAR, "|", 1) returns VAL = '333'
VAL = RField(VAR, "|", 3) returns VAL = '111'
Note: If StartField = 1, then the RField function will return a sub-string which starts at the end of VAR, up to
the first occurrence of Delimiter.
Embedded Procedure Object
The following section describes:
Embedded Procedures ERP and other stored procedures, macros, etc. that allow functions to be
executed without using a front-end interface.
Properties and Methods The properties of the function are the values sent and received from
the backend system and the methods are commands used to manipulate the function such as
‘execute’ or ‘clear’ that operate on the object itself.
Embedded Procedures
An Embedded Procedure refers to embedding VBA code that performs a previously created task. The user
may generate code for:
Business Functions - typically used with ERP systems.
Business Objects - an object variable used by Microsoft Axapta.
Database Table - used to generate Insert SQL statements.
Stored Procedures - found in ODBC compliant databases.
Transaction Macros - to be queued or executed.
Vocollect Recordsets - defined Vocollect resources.
Web Service Objects - based on Web Service Connector.
Embedded Procedures are intended to be an automated approach to writing VBA code that specifies para-
meters and then executes the procedure. Although you can write the code yourself, RFgen has a code gen-
erator that makes this process much easier.
Methods and Properties
The methods and properties available in the Embedded Procedures group are:
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emProc.Clear, emProc.ColumnCount, emProc.DataSource, emProc.DebugLog, emProc.DisableParam,
emProc.ExecuteMethod, emProc.LogMode, emProc.Name, emProc.Param, emProc.ParamCount,
emProc.ParamEx, emProc.ParamName>
emProc.Queue, emProc.QueueName, emProc.QueueOffline, emProc.QueueSeqNo, emProc.RowCount, and
After the programmer or the Execute method has altered parameters, this command clears all parameters
so it may be used again. This only effects the emProc.Param( ) values.
Group: Embedded Procedure Object
Syntax: emProc.Clear
For a given table, this function will contain the number of parameters or columns as they appear when down-
Group: Embedded Procedure Object
Syntax: vValue = emProc.ColumnCount(vParamId)
vValue (Variant) contains the number of columns or parameters in the specified table.
vParamId (Variant) the name of the table usually referred to by name and in double quotes.
Dim nValue As Long
nValue = emProc.ColumnCount("RETURN")
For a given table or function, this function will display the name of a parameter when referenced by its index
value. If there are no tables use the property ParamName.
Group: Embedded Procedure Object
Syntax: sValue = emProc.ColumnName(vTable, [nIndex])
sValue (String) contains the name of the parameter
vTable (Variant) the table or function name that contains parameters
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nIndex (Long) Optional the number of the parameter for which the name is retrieved. Left off and the
complete list will be returned.
If the embedded procedure had these parameters declared:
emProc.Param("PLANT", "SIGN") = "I"
emProc.Param("PLANT", "OPTION") = "EQ"
emProc.Param("PLANT", "PLANT_LOW") = "3000"
then emProc.ColumnName(“PLANT”, 3) would return “PLANT_LOW”
This property indicates the name of the data source to connect to. This is generally setup in the HOSTS file
assigning an IP address to a name.
Group: Embedded Procedure Object
Syntax: emProc.DataSource = sValue
sValue (String) name of the data source
emProc.DataSource = "RFSample"
This property contains the path to the log file. The log file will contain all function calls by appending to this
Group: Embedded Procedure Object
Syntax: emProc.DebugLog = sValue
Alternate: sValue = emProc.DebugLog
sValue (String) the path to a text file
emProc.DebugLog = "\Program Files\Status.txt"
Only used for SAP connectivity, this method allows the user to request that SAP not send data back in tables
that will not be used. If a BAPI returns 5 tables of data but only 1 will be used, the other 4 can be turned off
to increase the speed SAP returns with results.
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Group: Embedded Procedure Object
Syntax: emProc.DisableParam(vParamID, bDisabled)
vParamID (Variant) the name of the table that is not necessary.
bDisabled (Boolean) set to True if the table should be ignored.
After all values are correctly set, this command sends the values to the ERP system for evaluation. The func-
tion being executed is contained in the emProc.Name property. The properties of the procedure are then
filled in with the results.
Syntax: [bValue =] emProc.Execute
bValue (Boolean) Optional contains a True / False based upon its success.
For Microsoft ERP systems, the user may specify a specific method to be executed. After all values are cor-
rectly set, this command sends the values to the ERP system for evaluation. The function being executed is
contained in the emProc.Name property. The properties of the procedure are then filled in with the results.
Group: Embedded Procedure Object
Syntax: [bValue =] emProc.ExecuteMethod(sName)
bValue (Boolean) Optional contains a True / False based upon its success.
sName (String) the name of the method to execute
This property can be set to log nothing, everything or just errors as it relates to executing business func-
tions, stored procedures or macros. All messages are written to the error log.
Group: Embedded Procedure Object
Syntax: emProc.LogMode = enValue
Alternate: enValue = emProc.LogMode
enValue (enLogMode) an enumeration containing 3 possible values:
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LogNever nothing is written to the log
LogAlways all data, successes and failures are logged
LogFailure only embedded procedure failures are logged
emProc.LogMode = LogAlways
This property contains the function name to be executed.
Group: Embedded Procedure Object
Syntax: emProc.Name = sValue
Alternate: sValue = emProc.Name
sValue (String) the name of the business function
This property controls all the business function’s parameter values.
Syntax: emProc.Param(vParamId, [vColName], [nRowNo]) = vValue
Alternate: vValue = emProc.Param(vParamId, [vColName], [nRowNo])
vValue (Variant) the result of the parameter’s value or the value being placed in the parameter
vParamId (Variant) the name of the table usually referred to by name and in double quotes.
vColName (Variant) Optional the name of the column within a table parameter
nRowNo (Long) Optional the row number within a table parameter
emProc.Param("YEAR") = "2013"
- or -
Dim vValue As Variant
vValue = emProc.Param("RESULTS", "ID", 1)
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For a given business function, this function will contain the number of parameters as they appear when
downloaded. Each table will count as 1 parameter.
Group: Embedded Procedure Object
Syntax: vValue = emProc.ParamCount
vValue (Variant) contains the number of parameters for the specified business function.
Dim nValue as Long
nValue = emProc.ParamCount
For SAP systems only, this property controls all the business function’s parameter values and allows for nes-
ted parameters, like a table parameter that contains another table.
Group: Embedded Procedure Object
emProc.ParamEx(vParamId, vColName, [nRowNo]) = enValue
Alternate: enValue = emProc.ParamEx(vParamId, vColName, [nRowNo])
enValue (EmbeddedParam) the result of the parameter’s value or the value being placed in the parameter
vParamId (Variant) the name of the table usually referred to by name and in double quotes.
vColName (Variant) the name of the column within a table parameter
nRowNo (Long) Optional the row number within a table parameter
Dim sError As Variant
sError = emProc.ParamEx("RETURN", "MESSAGE", 1)
In the case of nested parameters, specify the parameter ID and the column that contains the nested table and then
use “dot” notation to extend the statement.
Dim vValue As Variant
vValue = emProc.ParamEx("ParamId", "Col1").Param("SubParam", "SubCol")
This notation can be used indefinitely to set or obtain data from structures within other structures. The properties avail-
able after the ParamEx property are:
emParam.ParamEx("ParamID", "Col").ColumnCount
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emParam.ParamEx("ParamID", "Col").ColumnName
emParam.ParamEx("ParamID", "Col").Param
emParam.ParamEx("ParamID", "Col").ParamEx
emParam.ParamEx("ParamID", "Col").RowCount
For a given function, this function will display the name of a parameter when referenced by its index value. If
there are tables that contain parameters, use the property ColumnName.
Group: Embedded Procedure Object
Syntax: sValue = emProc.ParamName([nIndex])
sValue (String) contains the name of the parameter
nIndex (Long) Optional the number of the parameter for which the name is retrieved. Left off a full list is
This function returns a Boolean value depending on if the transaction could be queued. This is in place of
executing the business function. The Transaction Manager will add this business function to the queue and
execute it when the host is available and when it gets to the top of the queue. (Also see QueueSeqNo)
Group: Embedded Procedure Object
Syntax: bValue = emProc.Queue
bValue (Boolean) contains a True if the transaction was successfully queued.
Dim bValue as Boolean
bValue = emProc.Queue
Multiple queues are allowed in the transaction manager process (as configured in Configure \ System
Options \ Service Options.) This property will return the name of the queue currently in use. It can also be
used to set which queue processes the transaction.
Group: Embedded Procedure Object
Syntax: sValue = emProc.QueueName
Alternate: emProc.QueueName = sValue
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sValue (String) contains the name of the queue
Dim sValue as String
sValue = emProc.QueueName
- or -
emProc.QueueName = "AltQueue"
This property sets or returns whether the embedded procedure is set to queue if the host is offline.
Group: Embedded Procedure Object
Syntax: bValue = emProc.QueueOffline
Alternate: emProc.QueueOffline = bValue
bValue (Boolean) contains a True or False depending on if the transaction can be or should be queued.
Dim bValue as Boolean
bValue = emProc.QueueOffline
- or -
emProc.QueueOffline = True
This property returns the sequence number given to the queued function using the emProc.Queue method.
Group: Embedded Procedure Object
Syntax: nValue = emProc.QueueSeqNo
nValue (Long) contains the sequence number generated by the Transaction Manager when the function
was queued.
Dim nValue As Long
nValue = emProc.QueueSeqNo
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For a given table, this function will contain the number of rows returned from the function given the passed
Group: Embedded Procedure Object
Syntax: vValue = emProc.RowCount(vParamId)
vValue (Variant) contains the number of rows in the specified table.
vParamId (Variant) the name of the table, usually referred to by name and in double quotes.
For i = 1 To emProc.RowCount("ET_BAPIRET")
If emProc.Param("ET_BAPIRET", "TYPE", i) = "E" Then
tmErrorText = GetErrDesc(emProc.Param("ET_BAPIRET", "NUMBER", i), _
emProc.Param("ET_BAPIRET", "ID", i), _
emProc.Param("ET_BAPIRET", "MESSAGE_V1", i), _
emProc.Param("ET_BAPIRET", "MESSAGE_V2", i), _
emProc.Param("ET_BAPIRET", "MESSAGE_V3", i), _
emProc.Param("ET_BAPIRET", "MESSAGE_V4", i))
GoTo ExitMe
End If
For a given table, this function will contain the list of keys to be used in the internal Where clause when
updating a table.
Group: Embedded Procedure Object
Syntax: [bValue] = emProc.SetKeyFields(ParamArray)
bValue (Boolean) Optional returns the success or failure of the command
ParamArray (param array of Variants) the name of each key for the table in quotes and separated by a
Dim emCUSTOMERS As New EmbeddedProc
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emCUSTOMERS.DataSource = "RFSample"
emCUSTOMERS.Param("CUSTID") = 1001
emCUSTOMERS.Param("HOSTID") = "A1"
emCUSTOMERS.Param("NAME") = "Microsoft"
Enterprise Resource Planning Extensions
Commands relating to ERP capabilities are called from the ERP object.
The commands available for the Enterprise Resource Planning Extension are:
ERP.BeginTrans, ERP.CommitTrans, ERP.LogOff, ERP.LogOn, ERP.MakeList, ERP.ReadData, ERP.Roll-
backTrans, ERP.SetHardRelease, and ERP.SetSession.
This command is used to retrieve an ERP connection from the managed pool and keep it for an unspecified
amount of time. It would typically be used to execute a sequence of ERP commands against a pooled con-
nection. Note: If the connection is not pooled, or will call only a single business function, this command is not
needed. The first ERP data connection is the default Source value.
Group: Enterprise Resource Planning Extensions
Syntax: [bValue =] ERP.BeginTrans([vSource])
bValue (Boolean) Optional A True/False notification that the command processed suc-
vSource (Variant) Optional data source name (DSN) or the data source number
Dim bValue As Boolean
bValue = ERP.BeginTrans(1)
This command is used to release an ERP connection back to the managed pool once the process is finished
with it. Note: You must always use this function paired with ERP.BeginTrans, otherwise you will deplete the
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pool of connections and prevent other users from having ERP access. The first ERP data connection is the
default Source value.
Group: Enterprise Resource Planning Extensions
For an SAP system, this command will also execute BAPI_TRANSACTION_COMMIT.
Syntax: [bValue =] ERP.CommitTrans([vSource])
bValue (Boolean) Optional A True/False notification that the command processed suc-
vSource (Variant) Optional data source name (DSN) or the data source number
Dim bValue As Boolean
bValue = ERP.CommitTrans(1)
This function is used to logoff a non-pooled ERP connection. Note: this function does not need to be called
by the user. The server will call it automatically when shutting down the session. The first ERP data con-
nection is the default Source value.
Group: Enterprise Resource Planning Extensions
Syntax: [bValue =] ERP.LogOff (vSource)
bValue (Boolean) Optional A True/False notification that the command processed
vSource (Variant) data source name (DSN) or the data source number
Dim bValue As Boolean
bValue = ERP.LogOff(1)
This is used to logon the ERP connection and specify a user / password sequence for a non-pooled ERP con-
nection (optional).
Note: the user does not always require this function as the server calls it automatically when a session starts.
Group: Enterprise Resource Planning Extensions
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Syntax: [bValue =] ERP.LogOn (vSource, [vUserId], [vUserPwd], [vOptions])
bValue (Boolean) Optional A True/False notification that the command processed suc-
vSource (Variant) data source name (DSN) or the data source number
vUserId (Variant) Optional The login name to be used to connect to the ERP system
vUserPwd (Variant) Optional The login password to be used to connect to the ERP system
vOptions (Variant) Optional SAP only additional parameters that can be added to the logon
string. Separate multiple parameters with the pipe ( | ) symbol.
CLIENT - SAP Client
LANG - Logon language
SYSNR - SAP System number
ASHOST - SAP application server
MSHOST - SAP message server
GWHOST - Gateway host
GWSERV - Gateway service
R3NAME - R/3 name
GROUP - Group of SAP application servers
TPHOST - Host of the external server program
TYPE - Type of remote host (2 = R/2, 3 = R/3, E = External)
TRACE - Enable RFC trace (1=on, 0 = off)
CODEPAGE - Initial code page in SAP notation
LCHECK - Enable logon check at open time (1=on, 0 = off)
QOSDISABLE - Disable Quality of Service check (1=disable, 0 = enable)
GRT_DATA - Additional data for GUI
USE_GUIHOST - Redirect remote GUI to this Host
USE_GUISERV - Redirect remote GUI to this Service
USE_GUIPROGID - Server program id that will start the remote GUI
SNC_MODE - Enable Secure Network Communications (1=on, 0 = off)
SNC_QOP - SNC Level of security (1-9)
SNC_MYNAME - SNC Name - overrides default SNC partner
SNC_LIB - SNC service library path
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DEST - R/2 destination
SYSTEM - Name of the system as used in the system landscape definition
LOGONMETHOD - Authentication method used to log on to the destination (UIDPW,
Dim bValue As Boolean
bValue = ERP.LogOn("SAP", "User345", "Pass345")
bValue = ERP.LogOn(1, "User345", "Pass345", "CLIENT=800|TYPE=3")
bValue = ERP.LogOn("JDE", "JDEUser", "JDEPass1")
This function executes a pass-through SQL ‘select’ statement against the ERP system’s database and con-
verts the results into a scrolling list. You may use App.ShowList to display the list to the user. The first ERP
data connection is assumed as the source.
Group: Enterprise Resource Planning Extensions
Syntax: sMyList = ERP.MakeList(sSQL, [bRtnAllCols], [bNormalize], [bScale, nMaxRows)
sMyList (String) is the list to be returned for display (i.e., set RSP = MyList to display the list
on the Client device.)
sSQL (String) is the SQL 'SELECT' statement to be sent to the database.
bRtnAllCols (Boolean) Optional when set to True will return all the columns as the potential
key, not just the first column. Default is False.
bNormalize (Boolean) Optional when set to True will trim the spaces from the data so that it
will display consistently. Default is False.
bScale (Boolean) Optional formats the numeric values in the specified column if the data-
base does not store decimals. This option will position a decimal at a position from
the right side. A comma will be used for large numbers. This field is locale specific
and will use the appropriate characters for each region. Default is True.
nMaxRows (Long) Optional limits how many rows will be allowed in the list. Default is 500.
Dim sSQL As String
Dim sMyList As String
sSQL = "select PartNo from ItemMaster"
sMyList = ERP.MakeList(sSQL, True, True, True, 1000)
Rsp = App.ShowList(sMyList)
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Rsp = App.ShowList(ERP.MakeList(sSQL, True, True))
This command executes a read-only SQL statement against the ERP system. Note: In the case of SAP, the
business function RFC_READ_TABLE is used and it is not an officially released BAPI and has significant lim-
itations. Therefore it may not work with all versions of SAP. If this is the case, please contact support for a
Group: Enterprise Resource Planning Extensions
Syntax: [bValue =] ERP.ReadData(sSQL, sCols, sRows)
bValue (Boolean) Optional A True/False notification that the command processed successfully
sSQL (String) the SQL statement to be executed on the ERP table
sCols (String) a variable containing the columns of the resulting data
sRows (String) a variable containing the rows of resulting data
SAP Limitations since the RFC_READ_TABLE function is used, SQL statements must specify at least 1 field.
Using an asterisk (*) or a function will not be accepted. Examples are “select * ”, “select count(*) “, select
SUM(QTY) ”, etc. Only a comma-delimited list of field names is acceptable. Finally you may only specify 1
table in the SQL statement, no joins.
For example, if you would like to retrieve the Material numbers from a table, such as the Material Documents
table within SAP, specify the following:
Dim bValue As Boolean
bValue = ERP.ReadData("select MATNR from MSEG", sCols, sRows)
This command is used to undo executed functions against an ERP connection assuming the ERP system is
capable of undoing those functions. The first ERP data connection is the default Source value.
For an SAP system, this command will also execute BAPI_TRANSACTION_ROLLBACK.
Group: Enterprise Resource Planning Extensions
Syntax: [bValue =] ERP.RollbackTrans ([vSource])
bValue (Boolean) Optional A True/False notification that the command processed suc-
vSource (Variant) Optional data source name (DSN) or the data source number
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Dim bValue As Boolean
bValue = ERP.RollbackTrans(1)
This function (exclusively for JDE connections) is to be called at the beginning of any transaction macro that
will be affected by the resource leak in JD Edwards. It sets an internal flag that will release the data pointers
when an ERP.CommitTrans or ERP.RollbackTrans is called. At this point the internal flag is toggled off.
Group: Enterprise Resource Planning Extensions
Syntax: ERP.SetHardRelease
If there is more than one ERP connection and a transaction may need them independently but at the same
time, ERP.SetSession will direct embedded business functions to the specified session, ignoring the defaults.
The ‘DataSource’ method will overwrite this function if it is included in the VBA code.
Group: Enterprise Resource Planning Extensions
Syntax: [bValue =] ERP.SetSession (vSource)
bValue (Boolean) Optional A True/False notification that the command processed suc-
vSource (Variant) data source name (DSN) or the data source number. Setting this value to 0
will re-enable automatic determination of which data connection should be used
based on which connection was used to download a particular business function
being called.
Dim bValue As Boolean
bValue = ERP.SetSession(1)
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Form Extensions
Form language extensions are a group of general commands that control the properties or behavior of a
form or child controls on a form.
The extensions available with the form are:
Form.Advance, Form.Align, Form.Backcolor, Form.Backcolorex, Form.Backstyle, Form.backup, Form.Border-
Style, Form.Caption, Form.Checked, Form.Children, Form.Defaults, Form.Edits, Form.ErrMsg, Form.FieldID,
Form.Font, Form.ForeColor, Form.format, Form.Height, Form.IconSet, Form.Image, Form.Index, Form.In-
putState, Form.KeyBoardMode, Form.Label, Form.Layout, Form.Left, Form.List, Form.Map, Form.MaskIn-
put, Form.MonitorKeys, Form.PayNo, Form.Parent, Form.Required, Form.ScrollBars, Form.SelLength,
Form.SetFocus, Form.ShowKeyBoard, Form.State, Form.Tab, Form.TabNo, Form.Tag, Form.Text,
Form.Top, Form.Type, Form.Visible, and Form.Width.
This command is used to quickly change the icons displayed on a form. For example, if you have users for
whom you want to change which icons are available at a specific moment in time, this extension allows you
to change them as needed.
Group: Prompt-Specific Extensions
Syntax: Form.IconSet (Index, IconType, IconName, IconAction, IconVisible)
Index (Long) the index of the existing icon
The icon's index is typically in Themes > Application > SystemIcons > Manage
Icons Collection > Icon ID
IconAction The new icon action that will replace the action assigned to the existing icon --
select from Intellisense.
IconName The name of the icon to be changed on a form. Select the icon switch to from Intel-
IconType The icon that will replace the existing icon -- select from the drop down list in Intel-
IconVisible (Optional) Sets whether the icon will be visible or not at runtime.
Form.IconSet(1,iconArrowFilled, "", "Backup")
Versions Supported: RFgen and newer.
This command returns the page number of the active page (the page that is displaying at runtime.)
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Group: Prompt-Specific Extensions
vPage = Form.PageNo
vPage (Variant) is the page number.
If MenuAction = "SysBack" Then
MenuAction = ""
‘Get the page number of the active page and
‘make it the Case number
Select Case Form.PageNo
Case 1: App.ExitForm
Case 2: Call BackFromPage2
Case 3: Call BackFromPage3
End Select
End If
Public Sub BackFromPage2
‘1stLine is on page 1
End Sub
Public Sub BackFromPage3
‘Txt2Mat is on page 2
End Sub
JDE Processing Option
This function is used with systems in the Oracle JD Edwards ERP, and requires the downloaded JDE pro-
cessing options to the form where you plan to use this object.
The parameters available for use with the Oracle JD Edwards Processing Options Extension are:
Count, JDEProcOpt, ParamName, ProgamId, SetProcOptionFields, TemplateId, Value, and Version.
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Use this object to retrieve and interact with processing options for specified versions of the JDE application.
(Requires the JDE Processing Option be downloaded to your form.)
The properties of the function are values sent and received from the JDE Processing Options database
The number of processing option values in the JDEProcOpt object.
Group: JDE Processing Option
Syntax: Object value, Object property = JDEcount
Dim oJDE As New JDEProcOpt
Dim iCnt As Integer
oJDE.ProgramId = “P4113”
oJDE.Version = “ZJDE0001”
iCnt = oJDE.Count
This will return total count 19
The name of a processing option at a specified index.
Group: JDE Processing Option
Syntax: Object value, Object property = JDEparamname
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Dim sDOCTYPE As String
Dim oJDE As New JDEProcOpt
oJDE.ProgramId = “P4113”
oJDE.Version = “ZJDE0001”
sDOCTYPE = oJDE.ParamName(1)
The result of sDOCTYPE will be “Documenttype”
The programID of the JDE processing option.
Group: JDE Processing Option
Object value, Object property = JDEprogramID
Private moProcOPT As New JDEProcOpt
' Get Proc.Opt. Version from Menu
msPgm = App.GetValue("Pgm")
msVersion = App.GetValue("Vers")
moProcOPT.ProgramId = "P4113"
moProcOPT.Version = "ZJDE0001"
msDOCTYPE = moProcOPT.Value("Documenttype")
' get DocType from Proc.Opt.
msDOCTYPE = GetProcOpt(msPgm,msVersion,"1;1",sHeader)
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The ID of the template used for the Processing Object.
Group: JDE Processing Option
Syntax: Object value, Object property = JDEtemplateID
Dim sTemplateId As String
Dim oJDE As New JDEProcOpt
oJDE.ProgramID = “P4113”
oJDE.Version = “ZJDE0001”
sTemplateId = oJDE.TemplateId
The result of sTemplateId is ‘T4113’
This property returns the value specified in the process option table.
Group: JDE Processing Option
Object value, Object property = ProcOPT.value( )
Note: To view Value property parameters, hit CTRL+Space after you open the parenthesis of a value prop-
erty. Alternatively, you can right-click in the scripting window, and select “embed code” which gives you an
option to generate some of this code.
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Private moProcOPT As New JDEProcOpt
' Get Proc.Opt. Version from Menu
msPgm = App.GetValue("Pgm")
moVersion = App.GetValue("Vers")
moProcOPT.ProgramId = "P4113"
moProcOPT.Version = "ZJDE0001"
msDOCTYPE = moProcOPT.Value("Documenttype")
' get DocType from Proc.Opt.
msDOCTYPE = GetProcOpt(msPgm,msVersion,"1;1",sHeader)
Obtains the version of the object specified.
Group: JDE Processing Option
Syntax: Object value, Object property = JDEversion
' Get Proc.Opt. Version from Menu
msPgm = App.GetValue("Pgm")
msVersion = App.GetValue("Vers")
moProcOPT.ProgramId = "P4113"
moProcOPT.Version = "ZJDE0001"
msDOCTYPE = moProcOPT.Value("Documenttype")
' get DocType from Proc.Opt.
msDOCTYPE = GetProcOpt(msPgm,msVersion,"1;1",sHeader)
This property contains a collection of properties, methods, and objects for creating and stylizing a list. The
list collection can be generated via the AddItem method or with the DB.MakeList or the App.MakeList or
Prompt.List.LoadCells functions and then assigned to the list box, combo box, or menu via this property.
These properties and methods only apply to prompts that can contain a list such as the ListBox, MenuList
and Combobox, DataGrid, TreeView and PanelList.
Group: Prompt-Specific Extensions
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Syntax: RFPrompt.List.[The property or method selected from Intellisense List).
'The following uses the DB.MakeList function in the ListBox_GotFocus event to populate the Lsit property of teh ListBox
Dim sMyList As String
Dim sSQL As String
sSQL = "select PartNo from Inventory"
sMyList = DB.MakeList(sSQL)
RFPrompt (4).List = sMyList
Version Supported: RFgen 4.0, 4.1, 5.0, 5.1, 5.2 and newer.
This property contains a collection of properties, methods, and objects for creating and stylizing a list. The
list collection can be generated via the AddItem method or with the DB.MakeList or the App.MakeList or
Prompt.List.LoadCells functions and then assigned to the list box, combo box, or menu via this property.
These properties and methods only apply to prompts that can contain a list such as the ListBox, MenuList
and Combobox, DataGrid, TreeView and PanelList.
Group: Prompt-Specific Extensions
Syntax: RFPrompt.List.[The property or method selected from Intellisense List).
'The following uses the DB.MakeList function in the ListBox_GotFocus event to populate the Lsit property of teh ListBox
Dim sMyList As String
Dim sSQL As String
sSQL = "select PartNo from Inventory"
sMyList = DB.MakeList(sSQL)
RFPrompt (4).List = sMyList
Version Supported: RFgen 4.0, 4.1, 5.0, 5.1, 5.2 and newer.
This returns a pointer to the currently selected row, or returns nothing if no row was selected. It is simply a
fast path to what the user clicked on.
[Control].List. ActiveRow is different than [Control].List.Index in that there is an integer representing the act-
ive element in the list (-1 = unselected, 0-nn for elements). You would use [Control].List.Index like [Con-
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Copyright © 2024 RFgen Software. A division of DataMAX Software Group, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
trol].List.Row([Control].List.Index).Cell(1).Value. But with the active row object, you would use it like [Con-
Group: Prompt-Specific Extensions
Syntax: PromptID.List.ActiveRow
ActiveRow (vbaRow) The place where the cursor is to be returned.
Dim i As Integer
Dim sRowData As String
Dim iCol As Integer
For i = 1 To iCol
sRowData = sRowData & CStr(RFPrompt(sRFPrompt).List.ActiveRow.Cell(i).Value) & vbCrLf
This method is used to add a set of columns in an empty ListBox control, or to replace an existing set of
columns in a ListBox. This method is also used to add a new panel to a PanelList control in the event you
want the arrangement of data to be different from the previous panel.
Group: Prompt-Specific Extensions
Prompt.List.AddColSet( )
‘Builds your first set of columns
‘Makes the columns easier to see
ListBox1.List.ColSet(1).LineStyle = LineBoth
‘Adds a column and designates it as the first in column in the set (group) of columns.
‘Adds a caption to the column heading to the first column in a set of columns
ListBox1.List.ColSet(1).Column(1).Caption = “Col1”
This method is used to build a list of values in a Search List or a List control and return a row object. This can
be used for a single or multiple columns if desired.
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Group: Prompt-Specific Extensions
Syntax: [oVBARow] = List.AddItem(SelValue,,DisplayColumn())
vSelValue (Variant) Selects the values from a referenced variable, where the first SelValue is used to
define the number of columns that are to be created in the list, and the second SelValue defines the number
of rows that are to be created and displayed in the list.
DisplayColumns () Will display the data that was added to the Search List
vParamArray Is a keyword. Creates an array from the values provided by the two arguments SelValue.
vbaRows Optional. Returns the value for the vba row object.
The following uses the AddItem method in the OnEnter event in one prompt to populate the list in another
For i = 1 To iCnt
sSrcBin = DB.Extract(sCols, sRows, i, "VLPLA")
sOrder = DB.Extract(sCols, sRows, i, "WHO")
If sSrcBin <> "" Then
If Locate(sSrcBin, sRows1) = 0 And Locate(sOrder, sDups) = 0 Then
oList.AddItem(sOrder, RemoveZeros(sOrder))
LocateAdd(sOrder, sDups)
End If
End If
This alternate method is used to manually add items to a MenuList control set to a graphical mode. You must
specify the value to be returned should the user choose the selection. Image Resource name applies a
graphic to the list entry. The Options parameter is used if the MenuList control is acting as a menu where the
user can select forms to go to and each one requires additional passed information. See the Options column
in the Menus / Roles List. The Display Columns array is the data to be displayed across multiple columns if
Group: Prompt-Specific Extensions
[vIndex = ] PromptID.List.AddItemEx(vValue, vImage, vOptions, vDispCols)
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vIndex (Variant) Optional the row index where the new entry was appended
vValue (Variant) the item to add to the list
vImage (Variant) the image associated with the list entry
vOptions (Variant) the option for the menu item
vDispCols (Variant) the data to be displayed. This is in the format: "display1", "display2", "display3". The
MenuList control will determine the widest value in each column and format the columns so they align prop-
erly regardless of font.
The following uses the AddItemEx method in the OnEnter event in one prompt to populate the list in another
Public Sub txtBox_OnEnter(Rsp As String, Cancel As Boolean, ErrMsg As String)
On Error Resume Next
lstCars.List.AddItemEx("1","imgCheap", "", "VW Bug","Chevy Colt","Dodge Dart")
lstCars.List.AddItemEx("2","imgMiddle", "", "Prius","Camry","Tacoma")
lstCars.List.AddItemEx("3","imgExpensive", "", "Corvette","Tesla","Lamborghini")
End Sub
This extension will begin the process of preventing the list from drawing its content while the client is waiting
for the server to retrieve all the changes. The client will continue to wait until a prompt.List.EndUpdate com-
mand is issued.
There are a variety of scenarios where this command can be used, but one of the most common is with the
processing of large lists of data. The submission of partial data packets to the client can trigger time-con-
suming screen updates which can be a toll on the client . This command will help with performance by hav-
ing the server do the updates, then, when the command "prompt.List.EndUpdates" is executed, the list can
revert to its normal drawing state.
Remember to use the prompt.List.EndUpdate script to restore the list to its drawing state or else you’ll have
a blank screen.
Group: Prompt-Specific Extensions
Syntax: Prompt.List.BeginUpdate()
Private Sub Form_Load()
On Error Resume Next
'This refreshes the breadcrumbs at the top of a form with a user's prompt selections.
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Form.Caption = App.GetString(Link.msTitle)
txtFilter.Visible = False
listItems.List.LoadCells(Link.msList, Link.mbRowValue, Link.miColumns)
Link.mbCancel = True
End Sub
Versions Supported: RFgen and newer.
This method is used to read or change values or properties of a specific cell within a control that contains
multiple rows and columns.
Group: Prompt-Specific Extensions
PromptID.List.Cell(Row, Col).<method or property>
Row (Long) specifies the row number in the grid.
Col (Long) specifies the column number in the grid.
RFPrompt("lstCars").List.Cell(2, 2).Value = "1969"
RFPrompt(2).List.Cell(2, 2).Bold = True
This method is used to read or change the primary background color of a specific cell within a control that
contains multiple rows and columns.
Group: Prompt-Specific Extensions
PromptID.List.Cell(x,y).BackColor1 = vValue
Alternate: lValue = PromptID.List.Cell(x,y).BackColor1
lValue (Long) is the color.
vValue (Variant) sets the color.
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lstCars.List.Cell(2, 2).BackColor1 = RGB(255,255,0) 'yellow
lstCars.List.Cell(2, 2).BackColor1 = &HFF0000 'blue
lstCars.List.Cell(2, 2).BackColor1 = QBColor(5) 'magenta
RFPrompt("lstCars").List.Cell(2, 2).BackColor1 = vbWhite
RFPrompt(1).List.Cell(2, 2).BackColor1 = vbWhite
This method is used to read or change the secondary background color of a specific cell within a control that
contains multiple rows and columns. It is used to produce gradients from one color to another.
Group: Prompt-Specific Extensions
PromptID.List.Cell(x,y).BackColor2 = vValue
Alternate: lValue = PromptID.List.Cell(x,y).BackColor2
lValue (Long) is the color.
vValue (Variant) sets the color.
lstCars.List.Cell(2, 2).BackGradient = GradientVertical
lstCars.List.Cell(2, 2).BackColor2 = RGB(255,255,0) 'yellow
lstCars.List.Cell(2, 2).BackColor2 = &HFF0000 'blue
lstCars.List.Cell(2, 2).BackColor2 = QBColor(5) 'magenta
RFPrompt("lstCars").List.Cell(2, 2).BackColor2 = vbWhite
RFPrompt(1).List.Cell(2, 2).BackColor2 = vbWhite
This property uses either just the BackColor(1) for solid backgrounds or both BackColor properties to create
gradients in one of several directions for a specific cell within a control that contains multiple rows and
Group: Prompt-Specific Extensions
PromptID.List.Cell(x,y).BackGradient = enValue
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enValue (enGradients) enumeration that contains GradientDefault, GradientDiagonalLeft, Gradi-
entDiagonalRight, GradientHorizontal, GradientNone, GradientVertical and GradientVerticalSplit
lstCars.List.Cell(2, 2).BackColor1 = RGB(0,0,255)
lstCars.List.Cell(2, 2).BackColor2 = vbWhite
lstCars.List.Cell(2, 2).BackGradient = GradientVertical
lstCars.List.Cell(2, 2).BackGradient = GradientVertical
lstCars.List.Cell(2, 2).BackGradient = GradientVertical
This property accesses the prompt’s data field bold option for a specific cell within a control that contains
multiple rows and columns.
Group: Prompt-Specific Extensions
PromptID.List.Cell(x,y).Bold = bValue
Alternate: bValue = PromptID.List.Cell(x,y).Bold
bValue (Boolean) is True or False for bold or not bold.
lstCars.List.Cell(2, 2).Bold = True
RFPrompt("lstCars").List.Cell(2, 2).Bold = True
RFPrompt(2).List.Cell(2, 2).Bold = True
This property expands or collapses all child nodes of the row specified for a Tree control. The column num-
ber is typically 1.
Group: Prompt-Specific Extensions
PromptID.List.Cell(x,y).Expanded = bValue
Alternate: bValue = PromptID.List.Cell(x,y).Expanded
bValue (Boolean) is True or False for expanding or collapsing all child nodes of the specified row
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lstCars.List.Cell(2, 1).Expanded = True
lstCars.List.Cell(2, 1).Expanded = False
This method is used to read or change the fore color of a specific cell within a control that contains multiple
rows and columns.
Group: Prompt-Specific Extensions
PromptID.List.Cell(x,y).ForeColor = vValue
Alternate: lValue = PromptID.List.Cell(x,y).ForeColor
lValue (Long) is the color.
vValue (Variant) sets the color.
lstCars.List.Cell(2, 2).ForeColor = RGB(255,255,0) 'yellow
lstCars.List.Cell(2, 2).ForeColor = &HFF0000 'blue
lstCars.List.Cell(2, 2).ForeColor = QBColor(5) 'magenta
RFPrompt("lstCars").List.Cell(2, 2).ForeColor = vbWhite
RFPrompt(1).List.Cell(2, 2).ForeColor = vbWhite
This property gets or sets the level of the specified node within the tree. This property is only used for the
Tree control.
Group: Prompt-Specific Extensions
PromptID.List.Cell(x,y).Indent = nValue
Alternate: nValue = PromptID.List.Cell(x,y).Indent
nValue (Long) is the node level within the tree
lstCars.List.Cell(5, 1).Indent = 4
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This property accesses the prompt’s data field italic option for a specific cell within a control that contains
multiple rows and columns.
Group: Prompt-Specific Extensions
PromptID.List.Cell(x,y).Italic = bValue
Alternate: bValue = PromptID.List.Cell(x,y).Italic
bValue (Boolean) is True or False for italic or not italic.
lstCars.List.Cell(2, 2).Italic = True
RFPrompt("lstCars").List.Cell(2, 2).Italic = True
RFPrompt(2).List.Cell(2, 2).Italic = True
This property accesses the prompt’s data field underline option for a specific cell within a control that con-
tains multiple rows and columns.
Group: Prompt-Specific Extensions
PromptID.List.Cell(x,y).Underline = bValue
Alternate: bValue = PromptID.List.Cell(x,y).Underline
bValue (Boolean) is True or False for underline or not underline.
lstCars.List.Cell(2, 2).Underline = True
RFPrompt("lstCars").List.Cell(2, 2).Underline = True
RFPrompt(2).List.Cell(2, 2).Underline = True
This property accesses the prompt’s data field value for a specific cell within a control that contains multiple
rows and columns.
Group: Prompt-Specific Extensions
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PromptID.List.Cell(x,y).Value = vValue
Alternate: vValue = PromptID.List.Cell(x,y).Value
vValue (Variant) is the value within the cell.
lstCars.List.Cell(2, 2).Value = "1"
RFPrompt("lstCars").List.Cell(2, 2).Value = "1"
vValue = RFPrompt(2).List.Cell(2, 2).Value
This method is used to delete all columns and column sets from a List Box, Combo Box or Menu List. Note
that there is no function to restore the columns or column sets to their original designer values after they
have been cleared (deleted).
Group: Prompt-Specific Extensions
Syntax: PromptID.List.Clear
Clear Will delete columns and column sets.
bClearColumns (Boolean) Optional True will delete all columns and column sets; False will
also delete all columns and column sets.
This method is used to read or change properties of a specific column within a control that contains columns.
Group: Prompt-Specific Extensions
Syntax: PromptID.List.Column(Col).<method or property>
Column(x) (Long) specifies the column number in the grid
lstCars.List.Column(2).Width = 10
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RFPrompt(2).List.Column(2).Width = 10
This property aligns the text or object of the column within a control that contains columns. For text types
use the Text enumerations. For Image or Checkbox types use the general enumerations. The options are:
BottomCenter, BottomLeft, BottomRight, CenterCenter, CenterLeft, CenterRight, TextCenter, TextLeft, Tex-
tRight., TopCenter, TopLeft, TopRight
Group: Prompt-Specific Extensions
Syntax: PromptID.List.Column(x).Align = enValue
enValue (enColAlign) an enumeration that contains BottomCenter, BottomLeft, BottomRight,
CenterCenter, CenterLeft, CenterRight, TextCenter, TextLeft, TextRight,
TopCenter, TopLeft, TopRight
lstCars.List.Column(2).Align = TextCenter
RFPrompt("lstCars").List.Column(2).Align = TextCenter
This property will size the column based on the widest value in that column.
Group: Prompt-Specific Extensions
Syntax: PromptID.List.Column(x).Autosize = bValue
bValue (Boolean) set to True or False to autosize the width of the column.
lstCars.List.Column(2).Autosize = True
RFPrompt("lstCars").Autosize = True
RFPrompt(2).Autosize = True
This method is used to read or change the primary background color of the whole column within a control
that contains multiple rows and columns.
Group: Prompt-Specific Extensions
Syntax: PromptID.List.Column(x).BackColor1 = vValue
Alternate: lValue = PromptID.List.Column(x).BackColor1
lValue (Long) is the color.
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vValue (Variant) sets the color.
lstCars.List.Column(2).BackColor1 = RGB(255,255,0) 'yellow
lstCars.List.Column(2).BackColor1 = &HFF0000 'blue
lstCars.List.Column(2).BackColor1 = QBColor(5) 'magenta
RFPrompt("lstCars").List.Column(2).BackColor1 = vbWhite
RFPrompt(1).List.Column(2).BackColor1 = vbWhite
This method is used to read or change the secondary background color of the whole column within a control
that contains multiple rows and columns. It is used to produce gradients from one color to another.
Group: Prompt-Specific Extensions
Syntax: PromptID.List.Column(x).BackColor2 = vValue
Alternate: lValue = PromptID.List.Column(x).BackColor2
lValue (Long) is the color.
vValue (Variant) sets the color.
lstCars.List.Column(2).BackGradient = GradientVertical
lstCars.List.Column(2).BackColor2 = RGB(255,255,0) 'yellow
lstCars.List.Column(2).BackColor2 = &HFF0000 'blue
lstCars.List.Column(2).BackColor2 = QBColor(5) 'magenta
RFPrompt("lstCars").List.Column(2).BackColor2 = vbWhite
RFPrompt(1).List.Column(2).BackColor2 = vbWhite
This property uses either just the BackColor(1) for solid backgrounds or both BackColor properties to create
gradients in one of several directions for the whole column within a control that contains multiple columns.
Group: Prompt-Specific Extensions
Syntax: PromptID.List.Column(x).BackGradient = enValue
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enValue (enGradients) enumeration that contains GradientDefault, GradientDiagonalLeft,
GradientDiagonalRight, GradientHorizontal, GradientNone, GradientVertical and
lstCars.List.Column(2).BackColor1 = RGB(0,0,255)
lstCars.List.Column(2).BackColor2 = vbWhite
lstCars.List.Column(2).BackGradient = GradientVertical
RFPrompt("lstCars").List.Column(2).BackGradient = GradientVertical
RFPrompt(1).List.Column(2).BackGradient = GradientVertical
This property accesses the column’s bold option for the whole column within a control that contains
Group: Prompt-Specific Extensions
Syntax: PromptID.List.Column(x).Bold = bValue
Alternate: bValue = PromptID.List.Column(x).Bold
bValue (Boolean) is True or False for bold or not bold.
lstCars.List.Column(2).Bold = True
RFPrompt("lstCars").List.Column(2).Bold = True
RFPrompt(2).List.Column(2).Bold = True
This property accesses the caption associated with the specified column.
Group: Prompt-Specific Extensions
Syntax: PromptID.List.Column(x).Caption = vValue
Alternate: sValue = PromptID.List.Column(x).Caption
sValue (String) is the title of the column.
vValue (Variant) sets the title of the column.
lstCars.List.Column(2).Caption = "Model"
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RFPrompt("lstCars").List.Column(2).Caption = "Model"
RFPrompt(1).List.Column(2).Caption = "Model"
This property accesses the display only property associated with the specified column. Setting it to True
makes all the cells in that column unchangeable.
Group: Prompt-Specific Extensions
Syntax: PromptID.List.Column(x).DisplayOnly = bValue
Alternate: bValue = PromptID.List.Column(x).DisplayOnly
bValue (Boolean) is the display only state for the prompt.
lstCars.List.Column(2).DisplayOnly = True
RFPrompt("txtPart").List.Column(2).DisplayOnly = False
RFPrompt(2).List.Column(2).DisplayOnly = False
This property accesses the font size parameter associated with a specified column in a coltrol that supports
columns like a Listbox or Combobox.
Group: Prompt-Specific Extensions
Syntax: PromptID.List.Column(x).FontSize = lValue
Alternate: vValue = PromptID. List.Column(x).FontSize
vValue (Variant) is the font size.
lValue (Long) sets the font size.
lstCars.List.Column(2).FontSize = 15
This property accesses the column’s fore color property associated with the specified column.
Group: Prompt-Specific Extensions
Syntax: PromptID.List.Column(x).ForeColor = lValue
Alternate: vValue = PromptID. List.Column(x).ForeColor
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vValue (Variant) is the color.
lValue (Long) sets the color.
lstCars.List.Column(2).ForeColor = RGB(255,255,0) 'yellow
lstCars.List.Column(2).ForeColor = &HFF0000 'blue
lstCars.List.Column(2).ForeColor = QBColor(5) 'magenta
RFPrompt("lstCars").List.Column(2).ForeColor = vbWhite
RFPrompt(2).List.Column(2).ForeColor = vbWhite
This property affects the format of the whole specified column. It is only an extension of the Format VBA
Group: Prompt-Specific Extensions
Syntax: PromptID.List.Column(x).Format = sValue
Alternate: sValue = PromptID.List.Column(x).Format
sValue (String) is the format mask to use when displaying data for the prompt.
lstCars.List.Column(2).Format = "hh:mm"
RFPrompt("lstCars").List.Column(2).Format = "hh:mm"
c - General Date
dddddd - Long Date
ddddd - Short Date
ttttt - Long Time
hh:mm AMPM - Medium Time
hh:mm - Short Time
$#,##0.00 or ($#,##0.00) - Currency 0.00 - Fixed
#,##0.00 - Standard 0.00% - Percent 0.00E+00 - Scientific
Yes/No - Return "No" if zero, else return "Yes"
True/False - Return "True" if zero, else return "False"
On/Off - Return "On" if zero, else return "Off"
For further examples get help on the VB FORMAT command.
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This property sets the images in this column to a specific height with prompts that support column.
Group: Prompt-Specific Extensions
Syntax: PromptID.List.Column(x).ImageHeight = lValue
Alternate: lValue = PromptID.List.Column(x).ImageHeight
lValue (Long) is the pixel height size for images in this column
lstCars.List.Column(1).ImageHeight = 10
This property sets the images in this column to a specific width with prompts that support column.
Group: Prompt-Specific Extensions
Syntax: PromptID.List.Column(x).ImageWidth = lValue
Alternate: lValue = PromptID.List.Column(x).ImageWidth
lValue (Long) is the pixel width size for images in this column
lstCars.List.Column(1).ImageWidth = 10
This property accesses the column’s italic option for the whole column within a control that contains
Group: Prompt-Specific Extensions
Syntax: PromptID.List.Column(x).Italic = bValue
Alternate: bValue = PromptID.List.Column(x).Italic
bValue (Boolean) is True or False for italic or not italic.
lstCars.List.Column(2).Italic = True
RFPrompt("lstCars").List.Column(2).Italic = True
RFPrompt(2).List.Column(2).Italic = True
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This property pads the bottom of all the cells in a specified column. It also contributes to the overall height of
the entire row.
Group: Prompt-Specific Extensions
Syntax: PromptID.List.Column(x).MarginBottom = lValue
Alternate: lValue = PromptID.List.Column(x).MarginBottom
lValue (Long) the padding in pixels between the contents of a cell and the bottom of the cell.
lstCars.List.Column(2).MarginBottom = 5
RFPrompt("lstCars").List.Column(2).MarginBottom = 5
RFPrompt(2).List.Column(2).MarginBottom = 5
This property pads the left of all the cells in a specified column.
Group: Prompt-Specific Extensions
Syntax: PromptID.List.Column(x).MarginLeft = lValue
Alternate: lValue = PromptID.List.Column(x).MarginLeft
lValue (Long) the padding in pixels between the contents of a cell and the left of the cell.
lstCars.List.Column(2).MarginLeft = 5
RFPrompt("lstCars").List.Column(2).MarginLeft = 5
RFPrompt(2).List.Column(2).MarginLeft = 5
This property pads the right of all the cells in a specified column.
Syntax: PromptID.List.Column(x).MarginRight = lValue
Alternate: lValue = PromptID.List.Column(x).MarginRight
lValue (Long) the padding in pixels between the contents of a cell and the right of the cell.
lstCars.List.Column(2).MarginRight = 5
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RFPrompt("lstCars").List.Column(2).MarginRight = 5
RFPrompt(2).List.Column(2).MarginRight = 5
This property pads the top of all the cells in a specified column. It also contributes to the overall height of the
entire row.
Syntax: PromptID.List.Column(x).MarginTop = lValue
Alternate: lValue = PromptID.List.Column(x).MarginTop
lValue (Long) the padding in pixels between the contents of a cell and the top of the cell.
lstCars.List.Column(2).MarginTop = 5
RFPrompt("lstCars").List.Column(2).MarginTop = 5
RFPrompt(2).List.Column(2).MarginTop = 5
This property formats the numeric values in the specified column if the database does not store decimals.
This option will position a decimal at a position from the right side. A comma will be used for large numbers.
This field is locale specific and will use the appropriate characters for each region.
Group: Prompt-Specific Extensions
Syntax: PromptID.List.Column(x).ScaleDecimals = vValue
Alternate: vValue = PromptID.List.Column(x).ScaleDecimals
vValue (Variant) is the decimal position.
lstCars.List.Column(1).ScaleDecimals = 2 'This should how 30.00 if the value was 3000.
RFPrompt("lstCars").List.Column(1).ScaleDecimals = 2
RFPrompt(8).List.Column(1).ScaleDecimals = 2
This property gets or sets the type of column. The values are Text, Image, and Check box.
Group: Prompt-Specific Extensions
Syntax: PromptID.List.Column(x).Style = enStyle
Alternate: enStyle = PromptID.List.Column(x).Style
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enStyle (enColumnStyle) Contains ColumnStyleCheck, ColumnStyleImage, and Colum-
lstCars.List.Column(1).Style = ColumnStyleCheck
RFPrompt("lstCars").List.Column(1).Style = ColumnStyleText
RFPrompt(8).List.Column(1).Style = ColumnStyleImage
This property formats the values in the specified column by deleting the leading and trailing spaces in the
Group: Prompt-Specific Extensions
Syntax: PromptID.List.Column(x).TrimSpaces = bValue
Alternate: bValue = PromptID.List.Column(x).TrimSpaces
bValue (Boolean) set to True to trim all space from the data.
lstCars.List.Column(1).TrimSpaces = True
RFPrompt("lstCars").List.Column(1). TrimSpaces = True
RFPrompt(8).List.Column(1). TrimSpaces = True
This property accesses the column’s underline option for the whole column within a control that contains
Group: Prompt-Specific Extensions
Syntax: PromptID.List.Column(x).Underline = bValue
Alternate: bValue = PromptID.List.Column(x).Underline
bValue (Boolean) is True or False for underline or not underline.
lstCars.List.Column(2).Underline = True
RFPrompt("lstCars").List.Column(2).Underline = True
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RFPrompt(2).List.Column(2).Underline = True
This property makes visible or invisible the whole column within a control that contains columns.
Group: Prompt-Specific Extensions
Syntax: PromptID.List.Column(x).Visible = bValue
Alternate: bValue = PromptID.List.Column(x).Visible
bValue (Boolean) is True or False for column visibility.
lstCars.List.Column(2).Visible = True
RFPrompt("lstCars").List.Column(2).Visible = True
RFPrompt(2).List.Column(2).Visible = True
This property sets or returns the width of the column within a control that contains columns.
Group: Prompt-Specific Extensions
Syntax: PromptID.List.Column(x).Width = vValue
Alternate: vValue = PromptID.List.Column(x).Visible
vValue (Variant) sets or gets the width of the specified column.
lstCars.List.Column(2).Width = 25
RFPrompt("lstCars").List.Column(2).Width = 25
RFPrompt(2).List.Column(2).Width = 25
This property returns the number of columns in the control.
Group: Prompt-Specific Extensions
Syntax: vValue = PromptID.List.Columns
vValue (Variant) gets the number of columns in the control.
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Dim iCnt As Integer
iCnt = lstCars.List.Columns
iCnt = RFPrompt("lstCars").List.Columns
iCnt = RFPrompt(2).List.Columns
This function returns the number of items in the list collection.
Group: Prompt-Specific Extensions
Syntax: vValue = PromptID.List.Count
vValue (Variant) the number of items in the list
Dim nValue as Long
nValue = lstCars.List.Count
nValue = RFPrompt("lstCars").List.Count
nValue = RFPrompt(2).List.Count
The list collection can be generated via the DB.MakeList, App.MakeList or ERP.MakeList functions and then
assigned to the Listbox, Combobox or MenuList via this property.
Group: Prompt-Specific Extensions
Syntax: PromptID.List = vMyList
Alternate: sMyList = PromptID.List
vMyList (Variant) the list generated with the MakeList functions.
sMyList (String) the list contained in the prompt
The following uses the DB.MakeList function in the ListBox_GotFocus event to populate the List property of
the list box.
Dim sMyList As String
Dim sSQL As String
sSQL = "select PartNo from Inventory"
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sMyList = DB.MakeList(sSQL)
lstParts.List.Data = sMyList
lstParts.List.Data = DB.MakeList(sSQL)
The command will restore a list to its normal drawing state, and should be used after calling List.Be-
ginUpdate extension. For more information, see prompt.List.BeginUpdate.
Group: Prompt-Specific Extensions
Syntax: PromptID.List.EndUpdate( )
Private Sub Form_Load()
On Error Resume Next
'This refreshes the breadcrumbs at the top of a form with a user's prompt selections.
Form.Caption = App.GetString(Link.msTitle)
txtFilter.Visible = False
listItems.List.LoadCells(Link.msList, Link.mbRowValue, Link.miColumns)
Link.mbCancel = True
End Sub
Versions Supported: RFgen and newer.
This property returns or sets the current list index property.
Group: Prompt-Specific Extensions
Syntax: PromptID.List.Index = nValue
Alternate: vValue = PromptID.List.Index
nValue (Long) sets the item index in the list
vValue (Variant) gets the item index in the list
Dim nValue As Long
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nValue = Listbox1.List.Index
nValue = RFPrompt("Listbox1").List.Index
RFPrompt(2).List.Index = 5
Version Supported: RFgen 4.0, 4.1, 5.0, 5.1, 5.2 and newer.
This method is used to manually insert items to a list control rather than simply adding new items to the list.
You must specify the index in the list as the insertion point, the value to be returned should the user choose
the selection and the Display Columns array of the data to be displayed, across multiple columns if desired.
See the List.AddItem also.
Group: Prompt-Specific Extensions
Syntax: PromptID.List.InsertItem(nIndex, vValue, vDispCols)
nIndex (Long) the insertion point in the list
vValue (Variant) the returned value of the item to add to the list
vDispCols (Variant) the data to be displayed. This is in the format: "display1", "display2", "dis-
play3". The MenuList control will determine the widest value in each column and
format the columns so they align properly regardless of font.
The following uses the AddItem and InsertItem method in the OnEnter
event in one prompt to populate the list in another prompt.
Public Sub txtBox_OnEnter(Rsp As String, Cancel As Boolean, ErrMsg As String)
On Error Resume Next
lstCars.List.AddItem("2001","2001 ABC Motor Co.")
lstCars.List.AddItem("2002","2002 Widgets R Us")
lstCars.List.InsertItem(1, "2000","2000 Goodfellow Inc.")
End Sub
This places the “2000 Goodfellow Inc.” entry first in the list.
This alternate method is used to manually insert items to a MenuList control rather than simply adding new
items to the list. You must specify the index in the list as the insertion point, the value to be returned should
the user choose the selection, the Image Resource for the graphic, the Options parameter if required and
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the Display Columns array of the data to be displayed, across multiple columns if desired. See the List.Ad-
dItemEx also.
Group: Prompt-Specific Extensions
Syntax: PromptID.List.InsertItemEx(nIndex, vValue, vImage, vOptions, vDispCols)
nIndex (Long) the insertion point in the list
vValue (Variant) the item to add to the list
vImage (Variant) the image associated with the list entry
vOptions (Variant) the option for the menu item
vDispCols (Variant) the data to be displayed. This is in the format: "display1", "display2", "dis-
play3". The MenuList control will determine the widest value in each column and
format the columns so they align properly regardless of font.
The following uses the AddItemEx and InsertItemEx method in the OnEnter event in one prompt to populate
the list in another prompt.
Public Sub txtBox_OnEnter(Rsp As String, Cancel As Boolean, ErrMsg As String)
On Error Resume Next
lstCars.List.AddItemEx("2","imgCheap", "", "VW Bug","Chevy Colt","Dodge Dart")
lstCars.List.AddItemEx("3","imgMiddle", "", "Prius","Camry","Tacoma")
lstCars.List.InsertItemEx(1, "1","imgExpensive", "", "Corvette","Tesla","Lamborghini")
End Sub
This places the expensive list first in the list.
This is used to access the row object on a Treeview control. The list index returns the nodeId (which acts like
an absolute index into the tree structure). All row and cell properties resolve this but the Row property is the
index into that nodes children. For example, a tree with 10 base rows and 10 children per row, will have 100
nodes. List.Row will support access to the 10 base rows, whereas List.Node will access all 100 nodes.
Group: Prompt-Specific Extensions
Syntax: List.Node(NodeId)
NodeID (Long) The identification of the active row
Private Sub Button1_Click()
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On Error Resume Next
End Sub
This method is an alternate method for loading data in a list control and will dynamically format the lines of
data (cells) in RFgen to match the source's line of data. You can also specify which part of the source's cell
data will the last of the loaded cells. In a formatted RFgen list line, it looks like this:
Value | Cell 1 | Cell 2 | ...
where each row is separated by an AM and each value or cell is separated by a VM.
Note: List.LoadCells should not be used with image-based list controls or with Search lists.
Group: Prompt-Specific Extensions
Syntax: PromptID.List.LoadCells(CellData,HasValue,LastCell)
CellData (Varient) Is the data to be loaded into the list control.
HasValue (Boolean) Is an optional parameter specifying whether the cell data includes the row value.
The default is False. If set to False, then the first cell specified will be duplicated and used as the row value.
If set to True, then the row value will be used.
LastCell Is an optional parameter specifying whether to restrict the list data to a number of cells in the
data provided. For example if you have a list containing 4 cell values per row returned from a SQL or Web
Service call but you only want to load 2 of them, set this value to 2 (assuming one based arrays).
Private Sub Form_Load()
On Error Resume Next
'This refreshes the breadcrumbs at the top of a form with a user's prompt selections.
Form.Caption = App.GetString(Link.msTitle)
txtFilter.Visible = False
listItems.List.LoadCells(Link.msList, Link.mbRowValue, Link.miColumns)
Link.mbCancel = True
End Sub
Versions Supported: RFgen and newer.
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This method scrolls the contents of a list object prompt down 1 page. A page is defined as the number of vis-
ible rows.
Group: Prompt-Specific Extensions
Syntax: PromptID.List.PageDown
See List.PageUp
This method scrolls the contents of a list object prompt up 1 page. A page is defined as the number of visible
Group: Prompt-Specific Extensions
Syntax: PromptID.List.PageUp
This uses a Form_OnFkey event to activate the Listbox Page methods.
Public Sub Form_OnFkey(Fkey As Long)
On Error Resume Next
If Fkey = 5 Then
ElseIf Fkey = 6 Then
End If
End Sub
This method scrolls the contents of a list object prompt down 1 row.
Group: Prompt-Specific Extensions
Syntax: PromptID.List.ScrollDown
See List.ScrollUp
This method scrolls the contents of a list object prompt up 1 row.
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Group: Prompt-Specific Extensions
Syntax: PromptID.List.ScrollUp
This uses a Form_OnFkey event to activate the List box Scroll methods.
Public Sub Form_OnFkey(Fkey As Long)
On Error Resume Next
If Fkey = 5 Then
ElseIf Fkey = 6 Then
End If
End Sub
This method is used to format the displayed columns. First specify which column is to be formatted, what the
caption of that column is, how wide to make the column and how to justify the content. In addition to the
contents being formatted, the caption of the control can also be overwritten with the column names if the
ListHeading property is set to True. Then the caption will be spaced exactly the same as the columns.
Group: Prompt-Specific Extensions
Syntax: PromptID. List.SetColumn(nCol, sHeading, vDefWidth, [eValue], [bTrimSpaces], [nScaleDecimals])
nCol (Long) the column number to be affected by the formatting
sHeading (String) the title that will appear across the top of the column
vDefWidth (Variant) the width of the column in characters. If -1 is used the column will dynamically size
to the widest value in the column.
eValue (enColAlign) Optional how to align the column; either BottomCenter, BottomLeft, Bot-
tomRight, CenterCenter, CenterLeft, CenterRight, TextCenter, TextLeft, TextRight., TopCenter, TopLeft,
bTrimSpaces (Boolean) Optional formats the values in the specified column by deleting the leading and
trailing spaces in the data.
nScaleDecimals (Long) Optional formats the numeric values in the specified column if the database does
not store decimals. This option will position a decimal at a position from the right side. A comma will be used
for large numbers. This field is locale specific and will use the appropriate characters for each region.
oMyList.SQL = "select * from PLANTS"
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oMyList.SetColumn 1, "ID", 5, TextLeft, True
oMyList.SetColumn 2, "NAME", 21, TextLeft
sName = oMyList.ShowList
This property indicates whether the items of the list box are to be sorted alphabetically. Numbers are sorted
alphabetically, not numerically. Therefore 1, 10, 100, 2, 3, 4 are numbers sorted alphabetically.
Group: Prompt-Specific Extensions
Syntax: PromptID. List.Sorted = bValue
Alternate: bValue = PromptID. List.Sorted
bValue (Boolean) set to True to sort the items in ascending order
Dim bValue As Boolean
lstParts.List.Sorted = True
RFPrompt("lstParts").List.Sorted = True
bValue = RFPrompt(2).List.Sorted
Version Supported: RFgen 4.0, 4.1, 5.0, 5.1, 5.2 and newer.
This method is used to manually remove a ColSet from a list object prompt.
Group: Prompt-Specific Extensions
This method is used to manually remove items from a list object prompt. If the third entry is removed all
entries further down are shifted up 1 place.
Group: Prompt-Specific Extensions
Syntax: PromptID.List.RemoveItem (vLocation)
vLocation (Variant) the location to remove the item from the list
lstParts.List.RemoveItem(3) ' Removes the third item
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This property returns the current list row index value. It is a read only property.
Group: Prompt-Specific Extensions
Syntax: PromptID.List.Row.Index
vValue (Variant) returns the row index value
This method activates or deactivates row highlighting during row selection for list box controls
Group: Prompt-Specific Extensions
Syntax: PromptID.List.RowSelector (bValue)
bValue(Boolean) is the display state for the row selector
lstParts.List.RowSelector = False ‘Turns off Row Highlighting
This method sets the default as either a one-or zero-based collection. For example, if you have a group of
columns, you can set the default to identify the first column as Col 0 (zero-based collection) and the next
one, Col 1 and the last one as Col 3.
Group: Prompt-Specific Extensions
This property returns the value in the specified row for the control. A row can have a value if it was placed
there via an AddItem or InsertItem method or the ListData property of the control.
Group: Prompt-Specific Extensions
Syntax: vValue = PromptID. List.Value(Row)
Row (Long) is the row number in the list
vValue (Variant) is given the value assigned to the control’s row
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Dim vValue As Variant
vValue = lstParts.List.Value(1)
vValue = RFPrompt("lstParts").List.Value(1)
vValue = RFPrompt(2).List.Value(1)
MQTT Object
The Message Queueing Telemetry Transport (MQTT) object is used to publish messages and/or receive mes-
sages (subscribe) via communication conducted between the client and the RFgen server, and the MQTT
broker and RFgen server.
The MQTT language extensions are organized by Properties and Methods.
MQTT Object Properties
The properties for the Socket object are: ClientId, Error, ServerAddress, and Timeout.
MQTT Object Methods
The methods for the MQTT socket object are: Connect, Disconnect, GetLastMessage, Publish, SetLWT,
SetPassword, SetUsername, SSL_SetCalPath, SSL_SetKeyStore, SSL_SetPrivateKey , SetPriv-
ateKeyPassword, and Subscribe.
MQTT Events
There are no events unless you declare “WithEvents” with the MQTT object. Then the OnMessageArrived
event is available. For example:
Dim WithEvents moClient as new MQTT
Versions Supported: RFgen and 5.2.3 and newer.
The ClientId sets the string name of the MQTT object.
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This is a read-only property and is unavailable at design time. The value returned is a string.
Group:MQTT Object
Syntax:sValue = oMQTT.ClientId
ClientId (String) the name of the client
See the example under MQTT.Connect
Versions Supported: RFgen and newer.
This method initiates a connection between the MQTT broker (MQTT server) and client, and sets the timeout
value for the client. If the connection is established, this returns a true value. If no connection was made, a
false value is returned. A connection will disconnect automatically if the timeout period is exceeded.
Group:MQTT Object
Syntax:oMQTT.Connect(ServerAddress, ClientId, Timeout) as Boolean
ServerAddress (String) the tcp IP address or name of the MQTT broker
ClientId (String) the name of the client
Timeout (Long) the time in seconds a client waits before the connection is closed
bOK (Boolean) True means there is already a connection; False means there isn’t a con-
Dim WithEvents moClient As New MQTT
Private Sub Form_Load()
On Error Resume Next
App.Balloon("Connecting...", -1)
If Not moClient.Connect("tcp://localhost:1883", "RFgen_Publisher_Client_001", 4000)
App.MsgBox("Error: " & moClient.Error)
Exit Sub
End If
App.Balloon("", 0)
End Sub
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Versions Supported: RFgen 5.1.3 and newer.
This method will disconnect the client from the broker, and return a true or false value if the disconnect suc-
ceeds or fails. The purpose of this method is to provide the developer a way to handle a disconnect (i.e. the
user exits the app). If it was disconnected, this returns a true value; if it remains connected, this returns a
false value. Note that client connections are dropped automatically if the MQTT broker does not sense the cli-
ent connection is alive.
Group:MQTT Object
Syntax:oMQTT.Disconnect as Boolean
Dim WithEvents moClient As New MQTT
Private Sub Form_Load()
On Error Resume Next
App.Balloon("Connecting...", -1)
If Not moClient.Connect("tcp://localhost:1883", "RFgen_Publisher_Client_001", 4000)
Exit Sub
End If
App.Balloon("", 0)
End Sub
Versions Supported: RFgen and 5.2.3 and newer.
This property returns the text of the last error.
This is a read-only property and is unavailable at design time. The value returned is a string.
Group:MQTT Object
Syntax:sValue = oMQTT.Error
Error (String) text of the last error
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See the example under MQTT.Connect
Versions Supported: RFgen and 5.2.3 and newer.
The Message Queueing Telemetry Transport (MQTT) object event occurs when a message has arrived at its
destination. It is used to process incoming data.
Note: To display this event in the Dev Studio Scripting View, you must include "WithEvents" in your declar-
ation of the MQTT object variable. For example:
"Dim WithEvents moClient as new MQTT"
Group:MQTT Object
Type: Event
Syntax: Private Sub oMQTT_OnMessageArrived(ByVal Topic As String, ByVal Message As String)
'Private Sub moClient_OnMessageArrived(ByVal Topic As String, ByVal Message As String)
' On Error Resume Next
' App.MsgBox("Incoming Topic: " & Topic & "\n" & Message, vbOKOnly)
'End Sub
Private Sub moClient_OnMessageArrived(ByVal Topic As String, ByVal Message As String)
On Error Resume Next
End Sub
Versions Supported: RFgen and newer.
This MQTT Publish function publishes the message by topic and payload via the MQTT broker and returns a
true or false if the action succeeded. Publishing requires the topic (subject), payload (content/message),
quality of service (QOS), and retain parameters.
The QoS is used to agree on the level of guaranteed message delivery between the sender and receiver. This
is important since MQTT manages the re-transmission of messages and will guarantees delivery (even when
the underlying transport is not reliable), QoS makes communication in unreliable networks a lot easier. The
MQTT has three QoS levels.
The Retain parameter stores the last published message in the broker and sends the last good message to
new subscribers when they come online and subscribe to a new topic. By receiving the retained message as
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soon as the new subscriber comes online, the subscriber will not be in the dark wondering if their sub-
scription is working or not. This also eliminates the amount of time a subscriber waits for the next updated
Group:MQTT Object
Type: Function
Syntax: oMQTT.Publish( Topic, Payload, QOS, Retain) As Boolean
Publish (Boolean) returns true if publish succeeded, false if it failed
Topic (String) The topic (subject) of the message
Payload (Long) the time in seconds a client waits before the connection is closed
QoS (Long) QOS 0: At most once (deliver and forget); QOS 1: At lease once; QOS 2: Exactly
Retain (Boolean) True sets the message to be retained. False will not retain the message.
Dim WithEvents moClient As New MQTT
Private Sub btnPublish_Click()
On Error Resume Next
Dim sIndex As String
sIndex = Split(cboQOS.Text, " ")(0)
If Not moClient.Publish(txtTopic.Text, txtPayload.Text, CLng(sIndex), chkRetain.Checked) Then
App.MsgBox("Error: " & moClient.Error)
Exit Sub
App.MsgBox("Published to " & txtTopic.Text)
End If
End Sub
Versions Supported: RFgen and 5.2.3 and newer.
The ServerAddress property returns the MQTT server (broker) address in the form of string such as
This property is a read-only and is unavailable at design time.
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Group:MQTT Object
Syntax:sValue = oMQTT.ServerAddress
sValue (String)The IP address or name of the server/MQTT broker
See the example under MQTT.Connect
Versions Supported: RFgen and 5.2.3 and newer.
The set Last Will and Testament (SetLWT) method is used to store a message in the MQTT broker which is
published from the broker to connected clients in the event a client disconnects ungracefully. For example if
a client’s wi-fi connection drops unexpectedly, or the client’s goes dead, the MQTT broker will detect the cli-
ent is no longer connected and broadcast the dead client’s Last Will and Testament to all connected clients.
Group:MQTT Object
Syntax:oMQTT.SetLWT(Topic, Payload)
Topic (String) The subject of the message/information that a client subscribes to
Payload (String) The text (message) that is associated with the topic
Dim WithEvents moClient As MQTT
moClient.SetLWT("LWT Topic", "This client is no longer on line.")
Versions Supported: RFgen and 5.2.3 and newer.
The username, password, and SSL options are used for client authentication with the MQTT broker. These
should be set before calling the oMQTT.Connect function.
Group:MQTT Object
Type: Command
Syntax: oMQTT.SetPassword( Password)
Password (String) The text string the user enters for a password
Private Sub Form_Load()
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On Error Resume Next
App.Balloon("Connecting...", -1)
Set moClient = New MQTT
If Not moClient.Connect("tcp://localhost:1883", "RFgen_Subscriber_Client_001", 4000) Then
App.MsgBox("Error: " & moClient.Error)
Exit Sub
End If
' New connect will disconnect old client
If Not moClient.Connect("tcp://localhost:1883", "RFgen_Subscriber_Client_002", 4000) Then
App.MsgBox("There was an error initializing client")
Exit Sub
End If
moClient.SetLWT("LWT Topic", "Here's a payload")
App.Balloon("", 0)
End Sub
Versions Supported: RFgen and 5.2.3 and newer.
The username, password, and SSL options are used for client authentication with the MQTT broker. These
should be set before calling the oMQTT.Connect function.
Group:MQTT Object
Type: Command
Syntax: oMQTT.SetUserName( Username)
Username (String) The text string that authenticates the username with the MQTT broker
Private Sub Form_Load()
On Error Resume Next
App.Balloon("Connecting...", -1)
Set moClient = New MQTT
If Not moClient.Connect("tcp://localhost:1883", "RFgen_Subscriber_Client_001", 4000) Then
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App.MsgBox("Error: " & moClient.Error)
Exit Sub
End If
' New connect will disconnect old client
If Not moClient.Connect("tcp://localhost:1883", "RFgen_Subscriber_Client_002", 4000) Then
App.MsgBox("There was an error initializing client")
Exit Sub
End If
moClient.SetLWT("LWT Topic", "Here's a payload")
App.Balloon("", 0)
End Sub
Versions Supported: RFgen and 5.2.3 and newer.
The username, password, and SSL options are used for client authentication with the MQTT broker. These
should be set before calling the oMQTT.Connect function.
Group:MQTT Object
Type: Command
Syntax: oMQTT.SSL_SetCaPath( Path)
Path (String) The file path to the SSL certificate authority system
Versions Supported: RFgen and 5.2.3 and newer.
The username, password, and SSL options are used for client authentication with the MQTT broker. These
should be set before calling the oMQTT.Connect function.
Group:MQTT Object
Type: Command
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Syntax: oMQTT.SSL_SetKeyStore( Path)
Path (String) The path to the SSL Key Storage location
To be supplied.
Versions Supported: RFgen and 5.2.3 and newer.
The username, password, and SSL options are used for client authentication with the MQTT broker. These
should be set before calling the oMQTT.Connect function.
Type: Command
Syntax: oMQTT.SetPrivateKey(Path)
Path (String) The file path to a SSL file on the MQTT broker/server where the private key is set.
To be supplied.
Versions Supported: RFgen and 5.2.3 and newer.
The username, password, and SSL options are used for client authentication with the MQTT broker. These
should be set before calling the oMQTT.Connect function.
Group:MQTT Object
Type: Command
Syntax: oMQTT.SSL_SetPrivateKeyPassword(Password)
Password (String) The password to a SSL file on the server
To be supplied.
Versions Supported: RFgen and 5.2.3 and newer.
The MQTT Subscribe function enables a client to subscribe to a message publisher by topic and QoS level.
The capture of events for the specific client can also be turned on through the EnableEvents parameter if
desired for troubleshooting purposes.
Note: Use the oMQTT.Connection function to connect the client.
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Group:MQTT Object
Type: Function
oMQTT.Subscribe( Topic, Payload, QOS, Retain) As Boolean
Subscribe (Boolean) returns true if subscription succeeded, false if it failed
Topic (String) The topic (subject) of the message
QoS (Long) QOS 0: At most once (deliver and forget); QOS 1: At lease once ; QOS 2:
Exactly once
EnableEvent (Boolean) True sets the message to be retained. False will not retain the message.
Dim WithEvents moClient As New MQTT
Private Sub btnPublish_Click()
On Error Resume Next
Dim sIndex As String
sIndex = Split(cboQOS.Text, " ")(0)
If Not moClient.Publish(txtTopic.Text, txtPayload.Text, CLng(sIndex), chkRetain.Checked) Then
App.MsgBox("Error: " & moClient.Error)
Exit Sub
App.MsgBox("Published to " & txtTopic.Text)
End If
End Sub
Versions Supported: RFgen and 5.2.3 and newer.
This property sets how long (in seconds) the client will wait for a response from the MQTT broker before the
client connection is dropped.
Group:MQTT Object
Syntax:sValue = oMQTT.Timeout
sValue (Long)The time in seconds
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See the example under MQTT.Connect
Versions Supported: RFgen and 5.2.3 and newer.
MenuStrip (SideBar) Extensions
The menu strip (also called the SideBar) is a panel of commands that appears on the top, sides, or bottom
of a screen. It can be launched when the user taps an icon from the form header or a button on the body of
the form or turned off by the user.
The items that display in the Menu Strip, now called the SideBar, are configured from the Mobile Devel-
opment Studio Configuration > SideBar and Key Settings > SideBar and Keyboard Settings
Where the SideBar is docked and which icon/image is used to launch the SideBar is set in Mobile Themes
> SideBar. You can also set the SideBar launch icon on an specific application's form. For details on cre-
ating the SideBar and setting the properties that make it visible, refer to the topic "To Add a SideBar" in the
online help or RFgen User's Guide.
The MenuStrip extension can be used to script the behaviors of the menu items on the SideBar. For example,
if a user needs to bring up a form separate from the application they are running, you can script this action
with the MenuStrip.AppendItem language extension.
The commands available for the MenuStrip Extensions are:
MenuStrip.AddIcon, MenuStrip.AppendItem, MenuStrip.Clear, MenuStrip.Count, MenuStrip.DelIcon,
MenuStrip.Enable, MenuStrip.Item,
MenuStrip.Refresh, MenuStrip.RemoveItem, MenuStrip.Reset, MenuStrip.SetItem, MenuStrip.Show, and
Supported Versions: See individual commands for supported versions.
The buttons on a Menu Strip/SideBar buttons are typically configured from the Dev Studio Configuration
> SideBar and Keyboard Settings > System Menu Configuration table.
The VBA MenuStrip.AppendItem appends other menu actions/buttons to the SideBar.
Group: MenuStrip Extensions
Syntax: MenuStrip.AppendItem (Action, Display, ImageName)
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Action (enSideBar) is the enumeration describing the built-in command that is executed
when the user taps the SideBar menu button. The possible values and descrip-
tions for each enumeration is listed below under "enSideBar".
vDisplay (Variant) is the label for the button. The string can also be the TextID from Text
vImageName (Variant) is the icon/image used as the button. Use the id of the image listed
under Images.
[Name] Optional. If the sbAction is CallForm, use this parameter to list the name of the
application that the user is to be transferred to.
[Option] Optional. If the sbAction is CallMenu, use this parameter to pass the Form_Load
event from the prompt that has focus.
sbBack Executes the OnBackup event, which typically moves the prompt to the previous
sbCallEvent Executes the OnMenu( ) event from where the prompt has focus. For example, Tex-
tBox1_OnMenu(). The Form_OnMenu() always executes as well.
sbCallForm Executes the RFgen built-in CallForm application. It transfers the user to another applic-
ation. This action requires you include the Name of the application the user will be transferred to.
sbCallMenu Executes the RFgen built-in CallMenu application. It transfers the user to another
menu. This action requires the Option parameter.
sbClear Clears the data entered for the current prompt.
sbConfig Launches the RFgen built-in device configuration screen.
sbExit Exists the current process.
sbKeyboard Shows or hides the soft input panel (SIP) also called a soft keyboard.
sbNone Toggles the display of the SideBar depending on the values set for System Icon Action prop-
erty in the Application Theme, and for the AutoHide property in the SideBar Theme.
sbScan Accesses the scan function on the device.
sbSearch Launches the OnSearch event from the prompt that has focus.
sbSideBar Shows or hides the sidebar.
sbSignOut Launches the RFgen Login application so the user can sign out.
sbSubmit Enters the data appearing for the current prompt.
sbTerminate Executes the terminate event which is typically used to manually close an open data-
base connection, session connection, or release links to ActiveX objects.
'This is an example of a Submit action that is appended to the menu strip (sidebar).
MenuStrip.AppendItem (sbSubmit, "Submit", "DownArrow")
'This adds a button to the menu strip that performs the Submit action, displays the word ‘Submit’ and shows a down
arrow icon on the button.
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'This is an example of a CallForm action that is added to the menu strip (sidebar).
'The initial items are the menu strip are first cleared and then the buttons labeled "Process Reports" is displayed on the
menu strip.
MenuStrip.AppendItem(sbCallForm,"CallFormProcess","32.jpg","Process Reports", "-sbCall_Plant=WHS254 -sbCall_
‘In ProcessReports form:
If App.GetValue("sbCall_Plant") = "WHS254" And App.GetValue("sbCall_LOCN") = "SacramentoCA"
App.Msgbox(“CallForm correctly called the form and returned proper load options")
End If
Supported Version RFgen 5.0 and newer.
This command will delete all the buttons on the menu strip.
Group: Menu Strip Extensions
Syntax: MenuStrip.Clear
This command will delete all the buttons on the menu strip.
This command will return the number of buttons that are currently on the menu strip.
Group: Menu Strip Extensions
Syntax: MenuStrip.Count
Dim iCnt As Integer
iCnt = MenuStrip.Count
Supported Versions: RFgen 5.2 and newer.
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This command will enable or disable a button on the menu strip by referencing its Display value. The code
should check if the value is an INT and if so, treat it as an index. Otherwise, it should look up the parameter
by name.
Group: Menu Strip Extensions
Syntax: MenuStrip.Enable(vDisplay, [bEnable])
vDisplay (Variant) is the button’s string name (sDisplay) or index number.
bEnable (Boolean) Set to True or False to enable or disable the button.
Supported Versions: RFgen 5.1 and newer.
This command will return the Action value of the button referenced by its index value.
Group: Menu Strip Extensions
Syntax: MenuStrip.Item(nIndex)
nIndex (Long) is the index value of the requested button
Dim sName As String
sName = MenuStrip.Item(4) ' the Exit button
If the forth button is the Exit button, “Exit” is returned.
Supported Version RFgen 5.0 and newer.
This command will redraw the buttons on the Menustrip in case the buttons have been changed in code.
Group: Menu Strip Extensions
Syntax: MenuStrip.Refresh
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This command will remove a button from the menu strip by referencing its index. Removing and item by its
name would be more self-documenting and is preferred but this command is useful when iterating through a
Group: Menu Strip Extensions
Syntax: MenuStrip.RemoveItem(nIndex)
nIndex (Long) is the index value of the requested button
MenuStrip.RemoveItem(4) ' the Exit button
Supported Versions: RFgen 5.0 and newer.
This command will remove a button from the menu strip by referencing its Action value.
Group: Menu Strip Extensions
Syntax: MenuStrip.RemoveItemByName(sAction)
sAction (String) is the Action name of the requested button
Supported Versions: RFgen 5.0 and newer.
This command will return the menu strip to the default settings configured in the Configuration / Envir-
onment Properties screen.
Group: Menu Strip Extensions
Syntax: MenuStrip.Reset
This command will change an existing button to have different properties. For example, turn the Submit but-
ton into an Exit button.
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Group: Menu Strip Extensions
Syntax: MenuStrip.SetItem(nIndex, sAction, sDisplay, sImageName)
nIndex (Long) is the index value of the requested button
sAction (String) is the ID of the button and also can execute one of the built-in commands.
These are the internal command that can be used:
Submit means to enter the data appearing for the current prompt
Refresh refreshes the display screen
Clear clears the data entered for the current prompt
Exit exits the current process (same as F4 normally does if configured to do so).
Search executes the OnSearch event if one exists for the prompt
sDisplay (String) is the text to be displayed on the button.
sImageName (String) is the Image Resource ID to be displayed on the button.
MenuStrip.SetItem(4, "Submit", "Submit", "DownArrow")
Supported Versions: RFgen 5.0 and newer.
This command will show or hide the menu strip.
Group: Menu Strip Extensions
bShow (Boolean) Set to True of False to show or hide the menu strip
MenuStrip.Show(False) ' hides the menu strip
MenuStrip.Show(True) ' shows the menu strip
Supported Versions: RFgen 5.0 and newer.
Param Object
The Param object represents a parameter or argument associated with a StoredProc object based on a para-
meterized stored Procedure. The Param object represents in/out arguments and the return values of stored
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Group: Stored Procedure Object
Syntax: spValue = StoredProc.Param(nIndex).oProperty
spValue (StoredParam) data value of the parameter
nIndex (Long) index of the parameter
oProperty (object) the available objects are listed below
The stored procedure object types available are:
Count, Datatype, Direction, NumericScale, Object, Precision, Prepared, Results, Size, and Value.
This property indicates the data type of the Param Object.
Group: Stored Procedure Object
Syntax: StoredProc.Param(nIndex).Datatype = enValue
Alternate: nValue = StoredProc.Param(nIndex).Datatype
nIndex (Long) index of the parameter
nValue (Long) the numeric value of an enDataTypes value
enValue (enDataTypes) sets one of the following values:
Constant Description
dbBigInt An 8-byte signed integer.
dbBinary A binary value.
dbBoolean A Boolean value.
dbBSTR A null-terminated char str (Unicode).
dbChar A String value.
dbCurrency A currency value. Currency is a fixed-point number with 4 digits to the right of the
decimal point. It is stored in an 8-byte signed integer scaled by 10,000.
dbDate A Date value. A date is stored as a Double, the whole part of which is the number of
days since December 30, 1899, and the fractional part of which is the
fraction of a day.
dbDBDate A date value (yyyymmdd).
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dbDBTime A time value (hhmmss).
dbDBTimeStamp A date-time stamp (yyyymmddhhmmss plus a fraction in billionths).
dbDecimal An exact numeric value with a fixed precision and scale.
dbDouble A double-precision floating point value.
dbEmptyNo value was specified.
dbError A 32-bit error code.
dbGUID A globally unique identifier (GUID).
dbIDispatch A pointer to an IDispatch interface on an OLE object.
dbInteger A 4-byte signed integer.
dbIUnknown A pointer to an unknown interface on an OLE object.
dbLongVarBinary A long binary value.
dbLongVarChar A long String value.
dbLongVarWChar A long null-terminated string value.
dbNumeric An exact numeric value with a fixed precision and scale.
dbSingle A single-precision floating point value.
dbSmallInt A 2-byte signed integer.
dbTinyInt A 1-byte signed integer.
dbUnsignedBigInt An 8-byte unsigned integer (DBType_UI8).
dbUnsignedInt A 4-byte unsigned integer.
dbUnsignedSmallInt A 2-byte unsigned integer.
dbUnsignedTinyInt A 1-byte unsigned integer.
dbUserDefine A user-defined variable.
dbVarBinary A binary value.
dbVarChar A string value.
dbVariant An Automation Variant.
dbVarWChar A null-terminated Unicode chr string.
dbWChar A null-terminated Unicode chr string.
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This property indicates whether the Parameter represents an input parameter, an output parameter, or
both, or if the parameter is the return value from a stored procedure.
Group: Stored Procedure Object
Syntax: StoredProc.Param(nIndex).Direction = enValue
Alternate: nValue = StoredProc.Param(nIndex).Direction
nIndex (Long) index of the parameter
nValue (Long) the numeric value of an enDirections value
enValue (enDirections) sets or returns one of the following values:
Constant Description
dbParamInput Default, indicates an input parameter
dbParamOutput Indicates an output parameter
dbParamInputOutput Indicates both an input and output parameter
dbParamReturnValue Indicates a return value.
This property indicates the scale of the numeric value by specifying the number of decimal places to which
the number will be resolved. Not all database types support this parameter. If it is not supported, the ODBC
driver will ignore this setting. The default is 0.
Group: Stored Procedure Object
Syntax: StoredProc.Param(nIndex).NumericScale = nValue
Alternate: nValue = StoredProc.Param(nIndex).NumericScale
nIndex (Long) index of the parameter
nValue (Long) the number of places to resolve the parameter’s value
This property indicates the degree of precision for numeric values by specifying the maximum number of
digits used for a parameter. Not all database types support this parameter. If it is not supported, the ODBC
driver will ignore this setting. The default is 0.
Group: Stored Procedure Object
Syntax: StoredProc.Param(nIndex).Precision = nValue
Alternate: nValue = StoredProc.Param(nIndex).Precision
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nIndex (Long) index of the parameter
nValue (Long) the maximum number of integers that will make up the size of the value
This property indicates the maximum size, in bytes or characters of the Param Object. Use the size property
to determine the maximum size for values written to or read from the value property of the Param Object.
Group: Stored Procedure Object
Syntax: StoredProc.Param(nIndex).Size = nValue
Alternate: nValue = StoredProc.Param(nIndex).Size
nIndex (Long) index of the parameter
nValue (Long) size in bytes or characters
This property indicates the value assigned to the Param object. Use the Value property to set or return para-
meter values with Param Objects.
Group: Stored Procedure Object
Syntax: StoredProc.Param(nIndex).Value = vValue
Alternate: vValue = StoredProc.Param(nIndex)
vValue (Variant) value of the dbParam
nIndex (Long) index of the parameter
This function indicates the number of parameters associated with the current stored procedure object. A
parameter’s index may be zero-based so the count may appear one less than expected.
