Section 9003
Biorefinery, Renewable Chemical and Biobased
Product Manufacturing Assistance
Fiscal Year 2022 Program Application Guide
Instructions and notice to applicants:
This guide is intended to help you, but you do not have to use it in order to
submit an application.
Using the application guide will not favorably impact your application.
Regardless of whether or not you use the guide, you must complete and submit
all required federal forms and registrations, and include documentation that
supports applicant and project eligibility claims, as well as priority points.
You also must ensure you provide complete responses to all eligibility and
evaluation questions. This includes summarizations of certain parts of your
business plan, which you also will provide in its entirety as an attachment to your
Incomplete applications will not be considered for funding.
Certifications, statements, and other standard terms used in this guide
(examples include “you,” “I,” “we,” “it,” “applicant,” “entity,” and borrower,”
among others) refer to the legal entity applying for the loan guarantee. By
checking, signing, or otherwise acknowledging these elements, you confirm
they are true and correct.
To be considered for Section 9003 program funding, you must submit your
complete, signed Phase 1 application and all required documents no later than
11:59 p.m. eastern time on [month, day, year]. You will find submittal
instructions under the “Application format, template, and submittal” subheading
on page 6.
A note about website links: For ease of reference, this guide provides links to relevant,
useful information hosted outside the USDA domain. Federal endorsement of non-
USDA programs or activities is neither intended nor implied. Please be aware that,
when you access information through a link provided in this document, you are subject
to the copyright and licensing restrictions of those sites. All links in this document were
active as of July 2022.
Table of Contents
Instructions and notice to applicants: ..................................... 2
Program Overview .................................................................. 5
Document Purpose ................................................................. 5
Required Forms ...................................................................... 6
Application Letter of Intent ...................................................... 6
Application Resources ............................................................ 6
Application Format, Submittal, and Template ......................... 6
Phase 1 Application Requirements ......................................... 7
Section 1: Project Summary .................................................... 7
Section 2: Application Form .................................................... 8
Section 3: Financial Statements .............................................. 8
Section 4: Financial Model ...................................................... 8
Section 5: Feasibility Study ..................................................... 8
Section 6: Business Plan ........................................................ 9
Section 7: Scoring Information ................................................ 9
Section 8: Intergovernmental Consultation ............................. 9
Phase 2 Application Requirements ......................................... 9
Section 1: Technical Report or Assessment ......................... 10
Section 2: Environmental Assessment or Report .................. 10
Section 3: Update of Application Materials ........................... 11
Section 4: Other Information ................................................. 11
Section 5: Lender Analysis and Credit Evaluation ................ 11
Section 6: Appraisals ............................................................ 12
Section 7: Lender’s Proposed Loan Agreement ................... 12
Section 8: Estimated Timing of Loan Closing ........................ 12
Section 9: Credit Rating ........................................................ 12
Appendix A: Phase 1 Application Structure .......................... 14
Document Naming Conventions: .......................................... 14
Phase 1 Application Tab Order ............................................ 15
Appendix B: Feasibility Study Outline ................................... 17
Appendix C: Business Plan Outline ...................................... 23
Scoring Criteria ..................................................................... 25
Technical Assessment or Technical Report .......................... 32
Program Overview
The Biorefinery, Renewable Chemical, and Biobased Product Manufacturing
Assistance Program also known as the “Section 9003 program” provides loan
guarantees to eligible applicants for the “development, construction, and retrofitting of
commercial-scale biorefineries using eligible technology.”
You can learn more about the definitions associated with the Section 9003 program in
Subpart C, Section 4279.202 at this
Federal Register
Additional background information is available in 7 CFR 4287, subpart D (available at
this link:
While originally authorized in Title IX of the 2008 Farm Bill (Public Law 110-246,
available at this link: - PDF), the Section 9003 program was
amended in the 2014 Farm Bill (Public Law 113-79, available at this link: - PDF) with several changes designed to ensure greater
diversity in the types of projects approved.
Among the revisions:
The program now includes renewable chemicals and biobased product
Program language more clearly defines renewable chemicals and types of
biobased product manufacturing
The Section 9003 program application process has two phases. Phase 1 determines
lender, borrower, and project eligibility, assesses preliminary economic and technical
feasibility, and assigns a priority score to the application. Using Phase 1 scores to rank
applicants, we will then invite high-scoring applicants to submit Phase 2 applications.
Phase 2 application materials must be submitted as project planning and engineering
is finalized, and includes such things as environmental assessments, technical reports,
financial models, and the lender’s credit evaluation. NOTE: Ranked Phase 1 applicants
not invited to submit a Phase 2 application will be carried forward and can be used to
apply for one additional cycle.
Document Purpose
The purpose of this guide is to help eligible applicants navigate Section 9003 program
application requirements and submit a complete application as required in the Notice
of Funding Opportunity published in the
Federal Register
(available at this link:
Required Forms
The following forms (available at this link: the “To
Apply” tab) are required to complete your Section 9003 program application:
Form RD 4279-1 “Application for Loan Guarantee” (available at this link: - PDF)
Application Letter of Intent
Before you submit your application, you must submit a letter of intent identifying the
borrower, the lender, and project sponsors. Either the lender or borrower can submit
this letter, which must describe the project and its location, proposed feedstock, the
primary conversion technologies of the facility, the products to be produced, and an
estimate of total project cost. Unless otherwise specified by a notice in the
, the letter of intent is due no later than 30 days prior to the application due
dates April 1 and October 1, respectively. In certain circumstances and at our
discretion, we will consider applications submitted without a letter of intent.
