Final Report
RTI Project No. 0215472
FSIS Contract No. AG-3A94-
August 20, 2019
Food Safety Consumer Research Project:
Meal Preparation Experiment Related to Poultry Washing
Prepared For
Chris Bernstein
Aaron Lavallee
Carol Blake
Food Safety Education Staff
1400 Independence Ave., S.W.
Washington, DC 20250-3700
Prepared By
Sheryl C. Cates
Ellen Shumaker
RTI International
3040 E. Cornwallis Road
Research Triangle Park, NC
Benjamin Chapman
Lisa Shelley
Rebecca M. Goulter
Margaret Kirchner
Lydia Goodson
Lee-Ann Jaykus
North Carolina State University
Raleigh, NC 27695
RTI International is a registered trademark and a trade name of Research Triangle Institute.
RTI Project Number 0215472
Food Safety Consumer Research
Project: Meal Preparation
Experiment Related to Poultry
Final Report
August 20, 2019
Prepared for
Chris Bernstein
Aaron Lavallee
Carol Blake
Food Safety Education Staff
1400 Independence Ave., S.W.
Washington, DC 20250-3700
Prepared by
Sheryl C. Cates
Ellen Shumaker
RTI International
3040 E. Cornwallis Road
Research Triangle Park, NC 27709
njamin Chapman
Lisa Shelley
Rebecca M. Goulter
Margaret Kirchner
Lydia Goodson
Lee-Ann Jaykus
North Carolina State University
North Carolina State University
Raleigh, NC 27695
Section Page
Executive Summary ES-1
ES.1 Key Findings .......................................................................................... ES-2
ES.2 Implications for OPACE Outreach Efforts ................................................... ES-3
1. Introduction 1-1
Background and Project Overview .............................................................. 1-1
Objectives of Meal Preparation Experiment Related to Poultry Washing ........... 1-2
Organization of Report .............................................................................. 1-3
2. Study Methods 2-1
Meal Preparation Experiment Methodology .................................................. 2-1
2.1.1 Research Design ............................................................................ 2-1
2.1.2 Study Procedures ........................................................................... 2-1
2.1.3 Pilot Testing .................................................................................. 2-7
Recruitment Procedures ............................................................................ 2-7
Coding of Observation Data and Analysis .................................................... 2-9
Microbiological Data and Analysis ............................................................. 2-10
Post-observation Interviews and Analysis .................................................. 2-10
3. Results 3-1
Sample Characteristics ............................................................................. 3-1
Poultry Washing ....................................................................................... 3-4
Handwashing Compliance .......................................................................... 3-7
Cleaning and then Sanitizing Kitchen Surfaces and Equipment ..................... 3-12
Thermometer Use .................................................................................. 3-21
Cross-Contamination and Microbiological Analysis ...................................... 3-22
Participant Response to Email Intervention (Treatment Group Only) ............. 3-27
Comparison between Years 1 and 2 for Control Group Participants ............... 3-29
4. Discussion and Implications 4-1
Updated Messaging on Poultry Washing Needed ........................................... 4-1
Cleaning and Sanitizing Insights ................................................................ 4-2
Impact of Directed Communications ........................................................... 4-3
Actionable Skills and Compelling Reasons Are More Important than
Knowledge .............................................................................................. 4-4
References R-1
A: Description of Intervention ........................................................................ A-1
B: Power Analysis to Determine Sample Size for the Study ................................ B-1
C: List of Equipment Provided in Each Test Kitchen .......................................... C-1
D: Observation Script and Recipes ................................................................. D-1
E: Microbiological Methods ............................................................................ E-1
F: Post-observation Interview Guide ............................................................... F-1
G: Screening Questionnaire .......................................................................... G-1
H: Observation Rubrics ................................................................................ H-1
List of Figures
Number Page
Study Procedures for Meal Preparation Experiment on Poultry Washing ................ 2-2
Handwashing Compliance before Meal Preparation .......................................... 3-11
3-2. Handwashing Compliance during Meal Preparation .......................................... 3-11
3-3. Number of Handwashing Attempts per Participant Observation before and
during Meal Preparation ............................................................................... 3-12
List of Tables
Number Page
Research Questions, Data Sources, and Location of Results in Report .................. 1-3
Trigger Behaviors .......................................................................................... 2-3
2-2. Observed Washing Behaviors for Handling Raw Chicken ..................................... 2-9
Sample Characteristics ................................................................................... 3-2
3-2. Comparison of the Study Sample with Recruiting Targets and the
Demographic Characteristics of the U.S. Population (2016) ................................ 3-4
3-3. Rate of Poultry Washing ................................................................................. 3-5
3-4. Responses to Questions on Washing Raw Poultry at Home among Participants
Who Washed Poultry (Control and Treatment Groups) ....................................... 3-6
3-5. Handwashing Compliance before the Start of Meal Preparation ........................... 3-8
3-6. Handwashing Compliance for Required Events during Meal Preparation ................ 3-9
3-7. Cleaning and Sanitizing of Kitchen Counter among All Participants .................... 3-14
3-8. Cleaning and Sanitizing of Sink among Participants Who Washed Poultry ........... 3-15
3-9. Cleaning and Sanitizing of Kitchen Counter among Participants Who Washed
Poultry ....................................................................................................... 3-16
3-10. Cleaning and Sanitizing of Knives Used to Prepare Chicken ............................... 3-17
3-11. Cleaning and Sanitizing of Cutting Boards Used to Prepare Chicken ................... 3-19
3-12. Washing Vegetables before Preparing Salad ................................................... 3-20
3-13. Rate of Thermometer Use ............................................................................ 3-21
3-14. Methods Used to Determine Doneness ........................................................... 3-21
3-15. Prevalence of Surrogate Contamination and Level of Contamination for
Locations in the Kitchen and Salad Lettuce When Chicken Was Washed ............. 3-24
3-16. Prevalence of Surrogate Contamination and Level of Contamination for
Locations in the Kitchen and Salad Lettuce When Chicken Was Not Washed........ 3-25
3-17. Participants’ Responses to Email Messages with Information on Not Washing
Poultry and Preventing Cross-Contamination ..................................................
3-18. Comparison of Key Outcomes for Year 1 and Year 2 Meal Preparation
Experiments for Control Group Participants .................................................... 3-31
Executive Summary
The Food Safety and Inspection Service (FSIS) of the U.S. Department of Agriculture
(USDA) contracted with RTI International and its subcontractor North Carolina State
University (NCSU) to conduct meal preparation experiments to evaluate consumer food
handling behaviors in a test kitchen. The research team is conducting five separate
iterations of the study to address a specific consumer behavior and to determine the
effectiveness of a behavior change intervention. The meal preparation experiments are part
of a larger 5-year annual study that also includes focus groups (two iterations) and web
surveys (two iterations). This report describes the results of the second iteration of the meal
preparation experiment that examined consumerswashing of poultry when preparing a
meal of chicken thighs.
RTI and NCSU conducted the study in eight test kitchen facilities located in the metro
Raleigh-Durham area of North Carolina and Lillington, North Carolina, a rural location, with
individuals who self-reported washing or rinsing raw poultry when cooking at home. Three
existing Office of Public Affairs and Consumer Education (OPACE) food safety messages
were delivered to intervention participants via email before their appointment; each
message was sent twice as part of the signature line of the NCSU scheduling team. One
message focused on not washing poultry before cooking to avoid cross-contamination and
included a link to an OPACE YouTube video (with screenshot of video), one message
recommended using separate cutting boards for raw and ready-to-eat foods (with graphic),
and one message featured an OPACE Cleaninfographic with information on not washing
poultry and the messages to wash hands for 20 seconds with soap and warm water and to
wash kitchen surfaces and equipment (e.g., utensils).
In each test kitchen, six cameras recorded participantsactions at various locations
throughout the kitchen and recorded the meal preparation from beginning to end.
Participants in the control and treatment groups were observed while cooking chicken thighs
(spiked with harmless traceable nonpathogenic E. coli strain DH-5 alpha) and preparing a
mixed green salad recipe to determine whether they washed their poultry, the extent of
cross-contamination throughout the kitchen, and whether they adhered to other food safety
behaviors throughout meal preparation. Following meal preparation and participants’
cleaning and/or sanitizing of the kitchen, the study team collected microbiological samples
from surfaces and lettuce and analyzed the samples for prevalence and level of DH-5 alpha.
Participants participated in a post-observation interview to collect information on their usual
food preparation practices and possible predictors of behavior change. A total of 300 people
participated in the study (158 control, 142 treatment).
Food Safety Consumer Research Project: Meal Preparation Experiment Related to Poultry Washing
ES.1 Key Findings
The key findings from the study are summarized below:
Poultry Washing
The food safety messages in the emails effectively encouraged participants not to
wash raw chicken thighs before cooking: 93% of treatment group participants did
not wash the chicken compared with 39% for the control group.
When washing the chicken, most participants rinsed it in the sink rather than
submerging it in the sink or container. Participants who wash chicken when
preparing it at home reported that they did so to remove blood/slime (30%) or
because that is how a family member does it (19%).
In the post-observation interviews, 66% of participants stated that reading the email
messages influenced their cooking behavior in the kitchen; of these participants,
40% reported that their actions were influenced by learning new information about
preparing poultry.
Proper handwashing was addressed in one of the email messages but did not
influence participantshandwashing practices. Among all handwashing events
required before or during meal preparation, only 2% included all steps necessary to
be considered an adequate handwashing event (defined by the Centers for Disease
Control and Preventions recommended steps).
Comparing the results for Years 1 and 2, there were no significant differences in
terms of handwashing events attempted and successful and unsuccessful
handwashing attempts. As in Year 1, the most documented reason for not
successfully washing hands was failing to rub hands with soap for at least
20 seconds.
Cleaning and Sanitizing Surfaces and Equipment
The intervention did not appear to affect whether participants attempted cleaning
and sanitizing when required or whether it was successful for the kitchen counter,
the sink among poultry washers, and knives or cutting boards used to prepare
chicken. There was not a significant difference in successful cleaning and sanitizing
events between the control and treatment groups.
Cross-contamination and Microbiological Analysis
The lettuce from the prepared salad was found to be contaminated at a frequency of
26% and 20% for poultry washers and nonwashers, respectively. Hand-facilitated
cross-contamination is suspected to be an important factor in explaining this level of
The use of the same cutting board for preparing the chicken and the salad was lower
among treatment group participants compared with the control group, suggesting an
intervention effectone of the email messages advised using separate cutting
boards for raw meat/poultry and RTE foods.
Executive Summary
High levels of the tracer E. coli strain DH-5 alpha detected in the sink and on the
salad lettuce suggest that microbes harbored in the sink from chicken, packaging, or
contaminated hands are a larger cause for concern than splashing contaminated
chicken fluids onto the counter.
As previously noted, there was no impact on cleaning and sanitizing or handwashing
behaviors when comparing the control and treatment groups, but for nonpoultry
washers, participants in the control group were more likely to contaminate the salad
than those in the treatment group, suggesting an intervention effect.
Thermometer Use
Forty-seven percent of all participants used a food thermometer on at least one
chicken thigh. There were no significant differences between the control and
treatment groups.
In the Year 1 study, 34% of participants in the control group used a thermometer on
at least one turkey patty, while in Year 2, 44% of the control group used a
thermometer on at least one chicken thigh.
ES.2 Implications for OPACE Outreach Efforts
Exposure to the email messages on risks of poultry washing encouraged participants not to
wash raw poultry; however, more needs to be done to increase adherence to more nuanced
recommended practices such as proper cleaning and sanitizing of kitchen surfaces and
equipment and proper handwashing. Based on the study findings and previous work in the
literature related to risk communication, we recommend that OPACE consider designing food
safety messaging that:
changes the frame of dont wash your poultrymessaging to focus on preventing
contamination of sinks, where fruits and vegetables are often washed;
clarifies that recommendations to not wash poultry include not rinsing as well;
emphasizes the importance of both cleaning and sanitizing;
continues to emphasize handwashing and cross-contamination because
improvements are needed in these areas;
uses social media to reach a broad audience quickly; and
emphasizes USDAs role as a credible source of information.
There is a great deal more to learn about consumer attitudes and behaviors as they relate
to food safety, in particular related to actions consumers take to prevent cross-
contamination in the kitchen. Understanding these factors will help OPACE create more
targeted messaging and incorporate everyday contexts into food safety communications.
1. Introduction
This report describes the study methods and presents the results from a meal preparation
study related to poultry washing, conducted as part of the Food Safety Consumer Research
Project. The study, conducted in test kitchens, used an experimental design to measure
consumersadherence to the cleanmessage by measuring the rate of not washing poultry
(the recommended practice to avoid cross-contamination) and adherence to following
recommended cleaning and sanitation practices to compare behaviors between participants
who received an educational intervention and those who did not. The poultry washing study
is the second of five iterations of a meal preparation experiment in which consumers are
observed while preparing meat and poultry products regulated by the U.S. Department of
Agricultures (USDAs) Food Safety and Inspection Service (FSIS). This report details the
study design, data collection procedures, and data analysis approach and presents the
results of the study for poultry washing, cleaning and sanitation practices, handwashing
compliance, thermometer use, and cross-contamination. FSIS can use the results of this
study to enhance consumer messaging on avoiding cross-contamination through cleaning
and sanitizing and not washing poultry. Additionally, the report compares key behavioral
outcomes for Year 1 and 2 of the study. The rest of this section provides an overview of the
Food Safety Consumer Research Project, describes the purpose of the second iteration of
the meal preparation experiment, and details the organization of the report.
Background and Project Overview
USDA FSISOffice of Public Affairs and Consumer Education (OPACE) ensures that all
segments of the farm-to-table chain receive valuable food safety information. The consumer
education programs developed by OPACEs Food Safety Education Staff inform the public on
how to safely handle, prepare, and store meat, poultry, and egg products to minimize
incidence of foodborne illness.
OPACE strives to continuously increase consumer awareness of recommended food safety
practices with the intent to improve food handling behaviors at home. OPACE shares its
messages through the Food Safe Families campaign, social media, Ask Karen (an online
database of frequently asked food safety questions), the FSIS web site,, the
Meat and Poultry Hotline, publications, and events. These messages are focused on the four
core food safety behaviors: clean, separate, cook, and chill. Additionally, OPACEs public
education and outreach initiatives reach vulnerable and underserved populations.
By testing new consumer messaging and tailoring existing messaging, FSIS can help ensure
that it is effectively communicating with the public and promoting behavior change with a
goal of improving consumer food safety practices. FSIS contracted with RTI International to
conduct consumer research over a 5-year period, fiscal year 2017 through fiscal year 2022.
Food Safety Consumer Research Project: Meal Preparation Experiment Related to Poultry Washing
RTI is teaming with researchers at North Carolina State University (NCSU) to conduct the
project. This behavioral research will include observation studies of food preparation in test
kitchens using an experimental design (five iterations), focus group studies (two iterations),
and web surveys (two iterations). Each iteration of each data collection activity will address
different research questions and use a different sample of consumers. This research will
provide insight into the effect FSIS consumer outreach campaigns have on consumersfood
safety behaviors. FSIS will use the results of this research to enhance messaging and
accompanying materials to improve food safety behaviors of consumers.
Objectives of Meal Preparation Experiment Related to Poultry
Previous research suggests that self-reported data collected through surveys on consumers
food safety practices are unreliable because consumers tend to overreport their behavior
(e.g., simply rinsing their hands instead of washing with soap and water for 20 seconds as
recommended) (Redmond & Griffith, 2003). Because of this limitation, observation is a
preferred approach for collecting information on consumersactual food safety practices.
Studies that have used direct observation of consumer food handling have reported that
many consumers commit errors during preparation and self-report different actions
(Anderson et al., 2004; DeDonder et al., 2009; Jay, Comar, & Govenlock, 1999; Kendall et
al., 2004; Redmond, Griffith, Slader, & Humphrey, 2004). The results of the meal
preparation experiments will help FSIS assess adherence to the four recommended food
safety behaviors of clean, separate, cook, and chill; determine whether food safety
messaging focused on those behaviors affects consumerssafe food handling behaviors; and
determine whether consumers introduce cross-contamination during food preparation.
Each iteration of the meal preparation experiment addresses a specific consumer behavior.
The second iteration examined consumer poultry washing and cleaning and sanitizing
practices in the kitchen. Washing or rinsing of raw poultry is not recommended because
bacteria in poultry juices can cross-contaminate other foods, utensils, and surfaces.
Droplets have been shown to be dispersed up to 50 cm in front of a sink and 60 to 70 cm to
either side of a sink where chicken was washed (Everis & Betts, 2003). For this study,
participants randomized to the control or treatment group (exposed to intervention on
poultry washing/avoiding cross-contamination) were asked to cook chicken thighs and
prepare a mixed green salad with lettuce, carrots, and celery as they would at home. We
observed participants throughout meal preparation to determine whether they washed their
poultry and whether they adhered to other food safety practices such as handwashing and
cleaning and sanitizing of surfaces and utensils. The study also assessed pathogen transfer
during meal preparation and included the collection of microbiological samples from lettuce
(from the ready-to-eat [RTE] salad) and kitchen surfaces. Post-observation interviews
collected information on participants’ reasons for following or not following recommended
food safety practices during meal preparation.
Section 1 Introduction
Table 1-1 lists the studys research questions, data sources, and the corresponding section
of this report with the results of the analysis conducted to address each research question.
Table 1–1. Research Questions, Data Sources, and Location of Results in Report
Research Question Data Source Location in Report
Is the rate of poultry washing lower for the
treatment group compared with the control
Observations Section 3.2, Table 3-3
What is the rate of successful cleaning and
sanitizing attempts for kitchen surfaces, the
sink, knives, and cutting boards? Are the
rates different for the control and treatment
groups? What are the reasons for
unsuccessful cleaning and sanitizing
Observations Section 3.4, Tables 3-7,
3-8, 3-9, 3-10, 3-11
What is the rate of thermometer use for the
control and treatment groups?
Observations Section 3.5, Table 3-13
What methods are used to determine
doneness in lieu of a food thermometer for
the control and treatment groups?