Group: Stored Procedure Object
Syntax: vValue = StoredProc.ParamCount
vValue (Variant) the number of parameters associated with this stored procedure.
This property indicates whether or not to save a compiled version of a command before execution. The pre-
pared property is used to have the provider save a prepared (or compiled) version of the query specified in
the CommandText property before the object's first execution. If the property is False, the provider will
execute the object directly without creating a compiled version.
Group: Stored Procedure Object
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Syntax: StoredProc.Prepared = bValue
Alternate: Value = StoredProc.Prepared
bValue (Boolean) set to True to save a compiled version before execution
This property represents the entire set of records from a base table or the results of an executed command.
Group: Stored Procedure Object
Syntax: oValue = StoredProc.Results
oValue (rdoResultset, adoRecordset) recordset object containing any rows returned by the
stored procedure.
Printer Extensions
Printer commands specifically interact with creating and delivering data to tethered or IP addressable print-
The extensions available are:
Activate, Copies, EndDoc, FontBold, FontItalic, FontName, FontSize, FontStrickThru, FontUnderline,
GetName, NewPage, Orientation, PageWidth, Print, PrintQuality, PrintRaw and SubmitPrintJob.
Supported Versions: RFgen 4.0 and newer.
This command will redirect output to the specified Windows printer. Specifying the printer by name should
be exactly the same as it appears in the Windows Control Panel under the Printers section. Make sure this is
the first command used and reused after any EndDoc commands.
Group: Printer Extensions
Syntax: Printer.Activate(vName)
vName (Variant) is the printer name in the 'Printers Window'. Click Start/ Settings/Printers.
Note: You may use the printer number if desired.
Printer.Activate("HPDeskJet 697C")
Supported Versions: RFgen 4.0 and newer.
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This property accesses the copy count parameter associated with a specific Windows printer. If it is not spe-
cified, the default is 1 copy.
Group: Printer Extensions
Syntax: Printer.Copies = nValue
nValue (Long) is the number of copies to print.
Printer.Copies = 10
Note: there is a special condition with the Copies, Orientation and PrintQuality commands. Since the server manages
the beginning and ending of a print job, the VBA scripts must not use one of these commands after the Printer.Print
command. These 3 commands will start a new print job and all settings defined up to this point will be lost.
This is valid:
Printer.Copies = 10
Printer.Orientation = PrintHorizontal
Printer.Print "Sample Text"
This is not because the Orientation line will lose the 2 lines above it.
Printer.Copies = 10
Printer.Print "Sample Text"
Printer.Orientation = PrintHorizontal
Supported Versions: RFgen 4.0 and newer.
This command will close the print job on the selected Windows Printer and start the printing process.
Group: Printer Extensions
Syntax: Printer.EndDoc
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Note: All printer settings such as font, copies, orientation and others are reset to defaults after this command. They
must be re-issued to take effect on the next print job.
Supported Versions: RFgen 5.2 and newer.
This property accesses the font bold parameter associated with a specific Windows printer.
Group: Printer Extensions
Syntax: Printer.FontBold = bValue
bValue (Boolean) determines whether text is printed using the bold font option.
Printer.FontBold = True
Supported Versions: RFgen 4.0and newer.
This property accesses the font italic parameter associated with a specific Windows printer.
Group: Printer Extensions
Syntax: Printer.FontItalic = bValue
bValue (Boolean) determines whether text is printed using the italic font option.
Printer.FontItalic = True
Supported Versions: RFgen 4.0 and newer.
This property accesses the font name parameter associated with a specific Windows printer.
Group: Prompt-Specific Extensions
Printer.FontName = sValue
sValue (String) specifies the type of font to use.
Printer.FontName = "Arial"
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This property accesses the font size parameter associated with a specific Windows printer.
Group: Printer Extensions
Syntax: Printer.FontSize = nValue
nValue (Long) is the font size to use.
Printer.FontSize = 12
Supported Versions: RFgen 4.0 and newer.
This property accesses the font strike thru parameter associated with a specific Windows printer.
Group: Printer Extensions
Syntax: Printer.FontStrikethru = bValue
bValue (Boolean) determines whether text is printed using the strike thru font option.
Printer.FontStrikeThru = True
Supported Versions: RFgen 4.0 and newer.
This property accesses the font underline parameter associated with a specific Windows printer.
Group: Printer Extensions
Syntax: Printer.FontUnderline = bValue
bValue (Boolean) determines whether text is printed using the underline font option.
Printer.FontUnderline = True
Supported Versions: RFgen 4.0 and newer.
This function returns the name for the specified Windows printer number. You may use this command within
a loop to get a list of names for the user to pick from. See Printer.Activate for setting a printer.
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Group: Printer Extensions
Syntax: sName = Printer.GetName(nIndex)
sName (String) is the Windows name of the requested printer.
nIndex (Long) is the Windows printer number.
Dim sName As String
sName = Printer.GetName(1)
Supported Versions: RFgen 4.0 and newer.
This command will send a page eject character to the selected Windows Printer.
Group: Printer Extensions
Syntax: Printer.NewPage
Supported Versions: RFgen 5.2 and newer.
This function accesses the orientation parameter associated with a specific Windows printer.
Group: Printer Extensions
Syntax: Printer.Orientation = enValue
enValue (enPrintOrientation) is the text orientation to use.
PrintHorizontal (Portrait)
PrintVertical (Landscape)
Printer.Orientation = PrintHorizontal
Note: there is a special condition with the Copies, Orientation and PrintQuality commands. Since the server manages
the beginning and ending of a print job, the VBA scripts must not use one of these commands after the Printer.Print
command. These 3 commands will start a new print job and all settings defined up to this point will be lost.
This is valid:
Printer.Copies = 10
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Printer.Orientation = PrintHorizontal
Printer.Print "Sample Text"
This is not because the Orientation line will lose the 2 lines above it.
Printer.Copies = 10
Printer.Print "Sample Text"
Printer.Orientation = PrintHorizontal
Supported Versions: RFgen 4.0 and newer.
This function sets the printer print width to a specific value. The value is reset to 0 after an EndDoc com-
mand is issued.
Group: Printer Extensions
Syntax: Printer.PageWidth = nValue
nValue (Long) is the printer width.
Printer.PageWidth = 80
Printer.PageWidth = 132
Supported Versions: RFgen 4.0 and newer.
This command will print the text on the selected Windows printer. Each Print statement will be on a new line.
Group: Printer Extensions
Syntax: Printer.Print(sText)
sText (String) is the text stream that is to be sent to the network printer.
Printer.Print("20lb Super Green Lawn Food")
Supported Versions: RFgen 4.0 and newer.
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This property accesses the print quality parameter associated with a specific Windows printer.
Group: Printer Extensions
Syntax: Printer.PrintQuality = enValue
Alternate: enValue = Printer.PrintQuality
enValue (enPrintQuality) is the print quality desired.
Printer.PrintQuality = MediumQuality
Note: there is a special condition with the Copies, Orientation and PrintQuality commands. Since the server manages
the beginning and ending of a print job, the VBA scripts must not use one of these commands after the Printer.Print
command. These 3 commands will start a new print job and all settings defined up to this point will be lost.
This is valid:
Printer.Copies = 10
Printer.Orientation = PrintHorizontal
Printer.Print "Sample Text"
This is not because the Orientation line will lose the 2 lines above it.
Printer.Copies = 10
Printer.Print "Sample Text"
Printer.Orientation = PrintHorizontal
Supported Versions: RFgen 4.0 and newer.
This command will send a byte stream to the selected printer. A typical example would be sending escape
Group: Printer Extensions
Syntax: Printer.PrintRaw(vData)
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vData (Variant) is the byte stream or string that is to be sent to the printer. If the passed value
is an actual byte array it will be sent to the printer unmodified. If it is not a byte array
the server will convert it to an SBCS string and send that.
Dim sData As String
sData = "Print Me"
Converts “Print Me” to Unicode and sends it
Supported Versions: RFgen 4.0 and newer.
This function is used to submit a print job through a network printer the RFgen server is connected.
Group: Printer Extensions
Syntax: bValue = Printer.SubmitPrintJob(Template, Printer, Tcp Port, pParams)
bValue (Boolean) Optional Returns True or False depending on the success of the sub-
Template (String) The name of the template that contains the formatting of the print job.
(Reserved for future use.)
Printer (String) is the network name/IP of the device/peripheral that will be printing the job.
TcpPort (Long) is the TCP port number of the printer.
Params (Variant) The first parameter is the printer-specific code to print a barcode label. The
subsequent parameters are reserved for future use.
Dim sOutput As String
sOutput = "<STX><ESC>P<ETX>"
sOutput &= "<STX>E2;F2<ETX>"
sOutput &= "<STX>H0;o200,10;c2;f3;k5;d0,20<ETX>" Item
sOutput &= "<STX>H1;o200,400;c2;f3;k5;d0,20<ETX>" 'Rev
sOutput &= "<STX>B2;o170,10;c0;h50;w2;f3;k6;d0,28;<ETX>" 'Item Barcode
sOutput &= "<STX>I2;o110,200;c2;f3;k5;d0,28<ETX>" 'Item Interpretive
sOutput &= "<STX>R<ETX>"
sOutput &= "<STX><ESC>E2<CAN><ETX>"
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sOutput &= "<STX>" & "Item:" & "<CR><ETX>"
sOutput &= "<STX>" & "Rev: A" & "<CR><ETX>"
sOutput &= "<STX>" & "73-0000032" & "<CR><ETX>"
sOutput = sOutput & "<STX><RS>" & "2" & "<ETB><ETX>"
Printer.SubmitPrintJob("", "", 9100, sOutput)
Supported Versions: RFgen 5.1 and newer.
Prompt-Specific Extensions
These properties and methods are available at run time by using the name of the prompt or the RFPrompt
wrapper function with specifying either the prompt name or prompt number. Be careful using the prompt
number since adding or deleting prompts over time will create bugs in the script. Prompt numbers are best
used when looping through the prompts to set a property like Visible = False. At design time, these prop-
erties can be found on the Fields Properties tab.
The list of extensions available to each prompt is vast to list here. In order to view which extensions are avail-
able, in the script view, enter the prompt id followed by a dot.
For example, if you added a Label control to your form, and the lable is
, in your script, enter
"lblPlant" and select a procedures such as the Click event. The following Intellisense display will show some-
thing similar to this below:
Depending on the item selected, you can then continue to add the next extension. For example, if you selec-
ted "Align" you can use the Intellisense to select the value that specifies the alignment.
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Note that some extensions are only available for specific types of prompts.
This property aligns the text of a label or the text in the field of a prompt either left, center, right or vertically.
The vertical option only applies to labels.
Group: Prompt-Specific Extensions
PromptID.Align = enValue
enValue (enAlign) an enumeration that contains AlignCenter, AlignLeft, AlignRight and AlignVertical.
txtBox.Align = AlignCenter
RFPrompt("txtBox").Align = AlignCenter
RFPrompt(2).Align = AlignCenter
This property is only used on the Label, Image, and MenuList controls. The options automatically size the
control based on the content.
Fill - Fills the screen from its starting location on down.
Horizontal - Spans the content based on the width of the screen.
None - Disallows auto sizing.
Vertical - Stretches the content to match the vertical height of the control.
Group: Prompt-Specific Extensions
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PromptID.Autosize = enValue
enValue (enSizeModes) an enumeration that contains AutosizeContent, AutosizeFill, AutosizeHorizontal,
AutosizeNone and AutosizeVertical
Image1.Autosize = AutosizeContent
RFPrompt("Image1").Autosize = AutosizeContent
RFPrompt(2).Autosize = AutosizeContent
This property accesses the prompt’s data field background color and is the primary background color. Back-
ColorEx is only used to create gradients.
Group: Prompt-Specific Extensions
PromptID.BackColor = vValue
Alternate: lValue = PromptID.BackColor1
nValue (Long) is the color.
vValue (Variant) sets the color.
txtPart.BackColor = RGB(255,255,0) 'yellow
txtPart.BackColor = &HFF0000 'blue
txtPart.BackColor = QBColor(5) 'magenta
RFPrompt("txtPart").BackColor = vbWhite
RFPrompt(1).BackColor = vbWhite
Version Supported: RFgen 5.2 and newer. Replaced BackColor1.
This property accesses the prompt’s data field and is used to produce gradients from the first color to this
Group: Prompt-Specific Extensions
PromptID.BackColorEx = vValue
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Alternate: lValue = PromptID.BackColorEx
nValue (Long) is the color.
vValue (Variant) sets the color.
txtPart.BackColor = vbWhite
txtPart.BackColorEx = vbRed
txtPart.BackGradient = GradientDiagonalRight
RFPrompt("txtPart").BackColor = vbWhite
RFPrompt("txtPart").BackColorEx = vbRed
RFPrompt("txtPart").BackGradient = GradientDiagonalRight
RFPrompt(2).BackColor = vbWhite
RFPrompt(2).BackColorEx = vbRed
RFPrompt(2).BackGradient = GradientDiagonalRight
Version Supported: RFgen 5.2 and newer. Replaced BackColor2.
This property uses either just the BackColor(1) for solid backgrounds or both BackColor properties to create
gradients in one of several directions in graphical mode.
Group: Prompt-Specific Extensions
PromptID.BackGradient = enValue
enValue (enGradients) enumeration that contains GradientDefault, GradientDiagonalLeft, Gradi-
entDiagonalRight, GradientHorizontal, GradientNone, GradientVertical and GradientVerticalSplit
Group: Prompt-Specific Extensions
txtPart.BackColor1 = RGB(0,0,255)
txtPart.BackColor2 = vbWhite
txtPart.BackGradient = GradientVertical
RFPrompt("txtPart").BackGradient = GradientVertical
RFPrompt(2).BackGradient = GradientVertical
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Version Supported: RFgen 5.0. Replaced by BackStyle in RFgen 5.1.
This property affects the border associated with a specific prompt. The properties for the various borders are
set from the Application Designer > Control Properties > [name of the control] > BorderStyle, which is typ-
ically set to "(Default)".
Group: Prompt-Specific Extensions
Syntax: PromptID.BorderStyle = enBoarderStyle
Alternate: enValue = PromptID.BorderStyle
enValue (enBorderStyles) is the border style used to render the control object. The options are
BoarderDefault, BoarderFlat, BorderNone, BorderRaised, BorderSunken, Border-
Thick, and BorderUnderline.
txtPart.BorderStyle = BorderNone
RFPrompt("txtPart").BorderStyle = BorderNone
RFPrompt(1).BorderStyle = BorderNone
Version Supported: RFgen 5.0 and newer.
This property accesses the caption associated with a specific prompt.
Group: Prompt-Specific Extensions
PromptID.Caption = vValue
Alternate: sValue = PromptID.Caption
sValue (String) is the caption of the prompt.
vValue (Variant) is the caption to display for the prompt.
txtPart.Caption = "Part Number"
RFPrompt("txtPart").Caption = "Part Number"
RFPrompt(1).Caption = "Part Number"
Version Supported: RFgen 4.0, 4.1, 5.0, 5.1, 5.2 and newer.
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This property accesses the status of a checkbox object associated with a specific prompt.
Group: Prompt-Specific Extensions
PromptID.Checked = bValue
Alternate: bValue = PromptID.Checked
bValue (Boolean) is the checked state of the prompt.
chkPrint.Checked = True
bValue = chkPrint.Checked
RFPrompt("chkPrint").Checked = False
RFPrompt(2).Checked = False
Version Supported: RFgen 4.0, 4.1, 5.0, 5.1, 5.2 and newer.
Group: Prompt-Specific Extensions
This property is used for objects with parent-child relationships. If the child and parent have a property in
common but with different values (i.e. background color, forecolor, fontsize etc.) the child’s property value
trumps the parent property value. There are four methods that are used with the Children property: Chil-
dren.Append, Children.Count, Children.Item, and Children.Remove.
Use this method to clone objects contained by a parent control (Layout, Panel or TabControl). Chil-
dren.Append takes a single parameter which is the control that you wish to clone and appends it to a VBA
Prompt Array.
Group: Prompt-Specific Extensions
PromptID.Children.Append(ByVal pCtl As vbaPrompt, Optional Top As Long, Optional Left As Long)
ByVal pCtl is the prompt you want copied.
ByVal (Long) Top and Left is the location.
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In the Cloning App below, the panel control (pnlChild) is cloned and will be appended to the end of the child
controls of pChildren. The new controls will have the same parent that the pChildren control came from.
Dim pChildren As vbaPromptArray
Set pChildren = pnlParent.Children
Version Supported: RFgen 5.1 and newer.
This method will return the number of child prompts that exist in the child collection. Its generally used when
looping through the prompts to set properties.
Group: Prompt-Specific Extensions
nCount = Children.Count
Dim nCount As Integer
Dim pParent As vbaPrompt
nCount = pParent.Children.Count
Version Supported: RFgen 5.1 and newer.
This method is used to access the array elements of the vbaPromptArray collection.
Group: Prompt-Specific Extensions
Syntax: PromptID.Children.Item(i)
ByVal (Variant) sets the item identifier for the child prompt.
i The index ID of a cloned control in a vbaprompt array.
Note: The variable "i" can also be used to reference the name of a prompt when given in string format.
In this example, pnlParent is the Panel Control.
Dim pChildren as vbaPromptArray
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Set pChildren = pnlParent.Children
pChildren.Item(3).Caption = “Enter”
pChildren.Item("TextBox1").Caption = "Enter"
Version Supported: RFgen 5.1 and newer.
This method is used to remove a child object from the vbaPromptArray collection.
Group: Prompt-Specific Extensions
ByVal (Variant) Index is the identifier
ByVal (Boolean) True if its successfully removed; False if it fails.
Dim pChildren As vbaPromptArray
Set pChildren = pnlParent.Children
Version Supported: RFgen 5.1 and newer.
Group: Prompt-Specific Extensions
See “Children.Append”
To clone child objects, see Children.Append method.
For information on how to access a cloned object, refer to How to access cloned objects.”
This property accesses the default property associated with a specific prompt.
Group: Prompt-Specific Extensions
PromptID.Defaults = vValue
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Alternate: sValue = PromptID.Defaults
sValue (String) is the default expression for the prompt.
vValue (Variant) sets the default expression for the prompt.
txtYesNo.Defaults = "N"
RFPrompt("txtYesNo").Defaults = "N;O" ' with override
RFPrompt(2).Defaults = "N;O" ' with override
The letter 'N' will be the default.
Version Supported: RFgen 4.0, 4.1, 5.0, 5.1, 5.2 and newer.
This property accesses the display only property associated with a specific prompt. Setting it to True makes
a prompt into a display only field, while setting it to False allows users to access and change data at the
Group: Prompt-Specific Extensions
PromptID.DisplayOnly = bValue
Alternate: bValue = PromptID.DisplayOnly
bValue (Boolean) is the display only state for the prompt.
txtPart.DisplayOnly = True
RFPrompt("txtPart").DisplayOnly = False
RFPrompt(2).DisplayOnly = False
Version Supported: RFgen 4.0, 4.1, 5.0, and 5.1. Removed in 5.2.
This property accesses the Edits property associated with a specific prompt.
Group: Prompt-Specific Extensions
PromptID.Edits = vValue
Alternate: sValue = PromptID.Edits
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sValue (String) is the edit conditions for the prompt.
vValue (Variant) sets the edit conditions for the prompt.
txtPart.Edits = "2N" ' only accept 2 numbers
RFPrompt("txtPart").Edits = "2N"
RFPrompt(2).Edits = "2N"
Version Supported: RFgen 4.0, 4.1, 5.0, 5.1, 5.2 and newer.
This property accesses the error message property associated with a specific prompt.
Group: Prompt-Specific Extensions
PromptID.ErrMsg = vValue
Alternate: sValue = PromptID.ErrMsg
sValue (String) is the error message to display for the prompt.
vValue (Variant) sets the error message to display for the prompt.
txtPart.Edits = "2N" ' only accept 2 numbers
txtPart.ErrMsg = "Must be 2 numbers."
RFPrompt("txtPart").ErrMsg = "Must be 2 numbers."
RFPrompt(2).ErrMsg = "Must be 2 numbers."
Version Supported: RFgen 4.0, 4.1, 5.0, 5.1, 5.2 and newer.
This property returns the field ID of a specific prompt. If the prompt is linked to a database field, that field
name is returned.
Group: Prompt-Specific Extensions
sValue = PromptID.FieldId
sValue (String) is the field id/name for the prompt.
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Dim sValue As String
sValue = txtPart.FieldId
sValue = RFPrompt("txtPart").FieldId
sValue = RFPrompt(2).FieldId
This property accesses the prompt’s data field bold option.
Group: Prompt-Specific Extensions
PromptID.Font.Bold = bValue
Alternate: bValue = PromptID.Font.Bold
bValue (Boolean) is True or False for bold or not bold.
txtPart.Font.Bold = True
RFPrompt("txtPart").Font.Bold = True
RFPrompt(2).Font.Bold = True
This property accesses the prompt’s data field italic option.
Group: Prompt-Specific Extensions
PromptID.Font.Italic = bValue
Alternate: bValue = PromptID.Font.Italic
bValue (Boolean) is True or False for italics or no italics.
txtPart.Font.Italic = True
RFPrompt("txtPart").Font.Italic = True
RFPrompt(2).Font.Italic = True
This property accesses the prompt’s data field text size.
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Group: Prompt-Specific Extensions
PromptID. Font.Size = nValue
Alternate: vValue = PromptID.Font.Size
vValue (Variant) is the font size.
nValue (Long) sets the font size. Default is set in the theme.
txtPart.Font.Size = 16
RFPrompt("txtPart").Font.Size = 16
RFPrompt(2).Font.Size = 16
This property accesses the prompt’s data field underline option.
Group: Prompt-Specific Extensions
PromptID.Font.Underline = bValue
Alternate: bValue = PromptID.Font.Underline
bValue (Boolean) True or False for underline or no underline.
txtPart.Font.Underline = True
RFPrompt("txtPart").Font.Underline = True
RFPrompt(2).Font.Underline = True
This property sets the color for the font (text). The
Group: Prompt-Specific Extensions
PromptID.ForeColor = nValue
Alternate: vValue = PromptID.ForeColor
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vValue (Variant) is the color.
nValue (Long) sets the color.
txtPart.ForeColor = RGB(255,255,0) 'yellow
txtPart.ForeColor = &HFF0000 'blue
txtPart.ForeColor = QBColor(5) 'magenta
RFPrompt("txtPart").ForeColor = vbWhite
RFPrompt(2).ForeColor = vbWhite
Version Supported: RFgen 5.0 and newer.
This command returns the page number of the active page (the page that is displaying at runtime.)
Group: Prompt-Specific Extensions
vPage = Form.PageNo
vPage (Variant) is the page number.
If MenuAction = "SysBack" Then
MenuAction = ""
‘Get the page number of the active page and
‘make it the Case number
Select Case Form.PageNo
Case 1: App.ExitForm
Case 2: Call BackFromPage2
Case 3: Call BackFromPage3
End Select
End If
Public Sub BackFromPage2
‘1stLine is on page 1
End Sub
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Public Sub BackFromPage3
‘Txt2Mat is on page 2
End Sub
This property accesses the format of a specific prompt. It is only an extension of the Format VBA command.
Group: Prompt-Specific Extensions
PromptID.Format = vValue
Alternate: sValue = PromptID.Format
sValue (String) is the format mask to use when displaying data for the prompt.
vValue (Variant) sets the format mask to use when displaying data for the prompt.
txtTime.Format = "hh:mm"
RFPrompt("txtTime").Format = "hh:mm"
c - General Date
dddddd - Long Date
ddddd - Short Date
ttttt - Long Time
hh:mm AMPM - Medium Time , 12-hr format
hh:mm - Short, 12-hr format
HH:mm - Short, 24-hr format
$#,##0.00 or ($#,##0.00) - Currency 0.00 - Fixed
#,##0.00 - 'Standard 0.00% - Percent 0.00E+00 - Scientific
Yes/No - Return "No" if zero, else return "Yes"
True/False - Return "True" if zero, else return "False"
On/Off - Return "On" if zero, else return "Off"
For further examples get help on the VB FORMAT command.
Version Supported: RFgen 4.0, 4.1, 5.0, 5.1, 5.2 and newer.
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This property accesses the Height property for a prompt object. This value can be changed at run time if
there is a need to change prompt sizes on the screen. Depending on the client environment the default val-
ues may be in either pixels or characters.
Group: Prompt-Specific Extensions
PromptID.Height = nValue
Alternate: vValue = PromptID.Height
vValue (Variant) is the display length for a prompt object.
nValue (Long) sets the display length for a prompt object.
Dim vValue As Variant
vValue = txtPart.Height
txtPart.Height = 10
vValue = RFPrompt("txtPart").Height
RFPrompt("txtPart").Height = 10
vValue = RFPrompt(2).Height
RFPrompt(2).Height = 10
Version Supported: RFgen 5.0 and newer.
This command is used to quickly change the icons displayed on a form. For example, if you have users for
whom you want to change which icons are available at a specific moment in time, this extension allows you
to change them as needed.
Group: Prompt-Specific Extensions
Syntax: Form.IconSet (Index, IconType, IconName, IconAction, IconVisible)
Index (Long) the index of the existing icon
The icon's index is typically in Themes > Application > SystemIcons > Manage
Icons Collection > Icon ID
IconAction The new icon action that will replace the action assigned to the existing icon --
select from Intellisense.
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IconName The name of the icon to be changed on a form. Select the icon switch to from Intel-
IconType The icon that will replace the existing icon -- select from the drop down list in Intel-
IconVisible (Optional) Sets whether the icon will be visible or not at runtime.
Form.IconSet(1,iconArrowFilled, "", "Backup")
Versions Supported: RFgen and newer.
This property accesses the image in the signature capture object and allows the user to write it to a file. This
property can also read from a file and place the BMP formatted image in an Image control. This function will
support Base64 images. Be sure to have pressed Enter on the signature box before trying to read the picture
from it. After the OnEnter event finishes the prompt will have a value.
Group: Prompt-Specific Extensions
PromptID.Image.Bitmap = bImage
Alternate: bImage = PromptID.Image.Bitmap
bImage (Variant) is the byte array containing the image.
reading from a file:
Dim bImage() As Byte
Open "C:\sig.bmp" For Binary Access Read As #1
ReDim bImage(LOF(1))
Get #1,,bImage
Close #1
Image1.Image.Bitmap = bImage
writing to a file:
Dim bImage() As Byte
bImage = sigSignature.Image.Bitmap
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Open "C:\sig.bmp" For Binary Access Write As #1
Put #1,,bImage
Close #1
This function places an image into the control and has options to tile, stretch, not alter or position the image
in a number of ways. The options are: BottomCenter, BottomLeft, BottomRight, CenterCenter, CenterLeft,
CenterRight, TopCenter, TopLeft, TopRight, Default, Stretched, Disabled and Tile.
Group: Prompt-Specific Extensions
Alternate: enVal = PromptID.Image.DisplayMode
enVal (enImageAlign) is the alignment style for the image
btnPrint.Image.DisplayMode = ImageAlignCenterCenter
RFPrompt("btnPrint").Image.DisplayMode = ImageAlignTopLeft
RFPrompt(2).Image.DisplayMode = ImageAlignBottomRight
This function retrieves a BMP object stored within the database and displays it for an image prompt.
Group: Prompt-Specific Extensions
Syntax: [bValue =] PromptID.Image.GetBitmap(SQL)
SQL (String) is the ODBC call to retrieve the OLE object stored in the database.
bValue (Boolean) Optional returns True or False for the success of the command
Dim sSQL As String
sSQL = "Select Image from Inv where PartNo = '100'"
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This function retrieves an image object stored as an Images resource in the Solution Explorer > Images tree
and displays it as a prompt.
Group: Prompt-Specific Extensions
[bValue =] PromptID.Image.LoadResource(sName)
sName (String) is the Image ID used to retrieve the Images resource object stored in the master data-
bValue (Boolean) Optional returns True or False for the success of the command
This property retrieves a graphic file and displays it in an image prompt. When using thin client mode the sup-
ported image types are BMP, DIB, GIF and JPG. When running in mobile mode, only BMP is supported.
Group: Prompt-Specific Extensions
PromptID.Image.Path = vValue
Alternate: sValue = PromptID.Image.Path
sValue (String) is the path to the image.
vValue (Variant) sets the path to the image.
imgPartImage.Image.Path = "C:\House.GIF"
RFPrompt("imgPartImage").Image.Path = "C:\House.GIF"
RFPrompt(2).Image.Path = "C:\House.GIF"
Version Supported: RFgen 4.0, 4.1, 5.0, 5.1, 5.2 and newer.
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This property accesses the visible property associated with a specific prompt. Setting it to True makes a
prompt visible, while setting it to False makes it invisible. Even though the prompt may be invisible, the
GotFocus, OnEnter and LostFocus events will still be executed for this prompt. The screen must either be
manually refreshed immediately or the event allowed to finish before the screen will be updated.
Syntax: PromptID.Image.Visible = True
True Keeps the image visible state for the prompt.
False Makes the image invisible.
'This keeps the search button in the TextBox remains visible even after you click the submit button
Private Sub TextBox2_Click()
On Error Resume Next
End Sub
Version Supported: RFgen 4.0, 4.1, 5.0, 5.1, 5.2 and newer.
This property returns the prompt number and is read only. The language extension App.PromptNo returns
the same value.
Group: Prompt-Specific Extensions
vValue = PromptID.Index
vValue (Variant) is the variable containing the prompt’s number.
Dim vValue As Variant
vValue = txtPart.Index
vValue = RFPrompt("txtPart").Index
vValue = RFPrompt(2).Index
This property sets the mode for a device touchscreen or soft input panel (SIP)/soft keyboard.
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There are multiple sources for a keyboard's mode: a) The touchscreen/soft input panel/virtual keyboard that
is native to the device's operating system, and the RFgen keyboard file that was imported to the Dev Studio
Solution Explorer > Keyboard folder, or the RFgen keyboard that a developer customized with unique key-
s/layout/function calls in the Dev Studio Solution Explorer > Keyboard folder.
The options available are: kbAlpha, kbAlphaNum, kbCustom1, kbCustom2, kbCustom3, kbFullAlpha,
kbFullAlphaNum, kbNone, kbNumeric, and kbSIP. The modes kbHide or kbShow are NO LONGER valid as a
keyboard mode operations.
kbAlpha - displays the RFgen alphabetical soft keyboard (not the device's operating system alphabetical
kbAlphaNum - displays the RFgen alphabetical and numeric keyboard (not the device's operating system
kbCustom - displays the RFgen keyboard referenced under the Dev Studio > Solution Explorer > Keyboard
kbNone - will NOT display a keyboard; "kbNone" is the equivalent of null for a keyboard mode.
kbNumeric - displays a RFgen numeric keyboard (not the device's operating system numeric keyboard).
kbSIP - displays the device's operating system keyboard (not a RFgen keyboard).
For more information, see Soft Input Panel Extensions.
Group: KeyBoardMode
txtBox.KeyboardMode = kbAlpha
This property aligns the text of a left, center, right or vertically. The vertical option only applies to labels.
Group: Prompt-Specific Extensions
PromptID.Label.Align = enValue
enValue (enAlign) an enumeration that contains AlignCenter, AlignLeft, AlignRight and AlignVertical.
txtBox.Label.Align = AlignCenter
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RFPrompt("txtBox").Label.Align = AlignCenter
RFPrompt(2).Label.Align = AlignCenter
Version Supported: RFgen 5.0, 5.1, 5.2 and newer.
This property is only for the Label, Image and MenuList controls. The options are to size the control based on
content, Fill the screen from its starting location on down, Horizontal size means with width of the screen,
None for no auto sizing and Vertical which stretches on the vertical height of the control.
Group: Prompt-Specific Extensions
PromptID.Label.Autosize = enValue
enValue (enSizeModes) an enumeration that contains AutosizeContent, AutosizeFill, AutosizeHorizontal,
AutosizeNone and AutosizeVertical
txtBox.Label.Autosize = AutosizeContent
RFPrompt("txtBox").Label.Autosize = AutosizeContent
RFPrompt(2).Label.Autosize = AutosizeContent
The Label.BackColor property accesses the prompt’s label background color and is the primary back ground
color for the label control.
Group: Prompt-Specific Extensions
PromptID.Label.BackColor = vValue
vValue (Variant) sets the color.
nValue (Long) is the color.
txtPart.Label.BackColor1 = vbWhite
txtPart.Label.BackColor1 = RGB(255,255,0) 'yellow
txtPart.Label.BackColor1 = &HFF0000 'blue
txtPart.Label.BackColor1 = QBColor(5) 'magenta
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RFPrompt("txtPart").Label.BackColor1 = vbWhite
RFPrompt(2).Label.BackColor1 = vbWhite
Note: "BackColor1" replaced "BackColor" in RFgen 5.0 and 5.1.
Version Supported: RFgen 4.0 and 4.1 and RFgen 5.2 and newer.
This property uses either just the BackColor(1) for solid backgrounds or both BackColor properties to create
gradients in one of several directions in graphical mode.
Group: Prompt-Specific Extensions
PromptID.Label.BackGradient = enValue
enValue (enGradients) enumeration that contains GradientDefault, GradientDiagonalLeft, Gradi-
entDiagonalRight, GradientHorizontal, GradientNone, GradientVertical and GradientVerticalSplit
txtPart.Label.BackColor1 = RGB(0,0,255)
txtPart.Label.BackColor2 = vbWhite
txtPart.Label.BackGradient = GradientVertical
RFPrompt("txtPart").Label.BackGradient = GradientNone
RFPrompt(2).Label.BackGradient = GradientVertical
This property affects the border associated with a specific label. The different options are Active Border
where the border is given an outline color when it has the focus, Default which takes its value from the cur-
rent theme, No Border so only the label is visible, Standard is just the visible border without a color outline,
Transparent hides the field allowing the text to be entered on the application’s background and Visible On
Focus where the field is transparent unless it has focus.
Group: Prompt-Specific Extensions
PromptID.Label.BorderStyle = enValue
Alternate: enValue = PromptID.Label.BorderStyle
enValue (enBorderStyles) is the border style used to render the label object. The options are Dis-
playActiveBorder, DisplayDefault, DisplayNoBorder, DisplayStandard, DisplayTransparent, Dis-
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txtPart.Label.BorderStyle = DisplayVisibleOnFocus
RFPrompt("txtPart").Label.BorderStyle = DisplayDefault
RFPrompt(1).BorderStyle = DisplayTransparent
This property accesses the prompt’s label bold option.
Group: Prompt-Specific Extensions
PromptID.Label.Font.Bold = bValue
Alternate: bValue = PromptID.Label.Font.Bold
bValue (Boolean) is True or False for bold or not bold.
txtPart.Label.Font.Bold = True
RFPrompt("txtPart").Label.Font.Bold = True
RFPrompt(2).Label.Font.Bold = True
This property accesses the prompt’s label italic option.
Group: Prompt-Specific Extensions
PromptID.Label.Font.Italic = bValue
Alternate: bValue = PromptID.Label.Font.Italic
bValue (Boolean) is True or False for italics or no italics.
txtPart.Label.Font.Italic = True
RFPrompt("txtPart").Label.Font.Italic = True
RFPrompt(2).Label.Font.Italic = True
This property accesses the prompt’s label text size.
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Group: Prompt-Specific Extensions
PromptID.Label.Font.Size = nValue
Alternate: vValue = PromptID.Label.Font.Size
nValue (Long) sets the font size. Default is 10.
vValue (Variant) is the font size.
txtPart.Label.Font.Size = 16
RFPrompt("txtPart").Label.Font.Size = 16
RFPrompt(2).Label.Font.Size = 16
This property accesses the prompt’s label underline option.
Group: Prompt-Specific Extensions
PromptID.Label.Font.Underline = bValue
Alternate: bValue = PromptID.Label.Font.Underline
bValue (Boolean) True or False for underline or no underline.
txtPart.Label.Font.Underline = True
RFPrompt("txtPart").Label.Font.Underline = True
RFPrompt(2).Label.Font.Underline = True
This property accesses the prompt’s label fore (font) color.
Group: Prompt-Specific Extensions
PromptID.Label.ForeColor = nValue
Alternate: vValue = PromptID.Label.ForeColor
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nValue (Long) sets the color.
vValue (Variant) is the color.
txtPart.Label.ForeColor = RGB(255,255,0) 'yellow
txtPart.Label.ForeColor = QBColor(5) 'magenta
txtPart.Label.ForeColor = &HFF0000 'blue
txtPart.Label.ForeColor = vbWhite
RFPrompt("txtPart").Label.ForeColor = vbWhite
RFPrompt(2).Label.ForeColor = vbWhite
This property accesses the Height property for a label object associated with a specific prompt. This value
can be changed at run time if there is a need to change prompt sizes on the screen. Depending on the client
environment the default values may be in either pixels or characters.
Group: Prompt-Specific Extensions
PromptID.Label.Height = nValue
Alternate: vValue = PromptID.Label.Height
nValue (Long) sets the display length for a prompt’s label object.
vValue (Variant) is the display length for a prompt’s label object.
Dim vValue As Variant
txtPart.Label.Height = 10
RFPrompt("txtPart").Label.Height = 10
vValue = RFPrompt(2).Label.Height
This property accesses the column position for a label object associated with a specific prompt. This value
can be changed at run time if there is a need to move prompts around on the screen. Depending on the cli-
ent environment the default values may be in either pixels or characters.
Group: Prompt-Specific Extensions
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PromptID.Label.Left = nValue
Alternate: vValue = PromptID.Label.Left
nValue (Long) sets the starting column for a prompt’s label object.
vValue (Variant) is the starting column for a prompt’s label object.
Dim vValue As Variant
vValue = txtPart.Label.Left
vValue = RFPrompt("txtPart").Label.Left
RFPrompt(2).Label.Left = 1
This property gets or sets the theme for the label portion of the prompt.
Group: Prompt-Specific Extensions
PromptID.Label.Theme = vValue
Alternate: vValue = PromptID.Label.Theme
vValue (Variant) is the name of the theme to set or retrieve
Dim vValue As Variant
txtPart.Label.Theme = "Standard"
vValue = txtPart.Label.Theme
vValue = RFPrompt("txtPart").Label.Theme
vValue = RFPrompt(2).Label.Theme
This property accesses the row position for a label object associated with a specific prompt. This value can
be changed at run time if there is a need to move prompts around on the screen. Depending on the client
environment the default values may be in either pixels or characters.
Group: Prompt-Specific Extensions
Syntax: PromptID.Label.Top = nValue
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Alternate: vValue = PromptID.Label.Top
nValue (Long) sets the row to display a prompt’s label object.
vValue (Variant) is the row to display a prompt’s label object.
Dim vValue As Variant
vValue = txtPart.Label.Top
vValue = RFPrompt("txtPart").Label.Top
RFPrompt(2).Label.Top = 3
This property accesses the Width property for a label object associated with a specific prompt. This value
can be changed at run time if there is a need to change prompt sizes on the screen. Depending on the client
environment the default values may be in either pixels or characters.
Group: Prompt-Specific Extensions
PromptID.Label.Width = nValue
Alternate: vValue = PromptID.Label.Width
nValue (Long) sets the display length for a prompt’s label object.
vValue (Variant) is the display length for a prompt’s label object.
Dim vValue As Variant
vValue = txtPart.Label.Width
vValue = RFPrompt("txtPart").Label.Width
RFPrompt(2).Label.Width = 10
This method sets the sizemode, size, visibility, and minimum size, and maxiumum size for a specific column
in a Layout control.
Group: Prompt-Specific Extensions
Syntax: PromptID.Layout.Column(x).[property name]
Column(x) "x" Is the index value of the column
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Property Name The values are: Size, SizeMode, MaxSize, MinSize, and Visible.
Private Sub Layout1_GotFocus(ByRef Rsp As String, ByRef AllowChange As Boolean)
On Error Resume Next
Layout1.Layout.Column(2).SizeMode = stPixels 'This sets the size type for all the objects under column 2.
Layout1.Layout.Column(2).Size = 20 'Make column 20 pixels wide. Use Layout1.Layout.Row(x).Size to set the
Layout1.Layout.Column(2).Visible = True 'Make the column content visible
Layout1.Layout.Column(2).MaxSize = 18 'The maximum size this can autosized to is 18 pixels
Layout1.Layout.Column(2).MinSize = 5 'The minimum size this can be autosized to is 5 pixels
Label1.Parent 'This is the shortcut name for "Layout1"
End Sub
Column Property Descriptions
Size - The SizeMode value. For example, if your SizeMode is a Percent, and you entered "50" for Column 1,
then column 1 gets 50% of the space that's available in the Layout control. If the SizeMode was Pixels, then
"50" is 50 pixels. If you set SizeMode to "AutoSize", this value is ignored.
(SizeMode) - This sets the metric / method that the Layout control uses to allocate space to the column.
Column width is based on the largest item (Label, image etc) inside the column; the Width value
is ignored. If the column is empty, the column will collapse (i.e. become 1 pixel wide)
Uses the Width value to set the column width.
Uses the space left over from other columns or uses the Width value to calculate the allocation as
a percentage of the Layout control. If you have columns where each column has at least one object (i.e.
Label, Caption, button, TextBox etc), and want to use AutoSize, its best to have at least one column set to
Percent preferably one that contains TextBoxes.
MaxSize - The maximum size of the column can be expanded to if the Layout control is autosized or scaled
MinSize - The minimum size of the column can be reduced to if the Layout control is autosized or scaled.
Visible - True displays the contents of the column; False hides it.
This property accesses the column position for the data field portion of a prompt object. This value can be
changed at run time if there is a need to move prompts around on the screen. Depending on the client envir-
onment the default values may be in either pixels or characters.
Group: Prompt-Specific Extensions
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PromptID.Left = nValue
Alternate: vValue = PromptID.Left
nValue (Long) sets the starting column for a prompt’s data field.
vValue (Variant) is the starting column for a prompt’s data field.
Dim vValue As Variant
vValue = txtPart.Left
vValue = RFPrompt("txtPart").Left
RFPrompt(2).Left = 1
Version Supported: RFgen 5.0, 5.1, 5.2 and newer.
Use this method to specify the center of a map/area using the Latitude and Longitude. This extension only
functions with the Map control.
Group: Prompt-Specific Extensions
Syntax: bValue = PromptID.Map.CenterMap(sLat, sLng)
sLat: (String) is the latitude of the center of the map
sLong: (String) is the longitude of the center of the map
Dim SLat As String
Dim sLng As String
sLat = “38.575764”
sLng = “121.478851”
Version Supported: RFgen 5.1, 5.2 and newer.
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This method returns an address converted from the longitude and latitude geo-coordinates. This extension
only works with the Map control.
Group: Prompt-Specific Extensions
Syntax: bValue = PromptID.Map.GetAddress(sLat, sLng, sAddrs)
bValue: (Boolean) True returns a value if successful; False if it fails
sLat: (String) is the Latitude of the address
sLng: (String) is the Longitude of the address
sAddrs: (String) is the address converted from the Latitude and Longitude
sLat = “38.575764”
sLng = “121.478851”
Version Supported: RFgen 5.1, 5.2 and newer.
This returns the driving directions between a start and destination. This extension only works with the Map
Group: Prompt-Specific Extensions
Syntax: bVal = mapArea.Map.GetDirections(sOrigin, sDest, sDir, bGetMap, sDur, sDist)
bVal: (Boolean) Returns True if the conversion was retrieved; False if it failed.
sOrigin: (String) is the origination or start of the route
sDest: (String) is the route destination
sDir: (String Array) are the directions -- the list of roads between origination and destination
bGetMap: (Boolean) Returns True if the map was retrieved; False if it failed.
sDur: (String) is the duration of the distance traveled
sDist: (String) is the distance traveled
DIM sDir as String
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mapArea.Map.GetDirections(txtOrig.Text, txtDest.Text, sDir, True)
Version Supported: RFgen 5.1, 5.2 and newer.
Use this method to return the Latitude and Longitude of a physical address. This extension only works with
the Map control.
Group: Prompt-Specific Extensions
Syntax: bVal = PromptID.Map.GetLatLng (sAddr, sLat, sLng)
bValue (Boolean) True means the conversion was retrieved; False means it failed.
sAddr: (String) is the address of the location
sLat: (String) is the latitude of the location
sLng: (String) is the longitude of the location
MapArea.Map.GetLatLng(txtAddress.Text, textLat.Text, textLng.Text, True)
Version Supported: RFgen 5.1, 5.2 and newer.
Use this method to obtain the most efficient driving route for multiple locations. This extension only works
with the Map control.
Group: Prompt-Specific Extensions
Syntax: bVal = PromptID.Map.PlanRoute(sOrigin, sDest, sPoints, bGetMap)
bVal: (Boolean) True means the conversion was retrieved; False means it failed
sOrigin: (String) is the origination or start of the planned route
sDest: (String) is the destination of the planned route
sPoints: (String Array) Points are an array of delivery addresses and once its returned, the points will contain
the sorted addresses.
bGetMap: (Boolean) Returns True if the map was retrieved; False if it failed.
Dim sPoints(3)As String
Dim sSrc as String
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Dim sDst as String
sSrc = "Services, 200 Plaza Dr, Folsom, CA 95630, USA"
sDst = "Services, 200 Plaza Dr, Folsom, CA 95630, USA"
sPoints(0) = "Services, 200 Plaza Dr, Folsom, CA 95630, USA"
sPoints(1) = "3321 Durock Rd, Cameron Park, CA 95682, USA"
sPoints(2) = "300 Automall Dr, Roseville, CA 95661, USA"
If not mapRoute.Map.PlanRoute(sSrc,sDst, sPoints, True) Then
App.MsgBox "Your route plan needs to be revised."
Version Supported: RFgen 5.1, 5.2 and newer.
Use this method to zoom in/out of the map area. This extension only functions with the Map control.
The Map control requires a Google license/key. We recommend you review the Google documentation for
details on parameters that are supported. For example, as per the google documentation:
"Maps on Google Maps have an integer 'zoom level' which defines the resolution of the current view. Zoom
levels between 0 (the lowest zoom level, in which the entire world can be seen on one map) and 21+ (down
to streets and individual buildings) are possible within the default roadmap view. Building outlines, where
available, appear on the map around zoom level 17. This value differs from area to area and can change over
time as the data evolves."
Group: Prompt-Specific Extensions
Syntax: PromptID.Map.Zoom = nValue
nValue (Long) sets the Zoom size
Private Sub Button1_Click()
On Error Resume Next
mapDir.Map.Zoom = 3
End Sub
Private Sub Form_Load()
On Error Resume Next
Dim sPoints(3) As String
Dim sSrc As String
Dim sDst As String
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sSrc = "Services, 200 Plaza Dr, Folsom, CA 95630, USA"
sDst = "Services, 200 Plaza Dr, Folsom, CA 95630, USA"
sPoints(0) = "Services, 200 Plaza Dr, Folsom, CA 95630, USA"
sPoints(1) = "3321 Durock Rd, Cameron Park, CA 95682, USA"
sPoints(2) = "300 Automall Dr, Roseville, CA 95661, USA"
If Not Map1.Map.PlanRoute(sSrc,sDst, sPoints, True) Then
App.MsgBox "Your route plan needs to be revised."
End If
End Sub
Version Supported: RFgen 5.1, 5.2 and newer.
If you define an OnKeyDown event for a prompt, the default behavior is to return any key pressed for pro-
cessing at the scripting level. This method allows you to narrow down the scope of keys requested to
improve performance.
If you have the OnKeyDown event in script and did not specify any keys, the default mode is vkAll.
Group: Prompt-Specific Extensions
vkNone = No keys are monitored; no keys will be sent to the script engine.
vkAll = All keys monitored; All keys will be preprocessed in the script engine before RFgen handles them.
vkCursor = The up, down, left, right, page up, page down, home, end keys will be preprocessed in the script
engine before RFgen handles them.
vkEscape = The Escape key will be preprocessed in the script engine before RFgen handles it.
vkList =The list of virtual keycode values specified as optional parameters to be preprocessed in the script
engine before RFgen handles them.
[keycode] = comma separated list of virtual key codes
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This property accesses the page number property associated with a specific prompt. This property is read-
only at run time.
Group: Prompt-Specific Extensions
Syntax: vPage = PromptID.PageNo
vPage (Variant) is numeric and represents the page number on which the prompt will be dis-
Dim iValue as Integer
iValue = txtPart.PageNo
iValue = RFPrompt("txtPart").PageNo
iValue = RFPrompt(2).PageNo
This property, when set to True or False, will turn on or off asterisks (*) in the data field of a textbox that
mask the data.
Group: Prompt-Specific Extensions
Syntax: PromptID.Password = bValue
bValue (Boolean) set to True or False
Examples: These reference the RFLogin form:
Password.Password = True
RFPrompt("Password").Password = True
RFPrompt(5).Password = True
Version Supported: RFgen 4.0, 4.1, 5.0, 5.1. Replaced by MaskInput in 5.2.
This property, when set to ‘True’, forces users to enter data into the prompt, while setting it to False allows
users to skip the field. If the prompt never gets the focus, this property will not have a chance to be used.
Group: Prompt-Specific Extensions
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PromptID.Required = bValue
Alternate: bValue = PromptID.Required
bValue (Boolean) is the required state for the prompt.
Dim bValue As Boolean
bValue = txtPart.Required
bValue = RFPrompt("txtPart").Required
RFPrompt("txtPart").Required = True
Version Supported: RFgen 4.0, 4.1, 5.0, 5.1, 5.2 and newer.
The RFPrompt
This control has been deprecated since 5.0 but is still used in legacy code.
This property can be used either on the form control or a list control to enable or disable the scrollbars. The
options are: Horizontal, Vertical, Both, None, or the default value from the selected theme.
Group: Prompt-Specific Extensions
Syntax: PromptID.ScrollBars = enValue
Alternate: Form.ScrollBars = enValue
Alternate: enValue = PromptID.ScrollBars
enValue (enScrollBars) is the option for enabling or disabling the scrollbars on the control.
Form.ScrollBars = enScrollDefault
txtPart.ScrollBars = enScrollBoth
RFPrompt("txtPart").ScrollBars = enScrollVert
RFPrompt("txtPart").ScrollBars = enScrollNone
In graphical mode, this property sets or returns the number of characters highlighted by the mouse for a spe-
cified text prompt. For example, if the text box contained ‘123456’ and using the mouse you drag and select
only ‘456’, the property will return 3, the number of characters selected.
Group: Prompt-Specific Extensions
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Syntax: vValue = PromptID.SelLength
Alternate: PromptID.SelLength = iValue
vValue (Variant) returns the numeric value
iValue (Integer) sets the numeric value and selects the specified number of characters in the
field starting from the SelStart value
Dim vValue as Variant
vValue = txtPart.SelLength
vValue = RFPrompt("txtPart").SelLength
RFPrompt("txtPart").SelLength = 3
Version Supported: RFgen 4.0, 4.1, 5.0, 5.1, 5.2 and newer.
In graphical mode, this property sets or returns the position where the highlighting starts for a specified text
prompt. For example, if the text box contained ‘123456’ and using the mouse you drag and select only ‘56’,
the property will return 4, the position where the selection started.
Group: Prompt-Specific Extensions
Syntax: vValue = PromptID.SelStart
Alternate: PromptID.SelStart = iValue
Nbr (Variant) is numeric, or fieldname, and refers to a specific prompt.
vValue (Variant) returns the numeric value
iValue (Integer) sets the numeric value
Dim vValue as Variant
vValue = txtPart.SelStart
vValue = RFPrompt("txtPart").SelStart
RFPrompt("txtPart").SelStart = 1
Version Supported: RFgen 4.0, 4.1, 5.0, 5.1, 5.2 and newer.
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This method is equivalent to the App.SetFocus command but in this case the syntax check will catch errors
because the prompt name must exist. This method is the preferred approach.
Group: Prompt-Specific Extensions
Syntax: [bValue =] PromptID.SetFocus([bSaveRSP], [bValidateRSP])
bValue (Boolean) Optional Returns True or False depending on the success of the com-
bSaveRSP (Boolean) Optional set to True to save any changes to the current prompts value
before switching focus to the new prompt.
bValidateRSP (Boolean) Optional set to True to call the edit checks and to re-run the OnEnter
PartNo.SetFocus ' Cursor will go to prompt PartNo
PartNo.SetFocus(True, True) ' Cursor will go to "PartNo", save current Text property and execute edits and
OnEnter event
Version Supported: RFgen 5.0, 5.1, 5.2 and newer.
This property is only used with the TabControl prompt which enables users to toggle between pages or
groups of prompts at run time. At runtime, the TabControl determines which tab is active and which one is
inactive. The following provides the methods for stylizing (coloring, shaping of the bezel and boarders) for
the active tab.
The Tab.Caption resets the caption of the specified tab to the text assigned to it. The remainder of the func-
tions Tab.Curxxx or Tab.Altxxx set values for the tabs when they are active or inactive respectively. If mul-
tiple tabs are used, RFgen automatically knows which are active or inactive, and applies these property
values accordingly.
Group: Prompt-Specific Extensions
Syntax: PromptID.Tab <method or property>
bVal (Varient) sets the identifier for the active or inactive tab prompt in a TabControl.
PromptID.Tab. AltBtnBackColor1 = vValue
Alternate: nValue = PromptID.Tab. AltBtnBackColor1
vValue (Varient) sets the color
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nValue (Long) is the color
TabControl.Tab.AltBtnBackColor1 = vbRed
TabControl.Tab. AltBtnBackColor2 = vbYellow
TabControl.Tab. AltBtnBackGradient = GradientVertical
TabControl.Tab. AltBtnBevel = 5
TabControl.Tab. AltBtnBorderColor = vbRed
TabControl.Tab. AltBtnBorderStyle = DisplayNoBorder
TabControl.Tab. AltBtnForeColor = vbBlue
TabControl.Tab.CurBtnBackColor1 = vbRed
TabControl.Tab.CurBtnBackColor2 = vbYellow
TabControl.Tab.CurBtnBackStyle = GradientVertical
TabControl.Tab.CurBtnBevel = 5
TabControl.Tab.CurBtnBorderColor = vbRed
TabControl.Tab.CurBtnBorderStyle = DisplayNoBorder
TabControl.Tab.CurBtnForeColor = vbBlue
This method accesses the inactive tab button’s background color in a TabControl prompt, and is the primary
background color for the button.
Group: Prompt-Specific Extensions
Syntax: Refer to “Tab” for syntax and code examples for this property.
This property accesses the inactive tab button’s background color in a TabControl prompt, and is the sec-
ondary background color for the button.
Group: Prompt-Specific Extensions
Syntax: Refer to “Tab” for syntax and code examples for this property.
This property sets the background coloring style for the inactive tab button(s) on the graphical TabControl.
The style can be set to use just the AltBtnBackColor1 for a solid background, or both AltBtnBackColor1 and
AltBtnBackColor2 to create a gradient (blended) color in several directions.
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Group: Prompt-Specific Extensions
Syntax: Refer to “Tab” for syntax and code examples for this property.
This method sets the roundness of inactive tab button’s edges in a TabControl prompt.
Group: Prompt-Specific Extensions
Syntax: Refer to “Tab” for syntax and code examples for this property.
This method accesses the inactive tab button’s boarder color in a TabControl prompt.
Group: Prompt-Specific Extensions
Syntax: Refer to “Tab” for syntax and code examples for this property.
This method accesses the inactive tab button’s boarder style in a TabControl prompt.
Group: Prompt-Specific Extensions
Syntax: Refer to “Tab” for syntax and code examples for this property.
This method accesses the inactive tab button’s data field fore color in a TabControl prompt.
Group: Prompt-Specific Extensions
Syntax: Refer to “Tab” for syntax and code examples for this property.
This method resets the caption of the specified tab to the text assigned to it. Refer to the syntax and
examples listed under “Tab”. Note: This method can be applied to active an inactive tab.
Group: Prompt-Specific Extension
Syntax: PromptID.Tab.Caption = vValue
Alternate: sValue = PromptID.Tab.Caption
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sValue (String) is the caption of the prompt’s tab
vValue (Varient) is the caption to display for the prompt.
tabPlant.Tab.Caption(1) = "Changed"
This method accesses the active tab button’s background color in a TabControl prompt, and is the primary
background color for the button. Refer to “Tab” for syntax and code examples for this property.
This method accesses the inactive tab button’s background color in a TabControl prompt, and is the sec-
ondary background color for the button. Refer to “Tab” for syntax and code examples for this property.
This method accesses the active tab button’s coloring style in a TabControl prompt, and uses either just the
BackColor1 for solid backgrounds or both BackColor properties to create gradients in one of several dir-
ections. Refer to the examples listed under “Tab”.
Syntax: PromptID.Tab.CurBtnBackStyle = enGradients
enGradients: GradientDefault, GradientDiagonalLeft, GradientDiagonalRight, GradientHorizontal, Gradi-
entNone, GradientVertical, and GradientVerticalSplit
This method sets the roundness of active tab button’s edges in a TabControl prompt. Refer to the syntax and
examples listed under “Tab”.
This method accesses the active tab button’s boarder color in a TabControl prompt. Refer to the syntax and
examples listed under “Tab”.
This method accesses the active tab button’s boarder style in a TabControl prompt. Refer to the syntax and
examples listed under “Tab”.
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This method accesses the inactive tab button’s data field fore color in a TabControl prompt. Refer to the syn-
tax and examples listed under “Tab”.
This method switches the focus to the active tab in a TabControl prompt.
iVal (Index) the numeric identifier of the tab in the graphical TabControl. The tab index is one-based (not
'Make my second tab in my TabControl the active tab.
Prompt.tag acts like a extra value field for a prompt that is not visible to the user and is a property that spe-
cific prompt. This language extension is available for all prompts, but is not applicable to Rows within a
Syntax: PromptID.Tab
Tag Data type is Varient.
txt1User.text = "Alfred" ' This will show the User Name 'Alfred" in the textbox at runtime.
txt1User.tag = 20042 'This adds the additional value (the User ID value) but will not display in the textbox at
Supported Versions: RFgen 5.1 and newer.
This property accesses the data contained by a text box object associated with a specific prompt. Other
prompts also use this property such as the list objects. The property will return the highlighted entry in the
Syntax: PromptID.Text = vValue
Alternate: Value = PromptID.Text
vValue (Variant) is the data collected in a prompt object.
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Dim vValue As Variant
vValue = txtPart.Text
vValue = RFPrompt("txtPart").Text
RFPrompt(2).Text = "Car Parts"
This property accesses the row position for a text box object associated with a specific prompt. This value
can be changed at run time if there is a need to move prompts around on the screen. Depending on the cli-
ent environment the default values may be in either pixels or characters.
Syntax: PromptID.Top = nValue
Alternate: vValue = PromptID.Top
nValue (Long) sets the row for a prompt’s data field.
vValue (Variant) is the row for a prompt’s data field.
Dim iValue As Integer
iValue = txtPart.Top
iValue = RFPrompt("txtPart").Top
RFPrompt("txtPart").Top = 5
This is not a property; Its a graphical prompt that lists data in a tree in a hierachial, nested tree format. Its
methods are similar to the ListBox controla. Use the List property to associate data with this graphical
Dim Assembly_A As vbaRow
Dim Assembly_B As vbaRow
Dim SubAssembly_A As vbaRow
Dim SubAssembly_B As vbaRow
Set Assembly_A = TreeView1.List.AddItem(1, "Assembly A: Glass")
Set SubAssembly_A = Assembly_A.AddItem(2, "Location: A01")
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Set Assembly_B = TreeView1.List.AddItem(1,"Assembly B: Frame")
Set SubAssembly_B = Assembly_B.AddItem(2, "Location: B01")
This property will return a read-only enumeration describing what type of prompt is defined based on the
prompt index name or number.
Syntax: enValue = PromptID.Type
enValue (enFieldType) the enumeration for the prompt type. Values are:
Dim enValue As enFieldType
enValue = txtPart.Type
Dim i As Integer
For i = 1 To App.PromptCount
If RFPrompt(i).Type = rfLabel Then Exit For
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This property sets whether image is visible or not.
Group: Prompt-Specific Extensions
Syntax: Prompt.Image.Visible = bValue
bValue (Boolean) is the visible state for the image. True makes it visible; False makes it invis-
Private Sub Button1_Click()
Button1.Image.Visible = False
'When the application loads at runtime the button is displayed.
'When the user taps the button, the image on the button disappears.
End Sub
This property accesses the Width property for a prompt object. This value can be changed at run time if
there is a need to change prompt sizes on the screen. Depending on the client environment the default val-
ues may be in either pixels or characters.
Group: Prompt Extensions
Syntax: PromptID.Width = nValue
Alternate: vValue = PromptID.Width
nValue (Long) sets the display length for a prompt object.
vValue (Variant) is the display length for a prompt object.
Dim vValue As Variant
vValue = txtPart.Width
vValue = RFPrompt("txtPart").Width
RFPrompt(2).Width = 10
Screen Display Extensions
Screen display commands typically interact with the user at the GUI level for clients working on a client.
They include: Screen.Bell, Screen.Height, Screen.Refresh, Screen.Update, Screen.Width, and Screen.Zoom.
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The following methods have been removed from RFgen as they were designed for Telnet operations and are
no longer supported in our graphical environment.
This method was originally designed for telnet clients, and will cause the Client device terminal to beep. For
WinCE devices, this extension will cause the waveform to play. Windows CE specifies five default waveforms
whose values are 0, 16, 32, 48 and 64. Each of these sounds must be setup on the CE device.
Group: Screen Display
Syntax: Screen.Bell([iNbr])
iNbr (Integer) Optional is the bell sound.
Screen.Bell(0) ' Graphical mode OK sound
Screen.Bell(16) ' Graphical mode Hand sound
Screen.Bell(32) ' Graphical mode Question sound
Screen.Bell(48) ' Graphical mode Exclamation sound
Screen.Bell(64) ' Graphical mode Asterisk sound
Clear (for Telnet Clients)
This method has been removed from RFgen as it was designed for Telnet operations and is no longer sup-
ported in the RFgen graphical environment.
This command was used to clear the Client screen until the server needed to refresh the screen or unless a
Screen.Refresh command was used to bring back any prompts that were in the area. Any text placed there
with a Screen.Print command was removed permanently.
Group: Screen Display Extensions
Syntax: Screen.Clear([bSendNow])
bSendNow (Boolean) Optional clears the screen immediately if this option is set to True.
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ClearEOL (for Telnet Clients)
This method has been removed from RFgen as it was designed for Telnet operations and is no longer sup-
ported in the RFgen graphical environment.
This method was used to clear the Client screen from the current position to the end-of-line. Using a
Screen.Refresh would have brought back any prompts that were in the area. Any text placed there with a
Screen.Print command would have been remove permanently.
Syntax: Screen.ClearEOL
ClearEOP (for Telnet Clients)
This method has been removed from RFgen as it was designed for Telnet operations and is no longer sup-
ported in the RFgen graphical environment.
This method was used to clear the text boxes of all user-entered fields on the devices terminal screen from
the current position to the bottom of the screen.
Using a Screen.Refresh will bring back any prompts that were in the area. Any text placed there with a
Screen.Print command will be removed.
Syntax: Screen.ClearEOP
DrawLine (forTelnet Clients)
This method has been removed from RFgen as it was designed for Telnet operations and is no longer sup-
ported in the RFgen graphical environment.
This method was used to draw a vertical line, horizontal line, or create a box on device screen.
To display boxes within boxes, you must draw them from the inside to the outside. This command works in
both character and graphical mode.
Syntax: Screen.DrawLine(nStartCol, nStartRow, nEndCol, nEndRow, [bSendNow])
nStartCol (Long) is the column (x coordinate) in which to start drawing the line/box.
nStartRow (Long) is the row (y coordinate) in which to start drawing the line/box.
nEndCol (Long) is the column (x coordinate) in which to finish drawing the line/box.
nEndRow (Long) is the row (y coordinate) in which to finish drawing the line/box.
bSendNow (Boolean) Set to True if the method should paint the lines on the screen immediately.
Screen.DrawLine(0,10,20,10) Draws a horizontal line
Screen.DrawLine(0,0,0,16) Draws a vertical line
Screen.DrawLine(0,0,20,16) Draws a box around the screen
Screen.DrawLine(0,0,20,16, True) Draws immediately
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Height (for Telnet Clients)
This method has been removed from RFgen as it was designed for Telnet operations and is no longer sup-
ported in the RFgen graphical environment.
It was used to return the height in pixels or rows for the current application. (See Screen.Width).
Syntax: Value = Screen.Height
Value (Variant) equals the number of available rows in the current application or the height in pixels.
Print (for Telnet Clients)
This method has been removed from RFgen as it was designed for Telnet operations and is no longer sup-
ported in the RFgen graphical environment.
This command was used to move the cursor to a specified row and column, print text in normal or reverse
video, and optionally clear to the end-of-line. In graphical mode, the permanent objects, prompts on the
screen, would have taken precedence and the text would have displayed behind the prompt.
Making a prompt invisible and then using Screen.Print may be an alternate solution.
As with all ‘screen-printing’ commands, you cannot use this command in the Form_Load event because the
application is not created until the Form_Load event is finished.
Syntax: Screen.Print(nColumn, nRow, vText, [bReverse], [bClearEOL], [bSendNow])
nColumn (Long) is the column (x coordinate) in which to place the cursor.
nRow (Long) is the row (y coordinate) in which to place the cursor.
vText (Variant) is the text to print at the current row and column.
bReverse (Boolean) Optional set to True to print text in reverse video. This only applies to a
character based device, not graphical.
bClearEOL (Boolean) Optional set to True to clear to the end-of-line after printing text.
bSendNow (Boolean) Optional set to True to send the print packet to the Client device imme-
Screen.Print(0, 10, "F4 to Exit", , True, True)
Refresh (for Telnet Clients)
This method has been removed from RFgen as it was designed for Telnet operations and is no longer sup-
ported in the RFgen graphical environment.
This command was used to clear the Client screen and then repaint all standard prompts and data. (Note:
any text displayed using Screen.Print statements will not be redisplayed.)
Syntax: Screen.Refresh
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ResetCursor (for Telnet Clients)
This method has been removed from RFgen as it was designed for Telnet operations and is no longer sup-
ported in the RFgen graphical environment.
ReverseOff (for Telnet Clients)
This method has been removed from RFgen as it was designed for Telnet operations and is no longer sup-
ported in the RFgen graphical environment.
ReverseOn (for Telnet Clients)
This command is for internal use only and has no use for the user.
This command will update (repaint) the screen with pending changes that have not yet been sent to the
device. Compared to Screen.Refresh which repaints the entire screen instead of just the pending changes,
Screen.Update is faster and is typically used with form loads.
Note: Any text displayed using Screen.Print statement will not be redisplayed.
Group: Screen Display Extensions
Syntax: Screen.Update
Private Sub Form_Load() On Error GoTo ErrorHand
Dim oList As New SearchList, i As Long
Image1.Visible = True
oList.SetColumn(1, "Lot Number",-1)
For i = 0 To 25000
oList.AddItem("Lot " & i, "Lot " & i)
TextBox1.Text = oList.ShowList
Image1.Visible = False
Exit Sub
Versions Supported: RFgen
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Width (in Telnet Clients)
This method has been removed from RFgen as it was designed for Telnet operations and is no longer sup-
ported in the RFgen graphical environment.
Returns the width in pixels or columns for the current application. (See Screen.Height).
Syntax: vValue = Screen.Width
vValue (Variant) equals the number of available columns in the current application or the
width in pixels.
If App.ClientType = "TE" Then RFPrompt("Description").Length = Screen.Width
In this case, the text box containing the description will be the same width as the current application. Since
the graphical mode would return pixels, setting the length of a textbox to a very large number would not be
Screen Mapping Extensions
Screen mapping commands deal specifically with placing and scraping text to and from a green screen / leg-
acy system. The following details all of the Screen Mapping VBA Extensions.
This function is provided to allow a series of commands to be sent to a single host session when connection
pooling is enabled. It basically gets a connection from the pool and holds it until SM.CommitTrans is called. If
connection pooling is disabled, it has no effect. It returns True if a connection handle was available and
removed from the pool.
Syntax: [bOK =] SM.BeginTrans([vScreen])
bOK (Boolean) Optional Returns True if a connection handle is available for use.
vScreen (Variant) Optional the name of a screen macro to be called so that upon con-
nection the host will attempt to go to this screen. If the screen macro does not
exist the pooled handle will be released and the function will return a False.
Dim bOK As Boolean
bOK = SM.BeginTrans
This subroutine basically returns the current handle to the connection pool (if it was previously retrieved by
using the SM.BeginTrans function) and makes it available to other client sessions. It returns True if the
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handle was successfully released back to the pool.
Syntax: [bOK =] SM.CommitTrans
bOK (Boolean) Optional Returns True if the handle was released back to the con-
nection pool.
Dim bOK As Boolean
bOK = SM.CommitTrans
This function is used to determine if the host is available for direct input or if transactions should be queued
for later input. It also evaluates both the current state of the socket connection to the host and the state of
any data sent but not yet received. If there is non-received data in the send buffer, this command will mark
the connection as closed. It returns True if the host is currently available.
Syntax: bIsConnected = SM.Connected
bIsConnected (Boolean) Returns True if the host is currently available (e.g. the telnet con-
nection is currently valid).
Dim bIsConnected As Boolean
bIsConnected = SM.Connected
This function returns the name of the current screen in the host session if it can be identified. The server
identifies the screen by comparing the host screen to the Text Identifier grid and looks for an ID match. If a
match is found, it returns the screen name otherwise this function returns an empty string.
Note: This function only works if the current screen has been defined as a macro that is linked to the main
menu macro that is currently in use. For example if MainMenu1 links to TransactionScreen1 and Screen2 and
MainMenu1 is either configured in the screen mapping connector as the default menu or the program per-
formed the SM.SetBase(“MainMenu1”) command, then only Screen1 and Screen2 can be identified. If
Screen3 is linked to MainMenu2 and you are on Screen3 but MainMenu1 is your base menu, Screen3 cannot
be identified. Use the SM.GetText command to verify your location.
Syntax: sScreenName = SM.CurScreen()
sScreenName (String) Returns the name of the current screen or an empty string if screen is
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Dim sScreenName As String
sScreenName = SM.CurScreen()
This function is used to determine if a specified text string is currently displayed on the host screen. It can be
used to look for the text in a specific screen location or to search the entire host screen for the text. It returns
True if it is found. Optionally, it can also return the screen coordinates where the text was found.
Syntax: bFound = SM.FindText(sText, iStartCol, iStartRow, [vFoundCol], [vFoundRow])
bFound (Boolean) Returns True if the specified text string was found.
sText(String) Text string to be searched for.
iStartCol(Integer) the screen column to search for the text. Specify a column position of -1
(minus 1) to search for the text in any screen column position.
iStartRow(Integer) the screen row to search for the text. Specify a row position of -1 (minus 1)
to search for the text in any screen row.
vFoundCol(Variant) Optional the column position where the text was found
vFoundRow(Variant) Optional the row position where the text was found.
Dim bFound As Boolean
bFound = SM.FindText("UserID", 3, 5)
This command gets the text off the screen in any rectangular area.
Syntax: [bOK =] SM.GetArea(iStartCol, iStartRow, iEndCol, iEndRow, sAreaText, [bTrimData],
bOK (Boolean) Optional Returns True / False depending on the success of the com-
iStartCol (Integer) start column position coordinate
iStartRow (Integer) start row position coordinate
iEndCol (Integer) end column position coordinate
iEndRow (Integer) end row position coordinate
sAreaText (String) variable containing the captured text
bTrimData (Boolean) Optional trims each line (row) of data. Default is False
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bAppendData (Boolean) Optional appends the new block of data to the data variable rather
than replaces it. Default is False
Dim sText As String
SM.GetArea(5, 5, 10, 10, sText, True)
SM.GetArea(5, 11, 10, 15, sText, True, True)
SM.GetArea(5, 16, 10, 20, sText, True, True)
This command returns an integer value describing the characteristics of an X,Y coordinate from a host
screen. This command does not work with a VT host, only 5250 and 3270.
Syntax: iValue = SM.GetAttribute(iCol, iRow)
iValue (Integer) contains the value in the table below
-1 - error was returned
0 - Normal
1 - Bold
2 - Reverse Video
4 - Underline
8 - Half
16 - Protected
32 - Hidden
64 - Graphic
iCol (Integer) is the column position in question.
iRow (Integer) is the row position in question.
Dim iValue As Integer
iValue = SM.GetAttribute(5,18)
This command returns an integer value representing the back color located at the specified coordinates. This
command does not work with a VT host, only 5250 and 3270.
Syntax: iValue = SM.GetBackColor(iCol, iRow)
iValue (Integer) contains the integer value of the back color
-1 - Error was returned
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0 - Black
1 - Blue
2 - Green
3 - Cyan
4 - Red
5 - Purple
6 - Yellow
7 - Gray
8 - Light Blue
9 - Light Green
10 - Light Cyan
11 - Light Red
12 - Light Purple
13 - Light Yellow
14 - Light Gray
15 - White
iCol (Integer) Is the current column position in question.
iRow (Integer) Is the current row position in question.
Dim iValue As Integer
iValue = SM.GetBackColor(3,22)
This method is used to determine where the cursor is currently located on the host screen.
Syntax: SM.GetCursor(vCol, vRow)
vCol (Variant) Returns the current column position of the cursor.
vRow (Variant) Returns the current row position of the cursor.
Dim vCol As Variant
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Dim vRow As Variant
SM.GetCursor(vCol, vRow)
This command returns an integer value representing the fore color located at the specified coordinates. This
command does not work with a VT host, only 5250 and 3270.
Syntax: iValue = SM.GetForeColor(iCol, iRow)
iValue (Integer) contains the integer value of the fore color
-1 - Error was returned
0 - Black
1 - Blue
2 - Green
3 - Cyan
4 - Red
5 - Purple
6 - Yellow
7 - Gray
8 - Light Blue
9 - Light Green
10 - Light Cyan
11 - Light Red
12 - Light Purple
13 - Light Yellow
14 - Light Gray
15 - White
iCol (Integer) Is the current column position in question.
iRow (Integer) Is the current row position in question.
Dim iValue As Integer
iValue = SM.GetForeColor(3,22)
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This method is used to retrieve text from the host screen. Note: you can retrieve the entire screen buffer by
specifying a starting position of 1,1 and a length of 2,000.
Syntax: SM.GetText(iCol, iRow, iLength, sScreenText, [bTrim])
iCol (Integer) The starting screen column position to get text.
iRow (Integer) The starting screen row position to get the text.
iLength (Integer) The number of screen columns to retrieve text from. Note: on DBCS sys-
tems, this may not be the number of characters returned as some characters
require two screen columns.
sScreenText (String) The text being returned.
bTrim (Boolean) Optional if True, the string will be returned will all padding removed.
Default is False.
Dim sText As String
SM.GetText(3, 6, 10, sText, True)
This function attempts to navigate the host menu system to move to the requested application screen. It will
return True if the desired screen is successfully displayed. Its method of operation (simplified) is as follows:
1. Test if the current screen is the requested screen.
2. Call the current screens “ReturnToMainMenu” method.
3. Call the requested screens “GoToScreen” method.
If the screen you are trying to get to is not part of the linked macros from the current main menu then the
server will not navigate properly. The current main menu is defined in the screen mapping connector or by
using the SM.SetBase command.
Syntax: [bOK =] SM.GoToScreen(sScreenName)
bOK (Boolean) Optional Returns True if the host session was successfully moved to
the requested screen.
sScreenName (String) The name of the screen to activate on the host session.
Dim bOK As Boolean
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bOK = SM.GoToScreen("UserLogin")
This function returns a True or False by comparing the specified screen and optionally the page number
against the host screen’s current page.
Syntax: [bIsScreen =] SM.IsScreen(sScreenName)
bIsScreen (Boolean) Optional Returns True if the requested screen is the current active
sScreenName (String) The name of the screen to be evaluated.
Dim bIsScreen As Boolean
bIsScreen = SM.IsScreen("invTrans")
This function is used internally to logoff the session just prior to termination of the process. It works by send-
ing the user to the base screen and executes the ‘LogOff” macro. It returns True if the session was logged
off properly. Note: this function is not required to be called by the user as the server calls it automatically
when the user disconnects.
Syntax: [bOK =] SM.LogOff
bOK (Boolean) Optional Returns True if the session was successfully logged off.
Dim bSuccess As Boolean
bSuccess = SM.LogOff
This function is used to log in to the host system. It returns True if the session was logged in properly. The
host system must already be logged off or you must use the SM.LogOff command. A user and password may
be specified but the host does not use this information. This is for validation later in the programming. Note:
this function is not always required to be called by the user as the server calls it automatically.
Syntax: [bOK =] SM.LogOn([vUser], [vPassword], [vMenu])
bOK (Boolean) Optional Returns True is the session was successfully logged on.
vUser (Variant) Optional value accessed by SM.SessionUser
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vPassword (Variant) Optional value accessed by SM.SessionPwd
vMenu (Variant) Optional value specifying the menu to log in to
Dim bSuccess As Boolean
bSuccess = SM.LogOn
bSuccess = SM.LogOn("UserName", "Password", "MainMenu")
This command adds spaces to the end of a string until the total length of the string is the size specified in the
command. Using a number too small will truncate the string.
Syntax: SM.PadInput(sText, iLength)
sText (String) the string of characters to be padded
iLength (Integer) the number of spaces to add to the end of the string
Dim sPartNo as String
sPartNo = "12345"
SM.PadInput(sPartNo, 8)
Result is “12345 with 3 spaces at the end
This command sends a single ping packet to the host and waits for a response. It works against the current
connection and can be used in transaction or navigation macros, used against a local connection, or you can
get a pooled connection (SM.BeginTrans) and then use it to test the connection.
Syntax: bOK = SM.PingHost
bOK (Boolean) returns True / False if the server can be reached
Dim bOK As Boolean
bOK = SM.PingHost
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This command will reset the active host session in an effort to re-establish a locked-up connection.
Syntax: SM.ResetConnection
This function sends the <CTRL> code with the specified character. It returns True if the key was suc-
cessfully entered. Note: reasons for a negative or False value might be that keyboard entry is inhibited, or
that the cursor was not in an input field.
Syntax: [bOK =] SM.SendCTRL(sKey)
bOK (Boolean) Optional Returns True if the key was successfully sent to the host session.
sKey (String) Valid characters are: A-Z, space, [, /, ], ~, ?, 0-9
Dim bOK As Boolean
bOK = SM.SendCTRL("C")
This function sends the <CTRL> code with the specified character to a specific location in host session’s
screen. It returns True if the key was successfully entered. Reasons for a negative or False value might be
that keyboard entry is inhibited, or that the coordinates were not an input field. Note: the ability to move the
cursor to a specific location is only supported for tn5250 and tn3270 sessions.
Syntax: [bOK =] SM.SendCTRLAlt(iCol, iRow, sKey)
bOK (Boolean) Optional Returns True if the key was successfully sent to the host session.
iCol (Integer) The screen column position to input the key.
iRow (Integer) The screen row position to input the key.
sKey (String) Valid characters are: A-Z, space, [, /, ], ~, ?, 0-9
Dim bOK As Boolean
bOK = SM.SendCTRLAlt(8, 12, "C")
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This function sends the selected key to the current cursor location in the host session’s screen. It returns
True if the key was successfully entered. Note: reasons for a negative or False value might be that keyboard
entry is inhibited, or that the cursor was not in an input field.
Syntax: [bOK =] SM.SendKey(enKey)
bOK (Boolean) Optional Returns True if the key was successfully sent to the host session.
enKey (enCommandKeys) Select from the drop-down list the desired key to send to the host
session. Options are:
KeyAttention KeyBackspace
KeyBackTab KeyBreak
KeyClear KeyCursorDown
KeyCursorLeft KeyCursorRight
KeyCursorUp KeyDelete
KeyDo KeyDuplicate
KeyEnd KeyEnter
KeyEscape KeyF1 KeyF24
KeyFieldAdvance KeyFieldBack
KeyFieldErase KeyFieldExit
KeyFieldMark KeyFieldMinus
KeyFieldPlus KeyFind
KeyHelp KeyHome
KeyInsert KeyPA1 KeyPA3
KeyPageDown KeyPageUp
KeyRemove KeyReplace
KeyReset KeySelect
KeySystemRequest KeyTab
Dim bOK As Boolean
bOK = SM.SendKey(KeyEnter)
This function sends the selected key to a specific location in host session’s screen. It returns True if the key
was successfully entered. Reasons for a negative or False value might be that keyboard entry is inhibited, or
that the coordinates were not an input field. Note: the ability to move the cursor to a specific location is only
supported for tn5250 and tn3270 sessions.
Syntax: [bOK =] SM.SendKeyAlt(iCol, iRow, enKey)
bOK (Boolean) Optional Returns True if the key was successfully sent to the host session.
iCol (Integer) The screen column position to input the key.
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iRow (Integer) The screen row position to input the key.
enKey (enCommandKeys) Select from the drop-down list the desired key to send to the host
session. For a list see SM.SendKey.
Dim bOK As Boolean
bOK = SM.SendKeyAlt(8, 12, KeyEnter)
This function is used to send text to the current cursor location in the host session’s screen. It returns True if
the text was successfully entered. Note: reasons for a negative or False value might be that keyboard entry
is inhibited, that the cursor was not in an input field, or that the text exceeded the input field’s length.
Syntax: [bOK =] SM.SendText(sText, [iPadSize], [vPadChar])
bOK (Boolean) Optional Returns True if the text was successfully sent to the host ses-
sText (String) The desired text to send to the host session.
iPadSize (Integer) Optional total length of padded string
vPadChar (Variant) Optional the character to use for padding
Dim bOK As Boolean
bOK = SM.SendText("SAM")
SM.SendText("SAM", 10, " ")
This function is used to send text to a specific cursor location in the host session’s screen. It returns True if
the text was successfully entered. Reasons for a negative or False value might be that keyboard entry is
inhibited, that the coordinates were not an input field, or that the text exceeded the input field’s length.
Note: the ability to move the cursor to a specific location is only supported for tn5250 and tn3270 sessions.
Syntax: [bOK =] SM.SendTextAlt(iCol, iRow, sText, [iPadSize], [vPadChar])
bOK (Boolean) Optional Returns True if the text was successfully sent to the host ses-
iCol (Integer) The screen column position to input the text.
iRow (Integer) The screen row position to input the text.
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sText (String) The desired text to send to the host session.
iPadSize (Integer) Optional total length of padded string
vPadChar (Variant) Optional the character to use for padding
Dim bOK As Boolean
bOK = SM.SendTextAlt(10, 8, "SAM")
This function is used return the current session or pool number. If Connection Pooling is disabled, the Trans-
action Manager may have to establish its own connection if macros are queued. If this is the case the
returned integer will be 0. If Connection Pooling is enabled, the pool number (1, 2, 3 etc.) will be returned.
Syntax: iValue = SM.SessionID
iValue (Integer) stores the pool number used by the client
Dim iValue as Integer
iValue = SM.SessionID
This function is used to set or return the Password associated with a host session. For pooled connections
the password can be defined under Connections / Connection X (Screen Mapping) / Pooling option. For non-
pooled connections the SM.SessionPwd can assign the password.
Syntax: sValue = SM.SessionPwd
Alternate: SM.SessionPwd = sValue
sValue (String) variable containing the password
Dim sValue as String
sValue = SM.SessionPwd
This function is used to set or return the User ID associated with a host session. For pooled connections the
user can be defined under the Connections / Connection X (Screen Mapping) / Connection Pooling option.
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For non-pooled connections the SM.SessionUser can assign the user ID.
Syntax: sValue = SM.SessionUser
Alternate: SM.SessionUser = sValue
sValue (String) variable containing the user ID
Dim sValue As String
sValue = SM.SessionUser
This function is used to switch to an alternate Main Menu. This command must be run while on a menu
screen and not an application screen.
Syntax: [bOK =] SM.SetBase(sMenu)
bOK (Boolean) Optional returns True / False depending on the success of the command
sMenu (String) the name of the new base menu
Dim bOK As Boolean
bOK = SM.SetBase("MainMenu")
This function is used to move the cursor to a specified location on the host screen. It returns True if the
cursor was successfully moved to the requested location. Note: the ability to move the cursor to a specific
location is only supported for tn5250 and tn3270 sessions.
Syntax: [bOK =] SM.SetCursor(iCol, iRow)
bOK (Boolean) Optional Returns True if the cursor was successfully moved in the host ses-
iCol (Integer) The desired new column position for the cursor.
iRow (Integer) The desired new row position for the cursor.
Dim bOK As Boolean
bOK = SM.SetCursor(2, 9)
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This function is typically used for debugging purposes against a vt220 host session. It allows users to set a
delay, in milliseconds, for all screen mapping VBA extensions that change what is on the host screen. This
allows the user to watch in slow motion, all screen updates as the result of a macro. Note: the user could
also accomplish this by single stepping through the macro’s VBA code in the test environments VBA debug
Syntax: SM.SetDelay(nMilliSeconds)
nMilliSeconds (Long) The delay to set in milliseconds.
This function is used when you are connecting to multiple hosts via Screen Mapping. It allows you to specify
which screen mapping session is active. Note: the first screen mapping connection is set as the active ses-
sion by default.
Syntax: [bOK =] SM.SetSession(vSource)
bOK (Boolean) Optional Returns True if the requested session is defined as a valid Screen
Mapping Connection.
vSource (Variant) The connection number or the name of the host session (as displayed in the
status bar).
Dim bOK As Boolean
bOK = SM.SetSession(2)
This function is used with all other SM commands, providing a maximum length of time before the other SM
commands fail after no response from the host system. The internal default is 5 seconds.
Syntax: SM.SetTimeout(nSeconds)
nSeconds (Long) The number of seconds
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This function is used to time your commands to the host session. With it you can delay sending text or keys
to the host session or retrieve data from the host session until the cursor is in a specific location. It basically
allows you to wait for the cursor to arrive at a specific position in the host screen for a certain amount of
time. Once the cursor reaches the desired location this function will immediately return with a value of True,
otherwise it will timeout and return False.
Syntax: [bOK =] SM.WaitForCursor(iCol, iRow, iSeconds)
bOK (Boolean) Optional Immediately returns True if the cursor stopped at the desired loc-
iCol (Integer) The column position to wait for cursor.
iRow (Integer) The row position to wait for cursor.
iSeconds (Integer) The maximum number of seconds to wait for the cursor to reach the reques-
ted position.
Dim bOK As Boolean
bOK = SM.WaitForCursor(6, 14, 5)
This function is also used to time your commands to the host session. With this command, you specify only
an amount of time in seconds. If the cursor has changed positions within that time, a True result is returned.
Otherwise it will timeout and return False.
Syntax: [bOK =] SM.WaitForCursorMove(iSeconds)
bOK (Boolean) Optional Immediately returns True if the cursor has changed locations.
iSeconds (Integer) The maximum number of seconds to wait for the cursor to change loc-
Dim bOK As Boolean
bOK = SM.WaitForCursorMove(5)
This function is used to time your commands to a vt220 host session. With it you can delay sending text or
keys to the host session or retrieve data from the host session until the host has responded to the last
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command sent. Whenever input data is sent to a host session, the server sets a switch that indicates
whether the host has responded. This function basically allows you to wait for a certain amount of time until
the host processes and responds to the last input command. Once the host response has been received and
processed by the server this function will immediately return with a value of True, otherwise it will timeout
and return False.
