King County [Insert Division] Section 017419
[Insert Project Name] Construction Waste Management
[Insert Contract Number] 017419 - 1 8/30/2022
SECTION 017419
PART 1 - General
A. Drawings and general provisions of the Contract, including General and Supplementary
Conditions and other Division 01 Specification Sections, apply to this Section.
1.2 Not used
A. Section includes:
1. C&D Material Management Plan and Deconstruction & Salvage Assessment
2. Salvaging nonhazardous demolition and construction materials
3. Recycling nonhazardous demolition and construction materials
4. Disposing of nonhazardous demolition and construction waste
5. Reporting forms and requirements for tracking C&D Material diversion and disposal
A. SECTION 011500Sustainable Design Requirements
B. SECTION 024100Selective Demolition
C. SECTION 033000 Cast-in-Place Concrete
D. SECTION 312000 Earth Moving
A. C&D Material Diversion Report: Report documenting execution and status of C&D
material included in the waste management report.
B. C&D Materials Management Plan: Project specific plan for the collection/handling,
disposition (recycle, reuse, salvage, disposal), transportation and tracking of C&D
C. Construction and Demolition Materials: Includes all non-hazardous solid materials
resulting from construction, renovation, alterations, repair and demolition. Includes
material that is recycled, reused, salvaged, or disposed of as garbage.
D. Construction Material: Building and site improvement materials and waste resulting from
construction, remodeling, renovation, or repair operations. Construction materials
includes packaging.
King County [Insert Division] Section 017419
[Insert Project Name] Construction Waste Management
[Insert Contract Number] 017419 - 2 8/30/2022
E. Construction or Demolition Waste: Building materials with no recoverable value resulting
from construction, remodeling, renovation, or repair operations. These materials are to be
disposed of in a landfill.
F. Deconstruction and Salvage Assessment: A project specific evaluation of the materials to
be removed during a full or partial building removal.
G. Demolition Debris: Building removal materials and waste resulting from demolition or
selective demolition operations.
H. Disposal: Removal off-site of demolition and construction waste for deposit in a landfill
acceptable to authorities having jurisdiction.
I. Diversion: Consisting of reuse, recycling and salvage of C&D Materials.
J. Mixed Construction and Demolition (C&D) Recycling: The process of collecting mixed
recyclable materials in one container on-site. The container is taken to a C&D
processing facility where materials are separated for recycling. Containers with mixed
C&D recycling may not include items for which current recycling markets do not exist.
Non-recyclable materials must be placed into a separate waste container and disposed of
as garbage.
K. Qualified Facilities: Mixed C&D Material processing facilities certified as required.
L. Recycle: Process of sorting, cleaning, treating and reconstituting materials for re-
purposed use or for use in the manufacture of a new product.
M. Reuse: Making use of a material without altering its form. Materials can be used on-site
or reused on other projects off-site.
N. Salvage: Recovery of materials for on-site reuse, off-site sale or donation to a third party.
O. Source-Separated C&D Recycle: Process of separating recyclable materials in separate
containers as they are generated on the job-site. The separated materials are hauled
directly to an approved recycling facility providing recycling services for 100% diversion.
A. General: C&D Debris shall be diverted from the landfill whenever practicable in
accordance with the county’s “Zero Waste by 2030” policy.
B. Disposal shall comply with King County Ordinance 17709 which provides in part that
diversion rates for demolition and construction debris achieve a minimum of 80%.
C. All generators, handlers and collectors of mixed and nonrecyclable C&D Waste
generated within the jurisdiction of King County shall deliver or ensure delivery to a
designated C&D receiving facility. Mixed C&D materials and non-recyclable C&D waste
generated in King County (outside of the cities of Seattle and Milton) must be sent to
designated C&D material recovery facilities or transfer stations.