Observations, post-
observation interviews
Section 3.5, Table 3-14
What is the rate of successful handwashing
attempts for the control and treatment
groups? What are the reasons for
unsuccessful handwashing attempts?
Observations Section 3.3, Tables 3-5,
3-6, Figures 3-1, 3-2
What are the prevalence and the levels of
contamination of kitchen surfaces and salad
lettuce for the control and treatment groups?
Microbiological sampling
Section 3.6, Tables 3-15,
What elements of the intervention emails are
effective at encouraging participants to follow
recommended practices? (treatment group
Section 3.7, Table 3-17
What differences are there between key
behavioral outcomes for Year 1 and 2 of the
Observations and
sampling data
Section 3.8, Table 3-18
Organization of Report
This report is organized as follows:
Section 2 describes the research design, data collection procedures, and analysis
Section 3 presents and discusses the results of the study for poultry washing,
handwashing compliance, cleaning and sanitizing practices, thermometer use, cross-
contamination, and other behaviors, as well as participants’ response to the
Food Safety Consumer Research Project: Meal Preparation Experiment Related to Poultry Washing
Section 4 concludes the report by discussing the implications of the study results for
OPACE’s consumer food safety education and outreach efforts.
The appendices are organized as follows:
Appendix A: Description of intervention
Appendix B: Power analysis to determine sample size for study
Appendix C: List of equipment provided in each test kitchen
Appendix D: Observation script and recipes
Appendix E: Microbiological methods (provides complete description of the selection
of the surrogate and the microbiology methodology)
Appendix F: Post-observation interview guide
Appendix G: Screening questionnaire for participation in study
Appendix H: Observation rubric for coding participant actions in the kitchen
2. Study Methods
This section describes the methodology for the meal preparation experiment, the
recruitment procedures, the approach for coding and analyzing the observations and post-
interview data, and the procedures for collecting and analyzing the microbiological samples.
The Office of Management and Budget (OMB control number 0583-0169, expiration date
6/30/2019) and NCSUs Institutional Review Board (IRB) approved the study protocol and
Meal Preparation Experiment Methodology
2.1.1 Research Design
The second meal preparation experiment focused on the food safety behavior of “clean,”
specifically whether participants did not wash poultry (as recommended) following exposure
to food safety messaging USDA FSIS OPACE routinely uses and to assess the extent of
cross-contamination in the kitchen due to failure to follow recommended cleaning and
sanitation practices.
We recruited individuals who self-reported washing/rinsing chicken when preparing raw
chicken at home and randomly assigned participants to a control group (no exposure) or a
treatment (intervention) group. For the purposes of this studying, washingwas defined as
rinsing or submerging the chicken into a container or the sink. The treatment group
received USDA FSIS OPACE’s “cleanmessages by including these messages as part of the
email scheduling process (see Appendix A).
We calculated the sample size to determine the minimum number of participants needed to
provide a level of confidence that the meal preparation experiment was sufficiently
powered, meaning that a change of the anticipated size or greater would be interpreted as
occurring beyond chance (i.e., statistically significant). Based on the power analysis (see
Appendix B), the desired sample size was 306 (153 per group) to provide 80% statistical
power and a 95% level of confidence. The sample size calculation took into consideration
the anticipated base rate for poultry washing and the anticipated distributional
characteristics of a dichotomous outcome and the research design that is feasible given the
logistical constraints of conducting test kitchen observations in one state.
2.1.2 Study Procedures
Figure 2-1 summarizes the study procedures. We conducted the study in eight test kitchen
facilities located in the Raleigh-Durham area of North Carolina (Wake, Durham, and Orange
Counties) and Lillington, North Carolina, a rural location (Harnett County). The test kitchens
were similar in layout—each had two compartment sinks, refrigerators, and stove/ovens
and were stocked with the same meal preparation equipment (dishes, knives, utensils,
Food Safety Consumer Research Project: Meal Preparation Experiment Related to Poultry Washing
cutting boards, thermometer). In each test kitchen, six cameras recorded participants
actions at various locations throughout the kitchen and recorded the meal preparation from
beginning to end. Researchers monitored the cameras to identify any trigger behaviors for
follow-up discussion in the post-observation interviews (see Table 2-1).
Figure 2-1. Study Procedures for Meal Preparation Experiment on Poultry
Recruit Participants
Control (n=158)
Treatment (n=142)
Cooking Task
Raw Poultry
RTE Food
Video Recording
Coding and
Notational Analysis
Analysis of
Final Report and
Section 2 Study Methods
Table 2-1. Trigger Behaviors
Trigger Options
start of meal
Washed hands according to Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
(CDC) guidelines
Did not wash hands according to CDC guidelines
Hand drying
Dried hands after washing using paper towels
Did not use paper towels to dry hands
Did not move packaging for raw chicken thighs around in food preparation
Moved packaging for raw chicken thighs around in food preparation area
raw product
Washed hands according to CDC guidelines after handling raw chicken
Did not wash hands according to CDC guidelines after handling raw chicken
Did not wash or rinse chicken thighs
Washed/rinsed chicken thighs
Thermometer use
Used thermometer on chicken thighs
Did not use thermometer on chicken thighs
Produce washing
Washed produce
Did not wash produce
Cutting board use
Did not use the same cutting board/plates for produce and raw chicken
Used same cutting board/plates for produce and raw chicken thighs
Knife use
Did not use same knife for produce and raw chicken thighs
Used same knife for produce and raw chicken thighs
wash step
Washed and then sanitized cutting board and utensils with soap and water
Did not wash and then sanitize cutting board and utensils with soap and
Drying equipment
Dried kitchen equipment (cutting boards, knives) with paper towels
Did not dry kitchen equipment with paper towels
Kitchen surfaces
Washed and then sanitized kitchen surfaces that raw chicken thighs
Did not wash and then sanitize kitchen surfaces that raw chicken thighs
Washed and then sanitized sink after contact with raw chicken thighs
Did not wash and then sanitize kitchen surfaces that raw chicken thighs
Note: The recommended (safe) practice is listed as the first option.
Food Safety Consumer Research Project: Meal Preparation Experiment Related to Poultry Washing
We used convenience
sampling to recruit
participants using a variety
of approaches. Section 2.2
describes the participant
screening criteria and
recruitment procedures.
Participants were told they
would receive a $75 gift
card and gift (food
thermometer) for taking
part in the 2-hour study.
Participant recruitment began May 10, 2018. We conducted observations starting May 18,
2018, and ending December 11, 2018.
We randomly assigned participants to the treatment or control group when the appointment
was scheduled with the goal of 153 participants in each group. Three OPACE food safety
messages were delivered to intervention participants via three separate emails before their
appointment. Each message was sent twice as part of the signature line of the NCSU
scheduling team (see Appendix A):
Message 1 (in Emails 1 and 3): Prepping dinner?
Avoid cross-contamination! Use 2 separate cutting
boards: 1 for produce & bread and 1 for raw meat,
poultry, & seafood.
Message 2 (in Emails 1 and 2): Why do we
recommend NOT washing your meat & poultry?
The answer is simple, it doesnt destroy bacteria, it
spreads it! Click here to learn more
Six cameras
in each test
during meal
Section 2 Study Methods
Message 3: (in Emails 2 and 3): DONT WASH YOUR
CHICKEN! Washing will spread bacteria & wont
even clean your bird! The only way to be safe is to
cook your chicken to 165°F! #FoodSafety
We sent Email #1 to intervention participants on the day on which their appointment was
scheduled. We sent Email #2 5 days before participants’ scheduled appointment, and we
sent Email #3 2 days before participants’ scheduled appointment. The control group
received appointment reminders without the messaging.
We scheduled appointments at one of the test kitchen locations based on kitchen
availability. Once participants arrived at the test kitchen, a study team member greeted
them and instructed them to read and sign an informed consent form. Using a script to
ensure consistency in delivery, the study team member described what participants could
expect during the study. Initially, we told participants the purpose of the study was testing
a new spice blend. Consistent with the approach used in other observation studies, we
informed participants of the real purpose of the study following the meal preparation and
why it was important from a scientific perspective to inform them after the study was
(Chapman, Eversley, Fillion, MacLaurin, & Powell, 2010; DeDonder et al., 2009).
A study team member gave participants a laminated recipe cardone side had a mixed
green salad recipe and one side had a chicken thighs recipe. A study team member pointed
out that cabinets contained utensils, dishes, pans, and cleaning supplies and were labeled
accordingly (see Appendix C for a complete list of equipment provided in each test kitchen
and a picture of one of the test kitchens). Participants were instructed to prepare the
chicken thighs as they would at home (see Appendix D for a copy of the script and recipe)
and to tell project staff when the chicken was ready to be baked so that project staff could
get a picture of the spice blend on the chicken. When the participant indicated the chicken
was ready to be baked, one study team member asked the participant questions about the
spice blend in an area outside of the kitchen, while other team members collected samples
for microbiological analysis and placed the chicken in the preheated oven. Participants were
After being informed of the study’s purpose, participants could opt out of the study; if they did opt
out, we did not use their data. Only one participant opted out of the study; thus, his data were not
used in the analysis.
Food Safety Consumer Research Project: Meal Preparation Experiment Related to Poultry Washing
then brought back into the kitchen and instructed to prepare the salad while the chicken
was baking and to take the chicken out of the oven when they thought it was done.
Additional samples for microbiological analysis were taken following meal preparation and
participantscleaning and/or sanitizing of the kitchen.
We used a nonpathogenic strain of E. coli (DH-5 alpha) to track any potential cross-
contamination from chicken thighs to various locations around the kitchen and to the salad
during meal preparation. The chicken thighs were inoculated with the traceable E. coli
strain, which behaves like Salmonella, and tagged with green fluorescent protein (GFP)
(Niebuhr et al., 2008). This surrogate and microbiological approach was cleared by FSIS
Office of Public Health Science. E. coli is a Gram-negative organism (as is Salmonella),
behaves similarly to Salmonella on raw meat/poultry when exposed to inactivation methods
such as heat, has the ability to be differentiated from background microflora, and has been
used widely as a surrogate for Salmonella in the literature. E. coli and Salmonella survive
longer on surfaces than Campylobacter (De Cesare, Sheldon, Smith, & Jaykus, 2003),
however, in the context of this study where it could be assumed the RTE salad would be
consumed in the home environment almost immediately after preparation, it would be
expected that levels of E. coli found on surfaces and in the RTE salad would be
representative of infectious Campylobacter as well.
The inoculated thighs were packaged in a Styrofoam tray with a piece of food grade plastic
beneath them and wrapped in clear film. The product included a mock label and the USDA
Safe Handling Instructions to resemble chicken thighs purchased at a grocery store. The
packaged chicken thighs (two per package) were transported in freezer bags and kept at
refrigeration temperatures until the observations occurred.
We cleaned and sanitized all accessible kitchen surfaces (e.g., counters, drawer pulls, stove
top), appliances, and other sites after each participant to ensure that any potentially
remaining E. coli DH-5 alpha contamination was removed before the next participant
entered the kitchen. To confirm effective decontamination of the kitchen between
participants, one cleaning validation surface swab was taken before a participant began
preparing the meal. A total of seven surface samples and one lettuce sample were taken for
each observation, resulting in eight total samples per meal preparation event excluding the
first 28 observations for which a larger area of the counter was sampled. An NCSU lab
processed the swabs to determine the presence and concentration of the E. coli DH-5 alpha.
Appendix E provides a complete description of the selection of the surrogate and the
microbiology methodology.
Supplementing the observations, we conducted semi-structured post-observation interviews
to provide insight into participantsviews, opinions, and experiences during the meal
preparation experiment and asked questions based on the trigger behaviors that were
observed during food preparation. The interviews also collected information on antecedents
Section 2 Study Methods
such as concerns about food safety and previous experience with foodborne illness.
Interviews lasted approximately 20 minutes (see Appendix F for the post-observation
interview guide).
2.1.3 Pilot Testing
Before initiating the full-scale data collection, we conducted pilot studies to test the study
materials, procedures, and the time allotted for data collection. We conducted the pilot with
one NCSU food science student and one member of the public related to the student. Based
on the pilot observations, we modified the recipes and script to provide clearer information
to participants, added behaviors to the list of triggers, and updated the list of needed
ingredients and kitchen equipment. Before data collection began, we revised the materials
and updated the study’s standard operating procedures document. Pilot studies were also
conducted to determine the potential spread of pathogens to kitchen surfaces following a
chicken washing event to help inform the selection of sampling locations and sampling
Recruitment Procedures
The study team used convenience sampling with quotas to help ensure that study
participants reflected the demographic characteristics of the U.S. population based on the
most recent Census data. We recruited participants using social media outlets, (e.g.,
Facebook, Twitter) and online advertising platforms (e.g., Craigslist) and by sending emails
to Expanded Food and Nutrition Education Program participants (to reach low-income
consumers), parents and guardians of the Juntos program (which helps Latinos have more
success in middle and high school), and other Latino community groups who work with
cooperative extension programs within North Carolina.
Participants had to meet specific inclusion and exclusion criteria. The inclusion criteria were
as follows:
age 18 or older
primarily speak English or Spanish
prepare meals at home four or more times a week
have prepared raw poultry at home within the past 3 months
rinsed/washed raw poultry the last time a meal was prepared at home using raw
have a working email address
The exclusion criteria were as follows:
Although the recruiting materials were made available in Spanish, none of the participants requested
that the data collection be conducted in Spanish.
Food Safety Consumer Research Project: Meal Preparation Experiment Related to Poultry Washing
have cooked or worked professionally in a food preparation setting in the past 2
have received any type of food safety training, such as ServSafe
participated in a study about cooking within the past 12 months
The Year 1 exclusion criteria were updated for Year 2 to exclude those who cooked or
worked professionally in a food preparation setting only if they had done so within the past
2 years. In Year 1, respondents were excluded if they had ever cooked or worked in a food
preparation setting, which led to challenges in recruiting enough respondents to meet the
target demographics. An additional exclusion criterion was added in Year 2 to exclude
anyone who may have taken part in the Year 1 study (participated in a study about cooking
within the past 12 months).
Recruitment materials directed prospective participants to call or email the study team to be
screened for eligibility or to a web link that hosted the screening questionnaire (see
Appendix G). For participants screened by phone, we invited eligible participants to
participate in the study and scheduled an appointment during the screening call. For
participants who completed the web-based screener, we contacted eligible participants by
phone, invited them to participate in the study, and scheduled an appointment.
Appointments were scheduled during work hours, evenings, and weekends to allow for a
broader participant pool. After an appointment was scheduled, we sent three confirmation
emails leading up to the scheduled appointment. As previously described, food safety
messaging was included in the confirmation emails for the treatment group participants.
A total of 300 people participated in the study: 158 in the control group and 142 in the
treatment group. Section 3 provides information on the demographic characteristics of
participants. The overall eligibility rate (percentage of cases that completed the web-based
or phone screening and met the eligibility criteria) was 25%. For prospective participants
completing the web-based survey, we screened out approximately 18% because of prior
food safety training (e.g., ServSafe) and then 6% of this potential sample because of work
experience in the food industry. From this potential sample, we screened out 30% because
they prepared meals at home three or fewer times a week. Of the potential participant pool
at this point, only 11% self-reported rinsing or washing raw poultry. Among the 300 study
participants, we recruited 55% using social media (Facebook and Twitter), 36% using
Craigslist, and 9% using other recruiting efforts such as postcards and advertising in
Spanish-language newspapers.
The expected show rate for the kitchen preparation study was 80% based on Year 1
experiences; the actual show rate averaged 91%. The higher show rate for Year 2 may be
attributable to sending three reminder emails instead of one; thus, we plan to send three
reminder emails for the remainder of this project.
Section 2 Study Methods
Coding of Observation Data and Analysis
We used notational analysis to assess recorded actions and their frequencies. Notational
analysis is a generic tool used to collect observed events and place them in an ordered
sequence (Hughes & Franks, 1997); it has been used to track food safety behaviors,
because it enables the recording of specific details about events in the order in which they
occur by associating a time stamp with actions (Clayton & Griffith, 2004). Using a time
stamp is especially useful when looking at sanitation steps limiting cross-contamination or
the use of common food contact surfaces and equipment. Notational analysis has been used
in both nonparticipant and participant consumer food safety behavior observation studies,
as well as participant foodservice observation (Chapman et al., 2010; Clayton & Griffith,
2004; Green et al., 2006; Redmond et al., 2004).
Poultry washing was characterized by whether participants washed or rinsed the chicken
(Table 2-2). Washingis defined as rinsing or submerging the product into a container or
the sink.Rinsingis defined as using the sink tap or faucet to run water over the chicken
without placing the chicken into any container. ”Otherincludes participants who rinsed the
chicken while it was still inside the packaging or rinsed the chicken under water but used a
strainer or colander while doing so. For the purposes of this report, these behaviors are
referred to throughout as “washing.”
Table 2-2. Observed Washing Behaviors for Handling Raw Chicken
Behavior Definition
Washing Submerging product into a container or the sink
Rinsing Using the sink tap or faucet to run water over the chicken without placing the
chicken into any container
Other Rinsing the chicken while still inside the packaging; rinsing under water but
using a strainer or colander
We developed coding rubrics to characterize the following behaviors:
indirect cross-contamination (failure to properly clean and sanitize surfaces, utensils,
and cutting boards)
thermometer usage
We also observed behaviors related to direct cross-contamination, methods used to
determine doneness, and vegetable washing.
A trained coder viewed each video and followed the rubric to indicate level of adherence to
recommended behaviors while observing participants. Coders were trained by reviewing the
coding rubric and using practice food safety handling scenarios to compare inter- and intra-
coding reliability. Incorrect and inconsistent coding situations were discussed with coders to
Food Safety Consumer Research Project: Meal Preparation Experiment Related to Poultry Washing
ensure that proper and consistent training occurred. Appendix H provides the coding
For each behavior of interest, we tabulated the responses for the control and treatment
groups and conducted statistical testing to test for differences in proportions between the
two groups. We used a p value of .05 to indicate statistical significance.