Application Resources
The Section 9003 program fact sheet is available at this link:
Application Format, Submittal, and Template
Your application must be submitted electronically, and you must also mail a single
hard copy of it to the address provided below. Carefully follow the table of contents
and file name conventions described in Appendix A, and use a font size of 10 or larger
in all your materials.
While we prefer you submit your electronic files using a web-based portal such as Box,
(available at or Microsoft OneDrive, (available at, you can also submit it by email to
If you choose to use Adobe Acrobat, be sure your files are bookmarked and
searchable. We prefer Microsoft Excel for financial information, including your financial
model and pro-forma financial statements.
Submit your complete, hard copy application to:
USDA Rural Development
Rural Business-Cooperative Service
1400 Independence Avenue, S.W.
Mail Stop 3201
Washington, D.C. 20250-3201
Phase 1 Application Requirements
The Phase 1 application allows USDA Rural Development to evaluate, prioritize, and
select applications for the Phase 2 process. Your Phase 1 application must provide
enough information for us to determine lender, borrower, and project eligibility, assess
your project’s economic and technical feasibility, and help us assign a priority score.
Your application must clearly and accurately identify the processes used to produce
your products, their state of development (such as lab, pilot, or demonstration), and
current deployment scale. In addition, you must provide a persuasive reason for your
project, and all application criteria must be supported by true statements of fact.
Lenders must submit a complete application for each loan guarantee sought. Phase 1
applications must contain the information specified in 7 CFR Part 4279.161 (available
at this link: and summarized below, and be organized using
a table of contents as described in Appendix A, using the format explained below.
Section 1: Project Summary
Limit your summary to one page. Note: A summary extracted from your Letter of Intent
(LOI) is acceptable.
Title: Provide a descriptive title for your project.
Borrower Eligibility: Describe how you meet the eligibility criteria in 7 CFR
4279.209 (available at this link:
Project Eligibility: Describe how the project meets the eligibility criteria in 7 CFR
4279.210 (available at this link: State whether the
application is for construction and development or retrofitting of a biorefinery, or
instead is for the construction and development or retrofitting of a biobased
product manufacturing facility.
Project Funds: Submit a spreadsheet identifying fund sources, amounts, and
availability. Include funds source contact information. Attach applications or
other pertinent communication between the borrower and the fund source.
Project Timeline: Create a timeline beginning with loan application Phase 1, and
incorporating loan application Phase 2. Include final project planning and
engineering, anticipated completion of environmental documentation, obtaining
required permits, loan closing, plant construction, commissioning, and ramp-up,
ending with a stabilized state of operation.
Provide an executive summary, project action plan, and scope of work
Include your strategy, activities, budget, goals, and objectives
Describe plans to maintain project sustainability once the loan guarantee has
been issued
Section 2: Application Form
Use Form RD 4279-1 (available at this link: - PDF) to
complete your application. Your proposed lender must complete Part B. Reminder:
Incomplete applications will not be considered.
Section 3: Financial Statements
You must provide the following:
The borrower’s most recent audited financial statements, unless alternative
financial statements are authorized by USDA Rural Development
A current (not more than 90 days old) balance sheet, and a pro-forma balance
sheet at startup
Section 4: Financial Model
Using an electronic format, submit a financial model with a projected budget and
balance sheets, income, expense, and cash flow statements, and working capital and
capital expense projections for the full term of the loan. Projections must be:
Displayed in a monthly format, cover a period of three years after stabilized
operation, and then be submitted annually thereafter
Supported by a list of assumptions illustrating their basis
Note: Depending on the complexity of the project and the borrower’s financial
condition, we may seek additional financial statements and other relevant information.
Section 5: Feasibility Study
Your feasibility study must be prepared by a qualified, independent third party using
information gathered from other qualified parties. Examples include independent
engineering reports, marketing and feedstock studies, business plans, and financial
statements prepared by certified public accountants. Technical feasibility information
must indicate the project’s current scale of development. By this is meant technology
demonstrated at laboratory scale, pilot scale, demonstration scale, or nearing full-scale
production deployment.
When a specific technology (for example, pyrolysis) is indicated, include whether the
process is fast or slow, and identify yields.
All information used to prepare your feasibility study must be submitted as
attachments. Examples of acceptable feasibility study elements are outlined in
Appendix B.
Section 6: Business Plan
The lender must submit the borrower’s business plan, including all information
specified in Appendix C, paragraph F, numbers 1 10.
Section 7: Scoring Information
Your application must contain information in a format that meets the scoring criteria
outlined in 7 CFR 4279.266 (available at this link:
Recommendation: Cross-reference your information to the portions of your application
that support that section. (For more information, see “Scoring Criteria” in Appendix D.)
Section 8: Intergovernmental Consultation
Intergovernmental consultation comments are required as part of 2 CFR Part 415,
Subpart C (available at this link: If you need help with this
section, please contact the Rural Energy Coordinator in the USDA Rural Development
state office closest to the location of your proposed project. A list is available at - PDF.
During Phase 1, USDA Rural Development will screen all complete project
applications. Once project eligibility is established, preliminary economic and technical
feasibility, financial statements, and business plans will be reviewed, given a priority
score, and ranked competitively.