1. Beginning Jan. 1, 2016, mixed construction and demolition (C&D) materials and C&D
waste from jobsites located in King County (outside of Seattle) must be sent to the
facilities listed on the King County website at
King County [Insert Division] Section 017419
[Insert Project Name] Construction Waste Management
[Insert Contract Number] 017419 - 3 8/30/2022
D. Washington State regulations (WAC 173-345-040) require a separate collection container
be provided for waste at jobsites that conduct recycling. Disposal shall comply with King
County Ordinance 18166 using facilities that comply with Solid Waste Division
Construction and Demolition Material Rule.
1. An updated list of facilities for King County is available at:
E. The following C&D Waste disposal bans apply to generators, handlers, collectors, and
privately- and publicly-owned facilities designated by King County to manage C&D
Waste, as authorized under King County Code Title 10:
1. As of January 1, 2016, the following materials are banned from disposal:
a. Concrete, asphalt paving and bricks, unpainted, without a hazardous constituent,
and not attached to other materials.
b. Metal, ferrous and nonferrous includes composite, multi-metal products or
products with nonmetal contaminants but metal content must be more than 90
percent by weight of the material.
c. Cardboard includes with tape, staples, and other fasteners and is dry and free
of contamination such as paint, grease, grime or dirt.
d. Unpainted new construction gypsum scrap that is dry and does not have
adhering spackling compound or excessive water damage that would prevent
e. Unpainted/untreated wood excludes particle board and laminated veneer wood.
2. Exceptions:
a. Bans do not apply where C&D Wastes are painted, have hazardous or asbestos
containing constituents, are glued, nailed or otherwise connected to other
material types, are present only in very small quantities, or are generated during
disaster emergency situations where disaster debris needs to be removed
quickly and recycling options are not available.
b. Waste residual from designated C&D Material Recovery Facilities (MRFs) may
contain up to 10 percent by total combined weight of the materials listed above,
based on the sampling methodology specified in the King County C&D MRF
Waste Residual Sampling Protocol.
3. In addition to the C&D materials banned from disposal by King County and the City
of Seattle the following materials often have viable recycling markets and should be
diverted for recycling whenever possible.
a. Carpet
b. Carpet pad
c. Window glass
King County [Insert Division] Section 017419
[Insert Project Name] Construction Waste Management
[Insert Contract Number] 017419 - 4 8/30/2022
d. Field office material, including office paper, aluminum cans, glass, plastic,
F. Diversion Rates
1. King County: Disposal for all King County capital projects shall comply with King
County Code 18.17.020 which provides in part that diversion rates for demolition
and construction debris achieve a minimum of 80%. Disposal shall comply with
K.C.C.10.30 using facilities that comply with Solid Waste Division Construction and
Demolition Waste Rule.
2. Projects using the Scorecard achieve points by achieving diversion rates of 50, 75
and 95% under credit CM 1.1-1.3.
3. LEED Rating System (for all non-residential projects): Projects using LEED achieve
points for achieving diversion rates of 50% (1 point) and 75%(1 additional point, 2
points total) under LEED 2009 MRc2.1-2.2 with an additional point available at 95%
diversion under Innovation in Design. All King County capital projects are required to
achieve 80% diversion and thus will be able to pursue at least 2 points in LEED
A. Regulatory Requirements: Comply with hauling, diversion, and disposal regulations of
authorities having jurisdiction.
B. Preconstruction Conference: A portion of the Preconstruction Conference shall be
dedicated to discussing C&D debris management, including:
1. Review methods and procedures related to C&D materials management, including
the requirements of each trade.
2. Review and discuss C&D materials management plan including responsibilities of
each subcontractor.
3. Review C&D debris diversion goal(s) and reporting requirements.
4. Review and finalize procedures for materials separation into container(s) for mixed
recycling, source separated container(s) if applicable and disposal/trash container.
5. Review container labeling. Verify availability of containers needed to avoid delays.
6. Review plan to maintain proper container signage through to the completion of the
7. Review procedures for periodic container collection and transportation to diversion
and disposal facilities.
C. Weekly Review: Discuss C&D debris management at least weekly during standard
safety/coordination meetings.