Microbiological Data and Analysis
As previously noted, a nonpathogenic strain of E. coli DH5-alpha that fluoresces under UV
light was selected as the surrogate for this year because of its safety, similar behavior to
foodborne pathogens associated with poultry, and ability to be differentiated from
background microflora. We determined the concentration of DH5-alpha on swab samples by
enumerating the bacteria on selective media and visualizing colonies under UV light. To
confirm effective decontamination of the kitchen between participants, one cleaning
validation surface swab was taken before a participant began preparing the meal. A total of
seven surface samples, one of which was taken before a participant entered the kitchen and
used as a control, and one lettuce sample were taken for each observation, resulting in
eight total samples per meal preparation event, excluding early events for which a larger
area of the counter was sampled. Appendix E provides additional information on the
microbiological inoculation and sampling.
For each surface and lettuce samples, we calculated prevalence and level of contamination
for two subpopulations: (1) participants who washed the chicken thighs and (2) participants
who did wash the chicken thighs. Within each subpopulation, we conducted statistical
testing to test for differences between the treatment and control groups. We used a p value
of ≤.05 to indicate statistical significance.
Post-observation Interviews and Analysis
The post-observation interviews collected information on participantsbehaviors while
cooking the meal and information about their food handling behaviors that were not
observed (Appendix F provides the interview guide). We audio recorded the interviews and
had typed transcripts prepared using the service TranscribeMe. We coded the transcripts
and analyzed the data using QSR International NVivo, Version 12 software.
Participants in the treatment group answered questions about the intervention messages
they received via email, including whether they read the emails, what they remembered
about the emails if they read them, and whether they watched the YouTube video linked in
the email. If participants remembered seeing at least some of the messages, graphics, or
video, they were asked if the information influenced their actions in the kitchen during the
study and whether they believe the information will influence how they cook at home in the
Section 2 Study Methods
Questions posed to all participants during the interview were informed by the trigger
behaviors that were observed during meal preparation (see Table 2-1) and related to:
washing hands before meal preparation;
washing or rinsing raw chicken;
using a food thermometer;
washing hands after touching raw chicken or packaging;
using paper versus reusable towels during meal preparation;
cleaning and/or sanitizing cutting boards, utensils, and other kitchen items; and
cleaning and/or sanitizing the sink and counters.
For each behavior, the interviewer prompted the participant based on the actions observed
and asked why he or she did the behavior and whether that is a behavior he or she typically
does at home.
Following data collection and transcription, analysts uploaded the transcripts from all
recorded interviews into NVivo for coding and analysis. We assigned a unique case number
to each participant to link the screener data and post-observation data. We coded the
following variables presented in this report:
food poisoning:
participant ever experienced food poisoning
family member of participant ever experienced food poisoning
level of concern about food safety
perception of how common it is for people to get food poisoning because of the way
food is prepared at home
In addition, we coded the following variables for the treatment group to describe their
responses to the poultry washing messaging (yes/no) and the reasons for their responses
(coding categories developed):
Did the messaging influence your actions in the kitchen today?
Do you think the messaging will influence how you cook at home in the future?
We tabulated the responses for the control and treatment groups and conducted statistical
testing to test for differences between the two groups. We used a p value of .05 to
indicate statistical significance.
3. Results
This section describes the characteristics of the study sample and presents the results of the
meal preparation experiment for poultry washing, handwashing compliance, cleaning and
sanitizing, cross-contamination, and thermometer use. When available, the results from the
current study are compared with results from national surveys and the published literature.
Sample Characteristics
Of the 300 participants in the study sample, 66% were White and 87% were non-Hispanic.
Participants represented a variety of ages with 32% in the 18 to 34 age category, 41% in
the 35 to 54 age category, and 26% in the 55 or older age category. Forty-two percent of
participants had at least a 4-year college degree, and 46% had at least one child living in
the household (≤17 years). About 51% of participants had at least one individual in the
household at risk for foodborne illness (i.e., adult aged 60 years or older; pregnant woman;
child aged 5 years or younger; or individual diagnosed with diabetes, kidney disease, or
another condition that weakens the immune system) (see Table 3-1). There were no
statistically significant differences between the control and treatment groups for these
demographic characteristics.
Table 3-2 compares the demographic characteristics of the study sample to the most recent
Census data and the recruiting targets that were set for the study. Except for education, the
study generally met the recruiting targets; the target for the lowest education level (high
school or less/vocational school) was 26% vs. 19% for the study sample. This reflects the
challenge of recruiting high schooleducated individuals for the study. Although there are
some differences in the distribution of the demographic characteristics for the study sample
compared with the U.S. population, the study sample is still diverse regarding the
demographic characteristics of interest.
Table 3-1 also provides information on participantsexperience with and perceptions
regarding foodborne illness, as reported in the post-observation interviews. These factors
may influence participantsfood safety behaviors. We saw no significant differences between
responses to these questions for the control and treatment group participants.
Many participants in the study sample had experience with food poisoning; 59% reported
they have personally had food poisoning, and 58% reported a family member has had food
On a scale of 1 to 7, with “1” being not at all concerned, “4” being neutral, and
“7” being extremely concerned, 73% of participants had concerns (response of 5, 6, or 7)
about bacteria or viruses on or inside the food [they] cook.About 67% of participants
Participants were asked the following questions: “Have you ever had food poisoning?” and “Has a
family member ever had food poisoning?” Information was not collected on whether the person was
diagnosed with food poisoning by a health care professional.
Food Safety Consumer Research Project: Meal Preparation Experiment Related to Poultry Washing
reported that it is veryor somewhat commonfor people in the United States to get food
poisoning because of the way food is prepared in the home, and 33% reported that it is not
very common.Comparing these results with those from the 2016 Food Safety Survey, 45%
of respondents to the national survey believed that it is very” or somewhatcommon and
53% believed it is not very common(Lando et al., 2016);
thus, a larger percentage of
participants in the meal preparation experiment perceived food poisoning to be more
common than respondents to the national survey.
Table 3-1. Sample Characteristics
(n = 300)
(n = 158)
(n = 142)
p value
Caucasian or White 66% (198) 66% (104) 66% (94) .9682
Black or African American 28% (85) 29% (46) 27% (39) .7888
Other race
6% (17) 5% (8) 6% (9) .6433
Not Hispanic or Latino 87% (261) 85% (135) 89% (126) .4301
Hispanic or Latino 13% (39) 15% (23) 11% (16) .7604
1834 32% (96) 32% (50) 32% (46) .9089
3554 41% (124) 41% (65) 42% (59) .9560
5565 22% (67) 22% (34) 23% (33) .7529
66 or older 4% (13) 6% (9) 3% (4) .2316
Less than high school,
high school diploma/GED,
or technical or vocational
19% (58) 20% (31) 19% (27) .9051
Some college 39% (118) 39% (62) 39% (56) .9784
Bachelors degree 23% (68) 23% (36) 23% (32) .9638
Graduate or professional
19% (56) 18% (29) 19% (27) .8949
Have child 17 or younger
living in household
46% (137) 52% (71) 48% (66) .7889
Have at-risk individual living
in household
51% (154) 53% (82) 47% (72) .8326
Participant has had
foodborne illness (self-
59% (178) 68% (107) 50% (71) .0896
The 2016 Food and Drug Administration (FDA) Food Safety Survey was a national telephone survey
of 4,169 adults (18 years or older).
Section 3 Results
Table 3-1. Sample Characteristics (continued)
(n = 300)
(n = 158)
(n = 142)
p value
Participants family member
has had foodborne illness
58% (175) 60% (95) 56% (80) .7865
Participants level of concern
about food safety
Depends on the food 1% (3) 1% (1) 1% (2)
1–3 (Not concerned) 12% (36) 16% (24) 9% (12) .0592
4 (Neutral) 14% (42) 13% (19) 16% (23) .4140
5–7 (concerned) 70% (210) 71% (106) 74% (104) .6491
Participants perception of
how common it is for people
to get food poisoning
because of the way food is
prepared at home
Very common 20% (58) 23% (36) 16% (22) .2343
Somewhat common 47% (136) 49% (76) 45% (60) .5943
Not very common 33% (96) 28% (44) 39% (52) .1189
We calculated p value significance testing using a chi-squared test for the difference between the
control and treatment groups for each characteristic. Differences are statistically significant if the p
value is .05.
Other race includes American Indian or Alaska Native, Asian, Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific
Islander, and two or more races.
At-risk populations are people who are 60 years of age or older, children 5 years of age or younger,
pregnant women, people diagnosed with diabetes or kidney disease, and people diagnosed with a
condition that weakens the immune system.
Participants were asked the following question in the post-observation interview: How concerned are
you about bacteria or viruses on or inside the food you cook?Nine responses were not
Participants were asked the following question in the post-observation interview: How common do
you think it is for people in the United States to get food poisoning because of the way food is
prepared in their home?Ten responses were not clear/available.
Sources: 2018 meal preparation experimentdata are from the screening questionnaire or post-
observation interview (as noted in footnotes). Note: N = 297 for post-observation interview data.
Differences in reported number and totals for each response are due to participant responses that
were not available.
Food Safety Consumer Research Project: Meal Preparation Experiment Related to Poultry Washing
Table 3-2. Comparison of the Study Sample with Recruiting Targets and the
Demographic Characteristics of the U.S. Population (2016)
(Percentage) of
Participants in Study
(n = 300)
Percentage for
Recruiting of
from Census
White 198 (66%) 68% 73%
102 (34%) 32% 27%
Not Hispanic or Latino 261 (87%) 84% 83%
Hispanic or Latino 39 (13%) 16% 17%
96 (32%) 35% 28%
3554 124 (41%) 39% 36%
55+ 80 (27%) 26% 36%
Less than high school, high
school diploma/GED, or
technical or vocational school
58 (19%) 26% 40%
Some college 118 (39%) 40% 29%
Bachelors degree 68 (23%) 19% 19%
Graduate or professional
56 (19%) 15% 12%
Household status
Family household (children) 137 (46%) 48% 66%
Nonfamily household (no
163 (54%) 52% 34%
Source: U.S. Census Bureau. (n.d.). 2012-2016 American Community Survey 5-year data profiles.
Retrieved from
Non-White includes Black or African American, American Indian or Alaska Native, Asian, Native
Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander, other races, or 2 or more races.
For the Census data, the first age category was 2034 years, instead of 1834 years.
For the Census data, family household includes households with children 18 years or younger;
married-couple families; male householder, no wife; and female householder, no husband.
Nonfamily household includes people living alone and people 65 years or older. For the current
study, we classified a participant as a family household if the participant had a child less than 18
years of age living at home.
Poultry Washing
The second iteration of the meal preparation experiment focused on poultry washing by
participants who self-reported during recruitment that the last time they prepared a meal at
home using raw turkey or chicken they washed or rinsed it before cooking. Among all
participants, 104 (35%) washed or rinsed the chicken thighs during preparation.
The control
Section 3 Results
group washed the chicken thighs 61% of the time, while participants who were exposed to
the email messages washed the chicken thighs 7% of the time (p <.0001) (see Table 3-3).
The control groups chicken washing of 61% was similar compared with the 67% of
respondents to FDA’s 2016 Food Safety Survey (Lando et al., 2016) and in line with other
food safety surveys (Kosa et al., 2015).
Table 3-3. Rate of Poultry Washing
(n = 154)
(n = 140) p value
Did not wash 39% (60) 93% (130) <.0001
Washed 61% (94) 7% (10) <.0001
Rinsed in sink
85% (80) 90% (9) .8736
Submerged in container/sink 4% (4) 10% (1) .4301
11% (10) 0% (0) .3023
Washingis defined as rinsing or submerging of the chicken into a container or the sink.
We calculated p value significance testing using a chi-squared test for the difference between the
control and treatment groups for each outcome. Differences are statistically significant if the p value
is .05.
Rinsingis defined as using the sink tap or faucet to run water over the chicken without placing the
chicken into any other container.
Otherincludes participants who rinsed the chicken while it was still inside the packaging or rinsed
the chicken under water but used a strainer or colander while doing so.
Source: 2018 meal preparation experimentcoding of food preparation.
We examined whether poultry washing differed by demographic characteristics (race,
ethnicity, age, and education level). The only difference that was statistically significant was
for race. Among washers, 41% were African American and among nonwashers, 8% were
African American (p =.0002) (results not shown). This finding suggests that African
Americans are more likely to wash poultry compared with Caucasians. This finding is
consistent with a study that surveyed consumers about their food handling practices and
found that Caucasians were less likely to wash raw poultry and pork than other races
(Henley et al., 2015).
Participants were asked to explain why they wash poultry and whether they used the same
method of washing in the test kitchen as they typically do at home (Table 3-4).
Approximately, 30% of participants answered that they washed their chicken to remove
I usually trim the fat off the best I can. If its still slimyI’m not sure what that is. It
just feels good to wash it.
When it comes out its all juicy and stuff. You want to get it off.
Food Safety Consumer Research Project: Meal Preparation Experiment Related to Poultry Washing
When its pre-packaged like that, you dont know how long its been sitting in the pack
and it may have drained blood or whatever.
Table 3-4. Responses to Questions on Washing Raw Poultry at Home among
Participants Who Washed Poultry (Control and Treatment Groups)
Question Response % (n)
(n = 104)
Reasons for washing raw poultry
Family member has always washed/rinsed poultry 19% (20)
To remove slime/skin, fat, blood 30% (31)
To remove germs or bacteria 19% (20)
To remove chemicals/impurities 11% (12)
Habit 28% (29)
Other 2% (2)
No answer/not clear/answer not relevant 2% (2)
Method used to wash poultry at home
Rinse under faucet 62% (65)
Submerge in a bowl of water 5% (5)
Use salt, lemon, or vinegar 17% (18)
Running water with a strainer 9% (9)
No answer/not clear/answer not relevant 7% (7)
If sink sprayer available at home, use it to wash/rinse chicken?
Sink sprayer not available 13% (14)
Yes, use sink sprayer 10% (10)
Yes, use sink sprayer, but only on whole chicken/turkey 8% (8)
No, do not use sink sprayer 62% (64)
No answer/not clear/answer not relevant 8% (8)
Multiple responses allowed, so total may sum to more than 100%.
Percentages do not add to 100% because of rounding.
Source: 2018 meal preparation experimentpost-observation interviews.
Nearly 20% of participants reported washing chicken at home because that is how a family
member prepares it:
And thats just how my mama did it.
And then because it never hurts to wash things. So thats how my mom always taught
me to cook chicken.
It is, because my grandmother taught me that. She just said to wash all your food,
because theres no telling where its been before it got in the pack, or whatever.
Section 3 Results
When cooking at home, 62% of respondents reported that they rinse the chicken by holding
it under a running faucet without placing the chicken into any other container; this was also
the most common observed method (86%) of chicken washing in the test kitchen.
Additionally, 17% of participants mentioned using salt, lemon, or vinegar when washing
chicken at home. In some of these cases, participants mentioned soaking the poultry in
these substances inside a bowl.
Participants were also asked about using a kitchen sink sprayer when washing chicken at
home: 62% do not use a sprayer when available, 10% use a sprayer at home, and 8%
reported using a sprayer but only with whole chicken or turkey.
Handwashing Compliance
Inadequate handwashing has been identified as a contributing factor to foodborne illness,
especially when preparing raw meat and poultry. Hands can become vectors that move
pathogens around sites for foodborne pathogens found in raw meat and poultry and that
contribute to home-acquired foodborne illnesses. Frequency and level of contamination of
hands have not been well studied. The one email message noted the need to wash hands
for 20 seconds with soap and warm water (in the clean infographic) but was not mentioned
in the other two messages.
The total handwashing events required per observation were determined during the coding
for each observation. A handwashing event was required for each of the following instances:
before onset of food preparation
anytime between touching raw poultry or packaging and then touching a nonpoultry
after touching another person or self
after touching cell phone
after multitasking (chores)
after touching contaminated (post-meal) trash or trash can
The total number of attempts per observation was the number of times a participant
washed their hands. Each handwashing event was coded as successful or unsuccessful
based on CDC’s criteria: wet hands with water; rub hands with soap for at least 20 seconds;
rinse hands with water; and dry hands using a clean, one-use towel. For example,
participant 001T was required to wash her hands nine times but attempted only two times.
Of these two times, neither was coded as successful because she did not rub her hands with
soap for a total of 20 seconds.
A total of 209 participants attempted to wash hands before beginning meal preparation (see
Table 3-5). A total of 4% of attempts contained all steps of a correct handwashing event.
Food Safety Consumer Research Project: Meal Preparation Experiment Related to Poultry Washing
There was a significant difference in successful events between the control and treatment
groups before the start of meal preparation. As mentioned above, the need to wash hands
for 20 seconds with soap and water was mentioned in the clean messages as part of the
intervention; however, this difference in successful attempts was not seen during meal
preparation (see Table 3-6) and could be a result of the small number of successful
attempts overall.
Table 3-5. Handwashing Compliance before the Start of Meal Preparation
(n = 154)
(n = 140) p value
Did not attempt
26% (40) 32% (45) .3259
74% (114) 68% (95) .5309
Successful attempts
1% (1) 7% (7) .0168
Unsuccessful attempts 98% (112) 92% (87) .6316
1% (1) 1% (1)
Reasons for unsuccessful attempt
Did not wet hands with water 63% (71) 63% (55) .9573
Did not use soap 2% (2) 2% (2) .8054
Did not rub hands with soap for at least 20
93% (104) 90% (78) .7794
Did not rinse hands with water 0% (0) 0% (0) .9999
Did not dry hands 0% (0) 1% (1) .2581
Dried hands with surface other than clean,
one-use towel (e.g., wiped hands on clothing
or used previously used towel)
2% (2) 5% (4) .2608
We calculated p value significance testing using a chi-squared test for the difference between the
control and treatment groups for handwashing compliance. Differences are statistically significant if
the p value is .05.
Attemptwas defined as any time that a participant appeared to wash their hands; the attempt
could be successful or unsuccessful.