In addition to confirming eligibility, all applications will be evaluated for technical and
financial merit, reasonable assurance of repayment, sufficient project equity, and
compliance with applicable statues and regulations.
Note: Because our review relies on accurate, detailed information to determine priority
scores, it is crucial to provide as much credible information as possible. The highest
ranking projects will be selected to apply for Phase 2.
Phase 2 Application Requirements
USDA Rural Development will notify Phase 2 applicants of their selection in writing.
Phase 2 application materials must be submitted using 7 CFR Part 4279.261(k)
(available at this link: as your project planning and
engineering is finalized.
You must include as summarized below a technical report, environmental
assessment, financial model, and the lender’s credit evaluation as specified in 7 CFR
Part 4279.215 (available at this link:
Section 1: Technical Report or Assessment
Your technical report or assessment must be completed by a qualified independent
engineer as described in Appendix E and in 7 CFR 4279.161(k)(8) (available at this
Our determination of your project’s technical feasibility is based on this report. In
addition, reliable evidence showing 120 days of continuous, steady-state production
from an integrated demonstration unit (IDU) must be provided to the lender and to
USDA Rural Developmentfor review and determination of technical feasibility.
Reliable integrated demonstration campaign results also must be provided in 30-day
intervalsincluding a comprehensive final technical report by an independent
engineer (IE)at the conclusion of the integrated demonstration period.
The integrated demonstration unit must prove the ability to use project-relevant
feedstock and produce advanced biofuel, renewable chemical, or biobased product at
a yield, unit production level, quantity, and quality consistent with the design basis of
the project. The borrower must provide USDA Rural Development sufficient information
on the integrated campaign design ensuring that operation duration, quality, and
quantity specifications are incorporated into the final design for the commercial facility.
Section 2: Environmental Assessment or Report
Your environmental assessment or report must meet National Environmental Policy Act
(NEPAan overview is available at this link: and USDA Rural
Development (7 CFR 1970 available at this link: policies
and requirements.
Guidelines for preparing your environmental assessment or report can be found on our
Environmental Guidance webpage at this link: Each proposal
will be evaluated on a case-by-case basis to determine the proper level of NEPA
review by USDA Rural Development environmental staff. Both the lender and borrower
must cooperate with USDA in preparing the review.
Caution: Actions taken prior to or during the application process that could have a
negative impact on the environment (for example, starting construction prior to
completion of the environmental review) can result in project ineligibility.
Thus, it is important to contact us at [email protected]v as soon as you
decide to seek Section 9003 program funding. We will help you determine the
environmental requirements for your project.
You must also provide accurate environmental information beginning with day one of
the application process, and continue to note all changes and revisions throughout the
project’s course of development.
Section 3: Update of Application Materials
As necessary, provide updates to the application materials you submitted in Phase 1.
Section 4: Other Information
Provide any other information requested by USDA Rural Development. (Examples
include contracts and agreements for feedstock, offtake, engineering, procurement,
construction, and so on.)
Section 5: Lender Analysis and Credit Evaluation
The lender must analyze all credit factors associated with each proposed loan, and
apply its professional judgment to determine that, considered together, the credit
factors ensure loan repayment. The application must adequately address all key risk
factors that contribute to the creditworthiness of the project. USDA Rural Development
will carefully review the lender’s analysis to assess project strengths and weaknesses.
We will perform technical, financial, and legal reviews to identify and assess the scale
and impact of risks associated with the project, the allocation of risk among the parties,
and the extent to which risks are mitigated. Examples of risk factors include:
Debt service and structure: debt service coverage, equity contribution, debt
maturity, financial covenants, derivatives, and liquidity
Project revenue: off-take agreements, counterparty credit, market demand,
industry, and competition
Technology: commercial availability, complexity and scalability, equipment
warranties, and guarantees
Project sponsor and structure: ownership and equity investment
Operational: management team, USDA Rural Development contract terms,
availability of labor, and pass-through
Construction and Completion: Engineering, procurement, and construction
(EPC) contract, cost structure, delay risk, and contingency plans
Legal: ability to ring-fence assets, step-in rights, Intellectual Property (IP) rights,
strength of contracts, land leases and permits; and state and local regulations
Resources and Feedstocks: strength and duration of agreements; availability of
substitute feedstocks
Infrastructure: Site and facilities condition, utility requirements, maintenance
and improvement plans
Section 6: Appraisals
Appraisals conducted as specified under CFR 4279.244 (available at this link: Our detailed evaluation of your appraisals will be based on
the nature of the collateral pledged, reports submitted by the lender, and expected
cash availability under a default scenario.
Section 7: Lender’s Proposed Loan Agreement
You must provide a proposed or sample loan agreement that addresses:
Prohibition against assuming the liabilities or obligations of others
Restrictions on dividend payments
Limitations on the purchase or sale of equipment and fixed assets
Limitations on compensation of officers and owners
Minimum working capital or current ratio requirement
Maximum debt-to-net worth ratio
Restrictions concerning consolidations, mergers, or similar circumstances
Limitations on selling the business without lender concurrence
Loan repayment and amortization
Section 8: Estimated Timing of Loan Closing
Provide an estimate timing of loan closing and issuance of the loan note guarantee
(pre- or post-construction).