1. Possible Topics
a. Discuss highlights and shortcomings of the previous week’s diversion program
King County [Insert Division] Section 017419
[Insert Project Name] Construction Waste Management
[Insert Contract Number] 017419 - 5 8/30/2022
b. Overall project diversion rate in comparison to goals
c. Upcoming C&D issues on site
1) Moving/Locations of containers
2) Source separated bins on site for specific scopes/contractors
D. Orientations: Include C&D debris management in subcontractor site orientations.
A. Submit the following according to SECTION 01 33 00.
1. C&D Materials Management Plan: Submit plan prior to Preconstruction Conference.
2. Deconstruction and Salvage Assessment
3. C&D Materials Diversion Report(s): Submit completed waste report form prior to or
as part of Substantial Completion. Sample report form is included at the end of this
Section. Online reporting is also acceptable, as approved by the Project
A. Material Identification: Indicate anticipated types and quantities of demolition and
construction material generated by the Work.
B. C&D Material Reduction Work Plan: List each type of C&D material and whether it will be
salvaged, recycled, or disposed of in landfill. Include total quantity of each type of debris,
quantity for each means of recovery, and handling and transportation procedures.
C. Salvaged Materials
1. Reuse: For materials that will be salvaged and reused in this Project, describe
methods for preparing and storing salvaged materials before incorporation into the
2. For Sale: For materials that will be sold to individuals and organizations, include a
brief description of how the materials will be marketed for sale. Include list of their
names, addresses, and telephone numbers.
3. Donation: For materials that will be donated to individuals and organizations,
include names of recipient (if known).
D. Recycled Materials: Include list of local receivers and processors likely to be used and
type of recycled materials each will accept. Include names, addresses, and telephone
E. Disposed Materials: Indicate how and where waste will be disposed of. Include name,
address, and telephone number of each transfer station that is intended to be used.
Include also the landfill(s) in which the waste will be disposed.
King County [Insert Division] Section 017419
[Insert Project Name] Construction Waste Management
[Insert Contract Number] 017419 - 6 8/30/2022
F. Handling and Transportation Procedures: Include method that will be used for separating
recyclable materials from waste including sizes of containers, container labeling, and
designated location where materials separation will be performed.
G. General: Develop a C&D Materials Management Plan for this project that:
1. Is consistent with King County Ordinance 17709. King County projects can use the
C&D Materials Management Plan Template within the Sustainable Infrastructure
Scorecard/Annual Green Building Reporting form at:
. The plan should
be based on the one submitted at 30% design phase by the design team with any
appropriate updates for changes in design that influence materials management.
2. LEED Construction Waste Management Plans are not required to be in a specific
format. Specific information needs to be included in the Plan. The King County
above fulfill the LEED requirements and the C&D Plan can be used for LEED.
H. All non-recyclable C&D materials must be placed in a separate waste container, destined
for a landfill. A separate container is required by Washington State Law WAC 173-345-
A. General: If a salvage assessment has not already been provided, conduct a
deconstruction and salvage assessment of the structure and equipment to be removed
during the project using the template at the end of this section.
B. The Deconstruction and Salvage Assessment (DSA) must be submitted as part of the
C&D Materials Management Plan.
C. A 3
party verifying agent is required for projects involving whole building removal/interior
A. The Final Construction Material Management Report shall include the following.
1. For each material recycled, reused, or salvaged from the Project:
2. The total amount of the material, in tons or cubic yards.
3. The receiving party.
4. Net total costs or savings to the Project.
5. Manifests, weight tickets, receipts and invoices.
6. For mixed materials, include the appropriate monthly or quarterly construction and
demolition (C&D) diversion/recycling rate of the receiving facility. These rates are
available on-line at
Requirements/CertifiedFacilities/index.htm. Note that mixed materials must only be
recyclable materials. All non-recyclable C&D materials must be placed in a separate
waste container, destined for a landfill.