Note: There is a difference with the VT environment where this command will return a ‘True’ after the last
command finishes even if the host is not ready for the keyboard input. This is because in the VT envir-
onment, the keyboard is never locked and in the 5250 and 3270 environments, this commands waits for the
keyboard to be unlocked before returning any values.
Syntax: [bReplyReceived =] SM.WaitForHost(iSeconds)
bReplyReceived (Boolean) Optional Immediately returns True once the host responds to
your last input command.
iSeconds (Integer) The maximum number of seconds to wait for the host to respond to
your last input command.
Dim bReplyReceived As Boolean
bReplyReceived = SM.WaitForHost(5)
This function is used to confirm that we have reached the desired host application screen. With it you can
positively confirm that the ‘GoToScreen’ or ‘ReturnToMainMenu’ functions have succeeded. It allows you to
wait for a certain amount of time for the desired screen to be positively identified. Once the ID match has
occurred, this function will immediately return with a value of True, otherwise it will timeout and return
Syntax: [bOK =] SM.WaitForScreen(sScreenName, iSeconds)
bOK (Boolean) Optional Immediately returns True if the host session is now in the
desired screen.
sScreenName (String) The host screen that we wish to confirm is active.
iSeconds (Integer) The maximum number of seconds to wait for the screen to be iden-
Dim bOK As Boolean
bOK = SM.WaitForScreen("InventoryMovements", 5)
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This function is used to time your commands to the host session. With it you can delay sending text or keys
to the host session or retrieve data from the host session until a specific text string has appeared on the
screen. It allows you to wait for a text string to appear anywhere on the screen, or only at a specific position.
Once the text appears, this function will immediately return with a value of True, otherwise it will timeout
and return False.
Syntax: [bFound =] SM.WaitForText(sText, iSeconds, [iCol], [iRow])
bFound (Boolean) Optional Immediately returns True once the specified text appears on
the screen.
sText (String) The text to find.
iSeconds (Integer) The maximum number of seconds to wait for the screen to be identified.
iCol (Integer) Optional the column position to look for the text. Use ‘-1’ for any Column
iRow (Integer) Optional the row position to look for the text. Use ‘-1’ for any row.
Dim bFound As Boolean
bFound = SM.WaitForText("Enter Next Task Code:", 5, -1, -1)
This function waits for a specified number of seconds for data to be entered at a specific location and returns
a True or False. If data was written within the wait time, True is returned. If the number of seconds expires
first, False is returned.
Syntax: [bOK =] SM.WaitForWrite(iCol, iRow, iSeconds)
bOK (Boolean) Optional Returns True if data was written at the specified coordinates
within the specified time frame
iCol (Integer) The column position to watch.
iRow (Integer) The row position to watch.
iSeconds (Integer) The maximum number of seconds to wait for data to be written.
Dim bOK As Boolean
bOK = SM.WaitForWrite(24,13,5)
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SearchList Object
A SearchList is a full screen display of selected items; i.e., the data entry device screen is cleared and the con-
tents of the list are displayed. A ListBox is different in that it displays selected items in the original prompt
space allocated for the data in the application.
Alternatively, a SearchList can also be designed to display selected items in a “freestyle format”. For
example, the data entry device screen is replaced by a series of panels as opposed to a traditional table
For a basic example, see Example Searchlist with a Button (in the textbox).
This method adds an item to the list.
Group: SearchList Object
Syntax: oList.AddItem(vSelValue, vDispCols)
vSelValue (Variant) The value to be returned when this item is chosen. If the user adds the
pipe symbol to the selection value variable, it will cause additional columns to be
created in the display.
vDispCols (param array of Variants) a comma separated list of values to be displayed in each
Dim oMyList as New SearchList
oMyList.AddItem(123, "1st Col Description", "2nd Col Description")
Supported Versions: RFgen 5.0 and higher.
The method connects a control within a panel to a column number. See also
Group: SearchList Object
Syntax: oMyList.BindControl(vControl, vColumn)
vControl (String) The value to be returned when this is chosen.
vColumn (String) The value to be returned when this is chosen.
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Dim oMyList As New SearchList
oList.SQL = "select * from RFgen.cyclecounts"
' SetBind() connects the SearchList to a panel within a form
oMyList.SetBind("SearchListTest", "Panel1")
' BindControl() connects a control within the panel to a column number
oMyList.BindControl("Label1", 1)
oMyList.BindControl("Label2", 2)
oMyList.BindControl("Label3", 3)
oMyList.BindControl("Label4", 4)
Supported Versions: RFgen 5.1, removed in 5.2.
This method is used to read or change values or properties of a specific cell within the SearchList object.
Group: SearchList Object
Syntax:oMyList.Cell(Row, Col).<method or property>
Row (Long) specifies the row number in the grid
Col (Long) specifies the column number in the grid
oMyList.Cell(2, 2).Value = "1969"
Supported Versions: RFgen 5.0 and higher.
This method is used to read or change the primary background color of a specific cell within the SearchList
Group: SearchList Object
Syntax: oMyList.Cell(x,y).BackColor1 = vValue
Alternate: Sets the look and feel for alternate rows. lValue = oMyList.Cell(x,y).BackColor1
lValue (Long) is the color.
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vValue (Variant) sets the color.
oMyList.Cell(2, 2).BackColor1 = RGB(255,255,0) 'yellow
oMyList.Cell(2, 2).BackColor1 = &HFF0000 'blue
oMyList.Cell(2, 2).BackColor1 = QBColor(5) 'magenta
oMyList.Cell(2, 2).BackColor1 = vbWhite
Supported Versions: RFgen 5.0 and higher.
This method is used to read or change the secondary background color of a specific cell within the SearchList
object. It is used to produce gradients from one color to another.
Group: SearchList Object
Syntax: oMyList.Cell(x,y).BackColor2 = vValue
Alternate: Sets the look and feel for alternate rows. lValue = oMyList.Cell(x,y).BackColor2
lValue (Long) is the color.
vValue (Variant) sets the color.
oMyList.Cell(2, 2).BackGradient = GradientVertical
oMyList.Cell(2, 2).BackColor2 = RGB(255,255,0) 'yellow
oMyList.Cell(2, 2).BackColor2 = &HFF0000 'blue
oMyList.Cell(2, 2).BackColor2 = QBColor(5 'magenta
oMyList.Cell(2, 2).BackColor2 = vbWhite
Supported Versions: RFgen 5.0 and higher.
This property uses either just the BackColor(1) for solid backgrounds or both BackColor properties to create
gradients in one of several directions for a specific cell within the SearchList object.
Group: SearchList Object
Syntax: oMyList.Cell(x,y).BackGradient = enValue
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enValue (enGradients) enumeration that contains GradientDefault, GradientDiagonalLeft,
GradientDiagonalRight, GradientHorizontal, GradientNone, GradientVertical and
oMyList.Cell(2, 2).BackColor1 = RGB(0,0,255)
oMyList.Cell(2, 2).BackColor2 = vbWhite
oMyList.Cell(2, 2).BackGradient = GradientVertical
Supported Versions: RFgen 5.0 and higher.
This property accesses the prompt’s data field bold option for a specific cell within the SearchList object.
Group: SearchList Object
Syntax: oMyList.Cell(x,y).Bold = bValue
Alternate: bValue = oMyList.Cell(x,y).Bold
bValue (Boolean) is True or False for bold or not bold.
oMyList.Cell(2, 2).Bold = True
Supported Versions: RFgen 5.0 and higher.
This method is used to read or change the forecolor of a specific cell within the SearchList object.
Group: SearchList Object
Syntax: oMyList.Cell(x,y).ForeColor = vValue
Alternate: Sets the look and feel for alternate rows. lValue = oMyList.Cell(x,y).ForeColor
lValue (Long) is the color.
vValue (Variant) sets the color.
oMyList.Cell(2, 2).ForeColor = RGB(255,255,0) 'yellow
oMyList.Cell(2, 2).ForeColor = &HFF0000 'blue
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oMyList.Cell(2, 2).ForeColor = QBColor(5) 'magenta
oMyList.Cell(2, 2).ForeColor = vbWhite
Supported Versions: RFgen 5.0 and higher.
This property accesses the prompt’s data field italic option for a specific cell within the SearchList object.
Group: SearchList Object
Syntax: oMyList.Cell(x,y).Italic = bValue
Alternate: bValue = oMyList.Cell(x,y).Italic
bValue (Boolean) is True or False for italic or not italic.
oMyList.Cell(2, 2).Italic = True
Supported Versions: RFgen 5.0 and higher.
This property accesses the prompt’s data field underline option for a specific cell within the SearchList
Group: SearchList Object
Syntax: oMyList.Cell(x,y).Underline = bValue
Alternate: bValue = oMyList.Cell(x,y).Underline
bValue (Boolean) is True or False for underline or not underline.
oMyList.Cell(2, 2).Underline = True
Supported Versions: RFgen 5.0 and higher.
This property accesses the prompt’s data field value for a specific cell within the SearchList object.
Group: SearchList Object
Syntax: oMyList.Cell(x,y).Value = vValue
Alternate: vValue = oMyList.Cell(x,y).Value
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vValue (Variant) is the value within the cell.
oMyList.Cell(2, 2).Value = "1"
vValue = oMyList.Cell(2, 2).Value
Supported Versions: RFgen 5.0 and higher.
This method clears the list’s contents and optionally clears the column formatting within the Searchlist
Group: SearchList Object
Syntax: oMyList.Clear([bClear])
bClear (Boolean) Optional Set to True to also clear the format of the columns initially set
using the SetColumn method. The default is False
Supported Versions: RFgen 5.0 and higher.
This method is used to read or change properties of a specific column within the Searchlist object.
Group: SearchList Object
Syntax: oMyList.Column(Col).<method or property>
Col (Long) specifies the column number in the Searchlist object
oMyList.Column(2).Width = 10
Supported Versions: RFgen 5.0 and higher.
This property aligns the text of the column within the Searchlist object. The options are: BottomCenter, Bot-
tomLeft, BottomRight, CenterCenter, CenterLeft, CenterRight, TextCenter, TextLeft, TextRight., TopCenter,
TopLeft, TopRight
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Group: SearchList Object
Syntax: oMyList.Column(x).Align = enValue
enValue (enColAlign) an enumeration that contains BottomCenter, BottomLeft, BottomRight,
CenterCenter, CenterLeft, CenterRight, TextCenter, TextLeft, TextRight.,
TopCenter, TopLeft, TopRight
oMyList.Column(2).Align = TextCenter
Supported Versions: RFgen 5.0 and higher.
This property will size the column based on the widest value in that column.
Group: SearchList Object
Syntax: oMyList.Column(x).Autosize = bValue
bValue (Boolean) set to True or False to autosize the width of the column.
oMyList.Column(2).Autosize = True
Supported Versions: RFgen 5.0 and higher.
This method is used to read or change the primary background color of the whole column within the Search-
list object.
Group: SearchList Object
Syntax: oMyList.Column(x).BackColor1 = vValue
Alternate: lValue = oMyList.Column(x).BackColor1
lValue (Long) is the color.
vValue (Variant) sets the color.
oMyList.Column(2).BackColor1 = RGB(255,255,0) 'yellow
oMyList.Column(2).BackColor1 = &HFF0000 'blue
oMyList.Column(2).BackColor1 = QBColor(5) 'magenta
oMyList.Column(2).BackColor1 = vbWhite
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Supported Versions: RFgen 5.0 and higher.
This method is used to read or change the secondary background color of the whole column within the
Searchlist object. It is used to produce gradients from one color to another.
Group: SearchList Object
Syntax:oMyList.Column(x).BackColor2 = vValue
Alternate: lValue = oMyList.Column(x).BackColor2
lValue (Long) is the color.
vValue (Variant) sets the color.
oMyList.Column(2).BackGradient = GradientVertical
oMyList.Column(2).BackColor2 = RGB(255,255,0) 'yellow
oMyList.Column(2).BackColor2 = &HFF0000 'blue
oMyList.Column(2).BackColor2 = QBColor(5) 'magenta
oMyList.Column(2).BackColor2 = vbWhite
Supported Versions: RFgen 5.0 and higher.
This property uses either just the BackColor(1) for solid backgrounds or both BackColor properties to create
gradients in one of several directions for the whole column within the Searchlist object.
Group: SearchList Object
Syntax: oMyList.Column(x).BackGradient = enValue
enValue (enGradients) enumeration that contains GradientDefault, GradientDiagonalLeft,
GradientDiagonalRight, GradientHorizontal, GradientNone, GradientVertical and
oMyList.Column(2).BackColor1 = RGB(0,0,255)
oMyList.Column(2).BackColor2 = vbWhite
oMyList.Column(2).BackGradient = GradientVertical
Supported Versions: RFgen 5.0 and higher.
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This property accesses the column’s bold option for the whole column within the Searchlist object.
Group: SearchList Object
Syntax: oMyList.Column(x).Bold = bValue
Alternate: bValue = oMyList.Column(x).Bold
bValue (Boolean) is True or False for bold or not bold.
oMyList.Column(2).Bold = True
Supported Versions: RFgen 5.0 and higher.
This property accesses the caption associated with the specified column.
Syntax: oMyList.Column(x).Caption = vValue
Alternate: sValue = oMyList.Column(x).Caption
sValue (String) is the title of the column.
vValue (Variant) sets the title of the column.
oMyList.Column(2).Caption = "Model"
This property accesses the display only property associated with the specified column. Setting it to True
makes all the cells in that column unchangeable.
Syntax: oMyList.Column(x).DisplayOnly = bValue
Alternate: bValue = oMyList.Column(x).DisplayOnly
bValue (Boolean) is the display only state for the prompt.
oMyList.Column(2).DisplayOnly = True
Supported Versions: RFgen 5.0 and higher.
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This property is intended for the Tree control only and is not to be used with the SearchList object.
This property accesses the font size of the entire search list display. The Default (set in the Theme) in 10.
Syntax: oMyList.Column(x).FontSize = lValue
Alternate: lValue = oMyList.Column(x).FontSize
lValue (Long) is the font size for the search list display
oMyList.Column(2).FontSize = 16
Supported Versions: RFgen 5.0 and higher.
This property accesses the column’s fore color property associated with the specified column.
Syntax: oMyList.Column(x).ForeColor = lValue
Alternate: vValue = oMyList.Column(x).ForeColor
vValue (Variant) is the color.
lValue (Long) sets the color.
oMyList.Column(2).ForeColor = RGB(255,255,0) 'yellow
oMyList.Column(2).ForeColor = &HFF0000 'blue
oMyList.Column(2).ForeColor = QBColor(5) 'magenta
oMyList.Column(2).ForeColor = vbWhite
Supported Versions: RFgen 5.0 and higher.
This property affects the format of the whole specified column. It is only an extension of the Format VBA
Syntax: oMyList.Column(x).Format = sValue
Alternate: sValue = oMyList.Column(x).Format
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sValue (String) is the format mask to use when displaying data for the prompt.
oMyList.Column(2).Format = "hh:mm"
c - General Date
dddddd - Long Date
ddddd - Short Date
ttttt - Long Time
hh:mm AMPM - Medium Time
hh:mm - Short Time
$#,##0.00 or ($#,##0.00) - Currency 0.00 - Fixed
#,##0.00 - Standard 0.00% - Percent 0.00E+00 - Scientific
Yes/No - Return "No" if zero, else return "Yes"
True/False - Return "True" if zero, else return "False"
On/Off - Return "On" if zero, else return "Off"
For further examples get help on the VB FORMAT command.
This property sets the images in this column to a specific height.
Syntax: oMyList.Column(x).ImageHeight = lValue
Alternate: lValue = oMyList.Column(x).ImageHeight
lValue (Long) is the pixel height size for images in this column
oMyList.Column(1).ImageHeight = 5
This property sets the images in this column to a specific width.
Syntax: oMyList.Column(x).ImageWidth = lValue
Alternate: lValue = oMyList.Column(x).ImageWidth
lValue (Long) is the pixel width size for images in this column
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oMyList.Column(1).ImageWidth = 5
This property is intended for the Tree control only and is not to be used with the SearchList object.
This property accesses the column’s italic option for the whole column within the Searchlist object.
Syntax: oMyList.Column(x).Italic = bValue
Alternate: bValue = oMyList.Column(x).Italic
bValue (Boolean) is True or False for italic or not italic.
oMyList.Column(2).Italic = True
This property pads the bottom of all the cells in a specified column. It also contributes to the overall height of
the entire row.
Syntax: oMyList.Column(x).MarginBottom = lValue
Alternate: lValue = oMyList.Column(x).MarginBottom
lValue (Long) the padding in pixels between the contents of a cell and the bottom of the cell.
oMyList.Column(1).MarginBottom = 2
This property pads the left of all the cells in a specified column.
Syntax: oMyList.Column(x).MarginLeft = lValue
Alternate: lValue = oMyList.Column(x).MarginLeft
lValue (Long) the padding in pixels between the contents of a cell and the left of the cell.
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oMyList.Column(1).MarginLeft = 2
This property pads the right of all the cells in a specified column.
Syntax: oMyList.Column(x).MarginRight = lValue
Alternate: lValue = oMyList.Column(x).MarginRight
lValue (Long) the padding in pixels between the contents of a cell and the right of the cell.
oMyList.Column(1).MarginRight = 2
This property pads the top of all the cells in a specified column. It also contributes to the overall height of the
entire row.
Syntax: oMyList.Column(x).MarginTop = lValue
Alternate: lValue = oMyList.Column(x).MarginTop
lValue (Long) the padding in pixels between the contents of a cell and the top of the cell.
oMyList.Column(1).MarginTop = 2
This property formats the numeric values in the specified column if the database does not store decimals.
This option will position a decimal at a position from the right side. A comma will be used for large numbers.
This field is locale specific and will use the appropriate characters for each region.
Syntax: oMyList.Column(x).ScaleDecimals = vValue
Alternate: vValue = oMyList.Column(x).ScaleDecimals
vValue (Variant) is the decimal position.
oMyList.Column(1).ScaleDecimals = 2
This property gets or sets the type of column. The values are Text, Image, and Check box.
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Syntax: oMyList.Column(x).Style = enStyle
Alternate: enStyle = oMyList.Column(x).Style
enStyle (enColumnStyle) Contains ColumnStyleCheck, ColumnStyleImage, and Colum-
oMyList.Column(1).Style = ColumnStyleCheck
oMyList.Column(1).Style = ColumnStyleText
This property formats the values in the specified column by deleting the leading and trailing spaces in the
Syntax: oMyList.Column(x).TrimSpaces = bValue
Alternate: bValue = oMyList.Column(x).TrimSpaces
bValue (Boolean) set to True to trim all space from the data.
oMyList.Column(1).TrimSpaces = True
This property accesses the column’s underline option for the whole column within the Searchlist object.
Syntax: oMyList.Column(x).Underline = bValue
Alternate: bValue = oMyList.Column(x).Underline
bValue (Boolean) is True or False for underline or not underline.
oMyList.Column(2).Underline = True
This property makes visible or invisible the whole column within the Searchlist object.
Syntax: oMyList.Column(x).Visible = bValue
Alternate: bValue = oMyList.Column(x).Visible
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Copyright © 2024 RFgen Software. A division of DataMAX Software Group, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
bValue (Boolean) is True or False for column visibility.
oMyList.Column(2).Visible = True
This property sets or returns the width of the column within the Searchlist object.
Syntax: oMyList.Column(x).Width = vValue
Alternate: vValue = oMyList.Column(x).Visible
vValue (Variant) sets or gets the width of the specified column.
oMyList.Column(2).Width = 25
This property returns the number of columns in the Searchlist object.
Group: SearchList Object
vValue = oMyList.Columns
vValue (Variant) gets the number of columns in the Searchlist object.
Dim iCnt As Integer
iCnt = oMyList.Columns
Supported Versions: RFgen 5.0 and higher.
This function returns the number of items in the Searchlist object.
Syntax: vValue = oMyList.Count
vValue (Variant) the number of items in the list
Dim nValue as Long
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nValue = oMyList.Count
This property returns or sets the current list index property.
Group: SearchList
Syntax: oMyList.Index = lValue
Alternate: vValue = oMyList.Index
lValue (Long) sets the item index in the list
vValue (Variant) gets the item index in the list
Dim nValue As Long
nValue = oMyList.Index
oMyList.Index = 5
Supported Versions: RFgen 5.0 and higher.
The SearchList object can be used to generate the formatted list and then output it to a prompt’s list prop-
erty (like a Listbox or Combobox) or be used in methods like App.ShowList.
Syntax: sList = oMyList.List
sList (String) contains the formatted array of values for use in other methods
oMyList.MaxRows = 100
oMyList.ReturnAllRows = False
oMyList.ShowEmptyList = False
oMyList.SQL = "select * from PLANTS"
oMyList.SetColumn 1, "ID", 5, TextLeft,True
oMyList.SetColumn 2, "NAME", 21, TextLeft, True
cboPlants.List.Data = oMyList.List
Rsp = App.ShowList(oMyList.List)
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Supported Versions: RFgen 5.2 and higher.
This property limits how many rows will be allowed in the list. If the database will return several thousand
records, you may want to limit this list to 500. An alternative is to further restrict the search criteria if using
Syntax: oMyList.MaxRows = nNum
Alternate: nNum = oMyList.MaxRows
nNum (Long) is a numeric value to limit the rows in the list.
oMyList.MaxRows = 100
Supported Versions: RFgen 5.0 and higher.
This property, when set to True, will trim the preceding and trailing spaces from the column data in the list.
This should only be necessary if the database stores space-padded data values.
Syntax: oMyList.Normalize = bVal
Alternate: bVal = oMyList.Normalize
bVal (Boolean) set to True to trim all data in the list
Dim bValue As Boolean
oMyList.Normalize = True
bValue = oMyList.Normalize
This property when set to True instructs the list to return all the values for all the columns instead of the first
value of the first column when a row is selected.
Syntax: oMyList.ReturnAllRows = bValue
Alternate: bValue = oMyList.ReturnAllRows
bValue (Boolean) a True or False value
(default = False)
Dim bValue As Boolean
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bValue = oMyList.ReturnAllRows
oMyList.ReturnAllRows = True
Supported Versions: RFgen 5.0 and higher.
This method connects the SearchList object to a panel within a form. See also,
Syntax: List.Set(vForm, vControl)
vForm (String) The value to be returned when this is chosen.
vControl (String) The value to be returned when this control is chosen.
Dim oMyList As New SearchList
oList.SQL = "select * from RFgen.cyclecounts"
' SetBind() connects the SearchList to a panel within a form
oMyList.SetBind("SearchListTest", "Panel1")
' BindControl() connects a control within the panel to a column number
oMyList.BindControl("Label1", 1)
oMyList.BindControl("Label2", 2)
oMyList.BindControl("Label3", 3)
oMyList.BindControl("Label4", 4)
This method formats the returned data to fit the device’s screen and desired layout. This statement should
be used for each column to be displayed.
Group: SeachList
Syntax: oMyList.SetColumn(nColumn, sHeading, vDefWidth, [enAlign], [bTrimSpaces], [nDecimals])
nColumn (Long) the column number to be affected by the formatting
sHeading (String) the title that will appear across the top of the column
vDefWidth (Long) defines the width of the column in pixels
enAlign (enColAlign) Optional how to align the column; either Left, Right or Center; the
default is Left justified
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bTrimSpaces (Boolean) Optional True means that leading and trailing spaces will be
removed from the display of the data in this column
nDecimals (Long) Optional if the value is numeric and the database does not store decim-
als, use this to position a decimal at a position from the right side. A comma will
be used for large numbers. This field is locale specific and will use the appro-
priate characters for each region.
Dim oMyList as New SearchList
oMyList.oList.MaxRows = 100
oMyList.ReturnAllRows = False
oMyList.ShowEmptyList = False
oMyList.Normalize = True
oMyList.SQL = "select * from PLANTS"
oMyList.SetColumn 1, "ID", 5, TextLeft, True
oMyList.SetColumn 2, "NAME", 21, TextLeft, True
sName = oMyList.ShowList
Supported Versions: RFgen 5.0 and higher.
This property displays the blank list to the user even when there are no entries. The whole screen will be tem-
porarily cleared and the user must press enter to acknowledge there were no entries.
Group: SearchList
Syntax: oMyList.ShowEmptyList = bValue
Alternate: bValue = oMyList.ShowEmptyList
bValue (Boolean) is either True or False.
oMyList.ShowEmptyList = True
Supported Versions: RFgen 5.0 and higher.
This function displays the list to the user. The whole screen will be temporarily cleared and the list will be dis-
played until a choice is made.
Syntax: sValue = oMyList.ShowList
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sValue (String) is a Chr(1) delimited list of the values in the columns based on the row selec-
Dim sValue as String
sValue = oMyList.ShowList
This property will contain the SQL statement to be used in creating the list.
Group: SearchList
Syntax: oMyList.SQL = sSQL
Alternate: sSQL = oMyList.SQL
sSQL (String) the SQL statement to be executed
Dim sSQL As String
sSQL = "Select * from ItemMaster"
oMyList.SQL = sSQL
Supported Versions: RFgen 5.0 and higher.
This property returns the value in the specified row for the Searchlist.
Group: SearchList
Syntax: vValue = oMyList.Value(Row)
Row (Long) is the row number in the list
vValue (Variant) is given the value assigned to the row
Dim vValue As Variant
vValue = oMyList.Value(1)
Supported Versions: RFgen 5.0 and higher.
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Server-Based Extensions
Server-based commands are used by the mobile device when not in a Thin-client state to send and receive
data to and from the server.
The extensions available for the server extensions are:
Server.CallMacro, Server.CommandTimeout, Server.Connect
Server.Disconnect, Server.ExecuteSQL, Server.GetTable
Server.GeoGetAddress, Server.GeoGetDirections, Server.GeoGetLatLng, Server.GeoGetMap
Server.IsConnected, Server.MakeList, Server.Ping
Server.QueueMacro, Server.ReadFile, Server.SendQueue
Server.SendTable, Server.SetCredentials, Server.SetHost
Server.SetVPN, Server.SetWAN, Server.ShowProgress
Server.SyncApps, Server.SyncAppsEx, Server.WriteFile
This function is used to call a screen mapping or transaction macro and pass the macros required para-
meters. Using this function gives you the ability to “store-and-forward” transactions while the host is off-line
for backup or other reasons. It returns ‘True’ if the macro was successfully completed.
Group: Server Extensions
Syntax: [enOK =] Server.CallMacro(sMacroName, bQueueOffline, [vParams])
enOK (enMacroResults) Optional Returns 1 of the following 4 values:
sMacroName (String) This is the name of the macro to be called.
bQueueOffline (Boolean) This determines whether the macro can be queued for later pro-
cessing if the host is not currently available.
vParams (Variant) Optional: A series of passing parameters as required by the selected
macro. Note: these parameters are the fields you defined when you record the
Dim bOK As enMacroResults
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bOK = Server.CallMacro("PICK", True, "Sam", "12")
Supported Versions: RFgen 4.0 and newer.
This command limits the number of seconds any Server command waits for a response from the server. All
Server commands will return with a response or failure message no later than the specified number of
seconds. Set the parameter to zero (0) to disable this feature and go back to the default for each command.
Group: Server Extension
nTimeout (Long) parameter to specify a number of seconds
Supported Versions: RFgen 4.0 and newer.
This command connects to the remote server via TCP/IP. Default values are stored in the registry when the
files are installed based on the profile.
Group: Server Extensions
Syntax: [bOK =] Server.Connect
bOK (Boolean) Optional return a True if the mobile device is able to make a connection
to the host within 30 seconds or less.
Dim bOK as Boolean
bOK = Server.Connect
Version Supported: RFgen 4.0 and newer.
This command disconnects from the remote server. You should always use this command when you know
the connection is no longer needed. Using the Form_Unload event may be a good place.
Group: Server Extensions
Syntax: [bOK =] Server.Disconnect
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bOK (Boolean) Optional return a True if the mobile device disconnects from the host.
Dim bOK as Boolean
bOK = Server.Disconnect
Supported Versions: RFgen 5.1 and newer.
This function will execute a pass-through SQL statement on the host through the connection maintained by
the server. Any results from the statement will be returned in a text-delimited object. (Note: this means that
the item is a static view of the database and cannot be updated.)
Group: Server Extensions
Syntax: [bOK =] Server.ExecuteSQL(sSQL, [vColumns], [vRows])
bOK (Boolean) Optional is a return value; a value of True means the SQL statement pro-
cessed normally.
sSQL (String) is the SQL statement to be sent to the database. As this is a pass through state-
ment, its syntax must be understood by the database, as no pre-processing will
vColumns (Variant) Optional is a string representation of the columns returned by the SQL
vRows (Variant) Optional is a string representation of the static result of an SQL state-
Dim bOK As Boolean
Dim sSQL As String
Dim sCols As String
Dim sRows As String
sSQL = "select * from Inventory"
bOK = Server.ExecuteSQL(sSQL, sCols, sRows)
In the case of an insert or an update, the sCols and sRows variables would not be necessary.
Supported Versions: RFgen 4.0 and newer.
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This method returns an address converted from the longitude and latitude geo-coordinates. This extension
only works with the Map control.
Group: Server Extensions
bValue = PromptID.Server.GeoGetAddress(sLat, sLng, sAddrs)
bValue: (Boolean) True returns a value if successful; False if it fails
sLat: (String) is the Latitude of the address
sLng: (String) is the Longitude of the address
sAddrs: (String) is the address converted from the Latitude and Longitude
sLat = “38.575764”
sLng = “121.478851”
Version Supported: RFgen 5.1 and newer.
This method to display the driving directions between a start and destination. This extension is used with the
Map control.
Group: Server Extensions
bVal = promptID.Server.GetDirections(sOrg, sDst, sRoads, [Map], [Duration], [Dist])
bVal: (Boolean) Returns True if the directions were retrieved; False if it failed.
sOrg: (String) is the origination or start of the route
sDst: (String) is the route destination
sRoads: (String Array) is the list of roads between origination and destination
[Map]: Optional - is an image of the directions
[Dur]: Optional - is the duration of the distance traveled by car
[Dist]: Optional is the distance traveled
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DIM sDir as String
server.GeoGetDirections(txtOrig.Text, txtDest.Text, sRoads, True)
Version Supported: RFgen 5.1 and newer.
Use this method to return the Latitude and Longitude of a physical address. This extension is used with the
Map control.
Group: Server Extensions
bVal = Server.GeoGetLatLng (sAddr, sLat, sLng)
bValue (Boolean) True means the conversion was retrieved; False means it failed.
sAddr: (String) is the address of the location
sLat: (String) is the latitude of the location
sLng: (String) is the longitude of the location
Server.GeoGetLatLng(txtAddress.Text, textLat.Text, textLng.Text, True)
Version Supported: RFgen 5.1 and newer.
This method returns a map representing the last Geo command from Google maps. For instance, if you
execute GeoGetDirections, GeoGetMap will get a bitmap image representing those directions from Google
Maps. This extension is only used with the Map control.
Group: Prompt-Specific Extensions
Server.GeoGetMap( )
Supported Versions: RFgen 5.2 and newer.
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This method returns the best route when there are multiple stops.
Use this method to obtain the most efficient driving route for multiple locations. This server extension is used
with the Map control.
Group: Server Extensions
bVal = Server.GeoPlanRoute(sOrg, sDst, sPoints,[Map])
bVal: (Boolean) True means the route was retrieved; False means it failed
sOrg: (String) is the origination or start of the planned route
sDst: (String) is the destination of the planned route
sPoints: (String Array) Points are an array of delivery addresses and once its returned, the points will contain
the sorted addresses.
Map: (Boolean) Optional - returns True if the map from Google Maps was retrieved; False if it failed.
DIM sPlanRoute as String
server.GeoPlnRoute (txtOrig.Text, txtDest.Text, sPoints(), Map, True)
Version Supported: RFgen 5.1 and newer.
This command executes the SQL statement on the remote server and copies the results to an existing local
Group: Server Extensions
Syntax: [bOK =] Server.GetTable(sSQL, sLocalTable, [vKeyFields])
bOK (Boolean) Optional is a return value; a value of True means the SQL statement pro-
cessed normally.
sSQL (String) is the SQL statement to be sent to the database. As this is a pass through
statement, its syntax must be understood by the database, as no pre-processing
will occur.
sLocalTable (String) is the name of the table already created on the mobile device.
vKeyFields (Variant) Optional is 1 or more key fields to represent a unique record. One key
would be represented by “PartNo” and multiple keys look like “PartNo,Onhand”.
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Dim bOK as Boolean
bOK = Server.GetTable("Select * from Inventory", "Inv2", "PartNo")
Note: In the event that you need to update data using the Key field you should pay close attention to how the table has
been populated. To optimize update performance you should try to match the order in which the data was populated
in the table initially. For instance assume table INVENTORY has a unique ID column. Also assume that you will need to
update a small subset or rows on the device database using the Server.GetTable() language extension. You would
want to initially populate the table using the GetTable function with a SQL statement similar to:
To optimize performance while updating records you would want to match the data that way it was downloaded by
using the ORDER BY clause in your update like:
Server.GetTable("SELECT Id, Column1, Column2 FROM INVENTORY WHERE LastWrite> '07/22/2013' ORDER BY Id",
The ORDER BY clause will ensure that the records in the initial download and the updates are in the same order and
will optimize the databases ability to seek to the next record to update.
Supported Versions: RFgen 4.0 and newer.
This command returns a Boolean value of True or False depending on if the Server.Connect command pre-
viously executed. If the connection was successful, the value returned is True. If the connection failed, the
value returned is false.
Group: Server Extensions
Syntax: bOK = Server.IsConnected
bOK (Boolean) a value of True means there is already an open connection to use.
Dim bOK as Boolean
bOK = Server.IsConnected
Supported Versions: RFgen 5.1 and newer.
This command returns a dynamic array string containing the results of a SQL statement that was executed
on the server from a mobile device. For this command to be successful the server must be in wireless range
for a connection to be established.
Group: Server Extensions
Syntax: [bOK =] Server.MakeList(sSQL, sList, [bRtnAllCols], [bNormalize])
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bOK (Boolean) Optional is a return value; a value of True means the SQL statement pro-
cessed normally.
sSQL (String) is the SQL 'SELECT' statement to be sent to the database.
sList (String) is the list to be returned for display (i.e., set RSP = Value to display the list on
the Client device.)
bRtnAllCols (Boolean) Optional when set to True will return all the columns as the potential
key, not just the first column. Default is False.
bNormalize (Boolean) Optional when set to True will trim the spaces from the data so that it
will display consistently. Default is False.
Dim sSQL As String
Dim sMyList As String
sSQL = "select PartNo from ItemMaster"
sMyList = Server.MakeList(sSQL, True, True)
Rsp = App.ShowList(sMyList)
Rsp = App.ShowList(Server.MakeList(sSQL, True, True))
Supported Versions: RFgen 4.0 and newer.
This command returns a True / False regarding the ability to reach the server. Based on the result you may
choose to continue with the Server.Connect or go to a disconnected state. Default values are stored in the
registry when the files are installed.
Group: Server Extensions
Syntax: bOK = Server.Ping([vServer])
bOK (Boolean) returns a True if the mobile device could connect to the server.
vServer (Variant) Optional to specify the name or IP address of the server. If this is not spe-
cified, the registry settings will be used.
Dim bOK as Boolean
bOK = Server.Ping("")
Supported Versions: RFgen 4.0 and newer.
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This function is used to queue any transaction macro and pass its required passing parameters directly to
the server while in mobile mode. Unlike the TM.CallMacro with the queue property set to True, this com-
mand will not check for a valid host connection, or move to a linked screen. It returns ‘True’ if the macro was
successfully queued. These macros can be created on the Transactions tree.
Group: Server Extensions
Syntax: [nSeq =] Server.QueueMacro(sMacroName, [vParams])
nSeq (Long) Optional Returns the sequence number of the macro when it is suc-
cessfully queued.
sMacroName (String) This is the name of the macro to be called.
vParams (Variant) Optional A series of passing parameters as required by the selected
macro. Note: these parameters are the fields you defined when you wrote the
Dim nSeq As Long
nSeq = Server.QueueMacro("ChangeUser", "Sam", "1234")
Supported Versions: RFgen 4.0 and newer.
This command will read data from a file on the server. String data or binary data can be read.
Group: Server Extensions
Syntax: [bOK =] Server.ReadFile(sFileName, vData)
bOK (Boolean) Optional the success or failure of the command.
sFileName (String) specifies where on the server the file should be found
vData (Variant) contains the data read from the file. String or binary data is allowed.
Dim bOK As Boolean
Dim vData As Variant
Dim sFile As String
sFile = "C:\Program Files\MyFile.txt"
bOK = Server.ReadFile(sFile, vData)
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Supported Versions: RFgen 4.0 and newer.
This function sends any locally queued transactions to the remote server queue for processing. Upon suc-
cessfully transferring the local queue to the server, the local queue is cleared.
Group: Server Extensions
Syntax: [bOK =] Server.SendQueue([vDestQueue])
bOK (Boolean) Optional Returns True if the queued macros were successfully sent to
the host for processing.
vDestQueue (Variant) Optional an option to send the queue to a queue with a different name
Dim bOK As Boolean
bOK = Server.SendQueue
Supported Versions: RFgen 4.0 and newer.
This function executes the SQL statement locally and copies the results to an existing table on the remote
Group: Server Extensions
Syntax: [bOK =] Server.SendTable(sSQL, sRemoteTable, [vKeyFields])
bOK (Boolean) Optional is a return value; a value of True means the SQL statement
processed normally.
sSQL (String) is the SQL statement to be sent to the database. As this is a pass through
statement, its syntax must be understood by the database, as no pre-pro-
cessing will occur.
sRemoteTable (String) is the name of the table already created on the mobile device.
vKeyFields (Variant) Optional is one or more key fields to represent a unique record. One
key would be represented by “PartNo” and multiple keys look like “PartNo,On-
Dim bOK as Boolean
bOK = Server.SendTable("Select * from Inv2", "Inventory", "PartNo")
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Supported Versions: RFgen 4.0 and newer.
This function sets or changes the Domain, User or Password values for connecting to the server’s network
when using the NTLM connection security authentication option.
Group: Server Extensions
Syntax: [bOK =] Server.SetCredentials([vDomain], [vUserID], [vPassword])
bOK (Boolean) Optional is a return value; a value of True means the method pro-
cessed normally.
vDomain (Variant) Optional is the name of the domain where the credentials will be val-
vUserID (Variant) Optional is the name of the user
vPassword (Variant) Optional is the password of the user
Dim bOK as Boolean
bOK = Server.SetCredentials("RFGEN","MIKE","PASS")
Supported Versions: RFgen 5.0 and newer.
This function sets the default settings for connecting to the host server. Typically Server.Connect follows this
Group: Server Extensions
Syntax: [bOK =] Server.SetHost([vServerName], [nPort])
bOK (Boolean) Optional is a return value; a value of True means the method pro-
cessed normally.
vServerName (Variant) Optional is the name or IP address of the server
nPort (Long) Optional is the port that facilitates the data portion of the com-
Dim bOK as Boolean
bOK = Server.SetHost("", 21097)
Supported Versions: RFgen 4.0 and newer.
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This function lets the user change the credentials used when using the operating system’s VPN settings to
establish server access.
Group: Server Extensions
Syntax: [bOK =] Server.SetVPN(bEnabled, [vVPNName], [vUserID], [vPassword])
bOK (Boolean) Optional is a return value; a value of True means the method pro-
cessed normally.
bEnabled (Boolean) enables or disables the configured VPN
vVPNName (Variant) Optional is the name of the VPN as configured in the operating sys-
vUserID (Variant) Optional is the user ID to be used for making that VPN connection if it
is different that the already configured user ID in the VPN setup
vPassword (Variant) Optional is the password to be used for making that VPN connection if
it is different that the already configured password in the VPN setup
Dim bOK as Boolean
bOK = Server.SetVPN(True, "MyISP")
Supported Versions: RFgen 5.0 and newer.
This function lets the user change the credentials used when using the operating system’s GPRS (cellular)
settings to establish internet access.
Group: Server Extensions
Syntax: [bOK =] Server.SetWAN(bEnabled, [vWANName], [vUserID], [vPassword])
bOK (Boolean) Optional is a return value; a value of True means the method pro-
cessed normally.
bEnabled (Boolean) enables or disables the configured WAN
vWANName (Variant) Optional is the name of the WAN as configured in the operating sys-
vUserID (Variant) Optional is the user ID to be used for making that WAN connection if it
is different that the already configured user ID in the WAN setup
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vPassword (Variant) Optional is the password to be used for making that WAN connection
if it is different that the already configured password in the WAN setup
Dim bOK as Boolean
bOK = Server.SetWAN(True, "MyWAN")
Supported Versions: RFgen 5.0 and newer.
This command enables or disables a popup progress box for all Server commands. The elapsed number of
seconds and the current activity are displayed.
Group: Server Extensions
Syntax: Server.ShowProgress(bShow)
bShow (Boolean) True or False for turning on or off the progress bar
Supported Versions: RFgen 4.0 and newer.
This command will update a mobile device configured for mobile operation with changes made to application
related items such as menus, users, applications, macros etc. If an administrator changes a device profile to
include or exclude items, this command will compare what is on the device with what is in the profile and
request any changed or missing items. Depending on the size of the change the Server.ShowProgress com-
mand may be useful.
Group: Server Extensions
Syntax: [bOK = ] Server.SyncApps([vProfile])
bOK (Boolean) Optional returns True or False for the success of the command
vProfile (Variant) Optional is the name of the profile used to compare what is on the device
with the server list of objects.
Dim bOK As Boolean
bOK = Server.SyncApps
Supported Versions: RFgen 4.0 and newer.
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This command is similar to Server.SyncApps except that it includes a parameter to set an error message.
Group: Server Extensions
Syntax: [bOK = ] Server.SyncAppsEx([vProfile])
bOK (Boolean) Optional returns True or False for the success of the command
vProfile (String) Optional is the name of the profile used to compare what is on the device
with the server list of objects.
[ErrMsg] Optional if an error occurs this parameter will be sent to a detailed error message
Dim bOK As Boolean
Dim sErr As String
bOK = Server.SyncAppsEx("CEProfile1", sErr)
If bOK = False Then
End If
Supported Versions: RFgen 5.1 and newer.
This command will write a file to the server hard drive and can be used from both the Thin client mode and
Mobile client mode.
Group: Server Extensions
Syntax: [bOK = ] Server.WriteFile(sFileName, vData, bOverwrite)
bOK (Boolean) Optional returns True or False for the success of the command
sFileName (String) is the path and file name for the file being created or overwritten.
vData (Variant) the contents of the file which can be either a string or byte array
bOverwrite (Boolean) set to True, the server will overwrite an existing file, False will return a
failure because the file already existed
Dim bOK As Boolean
Dim sData As String
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Dim sPath As String
sPath = "C:\MyFile.txt"
sData = "Sample Text"
bOK = Server.WriteFile(sPath, sData, True)
Supported Versions: RFgen 4.0 and newer.
The SigToImg is a special type of function that takes the array of points (based 64 encoded array) returned
from Signature.Text, and makes it into a bitmap image.
The image can then be passed from an offline client to the server, speed performance when passing it
through a thin client, or be saved to a batch client.
Group: SigToImg
Syntax: SigToImg(Points, Img())
SigToImg (Boolean) Returns True if the array of points from Signature.Text were returned; False if the
array of points were not returned.
Points (String) The points from the Signature entered in the Signature prompt/control.
Img (Byte) The bitmap that contains the image created from the array.
Dim bImage() As Byte
SigToImg(Signature1.Text, bImage)
Socket Object
The Socket object is provided to the programmer for creating and managing their own WinSock connection
from within the solution. This object is only a pass-through to the standard Windows WinSock control so
additional documentation about how this works can be easily found on the Internet. There are three sections
for this object, properties, methods and events.
This object is declared in a similar manner to:
Dim WithEvents oSocket As Socket
The properties for the Socket object are:
BytesReceived, LocalHostName, LocalIP, Protocol, RemoteHost, RemoteHostIP, RemotePort, and State.
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The methods for the Socket object are:
sktClose, sktConnect, sktGetData, sktPeekData, and sktSendData.
The events for the Socket object are:
OnClose, OnConnect, OnDataArrival, OnError, OnSendComplete, and OnSendProgress.
This function returns the number of bytes currently in the receive buffer. This is a read-only property and is
unavailable at design time. The value returned is a long integer.
Syntax: nValue = oSocket.BytesReceived
nValue (Long) the number of bytes
Group: Socket Object
Dim WithEvents oSocket As Socket ' module level Dim
Dim nBytes As Long
Set oSocket = New Socket
nBytes = oSocket.BytesReceived
The LocalHostName function returns the name of the local host system. This is read-only property and is
unavailable at the design time. The value returned is a string.
Syntax: sValue = oSocket.LocalHostName
sValue (String) the name of the local host
Group:Socket Object
Dim WithEvents oSocket As Socket ' module level Dim
Dim sName As String
Set oSocket = New Socket
sName = oSocket.LocalHostName
The LocalIP function returns the local host system IP address in the form of a string, such as
This property is read-only and is unavailable at design time.
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Syntax:sValue = oSocket.LocalIP
sValue (String) the IP address of the local host
Group:Socket Object
Dim WithEvents oSocket As Socket ' module level Dim
Dim sIP As String
Set oSocket = New Socket
SIP = oSocket.LocalIP
This property can get or set the protocol used to either TCP or UDP.
Syntax:nValue = oSocket.Protocol
Alternate:oSocket.Protocol = enValue
enValue (enWinsockProtocols) the numeric value representing TCP or UDP. TCP = 0, UDP =
1. There are built in constants to represent these value as well. They are sck-
TCPProtocol and sckUDPProtocol.
nValue (Long) the numeric value representing TCP or UDP. TCP = 0, UDP = 1.
Group:Socket Object
Dim WithEvents oSocket As Socket ' module level Dim
Dim wProtocols As enWinsockProtocols
Set oSocket = New Socket
oSocket.Protocol = sckTCPProtocol
wProtocols = oSocket.Protocol
The RemoteHost property returns or sets the remote host. This can be both read from and written to and is
available both in design time and runtime. The value returned is a string and can be specified either as an IP
address or as a DNS name.
Syntax: sValue = oSocket.RemoteHost
Alternate:oSocket.RemoteHost = Value
sValue (String) the name of the host system the client will be connecting to.
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Group:Socket Object
Dim WithEvents oSocket As Socket ' module level Dim
Dim sName As String
Set oSocket = New Socket
sName = oSocket.RemoteHost
This property returns or sets the remote host IP address.
Syntax: sValue = oSocket.RemoteHostIP
Alternate: oSocket.RemoteHostIP = Value
sValue (String) the IP address of the host system the client will be connecting to.
Group :Socket Object
Dim WithEvents oSocket As Socket ' module level Dim
Dim sIP As String
Set oSocket = New Socket
sIP = oSocket.RemoteHostIP
This property returns or sets the remote port number.
Syntax: nValue = oSocket.RemotePort
Alternate: oSocket.RemotePort = Value
nValue (Long) the port number used to access the host system the client will be connecting
Group :Socket Object
Dim WithEvents oSocket As Socket ' module level Dim
Dim nPort As Long
Set oSocket = New Socket
oSocket.RemotePort = 11908
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nPort = oSocket.RemotePort
This property returns the state of the control as expressed by an enumerated list. This is read-only property
and is unavailable at design time.
Syntax: nValue = oSocket.State
nValue (Long) the number assigned to the different socket states
0 = sckClosed
1 = sckOpen
2 = sckListening
3 = sckConnectionPending
4 = sckResolvingHost
5 = sckHostResolved
6 = sckConnecting
7 = sckConnected
8 = sckClosing
9 = sckError
Group :Socket Object
Dim WithEvents oSocket As Socket ' module level Dim
Private Sub oSocket_OnConnect()
On Error Resume Next
Set oSocket = New Socket
If oSocket.State <> sckConnected Then
App.MsgBox("Connect failed.")
End Sub
This method terminates a TCP connection from either the client or server applications. If the object is
declared using the WithEvents option, then an OnClose event is available in the script environment but will
not fire with the use of this method but only if the connection is closed by the server.
Syntax: oSocket.sktClose
Group :Socket Object
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Dim WithEvents oSocket As Socket ' module level Dim
Set oSocket = New Socket
If oSocket.State = sckConnected Then oSocket.sktClose
This method requests a connection to a remote computer. If the object is declared using the WithEvents
option, then an OnConnect event is available in the script environment.
Syntax: oSocket.sktConnect([vRemoteHost], [vRemotePort])
vRemoteHost (Variant) Optional allows a connection to a host that is not specified in the
RemoteHost property
vRemotePort (Variant) Optional allows a connection to a host that is not specified in the
RemotePort property
Group :Socket Object
Dim WithEvents oSocket As Socket ' module level Dim
Set oSocket = New Socket
oSocket.Protocol = sckTCPProtocol
oSocket.RemoteHost = ""
oSocket.RemotePort = 21097
Private Sub oSocket_OnConnect()
On Error Resume Next
Set oSocket = New Socket
Loop Until oSocket.State <> sckConnecting
If oSocket.State <> sckConnected Then App.MsgBox "Connect failed."
End Sub
This method retrieves the current block of data from the buffer and then stores it in a variable of the variant
type. If the object is declared using the WithEvents option, then an OnDataArrival event is available in the
script environment.
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Syntax: oSocket.sktGetData(vData, [vType], [vMaxLen])
vData (Variant) Where retrieved data will be stored after the method returns successfully. If
there is not enough data available for requested type, vData will be set to Empty.
vType (Variant) Optional specifies the type of data being retrieved
Byte = vbByte
Integer = vbInteger
Long = vbLong
Single = vbSingle
Double = vbDouble
Currency = vbCurrency
Date = vbDate
Boolean = vbBoolean
SCODE = vbError
String = vbString
Byte Array = vbArray + vbByte
vMaxLen (Variant) Optional Specifies the desired size when receiving a byte array or a
string. If this parameter is missing for byte array or string, all available data will be
retrieved. If provided for data types other than byte array and string, this para-
meter is ignored.
Group :Socket Object
Dim WithEvents oSocket As Socket ' module level Dim
Private Sub oSocket_OnDataArrival(ByVal bytesTotal As Long)
On Error Resume Next
Dim sData As String
Set oSocket = New Socket
oSocket.sktGetData(sData, vbString, bytesTotal)
End Sub
This method operates in a fashion similar to the sktGetData method. However, it does not remove data from
the input queue. It is used to see what data is coming before using the sktGetData method to retrieve and
delete the data from the receive buffer. This method works only for TCP connections.
Syntax: oSocket.sktPeekData(vData, [vType], [vMaxLen])
vData (Variant) Where retrieved data will be stored after the method returns successfully. If
there is not enough data available for requested type, vData will be set to Empty.
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vType (Variant) Optional specifies the type of data being retrieved
Byte = vbByte
Integer = vbInteger
Long = vbLong
Single = vbSingle
Double = vbDouble
Currency = vbCurrency
Date = vbDate
Boolean = vbBoolean
SCODE = vbError
String = vbString
Byte Array = vbArray + vbByte
vMaxLen (Variant) Optional Specifies the desired size when receiving a byte array or a
string. If this parameter is missing for byte array or string, all available data will be
retrieved. If provided for data types other than byte array and string, this para-
meter is ignored.
Group :Socket Object
Dim WithEvents oSocket As Socket ' module level Dim
Private Sub oSocket_OnDataArrival(ByVal bytesTotal As Long)
On Error Resume Next
Dim sData As String
Set oSocket = New Socket
oSocket.sktPeekData(sData, vbString, bytesTotal)
End Sub
This method dispatches data to the remote computer. When a UNICODE string is passed in, it is converted to
an ANSI string before being sent out on the network.
Syntax: oSocket.sktSendData(vData)
vData (Variant) Data to be sent. For binary data, byte array should be used.
Group :Socket Object
Dim WithEvents oSocket As Socket ' module level Dim
Set oSocket = New Socket
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oSocket.sktSendData("Hello world.")
This is a Socket Object event that occurs when the connection has been closed by the remote host. This
does not occur when the sktClose method has been called.
Group: Event
Applies to: Socket Object
Dim WithEvents oSocket As Socket ' module level Dim
Private Sub oSocket_OnClose()
On Error Resume Next
End Sub
This is a Socket Object event that occurs when a connection is successfully established.
Group:Socket Object
Dim WithEvents oSocket As Socket ' module level Dim
Private Sub oSocket_OnConnect()
On Error Resume Next
End Sub
This is a Socket Object event that occurs when data arrives and is used to process incoming data.
Group:Socket Object
Dim WithEvents oSocket As Socket ' Module level Dim
Private Sub oSocket_OnDataArrival(ByVal bytesTotal As Long)
On Error Resume Next
End Sub
This is a Socket Object event that occurs when there is an error, such as a PC not existing.
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Group:Socket Object
Dim WithEvents oSocket As Socket ' module level Dim
Private Sub oSocket_OnError(ByVal Number As Long, ByVal Description As String)
On Error Resume Next
End Sub
This event is for Socket Objects. It occurs when all the data has been sent to its destination.
Group: Events
Applies To: Socket Object events
Dim WithEvents oSocket As Socket ' module level Dim
Private Sub oSocket_OnSendComplete()
On Error Resume Next
End Sub
This is a Socket Object event that occurs while the data is being sent between client and server.
Group: Events
Applies To: Socket Object events
Dim WithEvents oSocket As Socket ' module level Dim
Private Sub oSocket_OnSendProgress(ByVal bytesSent As Long, ByVal bytesRemaining As Long)
On Error Resume Next
End Sub
Soft Input Panel (SIP) Extensions
The soft input panel (SIP) is the virtual keyboard that pops up when a field on the mobile (graphical capable)
device allows for text input. The SIP object is a global override. Setting any property with SIP takes pre-
cedence over everything else.
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Language extensions “SIP.Keyboard” and “SIP.Show” are now global in scope. Setting these to true, false,
or a keyboard type will maintain that state for the session or until a SIP.Keyboard kbNone is received.
Use "SIP Reset" to remove the global overrides.
The extensions available for this are:
SIP.GetCurrentType, SIP.GetTypes, SIP.Keyboard, SIP.Mode, SIP.Reset, SIP.SetType, SIP.Show, and
Related Topics
See Configuration > Menus and Keys > Show/Hide SIP
This method returns a textual representation of the current input panel such as “Keyboard” or “Transcriber”.
Group: Soft Input Panel
Syntax: [sValue = ] SIP.GetCurrentType
sValue (String) is the variable containing the result.
Dim sVal as String
sVal = SIP.GetCurrentType
In this case sVal will have a value like “Keyboard”.
This method returns a pipe ( | ) delimited list of available input types that are supported on the device. Not
all devices will have the same list of available types. Here are a few examples:
Letter Recognizer Block Recognizer Phone Keypad
Compact QWERTY Full QWERTY WinCE Handwriting
WinCE Keyboard Keyboard Kana
Kensaku Romaji Tegaki
Group: Soft Input Panel
Syntax: sList = SIP.GetTypes
sList (String) Contains a list of all available types of input that are supported on the device.
Dim sList as String
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sList = SIP.GetTypes
This property is used to set one or modes together to create the proper input. For standard English use the
Roman mode. For other variations a combination may be required.
Language extensions “SIP.Keyboard” and “SIP.Show” are now global in scope. Setting these to true, false,
or a keyboard type will maintain that state for the session or until a SIP.Keyboard kbNone is received.
Group: Soft Input Panel
Syntax: SIP.Keyboard
This property sets the type of character to be displayed in the SIP/touchscreen for a given language. For
standard English use the Roman mode. Other variations a combination may be required.
Group: Soft Input Panel
Syntax: [bOK = ] SIP.Mode(enMode)
bOK (Boolean) Optional Returns True if the command was successful.
enMode (enSIPMode) are the individual properties that can combine to make up the proper
input panel. They are:
Dim bOK as Boolean
In the second example, several modes are ORed together to create the Katakana input panel.
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SIP.Reset removes all soft keyboard overrides and returns to the prompt-level control.
Group: Soft Input Panel
Syntax: To be supplied.
To be supplied.
This method sets the current input panel. The Input Method parameter can either be text as it is returned in
the GetTypes method or it can be a zero-based number referring to the same list. This list is the same as the
dropdown list on the mobile device where you choose between the styles of recognition.
Group: Soft Input Panel
Syntax: [bOK = ] SIP.SetType(vIM)
bOK (Boolean) Optional Returns True if the command was successful.
vIM (Variant) set to a number or a string representing one of the available recognition
Dim bOK as Boolean
bOK = SIP.SetType(0)' 0 may not represent the keyboard
bOK = SIP.SetType("Keyboard")
This method is used to display or hide the Soft Input Panel (SIP). "SIP.Keyboard" and "SIP.Show" are global
in scope.
Setting these to true, false, or a keyboard type will maintain that state for the session or until a "SIP.Key-
board kbNone" is received.
Group: Soft Input Panel
Syntax: [bOK = ] SIP.Show(bShow)
bOK (Boolean) Optional Returns True if the command was successful.
iShow (Long) Sets the keyboard mode (no keyboard, show or hide) for the specified RFgen keyboard
Long (Long) The enumeration for the RFgen keyboard type. Values are:
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KBRD_NONE The default value with SIP.Show to prevent a keyboard/soft input panel from displaying. Is not
the same as hiding a keyboard.
KBRD_SIP Use this value with SIP.Show to display the keyboard/soft input panel.
KBRD_SIP Use this value with SIP.Show to hide a keyboard/soft input panel.
Dim bOK as Boolean
For situations where the keyboard was implemented as a function instead of a property, this helps you to
determine if the keyboard is visible or not. "SIP.Visible" is a read-only function; It does not make a keyboard
Group: Soft Input Panel
Syntax: SIP.Visible()
( ) Boolean. True means the keyboard is visible; False means its not.
'Create a variable and then use SIP.Visible to receive a true or false value.
Versions Supported: RFgen
Smtp Extension
This language extension gives the user the ability to send e-mails from the scripting environment. In the
Application Services configuration window is a place where some defaults may be set so the script envir-
onment doesn’t need to repeat static information.
The extensions available for smtp are:
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smtp.attach, smtp.bcc,, smtp.clear, smtp.from,, smtp.message, smtp.port, smtp.send,
smtp.subject and
Specify a path and a file you wish to attach. If you would like to attach more than one file just separate the
path + file names with a comma like:
"C:\Log.txt, C:\DebugLog.txt"
Syntax: Smtp.Attach = sPath
sPath (String) is the path and the name of the file to be attached to the outgoing message.
Example see Smtp.Send
This property is used to specify a recipient to be “Blind Carbon Copied” .
Syntax: Smtp.Bcc = sEmail
sEmail (String) is the email address of the recipient
Example see Smtp.Send
This property is used to specify a recipient to be “Carbon Copied”.
Smtp.Cc = sEmail
sEmail (String) is the email address of the recipient.
See Smtp.Send
This property is used to clear the contents of a smtp object.
Syntax: Smtp.Clear()
Example see Smtp.Send
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This property is used to specify the sending person’s email address.
Syntax: Smtp.From = sEmail
sEmail (String) is the email address of the sender
Example see Smtp.Send
This property is the host email server that will process the request. In the Application Services configuration
there is a place to default this value so it isn’t necessary in the script.
Syntax: Smtp.Host = sServer
sServer (String) is the IP address or DNS name of the outgoing mail server
Example see Smtp.Send
This property contains the message body of the email. To include Carriage Return + Line Feed (Enter keys)
in the text use the convention /r/n in the text itself.
Syntax: Smtp.Message = sBody
sBody (String) is all the text in the body of the email
Example see Smtp.Send
This property is the host email port that will be used to communicate with the host email server. In the
Application Services configuration there is a place to default this value so it isn’t necessary in the script. Be
sure that this port isn’t being blocked by firewalls or virus protection.
Syntax: Smtp.Port = nPort
nPort (Long) is the port number of the outgoing email server
Example see Smtp.Send
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This method submits the Smtp properties to the mail server for processing. Note that the Host and Port prop-
erties are optional if already specified in the Application Services configuration screen.
Syntax: Smtp.Send()
Smtp.Host = ""
Smtp.Port = 25
Smtp.From = "[email protected]"
Smtp.Cc = "[email protected]"
Smtp.Bcc = "[email protected]"
Smtp.To = "[email protected]"
Smtp.Subject = "I’m so sorry"
Smtp.Message = "Good bye./r/nCall me!"
Smtp.Attach = "C:\PinkSlip.PDF, C:\GetWell.PDF"
This property contains the subject of the email.
Syntax: Smtp.Subject = sText
sText (String) is the subject of the email
Example see Smtp.Send
This property is used to specify the recipient’s email address.
Syntax: Smtp.To = sEmail
sEmail (String) is the email address of the recipient
Example see Smtp.Send
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Stored Procedure Extensions
commands relate specifically to stored procedures and have been replaced with the Embed-
ded Procedure Object.
CallAction (not used with Sybase)
This command is OBSOLETE. It relates specifically to stored procedures and has been replaced with the
Embedded Procedures structure.
This function will call the stored procedure as specified, and will return the output from the procedure.
Syntax: vReturnVal = SP.CallAction(sName, vParams)
vReturnVal (Variant) is a return value number from the stored procedure. Typically '0' (zero)
specifies that no errors occurred during processing.
sName (String) is the name of the stored procedure to call.
vParams (Variant) passing parameters as required by the stored procedure. For stored pro-
cedures that return values as passing parameters, any output parameters must be
declared as Variant and be set to empty.
Dim vReturnVal As Variant
vReturnVal = SP.CallAction ("SPname", Rsp)
CallProc (must be used with Sybase)
This command is OBSOLETE. It relates specifically to stored procedures and has been replaced with the
Embedded Procedures structure.
This function will call the stored procedure as specified, and will return the output from the procedure. An
unlimited number of passing parameters Pn (e.g., P1, P2, etc.) may be specified.
Syntax: vErrNo = SP.CallProc(sName, sOptions, sColumns, sRows, vParams)
vErrNo (Variant) is a return value from the stored procedure. Typically '0' (zero) specifies that
no errors occurred during processing.
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sName (String) is the name of the stored procedure to call.
sOptions (String) are the options for the stored procedure to use. Allowable options are:
A = Action - no rows returned
S = Select - rows are returned
O = Open - an alternative required for some databases (i.e., for Sybase: ‘A’ and ‘S’ are
not useful, use only ‘O’).
Note: each type may optionally be suffixed by the letters ‘Y’ or N’ (for Yes or No) to spe-
cify additional possible database requirements, as follows:
1st letter (Y or N): a ‘Return’ value is specified in the stored procedure. 1st letter defaults (if
not specified) are ‘Y’ for type ‘A’, ‘N’ for type ‘S’, and ‘N’ for type ‘O’),
2nd letter (Y or N): to declare the passing parameters as ‘input ‘or ‘output’. The 2nd letter
default (if not specified) is ‘Y’ for all 3 type (‘A’, ‘S’, and ‘O’). A tip: consider
‘N’ for Oracle databases).
sColumns (String) is a string representation of the columns contained in the associated Records
item (below).
sRows (String) is a string representation of any results returned by the stored procedure.
vParams (Variant) passing parameters as required by the stored procedure. For stored pro-
cedures that return values as passing parameters, any output parameters must be
declared as Variant and be set to empty.
Dim sColumns As String
Dim sRows As String
Dim vPn As Variant
Dim vErrNo As Variant
vPn = Rsp ' User must provide value
vErrNo= SP.CallProc("byroyalty", "SNY", sColumns, sRows, vPn)
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The Records variable now contains a resultset from which values can be extracted, using DB.Extract.
CallSelect (not used with Sybase)
This command is OBSOLETE. It relates specifically to stored procedures and has been replaced with the
Embedded Procedures structure.
This function will call the stored procedure as specified, and will return the output from the procedure.
Syntax: vErrNo = SP.CallSelect(sSQL, sColumns, sRows, [vParams])
vErrNo (Variant) is a return value from the stored procedure. Typically '0' (zero) specifies
that no errors occurred during processing.
sSQL (String) is the name of the stored procedure to call as a string or string variable, along
with any passing parameters for the procedure (i.e., "GetCust '1001'").
sColumns (String) is a string representation of the columns contained in the associated
Records item (below).
sRows (String) is a string representation of any results returned by the stored procedure.
vParams (Variant) Optional additional parameters for the CallSelect
Dim vErrNo As Variant
Dim sSQL As String
Dim sColumns As String
Dim sRows As String
sSQL = "SPQuery" ' Name of stored procedure
vErrNo = SP.CallSelect(sSQL, sColumns, sRows)
Synchronization Overview
The Sync commands provide more control over how often the data in a table is synchronized with other data-
bases. The synchronization runs as a background process and is designed to synchronize records where a
change occurred. The process includes changes was not captured in the prior synchronization process.
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The default server for client synchronization defaults to the server defined in the client profile. If you want to
use a different server, use Sync.SetHost.
The Sync commands available are:
Instead of running continuously, the Sync.SyncStart process can be set to run after a specified period of
time. For example if it takes 5 minutes for your device to synchronize, and you set the elaspe time of 1
minute, then the synchronization process will kick-off every 6 minutes.
If you need the synchronization background process to stop, use the Sync.SyncStop()command.
If you set a command to stop the synchronization process, after it was initiated, the system will stop grace-
fully. (It will compete the process it committed to instead of stopping abruptly.)
If you want the process to synchronize immediately instead of waiting for its preset cycle, you can use the
SyncNow command. This works in two ways. For example, if you have an offline solution and don't have a
sync process running in the background, but need the table data synchronized when the user taps a button,
the process will launch the Sync process, but only once. However, if the synch process running in
the background, and is just waiting for its next start time, then the SyncNow command will wake up the pro-
cess and make it start immediately. The SyncNow completes its synchronization then terminates. The back-
ground process executed from Sync.Start will resume its course once SyncNow terminates.
SyncNow Technical Details
If the thread is running but its actually waiting for its start time or interval, the Sync.Now( ) will make the
thread go immediately. If that thread is not running, then it will start running, but will only make one pass.
After it completes that pass, the Sync.Now process will come back and terminate itself.
There is also a Sync.CommandTimout command you can use to specify how long the sync process will
wait for the host to respond/complete a download. For example, you don't want to take more than 5 minutes
to download a table and you know you have a million records to download or the device is not getting a
response from the server.
The command timeout will adjust how long it keeps going before it gives up.
The timeout is set in seconds.
Using filters to specify what is synchronized
Sync.SetTableFilter - This adds a Where clause to the SQL query used to synchronize the offline data.
This helps narrow the scope of synchronization actions so that they are very specific to what you want to syn-
chronize. There are no "rules" on how to use so that your usage is flexible. For example, if your customer has
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3 locations where an offline client will be used to collect data, you use this command to build a filter that
would only synchronize data updates for the end user's specific location.
Supported Versions: RFgen and newer. RFgen 6.0 and newer.
This sets in seconds how long the sync process will wait on the host to complete a download to complete or
response to a request before it gives up and stops running the process.
The timeout is set in seconds.
Group: Sync Extension
Syntax: Sync.CommandTimout (Timeout )
Timeout (Long)The number of seconds
Supported Versions: RFgen and newer.
If you have a need to synchronize your client with a server other than the one already defined in your client's
profile, you can use this command to specify a different server and port number to be used for syn-
The timeout is set in seconds.
Group: Sync Extension
Syntax: Sync.SetHost (ServerName, port ) as Boolean
b if able to set the hostname then returns True; False if it fails
Servername The name of the server to receive synchronization requests
port (Long) The port id of the target server
Supported Versions: RFgen and newer.
The sync process runs as a background process based on the time specified in the Sync.Start command.
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If you need the synchronization process to start immediately (like when a User taps a Sync Right NOW but-
ton), and the synchronization thread is NOT actively running in the background, Sync.SyncNow will cause
the process to run immediately for one pass then terminate itself.
If a synchronization process thread is present, but its waiting for its next interval to run, then Sync.SyncNow
will trigger the process to wake up and run, then return the thread to its wait-for the-next-interval state.
Group: Sync Extension
Syntax: Sync.StartNow
There are no parameters for this extension.
Supported Versions: RFgen and newer.
The synchronization process runs as a background process.
SyncStart sets when this background process comes alive. The launch of the process starts after last sync
process completes and after thetimeperiod specified in the command has elasped.
For example, if this command was Sync.SyncStart(10), this means the synchronization process will run 10
minutes after the prior synchronization process has completed. So even if some processes take longer to
complete a synch, the start of the next sync is always 10 minutes following the completion of the last sync
If for some reason the synchronization process never completes (i.e.have a runaway process), then the suc-
cessive sync will NOT launch unless had Sync.Command Timeout in your script.
Group: Sync Extension
Syntax: Sync.SyncStart(Interval)
Interval (Long)The number of minutes to wait before launching the process
Supported Versions: RFgen newer.
If the synchronization process is running, you use this command to stop the sync process. It stops the sync
background process only after finding a safe place to stop. (It does not just stop immediately if in the middle
of a process.)
Group: Sync Extension
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Syntax: Sync.SyncStop
There are not parameters for this command.
Supported Versions: RFgen and newer.
System Error Extensions
This object contains application error information that is also written to the error log. This object does not
trap VB errors such as a type mismatch but application level issues such as a macro failing. For the VB errors
see the Err object.
The extensions available for System Error are:
SysErr.AddError, SysErr.AppName, SysErr.Clear
SysErr.Count, SysErr.Description, SysErr.DevGUID
SysErr.IpAddress, SysErr.ErrNative, SysErr.Number, and SysErr.UserName.
Adds an error to the collection in the SysErr object. You must specify the error number, native error number
and a description of the error.
Group: System Error
Syntax: SysErr.AddError(nErrNo, nNativeError, sDesc)
nErrNo (Long) the VBA error number
nNativeError (Long) the native database error number
sDesc (String) the description of the error
SysErr.AddError(1269, -2847638354, "TCP NOT AVAIL")
This property contains the name of the current application when the error occurred.
Group: System Error
Syntax: sName = SysErr.AppName
sName (String) the name of the faulting application as shown in the error log
Dim sName As String
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sName = SysErr.AppName
Clears all property settings of the SysErr properties. Use this command after trapping and dealing with an
error so the next error can be trapped.
Group: System Error
Syntax: SysErr.Clear
This property returns the number of errors. Occasionally an ODBC driver may return multiple errors and the
first one may not be the most descriptive or accurate for solving the problem. Concatenating all the errors
for the message box will give the most complete description of the problem.
Group: System Error
Syntax: vValue = SysErr.Count
vValue (Variant) is the number of errors in the collection.
Dim vCount As Variant
vCount = SysErr.Count
This property returns a string description of the ODBC error. Using the SysErr.Count command you may spe-
cify the number of the error in a loop and extract each error for display to the user.
Group: System Error
Syntax: sDesc = SysErr.Description([vIndex])
sDesc (String) is the error description.
vIndex (Variant) Optional is the error number to view. Note: this value is zero-based and
defaults to 1.
Dim sDesc As String
sDesc = SysErr.Description(0)
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Dim i As Integer
For i = 0 To SysErr.Count - 1
sDesc = sDesc & SysErr.Description(i) & vbCrLf
This property contains the device GUID value used by the server to uniquely identify a device with a session.
This value can be displayed from the Enterprise Dashboard if necessary.
Group: System Error
Syntax: sValue = SysErr.DevGUID
sValue (String) is the device GUID identifier
Dim sValue As String
sValue = SysErr.DevGUID
This property contains the IP address of the device. This value can be displayed from the Enterprise Dash-
board if necessary.
Group: System Error
Syntax: sValue = SysErr.IpAddress
sValue (String) is the IP address of the device
Dim sIP As String
sIP = SysErr.IpAddress
This property returns a numeric value specifying the native database error number.
Group: System Error
Syntax: vValue = SysErr.ErrNative([vIndex])
vValue (Variant) is the database error number.
vIndex (Long) Optional is the error number to view. Note: this value is zero-based and
defaults to 1.
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Dim vError As Variant
vError = SysErr.NativeError(0)
This property returns a numeric value specifying the VBA error number.
Group: System Error
Syntax: vError = SysErr.Number([vIndex])
vError (Variant) is the VBA error number.
vIndex (Long) Optional is the error number to view. Note: this value is zero-based and
defaults to 1.
Dim vError As Variant
vError = SysErr.Number(0)
This property contains the user logged in that experienced the error.
Group: System Error
Syntax: sName = SysErr.UserName
sName (String) is the user name of the device when the error occurred
Dim sUser As String
sUser = SysErr.UserName
System Level Extensions
System level commands get or set environmental properties for users, data connections or other global sys-
tem settings.
The extensions available for the system level commands are:
SYS.CheckBoxNoClickFromCode, SYS.Color, SYS.ConnectionProperty, SYS.DeleteProperty,
SYS.DisableTimeout, SYS.GetConnection, SYS.GetProperty,
SYS.SelectKeyboard, SYS.SendMessage, SYS.SetProperty,
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SYS.SetTimeout, SYS.UserList, and SYS.ValidateWinUser
This property is a global internal flag, when set to True, will prevent the Click event from executing when
code is used to toggle the Checkbox. The Click event will still execute if a user toggles the Checkbox from the
user interface. This would typically be used to initialize a form, check or uncheck the Checkboxes based on
database data and not trigger the Click event.
Group: System
Syntax: [bValue] = SYS.CheckBoxNoClickFromCode = bValue
bValue (Boolean) Optional returns the state of this function
SYS.CheckBoxNoClickFromCode = True
bValue = SYS.CheckBoxNoClickFromCode
Versions Supported: RFgen 5.0 and newer.
This function can be used to assign a color from a specific palette of system colors in Solution Explorer >
Themes > [Theme Name] > Application: SystemColors.
Group: System
Syntax: SYS.Color(iIndex)
iIndex is a value from 1 to 16.
Label1.ForeColor=SYS.Color(1) 'Where 1 corresponds to Color1 in Themes > Application > SystemColor.
Versions Supported: RFgen 5.2 and newer.
This function will return a characteristic of a data source. Some properties only refer to certain types of data
connections. For example, dcDatabase would refer to an ODBC connection where dcHostPort would refer to
a screen mapping connection. This is read-only.
Group: System
Syntax: vValue = SYS.ConnectionProperty(vSource, enProp)
vValue (Variant) set to the value of the specified property
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vSource (Variant) is the string representation or the numeric representation of the database,
screen mapping host or ERP session
enProp (enDCProps) the following list of properties is available
dcAppGroup (SAP) Application Group field
dcAppName (SM) For Windows Console mode, this is the Applciation Executable
dcAutoWrap (SM) Wrap text at end-of-line (VT220 only)
dcBackColor (SM) Back color of telnet emulator, it returns a numeric value cor-
responding to VB colors
dcBlockSize (DB2) Block Size field
dcCatalog (DB2) Initial Catalog field
dcCCSID (DB2) CCSID Conversion flag, returns a 0 (False) or a 1 (True)
dcCFIT (SAP) Conversion Fault Character field
dcClientNo (SAP) Application server’s Client number
dcCmdLine (SM) For Windows Console mode, this is the Command Line field
dcCompany (Dynamics) Company field
dcConfigFile (ERP) Axapta and Dynamics connections, this is the Configuration
File field
dcConnCheck (DB) Validation Check field for all database connections. Returns a 0
(No) or a 1 (Yes)
dcConnectMode (All) Returns User Database, Enterprise Connection, Screen Map-
ping Connection, or Web Service
dcConnectTimeout (Web) Connect Timeout field
dcConnectType (All) Returns the type of connection. Values are: Access, Axapta,
DB2, Dynamics, JDE Enterprise One, ODBC, OleDB,
Oracle, SAP R/3, SQL Server, SQLite, TN3270, TN5250,
VT220, Web Services, Windows Exe.
dcConnString (DB) Returns the provider string used to make the connection to
the database. A portion of the string may be the path and
file name of a file or one or more configuration fields com-
bined together.
dcCursorType (DB) The cursor type or locking state used to make the connection
(eg: Optimistic / Pessimistic)
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dcDatabase (DB) For DB2 it is the Default Library field, for SQL Server it is the
Database Name field.
dcDatabaseOwner (For future use)
dcDatabaseType (DB) For specific database types it returns the database name. For
OleDB it returns the Database field value.
dcDataStream (Other) For SAP it returns the Data Format field, 0 (ASCII) or 1
(Unicode). For Screen Mapping, vt220 mode it returns the
Data Stream field, 0 (Standard) or 1 (UTF-8)
dcDestructiveBS (SM) For VT220 only, it returns the Destructive Backspace Boolean
check box option
dcDeviceName (SM) Device Name field for TN5250 and TN3270 only
dcDownTime (All) Returns the Schedule Downtime configuration for all data con-
nector types.
dcDriver (For future use)
dcDSN (DB) For ODBC type only, it returns the Data Source field value.
dcEBCDIC (SM) Returns the Code Page field for TN5250 and TN3270 only
dcErrorCodes (DB) Reset on Error field values are returned for all database con-
nector types.
dcExtendedProps (DB) Returns the Extended Properties list for all database con-
nectors except ODBC.
dcFileName (DB) Returns the Database File name field value for Access, SQL
Server and SQLite data connectors
dcFontSize (SM) Font Size field used to display the host screen in the telnet emu-
lator or the HostScreen control for Windows Console
dcForceKeyPacket (SM) For VT220 only, it returns the Send Whole Key Packets
Boolean check box option
dcForeColor (SM) Display ForeColor used to display the host screen in the telnet
emulator or the HostScreen control for Windows Console
dcGWHost (SAP) Gateway Host field
dcGWService (SAP) Gateway Service field
dcIgnoreCert (Web) Ignore Invalid Certificates Boolean check box field
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dcIndexDatabase (DB) Index Selected Databases Boolean check box field for all data-
base connector types.
dcIndexList (DB) Tables Specified for Indexing list of values all database con-
nector types.
dcIsJDE (DB) Returns the JD Edwards Database Indexing Boolean check box
on the Indexing Options tab for all database connector
dcLanguage (SAP) Returns the Language field, used to log in to the ERP system
dcLibraryList (DB2) Returns the Catelog Library List field value
dcLocale (SM) Returns the numeric value of the Display Language field
dcLocalEcho (SM) For VT220 only, it returns the Echo Characters Locally Boolean
check box option
dcLogicalName (SQL Svr) Returns the Logical Name field value for the SQL Server data-
base type only
dcLoginMode (All) Returns Login Mode option on the Login Options tab (0 = Auto-
matic, 1 = Manual)
dcMsgServer (SAP) Message Server field
dcOnCCE (SAP) returns the Character Conversion option (0 = Abort, 1 = Copy, 2
= Replace)
dcPackageName (DB2) Returns the SQL Package Name field value
dcPadFields (SM) For TN5250 and TN3270 only, returns the Pad fields When
Sending Data Boolean check box value
dcPassword (All) Returns the Password field from most of the data connectors.
Some data connector configurations do not have a pass-
word field.
dcPoolData (All) Returns the list or users and passwords in the Connection Pool-
ing Named Users grid
dcPooled (All) Returns the Pooling Status field value (0 = Disabled, 1 =
dcPoolMax (All) Returns the Allocated Licenses number
dcPort (SM) For TN5250, TN3270, and VT220 only, this returns the Telnet
Port field value
dcProvider (DB) Returns the Provider Name field value for database types that
have one.
dcQueryGoal (DB2) Returns the Query Optimize Goal field value
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dcQueryTimeOut (DB) Returns the Query Timeout value configured for any data-
base connector
dcR3Name (SAP) R/3 Name field
dcReadDataRows (ERP) Maxium SQL Rows to be returned from the ERP connector
dcReceiveTimeout (Web) Returns the Receive Timeout field value
dcResetOnFailure (For future use)
dcRouter (SAP) Router String field
dcSendCRLF (SM) For VT220 only, Returns Send Return + Line Feed Boolean field
dcSendTimeout (Web) Send Timeout field
dcServer (All) Returns the Host Server / Name field for any connector that
has one
dcSessionTimeout (All) Returns the Session Timeout field for all connection types
dcSourceId (All) The Source Id field that names the connection
dcStartMenu (SM) Returns Session Default Main Menu option
dcStartMenuLocked (SM) Returns 1 if the data connection is locked to a specific menu
rather than the default of any main menu. This is found in
the Login Options tab, Connection Pooling Named Users
grid but only applies at runtime.
dcSystemDatabase (For future use)
dcSystemNo (SAP) System Number field
dcTraceMode (SM) Returns the Enable Packet Trace Boolean check box field
dcTrimFields (SM) For TN5250 and TN3270 only, returns the Trim Fields When
Retriving Data Boolean field value
dcTrusted (For future use)
dcUseFile (DB) Returns 1 for SQLite and Access and SQL Server only if a file is
selected instead of a database server.
dcUseHTTPS (Web) Returns the Connect Using HTTPS Boolean field value
dcUser (All) Returns the User ID field for any connector that uses login cre-
dcUseSSH (SM) For VT220 only, returns the Connect via SSH Boolean check
box option
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dcViewOwner (DB) Returns the Include Owner Name in Indexes Boolean check
box field
dcViewSource (DB) Returns the Include Source Name in Indexes Boolean check
box field
dcWinDomain (ERP) For Axapta and Dynamics only, returns the Windows Domain
dcWinProxy (ERP) For Dynamics only, returns the Proxy Domain field
dcWinPwd (ERP) For Axapta and Dynamics only, returns the Proxy Password or
Domain Password field
dcWinUser (ERP) For Axapta and Dynamics only, returns the Proxy User or
Domain User field
dcWorkDir (SM) For the Windows Console Type only, returns the Working Dir-
ectory field value.
Dim vValue As Variant
vValue = SYS.ConnectionProperty(1, dcUser)
vValue = SYS.ConnectionProperty("RFSample", dcUser)
Versions Supported: RFgen 4.0 and newer.
This function will delete a property (or all properties) contained within the collection specified by the key.
SYS.SetProperty is used to add new properties to a collection.
Group: System
Syntax: SYS.DeleteProperty(vKey,v ID)
vKey (Variant) is the main key. It is the name of the collection of properties that are to be
grouped together.
vID (Variant) is the property key. If an ‘*’ (asterisk) is used, all properties within the col-
lection will be deleted.
SYS.DeleteProperty("Counts", "LastIssue")
SYS.DeleteProperty("Counts", *)
Versions Supported: RFgen 4.0 and newer.
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This function will allow the session to continue even when the server’s Client Inactivity Timeout value has
been reached. In essence, this session will never time out.
Group: System
Syntax: SYS.DisableTimeout( )
bValue (Boolean) set to True to enable (eliminate the Client Inactivity Timer) or False to return
to normal monitoring.
Versions Supported: RFgen 4.1 and newer.
This function will return the value of the assigned property set in the Configuration / Environment Properties
/ System Environment Properties grid.
Syntax: vValue = SYS.EnvironmentProperty(vProperty)
vValue (Variant) is the value stored in the System Environment Properties for the Property
vProperty (Variant) is the property specified in the Environment Properties grid.
Dim vPlant As Variant
vPlant = SYS.EnvironmentProperty("PlantName")
This is a specialized method similar to the EmbeddedProc object that could be used for getting the con-
nection object to Microsoft Dynamics. The Dynamics client must be installed on the same machine. Use the
ERP.BeginTrans and ERP.CommitTrans before and after the use of this method. This exposes the business
functions but the programmer must know how to use them.
Group: System
Syntax: oValue = SYS.GetConnection(vSource)
oValue (Object) An object declaredConn as Axapta3 or Object, if you choose to use late bind-
ing. It will return the ADO, RDO, OLEDB, ERP, or Web connection object
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vSource (Variant) data source name (DSN) or the data source number
Dim oConn As Axapta3
Dim oRecord As IAxaptaRecord
Set oConn = SYS.GetConnection("Dynamics")
Set oRecord = oConn.CreateRecord("INVENTJOURNALTABLE")
If oRecord Is Nothing Then
App.MsgBox "Error: Axapta Record object failed."
Exit Sub
End If
App.MsgBox "Record company: " &
Supported Versions: RFgen 4.0 and higher.
This function will return a property value that has been set using SYS.SetProperty. SYS.GetProperty and
SYS.SetProperty can be used in place of making function calls to an INI file or to the System Registry. The
keys and data are stored in the solution MDB file.
Group: System
Syntax: Syntax: vValue = SYS.GetProperty(vKey, vID)
vValue (Variant) is the property value.
vKey (Variant) is the main key. It is the name of the collection of properties that are to be
grouped together.
vID (Variant) is the property key. It is the reference to the value being returned. If an ‘*’
(asterisk) is used as the ID, a Chr(1) delimited list of properties contained within the col-
lection will be returned.
Dim vTransfersCt As Variant
Dim vIssuesCt As Variant
vTransfersCt = SYS.GetProperty("Counts", "LastTfr")
vIssuesCt = SYS.GetProperty("Counts", "LastIssue")
Versions Supported: RFgen 4.0 and newer.
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This function can access a user property before the user attempts to login. This is useful for evaluating a
potential user's properties prior to actual login so you have the opportunity to change how the user is
handled, how the client behaves etc.
The values such as the user Id and property come from the Solution Explorer > Users group.
Note: setting the App.User property logs the fact that the user signed in, so assigning it before the login was
successful will result in irregular data in the logfile.
Group: System
Syntax: Syntax: vValue = SYS.GetUserProperty()
User (Varient) The user whom you to obtain the property from
PropID (Varient) The property ID of the user.
Varient The data type that is set for the value.
'This will cause a message box to display the user's property in the RFLogin app.
Private Sub Form_Load()
Dim var As String
var=SYS.GetUserProperty("ADM", "Language")
App.MsgBox "" & var
Versions Supported: RFgen and newer.
This function was removed in If your application used this function in a prior release of RFgen, when
you upgrade "Sys.SelectKeyboard" will be converted to "SIP.Keyboard".
This function enables the end-user to open a specific keyboard.
Group: System
Syntax: enKyBoardMode = SYS.SelectKeyboard
eKeyBoard = (enKeyBoardMode) The keyboard modes available.
kbAlph = Alphabetical keyboard, no punctuation or numbers
kbAlphNum = Alphabetical and Numeric keyboard, no punctuation symbols
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kbCustom( ) = the customized keyboard created from the RFgen Mobile Development Studio >
Soft Keyboards node
kbFullAlpha = the keyboard with all 26 alphabetical characters and punctuation symbols
kbFullAlpha = the keyboard with all 26 alphabetical characters, punctuation symbols, and num-
kbNone = prevents/suppress the system keyboards. Disables use of any system keyboards
kbNumeric = numbers only keyboard
kbSIP = the Soft Input Panel keyboard (characters are arranged on keyboard to provide a smal-
ler keyboard)
SYS.SelectKeyboard = kbFullAlpha
Supported Versions: RFgen 5.0 and 5.1; Removed in 5.2.
This function sends a message to a specific device number currently connected to the server. Device num-
bers of users can be obtained by using the SYS.UserList command.