Section 9: Credit Rating
Provide an evaluation and rating of the project’s total indebtednesswithout
consideration of a guarantee from the federal governmentfrom a nationally-
recognized (and USDA Rural Development-approved) rating agency. Examples of
USDA-approved rating agencies can be found on the U.S. Securities and Exchange
website at this link:
Appendix A Phase 1 Application Structure
Section 9003
Biorefinery, Renewable Chemical and Biobased
Product Manufacturing Assistance
Fiscal Year 2022 Program Application Guide
Appendix A: Phase 1 Application Structure
Electronic files can be sent to us using a web-based portal (preferred) such as Box,
(available at or Microsoft OneDrive, (available at, In addition to submitting your application
electronically, you must also send one hard copy to us at this address:
USDA Rural Development
Chris Cassidy
USDA Research Center
24106 N Bunn Rd
Prosser, WA 99350
Follow the table of contents and file name formats noted below. Your hard-bound copy
must include:
A cover sheet with your project title, the lender and borrower’s names, and a
brief project description
Page numbers
Labeled tabs as described in the section below
Document Naming Conventions:
Use the following naming conventions to label your electronic files:
[Project name] followed by an underscore (_) and then [Type of application
Here is an example using Adobe Portable Document Format (PDF):
If your application includes multiple files, use this naming convention:
[Project name] followed by an underscore (_) and then [Type of application
document] followed by another underscore (_), and then [Application document
subpart with title, numbered consecutively]
Using the example of a feasibility study that includes multiple files, here is how the
naming convention looks for an Adobe Portable Document Format (PDF):
Phase 1 Application Tab Order
Reference: CFR Part 4279.261 (a) - (j)available at this link:
A. Tab 1: Project Summary (include page numbers for each item listed below)
1. Title
2. Borrower eligibility
3. Project eligibility
4. Project funds
5. Project timeline
B. Tab 2: Application Form
C. Tab 3: Financial Statements (include page numbers for each item listed below)
1. Borrower’s audited financial statements
2. Balance sheets
D. Tab 4: Project Financial Model
E. Tab 5: Feasibility Study
F. Tab 6: Business Plan
G. Tab 7: Scoring Information
H. Tab 8: Intergovernmental Consultation
I. Tab 9: Other Information (identify and tab as necessary)
Appendix B Feasibility Study Outline
Section 9003
Biorefinery, Renewable Chemical and Biobased
Product Manufacturing Assistance
Fiscal Year 2022 Program Application Guide
Appendix B: Feasibility Study Outline
Reference: 7 CFR Part 4279.261 (e) available at this link:
Executive Summary
1. Introduction and a brief, general project overview
2. Economic feasibility determination
3. Market feasibility determination
4. Technical feasibility determination
5. Financial feasibility determination
6. Management feasibility determination
7. Recommendations for implementation
Economic Feasibility
Describe your feedstock. Include:
Feedstock source management
Estimates of feedstock volumes and costs
Collection, pre-treatment, transportation, and storage
Feedstock risks
Verify that woody biomass feedstock from National Forest System or
public lands will not be used for a higher-value product
Describe the impact on similar biorefineries in the area in which the
borrower proposes to locate the project, if applicable
Describe the potential impact on existing manufacturing plants or other
facilities that use similar feedstock if your proposed production
technology is adopted
Provide projections of impact on resource conservation, public health,
and the environment
Include economic feasibility details about your project site such as a
description of its size and suitability, proximity to utilities and modes of
transportation, storage options, and so on
Confirm access to trained or trainablelabor
Describe the availability of infrastructure, including utilities, and
transportation (road, rail, and so on) to the site
Explain the overall economic impact of your project. Include direct and
indirect jobs created or saved, additional markets created for agricultural
and forestry products and agricultural waste material, and the potential
for rural economic development
Discuss the feasibility of and any plans for your project to work with
producer associations or cooperatives. Include the estimated amount of
feedstock purchased annually from or sold to producer associations
and cooperatives
Market Feasibility
1. Information on the sales organization and management
2. An explanation of the nature and extent of the market, along with the
market area
3. Marketing plans for the sale of projected output-principal products and
4. Extent of competition, including other similar facilities, in the market area
5. Commitments from purchasers of off-take -principal products and
secondary products, degree of commitment, duration or terms of off-take
agreements, and the financial strength of counterparties
6. Risks related to the industry, including
a. Industry status
b. Specific market risks
c. Competitive threats and advantages
Technical Feasibility
1. Suitability of the selected site for the intended use
2. Scale of development for which the process technology has been proven
(for instance, pilot, demonstration, or semi-work scale facility). Provide
evidence that the proposed technology is feasible and can succeed.
NOTE: The proposed technology must meet the definition of “eligible
technologyas described in 7 CFR 4279.202 (available at this link:
3. The degree of integration of all processes. A summary of any integrated
demonstration unit test results also must be submitted.
4. Specific volume produced from the technology of the process (expressed
either as volume of feedstock processed in tons-per-unit of time, or as
product in gallons-per-unit of time)
5. Identification and estimation of project operation and development costs,
specifying the level of accuracy of the estimates, and the assumptions
upon which they are based
6. Detailed analysis of project costs, including:
a. Project management, professional services, and resource
b. Project design and permitting
c. Land agreements and site preparation
d. Equipment requirements, along with system installation startup and
e. Warranties, insurance, financing, and operation and maintenance
7. Projected timeline describing borrower plans from the time of loan
application through plant construction, commissioning, and ramp-up
8. Potential for commercial replication of the proposed system
9. Risks related to:
a. Biorefinery construction
b. Production of the advanced biofuel and biobased product, including
renewable chemical, if applicable
c. Regulation and governmental action
d. Design-related factors that can impact project success
e. Technology scale-up risk
Financial Feasibility
1. Address the reliability of the financial projections and the assumptions
upon which they are based. Include all sources and uses of project
capital, private or public, and federal or non-federal funds. Provide
detailed descriptions and analysis of projected balance sheets, income,
expense, and cash flow statements covering the useful life of the project.