A successful attempt was defined as a participant meeting all of the CDC criteria for handwashing:
wet hands with water; rub hands with soap for at least 20 seconds; rinse hands with water; and dry
hands using a clean, one-use towel.
There were two instances where a handwashing attempt could not be determined as successful or
not. These were classified as undetermined due to a delay in camera recording and the first part of
the handwashing event was not clear.
There may be multiple reasons for unsuccessful attempts, so the total may sum to more than 100%.
Source: 2018 meal preparation experimentcoding of food preparation. N = 294 observations coded.
We observed 2,063 cases in which a handwashing event was required to prevent cross-
contamination during meal preparation; of these, handwashing was attempted 25% of the
time (see Table 3-6). Among handwashing events attempted, 1% of attempts contained all
steps of a correct handwashing event. The most common reason for unsuccessful
Section 3 Results
handwashing was not rubbing hands with soap for at least 20 seconds (77% in the control
group and 70% in the treatment group), followed by not wetting hands with water (23% in
the control group and 21% in the treatment group). Twenty-two attempts did not include
proper drying with a one-use towel. Both dish/hand towels and paper towels were provided.
Drying hands using a clean, one-use towel is an important step in handwashing because it
can physically remove microbes and contaminants from hands, resulting in up to a 1 log
reduction (Huang, Ma, & Stack, 2012). There were no significant differences between the
two groups in number of handwashing attempts or successful attempts.
Table 3-6. Handwashing Compliance for Required Events during Meal
(n = 154)
(n = 140) p value
Handwashing event required 1,145 918 .7222
Did not attempt 74% (849) 75% (693) .6597
26% (296) 25% (225) .4488
Successful attempts
1% (2) 2% (5) .0881
Unsuccessful attempts 99% (292) 98% (218) .8594
Reasons for unsuccessful attempt
Did not wet hands with water 23% (67) 21% (46) .8080
Did not use soap 16% (47) 11% (23) .1626
Did not rub hands with soap for at least 20
77% (225) 70% (153) .7247
Did not rinse hands with water 1% (2) 0% (1) .8246
Did not dry hands 2% (6) 2% (5) .6908
Dried hands with surface other than clean,
one-use towel (e.g., wiped hands on clothing
or used previously used towel)
2% (6) 2% (5) .6908
Undetermined 1% (2) 1% (2)
We calculated p value significance testing using a chi-squared test for the difference between the
control and treatment groups for handwashing compliance. Differences are statistically significant if
the p value is .05.
Attemptwas defined as any time that a participant appeared to wash their hands; the attempt
could be successful or unsuccessful.
A successful attempt was defined as a participant meeting all CDC criteria for handwashing: wet
hands with water; rub hands with soap for at least 20 seconds; rinse hands with water; and dry
hands using a clean, one-use towel.
There may be multiple reasons for unsuccessful attempts, so the total may sum to more than 100%.
Source: 2018 meal preparation experimentcoding of food preparation. N = 294.
Handwashing compliance is also illustrated in Figures 3-1 through 3-3. Figure 3-1 shows the
point at which participants fell out of compliance with the CDC definition of a successful
Food Safety Consumer Research Project: Meal Preparation Experiment Related to Poultry Washing
handwashing attempt before meal preparation by giving counts associated with the last
successful step of handwashing performed (the steps are mutually exclusive). In only 43 of
the control events and 40 of the treatment events did participants wet hands, and in only
41 of the control events and 38 of the treatment events was soap used. The majority of the
remaining events failed at the step of rubbing hands for 20 seconds (ten successful
completions of that step in the control group and seven successful completions in the
treatment group). Overall, there was a total of one successful attempt for the control group
and seven successful attempts for the treatment group for completing all steps required for
handwashing successfully.
Handwashing during meal preparation (Figure 3-2) shows similar results. The largest
deviation from compliance occurred for participants rubbing hands for 20 seconds (only two
events from the control group and five from the treatment group were successful). As with
handwashing compliance before meal preparation, for handwashing compliance during meal
preparation, once a participant rubbed their hands for 20 seconds, they then rinsed with
water and dried with a paper towel as required, thus successfully completing the
handwashing attempt. Failing to wet hands and failing to use soap at any time, prior to and
during the handwashing event was also a large contributor to not successfully washing
hands during meal preparation.
Figure 3-3 illustrates the number of handwashing attempts per participant observation,
which includes both before and during meal preparation. The largest number of
observations (46) involved participants who had 11 or more handwashing attempts,
followed by 44 observations who had 6 attempts and 42 observations who had 5 attempts.
No observations had fewer than 2 handwashing attempts.
Section 3 Results
Figure 3-1. Handwashing Compliance before Meal Preparation
Notes: Illustrates point at which participants fell out of compliance with the CDC definition of a
successful handwashing attempt when washing their hands before meal preparation by giving
counts associated with the last successful step of handwashing performed (the steps are mutually
Total control handwashing events = 114
Total treatment handwashing events = 95
Source: 2018 meal preparation experimentcoding of food preparation. N = 294
Figure 3-2. Handwashing Compliance during Meal Preparation
Notes: Illustrates point at which participants fell out of compliance with the CDC definition of a
successful handwashing attempt when washing their hands during meal preparation by giving
counts associated with the last successful step of handwashing performed (the steps are mutually
Total control handwashing events = 228
Total treatment handwashing events = 162
Source: 2018 meal preparation experimentcoding of food preparation. N = 294
Food Safety Consumer Research Project: Meal Preparation Experiment Related to Poultry Washing
Figure 3-3. Number of Handwashing Attempts per Participant Observation before
and during Meal Preparation
Notes: Illustrates number of handwashing attempts per participant observation. No observations had
fewer than two handwashing attempts.
Source: 2018 meal preparation experimentcoding of food preparation. N = 294
Cleaning and then Sanitizing Kitchen Surfaces and Equipment
Cleaning and then sanitizing kitchen surfaces and equipment can help prevent cross-
contamination. Cleaning is defined by CDC as washing a surface with soap and warm water
to remove dirt and debris. Sanitizing reduces the number of bacteria present on a surface
by using a specific sanitizing compound such as a solution of chlorine bleach, quaternary
ammonia, or alcohol-based solution to spray the surface with a specified contact time and
either letting it dry or wiping it dry with a clean, one-use towel so that bacterial loads,
including pathogens, can be reduced.
Tables 3-8 through 3-12 list the number of potential cleaning events, attempts, successful
attempts (cleaning and then sanitizing), and unsuccessful attempts (e.g., cleaning only or
sanitizing only) for the control and treatment groups specific to cleaning kitchen counters,
the sink, knives, and cutting boards. The intervention did not appear to affect whether
cleaning was attempted or if the cleaning attempt was successful. The results are
summarized below.
Section 3 Results
Key Takeaways for Kitchen Equipment
39% of all participants used knives to prepare chicken (n = 116)
26% of knife users used same knife for chicken and salad
Among participants who used same knife, 80% attempted clean step between prepping chicken
and salad
Among those who attempted clean step (n = 24), 17% only rinsed with water, 83% only cleaned
the knife, and no participants sanitized the knife
No statistically significant differences between treatment and control groups for those who used
same knife
Cutting boards:
29% of all participants used cutting boards to prepare chicken (n = 88)
The use of the same cutting board for preparing the chicken and the salad was lower among the
treatment group (15%) compared with the control group (40%) (p = .0416) suggesting an
intervention effect (the message to use separate cutting boards was included in one of the email
Among participants who used same cutting board, 93% attempted clean step between prepping
chicken and salad
Among those who attempted clean step (n = 25), 8% only rinsed with water, 92% only cleaned,
and no participants sanitized
No statistically significant differences between treatment and control groups related to attempted
For the kitchen counter, there were two potential cleaning/sanitizing events: one at the
start of meal preparation and one after meal preparation at the end of the observation. The
start of meal preparation was counted because participants are in an unfamiliar kitchen, and
best practice would be to clean and sanitize the counter before cooking. The control group
had 308 attempted cleaning and/or sanitizing events and the treatment group 280 events;
no significant difference was observed between the control and treatment groups in the
number of cleaning events required and attempts, both successful and unsuccessful. The
percentage of successful attempts (cleaning and then sanitizing) for both type of events was
low—3% for the control group and 6% for the treatment group (see Table 3-7).
Washing of the sink was assessed if the participant washed the chicken before cooking it. As
previously noted, 104 participants washed the chicken. Among these participants, a total of
208 cleaning events were required by each of these participants: one immediately following
chicken washing and one at the end of the observation. There was no significant difference
between the control and treatment groups in the number of attempts and successful
attempts. Again, the number of successful attempts (cleaning and then sanitizing) was very
low (see Table 3-8).
Food Safety Consumer Research Project: Meal Preparation Experiment Related to Poultry Washing
Table 3-7. Cleaning and Sanitizing of Kitchen Counter among All Participants
(n = 154)
(n = 140) p value
EventBefore Meal Preparation
29% (45) 30% (42) .9023
Successful attempts
(cleaned and then
0% (0) 2% (1) .3006
Unsuccessful attempts
Water only
42% (19) 31% (13) .3864
Clean only 27% (12) 38% (16) .3478
Sanitize only 31% (14) 29% (12) .8286
Did not attempt 71% (109) 70% (98) .9366
EventAfter Meal Preparation
81% (125) 76% (107) .6479
Successful attempt
(cleaned and then
4% (5) 7% (8) .2647
Unsuccessful attempts
Water only
39% (49) 28% (30) .1463
Clean only 34% (42) 32% (34) .8087
Sanitize only 23% (29) 33% (35) .1691
Did not attempt 19% (29) 24% (33) .3767
Note: Each participant had opportunities to clean the counter once before meal preparation and once
at the end of the observation. Within each type of event, the percentage of attempts and did not
attempts sums to 100% and within attempts, the percentages for types of attempts (successful vs.
reason for unsuccessful) sum to 100%.
We calculated p value significance testing using a chi-squared test for the difference between the
control and treatment groups for each outcome. Differences are statistically significant if the p value
is .05.
Attemptwas defined as any time that a participant appeared to clean the surface; the attempt
could be successful or unsuccessful.
The counter was considered cleaned if the participant used soap and water to scrub the surface and
wiped it dry with a clean, one-use towel. The counter was considered sanitized if the participant
used one of the provided sanitizers (containing chlorine bleach, quaternary ammonia, or alcohol-
based) to spray the surface and wiped it dry with a clean, one-use towel. For an attempt to be
considered successful, the counter had to first be cleaned and then sanitized.
Cleaning attempts with water only were considered attempts; however, it is not clear if this type of
attempt reduces potential contamination or merely spreads around possible pathogens.
Source: 2018 meal preparation experimentcoding of food preparation. N = 294.
Section 3 Results
Table 3-8. Cleaning and Sanitizing of Sink among Participants Who Washed
(n = 94)
(n = 10) p value
EventImmediately Following Chicken Washing
24% (23) 20% (2) .7841
Successful attempts
(cleaned and then sanitized) 4% (1) 0% (0) .7680
Reasons for unsuccessful attempts
Water only
30% (7) 50% (1) .6698
Cleaned only 39% (9) 0% (0) .3657
Sanitized only 26% (6) 50% (1) .5688
Did not attempt 76% (71) 80% (8) .8875
EventEnd of Observation
71% (67) 30% (3) .1303
Successful attempts
(cleaned and then sanitized) 4% (3) 0% (0) .7139
Reasons for unsuccessful attempts
Water only
27% (18) 33% (1) .8334
Cleaned only 46% (31) 67% (2) .6147
Sanitized only 22% (15) 0% (0) .4125
Did not attempt 29% (27) 70% (7) .8775
Note: Each participant had the opportunity to clean the sink once during meal preparation (following
washing) and once at the end of the observation. Within each type of event, the percentage of
attempts and did not attempts sums to 100% and within attempts, the percentages for types of
attempts (successful vs. reason for unsuccessful) sum to 100%.
We calculated p value significance testing using a chi-squared test for the difference between the
control and treatment groups for each outcome. Differences are statistically significant if the p value
is .05.
Attemptwas defined as any time that a participant appeared to clean the sink; the attempt could
be successful or unsuccessful.
The sink was considered cleaned if the participant used soap and water to scrub the surface and
wiped it dry with a clean, one-use towel. The sink was considered sanitized if the participant used
one of the provided sanitizers (containing chlorine bleach, quaternary ammonia, or alcohol-based)
to spray the surface and wiped it dry with a clean, one-use towel. For an attempt to be considered
successful, the sink had to first be cleaned and then sanitized.
Cleaning attempts with water only were considered attempts; however, it is not clear if this type of
attempt reduces potential contamination or merely spreads around possible pathogens.
Source: 2018 meal preparation experimentcoding of food preparation. N = 104 washed poultry.
Washing of the kitchen counter was also assessed among only those 104 participants who
washed the chicken. Among these participants, there were 208 opportunities for cleaning
eventsone immediately following chicken washing and one at the end of the observation.
There were no significant differences between the control and treatment groups. Again, the
number of successful attempts (cleaning and sanitizing) was very low (see Table 3-9).
Food Safety Consumer Research Project: Meal Preparation Experiment Related to Poultry Washing
Table 3-9. Cleaning and Sanitizing of Kitchen Counter among Participants Who
Washed Poultry
(n = 94)
(n = 10) p value
EventImmediately Following Chicken Washing
33% (31) 50% (5) .5270
Successful attempts
(cleaned and then sanitized) 0% (0) 0% (0)
Reasons for unsuccessful attempts
Water only
35% (11) 60% (3) .4146
Cleaned only 26% (8) 40% (2) .5760
Sanitized only 39% (12) 0% (0) .1641
Did not attempt 67% (63) 50% (5) .6182
EventEnd of Observation
84% (79) 90% (9) .8456
Successful attempts
(cleaned and then sanitized) 5% (4) 0% (0) .4996
Reasons for unsuccessful attempts
Water only
39% (31) 56% (5) .4684
Cleaned only 33% (26) 22% (2) .5901
Sanitized only 23% (18) 22% (2) .9732
Did not attempt 16% (15) 10% (1) .6479
Note: Each participant had the opportunity to clean the counter once during meal preparation
(following washing) and once at the end of the observation. Within each type of event, the
percentage of attempts and did not attempts sums to 100% and within attempts, the percentages
for types of attempts (successful vs. reason for unsuccessful) sum to 100%.
We calculated p value significance testing using a chi-squared test for the difference between the
control and treatment groups for each outcome. Differences are statistically significant if the p value
is .05.
Attemptwas defined as any time that a participant appeared to clean the counter; the attempt
could be successful or unsuccessful.
The counter was considered cleaned if the participant used soap and water to scrub the surface and
wiped it dry with a clean, one-use towel. The counter was considered sanitized if the participant
used one of the provided sanitizers (containing chlorine bleach, quaternary ammonia, or alcohol-
based) to spray the surface and wiped it dry with a clean, one-use towel. For an attempt to be
considered successful, the counter had to first be cleaned and then sanitized.
Cleaning attempts with water only were considered attempts; however, it is not clear if this type of
attempt reduces potential contamination or merely spreads around possible pathogens.
Source: 2018 meal preparation experimentcoding of food preparation. N = 104 washed poultry.
Table 3-10 lists cleaning and sanitation of knife attempts (116 participants total) grouped by
participants who used a knife only to prepare chicken (n = 86) and those who used the
same knife to prepare both the chicken and the salad (n = 30). Each participant had the
opportunity to clean knives twice: once immediately after use and once at the end of the
observation. There was a significant difference between the control and treatment groups
Section 3 Results
for those who rinsed knives with water immediately following chicken preparation
(unsuccessful attempt); however, given the small sample size, no conclusions should be
drawn based on this result.
Table 3-10. Cleaning and Sanitizing of Knives Used to Prepare Chicken
(n = 75)
(n = 41) p value
Cleaning Event RequiredKnife Used Only to
Prepare Chicken
72% (54) 78% (32) .7175
EventImmediately After Use
Attempted immediately
54% (29) 53% (17) .8149
Successful attempts (used dishwasher
) 21% (6) 24% (4) .8420
Reasons for unsuccessful attempts
Water only 3% (1) 24% (4) .0462
Cleaned only 72% (21) 53% (9) .4298
Sanitize only 3% (1) 0% (0) .4438
Did not clean immediately 46% (25) 47% (15) .8065
EventEnd of Observation
100% (25) 100% (15) .9999
Successful attempts (used dishwasher
) 40% (10) 40% (6) .9999
Reasons for unsuccessful attempts
Water only 0% (0) 0% (0)
Cleaned only 60% (15) 60% (9) .9999
Sanitize only 0% (0) 0% (0)
Did not clean final 0 (0) 0 (0)
Cleaning Event RequiredSame Knife Used to
Prepare Both Chicken and Salad
28% (21) 22% (9) .5402
EventImmediately after Use
Attempted immediately
81% (17) 78% (7) .9290
Successful attempts (used dishwasher
) 0% (0) 0% (0)
Reasons for unsuccessful attempts
Water only 24% (4) 0% (0) .1994
Cleaned only 76% (13) 100% (7) .5660
Sanitize only 0% (0) 0% (0)
Did not clean immediately 19% (4) 22% (2) .8585
Food Safety Consumer Research Project: Meal Preparation Experiment Related to Poultry Washing
Table 3-10. Cleaning and Sanitizing of Knives Used to Prepare Chicken
(n = 75)
(n = 41) p value
EventEnd of Observation
100% (4) 100% (2) .9999
Successful attempts (used dishwasher
) 0% (0) 50% (1) .1572
Reasons for unsuccessful attempts
Water only 0% (0) 0% (0)
Cleaned only 100% (4) 50% (1) .5270
Sanitize only 0% (0) 0% (0)
Did not clean 0% (0) 0% (0)
Notes: Each participant had the opportunity to clean knives once immediately after use and once at
the end of the observation. Within each type of event, the percentage of attempts and did not
attempts sums to 100% and within attempts, the percentages for types of attempts (successful vs.
reason for unsuccessful) sum to 100%.
For participants who only used the knife for chicken and did not immediately clean,the knife was
either left in the sink or on the counter and was not used again.