Group: System
Syntax: SYS.SendMessage(iDevNo, sMessage)
iDevNo (Integer) the ID of the mobile device
sMessage (String) the message to send to the other device
SYS.SendMessage(4, "Please see Sam immediately.")
Supported Versions: RFgen 4.0 and higher.
This function can be used to change the table and fields used by the JD Edwards JDEProcOpt objects. The
default table and fields are: F983051, VRPID, VRVERS, and VRPODATA.
Group: JDE Processing Option
Syntax: Sys.SetProcOptionFields(ByVal F983051 As String, [ByVal VRPID], [ByVal VRVERS], [ByVal
ByVal F983051 is the JD Edwards Table that contains the specified fields and/or processing options.
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ByVal VRPID is field that contains Program IDs as a string
ByVal VRVERS is the field that contains the version of the JDE program as a string
ByVal VRPODATA is the field that contains the processing data option as binary (BLOB)
‘Reset the table and field names to the defaults
Sys.SetProcOptionFields(“F983051”, “VRPID”, “VRVERS”, “VRPODATA”)
Supported Versions: RFgen 5.0 and higher.
This function will save a property value for future retrieval using SYS.GetProperty. Property values will per-
sist between sessions because they are saved in the solution MDB file. SYS.GetProperty and SYS.SetProp-
erty can be used in place of making function calls to an INI file or to the System Registry. Use this command
with caution. The solution database is not designed for heavy adding and deleting of properties. Microsoft
Access tends to grow over time as records are added and deleted.
Group: System
Syntax: SYS.SetProperty(vKey, vID, vValue)
vKey (Variant) is the main key. This will be the identifier for all like properties and their values.
vID (Variant) is the sub key. This key is referenced to obtain its value
vValue (Variant) is the property value.
Dim nIssuesCt as Long
nIssuesCt = 200
SYS.SetProperty("Counts", "LastTxr", 500)
SYS.SetProperty("Counts", "LastIssue", nIssuesCt)
Supported Versions: RFgen 4.0 and higher.
This function sets the number of minutes before a Client connection times out if there is no activity.
Group: System
Syntax: SYS.SetTimeout( )
ByVal (Long) the period of time in minutes.
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SYS.SetTimeout(1) 'Times the client out in 1 minute.
SYS.SetTimeout(5) 'Times the client out in 5 minutes.
Versions Supported: and newer.
This function will return the device number, user and application currently in use. The purpose of this com-
mand is to log or locate a user doing a transaction, possibly for sending just the one device a message over
the network.
(See SYS.SendMessage)
Group: System
Syntax: sUserList = SYS.UserList([bOnlyLoggedIn])
sUserList (String) contains the device number, logged in user and application of all devices
in use at the time the command was issued.
bOnlyLoggedIn (Boolean) Optional when set to True only returns entries for devices that
have a logged in user. The default is False and this returns all connected
devices to the server regardless of a user logged in. This could be used to gen-
erate a list of all connected devices so that they may all receive a message on
the screen. The default is False.
Dim sUserList As String
sUserList = SYS.UserList
sUserList = App.ShowList(SYS.UserList(True),True)
Supported Versions: RFgen 4.0 and higher.
This function will validate user credentials against the Windows domain or local system. The user account
must not be inactive.
Group: System
Syntax: bOK = SYS.ValidateWinUser(sDomain, sUser, gsPassword)
bOK (Boolean) returns True if the validation was a success
sDomain (String) Enter the domain to be searched. If the local PC is used, specify a single
period for the domain or enter the PC name.
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sUser (String) Enter the user name to be validated.
gsPassword (String) Enter the password to be validated. Passwords are case sensitive. Users
that do not have a password will not work.
Dim bOK As Boolean
SYS.ValidateWinUser(".", App.User, gsPass)
'In this example the password was saved in a global string variable when it was used on the login screen.
Supported Versions: RFgen 4.0 and higher.
TTS (Text-To-Speech)
The Text-To-Speech (TTS) is a feature that converts written text into synthetic speech (audio data) on
Android and iOS devices. Its supported on any version of Android or iOS device that the RFgen client soft-
ware supports. (The API is provided by the Android OS.) TTS can also take text and translate it outloud.
The ability to capability to capture user speech is not supported yet.
The speak option can be called by any user input, it can be set to a button press or after a scan event is
The available commands are: TTS.PauseTime, TTS.ReadRate, TTS.Repeat, TTS.SetLanguage, TTS.Speak,
TTS.Spell, TTS.StopSpeak, and TTS.Volume.
Group: TTS
To be supplied.
Private Sub Button1_Click()
On Error Resume Next
TTS.Speak "This is a Test"
End Sub
Versions Supported: RFgen and newer.
Devices Supported: Android and iOS, any OS RFgen Supports.
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The pause is the "endpoint" between the end of a sentenance and the beginning of the next sentence. The
pause time is in milliseconds, and the default value is 100 milliseconds. When a device reads a text message
outloud, the device will pause between sentences (or other series or listings) using the value set for
Group: TTS
Syntax: TTS.PauseTime
Private Sub Button5_Click()
On Error Resume Next
TTS.PauseTime = TextBox1.Text
End Sub
Versions Supported: RFgen and newer.
Devices Supported: Android, iOS.
When convertingwritten text into human-sounding speech, the conversion takes the speed for which words
are uttered into consideration. This parameter sets the cadence of synthesized voice converted from written
text. The read rate defaults to 100, which is the device’s normal rate of speaking. It can be slowed to 50, or
sped up to 200 for twice the normal rate. The default read rate is what the OS defines it to be.
Group: TTS
Private Sub Button5_Click()
End Sub
Versions Supported: RFgen and newer.
Devices Supported: Android, iOS.
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The repeat option can be called by any user input to re-read text previously read out loud by the Android
device. The button is the preferred option to call this option.
Group: TTS
Syntax: TTS.Repeat
Private Sub btnRepeat_Click()
End Sub
Versions Supported: RFgen and newer.
Devices Supported: Android, iOS.
The TTS.SetLanguage defaults to the language that is configured in the operating system of the Android
device.The default can be changed via code.
Group: TTS
Syntax: TTS.SetLanguage
Private Sub Button5_Click()
On Error Resume Next
TTS.SetLanguage = "JA-JP"
End Sub
Versions Supported: RFgen and newer.
Devices Supported: Android, iOS.
The speak option makes the Android device read the text outloud when its called by any type of user input. It
can be set to a button press or after a scan event is called. The ability to capture the user's speech is not sup-
ported yet. It will speak in the language that is set by default in the device's OS configuration or the lan-
guage called by TTS.SetLanguage.
Note: Not all devices have a built-in speaker which is required to use TTS.
Group: TTS
Syntax: TTS.Speak
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Copyright © 2024 RFgen Software. A division of DataMAX Software Group, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
Speak (String) The sentence or phase to be read outloud.
Private Sub Speak_Click()
On Error Resume Next
End Sub
Versions Supported: RFgen and newer.
Devices Supported: Android, iOS.
The option makes the Android device spell the letters of a text outloud. While it can be called any user input,
the button is most preferred.
Group: TTS
Syntax: TTS.PauseTime
Private Sub btnSpell_Click()
On Error Resume Next
TTS.Spell = ""
TTS.Spell = "Orientation"
End Sub
Versions Supported: RFgen and newer.
Devices Supported: Android, iOS.
The StopSpeak option stops the Android device from reading the text outloud when its called by any type of
user input. It can be set to a button press or after a Speak event is called. The ability to capture user speech
is not supported yet.
Group: TTS
Syntax: TTS.StopSpeak
Private Sub btnStopSpeaking_Click()
On Error Resume Next
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End Sub
Versions Supported: RFgen and newer.
Devices Supported: Android, iOS.
The volume is set to 100 by default. It is based off of percentages, where 0 is silent and 100 is maximum
Group: TTS
Syntax: TTS.Volume
TTS.Volume = 50
Versions Supported: RFgen and newer.
Devices Supported: Android, iOS.
Transaction Management Extensions
Commands relating to Transaction Management capabilities and queuing are called from the TM object.
The extensions available for this object are:
TM.AbortTrans, TM.CheckStatus, TM.GetItems
TM.GetItemsEx, TM.MacroName, TM.MoveQueue
TM.QueueMacro,TM.QueueName, TM.SeqNo
This function can be used inside a Transaction macro to halt processing of the transaction if conditions war-
rant it. This command will notify the Transaction Manager that the current macro processing was aborted for
a reason other than failure. The Transaction Manager will then keep this transaction at the top of the queue
and try again on the next cycle. For example, if an SM command comes back with a failed status or the
BeginTrans command fails, TM.AbortTrans can be executed to give the transaction macro’s Boolean value a
False value. In the application’s script, you will know if the called macro was successful.
Group: Transaction Management
Syntax: TM.AbortTrans
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This method looks up the status of a queued or processed transaction and returns what happened to that
transaction. The return options are that the macro cannot be found, it failed, it succeeded, it is still queued
and the macro couldn’t be executed.
Group: Transaction Management
Syntax: enResult = TM.CheckStatus(sQueue, nSeqNo)
enResult (enMacroResults) the enumeration describing what was found. Possible val-
ues are MacroFailed, MacroNotFound, MacroNotProcessed, MacroQueued
and MacroSucceeded.
sQueue (String) the name of the queue to be searched
nSeqNo (Long) the sequence number to look for
Dim enValue As enMacroResults
enValue = TM.CheckStatus("RFQueue", 100)
This method loads a set of macros to be evaluated from the Transaction Management tables. Selecting the
category, date and user, this command will return a DataRecord containing the macros and their data. If a
list of macros with a more complex selection criteria is desired use TM.GetItemsEx.
Group: Transaction Management
Syntax: [bOK = ] TM.GetItems(enStatus, vTranDate, sUserID, oTran)
bOK (Boolean) Optional True or False for the success of the command
enStatus (enItemStatus) There are 4 options for the ItemStatus parameter:
tmAllItems all macros in all queues, in the queue, failed, or completed
tmCompleted all macros in all queues that were completed successfully
tmFailed all macros in all queues that were completed unsuccessfully
tmInProcess all macros in all queues that are not yet processed
vTranDate (Variant) specifies a single day to be retrieved
sUserID (String) specifies the user that performed the transaction
oTran (DataRecord) the variable declared as a DataRecord that contains the list
of macros and their data. For more information on how the DataRecord
object is used see the DataRecord section of the manual.
Dim bOK As Boolean
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Copyright © 2024 RFgen Software. A division of DataMAX Software Group, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
Dim oList As DataRecord
bOK = TM.GetItems(tmFailed, Date, "SAM", oList)
This command will return all the failed macros on the current day that was performed by the user Sam.
This method loads a set of macros to be evaluated from the Transaction Management tables. Specify a SQL
statement that will retrieve the desired recordset and take advantage of the complexity allowed by ODBC.
Knowledge of the table and field names is required.
Group: Transaction Management
Syntax: [bOK = ] TM.GetItemsEx(sSQL, oTran)
bOK (Boolean) Optional True or False for the success of the command
sSQL (String) specifies the SQL statement for retrieving a list of macros
oTran (DataRecord) the variable declared as a DataRecord that contains the list of
macros and their data. For more information on how the DataRecord object is
used see the DataRecord section of the manual.
The table names required depend on the name of the queue configured in the Transaction Man-
agement setup. For the RFQueue the tables created are:
RFQueue used to store the InProcess items
RFQueue_Completed used to store successfully completed items
RFQueue_Failed used to store failed transaction macros
Substitute the RFQueue name for alternate queues that may have been defined. The fields that can
/ should be referenced through SQL within the tables are shown below.
RFQueue table:
Field Name Data Type Description
SeqNo Number the sequence number
TranDate Number when the macro was queued (20151231)
TranTime Number when the macro was queued (235959)
Source Text linked source for the macro if it exists
Name Text name of the macro
Record Text contains the passed values to the macro
FormId Text form that queued the macro
UserId Text user that queued the macro
DeviceNo Number device number assigned to the client
IPAddress Text IP address of the client device
DevGuid Text assigned GUID of the client device
ExecDate Number date the macro executed (20151231)
ExecTime Number time the macro executed (235959)
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Status Number integer status of the macro
The RFQueue_Completed table and RFQueue_Failed table have the same design as RFQueue.
Dim oList As DataRecord
TM.GetItemsEx("Select * from RFQueue where UserId = 'SAM'", oList)
This returns the name of the macro currently in process by the Transaction Manager. This command is only
available while the transaction macro is being executed so it must be used either in the macro itself or in any
global function calls that may be used to process generic macros such as a logging feature.
Group: Transaction Management
Syntax: sValue = TM.MacroName
sValue (String) the name of the macro being executed
Dim sName As String
sName = TM.MacroName
This function will take a queue from one database and guarantee its delivery to another database. If another
instance of the server is monitoring the second database, that instance will become responsible for execut-
ing the queued transactions. The Transaction Management database connection must be capable of seeing
both databases.
Group: Transaction Management
Syntax: [bValue =] TM.MoveQueue(sFromQueue, sToQueue)
bValue (Boolean) Optional the success or failure to move the queue from one database
to another.
sFromQueue (String) the source queue to be moved
sToQueue (String) the destination queue to receive the transactions
Dim bValue As Boolean
bValue = TM.MoveQueue("RFQueue", "HostQueue")
bValue = TM.MoveQueue("RFQueue", "AltDB.HostQueue")
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This function is used to queue Data Transaction macros and pass any required parameters. It returns the
sequence number of the macro after it has been successfully queued. These macros can be created on the
Transactions tree.
Group: Transaction Management
Syntax: [nSeq =] TM.QueueMacro(sMacroName, [vParams])
nSeq (Long) Optional the sequence number of the macro after it has been successfully
sMacroName (String) is the name of the macro to be called.
vParams (Variant) Optional A series of passing parameters as required by the selected
macro. Note: these parameters are the fields you defined when you wrote the
Dim nSeq As Long
nSeq = TM.QueueMacro("ChangeUser", "Sam", "1234")
This function will return the name of the queue currently being processed if this command is executed from
within the macro itself.
Group: Transaction Management
Syntax: sValue = TM.QueueName
sValue (String) is the name of the queue
Dim sValue As String
sValue = TM.QueueName
This function will return the sequence number of the transaction currently being processed if this command
is executed from within the macro itself.
Group: Transaction Management
Syntax: Syntax: nValue = TM.SeqNo
nValue (Long) is the sequence number
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Copyright © 2024 RFgen Software. A division of DataMAX Software Group, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
Dim nValue As Long
nValue = TM.SeqNo
Web Object
The Web object is provided to the programmer for managing the Web data connector configured as one of
the data connections.
The extensions available for the web object are:
oWeb.ConnectTimeout, oWeb.DataSource, oWeb.Execute,
oWeb.HeaderValue, oWeb.QueryType, oWeb.ReceiveTimeout,
oWeb.Reply, oWeb.Request, and oWeb.SendTimeout
The ConnectTimeout property returns or sets the timeout to connect for the HTTP request. When the lan-
guage extension is created it will initialize this value to what is configured in the data connection
Group: Web Object
Syntax: nValue = oWeb.ConnectTimeout
Alternate: oWeb.ConnectTimeout = Value
nValue (Long) the number of milliseconds the system will wait for a connection
Dim oWeb As Web
Dim nTimeout As Long
nTimeout = oWeb.ConnectTimeout
oWeb.ConnectTimeout = 10000
The DataSource property returns or sets an index of the data connection that should be used. If a
DataSource is not specified the language extension will use the first data connection that is configured as a
WEB connection.
Group: Web Object
Syntax: vValue = oWeb.DataSource
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Alternate: oWeb.DataSource = vValue
vValue (Variant) the number or name of the data connection object.
Dim oWeb As Web
Dim vConnID As Variant
oWeb.DataSource = 2
oWeb.DataSource = "MyWebServer"
vConnID = oWeb.DataSource
The HeaderValue property returns or sets what the HTTP or HTTPS header values are.
Group: Web Object
Syntax: oWeb.HeaderValue(sIndex) = bValue
Alternate: bValue = oWeb.HeaderValue(sIndex)
bValue (Boolean) contains a True for False for the success of the HeaderValue assignment.
sIndex (String) the property name for the HTTP header
Dim oWeb As Web
oWEB.HeaderValue("Content-Type") = "text/xml; charset=utf-8"
oWEB.HeaderValue("SOAPAction") = """ /xip/ser-
For future use.
For future use.
This property sets how the Web object will communicate with the web server. Get, Put and Post are the avail-
able options.
Group: Web Object
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Syntax: oWeb.QueryType = enValue
Alternate: enValue = oWeb.QueryType
enValue (QueryType) contains three options:
HTTP_GET it is for obtaining a resource, without changing anything on the server.
HTTP_POST sends data to a specific URI and expects the resource at that URI to handle the request.
The web server at this point can determine what to do with the data in the context of the
specified resource.
HTTP_PUT puts a file or resource at a specific URI, and exactly at that URI. If there's already a file or
resource at that URI, PUT replaces that file or resource. If there is no file or resource there,
PUT creates one.
The fundamental difference between the POST and PUT requests is reflected in the different meaning of the
Request-URI. The URI in a POST request identifies the resource that will handle the enclosed entity. That
resource might be a data-accepting process, a gateway to some other protocol, or a separate entity that
accepts annotations. In contrast, the URI in a PUT request identifies the entity enclosed with the request --
the user agent knows what URI is intended and the server MUST NOT attempt to apply the request to some
other resource. If the server desires that the request be applied to a different URI, it MUST send a 301
(Moved Permanently) response; the user agent MAY then make its own decision regarding whether or not to
redirect the request.
Dim enType As QueryType
Dim oWeb As Web
oWEB.QueryType = HTTP_POST
enType = oWEB.QueryType
The ReceiveTimeout property returns or sets the timeout to receive a reply to the HTTP request. If a reply
has not been completely received before the timeout then the request will be terminated. When this lan-
guage extension is created it will initialize this value to what is configured in the data connection con-
Group: Web Object
Syntax: nValue = oWeb.ReceiveTimeout
Alternate: oWeb.ReceiveTimeout = nValue
nValue (Long) the number of milliseconds the system will wait for a connection
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Dim oWeb As Web
Dim nTimeout As Long
nTimeout = oWeb.ReceiveTimeout
oWeb.ReceiveTimeout = 20000
The Reply property returns the data portion of the HTTP response. This is where the data will be held when
the request returns. Keeping the Data and Reply properties separate allows Execute to be called multiple
times without requiring the Data property to be reset.
Group: Web Object
Syntax: sValue = oWeb.Reply
sValue (String) the data being returned to the client from the server
Dim oWeb As Web
Dim sValue As String
sValue = oWeb.Reply
The Request property returns or sets the path to the ASP page (if executed against a Windows server) that is
then appended to the URL that is used for connecting.
Group: Web Object
Syntax: oWeb.Request = sValue
Alternate: sValue = oWeb.Request
sValue (String) part of the URL that is the path to the ASP page
Dim oWeb As Web
Dim sRequest As String
oWeb.Request = "/data/DoWork.asp?num=100620?MySQLTable"
sRequest = oWeb.Request
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The SendTimeout property returns or sets the timeout value to send the HTTP request. If the send is not
complete before the timeout then the request will be terminated. When the language extension is created it
will initialize this value to what is configured in the data connection configuration.
Group: Web Object
Syntax: nValue = oWeb.SendTimeout
Alternate: oWeb.SendTimeout = nValue
nValue (Long) the number of milliseconds the system will wait for submitting a HTTP
Dim oWeb As Web
Dim nTimeout As Long
nTimeout = oWeb.SendTimeout
oWeb.SendTimeout = 30000
The Execute method will execute the configured oWeb object. vData is optional and is equivalent to the XML
data in a SOAP request.
Group: Web Object
Syntax: bValue = oWeb.Execute([vData])
bValue (Boolean) is True or False depending on the success of the submission to the web
vData (Variant) Optional an object that could contain the individual properties.
Dim oWeb As Web
If oWeb.Execute Then
RFPrompt("txtReply").Text = oWeb.Reply
End If
The Login method is for future use.
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The Logout method is for future use.
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WWB.NET: Overview
WinWrap Basic (WWB) is a third-party resource and component that enables RFgen to provide its customers
with additional scripting features when coding an application in the Mobile Development Studio. The WWB
help is provided for .NET and COM.
WWB.NET Use '#Language "WWB.NET" for Visual Basic.NET(TM) compatibility.
Declaration '#Language, '#Reference, '#Uses, Attribute, Class Module, Code
Module, Const, Declare, Delegate, Dim, Enum...End Enum, Event,
Function...End Function, Imports, Object Module, Option, Private,
Property...End Property, Public, ReDim, Static, Structure...End Struc-
ture, Sub...End Sub, WithEvents.
Data Type Any, Boolean, Byte, Char, Date, Decimal, Double, Integer, Long,
Object, SByte, Short, Single, String, UInteger, ULong, UShort,
obj type
user dialog
user enum
user structure
Assignment Assign: (=, +=, -=, *=, /=, \=, ^=, <<=, >>=), Erase
Flow Control AddHandler, Call, CallByName, Do...Loop, End, Exit, For...Next, For
Each...Next, GoTo, If...ElseIf...Else...End If, MacroCheck, Mac-
roCheckThis, MacroRun, MacroRunThis, ModuleLoad, Mod-
uleLoadThis, RaiseEvent, RemoveHandler, Return, Select Case...End
Select, Stop, While...End While.
Error Handling Err, Error, ErrorToString, On Error, Resume, Throw, Try, Using
Conversion CBool, CByte, CChar, CDate, CDec, CDbl, CInt, CLng, CObj, CSByte,
CShort, CSng, CStr, CType, CUInt, CULng, CUShort, CVErr, DirectCast,
TryCast, Val.
Variable Info IsArray, IsDate, IsDBNull, IsError, IsNothing, IsNumeric, IsRe-
ference, LBound, SystemTypeName, TypeName, UBound, VarType,
Constant False, Nothing, True, Win16, Win32, Win64.
Math Abs, Atn, Cos, Exp, Fix, Int, Log, Randomize, Rnd, Round, Sgn, Sin,
Sqr, Tan.
String Asc, AscW, Chr, ChrW, Format, GetChar, Hex, InStr, InStrRev, Join,
LCase, Left, Len, LSet, LTrim, Mid, Oct, Replace, Right, RSet, RTrim,
Space, Split, Str, StrComp, StrConv, StrDup, StrReverse, Trim, UCase.
Object CreateObject, GetObject, Me, With...End With.
Time/Date DateAdd, DateDiff, DatePart, DateSerial, DateValue, Day, Hour,
Minute, Month, MonthName, Now, Second, Timer, TimeSerial,
TimeValue, Weekday, WeekdayName, Year.
File ChDir, ChDrive, CurDir, Dir, EOF, FileAttr, FileClose FileCopy,
FileDateTime, FileLen, FileOpen FreeFile, Get, GetAttr, Input,
InputString, Kill, Line Input, LineInput, Loc, Lock, LOF, MkDir, Print,
WWB.NET: Overview RFgen Dev Ref Guide
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Copyright © 2024 RFgen Software. A division of DataMAX Software Group, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
PrintLine, Put, Reset, Rename, RmDir, Seek, Seek, SetAttr, Unlock,
Write, WriteLine.
User Input Dialog, GetFilePath, InputBox, MsgBox. ShowPopupMenu
User Dialog Begin Dialog...End Dialog, CancelButton, CheckBox, ComboBox,
DropListBox, GroupBox, ListBox, MultiListBox, OKButton, OptionBut-
ton, OptionGroup, Picture, PushButton, Text, TextBox.
Dialog Function DialogFunc, DlgControlId, DlgCount, DlgEnable, DlgEnd, DlgFocus,
DlgListBoxArray, DlgName, DlgNumber, DlgSetPicture, DlgText,
DlgType, DlgValue, DlgVisible.
DDE DDEExecute, DDEInitiate, DDEPoke, DDERequest, DDETerminate,
Settings DeleteSetting, GetAllSettings, GetSetting, SaveSetting
Miscellaneous AboutWinWrapBasic, AppActivate, Assign, Attribute, Beep, Caller-
sLine, Choose, Clipboard, Command, Decode64, Decode64B,
Decrypt64, Decrypt64B, Debug.Print, DoEvents, Encode64,
Encode64B, Encrypt64, Encrypt64B, Environ, Eval, IIf, GetLocale,
KeyName, MacroDir, QBColor, Rem, RGB, SendKeys, SetLocale, Shell,
Operator Operators: +, -, ^, *, /, \, Mod, +, -, <<, >>, &, =, <>, <, >, <=, >=, Like, New,
TypeOf, Not, And, AndAlso, Or, OrElse, Xor, Eqv, Imp, Is, IsNot, GetType,
AboutWinWrapBasic Instruction
Syntax AboutWinWrapBasic [
Group Miscellaneous
Description Show the WinWrap Basic about box.
Parameter Description
This numeric value is the maximum number of seconds to show the about box. A value
less than or equal to zero displays the about box until the user closes it. If this
value is omitted then a three second timeout is used.
Example '#Language "WWB.NET"
Sub Main
End Sub
arglist [ |
][, ...]
WWB.NET: Overview RFgen Dev Ref Guide
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Copyright © 2024 RFgen Software. A division of DataMAX Software Group, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
A list of zero or more
s that are assigned to the parameters of the
A positional parameter may be skipped by omitting the expression. Only
optional parameters may be skipped.
Positional parameter assignment is done with
. Each parameter is
assigned in turn. By name parameter assignment may follow.
By name parameter assignment is done with
. All following
parameters must be assigned by name.
arrayvar A variable that holds an array of values. A
variable can hold an array.
Dynamic arrays can be ReDimensioned.
As [New] type As type
As New
[, ...])][([
[, ...]])]
Dim, Private, Public and Static statements may declare variable types using
As type
or As New
. A variable declared using As New
is created
using a list of zero or more
As type Variable and parameter types, as well as, function and property results may be
specified using As type: Boolean, Byte, Char, Date, Decimal, Double,
Integer, Long, Object, SByte, Short, Single, String, UInteger, ULong,
user delegate
user dialog
user enum
user structure
attribute A file attribute is zero or more of the following values added together.
Attribute Value Description
vbNormal 0 Normal file.
vbReadOnly 1 Read-only file.
vbHidden 2 Hidden file.
vbSystem 4 System file.
vbVolume 8 Volume label.
vbDirectory 16 MS-DOS directory.
vbArchive 32 File has changes since last backup.
vbAlias 64 File is an alias.
big-endian Multiple byte data values (not strings) are stored with the highest order byte
first. For example, the long integer &H01020304 is stored as this sequence of
four bytes: &H01, &H02, &H03 and &H04. A Binary or Random file written using
Put uses
format so that it can be read using Get on any machine.
(Big-endian machines, like the Power-PC, reverse the bytes as they are read by
Get or written by Put.)
bytearray A variable that holds an array of byte values.
caseexpr An expression which specifies a single value or a range. Refer to the Select
Case statement.
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charlist A group of one or more characters enclosed by [ ] as part of Like operator's
right string expression.
This list contains single characters and/or character ranges which describe
the characters in the list.
A range of characters is indicated with a hyphen (-) between two char-
acters. The first character must be ordinally less than or equal to the
second character.
Special pattern characters like ?, *, # and [ can be matched as literal char-
The ] character can not be part of charlist, but it can be part of the pattern
outside the charlist.
condexpr An expression that returns a numeric result. If the result is zero then the con-
ditional is False. If the result is non-zero then the conditional is True.
0 'false
-1 'true
X > 20 'true if X is greater than 20
' = "hello" 'true if ' equals "hello"
dateexpr An expression that returns a date result. Use #literal-date# to express a date
#1/1/2000# ' Jan 1, 2000
Now+7 ' seven days from now
' one year from now
dialogfunc A dialog function executes while a
user dialog
is visible.
dimension [
Array dimension.
dlgvar A dialog variable holds values for fields in the dialog. Dialog variables are
declared using Dim dlgvar As
user dialog
expr An simple or complex expression that returns the appropriate result.
, function (result) or
property (result).
Complex: One or more simple expressions with parenthesises and Oper-
field Use .field to access individual fields in a dialog variable.
initialvalue Initial value for a variable. Use {
, ... } to create an array value.
instruction A single command.
Debug.Print "Hello"
Today = Date
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Multiple instructions may be used instead of a single instruction by separating
the single instructions with colons.
X = 1:Debug.Print X
If X = 1 Then Debug.Print "X=";X:Stop
Beep ' must resume from Stop to get to here
label An identifier that
s a statement. Identifiers start with a letter. Following
chars may be a letter, an underscore or a digit.
little-endian Multiple byte data values (not strings) are stored with the lowest order byte
first. For example, the long integer &H01020304 is stored as this sequence of
four bytes: &H04, &H03, &H02 and &H01. A Binary or Random file written using
Put uses little-endian format so that it can be read using Get on any machine.
machines, like the Power-PC, reverse the bytes as they are read by
Get or written by Put.)
macro A macro is like an application. Execution starts at the macro's Sub Main.
method An object provides methods and
. Methods can be called as subs (the
return value is ignored), or used as functions (the return value is used).
If the method name contains characters that are not legal in a
, surround
the method name with [].
module A file with public symbols that are accessible by other modules/
via the
'#Uses special comment.
A module is loaded on demand.
A code module is a code library.
An object module or class module implements an object.
A module may also access other modules with its own '#Uses special com-
name An identifier that names a variable or a user defined
. Identifiers start
with a letter. Following chars may be a letter, an underscore or a digit.
num An expression that returns a numeric result. Use &O to express an octal num-
ber. Use &H to express a hex number. The interpretation &H and &O is affected
by the '#Language setting. Specific types of numbers can be indicated by
using one of the endings shown in the table below:
Ending Description
S The number is a Short value.
I or % The number is a Integer value. The interpretation of the type is controlled by the
'#Language setting.
L or & The number is a Long value. The interpretation of the type is controlled by the
'#Language setting.
US The number is a UShort value.
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UI The number is a UInteger value. The interpretation of the type is controlled by the
'#Language setting.
UL The number is a ULong value. The interpretation of the type is controlled by the
'#Language setting.
D The number is a Decimal value.
F or ! The number is a Single value.
R or # The number is a Double value.
@ The number is a Decimal value. The interpretation of the type is controlled by the
'#Language setting.
numstr An expression that returns a
numvar A variable that holds one numeric value.
objexpr A expression that returns a reference to an object or
objtype A specific type defined by your application, another application or by an object
module or class module.
objvar A variable that holds a
which references an object. Object variables are
declared using As
in a Dim, Private or Public statement.
param [ [Optional] [ | ByVal | ByRef ] | [ByVal] ParamArray ]
][( )] [
] [ =
receives the value of the associated expression in the Declare,
Sub, Function or Property call. (See
An Optional
may be omitted from the call. It must also have a
. The parameter receives the defaultvalue if a value is not spe-
cified by the call.
All parameters following an Optional parameter must also be Optional.
ParamArray may be used on the final
. It must be an array of
Object type. It must not follow any Optional parameters. The ParamArray
receives all the expressions at the end of the call as an array. If LBound
) > UBound(
) then the ParamArray didn't receive any
If the
is not ByVal and the expression is merely a variable then the
is a reference to that variable (ByRef). (Changing
the variable.) Otherwise, the parameter variable is local to the
so changing its value does not affect the caller.
( ) to specify an array parameter. An array parameter must be
referenced and can not be passed by value. The bounds of the parameter
array are available via LBound() and UBound().
precedence When several operators are used in an expression, each operator is evaluated
in a predetermined order. Operators are evaluated in this order:
^ (power)
- (negate)
* (multiply), / (divide)
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\ (integer divide)
Mod (integer remainder)
+ (add), - (difference)
<< (shift left), >> (shift right)
& (string concatenate)
= (equal), <> (not equal), < (less than) > (greater than), <= (less than or
equal to), >= (greater than or equal to), Like, (string similarity) New,
(object creation) TypeOf, (object type) Is, (object equivalence) IsNot
(object non-equivalence)
Not (bitwise invert)
And (bitwise and), AndAlso (short-circuit logical and)
Or (bitwise or), OrElse (short-circuit logical or)
Xor (bitwise exclusive-or)
Operators shown on the same line are evaluated from left to right.
procedure A subroutine, function or property.
property An object provides
s and properties. Properties may be used as values
(like a function call) or changed (using assignment syntax).
If the property name contains characters that are not legal in a
, surround
the property name with [].
statement Zero or more
s. A statement is at least one line long. Begin
Dialog, Do, For, If (multiline), Select Case, While and With statements are
always more than one line long. A single line statement continues on the next
line if it ends a line with a space and an underscore ' _'.
' = "This long string is easier to read, " + _
"if it is broken across two lines."
Debug.Print '
str An expression that returns a string result.
' + " Goodbye"
' & " Goodbye"
A string constant may have a 'C' suffix
' = "x"C
The 'C' suffix indicates that the string is one character long.
strarray A variable that holds an array of string values.
streamnum An expression that returns a numeric result. Streams 1 through 255 are private
to each macro. Streams 256 through 511 are shared by all macros.
strvar A variable that holds one string value.
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type Variable and parameter types, as well as, function and property results may be
specified using a type character as the last character in their name.
Type char As Type
% Integer, The interpretation of the type is controlled by the '#Language setting.
& Long, The interpretation of the type is controlled by the '#Language setting.
! Single
# Double
@ Decimal, The interpretation of the type is controlled by the '#Language setting.
$ String
user delegate User defined delegates are defined with Delegate.
user dialog User defined dialogs are defined with Begin Dialog.
user enum User defined enums are defined with Enum.
user structure User defined structures are defined with Structure.
userstructurevar A user defined structure variable holds values for elements of the user
defined structure. User defined structures are defined using Structure.
Declare with Dim, Private, Public or Static.
Declare as a parameter of Sub, Function or Property definition.
var A variable holds either a string, a numeric value or an array of values depending
on its type.
[, ...]])][
As [New] type
declares a variable.
variantvar A variant variable can hold any type of value or it can hold an array.
#Language Special Comment
Syntax '#Language "WWB.NET"
Group Declaration
Description Selects Visual Basic.NET(TM) compatibility.
If this special comment is not included then the macro/module is parsed using
'#Language "WWB-COM" rules without the enhancements.
Language reference by group:
Data Type
Flow Control
Error Handling
Variable Info
User Input
User Dialog
Dialog Function
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These VB.NET keywords are recognized, but not supported: FileGet, FileGetOb-
ject, FilePut, FilePutObject, Inherits, Interface, MyBase, MyClass, MustInherit,
MustOverride, Namespace, Narrowing, NotInheritable, NotOverridable, Oper-
ator, Overloads, Overridable, Overrides, Partial, Protected, SyncLock, Widening.
Version Available for WinWrap Basic version 9.1 or higher. (Not supported in Windows
CE Applications.)
#Reference Special Comment
Syntax '#Reference {uuid}#vermajor.verminor#lcid#[path[#name]]
'#Reference #assembly
Description The Reference comment indicates that the current
the COM type library (or .NET assembly) identified. Reference comment lines
must be the first lines in the macro/module (following the global Attributes).
Reference comments are in reverse priority (from lowest to highest). The IDE
does not display the reference comments.
Parameter Description
uuid Type library's universally unique identifier.
vermajor Type library's major version number.
verminor Type library's minor version number.
lcid Type library's locale identifier.
path Type library's path.
name Type library's name.
assembly Fully qualified assembly name.
Examples '#Reference {00025E01-0000-0000-C000-000000000046}#4.0#0#C:\PROGRAM
3.5 Object Library
For a .Net assembly determine the fully qualified name first using the
GACUTIL.exe /lr <assembly name> or other means and then:
'#Reference #Class1, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken-
n=3d01b60ac60ef95e, processorArchitecture=MSIL
Note that the status line at the bottom of the VBA Modules window will display
an error if something is not correct. The Reference line entered will disappear
after pressing enter at the end of the line.
The GACUTIL.exe /i can be used to install an assembly into the Global Assembly
Cache. To verify, find the DLL’s name in \Windows\Assembly. Changes to the
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DLL must be re-installed to the Global Assembly Cache to take effect. If RFgen is
already running it may need to be restarted to see the change.
#Uses Special Comment
Syntax '#Uses "
" [Only:[Win16|Win32|Win64]] ...
'$Include: "
Group Declaration
Description The Uses comment indicates that the current
uses public and
friend symbols from the
. The Only option indicates that the module is
only loaded for that Windows platform.
Parameter Description
Public and Friend symbols from this module are accessible. If the module name is
a relative path then the path is relative to the macro/module containing the
Uses comment. For example, if module "A:\B\C\D.BAS" has this uses com-
'#Uses "E.BAS"
then it uses "A:\B\C\E.BAS".
See Also Class Module, Code Module, Object Module.
Example 'Macro A.WWB
'#Language "WWB.NET"
'#Uses "B.BAS"
Sub Main
Debug.Print BFun'("Hello") '"HELLO"
End Sub
'Module B.BAS
'#Language "WWB.NET"
Public Function BFun'(')
BFun' = UCase(')
End Function
Abs Function
Syntax Abs(
Group Math
Description Return the absolute value.
Parameter Description
Return the absolute value of this numeric value. '
See Also Sgn.
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Example '#Language "WWB.NET"
Sub Main
Debug.Print Abs(9) ' 9
Debug.Print Abs(0) ' 0
Debug.Print Abs(-9) ' 9
End Sub
AddHandler Instruction
Syntax AddHandler
user delegate
Group Flow Control
Description Add a
user delegate
to the
's list of handlers.
Parameter Description
This is an expression which returns an object reference.
This is an event name.
user delegate
This is an expression which returns a delegate.
See Also RemoveHandler.
Example '#Reference #System.Windows.Forms, Version=, Culture=neutral,
PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089, processorArchitecture=MSIL
'#Language "WWB.NET"
Imports System.Windows.Forms
Sub Main
Using t As New Timer
AddHandler t.Tick, AddressOf OnTick
t.Interval = 1000
t.Enabled = True
Wait 5
RemoveHandler t.Tick, AddressOf OnTick
End Using
End Sub
Private Sub OnTick
Debug.Print Now
End Sub
AddressOf Operator
Syntax AddressOf [
Group Operator
Description Return a delegate for the
expr macro
's Sub or Function matching
A delegate's Sub or Function is called using the delegate's Invoke method.
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Note: The AddressOf operator returns an object which holds a weak reference
to the macro/module. If no other references to the macro/module exist then the
macro/module reference is deleted and using the result of the AddressOf oper-
ator causes a run-time error.
Parameter Description
This is a macro/module reference. If omitted then the current macro/module's ref-
erence (Me) is used.
Return a delegate for this Sub or Function.
See Also Delegate.
Example '#Language "WWB.NET"
Delegate Function OpType(ByVal v1 As Object, ByVal v2 As Object) As Object
Sub Main
Debug.Print DoOp(AddressOf Add,1,2) ' 3
Debug.Print DoOp(AddressOf Subtract,1,2) '-1
End Sub
Function DoOp(ByVal op As OpType, _
ByVal v1 As Object, ByVal v2 As Object) As Object
DoOp = op.Invoke(v1,v2)
End Function
Function Add(ByVal v1 As Object, ByVal v2 As Object) As Object
Add = v1+v2
End Function
Function Subtract(ByVal v1 As Object, ByVal v2 As Object) As Object
Subtract = v1-v2
End Function
Any Data Type
Syntax Declare ...(... v As Any ...)...
Group Data Type
Description Any variable expression (Declare only).
AppActivate Instruction
Syntax AppActivate
Group Miscellaneous
Description Form 1: Activate the application top-level window titled
. If no window by
that title exists then the first window with at title that starts with
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activated. If no window matches then an error occurs.
Form 2: Activate the application top-level window for task
. If no window
for that task exists then an error occurs.
Parameter Description
The name shown in the title bar of the window.
This numeric value is the task identifier.
See Also SendKeys, Shell().
Example '#Language "WWB.NET"
Sub Main
' make ProgMan the active application
AppActivate "Program Manager"
End Sub
Asc Function
Syntax Asc(
Group String
Description Return the ASCII value.
Note: A similar function, AscW, returns the Unicode value.
Parameter Description
Return the ASCII value of the first char in this string value.
See Also Ch'().
Example '#Language "WWB.NET"
Sub Main
Debug.Print Asc("A") ' 65
End Sub
Assign Instruction
Syntax Assign
Group Miscellaneous
Description Assign the value of the
to the
Parameter Description
This string represents the variable expression to be set.
Evaluate this string value and assign it to the
This integer value indicates how deep into the stack to locate the local variables. If
Depth = 0 then use the current
. If this value is omitted then the
depth is 0.
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See Also Eval.
Example '#Language "WWB.NET"
Sub Main
Dim X As String
Assign "X", """Hello"""
Debug.Print X 'Hello
Debug.Print X 'Bye
End Sub
Sub A
Dim X As String
Assign "X", """Welcome"""
Assign "X", """Bye""", 1
Debug.Print Eval("X") 'Welcome
Debug.Print Eval("X",1) 'Bye
End Sub
Assign Operators
Group Assignment
Description Assign a value to
Op Description
= Assign the value of
+= The same as:
+ (
-= The same as:
- (
*= The same as:
* (
/= The same as:
/ (
\= The same as:
\ (
^= The same as:
^ (
<<= The same as:
<< (
>>= The same as:
>> (
&= The same as:
& (
Example '#Language "WWB.NET"
Sub Main
X = 1
X = X*2
Debug.Print X ' 2
End Sub
Atn Function
Syntax Atn(
Group Math
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Description Return the arc tangent. This is the number of radians. There are 2*Pi radians in
a full circle.
Parameter Description
Return the arc tangent of this numeric value.
See Also Cos, Sin, Tan.
Example '#Language "WWB.NET"
Sub Main
Debug.Print Atn(1)*4 ' 3.1415926535898
End Sub
Attribute Definintion/Statement
Syntax Attribute attributename = value
Attribute varname.attributename = value
Attribute procname.attributename = value
Group Declaration
Description All attribute definitions and statements are ignored except for:
Form 1: Module level attribute
Attribute VB_Name = "name"
Attribute VB_GlobalNameSpace = bool
Attribute VB_Creatable = bool
Attribute VB_PredeclaredId = bool
Attribute VB_Exposed = bool
Attribute VB_HelpID = int
Attribute VB_Description = "text"
VB_Name - Declares the name of the class module or object module.
VB_GlobalNameSpace - Declares the class module as a global class.
VB_Creatable - Declares the module as creatable (True), non-creatable
(False). (ignored)
VB_PredeclaredId - Declares the module as a predeclared identifier
(True). (ignored)
VB_Exposed - Declares the module as public (True). (ignored)
VB_HelpID - Declares the module's help context displayed by the object
VB_Description - Declares the module's help text displayed by the object
Form 2: Macro/Module level variable attribute
Public varname As type
Attribute varname.VB_VarUserMemId = 0
Attribute varname.VB_VarHelpID = int
Attribute varname.VB_VarDescription = "text"
VB_VarUserMemID - Declares Public varname as the default property for
a class module or object module.
VB_VarHelpID - Declares the variable's help context displayed by the
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object browser.
VB_VarDescription - Declares the variable's help text displayed by the
object browser.
Form 3: User defined procedure attribute
[Sub | Function | Property [Get|Let|Set]] procname ...
Attribute procname.VB_UserMemId = 0
Attribute procname.VB_HelpID = int
Attribute procname.VB_Description = "text"
End [Sub | Function | Property]
VB_UserMemID - Declares Property procname as the default property for
a class module or object module.
VB_HelpID - Declares the procedure's help context displayed by the object
VB_Description - Declares the procedure's help text displayed by the
object browser.
HelpFile Each macro/module can define the HelpFile for the object browser:
'#HelpFile "helpfile"
where "helpfile" is a full path to the help file associated with the help text and
help context.
Beep Instruction
Syntax Beep
Group Miscellaneous
Description Sound the bell.
Example '#Language "WWB.NET"
Sub Main
Beep ' beep the bell
End Sub
Begin Dialog Definition
Syntax Begin Dialog
] _
[, .
User Dialog Item
[User Dialog Item]...
End Dialog
Group User Dialog
Description Define a
user dialog
type to be used later in a Dim As
Parameter Description
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This numeric value is the distance from the left edge of the screen to the left edge
of the dialog box. It is measured in 1/8 ths of the average character width for
the dialog's font. If this is omitted then the dialog will be centered.
This numeric value is the distance from the top edge of the screen to the top edge
of the dialog box. It is measured in 1/12 ths of the average character width for
the dialog's font. If this is omitted then the dialog will be centered.
This number value is the width. It is measured in 1/8 ths of the average character
width for the dialog's font.
This number value is the height. It is measured in 1/12 ths of the character height
for the dialog's font.
This string value is the title of the user dialog. If this is omitted then there is no
This is the function name that implements the DialogFunc for this
user dialog
. If
this is omitted then the UserDialog doesn't have a dialogfunc.
User Dialog Item
One of: CancelButton, CheckBox, ComboBox, DropListBox, GroupBox,
ListBox, MultiListBox, OKButton, OptionButton, OptionGroup,
PushButton, Text, TextBox.
Example '#Language "WWB.NET"
Sub Main
Begin Dialog UserDialog 200,120
Text 10,10,180,15,"Please push the OK button"
OKButton 80,90,40,20
End Dialog
Dim dlg As UserDialog
Dialog dlg ' show dialog (wait for ok)
End Sub
Boolean Data Type
Syntax Dim v As Boolean
Group Data Type
Description A True or False value.
Byte Data Type
Syntax Dim v As Byte
Group Data Type
Description An 8 bit unsigned integer value.
Call Instruction
Syntax Call
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Group Flow Control
Description Evaluate the
and call subroutine (or function)
with those values.
Sub (or function)
must be previously defined by either a Sub, Function
or Property definition. If
is a function then the result is discarded. If Call
is omitted and
is a subroutine then the
must not be enclosed in par-
See Also Declare, Sub.
Example '#Language "WWB.NET"
Sub Show(Titl',Value)
Debug.Print Titl'; "="; Value
End Sub
Sub Main
Call Show("2000/9",2000/9) ' 222.2222222222
Show "1<2",1<2 'True
End Sub
CallByName Instruction
Syntax CallByName(
[, ...]])
Group Flow Control
Description Call an
's method/property,
, by name. Pass the
s to the
Parameter Description
Call the method/property for this object reference.
This string value is the name of the method/property to be called.
Type of method/property call. See table below.
These expressions are passed to the obj's method/property.
CallType Value Effect
vbMethod 1 Call or evaluate the method.
vbGet 2 Evaluate the property's value.
vbLet 4 Assign the property's value.
vbSet 8 Set the property's reference.
Example '#Language "WWB.NET"
Sub Main
On Error Resume Next
CallByName Err, "Raise", vbMethod, 1
Debug.Print CallByName(Err, "Number", vbGet) ' 1
End Sub
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CallersLine Function
Syntax CallersLine[(
Group Miscellaneous
Description Return the caller's line as a text string.
The text format is: "[macroname|subname#linenum] linetext".
Parameter Description
This integer value indicates how deep into the stack to get the caller's line. If
Depth = -1 then return the current line. If Depth = 0 then return the calling sub-
routine's current line, etc.. If Depth is greater than or equal to the call stack
depth then a null string is returned. If this value is omitted then the depth is 0.
Example '#Language "WWB.NET"
Sub Main
End Sub
Sub A
Debug.Print CallersLine '"[(untitled 1)|Main# 2] A"
End Sub
CancelButton Dialog Item Definition
Syntax CancelButton
[, .
Group User Dialog
Description Define a cancel button item. Pressing the Cancel button from a Dialog instruc-
tion causes a run-time error. (Dialog( ) function call returns 0.)
Parameter Description
This number value is the distance from the left edge of the dialog box. It is meas-
ured in 1/8 ths of the average character width for the dialog's font.
This number value is the distance from the top edge of the dialog box. It is meas-
ured in 1/12 ths of the character height for the dialog's font.
This number value is the width. It is measured in 1/8 ths of the average character
width for the dialog's font.
This number value is the height. It is measured in 1/12 ths of the character height
for the dialog's font.
This identifier is the name of the field. The
receives this name as
If this is omitted then the field name is "Cancel".
See Also Begin Dialog.
Example '#Language "WWB.NET"
Sub Main
Begin Dialog UserDialog 200,120
Text 10,10,180,30,"Please push the Cancel button"
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OKButton 40,90,40,20
CancelButton 110,90,60,20
End Dialog
Dim dlg As UserDialog
Dialog dlg ' show dialog (wait for cancel)
Debug.Print "Cancel was not pressed"
End Sub
CBool Function
Syntax CBool(
Group Conversion
Description Convert to a Boolean value. Zero converts to False, while all other values con-
vert to True.
Parameter Description
Convert a number or string value to a boolean value.
Example '#Language "WWB.NET"
Sub Main
Debug.Print CBool(-1) 'True
Debug.Print CBool(0) 'False
Debug.Print CBool(1) 'True
End Sub
CByte Function
Syntax CByte(
Group Conversion
Description Convert to an 8 bit unsigned integer Byte value.
Parameter Description
Convert a number or string value to an unsigned byte value.
Example '#Language "WWB.NET"
Sub Main
Debug.Print CByte(1.6) ' 2
End Sub
CChar Function
Syntax CChar(
Group Conversion
Description Convert to a Char value.
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Parameter Description
Convert a number or string value to an single character value. This is the first char-
acter of the string conversion.
Example '#Language "WWB.NET"
Sub Main
Debug.Print CChar(33) '"!"
End Sub
CDate Function
Syntax CDate(
Group Conversion
Description Convert to a Date value.
Parameter Description
Convert a number or string value to a date value.
Example '#Language "WWB.NET"
Sub Main
Debug.Print CDate(2) ' 1/1/00
End Sub
CDbl Function
Syntax CDbl(
Group Conversion
Description Convert to a Double precision real.
Parameter Description
Convert a number or string value to a double precision real.
Example '#Language "WWB.NET"
Sub Main
Debug.Print CDbl("1E6") ' 1000000
End Sub
CDec Function
Syntax CDec(
Group Conversion
Description Convert to a Decimal (96 bit scaled real).
Parameter Description
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Convert a number or string value to a 96 bit scaled real.
Example '#Language "WWB.NET"
Sub Main
Debug.Print CDec("1E16")+0.1 ' 10000000000000000.1
End Sub
Char Data Type
Syntax Dim v As Char
Group Data Type
Description A one character value.
ChDir Instruction
Syntax ChDir
Group File
Description Change the current directory to
Pocket PC Not supported.
Parameter Description
This string value is the path and name of the directory.
See Also ChDrive, CurDi'().
Example '#Language "WWB.NET"
Sub Main
ChDir "C:\"
Debug.Print CurDi'() '"C:\"
End Sub
ChDrive Instruction
Syntax ChDrive
Group File
Description Change the current drive to
Pocket PC Not supported.
Parameter Description
This string value is the drive letter.
See Also ChDir, CurDi'().
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Example '#Language "WWB.NET"
Sub Main
ChDrive "B"
Debug.Print CurDi'() '"B:\"
End Sub
CheckBox Dialog Item Definition
Syntax CheckBox
, .
Group User Dialog
Description Define a checkbox item.
Parameter Description
This number value is the distance from the left edge of the dialog box. It is meas-
ured in 1/8 ths of the average character width for the dialog's font.
This number value is the distance from the top edge of the dialog box. It is meas-
ured in 1/12 ths of the character height for the dialog's font.
This number value is the width. It is measured in 1/8 ths of the average character
width for the dialog's font.
This number value is the height. It is measured in 1/12 ths of the character height
for the dialog's font.
The value of the check box is accessed via this field. Unchecked is 0, checked is 1
and grayed is 2.
This numeric value controls the type of check box. Choose one value from fol-
lowing table. (If this numeric value omitted then zero is used.)
Option Description
0 Check box is either check or unchecked.
1 Check box is either check, unchecked or grayed, and it switches between checked
and unchecked when clicked.
2 Check box is either check, unchecked or grayed, and it cycles through all three
states as the button is clicked.
See Also Begin Dialog.
Example '#Language "WWB.NET"
Sub Main
Begin Dialog UserDialog 200,120
Text 10,10,180,15,"Please push the OK button"
CheckBox 10,25,180,15,"&Check box",.Check
OKButton 80,90,40,20
End Dialog
Dim dlg As UserDialog
dlg.Check = 1
Dialog dlg ' show dialog (wait for ok)
Debug.Print dlg.Check
End Sub
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Choose Function
Syntax Choose(
[, ...])
Group Flow Control
Description Return the value of the
indicated by
Parameter Description
The numeric value indicates which
to return. If this value is less than one or
greater than the number of
s then System.DBNull.Value is returned.
All expressions are evaluated.
See Also If, Select Case, IIf().
Example '#Language "WWB.NET"
Sub Main
Debug.Print Choose(2,"Hi","there") '"there"
End Sub
Ch' Function
Syntax Ch'(
Group String
Description Return a one char string for the ASCII value.
Note: A similar function, ChrW, returns a single char Unicode string.
Parameter Description
Return one char string for this ASCII numeric value.
See Also Asc().
Example '#Language "WWB.NET"
Sub Main
Debug.Print Ch'(48) '"0"
End Sub
CInt Function
Syntax CInt(
Group Conversion
Description Convert to an Integer. If
is too big (or too small) to fit then an overflow
error occurs.
Parameter Description
Convert a number or string value to an Integer.
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Example '#Language "WWB.NET"
Sub Main
Debug.Print CInt(1.6) ' 2
End Sub
Class Module
Group Declaration
Description A class
implements an object.
Note: The Class statement is not supported. Use a class module instead.
Has a set of Public
s accessible from other
These public symbols are accessed via an object variable.
Has an optional set of Events that can be raised.
Public Consts, Structures, arrays, fixed length strings are not allowed.
Has an optional Private Sub Class_Initialize which is called when an
instance is created.
Has an optional Private Sub Class_Terminate which is called when an
instance is destroyed.
A class module is similar to a object module except that no instance is
automatically created.
To create an instance use:
Dim Obj As classname
Obj = New classname
See Also Code Module, Object Module, Uses, Class_Initialize, Class_
Example 'A.WWB
'#Language "WWB.NET"
'#Uses "File.CLS"
Sub Main
Dim File As New File
File.Attach "C:\AUTOEXEC.BAT"
Debug.Print File.ReadLine
End Sub
'File|New Module|Class Module
'#Language "WWB.NET"
Option Explicit
Dim FN As Integer
Public Sub Attach(FileName As String)
FN = FreeFile
FileOpen FN, FileName, OpenMode.Input
End Sub
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Public Sub Detach()
If FN <> 0 Then FileClose'FN
FN = 0
End Sub
Public Function ReadLine() As String
ReadLine = LineInput(FN)
End Function
Private Sub Class_Initialize()
Debug.Print "Class_Initialize"
End Sub
Private Sub Class_Terminate()
Debug.Print "Class_Terminate"
End Sub
Class_Initialize Sub
Syntax Private Sub Class_Initialize()
End Sub
Group Declaration
Description Class module initialization subroutine. Each time a new instance is created
for a class module the Class_Initialize sub is called. If Class_Initialize is not
defined then no special initialization occurs.
See Also Code Module, Class_Terminate.
Class_Terminate Sub
Syntax Private Sub Class_Terminate()
End Sub
Group Declaration
Description Class module termination subroutine. Each time an instance is destroyed for
a class module the Class_Terminate sub is called. If Class_Terminate is not
defined then no special termination occurs.
See Also Code Module, Class_Initialize.
Clipboard Instruction/Function
Syntax Clipboard
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Group Miscellaneous
Description Form 1: Set the clipboard to
. This is like the Edit|Copy menu command.
Form 2: Return the text in the clipboard.
Parameter Description
Put this string value into the clipboard.
Example '#Language "WWB.NET"
Sub Main
Debug.Print Clipboar'()
Clipboard "Hello"
Debug.Print Clipboar'() '"Hello"
End Sub
CLng Function
Syntax CLng(
Group Conversion
Description Convert to a Long. If
is too big (or too small) to fit then an overflow error
Parameter Description
Convert a number or string value to a Long.
Example '#Language "WWB.NET"
Sub Main
Debug.Print CLng(1.6) ' 2
End Sub
CObj Function
Syntax CObj(
Group Conversion
Description Convert to an Object. The object contains the value.
Parameter Description
Convert to an object. If the parameter is already an object, return it.
Example '#Language "WWB.NET"
Sub Main
Debug.Print CObj(Sqr(2)) ' 1.4142135381699
End Sub
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Code Module
Group Declaration
Description A Code
implements a code library.
Note: The Module statement is not supported. Use a code module instead.
Has a set of Public
s accessible from other
These public symbols are accessed directly.
May be initialized by a Private Sub Main.
See Also Class Module, Object Module, Uses, Main.
Example 'A.WWB
'#Language "WWB.NET"
'#Uses "Module1.BAS"
Sub Main
Debug.Print Value '"Hello"
End Sub
'File|New Module|Code Module
'#Language "WWB.NET"
Option Explicit
Private mValue As String
Property Get Value() As String
Value = mValue
End Property
'this sub is called when the module is first loaded
Private Sub Main
mValue = "Hello"
End Sub
ComboBox Dialog Item Definition
Syntax ComboBox
, .
Group User Dialog
Description Define a combobox item. Combo boxes combine the functionality of an edit box
and a list box.
Parameter Description
This number value is the distance from the left edge of the dialog box. It is meas-
ured in 1/8 ths of the average character width for the dialog's font.
This number value is the distance from the top edge of the dialog box. It is meas-
ured in 1/12 ths of the character height for the dialog's font.
This number value is the width. It is measured in 1/8 ths of the average character
width for the dialog's font.
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This number value is the height. It is measured in 1/12 ths of the character height
for the dialog's font.
StrArra'( )
This one-dimensional array of strings establishes the list of choices. All the non-
null elements of the array are used.
The value of the combo box is accessed via this field. This is the text in the edit
This numeric value controls the type of combo box. Choose one value from fol-
lowing table. (If this numeric value omitted then zero is used.)
Option Description
0 List is not sorted.
2 List is sorted.
See Also Begin Dialog.
Example '#Language "WWB.NET"
Sub Main
Dim combo'(3)
combo'(0) = "Combo 0"
combo'(1) = "Combo 1"
combo'(2) = "Combo 2"
combo'(3) = "Combo 3"
Begin Dialog UserDialog 200,120
Text 10,10,180,15,"Please push the OK button"
ComboBox 10,25,180,60,combo'(),.comb'
OKButton 80,90,40,20
End Dialog
Dim dlg As UserDialog
dlg.comb' = "none"
Dialog dlg ' show dialog (wait for ok)
Debug.Print dlg.comb'
End Sub
Comman' Function
Syntax Comman'
Group Miscellaneous
Description Contains the value of the MacroRun parameters.
See Also MacroRun.
Example '#Language "WWB.NET"
Sub Main
Debug.Print "Command line parameter is: """;
Debug.Print Comman';
Debug.Print """"
End Sub
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Const Definition
Syntax [| Private | Public ] _
] [
As Type
] =
[, ...]
Group Declaration
Description Define
as the value of
. The
may be refer other constants or
built-in functions. If the type of the constants is not specified, the type of
used. Constants defined outside a Sub, Function or Property block are avail-
able in the entire
Private is assumed if neither Private or Public is specified.
Note: Const statement in a Sub, Function or Property block may not use Priv-
ate or Public.
Example '#Language "WWB.NET"
Sub Main
Const Pi = 4*Atn(1), e = Exp(1)
Debug.Print Pi ' 3.14159265358979
Debug.Print e ' 2.71828182845905
End Sub
Cos Function
Syntax Cos(
Group Math
Description Return the cosine.
Parameter Description
Return the cosine of this numeric value. This is the number of radians. There are
2*Pi radians in a full circle.
See Also Atn, Sin, Tan.
Example '#Language "WWB.NET"
Sub Main
Debug.Print Cos(1) ' 0.54030230586814
End Sub
CreateObject Function
Syntax CreateObject(
Group Object
Description Create a new object of type
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Parameter Description
This string value is the application's registered class name. If this application is not
currently active it will be started.
See Also Objects.
Example '#Language "WWB.NET"
Sub Main
Dim App As Object
'App = CreateObject("WinWrap.CppDemoApplication")
App.Move 20,30 ' move icon to 20,30
'App = Nothing
App.Quit ' run-time error (no object)
End Sub
CSByte Function
Syntax CSByte(
Group Conversion
Description Convert to an 8 bit signed integer SByte value.
Parameter Description
Convert a number or string value to a signed byte value.
Example '#Language "WWB.NET"
Sub Main
Debug.Print CSByte(1.6) ' 2
End Sub
CShort Function
Syntax CShort(
Group Conversion
Description Convert to a 16 bit signed integer Short value. If
is too big (or too small)
to fit then an overflow error occurs.
Parameter Description
Convert a number or string value to a 16 bit signed integer.
Example '#Language "WWB.NET"
Sub Main
Debug.Print CShort(1.6) ' 2
End Sub
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CSng Function
Syntax CSng(
Group Conversion
Description Convert to a Single precision real. If
is too big (or too small) to fit then an
overflow error occurs.
Parameter Description
Convert a number or string value to a single precision real.
Example '#Language "WWB.NET"
Sub Main
Debug.Print CSng(Sqr(2)) ' 1.4142135381699
End Sub
CStr Function
Syntax CStr(
Group Conversion
Description Convert to a String.
Parameter Description
Convert a number or string value to a string value using the current locale
Example '#Language "WWB.NET"
Sub Main
Debug.Print CStr(Sqr(2)) '"1.4142135623731" - US English locale
End Sub
CurDi' Function
Syntax CurDi'([
Group File
Description Return the current directory for
Pocket PC Not supported.
Parameter Description
This string value is the drive letter. If this is omitted or null then return the current
directory for the current drive.
See Also ChDir, ChDrive.
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Example '#Language "WWB.NET"
Sub Main
Debug.Print CurDi'()
End Sub
CType Function
Syntax CType(
Group Conversion
Description Convert an
to the specified
type. Conversion include inheritance,
implementation and value conversion. If the
can't be converted, a "type
mismatch error" will occur.
Parameter Description
Convert the value of this expression.
Convert to this type.
See Also DirectCast, TryCast.
Example '#Language "WWB.NET"
Sub Main
Debug.Print CType(1.1, Integer) ' 1
Dim V As Object
V = Err
Debug.Print TypeName(CType(V, ErrObject)) ' ErrObject
End Sub
CUInt Function
Syntax CUInt(
Group Conversion
Description Convert to an UInteger. If
is too big (or too small) to fit then an overflow
error occurs.
Parameter Description
Convert a number or string value to an UInteger.
Example '#Language "WWB.NET"
Sub Main
Debug.Print CUInt(1.6) ' 2
End Sub
CULng Function
Syntax CULng(
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Group Conversion
Description Convert to a ULong. If
is too big (or too small) to fit then an overflow
error occurs.
Parameter Description
Convert a number or string value to a ULong.
Example '#Language "WWB.NET"
Sub Main
Debug.Print CULng(1.6) ' 2
End Sub
CUShort Function
Syntax CUShort(
Group Conversion
Description Convert to a 16 bit unsigned integer UShort value. If
is too big (or too
small) to fit then an overflow error occurs.
Parameter Description
Convert a number or string value to a 16 bit unsigned integer.
Example '#Language "WWB.NET"
Sub Main
Debug.Print CUShort(1.6) ' 2
End Sub
Date Data Type
Syntax Dim v As Date
Group Data Type
Description A 64 bit real value. The whole part represents the date, while the fractional part
is the time of day. (December 30, 1899 = 0.) Use #date# as a literal date value
in an expression.
DateAdd Function
Syntax DateAdd(
Group Time/Date
Description Return a Date value a number of intervals from another date.
Parameter Description
This string value indicates which kind of interval to add.
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Add this many intervals. Use a negative value to get an earlier date.
Calculate the new date relative to this date value. '
Interval Description
yyyy Year
q Quarter
m Month
y Day of year
d Day
w Weekday
ww Week
h Hour
n Minute
s Second
See Also DateDiff, DatePart.
Example '#Language "WWB.NET"
Sub Main
Debug.Print DateAdd("yyyy",1,#1/1/2000#) '1/1/2001
End Sub
DateDiff Function
Syntax DateDiff(
Group Time/Date
Description Return the number of intervals between two dates.
Parameter Description
This string value indicates which kind of interval to subtract.
Calculate the from this date value to dateexpr2. '
Calculate the from dateexpr1 to this date value. '
Interval Description
yyyy Year
q Quarter
m Month
y Day of year
d Day
w Weekday
ww Week
h Hour
n Minute
s Second
See Also DateAdd, DatePart.
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Example '#Language "WWB.NET"
Sub Main
Debug.Print DateDiff("yyyy",#1/1/1990#,#1/1/2000#) ' 10
End Sub
DatePart Function
Syntax DatePart(
Group Time/Date
Description Return the number from the date corresponding to the interval.
Parameter Description
This string value indicates which kind of interval to extract.
Get the interval from this date value. '
Interval Description (return value range)
yyyy Year (100-9999)
q Quarter (1-4)
m Month (1-12)
y Day of year (1-366)
d Day (1-31)
w Weekday (1-7)
ww Week (1-53)
h Hour (0-23)
n Minute (0-59)
s Second (0-59)
See Also DateAdd, DateDiff.
Example '#Language "WWB.NET"
Sub Main
Debug.Print DatePart("yyyy",#1/1/2000#) ' 2000
End Sub
DateSerial Function
Syntax DateSerial(
Group Time/Date
Description Return a Date value.
Parameter Description
This numeric value is the year (0 to 9999). (0 to 99 are interpreted by the oper-
ating system.)
This numeric value is the month (1 to 12).
This numeric value is the day (1 to 31).
See Also DateValue, TimeSerial, TimeValue.
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Example '#Language "WWB.NET"
Sub Main
Debug.Print DateSerial(2000,7,4) '7/4/2000
End Sub
DateValue Function
Syntax DateValue(
Group Time/Date
Description Return the day part of the date encoded as a string.
Parameter Description
Convert this string value to the day part of date it represents.
See Also DateSerial, TimeSerial, TimeValue.
Example '#Language "WWB.NET"
Sub Main
Debug.Print DateValue("1/1/2000 12:00:01 AM")
End Sub
Day Function
Syntax Day(
Group Time/Date
Description Return the day of the month (1 to 31).
Parameter Description
Return the day of the month for this date value. '
See Also Date(), Month(), Weekday(), Year().
Example '#Language "WWB.NET"
Sub Main
Debug.Print Day(#1/1/1900#) ' 1
Debug.Print Day(#1/2/1900#) ' 2
End Sub
DDEExecute Instruction
Syntax DDEExecute
Group DDE
Description Send the DDE Execute
string via DDE
Pocket PC Not supported.
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Parameter Description
This is the channel number returned by the DDEInitiate function. Up to 10 chan-
nels may be used at one time.
Send this command value to the server application. The interpretation of this
value is defined by the server application.
The command will generate an error if the number of seconds specified by the
timeout is exceeded before the command has completed. The default is five
Example '#Language "WWB.NET"
Sub Main
ChanNum = DDEInitiate("PROGMAN","PROGMAN")
DDEExecute ChanNum,"[CreateGroup(XXX)]"
DDETerminate ChanNum
End Sub
DDEInitiate Function
Syntax DDEInitiate(
Group DDE
Description Initiate a DDE conversation with
. If the conversation is suc-
cessfully started then the return value is a channel number that can be used
with other DDE instructions and functions.
Pocket PC Not supported.
Parameter Description
Locate this server application.
This is the server application's topic. The interpretation of this value is defined by
the server application.
Example '#Language "WWB.NET"
Sub Main
ChanNum = DDEInitiate("PROGMAN","PROGMAN")
DDEExecute ChanNum,"[CreateGroup(XXX)]"
DDETerminate ChanNum
End Sub
DDEPoke Instruction
Syntax DDEPoke
Group DDE
Description Poke
to the
via DDE
Pocket PC Not supported.
Parameter Description
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This is the channel number returned by the DDEInitiate function. Up to 10 chan-
nels may be used at one time.
This is the server application's item. The interpretation of this value is defined by
the server application.
Send this data value to the server application. The interpretation of this value is
defined by the server application.
The command will generate an error if the number of seconds specified by the
timeout is exceeded before the command has completed. The default is five
Example '#Language "WWB.NET"
Sub Main
ChanNum = DDEInitiate("PROGMAN","PROGMAN")
DDEPoke ChanNum,"Group","XXX"
DDETerminate ChanNum
End Sub
DDEReques' Function
Syntax DDEReques'(
Group DDE
Description Request information for
. If the request is not satisfied then the return value
will be a null string.
Pocket PC Not supported.
Parameter Description
This is the channel number returned by the DDEInitiate function. Up to 10 chan-
nels may be used at one time.
This is the server application's item. The interpretation of this value is defined by
the server application.
The command will generate an error if the number of seconds specified by the
timeout is exceeded before the command has completed. The default is five
Example '#Language "WWB.NET"
Sub Main
ChanNum = DDEInitiate("PROGMAN","PROGMAN")
Debug.Print DDEReques'(ChanNum,"Groups")
DDETerminate ChanNum
End Sub
DDETerminate Instruction
Syntax DDETerminate
Group DDE
Description Terminate DDE
Pocket PC Not supported.
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Parameter Description
This is the channel number returned by the DDEInitiate function. Up to 10 chan-
nels may be used at one time.
Example '#Language "WWB.NET"
Sub Main
ChanNum = DDEInitiate("PROGMAN","PROGMAN")
DDEExecute ChanNum,"[CreateGroup(XXX)]"
DDETerminate ChanNum
End Sub
DDETerminateAll Instruction
Syntax DDETerminateAll
Group DDE
Description Terminate all open DDE channels.
Pocket PC Not supported.
Example '#Language "WWB.NET"
Sub Main
ChanNum = DDEInitiate("PROGMAN","PROGMAN")
DDEExecute ChanNum,"[CreateGroup(XXX)]"
End Sub
Debug Object
Syntax Debug.Clear
Debug.Print [
[; ...][;]]
Group Miscellaneous
Description Form 1: Clear the output window.
Form 2: Print the
(s) to the output window. Use ; to separate expressions. A
is it automatically converted to a string before printing (just like St'()). If
the instruction does not end with a ; then a newline is printed at the end.
Example '#Language "WWB.NET"
Sub Main
X = 4
Debug.Print "X/2="; X/2 ' 2
Debug.Print "Start..."; ' don't print a newline
Debug.Print "Finish" ' print a newline
End Sub
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Decimal Data Type
Syntax Dim v As Decimal
Group Data Type
Description A 96 bit scaled real value. A decimal number is of the form: s*m*10^-p where
s - sign (+1 or -1)
m - mantissa, unsigned binary value of 96 bits (0 to
p - scaling power (0 to +28)
Declare Definition
Syntax [| Private | Public ] _
Declare Sub
Lib "dll name" _
[Alias "module name"] [([
[, ...]])]
[| Private | Public ] _
Declare Function
] Lib "dll name" _
[Alias "module name"] [([
[, ...]])] [
As type
Group Declaration
Description Interface to a DLL defined subroutine or function. The values of the calling
are assigned to the
WARNING! Be very careful when declaring DLL subroutines or functions. If
you make a mistake and declare the parementers or result incorrectly then Win-
dows might halt. Save any open documents before testing new DLL declar-
Err.LastDLLError returns the error code for that last DLL call.
Access If no access is specified then Public is assumed.
Pocket PC Not supported.
Parameter Description
This is the name of the subroutine or function being defined. If Alias "module
name" is omitted then this is the module name, too.
"dll name" This is the DLL file where the module's code is.
"module name" This is the name of the module in the DLL file. If this is #number then it is the
ordinal number of the module. If it is omitted then
is the module name.
The DLL is searched for the specified module name. If this module exists, it is
used. All As String parameters are converted from Unicode to ASCII prior to call-
ing the DLL and from ASCII to Unicode afterwards. (Use "Unicode:module
name" to prevent ASCII to Unicode conversion.)
If the module does not exist, one or two other module names are tried:
1) For Windows NT only: The module name with a "W" appended is tried. All As
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String parameters are passed as Unicode to calling the DLL.
2) For Windows NT and Windows 95: The module name with an "A" appended
is tried. All As String parameters are converted from Unicode to ASCII prior to
calling the DLL and from ASCII to Unicode afterwards.
If none of these module names is found a run-time error occurs.
s A list of zero or more
s that are used by the DLL subroutine or function.
(Note: A ByVal string's value may be modified by the DLL.)
See Also Function, Sub, Call.
Example '#Language "WWB.NET"
Declare Function GetActiveWindow& Lib "user32" ()
Declare Function GetWindowTextLengthA& Lib "user32" _
(ByVal hwnd&)
Declare Sub GetWindowTextA Lib "user32" _
(ByVal hwnd&, ByVal lps', ByVal cbMax&)
Function ActiveWindowTitl'()
ActiveWindow = GetActiveWindow()
TitleLen = GetWindowTextLengthA(ActiveWindow)
Titl' = Spac'(TitleLen)
GetWindowTextA ActiveWindow,Titl',TitleLen+1
ActiveWindowTitl' = Titl'
End Function
Sub Main
Debug.Print ActiveWindowTitl'()
End Sub
Decode64 Function
Syntax Decode6'(
Group Miscellaneous
Description Return a string using the base 64 decoding algorithm.
Decode64B returns a Byte array.
Parameter Description
Return this string's base 64 decoding.
See Also Encode64.
Example '#Language "WWB.NET"
Sub Main
Debug.Print Decode64("SGVsbG8gV29ybGQhIQ==") '"Hello World!!"
End Sub
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Decrypt64 Function
Syntax Decrypt6'(
Group Miscellaneous
Description Return a string using the RC4 stream decryption algorithm.
Decrypt64B returns a Byte array.
Parameter Description
Return this string's decryption. (The string is first decoded using base 64 decod-
Decrypt using this password.
See Also Decode64, Encode64, Encrypt64.
Example '#Language "WWB.NET"
Sub Main
Debug.Print Decrypt64("Y4GFrF+k1YUHwjEzsg==", "abc") '"Hello World!!"
End Sub
Delegate Definition
Syntax [| Private | Public ] _
Delegate Sub
[, ...]])]
[| Private | Public ] _
Delegate Function
] _
[, ...]])] [
As type
Group Declaration
Description Define a new
user delegate
(subroutine or function pointer type).
A delegate's Sub or Function is called using the delegate's Invoke method.
Access If no access is specified then Public is assumed.
Parameter Description
This is the name of the delegate being defined.
s A list of zero or more
s that are used by the delegate's subroutine or func-
See Also AddressOf.
Example '#Language "WWB.NET"
Delegate Function OpType(ByVal v1 As Object, ByVal v2 As Object) As Object
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Sub Main
Debug.Print DoOp(AddressOf Add,1,2) ' 3
Debug.Print DoOp(AddressOf Subtract,1,2) '-1
End Sub
Function DoOp(ByVal op As OpType, _
ByVal v1 As Object, ByVal v2 As Object) As Object
DoOp = op.Invoke(v1,v2)
End Function
Function Add(ByVal v1 As Object, ByVal v2 As Object) As Object
Add = v1+v2
End Function
Function Subtract(ByVal v1 As Object, ByVal v2 As Object) As Object
Subtract = v1-v2
End Function
DeleteSetting Instruction
Syntax DeleteSetting
Group Settings
Description Delete the settings for
in project
. Win16 and Win32s
store settings in a .ini file named
. Win32/Win64 store settings in the
registration database under "HKEY_CURRENT_USER\ Software\ VB and VBA
Program Settings\
". If
starts with "..\" then
"VB and VBA Program Settings\" is omitted.
Parameter Description
This string value is the name of the project which has this
This string value is the name of the section of the project settings.
This string value is the name of the key in the section of the project settings. If this
is omitted then delete the entire section.
Example '#Language "WWB.NET"
Sub Main
SaveSetting "MyApp","Font","Size",10
DeleteSetting "MyApp","Font","Size"
End Sub
Dialog Instruction/Function
Syntax Dialog
Group User Input
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Description Display the dialog associated with
. The initial values of the dialog
fields are provided by
. If the OK button or any push button is
pressed then the fields in dialog are copied to the
. The Dialog( ) func-
tion returns a value indicating which button was pressed. (See the result table
Parameter Description
This variable that holds the values of the fields in a dialog. Use .
to access indi-
vidual fields in a dialog variable.
This numeric value indicates which button is the default button. (Pressing the
Enter key on a non-button pushes the default button.) Use -2 to indicate that
there is no default button. Other possible values are shown in the result table
below. If this value is omitted then the first PushButton, OKButton or
CancelButton is the default button.
Result Description
-1 OK button was pressed.
0 Cancel button was pressed.
>0 Nth push button was pressed.
See Also Begin Dialog.
Example '#Language "WWB.NET"
Sub Main
Begin Dialog UserDialog 200,120
Text 10,10,180,15,"Please push the OK button"
OKButton 80,90,40,20
End Dialog
Dim dlg As UserDialog
Dialog dlg ' show dialog (wait for ok)
End Sub
DialogFunc Prototype
Syntax Function
) _
As Boolean
Select Case Actio'
Case 1 ' Dialog box initialization
Case 2 ' Value changing or button pressed
Case 3 ' TextBox or ComboBox text changed
Case 4 ' Focus changed
Case 5 ' Idle
Case 6 ' Function key
End Select
End Function
Group Dialog Function
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Description A
implements the dynamic dialog capabilities.
Parameter Description
This string value is the name of the user dialog item's
This numeric value indicates what action the dialog function is being asked to do.
This numeric value provides additional information for some actions.
Action Description
1 Dialog box initialization.
is a null string.
is the dialog's window
handle. Set
= True to terminate the dialog.
2 CheckBox, DropListBox, ListBox, MultiListBox or OptionGroup:
value has changed.
is the new value.
CancelButton, OKButton or PushButton:
's button was pushed.
is meaningless. Set
= True to prevent the dialog from
3 ComboBox or TextBox:
's text changed and losing focus.
the number of characters.
4 Item
is gaining focus.
is the item that is losing focus. (The first
item is 0, second is 1, etc.)
5 Idle processing.
is a null string.
is zero. Set
= True
to continue receiving idle actions. The idle action is called as often as possible.
Wait .1
to reduce the number of idle calls to 10 per second.
6 Function key (F1-F24) was pressed.
has the focus.
is the func-
tion key number and the shift/control/alt key state.
Regular function keys range from 1 to 24.
Shift function keys have &H100 added.
Control function keys have &H200 added.
Alt function keys have &H400 added.
(Alt-F4 closes the dialog and is never passed to the Dialog Function.)
See Also Begin Dialog.
Example '#Language "WWB.NET"
Sub Main
Begin Dialog UserDialog 200,120,.DialogFunc
Text 10,10,180,15,"Please push the OK button"
TextBox 10,40,180,15,.Text
OKButton 30,90,60,20
PushButton 110,90,60,20,"&Hello"
End Dialog
Dim dlg As UserDialog
Debug.Print Dialog(dlg)
End Sub
Function DialogFunc(DlgItem$, Action%, SuppValue&) As Boolean
Debug.Print "Action="; Actio'
If Actio' <> 1 And Actio' <> 5 Then
Debug.Print DlgIte''; "="""; DlgText(DlgIte'); """"
End If
Debug.Print "SuppValue="; SuppValue&
Select Case Actio'
Case 1 ' Dialog box initialization
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Case 2 ' Value changing or button pressed
If DlgIte' = "Hello" Then
MsgBox "Hello"
DialogFunc = True 'do not exit the dialog
End If
Case 4 ' Focus changed
Debug.Print "DlgFocus="""; DlgFocus(); """"
Case 6 ' Function key
If SuppValue& And &H100 Then Debug.Print "Shift-";
If SuppValue& And &H200 Then Debug.Print "Ctrl-";
If SuppValue& And &H400 Then Debug.Print "Alt-";
Debug.Print "F" & (SuppValue And &HFF)
End Select
End Function
Dim Definition
Syntax Dim [WithEvents]
][, ...]
Group Declaration
Description Dimension var array(s) using the
s to establish the minimum and
maximum index value for each dimension. If the
s are omitted then a
scalar (single value) variable is defined. A dynamic array is declared using ( )
without any
s. It must be ReDimensioned before it can be used.
See Also Begin Dialog, Dialog, Option Base, Private, Public, ReDim, Static,
Example '#Language "WWB.NET"
Sub DoIt(Size)
Dim C0, C1(), C2(2,3)
ReDim C1(Size+1) ' dynamic array
C0 = 1
C1(0) = 2
C2(0,0) = 3
Debug.Print C0; C1(0); C2(0,0) ' 1 2 3
End Sub
Sub Main
DoIt 1
End Sub
Di' Function
Syntax Di'([
Group File
Description Scan a directory for the first file matching
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Parameter Description
This string value is the path and name of the file search pattern. If this is omitted
then continue scanning with the previous pattern. Each
has its own inde-
pendent search. A path relative to the current directory can be used.
This numeric value controls which files are found. A file with an
matches will be found.
See Also GetAttr().
Example '#Language "WWB.NET"
Sub Main
' = Di'("*.*")
While ' <> ""
Debug.Print '
' = Di'()
End While
End Sub
DirectCast Function
Syntax DirectCast(
Group Conversion
Description Return
's type is related to
type. If it is not, a "type mismatch
error" will occur.
Parameter Description
Cast the value of this expression.
Cast to this type.
See Also CType, TryCast.
Example '#Language "WWB.NET"
Sub Main
Dim V As Object
V = Err
Debug.Print TypeName(DirectCast(V, ErrObject)) ' ErrObject
End Sub
DlgControlId Function
Syntax DlgControlId(
Group Dialog Function
Description Return the
's window id.
This instruction/function must be called directly or indirectly from a
Parameter Description
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If this is a numeric value then it is the dialog item number. The first item is 0,
second is 1, etc. If this is a string value then it is the dialog item's
Example '#Language "WWB.NET"
Sub Main
Begin Dialog UserDialog 200,120,.DialogFunc
Text 10,10,180,15,"Please push the OK button"
TextBox 10,40,180,15,.Text
OKButton 30,90,60,20
PushButton 110,90,60,20,"&Hello"
End Dialog
Dim dlg As UserDialog
Debug.Print Dialog(dlg)
End Sub
Function DialogFunc(DlgItem$, Action%, SuppValue&) As Boolean
Debug.Print "Action="; Actio'
Select Case Actio'
Case 1 ' Dialog box initialization
Case 2 ' Value changing or button pressed
If DlgIte' = "Hello" Then
DialogFunc = True 'do not exit the dialog
End If
Case 4 ' Focus changed
Debug.Print "DlgFocus="""; DlgFocus(); """"
Debug.Print "DlgControlId("; DlgIte'; ")=";
Debug.Print DlgControlId(DlgIte')
End Select
End Function
DlgCount Function
Syntax DlgCount()
Group Dialog Function
Description Return the number of dialog items in the dialog.
This instruction/function must be called directly or indirectly from a
Example '#Language "WWB.NET"
Sub Main
Begin Dialog UserDialog 200,120,.DialogFunc
Text 10,10,180,15,"Please push the OK button"
TextBox 10,40,180,15,.Text
OKButton 30,90,60,20
End Dialog
Dim dlg As UserDialog
Dialog dlg
End Sub
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Function DialogFunc(DlgItem$, Action%, SuppValue&) As Boolean
Debug.Print "Action="; Actio'
Select Case Actio'
Case 1 ' Dialog box initialization
Debug.Print "DlgCount="; DlgCount() ' 3
End Select
End Function
DlgEnable Instruction/Function
Syntax DlgEnable
Group Dialog Function
Description Instruction: Enable or disable
Function: Return True if
is enabled.
This instruction/function must be called directly or indirectly from a
Parameter Description
If this is a numeric value then it is the dialog item number. The first item is 0,
second is 1, etc. If this is a string value then it is the dialog item's
Note: Use -1 to enable or disable all the dialog items at once.
It this numeric value is True then enable
. Otherwise, disable it. If this
omitted then toggle it.
Example '#Language "WWB.NET"
Sub Main
Begin Dialog UserDialog 200,120,.DialogFunc
Text 10,10,180,15,"Please push the OK button"
TextBox 10,40,180,15,.Text
OKButton 30,90,60,20
PushButton 110,90,60,20,"&Disable"
End Dialog
Dim dlg As UserDialog
Debug.Print Dialog(dlg)
End Sub
Function DialogFunc(DlgItem$, Action%, SuppValue&) As Boolean
Debug.Print "Action="; Actio'
Select Case Actio'
Case 1 ' Dialog box initialization
Case 2 ' Value changing or button pressed
Select Case DlgIte'
Case "Disable"
DlgText DlgIte',"&Enable"
DlgEnable "Text",False
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DialogFunc = True 'do not exit the dialog
Case "Enable"
DlgText DlgIte',"&Disable"
DlgEnable "Text",True
DialogFunc = True 'do not exit the dialog
End Select
End Select
End Function
DlgEnd Instruction
Syntax DlgEnd
Group Dialog Function
Description Set the return code for the Dialog Function and close the user dialog.
This instruction/function must be called directly or indirectly from a
Parameter Description
Return this numeric value.
Example '#Language "WWB.NET"
Sub Main
Begin Dialog UserDialog 210,120,.DialogFunc
Text 10,10,190,15,"Please push the Close button"
OKButton 30,90,60,20
CheckBox 120,90,60,20,"&Close",.CheckBox1
End Dialog
Dim dlg As UserDialog
Debug.Print Dialog(dlg)
End Sub
Function DialogFunc(DlgItem$, Action%, SuppValue&) As Boolean
Debug.Print "Action="; Actio'
Select Case Actio'
Case 1 ' Dialog box initialization
Case 2 ' Value changing or button pressed
Select Case DlgIte'
Case "CheckBox1"
DlgEnd 1000
End Select
End Select
End Function
DlgFocus Instruction/Function
Syntax DlgFocus
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Group Dialog Function
Description Instruction: Move the focus to this
Function: Return the
name which has the focus as a string.
This instruction/function must be called directly or indirectly from a
Parameter Description
If this is a numeric value then it is the dialog item number. The first item is 0,
second is 1, etc. If this is a string value then it is the dialog item's
Example '#Language "WWB.NET"
Sub Main
Begin Dialog UserDialog 200,120,.DialogFunc
Text 10,10,180,15,"Please push the OK button"
TextBox 10,40,180,15,.Text
OKButton 30,90,60,20
PushButton 110,90,60,20,"&Hello"
End Dialog
Dim dlg As UserDialog
Debug.Print Dialog(dlg)
End Sub
Function DialogFunc(DlgItem$, Action%, SuppValue&) As Boolean
Debug.Print "Action="; Actio'
Select Case Actio'
Case 1 ' Dialog box initialization
Case 2 ' Value changing or button pressed
If DlgIte' = "Hello" Then
MsgBox "Hello"
DialogFunc = True 'do not exit the dialog
End If
Case 4 ' Focus changed
Debug.Print "DlgFocus="""; DlgFocus(); """"
End Select
End Function
DlgListBoxArray Instruction/Function
Syntax DlgListBoxArray
Group Dialog Function
Description Instruction: Set the list entries for
Function: Return the number entries in
's list.