2. Provide a detailed description of the degree to which the project’s
financial feasibility is dependent upon:
a. Investment incentives
b. Productivity incentives
c. Loans and grants
3. Identify project authorities, renewable identification numbers (RINs)
value, tax credits, other credits, and any subsidies that affect the project
4. Address any constraints or limitations in the financial projections
5. Describe the ability of the business to achieve the projected income and
cash flow
6. Assess the cost accounting system
7. Confirm the availability of short-term credit or other means to meet
seasonal business costs
8. Verify the adequacy of raw materials and supplies
9. Provide a sensitivity analysis, including feedstock and energy costs,
along with product and byproduct prices
10. Address risks related to the:
a. Project
b. Borrower financing plan
c. Operational units
d. Tax issues
Management Feasibility
1. Highlight borrower’s or management’s previous experience concerning:
a. Production of advanced biofuel and biobased product, including
renewable chemicals, as applicable
b. Acquisition of feedstock
c. Marketing and sale of off-take
d. The receipt of federal financial assistance, including amount of
funding, date received, purpose, and outcome
2. Describe your management plan for the procurement of feedstock and
labor, marketing of the off-take, and management succession.
3. Address risks related to:
a. The borrower as a company (for example, identify potential
development stage risks regarding the structure of your
management team or other personnel)
b. Conflicts of interest
c. Management strengths and weaknesses
You must submit a resume or statement of qualifications of the application
author and any contributors to the feasibility study. Include the prior, applicable
experience of all pertinent parties.
Appendix C Business Plan Outline
Section 9003
Biorefinery, Renewable Chemical and Biobased
Product Manufacturing Assistance
Fiscal Year 2022 Program Application Guide
Appendix C: Business Plan Outline
Reference: 7 CFR Part 4279.261 (f)available at this link:
The lender must submit the borrower’s business plan and include the information
specified below. NOTE: This information can be omitted if it is included in your
feasibility study.
Describe or provide an organizational chart of the borrower’s ownership
structure and any affiliation with other entities. List their names, and describe
the relationship of the borrower’s parent company, affiliates, and subsidiaries.
Identify local ownership, if applicable.
The borrower’s succession planning, addressing both ownership and
The borrower’s experience and management experience
The products and services to be provided, and the borrower’s business
Possible vendors, and models of major system components
The availability of the resources (for example, labor, raw materials, and
supplies) necessary to provide the planned products and services
Site location and its relation to product distribution (for example, rail lines or
highways) and any land use or other permits necessary to operate the facility
The market for the product and its competition, including any competitive
threats and advantages
Projected balance sheets, income and expense statements, and cash flow
statements for a period of not less than three years of stabilized operation
A description of the proposed use of funds
Appendix D Scoring Criteria
Section 9003
Biorefinery, Renewable Chemical and Biobased
Product Manufacturing Assistance
Fiscal Year 2022 Program Application Guide
Scoring Criteria
Reference: 7 CFR Part 4279.266 available at this link:
USDA Rural Development will score each eligible application that meets the minimum
requirements for technical and economic feasibility. A maximum of 125 points is
possible. The criteria include determining if the borrower has established a market for
the advanced biofuel and biobased products, including renewable chemicals, as
applicable. A maximum of 20 points is possible. Points are determined as follows:
Degree of commitment on off-take agreements. A maximum of 6 points is
If the borrower has signed off-take agreements for the purchase for more than
50 percent of the dollar value of off-take, 6 points will be awarded.
If the borrower has signed letters of intent to enter into off-take agreements (or
comparable documentation) for the purchase for more than 50 percent of the
dollar value of off-take (or, a combination of signed contracts or agreements,
letters of intent, or comparable documentation), 4 points will be awarded.
If the borrower has signed letters of interest to enter into off-take agreements
(or comparable documentation) for the purchase for more than 50 percent of
the dollar value of off-take (or, a combination of signed off-take agreements,
letters of intent, or comparable documentation), 2 points will be awarded.
Degree of commitment of off-take agreements
Points awarded: ___ / 6
Duration of off-take agreements. A maximum of 6 points is possible.
If the borrower commits to enter into off-take agreements prior to loan closing
for the purchase for equal to or greater than 50 percent of the dollar value of
off-take for the period not less than the loan term, 6 points will be awarded.
If the borrower commits to enter into off-take agreements prior to loan closing
for the purchase for equal to or greater than 50 percent of the dollar value of
off-take for the period not less than 5 years, but less than the term of the loan,
4 points will be awarded.
If the borrower commits to enter into off-take agreements prior to loan closing
for the purchase for equal to or greater than 50 percent of the dollar value of
off-take for the period not less than 1 year, but less than 5 years, 2 points will
be awarded.