For participants who used the same knife for the chicken and the salad, the knife should have been
cleaned and then sanitized immediately following use to prevent potential cross contamination.
We calculated p value significance testing using a chi-squared test for the difference between the
control and treatment groups for each outcome. Differences are statistically significant if the p value
is .05.
Attemptwas defined as any time that a participant appeared to clean the knife; the attempt could
be successful or unsuccessful.
Assumed that dishwasher action, regardless of setting, results in a pathogen-free untense.
Source: 2018 meal preparation experimentcoding of food preparation. N = 116 participants used
knives to prepare chicken.
The only successful attempts for cleaning and then sanitizing came from participants who
used the dishwasher. We assumed, based on our coding definitions, that the dishwasher
action, regardless of setting, results in a pathogen-free utensil. Dishwasher manufacturers
state that while water temperatures can vary between 110 and 170°F, the sustained wet
heat timetemperature combinations would result in a 5-log reduction of bacterial
pathogens and that dishwashing is an integral step to risk reduction (Cogan, Slader,
Bloomfield, & Humphrey, 2002).
Among all participants, 88 participants used a cutting board to prepare the chicken. There
were no significant differences between the control and treatment groups for cleaning and
sanitizing of cutting boards for those participants who used a cutting board with chicken
only (n = 61). There was a significant difference between the control and treatment groups
for participants who used the same cutting board for preparing the chicken and the salad;
however, given the small sample size (n = 27), no conclusions should be drawn based on
Section 3 Results
this result. As with the knives, the only successful attempts for both cleaning and sanitizing
came from participants who placed the cutting board in the dishwasher (see Table 3-11).
Table 3-11. Cleaning and Sanitizing of Cutting Boards Used to Prepare Chicken
(n = 55)
(n = 33) p value
Cleaning Event RequiredCutting Board Used
for Chicken Only
60% (33) 85% (28) .1752
EventImmediately after Use
36% (12) 46% (13) .6101
Successful attempt (used dishwasher
) 42% (5) 15% (2) .2147
Reasons for unsuccessful attempts
Water only 17% (2) 31% (4) .4721
Clean only 42% (5) 54% (7) .6606
Sanitize only 0% (0) 0% (0)
Did not attempt 64% (21) 54% (15) .5406
EventEnd of Observation
Attempted 100% (21) 100% (15) .9999
Successful attempt (used dishwasher
) 33% (7) 27% (4) .6634
Reasons for unsuccessful attempts
Water only 0% (0) 0% (0)
Clean only 62% (13) 73% (11) .7683
Sanitize only 0% (0) 0% (0)
Attempt undetermined
5% (1) 0% (0)
Did not attempt 0% (0) 0% (0)
Cleaning Event RequiredSame Cutting Board
Used to Prepare Both Chicken and Salad
40% (22) 15% (5) .0416
EventImmediately after Use
Attempted 91% (20) 100% (5) .5002
Successful attempt (used dishwasher
) 0% (0) 0% (0)
Reasons for unsuccessful attempts
Water only 10% (2) 0% (0) .4795
Clean only 90% (18) 100% (5) .8348
Sanitize only 0% (0) 0% (0)
Did not attempt 9% (2) 0% (0) .8488
Food Safety Consumer Research Project: Meal Preparation Experiment Related to Poultry Washing
Table 3-11. Cleaning and Sanitizing of Cutting Boards Used to Prepare Chicken
(n = 55)
(n = 33) p value
Event—End of Observation
Attempted 100% (2) 0% (0) .9999
Successful attempt (used dishwasher
) 50% (1) 0% (0)
Reasons for unsuccessful attempts
Water only 0% (0) 0% (0)
Clean only 50% (1) 0% (0)
Sanitize only 0% (0) 0% (0)
Did not attempt 0% (0) 0% (0)
Note: Each participant had the opportunity to clean cutting boards once during meal preparation and
once at the end of the observation. Within each type of event, the percentage of attempts and did not
attempts sums to 100% and within attempts, the percentages for types of attempts (successful vs.
reason for unsuccessful) sum to 100%.
We calculated p value significance testing using a chi-squared test for the difference between the
control and treatment groups for each outcome. Differences are statistically significant if the p value
is .05.
Attemptwas defined as any time that a participant appeared to clean the cutting board; the
attempt could be successful or unsuccessful.
Assumed that dishwasher action, regardless of setting, results in a pathogen-free utensil.
Undetermined attempt was due to a corrupt video file.
Source: 2018 meal preparation experimentcoding of food preparation. N = 88 used cutting boards
to prepare chicken.
Just over 50% of all the participants in the study washed all the salad ingredients (lettuce
provided in a Ziploc bag, celery, and carrots), and 11% did not wash any of the ingredients.
There were no significant differences between the control and treatment groups in vegetable
washing (see Table 3-12).
Table 3-12. Washing Vegetables before Preparing Salad
(n = 156)
(n = 143) p value
Did not wash any lettuce/produce 11% (17) 11% (16) .3176
Washed some lettuce/produce 34% (53) 42% (60) .9329
Washed all lettuce/produce 55% (86) 47% (67) .2619
We calculated p value significance testing using a chi-squared test for the difference between the
control and treatment groups for each outcome. Differences are statistically significant if the p value
is .05.
Source: 2018 meal preparation experimentcoding of food preparation as recorded on trigger sheet
and video observations. N = 299.
Section 3 Results
Thermometer Use
Overall, 47% of all participants used a food thermometer on at least one chicken thigh (see
Table 3-13). Among participants who used a thermometer, 24% of participants checked
only one thigh and 76% checked both thighs. There were no significant differences between
the control and treatment groups. Unlike the first year’s observational research, data are
not available on the final endpoint temperature when a thermometer was used to check
doneness in this year’s research, but this issue will be revisited in future years by viewing
the video from the overhead cameras.
Table 3-13. Rate of Thermometer Use
(n = 154)
(n = 140)
p value
Participant used thermometer to check doneness of
one or both chicken thighs
44% (67) 51% (72) .3238
Among participants who used thermometer, number
of chicken thighs checked
One thigh 30% (20) 19% (14) .3046
Two thighs 70% (47) 81% (58) .3220
We calculated p value significance testing using a chi-squared test for dichotomous variables and
repeated measures of analysis of variance (i.e., ANOVA) for continuous variables for the difference
between the control and treatment groups for each outcome. Differences are statistically significant
if the p value is .05.
Source: 2018 meal preparation experiment—coding of food preparation. N = 294.
Some participants attempted to determine doneness using other indicators. Nearly 18% of
participants relied solely on a visual cue (e.g., cutting into a thigh), and 8% relied solely on
firmness (e.g., touch); however, 14% of participants used more than one method
(excluding thermometer) to determine doneness (see Table 3-14). There were no significant
differences between the control and treatment groups in thermometer use and other
methods used to determine doneness.
Table 3-14. Methods Used to Determine Doneness
(n = 154)
(n = 140)
p value
Only used thermometer 32% (49) 33% (46) .3474
Only used visual cue (inside or outside color) 20% (31) 15% (21) .6026
Only used touch (e.g., firmness) 9% (14) 6% (9) .6510
Only used time 11% (17) 14% (19) .5354
Food Safety Consumer Research Project: Meal Preparation Experiment Related to Poultry Washing
Table 3-14. Methods Used to Determine Doneness (continued)
(n = 154)
(n = 140)
p value
Used more than one method, including thermometer 12% (19) 19% (27) .3819
Used more than one method, not including
16% (24) 13% (18) .9770
We calculated p value significance testing using a chi-squared test for the difference between the
control and treatment groups for each method. Differences are statistically significant if the p value
is .05.
Sources: 2018 meal preparation experimentcoding of food preparation. N = 294.
Cross-Contamination and Microbiological Analysis
To assess cross-contamination in the kitchen, we analyzed the spread of the surrogate from
the inoculated chicken thighs to various surfaces and the salad lettuce. Lack of or failed
handwashing attempts can spread pathogens to high-touch surfaces through contact of
contaminated hands to surfaces and foods. Campylobacter and Salmonella, pathogens
found in poultry products, have been shown to be viable on food contact surfaces for 4 to
32 hours, respectively (De Cesare, Sheldon, Smith, & Jaykus, 2003), posing a potential
health risk in the home if contaminated surfaces are not adequately cleaned and sanitized.
We used the microbiological data to identify both the direct and indirect cross-contamination
events that occurred during the meal preparation experiment. Direct cross-contamination is
defined as when raw meat or raw meat packaging (in this case chicken thighs) comes into
direct contact with an RTE food (in this case, salad lettuce) or a food handling surface or
utensil and the area is not cleaned and sanitized after contact. Indirect cross-contamination
is when utensils, surfaces, and/or hands contact a contaminant and then are not cleaned
and/or sanitized adequately before the next use, any time between touching raw meat or
packaging and then touching a nonmeat item, touching a mobile device, or touching trash.
We analyzed the data before and after cleaning for the chicken preparation area (if poultry
was not washed), the sink, and the area around the sink (if poultry was washed).
Tables 3-15 and 3-16 show the prevalence and level of contamination for these sites, as
well as the prevalence and level of contamination in the salad lettuce. Positive validation
samples (n = 12 for control and n = 1 for treatment) required exclusion of the entire
participant sample from the microbial analysis, which accounts for the lower number of
microbiological samples.
When the chicken was not washed by the participant, we sampled the chicken preparation
area(CPA), the area where the participant prepared the chicken to be cooked, in lieu of the
counter area next to the sink. Among participants who washed the chicken, the area of
counter sampled ranged from 0 to 6 inches to 0 to 32 inches. The variation in distance was
due to preliminary laboratory testing. Preliminary laboratory work where chicken washing
Section 3 Results
was simulated showed that the surrogate was rarely detected more than 18 inches away
from the sink and was most frequently found within 6 inches of the sink. However, we
included up to 32 inches of counter space through the first 28 observations to see if the
microbiological results from the meal preparation experiment mirrored those preliminary
studies. As shown in Table 3-15, the surrogate was never detected farther than 18 inches
from the sink and was primarily localized within 0 to 6 inches from the sink, confirming our
preliminary lab work. After the first 28 observations, additional sampling areas were
included because the surrogate was also detected in the lettuce of the nonpoultry washer
participants. At this point, we included the sink and tap (faucet) handle to form a more
complete model for how cross-contamination was occurring during meal preparation.
The inner sink post-wash/pre-clean was positive 60% and 36% of the time for washers and
nonwashers, respectively, which was the most frequently positive surface among both
groups (see Tables 3-15 and 3-16). It is likely that the packaging, chicken, or hands
contaminated with the surrogate from the chicken or packaging were in contact with the
sink, resulting in the high frequency of contamination. This was especially true in the
washer group, where direct cross-contamination of the sink was likely to have occurred
because the chicken was more likely to be in direct contact with the sink. The likelihood of
direct cross-contamination occurring on this surface for washers probably also contributed
to the level of surrogate present (4.49 log CFU/surface), which was the highest among the
locations sampled for washers.
The tap handle was rarely found to be positive, and even when contamination was found, a
low level of the surrogate was detected (around 1 to 2 log CFU/surface on average) for both
the washers and nonwashers. The same was true for the post-clean CPA, which also had a
level of surrogate ranging from 1 to 2 log CFU/surface. Furthermore, these areas had the
lowest frequency of surrogate for both washersthe tap handle was positive 1.59% of the
timeand nonwashersthe CPA was positive 1.63% of the time. Surrogate was also not
detected on the spice containers frequently or at a comparable level to the sink surface: it
was positive 6% of the time (2.23 log CFU/surface) and 5% of the time (2.49 log
CFU/surface) for washers and nonwashers, respectively. This finding was interesting
because the Year 1 study showed spice containers with the highest detected level of
surrogate and positive around 50% of the time. However, the lower level and prevalence
were not surprising because for the Year 1 study a viral surrogate was used that persisted
much longer than the bacterial surrogate on kitchen surfaces, a different raw product was
used (ground turkey vs. chicken thighs), and the Year 1 instructions regarding spice
containers were different in that they instructed participants to season turkey patties on
both sides of the raw patties, likely increasing the rate of cross-contamination to the spice
containers. The intervention did not significantly affect the frequency or level of surrogate
detected on any surface regardless of whether participants washed the chicken.
Food Safety Consumer Research Project: Meal Preparation Experiment Related to Poultry Washing
Table 3-15. Prevalence of Surrogate Contamination and Level of Contamination
for Locations in the Kitchen and Salad Lettuce When Chicken Was
Control Treatment p value
inner sink**
contaminated % (n)
60.32 (63) 59.65 (57) 66.67 (6) .7401
Level of contamination ±
SD, log CFU/g (n)
4.49 ±
4.84 (38)
4.49 ±
4.86 (34)
4.47 ±
4.72 (4)
0–6 inches
from sink
contaminated % (n)
22.58 (93) 21.69 (83) 30.00 (10) .5548
Level of contamination ±
SD, log CFU/g (n)
4.06 ±
4.25 (21)
4.09 ±
4.28 (18)
3.80 ±
3.77 (3)
6–12 inches
from sink*
contaminated % (n)
14.29 (28) 12.00 (25) 33.33 (3) .3273
Level of contamination ±
SD, log CFU/g (n)
2.58 ±
2.43 (4)
2.46 ±
2.41 (3)
2.80 ± NA
inches from
contaminated % (n)
8.33 (24) 4.77 (21) 33.33 (3) .1013
Level of contamination ±
SD, log CFU/g (n)
1.30 ±
0.55 (2)
1.35 ± NA
1.24 ± NA
inches from
contaminated % (n)
0 (16) 0 (14) 0 (2) NA
Level of contamination ±
SD, log CFU/g (n)
inches from
contaminated % (n)
0 (12) 0 (11) 0 (1) NA
Level of contamination ±
SD, log CFU/g (n)
contaminated, % (n)
1.59 (63) 1.75 (57) 0 (6) .7474
Level of contamination ±
SD, log CFU/handle (n)
2.43 ± NA
2.43 ± NA
inner sink**
contaminated, % (n)
14.29 (63) 14.04 (57) 16.67 (6) .8621
Level of contamination ±
SD, log CFU/g (n)
4.11 ±
4.55 (9)
4.16 ±
4.58 (8)
1.65 ± NA
0–6 inches
from sink
contaminated, % (n)
2.15 (93) 2.41 (83) 0 (10) .6231
Level of contamination ±
SD, log CFU/g (n)
1.77 ±
1.09 (2)
1.77 ±
1.09 (2)
6–12 inches
from sink*
contaminated, % (n)
0 (28) 0 (25) 0 (3) NA
Level of contamination ±
SD, log CFU/g (n)
Section 3 Results
Table 3-15. Prevalence of Surrogate Contamination and Level of Contamination
for Locations in the Kitchen and Salad Lettuce When Chicken Was
Washed (continued)
Control Treatment p value
inches from
contaminated, % (n)
3.85 (26) 4.00 (25) 0 (3) .7927
Level of contamination ±
SD, log CFU/g (n)
1.65 ± NA
1.65 ± NA
contaminated % (n)
6.25 (96) 4.65 (86) 20.00 (10) .0590
Level of contamination
(SD), log CFU/g (n)
2.23 ±
2.12 (6)
2.07 ±
1.99 (4)
2.45 ±
2.41 (2)
contaminated % (n)
25.77 (97) 26.44 (87) 30.00 (10) .8108
Level of contamination
(SD), log CFU/g (n)
3.09 ±
3.35 (25)
3.05 ±
3.34 (23)
3.39 ±
3.52 (3)
A positive result was any colony that fluoresced under UV when grown on selective media.
(n) = number of samples used in the analysis; SD = standard deviation; NA = unable to calculate
p value because of small number of observations
We calculated p value significance testing using a chi-squared test for prevalence and repeated
measures of analysis of variance (i.e., ANOVA) for level of contamination for the difference between
the control and treatment groups. Differences are statistically significant if the p value is .05.
* Denotes original counter sampling scheme.
** Denotes surfaces added in new sampling scheme.
Source: 2018 meal preparation experimentmicrobiological samples.
Table 3-16. Prevalence of Surrogate Contamination and Level of Contamination
for Locations in the Kitchen and Salad Lettuce When Chicken Was Not
Location All Participants
Control Treatment p value
inner sink**
contaminated %
35.56 (135) 47.62 (42) 30.11 (93) .1013
Level of
contamination ±
SD, log CFU/g (n)
4.27 ± 4.83 (48)
3.85 ± 4.38 (20)
4.43 ± 4.93 (28)
prep area
contaminated % (n)
9.24 (184) 7.27 (55) 10.01 (129) .5570
Level of
contamination ±
SD, log CFU/g (n)
4.45 ± 4.71 (17)
4.64 ± 4.94 (4) 4.37 ± 4.58 (13)
Food Safety Consumer Research Project: Meal Preparation Experiment Related to Poultry Washing
Table 3-16. Prevalence of Surrogate Contamination and Level of Contamination
for Locations in the Kitchen and Salad Lettuce When Chicken Was Not
Washed (continued)
Location All Participants
Control Treatment p value
contaminated % (n)
2.90 (138) 2.33 (43) 3.16 (95) .7886
Level of
contamination ±
SD, log CFU/handle
1.71 ± 1.85 (4) 0.54 ± NA (1) 1.83 ± 1.89 (3) NA
inner sink**
contaminated % (n)
5.11 (137) 6.98 (43) 4.26 (94) .5040
Level of
contamination ±
SD, log CFU/g (n)
3.09 ± 3.48 (7) 3.43 ± 3.66 (3) 2.11 ± 2.23 (4) .5757
prep area
contaminated % (n)
1.63 (184) 0 (55) 2.33 (129) .2575
Level of
contamination ±
SD, log CFU/g (n)
1.95 ± 1.99 (3) 1.95 ± 1.99 (3)
contaminated % (n)
4.89 (184) 7.27 (55) 3.88 (129) .3305
Level of
contamination ±
SD, log CFU/g (n)
2.49 ± 2.57 (9) 1.93 ± 1.84 (4) 2.68 ± 2.63 (5) .6452
contaminated % (n)
19.57 (184) 30.91 (55) 14.73 (129) .0115
Level of
contamination ±
SD, log CFU/g (n)
4.86 ± 5.54 (36)
4.48 ± 5.03 (17)
5.04 ± 5.67 (19)
A positive result was any colony that fluoresced under UV when grown on selective media.
