Ophthalmology department
Convergence exercises
Information for patients, relatives and carers
Your orthoptist has recommended a course of eye exercises to help improve your eyes’ ability to
converge (pull in together to see a near object). When performed little and often throughout the
day, the exercises can help relieve the symptoms of eye strain and blurred or double vision for
close-up work.
What is convergence?
When looking at a near object our eyes move close to each other to maintain binocular fixation
(clear viewing of an object). When both eyes move towards the nose together it is called
convergence. Reduced convergence will result in discomfort for close-up work and causes
symptoms such as:
eye strain
blurred vision
irregular double vision
fatigue (tiredness) after continued efforts at close-up work
The orthoptist will show you some simple exercises to help improve convergence and relieve
these symptoms.
Please make sure you wear any glasses that you would use for close distances when doing these
Make sure you allow your eyes to relax for a few minutes after doing the exercises, by closing
them or looking in the far distance.
Step one: pen convergence (smooth convergence)
hold a target, such as the point of a pen, at arm’s length in a slightly lower position to the tip
of the nose. You should be able to see the target as one single image.
bring the target slowly and steadily towards the tip of your nose, keeping it single.
the ‘break point’ is when one eye turns outwards, and you see two images, or the target
appears to jump to the side.
the aim is to try to keep the target single for as long as possible and, just before the ‘break
point’, hold fixation on the target for 10 seconds.
normal convergence is when you can keep the target single up to the tip of the nose
Repeat this procedure for __________ minutes_________ times a day.
Step two: jump convergence
Basic method
look into the distance at a target and then back at your near target (point of pen/small
when looking at your distance target, slowly bring the near target closer to your nose in
small steps and repeat the process
try to always keep this near target single and for as long as possible just before the ‘break
point’ (see pen convergence exercise above)
Repeat this procedure for __________ minutes_________ times a day.
Dot card method
hold the card with the dots given to you by the orthoptist on the tip of your nose and sloping
away from you
now fix your gaze on the furthest dot and try to make it single. The two lines should join at
the top and appear as an inverted letter V
now move your gaze to the second from furthest dot, making sure you can also make this
single. The dot in front and behind of this dot will appear as double, giving you the
appearance of a letter X
each dot should be seen single and clearly for the count of 5 seconds before moving on to
the next dot
if the two lines separate or the dot you are focussing on becomes double, move back to the
previous dot, and try again
once the dot nearest your nose has been reached and you are able to maintain a single
clear dot you have successfully completed the dot card exercise. The lines should now
appear as a letter V
dot cards treat convergence insufficiency more effectively than simple pen convergence
exercises by ensuring correct alignment of your eyes
Repeat this procedure for __________ minutes_________ times a day.
Stereograms (cats/buckets)
hold the stereogram card at arm’s length at eye level
in your other hand, hold a pen midway between the card and your nose
three images should be visible on the card, but if you can see four images the position of
the pen needs to be adjusted until you see three images.
the middle image should be a complete cat with ears, tail and whiskers, and the bucket
should appear in 3D form
once the middle image is achieved, try to make it as clear as possible. This will be difficult
at first but will become much easier with practice
once stereograms can be performed with ease you can try removing the pen and attempt to
view the complete middle cat/3D bucket without it
Repeat this procedure for __________ minutes _________ times a day.
How often should I do these exercises?
These convergence exercises should be performed ‘little and often’. It is important that after each
exercise session you relax your eyes by closing them or looking at a faraway object for a short
Who do I contact for more help or information?
Please do not hesitate to contact the orthoptic department if you have any queries or concerns:
Western Eye Hospital orthoptic department: Telephone 020 3312 3256 (Monday to Friday, 08.30
to 16.30)
How do I make a comment about my visit?
We aim to provide the best possible service and staff will be happy to answer any of the questions
you may have. If you have any suggestions or comments about your visit, please either speak to
a member of staff or contact the patient advice and liaison service (PALS) on 020 3312 7777
(10.00 16.00, Monday to Friday). You can also email PALS at imperial.pals@nhs.net The PALS
team will listen to your concerns, suggestions or queries and is often able to help solve problems
on your behalf.
Alternatively, you may wish to complain by contacting our complaints department:
Complaints department, fourth floor, Salton House, St Mary’s Hospital, Praed Street
London W2 1NY
Email: ICHC-[email protected]
Telephone: 020 3312 1337 / 1349
Alternative formats
This leaflet can be provided on request in large print or easy read, as a sound recording, in Braille
or in alternative languages. Please email the communications team:
imperial.communicat[email protected]
Wi-fi is available at our Trust. For more information visit our website: www.imperial.nhs.uk
Children’s ophthalmology
Published: November 2021
Review date: November 2024
Reference no: 3028
© Imperial College Healthcare NHS Trust