Duration of off-take agreements
Points awarded: ___ / 6
Financial strength of the off-take counterparty. A maximum of 4 points is
If the borrower commits to enter into off-take agreements prior to loan closing
for purchase for equal to or greater than 50 percent of the dollar value of off-
take, with an off-take counterparty with a corporate credit rating not less than
AA, Aa2, or equivalent, 4 points will be awarded.
If the borrower commits to enter into off-take agreements prior to loan closing
for the purchase for equal to or greater than 50 percent of the dollar value of
off-take, with an off-take counterparty with a corporate credit rating less than
AA, Aa2, or equivalent, but not less than A-, or A3, or equivalent, 2 points will
be awarded.
If the borrower commits to enter into off-take agreements prior to loan closing
for the purchase for equal to or greater than 50 percent of the dollar value of
off-take, with an off- take counterparty with a corporate credit rating less than
A-, or A3, or equivalent, but not less than BBB-, or Baa3, or equivalent, 1 point
will be awarded.
Financial strength of the off-take counterparty
Points awarded: ___ / 4
Revenue dependency on sales tax credits, carbon credits, or other federal or
state subsidies. A maximum of 4 points is possible.
If the total of revenues from tax credits, carbon credits, or other federal or
state subsidies is less than or equal to 10 percent of the project’s total
revenues on an annual basis in the borrower’s base case of financial
projections, 4 points will be awarded.
If the total of revenues from tax credits, carbon credits, or other federal or
state subsidies is greater than 10 percent but less than or equal to 20
percent of the project’s total revenues on an annual basis in the borrower’s
base case of financial projections, 2 points will be awarded.
If the total of revenues from tax credits, carbon credits, or other federal or
state subsidies is greater than 20 percent but less than or equal to 30
percent of the project’s total revenues on an annual basis in the Borrower’s
base case of financial projections, 1 point will be awarded.
Revenue dependency on subsidies
Points awarded: ___ / 4
Whether the area in which the borrower proposes to locate the project (defined
as the area that will supply the feedstock to the proposed project), has any other
similar facilities. A maximum of 5 points is possible. Points are determined as
If the area that will supply the feedstock to the proposed project does not
have any other similar facilities, 5 points will be awarded.
If there are other similar facilities located within the area that will supply the
feedstock to the proposed project, 0 points will be awarded.
Does the area already have similar facilities?
Points awarded: ___ / 5
Whether the borrower is proposing to use a feedstock or biobased output of
biorefineries not previously used in the production of advanced biofuels or
biobased products, including renewable chemicals. A maximum of 10 points is
possible. Points are determined as follows:
If the borrower proposes to use a feedstock previously used in the
production of advanced biofuels and biobased products, including
renewable chemicals, in a commercial facility, 0 points will be awarded.
If the borrower proposes to use a feedstock not previously used in the
production of advanced biofuels and biobased products, including
renewable chemicals, in a commercial facility, 10 points will be awarded.
Output not previously used?
Points awarded: ___ / 10
Whether the borrower proposes to work with producer associations or
cooperatives. A maximum of 5 points is possible. Points are determined as
If at least 50 percent of the dollar value of feedstock to be used by the
proposed project will be supplied by producer associations and
cooperatives, 5 points will be awarded.
If at least 30 percent of the dollar value of feedstock to be used by the
proposed project will be supplied by producer associations and
cooperatives, 3 points will be awarded.
Producer associations or cooperatives
Points awarded: ___ / 5
The level of financial participation by the borrower, including support from non-
federal government sources and private sources. A maximum of 20 points is
possible. Points are determined as follows:
If the sum of the loan amount requested and other direct federal funding is
less than or equal to 50 percent of the total eligible project cost, 20 points
will be awarded.
If the sum of the loan amount requested and other direct federal funding is
greater than 50 percent but less than or equal to 55 percent of the total
eligible project cost, 16 points will be awarded.
If the sum of the loan amount requested and other direct federal funding is
greater than 55 percent but less than or equal to 60 percent of the total
eligible project cost, 12 points will be awarded.
If the sum of the loan amount and other direct federal funding is greater than
60 percent but less than or equal to 65 percent of total eligible project cost,
8 points will be awarded.
If the sum of the loan amount and other direct federal funding is greater than
65 percent but less than or equal to 70 percent of the total eligible project
cost, 4 points will be awarded.
Non-federal government resources
Points awarded: ___ / 20
Whether the borrower has established that the process proposed will have a
positive effect on three impact areas: resource conservation (such as water, soil,
forest), public health (potable water, air quality), and the environment (meeting
renewable fuel standards, reducing greenhouse gas emissions or particulate
matter). A maximum of 10 points is possible. Points are determined as follows:
If process adoption will have a positive impact on any one of the three
impact areas, 3 points will be awarded.
If process adoption will have a positive impact on two of the three impact
areas, 6 points will be awarded.
If process adoption will have a positive impact on all three impact areas, 10
points will be awarded.
NOTE: If the project proposes to use a feedstock that can be used for human or
animal consumption, 5 points will be deducted from the score.
Positive effect on three impact areas
Points awarded: ___ / 10
Whether the borrower can establish that the proposed technology will not have
any economically-significant negative impact on existing manufacturing plants
or other facilities using similar feedstocks or biobased outputs. A maximum of 5
points is possible. Points are determined as follows:
If the borrower has failed to establish through an independent, third-party
feasibility study that the proposed technology will not have any economically-
significant negative impact on existing manufacturing plants or other facilities
using similar feedstocks, 0 points will be awarded.