(n) = number of samples used in the analysis; SD = standard deviation; NA = unable to calculate
p value because of small number of observations
We calculated p value significance testing using a chi-squared test for prevalence and repeated
measures of analysis of variance (i.e., ANOVA) for level of contamination for the difference between
the control and treatment groups. Differences are statistically significant if the p value is .05.
* Denotes original counter sampling scheme
**Denotes surfaces added in new sampling scheme
Source: 2018 meal preparation experimentmicrobiological samples.
The lettuce in the RTE salad was tested for the surrogate to determine if cross-
contamination from the chicken thighs to an RTE product occurred. The lettuce was found to
be contaminated at a frequency of 26% and 20%, for the washers and nonwashers,
respectively. The average level of surrogate detected within the salads of participants who
did not wash their chicken, 4.9 log CFU on average, was the highest in the entire study.
Section 3 Results
While it was expected to see some level of contamination when chicken was washed, we did
not expect to see much contamination of the salad among nonwashers. However, the most
frequently positive surface for nonwashers was the sink, which could explain where cross-
contamination may have occurred especially if produce (i.e., the salad ingredients) was
washed in the sink. Hand-facilitated cross-contamination is also suspected to be an
important factor in explaining the cross-contamination that occurred in both groups. The
lack of proper handwashing as denoted previously means that participants may have been
preparing the meal with contaminated hands and spreading the surrogate to other surfaces
around the kitchen. For nonwashers, those in the control group were more likely to
contaminate the salad than those in the treatment group (p = .0115), suggesting an
intervention effect. However, this effect was not seen for the washer group.
The high level and the high frequency of surrogate detection in the sink suggest that
splashing contaminated chicken fluids onto the counter is not a major route of cross-
contamination during chicken washing. The frequency of contamination suggests the
microbes harbored in the sink from the chicken, packaging, or contaminated hands could be
the larger issue, especially because produce is often washed in the sink. This hypothesis is
further supported by the high level of surrogate found on the salad lettuce of nonwashers.
The sink and the counter or CPA were sampled before and after cleaning occurred to
determine whether the cleaning and sanitation steps taken by the participants were
effective. While the level of contamination was not significantly different for either the sink
or counter/CPA of the washer and nonwasher groups, the frequency of contamination was
significantly lower (p < .0001) for both the sink and counter/CPA after cleaning and/or
sanitizing from washers and nonwashers (results not shown). This finding suggests that
overall the cleaning and sanitizing steps participants took after they finished cooking
lowered the microbial presence from chicken on the sink and counter. However, the
surrogate was detected in lettuce samples from both groups, which means that until these
areas are sanitized there is still opportunity for cross-contamination of these surfaces and to
RTE products like salad. Without proper cleaning and then sanitizing between chicken
preparation and salad preparation, consumers can still potentially cross-contaminate an RTE
product like salad. If consumers were to clean and/or sanitize their sink in between, the
results suggest they would be far less likely to cross-contaminate the salad.
Participant Response to Email Intervention (Treatment Group
During the post-observation interviews, we collected information about the participants
responses to the email messages with information on poultry washing and
cleaning/sanitizing (see Table 3-17).
Food Safety Consumer Research Project: Meal Preparation Experiment Related to Poultry Washing
Table 3-17. ParticipantsResponses to Email Messages with Information on Not
Washing Poultry and Preventing Cross-Contamination
Response % (n)
(n = 142)
Read emails
All of the emails 59% (84)
Some of the emails 39% (55)
None of the emails (did not answer remaining questions) 2% (3)
Before getting the emails, participant had heard the recommendation to not
wash raw poultry before cooking it (% yes)
50% (71)
Device used to view the emails
Desktop 15% (21)
Laptop 14% (20)
Tablet 2% (3)
Smartphone 43% (61)
More than one device 24% (34)
Dont recall 2% (3)
Recall seeing message at the bottom of each email (% yes) 67% (95)
Recall seeing graphic at the bottom of any of the emails (% yes) 82% (117)
Recall seeing link to YouTube video at the bottom of one of the emails (% yes) 49% (69)
If recalled seeing link to video, watched the video (% yes) 59% (41)
If recalled the emails, did the information influence participantsactions in the
kitchen today? (n = 128)
Yes, emails influenced actions 66% (84)
New information about preparing poultry 40% (34)
Reinforced normal poultry preparation practices 25% (21)
Other reason: cleaning, cross-contamination 10% (8)
Other reason: time, awareness,thermometer use 11% (9)
Other: recalled emails/messages but provided no information about
8% (7)
Not answered/answer not clear/answer not relevant 6% (5)
No, emails did not influence actions 22% (28)
Reinforced normal poultry preparation practices 43% (12)
Other 18% (5)
Not answered/answer not clear/answer not relevant 39% (11)
Question not asked
13% (16)
If recalled the emails, will the information influence how participant cooks at
home in the future? (n = 128)
Yes, will influence 66% (85)
New information about preparing poultry 68% (58)
Reinforced normal poultry preparation practices 9% (8)
Other 16% (14)
Not answered/answer not clear/answer not relevant 6% (5)
Section 3 Results
Table 3-17. ParticipantsResponses to Email Messages with Information on Not
Washing Poultry and Preventing Cross-Contamination (continued)
Response % (n)
(n = 142)
No, will not influence 21% (27)
Reinforced normal poultry preparation practices 63% (17)
Other 30% (8)
Not answered/answer not clear/answer not relevant 7% (2)
Question not asked
13% (16)
Question not asked. Participants reported recalling the message; however, the questions on whether
the messages influenced their behaviors were not asked for two reasons: (1) participant did not
readily recall applicable content (e.g., There was a number to call for rescheduling and a map.) or
(2) interviewer did not ask the questions
Source: 2018 meal preparation experimentpost-observation interviews.
Nearly 60% of participants reported that they read all three emails, and 39% read some of
the emails. The most common device for reading the emails was a smartphone (43%) and
24% of participants responded that they read the emails on more than one type of device.
With respect to the content of the three emails, about 67% recalled seeing a message at
the bottom of the email, 82% recalled seeing a graphic at the end of the email messages;
and 49% recalled seeing a link to a YouTube video. Among these participants, 59% reported
watching the video. Half of the participants mentioned that they had heard the
recommendation to not wash poultry before, and the sources of this information included
the news, school, and somewhere on Facebook.
Approximately 66% of the participants reported that the information contained in the emails
will likely influence future cooking behaviors, and 40% of these participants mentioned
learning new information about chicken washing as the primary reason for behavior change.
I dont know. Its just [inaudible]its prevalent in my head that that actually spreads it
and not prevents it. So that alone would stop me from doing it.
Yes. I learned about the right way to prep poultry in 20 seconds.
Yes because, from now onbecause I did [inaudible] more research after that email, I
found out how it can spread bacteria, and it does do that. Im not going to do it at
Comparison between Years 1 and 2 for Control Group
Table 3-18 compares the results for year 1 and 2 for handwashing, thermometer use, and
cross-contamination of the salad lettuce. In Year 1, participants prepared turkey burgers
with a garnish and a chef salad. The primary focus was to examine thermometer use when
Food Safety Consumer Research Project: Meal Preparation Experiment Related to Poultry Washing
cooking turkey patties, but data were also collected on handwashing behaviors and potential
cross-contamination of kitchen surfaces and the lettuce.
There were no significant differences between Years 1 and 2 in terms of handwashing
events required and successful and unsuccessful handwashing attempts among control
group participants. Consistent with the results for Year 1, the most common reason for
unsuccessful handwashing attempts was not rubbing hands with soap for 20 seconds (Cates
et al., 2018).
Regarding thermometer use, in Year 1, 34% of participants in the control group used a
thermometer on at least one turkey patty, and in Year 2, 44% of the control group used a
thermometer on at least one thigh. There was not a significant difference in thermometer
use between the two years (Table 3-18).
In Year 1, 9% of the salad lettuce in the control group was contaminated, while in Year 2,
28% of the salad lettuce in the control group was contaminated (Table 3-18). However,
conclusions should not be drawn solely based on these values given the differences between
the two years in the surrogates used, the varying inoculation levels, and the order that the
food was prepared (in Year 1, participants had the choice of which dish to prepare first,
while in Year 2 participants had to prepare the salad after the raw product).
Section 3 Results
Table 3-18. Comparison of Key Outcomes for Year 1 and Year 2 Meal Preparation
Experiments for Control Group Participants
Year 1 Year 2 p value
Handwashing event required (before or during
meal preparation)
1,195 1,299 .2783
% did not attempt 69% (830) 68% (889) .1228
% unsuccessful attempt 31% (365) 32% (410) .1387
% successful attempt
3% (10) 0.7% (3) .2852
Thermometer Use
% used thermometer on at least one item 34% (69) 44% (67) .1661
Cross Contamination of Salad Lettuce
% observations contaminated 9% (10) 28% (40) NA
We calculated p value significance testing using a chi-squared test for the difference between the
control and treatment groups for each outcome. Differences are statistically significant if the p value
is .05. The p value is not presented for the salad contamination given the major differences
between year 1 and 2 (different surrogates were used [bacteriophage vs. bacteria], varying
inoculation levels, and order of food preparation. For these reasons, a p value would not be
Successful attempt represents successful handwashing attempts out of all attempts.
Sources: 2018 and 2017 2018 meal preparation experimentcoding of food preparation; 2018 and
2017 meal preparation experimentmicrobiological samples. N = 201 control group observations for
Year 1 and 154 control group observations for Year 2. N = 109 salad samples for Year 1 and 142
salad samples for Year 2.
4. Discussion and Implications
This section concludes the report by discussing implications for message development that
FSIS OPACE may want to consider as it refines 1) the messages and delivery mechanisms
used to inform consumers on the importance of not washing raw poultry and proper
cleaning and sanitizing of surfaces and utensils when preparing raw meat and poultry and 2)
communications about other recommended food safety practices. These recommendations
are based on the literature in combination with the results of this study.
CDC has identified contributing factors to foodborne illness, including food from unsafe
sources, improper holding/time and temperatures, inadequate cooking, poor personal
hygiene, and contaminated equipment/prevention of contamination; four of these factors
are linked directly to food handler behaviors (Bean et al., 1996; CDC, n.d.). Five of the top
10 foodpathogen combinations with the highest estimated annual disease burden are
directly related to consumer handling (either controlled by cooking or reducing cross-
contamination), and some of these combinations contain food groups that are regulated by
USDA: poultry, pork, and beef (Batz, Hoffmann, & Morris, 2012). Pathogens such as
Campylobacter and Salmonella can be fully controlled in consumer homes by cooking foods
to safe internal temperatures and preventing cross-contamination. Risky preparation and
handling of food have been linked to multiple outbreaks of foodborne illness and identified
as a factor in public health burden (Nesbitt et al., 2009; Redmond & Griffith, 2003).
Updated Messaging on Poultry Washing Needed
The current message of not washing poultry or other raw meats because of the increased
risk of spreading pathogens from the washing site (i.e., sink) to the rest of the food
preparation setting is based on what is often referred to as the Campden BRI study, which
was not subject to peer review. The study simulated chicken washing in a laboratory setting
by one individual on fewer than 10 chicken pieces and found pathogens 3 feet from the
washing site. Historically, risk messages related to meat and poultry washing have referred
to this study; thus, it is important to highlight it as a starting point for studies related to
contamination through poultry washing. The current study shows that the risk of cross-
contamination from the sink itself may be more of a concern and warrants a broader
message than simply the message to not wash poultry because of the risk of spreading
The results of the current study, which used a more robust study design and actual meal
preparers in simulated home kitchen sites, demonstrate that the wash basin of a sink is
used for many actions in the meal preparation path. The wash basin of a sink can be used
as a holding location for packaged meat; where handwashing happens; as the place where
poultry is washed most of the time; and as the place where RTE foods (in this case salad
ingredients) are staged, held, and even prepared.
Food Safety Consumer Research Project: Meal Preparation Experiment Related to Poultry Washing
Based on these results, we recommend updating the poultry washing message with the new
science and focus on reasons for not washing in a more targeted way. We suggest
dissemination of a more complete message: avoid washing raw meat and poultry
because potentially harmful bacteria on the surface of the raw product can
accumulate in high concentrations within the sink and cross-contaminate ready-
to-eat foods.
Just as the wash basin of the sink was used for a variety of food preparation actions, the
participants in the test kitchen demonstrated several methods of washing chicken that were
not considered at the beginning of this study. We hypothesized that chicken washing would
be a simple action of holding the piece of chicken under a running faucet. This technique
was by far the most common; however, nearly 15% of the participants employed different
techniques including submerging the pieces of chicken in a bowl of water and using the
opened chicken packaging as a container and placing it under a running faucet. The post-
observation interviews provided additional insight into other chicken washing methods when
cooking at home such as rinsing with water, lemon, and vinegar. Participants also
mentioned using a kitchen sink sprayer to occasionally wash chicken at home. Although a
sprayer was not a common method of washing for smaller cuts of poultry, participants were
more likely to use a sprayer on a whole chicken or turkey (e.g., to help flush out the
cavity). The interviews also provided insight into the reasons behind washing chicken. The
most common reason cited for washing was to remove the slime,blood, and juices
rather than to remove potential pathogens. Additionally, a significant number of participants
explained that washing chicken is just a habitsomething they learned from watching a
family member do it.
Cleaning and Sanitizing Insights
In general, we observed no significant difference between the control and treatment groups
in the number of cleaning events required and attempts, both successful and unsuccessful.
It should be noted here that CDC recommends a two-step process of cleaning and sanitizing
during which debris is removed using a soap or detergent followed by a sanitizing step with
a chemical sanitizer compound (such as chlorine) or a heat step. For kitchen surfaces and
sinks, the percentage of successful attempts was very low. When looking at utensils
specifically (knives and cutting boards), the only successful attempts for both cleaning and
sanitizing came from participants who used the dishwasher. These results suggest that
messages on cleaning and sanitizing should be revisited to emphasize the importance of the
scientifically grounded two-step process, especially when focusing on the kitchen
environment following handling of raw meat and poultry.
The use of the same cutting board for preparing the chicken and the salad was lower among
the treatment group (15%) compared with the control group (40%) suggesting an
intervention effectone of the email messages advised using separate cutting boards for
Section 4 Discussion and Implications
raw meat/poultry and RTE foods. Using separate cutting boards can help prevent cross-
Impact of Directed Communications
Among all participants, 104 (35%) washed or rinsed the chicken thighs during preparation.
The control group washed the chicken thighs 61% of the time, while participants who were
exposed to the email messages washed the chicken thighs just 7% of the time, or a tenth of
the control, indicating the impact of the intervention. This finding is similar to Year 1s
finding where participants who watched a video on thermometer use directly before
completing the observation task were 3 times more likely to use a food thermometer
correctly. The email messages did not appear to have an effect on handwashing or cleaning
and sanitizing of kitchen surfaces, sinks, and equipment. Based on the results of the
microbiological analysis, among nonwashers, those in the control group were more likely to
contaminate the salad than those in the treatment group, suggesting an intervention effect.
In short, message delivery methods or targeting is important to change consumer behavior.
Through the use of social media, FSIS has the ability to influence many consumers at
multiple times and target consumers directly through boosted or sponsored ads (or
information nodes). Ultimately, public health communications should support or foster
healthy behaviors by the target audience. Heldman et al. (2013) posit that the potential for
behavior change with social media engagement exists, but that more inquiry is needed.
In a 2013 survey of 1,800 Americans, U.S. communications firm Ketchum (2013)
investigated the changing landscape of online discussions related to food quality, nutrition,
and safety and identified a subset of the Internet public as food evangelists. According to
Ketchum, this population generates up to 1.7 billion conversations about food weekly and
does not see itself as activists with entrenched beliefs on these issues; rather, they are an
interested public. They expect the food system, including federal agencies, to work
interactively to engage the eating public in dialogue and to share information proactively
and transparently.
Social media can be an asset to food safety risk communicators and a hindrance as well.
Benefits can be speed, accessibility, and interactive capacity when raising awareness about
an issue or during crisis communications, but these benefits may be countered by a lack of
control on accurate information, low trust in the information source, the risk of information
overload, and a preference for traditional media.
Online discussion of risk may be susceptible to social amplification of risk, wherein risks
assessed by technical experts as relatively minor elicit strong public concerns that result in
substantial impacts on society and economy. Misinformation and false assertions may be
easily disseminated via social media with or without malicious intent and be widely believed.
Food Safety Consumer Research Project: Meal Preparation Experiment Related to Poultry Washing
With the ubiquitous nature of social media in current society, health and food safety risk
communicators should be taking advantage of these platforms to provide information and
engage the public. The characteristics of social media allow it to be used in a variety of
ways, but care must be taken to tailor messages and engage audiences to take advantage
of the interactive, multidirectional nature of social media.
Actionable Skills and Compelling Reasons Are More Important
than Knowledge
Verbeke, Frewer, Scholderer, and De Brabander (2007) reported that experts in food risk
management tend to view the general public as deficient in understanding food hazards and
associated risks; the general public displays behavioral patterns and makes choices that
seem irrational or illogical or at least inconsistent with expert opinions and scientific
knowledge. As noted by Bob Lalasz, the director of science communication for the Nature
Conservancy, regarding the publics response to scientific innovations and influences on
behavior, there is the assumption by experts that the public isnt getting the gravity of the
problembecause if they did, how could they fail to act?(Contractor & DeChurch, 2014).