This instruction/function must be called directly or indirectly from a
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should refer to a ComboBox, DropListBox, ListBox or
Parameter Description
If this is a numeric value then it is the dialog item number. The first item is 0,
second is 1, etc. If this is a string value then it is the dialog item's
StrArra'( )
Set the list entries of
. This one-dimensional array of strings establishes
the list of choices. All the non-null elements of the array are used.
Example '#Language "WWB.NET"
Dim lists$()
Sub Main
ReDim list'(0)
list'(0) = "List 0"
Begin Dialog UserDialog 200,119,.DialogFunc
Text 10,7,180,14,"Please push the OK button"
ListBox 10,21,180,63,lists(),.list
OKButton 30,91,40,21
PushButton 110,91,60,21,"&Change"
End Dialog
Dim dlg As UserDialog
dlg.list = 2
Dialog dlg ' show dialog (wait for ok)
Debug.Print dlg.list
End Sub
Function DialogFunc(DlgItem$, Action%, SuppValue&) As Boolean
Select Case Actio'
Case 2 ' Value changing or button pressed
If DlgIte' = "Change" Then
Dim N As Integer
N = UBound(list')+1
ReDim Preserve list'(N)
list'(N) = "List " & N
DlgListBoxArray "list",list'()
DialogFunc = True 'do not exit the dialog
End If
End Select
End Function
DlgName Function
Syntax DlgNam'(
Group Dialog Function
Description Return the
name of the
This instruction/function must be called directly or indirectly from a
Parameter Description
This numeric value is the dialog item number. The first item is 0, second is 1, etc.
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Example '#Language "WWB.NET"
Sub Main
Begin Dialog UserDialog 200,120,.DialogFunc
Text 10,10,180,15,"Please push the OK button"
TextBox 10,40,180,15,.Text
OKButton 30,90,60,20
End Dialog
Dim dlg As UserDialog
Dialog dlg
End Sub
Function DialogFunc(DlgItem$, Action%, SuppValue&) As Boolean
Debug.Print "Action="; Actio'
Select Case Actio'
Case 1 ' Dialog box initialization
For I = 0 To DlgCount()-1
Debug.Print I; DlgName(I)
Next I
End Select
End Function
DlgNumber Function
Syntax DlgNumber(
Group Dialog Function
Description Return the number of the
. The first item is 0, second is 1, etc.
This instruction/function must be called directly or indirectly from a
Parameter Description
This string value is the dialog item's
Example '#Language "WWB.NET"
Sub Main
Begin Dialog UserDialog 200,120,.DialogFunc
Text 10,10,180,15,"Please push the OK button"
TextBox 10,40,180,15,.Text
OKButton 30,90,60,20
End Dialog
Dim dlg As UserDialog
Dialog dlg
End Sub
Function DialogFunc(DlgItem$, Action%, SuppValue&) As Boolean
Debug.Print "Action="; Actio'
Select Case Actio'
Case 1 ' Dialog box initialization
Case 4 ' Focus changed
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Debug.Print DlgIte'; "="; DlgNumber(DlgIte')
End Select
End Function
DlgSetPicture Instruction
Syntax DlgSetPicture
Group Dialog Function
Description Instruction: Set the file name for
This instruction/function must be called directly or indirectly from a
Parameter Description
If this is a numeric value then it is the dialog item number. The first item is 0,
second is 1, etc. If this is a string value then it is the dialog item's
Set the file name of
to this string value.
This numeric value indicates the type of bitmap used. See below.
Type Effect
is the name of the bitmap file. If the file does not exist then "(missing pic-
ture)" is displayed.
3 The clipboard's bitmap is displayed. If the clipboard does not contain a bitmap then
"(missing picture)" is displayed.
16 Same a 0, but instead of displaying "(missing picture)" a run-time error occurs.
19 Same a 3, but instead of displaying "(missing picture)" a run-time error occurs.
Example '#Language "WWB.NET"
Sub Main
Begin Dialog UserDialog 200,120,.DialogFunc
Picture 10,10,180,75,"",0,.Picture
OKButton 30,90,60,20
PushButton 110,90,60,20,"&View"
End Dialog
Dim dlg As UserDialog
Debug.Print Dialog(dlg)
End Sub
Function DialogFunc(DlgItem$, Action%, SuppValue&) As Boolean
Debug.Print "Action="; Actio'
Select Case Actio'
Case 1 ' Dialog box initialization
Case 2 ' Value changing or button pressed
Select Case DlgIte'
Case "View"
FileName = GetFilePath("Bitmap","BMP")
DlgSetPicture "Picture",FileName,0
DialogFunc = True 'do not exit the dialog
End Select
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End Select
End Function
DlgText Instruction/Function
Syntax DlgText
Group Dialog Function
Description Instruction: Set the text for
Function: Return the text from
This instruction/function must be called directly or indirectly from a
Parameter Description
If this is a numeric value then it is the dialog item number. The first item is 0,
second is 1, etc. If this is a string value then it is the dialog item's
Note: Use -1 to access the dialog's title.
Set the text of
to this string value.
Example '#Language "WWB.NET"
Sub Main
Begin Dialog UserDialog 200,120,.DialogFunc
Text 10,10,180,15,"Please push the OK button"
TextBox 10,40,180,15,.Text
OKButton 30,90,60,20
PushButton 110,90,60,20,"&Now"
End Dialog
Dim dlg As UserDialog
Debug.Print Dialog(dlg)
End Sub
Function DialogFunc(DlgItem$, Action%, SuppValue&) As Boolean
Debug.Print "Action="; Actio'
Select Case Actio'
Case 1 ' Dialog box initialization
Case 2 ' Value changing or button pressed
Select Case DlgIte'
Case "Now"
DlgText "Text",CStr(Now)
DialogFunc = True 'do not exit the dialog
End Select
End Select
End Function
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DlgType Function
Syntax DlgTyp'(
Group Dialog Function
Description Return a string value indicating the type of the
. One of: "CancelBut-
ton", "CheckBox", "ComboBox", "DropListBox", "GroupBox", "ListBox",
"MultiListBox", "OKButton", "OptionButton", "OptionGroup", "PushBut-
ton", "Text", "TextBox".
This instruction/function must be called directly or indirectly from a
Parameter Description
If this is a numeric value then it is the dialog item number. The first item is 0,
second is 1, etc. If this is a string value then it is the dialog item's
Example '#Language "WWB.NET"
Sub Main
Begin Dialog UserDialog 200,120,.DialogFunc
Text 10,10,180,15,"Please push the OK button"
TextBox 10,40,180,15,.Text
OKButton 30,90,60,20
End Dialog
Dim dlg As UserDialog
Dialog dlg
End Sub
Function DialogFunc(DlgItem$, Action%, SuppValue&) As Boolean
Debug.Print "Action="; Actio'
Select Case Actio'
Case 1 ' Dialog box initialization
For I = 0 To DlgCount()-1
Debug.Print I; DlgType(I)
Next I
End Select
End Function
DlgValue Instruction/Function
Syntax DlgValue
Group Dialog Function
Description Instruction: Set the numeric value(s)
Function: Return the numeric value(s) for
. (A MultiListBox user dialog
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item returns an array.)
This instruction/function must be called directly or indirectly from a
should refer to a CheckBox, ComboBox, DropListBox,
ListBox, MultiListBox or OptionGroup.
Parameter Description
If this is a numeric value then it is the dialog item number. The first item is 0,
second is 1, etc. If this is a string value then it is the dialog item's
Set the text of
to this numeric value. (A MultiListBox user dialog item uses
an array.)
Example '#Language "WWB.NET"
Sub Main
Begin Dialog UserDialog 150,147,.DialogFunc
GroupBox 10,7,130,77,"Direction",.Field1
PushButton 100,28,30,21,"&Up"
PushButton 100,56,30,21,"&Dn"
OptionGroup .Direction
OptionButton 20,21,80,14,"&North",.North
OptionButton 20,35,80,14,"&South",.South
OptionButton 20,49,80,14,"&East",.East
OptionButton 20,63,80,14,"&West",.West
OKButton 10,91,130,21
CancelButton 10,119,130,21
End Dialog
Dim dlg As UserDialog
Dialog dlg
MsgBox "Direction=" & dlg.Direction
End Sub
Function DialogFunc(DlgItem$, Action%, SuppValue&) As Boolean
Select Case Actio'
Case 1 ' Dialog box initialization
Case 2 ' Value changing or button pressed
Select Case DlgIte'
Case "Up"
DlgValue "Direction",0
DialogFunc = True 'do not exit the dialog
Case "Dn"
DlgValue "Direction",1
DialogFunc = True 'do not exit the dialog
End Select
End Select
End Function
DlgVisible Instruction/Function
Syntax DlgVisible
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Group Dialog Function
Description Instruction: Show or hide
Function: Return True if
is visible.
This instruction/function must be called directly or indirectly from a
Parameter Description
If this is a numeric value then it is the dialog item number. The first item is 0,
second is 1, etc. If this is a string value then it is the dialog item's
It this numeric value is True then show
. Otherwise, hide it. If this omitted
then toggle it.
Example '#Language "WWB.NET"
Sub Main
Begin Dialog UserDialog 200,120,.DialogFunc
Text 10,10,180,15,"Please push the OK button"
TextBox 10,40,180,15,.Text
OKButton 30,90,60,20
PushButton 110,90,60,20,"&Hide"
End Dialog
Dim dlg As UserDialog
Debug.Print Dialog(dlg)
End Sub
Function DialogFunc(DlgItem$, Action%, SuppValue&) As Boolean
Debug.Print "Action="; Actio'
Select Case Actio'
Case 1 ' Dialog box initialization
Case 2 ' Value changing or button pressed
Select Case DlgIte'
Case "Hide"
DlgText DlgIte',"&Show"
DlgVisible "Text",False
DialogFunc = True 'do not exit the dialog
Case "Show"
DlgText DlgIte',"&Hide"
DlgVisible "Text",True
DialogFunc = True 'do not exit the dialog
End Select
End Select
End Function
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Do Statement
Syntax Do
Do {Until|While}
Loop {Until|While}
Group Flow Control
Description Form 1: Do
s forever. The loop can be exited by using Exit or Goto.
Form 2: Check for loop termination before executing the loop the first time.
Form 3: Execute the loop once and then check for loop termination.
Loop Termination:
: Do
s until
is True.
: Do
s while
is True.
See Also For, For Each, Exit Do, While.
Example '#Language "WWB.NET"
Sub Main
I = 2
I = I*2
Loop Until I > 10
Debug.Print I ' 16
End Sub
DoEvents Instruction
Syntax DoEvents
Group Miscellaneous
Description This instruction allows other applications to process events.
Example '#Language "WWB.NET"
Sub Main
DoEvents ' let other apps work
End Sub
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Double Data Type
Syntax Dim v As Double
Group Data Type
Description A 64 bit real value.
DropListBox Dialog Item Definition
Syntax DropListBox
, .
Group User Dialog
Description Define a drop-down listbox item.
Parameter Description
This number value is the distance from the left edge of the dialog box. It is meas-
ured in 1/8 ths of the average character width for the dialog's font.
This number value is the distance from the top edge of the dialog box. It is meas-
ured in 1/12 ths of the character height for the dialog's font.
This number value is the width. It is measured in 1/8 ths of the average character
width for the dialog's font.
This number value is the height. It is measured in 1/12 ths of the character height
for the dialog's font.
StrArra'( )
This one-dimensional array of strings establishes the list of choices. All the non-
null elements of the array are used.
The value of the drop-down list box is accessed via this field. It is the index of the
StrArra'( )
This numeric value controls the type of drop-down list box. Choose one value from
following table. (If this numeric value omitted then zero is used.)
Option Description
0 Text box is not editable and list is not sorted.
1 Text box is editable and list is not sorted.
2 Text box is not editable and list is sorted.
3 Text box is editable and list is sorted.
See Also Begin Dialog.
Example '#Language "WWB.NET"
Sub Main
Dim list'(3)
list'(0) = "List 0"
list'(1) = "List 1"
list'(2) = "List 2"
list'(3) = "List 3"
Begin Dialog UserDialog 200,120
Text 10,10,180,15,"Please push the OK button"
DropListBox 10,25,180,60,list'(),.list1
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DropListBox 10,50,180,60,list'(),.list2,1
OKButton 80,90,40,20
End Dialog
Dim dlg As UserDialog
dlg.list1 = 2 ' list1 is a numeric field
dlg.list2 = "xxx" ' list2 is a string field
Dialog dlg ' show dialog (wait for ok)
Debug.Print list'(dlg.list1)
Debug.Print dlg.list2
End Sub
Encode64 Function
Syntax Encode6'(
Group Miscellaneous
Description Return a string using the base 64 encoding algorithm.
Parameter Description
Return this string's base 64 encoding.
See Also Decode64.
Example '#Language "WWB.NET"
Sub Main
Debug.Print Encode64("Hello World!!") '"SGVsbG8gV29ybGQhIQ=="
End Sub
Encrypt64 Function
Syntax Encrypt6'(
Group Miscellaneous
Description Return a string using the RC4 stream encryption algorithm. (The string is also
encoded using base 64 encoding.)
Parameter Description
Return this string's encryption.
Encrypt using this password.
See Also Decode64, Decrypt64, Encode64.
Example '#Language "WWB.NET"
Sub Main
Debug.Print Encrypt64("Hello World!!", "abc") '"Y4GFrF+k1YUHwjEzsg=="
End Sub
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End Instruction
Syntax End
Group Flow Control
Description The end instruction causes the
to terminate immediately. If the macro
was run by another macro using the MacroRun instruction then that macro
continues on the instruction following the MacroRun.
Example '#Language "WWB.NET"
Sub DoSub
' = UCas'(InputBo'("Enter End:"))
If ' = "END" Then End
Debug.Print "End was not entered."
End Sub
Sub Main
Debug.Print "Before DoSub"
Debug.Print "After DoSub"
End Sub
Enum Definition
Syntax [| Private | Public ] _
End Enum
Group Declaration
Description Define a new
user enum
. Each
defines an element of the enum. If
given then that is the element's value. The value can be any constant integer
expression. If
is omitted then the element's value is one more than the
previous element's value. If there is no previous element then zero is used.
Access If no access is specified then Public is assumed.
Example '#Language "WWB.NET"
Enum Days
End Enum
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Sub Main
Dim D As Days
For D = Days.Monday To Days.Friday
Debug.Print D ' 0 through 4
Next D
End Sub
Environ Function
Syntax Enviro'(
Group Miscellaneous
Description Return an environment string.
Pocket PC Not supported.
Parameter Description
Return this environment string's value. If there is no environment string at this
index a null string is returned. Indexes start at one.
Return this environment string's value. If the environment string can't be found a
null string is returned.
Example '#Language "WWB.NET"
Sub Main
Debug.Print Environ("Path")
End Sub
EOF Function
Syntax EOF(
Group File
Description Return True if
is at the end of the file.
Parameter Description
Streams 1 through 255 are private to each macro. Streams 256 through 511 are
shared by all macros.
Example '#Language "WWB.NET"
Sub Main
FileOpen 1, "XXX", OpenMode.Input
While Not EOF(1)
Dim L As String
L = LineInput(1)
Debug.Print L
End While
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End Sub
Erase Instruction
Syntax Erase
[, ...]
[, ...]
Group Assignment
Description Reset
user defined structure
array element to zero. (Dynamic
arrays are reset to undimensioned arrays.) String arrays values are set to a null
must be declared as an array.
Declare with Dim, Private, Public or Static.
Declare as a parameter of Sub, Function or Property definition.
Example '#Language "WWB.NET"
Sub Main
Dim '(2)
'(1) = 1
Erase '
Debug.Print '(1) ' 0
End Sub
Err Object
Syntax Err
Group Error Handling
Description Set Err to zero to clear the last error event. Err in an expression returns the last
error code. Add vbObjectError to your error number in ActiveX Automation
objects. Use Err.Raise or Error to trigger an error event.
This is the error code for the last error event. Set it to zero (or use Err.Clear) to
clear the last error condition. Use Error or Err.Raise to trigger an error event.
This is the default property.
This string is the description of the last error event.
This string is the error source file name of the last error event.
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This string is the help file name of the last error event.
This number is the help context id of the last error event.
Clear the last error event.
Err.Raise [Number:=]
[, [Source:=]
] _
[, [Description:=]
] _
[, [HelpFile:=]
] _
[, [HelpContext:=]
Raise an error event.
Returns the error code for the last DLL call (see Declare).
Example '#Language "WWB.NET"
Sub Main
On Error GoTo Problem
Err = 1 ' set to error #1 (handler not triggered)
Exit Sub
Problem: ' error handler
Error Err ' halt macro with message
End Sub
Error Instruction
Syntax Error
Group Error Handling
Description Signal error
. This triggers error handling just like a real error. The
's error handler is activated, unless it is already active or there
isn't one. In that case the calling
's error handler is tried. (Use
Err.Raise to provide complete error information.)
Parameter Description
This is the error number.
Example '#Language "WWB.NET"
Sub Main
On Error GoTo Problem
Error 1 ' simulate error #1
Exit Sub
Problem: ' error handler
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Debug.Print "Err.Description="; Err.Description
Resume Next
End Sub
ErrorToString Function
Syntax ErrorToString(
Group Error Handling
Description The ErrorToString function returns the error text string.
Parameter Description
This is the error number.
Example '#Language "WWB.NET"
Sub Main
On Error GoTo Problem
Error 1 ' simulate error #1
Exit Sub
Problem: ' error handler
Debug.Print "Description="; ErrorToString(Err.Num)
Resume Next
End Sub
Eval Function
Syntax Eval(
Group Miscellaneous
Description Return the value of the string expression as evaluated.
Parameter Description
Evaluate this string value.
This integer value indicates how deep into the stack to locate the local variables. If
Depth = 0 then use the current
. If this value is omitted then the
depth is 0.
See Also Assign.
Example '#Language "WWB.NET"
Sub Main
Dim X As String
X = "Hello"
Debug.Print Eval("X") 'Hello
End Sub
Sub A
Dim X As String
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X = "Bye"
Debug.Print Eval("X") 'Bye
Debug.Print Eval("X",1) 'Hello
End Sub
Event Definition
Syntax [| Public ] _
[, ...]])]
Group Declaration
Description User defined event. The event defines a sub that can be defined using
WithEvents.. The values of the calling
are assigned to the
Access If no access is specified then Public is assumed.
See Also RaiseEvent.
Example ' Class1
'#Language "WWB.NET"
Event Changing(ByVal OldValue As String, ByVal NewValue As String)
Private Value_ As String
Property Get Value As String
Value = Value_
End Property
Property Let Value(ByVal NewValue As String)
RaiseEvent Changing(Value_, NewValue)
Value_ = NewValue
End Property
'#Uses "Class1.cls"
Dim WithEvents c1 As Class1
Sub Main
'c1 = New Class1
c1.Value = "Hello"
c1.Value = "Goodbye"
End Sub
Sub c1_Changing(ByVal OldValue As String, ByVal NewValue As String) Handles
Debug.Print "OldValue=""" & OldValue & """, NewValue=""" & NewValue & """"
End Sub
Exit Instruction
Syntax Exit {All|Do|For|Function|Property|Sub|Try|While}
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Group Flow Control
Description The exit instruction causes the
to continue with out doing some or all of
the remaining instructions.
Exit Description
All Exit all
Do Exit the Do loop.
For Exit the For of For Each loop.
Function Exit the Function block. Note: This instruction clears the Err and sets Error`$' to
Property Exit the Property block. Note: This instruction clears the Err and sets Error`$' to
Sub Exit the Sub block. Note: This instruction clears the Err and sets Error`$' to null.
Try Exit the Try block.
While Exit the While loop.
Example '#Language "WWB.NET"
Sub Main
' = InputBo'("Enter Do, For, While, Sub or All:")
Debug.Print "Before DoSub"
DoSub UCas'(')
Debug.Print "After DoSub"
End Sub
Sub DoSub(')
If ' = "DO" Then Exit Do
I = I+1
Loop While I < 10
If I = 0 Then Debug.Print "Do was entered"
For I = 1 To 10
If ' = "FOR" Then Exit For
Next I
If I = 1 Then Debug.Print "For was entered"
I = 10
While I > 0
If ' = "WHILE" Then Exit While
I = I-1
End While
If I = 10 Then Debug.Print "While was entered"
If ' = "SUB" Then Exit Sub
Debug.Print "Sub was not entered."
If ' = "ALL" Then Exit All
Debug.Print "All was not entered."
End Sub
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Exp Function
Syntax Exp(
Group Math
Description Return the exponential.
Parameter Description
Return e raised to the power of this numeric value. The value e is approximately
See Also Log.
Example '#Language "WWB.NET"
Sub Main
Debug.Print Exp(1) ' 2.718281828459
End Sub
False Keyword
Group Constant
Description A
is false when its value is zero. A function that returns False returns
the value 0.
FileAttr Function
Syntax FileAttr(
Group File
Description Return
's open mode or file handle.
Parameter Description
Streams 1 through 255 are private to each macro. Streams 256 through 511 are
shared by all macros.
1 - return the mode used to open the file: 1=Input, 2=Output, 4=Random, 8=A-
ppend, 32=Binary
2 - return the file handle
See Also Open.
Example '#Language "WWB.NET"
Sub Main
FileOpen 1, "XXX", OpenMode.Output
Debug.Print FileAttr(1,1) ' 2
End Sub
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FileClose Instruction
Syntax FileClose [
][, ...]
Group File
Description Close
Parameter Description
Streams 1 through 255 are private to each macro. Streams 256 through 511 are
shared by all macros. If this is omitted then all open streams for the current
are closed.
See Also FileOpen, Reset.
Example '#Language "WWB.NET"
Sub Main
' read the first line of XXX and print it
FileOpen 1, "XXX", OpenMode.Input
Dim L As String
LineInput 1, L
Debug.Print L
FileClose 1
End Sub
FileCopy Instruction
Syntax FileCopy
Group File
Description Copy a file.
Parameter Description
This string value is the path and name of the source file. A path relative to the cur-
rent directory can be used.
This string value is the path and name of the destination file. A path relative to the
current directory can be used.
Example '#Language "WWB.NET"
Sub Main
End Sub
FileDateTime Function
Syntax FileDateTime(
Group File
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Description Return the date and time file
was last changed as a Date value. If the file
does not exist then a run-time error occurs.
Parameter Description
This string value is the path and name of the file. A path relative to the current dir-
ectory can be used.
Example '#Language "WWB.NET"
Sub Main
' = Di'("*.*")
While ' <> ""
Debug.Print '; " "; FileDateTime(')
' = Di'()
End While
End Sub
FileLen Function
Syntax FileLen(
Group File
Description Return the length of file
. If the file does not exist then a run-time error
Parameter Description
This string value is the path and name of the file. A path relative to the current dir-
ectory can be used.
Example '#Language "WWB.NET"
Sub Main
' = Di'("*.*")
While ' <> ""
Debug.Print '; " "; FileLen(')
' = Di'()
End While
End Sub
FileOpen Instruction
Syntax FileOpen
, [
], [
], [
Group File
Description Open file
Reading Unicode Files To read a Unicode (UTF-16 or UTF-8) file, just open using Input mode. All
the input is converted automatically.
Writing Unicode Files To write a Unicode (UTF-16 or UTF-8) file, open using Output or Append
mode and write the appropriate Byte Order Mark (BOM). All the printed output
is converted automatically.
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To create a Unicode (UTF-16) text file use:
FileOpen fn, FileName, OpenMode.Output
Print fn, vbUTF16BOM ' first char is the UTF-16 Byte Order Mark
... ' everything automatically converted to UTF-16
FileClose fn
To create a Unicode (UTF-8) text file use:
FileOpen fn, FileName, OpenMode.Output
Print fn, vbUTF8BOM ' first three chars are the UTF-8 Byte Order Mark
... ' everything automatically converted to UTF-8
FileClose fn
Parameter Description
This string value is the path and name of the file. A path relative to the current dir-
ectory can be used.
May be Input (1), Output (2), Append (8), Binary (4) or Random (32).
May be Read (1), Write (2) or Read Write (3). If omitted then Read Write is used.
May be Shared (0), Lock Read (2), Lock Write (1) or Lock Read Write (3). If omit-
ted then Shared is used.
Streams 1 through 255 are private to each macro. Streams 256 through 511 are
shared by all macros.
This numeric value is the record length for Random mode files. Other file modes
ignore this value.
See Also FileClose, FileAttr, FreeFile, Reset.
Example '#Language "WWB.NET"
Sub Main
FileOpen 1, "XXX", OpenMode.Output
PrintLine 1, "1,2,""Hello"""
FileClose 1
End Sub
Fix Function
Syntax Fix(
Group Math
Description Return the integer value.
Parameter Description
Return the integer portion of this numeric value. The number is truncated. Positive
numbers return the next lower integer. Negative numbers return the next
higher integer. '
See Also Int.
Example '#Language "WWB.NET"
Sub Main
Debug.Print Fix(9.9) ' 9
Debug.Print Fix(0) ' 0
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Debug.Print Fix(-9.9) '-9
End Sub
For Statement
Syntax For
As type
] =
Next [
Group Flow Control
Description Execute
s while
is in the range
Parameter Description
This is the iteration variable.
As type
Optional. The interation variable can be declared here which eliminates the need
for a separate Dim statement.
to this value initially.
Continue looping while
is in the range. See
If this numeric value is greater than zero then the for loop continues as long as
is less than or equal to
. If this numeric value is less than zero then the
for loop continues as long as
is greater than or equal to
. If this is omit-
ted then one is used.
See Also Do, For Each, Exit For, While.
Example '#Language "WWB.NET"
Sub Main
For I = 1 To 2000 Step 100
Debug.Print I; I+I; I*I
Next I
End Sub
For Each Statement
Syntax For Each
As type
] In
Next [
Group Flow Control
Description Execute
s for each item in
Parameter Description
This is the iteration variable.
As type
Optional. The interation variable can be declared here which eliminates the need
for a separate Dim statement.
This is the collection of items to be done.
See Also Do, For, Exit For, While.
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Example '#Language "WWB.NET"
Sub Main
Dim Document As Object
For Each Document In App.Documents
Debug.Print Document.Title
Next Document
End Sub
Forma' Function
Syntax Forma'(
], [
], _
Group String
Description Return the formatted string representation of
Parameter Description
Return the formatted string representation of this numeric value.
using to this string value. If this is omitted then return the
as a
Format using this day as the first day of the week. If this is omitted then the
vbSunday is used.
Format using this week as the first week of the year. If this is omitted then the
vbFirstJan1 is used.
firstday Value Description
vbUseSystemFirstDay 0 Use the systems first day of the week.
vbSunday 1 Sunday (default)
vbMonday 2 Monday
vbTuesday 3 Tuesday
vbWednesday 4 Wednesday
vbThursday 5 Thursday
vbFriday 6 Friday
vbSaturday 7 Saturday
firstweek Value Description
vbUseSystem 0 Use the systems first week of the year.
vbFirstJan1 1 The week that January 1 occurs in. This is the default value.
2 vbFirstFourDays The first week that has at least four days in the year.
3 vbFirstFullWeek The first week that entirely in the year.
See Also Predefined Date Format, Predefined Number Format, User defined
Date Format, User defined Number Format, User defined Text
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Format Predefined Date
Description The following predefined date formats may be used with the Format function.
Predefined formats may not be combined with user defined formats or other pre-
defined formats.
Form Description
General Date Same as user defined date format "c"
Long Date Same as user defined date format "dddddd"
Medium Date Not supported at this time.
Short Date Same as user defined date format "ddddd"
Long Time Same as user defined date format "ttttt"
Medium Time Same as user defined date format "hh:mm AMPM"
Short Time Same as user defined date format "hh:mm"
Format Predefined Number
Description The following predefined number formats may be used with the Format func-
tion. Predefined formats may not be combined with user defined formats or
other predefined formats.
Form Description
General Number
Return number as is.
Currency Same as user defined number format '#,##0.00;'#,##0.00)"
Not locale dependent at this time.
Fixed Same as user defined number format "0.00".
Standard Same as user defined number format "#,##0.00".
Percent Same as user defined number format "0.00%".
Scientific Same as user defined number format "0.00E+00".
Yes/No Return "No" if zero, else return "Yes".
True/False Return "True" if zero, else return "False".
On/Off Return "On" if zero, else return "Off".
Example '#Language "WWB.NET"
Sub Main
Debug.Print Forma'(2.145,"Standard") ' 2.15
End Sub
Format User Defined Date
Description The following date formats may be used with the Format function. Date
formats may be combined to create the user defined date format. User defined
date formats may not be combined with other user defined formats or pre-
defined formats.
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Parameter Description
: insert localized time separator
/ insert localized date separator
c insert ddddd ttttt, insert date only if t=0, insert time only if d=0
d insert day number without leading zero
dd insert day number with leading zero
ddd insert abbreviated day name
dddd insert full day name
ddddd insert date according to Short Date format
dddddd insert date according to Long Date format
w insert day of week number
ww insert week of year number
m insert month number without leading zero
insert minute number without leading zero (if follows h or hh)
mm insert month number with leading zero
insert minute number with leading zero (if follows h or hh)
mmm insert abbreviated month name
mmmm insert full month name
q insert quarter number
y insert day of year number
yy insert year number (two digits)
yyyy insert year number (four digits, no leading zeros)
h insert hour number without leading zero
hh insert hour number with leading zero
n insert minute number without leading zero
nn insert minute number with leading zero
s insert second number without leading zero
ss insert second number with leading zero
ttttt insert time according to time format
AM/PM use 12 hour clock and insert AM (hours 0 to 11) and PM (12 to 23)
am/pm use 12 hour clock and insert am (hours 0 to 11) and pm (12 to 23)
A/P use 12 hour clock and insert A (hours 0 to 11) and P (12 to 23)
a/p use 12 hour clock and insert a (hours 0 to 11) and p (12 to 23)
AMPM use 12 hour clock and insert localized AM/PM strings
\c insert character c
"text" insert literal text
Format User Defined Number
Description The following number formats may be used with the Format function. Number
formats may be combined to create the user defined number format. User
defined number formats may not be combined with other user defined formats
or predefined formats.
User defined number formats can contain up to four sections separated by ';':
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form - format for non-negative expr, '-'format for negative expr, empty
and null expr return ""
form;negform - negform: format for negative expr
form;negform;zeroform - zeroform: format for zero expr
form;negform;zeroform;nullform - nullform: format for null expr
Parameter Description
# digit, don't include leading/trailing zero digits (all the digits left of decimal point are
eg. Format(19,"###") returns "19"
eg. Format(19,"#") returns "19"
0 digit, include leading/trailing zero digits
eg. Format(19,"000") returns "019"
eg. Format(19,"0") returns "19"
. decimal, insert localized decimal point
eg. Format(19.9,"###.00") returns "19.90"
eg. Format(19.9,"###.##") returns "19.9"
, thousands, insert localized thousand separator every 3 digits
"xxx," or "xxx,." mean divide expr by 1000 prior to formatting
two adjacent commas ",," means divide expr by 1000 again
eg. Format(1900000,"0,,") returns "2"
eg. Format(1900000,"0,,.0") returns "1.9"
% percent, insert %, multiply expr by 100 prior to formatting
: insert localized time separator
/ insert localized date separator
E+ e+ E- e- use exponential notation, insert E (or e) and the signed exponent
eg. Format(1000,"0.00E+00") returns "1.00E+03"
eg. Format(.001,"0.00E+00") returns "1.00E-03"
- +' ( ) space insert literal char
eg. Format(10,'#") returns '10"
\c insert character c
eg. Format(19,"\####\#") returns "#19#"
"text" insert literal text
eg. Format(19,"""##""###""##""") returns "##19##"
Example '#Language "WWB.NET"
Sub Main
Debug.Print Forma'(2.145,"#.00") ' 2.15
End Sub
Format User Defined Text
Description The following text formats may be used with the Format function. Text
formats may be combined to create the user defined text format. User defined
text formats may not be combined with other user defined formats or pre-
defined formats.
User defined text formats can contain one or two sections separated by ';':
form - format for all strings
form;nullform - nullform: format for empty and null strings
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Parameter Description
@ char placeholder, insert char or space
& char placeholder, insert char or nothing
< all chars lowercase
> all chars uppercase
! fill placeholder from left-to-right (default is right-to-left)
\c insert character c
"text" insert literal text
Example '#Language "WWB.NET"
Sub Main
Debug.Print Format("123","ab@c") '" ab1c23"
Debug.Print Format("123","!ab@c") '" ab3c"
End Sub
FreeFile Function
Syntax FreeFile[()]
Group File
Description Return the next unused shared stream number (greater than or equal to 256).
Streams 1 through 255 are private to each macro. Streams 256 through 511 are
shared by all macros.
Example '#Language "WWB.NET"
Sub Main
Debug.Print FreeFile ' 256
FN = FreeFile
FileOpen FN, "XXX", OpenMode.Output
Debug.Print FreeFile ' 257
Debug.Print FreeFile ' 256
End Sub
Friend Keyword
Group Declaration
Description Friend Functions, Propertys and Subs in a
are available in all other
s/modules that access it. Friends are not accessible via Object variables.
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Function Definition
Syntax [| Private | Public | Friend ] _
[Default ] _
[, ...]])] _
As type
[()]] [Handles
End Function
Group Declaration
Description User defined function. The function defines a set of
s to be executed
when it is called. The values of the calling
are assigned to the
Assigning to
] sets the value of the function result.
Access If no access is specified then Public is assumed.
Handles The Function provides an event handler for the WithEvents variable's (
event (
See Also Declare, Property, Sub, WithEvents.
Example '#Language "WWB.NET"
Function Power(X,Y)
P = 1
For I = 1 To Y
P = P*X
Next I
Power = P
End Function
Sub Main
Debug.Print Power(2,8) ' 256
End Sub
Get Instruction
Syntax Get'
, [
Group File
Description Get a variable's value from
Parameter Description
Streams 1 through 255 are private to each macro. Streams 256 through 511 are
shared by all macros.
For Random mode files this is the record number. The first record is 1. Otherwise,
it is the byte position. The first byte is 1. If this is omitted then the current pos-
ition (or record number) is used.
This variable value is read from the file. For a fixed length variable (like Long) the
number of bytes required to restore the variable are read. For a Variant vari-
able two bytes are read which describe its type and then the variable value is
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read accordingly. For a
user structure
variable each field is read in sequence.
For an array variable each element is read in sequence. For a dynamic array
variable the number of dimensions and range of each dimension is read prior to
reading the array values. All binary data values are read from the file in
Note: When reading a string (or a dynamic array) from a Binary mode file the
length (or array dimension) information is not read. The current string length
determines how much string data is read. The current array dimension determ-
ines how may array elements are read.
See Also Open, Put.
Example '#Language "WWB.NET"
Sub Main
Dim V As Variant
FileOpen 1, "SAVE_V.DAT", OpenMode.Binary, OpenAccess.Read
Get'1, , V
End Sub
GetAllSettings Function
Syntax GetAllSettings(
Group Settings
Description Get all of
's settings in project
. Settings are returned in a
Object. Nothing is returned if there are no keys in the section. Otherwise, the
Object contains a two dimension array: (I,0) is the key and (I,1) is the setting.
Win16 and Win32s store settings in a .ini file named
. Win32/Win64
store settings in the registration database under "HKEY_CURRENT_USER\ Soft-
ware\ VB and VBA Program Settings\
". If
starts with "..\" then "VB and VBA Program Settings\" is omitted.
Parameter Description
This string value is the name of the project which has this
This string value is the name of the section of the project settings.
Example '#Language "WWB.NET"
Sub Main
SaveSetting "MyApp","Font","Size",10
SaveSetting "MyApp","Font","Name","Courier"
Settings = GetAllSettings("MyApp","Font")
For I = LBound(Settings) To UBound(Settings)
Debug.Print Settings(I,0); "="; Settings(I,1)
Next I
DeleteSetting "MyApp","Font"
End Sub
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GetAttr Function
Syntax GetAttr(
Group File
Description Return the
s for file
. If the file does not exist then a run-time
error occurs.
Parameter Description
This string value is the path and name of the file. A path relative to the current dir-
ectory can be used.
Example '#Language "WWB.NET"
Sub Main
' = Di'("*.*")
While ' <> ""
Debug.Print '; " "; GetAttr(')
' = Di'()
End While
End Sub
GetChar Function
Syntax GetChar(
Group String
Description Return the character at
. The first char is at Index=1.
Parameter Description
Index into this string value.
This is the index into the string value.
Example '#Language "WWB.NET"
Sub Main
Debug.Print GetChar("abcd",2) '"b"
End Sub
GetFilePat' Function
Syntax GetFilePat'([
], [
], [
], _
], [
Group User Input
Description Put up a dialog box and get a file path from the user. The returned string is a
complete path and file name. If the cancel button is pressed then a null string is
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Parameter Description
Set the initial File Name in the to this string value. If this is omitted then *.
Initially show files whose extension matches this string value. (Multiple extensions
can be specified by using ";" as the separator.) If this is omitted then * is used.
A "filter" may be specified using "description|*.ext|". Multiple descriptions can
be used by repeating this format. (e.g. "Bitmap files|*.bmp|PNG
files|*.png|JPEG files|*.jpg")
This string value is the initial directory. If this is omitted then the current directory
is used.
This string value is the title of the dialog. If this is omitted then "Get File Path" is
This numeric value determines the file selection options. If this is omitted then
zero is used. See table below.
Option Effect
0 Only allow the user to select a file that exists.
1 Confirm creation when the user selects a file that does not exist.
2 Allow the user to select any file whether it exists or not.
3 Confirm overwrite when the user selects a file that exists.
+4 Selecting a different directory changes the application's current directory.
Example '#Language "WWB.NET"
Sub Main
Debug.Print GetFilePat'()
End Sub
GetObject Function
Syntax GetObject([
Group Object
Description Get an existing object of type
Pocket PC Not supported.
Parameter Description
This is the file where the object resides. If this is omitted then the currently active
object for
is returned.
This string value is the application's registered class name. If this application is not
currently active it will be started. If this is omitted then the application asso-
ciated with the file's extension will be started.
Example '#Language "WWB.NET"
Sub Main
Dim App As Object
'App = GetObject(,"WinWrap.CppDemoApplication")
App.Move 20,30 ' move icon to 20,30
'App = Nothing
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App.Quit ' run-time error (no object)
End Sub
GetLocale Function
Syntax GetLocale
Group Miscellaneous
Description Get the locale ID for the current thread.
See Also SetLocale.
Example '#Language "WWB.NET"
Sub Main
SetLocale &H409 ' English, US
Debug.Print Hex(GetLocale) '"409"
End Sub
GetSetting Function
Syntax GetSettin'(
Group Settings
Description Get the setting for
in project
. Win16 and Win32s store
settings in a .ini file named
. Win32/Win64 store settings in the regis-
tration database under "HKEY_CURRENT_USER\ Software\ VB and VBA Pro-
gram Settings\
". If
starts with "..\" then "VB
and VBA Program Settings\" is omitted.
Parameter Description
This string value is the name of the project which has this
This string value is the name of the section of the project settings.
This string value is the name of the key in the section of the project settings.
Return this string value if no setting has been saved. If this is omitted then a null
string is used.
Example '#Language "WWB.NET"
Sub Main
SaveSetting "MyApp","Font","Size",10
Debug.Print GetSetting("MyApp","Font","Size") ' 10
End Sub
GetType Operator
Syntax GetType(
Group Operator
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Description Return the .NET Type object for
This operator does not support user defined Enums, Structures, Class Mod-
ules or Object Modules.
See Also Objects.
Example '#Language "WWB.NET"
Sub Main
Debug.Print GetType(Integer).Name '"Integer"
End Sub
Goto Instruction
Syntax GoTo
Group Flow Control
Description Go to the
and continue execution from there. Only
s in the current
user defined
are accessible.
Example '#Language "WWB.NET"
Sub Main
X = 2
X = X*X
If X < 100 Then GoTo Loop
Debug.Print X ' 256
End Sub
GroupBox Dialog Item Definition
Syntax GroupBox
[, .
Group User Dialog
Description Define a groupbox item.
Parameter Description
This number value is the distance from the left edge of the dialog box. It is meas-
ured in 1/8 ths of the average character width for the dialog's font.
This number value is the distance from the top edge of the dialog box. It is meas-
ured in 1/12 ths of the character height for the dialog's font.
This number value is the width. It is measured in 1/8 ths of the average character
width for the dialog's font.
This number value is the height. It is measured in 1/12 ths of the character height
for the dialog's font.
This string value is the title of the group box.
This identifier is the name of the field. The
receives this name as
If this identifer is omitted then the first two words of the title are used.
See Also Begin Dialog.
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Example '#Language "WWB.NET"
Sub Main
Begin Dialog UserDialog 200,120
Text 10,10,180,15,"Please push the OK button"
GroupBox 10,25,180,60,"Group box"
OKButton 80,90,40,20
End Dialog
Dim dlg As UserDialog
Dialog dlg ' show dialog (wait for ok)
End Sub
He' Function
Syntax He'(
Group String
Description Return a hex string.
Parameter Description
Return a hex encoded string for this numeric value.
See Also Oc'(), St'(), Val().
Example '#Language "WWB.NET"
Sub Main
Debug.Print He'(15) 'F
End Sub
Hour Function
Syntax Hour(
Group Time/Date
Description Return the hour of the day (0 to 23).
Parameter Description
Return the hour of the day for this date value. '
See Also Minute(), Second(), Time().
Example '#Language "WWB.NET"
Sub Main
Debug.Print Hour(#12:00:01 AM#) ' 0
End Sub
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If Statement
Syntax If
Then [
] [Else
End If
Group Flow Control
Description Form 1: Single line if statement. Execute the
following the Then if
is True. Otherwise, execute the
following the Else. The
Else portion is optional.
Form 2: The multiple line if is useful for complex ifs. Each if
is checked
in turn. The first True one causes the following
s to be executed. If all
are False then the Else's
s are executed. The ElseIf and Else portions
are optional.
Form 3: If
's type is the same type or a type descended from
Then portion is executed.
See Also Select Case, Choose(), IIf().
Example '#Language "WWB.NET"
Sub Main
S = InputBox("Enter hello, goodbye, dinner or sleep:")
S = UCase(S)
If S = "HELLO" Then Debug.Print "come in"
If S = "GOODBYE" Then Debug.Print "see you later"
If S = "DINNER" Then
Debug.Print "Please come in."
Debug.Print "Dinner will be ready soon."
ElseIf S = "SLEEP" Then
Debug.Print "Sorry."
Debug.Print "We are full for the night"
End If
End Sub
IIf Function
Syntax IIf(
Group Miscellaneous
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Description Return the value of the parameter indicated by
. Both
are evaluated.
Parameter Description
If this value is True then return
. Otherwise, return
Return this value if
is True.
Return this value if
is False.
See Also If, Select Case, Choose().
Example '#Language "WWB.NET"
Sub Main
Debug.Print IIf(1 > 0,"True","False") '"True"
End Sub
Imports Definition
Syntax Imports [alias =] prefix
Group Declaration
Description The Imports statement provides a convenient shorthand for using identifiers
provided by references.
Parameter Description
alias Use this identifier as a substitute for "prefix". If omitted, no alternate identifier is
prefix Use this "prefix" before identifiers when searching references.
Example '#Language "WWB.NET"
Imports System.Text
Imports StrBuf = System.Text.StringBuffer
Sub Main
Dim sb As New StringBuffer ' System.Text.StringBuffer
Dim sb2 As New StrBuf ' System.Text.StringBuffer
End Sub
Input Instruction
Syntax Input'
[, ...]
Group File
Description Get input from
and assign it to
s. Input values are comma delim-
ited. Leading and trailing spaces are ignored. If the first char (following the lead-
ing spaces) is a quote (") then the string is terminated by an ending quote.
Special values #NULL#, #FALSE#, #TRUE#, #date# and #ERROR number#
are converted to their appropriate value and data type.
See Also Line Input, Print, Write.
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Example '#Language "WWB.NET"
Sub Main
Dim A, B, '
FileOpen 1, "XXX", OpenMode.Input
Input'1, A, B, '
Debug.Print A, B, '
End Sub
InputBo' Function
Syntax InputBo'(
Group User Input
Description Display an input box where the user can enter a line of text. Pressing the OK
button returns the string entered. Pressing the Cancel button returns a null
Parameter Description
Use this string value as the prompt in the input box.
Use this string value as the title of the input box. If this is omitted then the input
box does not have a title.
Use this string value as the initial value in the input box. If this is omitted then the
initial value is blank.
When the dialog is put up the left edge will be at this screen position. If this is omit-
ted then the dialog will be centered.
When the dialog is put up the top edge will be at this screen position. If this is omit-
ted then the dialog will be centered.
Example '#Language "WWB.NET"
Sub Main
Dim '
' = InputBo'("Enter some text:", _
"Input Box Example","asdf")
Debug.Print '
End Sub
InputStrin' Function
Syntax InputStrin'(
Group File
Description Return
chars from
Parameter Description
Streams 1 through 255 are private to each macro. Streams 256 through 511 are
shared by all macros.
Read this many chars. If fewer than that many chars are left before the end of file
then a run-time error occurs.
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Example '#Language "WWB.NET"
Sub Main
FileOpen 1, "XXX", OpenMode.Input
Dim L, T
L = LOF(1)
T = InputString(1,L)
FileClose 1
Debug.Print T;
End Sub
InStr Function
Syntax InStr([
, ]
Group String
Description Return the index where
first matches
. If no match is found return 0.
Parameter Description
Start searching for
at this index in
. If this is omitted then start searching from
the beginning of
Search for
in this string value. '
for this string value. '
See Also InStrRev(), Lef'(), Len(), Mi'(), Replac'(), Righ'().
Example '#Language "WWB.NET"
Sub Main
Debug.Print InStr("Hello","l") ' 3
End Sub
InStrRev Function
Syntax InStrRev(
Group String
Description Return the index where
last matches
. If no match is found return 0.
Parameter Description
Search for
in this string value. '
for this string value. '
Start searching for
ending at this index in
. If this is omitted then start search-
ing from the end of
See Also Lef'(), Len(), Mi'(), Replac'(), Righ'().
Example '#Language "WWB.NET"
Sub Main
Debug.Print InStrRev("Hello","l") ' 4
End Sub
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Int Function
Syntax Int(
Group Math
Description Return the integer value.
Parameter Description
Return the largest integer which is less than or equal to this numeric value. '
See Also Fix.
Example '#Language "WWB.NET"
Sub Main
Debug.Print Int(9.9) ' 9
Debug.Print Int(0) ' 0
Debug.Print Int(-9.9) '-10
End Sub
Integer Data Type
Syntax Dim v As Integer
Group Data Type
Description A 32 bit signed integer value.
Is Operator
Group Operator
Description Return the True if both
s refer to the same object.
The IsNot operator inverts the result.
See Also Objects.
Example '#Language "WWB.NET"
Sub Main
Dim X As Object
Dim Y As Object
Debug.Print X Is Y ' True
Debug.Print X IsNot Y ' False
End Sub
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IsArray Function
Syntax IsArray(
Group Variable Info
Description Return the True if
is an array of values.
Parameter Description
A array variable or a variant var can contain multiple of values.
See Also TypeName, VarType.
Example '#Language "WWB.NET"
Sub Main
Dim X As Object, Y(2) As Integer
Debug.Print IsArray(X) 'False
X = Y
Debug.Print IsArray(X) 'True
End Sub
IsDate Function
Syntax IsDate(
Group Variable Info
Description Return the True if
is a valid date.
Parameter Description
A variant expression to test for a valid date.
See Also TypeName, VarType.
Example '#Language "WWB.NET"
Sub Main
Dim X As Object
X = 1
Debug.Print IsDate(X) 'False
X = Now
Debug.Print IsDate(X) 'True
End Sub
IsDBNull Function
Syntax IsDBNull(
Group Variable Info
Description Return the True if
is System.DBNull.Value.
Parameter Description
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A variant expression to test for System.DBNull.Value.
See Also IsDBNull, TypeName, VarType.
Example '#Language "WWB.NET"
Sub Main
Dim X As Object
Debug.Print IsEmpty(X) 'True
Debug.Print IsDBNull(X) 'False
X = 1
Debug.Print IsDBNull(X) 'False
X = "1"
Debug.Print IsDBNull(X) 'False
X = System.DBNull.Value
Debug.Print IsDBNull(X) 'True
X = X*2
Debug.Print IsDBNull(X) 'True
End Sub
IsError Function
Syntax IsError(
Group Variable Info
Description Return the True if
is an error code.
Parameter Description
A variant expression to test for an error code value.
See Also TypeName, VarType.
Example '#Language "WWB.NET"
Sub Main
Dim X As Object
Debug.Print IsError(X) 'False
X = CVErr(1)
Debug.Print IsError(X) 'True
End Sub
IsNot Operator
Group Operator
Description Return the False if both
s refer to the same object.
See Also Objects.
Example '#Language "WWB.NET"
Sub Main
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Dim X As Object
Dim Y As Object
Debug.Print X IsNot Y ' False
End Sub
IsNothing Function
Syntax IsNothing(
Group Variable Info
Description Return the True if
contains an object reference which is Nothing.
Parameter Description
reference is Nothing return True.
See Also TypeName, VarType.
Example '#Language "WWB.NET"
Sub Main
Dim X As Object
X = 1
Debug.Print IsNothing(X) 'False
X = "1"
Debug.Print IsNothing(X) 'False
'X = Nothing
Debug.Print IsNothing(X) 'True
End Sub
IsNumeric Function
Syntax IsNumeric(
Group Variable Info
Description Return the True if
is a numeric value.
Parameter Description
A variant expression is a numeric value if it is
or string value that rep-
resents a number.
See Also TypeName, VarType.
Example '#Language "WWB.NET"
Sub Main
Dim X As Object
X = 1
Debug.Print IsNumeric(X) 'True
X = "1"
Debug.Print IsNumeric(X) 'True
X = "A"
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Debug.Print IsNumeric(X) 'False
End Sub
IsReference Function
Syntax IsReference(
Group Variable Info
Description Return the True if
contains an object reference.
Parameter Description
is an object reference return True.
See Also TypeName, VarType.
Example '#Language "WWB.NET"
Sub Main
Dim X As Object
X = 1
Debug.Print IsReference(X) 'False
X = "1"
Debug.Print IsReference(X) 'False
'X = Nothing
Debug.Print IsReference(X) 'True
End Sub
Join Function
Syntax Join(
, [
Group Miscellaneous
Description Return a string by concatenating all the values in the array with Sep in between
each one.
Parameter Description
Concatenate values from this array.
Use this string value to separate the values. (Default: " ")
See Also Split().
Example '#Language "WWB.NET"
Sub Main
Debug.Print Join(Array(1,2,3)) '"1 2 3"
End Sub
KeyName Function
Syntax KeyName(
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Group Miscellaneous
Description Return the key name for a key number. This is the name used by SendKeys.
Parameter Description
Key number.
See Also SendKeys.
Example '#Language "WWB.NET"
Sub Main
Debug.Print KeyName(&H270) '"^{F1}"
End Sub
Kill Instruction
Syntax Kill
Group File
Description Delete the file named by
Parameter Description
This string value is the path and name of the file. A path relative to the current dir-
ectory can be used.
Example '#Language "WWB.NET"
Sub Main
Kill "XXX"
End Sub
LBound Function
Syntax LBound(
Group Variable Info
Description Return the lowest index.
Parameter Description
Return the lowest index for this array variable.
Return the lowest index for this dimension of
. If this is omitted then
return the lowest index for the first dimension.
See Also UBound().
Example '#Language "WWB.NET"
Sub Main
Dim A(-1 To 3,2 To 6)
Debug.Print LBound(A) '-1
Debug.Print LBound(A,1) '-1
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Debug.Print LBound(A,2) ' 2
End Sub
LCas' Function
Syntax LCas'(
Group String
Description Return a string from
where all the uppercase letters have been lowercased.
Parameter Description
Return the string value of this after all chars have been converted to lowercase. '
See Also StrComp(), StrCon'(), UCas'().
Example '#Language "WWB.NET"
Sub Main
Debug.Print LCas'("Hello") '"hello"
End Sub
Lef' Function
Syntax Lef'(
Group String
Description Return a string from
with only the
Parameter Description
Return the left portion of this string value. '
Return this many chars. If
is shorter than that then just return
See Also InStr(), InStrRev(), Len(), Mi'(), Replac'(), Righ'().
Example '#Language "WWB.NET"
Sub Main
Debug.Print Lef'("Hello",2) '"He"
End Sub
Len Function
Syntax Len(
Group String
Description Return the number of characters in
Parameter Description
Return the number of chars in this string value. '
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Return the number of bytes required to store this user variable. If the user type
has any dynamic String and Variant elements the length returned may not be
as big as the actual number of bytes required.
See Also InStr(), InStrRev(), Lef'(), Mi'(), Replac'(), Righ'().
Example '#Language "WWB.NET"
Sub Main
Debug.Print Len("Hello") ' 5
End Sub
Like Operator
Group Operator
Description Return the True if
matches pattern
. The pattern in
is one or more
of the special character sequences shown in the following table.
Char(s) Description
? Match any single character.
* Match zero or more characters.
# Match a single digit (0-9).
] Match any char in the list.
] Match any char not in the list.
Example '#Language "WWB.NET"
Sub Main
Debug.Print "abcdfgcdefg" Like "" ' False
Debug.Print "abcdfgcdefg" Like "a*g" ' True
Debug.Print "abcdfgcdefg" Like "a*cde*g" ' True
Debug.Print "abcdfgcdefg" Like "a*cd*cd*g" ' True
Debug.Print "abcdfgcdefg" Like "a*cd*cd*g" ' True
Debug.Print "00aa" Like "####" ' False
Debug.Print "00aa" Like "????" ' True
Debug.Print "00aa" Like "##??" ' True
Debug.Print "00aa" Like "*##*" ' True
Debug.Print "hk" Like "hk*" ' True
End Sub
LineInput Function
Syntax LineInput(
Group File
Description Get a line of input from
See Also Input, Print, Write.
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Example '#Language "WWB.NET"
Sub Main
FileOpen 1, "XXX", OpenMode.Input
Dim S As String
S = LineInput(1)
Debug.Print S
FileClose 1
End Sub
ListBox Dialog Item Definition
Syntax ListBox
, .
Group User Dialog
Description Define a listbox item.
Parameter Description
This number value is the distance from the left edge of the dialog box. It is meas-
ured in 1/8 ths of the average character width for the dialog's font.
This number value is the distance from the top edge of the dialog box. It is meas-
ured in 1/12 ths of the character height for the dialog's font.
This number value is the width. It is measured in 1/8 ths of the average character
width for the dialog's font.
This number value is the height. It is measured in 1/12 ths of the character height
for the dialog's font.
StrArra'( )
This one-dimensional array of strings establishes the list of choices. All the non-
null elements of the array are used.
The value of the list box is accessed via this field. It is the index of the
StrArra'( )
This numeric value controls the type of list box. Choose one value from following
table. (If this numeric value omitted then zero is used.)
Option Description
0 List is not sorted.
1 List is not sorted and horizontally scrollable.
2 List is sorted.
3 List is sorted and horizontally scrollable.
See Also Begin Dialog, MultiListBox.
Example '#Language "WWB.NET"
Sub Main
Dim list'(3)
list'(0) = "List 0"
list'(1) = "List 1"
list'(2) = "List 2"
list'(3) = "List 3"
Begin Dialog UserDialog 200,120
Text 10,10,180,15,"Please push the OK button"
ListBox 10,25,180,60,list'(),.list
OKButton 80,90,40,20
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End Dialog
Dim dlg As UserDialog
dlg.list = 2
Dialog dlg ' show dialog (wait for ok)
Debug.Print dlg.list
End Sub
Loc Function
Syntax Loc(
Group File
Description Return
file position. For Random mode files this is the current
record number minus one. For Binary mode files it is the current byte position
minus one. Otherwise, it is the current byte position minus one divided by 128.
The first position in the file is 0.
Parameter Description
Streams 1 through 255 are private to each macro. Streams 256 through 511 are
shared by all macros.
Example '#Language "WWB.NET"
Sub Main
FileOpen 1, "XXX" OpenMode.Input
L = Loc(1)
Debug.Print L ' 0
End Sub
Lock Instruction
Syntax Lock
, [
] To
Group File
Description Form 1: Lock all of
Form 2: Lock a record (or byte) of
Form 3: Lock a range of records (or bytes) of
. If
is omitted
then lock starting at the first record (or byte).
Note: Be sure to Unlock for each Lock instruction.
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Note: For sequential files (Input, Output and Append) lock always affects the
entire file.
Parameter Description
Streams 1 through 255 are private to each macro. Streams 256 through 511 are
shared by all macros.
For Random mode files this is the record number. The first record is 1. Otherwise,
it is the byte position. The first byte is 1.
First record (or byte) in the range.
Last record (or byte) in the range.
See Also Open, Unlock.
Example '#Language "WWB.NET"
Sub Main
Dim V As Variant
FileOpen 1, "SAVE_V.DAT" OpenMode.Binary
Get'1, 1, V
V = "Hello"
Put'1, 1, V
End Sub
LOF Function
Syntax LOF(
Group File
Description Return
file length (in bytes).
Parameter Description
Streams 1 through 255 are private to each macro. Streams 256 through 511 are
shared by all macros.
Example '#Language "WWB.NET"
Sub Main
FileOpen 1, "XXX" OpenMode.Input
L = LOF(1)
Debug.Print L
End Sub
Log Function
Syntax Log(
Group Math
Description Return the natural logarithm.
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Parameter Description
Return the natural logarithm of this numeric value. The value e is approximately
See Also Exp.
Example '#Language "WWB.NET"
Sub Main
Debug.Print Log(1) ' 0
End Sub
Long Data Type
Syntax Dim v As Long
Group Data Type
Description A 64 bit signed integer value. The number of bits is controlled by the #Lan-
guage setting.
LSe' Function
Syntax LSe'(
Group String
Description Return a string from
with only the
Parameter Description
Return the left portion of this string value.
Return this many chars. If
is shorter than that then fill the remainder with spaces.
See Also RSe'().
Example '#Language "WWB.NET"
Sub Main
Debug.Print LSe'("Hello",6) '"Hello "
End Sub
LTri' Function
Syntax LTri'(
Group String
Description Return the string with
's leading spaces removed.
Parameter Description
Copy this string without the leading spaces. '
See Also RTri'(), Tri'().
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Example '#Language "WWB.NET"
Sub Main
Debug.Print "."; LTri'(" x "); "." '".x ."
End Sub
MacroCheck Function
Syntax MacroCheck(
Group Flow Control
Description Check the syntax of a
. Does not execute the macro/module.
Returns an Err object if there is a syntax error, otherwise Nothing is returned.
Parameter Description
Check the macro named by this string value.
See Also MacroCheckThis, MacroRun, MacroRunThis, ModuleLoad, Mod-
Example '#Language "WWB.NET"
Sub Main
Dim E As ErrObject
'E = MacroCheck("Demo")
If Not E Is Nothing Then Debug.Print E.Description
End Sub
MacroCheckThis Function
Syntax MacroCheckThis(
Group Flow Control
Description Check the syntax the
code in
. The macro/module
code is not executed. Returns an Err object if there is a syntax error, otherwise
Nothing is returned.
Parameter Description
Check the macro code in this string value.
See Also MacroCheck, MacroRun, MacroRunThis, ModuleLoad, Mod-
Example '#Language "WWB.NET"
Sub Main
Dim E As ErrObject
'E = MacroCheckThis("bad macro")
If Not E Is Nothing Then Debug.Print E.Description
End Sub
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MacroDi' Function
Syntax MacroDi'
Group Flow Control
Description Return the directory of the current macro. A run-time error occurs if the current
macro has never been saved.
See Also MacroRun.
Example '#Language "WWB.NET"
Sub Main
' open the file called Data that is in the
' same directory as the macro
FileOpen 1, MacroDir & "\Data", OpenMode.Input
Dim S As String
S = LineInput(1)
Debug.Print '
End Sub
MacroRun Instruction
Syntax MacroRun
Group Flow Control
Description Play a
. Execution will continue at the following statement after the
macro has completed.
Parameter Description
Run the macro named by this string value.
Pass this string value as the macro's Comman' value.
See Also Comman', MacroCheck, MacroCheckThis, MacroDi', MacroRunThis,
ModuleLoad, ModuleLoadThis.
Example '#Language "WWB.NET"
Sub Main
Debug.Print "Before Demo"
MacroRun "Demo"
Debug.Print "After Demo"
End Sub
MacroRunThis Instruction
Syntax MacroRunThis
Group Flow Control
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Description Play the
code in
. Execution will continue at the following
statement after the macro code has completed. The macro code can be either a
single line or a complete macro.
Parameter Description
Run the macro code in this string value.
See Also Comman', MacroCheck, MacroCheckThis, MacroDi', MacroRun, Mod-
uleLoad, ModuleLoadThis.
Example '#Language "WWB.NET"
Sub Main
Debug.Print "Before Demo"
MacroRunThis "MsgBox ""Hello"""
Debug.Print "After Demo"
End Sub
Main Sub
Syntax Sub Main()
End Sub
Private Sub Main()
End Sub
Group Declaration
Description Form 1: Each
must define Sub Main. A macro is a "program". Running a
macro starts the Sub Main and continues to execute until the subroutine fin-
Form 2: A code
may define a Private Sub Main. This Sub Main is the
code module initialization subroutine. If Main is not defined then no special ini-
tialization occurs.
See Also Code Module.
Me Object
Syntax Me
Group Object
Description Me references the current macro/module. It can be used like any other
, except that it's reference can't be changed.
Example '#Language "WWB.NET"
Sub Main
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Me.DoIt ' calls the same sub
End Sub
Sub DoIt
MsgBox "Hello"
End Sub
Mi' Function/Assignment
Syntax Mi'(
]) =
Group String
Description Function: Return the substring of
starting at
Instruction: Assign
to the substring in
starting at
Parameter Description (Mid Function)
Copy chars from this string value. '
Start copying chars starting at this index value. If the string is not that long then
return a null string.
Copy this many chars. If the
does not have that many chars starting at
copy the remainder of
Parameter Description (Mid Assignment)
Change part of this string.
starting at this index value. If the string is not that long then it is not
The number of chars copied is smallest of: the value of
, the length of
and the
remaining length of
. (If this value is omitted then the number of chars
copied is the smallest of: the length of
and the remaining length of
Copy chars from this string value.
See Also InStr(), Lef'(), Len(), Replac'(), Righ'().
Example '#Language "WWB.NET"
Sub Main
' = "Hello There"
Mi'(',7) = "?????????"
Debug.Print ' '"Hello ?????"
Debug.Print Mi'("Hello",2,1) '"e"
End Sub
Minute Function
Syntax Minute(
Group Time/Date
Description Return the minute of the hour (0 to 59).
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Parameter Description
Return the minute of the hour for this date value. '
See Also Hour(), Second(), Time().
Example '#Language "WWB.NET"
Sub Main
Debug.Print Minute(#12:00:01 AM#) ' 0
End Sub
MkDir Instruction
Syntax MkDir
Group File
Description Make directory
Parameter Description
This string value is the path and name of the directory. A path relative to the cur-
rent directory can be used.
See Also RmDir.
Example '#Language "WWB.NET"
Sub Main
End Sub
ModuleLoad Function
Syntax ModuleLoad(
Group Flow Control
Description Load a
. Does not execute the module. Macro's can not be loaded.
Returns an object if successful, otherwise Nothing is returned.
Parameter Description
Load the module named by this string value.
Return a new instance if True. Otherwise return the default instance. A class mod-
ule does not have a default instance. A code module can not have a new
See Also MacroCheck, MacroCheckThis, MacroRun, MacroRunThis, Mod-
Example '#Language "WWB.NET"
Sub Main
Dim Obj As Object
'Obj = ModuleLoad("Demo")
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Obj.DoIt ' call Demo's DoIt method
End Sub
ModuleLoadThis Function
Syntax ModuleLoadThis(
Group Flow Control
Description Load
as a
. Does not execute the module. Macro's can not
be loaded. Returns an object if successful, otherwise Nothing is returned.
Parameter Description
Load the module code in this string value.
Return a new instance if True. Otherwise return the default instance. A class mod-
ule does not have a default instance. A code module can not have a new
See Also MacroCheck, MacroCheckThis, MacroRun, MacroRunThis, Mod-
Example '#Language "WWB.NET"
Sub Main
Dim Obj As Object
'Obj = ModuleLoadThis("Sub DoIt" & vbCrLf & "End Sub", False)
Obj.DoIt ' call Demo's DoIt method
End Sub
Month Function
Syntax Month(
Group Time/Date
Description Return the month of the year (1 to 12).
Parameter Description
Return the month of the year for this date value. '
See Also Date(), Day(), MonthName(), Weekday(), Year().
Example '#Language "WWB.NET"
Sub Main
Debug.Print Month(#1/1/1900#) ' 1
Debug.Print Month(#2/1/1900#) ' 2
End Sub
MonthName Function
Syntax MonthName(NumZ{month}[, CondZ{abbrev}])
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Group Time/Date
Description Return the localized name of the month.
Parameter Description
Return the localized name of this month. (1-12)
If this conditional value is True then return the abbreviated form of the month
See Also Month().
Example '#Language "WWB.NET"
Sub Main
Debug.Print MonthName(1) 'January
Debug.Print MonthName(Month(Now))
End Sub
MsgBox Instruction/Function
Syntax MsgBox
Group User Input
DescriptionShow a message box titled
controls what the message box looks like
(choose one value from each category). Use MsgBox( ) if you need to know
what button was pressed. The result indicates which button was pressed.
Result Value Button Pressed
vbOK 1 OK button
vbCancel 2 Cancel button
vbAbort 3 Abort button
vbRetry 4 Retry button
vbIgnore 5 Ignore button
vbYes 6 Yes button
vbNo 7 No button
Parameter Description
This string value is the text that is shown in the message box.
This numeric value controls the type of message box. Choose one value from each
of the following tables.
This string value is the title of the message box.
Button Value Effect
vbOkOnly 0 OK button
vbOkCancel 1 OK and Cancel buttons
vbAbortRetryIgnore 2 Abort, Retry, Ignore buttons
vbYesNoCancel 3 Yes, No, Cancel buttons
vbYesNo 4 Yes and No buttons
vbRetryCancel 5 Retry and Cancel buttons
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Icon Value Effect
0 No icon
vbCritical 16 Stop icon
vbQuestion 32 Question icon
vbExclamation 48 Attention icon
vbInformation 64 Information icon
Default Value Effect
vbDefaultButton1 0 First button
vbDefaultButton2 256 Second button
vbDefaultButton3 512 Third button
Mode Value Effect
vbApplicationModal 0 Application modal
vbSystemModal 4096 System modal
vbMsgBoxSetForeground &h10000 Show message box in front of all other windows
Example '#Language "WWB.NET"
Sub Main
MsgBox "Please press OK button"
If MsgBox("Please press OK button",vbOkCancel) = vbOK Then
Debug.Print "OK was pressed"
Debug.Print "Cancel was pressed"
End If
End Sub
MultiListBox Dialog Item Definition
Syntax MultiListBox
, .
Group User Dialog
Description Define a multiple selection listbox item.
Parameter Description
This number value is the distance from the left edge of the dialog box. It is meas-
ured in 1/8 ths of the average character width for the dialog's font.
This number value is the distance from the top edge of the dialog box. It is meas-
ured in 1/12 ths of the character height for the dialog's font.
This number value is the width. It is measured in 1/8 ths of the average character
width for the dialog's font.
This number value is the height. It is measured in 1/12 ths of the character height
for the dialog's font.
StrArra'( )
This one-dimensional array of strings establishes the list of choices. All the non-
null elements of the array are used.
The values of the list box are accessed via this field. It is the index of the
StrArra'( )
This numeric value controls the type of list box. Choose one value from following
table. (If this numeric value omitted then zero is used.)
Option Description
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0 List is not sorted.
1 List is not sorted and horizontally scrollable.
2 List is sorted.
3 List is sorted and horizontally scrollable.
See Also Begin Dialog, ListBox.
Example '#Language "WWB.NET"
Sub Main
Dim list'(3)
list'(0) = "List 0"
list'(1) = "List 1"
list'(2) = "List 2"
list'(3) = "List 3"
Begin Dialog UserDialog 200,120
Text 10,10,180,15,"Please push the OK button"
MultiListBox 10,25,180,60,list'(),.list
OKButton 80,90,40,20
End Dialog
Dim dlg As UserDialog
Dim selects() As Integer = {0,2}
dlg.list = selects
Dialog dlg ' show dialog (wait for ok)
Dim i As Integer
For i = LBound(dlg.list) To UBound(dlg.list)
Debug.Print dlg.list(i);
Next i
End Sub
New Operator
Syntax New
[, ...]])]
() {
[, ...] \verb,},
Group Operator
Description Returns a new instance of
. Or, use {
, ... } to create an array value.
Parameter Description
This is the new object's type.
s A list of zero or more
s used during the object creation.
See Also Objects.
Example '#Language "WWB.NET"
Sub Main
Dim obj As Object
'obj = New System.Collections.Hashtable
End Sub
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Nothing Keyword
Group Constant
Description An
that does not refer to any object.
Now Function
Syntax Now
Group Time/Date
Description Return the current date and time as a Date value.
See Also Date, Time.
Example '#Language "WWB.NET"
Sub Main
Debug.Print Now ' example: 1/1/1995 10:05:32 AM
End Sub
Object Data Type
Syntax Dim v As Object
Group Data Type
Description An object reference value. (see Objects) An object reference may also appear
to have a data value, see table below:
Data Description
get-reference Use in any
object expression
set-reference Use Assign to change the reference.
get-value Use the reference as a data value. If it is not a data value, a "type mismatch error"
will occur.
assign-value Use Assign to change the value.
Object Module
Group Declaration
Description An object
implements an object.
Has a set of Public
s accessible from other
These public symbols are accessed via the name of the object module or
an object variable.
Public Consts, Structures, arrays, fixed length strings are not allowed.
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Has an optional Private Sub Object_Initialize which is called when an
instance is created.
Has an optional Private Sub Object_Terminate which is called when an
instance is destroyed.
An object module is similar to a class module except that one instance is
automatically created. That instance has the same name as the object
module's name.
To create additional instances use:
Dim Obj As objectname
Obj = New objectname
See Also Class Module, Code Module, Uses, Object_Initialize, Object_Ter-
Example 'A.WWB
'#Language "WWB.NET"
'#Uses "System.OBM"
Sub Main
Debug.Print Hex(System.Version)
End Sub
'File|New Module|Object Module
'#Language "WWB.NET"
Option Explicit
Declare Function GetVersion16 Lib "Kernel" _
Alias "GetVersion" () As Long
Declare Function GetVersion Lib "Kernel32" () As PortInt
Public Function Version() As PortInt
If Win16 Then
Version = GetVersion16
Version = GetVersion
End If
End Function
Object_Initialize Sub
Syntax Private Sub Object_Initialize()
End Sub
Group Declaration
Description Object module initialization subroutine. Each time a new instance is created for
a Object module the Object_Initialize sub is called. If Object_Initialize is not
defined then no special initialization occurs.
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Note: Object_Initialize is also called for the instance that is automatically cre-
See Also Object Module, Object_Terminate.
Object_Terminate Sub
Syntax Private Sub Object_Terminate()
End Sub
Group Declaration
Description Object module termination subroutine. Each time an instance is destroyed for a
Object module the Object_Terminate sub is called. If Object_Terminate is not
defined then no special termination occurs.
See Also Object Module, Object_Initialize.
Oc' Function
Syntax Oc'(
Group String
Description Return a octal string.
Parameter Description
Return an octal encoded string for this numeric value.
See Also He'(), St'(), Val().
Example '#Language "WWB.NET"
Sub Main
Debug.Print Oc'(15) '17
End Sub
OKButton Dialog Item Definition
Syntax OKButton
[, .
Group User Dialog
Description Define an OK button item. Pressing the OK button updates the
field val-
ues and closes the dialog. (Dialog( ) function call returns -1.)
Parameter Description
This number value is the distance from the left edge of the dialog box. It is meas-
ured in 1/8 ths of the average character width for the dialog's font.
This number value is the distance from the top edge of the dialog box. It is meas-
ured in 1/12 ths of the character height for the dialog's font.
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This number value is the width. It is measured in 1/8 ths of the average character
width for the dialog's font.
This number value is the height. It is measured in 1/12 ths of the character height
for the dialog's font.
This identifier is the name of the field. The
receives this name as
If this is omitted then the field name is "OK".
See Also Begin Dialog.
Example '#Language "WWB.NET"
Sub Main
Begin Dialog UserDialog 200,120
Text 10,10,180,30,"Please push the OK button"
OKButton 80,90,40,20
End Dialog
Dim dlg As UserDialog
Dialog dlg ' show dialog (wait for ok)
End Sub
On Error Instruction
Syntax On Error GoTo 0
On Error GoTo
On Error Resume Next
Group Error Handling
Description Form 1: Disable the error handler (default).
Form 2: Send error conditions to an error handler.
Form 3: Error conditions continue execution at the next statement.
On Error sets or disables the error handler. Each user defined
has its
own error handler. The default is to terminate the
on any error. The Err
object's properties are set whenever an error occurs. Once an error has
occurred and the error handler is executing any further errors will terminate the
macro, unless the Err object has been cleared.
Note: This instruction clears the Err and sets Error`$' to null.
Example '#Language "WWB.NET"
Sub Main
On Error Resume Next
Err.Raise 1
Debug.Print "RESUMING, Err="; Err
On Error GoTo X
Err.Raise 1
Exit Sub
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X: Debug.Print "Err="; Err
Debug.Print "Err="; Err
Resume Next
End Sub
Syntax ^ Not * / \ Mod + - << >> & < <= > >= = <> Is IsNot
And AndAlso Or OrElse Xor
Description These operators are available for numbers n1 and n2 or strings s1 and s2. If
any value in an expression is System.DBNull.Value then the expression's value is
System.DBNull.Value. The order of operator evaluation is controlled by operator
Operator Description
to the power of
Divide the integer value of
by the integer value of
Remainder of the integer value of
after dividing by the integer value of
Difference of
bits to the left. The number of bits to shift is indicated by the lowest
bits of
bits to the right. The number of bits to shift is indicated by the low-
est bits of
. (For signed numbers the sign bit is propagated to the right.)
Return True if
is less than
Return True if
is less than or equal to
Return True if
is greater than
Return True if
is greater than or equal to
Return True if
is equal to
Return True if
is not equal to
Return True if
is less than
Return True if
is less than or equal to
Return True if
is greater than
Return True if
is greater than or equal to
Return True if
is equal to
Return True if
is not equal to
Bitwise invert the integer value of
. Only Not True is False.
Bitwise and the integer value of
with the integer value
Logical and of
with the
. If
is False,
is not evaluated.
Bitwise or the integer value of
with the integer value
Logical or of
with the
. If
is True,
is not evaluated.
Bitwise exclusive-or the integer value of
with the integer value
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Example '#Language "WWB.NET"
Sub Main
N1 = 10
N2 = 3
S' = "asdfg"
S' = "hjkl"
Debug.Print -N1 '-10
Debug.Print N1 ^ N2 ' 1000
Debug.Print Not N1 '-11
Debug.Print N1 * N2 ' 30
Debug.Print N1 / N2 ' 3.3333333333333
Debug.Print N1 \ N2 ' 3
Debug.Print N1 Mod N2 ' 1
Debug.Print N1 + N2 ' 13
Debug.Print S' + S' '"asdfghjkl"
Debug.Print N1 - N2 ' 7
Debug.Print N1 << N2 ' 80
Debug.Print N1 >> N2 ' 1
Debug.Print N1 & N2 '"103"
Debug.Print N1 < N2 'False
Debug.Print N1 <= N2 'False
Debug.Print N1 > N2 'True
Debug.Print N1 >= N2 'True
Debug.Print N1 = N2 'False
Debug.Print N1 <> N2 'True
Debug.Print S' < S' 'True
Debug.Print S' <= S' 'True
Debug.Print S' > S' 'False
Debug.Print S' >= S' 'False
Debug.Print S' = S' 'False
Debug.Print S' <> S' 'True
Debug.Print N1 And N2 ' 2
Debug.Print N1 AndAlso N2 ' True
Debug.Print N1 Or N2 ' 11
Debug.Print N1 OrElse N2 ' True
Debug.Print N1 Xor N2 ' 9
End Sub
Option Definition
Syntax Option Compare [Binary | Text]
Option Explicit [On | Off]
Option Strict [On | Off]
Option Private Module
Group Declaration
Description Option Compare: Set the default comparison mode for <, <=, =, >, >=, <>,
Like and StrComp.
Option Compare Binary - compare string text using binary data (default)
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Option Compare Text - compare string text using the collation rules
Option Explicit On: Require all variables to be declared prior to use. Variables
are declared using Dim, Private, Public, Static or as a parameter of Sub,
Function or Property blocks. (This is the default.)
Option Strict: Ignored.
Option Private: Public symbols defined by the module are only accessible from
the same project.
Example '#Language "WWB.NET"
Option Explicit Off
Sub Main
A = 1 ' don't need to declare
End Sub
OptionButton Dialog Item Definition
Syntax OptionButton
[, .
Group User Dialog
Description Define an option button item.
Parameter Description
This number value is the distance from the left edge of the dialog box. It is meas-
ured in 1/8 ths of the average character width for the dialog's font.
This number value is the distance from the top edge of the dialog box. It is meas-
ured in 1/12 ths of the character height for the dialog's font.
This number value is the width. It is measured in 1/8 ths of the average character
width for the dialog's font.
This number value is the height. It is measured in 1/12 ths of the character height
for the dialog's font.
The value of this string is the title of the option button.
See Also Begin Dialog, OptionGroup.
Example '#Language "WWB.NET"
Sub Main
Begin Dialog UserDialog 200,120
Text 10,10,180,15,"Please push the OK button"
OptionGroup .options
OptionButton 10,30,180,15,"Option &0"
OptionButton 10,45,180,15,"Option &1"
OptionButton 10,60,180,15,"Option &2"
OKButton 80,90,40,20
End Dialog
Dim dlg As UserDialog
dlg.options = 2
Dialog dlg ' show dialog (wait for ok)
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Debug.Print dlg.options
End Sub
OptionGroup Dialog Item Definition
Syntax OptionGroup .
[, .
[, .
Group User Dialog
Description Define a optiongroup and option button items.
Parameter Description
The value of the option group is accessed via this field. This first option button is 0,
the second is 1, etc.
This number value is the distance from the left edge of the dialog box. It is meas-
ured in 1/8 ths of the average character width for the dialog's font.
This number value is the distance from the top edge of the dialog box. It is meas-
ured in 1/12 ths of the character height for the dialog's font.
This number value is the width. It is measured in 1/8 ths of the average character
width for the dialog's font.
This number value is the height. It is measured in 1/12 ths of the character height
for the dialog's font.
The value of this string is the title of the option button.
See Also Begin Dialog, OptionButton.
Example '#Language "WWB.NET"
Sub Main
Begin Dialog UserDialog 200,120
Text 10,10,180,15,"Please push the OK button"
OptionGroup .options
OptionButton 10,30,180,15,"Option &0"
OptionButton 10,45,180,15,"Option &1"
OptionButton 10,60,180,15,"Option &2"
OKButton 80,90,40,20
End Dialog
Dim dlg As UserDialog
dlg.options = 2
Dialog dlg ' show dialog (wait for ok)
Debug.Print dlg.options
End Sub
Picture Dialog Item Definition
Syntax Picture
[, .
Group User Dialog
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Description Define a picture item. The bitmap is automatically sized to fit the item's entire
Parameter Description
This number value is the distance from the left edge of the dialog box. It is meas-
ured in 1/8 ths of the average character width for the dialog's font.
This number value is the distance from the top edge of the dialog box. It is meas-
ured in 1/12 ths of the character height for the dialog's font.
This number value is the width. It is measured in 1/8 ths of the average character
width for the dialog's font.
This number value is the height. It is measured in 1/12 ths of the character height
for the dialog's font.
The value of this string is the .BMP file shown in the picture control.
This numeric value indicates the type of bitmap used. See below.
This identifier is the name of the field. The
receives this name as
If this identifer is omitted then the first two words of the title are used.
Type Effect
is the name of the bitmap file. If the file does not exist then "(missing pic-
ture)" is displayed.
3 The clipboard's bitmap is displayed. Not supported.
+16 Instead of displaying "(missing picture)" a run-time error occurs.
See Also Begin Dialog.
Example '#Language "WWB.NET"
Sub Main
Begin Dialog UserDialog 200,120
Picture 10,10,180,75,"SAMPLE.BMP",0
OKButton 80,90,40,20
End Dialog
Dim dlg As UserDialog
Dialog dlg ' show dialog (wait for ok)
End Sub
Print Instruction
Syntax Print
, [
[, ...]]
Group File
Description Print the
(s) to
. A
is it automatically converted to a string
before printing (just like St'()).
See Also Input, LineInput, PrintLine, Write, WriteLine.
Example '#Language "WWB.NET"
Sub Main
Dim A, B, '
A = 1
B = 2
' = "Hello"
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FileOpen 1, "XXX", OpenMode.Output
Print'1, A, ",", B, ",""", ', """"
End Sub
PrintLine Instruction
Syntax PrintLine
, [
[, ...]]
Group File
Description Print the
(s) to
. A
is it automatically converted to a string
before printing (just like St'()). A newline is printed at the end.
See Also Input, LineInput, Print, Write, WriteLine.
Example '#Language "WWB.NET"
Sub Main
Dim A, B, C
A = 1
B = 2
C = "Hello"
FileOpen 1, "XXX", OpenMode.Output
PrintLine 1, A, ",", B, ",""", C, """"
FileClose 1
End Sub
Private Definition
Syntax Private [WithEvents]
][, ...]
Group Declaration
Description Create arrays (or simple variables) which are available to the entire
, but not other macros/modules. Dimension var array(s) using
s to establish the minimum and maximum index value for each
dimension. If the
s are omitted then a scalar (single value) variable is
defined. A dynamic array is declared using ( ) without any
s. It must
be ReDimensioned before it can be used. The Private statement must be
placed outside of Sub, Function or Property blocks.
See Also Dim, Option Base, Public, ReDim, Static, WithEvents.
Example '#Language "WWB.NET"
Private A0, A1(1), A2(1,1)
Sub Init
A0 = 1
A1(0) = 2
A2(0,0) = 3
End Sub
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Sub Main
Debug.Print A0; A1(0); A2(0,0) ' 1 2 3
End Sub
Private Keyword
Group Declaration
Description Private Consts, Declares, Functions, Propertys, Subs and Structures
are only available in the current
Property Definition
Syntax [| Private | Public | Friend ] _
[Default ] [| ReadOnly | WriteOnly ] _
])] [
As type
End Get]
End Set]
End Property
Group Declaration
Description User defined property. The property defines a set of
s to be executed
when its value is used or changed. A property acts like a variable, except that
getting its value calls Property's Get block and changing its value calls Property's
Set block. The values of the calling
are assigned to the
At a minimum, either a Get or Set block must be specified.
If only the Get block is specified the property must be marked as
If only the Set block is specified the property must be marked as
If both the Get and Set blocks are specified the property must not be
marked as ReadOnly or WriteOnly.
The Set block's parameter type must match the Property's return type.
Access If no access is specified then Public is assumed.
See Also Function, Sub.
Example '#Language "WWB.NET"
Dim X_Value As String
Property X() As String
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X = X_Value
End Get
Set(ByVal Value As String)
X_Value = Value
End Set
End Property
Sub Main
X = "Hello"
Debug.Print X '"Hello"
End Sub
Public Definition
Syntax Public [WithEvents]
][, ...]
Group Declaration
Description Create arrays (or simple variables) which are available to the entire
and other macros/modules. Dimension var array(s) using the
s to establish the minimum and maximum index value for each dimen-
sion. If the
s are omitted then a scalar (single value) variable is
defined. A dynamic array is declared using ( ) without any
s. It must
be ReDimensioned before it can be used. The Public statement must be placed
outside of Sub, Function or Property blocks.
See Also Dim, Option Base, Private, ReDim, Static, WithEvents.
Example '#Language "WWB.NET"
Public A0, A1(1), A2(1,1)
Sub Init
A0 = 1
A1(0) = 2
A2(0,0) = 3
End Sub
Sub Main
Debug.Print A0; A1(0); A2(0,0) ' 1 2 3
End Sub
Public Keyword
Group Declaration
Description Public Consts, Declares, Functions, Propertys, Subs and Structures in a
are available in all other
s/modules that access it.
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PushButton Dialog Item Definition
Syntax PushButton
[, .
Group User Dialog
Description Define a push button item. Pressing the push button updates the
values and closes the dialog. (Dialog( ) function call returns the push button's
ordinal number in the dialog. The first push button returns 1.)
Parameter Description
This number value is the distance from the left edge of the dialog box. It is meas-
ured in 1/8 ths of the average character width for the dialog's font.
This number value is the distance from the top edge of the dialog box. It is meas-
ured in 1/12 ths of the character height for the dialog's font.
This number value is the width. It is measured in 1/8 ths of the average character
width for the dialog's font.
This number value is the height. It is measured in 1/12 ths of the character height
for the dialog's font.
The value of this string is the title of the push button control.
This identifier is the name of the field. The
receives this name as
If this identifer is omitted then the first two words of the title are used.
See Also Begin Dialog.
Example '#Language "WWB.NET"
Sub Main
Begin Dialog UserDialog 200,120
Text 10,10,180,30,"Please push the DoIt button"
OKButton 40,90,40,20
PushButton 110,90,60,20,"&Do It"
End Dialog
Dim dlg As UserDialog
Debug.Print Dialog(dlg)
End Sub
Put Instruction
Syntax Put'
, [
Group File
Description Write a variable's value to
Parameter Description
Streams 1 through 255 are private to each macro. Streams 256 through 511 are
shared by all macros.
For Random mode files this is the record number. The first record is 1. Otherwise,
it is the byte position. The first byte is 1. If this is omitted then the current pos-
ition (or record number) is used.
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This variable value is written to the file. For a fixed length variable (like Long) the
number of bytes required to store the variable are written. For a Variant vari-
able two bytes which describe its type are written and then the variable value is
written accordingly. For a
user structure
variable each field is written in
sequence. For an array variable each element is written in sequence. For a
dynamic array variable the number of dimensions and range of each dimension
is written prior to writing the array values. All binary data values are written to
the file in
Note: When a writing string (or a dynamic array) to a Binary mode file the
string length (or array dimension) information is not written. Only the string
data or array elements are written.
See Also Get, Open.
Example '#Language "WWB.NET"
Sub Main
Dim V As Variant
FileOpen 1, "SAVE_V.DAT", OpenMode.Binary, OpenAccess.Access
Put'1, , V
End Sub
QBColor Function
Syntax QBColor(
Group Miscellaneous
Description Return the appropriate color defined by Quick Basic.
num color
0 black
1 blue
2 green
3 cyan
4 red
5 magenta
6 yellow
7 white
8 gray
9 light blue
10 light green
11 light cyan
12 light red
13 light magenta
14 light yellow
15 bright white
See Also RGB().