If the borrower has established through an independent, third-party feasibility
study that the proposed technology will not have any economically-significant
negative impact on existing manufacturing plants or other facilities uses
similar feedstocks, 5 points will be awarded.
NOTE: If the feedstock is wood pellets, 0 points will be awarded.
Economically-significant negative impacts
Points awarded: ___ / 5
The potential for rural economic development. A maximum of 20 points is
possible. Points are determined as follows:
If the project is in a rural area as defined in 7 U.S.C. 1991(a)(13)(A) and (D)
(available at 5 points will be awarded.
If the project creates jobs through direct employment with an average wage
that exceeds the county median household wages where the project will be
located, 5 points will be awarded.
If the majority of feedstock to be used by the project on an annual basis is
harvested from the land, 10 points will be awarded.
Potential rural economic development
Points awarded: ___ / 20
The level of local ownership of the facility proposed in the application. A
maximum of 5 points is possible. Points are awarded as follows:
If local owners have an ownership interest in the facility of more than 20
percent, but less than or equal to 50 percent, 3 points will be awarded.
If local owners have an ownership interest in the facility of more than 50
percent, 5 points will be awarded.
Local ownership
Points awarded: ___ / 5
Whether the project can be replicated. A maximum of 10 points is possible.
Points are determined as follows:
If the project can be commercially replicated on a regional basis (for
example in the Northeast, Southwest, and so on) 5 points will be awarded.
If the project can be commercially replicated nationally, 10 points will be
Degree to which the project can be replicated
Points awarded: ___ / 10
If the project uses a particular technology, system, or process that was not
operating at commercial scale as of October 1 of the fiscal year for which the
funding is available, 5 points will be awarded.
Uses a particular non-commercial scale technology
Points awarded: ___ / 5
The USDA Rural Business-Cooperative Service Administrator can award up to a
maximum of 10 bonus points, as follows:
To ensure diversity in the types of projects approved for loan guarantees, and
promote as wide a range as possible in the types of technologies, products
and approaches supported in the USDA Rural Development Energy Program
To applications that promote partnerships and activities that help develop
new and emerging technologies to increase U.S. energy independence, or
reduce our dependence on petroleum-based chemicals and products;
promote resource conservation, public health, and the environment, diversify
agricultural and forestry product markets uses for agriculture waste, and
create jobs and enhance the economic development of the rural economy.
These partnerships and other activities are identified in a
Federal Register
notice each fiscal year.
RBCS Administrator
Points awarded: ___ / 10
Appendix D Technical Assessment or Report
(this is a Phase 2 requirement)
Section 9003
Biorefinery, Renewable Chemical and Biobased
Product Manufacturing Assistance
Fiscal Year 2022 Program Application Guide
Technical Assessment or Technical Report
Reference: 7 CFR Part 4279.261(k)(8)available at this link:
Your technical assessment must be completed by a qualified independent engineer. It
must demonstrate that the design, procurement, installation, startup, operation, and
maintenance of the project will allow it to perform in a reliable, cost-effective manner.
The assessment also must:
Determine the useful life of the project
Identify all necessary project agreements and confirm the agreements will be in
place at or before the time of loan closing
Demonstrate that necessary project equipment and services will be available for
the useful life of the project
Be based on verifiable data, and contain sufficient information and analysis so
we can determine the technical feasibility of achieving the levels of income or
production projected in your financial statements.
All technical information must follow the format specified in paragraphs 1 9 below.
Supporting information can be submitted using other formats.
Design drawings and process flow charts must be submitted as exhibits.
It is not necessary to submit the information in paragraphs 1 9 of this section if
the topic is not applicable to your project. However, questions must be
answered to our satisfaction before the application will be approved.
All projects require the services of an independent, third-party, professional
Project team qualifications vary, and are based on the complexity and scale of
your project. Your team must:
Demonstrate expertise in similar advanced biofuel and biobased products,
including renewable chemical, if applicable
Be skilled in technology development, engineering, installation, and
Identify borrowers, including any principals with prior experience in bioenergy
Confirm receipt of any other federal financial assistance, including the date
received, amount, purpose, and outcome
Provide evidence that project team service providers have the necessary
professional credentials or relevant experience to perform the required services
for the development, construction, or retrofitting of technology for producing
advanced biofuels and biobased products, including renewable chemicals, if
Confirm that any vendors of proprietary components can provide necessary
equipment and spare parts for the facility to operate over its useful life
Your application must:
Discuss the proposed project delivery method
Examples include:
- Design-bid-build method, in which a separate engineering firm designs
the project and prepares a request for bids, then the successful bidder
constructs the project at the borrower’s risk
- Design-build methodoften called “turnkey” in which the borrower
establishes project specifications hires a developer to design and build
the project at the developer’s risk
Identify the manufacturers of major components of advanced biofuels and
biobased products, including renewable chemical, if applicable, and describe
the technology equipment in terms of length of time in business, and number of
units installed at the capacity and scale you are proposing.
Discuss the project team members’ qualifications for engineering, designing,
and installing similar projects, including any relevant certifications by
recognized organizations. Provide a list of similar projects designed, installed,
or supplied and currently operating, and include references.
Describe the facility operator’s qualifications and experience in servicing,
operating, and maintaining equipment or similar projects. Provide a list of
similar projects designed, installed, or supplied and currently operating, and
include references.