King County [Insert Division] Section 017419
[Insert Project Name] Construction Waste Management
[Insert Contract Number] 017419 - 7 8/30/2022
7. The total amount (in tons or cubic yards) of material disposed of as waste from the
Project, the location of the receiving facility, and the total disposal cost. Include
manifests, weight tickets, receipts and invoices.
a. Disposal Receipts: Copy of receipts issued by a disposal facility for C&D waste
that is disposed in a landfill.
b. Recycling Receipts: Copy of receipts issued by approved recycling facilities for
mixed materials. Include weight tickets from the recycling hauler or material
recovery facility and verification of the recycling rate for mixed loads at the
c. Salvaged Materials Documentation: Types and quantities, by weight, for
materials salvaged for reuse on site, sold or donated to a third party.
B. Note that material used as Alternative Daily Cover (ADC) or Industrial Waste Stabilizer
(IWS) do not count as diversion within the City of Seattle or King County. LEED v2009 for
New Construction allows the use of ADC and IWS to be counted as diverted. LEED for
Homes allows ADC and IWS to be counted as 50% diverted. LEED v4 does not allow
ADC or IWS to be counted as diverted. No LEED system includes hazardous waste or
land clearing debris in calculations.
C. Provide final C&D report and documentation as required.
1. King County: King County projects must report C&D diversion via the Sustainable
Infrastructure Scorecard/Annual Green Building Reporting form or via the use of
Green Halo on-line C&D tracking software (
2. Projects using the Sustainable Infrastructure Scorecard/ annual reporting form
available at:
not need to provide additional reporting. Final C&D Materials Diversion Report shall
be submitted at project completion.
3. LEED Rating System: Projects using LEED must complete the Credit Form and
provide required uploads (CWM Plan, Commingle Facility Diversion Rate
Documentation) directly through the project’s LEED Online portal.
A. King County Solid Waste Division Construction & Demolition Materials Diversion website:
general information on King County’s construction recycling program, program contact
and online resources.
1. Contact the King County Solid Waste Division at (206)477-4466 or
2. Publications may also be found on-line at
a. King County’s “What Do I Do With . . . ?” on-line database
with/King County GreenTools Construction Recycling Directory
King County [Insert Division] Section 017419
[Insert Project Name] Construction Waste Management
[Insert Contract Number] 017419 - 8 8/30/2022
3. King County Solid Waste Division List of C&D Recycling Facilities
4. Contact Kinley Deller of King County GreenTools at (206) 477-5272
A. General: Provide handling instructions, containers, storage, signage, transportation, and
other items as required to implement waste management plan during the entire duration
of the Contract.
B. Containers for C&D waste to be recycled and/or diverted clearly labeled with a list of
acceptable and unacceptable materials
1. The list of acceptable materials must be the same as the materials recycled at the
recycling processor or receiving material recovery facility.
2. Container labels, including list of acceptable and unacceptable materials shall be in
language(s) and/or pictures understood by all the Contractor’s and Subcontractors
3. Protect and manage containers and their contents in accordance with the
requirements of the recycling processor or receiving material recovery facility
C. Engage a waste diversion management coordinator to be responsible for implementing,
monitoring, and reporting status of the waste diversion management work plan. The
designated coordinator shall be someone who is present at Project site full time for
duration of Project.
D. Include a C&D Materials reduction provision in material purchasing agreements for
construction materials requesting that to the greatest extent possible materials and
equipment be delivered in packaging made of recyclable material, the amount of
packaging be reduced and packaging be taken back for reuse or recycling. Require that
subcontractors have the same waste reduction provisions in material purchasing
E. Training: Train employees, subcontractors, and suppliers on proper waste management
1. Distribute waste diversion plan to all on-site employees, subcontractors and
suppliers before starting the work. Review plan procedures and locations
established for salvage, recycling, reuse and disposal with new employees.
F. Site Access and Temporary Controls: Conduct waste management operations to ensure
minimum interference with roads, streets, walks, walkways, and other adjacent occupied
and used facilities. Designate and label specific areas on Project site necessary for
separating materials that are to be salvaged, recycled, and reused.