Even with careful attention to message framing and language, consumers may find it
difficult to apply risk control measures in their daily practices. Wills, Meah, Dickinson, and
Short (2015) studied home food preparation practices to gain insight on how food stored,
prepared, and eaten in the home may contribute to foodborne disease. They observed that
kitchen practices were entangled in peoples habits and cultural practices and were
embedded within sequences comprising many small events that also included nonfood-
related activities. Their study found that food preparation, laundry, childcare, pet care,
social life, school and office work, arts and crafts activities, music practice, reading,
gardening, and bicycle repairs also took place in peoples kitchen spaces. Cleaning was one
action carried out within these sequences of events, but its purpose was to make the area
tidy and nice, or cleaning was part of a habitual routine rather than to prevent foodborne
illness. The youngest children, oldest adults, and family pets were all engaged in the
kitchen, which has implications for preventing foodborne diseases as well.
Meah (2014) also collected qualitative and ethnographic data to examine how concerns
about food safety were negotiated into everyday domestic kitchen practices in the United
Kingdom and found that common sense logic was used to balance food safety against
experiential knowledge and sustainability concerns (e.g., reducing food waste). These
findings conflict with the widely held assumption that consumers failures to follow safe food
handling instructions are often due simply to a lack of knowledge (Verbeke et al., 2007).
Meah proposed that authoritiesadvice would have more impact if it took more account of
consumerspractical knowledge and routine practices and incorporated current levels of
public understanding and knowledge base rather than assuming a deficit of knowledge.
Section 4 Discussion and Implications
Emphasizing the human rather than statistical aspects can increase the interest and
relevance of the information to an audience (Food and Agriculture Organization, 1999), and
identifying individual victims enhances the perception of personal risk (Covello, Peters,
Wojtecki, & Hyde, 2001). Recapping a persuasive narrative with a nonnarrative summary
may help reinforce the takeaway messages (Slater & Rouner, 2002).
General information about risk is not enough; consumers will practice safe food behaviors
only when they perceive a direct risk to themselves. Consumer knowledge and awareness of
foodborne illness and pathogens do not always result in a positive change in food handling
behavior. It is thus important to learn more about consumer attitudes and behaviors to
create awareness of safe food handling practices, to promote public trust and credible
information sources, to encourage food safety education, to create familiarity, and to
incorporate everyday context into food safety communications. Foodborne illness prevention
messages should stimulate perceptions of risk and bolster self-efficacy to increase the
adoption of safe food handling behaviors. Food safety messages for consumers should
address the behaviors that lead to the highest incidence of foodborne illness and cause the
most serious consequences. Risk messages directed to specific concerns are more relevant
to the public than general messages.
Anderson, J. B., Gee, E., Mendenhall, V. T., Shuster, T. A., Hansen, K., & Volk, A. (2004). A
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Batz, M. B., Hoffmann, S., & Morris, J. G. Jr. (2012). Ranking the disease burden of 14
pathogens in food sources in the United States using attribution data from outbreak
investigations and expert elicitation. Journal of Food Protection, 75(7), 12781291.
Bean, N. H., Goulding, J. S., Lao, C., & Angulo, F. J. (1996). Surveillance for foodborne-
disease outbreaksUnited States, 19881992. Morbidity and Mortality Weekly
Report, 45(SS-55), 166.
Cates, S. C., Thomas, E., Kosa, K., Chapman, B., Shelley, L., Goulter, R. M., … Jaykus, L.
(2018). Food Safety Consumer Research Project: Meal preparation experiment
related to thermometer use. Final report. Research Triangle Park, NC: RTI
Cavallo, D. N., Tate, D. F., Ries, A. V., Brown, J. D., DeVellis, R. F., & Ammerman, A. S.
(2012). A social media-based physical activity intervention: A randomized controlled
trial. American Journal of Preventive Medicine, 43, 527532.
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. (2011). The health communicators social
media toolkit. Retrieved from
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. (n.d.). CDCs most common contributing factors
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Chapman, B., Eversley, T., Fillion, K., MacLaurin, T., & Powell, D. (2010). Assessment of
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Appendix A:
Description of Intervention
Message 1 (in Emails 1 and 3): Prepping dinner?
Avoid cross-contamination! Use 2 separate cutting
boards: 1 for produce & bread and 1 for raw meat,
poultry, & seafood.
Message 2 (in Emails 1 and 2): Why do we
recommend NOT washing your meat & poultry? The
answer is simple, it doesnt destroy bacteria, it
spreads it! Click here to learn more
Message 3: (in Emails 2 and 3): DON’T WASH YOUR
CHICKEN! Washing will spread bacteria & won’t even
clean your bird! The only way to be safe is to cook
your chicken to 165°F! #FoodSafety
We sent Email #1 to intervention participants on the same day his or her appointment was
scheduled. We sent Email #2 five days before participant’s scheduled appointment, and we
sent Email #3 two days before participant’s scheduled appointment. The control group
received appointment reminders without the messaging.
Appendix B:
Power Analysis to Determine Sample Size for the Study
We calculated sample sizes to determine the minimum sufficient number of participants
needed to provide a level of confidence that the observational experimental study on poultry
washing is not underpowered, meaning that a change in behavior of the anticipated size or
greater will be interpreted as occurring beyond chance (i.e., statistically significant). The
measure of confidence is statistical power, and by convention we aim for 80%, meaning
that we accept a 1-in-5 likelihood that a nontrivial program effect will not reach a level of
statistical significance. We also, by convention, aim for a 95% level of confidence that we
will not misinterpret a trivial difference as statistically significant. These factors are included
in our sample size calculations.
The primary outcome of interest for the Year 2 observation study is proper handling of
chicken before cooking, defined as not washing or rinsing chicken. We assumed that proper
chicken handling will be assessed as a dichotomous variable with participants scored as
successful if they do not wash chicken and unsuccessful if they wash chicken. Our effect size
estimates are based on Henley and colleagues(2016) recent study examining poultry
washing in a general population sample. Their intervention included indirect education in a
public space with post-intervention questionnaires among individuals potentially exposed to
(treatment) and not exposed to (control) educational materials. Their results indicate a
10.3 percentage point difference between control and treatment (9.8 vs. 20.1) in the
number of participants who acknowledged that they did not wash small cuts of chicken
(e.g., thighs, wings, breasts) based on analysis of the post-intervention data; this equates
to an intervention effect of h = 0.29.
The intervention for the Year 2 observation study has two advantages over the study
conducted by Henley et al. First, it employs targeted social media outreach to participants in
the treatment group; thus, we have greater confidence in message receipt and anticipated
stronger effects. Second, the study observes behavior in a controlled kitchen setting rather
than collecting self-reported behavior by survey methods; recent safe food handling studies
in this environment (i.e., thermometer use) have produced substantially larger intervention
effects. Accordingly, for planning purposes we anticipated a modestly stronger intervention
effect than the one reported by Henley et al.
Study participation is limited to those who self-identify as individuals who wash chicken
parts. We assumed a small proportion of participants in the control condition may not wash
chicken because they are in a laboratory setting (i.e., Hawthorne effect). Accordingly, we
assumed 98% of our study sample will wash chicken without any form of intervention. With
an assumed starting rate of 98%, we provide in Table B-1 sample size and effect size
estimates based on the anticipated percentage point difference between the treatment and
Food Safety Consumer Research Project: Meal Preparation Experiment Related to Poultry Washing
control groups. With a sample size of 306, we can identify statistically significant differences
of 8 percentage points or greater (effect size estimate of h = 0.36).
Table B-1. Sample Size Estimates for an Observational Study of Safe Food
Handling Practices: Chicken Washing
Base Rate
Expected Change in
the Exposed Group
Poultry Handling
(Washing) in the
Exposed Group:
Effect Size
Size (N)
98% 10.3% 87.7% 0.43 216
98% 8% 90% 0.36 306
98% 6% 92% 0.29 460
Appendix C:
List of Equipment Provided in Each Test Kitchen
The picture below shows one of the test kitchens used for the meal preparation experiment.
The equipment provided in each test kitchen is listed below.
George Foreman grill
Medium-sized skillet (912 inches)
Frying pans
Small (8-inch) nonstick
Medium or large (10–12 inches)
Sauce pans
Small (23 quarts)
Medium or large (45 quarts)
Food Safety Consumer Research Project: Meal Preparation Experiment Related to Poultry Washing
Chefs knife
Paring knife/fruit knife
Baking dishes
9x13 baking dish (rectangular)
Smaller square, rectangular, or oval baking dish
Wooden or plastic stirring spoons (12)
Heat-resistant plastic or silicone spatula
Slotted spoon
Flat spatula
Cooking tongs
Digital tip-sensitive instant read thermometer
Dry measuring cups
Liquid measuring cup (1 cup)
Measuring spoons
Can opener
Liquid measuring cup (2 cups)
Rolling pin
Large cutting boards
Splatter guard
Serving bowl
Serving utensils (serving fork, spoon, and tongs)
Salt and pepper shaker (must be glass)
Garlic and onion powder
Utensil holder
Other essential tools
Small, medium, and large mixing bowls
Salad spinner
Set of spoons, knives, and forks
Dinner plates
Salad plates
Appendix C List of Equipment Provided in Each Test Kitchen
Cleaning/dishwashing supplies
Kitchen towels
Dish cloths
Hand soap
Dish drain board/dish rack
Paper towels
Sponge caddy
Paper towel holder
Oven mitts
Pot holders
Dishwashing detergent
Cleaning stuff for under sink
Simple green cleaner
Clorox bleach
Formula 409 spray
Lysol spray
Leftover kit supplies
Ziploc bags (gallon and quart sizes)
Plastic wrap
Plastic containers with lids
Note: Containers must be sanitized between observation events. Ziploc bags and plastic
wrap must be taken out of retail packaging and placed in kitchen drawers.
Housekeeping items
Trash can for kitchen (13 gallons with a cover but no step-to-open feature). Note:
position the trash can near the cooking area.
Trash bags (13 gallons)
First aid kit
Appendix D:
Observation Script and Recipes
Check-in Script - English
Welcome! My name is _____________ and Ill be walking you through what youll be doing
as part of our study today.
Today you will be preparing chicken thighs baked with a spice blend and a mixed green
salad with a spiced olive oil dressing and we will interview you after you finish cooking. The
cooking and interview will last no more than two hours total.
Before we start, I need you to read and sign the consent form. Please let me know if you
have any questions or concerns. You will receive a copy of the form to take home.
Food Safety Consumer Research Project: Meal Preparation Experiment Related to Poultry Washing
Pre-cooking Script (after consent form signed)
Today you will be preparing two simple recipes to test a new spice product formulation. We
would like you to take this spice blend and apply it to the chicken thighs that are found in
the refrigerator. Please prepare the chicken thighs exactly as you would in your own
kitchen. After preparing the chicken, you will prepare a salad with mixed greens and an
olive oil dressing with the same spice blend. Please do not eat the chicken or salad.
When you are ready to begin, please preheat the oven to 475
F and set, but do not start,
the timer for 25 minutes. Remove the chicken from the packaging and place the thighs in a
baking dish or baking pan and drizzle with olive oil.
Apply the spice blend to the chicken thighs, based on how you have applied spices in the
past, use as little or as much as you want.
Inform us as soon as you are ready to place the thighs in the oven so we can take a picture
of the chicken for our research.
We will place the chicken in the oven for you and start the timer. While the chicken is
cooking, please prepare the salad and dressing. After the salad is prepared, and if the
chicken is still cooking, you can clean up as you normally would do so at home. When the
timer goes off, please check to see if the chicken is done as you would at home. If the
chicken is done, please remove it from the oven and place it on a plate. If the chicken is not
done yet, please return it to the oven and take it out when you think its done and place on
a plate. Again, please do not eat the chicken. We will interview you after you are finished
cooking. The cooking and interview will last no more than 2 hours total.
This is the area where you will be cooking. All the available utensils and dishes are in these
drawers/cabinets. [Note: open a few cabinet and drawers and be sure to open the drawer
with the thermometer].
Feel free to use whatever you need. Please make yourself at home, you are welcome to use
your phone to listen to music, or whatever you usually do when cooking at home. If the
temperature of the kitchen is not okay, let me know and I can adjust it.
Restrooms are located _______, and in case of an emergency, the exits are _____. The fire
extinguisher is located ________ and the first aid kit is located _____.
Before you begin, do you have any questions?
If you have any questions or concerns while youre cooking, I will be in the ___________
Remember, please let us know after you have put the spice rub on the chicken and are
ready for the photo by pushing this button/waving hand/stepping out. We want to take a
photo very soon after the spice is applied, so please do not prepare the salad until after we
have taken the photos.
[After Putting Spice Rub on Chicken]
Thank you. Well go out into this waiting area while my colleague takes a few pictures.
[Wait with the participant and ask the following questions]
Appendix D Observation Script and Recipes
While we are waiting, I would like to ask a few questions about the spice blend you were
1. On a scale of 1-10, with 10 being very strong and 1 virtually undetectable, how
would you rate the strength of the aroma?
2. Could you identify any one specific spice in the blend? In other words, did one spice
really stand out?
3. If you applied the blend with your hands, how would you describe the texture? Was
it fine or coarse? Did it rub on smoothly or clump up?
4. Thinking about aroma and texture, how would you rate this particular blend with 1
being not appealing at all to 5 being very appealing and you would actually use it?
a. Can you provide us a little more information behind your rating?
5. What spices do you typically use on your chicken?
6. Do you typically apply one spice or create your own spice blend at home? If you do
create a blend, what are you looking for?
7. How do you normally apply spices to your chicken?
Note: You do not need to ask all of these questions if the swabbing is complete.
[After Going Back into Kitchen]
While the chicken bakes, please prepare the salad and dressing. Once the salad is finished,
please clean up the kitchen as you would at home. However, you do not need to put any
dishes or utensils back into the cabinets/drawers. Also, if you normally use a
dishwasher, feel free to use the one provided in the room, but please do not turn it
on. If you finish cleaning and the chicken is still baking, please feel free to read magazines,
watch TV, or use your phone to make yourself feel at home.
When the chicken is done, please remove from the oven and let us know by pushing this
button/waving hand/stepping out.
[After cooking]
Now that you have finished the cooking portion of the study, we are ready to begin the
interview. It should take no more than 20 minutes to complete. Do you need a break before
we begin that portion?
Food Safety Consumer Research Project: Meal Preparation Experiment Related to Poultry Washing
Chicken Thighs Recipe
[Note: The recipe was printed front and back on a laminated card.]
2 chicken thighs
Olive oil
Spice blend
1. Preheat oven to 475
F and set timer (but do not start it) for 25 minutes.
2. Drizzle chicken thighs with olive oil.
3. Apply spice blend.
4. Inform us when you are ready to place the chicken in the oven.
5. When the timer goes off, check the doneness of the chicken as you do at home. If
the chicken is done, please remove from the oven and place on a plate. If the
chicken is not done yet, please return it to the oven and take it out when you think
its done.
Summer Mixed Green Salad
Fresh mixed greens
Dressing Ingredients:
Olive oil
Spice blend
1. Chop carrots and celery into bite-sized pieces. Combine in bowl with fresh mixed
greens and set aside.
2. For the dressing measure ½ cup olive oil and ½ tablespoon of the spice blend into
the salad dressing mixer, shake well, and set aside.
Appendix E:
Microbiological Methods
E.1 DH5-alpha Stock Selection and Preparation
The surrogate was selected in an attempt to model an organism that would react similarly
to foodborne pathogens of concern that are associated with poultry products like Salmonella
and Campylobacter. The safety of the consumer was the paramount concern, and the
surrogate DH5-alpha, a nonpathogenic E. coli derived from K-12, with the pBIT plasmid was
chosen for the study and IRB approval was obtained. A green fluorescent protein (GFP) and
kanamycin resistance gene were contained in the pBIT plasmid that would allow the
differentiation of bacterial contamination from improper handling of the chicken thighs and
any other naturally present E. coli or kanamycin-resistant bacteria. A DH5-alpha colony with
pBIT will fluoresce green under ultraviolet light (UV) and be easily identifiable compared
with a colony from a bacteria that is naturally occurring and not indicating cross-
The DH5-alpha was obtained and frozen in an 80/20 trypticase soy broth kanamycin (30
ug/mL)/glycerol stock at 80 C. When used for inoculation one loopful of the frozen stock
was placed in the appropriate amount of trypticase soy broth with 30 ug/mL of kanamycin
and mixed. The bacteria was then incubated, shaking overnight at 37°C aerobically. The
culture was also streaked directly onto trypticase soy agar with kanamycin (TSA Kan30),
incubated upside down aerobically at 37°C, and visualized under UV light to validate that
the stock still had an active pBIT plasmid.
E.2 Chicken Thigh Inoculation
Inoculation was performed according to Niebur, Laury, Acuff, and Dickson (2008) with
modifications for dip inoculation, which proved more consistent when piloted in the lab (data
not provided). Two chicken thighs were used for each meal preparation event, and chicken
thighs were inoculated with the surrogate three times a week to keep the bacterial
concentration high and keep the chicken within its shelf life. The surrogate was grown up
overnight, shaking at 37°C in a trypticase soy broth with kanamycin. It was then spun down
at 3000 x g for 15 minutes at 4°C. The supernatant was then poured off and the pelleted
surrogate was resuspended in 0.1% buffered peptone water (BPW). Two thighs bought
within 24 hours were then placed in Ziplock bags with 100 mLs of resuspended surrogate
and massaged for 2 minutes. Thighs were then placed on racks and dried for 20 minutes in
a bacteriological hood to facilitate attachment of the surrogate to the chicken thighs. After
drying, the thighs were packaged and transported to the test kitchens where they were
used within 3 to 4 days.
Food Safety Consumer Research Project: Meal Preparation Experiment Related to Poultry Washing
E.3 Inoculation Validation
There were two extra chicken thighs placed into two separate bags at random during every
inoculation. These thighs were not packaged but instead placed in separate filtered
WhirlBags to validate the inoculation procedure. Thighs were stomached with 50 mL of
0.1% BPW for 1 minute at 260 rpm. The liquid was serially diluted and plated on TSA Kan30
in incubated upside down overnight at 37°C aerobically. Colonies were counted and
visualized under UV light, and an average of the surrogate for each thigh was used to
represent the amount of surrogate present on all thighs inoculated that day (usually
between log 7 and log 10).