Agreements and permits. Your application must identify all agreements and
permits required for your project, and include the schedule for and status of
securing them.
Facilities must be built in accordance with local, state, and national codes, and
local, state, and federal regulations.
You must identify all zoning, code and permit requirements, and follow the
schedule for meeting them.
Identify required licenses and the schedule for getting them.
Identify any land use agreements and terms, and set the schedule for securing
Identify any permits or agreements required for solid, liquid, or gaseous
emissions or effluents, and the schedule for securing them.
Identify available component warranties for the project location and size.
Identify all environmental issuesincluding any potential compliance issues
associated with your project.
Resource assessment. Your application must provide evidence of feedstock
availability necessary for the facility to operate as designed.
Indicate the type and quantity of feedstock
Identify feedstock storage options and any competing uses.
Describe shipping and receiving methods and the infrastructure necessary to
support them, including appropriate transportation mechanisms and methods
and systems to prevent the spread of invasive species.
For proposed projects with established shipping and receiving resources,
provide a summary of those resources.
Design and engineering. Your application must provide authoritative evidence the
facility will be designed and engineered to meet its intended purposes, ensure
public safety, and comply with applicable laws, regulations, agreements, permits,
codes, and standards. Projects must be engineered as a complete, integrated
facility by a qualified engineer. The engineering must be comprehensive, and
include site selection, systems and component selection, and systems monitoring
equipment. All projects must be constructed by a qualified builder.
Your application must include:
1. A concise, complete description of your project, including location, the
type and amount of feedstocks, facility specifications including the type,
amount, and quality of the output, and monitoring equipment.
2. Monthly and annual performance reports describing the uses of or market
forthe advanced biofuels, biobased products, or renewable chemicals, if
applicable produced by the facility. Discuss the potential impacts of
reduced or interrupted feedstock availability on the facility’s operations.
Your application also must include:
A description of the project site that addresses site access, foundations,
and backup equipment, as applicable
An environmental report or assessment prepared using 7 CFR part 1970,
subpart B, Exhibit C (available at this link:
Identification of any unique construction or installation issues.
Sites must be controlled by the eligible borrower for at least the financing term
of the loan note guarantee.
Project development schedule. Your application must describe each significant
task, its beginning and end, and its relationship to the time needed to begin and
carry project construction from excavation, through startup and shakedown.
Provide a detailed description of the project timeline, including:
Resource assessments
Project and site design
Permits and agreements
Equipment procurement
Equipment procurement. Your application must demonstrate that equipment
required by the facility is available and can be bought and delivered within the
proposed project development schedule.
- Projects can be built of components manufactured in more than one location.
- Provide a description of any unique equipment procurement issues, such as
scheduling and timing of component manufacture; delivery, ordering,
warranties, shipping, receiving, and on-site storage or inventory.
Equipment installation. Your application must provide a full description of the
plan for and management of site development and systems installation.
a. Details on scheduling the installation of equipment needed for project
b. Descriptions of the startup and shakedown specification and process
c. Details of the conditions required for startup and shakedown for each
equipment item individuallyand for the facility as a whole
Operations and maintenance. Your application must describe the operations and
maintenance requirements necessary for the facility to operate as designed over its
useful life. The application must also include:
Information regarding available facility and component warranties, and the
availability of spare parts
A description of the routine operations and maintenance requirements of the
proposed facility, including:
Maintenance schedules for the mechanical, piping, and electrical systems,
along with system monitoring and control requirements
Information that estimates the expected useful life of the facility, and
describes the timing of major component replacement or rebuilds
A discussion of the costs and labor associated with operating and
maintaining the facility, addressing any plans for in- or outsourcing, and
A description of the opportunities for technology transfer for long-term project
operations and maintenance by a local owner-operator
A discussion of the risk management plan for handling large, unanticipated
failures of major components
Decommissioning. Describe your proposed decommissioning process in the event
the project must be uninstalled or removed. Include issues, requirements, and
anticipated removal and disposal costs.
In accordance with federal civil rights law and U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA)
civil rights regulations and policies, the USDA, its agencies, offices, and employees,
and institutions participating in or administering USDA programs are prohibited from
discriminating based on race, color, national origin, religion, sex, gender identity
(including gender expression), sexual orientation, disability, age, marital status, family
or parental status, income derived from a public assistance program, political beliefs,
or reprisal or retaliation for prior civil rights activity, in any program or activity
conducted or funded by USDA (not all bases apply to all programs). Remedies and
complaint filing deadlines vary. Those with disabilities who need alternative means of
communication (for example, Braille, large print, audiotape, and American Sign
Language, among others) can contact the responsible agency or USDA’s TARGET
Center at (202) 720-2600 (voice and TTY), or contact USDA through the Federal Relay
Service at (800) 877-8339. Program information also can be made available in
languages other than English.
To file a program discrimination complaint, complete the USDA Program Discrimination
Complaint Form, AD-3027, available at this link:, and at any
USDA office. Or, write a letter addressed to USDA and provide all of the information
requested in the form. Call (866) 632-9992 to request a copy of the complaint form.
Submit your completed form or letter to USDA by: (1) postal mail: U.S. Department of
Agriculture, Office of the Assistant Secretary for Civil Rights, 1400 Independence
Avenue, SW, Washington, D.C. 20250-9410 (2) fax: (202) 690-7442, or (3) email:
USDA is an equal opportunity provider, employer, and lender.
July 2022