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Example '#Language "WWB.NET"
Sub Main
Debug.Print Hex(QBColor(1)) '"800000"
Debug.Print Hex(QBColor(7)) '"C0C0C0"
Debug.Print Hex(QBColor(8)) '"808080"
Debug.Print Hex(QBColor(9)) '"FF0000"
Debug.Print Hex(QBColor(10)) '"FF00"
Debug.Print Hex(QBColor(12)) '"FF"
Debug.Print Hex(QBColor(15)) '"FFFFFF"
End Sub
RaiseEvent Instruction
Syntax RaiseEvent
Group Flow Control
Description Raise an Event. Evaluate the
and call
with those values.
See Also Event, WithEvents.
Example 'Class1.cls
'#Language "WWB.NET"
Event Changing(ByVal OldValue As String, ByVal NewValue As String)
Private Value_ As String
Property Get Value As String
Value = Value_
End Property
Property Let Value(ByVal NewValue As String)
RaiseEvent Changing(Value_, NewValue)
Value_ = NewValue
End Property
'#Uses "Class1.cls"
'#Language "WWB.NET"
Dim WithEvents c1 As Class1
Sub Main
'c1 = New Class1
c1.Value = "Hello"
c1.Value = "Goodbye"
End Sub
Sub c1_Changing(ByVal OldValue As String, ByVal NewValue As String) Handles
Debug.Print "OldValue=""" & OldValue & """, NewValue=""" & NewValue & """"
End Sub
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Randomize Instruction
Syntax Randomize [
Group Math
Description Randomize the random number generator.
Parameter Description
This numeric value sets the initial seed for the random number generator. If this
value is omitted then the current time is used as the seed.
See Also Rnd().
Example '#Language "WWB.NET"
Sub Main
Debug.Print Rnd ' 0.??????????????
End Sub
ReDim Instruction
Syntax ReDim [Preserve]
As type
][, ...]
Group Declaration
Description Redimension a dynamic
user defined structure
array element. Use
Preserve to keep the array values. Otherwise, the array values will all be reset.
When using preserve only the last index of the array may change, but the num-
ber of indexes may not. (A one-dimensional array can't be redimensioned as a
two-dimensional array.)
See Also Dim, Option Base, Private, Public, Static.
Example '#Language "WWB.NET"
Sub Main
Dim X()
ReDim X(3)
Debug.Print UBound(X) ' 3
ReDim X(200)
Debug.Print UBound(X) ' 200
End Sub
Rem Instruction
Syntax Rem ...
Group Miscellaneous
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Description Both forms are comments. The Rem form is an instruction. The ' form can be
used at the end of any line. All text from either ' or Rem to the end of the line is
part of the comment. That text is not executed.
Example '#Language "WWB.NET"
Sub Main
Debug.Print "Hello" ' prints to the output window
Rem the macro terminates at Main's End Sub
End Sub
RemoveHandler Instruction
Syntax RemoveHandler
Group Flow Control
Description Remove a
from the
's list of handlers.
Parameter Description
This is an expression which returns an object reference.
This is an event name.
This is an expression which returns a delegate.
See Also AddHandler.
Example '#Reference #System.Windows.Forms, Version=, Culture=neutral,
PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089, processorArchitecture=MSIL
'#Language "WWB.NET"
Imports System.Windows.Forms
Sub Main
Using t As New Timer
AddHandler t.Tick, AddressOf OnTick
t.Interval = 1000
t.Enabled = True
Wait 5
RemoveHandler t.Tick, AddressOf OnTick
End Using
End Sub
Private Sub OnTick(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs)
Debug.Print Now
End Sub
Rename Instruction
Syntax Rename
Group File
Description Rename file
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Parameter Description
This string value is the path and name of the file. A path relative to the current dir-
ectory can be used.
This is the new file name (and path). A path relative to the current directory can
be used.
Example '#Language "WWB.NET"
Sub Main
End Sub
Replac' Function
Syntax Replac'(
, [
], [
Group String
Description Replace
Parameter Description
This string value is searched. Replacements are made in the string returned by
This string value is the pattern to look for.
This string value is the replacement.
This numeric value is the starting index in
. Replace(S,Pat,Rep,N) is equivalent to
Replace(Mid(S,N),Pat,Rep). If this is omitted use 1.
This numeric value is the maximum number of replacements that will be done. If
this is omitted use -1 (which means replace all occurrences).
See Also InStr(), InStrRev(), Lef'(), Len(), Mi'(), Righ'().
Example '#Language "WWB.NET"
Sub Main
Debug.Print Replac'("abcabc","b","B") '"aBcaBc"
Debug.Print Replac'("abcabc","b","B",,1) '"aBcabc"
Debug.Print Replac'("abcabc","b","B",3) '"caBc"
Debug.Print Replac'("abcabc","b","B",9) '""
End Sub
Reset Instruction
Syntax Reset
Group File
Description Close all open streams for the current
See Also Close, Open.
Example '#Language "WWB.NET"
Sub Main
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' read the first line of XXX and print it
FileOpen 1, "XXX", OpenMode.Input
Dim L As String
L = LineInput(1)
Debug.Print '
End Sub
Resume Instruction
Syntax Resume
Resume Next
Group Error Handling
Description Form 1: Resume execution at
Form 2: Resume execution at the next statement.
Once an error has occurred, the error handler can use Resume to continue exe-
cution. The error handler must use Resume or Exit at the end.
Note: This instruction clears the Err and sets Error`$' to null.
Example '#Language "WWB.NET"
Sub Main
On Error GoTo X
Err.Raise 1
Debug.Print "RESUMING"
Exit Sub
X: Debug.Print "Err="; Err
Resume Next
End Sub
Return Instruction
Syntax Return
Group Flow Control
Description The return instruction causes the Function block to exit with the value of the
Example '#Language "WWB.NET"
Sub Main
Debug.Print Func(2) ' 6
End Sub
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Function Func(N)
Return N*3
End Function
RGB Function
Syntax RGB(
Group Miscellaneous
Description Return a color. Some useful color constants are predefined:
vbBlack - same as RGB(0,0,0)
vbRed - same as RGB(255,0,0)
vbGreen - same as RGB(0,255,0)
vbYellow - same as RGB(255,255,0)
vbBlue - same as RGB(0,0,255)
vbMagenta - same as RGB(255,0,255)
vbCyan - same as RGB(0,255,255)
vbWhite - same as RGB(255,255,255)
See Also QBColor().
Example '#Language "WWB.NET"
Sub Main
Debug.Print Hex(RGB(255,0,0)) '"FF0000"
End Sub
Righ' Function
Syntax Righ'(
Group String
Description Return the last
chars of
Parameter Description
Return the right portion of this string value. '
Return this many chars. If
is shorter than that then just return
See Also InStr(), InStrRev(), Lef'(), Len(), Mi'(), Replac'().
Example '#Language "WWB.NET"
Sub Main
Debug.Print Righ'("Hello",3) '"llo"
End Sub
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RmDir Instruction
Syntax RmDir
Group File
Description Remove directory
Parameter Description
This string value is the path and name of the directory. A path relative to the cur-
rent directory can be used.
See Also MkDir.
Example '#Language "WWB.NET"
Sub Main
End Sub
Rnd Function
Syntax Rnd([
Group Math
Description Return a random number greater than or equal to zero and less than one.
Parameter Description
See table below.
Num Description
<0 Return the same number every time, using
as the seed.
>0 Return the next random number in the sequence.
0 Return the most recently generated number.
omitted Return the next random number in the sequence.
See Also Randomize.
Example '#Language "WWB.NET"
Sub Main
Debug.Print Rnd() ' 0.??????????????
End Sub
Round Function
Syntax Round([
Group Math
Description Return the number rounded to the specified number of decimal places.
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Parameter Description
Round this numeric value. '
Round to this number of decimal places. If this is omitted then round to the nearest
integer value.
Example '#Language "WWB.NET"
Sub Main
Debug.Print Round(.5) ' 0
Debug.Print Round(.500001) ' 1
Debug.Print Round(1.499999) ' 1
Debug.Print Round(1.5) ' 2
Debug.Print Round(11.11) ' 11
Debug.Print Round(11.11,1) ' 11.1
End Sub
RSe' Function
Syntax RSe'(
Group String
Description Return a string from
with only the
Parameter Description
Return the this string value right justified.
Return this many chars. If
is shorter than that then fill the remainder with spaces.
See Also LSe'().
Example '#Language "WWB.NET"
Sub Main
Debug.Print RSe'("Hello",6) '"Hello "
End Sub
RTri' Function
Syntax RTri'(
Group String
Description Return the string with
's trailing spaces removed.
Parameter Description
Copy this string without the trailing spaces. '
See Also LTri'(), Tri'().
Example '#Language "WWB.NET"
Sub Main
Debug.Print "."; RTri'(" x "); "." '". x."
End Sub
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SaveSetting Instruction
Syntax SaveSetting
Group Settings
Description Save the
in project
. Win16 and Win32s
store settings in a .ini file named
. Win32/Win64 store settings in the
registration database under "HKEY_CURRENT_USER\ Software\ VB and VBA
Program Settings\
". If
starts with "..\" then
"VB and VBA Program Settings\" is omitted.
Parameter Description
This string value is the name of the project which has this
This string value is the name of the section of the project settings.
This string value is the name of the key in the section of the project settings.
Set the key to this value. (The value is stored as a string.)
Example '#Language "WWB.NET"
Sub Main
SaveSetting "MyApp","Font","Size",10
End Sub
Second Function
Syntax Second(
Group Time/Date
Description Return the second of the minute (0 to 59).
Parameter Description
Return the second of the minute for this date value. '
See Also Hour(), Minute(), Time().
Example '#Language "WWB.NET"
Sub Main
Debug.Print Second(#12:00:01 AM#) ' 1
End Sub
Seek Instruction
Syntax Seek'
Group File
Description Position
for input
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Note: Unicode text files opened with Input mode use character positions, not
byte positions.
Parameter Description
Streams 1 through 255 are private to each macro. Streams 256 through 511 are
shared by all macros.
For Random mode files this is the record number. The first record is 1. Otherwise,
it is the byte position. The first byte is 1.
See Also Seek().
Example '#Language "WWB.NET"
Sub Main
FileOpen 1, "XXX", OpenMode.Input
L = LineInput(1)
Seek'1, 1 ' rewind to start of file
Input'1, A
Debug.Print A
End Sub
Seek Function
Syntax Seek(
Group File
Description Return
current position. For Random mode files this is the record
number. The first record is 1. Otherwise, it is the byte position. The first byte is
Note: Unicode text files opened with Input mode use character positions, not
byte positions.
Parameter Description
Streams 1 through 255 are private to each macro. Streams 256 through 511 are
shared by all macros.
See Also Seek.
Example '#Language "WWB.NET"
Sub Main
FileOpen 1, "XXX", OpenMode.Input
Debug.Print Seek(1) ' 1
L = LineInput(1)
Debug.Print Seek(1)
End Sub
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Select Case Statement
Syntax Select Case
[, ...] [:
[Case Else [:
End Select
Group Flow Control
Description Select the appropriate case by comparing the
with each of the
Select the Case Else part if no
matches. (If the Case Else is omitted
then skip the entire Select...End Select block.) Only the
s from the
matched Case up to the next Case are executed.
caseexpr Description
Execute if equal.
Is <
Execute if less than.
Is <=
Execute if less than or equal to.
Is >
Execute if greater than.
Is >=
Execute if greater than or equal to.
Is <>
Execute if not equal to.
Execute if greater than or equal to
and less than or equal to
See Also If, Choose(), IIf().
Example '#Language "WWB.NET"
Sub Main
S = InputBox("Enter hello, goodbye, dinner or sleep:")
Select Case UCase(S)
Case "HELLO", "HI"
Debug.Print "come in"
Debug.Print "see you later"
Debug.Print "Please come in."
Debug.Print "Dinner will be ready soon."
Case "SLEEP"
Debug.Print "Sorry."
Debug.Print "We are full for the night"
Case Else
Debug.Print "What?"
End Select
End Sub
SendKeys Instruction
Syntax SendKeys
Group Miscellaneous
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Description Send
to Windows.
Parameter Description
Send the keys in this string value to Windows. (Refer to table below.)
If this is not zero then the keys are sent before executing the next instruction. If
this is omitted or zero then the keys are sent during the following instructions.
Key Description
+ Shift modifier key: the following key is a shifted key
^ Ctrl modifier key: the following key is a control key
% Alt modifier key: the following key is an alt key
(keys) Modifiers apply to all keys
~ Send Enter key
k Send k Key (k is any single char)
K Send Shift k Key (K is any capital letter)
{special n} special key (n is an optional repeat count)
{mouse x,y} mouse key (x,y is an optional screen position)
{k} Send k Key (any single char)
{K} Send Shift k Key (any single char)
{Cancel} Send Break Key
{Esc} Send Escape Key
{Escape} Send Escape Key
{Enter} Send Enter Key
{Menu} Send Menu Key (Alt)
{Help} Send Help Key (?)
{Prtsc} Send Print Screen Key
{Print} Send
{Execute} Send ?
{Tab} Send
{Pause} Send Pause Key
{Tab} Send Tab Key
{BS} Send Back Space Key
{BkSp} Send Back Space Key
{BackSpace} Send Back Space Key
{Del} Send Delete Key
{Delete} Send Delete Key
{Ins} Send Insert Key
{Insert} Send Insert Key
{Left} Send Left Arrow Key
{Right} Send Right Arrow Key
{Up} Send Up Arrow Key
{Down} Send Down Arrow Key
{PgUp} Send Page Up Key
{PgDn} Send Page Down Key
{Home} Send Home Key
{End} Send End Key
{Select} Send ?
{Clear} Send Num Pad 5 Key
{Pad0..9} Send Num Pad 0-9 Keys
{Pad*} Send Num Pad * Key
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{Pad+} Send Pad + Key
{PadEnter} Send Num Pad Enter
{Pad.} Send Num Pad . Key
{Pad-} Send Num Pad - Key
{Pad/} Send Num Pad / Key
{F1..24} Send F1 to F24 Keys
Mouse Mouse movement and button clicks:
{Move x,y} - move the mouse to (x,y)
{ClickLeft x,y} - move the mouse to (x,y) and click the left button. (This is
the same as {DownLeft x,y}{UpLeft}.)
{DoubleClickLeft x,y} - move the mouse to (x,y) and click the left button.
(This is NOT the same as {ClickLeft x,y}{ClickLeft}.)
{DownLeft x,y} - move the mouse to (x,y) and push the left button down.
{UpLeft x,y} - move the mouse to (x,y) and release the left button.
{...Middle x,y} - similarly named keys for the middle mouse button.
{...Right x,y} - similarly named keys for the right mouse button.
The x,y values are screen pixel locations, where (0,0) is in the upper-left corner.
In all cases the x,y is optional. If omitted, the previous mouse position is used.
See Also AppActivate, KeyName, Shell().
Example '#Language "WWB.NET"
Sub Main
SendKeys "%S" ' send Alt-S (Search)
SendKeys "GoTo~~" ' send G o T o {Enter} {Enter}
End Sub
SetAttr Instruction
Syntax SetAttr
Group File
Description Set the
s for file
. If the file does not exist then a run-time error
Parameter Description
This string value is the path and name of the file. A path relative to the current dir-
ectory can be used.
Set the file's
s to this numeric value.
Example '#Language "WWB.NET"
Sub Main
Attrib = GetAttr("XXX")
SetAttr "XXX",1 ' readonly
Debug.Print GetAttr("XXX") ' 1
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SetAttr "XXX",Attrib
End Sub
SetLocale Instruction
Syntax SetLocale
Group Miscellaneous
Description Set the
for the current thread.
Pocket PC Not supported.
Parameter Description
Set the current thread's locale to this value.
See Also GetLocale.
Example '#Language "WWB.NET"
Sub Main
SetLocale &H409 ' English, US
End Sub
Sgn Function
Syntax Sgn(
Group Math
Description Return the sign.
Parameter Description
Return the sign of this numeric value. Return -1 for negative. Return 0 for zero.
Return 1 for positive.
See Also Abs.
Example '#Language "WWB.NET"
Sub Main
Debug.Print Sgn(9) ' 1
Debug.Print Sgn(0) ' 0
Debug.Print Sgn(-9) '-1
End Sub
Shell Function
Syntax Shell(
Group Miscellaneous
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Description Execute program
. This is the same as using File|Run from the Program
Manager. This instruction can run .COM, .EXE, .BAT and .PIF files. If successful,
return the task ID.
Pocket PC The
parameter is ignored.
Parameter Description
This string value is the path and name of the program to run. Command line argu-
ments follow the program name. (A long file name containing a space must be
surrounded by literal double quotes.)
This controls how the application's main window is shown. See the table below.
WindowType Value Effect
vbHide 0 Hide Window
vbNormalFocus 1, 5, 9 Normal Window
2 Minimized Window (default)
3 Maximized Window
4, 8 Normal Deactivated Window
6, 7 Minimized Deactivated Window
See Also AppActivate, SendKeys.
Example '#Language "WWB.NET"
Sub Main
X = Shell("Calc") ' run the calc program
AppActivate X
SendKeys "% R" ' restore calc's main window
SendKeys "30*2{+}10=",1 '70
End Sub
SByte Data Type
Syntax Dim v As SByte
Group Data Type
Description An 8 bit signed integer value.
Short Data Type
Syntax Dim v As Short
Group Data Type
Description A 16 bit signed integer value.
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ShowPopupMenu Function
Syntax ShowPopupMenu(
Group User Input
Description Show a popup menu and return the number of the item selected. The item
number is the index of the StrArray selected minus LBound(StrArray). The value
-1 is returned in no menu item is selected.
Parameter Description
StrArra'( )
This one-dimensional array of strings establishes the list of choices. All the non-
null elements of the array are used.
This controls how the popup menu is aligned. Any combination of styles may
used together. See the table below.
When the menu is put up the alignment will be at this window position. If this is
omitted then the current mouse position is used.
When the menu is put up the alignment will be at this window position. If this is
omitted then the current mouse position is used.
PopupStyle Value Effect
vbPopupLeftTopAlign 0 Align menu left edge at XPos and top at YPos. (default)
vbPopupUseLeftButton 1 User can select menu choices with the left mouse button
vbPopupUseRightButton 2 User can select menu choices with the left or right mouse
vbPopupRightAlign 4 Align menu with right edge at the XPos.
vbPopupCenterAlign 8 Align menu center at the XPos.
vbPopupVCenterAlign 16 Align menu center at the YPos.
vbPopupBottomAlign 32 Align menu bottom at the YPos.
Example '#Language "WWB.NET"
Sub Main
Dim Items(0 To 2) As String
Items(0) = "Item &1"
Items(1) = "Item &2"
Items(2) = "Item &3"
X = ShowPopupMenu(Items) ' show popup menu
Debug.Print X ' item selected
End Sub
Sin Function
Syntax Sin(
Group Math
Description Return the sine.
Parameter Description
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Return the sine of this numeric value. This is the number of radians. There are 2*Pi
radians in a full circle.
See Also Atn, Cos, Tan.
Example '#Language "WWB.NET"
Sub Main
Debug.Print Sin(1) ' 0.8414709848079
End Sub
Single Data Type
Syntax Dim v As Single
Group Data Type
Description A 32 bit real value.
Spac' Function
Syntax Spac'(
Group String
Description Return the string
spaces long.
Parameter Description
Create a string this many spaces long.
See Also StrDu'().
Example '#Language "WWB.NET"
Sub Main
Debug.Print "."; Spac'(3); "." '". ."
End Sub
Split Function
Syntax Split(
, [
], [
Group Miscellaneous
Description Return a string array containing substrings from the original string.
Parameter Description
Extract substrings from this string value.
Look for this string value to separate the substrings. (Default: " ")
Create at most this many substrings. (Default -1, which means create as many as
are found.)
See Also Join().
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Example '#Language "WWB.NET"
Sub Main
Debug.Print Split("1 2 3")(1) '"2"
End Sub
Sqr Function
Syntax Sqr(
Group Math
Description Return the square root.
Parameter Description
Return the square root of this numeric value.
Example '#Language "WWB.NET"
Sub Main
Debug.Print Sqr(9) ' 3
End Sub
Static Definition
Syntax Static
][, ...]
Group Declaration
Description A static variable retains it value between
calls. Dimension var array
(s) using the
s to establish the minimum and maximum index value
for each dimension. If the
s are omitted then a scalar (single value)
variable is defined. A dynamic array is declared using ( ) without any
s. It must be ReDimensioned before it can be used.
See Also Dim, Option Base, Private, Public, ReDim.
Example '#Language "WWB.NET"
Sub A
Static X
Debug.Print X
X = "Hello"
End Sub
Sub Main
A ' prints "Hello"
End Sub
Stop Instruction
Syntax Stop
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Group Flow Control
Description Pause execution. If execution is resumed then it starts at the next instruction.
Use End to terminate the
Example '#Language "WWB.NET"
Sub Main
For I = 1 To 10
Debug.Print I
If I = 3 Then Stop
Next I
End Sub
St' Function
Syntax St'(
Group String
Description Return the string representation of
Parameter Description
Return the string representation of this numeric value. Positive values begin with a
blank. Negative values begin with a dash '-'.
See Also CStr(), He'(), Oc'(), Val().
Example '#Language "WWB.NET"
Sub Main
Debug.Print St'(9*9) ' 81
End Sub
StrCom' Function
Syntax StrComp(
Group String
Description Compare two strings.
Parameter Description
Compare this string with
. '
Compare this string with
. '
This numeric value indicates the type of comparison. See Comp table below.
Result Description
is less than
is equal to
is greater than
Comp Value Effect
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vbUseCompareOption -1 Performs the comparison using the Option Compare
statement value.
vbBinaryCompare 0 Compares the string's binary data.
vbTextCompare 1 Compares the string's text using the collation rules.
vbDatabaseCompare 2 Microsoft Access only. (Not supported.)
See Also LCas'(), Option Compare, StrCon'(), UCas'().
Example '#Language "WWB.NET"
Sub Main
Debug.Print StrComp("F","e") ' -1
Debug.Print StrComp("F","e",1) ' 1
Debug.Print StrComp("F","f",1) ' 0
End Sub
StrCon' Function
Syntax StrCon'(
Group String
Description Convert the string.
Parameter Description
Convert this string value. '
This numeric value indicates the type of conversion. See conversion table below.
Conv Value Effect
vbUpperCase 1 Convert a String to upper case.
vbLowerCase 2 Convert a String to lower case.
vbProperCase 3 Convert a String to proper case. (Not supported.)
vbWide 4 Convert a String to wide. (Only supported for eastern locales.)
vbNarrow 8 Convert a String to narrow. (Only supported for eastern locales.)
vbKatakana 16 Convert a String to Katakana. (Only supported for Japanese loc-
vbHiragana 32 Convert a String to Hiragana. (Only supported for Japanese loc-
vbUnicode or vbFromANSIBytes 64 Convert an ANSI (locale dependent) byte array to a
Unicode string.
vbANSI 4160 Convert an ANSI (locale dependent) string to a Unicode string.
vbFromUnicode or vbANSIBytes 128 Convert from Unicode to an ANSI (locale dependent)
byte array.
vbANSI 4224 Convert from Unicode to an ANSI (locale dependent) string.
vbUTF8 4352 Convert a Unicode string to a UTF-8 string.
vbUTF8Bytes 256 Convert a Unicode string to a UTF-8 byte array.
vbFromUTF8 4608 Convert a UTF-8 string to a Unicode string.
vbFromUTF8Bytes 512 Convert a UTF-8 byte array to a Unicode string.
vbToBytes 1024 Convert a String to a byte array containing the low byte of each
vbFromBytes 2048 Convert a byte array to a String by setting the low byte of each
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Conversion Rules If multiple conversions are specified, the conversions occur in this order:
vbFromBytes, vbUnicode, vbFromANSI, vbFromANSIBytes, vbFromUTF8
or vbFromUTF8Bytes (choose one, optional)
vbUpperCase, vbLowerCase, vbWide, vbNarrow, vbKatakana or
vbHiragana (choose one or more, optional)
vbToBytes, vbFromUnicode, vbANSI, vbANSIBytes, vbUTF8 or
vbUTF8Bytes (choose one, optional)
See Also LCas'(), StrComp(), UCas'().
Example '#Language "WWB.NET"
Sub Main
Dim B(1 To 3) As Byte
B(1) = 65
B(2) = 66
B(3) = 67
Debug.Print StrCon'(B,vbUnicode) '"ABC"
End Sub
StrDu' Function
Syntax StrDu'(
Group String
Description Return the string
long filled with
or the first char of
Parameter Description
Create a string this many chars long.
Fill the string with this char value. If this is a numeric value then use the ASCII char
equivalent. If this is a string value use the first char of that string. '
See Also Spac'().
Example '#Language "WWB.NET"
Sub Main
Debug.Print StrDu'(4,65) '"AAAA"
Debug.Print StrDu'(4,"ABC") '"AAAA"
End Sub
String Data Type
Syntax Dim v As String
Group Data Type
Description An arbitrary length string value. Some useful string constants are predefined:
vbNullChar - same as Chr(0)
vbNullString - not implemented
vbCrLf - same as Chr(13) & Chr(10)
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vbCr - same as Chr(13)
vbLf - same as Chr(10)
vbBack - same as Chr(8)
vbFormFeed - same as Chr(12)
vbTab - same as Chr(9)
vbVerticalTab - same as Chr(11)
StrRevers' Function
Syntax StrRevers'(
Group String
Description Return the string with the characters in reverse order.
Parameter Description
Return this string with the characters in reverse order.
Example '#Language "WWB.NET"
Sub Main
Debug.Print StrRevers'("ABC") 'CBA
End Sub
Structure Definition
Syntax [| Private | Public ] _
[Dim | Private | Public ]
[, ...]])]
As type
End Structure
Group Declaration
Description Define a new
user structure
. Each
defines an element of the type for stor-
ing data.
As type
defines the type of data that can be stored. A
user defined
structure variable
has a value for each
. Use .
to access individual ele-
ment values.
Access If no access is specified then Public is assumed.
Example '#Language "WWB.NET"
Structure Employee
Dim FirstName As String
Dim LastName As String
Dim Title As String
Dim Salary As Double
End Structure
Sub Main
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Dim e As Employee
e.FirstName = "John"
e.LastName = "Doe"
e.Title = "President"
e.Salary = 100000
Debug.Print e.FirstName '"John"
Debug.Print e.LastName '"Doe"
Debug.Print e.Title '"President"
Debug.Print e.Salary ' 100000
End Sub
Sub Definition
Syntax [| Private | Public | Friend ] _
[, ...]])] _
End Sub
Group Declaration
Description User defined subroutine. The subroutine defines a set of
s to be
executed when it is called. The values of the calling
are assigned to the
s. A subroutine does not return a result.
Access If no access is specified then Public is assumed.
Handles The Sub provides an event handler for the WithEvents variable's (
) event
See Also Declare, Function, Property, WithEvents.
Example '#Language "WWB.NET"
Sub IdentityArray(A()) ' A() is an array of numbers
For I = LBound(A) To UBound(A)
A(I) = I
Next I
End Sub
Sub CalcArray(A(), B, C) ' A() is an array of numbers
For I = LBound(A) To UBound(A)
A(I) = A(I)*B+C
Next I
End Sub
Sub ShowArray(A()) ' A() is an array of numbers
For I = LBound(A) To UBound(A)
Debug.Print "("; I; ")="; A(I)
Next I
End Sub
Sub Main
Dim X(1 To 4)
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IdentityArray X() ' X(1)=1, X(2)=2, X(3)=3, X(4)=4
CalcArray X(), 2, 3 ' X(1)=5, X(2)=7, X(3)=9, X(4)=11
ShowArray X() ' print X(1), X(2), X(3), X(4)
End Sub
SystemTypeName Function
Syntax SystemTypeNam'(
Group Variable Info
Description Return a fully qualified Common Language Runtime type name corresponding
to the VB type name. Return Nothing if the specified
is not a valid VB
type name.
Parameter Description
This is the VB type name.
See Also TypeName, VbTypeName, VarType.
Example '#Language "WWB.NET"
Sub Main
Dim X As Object
Debug.Print SystemTypeName(X) '"Empty"
X = 1
Debug.Print SystemTypeName(X) '"Integer"
End Sub
Tan Function
Syntax Tan(
Group Math
Description Return the tangent.
Parameter Description
Return the tangent of this numeric value.
See Also Atn, Cos, Sin.
Example '#Language "WWB.NET"
Sub Main
Debug.Print Tan(1) ' 1.5574077246549
End Sub
Text Dialog Item Definition
Syntax Text
[, .
Group User Dialog
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Description Define a text item.
Parameter Description
This number value is the distance from the left edge of the dialog box. It is meas-
ured in 1/8 ths of the average character width for the dialog's font.
This number value is the distance from the top edge of the dialog box. It is meas-
ured in 1/12 ths of the character height for the dialog's font.
This number value is the width. It is measured in 1/8 ths of the average character
width for the dialog's font.
This number value is the height. It is measured in 1/12 ths of the character height
for the dialog's font.
The value of this string is the title of the text control.
This identifier is the name of the field. The
receives this name as
If this identifer is omitted then the first two words of the title are used.
This numeric value controls the alignment of the text. Choose one value from fol-
lowing table. (If this numeric value omitted then zero is used.)
Option Description
0 Text is left aligned.
1 Text is right aligned.
2 Text is centered.
See Also Begin Dialog.
Example '#Language "WWB.NET"
Sub Main
Begin Dialog UserDialog 200,120
Text 10,10,180,15,"Please push the OK button"
OKButton 80,90,40,20
End Dialog
Dim dlg As UserDialog
Dialog dlg ' show dialog (wait for ok)
End Sub
TextBox Dialog Item Definition
Syntax TextBox
, .
Group User Dialog
Description Define a textbox item.
Parameter Description
This number value is the distance from the left edge of the dialog box. It is meas-
ured in 1/8 ths of the average character width for the dialog's font.
This number value is the distance from the top edge of the dialog box. It is meas-
ured in 1/12 ths of the character height for the dialog's font.
This number value is the width. It is measured in 1/8 ths of the average character
width for the dialog's font.
This number value is the height. It is measured in 1/12 ths of the character height
for the dialog's font.
The value of the text box is accessed via this field.
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This numeric value controls the type of text box. Choose one value from following
table. (If this numeric value omitted then zero is used.)
Option Description
0 Text box allows a single line of text to be entered.
1 Text box allows multiple lines of text can be entered.
2 Locked text box displays multiple lines of text.
-1 Text box allows a hidden password can be entered.
See Also Begin Dialog.
Example '#Language "WWB.NET"
Sub Main
Begin Dialog UserDialog 200,120
Text 10,10,180,15,"Please push the OK button"
TextBox 10,25,180,20,.Tex'
OKButton 80,90,40,20
End Dialog
Dim dlg As UserDialog
dlg.Tex' = "none"
Dialog dlg ' show dialog (wait for ok)
Debug.Print dlg.Tex'
End Sub
Timer Function
Syntax Timer
Group Time/Date
Description Return the number of seconds past midnight. (This is a real number, accurate
to about 1/18th of a second.)
See Also Date, Now, Time.
Example '#Language "WWB.NET"
Sub Main
Debug.Print Timer ' example: 45188.13
End Sub
TimeSerial Function
Syntax TimeSerial(
Group Time/Date
Description Return a Date value.
Parameter Description
This numeric value is the hour (0 to 23).
This numeric value is the minute (0 to 59).
This numeric value is the second (0 to 59).
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See Also DateSerial, DateValue, TimeValue.
Example '#Language "WWB.NET"
Sub Main
Debug.Print TimeSerial(13,30,0) '1:30:00 PM
End Sub
TimeValue Function
Syntax TimeValue(
Group Time/Date
Description Return the time part of date encoded as a string value.
Parameter Description
Convert this string value to the time part of date it represents.
See Also DateSerial, DateValue, TimeSerial.
Example '#Language "WWB.NET"
Sub Main
Debug.Print TimeValue("1/1/2000 12:00:01 AM")
'12:00:01 AM
End Sub
Throw Instruction/Function
Syntax Throw [
Group Throw Handling
Description Throw an exception the caller. Execution of the current procedure is ter-
minated immediately.
Parameter Description
Throw this exception. The exception expression may be omitted in a Catch block.
See Also Try.
Example '#Language "WWB.NET"
Sub Main
Catch Ex As Exception
Debug.Print Ex.ToString() '"error"
End Try
End Sub
Sub DoIt
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Throw New Exception("error")
End Sub
Tri' Function
Syntax Tri'(
Group String
Description Return the string with
's leading and trailing spaces removed.
Parameter Description
Copy this string without the leading or trailing spaces. '
See Also LTri'(), RTri'().
Example '#Language "WWB.NET"
Sub Main
Debug.Print "."; Tri'(" x "); "." '".x."
End Sub
True Keyword
Group Constant
Description A
conditional expression
is True when its value is non-zero. A function that
returns True returns the value -1.
Try Statement
Syntax Try
[Catch [
As type
]] [When
End Try
Group Error Handling
Description A Try block allows exceptions to be handled programmatically. When an excep-
tion occurs in the Try block, each Catch block is check for a matching
(If the condition expression is omitted, the Catch block is matched.) If a match-
ing Catch block is found, the block's statements are executed. The optional Fin-
ally block is always executed regardless of whether an exception occurs or not.
See Also Throw, Using.
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Example '#Language "WWB.NET"
Sub Main
Catch Ex As System.Exception
Debug.Print Ex.ToString() '"error"
End Try
End Sub
Sub DoIt
Throw New System.Exception("error")
End Sub
TryCast Function
Syntax TryCast(
Group Conversion
Description Return
's type is related to
type. If it is not, Nothing will be
Parameter Description
Cast the value of this expression.
Cast to this type.
See Also CType, DirectCast.
Example '#Language "WWB.NET"
Sub Main
Dim V As Object
V = Err
Debug.Print TypeName(TryCast(V, ErrObject)) ' ErrObject
End Sub
TypeName Function
Syntax TypeNam'(
Group Variable Info
Description Return a string indicating the type of value stored in
Parameter Description
Return a string indicating the type of value stored in this variable.
Result Description
variable is empty. It has never been assigned a value.
variable is null.
Boolean Variable contains a Boolean value.
Byte Variable contains a Byte value.
SByte Variable contains a SByte value.
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Copyright © 2024 RFgen Software. A division of DataMAX Software Group, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
Short Variable contains an Short value.
UShort Variable contains an UShort value.
Integer Variable contains an Integer value.
UInteger Variable contains an UInteger value.
Long Variable contains a Long value.
ULong Variable contains a ULong value.
Decimal Variable contains a Decimal value.
Single Variable contains a Single value.
Double Variable contains a Double value.
Date Variable contains a Date value.
String Variable contains a String value.
Object Variable contains an Object reference that is not Nothing. (An object may return a
type name specific to that type of object.)
Nothing Variable contains an Object reference that is Nothing.
Error Variable contains a error code value.
Unknown Variable contains a non-ActiveX Automation object reference.
( ) Variable contains an array value. The TypeName of the element followed by ( ).
See Also SystemTypeName, VarType, VbTypeName.
Example '#Language "WWB.NET"
Sub Main
Dim X As Object
Debug.Print TypeName(X) '"Empty"
X = 1
Debug.Print TypeName(X) '"Integer"
X = 100000
Debug.Print TypeName(X) '"Long"
X = 1.1
Debug.Print TypeName(X) '"Double"
X = "A"
Debug.Print TypeName(X) '"String"
'X = CreateObject("Word.Basic")
Debug.Print TypeName(X) '"Object"
X = Array(0,1,2)
Debug.Print TypeName(X) '"Object()"
End Sub
TypeOf Operator
Syntax TypeOf
Group Operator
Description Return the True if
refers to an object of
See Also Objects.
Example '#Language "WWB.NET"
Sub Main
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Debug.Print TypeOf Err Is ErrObject ' True
End Sub
UBound Function
Syntax UBound(
Group Variable Info
Description Return the highest index.
Parameter Description
Return the highest index for this array variable.
Return the highest index for this dimension of
. If this is omitted then
return the highest index for the first dimension.
See Also LBound().
Example '#Language "WWB.NET"
Sub Main
Dim A(3,6)
Debug.Print UBound(A) ' 3
Debug.Print UBound(A,1) ' 3
Debug.Print UBound(A,2) ' 6
End Sub
UCas' Function
Syntax UCas'(
Group String
Description Return a string from
where all the lowercase letters have been uppercased.
Parameter Description
Return the string value of this after all chars have been converted to lowercase. '
See Also LCas'(), StrComp(), StrCon'().
Example '#Language "WWB.NET"
Sub Main
Debug.Print UCas'("Hello") '"HELLO"
End Sub
UInteger Data Type
Syntax Dim v As UInteger
Group Data Type
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Description A 32 bit unsigned integer value. The number of bits is controlled by the #Lan-
guage setting.
ULong Data Type
Syntax Dim v As ULong
Group Data Type
Description A 64 bit unsigned integer value. The number of bits is controlled by the #Lan-
guage setting.
Unlock Instruction
Syntax Unlock
, [
] To
Group File
Description Form 1: Unlock all of
Form 2: Unlock a record (or byte) of
Form 3: Unlock a range of records (or bytes) of
. If
is omitted
then unlock starting at the first record (or byte).
Note: For sequential files (Input, Output and Append) unlock always affects the
entire file.
Parameter Description
Streams 1 through 255 are private to each macro. Streams 256 through 511 are
shared by all macros.
For Random mode files this is the record number. The first record is 1. Otherwise,
it is the byte position. The first byte is 1.
First record (or byte) in the range.
Last record (or byte) in the range.
See Also Lock, Open.
Example '#Language "WWB.NET"
Sub Main
Dim V As Variant
FileOpen 1, "SAVE_V.DAT", OpenMode.Binary
Get'1, 1, V
V = "Hello"
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Put'1, 1, V
End Sub
UShort Data Type
Syntax Dim v As UShort
Group Data Type
Description A 16 bit unsigned integer value.
Val Function
Syntax Val(
Group String
Description Return the value of the
Parameter Description
Return the numeric value for this string value. A string value begins with &O is an
octal number. A string value begins with &H is a hex number. Otherwise it is
decimal number.
Example '#Language "WWB.NET"
Sub Main
Debug.Print Val("-1000") '-1000
End Sub
Using Statement
Syntax Using
End Using
[, ...]
End Using
Group Error Handling
Description A Using block allows resources to be freed automatically. A resource imple-
ments the IDisposable interface. When the End Using statement is executed all
of the resources are freed.
See Also Try.
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Example '#Language "WWB.NET"
Sub Main
Using res As New Resource
' ... use res
End Using ' res.Dispose is called
End Sub
VarType Function
Syntax VarType(
Group Variable Info
Description Return a number indicating the type of value stored in
Parameter Description
Return a number indicating the type of value stored in this variable.
Result Value Description
vbEmpty 0
variable is Nothing. It has never been assigned a value.
vbShort 2 Variable contains an Short value.
vbInteger 3 Variable contains an Integer value. The value depends on the
#Language setting.
vbLong 20 Variable contains a Long value. The value depends on the #Lan-
guage setting.
vbSingle 4 Variable contains a Single value.
vbDouble 5 Variable contains a Double value.
vbCurrency 6 Variable contains a Currency value.
vbDate 7 Variable contains a Date value.
vbString 8 Variable contains a String value.
vbObject 9 Variable contains an Object reference.
vbError 10 Variable contains a error code value.
vbBoolean 11 Variable contains a Boolean value.
vbDataObject 13 Variable contains a non-ActiveX Automation object reference.
vbDecimal 14 Variable contains a Decimal value.
vbSByte 16 Variable contains a SByte value.
vbByte 17 Variable contains a Byte value.
vbUShort 18 Variable contains a UShort value.
vbUInteger 19 Variable contains a UInteger value. The value depends on the
#Language setting.
vbULong 21 Variable contains a ULong value. The value depends on the
#Language setting.
vbUserDefinedType 36 Variable contains a User Defined Structure value.
+vbArray 8192 Variable contains an array value. Use VarType( ) And 255 to get
the type of element stored in the array.
See Also SystemTypeName, TypeName, VbTypeName.
Example '#Language "WWB.NET"
Sub Main
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Dim X As Object
Debug.Print VarType(X) ' 0
X = 1
Debug.Print VarType(X) ' 2
X = 100000
Debug.Print VarType(X) ' 3
X = 1.1
Debug.Print VarType(X) ' 5
X = "A"
Debug.Print VarType(X) ' 8
'X = CreateObject("Word.Basic")
Debug.Print VarType(X) ' 9
X = Array(0,1,2)
Debug.Print VarType(X) ' 8204 (8192+12)
End Sub
VbTypeName Function
Syntax VbTypeNam'(
Group Variable Info
Description Return a string indicating VB type name corresponding to the fully qualified
Common Language Runtime type name. Return Nothing if the specified
is not a valid VB type name.
Parameter Description
This is Common Language Runtime type name.
See Also SystemTypeName, TypeName, VarType.
Example '#Language "WWB.NET"
Sub Main
Dim X As Object
Debug.Print VbTypeName(X) '"Empty"
X = 1
Debug.Print VbTypeName(X) '"Integer"
End Sub
Wait Instruction
Syntax Wait [
Group Miscellaneous
Description Wait for
Parameter Description
Wait for this number of seconds. If omitted then wait for 5 seconds. '
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Example '#Language "WWB.NET"
Sub Main
Wait .5 ' wait for one half second
End Sub
Weekday Function
Syntax Weekday(
Group Time/Date
Description Return the weekday.
vbSunday (1) - Sunday
vbMonday (2) - Monday
vbTuesday (3) - Tuesday
vbWednesday (4) - Wednesday
vbThursday (5) - Thursday
vbFriday (6) - Friday
vbSaturday (7) - Saturday
Parameter Description
Return the weekday for this date value. '
See Also Date(), Day(), Month(), WeekdayName(), Year().
Example '#Language "WWB.NET"
Sub Main
Debug.Print Weekday(#1/1/1900#) ' 2
Debug.Print Weekday(#1/1/2000#) ' 7
End Sub
WeekdayName Function
Syntax WeekdayName(NumZ{day}[, CondZ{abbrev}])
Group Time/Date
Description Return the localized name of the weekday.
Parameter Description
Return the localized name of this weekday. (1-7)
If this conditional value is True then return the abbreviated form of the weekday
See Also Weekday().
Example '#Language "WWB.NET"
Sub Main
Debug.Print WeekdayName(1) 'Sunday
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Debug.Print WeekdayName(Weekday(Now))
End Sub
While Statement
Syntax While
End While
Group Flow Control
Description Execute
s while
is True.
See Also Do, For, For Each, Exit While.
Example '#Language "WWB.NET"
Sub Main
I = 2
While I < 10
I = I*2
End While
Debug.Print I ' 16
End Sub
Win16 Keyword
Group Constant
Description True if running in 16 bits. False if running in 32 or 64 bits.
Win32 Keyword
Group Constant
Description True if running in 32 bits. False if running in 16 or 64 bits.
Win64 Keyword
Group Constant
Description True if running in 64 bits. False if running in 16 or 32 bits.
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With Statement
Syntax With
End With
Group Object
references may be abbreviated inside a With block. Use
or .
to access the object specified by the With
Example '#Language "WWB.NET"
Sub Main
Dim App As Object
'App = CreateObject("WinWrap.CppDemoApplication")
With App
.Move 20,30 ' move icon to 20,30
End With
End Sub
WithEvents Definition
Syntax [Dim | Private | Public] _
[, ...]
Group Declaration
Description Dimensioning a module level variable WithEvents allows the macro to imple-
ment event handling Subs. The variable's As type must be a type from a ref-
erenced type library (or language extension) which implements events.
See Also Dim, Private, Public, RaiseEvent.
Example '#Language "WWB.NET"
Dim WithEvents X As Thing
Sub Main
'X = New Thing
X.DoIt ' DoIt method raises DoingIt event
End Sub
Private Sub X_DoingIt Handles X.DoingIt
Debug.Print "X.DoingIt event"
End Sub
Write Instruction
Syntax Write
[, ...]
Group File
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Description Write's
(s) to
. String values are quoted. Null values are written
as #NULL#. Boolean values are written as #FALSE# or #TRUE#. Date values
are written as #date#. Error codes are written as #ERROR number#.
See Also Input, LineInput, Print, PrintLine, WriteLine.
Example '#Language "WWB.NET"
Sub Main
Dim A, B, C
A = 1
B = 2
' = "Hello"
FileOpen 1, "XXX", OpenMode.Output
Write'1, A, B, '
End Sub
WriteLine Instruction
Syntax WriteLine
[, ...]
Group File
Description Write's
(s) to
. String values are quoted. A newline is printed at
the end. Null values are written as #NULL#. Boolean values are written as
#FALSE# or #TRUE#. Date values are written as #date#. Error codes are writ-
ten as #ERROR number#.
See Also Input, LineInput, Print, PrintLine, Write.
Example '#Language "WWB.NET"
Sub Main
Dim A, B, C
A = 1
B = 2
' = "Hello"
FileOpen 1, "XXX", OpenMode.Output
Write 1, A, B, C
FileClose 1
End Sub
Year Function
Syntax Year(
Group Time/Date
Description Return the year.
Parameter Description
Return the year for this date value. '
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See Also Date(), Day(), Month(), Weekday().
Example '#Language "WWB.NET"
Sub Main
Debug.Print Year(#1/1/1900#) ' 1900
Debug.Print Year(#1/1/2000#) ' 2000
End Sub
Objects Overview
Each object supports a particular set of
. Each method/property has zero or
more parameters. Parameters may be optional, in which case the parameter
can be specified by using name := value.
][, ...] [
][, ...] [
Return the value of
][, ...] [
Return the value of
][, ...])] =
Assign the value of
][, ...])] =
Set the object reference of
is short hand for
"). Use
[name] if name contains any characters that are not allowed in an identifier.
Error List
The following table lists all error codes with the associated error text.
Error Description
10000 Execution interrupted.
10001 Out of memory.
10008 Invalid '#Uses "module" comment.
10009 Invalid '#Uses module dependency.
10010 Macro is already running.
10011 Can't allocate memory to macro/module.
10012 Macro/module has syntax errors.
10013 Macro/module does not exist.
10014 Another macro is paused and can't continue at this time.
10017 No macro is currently active.
10018 Sub/Function does not exist.
10019 Wrong number of parameters.
10021 Can't allocate large array.
10022 Array is not dimensioned.
10023 Array index out of range.
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10024 Array lower bound is larger than upper bound.
10025 Array has a different number of indexes.
10030 User dialog has not been defined.
10031 User pressed cancel.
10032 User dialog item id is out of range.
10033 No UserDialog is currently displayed.
10034 Current UserDialog is inaccessible.
10035 Wrong with, don't GoTo into or out of With blocks.
10040 Module could not be loaded.
10041 Function not found in module.
10048 File not opened with read access.
10049 File not opened with write access.
10050 Record length exceeded.
10051 Could not open file.
10052 File is not open.
10053 Attempt to read past end-of-file.
10054 Expecting a stream number in the range 1 to 511.
10055 Input does not match var type.
10056 Expecting a length in the range 1 to 32767.
10057 Stream number is already open.
10058 File opened in the wrong mode for this operation.
10059 Error occurred during file operation.
10060 Expression has an invalid floating point operation.
10061 Divide by zero.
10062 Overflow.
10063 Expression underflowed minimum representation.
10064 Expression loss of precision in representation.
10069 String value is not a valid number.
10071 Resume can only be used in an On Error handler.
10075 Null value can't be used here.
10080 Type mismatch.
10081 Type mismatch for parameter #1.
10082 Type mismatch for parameter #2.
10083 Type mismatch for parameter #3.
10084 Type mismatch for parameter #4.
10085 Type mismatch for parameter #5.
10086 Type mismatch for parameter #6.
10087 Type mismatch for parameter #7.
10088 Type mismatch for parameter #8.
10089 Type mismatch for parameter #9.
10090 OLE Automation error.
10091 OLE Automation: no such property or method.
10092 OLE Automation: server cannot create object.
10093 OLE Automation: server cannot load file.
10094 OLE Automation: Object var is 'Nothing'.
10095 OLE Automation: server could not be found.
10096 OLE Automation: no object currently active.
10097 OLE Automation: wrong number of parameters.
10098 OLE Automation: bad index.
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10099 OLE Automation: no such named parameter.
10100 Directory could not be found.
10101 File could not be killed.
10102 Directory could not be created.
10103 File could not be renamed.
10104 Directory could not be removed.
10105 Drive not found.
10106 Source file could not be opened.
10107 Destination file could not be created.
10108 Source file could not be completely read.
10109 Destination file could not be completely written.
10110 Missing close brace '}'.
10111 Invalid key name.
10112 Missing close paren ')'.
10113 Missing close bracket ']'.
10114 Missing comma ','.
10115 Missing semi-colon ';'.
10116 SendKeys couldn't install the Windows journal playback hook.
10119 String too long (too many keys).
10120 Window could not be found.
10130 DDE is not available.
10131 Too many simultaneous DDE conversations.
10132 Invalid channel number.
10133 DDE operation did not complete in time.
10134 DDE server died.
10135 DDE operation failed.
10140 Can't access the clipboard.
10150 Window style must be in the range from 1 to 9.
10151 Shell failed.
10160 Declare is not implemented.
10200 Basic is halted due to an unrecoverable error condition.
10201 Basic is busy and can't provide the requested service.
10202 Basic call failed.
10203 Handler property: prototype specification is invalid.
10204 Handler is already in use.
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Copyright © 2024 RFgen Software. A division of DataMAX Software Group, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
WWB-COM: Overview
WWB-COM Use '#Language "WWB-COM" for Visual Basic for Applications(TM) compatibility.
Declaration '#Language, '#Reference, '#Uses, Attribute, Class Module, Code Module,
Const, Declare, Deftype, Delegate, Dim, Enum...End Enum, Event, Function...End Function,
Object Module, Option, Private, Property...End Property, Public, ReDim, Static, Sub...End Sub,
Type...End Type, WithEvents.
Data Type Any, Boolean, Byte, Currency, Date, Decimal, Double, Huge_, Integer, Long,
Object, PortInt, SByte, Single, String, String*n, UHuge_, UInteger, ULong, Variant,
obj type
user dialog
user enum
user type
Assignment Assign: (=, +=, -=, *=, /=, \=, ^=, <<=, >>=), Erase, Let, LSet, RSet, Set.
Flow Control Call, CallByName, Do...Loop, End, Exit, For...Next, For Each...Next, GoTo,
If...ElseIf...Else...End If, MacroCheck, MacroCheckThis, MacroRun, MacroRunThis, Mod-
uleLoad, ModuleLoadThis, RaiseEvent, Return, Select Case...End Select, Stop, While...Wend.
Error Handling Err, Error, On Error, Resume.
Conversion Array, CBool, CByte, CCur, CDate, CDec, CDbl, CHuge_, CInt, CLng, CSByte,
CSng, CStr, CUHuge_, CUInt, CULng, CVar, CVDate, CVErr, Val.
Variable Info IsArray, IsDate, IsEmpty, IsError, IsMissing, IsNull, IsNumeric, IsObject,
LBound, TypeName, UBound, VarType,
Constant Empty, False, Nothing, Null, True, Win16, Win32, Win64.
Math Abs, Atn, Cos, Exp, Fix, Int, Log, Randomize, Rnd, Round, Sgn, Sin, Sqr, Tan.
String Asc, AscB, AscW, Chr, ChrB, ChrW, Format, Hex, InStr, InStrB, InStrRev, Join,
LCase, Left, LeftB, Len, LenB, LTrim, Mid, MidB, Oct, Replace, Right, RightB, RTrim, Space,
Split, Str, StrComp, StrConv, StrReverse, String, Trim, UCase.
Object CreateObject, GetObject, Me, With...End With.
Time/Date Date, DateAdd, DateDiff, DatePart, DateSerial, DateValue, Day, Hour, Minute,
Month, MonthName, Now, Second, Time, Timer, TimeSerial, TimeValue, Weekday, Week-
dayName, Year.
File ChDir, ChDrive, Close, CurDir, Dir, EOF, FileAttr, FileCopy, FileDateTime,
FileLen, FreeFile, Get, GetAttr, Input, Input, Kill, Line Input, Loc, Lock, LOF, MkDir, Name,
Open, Print, Put, Reset, RmDir, Seek, Seek, SetAttr, Unlock, Write,
User Input Dialog, GetFilePath, InputBox, MsgBox. ShowPopupMenu
User Dialog Begin Dialog...End Dialog, CancelButton, CheckBox, ComboBox, DropListBox,
GroupBox, ListBox, MultiListBox, OKButton, OptionButton, OptionGroup, Picture, PushButton,
Text, TextBox.
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Copyright © 2024 RFgen Software. A division of DataMAX Software Group, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
Dialog Function DialogFunc, DlgControlId, DlgCount, DlgEnable, DlgEnd, DlgFocus,
DlgListBoxArray, DlgName, DlgNumber, DlgSetPicture, DlgText, DlgType, DlgValue,
DDE DDEExecute, DDEInitiate, DDEPoke, DDERequest, DDETerminate, DDETer-
Settings DeleteSetting, GetAllSettings, GetSetting, SaveSetting
Miscellaneous AboutWinWrapBasic, AppActivate, Assign, Attribute, Beep, CallersLine, Choose,
Clipboard, Command, Decode64, Decode64B, Decrypt64, Decrypt64B, Debug.Print, DoEvents,
Encode64, Encode64B, Encrypt64, Encrypt64B, Environ, Eval, IIf, GetLocale, KeyName, Mac-
roDir, QBColor, Rem, RGB, SendKeys, SetLocale, Shell, Wait.
Operator Operators: +, -, ^, *, /, \, Mod, +, -, <<, >>, &, =, <>, <, >, <=, >=, Like, New,
TypeOf, Not, And, AndAlso, Or, OrElse, Xor, Eqv, Imp, Is, IsNot, AddressOf.
#Language Special Comment
#Reference Special Comment
#Uses Special Comment
AboutWinWrapBasic Instruction
Abs Function
AddressOf Operator
Any Data Type
AppActivate Instruction
Array Function
Asc Function
Assign Instruction
Assign Operators
Atn Function
Attribute Definintion/Statement
Beep Instruction
Begin Dialog Definition
Boolean Data Type
Byte Data Type
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Copyright © 2024 RFgen Software. A division of DataMAX Software Group, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
Call Instruction
CallByName Instruction
CallersLine Function
CancelButton Dialog Item Definition
CBool Function
CByte Function
CCur Function
CDate Function
CDbl Function
CDec Function
ChDir Instruction
ChDrive Instruction
CheckBox Dialog Item Definition
Choose Function
Chr$ Function
CHuge_ Function
CInt Function
Class Module
Class_Initialize Sub
Class_Terminate Sub
Clipboard Instruction/Function
CLng Function
Close Instruction
Code Module
ComboBox Dialog Item Definition
Command$ Function
Const Definition
Cos Function
CreateObject Function
CSByte Function
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CSng Function
CStr Function
CurDir$ Function
CUHuge_ Function
CUInt Function
CULng Function
Currency Data Type
CVar Function
CVErr Function
Date Data Type
Date Function
DateAdd Function
DateDiff Function
DatePart Function
DateSerial Function
DateValue Function
Day Function
DDEExecute Instruction
DDEInitiate Function
DDEPoke Instruction
DDERequest$ Function
DDETerminate Instruction
DDETerminateAll Instruction
Debug Object
Decimal Data Type
Declare Definition
Decode64 Function
Decrypt64 Function
Def Definition
Delegate Definition
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DeleteSetting Instruction
Dialog Instruction/Function
DialogFunc Prototype
Dim Definition
Dir$ Function
DlgControlId Function
DlgCount Function
DlgEnable Instruction/Function
DlgEnd Instruction
DlgFocus Instruction/Function
DlgListBoxArray Instruction/Function
DlgName Function
DlgNumber Function
DlgSetPicture Instruction
DlgText Instruction/Function
DlgType Function
DlgValue Instruction/Function
DlgVisible Instruction/Function
Do Statement
DoEvents Instruction
Double Data Type
DropListBox Dialog Item Definition
Empty Keyword
Encode64 Function
Encrypt64 Function
End Instruction
Enum Definition
Environ Function
EOF Function
Erase Instruction
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Err Object
Error Instruction/Function
Eval Function
Event Definition
Exit Instruction
Exp Function
False Keyword
FileAttr Function
FileCopy Instruction
FileDateTime Function
FileLen Function
Fix Function
For Statement
For Each Statement
Format$ Function
Format Predefined Date
Format Predefined Number
Format User Defined Date
Format User Defined Number
Format User Defined Text
FreeFile Function
Friend Keyword
Function Definition
Get Instruction
GetAllSettings Function
GetAttr Function
GetFilePath$ Function
GetObject Function
GetLocale Function
GetSetting Function
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Goto Instruction
GroupBox Dialog Item Definition
Hex$ Function
Hour Function
Huge_ Data Type
If Statement
IIf Function
Input Instruction
Input$ Function
InputBox$ Function
InStr Function
InStrRev Function
Int Function
Integer Data Type
Is Operator
IsArray Function
IsDate Function
IsEmpty Function
IsError Function
IsMissing Function
IsNot Operator
IsNull Function
IsNumeric Function
IsObject Function
Join Function
KeyName Function
Kill Instruction
LBound Function
LCase$ Function
Left$ Function
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Len Function
Let Instruction
Like Operator
Line Input Instruction
ListBox Dialog Item Definition
Loc Function
Lock Instruction
LOF Function
Log Function
Long Data Type
LSet Instruction
LTrim$ Function
MacroCheck Function
MacroCheckThis Function
MacroDir$ Function
MacroRun Instruction
MacroRunThis Instruction
Main Sub
Me Object
Mid$ Function/Assignment
Minute Function
MkDir Instruction
ModuleLoad Function
ModuleLoadThis Function
Month Function
MonthName Function
MsgBox Instruction/Function
MultiListBox Dialog Item Definition
Name Instruction
New Operator
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Nothing Keyword
Now Function
Null Keyword
Object Data Type
Object Module
Object_Initialize Sub
Object_Terminate Sub
Oct$ Function
OKButton Dialog Item Definition
On Error Instruction
Open Instruction
Option Definition
OptionButton Dialog Item Definition
OptionGroup Dialog Item Definition
Picture Dialog Item Definition
PortInt Data Type
Print Instruction
Private Definition
Private Keyword
Property Definition
Public Definition
Public Keyword
PushButton Dialog Item Definition
Put Instruction
QBColor Function
RaiseEvent Instruction
Randomize Instruction
ReDim Instruction
Rem Instruction
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Replace$ Function
Reset Instruction
Resume Instruction
Return Instruction
RGB Function
Right$ Function
RmDir Instruction
Rnd Function
Round Function
RSet Instruction
RTrim$ Function
SaveSetting Instruction
Second Function
Seek Instruction
Seek Function
Select Case Statement
SendKeys Instruction
Set Instruction
SetAttr Instruction
SetLocale Instruction
Sgn Function
Shell Function
SByte Data Type
ShowPopupMenu Function
Sin Function
Single Data Type
Space$ Function
Split Function
Sqr Function
Static Definition
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Stop Instruction
Str$ Function
StrComp$ Function
StrConv$ Function
String Data Type
String*n Data Type
String$ Function
StrReverse$ Function
Sub Definition
Tan Function
Text Dialog Item Definition
TextBox Dialog Item Definition
Time Function
Timer Function
TimeSerial Function
TimeValue Function
Trim$ Function
True Keyword
Type Definition
TypeName Function
TypeOf Operator
UBound Function
UCase$ Function
UHuge_ Data Type
UInteger Data Type
ULong Data Type
Unlock Instruction
Val Function
Variant Data Type
VarType Function
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Wait Instruction
Weekday Function
WeekdayName Function
While Statement
Win16 Keyword
Win32 Keyword
Win64 Keyword
With Statement
WithEvents Definition
Write Instruction
Year Function
Objects Overview
Error List
arglist [ |
][, ...]
A list of zero or more
s that are assigned to the parameters of the
A positional parameter may be skipped by omitting the expression. Only optional parameters may be
Positional parameter assignment is done with
. Each parameter is assigned in turn. By name para-
meter assignment may follow.
By name parameter assignment is done with
. All following parameters must be assigned by
arrayvar A variable that holds an array of values. A
variable can hold an array. Dynamic
arrays can be ReDimensioned.
As [New] type As type
As New
Dim, Private, Public and Static statements may declare variable types using
As type
or As New
. A
variable declared using As New
is automatically created prior to use, if the variable is Nothing.
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As type Variable and parameter types, as well as, function and property results may be specified
using As type: Boolean, Byte, Currency, Date, Decimal, Double, Huge_, Integer, Long, Object,
PortInt, SByte, Single, String, String*n, UHuge_, Variant,
user delegate
user dialog
user type
attribute A file attribute is zero or more of the following values added together.
Attribute Value Description
vbNormal 0 Normal file.
vbReadOnly 1 Read-only file.
vbHidden 2 Hidden file.
vbSystem 4 System file.
vbVolume 8 Volume label.
vbDirectory 16 MS-DOS directory.
vbArchive 32 File has changes since last backup.
vbAlias 64 File is an alias.
big-endian Multiple byte data values (not strings) are stored with the highest order byte first. For
example, the long integer &H01020304 is stored as this sequence of four bytes: &H01, &H02, &H03 and
&H04. A Binary or Random file written using Put uses
format so that it can be read using Get on
any machine. (Big-endian machines, like the Power-PC, reverse the bytes as they are read by Get or written
by Put.)
bytearray A variable that holds an array of byte values.
caseexpr An expression which specifies a single value or a range. Refer to the Select Case state-
charlist A group of one or more characters enclosed by [ ] as part of Like operator's right string
This list contains single characters and/or character ranges which describe the characters in the list.
A range of characters is indicated with a hyphen (-) between two characters. The first character must be
ordinally less than or equal to the second character.
Special pattern characters like ?, *, # and [ can be matched as literal characters.
The ] character can not be part of charlist, but it can be part of the pattern outside the charlist.
condexpr An expression that returns a numeric result. If the result is zero then the conditional is
False. If the result is non-zero then the conditional is True.
0 'false
-1 'true
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X > 20 'true if X is greater than 20
S$ = "hello" 'true if S$ equals "hello"
dateexpr An expression that returns a date result. Use #literal-date# to express a date value.
#1/1/2000# ' Jan 1, 2000
Now+7 ' seven days from now
' one year from now
dialogfunc A dialog function executes while a
user dialog
is visible.
dimension [
Array dimension. If
is omitted then the lower bound is zero or one depending on the Option Base set-
ting. (The lower bound of an array element in a Type definition is not affected by the Option Base setting.)
must be at least as big as
Dim A(100 To 200) '101 values
Note: For ReDim the
may be any valid
. Otherwise,
must be
constant expressions.
dlgvar A dialog variable holds values for fields in the dialog. Dialog variables are declared using
Dim dlgvar As
user dialog
expr An simple or complex expression that returns the appropriate result.
, function (result) or property (result).
Complex: One or more simple expressions with parenthesises and Operators.
field Use .field to access individual fields in a dialog variable.
initialvalue Initial value for a variable. Use {
, ... } to create an array value.
instruction A single command.
Debug.Print "Hello"
Today = Date
Multiple instructions may be used instead of a single instruction by separating the single instructions with
X = 1:Debug.Print X
If X = 1 Then Debug.Print "X=";X:Stop
Beep ' must resume from Stop to get to here
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label An identifier that
s a statement. Identifiers start with a letter. Following chars may
be a letter, an underscore or a digit.
little-endian Multiple byte data values (not strings) are stored with the lowest order byte first. For
example, the long integer &H01020304 is stored as this sequence of four bytes: &H04, &H03, &H02 and
&H01. A Binary or Random file written using Put uses little-endian format so that it can be read using Get on
any machine. (
machines, like the Power-PC, reverse the bytes as they are read by Get or written
by Put.)
macro A macro is like an application. Execution starts at the macro's Sub Main.
method An object provides methods and
. Methods can be called as subs (the return
value is ignored), or used as functions (the return value is used).
If the method name contains characters that are not legal in a
, surround the method name with [].
module A file with public symbols that are accessible by other modules/
via the '#Uses
special comment.
A module is loaded on demand.
A code module is a code library.
An object module or class module implements an object.
A module may also access other modules with its own '#Uses special comments.
name An identifier that names a variable or a user defined
. Identifiers start with a let-
ter. Following chars may be a letter, an underscore or a digit.
num An expression that returns a numeric result. Use &O to express an octal number. Use &H
to express a hex number. The interpretation &H and &O is affected by the '#Language setting. Specific
types of numbers can be indicated by using one of the endings shown in the table below:
Ending Description
I or % The number is a Integer value. The interpretation of the type is controlled by the '#Language set-
L or & The number is a Long value. The interpretation of the type is controlled by the '#Language setting.
H The number is a Huge_ value.
UI The number is a UInteger value. The interpretation of the type is controlled by the '#Language set-
UL The number is a ULong value. The interpretation of the type is controlled by the '#Language setting.
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UH The number is a UHuge_ value.
C The number is a Currency value.
D The number is a Decimal value.
F or ! The number is a Single value.
R or # The number is a Double value.
? The number is a PortInt value.
@ The number is a Currency value. The interpretation of the type is controlled by the '#Language setting.
numstr An expression that returns a
numvar A variable that holds one numeric value.
objexpr A expression that returns a reference to an object or
objtype A specific type defined by your application, another application or by an object module
or class module.
objvar A variable that holds a
which references an object. Object variables are declared
using As
in a Dim, Private or Public statement.
param [ [Optional] [ | ByVal | ByRef ] | ParamArray ]
][( )] [
As type
] [ =
receives the value of the associated expression in the Declare, Sub, Function or Property
call. (See
An Optional
may be omitted from the call. It may also have a
. The parameter receives
the defaultvalue if a value is not specified by the call. If the defaultvalue is omitted, the parameter is a Vari-
ant and no value is specified in the call then IsMissing will return True.
All parameters following an Optional parameter must also be Optional.
ParamArray may be used on the final
. It must be an array of Variant type. It must not follow any
Optional parameters. The ParamArray receives all the expressions at the end of the call as an array. If
) > UBound(
) then the ParamArray didn't receive any expressions.
If the
is not ByVal and the expression is merely a variable then the
is a reference to that vari-
able (ByRef). (Changing
changes the variable.) Otherwise, the parameter variable is local to the
, so changing its value does not affect the caller.
( ) to specify an array parameter. An array parameter must be referenced and can not be
passed by value. The bounds of the parameter array are available via LBound() and UBound().
precedence When several operators are used in an expression, each operator is evaluated in a pre-
determined order. Operators are evaluated in this order:
^ (power)
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- (negate)
* (multiply), / (divide)
\ (integer divide)
Mod (integer remainder)
+ (add), - (difference)
<< (shift left), >> (shift right)
& (string concatenate)
= (equal), <> (not equal), < (less than) > (greater than), <= (less than or equal to), >= (greater than or
equal to), Like, (string similarity) New, (object creation) TypeOf, (object type) Is, (object equivalence)
IsNot (object non-equivalence)
Not (bitwise invert)
And (bitwise and), AndAlso (short-circuit logical and)
Or (bitwise or), OrElse (short-circuit logical or)
Xor (bitwise exclusive-or)
Eqv (bitwise equivalence)
Imp (bitwise implication)
Operators shown on the same line are evaluated from left to right.
procedure A subroutine, function or property.
property An object provides
s and properties. Properties may be used as values (like a func-
tion call) or changed (using assignment syntax).
If the property name contains characters that are not legal in a
, surround the property name with [].
statement Zero or more
s. A statement is at least one line long. Begin Dialog, Do, For,
If (multiline), Select Case, While and With statements are always more than one line long. A single line
statement continues on the next line if it ends a line with a space and an underscore ' _'.
S$ = "This long string is easier to read, " + _
"if it is broken across two lines."
Debug.Print S$
str An expression that returns a string result.
S$ + " Goodbye"
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S$ & " Goodbye"
A string constant may have a 'C' suffix
S$ = "x"C
The 'C' suffix indicates that the string is one character long.
strarray A variable that holds an array of string values.
streamnum An expression that returns a numeric result. Streams 1 through 255 are private to each
macro. Streams 256 through 511 are shared by all macros.
strvar A variable that holds one string value.
type Variable and parameter types, as well as, function and property results may be specified
using a type character as the last character in their name.
Type char As Type
% Integer, The interpretation of the type is controlled by the '#Language setting.
& Long, The interpretation of the type is controlled by the '#Language setting.
! Single
# Double
@ Currency, The interpretation of the type is controlled by the '#Language setting.
$ String
? PortInt
user delegate User defined delegates are defined with Delegate.
user dialog User defined dialogs are defined with Begin Dialog.
user enum User defined enums are defined with Enum.
user type User defined types are defined with Type.
usertypevar A user defined type variable holds values for elements of the user defined type. User
defined types are defined using Type.
Declare with Dim, Private, Public or Static.
Declare as a parameter of Sub, Function or Property definition.
var A variable holds either a string, a numeric value or an array of values depending on its
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[, ...]])][
As [New] type
declares a variable.
variantvar A variant variable can hold any type of value (except String*n). or it can hold an array.
AboutWinWrapBasic Instruction
Syntax AboutWinWrapBasic [
Group Miscellaneous
Description Show the WinWrap Basic about box.
Parameter Description
This numeric value is the maximum number of seconds to show the about box. A value less than or
equal to zero displays the about box until the user closes it. If this value is omitted then a three second
timeout is used.
Example '#Language "WWB-COM"
Sub Main
End Sub
Abs Function
Syntax Abs(
Group Math
Description Return the absolute value.
Parameter Description
Return the absolute value of this numeric value. If this value is Null then Null is returned.
See Also Sgn.
Example '#Language "WWB-COM"
Sub Main
Debug.Print Abs(9) ' 9
Debug.Print Abs(0) ' 0
Debug.Print Abs(-9) ' 9
End Sub
AddressOf Operator
Syntax AddressOf [
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Group Operator
Description Return a delegate for the
expr macro
's Sub or Function matching
A delegate's Sub or Function is called using the delegate's Invoke method.
Note: The AddressOf operator returns an object which holds a weak reference to the macro/module. If no
other references to the macro/module exist then the macro/module reference is deleted and using the result
of the AddressOf operator causes a run-time error.
Parameter Description
This is a macro/module reference. If omitted then the current macro/module's reference (Me) is used.
Return a delegate for this Sub or Function.
See Also Delegate.
Example '#Language "WWB-COM"
Delegate Function OpType(ByVal v1 As Variant, ByVal v2 As Variant) As Variant
Debug.Print DoOp(AddressOf Add,1,2) ' 3
Debug.Print DoOp(AddressOf Subtract,1,2) '-1
End Sub
Function DoOp(ByVal op As OpType, _
ByVal v1 As Variant, ByVal v2 As Variant) As Variant
DoOp = op.Invoke(v1,v2)
Function Add(ByVal v1 As Variant, ByVal v2 As Variant) As Variant
Add = v1+v2
End Function
Function Subtract(ByVal v1 As Variant, ByVal v2 As Variant) As Variant
Subtract = v1-v2
Any Data Type
Syntax Declare ...(... v As Any ...)...
Group Data Type
Description Any variable expression (Declare only).
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AppActivate Instruction
Syntax AppActivate
Group Miscellaneous
Description Form 1: Activate the application top-level window titled
. If no window by that title
exists then the first window with at title that starts with
is activated. If no window matches then an
error occurs.
Form 2: Activate the application top-level window for task
. If no window for that task exists then an
error occurs.
Parameter Description
The name shown in the title bar of the window.
This numeric value is the task identifier.
See Also SendKeys, Shell().
Example '#Language "WWB-COM"
Sub Main
' make ProgMan the active application
AppActivate "Program Manager"
End Sub
Array Function
Syntax Array([
[, ...]])
Group Conversion
Description Return a variant value array containing the
Example '#Language "WWB-COM"
Sub Main
X = Array(0,1,4,9)
Debug.Print X(2) ' 4
End Sub
Asc Function
Syntax Asc(
Group String
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Description Return the ASCII value.
Note: A similar function, AscW, returns the Unicode value. Another similar function, AscB, returns the first
byte in
Parameter Description
Return the ASCII value of the first char in this string value.
See Also Chr$().
Example '#Language "WWB-COM"
Sub Main
Debug.Print Asc("A") ' 65
End Sub
Assign Instruction
Syntax Assign
Group Miscellaneous
Description Assign the value of the
to the
Parameter Description
This string represents the variable expression to be set.
Evaluate this string value and assign it to the
This integer value indicates how deep into the stack to locate the local variables. If Depth = 0 then
use the current
. If this value is omitted then the depth is 0.
VBA This language element is not VBA compatible.
See Also Eval.
Example '#Language "WWB-COM"
Sub Main
Dim X As String
Assign "X", """Hello"""
Debug.Print X 'Hello
Debug.Print X 'Bye
End Sub
Sub A
Dim X As String
Assign "X", """Welcome"""
Assign "X", """Bye""", 1
Debug.Print Eval("X") 'Welcome
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Debug.Print Eval("X",1) 'Bye
End Sub
Assign Operators
Group Assignment
Description Assign a value to
Op Description
= Assign the value of
+= The same as:
+ (
). This language element is not VBA compatible.
-= The same as:
- (
). This language element is not VBA compatible.
*= The same as:
* (
). This language element is not VBA compatible.
/= The same as:
/ (
). This language element is not VBA compatible.
\= The same as:
\ (
). This language element is not VBA compatible.
^= The same as:
^ (
). This language element is not VBA compatible.
<<= The same as:
<< (
). This language element is not VBA compatible.
>>= The same as:
>> (
). This language element is not VBA compatible.
&= The same as:
& (
). This language element is not VBA compatible.
Example '#Language "WWB-COM"
Sub Main
X = 1
X = X*2
Debug.Print X ' 2
End Sub
Atn Function
Syntax Atn(
Group Math
Description Return the arc tangent. This is the number of radians. There are 2*Pi radians in a full
Parameter Description
Return the arc tangent of this numeric value.
See Also Cos, Sin, Tan.
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Example '#Language "WWB-COM"
Sub Main
Debug.Print Atn(1)*4 ' 3.1415926535898
Attribute Definintion/Statement
Syntax Attribute attributename = value
Attribute varname.attributename = value
Attribute procname.attributename = value
Group Declaration
Description All attribute definitions and statements are ignored except for:
Form 1: Module level attribute
Attribute VB_Name = "name"
Attribute VB_GlobalNameSpace = bool
Attribute VB_Creatable = bool
Attribute VB_PredeclaredId = bool
Attribute VB_Exposed = bool
Attribute VB_HelpID = int
Attribute VB_Description = "text"
VB_Name - Declares the name of the class module or object module.
VB_GlobalNameSpace - Declares the class module as a global class. (ignored)
VB_Creatable - Declares the module as creatable (True), non-creatable (False). (ignored)
VB_PredeclaredId - Declares the module as a predeclared identifier (True). (ignored)
VB_Exposed - Declares the module as public (True). (ignored)
VB_HelpID - Declares the module's help context displayed by the object browser.
VB_Description - Declares the module's help text displayed by the object browser.
Form 2: Macro/Module level variable attribute
Public varname As type
Attribute varname.VB_VarUserMemId = 0
Attribute varname.VB_VarHelpID = int
Attribute varname.VB_VarDescription = "text"
VB_VarUserMemID - Declares Public varname as the default property for a class module or object mod-
VB_VarHelpID - Declares the variable's help context displayed by the object browser.
VB_VarDescription - Declares the variable's help text displayed by the object browser.
Form 3: User defined procedure attribute
[Sub | Function | Property [Get|Let|Set]] procname ...
Attribute procname.VB_UserMemId = 0
Attribute procname.VB_HelpID = int
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Attribute procname.VB_Description = "text"
End [Sub | Function | Property]
VB_UserMemID - Declares Property procname as the default property for a class module or object mod-
VB_HelpID - Declares the procedure's help context displayed by the object browser.
VB_Description - Declares the procedure's help text displayed by the object browser.
HelpFile Each macro/module can define the HelpFile for the object browser:
'#HelpFile "helpfile"
where "helpfile" is a full path to the help file associated with the help text and help context.
Beep Instruction
Syntax Beep
Group Miscellaneous
Description Sound the bell.
Example '#Language "WWB-COM"
Sub Main
Beep ' beep the bell
End Sub
Begin Dialog Definition
Syntax Begin Dialog
] _
[, .
User Dialog Item
[User Dialog Item]...
Group User Dialog
Description Define a
user dialog
type to be used later in a Dim As
Parameter Description
This numeric value is the distance from the left edge of the screen to the left edge of the dialog box. It is
measured in 1/8 ths of the average character width for the dialog's font. If this is omitted then the dialog will
be centered.
This numeric value is the distance from the top edge of the screen to the top edge of the dialog box. It is
measured in 1/12 ths of the average character width for the dialog's font. If this is omitted then the dialog
will be centered.
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This number value is the width. It is measured in 1/8 ths of the average character width for the dialog's
This number value is the height. It is measured in 1/12 ths of the character height for the dialog's font.
This string value is the title of the user dialog. If this is omitted then there is no title.
This is the function name that implements the DialogFunc for this
user dialog
. If this is omitted
then the UserDialog doesn't have a dialogfunc.
User Dialog Item
One of: CancelButton, CheckBox, ComboBox, DropListBox, GroupBox, ListBox, MultiListBox,
OKButton, OptionButton, OptionGroup, PushButton, Text, TextBox.
Example '#Language "WWB-COM"
Sub Main
Begin Dialog UserDialog 200,120
Text 10,10,180,15,"Please push the OK button"
OKButton 80,90,40,20
End Dialog
Dim dlg As UserDialog
Dialog dlg ' show dialog (wait for ok)
End Sub
Boolean Data Type
Syntax Dim v As Boolean
Group Data Type
Description A True or False value.
Byte Data Type
Syntax Dim v As Byte
Group Data Type
Description An 8 bit unsigned integer value.
CallByName Instruction
Syntax CallByName(
[, ...]])
Group Flow Control
Description Call an
's method/property,
, by name. Pass the
s to the meth-
Parameter Description
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Call the method/property for this object reference.
This string value is the name of the method/property to be called.
Type of method/property call. See table below.
These expressions are passed to the obj's method/property.
CallType Value Effect
vbMethod 1 Call or evaluate the method.
vbGet 2 Evaluate the property's value.
vbLet 4 Assign the property's value.
vbSet 8 Set the property's reference.
Example '#Language "WWB-COM"
Sub Main
On ErrorResume Next
CallByName Err, "Raise", vbMethod, 1
Debug.Print CallByName(Err, "Number", vbGet) ' 1
CallersLine Function
Syntax CallersLine[(
Group Miscellaneous
Description Return the caller's line as a text string.
The text format is: "[macroname|subname#linenum] linetext".
Parameter Description
This integer value indicates how deep into the stack to get the caller's line. If Depth = -1 then return
the current line. If Depth = 0 then return the calling subroutine's current line, etc.. If Depth is greater than or
equal to the call stack depth then a null string is returned. If this value is omitted then the depth is 0.
Example '#Language "WWB-COM"
Sub Main
Sub A
Debug.Print CallersLine '"[(untitled 1)|Main# 2] A"
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Call Instruction
Syntax Call
Group Flow Control
Description Evaluate the
and call subroutine (or function)
with those values. Sub (or func-
must be previously defined by either a Sub, Function or Property definition. If
is a func-
tion then the result is discarded. If Call is omitted and
is a subroutine then the
must not be
enclosed in parens.
See Also Declare, Sub.
Example '#Language "WWB-COM"
Sub Show(Title$,Value)
Debug.Print Title$; "="; Value
Sub Main
Call Show("2000/9",2000/9) ' 222.2222222222
Show "1<2",1<2 'True
End Sub
CancelButton Dialog Item Definition
Syntax CancelButton
[, .
Group User Dialog
Description Define a cancel button item. Pressing the Cancel button from a Dialog instruction causes
a run-time error. (Dialog( ) function call returns 0.)
Parameter Description
This number value is the distance from the left edge of the dialog box. It is measured in 1/8 ths of the aver-
age character width for the dialog's font.
This number value is the distance from the top edge of the dialog box. It is measured in 1/12 ths of the
character height for the dialog's font.
This number value is the width. It is measured in 1/8 ths of the average character width for the dialog's
This number value is the height. It is measured in 1/12 ths of the character height for the dialog's font.
This identifier is the name of the field. The
receives this name as
. If this is omitted
then the field name is "Cancel".
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See Also Begin Dialog.
Example '#Language "WWB-COM"
Sub Main
Begin Dialog UserDialog 200,120
Text 10,10,180,30,"Please push the Cancel button"
OKButton 40,90,40,20
CancelButton 110,90,60,20
Dim dlg As UserDialog
Dialog dlg ' show dialog (wait for cancel)
Debug.Print "Cancel was not pressed"
End Sub
CBool Function
Syntax CBool(
Group Conversion
Description Convert to a Boolean value. Zero converts to False, while all other values convert to
Parameter Description
Convert a number or string value to a boolean value.
Example '#Language "WWB-COM"
Sub Main
Debug.Print CBool(-1) 'True
Debug.Print CBool(0) 'False
Debug.Print CBool(1) 'True
CByte Function
Syntax CByte(
Group Conversion
Description Convert to an 8 bit unsigned integer Byte value.
Parameter Description
Convert a number or string value to an unsigned byte value.
Example '#Language "WWB-COM"
Sub Main
Debug.Print CByte(1.6) ' 2
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CCur Function
Syntax CCur(
Group Conversion
Description Convert to a Currency value.
Parameter Description
Convert a number or string value to a currency value.
Example '#Language "WWB-COM"
Sub Main
Debug.Print CCur("1E6") ' 1000000
CDate Function
Syntax CDate(
Group Conversion
Description Convert to a Date value.
Parameter Description
Convert a number or string value to a date value.
Example '#Language "WWB-COM"
Sub Main
Debug.Print CDate(2) ' 1/1/00
CDbl Function
Syntax CDbl(
Group Conversion
Description Convert to a Double precision real.
Parameter Description
Convert a number or string value to a double precision real.
Example '#Language "WWB-COM"
Sub Main
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Debug.Print CDbl("1E6") ' 1000000
CDec Function
Syntax CDec(
Group Conversion
Description Convert to a Decimal (96 bit scaled real).
Parameter Description
Convert a number or string value to a 96 bit scaled real.
Example '#Language "WWB-COM"
Sub Main
Debug.Print CDec("1E16")+0.1 ' 10000000000000000.1
ChDrive Instruction
Syntax ChDrive
Group File
Description Change the current drive to
Pocket PC Not supported.
Parameter Description
This string value is the drive letter.
See Also ChDir, CurDir$().
Example '#Language "WWB-COM"
Sub Main
ChDrive "B"
Debug.Print CurDir$() '"B:\"
End Sub
ChDir Instruction
Syntax ChDir
Group File
Description Change the current directory to
Pocket PC Not supported.
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Parameter Description
This string value is the path and name of the directory.
See Also ChDrive, CurDir$().
Example '#Language "WWB-COM"
Sub Main
ChDir "C:\"
Debug.Print CurDir$() '"C:\"
End Sub
CheckBox Dialog Item Definition
Syntax CheckBox
, .
Group User Dialog
Description Define a checkbox item.
Parameter Description
This number value is the distance from the left edge of the dialog box. It is measured in 1/8 ths of the aver-
age character width for the dialog's font.
This number value is the distance from the top edge of the dialog box. It is measured in 1/12 ths of the
character height for the dialog's font.
This number value is the width. It is measured in 1/8 ths of the average character width for the dialog's
This number value is the height. It is measured in 1/12 ths of the character height for the dialog's font.
The value of the check box is accessed via this field. Unchecked is 0, checked is 1 and grayed is 2.
This numeric value controls the type of check box. Choose one value from following table. (If this
numeric value omitted then zero is used.)
Option Description
0 Check box is either check or unchecked.
1 Check box is either check, unchecked or grayed, and it switches between checked and unchecked when
2 Check box is either check, unchecked or grayed, and it cycles through all three states as the button is
See Also Begin Dialog.
Example '#Language "WWB-COM"
Sub Main
Begin Dialog UserDialog 200,120
Text 10,10,180,15,"Please push the OK button"
WWB-COM: Overview RFgen Dev Ref Guide
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CheckBox 10,25,180,15,"&Check box",.Check
OKButton 80,90,40,20
End Dialog
Dim dlg As UserDialog
dlg.Check = 1
Dialog dlg ' show dialog (wait for ok)
Debug.Print dlg.Check
Choose Function
Syntax Choose(
[, ...])
Group Flow Control
Description Return the value of the
indicated by
Parameter Description
The numeric value indicates which
to return. If this value is less than one or greater than the num-
ber of
s then Null is returned.
All expressions are evaluated.
See Also If, Select Case, IIf().
Example '#Language "WWB-COM"
Sub Main
Debug.Print Choose(2,"Hi","there") '"there"
Chr$ Function
Syntax Chr[$](
Group String
Description Return a one char string for the ASCII value.
Note: A similar function, ChrW, returns a single char Unicode string. Another similar function, ChrB, returns a
single byte ASCII string.
Parameter Description
Return one char string for this ASCII numeric value.
See Also Asc().
Example '#Language "WWB-COM"
Sub Main
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Debug.Print Chr$(48) '"0"
End Sub
CHuge_ Function
Syntax CHuge_(
Group Conversion
Description Convert to a 64 bit signed integer (Huge_). If
is too big (or too small) to fit then an
overflow error occurs.
Some versions of Windows do not support CHuge_.
VBA This language element is not VBA compatible.
Parameter Description
Convert a number or string value to a 64 bit signed integer.
Example '#Language "WWB-COM"
Sub Main
Debug.Print CHuge_(2^32) ' 4294967296
CInt Function
Syntax CInt(
Group Conversion
Description Convert to an Integer. If
is too big (or too small) to fit then an overflow error occurs.
Parameter Description
Convert a number or string value to an Integer.
Example '#Language "WWB-COM"
Sub Main
Debug.Print CInt(1.6) ' 2
End Sub
Class_Initialize Sub
Syntax Private Sub Class_Initialize()
End Sub
Group Declaration
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Description Class module initialization subroutine. Each time a new instance is created for a class
module the Class_Initialize sub is called. If Class_Initialize is not defined then no special initialization occurs.
See Also Code Module, Class_Terminate.
Class Module
Group Declaration
Description A class
implements an object.
Has a set of Public
s accessible from other
These public symbols are accessed via an object variable.
Has an optional set of Events that can be raised.
Public Consts, Types, arrays, fixed length strings are not allowed.
Has an optional Private Sub Class_Initialize which is called when an instance is created.
Has an optional Private Sub Class_Terminate which is called when an instance is destroyed.
A class module is similar to a object module except that no instance is automatically created.
To create an instance use:
Dim Obj As classname
Set Obj = New classname
See Also Code Module, Object Module, Uses, Class_Initialize, Class_Terminate.