King County [Insert Division] Section 017419
[Insert Project Name] Construction Waste Management
[Insert Contract Number] 017419 - 9 8/30/2022
G. Conduct regular visual inspections of containers, and remove any unacceptable
A. Salvaged Items for Reuse in the Work:
1. Clean salvaged items.
a. Pack or crate items after cleaning. Identify contents of containers.
b. Store items in a secure area until installation.
c. Protect items from damage during transport and storage.
d. Install salvaged items to comply with installation requirements for new materials
and equipment. Provide connections, supports, and miscellaneous materials
necessary to make items functional for use indicated.
B. Salvaged Items for Removal From Site:
1. Clean salvaged items.
a. Pack or crate items after cleaning. Identify contents of containers.
b. Store items in a secure area until delivery.
c. Transport items to a storage area designated by Project Representative
d. Protect items from damage during transport and storage.
A. Packaging:
1. Cardboard and Boxes: Break down packaging into flat sheets. Bundle and store in
a dry location.
2. Polystyrene Packaging: Separate and bag materials.
3. Pallets: As much as possible, collect pallets for reuse, and require deliveries using
pallets to remove pallets from Project site. For pallets that remain on-site, recycle
with clean wood.
4. Crates: Break down crates and recycle with clean wood.
B. Wood Materials:
1. Clean Sawdust: Bag sawdust that does not contain painted or treated wood.
2. Reusable: Sort and stack materials according to size, type, and length as required
for reuse.
3. Non-Reusable:
King County [Insert Division] Section 017419
[Insert Project Name] Construction Waste Management
[Insert Contract Number] 017419 - 10 8/30/2022
a. Clean wood shall be recycled.
b. Painted and treated wood should be disposed of as waste.
C. Concrete:
1. Pulverize concrete to maximum size suitable for recycling or reuse applications
identified in the C&D Materials Management Plan.
2. Reinforcement may need to be removed and recycled with other metals, dependent
on the requirements of the concrete receiving facility
3. Concrete removed as a result of selective demolition shall be recycled by
transporting to established concrete recycling facilities.
4. Contractor shall maintain records, including weight tickets, of all recycled concrete
loads and provide to King County a compilation of tons of concrete recycled upon
project completion.
D. Green Waste (Landclearing) Recycling
1. Green waste, such as trees, plants, and brush, removed as a result of selective
demolition shall be recycled by delivery to established compost facilities. Contractor
shall maintain records, including weight tickets, of all recycled green waste loads
and provide to King County a compilation of tons of green waste recycled upon
project completion.
E. Scrap Metal Recycling: Separate metals by type.
1. Scrap metal, such as fencing and old reinforcement bar, removed as a result of
selective demolition shall be recycled at established metal recycling facilities.
Candidate facilities are listed below, but do not represent an endorsement.
Contractor may propose alternative facilities.
2. Contractor shall maintain records, including weight tickets, of all recycled metal
loads and provide to King County a compilation of tons of scrap metal recycled upon
project completion.
A. General: Except for items or materials to be salvaged, recycled, or otherwise reused,
remove waste materials from Project site and legally dispose of them, via a transfer
station acceptable to authorities having jurisdiction.
B. Containers for C&D waste to be disposed in landfill shall be clearly labeled.
C. Some materials, such as filter fabric, plastic perforated pipe, pipe insulation, and roofing
felt/protection board, are not readily recyclable. Such material is to be disposed of as
waste. Contractor is responsible for loading and transportation of solid waste. Weight
tickets of solid waste loads are to be maintained and written documentation provided to
King County upon project completion.
D. Except as otherwise specified, do not allow waste materials that are to be disposed of to
accumulate on-site.
King County [Insert Division] Section 017419
[Insert Project Name] Construction Waste Management
[Insert Contract Number] 017419 - 11 8/30/2022
E. Remove and transport debris in a manner that will prevent spillage on adjacent surfaces
and areas.
F. Burning: Do not burn or incinerate waste materials.