Example 'A.WWB
'#Language "WWB-COM"
'#Uses "File.CLS"
Sub Main
Dim File As New File
File.Attach "C:\AUTOEXEC.BAT"
Debug.Print File.ReadLine
End Sub
'File|New Module|Class Module
'#Language "WWB-COM"
Option Explicit
Dim FN As Integer
Public Sub Attach(FileName As String)
FN = FreeFile
Open FileName For Input As #FN
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Public Sub Detach()
If FN <> 0 Then'Close #FN
FN = 0
Public Function ReadLine() As String
Line Input '#'FN, ReadLine
End Function
Private Sub Class_Initialize()
Debug.Print "Class_Initialize"
End Sub
Private Sub Class_Terminate()
Debug.Print "Class_Terminate"
Class_Terminate Sub
Syntax Private Sub Class_Terminate()
End Sub
Group Declaration
Description Class module termination subroutine. Each time an instance is destroyed for a class mod-
ule the Class_Terminate sub is called. If Class_Terminate is not defined then no special termination occurs.
See Also Code Module, Class_Initialize.
Clipboard Instruction/Function
Syntax Clipboard
Clipboard[$][( )]
Group Miscellaneous
Description Form 1: Set the clipboard to
. This is like the Edit|Copy menu command.
Form 2: Return the text in the clipboard.
Parameter Description
Put this string value into the clipboard.
Example '#Language "WWB-COM"
Sub Main
Debug.Print Clipboard$()
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Clipboard "Hello"
Debug.Print Clipboard$() '"Hello"
End Sub
CLng Function
Syntax CLng(
Group Conversion
Description Convert to a Long. If
is too big (or too small) to fit then an overflow error occurs.
Parameter Description
Convert a number or string value to a Long.
Example '#Language "WWB-COM"
Sub Main
Debug.Print CLng(1.6) ' 2
End Sub
Close Instruction
Syntax Close [[#]
][, ...]
Group File
Description Close
Parameter Description
Streams 1 through 255 are private to each macro. Streams 256 through 511 are shared by all
macros. If this is omitted then all open streams for the current
are closed.
See Also Open, Reset.
Example '#Language "WWB-COM"
Sub Main
' read the first line of XXX and print it
Open "XXX" ForInput As #1
Line Input #1, L$
Debug.Print L$
Close #1
End Sub
Code Module
Group Declaration
Description A Code
implements a code library.
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Has a set of Public
s accessible from other
These public symbols are accessed directly.
May be initialized by a Private Sub Main.
See Also Class Module, Object Module, Uses, Main.
Example 'A.WWB
'#Language "WWB-COM"
'#Uses "Module1.BAS"
Debug.Print Value '"Hello"
End Sub
'File|New Module|Code Module
'#Language "WWB-COM"
Option Explicit
Private mValue As String
Property Get Value() As String
Value = mValue
'this sub is called when the module is first loaded
Private Sub Main
mValue = "Hello"
End Sub
ComboBox Dialog Item Definition
Syntax ComboBox
StrArray$( )
, .
Group User Dialog
Description Define a combobox item. Combo boxes combine the functionality of an edit box and a list
Parameter Description
This number value is the distance from the left edge of the dialog box. It is measured in 1/8 ths of the aver-
age character width for the dialog's font.
This number value is the distance from the top edge of the dialog box. It is measured in 1/12 ths of the
character height for the dialog's font.
This number value is the width. It is measured in 1/8 ths of the average character width for the dialog's
This number value is the height. It is measured in 1/12 ths of the character height for the dialog's font.
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StrArray$( )
This one-dimensional array of strings establishes the list of choices. All the non-null elements of
the array are used.
The value of the combo box is accessed via this field. This is the text in the edit box.
This numeric value controls the type of combo box. Choose one value from following table. (If this
numeric value omitted then zero is used.)
Option Description
0 List is not sorted.
2 List is sorted.
See Also Begin Dialog.
Example '#Language "WWB-COM"
Sub Main
Dim combos$(3)
combos$(0) = "Combo 0"
combos$(1) = "Combo 1"
combos$(2) = "Combo 2"
combos$(3) = "Combo 3"
Begin Dialog UserDialog 200,120
Text 10,10,180,15,"Please push the OK button"
ComboBox 10,25,180,60,combos$(),.combo$
OKButton 80,90,40,20
Dim dlg As UserDialog
dlg.combo$ = "none"
Dialog dlg ' show dialog (wait for ok)
Debug.Print dlg.combo$
End Sub
Command$ Function
Syntax Command[$]
Group Miscellaneous
Description Contains the value of the MacroRun parameters.
See Also MacroRun.
Example '#Language "WWB-COM"
Sub Main
Debug.Print "Command line parameter is: """;
Debug.Print Command$;
Debug.Print """"
End Sub
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Const Definition
Syntax [ | Private | Public ] _
] [
As Type
] =
[, ...]
Group Declaration
Description Define
as the value of
. The
may be refer other constants or built-in func-
tions. If the type of the constants is not specified, the type of
is used. Constants defined outside a Sub,
Function or Property block are available in the entire
Private is assumed if neither Private or Public is specified.
Note: Const statement in a Sub, Function or Property block may not use Private or Public.
Example '#Language "WWB-COM"
Sub Main
Const Pi = 4*Atn(1), e = Exp(1)
Debug.Print Pi ' 3.14159265358979
Debug.Print e ' 2.71828182845905
Cos Function
Syntax Cos(
Group Math
Description Return the cosine.
Parameter Description
Return the cosine of this numeric value. This is the number of radians. There are 2*Pi radians in a full
See Also Atn, Sin, Tan.
Example '#Language "WWB-COM"
Sub Main
Debug.Print Cos(1) ' 0.54030230586814
CreateObject Function
Syntax CreateObject(
Group Object
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Description Create a new object of type
. Use Set to assign the returned object to an object vari-
Parameter Description
This string value is the application's registered class name. If this application is not currently active it
will be started.
See Also Objects.
Example '#Language "WWB-COM"
Sub Main
Dim App As Object
Set App = CreateObject("WinWrap.CppDemoApplication")
App.Move 20,30 ' move icon to 20,30
Set App = Nothing
App.Quit ' run-time error (no object)
End Sub
CSByte Function
Syntax CSByte(
Group Conversion
Description Convert to an 8 bit signed integer SByte value.
VBA This language element is not VBA compatible and requires the #Language "WWB-COM"
Parameter Description
Convert a number or string value to a signed byte value.
Example '#Language "WWB-COM"
Sub Main
Debug.Print CSByte(1.6) ' 2
CSng Function
Syntax CSng(
Group Conversion
Description Convert to a Single precision real. If
is too big (or too small) to fit then an overflow
error occurs.
Parameter Description
Convert a number or string value to a single precision real.
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Example '#Language "WWB-COM"
Sub Main
Debug.Print CSng(Sqr(2)) ' 1.4142135381699
CStr Function
Syntax CStr(
Group Conversion
Description Convert to a String.
Parameter Description
Convert a number or string value to a string value using the current locale (GetLocale).
Example '#Language "WWB-COM"
Sub Main
Debug.Print CStr(Sqr(2)) '"1.4142135623731" - US English locale
End Sub
CUHuge_ Function
Syntax CUHuge_(
Group Conversion
Description Convert to a 64 bit unsigned integer (UHuge_). If
is too big (or too small) to fit then
an overflow error occurs.
Some versions of Windows do not support CUHuge_.
VBA This language element is not VBA compatible and requires the #Language "WWB-COM"
Parameter Description
Convert a number or string value to a 64 bit unsigned integer.
Example '#Language "WWB-COM"
Sub Main
Debug.Print CUHuge_(2^32) ' 4294967296
CUInt Function
Syntax CUInt(
Group Conversion
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Copyright © 2024 RFgen Software. A division of DataMAX Software Group, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
Description Convert to an UInteger. If
is too big (or too small) to fit then an overflow error
VBA This language element is not VBA compatible and requires the #Language "WWB-COM"
Parameter Description
Convert a number or string value to an UInteger.
Example '#Language "WWB-COM"
Sub Main
Debug.Print CUInt(1.6) ' 2
CULng Function
Syntax CULng(
Group Conversion
Description Convert to a ULong. If
is too big (or too small) to fit then an overflow error occurs.
VBA This language element is not VBA compatible and requires the #Language "WWB-COM"
Parameter Description
Convert a number or string value to a ULong.
Example '#Language "WWB-COM"
Sub Main
Debug.Print CULng(1.6) ' 2
CurDir$ Function
Syntax CurDir[$]([
Group File
Description Return the current directory for
Pocket PC Not supported.
Parameter Description
This string value is the drive letter. If this is omitted or null then return the current directory for the
current drive.
See Also ChDir, ChDrive.
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Example '#Language "WWB-COM"
Sub Main
Debug.Print CurDir$()
End Sub
Currency Data Type
Syntax Dim v As Currency
Group Data Type
Description A 64 bit fixed point real. (A twos complement binary value scaled by 10000.)
CVar Function
Syntax CVar(
Group Conversion
Description Convert to a Variant value.
Parameter Description
Convert a number or string value (or object reference) to a variant value.
Example '#Language "WWB-COM"
Sub Main
Debug.Print CVar(Sqr(2)) ' 1.4142135623731
CVErr Function
Syntax CVErr(
Group Conversion
Description Convert to a variant that contains an error code. An error code can't be used in expres-
Parameter Description
Convert a number or string value to an error code.
See Also IsError.
Example '#Language "WWB-COM"
Sub Main
Debug.Print CVErr(1) ' Error 1
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DateAdd Function
Syntax DateAdd(
Group Time/Date
Description Return a Date value a number of intervals from another date.
Parameter Description
This string value indicates which kind of interval to add.
Add this many intervals. Use a negative value to get an earlier date.
Calculate the new date relative to this date value. If this value is Null then Null is returned.
Interval Description
yyyy Year
q Quarter
m Month
y Day of year
d Day
w Weekday
ww Week
h Hour
n Minute
s Second
See Also DateDiff, DatePart.
Example '#Language "WWB-COM"
Sub Main
Debug.Print DateAdd("yyyy",1,#1/1/2000#) '1/1/2001
DateDiff Function
Syntax DateDiff(
Group Time/Date
Description Return the number of intervals between two dates.
Parameter Description
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This string value indicates which kind of interval to subtract.
Calculate the from this date value to dateexpr2. If this value is Null then Null is returned.
Calculate the from dateexpr1 to this date value. If this value is Null then Null is returned.
Interval Description
yyyy Year
q Quarter
m Month
y Day of year
d Day
w Weekday
ww Week
h Hour
n Minute
s Second
See Also DateAdd, DatePart.
Example '#Language "WWB-COM"
Sub Main
Debug.Print DateDiff("yyyy",#1/1/1990#,#1/1/2000#) ' 10
End Sub
Date Function
Syntax Date[$]
Group Time/Date
Description Return today's date as a Date value.
See Also Now, Time, Timer.
Example '#Language "WWB-COM"
Sub Main
Debug.Print Date ' example: 1/1/1995
DatePart Function
Syntax DatePart(
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Group Time/Date
Description Return the number from the date corresponding to the interval.
Parameter Description
This string value indicates which kind of interval to extract.
Get the interval from this date value. If this value is Null then Null is returned.
Interval Description (return value range)
yyyy Year (100-9999)
q Quarter (1-4)
m Month (1-12)
y Day of year (1-366)
d Day (1-31)
w Weekday (1-7)
ww Week (1-53)
h Hour (0-23)
n Minute (0-59)
s Second (0-59)
See Also DateAdd, DateDiff.
Example '#Language "WWB-COM"
Sub Main
Debug.Print DatePart("yyyy",#1/1/2000#) ' 2000
DateSerial Function
Syntax DateSerial(
Group Time/Date
Description Return a Date value.
Parameter Description
This numeric value is the year (0 to 9999). (0 to 99 are interpreted by the operating system.)
This numeric value is the month (1 to 12).
This numeric value is the day (1 to 31).
See Also DateValue, TimeSerial, TimeValue.
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Example '#Language "WWB-COM"
Sub Main
Debug.Print DateSerial(2000,7,4) '7/4/2000
DateValue Function
Syntax DateValue(
Group Time/Date
Description Return the day part of the date encoded as a string.
Parameter Description
Convert this string value to the day part of date it represents.
See Also DateSerial, TimeSerial, TimeValue.
Example '#Language "WWB-COM"
Sub Main
Debug.Print DateValue("1/1/2000 12:00:01 AM")
Day Function
Syntax Day(
Group Time/Date
Description Return the day of the month (1 to 31).
Parameter Description
Return the day of the month for this date value. If this value is Null then Null is returned.
See Also Date(), Month(), Weekday(), Year().
Example '#Language "WWB-COM"
Sub Main
Debug.Print Day(#1/1/1900#) ' 1
Debug.Print Day(#1/2/1900#) ' 2
DDEExecute Instruction
Syntax DDEExecute
Group DDE
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Copyright © 2024 RFgen Software. A division of DataMAX Software Group, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
Description Send the DDE Execute
string via DDE
Pocket PC Not supported.
Parameter Description
This is the channel number returned by the DDEInitiate function. Up to 10 channels may be
used at one time.
Send this command value to the server application. The interpretation of this value is defined by
the server application.
The command will generate an error if the number of seconds specified by the timeout is exceeded
before the command has completed. The default is five seconds.
Example '#Language "WWB-COM"
Sub Main
ChanNum = DDEInitiate("PROGMAN","PROGMAN")
DDEExecute ChanNum,"[CreateGroup(XXX)]"
DDETerminate ChanNum
End Sub
DDEInitiate Function
Syntax DDEInitiate(
Group DDE
Description Initiate a DDE conversation with
. If the conversation is successfully
started then the return value is a channel number that can be used with other DDE instructions and func-
Pocket PC Not supported.
Parameter Description
Locate this server application.
This is the server application's topic. The interpretation of this value is defined by the server
Example '#Language "WWB-COM"
Sub Main
ChanNum = DDEInitiate("PROGMAN","PROGMAN")
DDEExecute ChanNum,"[CreateGroup(XXX)]"
DDETerminate ChanNum
End Sub
DDEPoke Instruction
Syntax DDEPoke
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Copyright © 2024 RFgen Software. A division of DataMAX Software Group, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
Group DDE
Description Poke
to the
via DDE
Pocket PC Not supported.
Parameter Description
This is the channel number returned by the DDEInitiate function. Up to 10 channels may be
used at one time.
This is the server application's item. The interpretation of this value is defined by the server
Send this data value to the server application. The interpretation of this value is defined by the server
The command will generate an error if the number of seconds specified by the timeout is exceeded
before the command has completed. The default is five seconds.
Example '#Language "WWB-COM"
Sub Main
ChanNum = DDEInitiate("PROGMAN","PROGMAN")
DDEPoke ChanNum,"Group","XXX"
DDETerminate ChanNum
End Sub
DDERequest$ Function
Syntax DDERequest[$](
Group DDE
Description Request information for
. If the request is not satisfied then the return value will be a
null string.
Pocket PC Not supported.
Parameter Description
This is the channel number returned by the DDEInitiate function. Up to 10 channels may be
used at one time.
This is the server application's item. The interpretation of this value is defined by the server
The command will generate an error if the number of seconds specified by the timeout is exceeded
before the command has completed. The default is five seconds.
Example '#Language "WWB-COM"
Sub Main
ChanNum = DDEInitiate("PROGMAN","PROGMAN")
Debug.Print DDERequest$(ChanNum,"Groups")
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DDETerminate ChanNum
End Sub
DDETerminateAll Instruction
Syntax DDETerminateAll
Group DDE
Description Terminate all open DDE channels.
Pocket PC Not supported.
Example '#Language "WWB-COM"
Sub Main
ChanNum = DDEInitiate("PROGMAN","PROGMAN")
DDEExecute ChanNum,"[CreateGroup(XXX)]"
DDETerminate Instruction
Syntax DDETerminate
Group DDE
Description Terminate DDE
Pocket PC Not supported.
Parameter Description
This is the channel number returned by the DDEInitiate function. Up to 10 channels may be
used at one time.
Example '#Language "WWB-COM"
Sub Main
ChanNum = DDEInitiate("PROGMAN","PROGMAN")
DDEExecute ChanNum,"[CreateGroup(XXX)]"
DDETerminate ChanNum
End Sub
Debug Object
Syntax Debug.Clear
Debug.Print [
[; ...][;]]
Group Miscellaneous
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Copyright © 2024 RFgen Software. A division of DataMAX Software Group, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
Description Form 1: Clear the output window.
Form 2: Print the
(s) to the output window. Use ; to separate expressions. A
is it automatically con-
verted to a string before printing (just like Str$()). If the instruction does not end with a ; then a newline is
printed at the end.
Example '#Language "WWB-COM"
Sub Main
X = 4
Debug.Print "X/2="; X/2 ' 2
Debug.Print "Start..."; ' don't print a newline
Debug.Print "Finish" ' print a newline
Decimal Data Type
Syntax Dim v As Decimal
Group Data Type
Description A 96 bit scaled real value. A decimal number is of the form: s*m*10^-p where
s - sign (+1 or -1)
m - mantissa, unsigned binary value of 96 bits (0 to 79,228,162,514,264,337,593,543,950,335)
p - scaling power (0 to +28)
VBA This language element is not VBA compatible and requires the #Language "WWB-COM"
Declare Definition
Syntax [ | Private | Public ] _
Declare Sub
Lib "dll name" _
[Alias "module name"] [([
[, ...]])]
[ | Private | Public ] _
Declare Function
] Lib "dll name" _
[Alias "module name"] [([
[, ...]])] [
As type
Group Declaration
Description Interface to a DLL defined subroutine or function. The values of the calling
assigned to the
WARNING! Be very careful when declaring DLL subroutines or functions. If you make a mistake and
declare the parementers or result incorrectly then Windows might halt. Save any open documents before
testing new DLL declarations.
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Copyright © 2024 RFgen Software. A division of DataMAX Software Group, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
Err.LastDLLError returns the error code for that last DLL call.
Access If no access is specified then Public is assumed.
Pocket PC Not supported.
Parameter Description
This is the name of the subroutine or function being defined. If Alias "module name" is omitted then
this is the module name, too.
"dll name" This is the DLL file where the module's code is.
"module name" This is the name of the module in the DLL file. If this is #number then it is the ordinal num-
ber of the module. If it is omitted then
is the module name.
The DLL is searched for the specified module name. If this module exists, it is used. All As String parameters
are converted from Unicode to ASCII prior to calling the DLL and from ASCII to Unicode afterwards. (Use
"Unicode:module name" to prevent ASCII to Unicode conversion.)
If the module does not exist, one or two other module names are tried:
1) For Windows NT only: The module name with a "W" appended is tried. All As String parameters are
passed as Unicode to calling the DLL.
2) For Windows NT and Windows 95: The module name with an "A" appended is tried. All As String para-
meters are converted from Unicode to ASCII prior to calling the DLL and from ASCII to Unicode afterwards.
If none of these module names is found a run-time error occurs.
s A list of zero or more
s that are used by the DLL subroutine or function. (Note: A ByVal string's
value may be modified by the DLL.)
See Also Function, Sub, Call.
Example '#Language "WWB-COM"
Declare Function GetActiveWindow& Lib "user32" ()
Declare Function GetWindowTextLengthA& Lib "user32" _
(ByVal hwnd&)
Declare Sub GetWindowTextA Lib "user32" _
(ByVal hwnd&, ByVal lpsz$, ByVal cbMax&)
Function ActiveWindowTitle$()
ActiveWindow = GetActiveWindow()
TitleLen = GetWindowTextLengthA(ActiveWindow)
Title$ = Space$(TitleLen)
GetWindowTextA ActiveWindow,Title$,TitleLen+1
ActiveWindowTitle$ = Title$
End Function
Debug.Print ActiveWindowTitle$()
End Sub
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Decode64 Function
Syntax Decode64[$](
Group Miscellaneous
Description Return a string using the base 64 decoding algorithm.
Decode64B returns a Byte array.
Parameter Description
Return this string's base 64 decoding.
See Also Encode64.
Example '#Language "WWB-COM"
Sub Main
Debug.Print Decode64("SGVsbG8gV29ybGQhIQ==") '"Hello World!!"
End Sub
Decrypt64 Function
Syntax Decrypt64[$](
Group Miscellaneous
Description Return a string using the RC4 stream decryption algorithm.
Decrypt64B returns a Byte array.
Parameter Description
Return this string's decryption. (The string is first decoded using base 64 decoding.)
Decrypt using this password.
See Also Decode64, Encode64, Encrypt64.
Example '#Language "WWB-COM"
Sub Main
Debug.Print Decrypt64("Y4GFrF+k1YUHwjEzsg==", "abc") '"Hello World!!"
End Sub
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Def Definition
Syntax Def{Bool|Cur|Date|Dbl|Int|Lng|Obj|Sng|Str|Var} _
letterrange[, ...]
Group Declaration
Description Define untyped variables as:
DefBool - Boolean
DefByte - Byte
DefCur - Currency
DefDate - Date
DefDec - Decimal
DefDbl - Double
DefInt - Integer
DefLng - Long
DefObj - Object
DefSng - Single
DefStr - String
DefVar - Variant
Parameter Description
letterrange letter, or letter-letter: A letter is one of A to Z. When letter-letter is used, the first letter must be
alphabetically before the second letter. Variable names that begin with a letter in this range default to
declared type.
If a variable name begins with a letter not in any letterrange then the variable is a Variant. The letterranges
are not allowed to overlap.
See Also Option Explicit.
Example '#Language "WWB-COM"
DefInt A,C-W,Y' integer
DefBool B ' boolean
DefStr X ' string
' all others are variant
Sub Main
B = 1 ' B is an boolean
Debug.Print B ' True
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Copyright © 2024 RFgen Software. A division of DataMAX Software Group, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
X = "A" ' X is a string
Debug.Print X '"A"
Z = 1 ' Z is a variant (anything)
Debug.Print Z ' 1
Z = "Z"
Debug.Print Z '"Z"
End Sub
Delegate Definition
Syntax [ | Private | Public ] _
Delegate Sub
[, ...]])]
[ | Private | Public ] _
Delegate Function
] _
[, ...]])] [
As type
Group Declaration
Description Define a new
user delegate
(subroutine or function pointer type).
A delegate's Sub or Function is called using the delegate's Invoke method.
Access If no access is specified then Public is assumed.
Parameter Description
This is the name of the delegate being defined.
s A list of zero or more
s that are used by the delegate's subroutine or function.
See Also AddressOf.
Example '#Language "WWB-COM"
Delegate Function OpType(ByVal v1 As Variant, ByVal v2 As Variant) As Variant
Debug.Print DoOp(AddressOf Add,1,2) ' 3
Debug.Print DoOp(AddressOf Subtract,1,2) '-1
Function DoOp(ByVal op As OpType, _
ByVal v1 As Variant, ByVal v2 As Variant) As Variant
DoOp = op.Invoke(v1,v2)
Function Add(ByVal v1 As Variant, ByVal v2 As Variant) As Variant
Add = v1+v2
End Function
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Function Subtract(ByVal v1 As Variant, ByVal v2 As Variant) As Variant
Subtract = v1-v2
DeleteSetting Instruction
Syntax DeleteSetting
Group Settings
Description Delete the settings for
in project
. Win16 and Win32s store set-
tings in a .ini file named
. Win32/Win64 store settings in the registration database under "HKEY_
CURRENT_USER\ Software\ VB and VBA Program Settings\
". If
with "..\" then "VB and VBA Program Settings\" is omitted.
Parameter Description
This string value is the name of the project which has this
This string value is the name of the section of the project settings.
This string value is the name of the key in the section of the project settings. If this is omitted then
delete the entire section.
Example '#Language "WWB-COM"
Sub Main
SaveSetting "MyApp","Font","Size",10
DeleteSetting "MyApp","Font","Size"
End Sub
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DialogFunc Prototype
Syntax Function
) _
As Boolean
Select Case Action%
Case 1 ' Dialog box initialization
Case 2 ' Value changing or button pressed
Case 3 ' TextBox or ComboBox text changed
Case 4 ' Focus changed
Case 5 ' Idle
Case 6 ' Function key
End Select
End Function
Group Dialog Function
Description A
implements the dynamic dialog capabilities.
Parameter Description
This string value is the name of the user dialog item's
This numeric value indicates what action the dialog function is being asked to do.
This numeric value provides additional information for some actions.
Action Description
1 Dialog box initialization.
is a null string.
is the dialog's window handle. Set
True to terminate the dialog.
2 CheckBox, DropListBox, ListBox, MultiListBox or OptionGroup:
's value has changed.
is the new value.
CancelButton, OKButton or PushButton:
's button was pushed.
is meaningless. Set
= True to prevent the dialog from closing.
3 ComboBox or TextBox:
's text changed and losing focus.
is the number of char-
4 Item
is gaining focus.
is the item that is losing focus. (The first item is 0, second is 1,
5 Idle processing.
is a null string.
is zero. Set
= True to continue receiving
idle actions. The idle action is called as often as possible. Use
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Wait .1
to reduce the number of idle calls to 10 per second.
6 Function key (F1-F24) was pressed.
has the focus.
is the function key number and the
shift/control/alt key state.
Regular function keys range from 1 to 24.
Shift function keys have &H100 added.
Control function keys have &H200 added.
Alt function keys have &H400 added.
(Alt-F4 closes the dialog and is never passed to the Dialog Function.)
See Also Begin Dialog.
Example '#Language "WWB-COM"
Sub Main
Begin Dialog UserDialog 200,120,.DialogFunc
Text 10,10,180,15,"Please push the OK button"
TextBox 10,40,180,15,.Text
OKButton 30,90,60,20
PushButton 110,90,60,20,"&Hello"
Dim dlg As UserDialog
End Sub
Function DialogFunc(DlgItem$, Action%, SuppValue?) As Boolean
Debug.Print "Action="; Action%
If Action% <> 1 And Action% <> 5 Then
Debug.Print DlgItem$'; "="""; DlgText(DlgItem$); """"
End If
Debug.Print "SuppValue="; SuppValue?
Select Case Action%
Case 1 ' Dialog box initialization
Case 2 ' Value changing or button pressed
If DlgItem$ = "Hello" Then
MsgBox "Hello"
DialogFunc = True 'do not exit the dialog
Case 4 ' Focus changed
Debug.Print "DlgFocus="""; DlgFocus(); """"
Case 6 ' Function key
If SuppValue? And &H100 Then Debug.Print "Shift-";
If SuppValue? And &H200 Then Debug.Print "Ctrl-";
If SuppValue? And &H400 Then Debug.Print "Alt-";
Debug.Print "F" & (SuppValue And &HFF)
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End Function
Dialog Instruction/Function
Syntax Dialog
Group User Input
Description Display the dialog associated with
. The initial values of the dialog fields are
provided by
. If the OK button or any push button is pressed then the fields in dialog are copied
to the
. The Dialog( ) function returns a value indicating which button was pressed. (See the result
table below.)
Parameter Description
This variable that holds the values of the fields in a dialog. Use .
to access individual fields in a dia-
log variable.
This numeric value indicates which button is the default button. (Pressing the Enter key on a non-but-
ton pushes the default button.) Use -2 to indicate that there is no default button. Other possible values are
shown in the result table below. If this value is omitted then the first PushButton, OKButton or
CancelButton is the default button.
Result Description
-1 OK button was pressed.
0 Cancel button was pressed.
>0 Nth push button was pressed.
See Also Begin Dialog.
Example '#Language "WWB-COM"
Sub Main
Begin Dialog UserDialog 200,120
Text 10,10,180,15,"Please push the OK button"
OKButton 80,90,40,20
End Dialog
Dim dlg As UserDialog
Dialog dlg ' show dialog (wait for ok)
End Sub
Dim Definition
Syntax Dim [WithEvents]
[, ...]
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Group Declaration
Description Dimension var array(s) using the
s to establish the minimum and maximum
index value for each dimension. If the
s are omitted then a scalar (single value) variable is defined.
A dynamic array is declared using ( ) without any
s. It must be ReDimensioned before it can be
See Also Begin Dialog, Dialog, Option Base, Private, Public, ReDim, Static, WithEvents.
Example '#Language "WWB-COM"
Sub DoIt(Size)
Dim C0, C1(), C2(2,3)
ReDim C1(Size+1) ' dynamic array
C0 = 1
C1(0) = 2
C2(0,0) = 3
Debug.Print C0; C1(0); C2(0,0) ' 1 2 3
Sub Main
DoIt 1
End Sub
Dir$ Function
Syntax Dir[$]([
Group File
Description Scan a directory for the first file matching
Parameter Description
This string value is the path and name of the file search pattern. If this is omitted then continue
scanning with the previous pattern. Each
has its own independent search. A path relative to the cur-
rent directory can be used.
This numeric value controls which files are found. A file with an
that matches will be
See Also GetAttr().
Example '#Language "WWB-COM"
Sub Main
F$ = Dir$("*.*")
While F$ <> ""
Debug.Print F$
F$ = Dir$()
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DlgControlId Function
Syntax DlgControlId(
Group Dialog Function
Description Return the
's window id.
This instruction/function must be called directly or indirectly from a
Parameter Description
If this is a numeric value then it is the dialog item number. The first item is 0, second is 1, etc. If this
is a string value then it is the dialog item's
Example '#Language "WWB-COM"
Sub Main
Begin Dialog UserDialog 200,120,.DialogFunc
Text 10,10,180,15,"Please push the OK button"
TextBox 10,40,180,15,.Text
OKButton 30,90,60,20
PushButton 110,90,60,20,"&Hello"
Dim dlg As UserDialog
End Sub
Function DialogFunc(DlgItem$, Action%, SuppValue?) As Boolean
Debug.Print "Action="; Action%
Select Case Action%
Case 1 ' Dialog box initialization
Case 2 ' Value changing or button pressed
If DlgItem$ = "Hello" Then
DialogFunc = True 'do not exit the dialog
Case 4 ' Focus changed
Debug.Print "DlgFocus="""; DlgFocus(); """"
Debug.Print "DlgControlId("; DlgItem$; ")=";
Debug.Print DlgControlId(DlgItem$)
End Select
End Function
DlgCount Function
Syntax DlgCount()
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Group Dialog Function
Description Return the number of dialog items in the dialog.
This instruction/function must be called directly or indirectly from a
Example '#Language "WWB-COM"
Sub Main
Begin Dialog UserDialog 200,120,.DialogFunc
Text 10,10,180,15,"Please push the OK button"
TextBox 10,40,180,15,.Text
OKButton 30,90,60,20
Dim dlg As UserDialog
Dialog dlg
Function DialogFunc(DlgItem$, Action%, SuppValue?) As Boolean
Debug.Print "Action="; Action%
Select Case Action%
Case 1 ' Dialog box initialization
Debug.Print "DlgCount="; DlgCount() ' 3
End Select
End Function
DlgEnable Instruction/Function
Syntax DlgEnable
Group Dialog Function
Description Instruction: Enable or disable
Function: Return True if
is enabled.
This instruction/function must be called directly or indirectly from a
Parameter Description
If this is a numeric value then it is the dialog item number. The first item is 0, second is 1, etc. If this
is a string value then it is the dialog item's
Note: Use -1 to enable or disable all the dialog items at once.
It this numeric value is True then enable
. Otherwise, disable it. If this omitted then toggle it.
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Example '#Language "WWB-COM"
Sub Main
Begin Dialog UserDialog 200,120,.DialogFunc
Text 10,10,180,15,"Please push the OK button"
TextBox 10,40,180,15,.Text
OKButton 30,90,60,20
PushButton 110,90,60,20,"&Disable"
Dim dlg As UserDialog
End Sub
Function DialogFunc(DlgItem$, Action%, SuppValue?) As Boolean
Debug.Print "Action="; Action%
Select Case Action%
Case 1 ' Dialog box initialization
Case 2 ' Value changing or button pressed
Select Case DlgItem$
Case "Disable"
DlgText DlgItem$,"&Enable"
DlgEnable "Text",False
DialogFunc = True 'do not exit the dialog
Case "Enable"
DlgText DlgItem$,"&Disable"
DlgEnable "Text",True
DialogFunc = True 'do not exit the dialog
End Select
DlgEnd Instruction
Syntax DlgEnd
Group Dialog Function
Description Set the return code for the Dialog Function and close the user dialog.
This instruction/function must be called directly or indirectly from a
Parameter Description
Return this numeric value.
Example '#Language "WWB-COM"
Sub Main
Begin Dialog UserDialog 210,120,.DialogFunc
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Text 10,10,190,15,"Please push the Close button"
OKButton 30,90,60,20
CheckBox 120,90,60,20,"&Close",.CheckBox1
Dim dlg As UserDialog
End Sub
Function DialogFunc(DlgItem$, Action%, SuppValue?) As Boolean
Debug.Print "Action="; Action%
Select Case Action%
Case 1 ' Dialog box initialization
Case 2 ' Value changing or button pressed
Select Case DlgItem$
Case "CheckBox1"
DlgEnd 1000
End Select
DlgFocus Instruction/Function
Syntax DlgFocus
Group Dialog Function
Description Instruction: Move the focus to this
Function: Return the
name which has the focus as a string.
This instruction/function must be called directly or indirectly from a
Parameter Description
If this is a numeric value then it is the dialog item number. The first item is 0, second is 1, etc. If this
is a string value then it is the dialog item's
Example '#Language "WWB-COM"
Sub Main
Begin Dialog UserDialog 200,120,.DialogFunc
Text 10,10,180,15,"Please push the OK button"
TextBox 10,40,180,15,.Text
OKButton 30,90,60,20
PushButton 110,90,60,20,"&Hello"
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Copyright © 2024 RFgen Software. A division of DataMAX Software Group, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
Dim dlg As UserDialog
End Sub
Function DialogFunc(DlgItem$, Action%, SuppValue?) As Boolean
Debug.Print "Action="; Action%
Select Case Action%
Case 1 ' Dialog box initialization
Case 2 ' Value changing or button pressed
If DlgItem$ = "Hello" Then
MsgBox "Hello"
DialogFunc = True 'do not exit the dialog
Case 4 ' Focus changed
Debug.Print "DlgFocus="""; DlgFocus(); """"
End Function
DlgListBoxArray Instruction/Function
Syntax DlgListBoxArray
StrArray$( )
StrArray$( )
Group Dialog Function
Description Instruction: Set the list entries for
Function: Return the number entries in
's list.
This instruction/function must be called directly or indirectly from a
. The
should refer to
a ComboBox, DropListBox, ListBox or MultiListBox.
Parameter Description
If this is a numeric value then it is the dialog item number. The first item is 0, second is 1, etc. If this
is a string value then it is the dialog item's
StrArray$( )
Set the list entries of
. This one-dimensional array of strings establishes the list of
choices. All the non-null elements of the array are used.
Example '#Language "WWB-COM"
Dim lists$()
ReDim lists$(0)
lists$(0) = "List 0"
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Copyright © 2024 RFgen Software. A division of DataMAX Software Group, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
Begin Dialog UserDialog 200,119,.DialogFunc
Text 10,7,180,14,"Please push the OK button"
ListBox 10,21,180,63,lists(),.list
OKButton 30,91,40,21
PushButton 110,91,60,21,"&Change"
Dim dlg As UserDialog
dlg.list = 2
Dialog dlg ' show dialog (wait for ok)
Debug.Print dlg.list
Function DialogFunc(DlgItem$, Action%, SuppValue?) As Boolean
Select Case Action%
Case 2 ' Value changing or button pressed
If DlgItem$ = "Change" Then
Dim N As Integer
N = UBound(lists$)+1
ReDim Preserve lists$(N)
lists$(N) = "List " & N
DlgListBoxArray "list",lists$()
DialogFunc = True 'do not exit the dialog
End Select
DlgName Function
Syntax DlgName[$](
Group Dialog Function
Description Return the
name of the
This instruction/function must be called directly or indirectly from a
Parameter Description
This numeric value is the dialog item number. The first item is 0, second is 1, etc.
Example '#Language "WWB-COM"
Sub Main
Begin Dialog UserDialog 200,120,.DialogFunc
Text 10,10,180,15,"Please push the OK button"
TextBox 10,40,180,15,.Text
OKButton 30,90,60,20
Dim dlg As UserDialog
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Dialog dlg
Function DialogFunc(DlgItem$, Action%, SuppValue?) As Boolean
Debug.Print "Action="; Action%
Select Case Action%
Case 1 ' Dialog box initialization
For I = 0 To DlgCount()-1
Debug.Print I; DlgName(I)
Next I
End Select
DlgNumber Function
Syntax DlgNumber(
Group Dialog Function
Description Return the number of the
. The first item is 0, second is 1, etc.
This instruction/function must be called directly or indirectly from a
Parameter Description
This string value is the dialog item's
Example '#Language "WWB-COM"
Sub Main
Begin Dialog UserDialog 200,120,.DialogFunc
Text 10,10,180,15,"Please push the OK button"
TextBox 10,40,180,15,.Text
OKButton 30,90,60,20
Dim dlg As UserDialog
Dialog dlg
Function DialogFunc(DlgItem$, Action%, SuppValue?) As Boolean
Debug.Print "Action="; Action%
Select Case Action%
Case 1 ' Dialog box initialization
Case 4 ' Focus changed
Debug.Print DlgItem$; "="; DlgNumber(DlgItem$)
End Function
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DlgSetPicture Instruction
Syntax DlgSetPicture
Group Dialog Function
Description Instruction: Set the file name for
This instruction/function must be called directly or indirectly from a
Parameter Description
If this is a numeric value then it is the dialog item number. The first item is 0, second is 1, etc. If this
is a string value then it is the dialog item's
Set the file name of
to this string value.
This numeric value indicates the type of bitmap used. See below.
Type Effect
is the name of the bitmap file. If the file does not exist then "(missing picture)" is displayed.
3 The clipboard's bitmap is displayed. If the clipboard does not contain a bitmap then "(missing picture)" is
16 Same a 0, but instead of displaying "(missing picture)" a run-time error occurs.
19 Same a 3, but instead of displaying "(missing picture)" a run-time error occurs.
Example '#Language "WWB-COM"
Sub Main
Begin Dialog UserDialog 200,120,.DialogFunc
Picture 10,10,180,75,"",0,.Picture
OKButton 30,90,60,20
PushButton 110,90,60,20,"&View"
Dim dlg As UserDialog
End Sub
Function DialogFunc(DlgItem$, Action%, SuppValue?) As Boolean
Debug.Print "Action="; Action%
Select Case Action%
Case 1 ' Dialog box initialization
Case 2 ' Value changing or button pressed
Select Case DlgItem$
Case "View"
FileName = GetFilePath("Bitmap","BMP")
DlgSetPicture "Picture",FileName,0
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DialogFunc = True 'do not exit the dialog
End Select
DlgText Instruction/Function
Syntax DlgText
Group Dialog Function
Description Instruction: Set the text for
Function: Return the text from
This instruction/function must be called directly or indirectly from a
Parameter Description
If this is a numeric value then it is the dialog item number. The first item is 0, second is 1, etc. If this
is a string value then it is the dialog item's
name. Note: Use -1 to access the dialog's title.
Set the text of
to this string value.
Example '#Language "WWB-COM"
Sub Main
Begin Dialog UserDialog 200,120,.DialogFunc
Text 10,10,180,15,"Please push the OK button"
TextBox 10,40,180,15,.Text
OKButton 30,90,60,20
PushButton 110,90,60,20,"&Now"
End Dialog
Dim dlg As UserDialog
End Sub
Function DialogFunc(DlgItem$, Action%, SuppValue?) As Boolean
Debug.Print "Action="; Action%
Select Case Action%
Case 1 ' Dialog box initialization
Case 2 ' Value changing or button pressed
Select Case DlgItem$
Case "Now"
DlgText "Text",CStr(Now)
DialogFunc = True 'do not exit the dialog
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End Select
DlgType Function
Syntax DlgType[$](
Group Dialog Function
Description Return a string value indicating the type of the
. One of: "CancelButton",
"CheckBox", "ComboBox", "DropListBox", "GroupBox", "ListBox", "MultiListBox", "OKButton",
"OptionButton", "OptionGroup", "PushButton", "Text", "TextBox".
This instruction/function must be called directly or indirectly from a
Parameter Description
If this is a numeric value then it is the dialog item number. The first item is 0, second is 1, etc. If this
is a string value then it is the dialog item's
Example '#Language "WWB-COM"
Sub Main
Begin Dialog UserDialog 200,120,.DialogFunc
Text 10,10,180,15,"Please push the OK button"
TextBox 10,40,180,15,.Text
OKButton 30,90,60,20
Dim dlg As UserDialog
Dialog dlg
Function DialogFunc(DlgItem$, Action%, SuppValue?) As Boolean
Debug.Print "Action="; Action%
Select Case Action%
Case 1 ' Dialog box initialization
For I = 0 To DlgCount()-1
Debug.Print I; DlgType(I)
Next I
End Select
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DlgValue Instruction/Function
Syntax DlgValue
Group Dialog Function
Description Instruction: Set the numeric value(s)
Function: Return the numeric value(s) for
. (A MultiListBox user dialog item returns an array.)
This instruction/function must be called directly or indirectly from a
. The
should refer to
a CheckBox, ComboBox, DropListBox, ListBox, MultiListBox or OptionGroup.
Parameter Description
If this is a numeric value then it is the dialog item number. The first item is 0, second is 1, etc. If this
is a string value then it is the dialog item's
Set the text of
to this numeric value. (A MultiListBox user dialog item uses an array.)
Example '#Language "WWB-COM"
Sub Main
Begin Dialog UserDialog 150,147,.DialogFunc
GroupBox 10,7,130,77,"Direction",.Field1
PushButton 100,28,30,21,"&Up"
PushButton 100,56,30,21,"&Dn"
OptionGroup .Direction
OptionButton 20,21,80,14,"&North",.North
OptionButton 20,35,80,14,"&South",.South
OptionButton 20,49,80,14,"&East",.East
OptionButton 20,63,80,14,"&West",.West
OKButton 10,91,130,21
CancelButton 10,119,130,21
Dim dlg As UserDialog
Dialog dlg
MsgBox "Direction=" & dlg.Direction
Function DialogFunc(DlgItem$, Action%, SuppValue?) As Boolean
Select Case Action%
Case 1 ' Dialog box initialization
Case 2 ' Value changing or button pressed
Select Case DlgItem$
Case "Up"
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DlgValue "Direction",0
DialogFunc = True 'do not exit the dialog
Case "Dn"
DlgValue "Direction",1
DialogFunc = True 'do not exit the dialog
End Select
DlgVisible Instruction/Function
Syntax DlgVisible
Group Dialog Function
Description Instruction: Show or hide
Function: Return True if
is visible.
This instruction/function must be called directly or indirectly from a
Parameter Description
If this is a numeric value then it is the dialog item number. The first item is 0, second is 1, etc. If this
is a string value then it is the dialog item's
It this numeric value is True then show
. Otherwise, hide it. If this omitted then toggle it.
Example '#Language "WWB-COM"
Sub Main
Begin Dialog UserDialog 200,120,.DialogFunc
Text 10,10,180,15,"Please push the OK button"
TextBox 10,40,180,15,.Text
OKButton 30,90,60,20
PushButton 110,90,60,20,"&Hide"
Dim dlg As UserDialog
End Sub
Function DialogFunc(DlgItem$, Action%, SuppValue?) As Boolean
Debug.Print "Action="; Action%
Select Case Action%
Case 1 ' Dialog box initialization
Case 2 ' Value changing or button pressed
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Select Case DlgItem$
Case "Hide"
DlgText DlgItem$,"&Show"
DlgVisible "Text",False
DialogFunc = True 'do not exit the dialog
Case "Show"
DlgText DlgItem$,"&Hide"
DlgVisible "Text",True
DialogFunc = True 'do not exit the dialog
End Select
DoEvents Instruction
Syntax DoEvents
Group Miscellaneous
Description This instruction allows other applications to process events.
Example '#Language "WWB-COM"
Sub Main
DoEvents ' let other apps work
End Sub
Do Statement
Syntax Do
Do {Until|While}
Loop {Until|While}
Group Flow Control
Description Form 1: Do
s forever. The loop can be exited by using Exit or Goto.
Form 2: Check for loop termination before executing the loop the first time.
Form 3: Execute the loop once and then check for loop termination.
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Loop Termination:
: Do
s until
is True.
: Do
s while
is True.
See Also For, For Each, Exit Do, While.
Example '#Language "WWB-COM"
Sub Main
I = 2
I = I*2
Loop Until I > 10
Debug.Print I ' 16
End Sub
Double Data Type
Syntax Dim v As Double
Group Data Type
Description A 64 bit real value.
DropListBox Dialog Item Definition
Syntax DropListBox
StrArray$( )
, .
Group User Dialog
Description Define a drop-down listbox item.
Parameter Description
This number value is the distance from the left edge of the dialog box. It is measured in 1/8 ths of the aver-
age character width for the dialog's font.
This number value is the distance from the top edge of the dialog box. It is measured in 1/12 ths of the
character height for the dialog's font.
This number value is the width. It is measured in 1/8 ths of the average character width for the dialog's
This number value is the height. It is measured in 1/12 ths of the character height for the dialog's font.
StrArray$( )
This one-dimensional array of strings establishes the list of choices. All the non-null elements of
the array are used.
The value of the drop-down list box is accessed via this field. It is the index of the
StrArray$( )
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This numeric value controls the type of drop-down list box. Choose one value from following table.
(If this numeric value omitted then zero is used.)
Option Description
0 Text box is not editable and list is not sorted.
1 Text box is editable and list is not sorted.
2 Text box is not editable and list is sorted.
3 Text box is editable and list is sorted.
See Also Begin Dialog.
Example '#Language "WWB-COM"
Sub Main
Dim lists$(3)
lists$(0) = "List 0"
lists$(1) = "List 1"
lists$(2) = "List 2"
lists$(3) = "List 3"
Begin Dialog UserDialog 200,120
Text 10,10,180,15,"Please push the OK button"
DropListBox 10,25,180,60,lists$(),.list1
DropListBox 10,50,180,60,lists$(),.list2,1
OKButton 80,90,40,20
Dim dlg As UserDialog
dlg.list1 = 2 ' list1 is a numeric field
dlg.list2 = "xxx" ' list2 is a string field
Dialog dlg ' show dialog (wait for ok)
Debug.Print lists$(dlg.list1)
Debug.Print dlg.list2
End Sub
Empty Keyword
Group Constant
Description A
that does not have any value.
Encode64 Function
Syntax Encode64[$](
Group Miscellaneous
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Copyright © 2024 RFgen Software. A division of DataMAX Software Group, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
Description Return a string using the base 64 encoding algorithm.
Parameter Description
Return this string's base 64 encoding.
See Also Decode64.
Example '#Language "WWB-COM"
Sub Main
Debug.Print Encode64("Hello World!!") '"SGVsbG8gV29ybGQhIQ=="
End Sub
Encrypt64 Function
Syntax Encrypt64[$](
Group Miscellaneous
Description Return a string using the RC4 stream encryption algorithm. (The string is also encoded
using base 64 encoding.)
Parameter Description
Return this string's encryption.
Encrypt using this password.
See Also Decode64, Decrypt64, Encode64.
Example '#Language "WWB-COM"
Sub Main
Debug.Print Encrypt64("Hello World!!", "abc") '"Y4GFrF+k1YUHwjEzsg=="
End Sub
End Instruction
Syntax End
Group Flow Control
Description The end instruction causes the
to terminate immediately. If the macro was run by
another macro using the MacroRun instruction then that macro continues on the instruction following the
Example '#Language "WWB-COM"
Sub DoSub
L$ = UCase$(InputBox$("Enter End:"))
If L$ = "END" Then End
Debug.Print "End was not entered."
End Sub
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Sub Main
Debug.Print "Before DoSub"
Debug.Print "After DoSub"
End Sub
Enum Definition
Syntax [ | Private | Public ] _
[ =
End Enum
Group Declaration
Description Define a new
user enum
. Each
defines an element of the enum. If
is given then
that is the element's value. The value can be any constant integer expression. If
is omitted then the ele-
ment's value is one more than the previous element's value. If there is no previous element then zero is
Access If no access is specified then Public is assumed.
Example '#Language "WWB-COM"
Enum Days
End Enum
Dim D As Days
For D = Monday To Friday
Debug.Print D ' 0 through 4
Next D
End Sub
Environ Function
Syntax Environ[$](
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Copyright © 2024 RFgen Software. A division of DataMAX Software Group, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
Group Miscellaneous
Description Return an environment string.
Pocket PC Not supported.
Parameter Description
Return this environment string's value. If there is no environment string at this index a null string is
returned. Indexes start at one.
Return this environment string's value. If the environment string can't be found a null string is
Example '#Language "WWB-COM"
Sub Main
Debug.Print Environ("Path")
EOF Function
Syntax EOF(
Group File
Description Return True if
is at the end of the file.
Parameter Description
Streams 1 through 255 are private to each macro. Streams 256 through 511 are shared by all
Example '#Language "WWB-COM"
Sub Main
Open "XXX" For Input As #1
While Not EOF(1)
Line Input #1, L
Debug.Print L
'Close #1
End Sub
Erase Instruction
Syntax Erase
[, ...]
[, ...]
Group Assignment
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Description Reset
user defined type
array element to zero. (Dynamic arrays are reset to
undimensioned arrays.) String arrays values are set to a null string.
must be declared as an array.
Declare with Dim, Private, Public or Static.
Declare as a parameter of Sub, Function or Property definition.
Example '#Language "WWB-COM"
Sub Main
Dim X%(2)
X%(1) = 1
Erase X%
Debug.Print X%(1) ' 0
Err Object
Syntax Err
Group Error Handling
Description Set Err to zero to clear the last error event. Err in an expression returns the last error code.
Add vbObjectError to your error number in ActiveX Automation objects. Use Err.Raise or Error to trigger an
error event.
This is the error code for the last error event. Set it to zero (or use Err.Clear) to clear the last error condition.
Use Error or Err.Raise to trigger an error event. This is the default property.
This string is the description of the last error event.
This string is the error source file name of the last error event.
This string is the help file name of the last error event.
This number is the help context id of the last error event.
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Clear the last error event.
Err.Raise [Number:=]
[, [Source:=]
] _
[, [Description:=]
] _
[, [HelpFile:=]
] _
[, [HelpContext:=]
Raise an error event.
Returns the error code for the last DLL call (see Declare).
Example '#Language "WWB-COM"
Sub Main
On Error GoTo Problem
Err = 1 ' set to error #1 (handler not triggered)
Problem: ' error handler
Error Err ' halt macro with message
End Sub
Error Instruction/Function
Syntax Error
Group Error Handling
Description Instruction: Signal error
. This triggers error handling just like a real error. The
's error handler is activated, unless it is already active or there isn't one. In that case the
's error handler is tried. (Use Err.Raise to provide complete error information.)
Function: The Error( ) function returns the error text string.
Parameter Description
This is the error number.
Example '#Language "WWB-COM"
Sub Main
On Error GoTo Problem
Error 1 ' simulate error #1
Exit Sub
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Problem: ' error handler
Debug.Print "Err.Description="; Err.Description
Resume Next
Eval Function
Syntax Eval(
Group Miscellaneous
Description Return the value of the string expression as evaluated.
Parameter Description
Evaluate this string value.
This integer value indicates how deep into the stack to locate the local variables. If Depth = 0 then
use the current
. If this value is omitted then the depth is 0.
See Also Assign.
Example '#Language "WWB-COM"
Sub Main
Dim X As String
X = "Hello"
Debug.Print Eval("X") 'Hello
Sub A
Dim X As String
X = "Bye"
Debug.Print Eval("X") 'Bye
Debug.Print Eval("X",1) 'Hello
Event Definition
Syntax [ | Public ] _
[, ...]])]
Group Declaration
Description User defined event. The event defines a sub that can be defined using WithEvents.. The
values of the calling
are assigned to the
Access If no access is specified then Public is assumed.
See Also RaiseEvent.
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Example ' Class1
'#Language "WWB-COM"
Event Changing(ByVal OldValue As String, ByVal NewValue As String)
Private Value_ As String
Property Get Value As String
Value = Value_
Property Let Value(ByVal NewValue As String)
RaiseEvent Changing(Value_, NewValue)
Value_ = NewValue
'#Uses "Class1.cls"
Dim WithEvents c1 As Class1
Sub Main
Set c1 = New Class1
c1.Value = "Hello"
c1.Value = "Goodbye"
End Sub
Sub c1_Changing(ByVal OldValue As String, ByVal NewValue As String)
Debug.Print "OldValue=""" & OldValue & """, NewValue=""" & NewValue & """"
Exit Instruction
Syntax Exit {All|Do|For|Function|Property|Sub|While}
Group Flow Control
Description The exit instruction causes the
to continue with out doing some or all of the remain-
ing instructions.
Exit Description
All Exit all
Do Exit the Do loop.
For Exit the For of For Each loop.
Function Exit the Function block. Note: This instruction clears the Err and sets Error`$' to null.
Property Exit the Property block. Note: This instruction clears the Err and sets Error`$' to null.
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Sub Exit the Sub block. Note: This instruction clears the Err and sets Error`$' to null.
While Exit the While loop.
Example '#Language "WWB-COM"
Sub Main
L$ = InputBox$("Enter Do, For, While, Sub or All:")
Debug.Print "Before DoSub"
DoSub UCase$(L$)
Debug.Print "After DoSub"
Sub DoSub(L$)
If L$ = "DO" Then Exit Do
I = I+1
Loop While I < 10
If I = 0 Then Debug.Print "Do was entered"
For I = 1 To 10
If L$ = "FOR" Then Exit For
Next I
If I = 1 Then Debug.Print "For was entered"
I = 10
While I > 0
If L$ = "WHILE" Then Exit While
I = I-1
If I = 10 Then Debug.Print "While was entered"
If L$ = "SUB" Then Exit Sub
Debug.Print "Sub was not entered."
If L$ = "ALL" Then Exit All
Debug.Print "All was not entered."
End Sub
Exp Function
Syntax Exp(
Group Math
Description Return the exponential.
Parameter Description
Return e raised to the power of this numeric value. The value e is approximately 2.718282.
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See Also Log.
Example '#Language "WWB-COM"
Sub Main
Debug.Print Exp(1) ' 2.718281828459
False Keyword
Group Constant
Description A
is false when its value is zero. A function that returns False returns the value 0.
FileAttr Function
Syntax FileAttr(
Group File
Description Return
's open mode or file handle.
Parameter Description
Streams 1 through 255 are private to each macro. Streams 256 through 511 are shared by all
1 - return the mode used to open the file: 1=Input, 2=Output, 4=Random, 8=Append, 32=Bi-
2 - return the file handle
See Also Open.
Example '#Language "WWB-COM"
Sub Main
Open "XXX" For Output As #1
Debug.Print FileAttr(1,1) ' 2
'Close #1
FileCopy Instruction
Syntax FileCopy
Group File
Description Copy a file.
Parameter Description
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This string value is the path and name of the source file. A path relative to the current directory
can be used.
This string value is the path and name of the destination file. A path relative to the current dir-
ectory can be used.
Example '#Language "WWB-COM"
Sub Main
End Sub
FileDateTime Function
Syntax FileDateTime(
Group File
Description Return the date and time file
was last changed as a Date value. If the file does not
exist then a run-time error occurs.
Parameter Description
This string value is the path and name of the file. A path relative to the current directory can be used.
Example '#Language "WWB-COM"
Sub Main
F$ = Dir$("*.*")
While F$ <> ""
Debug.Print F$; " "; FileDateTime(F$)
F$ = Dir$()
FileLen Function
Syntax FileLen(
Group File
Description Return the length of file
. If the file does not exist then a run-time error occurs.
Parameter Description
This string value is the path and name of the file. A path relative to the current directory can be used.
Example '#Language "WWB-COM"
Sub Main
F$ = Dir$("*.*")
While F$ <> ""
Debug.Print F$; " "; FileLen(F$)
F$ = Dir$()
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Fix Function
Syntax Fix(
Group Math
Description Return the integer value.
Parameter Description
Return the integer portion of this numeric value. The number is truncated. Positive numbers return the
next lower integer. Negative numbers return the next higher integer. If this value is Null then Null is
See Also Int.
Example '#Language "WWB-COM"
Sub Main
Debug.Print Fix(9.9) ' 9
Debug.Print Fix(0) ' 0
Debug.Print Fix(-9.9) '-9
End Sub
For Each Statement
Syntax For Each
Next [
Group Flow Control
Description Execute
s for each item in
Parameter Description
This is the iteration variable.
This is the collection of items to be done.
See Also Do, For, Exit For, While.
Example '#Language "WWB-COM"
Sub Main
Dim Document As Object
For Each Document In App.Documents
Debug.Print Document.Title
Next Document
End Sub
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Format$ Function
Syntax Format[$](
], [
], _
Group String
Description Return the formatted string representation of
Parameter Description
Return the formatted string representation of this numeric value.
using to this string value. If this is omitted then return the
as a string.
Format using this day as the first day of the week. If this is omitted then the vbSunday is used.
Format using this week as the first week of the year. If this is omitted then the vbFirstJan1 is used.
firstday Value Description
vbUseSystemFirstDay 0 Use the systems first day of the week.
vbSunday 1 Sunday (default)
vbMonday 2 Monday
vbTuesday 3 Tuesday
vbWednesday 4 Wednesday
vbThursday 5 Thursday
vbFriday 6 Friday
vbSaturday 7 Saturday
firstweek Value Description
vbUseSystem 0 Use the systems first week of the year.
vbFirstJan1 1 The week that January 1 occurs in. This is the default value.
2 vbFirstFourDays The first week that has at least four days in the year.
3 vbFirstFullWeek The first week that entirely in the year.
See Also Predefined Date Format, Predefined Number Format, User defined Date
Format, User defined Number Format, User defined Text Format.
Format Predefined Date
Description The following predefined date formats may be used with the Format function. Predefined
formats may not be combined with user defined formats or other predefined formats.
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Form Description
General Date Same as user defined date format "c"
Long Date Same as user defined date format "dddddd"
Medium Date Not supported at this time.
Short Date Same as user defined date format "ddddd"
Long Time Same as user defined date format "ttttt"
Medium Time Same as user defined date format "hh:mm AMPM"
Short Time Same as user defined date format "hh:mm"
Format Predefined Number
Description The following predefined number formats may be used with the Format function. Pre-
defined formats may not be combined with user defined formats or other predefined formats.
Form Description
General Number
Return number as is.
Currency Same as user defined number format "$#,##0.00;($#,##0.00)"
Not locale dependent at this time.
Fixed Same as user defined number format "0.00".
Standard Same as user defined number format "#,##0.00".
Percent Same as user defined number format "0.00%".
Scientific Same as user defined number format "0.00E+00".
Yes/No Return "No" if zero, else return "Yes".
True/False Return "True" if zero, else return "False".
On/Off Return "On" if zero, else return "Off".
Example '#Language "WWB-COM"
Sub Main
Debug.Print Format$(2.145,"Standard") ' 2.15
Format User Defined Date
Description The following date formats may be used with the Format function. Date formats may be
combined to create the user defined date format. User defined date formats may not be combined with
other user defined formats or predefined formats.
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Parameter Description
: insert localized time separator
/ insert localized date separator
c insert ddddd ttttt, insert date only if t=0, insert time only if d=0
d insert day number without leading zero
dd insert day number with leading zero
ddd insert abbreviated day name
dddd insert full day name
ddddd insert date according to Short Date format
dddddd insert date according to Long Date format
w insert day of week number
ww insert week of year number
m insert month number without leading zero
insert minute number without leading zero (if follows h or hh)
mm insert month number with leading zero
insert minute number with leading zero (if follows h or hh)
mmm insert abbreviated month name
mmmm insert full month name
q insert quarter number
y insert day of year number
yy insert year number (two digits)
yyyy insert year number (four digits, no leading zeros)
h insert hour number without leading zero
hh insert hour number with leading zero
n insert minute number without leading zero
nn insert minute number with leading zero
s insert second number without leading zero
ss insert second number with leading zero
ttttt insert time according to time format
AM/PM use 12 hour clock and insert AM (hours 0 to 11) and PM (12 to 23)
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am/pm use 12 hour clock and insert am (hours 0 to 11) and pm (12 to 23)
A/P use 12 hour clock and insert A (hours 0 to 11) and P (12 to 23)
a/p use 12 hour clock and insert a (hours 0 to 11) and p (12 to 23)
AMPM use 12 hour clock and insert localized AM/PM strings
\c insert character c
"text" insert literal text
Format User Defined Number
Description The following number formats may be used with the Format function. Number formats
may be combined to create the user defined number format. User defined number formats may not be com-
bined with other user defined formats or predefined formats.
User defined number formats can contain up to four sections separated by ';':
form - format for non-negative expr, '-'format for negative expr, empty and null expr return ""
form;negform - negform: format for negative expr
form;negform;zeroform - zeroform: format for zero expr
form;negform;zeroform;nullform - nullform: format for null expr
Parameter Description
# digit, don't include leading/trailing zero digits (all the digits left of decimal point are returned)
eg. Format(19,"###") returns "19"
eg. Format(19,"#") returns "19"
0 digit, include leading/trailing zero digits
eg. Format(19,"000") returns "019"
eg. Format(19,"0") returns "19"
. decimal, insert localized decimal point
eg. Format(19.9,"###.00") returns "19.90"
eg. Format(19.9,"###.##") returns "19.9"
, thousands, insert localized thousand separator every 3 digits
"xxx," or "xxx,." mean divide expr by 1000 prior to formatting
two adjacent commas ",," means divide expr by 1000 again
eg. Format(1900000,"0,,") returns "2"
eg. Format(1900000,"0,,.0") returns "1.9"
% percent, insert %, multiply expr by 100 prior to formatting
: insert localized time separator
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/ insert localized date separator
E+ e+ E- e- use exponential notation, insert E (or e) and the signed exponent
eg. Format(1000,"0.00E+00") returns "1.00E+03"
eg. Format(.001,"0.00E+00") returns "1.00E-03"
- + $ ( ) space insert literal char
eg. Format(10,"$#") returns "$10"
\c insert character c
eg. Format(19,"\####\#") returns "#19#"
"text" insert literal text
eg. Format(19,"""##""###""##""") returns "##19##"
Example '#Language "WWB-COM"
Sub Main
Debug.Print Format$(2.145,"#.00") ' 2.15
Format User Defined Text
Description The following text formats may be used with the Format function. Text formats may be
combined to create the user defined text format. User defined text formats may not be combined with other
user defined formats or predefined formats.
User defined text formats can contain one or two sections separated by ';':
form - format for all strings
form;nullform - nullform: format for empty and null strings
Parameter Description
@ char placeholder, insert char or space
& char placeholder, insert char or nothing
< all chars lowercase
> all chars uppercase
! fill placeholder from left-to-right (default is right-to-left)
\c insert character c
"text" insert literal text
Example '#Language "WWB-COM"
Sub Main
Debug.Print Format("123","ab@c") '" ab1c23"
Debug.PrintFormat("123","!ab@c") '" ab3c"
End Sub
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For Statement
Syntax For
Next [
Group Flow Control
Description Execute
s while
is in the range
Parameter Description
This is the iteration variable.
to this value initially.
Continue looping while
is in the range. See
If this numeric value is greater than zero then the for loop continues as long as
is less than or
equal to
. If this numeric value is less than zero then the for loop continues as long as
is greater
than or equal to
. If this is omitted then one is used.
See Also Do, For Each, Exit For, While.
Example '#Language "WWB-COM"
Sub Main
For I = 1 To 2000 Step 100
Debug.Print I; I+I; I*I
Next I
End Sub
FreeFile Function
Syntax FreeFile[( )]
Group File
Description Return the next unused shared stream number (greater than or equal to 256). Streams 1
through 255 are private to each macro. Streams 256 through 511 are shared by all macros.
Example '#Language "WWB-COM"
Sub Main
Debug.Print FreeFile ' 256
FN = FreeFile
Open "XXX" For Output As #FN
Debug.Print FreeFile ' 257
'Close #FN
Debug.Print FreeFile ' 256
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Friend Keyword
Group Declaration
Description Friend Functions, Propertys and Subs in a
are available in all other
s/modules that access it. Friends are not accessible via Object variables.
Function Definition
Syntax [ | Private | Public | Friend ] _
[ Default ] _
[, ...]])] _
As type
End Function
Group Declaration
Description User defined function. The function defines a set of
s to be executed when it is
called. The values of the calling
are assigned to the
s. Assigning to
] sets the value
of the function result.
Access If no access is specified then Public is assumed.
See Also Declare, Property, Sub.
Example '#Language "WWB-COM"
Function Power(X,Y)
P = 1
For I = 1 To Y
P = P*X
Next I
Power = P
End Function
Debug.Print Power(2,8) ' 256
End Sub
GetAllSettings Function
Syntax GetAllSettings(
Group Settings
Description Get all of
's settings in project
. Settings are returned in a Variant.
Empty is returned if there are no keys in the section. Otherwise, the Variant contains a two dimension
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array: (I,0) is the key and (I,1) is the setting. Win16 and Win32s store settings in a .ini file named
Win32/Win64 store settings in the registration database under "HKEY_CURRENT_USER\ Software\ VB and
VBA Program Settings\
". If
starts with "..\" then "VB and VBA Program
Settings\" is omitted.
Parameter Description
This string value is the name of the project which has this
This string value is the name of the section of the project settings.
Example '#Language "WWB-COM"
Sub Main
SaveSetting "MyApp","Font","Size",10
SaveSetting "MyApp","Font","Name","Courier"
Settings = GetAllSettings("MyApp","Font")
For I = LBound(Settings) To UBound(Settings)
Debug.Print Settings(I,0); "="; Settings(I,1)
Next I
DeleteSetting "MyApp","Font"
End Sub
GetAttr Function
Syntax GetAttr(
Group File
Description Return the
s for file
. If the file does not exist then a run-time error occurs.
Parameter Description
This string value is the path and name of the file. A path relative to the current directory can be used.
Example '#Language "WWB-COM"
Sub Main
F$ = Dir$("*.*")
While F$ <> ""
Debug.Print F$; " "; GetAttr(F$)
F$ = Dir$()
This is a specialized method similar to the EmbeddedProc object that could be used for getting the con-
nection object to Microsoft Dynamics. The Dynamics client must be installed on the same machine. Use the
ERP.BeginTrans and ERP.CommitTrans before and after the use of this method. This exposes the business
functions but the programmer must know how to use them.
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Syntax: oValue = SYS.GetConnection(vSource)
oValue (Object) An object declaredConn as Axapta3 or Object, if you choose to use late binding. It will
return the ADO, RDO, OLEDB, ERP, or Web connection object
vSource (Variant) data source name (DSN) or the data source number
Dim oConn As Axapta3
Dim oRecord As IAxaptaRecord
Set oConn = SYS.GetConnection("Dynamics")
Set oRecord = oConn.CreateRecord("INVENTJOURNALTABLE")
If oRecord Is Nothing Then
App.MsgBox "Error: Axapta Record object failed."
Exit Sub
End If
App.MsgBox "Record company: " &
GetFilePath$ Function
Syntax GetFilePath[$]([
], [
], [
], _
], [
Group User Input
Description Put up a dialog box and get a file path from the user. The returned string is a complete
path and file name. If the cancel button is pressed then a null string is returned.
Parameter Description
Set the initial File Name in the to this string value. If this is omitted then *.
is used.
Initially show files whose extension matches this string value. (Multiple extensions can be specified
by using ";" as the separator.) If this is omitted then * is used.
A "filter" may be specified using "description|*.ext|". Multiple descriptions can be used by repeating this
format. (e.g. "Bitmap files|*.bmp|PNG files|*.png|JPEG files|*.jpg")
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This string value is the initial directory. If this is omitted then the current directory is used.
This string value is the title of the dialog. If this is omitted then "Get File Path" is used.
This numeric value determines the file selection options. If this is omitted then zero is used. See table
Option Effect
0 Only allow the user to select a file that exists.
1 Confirm creation when the user selects a file that does not exist.
2 Allow the user to select any file whether it exists or not.
3 Confirm overwrite when the user selects a file that exists.
+4 Selecting a different directory changes the application's current directory.
Example '#Language "WWB-COM"
Sub Main
Debug.Print GetFilePath$()
Get Instruction
Syntax Get [#]
, [
Group File
Description Get a variable's value from
Parameter Description
Streams 1 through 255 are private to each macro. Streams 256 through 511 are shared by all
For Random mode files this is the record number. The first record is 1. Otherwise, it is the byte
position. The first byte is 1. If this is omitted then the current position (or record number) is used.
This variable value is read from the file. For a fixed length variable (like Long) the number of bytes
required to restore the variable are read. For a Variant variable two bytes are read which describe its type
and then the variable value is read accordingly. For a
user type
variable each field is read in sequence. For an
array variable each element is read in sequence. For a dynamic array variable the number of dimensions and
range of each dimension is read prior to reading the array values. All binary data values are read from the file
Note: When reading a string (or a dynamic array) from a Binary mode file the length (or array dimension)
information is not read. The current string length determines how much string data is read. The current
array dimension determines how may array elements are read.
See Also Open, Put.
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Example '#Language "WWB-COM"
Sub Main
Dim V As Variant
Open "SAVE_V.DAT" For Binary Access Read As #1
Get #1, , V
'Close #1
End Sub
GetLocale Function
Syntax GetLocale
Group Miscellaneous
Description Get the locale ID for the current thread.
See Also SetLocale.
Example '#Language "WWB-COM"
Sub Main
SetLocale &H409 ' English, US
Debug.PrintHex(GetLocale) '"409"
End Sub
GetObject Function
Syntax GetObject([
Group Object
Description Get an existing object of type
. Use Set to assign the returned object to
an object variable.
Pocket PC Not supported.
Parameter Description
This is the file where the object resides. If this is omitted then the currently active object for
This string value is the application's registered class name. If this application is not currently active it
will be started. If this is omitted then the application associated with the file's extension will be started.
Example '#Language "WWB-COM"
Sub Main
Dim App As Object
Set App = GetObject(,"WinWrap.CppDemoApplication")
App.Move 20,30 ' move icon to 20,30
Set App = Nothing
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App.Quit ' run-time error (no object)
End Sub
GetSetting Function
Syntax GetSetting[$](
Group Settings
Description Get the setting for
in project
. Win16 and Win32s store settings in
a .ini file named
. Win32/Win64 store settings in the registration database under "HKEY_
CURRENT_USER\ Software\ VB and VBA Program Settings\
". If
with "..\" then "VB and VBA Program Settings\" is omitted.
Parameter Description
This string value is the name of the project which has this
This string value is the name of the section of the project settings.
This string value is the name of the key in the section of the project settings.
Return this string value if no setting has been saved. If this is omitted then a null string is used.
Example '#Language "WWB-COM"
Sub Main
SaveSetting "MyApp","Font","Size",10
Debug.Print GetSetting("MyApp","Font","Size") ' 10
End Sub
Goto Instruction
Syntax GoTo
Group Flow Control
Description Go to the
and continue execution from there. Only
s in the current user defined
are accessible.
Example '#Language "WWB-COM"
Sub Main
X = 2
X = X*X
If X < 100 Then GoTo Loop
Debug.Print X ' 256
End Sub
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GroupBox Dialog Item Definition
Syntax GroupBox
[, .
Group User Dialog
Description Define a groupbox item.
Parameter Description
This number value is the distance from the left edge of the dialog box. It is measured in 1/8 ths of the aver-
age character width for the dialog's font.
This number value is the distance from the top edge of the dialog box. It is measured in 1/12 ths of the
character height for the dialog's font.
This number value is the width. It is measured in 1/8 ths of the average character width for the dialog's
This number value is the height. It is measured in 1/12 ths of the character height for the dialog's font.
This string value is the title of the group box.
This identifier is the name of the field. The
receives this name as
. If this identifer is
omitted then the first two words of the title are used.
See Also Begin Dialog.
Example '#Language "WWB-COM"
Sub Main
Begin Dialog UserDialog 200,120
Text 10,10,180,15,"Please push the OK button"
GroupBox 10,25,180,60,"Group box"
OKButton 80,90,40,20
End Dialog
Dim dlg As UserDialog
Dialog dlg ' show dialog (wait for ok)
End Sub
Hex$ Function
Syntax Hex[$](
Group String
Description Return a hex string.
Parameter Description
Return a hex encoded string for this numeric value.
See Also Oct$(), Str$(), Val().
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Example '#Language "WWB-COM"
Sub Main
Debug.Print Hex$(15) 'F
End Sub
Hour Function
Syntax Hour(
Group Time/Date
Description Return the hour of the day (0 to 23).
Parameter Description
Return the hour of the day for this date value. If this value is Null then Null is returned.
See Also Minute(), Second(), Time().
Example '#Language "WWB-COM"
Sub Main
Debug.Print Hour(#12:00:01 AM#) ' 0
Huge_ Data Type
Syntax Dim v As Huge_
Group Data Type
Description A 64 bit signed integer value.
Some versions of Windows do not support Huge_.
VBA This language element is not VBA compatible.
If Statement
Syntax If
Then [
] [Else
End If
Group Flow Control
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Description Form 1: Single line if statement. Execute the
following the Then if
True. Otherwise, execute the
following the Else. The Else portion is optional.
Form 2: The multiple line if is useful for complex ifs. Each if
is checked in turn. The first True one
causes the following
s to be executed. If all are False then the Else's
s are executed.
The ElseIf and Else portions are optional.
Form 3: If
's type is the same type or a type descended from
the Then portion is executed.
See Also Select Case, Choose(), IIf().
Example '#Language "WWB-COM"
Sub Main
S = InputBox("Enter hello, goodbye, dinner or sleep:")
S = UCase(S)
If S = "HELLO" Then Debug.Print "come in"
If S = "GOODBYE" Then Debug.Print "see you later"
If S = "DINNER" Then
Debug.Print "Please come in."
Debug.Print "Dinner will be ready soon."
ElseIf S = "SLEEP" Then
Debug.Print "Sorry."
Debug.Print "We are full for the night"
End If
End Sub
IIf Function
Syntax IIf(
Group Miscellaneous
Description Return the value of the parameter indicated by
. Both
Parameter Description
If this value is True then return
. Otherwise, return
Return this value if
is True.
Return this value if
is False.
See Also If, Select Case, Choose().
Example '#Language "WWB-COM"
Sub Main
Debug.Print IIf(1 > 0,"True","False") '"True"
End Sub
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InputBox$ Function
Syntax InputBox[$](
Group User Input
Description Display an input box where the user can enter a line of text. Pressing the OK button
returns the string entered. Pressing the Cancel button returns a null string.
Parameter Description
Use this string value as the prompt in the input box.
Use this string value as the title of the input box. If this is omitted then the input box does not have a
Use this string value as the initial value in the input box. If this is omitted then the initial value is
When the dialog is put up the left edge will be at this screen position. If this is omitted then the dialog
will be centered.
When the dialog is put up the top edge will be at this screen position. If this is omitted then the dialog
will be centered.
Example '#Language "WWB-COM"
Sub Main
Dim L$
L$ = InputBox$("Enter some text:", _
"Input Box Example","asdf")
Debug.Print L$
End Sub
Input$ Function
Syntax Input[$](
Group File
Description Return
chars from
Parameter Description
Read this many chars. If fewer than that many chars are left before the end of file then a run-time error
Streams 1 through 255 are private to each macro. Streams 256 through 511 are shared by all
Example '#Language "WWB-COM"
Sub Main
Dim L, T$
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Open "XXX" For Input As #1
L = LOF(1)
T$ = Input$(L,1)
Close #1
Debug.Print T$;
End Sub
Input Instruction
Syntax Input [#]
[, ...]
Group File
Description Get input from
and assign it to
s. Input values are comma delimited. Lead-
ing and trailing spaces are ignored. If the first char (following the leading spaces) is a quote (") then the
string is terminated by an ending quote. Special values #NULL#, #FALSE#, #TRUE#, #date# and #ERROR
number# are converted to their appropriate value and data type.
See Also Line Input, Print, Write.
Example '#Language "WWB-COM"
Sub Main
Open "XXX" For Input As #1
Input #1, A, B, C$
Debug.Print A; B; C$
'Close #1
End Sub
InStr Function
Syntax InStr([
, ]
Group String
Description Return the index where
first matches
. If no match is found return 0.
Note: A similar function, InStrB, returns the byte index instead.
Parameter Description
Start searching for
at this index in
. If this is omitted then start searching from the beginning
Search for
in this string value. If this value is Null then Null is returned.
for this string value. If this value is Null then Null is returned.
See Also InStrRev(), Left$(), Len(), Mid$(), Replace$(), Right$().
Example '#Language "WWB-COM"
Sub Main
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Debug.Print InStr("Hello","l") ' 3
InStrRev Function
Syntax InStrRev(
Group String
Description Return the index where
last matches
. If no match is found return 0.
Parameter Description
Search for
in this string value. If this value is Null then Null is returned.
for this string value. If this value is Null then Null is returned.
Start searching for
ending at this index in
. If this is omitted then start searching from the end
See Also Left$(), Len(), Mid$(), Replace$(), Right$().
Example '#Language "WWB-COM"
Sub Main
Debug.Print InStrRev("Hello","l") ' 4
Integer Data Type
Syntax Dim v As Integer
Group Data Type
Description A 16 bit signed integer value.
Int Function
Syntax Int(
Group Math
Description Return the integer value.
Parameter Description
Return the largest integer which is less than or equal to this numeric value. If this value is Null then
Null is returned.
See Also Fix.
Example '#Language "WWB-COM"
Sub Main
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Debug.Print Int(9.9) ' 9
Debug.Print Int(0) ' 0
Debug.Print Int(-9.9) '-10
IsArray Function
Syntax IsArray(
Group Variable Info
Description Return the True if
is an array of values.
Parameter Description
A array variable or a variant var can contain multiple of values.
See Also TypeName, VarType.
Example '#Language "WWB-COM"
Sub Main
Dim X As Variant, Y(2) As Integer
Debug.Print IsArray(X) 'False
X = Array(1,4,9)
Debug.Print IsArray(X) 'True
X = Y
Debug.Print IsArray(X) 'True
IsDate Function
Syntax IsDate(
Group Variable Info
Description Return the True if
is a valid date.
Parameter Description
A variant expression to test for a valid date.
See Also TypeName, VarType.
Example '#Language "WWB-COM"
Sub Main
Dim X As Variant
X = 1
Debug.Print IsDate(X) 'False
X = Now
Debug.Print IsDate(X) 'True
End Sub
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IsEmpty Function
Syntax IsEmpty(
Group Variable Info
Description Return the True if
is Empty.
Parameter Description
A expression is Empty if it has never been assign a value.
See Also TypeName, VarType.
Example '#Language "WWB-COM"
Sub Main
Dim X As Variant
Debug.Print IsEmpty(X) 'True
X = 0
Debug.Print IsEmpty(X) 'False
X = Empty
Debug.Print IsEmpty(X) 'True
End Sub
IsError Function
Syntax IsError(
Group Variable Info
Description Return the True if
is an error code.
Parameter Description
A variant expression to test for an error code value.
See Also TypeName, VarType.
Example '#Language "WWB-COM"
Sub Main
Dim X As Variant
Debug.Print IsError(X) 'False
X = CVErr(1)
Debug.Print IsError(X) 'True
IsMissing Function
Syntax IsMissing(
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Group Variable Info
Description Return the True if Optional parameter
does not have a defaultvalue and it did not get
a value. An Optional parameter may be omitted in the Sub, Function or Property call.
Parameter Description
Return True if this variant parameter's argument expression was not specified in the Sub, Function or
Property call.
Example '#Language "WWB-COM"
Sub Main
Opt 'IsMissing(A)=True
Opt "Hi" 'IsMissing(A)=False
Many 'No args
Many 1,"Hello" 'A(0)=1 A(1)=Hello
OptBye '"Bye"
OptBye "No" '"No"
End Sub
Sub Opt(Optional A)
Debug.Print "IsMissing(A)="; IsMissing(A)
End Sub
Sub Many(ParamArray A())
If LBound(A) > UBound(A) Then
Debug.Print "No args"
For I = LBound(A) To UBound(A)
Debug.Print "A(" & I & ")=" & A(I) & " ";
Next I
End Sub
Sub OptBye(Optional A As String = "Bye")
Debug.Print A
End Sub
IsNot Operator
Group Operator
Description Return the False if both
s refer to the same object.
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VBA This language element is not VBA compatible and requires the #Language "WWB-COM"
See Also Objects.
Example '#Language "WWB-COM"
Sub Main
Dim X As Object
Dim Y As Object
Debug.Print X IsNot Y ' False
End Sub
IsNull Function
Syntax IsNull(
Group Variable Info
Description Return the True if
is Null.
Parameter Description
A variant expression to test for Null.
See Also IsNull, TypeName, VarType.
Example '#Language "WWB-COM"
Sub Main
Dim X As Variant
Debug.Print IsEmpty(X) 'True
Debug.Print IsNull(X) 'False
X = 1
Debug.Print IsNull(X) 'False
X = "1"
Debug.Print IsNull(X) 'False
X = Null
Debug.Print IsNull(X) 'True
X = X*2
Debug.Print IsNull(X) 'True
End Sub
IsNumeric Function
Syntax IsNumeric(
Group Variable Info
Description Return the True if
is a numeric value.
Parameter Description
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A variant expression is a numeric value if it is
or string value that represents a number.
See Also TypeName, VarType.
Example '#Language "WWB-COM"
Sub Main
Dim X As Variant
X = 1
Debug.Print IsNumeric(X) 'True
X = "1"
Debug.Print IsNumeric(X) 'True
X = "A"
Debug.Print IsNumeric(X) 'False
IsObject Function
Syntax IsObject(
Group Variable Info
Description Return the True if
contains an object reference.
Parameter Description
is an object reference return True.
See Also TypeName, VarType.
Example '#Language "WWB-COM"
Sub Main
Dim X As Variant
X = 1
Debug.Print IsObject(X) 'False
X = "1"
Debug.Print IsObject(X) 'False
Set X = Nothing
Debug.Print IsObject(X) 'True
End Sub
Is Operator
Group Operator
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Description Return the True if both
s refer to the same object.
The IsNot operator inverts the result.
See Also Objects.
Example '#Language "WWB-COM"
Sub Main
Dim X As Object
Dim Y As Object
Debug.Print X Is Y ' True
Debug.Print X IsNot Y ' False
End Sub
Join Function
Syntax Join(
, [
Group Miscellaneous
Description Return a string by concatenating all the values in the array with Sep in between each one.
Parameter Description
Concatenate values from this array.
Use this string value to separate the values. (Default: " ")
See Also Split().
Example '#Language "WWB-COM"
Sub Main
Debug.Print Join(Array(1,2,3)) '"1 2 3"
KeyName Function
Syntax KeyName(
Group Miscellaneous
Description Return the key name for a key number. This is the name used by SendKeys.
Parameter Description
Key number.
See Also SendKeys.
Example '#Language "WWB-COM"
Sub Main
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Debug.Print KeyName(&H270) '"^{F1}"
Kill Instruction
Syntax Kill
Group File
Description Delete the file named by
Parameter Description
This string value is the path and name of the file. A path relative to the current directory can be used.
Example '#Language "WWB-COM"
Sub Main
Kill "XXX"
End Sub
#Language Special Comment
Syntax '#Language "WWB-COM"
Group Declaration
Description Selects enhanced Visual Basic for Applications(TM) compatibility.
Including this special comment enables these enhancements:
Data Types: Decimal, SByte, UHuge_, UInteger and ULong.
Instructions: Return
Conversion Functions: CSByte, CUHuge_, CUInt and CULng.
Operators: AndAlso, IsNot and OrElse.
If this special comment is not included then the macro/module is parsed using '#Language "WWB-COM"
rules without the enhancements.
Language reference by group:
Data Type
Flow Control
Error Handling
Variable Info
User Input
User Dialog
Dialog Function
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Version Available for WinWrap Basic version 9.1 or higher.
LBound Function
Syntax LBound(
Group Variable Info
Description Return the lowest index.
Parameter Description
Return the lowest index for this array variable.
Return the lowest index for this dimension of
. If this is omitted then return the lowest
index for the first dimension.
See Also UBound().
Example '#Language "WWB-COM"
Sub Main
Dim A(-1 To 3,2 To 6)
Debug.Print LBound(A) '-1
Debug.Print LBound(A,1) '-1
Debug.Print LBound(A,2) ' 2
End Sub
LCase$ Function
Syntax LCase[$](
Group String
Description Return a string from
where all the uppercase letters have been lowercased.
Parameter Description
Return the string value of this after all chars have been converted to lowercase. If this value is Null then
Null is returned.
See Also StrComp(), StrConv$(), UCase$().
Example '#Language "WWB-COM"
Sub Main
Debug.Print LCase$("Hello") '"hello"
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Left$ Function
Syntax Left[$](
Group String
Description Return a string from
with only the
Note: A similar function, LeftB, returns the first
Parameter Description
Return the left portion of this string value. If this value is Null then Null is returned.
Return this many chars. If
is shorter than that then just return
See Also InStr(), InStrRev(), Len(), Mid$(), Replace$(), Right$().
Example '#Language "WWB-COM"
Sub Main
Debug.Print Left$("Hello",2) '"He"
Len Function
Syntax Len(
Group String
Description Return the number of characters in
Note: A similar function, LenB, returns the number of bytes in the string. For a
, LenB returns the
number of bytes of memory occupied by the variable's data.
Parameter Description
Return the number of chars in this string value. If this value is Null then Null is returned.
Return the number of bytes required to store this user type structure variable. If the user type
has any dynamic String and Variant elements the length returned may not be as big as the actual number
of bytes required.
See Also InStr(), InStrRev(), Left$(), Mid$(), Replace$(), Right$().
Example '#Language "WWB-COM"
Sub Main
Debug.Print Len("Hello") ' 5
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Like Operator
Group Operator
Description Return the True if
matches pattern
. The pattern in
is one or more of the spe-
cial character sequences shown in the following table.
Char(s) Description
? Match any single character.
* Match zero or more characters.
# Match a single digit (0-9).
] Match any char in the list.
] Match any char not in the list.
Example '#Language "WWB-COM"
Sub Main
Debug.Print "abcdfgcdefg" Like "" ' False
Debug.Print "abcdfgcdefg" Like "a*g" ' True
Debug.Print "abcdfgcdefg" Like "a*cde*g" ' True
Debug.Print "abcdfgcdefg" Like "a*cd*cd*g" ' True
Debug.Print "abcdfgcdefg" Like "a*cd*cd*g" ' True
Debug.Print "00aa" Like "####" ' False
Debug.Print "00aa" Like "????" ' True
Debug.Print "00aa" Like "##??" ' True
Debug.Print "00aa" Like "*##*" ' True
Debug.Print "hk" Like "hk*" ' True
End Sub
Line Input Instruction
Syntax Line Input [#]
Group File
Description Get a line of input from
and assign it to
See Also Input, Print, Write.
Example '#Language "WWB-COM"
Sub Main
Open "XXX" For Input As #1
Line Input #1, S$
Debug.Print S$
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Close #1
End Sub
ListBox Dialog Item Definition
Syntax ListBox
StrArray$( )
, .
Group User Dialog
Description Define a listbox item.
Parameter Description
This number value is the distance from the left edge of the dialog box. It is measured in 1/8 ths of the aver-
age character width for the dialog's font.
This number value is the distance from the top edge of the dialog box. It is measured in 1/12 ths of the
character height for the dialog's font.
This number value is the width. It is measured in 1/8 ths of the average character width for the dialog's
This number value is the height. It is measured in 1/12 ths of the character height for the dialog's font.
StrArray$( )
This one-dimensional array of strings establishes the list of choices. All the non-null elements of
the array are used.
The value of the list box is accessed via this field. It is the index of the
StrArray$( )
This numeric value controls the type of list box. Choose one value from following table. (If this
numeric value omitted then zero is used.)
Option Description
0 List is not sorted.
1 List is not sorted and horizontally scrollable.
2 List is sorted.
3 List is sorted and horizontally scrollable.
See Also Begin Dialog, MultiListBox.
Example '#Language "WWB-COM"
Sub Main
Dim lists$(3)
lists$(0) = "List 0"
lists$(1) = "List 1"
lists$(2) = "List 2"
lists$(3) = "List 3"
Begin Dialog UserDialog 200,120
Text 10,10,180,15,"Please push the OK button"
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Copyright © 2024 RFgen Software. A division of DataMAX Software Group, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
ListBox 10,25,180,60,lists$(),.list
OKButton 80,90,40,20
Dim dlg As UserDialog
dlg.list = 2
Dialog dlg ' show dialog (wait for ok)
Debug.Print dlg.list
End Sub
Loc Function
Syntax Loc(
Group File
Description Return
file position. For Random mode files this is the current record number
minus one. For Binary mode files it is the current byte position minus one. Otherwise, it is the current byte
position minus one divided by 128. The first position in the file is 0.
Parameter Description
Streams 1 through 255 are private to each macro. Streams 256 through 511 are shared by all
Example '#Language "WWB-COM"
Sub Main
Open "XXX" For Input As #1
L = Loc(1)
'Close #1
Debug.Print L ' 0
End Sub
Lock Instruction
Syntax Lock
, [
] To
Group File
Description Form 1: Lock all of
Form 2: Lock a record (or byte) of
Form 3: Lock a range of records (or bytes) of
. If
is omitted then lock starting at the first
record (or byte).
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Note: Be sure to Unlock for each Lock instruction.
Note: For sequential files (Input, Output and Append) lock always affects the entire file.
Parameter Description
Streams 1 through 255 are private to each macro. Streams 256 through 511 are shared by all
For Random mode files this is the record number. The first record is 1. Otherwise, it is the byte
position. The first byte is 1.
First record (or byte) in the range.
Last record (or byte) in the range.
See Also Open, Unlock.
Example '#Language "WWB-COM"
Sub Main
Dim V As Variant
Open "SAVE_V.DAT" For Binary As #1
Lock #1
Get #1, 1, V
V = "Hello"
Put #1, 1, V
Unlock #1
'Close #1
End Sub
LOF Function
Syntax LOF(
Group File
Description Return
file length (in bytes).
Parameter Description
Streams 1 through 255 are private to each macro. Streams 256 through 511 are shared by all
Example '#Language "WWB-COM"
Sub Main
Open "XXX" For Input As #1
L = LOF(1)
'Close #1
Debug.Print L
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Log Function
Syntax Log(
Group Math
Description Return the natural logarithm.
Parameter Description
Return the natural logarithm of this numeric value. The value e is approximately 2.718282.
See Also Exp.
Example '#Language "WWB-COM"
Sub Main
Debug.Print Log(1) ' 0
End Sub
LSet Instruction
Syntax LSet
Group Assignment
Description Form 1: Assign the value of
. Shorten
by removing trailing chars (or extend
with blanks). The previous length
is maintained.
Form 2: Assign the value of
. If
is longer than
only copy as much as
can handle.
See Also RSet.
Example '#Language "WWB-COM"
Sub Main
S$ = "123"
LSet S$ = "A"
Debug.Print "."; S$; "." '".A ."
LTrim$ Function
Syntax LTrim[$](
Group String
Description Return the string with
's leading spaces removed.
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Parameter Description
Copy this string without the leading spaces. If this value is Null then Null is returned.
See Also RTrim$(), Trim$().
Example '#Language "WWB-COM"
Sub Main
Debug.Print "."; LTrim$(" x "); "." '".x ."
End Sub
MacroCheck Function
Syntax MacroCheck(
Group Flow Control
Description Check the syntax of a
. Does not execute the macro/module. Returns an Err
object if there is a syntax error, otherwise Nothing is returned.
Parameter Description
Check the macro named by this string value.
See Also MacroCheckThis, MacroRun, MacroRunThis, ModuleLoad, ModuleLoadThis.
Example '#Language "WWB-COM"
Sub Main
Dim E As ErrObject
Set E = MacroCheck("Demo")
If Not E IsNothing Then Debug.Print E.Description
MacroCheckThis Function
Syntax MacroCheckThis(
Group Flow Control
Description Check the syntax the
code in
. The macro/module code is not
executed. Returns an Err object if there is a syntax error, otherwise Nothing is returned.
Parameter Description
Check the macro code in this string value.
See Also MacroCheck, MacroRun, MacroRunThis, ModuleLoad, ModuleLoadThis.
Example '#Language "WWB-COM"
Sub Main
Dim E As ErrObject
Set E = MacroCheckThis("bad macro")
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If Not E Is Nothing Then Debug.Print E.Description
End Sub
MacroDir$ Function
Syntax MacroDir[$]
Group Flow Control
Description Return the directory of the current macro. A run-time error occurs if the current macro has
never been saved.
See Also MacroRun.
Example '#Language "WWB-COM"
Sub Main
' open the file called Data that is in the
' same directory as the macro
Open MacroDir & "\Data" ForInput As #1
Line Input #1, S$
Debug.Print S$
'Close #1
End Sub
MacroRun Instruction
Syntax MacroRun
Group Flow Control
Description Play a
. Execution will continue at the following statement after the macro has com-
Parameter Description
Run the macro named by this string value.
Pass this string value as the macro's Command$ value.
See Also Command$, MacroCheck, MacroCheckThis, MacroDir$, MacroRunThis, Mod-
uleLoad, ModuleLoadThis.
Example '#Language "WWB-COM"
Sub Main
Debug.Print "Before Demo"
MacroRun "Demo"
Debug.Print "After Demo"
End Sub
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MacroRunThis Instruction
Syntax MacroRunThis
Group Flow Control
Description Play the
code in
. Execution will continue at the following statement
after the macro code has completed. The macro code can be either a single line or a complete macro.
Parameter Description
Run the macro code in this string value.
See Also Command$, MacroCheck, MacroCheckThis, MacroDir$, MacroRun, Mod-
uleLoad, ModuleLoadThis.
Example '#Language "WWB-COM"
Sub Main
Debug.Print "Before Demo"
MacroRunThis "MsgBox ""Hello"""
Debug.Print "After Demo"
End Sub
Main Sub
Syntax Sub Main()
End Sub
Private Sub Main()
End Sub
Group Declaration
Description Form 1: Each
must define Sub Main. A macro is a "program". Running a macro
starts the Sub Main and continues to execute until the subroutine finishes.
Form 2: A code
may define a Private Sub Main. This Sub Main is the code module initialization sub-
routine. If Main is not defined then no special initialization occurs.
See Also Code Module.
Me Object
Syntax Me
Group Object
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Description Me references the current macro/module. It can be used like any other
object variable
except that it's reference can't be changed.
See Also Set.
Example '#Language "WWB-COM"
Sub Main
Me.DoIt ' calls the same sub
Sub DoIt
MsgBox "Hello"
End Sub
Mid$ Function/Assignment
Syntax Mid[$](
]) =
Group String
Description Function: Return the substring of
starting at
Instruction: Assign
to the substring in
starting at
Note: A similar function, MidB, returns the
bytes starting a byte
Parameter Description (Mid Function)
Copy chars from this string value. If this value is Null then Null is returned.
Start copying chars starting at this index value. If the string is not that long then return a null string.
Copy this many chars. If the
does not have that many chars starting at
then copy the
remainder of
Parameter Description (Mid Assignment)
Change part of this string.
starting at this index value. If the string is not that long then it is not changed.
The number of chars copied is smallest of: the value of
, the length of
and the remaining length of
. (If this value is omitted then the number of chars copied is the smallest of: the length of
and the
remaining length of
Copy chars from this string value.
See Also InStr(), Left$(), Len(), Replace$(), Right$().
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Example '#Language "WWB-COM"
Sub Main
S$ = "Hello There"
Mid$(S$,7) = "?????????"
Debug.Print S$ '"Hello ?????"
Debug.Print Mid$("Hello",2,1) '"e"
Minute Function
Syntax Minute(
Group Time/Date
Description Return the minute of the hour (0 to 59).
Parameter Description
Return the minute of the hour for this date value. If this value is Null then Null is returned.
See Also Hour(), Second(), Time().
Example '#Language "WWB-COM"
Sub Main
Debug.Print Minute(#12:00:01 AM#) ' 0
MkDir Instruction
Syntax MkDir
Group File
Description Make directory
Parameter Description
This string value is the path and name of the directory. A path relative to the current directory can be
See Also RmDir.
Example '#Language "WWB-COM"
Sub Main
End Sub
ModuleLoad Function
Syntax ModuleLoad(
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Group Flow Control
Description Load a
. Does not execute the module. Macro's can not be loaded. Returns an
object if successful, otherwise Nothing is returned.
Parameter Description
Load the module named by this string value.
Return a new instance if True. Otherwise return the default instance. A class module does not
have a default instance. A code module can not have a new instance.
See Also MacroCheck, MacroCheckThis, MacroRun, MacroRunThis, ModuleLoadThis.
Example '#Language "WWB-COM"
Sub Main
Dim Obj As Object
Set Obj = ModuleLoad("Demo")
Obj.DoIt ' call Demo's DoIt method
End Sub
ModuleLoadThis Function
Syntax ModuleLoadThis(
Group Flow Control
Description Load
as a
. Does not execute the module. Macro's can not be loaded.
Returns an object if successful, otherwise Nothing is returned.
Parameter Description
Load the module code in this string value.
Return a new instance if True. Otherwise return the default instance. A class module does not
have a default instance. A code module can not have a new instance.
See Also MacroCheck, MacroCheckThis, MacroRun, MacroRunThis, ModuleLoad.
Example '#Language "WWB-COM"
Sub Main
Dim Obj As Object
Set Obj = ModuleLoadThis("Sub DoIt" & vbCrLf & "End Sub", False)
Obj.DoIt ' call Demo's DoIt method
End Sub
Month Function
Syntax Month(
Group Time/Date
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Copyright © 2024 RFgen Software. A division of DataMAX Software Group, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
Description Return the month of the year (1 to 12).
Parameter Description
Return the month of the year for this date value. If this value is Null then Null is returned.
See Also Date(), Day(), MonthName(), Weekday(), Year().
Example '#Language "WWB-COM"
Sub Main
Debug.Print Month(#1/1/1900#) ' 1
Debug.Print Month(#2/1/1900#) ' 2
MonthName Function
Syntax MonthName(NumZ{month}[, CondZ{abbrev}])
Group Time/Date
Description Return the localized name of the month.
Parameter Description
Return the localized name of this month. (1-12)
If this conditional value is True then return the abbreviated form of the month name.
See Also Month().
Example '#Language "WWB-COM"
Sub Main
Debug.Print MonthName(1) 'January
Debug.Print MonthName(Month(Now))
MsgBox Instruction/Function
Syntax MsgBox
Group User Input
Description Show a message box titled
controls what the message box looks like (choose
one value from each category). Use MsgBox( ) if you need to know what button was pressed. The result
indicates which button was pressed.
Result Value Button Pressed
vbOK 1 OK button
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vbCancel 2 Cancel button
vbAbort 3 Abort button
vbRetry 4 Retry button
vbIgnore 5 Ignore button
vbYes 6 Yes button
vbNo 7 No button
Parameter Description
This string value is the text that is shown in the message box.
This numeric value controls the type of message box. Choose one value from each of the following
This string value is the title of the message box.
Button Value Effect
vbOkOnly 0 OK button
vbOkCancel 1 OK and Cancel buttons
vbAbortRetryIgnore 2 Abort, Retry, Ignore buttons
vbYesNoCancel 3 Yes, No, Cancel buttons
vbYesNo 4 Yes and No buttons
vbRetryCancel 5 Retry and Cancel buttons
Icon Value Effect
0 No icon
vbCritical 16 Stop icon
vbQuestion 32 Question icon
vbExclamation 48 Attention icon
vbInformation 64 Information icon
Default Value Effect
vbDefaultButton1 0 First button
vbDefaultButton2 256 Second button
vbDefaultButton3 512 Third button
Mode Value Effect
vbApplicationModal 0 Application modal
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vbSystemModal 4096 System modal
vbMsgBoxSetForeground &h10000 Show message box in front of all other windows
Example '#Language "WWB-COM"
Sub Main
MsgBox "Please press OK button"
If MsgBox("Please press OK button",vbOkCancel) = vbOK Then
Debug.Print "OK was pressed"
Debug.Print "Cancel was pressed"
End If
MultiListBox Dialog Item Definition
Syntax MultiListBox
StrArray$( )
, .
Group User Dialog
Description Define a multiple selection listbox item.
Parameter Description
This number value is the distance from the left edge of the dialog box. It is measured in 1/8 ths of the aver-
age character width for the dialog's font.
This number value is the distance from the top edge of the dialog box. It is measured in 1/12 ths of the
character height for the dialog's font.
This number value is the width. It is measured in 1/8 ths of the average character width for the dialog's
This number value is the height. It is measured in 1/12 ths of the character height for the dialog's font.
StrArray$( )
This one-dimensional array of strings establishes the list of choices. All the non-null elements of
the array are used.
The values of the list box are accessed via this field. It is the index of the
StrArray$( )
This numeric value controls the type of list box. Choose one value from following table. (If this
numeric value omitted then zero is used.)
Option Description
0 List is not sorted.
1 List is not sorted and horizontally scrollable.
2 List is sorted.
3 List is sorted and horizontally scrollable.
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See Also Begin Dialog, ListBox.
Example '#Language "WWB-COM"
Sub Main
Dim lists$(3)
lists$(0) = "List 0"
lists$(1) = "List 1"
lists$(2) = "List 2"
lists$(3) = "List 3"
Begin Dialog UserDialog 200,120
Text 10,10,180,15,"Please push the OK button"
MultiListBox 10,25,180,60,lists$(),.list
OKButton 80,90,40,20
Dim dlg As UserDialog
dlg.list = Array(0,2)
Dialog dlg ' show dialog (wait for ok)
Dim i As Integer
For i = LBound(dlg.list) To UBound(dlg.list)
Debug.Print dlg.list(i);
Next i
Name Instruction
Syntax Name
Group File
Description Rename file
Parameter Description
This string value is the path and name of the file. A path relative to the current directory can be
This is the new file name (and path). A path relative to the current directory can be used.
Example '#Language "WWB-COM"
Sub Main
End Sub
New Operator
Syntax New
Group Operator
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Description Returns a new instance of
Parameter Description
This is the new object's type.
See Also Objects.
Example '#Language "WWB-COM"
Sub Main
Dim obj As Object
Set obj = New Dictionary
End Sub
Nothing Keyword
Group Constant
Description An
that does not refer to any object.
Now Function
Syntax Now
Group Time/Date
Description Return the current date and time as a Date value.
See Also Date, Time, Timer.
Example '#Language "WWB-COM"
Sub Main
Debug.Print Now ' example: 1/1/1995 10:05:32 AM
Null Keyword
Group Constant
Description A
variant expression
that is null. A null value propagates through an expression causing
the entire expression to be Null. Attempting to use a Null value as a string or numeric argument causes a
run-time error. A Null value prints as "#NULL#".
See Also IsNull.
Example '#Language "WWB-COM"
Sub Main
X = Null
Debug.Print X = Null '#NULL#
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Debug.Print IsNull(X) 'True
End Sub
Object Data Type
Syntax Dim v As Object
Group Data Type
Description An object reference value. (see Objects) An object reference may also appear to have a
data value, see table below:
Data Description
get-reference Use in any
object expression
set-reference Use Set to change the reference.
get-value Use the reference's default property value.
assign-value Use Assign (or Let) to change the reference's default property value.
Object_Initialize Sub
Syntax Private SubObject_Initialize()
Group Declaration
Description Object module initialization subroutine. Each time a new instance is created for a Object
module the Object_Initialize sub is called. If Object_Initialize is not defined then no special initialization
Note: Object_Initialize is also called for the instance that is automatically created.
See Also Object Module, Object_Terminate.
Oct$ Function
Syntax Oct[$](
Group String
Description Return a octal string.
Parameter Description
Return an octal encoded string for this numeric value.
See Also Hex$(), Str$(), Val().
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Example '#Language "WWB-COM"
Sub Main
Debug.Print Oct$(15) '17
End Sub
On Error Instruction
Syntax On Error GoTo 0
On Error GoTo
On ErrorResume Next
Group Error Handling
Description Form 1: Disable the error handler (default).
Form 2: Send error conditions to an error handler.
Form 3: Error conditions continue execution at the next statement.
On Error sets or disables the error handler. Each user defined
has its own error handler. The
default is to terminate the
on any error. The Err object's properties are set whenever an error occurs.
Once an error has occurred and the error handler is executing any further errors will terminate the macro,
unless the Err object has been cleared.
Note: This instruction clears the Err and sets Error`$' to null.
Example '#Language "WWB-COM"
Sub Main
On ErrorResume Next
Err.Raise 1
Debug.Print "RESUMING, Err="; Err
On Error GoTo X
Err.Raise 1
Exit Sub
X: Debug.Print "Err="; Err
Debug.Print "Err="; Err
Resume Next
OKButton Dialog Item Definition
Syntax OKButton
[, .
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Group User Dialog
Description Define an OK button item. Pressing the OK button updates the
field values and
closes the dialog. (Dialog( ) function call returns -1.)
Parameter Description
This number value is the distance from the left edge of the dialog box. It is measured in 1/8 ths of the aver-
age character width for the dialog's font.
This number value is the distance from the top edge of the dialog box. It is measured in 1/12 ths of the
character height for the dialog's font.
This number value is the width. It is measured in 1/8 ths of the average character width for the dialog's
This number value is the height. It is measured in 1/12 ths of the character height for the dialog's font.
This identifier is the name of the field. The
receives this name as
. If this is omitted
then the field name is "OK".
See Also Begin Dialog.
Example '#Language "WWB-COM"
Sub Main
Begin Dialog UserDialog 200,120
Text 10,10,180,30,"Please push the OK button"
OKButton 80,90,40,20
End Dialog
Dim dlg As UserDialog
Dialog dlg ' show dialog (wait for ok)
End Sub
Open Instruction
Syntax Open
For mode [Access access] [lock] As _
[Len =
Group File
Description Open file
for mode as
Reading Unicode Files To read a Unicode (UTF-16 or UTF-8) file, just open using Input mode. All the
input is converted automatically.
Writing Unicode Files To write a Unicode (UTF-16 or UTF-8) file, open using Output or Append mode
and write the appropriate Byte Order Mark (BOM). All the printed output is converted automatically.
To create a Unicode (UTF-16) text file use:
Open FileName$ For Output As #fn
Print #fn, vbUTF16BOM; ' first char is the UTF-16 Byte Order Mark
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... ' everything automatically converted to UTF-16
Close #fn
To create a Unicode (UTF-8) text file use:
Open FileName$ For Output As #fn
Print #fn, vbUTF8BOM; ' first three chars are the UTF-8 Byte Order Mark
... ' everything automatically converted to UTF-8
Close #fn
Pocket PC Access and lock ignored.
Parameter Description
This string value is the path and name of the file. A path relative to the current directory can be used.
mode May be Input, Output, Append, Binary or Random.
access May be Read, Write or Read Write. (Only allowed for Binary and Random modes.)
lock May be Shared, Lock Read, Lock Write or Lock Read Write.
Streams 1 through 255 are private to each macro. Streams 256 through 511 are shared by all
This numeric value is the record length for Random mode files. Other file modes ignore this
See Also Close, FileAttr, FreeFile, Reset.
Example '#Language "WWB-COM"
Sub Main
Open "XXX" For Output As #1
Print #1, "1,2,""Hello"""
Close #1
Syntax ^ Not * / \ Mod + - << >> & < <= > >= = <> IsIsNot
And AndAlso Or OrElse Xor Eqv Imp
Description These operators are available for numbers n1 and n2 or strings s1 and s2. If any value in
an expression is Null then the expression's value is Null. The order of operator evaluation is controlled by
Operator Description
to the power of
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Divide the integer value of
by the integer value of
Remainder of the integer value of
after dividing by the integer value of
Difference of
bits to the left. The number of bits to shift is indicated by the lowest bits of
This language element is not VBA compatible.
bits to the right. The number of bits to shift is indicated by the lowest bits of
. (For signed numbers the sign bit is propagated to the right.) This language element is not VBA com-
Return True if
is less than
Return True if
is less than or equal to
Return True if
is greater than
Return True if
is greater than or equal to
Return True if
is equal to
Return True if
is not equal to
Return True if
is less than
Return True if
is less than or equal to
Return True if
is greater than
Return True if
is greater than or equal to
Return True if
is equal to
Return True if
is not equal to
Bitwise invert the integer value of
. Only Not True is False.
Bitwise and the integer value of
with the integer value
Logical and of
with the
. If
is False,
is not evaluated. This language element is
not VBA compatible and requires the #Language "WWB-COM" setting.
Bitwise or the integer value of
with the integer value
Logical or of
with the
. If
is True,
is not evaluated. This language element is not
VBA compatible and requires the #Language "WWB-COM" setting.
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Bitwise exclusive-or the integer value of
with the integer value
Bitwise equivalence the integer value of
with the integer value
(same as Not (n1 Xor n2)).
Bitwise implicate the integer value of
with the integer value
(same as (Not n1) Or n2).
Example '#Language "WWB-COM"
Sub Main
N1 = 10
N2 = 3
S1$ = "asdfg"
S2$ = "hjkl"
Debug.Print -N1 '-10
Debug.Print N1 ^ N2 ' 1000
Debug.Print Not N1 '-11
Debug.Print N1 * N2 ' 30
Debug.Print N1 / N2 ' 3.3333333333333
Debug.Print N1 \ N2 ' 3
Debug.Print N1 Mod N2 ' 1
Debug.Print N1 + N2 ' 13
Debug.Print S1$ + S2$ '"asdfghjkl"
Debug.Print N1 - N2 ' 7
Debug.Print N1 << N2 ' 80
Debug.Print N1 >> N2 ' 1
Debug.Print N1 & N2 '"103"
Debug.Print N1 < N2 'False
Debug.Print N1 <= N2 'False
Debug.Print N1 > N2 'True
Debug.Print N1 >= N2 'True
Debug.Print N1 = N2 'False
Debug.Print N1 <> N2 'True
Debug.Print S1$ < S2$ 'True
Debug.Print S1$ <= S2$ 'True
Debug.Print S1$ > S2$ 'False
Debug.Print S1$ >= S2$ 'False
Debug.Print S1$ = S2$ 'False
Debug.Print S1$ <> S2$ 'True
Debug.Print N1 And N2 ' 2
Debug.Print N1 AndAlso N2 ' True
Debug.Print N1 Or N2 ' 11
Debug.Print N1 OrElse N2 ' True
Debug.Print N1 Xor N2 ' 9
Debug.Print N1 Eqv N2 ' -10
Debug.Print N1 Imp N2 ' -9
End Sub
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OptionButton Dialog Item Definition
Syntax OptionButton
[, .
Group User Dialog
Description Define an option button item.
Parameter Description
This number value is the distance from the left edge of the dialog box. It is measured in 1/8 ths of the aver-
age character width for the dialog's font.
This number value is the distance from the top edge of the dialog box. It is measured in 1/12 ths of the
character height for the dialog's font.
This number value is the width. It is measured in 1/8 ths of the average character width for the dialog's
This number value is the height. It is measured in 1/12 ths of the character height for the dialog's font.
The value of this string is the title of the option button.
See Also Begin Dialog, OptionGroup.
Example '#Language "WWB-COM"
Sub Main
Begin Dialog UserDialog 200,120
Text 10,10,180,15,"Please push the OK button"
OptionGroup .options
OptionButton 10,30,180,15,"Option &0"
OptionButton 10,45,180,15,"Option &1"
OptionButton 10,60,180,15,"Option &2"
OKButton 80,90,40,20
End Dialog
Dim dlg As UserDialog
dlg.options = 2
Dialog dlg ' show dialog (wait for ok)
Debug.Print dlg.options
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Option Definition
Syntax Option Base [0|1]
Option Compare [Binary | Text]
Option Explicit
Option Private Module
Group Declaration
Description Option Base: Set the default base index for array declarations. Affects Dim, Static, Priv-
ate, Public and ReDim. Does not affect Array, ParamArray or arrays declare in a Type. Option Base 0 is
the default.
Option Compare: Set the default comparison mode for <, <=, =, >, >=, <>, Like and StrComp.
Option Compare Binary - compare string text using binary data (default)
Option Compare Text - compare string text using the collation rules
Option Explicit: Require all variables to be declared prior to use. Variables are declared using Dim, Private,
Public, Static or as a parameter of Sub, Function or Property blocks.
Option Private: Public symbols defined by the module are only accessible from the same project.
Example '#Language "WWB-COM"
Option Base 1
Option Explicit
Dim A
Dim C(2) ' same as Dim C(1 To 2)
Dim D(0 To 2)
A = 1
B = 2 ' B has not been declared
End Sub
OptionGroup Dialog Item Definition
Syntax OptionGroup .
[, .
[, .
Group User Dialog
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Description Define a optiongroup and option button items.
Parameter Description
The value of the option group is accessed via this field. This first option button is 0, the second is 1, etc.
This number value is the distance from the left edge of the dialog box. It is measured in 1/8 ths of the aver-
age character width for the dialog's font.
This number value is the distance from the top edge of the dialog box. It is measured in 1/12 ths of the
character height for the dialog's font.
This number value is the width. It is measured in 1/8 ths of the average character width for the dialog's
This number value is the height. It is measured in 1/12 ths of the character height for the dialog's font.
The value of this string is the title of the option button.
See Also Begin Dialog, OptionButton.
Example '#Language "WWB-COM"
Sub Main
Begin Dialog UserDialog 200,120
Text 10,10,180,15,"Please push the OK button"
OptionGroup .options
OptionButton 10,30,180,15,"Option &0"
OptionButton 10,45,180,15,"Option &1"
OptionButton 10,60,180,15,"Option &2"
OKButton 80,90,40,20
End Dialog
Dim dlg As UserDialog
dlg.options = 2
Dialog dlg ' show dialog (wait for ok)
Debug.Print dlg.options
Picture Dialog Item Definition
Syntax Picture
[, .
Group User Dialog
Description Define a picture item. The bitmap is automatically sized to fit the item's entire area.
Parameter Description
This number value is the distance from the left edge of the dialog box. It is measured in 1/8 ths of the aver-
age character width for the dialog's font.
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This number value is the distance from the top edge of the dialog box. It is measured in 1/12 ths of the
character height for the dialog's font.
This number value is the width. It is measured in 1/8 ths of the average character width for the dialog's
This number value is the height. It is measured in 1/12 ths of the character height for the dialog's font.
The value of this string is the .BMP file shown in the picture control.
This numeric value indicates the type of bitmap used. See below.
This identifier is the name of the field. The
receives this name as
. If this identifer is
omitted then the first two words of the title are used.
Type Effect
is the name of the bitmap file. If the file does not exist then "(missing picture)" is displayed.
3 The clipboard's bitmap is displayed. Not supported.
+16 Instead of displaying "(missing picture)" a run-time error occurs.
See Also Begin Dialog.
Example '#Language "WWB-COM"
Sub Main
Begin Dialog UserDialog 200,120
Picture 10,10,180,75,"SAMPLE.BMP",0
OKButton 80,90,40,20
Dim dlg As UserDialog
Dialog dlg ' show dialog (wait for ok)
End Sub
PortInt Data Type
Syntax Dim v As PortInt
Group Data Type
Description A portable integer value.
For Win16: A 16 bit signed integer value.
For Win32: A 32 bit signed integer value.
For Win64: A 64 bit signed integer value.
Print Instruction
Syntax Print #
, [
[; ...][;]]
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Group File
Description Print the
(s) to
. Use ; to separate expressions. A
is it automatically
converted to a string before printing (just like Str$()). If the instruction does not end with a ; then a
newline is printed at the end.
See Also Input, Line Input, Write.
Example '#Language "WWB-COM"
Sub Main
A = 1
B = 2
C$ = "Hello"
Open "XXX" For Output As #1
Print #1, A; ","; B; ","""; C$; """"
'Close #1
End Sub
Private Definition
Syntax Private [WithEvents]
[, ...]
Group Declaration
Description Create arrays (or simple variables) which are available to the entire
, but
not other macros/modules. Dimension var array(s) using the
s to establish the minimum and max-
imum index value for each dimension. If the
s are omitted then a scalar (single value) variable is
defined. A dynamic array is declared using ( ) without any
s. It must be ReDimensioned before it
can be used. The Private statement must be placed outside of Sub, Function or Property blocks.
See Also Dim, Option Base, Public, ReDim, Static, WithEvents.
Example '#Language "WWB-COM"
Private A0, A1(1), A2(1,1)
Sub Init
A0 = 1
A1(0) = 2
A2(0,0) = 3
End Sub
Debug.Print A0; A1(0); A2(0,0) ' 1 2 3
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Private Keyword
Group Declaration
Description Private Consts, Declares, Functions, Propertys, Subs and Types are only available
in the current
Property Definition
Syntax [ | Private | Public | Friend ] _
[ Default ] _
Property Get
[, ...]])] [
As type
End Property
[ | Private | Public | Friend ] _
[ Default ] _
Property [Let|Set]
[, ...]])]
End Property
Group Declaration
Description User defined property. The property defines a set of
s to be executed when its
value is used or changed. A property acts like a variable, except that getting its value calls Property Get and
changing its value calls Property Let (or Property Set). Property Get and Property Let with the same
define a property that holds a value. Property Get and Property Set with the same
define a property
that holds an object reference. The values of the calling
are assigned to the
s. (For Property
Let and Property Set the last parameter is the value on the right hand side of the assignment operator.)
Access If no access is specified then Public is assumed.
See Also Function, Sub.
Example '#Language "WWB-COM"
Dim X_Value
Property Get X()
X = X_Value
End Property
Property Let X(NewValue)
If Not IsNull(NewValue) Then X_Value = NewValue
End Property
Sub Main
X = "Hello"
Debug.Print X '"Hello"
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X = Null
Debug.Print X
End Sub
Public Definition
Syntax Public [WithEvents]
[, ...]
Group Declaration
Description Create arrays (or simple variables) which are available to the entire
other macros/modules. Dimension var array(s) using the
s to establish the minimum and max-
imum index value for each dimension. If the
s are omitted then a scalar (single value) variable is
defined. A dynamic array is declared using ( ) without any
s. It must be ReDimensioned before it
can be used. The Public statement must be placed outside of Sub, Function or Property blocks.
See Also Dim, Option Base, Private, ReDim, Static, WithEvents.
Example '#Language "WWB-COM"
Public A0, A1(1), A2(1,1)
Sub Init
A0 = 1
A1(0) = 2
A2(0,0) = 3
End Sub
Debug.Print A0; A1(0); A2(0,0) ' 1 2 3
PushButton Dialog Item Definition
Syntax PushButton
[, .
Group User Dialog
Description Define a push button item. Pressing the push button updates the
field values and
closes the dialog. (Dialog( ) function call returns the push button's ordinal number in the dialog. The first
push button returns 1.)
Parameter Description
This number value is the distance from the left edge of the dialog box. It is measured in 1/8 ths of the aver-
age character width for the dialog's font.
This number value is the distance from the top edge of the dialog box. It is measured in 1/12 ths of the
character height for the dialog's font.
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This number value is the width. It is measured in 1/8 ths of the average character width for the dialog's
This number value is the height. It is measured in 1/12 ths of the character height for the dialog's font.
The value of this string is the title of the push button control.
This identifier is the name of the field. The
receives this name as
. If this identifer is
omitted then the first two words of the title are used.
See Also Begin Dialog.
Example '#Language "WWB-COM"
Sub Main
Begin Dialog UserDialog 200,120
Text 10,10,180,30,"Please push the DoIt button"
OKButton 40,90,40,20
PushButton 110,90,60,20,"&Do It"
Dim dlg As UserDialog
End Sub
Put Instruction
Syntax Put [#]
, [
Group File
Description Write a variable's value to
Parameter Description
Streams 1 through 255 are private to each macro. Streams 256 through 511 are shared by all
For Random mode files this is the record number. The first record is 1. Otherwise, it is the byte
position. The first byte is 1. If this is omitted then the current position (or record number) is used.
This variable value is written to the file. For a fixed length variable (like Long) the number of bytes
required to store the variable are written. For a Variant variable two bytes which describe its type are writ-
ten and then the variable value is written accordingly. For a
user type
variable each field is written in
sequence. For an array variable each element is written in sequence. For a dynamic array variable the num-
ber of dimensions and range of each dimension is written prior to writing the array values. All binary data val-
ues are written to the file in
Note: When a writing string (or a dynamic array) to a Binary mode file the string length (or array dimension)
information is not written. Only the string data or array elements are written.
See Also Get, Open.
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Example '#Language "WWB-COM"
Sub Main
Dim V As Variant
Open "SAVE_V.DAT" For Binary Access Write As #1
Put #1, , V
'Close #1
End Sub
QBColor Function
Syntax QBColor(
Group Miscellaneous
Description Return the appropriate color defined by Quick Basic.
num color
0 black
1 blue
2 green
3 cyan
4 red
5 magenta
6 yellow
7 white
8 gray
9 light blue
10 light green
11 light cyan
12 light red
13 light magenta
14 light yellow
15 bright white
See Also RGB().
Example '#Language "WWB-COM"
Sub Main
Debug.Print Hex(QBColor(1)) '"800000"
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Debug.PrintHex(QBColor(7)) '"C0C0C0"
Debug.Print Hex(QBColor(8)) '"808080"
Debug.PrintHex(QBColor(9)) '"FF0000"
Debug.Print Hex(QBColor(10)) '"FF00"
Debug.Print Hex(QBColor(12)) '"FF"
Debug.Print Hex(QBColor(15)) '"FFFFFF"
RaiseEvent Instruction
Syntax RaiseEvent
Group Flow Control
Description Raise an Event. Evaluate the
and call
with those values.
See Also Event, WithEvents.
Example 'Class1.cls
'#Language "WWB-COM"
Event Changing(ByVal OldValue As String, ByVal NewValue As String)
Private Value_ As String
Property Get Value As String
Value = Value_
Property Let Value(ByVal NewValue As String)
RaiseEvent Changing(Value_, NewValue)
Value_ = NewValue
'#Uses "Class1.cls"
'#Language "WWB-COM"
Dim WithEvents c1 As Class1
Set c1 = New Class1
c1.Value = "Hello"
c1.Value = "Goodbye"
End Sub
Sub c1_Changing(ByVal OldValue As String, ByVal NewValue As String)
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Debug.Print "OldValue=""" & OldValue & """, NewValue=""" & NewValue & """"
End Sub
Randomize Instruction
Syntax Randomize [
Group Math
Description Randomize the random number generator.
Parameter Description
This numeric value sets the initial seed for the random number generator. If this value is omitted then
the current time is used as the seed.
See Also Rnd().
Example '#Language "WWB-COM"
Sub Main
Debug.Print Rnd ' 0.??????????????
End Sub
ReDim Instruction
Syntax ReDim [Preserve]
As type
][, ...]
Group Declaration
Description Redimension a dynamic
user defined type
array element. Use Preserve to keep
the array values. Otherwise, the array values will all be reset. When using preserve only the last index of the
array may change, but the number of indexes may not. (A one-dimensional array can't be redimensioned as
a two-dimensional array.)
See Also Dim, Option Base, Private, Public, Static.
Example '#Language "WWB-COM"
Sub Main
Dim X()
ReDim X(3)
Debug.Print UBound(X) ' 3
ReDim X(200)
Debug.Print UBound(X) ' 200
End Sub
#Reference Special Comment
Syntax '#Reference {uuid}#vermajor.verminor#lcid#[path[#name]]
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Description The Reference comment indicates that the current
references the COM
type library identified. Reference comment lines must be the first lines in the macro/module (following the
global Attributes). Reference comments are in reverse priority (from lowest to highest). The IDE does not
display the reference comments.
Parameter Description
uuid Type library's universally unique identifier.
vermajor Type library's major version number.
verminor Type library's minor version number.
lcid Type library's locale identifier.
path Type library's path.
name Type library's name.
Example '#Reference {00025E01-0000-0000-C000-000000000046}#4.0#0#C:\PROGRAM
Rem Instruction
Syntax Rem ...
Group Miscellaneous
Description Both forms are comments. The Rem form is an instruction. The ' form can be used at the
end of any line. All text from either ' or Rem to the end of the line is part of the comment. That text is not
Example '#Language "WWB-COM"
Sub Main
Debug.Print "Hello" ' prints to the output window
Rem the macro terminates at Main's End Sub
End Sub
Replace$ Function
Syntax Replace[$](
, [
], [
Group String
Description Replace
Parameter Description
This string value is searched. Replacements are made in the string returned by Replace.
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This string value is the pattern to look for.
This string value is the replacement.
This numeric value is the starting index in
. Replace(S,Pat,Rep,N) is equivalent to Replace(Mid
(S,N),Pat,Rep). If this is omitted use 1.
This numeric value is the maximum number of replacements that will be done. If this is omitted use -1
(which means replace all occurrences).
See Also InStr(), InStrRev(), Left$(), Len(), Mid$(), Right$().
Example '#Language "WWB-COM"
Sub Main
Debug.Print Replace$("abcabc","b","B") '"aBcaBc"
Debug.Print Replace$("abcabc","b","B",,1) '"aBcabc"
Debug.Print Replace$("abcabc","b","B",3) '"caBc"
Debug.Print Replace$("abcabc","b","B",9) '""
End Sub
Reset Instruction
Syntax Reset
Group File
Description Close all open streams for the current
See Also Close, Open.
Example '#Language "WWB-COM"
Sub Main
' read the first line of XXX and print it
Open "XXX" ForInput As #1
Line Input #1, L$
Debug.Print L$
End Sub
Resume Instruction
Syntax Resume
Resume Next
Group Error Handling
Description Form 1: Resume execution at
Form 2: Resume execution at the next statement.
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Once an error has occurred, the error handler can use Resume to continue execution. The error handler
must use Resume or Exit at the end.
Note: This instruction clears the Err and sets Error`$' to null.
Example '#Language "WWB-COM"
Sub Main
On Error GoTo X
Err.Raise 1
Debug.Print "RESUMING"
X: Debug.Print "Err="; Err
Resume Next
Return Instruction
Syntax Return
Group Flow Control
Description The return instruction causes the Function block to exit with the value of the
VBA This language element is not VBA compatible and requires the #Language "WWB-COM"
Example '#Language "WWB-COM"
Sub Main
Debug.Print Func(2) ' 6
Function Func(N)
Return N*3
End Function
RGB Function
Syntax RGB(
Group Miscellaneous
Description Return a color. Some useful color constants are predefined:
vbBlack - same as RGB(0,0,0)
vbRed - same as RGB(255,0,0)
vbGreen - same as RGB(0,255,0)
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vbYellow - same as RGB(255,255,0)
vbBlue - same as RGB(0,0,255)
vbMagenta - same as RGB(255,0,255)
vbCyan - same as RGB(0,255,255)
vbWhite - same as RGB(255,255,255)
See Also QBColor().
Example '#Language "WWB-COM"
Sub Main
Debug.Print Hex(RGB(255,0,0)) '"FF0000"
Right$ Function
Syntax Right[$](
Group String
Description Return the last
chars of
Note: A similar function, RightB, returns the last
Parameter Description
Return the right portion of this string value. If this value is Null then Null is returned.
Return this many chars. If
is shorter than that then just return
See Also InStr(), InStrRev(), Left$(), Len(), Mid$(), Replace$().
Example '#Language "WWB-COM"
Sub Main
Debug.Print Right$("Hello",3) '"llo"
RmDir Instruction
Syntax RmDir
Group File
Description Remove directory
Parameter Description
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This string value is the path and name of the directory. A path relative to the current directory can be
See Also MkDir.
Example '#Language "WWB-COM"
Sub Main
End Sub
Rnd Function
Syntax Rnd([
Group Math
Description Return a random number greater than or equal to zero and less than one.
Parameter Description
See table below.
Num Description
<0 Return the same number every time, using
as the seed.
>0 Return the next random number in the sequence.
0 Return the most recently generated number.
omitted Return the next random number in the sequence.
See Also Randomize.
Example '#Language "WWB-COM"
Sub Main
Debug.Print Rnd() ' 0.??????????????
Round Function
Syntax Round([
Group Math
Description Return the number rounded to the specified number of decimal places.
Parameter Description
Round this numeric value. If this value is Null then Null is returned.
Round to this number of decimal places. If this is omitted then round to the nearest integer value.
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Example '#Language "WWB-COM"
Sub Main
Debug.Print Round(.5) ' 0
Debug.Print Round(.500001) ' 1
Debug.Print Round(1.499999) ' 1
Debug.Print Round(1.5) ' 2
Debug.Print Round(11.11) ' 11
Debug.Print Round(11.11,1) ' 11.1
End Sub
RSet Instruction
Syntax RSet
Group Assignment
Description Assign the value of
. Shorten
by removing trailing chars (or extend with
leading blanks). The previous length
is maintained.
See Also LSet.
Example '#Language "WWB-COM"
Sub Main
S$ = "123"
RSet S$ = "A"
Debug.Print "."; S$; "." '". A."
RTrim$ Function
Syntax RTrim[$](
Group String
Description Return the string with
's trailing spaces removed.
Parameter Description
Copy this string without the trailing spaces. If this value is Null then Null is returned.
See Also LTrim$(), Trim$().
Example '#Language "WWB-COM"
Sub Main
Debug.Print "."; RTrim$(" x "); "." '". x."
End Sub
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SaveSetting Instruction
Syntax SaveSetting
Group Settings
Description Save the
in project
. Win16 and Win32s store settings
in a .ini file named
. Win32/Win64 store settings in the registration database under "HKEY_
CURRENT_USER\ Software\ VB and VBA Program Settings\
". If
with "..\" then "VB and VBA Program Settings\" is omitted.
Parameter Description
This string value is the name of the project which has this
This string value is the name of the section of the project settings.
This string value is the name of the key in the section of the project settings.
Set the key to this value. (The value is stored as a string.)
Example '#Language "WWB-COM"
Sub Main
SaveSetting "MyApp","Font","Size",10
End Sub
Second Function
Syntax Second(
Group Time/Date
Description Return the second of the minute (0 to 59).
Parameter Description
Return the second of the minute for this date value. If this value is Null then Null is returned.
See Also Hour(), Minute(), Time().
Example '#Language "WWB-COM"
Sub Main
Debug.Print Second(#12:00:01 AM#) ' 1
Seek Function
Syntax Seek(
Group File
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Description Return
current position. For Random mode files this is the record number.
The first record is 1. Otherwise, it is the byte position. The first byte is 1.
Note: Unicode text files opened with Input mode use character positions, not byte positions.
Parameter Description
Streams 1 through 255 are private to each macro. Streams 256 through 511 are shared by all
See Also Seek.
Example '#Language "WWB-COM"
Sub Main
Open "XXX" For Input As #1
Debug.Print Seek(1) ' 1
Line Input #1, L$
Debug.Print Seek(1)
'Close #1
End Sub
Seek Instruction
Syntax Seek [#]
Group File
Description Position
for input
Note: Unicode text files opened with Input mode use character positions, not byte positions.
Parameter Description
Streams 1 through 255 are private to each macro. Streams 256 through 511 are shared by all
For Random mode files this is the record number. The first record is 1. Otherwise, it is the byte pos-
ition. The first byte is 1.
See Also Seek().
Example '#Language "WWB-COM"
Sub Main
Open "XXX" For Input As #1
Line Input #1, L$
Seek #1, 1 ' rewind to start of file
Input #1, A
'Close #1
Debug.Print A
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Select Case Statement
Syntax Select Case
[, ...] [ :
[Case Else [ :
Group Flow Control
Description Select the appropriate case by comparing the
with each of the
s. Select the
Case Else part if no
matches. (If the Case Else is omitted then skip the entire Select...End Select
block.) Only the
s from the matched Case up to the next Case are executed.
caseexpr Description
Execute if equal.
Is <
Execute if less than.
Is <=
Execute if less than or equal to.
Is >
Execute if greater than.
Is >=
Execute if greater than or equal to.
Is <>
Execute if not equal to.
Execute if greater than or equal to
and less than or equal to
See Also If, Choose(), IIf().
Example '#Language "WWB-COM"
Sub Main
S = InputBox("Enter hello, goodbye, dinner or sleep:")
Select Case UCase(S)
Case "HELLO", "HI"
Debug.Print "come in"
Debug.Print "see you later"
Debug.Print "Please come in."
Debug.Print "Dinner will be ready soon."
Case "SLEEP"
Debug.Print "Sorry."
Debug.Print "We are full for the night"
Case Else
Debug.Print "What?"
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End Select
SendKeys Instruction
Syntax SendKeys
Group Miscellaneous
Description Send
to Windows.
Parameter Description
Send the keys in this string value to Windows. (Refer to table below.)
If this is not zero then the keys are sent before executing the next instruction. If this is omitted or zero
then the keys are sent during the following instructions.
Key Description
+ Shift modifier key: the following key is a shifted key
^ Ctrl modifier key: the following key is a control key
% Alt modifier key: the following key is an alt key
(keys) Modifiers apply to all keys
~ Send Enter key
k Send k Key (k is any single char)
K Send Shift k Key (K is any capital letter)
{special n} special key (n is an optional repeat count)
{mouse x,y} mouse key (x,y is an optional screen position)
{k} Send k Key (any single char)
{K} Send Shift k Key (any single char)
{Cancel} Send Break Key
{Esc} Send Escape Key
{Escape} Send Escape Key
{Enter} Send Enter Key
{Menu} Send Menu Key (Alt)
{Help} Send Help Key (?)
{Prtsc} Send Print Screen Key
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{Print} Send
{Execute} Send ?
{Tab} Send
{Pause} Send Pause Key
{Tab} Send Tab Key
{BS} Send Back Space Key
{BkSp} Send Back Space Key
{BackSpace} Send Back Space Key
{Del} Send Delete Key
{Delete} Send Delete Key
{Ins} Send Insert Key
{Insert} Send Insert Key
{Left} Send Left Arrow Key
{Right} Send Right Arrow Key
{Up} Send Up Arrow Key
{Down} Send Down Arrow Key
{PgUp} Send Page Up Key
{PgDn} Send Page Down Key
{Home} Send Home Key
{End} Send End Key
{Select} Send ?
{Clear} Send Num Pad 5 Key
{Pad0..9} Send Num Pad 0-9 Keys
{Pad*} Send Num Pad * Key
{Pad+} Send Pad + Key
{PadEnter} Send Num Pad Enter
{Pad.} Send Num Pad . Key
{Pad-} Send Num Pad - Key
{Pad/} Send Num Pad / Key
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{F1..24} Send F1 to F24 Keys
Mouse Mouse movement and button clicks:
{Move x,y} - move the mouse to (x,y)
{ClickLeft x,y} - move the mouse to (x,y) and click the left button. (This is the same as {DownLeft x,y}
{DoubleClickLeft x,y} - move the mouse to (x,y) and click the left button. (This is NOT the same as {Click-
Left x,y}{ClickLeft}.)
{DownLeft x,y} - move the mouse to (x,y) and push the left button down.
{UpLeft x,y} - move the mouse to (x,y) and release the left button.
{...Middle x,y} - similarly named keys for the middle mouse button.
{...Right x,y} - similarly named keys for the right mouse button.
The x,y values are screen pixel locations, where (0,0) is in the upper-left corner. In all cases the x,y is
optional. If omitted, the previous mouse position is used.
See Also AppActivate, KeyName, Shell().
Example '#Language "WWB-COM"
Sub Main
SendKeys "%S" ' send Alt-S (Search)
SendKeys "GoTo~~" ' send G o T o {Enter} {Enter}
SetAttr Instruction
Syntax SetAttr
Group File
Description Set the
s for file
. If the file does not exist then a run-time error occurs.
Parameter Description
This string value is the path and name of the file. A path relative to the current directory can be used.
Set the file's
s to this numeric value.
Example '#Language "WWB-COM"
Sub Main
Attrib = GetAttr("XXX")
SetAttr "XXX",1 ' readonly
Debug.Print GetAttr("XXX") ' 1
SetAttr "XXX",Attrib
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Set Instruction
Syntax Set
= New
Group Assignment
Description Form 1: Set
's object reference to the object reference of
Form 2: Set
's object reference to the a new instance of
The Set instruction is how object references are assigned.
Example '#Language "WWB-COM"
Sub Main
Dim App As Object
Set App = CreateObject("WinWrap.CppDemoApplication")
App.Move 20,30 ' move icon to 20,30
Set App = Nothing
App.Quit ' run-time error (no object)
SetLocale Instruction
Syntax SetLocale
Group Miscellaneous
Description Set the
for the current thread.
Pocket PC Not supported.
Parameter Description
Set the current thread's locale to this value.
See Also GetLocale.
Example '#Language "WWB-COM"
Sub Main
SetLocale &H409 ' English, US
End Sub
Shell Function
Syntax Shell(
Group Miscellaneous
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Description Execute program
. This is the same as using File|Run from the Program Manager.
This instruction can run .COM, .EXE, .BAT and .PIF files. If successful, return the task ID.
Pocket PC The
parameter is ignored.
Parameter Description
This string value is the path and name of the program to run. Command line arguments follow the
program name. (A long file name containing a space must be surrounded by literal double quotes.)
This controls how the application's main window is shown. See the table below.
WindowType Value Effect
vbHide 0 Hide Window
vbNormalFocus 1, 5, 9 Normal Window
2 Minimized Window (default)
3 Maximized Window
4, 8 Normal Deactivated Window
6, 7 Minimized Deactivated Window
See Also AppActivate, SendKeys.
Example '#Language "WWB-COM"
Sub Main
X = Shell("Calc") ' run the calc program
AppActivate X
SendKeys "% R" ' restore calc's main window
SendKeys "30*2{+}10=",1 '70
ShowPopupMenu Function
Syntax ShowPopupMenu(
StrArray$( )
Group User Input
Description Show a popup menu and return the number of the item selected. The item number is the
index of the StrArray selected minus LBound(StrArray). The value -1 is returned in no menu item is selected.
Parameter Description
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StrArray$( )
This one-dimensional array of strings establishes the list of choices. All the non-null elements of
the array are used.
This controls how the popup menu is aligned. Any combination of styles may used
together. See the table below.
When the menu is put up the alignment will be at this window position. If this is omitted then the cur-
rent mouse position is used.
When the menu is put up the alignment will be at this window position. If this is omitted then the cur-
rent mouse position is used.
PopupStyle Value Effect
vbPopupLeftTopAlign 0 Align menu left edge at XPos and top at YPos. (default)
vbPopupUseLeftButton 1 User can select menu choices with the left mouse button only.
vbPopupUseRightButton 2 User can select menu choices with the left or right mouse button.
vbPopupRightAlign 4 Align menu with right edge at the XPos.
vbPopupCenterAlign 8 Align menu center at the XPos.
vbPopupVCenterAlign 16 Align menu center at the YPos.
vbPopupBottomAlign 32 Align menu bottom at the YPos.
Example '#Language "WWB-COM"
Sub Main
Dim Items(0 To 2) As String
Items(0) = "Item &1"
Items(1) = "Item &2"
Items(2) = "Item &3"
X = ShowPopupMenu(Items) ' show popup menu
Debug.Print X ' item selected
End Sub
Sin Function
Syntax Sin(
Group Math
Description Return the sine.
Parameter Description
Return the sine of this numeric value. This is the number of radians. There are 2*Pi radians in a full
See Also Atn, Cos, Tan.
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Example '#Language "WWB-COM"
Sub Main
Debug.Print Sin(1) ' 0.8414709848079
Space$ Function
Syntax Space[$](
Group String
Description Return the string
spaces long.
Parameter Description
Create a string this many spaces long.
See Also String$().
Example '#Language "WWB-COM"
Sub Main
Debug.Print "."; Space$(3); "." '". ."
Split Function
Syntax Split(
, [
], [
Group Miscellaneous
Description Return a string array containing substrings from the original string.
Parameter Description
Extract substrings from this string value.
Look for this string value to separate the substrings. (Default: " ")
Create at most this many substrings. (Default -1, which means create as many as are found.)
See Also Join().
Example '#Language "WWB-COM"
Sub Main
Debug.Print Split("1 2 3")(1) '"2"
Sqr Function
Syntax Sqr(
Group Math
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Description Return the square root.
Parameter Description
Return the square root of this numeric value.
Example '#Language "WWB-COM"
Sub Main
Debug.Print Sqr(9) ' 3
End Sub
Static Definition
Syntax Static
[, ...]
Group Declaration
Description A static variable retains it value between
calls. Dimension var array(s) using the
s to establish the minimum and maximum index value for each dimension. If the
s are
omitted then a scalar (single value) variable is defined. A dynamic array is declared using ( ) without any
s. It must be ReDimensioned before it can be used.
See Also Dim, Option Base, Private, Public, ReDim.
Example '#Language "WWB-COM"
Sub A
Static X
Debug.Print X
X = "Hello"
Sub Main
A ' prints "Hello"
StrComp$ Function
Syntax StrComp(
Group String
Description Compare two strings.
Parameter Description
Compare this string with
. If this value is Null then Null is returned.
Compare this string with
. If this value is Null then Null is returned.
This numeric value indicates the type of comparison. See Comp table below.
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Result Description
is less than
is equal to
is greater than
is Null.
Comp Value Effect
vbUseCompareOption -1 Performs the comparison using the Option Compare statement value.
vbBinaryCompare 0 Compares the string's binary data.
vbTextCompare 1 Compares the string's text using the collation rules.
vbDatabaseCompare 2 Microsoft Access only. (Not supported.)
See Also LCase$(), Option Compare, StrConv$(), UCase$().
Example '#Language "WWB-COM"
Sub Main
Debug.Print StrComp("F","e") ' -1
Debug.Print StrComp("F","e",1) ' 1
Debug.Print StrComp("F","f",1) ' 0
StrConv$ Function
Syntax StrConv[$](
Group String
Description Convert the string.
Parameter Description
Convert this string value. If this value is Null then Null is returned.
This numeric value indicates the type of conversion. See conversion table below.
Conv Value Effect
vbUpperCase 1 Convert a String to upper case.
vbLowerCase 2 Convert a String to lower case.
vbProperCase 3 Convert a String to proper case. (Not supported.)
vbWide 4 Convert a String to wide. (Only supported for eastern locales.)
vbNarrow 8 Convert a String to narrow. (Only supported for eastern locales.)
vbKatakana 16 Convert a String to Katakana. (Only supported for Japanese locales.)
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vbHiragana 32 Convert a String to Hiragana. (Only supported for Japanese locales.)
vbUnicode or vbFromANSIBytes 64 Convert an ANSI (locale dependent) byte array to a Unicode string.
vbANSI 4160 Convert an ANSI (locale dependent) string to a Unicode string.
vbFromUnicode or vbANSIBytes 128 Convert from Unicode to an ANSI (locale dependent) byte array.
vbANSI 4224 Convert from Unicode to an ANSI (locale dependent) string.
vbUTF8 4352 Convert a Unicode string to a UTF-8 string.
vbUTF8Bytes 256 Convert a Unicode string to a UTF-8 byte array.
vbFromUTF8 4608 Convert a UTF-8 string to a Unicode string.
vbFromUTF8Bytes 512 Convert a UTF-8 byte array to a Unicode string.
vbToBytes 1024 Convert a String to a byte array containing the low byte of each char.
vbFromBytes 2048 Convert a byte array to a String by setting the low byte of each char.
Conversion Rules If multiple conversions are specified, the conversions occur in this order:
vbFromBytes, vbUnicode, vbFromANSI, vbFromANSIBytes, vbFromUTF8 or vbFromUTF8Bytes (choose
one, optional)
vbUpperCase, vbLowerCase, vbWide, vbNarrow, vbKatakana or vbHiragana (choose one or more,
vbToBytes, vbFromUnicode, vbANSI, vbANSIBytes, vbUTF8 or vbUTF8Bytes (choose one, optional)
See Also LCase$(), StrComp(), UCase$().
Example '#Language "WWB-COM"
Sub Main
Dim B(1 To 3) As Byte
B(1) = 65
B(2) = 66
B(3) = 67
Debug.Print StrConv$(B,vbUnicode) '"ABC"
Str$ Function
Syntax Str[$](
Group String
Description Return the string representation of
Parameter Description
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Return the string representation of this numeric value. Positive values begin with a blank. Negative val-
ues begin with a dash '-'.
See Also CStr(), Hex$(), Oct$(), Val().
Example '#Language "WWB-COM"
Sub Main
Debug.Print Str$(9*9) ' 81
StrReverse$ Function
Syntax StrReverse[$](
Group String
Description Return the string with the characters in reverse order.
Parameter Description
Return this string with the characters in reverse order.
Example '#Language "WWB-COM"
Sub Main
Debug.Print StrReverse$("ABC") 'CBA
Sub Definition
Syntax [ | Private | Public | Friend ] _
[, ...]])]
End Sub
Group Declaration
Description User defined subroutine. The subroutine defines a set of
s to be executed when
it is called. The values of the calling
are assigned to the
s. A subroutine does not return a res-
Access If no access is specified then Public is assumed.
See Also Declare, Function, Property.
Example '#Language "WWB-COM"
Sub IdentityArray(A()) ' A() is an array of numbers
For I = LBound(A) To UBound(A)
A(I) = I
Next I
End Sub
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Sub CalcArray(A(), B, C) ' A() is an array of numbers
For I = LBound(A) To UBound(A)
A(I) = A(I)*B+C
Next I
End Sub
Sub ShowArray(A()) ' A() is an array of numbers
For I = LBound(A) To UBound(A)
Debug.Print "("; I; ")="; A(I)
Next I
End Sub
Sub Main
Dim X(1 To 4)
IdentityArray X() ' X(1)=1, X(2)=2, X(3)=3, X(4)=4
CalcArray X(), 2, 3 ' X(1)=5, X(2)=7, X(3)=9, X(4)=11
ShowArray X() ' print X(1), X(2), X(3), X(4)
End Sub
String$ Function
Syntax String[$](
Group String
Description Return the string
long filled with
or the first char of
Parameter Description
Create a string this many chars long.
Fill the string with this char value. If this is a numeric value then use the ASCII char equivalent. If this is
a string value use the first char of that string. If this value is Null then Null is returned.
See Also Space$().
Example '#Language "WWB-COM"
Sub Main
Debug.Print String$(4,65) '"AAAA"
Debug.Print String$(4,"ABC") '"AAAA"
End Sub
Tan Function
Syntax Tan(
Group Math
Description Return the tangent.
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Parameter Description
Return the tangent of this numeric value.
See Also Atn, Cos, Sin.
Example '#Language "WWB-COM"
Sub Main
Debug.Print Tan(1) ' 1.5574077246549
TextBox Dialog Item Definition
Syntax TextBox
, .
Group User Dialog
Description Define a textbox item.
Parameter Description
This number value is the distance from the left edge of the dialog box. It is measured in 1/8 ths of the aver-
age character width for the dialog's font.
This number value is the distance from the top edge of the dialog box. It is measured in 1/12 ths of the
character height for the dialog's font.
This number value is the width. It is measured in 1/8 ths of the average character width for the dialog's
This number value is the height. It is measured in 1/12 ths of the character height for the dialog's font.
The value of the text box is accessed via this field.
This numeric value controls the type of text box. Choose one value from following table. (If this
numeric value omitted then zero is used.)
Option Description
0 Text box allows a single line of text to be entered.
1 Text box allows multiple lines of text can be entered.
2 Locked text box displays multiple lines of text.
-1 Text box allows a hidden password can be entered.
See Also Begin Dialog.
Example '#Language "WWB-COM"
Sub Main
Begin Dialog UserDialog 200,120
Text 10,10,180,15,"Please push the OK button"
TextBox 10,25,180,20,.Text$
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OKButton 80,90,40,20
Dim dlg As UserDialog
dlg.Text$ = "none"
Dialog dlg ' show dialog (wait for ok)
Debug.Print dlg.Text$
Text Dialog Item Definition
Syntax Text
[, .
Group User Dialog
Description Define a text item.
Parameter Description
This number value is the distance from the left edge of the dialog box. It is measured in 1/8 ths of the aver-
age character width for the dialog's font.
This number value is the distance from the top edge of the dialog box. It is measured in 1/12 ths of the
character height for the dialog's font.
This number value is the width. It is measured in 1/8 ths of the average character width for the dialog's
This number value is the height. It is measured in 1/12 ths of the character height for the dialog's font.
The value of this string is the title of the text control.
This identifier is the name of the field. The
receives this name as
. If this identifer is
omitted then the first two words of the title are used.
This numeric value controls the alignment of the text. Choose one value from following table. (If this
numeric value omitted then zero is used.)
Option Description
0 Text is left aligned.
1 Text is right aligned.
2 Text is centered.
See Also Begin Dialog.
Example '#Language "WWB-COM"
Sub Main
Begin Dialog UserDialog 200,120
Text 10,10,180,15,"Please push the OK button"
OKButton 80,90,40,20
End Dialog
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Dim dlg As UserDialog
Dialog dlg ' show dialog (wait for ok)
End Sub
Time Function
Syntax Time[$]
Group Time/Date
Description Return the current time as a Date value.
See Also Date, Now, Timer.
Example '#Language "WWB-COM"
Sub Main
Debug.Print Time ' example: 09:45:00 am
Timer Function
Syntax Timer
Group Time/Date
Description Return the number of seconds past midnight. (This is a real number, accurate to about
1/18th of a second.)
See Also Date, Now, Time.
Example '#Language "WWB-COM"
Sub Main
Debug.Print Timer ' example: 45188.13
TimeSerial Function
Syntax TimeSerial(
Group Time/Date
Description Return a Date value.
Parameter Description
This numeric value is the hour (0 to 23).
This numeric value is the minute (0 to 59).
This numeric value is the second (0 to 59).
See Also DateSerial, DateValue, TimeValue.
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Example '#Language "WWB-COM"
Sub Main
Debug.Print TimeSerial(13,30,0) '1:30:00 PM
TimeValue Function
Syntax TimeValue(
Group Time/Date
Description Return the time part of date encoded as a string value.
Parameter Description
Convert this string value to the time part of date it represents.
See Also DateSerial, DateValue, TimeSerial.
Example '#Language "WWB-COM"
Sub Main
Debug.Print TimeValue("1/1/2000 12:00:01 AM")
'12:00:01 AM
Trim$ Function
Syntax Trim[$](
Group String
Description Return the string with
's leading and trailing spaces removed.
Parameter Description
Copy this string without the leading or trailing spaces. If this value is Null then Null is returned.
See Also LTrim$(), RTrim$().
Example '#Language "WWB-COM"
Sub Main
Debug.Print "."; Trim$(" x "); "." '".x."
End Sub
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Type Definition
Syntax [ | Private | Public ] _
[, ...]])]
As [New] type
End Type
Group Declaration
Description Define a new
user type
. Each
defines an element of the type for storing data.
[New] type
defines the type of data that can be stored. A
user defined type variable
has a value for each
. Use .
to access individual element values.
Access If no access is specified then Public is assumed.
Example '#Language "WWB-COM"
Type Employee
FirstName As String
LastName As String
Title As String
Salary As Double
End Type
Dim e As Employee
e.FirstName = "John"
e.LastName = "Doe"
e.Title = "President"
e.Salary = 100000
Debug.Print e.FirstName '"John"
Debug.Print e.LastName '"Doe"
Debug.Print e.Title '"President"
Debug.Print e.Salary ' 100000
TypeName Function
Syntax TypeName[$](
Group Variable Info
Description Return a string indicating the type of value stored in
Parameter Description
Return a string indicating the type of value stored in this variable.
Result Description
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Copyright © 2024 RFgen Software. A division of DataMAX Software Group, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
variable is empty. It has never been assigned a value.
variable is null.
Boolean Variable contains a Boolean value.
Byte Variable contains a Byte value.
SByte Variable contains a SByte value.
Short Variable contains an Short value.
UShort Variable contains an UShort value.
Integer Variable contains an Integer value.
UInteger Variable contains an UInteger value.
Long Variable contains a Long value.
ULong Variable contains a ULong value.
Huge_ Variable contains a Huge_ value.
UHuge_ Variable contains a UHuge_ value.
Decimal Variable contains a Decimal value.
Single Variable contains a Single value.
Double Variable contains a Double value.
Currency Variable contains a Currency value.
Date Variable contains a Date value.
String Variable contains a String value.
Object Variable contains an Object reference that is not Nothing. (An object may return a type name spe-
cific to that type of object.)
Nothing Variable contains an Object reference that is Nothing.
Error Variable contains a error code value.
Variant Variable contains a variant value. (Only used for arrays of variants.)
Unknown Variable contains a non-ActiveX Automation object reference.
( ) Variable contains an array value. The TypeName of the element followed by ( ).
See Also VarType.
Example '#Language "WWB-COM"
Sub Main
Dim X As Variant
Debug.Print TypeName(X) '"Empty"
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X = 1
Debug.Print TypeName(X) '"Integer"
X = 100000
Debug.Print TypeName(X) '"Long"
X = 1.1
Debug.Print TypeName(X) '"Double"
X = "A"
Debug.Print TypeName(X) '"String"
Set X = CreateObject("Word.Basic")
Debug.Print TypeName(X) '"Object"
X = Array(0,1,2)
Debug.Print TypeName(X) '"Variant()"
End Sub
TypeOf Operator
Syntax TypeOf
Group Operator
Description Return the True if
refers to an object of
See Also Objects.
Example '#Language "WWB-COM"
Sub Main
Debug.Print TypeOf Err Is ErrObject ' True
End Sub
UBound Function
Syntax UBound(
Group Variable Info
Description Return the highest index.
Parameter Description
Return the highest index for this array variable.
Return the highest index for this dimension of
. If this is omitted then return the highest
index for the first dimension.
See Also LBound().
Example '#Language "WWB-COM"
Sub Main
Dim A(3,6)
Debug.Print UBound(A) ' 3
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Debug.Print UBound(A,1) ' 3
Debug.Print UBound(A,2) ' 6
UCase$ Function
Syntax UCase[$](
Group String
Description Return a string from
where all the lowercase letters have been uppercased.
Parameter Description
Return the string value of this after all chars have been converted to lowercase. If this value is Null then
Null is returned.
See Also LCase$(), StrComp(), StrConv$().
Example '#Language "WWB-COM"
Sub Main
Debug.Print UCase$("Hello") '"HELLO"
UInteger Data Type
Syntax Dim v As UInteger
Group Data Type
Description A 16 bit unsigned integer value. The number of bits is controlled by the #Language set-
VBA This language element is not VBA compatible and requires the #Language "WWB-COM"
ULong Data Type
Syntax Dim v As ULong
Group Data Type
Description A 32 bit unsigned integer value. The number of bits is controlled by the #Language set-
VBA This language element is not VBA compatible and requires the #Language "WWB-COM"
WWB-COM: Overview RFgen Dev Ref Guide
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Copyright © 2024 RFgen Software. A division of DataMAX Software Group, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
Unlock Instruction
Syntax Unlock
, [
] To
Group File
Description Form 1: Unlock all of
Form 2: Unlock a record (or byte) of
Form 3: Unlock a range of records (or bytes) of
. If
is omitted then unlock starting at the
first record (or byte).
Note: For sequential files (Input, Output and Append) unlock always affects the entire file.
Parameter Description
Streams 1 through 255 are private to each macro. Streams 256 through 511 are shared by all
For Random mode files this is the record number. The first record is 1. Otherwise, it is the byte
position. The first byte is 1.
First record (or byte) in the range.
Last record (or byte) in the range.
See Also Lock, Open.
Example '#Language "WWB-COM"
Sub Main
Dim V As Variant
Open "SAVE_V.DAT" For Binary As #1
Lock #1
Get #1, 1, V
V = "Hello"
Put #1, 1, V
Unlock #1
'Close #1
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#Uses Special Comment
Syntax '#Uses "
" [Only:[Win16|Win32|Win64]] ...
'$Include: "
Group Declaration
Description The Uses comment indicates that the current
uses public and friend sym-
bols from the
. The Only option indicates that the module is only loaded for that Windows platform.
Parameter Description
Public and Friend symbols from this module are accessible. If the module name is a relative path
then the path is relative to the macro/module containing the Uses comment. For example, if module
"A:\B\C\D.BAS" has this uses comment:
'#Uses "E.BAS"
then it uses "A:\B\C\E.BAS".
See Also Class Module, Code Module, Object Module.
Example 'Macro A.WWB
'#Language "WWB-COM"
'#Uses "B.BAS"
Debug.Print BFunc$("Hello") '"HELLO"
End Sub
'Module B.BAS
'#Language "WWB-COM"
Public Function BFunc$(S$)
BFunc$ = UCase(S$)
End Function
Val Function
Syntax Val(
Group String
Description Return the value of the
Parameter Description
Return the numeric value for this string value. A string value begins with &O is an octal number. A string
value begins with &H is a hex number. Otherwise it is decimal number.
Example '#Language "WWB-COM"
Sub Main
WWB-COM: Overview RFgen Dev Ref Guide
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Copyright © 2024 RFgen Software. A division of DataMAX Software Group, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
Debug.Print Val("-1000") '-1000
Variant Data Type
Syntax Dim v As Variant
Group Data Type
Description An empty, numeric, currency, date, string, object, error code, null or array value.
VarType Function
Syntax VarType(
Group Variable Info
Description Return a number indicating the type of value stored in
Parameter Description
Return a number indicating the type of value stored in this variable.
Result Value Description
vbEmpty 0
variable is Empty. It has never been assigned a value.
vbNull 1
variable is null.
vbInteger 2 Variable contains an Integer value. The value depends on the #Language setting.
vbLong 3 Variable contains a Long value. The value depends on the #Language setting.
vbSingle 4 Variable contains a Single value.
vbDouble 5 Variable contains a Double value.
vbCurrency 6 Variable contains a Currency value.
vbDate 7 Variable contains a Date value.
vbString 8 Variable contains a String value.
vbObject 9 Variable contains an Object reference. If the object reference supports a default property the
VarType of the default property's value is returned instead of vbObject.
vbError 10 Variable contains a error code value.
vbBoolean 11 Variable contains a Boolean value.
vbVariant 12 Variable contains a variant value. (Only used for arrays of variants.)
vbDataObject 13 Variable contains a non-ActiveX Automation object reference.
vbDecimal 14 Variable contains a Decimal value.
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vbSByte 16 Variable contains a SByte value.
vbByte 17 Variable contains a Byte value.
vbUInteger 18 Variable contains a UInteger value. The value depends on the #Language setting.
vbULong 19 Variable contains a ULong value. The value depends on the #Language setting.
vbHuge_ 20 Variable contains a Huge_ value.
vbUHuge_ 21 Variable contains a UHuge_ value.
vbUserDefinedType 36 Variable contains a User Defined Type value.
+vbArray 8192 Variable contains an array value. Use VarType( ) And 255 to get the type of element stored in
the array.
See Also TypeName.
Example '#Language "WWB-COM"
Sub Main
Dim X As Variant
Debug.Print VarType(X) ' 0
X = 1
Debug.Print VarType(X) ' 2
X = 100000
Debug.Print VarType(X) ' 3
X = 1.1
Debug.Print VarType(X) ' 5
X = "A"
Debug.Print VarType(X) ' 8
Set X = CreateObject("Word.Basic")
Debug.Print VarType(X) ' 9
X = Array(0,1,2)
Debug.Print VarType(X) ' 8204 (8192+12)
End Sub
Wait Instruction
Syntax Wait [
Group Miscellaneous
Description Wait for
Parameter Description
Wait for this number of seconds. If omitted then wait for 5 seconds. If this value is Null then Null is
Example '#Language "WWB-COM"
Sub Main
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Wait .5 ' wait for one half second
End Sub
Weekday Function
Syntax Weekday(
Group Time/Date
Description Return the weekday.
vbSunday (1) - Sunday
vbMonday (2) - Monday
vbTuesday (3) - Tuesday
vbWednesday (4) - Wednesday
vbThursday (5) - Thursday
vbFriday (6) - Friday
vbSaturday (7) - Saturday
Parameter Description
Return the weekday for this date value. If this value is Null then Null is returned.
See Also Date(), Day(), Month(), WeekdayName(), Year().
Example '#Language "WWB-COM"
Sub Main
Debug.Print Weekday(#1/1/1900#) ' 2
Debug.Print Weekday(#1/1/2000#) ' 7
WeekdayName Function
Syntax WeekdayName(NumZ{day}[, CondZ{abbrev}])
Group Time/Date
Description Return the localized name of the weekday.
Parameter Description
Return the localized name of this weekday. (1-7)
If this conditional value is True then return the abbreviated form of the weekday name.
See Also Weekday().
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Example '#Language "WWB-COM"
Sub Main
Debug.Print WeekdayName(1) 'Sunday
Debug.Print WeekdayName(Weekday(Now))
While Statement
Syntax While
Group Flow Control
Description Execute
s while
is True.
See Also Do, For, For Each, Exit While.
Example '#Language "WWB-COM"
Sub Main
I = 2
While I < 10
I = I*2
Debug.Print I ' 16
Win16 Keyword
Group Constant
Description True if running in 16 bits. False if running in 32 or 64 bits.
Win32 Keyword
Group Constant
Description True if running in 32 bits. False if running in 16 or 64 bits.
Win64 Keyword
Group Constant
Description True if running in 64 bits. False if running in 16 or 32 bits.
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WithEvents Definition
Syntax [Dim | Private | Public] _
[, ...]
Group Declaration
Description Dimensioning a module level variable WithEvents allows the macro to implement event
handling Subs. The variable's As type must be a type from a referenced type library (or language extension)
which implements events.
See Also Dim, Private, Public, RaiseEvent.
Example '#Language "WWB-COM"
Dim WithEvents X As Thing
Set X = New Thing
X.DoIt ' DoIt method raises DoingIt event
End Sub
Private Sub X_DoingIt
Debug.Print "X.DoingIt event"
End Sub
With Statement
Syntax With
End With
Group Object
references may be abbreviated inside a With block. Use .
to access the object specified by the With
Example '#Language "WWB-COM"
Sub Main
Dim App As Object
Set App = CreateObject("WinWrap.CppDemoApplication")
With App
.Move 20,30 ' move icon to 20,30
End With
Write Instruction
Syntax Write #
[, ...]
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Group File
Description Write's
(s) to
. String values are quoted. Null values are written as
#NULL#. Boolean values are written as #FALSE# or #TRUE#. Date values are written as #date#. Error
codes are written as #ERROR number#.
See Also Input, Line Input, Print.
Example '#Language "WWB-COM"
Sub Main
A = 1
B = 2
C$ = "Hello"
Open "XXX" For Output As #1
Write #1, A, B, C$
'Close #1
End Sub
Syntax Abs(
Group Math
Description Return the absolute value.
Parameter Description
Return the absolute value of this numeric value. '
See Also Sgn.
Example '#Language "WWB.NET"
Sub Main
Debug.Print Abs(9) ' 9
Debug.Print Abs(0) ' 0
Debug.Print Abs(-9) ' 9
End Sub
WWB-COM: Overview
WWB-COM Use '#Language "WWB-COM" for Visual Basic for Applications(TM) compatibility.
Declaration '#Language, '#Reference, '#Uses, Attribute, Class Module, Code Module,
Const, Declare, Deftype, Delegate, Dim, Enum...End Enum, Event, Function...End Function,
Object Module, Option, Private, Property...End Property, Public, ReDim, Static, Sub...End Sub,
Type...End Type, WithEvents.
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Copyright © 2024 RFgen Software. A division of DataMAX Software Group, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
Data Type Any, Boolean, Byte, Currency, Date, Decimal, Double, Huge_, Integer, Long,
Object, PortInt, SByte, Single, String, String*n, UHuge_, UInteger, ULong, Variant,
obj type
user dialog
user enum
user type
Assignment Assign: (=, +=, -=, *=, /=, \=, ^=, <<=, >>=), Erase, Let, LSet, RSet, Set.
Flow Control Call, CallByName, Do...Loop, End, Exit, For...Next, For Each...Next, GoTo,
If...ElseIf...Else...End If, MacroCheck, MacroCheckThis, MacroRun, MacroRunThis, Mod-
uleLoad, ModuleLoadThis, RaiseEvent, Return, Select Case...End Select, Stop, While...Wend.
Error Handling Err, Error, On Error, Resume.
Conversion Array, CBool, CByte, CCur, CDate, CDec, CDbl, CHuge_, CInt, CLng, CSByte,
CSng, CStr, CUHuge_, CUInt, CULng, CVar, CVDate, CVErr, Val.
Variable Info IsArray, IsDate, IsEmpty, IsError, IsMissing, IsNull, IsNumeric, IsObject,
LBound, TypeName, UBound, VarType,
Constant Empty, False, Nothing, Null, True, Win16, Win32, Win64.
Math Abs, Atn, Cos, Exp, Fix, Int, Log, Randomize, Rnd, Round, Sgn, Sin, Sqr, Tan.
String Asc, AscB, AscW, Chr, ChrB, ChrW, Format, Hex, InStr, InStrB, InStrRev, Join,
LCase, Left, LeftB, Len, LenB, LTrim, Mid, MidB, Oct, Replace, Right, RightB, RTrim, Space,
Split, Str, StrComp, StrConv, StrReverse, String, Trim, UCase.
Object CreateObject, GetObject, Me, With...End With.
Time/Date Date, DateAdd, DateDiff, DatePart, DateSerial, DateValue, Day, Hour, Minute,
Month, MonthName, Now, Second, Time, Timer, TimeSerial, TimeValue, Weekday, Week-
dayName, Year.
File ChDir, ChDrive, Close, CurDir, Dir, EOF, FileAttr, FileCopy, FileDateTime,
FileLen, FreeFile, Get, GetAttr, Input, Input, Kill, Line Input, Loc, Lock, LOF, MkDir, Name,
Open, Print, Put, Reset, RmDir, Seek, Seek, SetAttr, Unlock, Write,
User Input Dialog, GetFilePath, InputBox, MsgBox. ShowPopupMenu
User Dialog Begin Dialog...End Dialog, CancelButton, CheckBox, ComboBox, DropListBox,
GroupBox, ListBox, MultiListBox, OKButton, OptionButton, OptionGroup, Picture, PushButton,
Text, TextBox.
Dialog Function DialogFunc, DlgControlId, DlgCount, DlgEnable, DlgEnd, DlgFocus,
DlgListBoxArray, DlgName, DlgNumber, DlgSetPicture, DlgText, DlgType, DlgValue,
DDE DDEExecute, DDEInitiate, DDEPoke, DDERequest, DDETerminate, DDETer-
Settings DeleteSetting, GetAllSettings, GetSetting, SaveSetting
WWB-COM: Overview RFgen Dev Ref Guide
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Copyright © 2024 RFgen Software. A division of DataMAX Software Group, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
Miscellaneous AboutWinWrapBasic, AppActivate, Assign, Attribute, Beep, CallersLine, Choose,
Clipboard, Command, Decode64, Decode64B, Decrypt64, Decrypt64B, Debug.Print, DoEvents,
Encode64, Encode64B, Encrypt64, Encrypt64B, Environ, Eval, IIf, GetLocale, KeyName, Mac-
roDir, QBColor, Rem, RGB, SendKeys, SetLocale, Shell, Wait.
Operator Operators: +, -, ^, *, /, \, Mod, +, -, <<, >>, &, =, <>, <, >, <=, >=, Like, New,
TypeOf, Not, And, AndAlso, Or, OrElse, Xor, Eqv, Imp, Is, IsNot, AddressOf.
#Language Special Comment
#Reference Special Comment
#Uses Special Comment
AboutWinWrapBasic Instruction
Abs Function
AddressOf Operator
Any Data Type
AppActivate Instruction
Array Function
Asc Function
Assign Instruction
Assign Operators
Atn Function
Attribute Definintion/Statement
Beep Instruction
Begin Dialog Definition
Boolean Data Type
Byte Data Type
Call Instruction
CallByName Instruction
CallersLine Function
CancelButton Dialog Item Definition
CBool Function
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Copyright © 2024 RFgen Software. A division of DataMAX Software Group, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
CByte Function
CCur Function
CDate Function
CDbl Function
CDec Function
ChDir Instruction
ChDrive Instruction
CheckBox Dialog Item Definition
Choose Function
Chr$ Function
CHuge_ Function
CInt Function
Class Module
Class_Initialize Sub
Class_Terminate Sub
Clipboard Instruction/Function
CLng Function
Close Instruction
Code Module
ComboBox Dialog Item Definition
Command$ Function
Const Definition
Cos Function
CreateObject Function
CSByte Function
CSng Function
CStr Function
CurDir$ Function
CUHuge_ Function
CUInt Function
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Copyright © 2024 RFgen Software. A division of DataMAX Software Group, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
CULng Function
Currency Data Type
CVar Function
CVErr Function
Date Data Type
Date Function
DateAdd Function
DateDiff Function
DatePart Function
DateSerial Function
DateValue Function
Day Function
DDEExecute Instruction
DDEInitiate Function
DDEPoke Instruction
DDERequest$ Function
DDETerminate Instruction
DDETerminateAll Instruction
Debug Object
Decimal Data Type
Declare Definition
Decode64 Function
Decrypt64 Function
Def Definition
Delegate Definition
DeleteSetting Instruction
Dialog Instruction/Function
DialogFunc Prototype
Dim Definition
Dir$ Function
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Copyright © 2024 RFgen Software. A division of DataMAX Software Group, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
DlgControlId Function
DlgCount Function
DlgEnable Instruction/Function
DlgEnd Instruction
DlgFocus Instruction/Function
DlgListBoxArray Instruction/Function
DlgName Function
DlgNumber Function
DlgSetPicture Instruction
DlgText Instruction/Function
DlgType Function
DlgValue Instruction/Function
DlgVisible Instruction/Function
Do Statement
DoEvents Instruction
Double Data Type
DropListBox Dialog Item Definition
Empty Keyword
Encode64 Function
Encrypt64 Function
End Instruction
Enum Definition
Environ Function
EOF Function
Erase Instruction
Err Object
Error Instruction/Function
Eval Function
Event Definition
Exit Instruction
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Exp Function
False Keyword
FileAttr Function
FileCopy Instruction
FileDateTime Function
FileLen Function
Fix Function
For Statement
For Each Statement
Format$ Function
Format Predefined Date
Format Predefined Number
Format User Defined Date
Format User Defined Number
Format User Defined Text
FreeFile Function
Friend Keyword
Function Definition
Get Instruction
GetAllSettings Function
GetAttr Function
GetFilePath$ Function
GetObject Function
GetLocale Function
GetSetting Function
Goto Instruction
GroupBox Dialog Item Definition
Hex$ Function
Hour Function
Huge_ Data Type
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Copyright © 2024 RFgen Software. A division of DataMAX Software Group, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
If Statement
IIf Function
Input Instruction
Input$ Function
InputBox$ Function
InStr Function
InStrRev Function
Int Function
Integer Data Type
Is Operator
IsArray Function
IsDate Function
IsEmpty Function
IsError Function
IsMissing Function
IsNot Operator
IsNull Function
IsNumeric Function
IsObject Function
Join Function
KeyName Function
Kill Instruction
LBound Function
LCase$ Function
Left$ Function
Len Function
Let Instruction
Like Operator
Line Input Instruction
ListBox Dialog Item Definition
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Loc Function
Lock Instruction
LOF Function
Log Function
Long Data Type
LSet Instruction
LTrim$ Function
MacroCheck Function
MacroCheckThis Function
MacroDir$ Function
MacroRun Instruction
MacroRunThis Instruction
Main Sub
Me Object
Mid$ Function/Assignment
Minute Function
MkDir Instruction
ModuleLoad Function
ModuleLoadThis Function
Month Function
MonthName Function
MsgBox Instruction/Function
MultiListBox Dialog Item Definition
Name Instruction
New Operator
Nothing Keyword
Now Function
Null Keyword
Object Data Type
Object Module
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Copyright © 2024 RFgen Software. A division of DataMAX Software Group, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
Object_Initialize Sub
Object_Terminate Sub
Oct$ Function
OKButton Dialog Item Definition
On Error Instruction
Open Instruction
Option Definition
OptionButton Dialog Item Definition
OptionGroup Dialog Item Definition
Picture Dialog Item Definition
PortInt Data Type
Print Instruction
Private Definition
Private Keyword
Property Definition
Public Definition
Public Keyword
PushButton Dialog Item Definition
Put Instruction
QBColor Function
RaiseEvent Instruction
Randomize Instruction
ReDim Instruction
Rem Instruction
Replace$ Function
Reset Instruction
Resume Instruction
Return Instruction
RGB Function
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Right$ Function
RmDir Instruction
Rnd Function
Round Function
RSet Instruction
RTrim$ Function
SaveSetting Instruction
Second Function
Seek Instruction
Seek Function
Select Case Statement
SendKeys Instruction
Set Instruction
SetAttr Instruction
SetLocale Instruction
Sgn Function
Shell Function
SByte Data Type
ShowPopupMenu Function
Sin Function
Single Data Type
Space$ Function
Split Function
Sqr Function
Static Definition
Stop Instruction
Str$ Function
StrComp$ Function
StrConv$ Function
String Data Type
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Copyright © 2024 RFgen Software. A division of DataMAX Software Group, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
String*n Data Type
String$ Function
StrReverse$ Function
Sub Definition
Tan Function
Text Dialog Item Definition
TextBox Dialog Item Definition
Time Function
Timer Function
TimeSerial Function
TimeValue Function
Trim$ Function
True Keyword
Type Definition
TypeName Function
TypeOf Operator
UBound Function
UCase$ Function
UHuge_ Data Type
UInteger Data Type
ULong Data Type
Unlock Instruction
Val Function
Variant Data Type
VarType Function
Wait Instruction
Weekday Function
WeekdayName Function
While Statement
Win16 Keyword
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Copyright © 2024 RFgen Software. A division of DataMAX Software Group, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
Win32 Keyword
Win64 Keyword
With Statement
WithEvents Definition
Write Instruction
Year Function
Objects Overview
Error List
Year Function
Syntax Year(
Group Time/Date
Description Return the year.
Parameter Description
Return the year for this date value. If this value is Null then Null is returned.
See Also Date(), Day(), Month(), Weekday().
Example '#Language "WWB-COM"
Sub Main
Debug.Print Year(#1/1/1900#) ' 1900
Debug.Print Year(#1/1/2000#) ' 2000
AboutWinWrapBasic Instruction
Syntax AboutWinWrapBasic [
Group Miscellaneous
Description Show the WinWrap Basic about box.
Parameter Description
This numeric value is the maximum number of seconds to show the about box. A value less than or
equal to zero displays the about box until the user closes it. If this value is omitted then a three second
timeout is used.
Example '#Language "WWB-COM"
Sub Main
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End Sub