E.4 Environmental Sampling and Lettuce Collection
Environmental sampling was performed to assess cross-contamination that occurred during
meal preparation. Enviro Swabs (3M) were used to sample the kitchen surfaces, and an
aliquot of 25 g of the lettuce was collected in a Ziplock bag for each meal preparation event.
Irregular surfaces were swabbed entirely, while flat surfaces were swabbed using a 100 cm
E.5 Detection and Quantification of DH5-alpha on Environmental
Samples and Lettuce
The environmental samples and lettuce samples were analyzed at an NCSU lab within 24
hours. The samples were kept at 4°C until they were processed. A processing method was
adapted from the 3M Enviro Swab instructions (3M, 2016) for the processing of samples
(data not shown). The outside of the swabs was wiped down with ethanol to remove any
kitchen surface contamination and then 4.5 mLs of 0.1% BPW. The swabs were vortexed for
15 seconds, and then a tenfold dilution was made for each swab using 9 mLs of 0.1% BPW.
These samples were briefly vortexed to mix, and then 100 uL was plated in duplicate for
each swab and dilution onto TSA Kan30 plates. These were incubated aerobically upside
down at 37°C for 24 hours. They were examined under UV light and glowing colonies were
counted as a positive result. The counts were adjusted for total volume and dilution and
For the lettuce sample, 25 grams were weighed into a filtered WhirlBag and stomached at
260 rpm for 1 minute with 50 mLs 0.1% BPW. A tenfold dilution was prepared in 9 mL of
0.1% BPW and vortexed briefly to mix. 100 uL of the salad and dilution were plated on TSA
Kan30 plates and incubated aerobically upside down at 37C for 24 hours. They were
examined under UV light, and glowing colonies were counted as a positive result. The
counts were adjusted for total volume and dilution and recorded.
Appendix E Microbiological Methods
E.6 Sanitation After Meal Preparation Event
We sanitized the kitchens following meal preparation in accordance with NCSUs guidelines
for sanitizing laboratory work surfaces, a requirement of the University. We applied
household bleach diluted to a 10% concentration to hard surfaces with a contact time of 60
seconds before wiping them clean with a disposable paper towel. We repeated this step
twice for a total of three sanitation steps. The efficacy of this sanitation procedure was
confirmed during in-lab optimization studies and the pilot conducted in the test kitchen. All
utensils, including knives, cutting boards, and bowls, for example, were cleaned in
3M. Enviro Swab Product Instructions. (2016). Retrieved from
Niebuhr, S. E., Laury, A., Acuff, G. R., & Dickson, J. S. (2008). Evaluation of nonpathogenic
surrogate bacteria as process validation indicators for Salmonella enterica for
selected antimicrobial treatments, cold storage, and fermentation in meat. Journal of
Food Protection, 71, 714718.
Appendix F:
Post-observation Interview Guide
OMB Control Number: 0583-0169
Expiration date: 06/30/2018
Introduction Script
Thank you so much for your time today and allowing us to record your actions while you
prepared a meal just like you would in your home. If it is okay with you, Im going to ask
you a few follow-up questions that will focus on some of the activities you participated in
while in the model kitchen.
Is it okay with you if I record your answers? The recording is confidential and will only be
used to accurately capture our conversation (allowed recording y/n).
If it is okay with you, Id like to begin this interview, which will take about 20 minutes. If
no: Terminate interview.
If yes: Proceed.
Observation Follow-Up (use trigger form for context)
1.1 Handwashing
[Provide context] I saw that you washed your hands before you started cooking today,
can you tell me why you did that? Is that something you typically do when cooking at
home? Why?
[Provide context] I saw that you did not wash your hands for a full 20 seconds before
cooking today, can you tell me why not? When you cook at home, do you usually not wash
your hands before cooking? Why not?
The control group interview guide was the same as the treatment group guide with the exception of
Section 1.12, in which participants were asked about food safety messaging they would like to see and
how they normally obtain information on food safety.
Food Safety Consumer Research Project: Meal Preparation Experiment Related to Poultry Washing
1.2 Washed Raw Chicken
How often do you cook bone-in, skin-on chicken thighs? [Probe: is this typical of the types
of chicken you cook at home? If not, what other types of chicken do you normally cook?]
[Provide context] I saw that you washed the raw chicken today, can you tell me why you
did that? Is that something you typically do when cooking at home? Why?
How do you wash or rinse raw chicken at home? Is there something you would do
differently at home, that you didnt do today?
If you are cooking a whole chicken, would you wash it the same way as you did today with
the chicken thighs?
Do you have a kitchen sink sprayer at home? [Probe: do you use it to wash/rinse chicken?]
At what point do you wash or rinse chicken at home? [Probe: if you purchase in bulk, do
you wash/rinse before repackaging? Right before cooking?]
Why do you wash or rinse raw chicken at home? [Probe: to get rid of slime, skin, fat, blood,
bacteria or germs? Habit? My family has always washed or rinsed raw chicken.]
[Ask if wash or rinse to rid of bacteria or germs] How important is it to you to wash or rinse
raw chicken to get rid of bacteria or germs?
Very important
Somewhat important
Not important at all
[Dont Know]
[Provide context] When we recruited you for the study, you said you usually wash raw
chicken before cooking it. I saw that you did not wash or rinse the raw chicken today, can
you tell me why?
[If social mediaemails mentioned, ask] Can you tell me exactly what you saw that made
you decide to not wash raw chicken today?
What about the next time you cook raw chicken at home, do you think you will wash it? If
yes, why? If no, why not?
1.3 Washing Hands after Handling Raw Chicken
[Provide context] I saw that you washed your hands after handling raw chicken today,
can you tell me why you did that? Is that something you typically do when cooking at
home? Why?
Appendix F Post-observation Interview Guide
[Provide context] I saw that you did not wash your hands after handling raw chicken
today, can you tell me why not? When you cook at home, do you usually not wash your
hands after handling raw chicken? Why not?
1.4 Food Thermometer
[Provide context] I saw that you used a food thermometer today, can you tell me why
you did that? What information were you looking for? Is there a specific temperature?
Do you have a food thermometer at home?
Do you typically use a food thermometer when cooking chicken thighs at home? Why?
How important do you think it is to use a food thermometer when cooking? Would you
say …
Very important
Somewhat important
Not important at all
[Dont know]
[Provide context] I saw that you did not use a food thermometer today, can you tell me
why not?
Do you usually not use a thermometer when cooking at home? Why not?
Do you have a food thermometer at home? If yes, do you ever use it when cooking chicken
thighs? What about for other types of meat or poultry?
How do you usually determine doneness?
How important do you think it is to use a food thermometer when cooking? Would you
say …
Very important
Somewhat important
Not important at all
[Dont know]
1.5 Towels
[Provide context] I saw that you used a reusable/cloth kitchen towel during cooking
today. Is that something you typically do when cooking at home? Why?
Food Safety Consumer Research Project: Meal Preparation Experiment Related to Poultry Washing
[Provide context] I saw that you used disposable paper towels while cooking today.
When you cook at home, is something you typically do? Why?
1.6 Cleaning Kitchen Items
[Provide context] I saw that you washed the cutting board and utensils today with soap
and water, can you tell me why you did that? Is that something you typically do when
cooking at home? Why?
[Provide context] I saw that you did not wash the cutting board and utensils today
with soap and water, can you tell me why not? When you cook at home, do you usually not
wash the cutting board with soap and water? Why not?
1.7 Cleaning/Disinfecting Sink
[Provide context] I saw that you simply rinsed the sink today without using soap or
sanitizer, can you tell me why? Is that how you typically do it when cooking at home?
[Provide context] I saw that you washed the sink today with soap and water, can you
tell me why you did that? Is that something you typically do when cooking at home? Why?
[Provide context] I saw that you disinfected the sink today with sanitizer, can you tell
me why you did that? Is that something you typically do when cooking at home? Why?
1.8 Cleaning/Disinfecting Counter
[Provide context] I saw that you simply wiped the counter today without using soap or
sanitizer, can you tell me why? Is that how you typically do it when cooking at home?
[Provide context] I saw that you washed the counter today with soap and water, can
you tell me why you did that? Is that something you typically do when cooking at home?
[Provide context] I saw that you disinfected the counter today with sanitizer, can you
tell me why you did that? Is that something you typically do when cooking at home? Why?
Appendix F Post-observation Interview Guide
1.9 Leftovers
Imagine you just cooked a large pot of soup or chili so that you would have enough to eat
the next day. What do you do with the leftovers?
Probe: Do you place the leftovers in one container or multiple containers? How big
are the containers?
Probe: Do you refrigerate the leftovers within two hours? Or do you typically wait
longer? If so, how long? Why do you wait longer?
How long do you store the leftovers in the refrigerator before someone eats them or you
throw them away?
1.10 Thawing
Imagine you have chicken in the freezer, and you plan to cook it for dinner later in the
week. How would you thaw it?
Probe: Do you thaw it the day youre cooking it or a couple days before?
Probe: What method of thawing do you use: in the microwave, in the refrigerator, in
water in the sink, or on the countertop?
If water in sink, do you use hot or cold water? Running or standing water? Do you
change the water at some point? When do you cook it?
If in refrigerator, where do you place the frozen chicken? On the top, bottom, or
middle shelf? What, if anything, do you place it on? When do you cook it?
If in the microwave, do you cook it immediately or wait awhile before cooking it?
How long do you wait?
Lets say you thawed the chicken for dinner tonight, but something came up and you were
not able to cook it. How many days would you leave it in the refrigerator before cooking it
or throwing it away?
1.11 Antecedent Questions
1. How concerned are you about bacteria or viruses on or inside the food you cook? On
a scale of 1-7, with 1 being not at all concerned, 4 being neutral, and 7 being
extremely concerned, how concerned are you?
2. When thinking about the food you prepare and cook, do you feel you are able to
impact the safety of a meal. For example, does the action of cooking foods matter?
3. Have you ever had food poisoning? Y/N
Food Safety Consumer Research Project: Meal Preparation Experiment Related to Poultry Washing
4. Follow-up: Can you tell me about your experience? What were the symptoms, what
food do you think made you sick? Do you believe your illness was contracted from
cooking at home, or eating prepared food away from home?
5. How common do you think it is for people in the United States to get food poisoning
because of the way food is prepared in their home? Would you say that it is…
Very common
Somewhat common
Not very common
6. Has a family member ever had food poisoning? Y/N
7. Follow-up: Can you tell me about his/her experience? What were his/her symptoms,
what food do you think made him/her sick? Do you believe their illness was
contracted from eating at home, or eating prepared food away from home?
1.12 Intervention Questions
1. After you signed up for the study, we sent you 3 emails. Did you read the emails?
a. If yes, did you read all the emails or some of the emails?
b. IF YES: Before getting the emails, had you heard that you should NOT wash
raw poultry before cooking it?
If had heard before: Can you recall where you heard this information? In
your own words, tell me why you shouldnt wash raw poultry before
cooking it.
c. If no, why didnt you read the emails? [Go to Conclusion]
2. Do you recall if you viewed the emails on a desktop, laptop, tablet or smartphone?
3. Tell me what you remember about the emails.
a. [If necessary] Do you remember seeing a message at the bottom of each
If yes, can you tell me what the messages said?
b. [If necessary] Do you remember seeing a graphic at the bottom of any of the
If yes, can you tell me what the graphic or graphics looked like?
c. [If necessary] Do you remember seeing a link to a YouTube video at the
bottom of one of the emails?
If yes, did you click on the link?
o If yes, did you watch the video?
Appendix F Post-observation Interview Guide
If yes, do you recall what it was about?
[If respondent does not remember seeing any of the messages, graphics, or video,
Go to Conclusion.]
4. Did the information in the email(s) or the video influence your actions in the kitchen
today or not? If yes, in what way?
5. Do you think the information in the email(s) or the video will influence how you cook
at home in the future or not? Why?
1.13 Conclusion
We mentioned in our recruiting materials that we were interested in cooking practices and
how to evaluate recipes. However, the specific focus of our study is on food safety and how
to prevent food poisoning. The aim of this study is to measure handling and preparation
practices and investigate the movement of bacteria from raw foods, so we can better
understand exactly how contamination can spread. In addition, a biological tracking agent
was in the food to help us track where contamination might occur. This biological tracking
agent does not pose any health hazard to you. We purposely did not tell you exactly what
our specific research objectives were in advance in order to capture your behaviors in a
natural way. You can request to be removed from the study at any time, and if you decide
to exit the study at this point, we will destroy the recordings of your actions, and you will
not be included in the data set.
We want to confirm with you now that you understand the focus of our study and that you
wish to remain as a participant.
If no: Thank you so much for your time, your participation in our study is now complete,
and we will remove your data from our dataset and destroy any records.
If yes: Thank you for your consent.
Thank you again for your time and for your participation in our study today. Are there any
questions that you have for me?
Please see the greeter on your way out to receive the $75 gift card and gift.
Appendix G:
Screening Questionnaire
Web-Based Screening QuestionnaireEnglish
Screen 1
Thank you for your interest in our research study, which is funded by the U.S. Department
of Agriculture and conducted by researchers from North Carolina State University and RTI
According to the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995, an agency may not conduct or
sponsor, and a person is not required to respond to, a collection of information unless it
displays a valid OMB control number. The valid OMB control number for this information
collection is 0583-0169 and the expiration date is 06/30/2018. The time required to
complete this information collection is estimated to average 8 minutes per response,
including the time for reviewing instructions, searching existing data sources, gathering
and maintaining the data needed, and completing and reviewing the collection of
Screen 2
If you are eligible for the study, you will be asked to prepare two recipes while being
videotaped and participate in an interview at a day and time convenient for you. The study
will last no more than 2 hours, and you will receive $75 and a small gift for taking part in
the study. To determine whether you are eligible, you will need to answer a few questions.
These questions will take less than 10 minutes to complete. Your participation in this study
is completely voluntary. All of your answers and your contact information will be kept
private. Please click the >>arrows below if you would like to continue.
Question Screens
1. If you are eligible to take part in this study, we will send you up to three emails. Do you
have a working email address?
No Ineligible. Terminate
2. Have you ever received any type of food safety training, such as ServSafe?
Yes Ineligible. Terminate.
3. Have you cooked or worked professionally in a food preparation setting in the past two
Yes Ineligible. Terminate.
A telephone version of the screening questionnaire was available for people who contacted NCSU by
phone to participate in the study.
Food Safety Consumer Research Project: Meal Preparation Experiment Related to Poultry Washing
4. How many times per week do you prepare a meal at home?
Never Ineligible. Terminate.
1 to 3 times Ineligible. Terminate.
4 or more times
5. In the past three months, have you, yourself, prepared and cooked a meal using any of
the following foods? (Select all that apply.)
Raw turkey or chicken breasts
Raw, whole turkey or chicken
Raw, ground turkey or chicken
Raw chicken thighs, wings, or legs
None of the above Ineligible. Terminate.
6. When following a recipe for the first time, do you…? (Select one.)
Read the whole recipe before you start cooking
Read the recipe while you are cooking
7. Think about the last time you are prepared a meal at home using raw turkey or chicken.
Which of the following things did you do before cooking the turkey or chicken? (Select all
that apply.)
Thawed raw turkey or chicken
Rinsed, washed, or soaked raw turkey or chicken with water Ineligible if NOT
selected. Terminate.
Patted raw turkey or chicken dry with paper towel
Marinated it in a shallow dish or sealable plastic bag.
Rubbed it with butter and/or oil.
Seasoned it with salt and/or pepper.
Seasoned it with dry rub, spices, or herbs.
Dredged it in flour, breadcrumbs, cornmeal or other dry ingredient.
8. After preparing the turkey or chicken, how did you cook it? (Select all that apply.)
On the stovetop
On the grill
In the oven
In the microwave
In a crockpot, slow cooker, or pressure cooker
9. Which of the following categories best describes your age?
Under 18 Ineligible. Terminate.
18 to 34
35 to 54
55 to 65
66 to 75
76 or older
Appendix G — Screening Questionnaire
10. Are you?
Hispanic or Latino
Not Hispanic or Latino
11. What is your race? Please select one or more.
American Indian or Alaska Native
Black or African American
Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander
12. What is the highest level of education that you have completed?
Less than high school
High school graduate or GED
Technical or vocational school
Some college, but do not have a degree
Associate or 2-year degree
College or 4-year degree
Post-graduate degree
13. Do you have any children living in your household who are less than 18 years of age?
14. Are you or any members of your household …? (Select all that apply.)
60 years of age or older
5 years of age or younger
Diagnosed with an allergy to any food or food ingredient
Diagnosed with diabetes or kidney disease
Diagnosed with a condition that weakens the immune system, such as cancer, HIV,
or AIDS; a recipient of a transplant; or receiving treatments, such as
chemotherapy, radiation, or special drugs or medications to treat these conditions
None of the above
15. Have you participated in a study about cooking in the past 12 months? (Select one.)
Yes Terminate.
Food Safety Consumer Research Project: Meal Preparation Experiment Related to Poultry Washing
16. Where did you hear about this study?
Email from the Expanded Food and Nutrition Education Program
Specify location: __________________________
Specify location: __________________________
Dont know
17. Great! You qualify for the study. Would you like to participate in the study?
No Terminate.
Contact Screen 1
Great! Please enter your name and telephone number so that a study team member can call
you and schedule an appointment at a day and time convenient for you. The study will last
no more than 2 hours, and you will receive $75 and a small gift for taking part in the study.
Appendix G — Screening Questionnaire
Contact Screen 2
Please enter your email address so we can send you a confirmation email with directions. In
addition to the confirmation email, we will also send you up to three emails about the study.
Thank you for your time. A study team member will call you in one or two days to schedule
an appointment with you.
If you have any questions about the study, you may contact Lisa Shelley at 919-659-8254.
If you have concerns about how participants are being treated in the study, you may
contact North Carolina State Universitys Office of Research Protection at 919-515-4514.
Ineligible/Terminate Screen
Thank you for your time. Unfortunately, you are not eligible to take part in our study. Have
a great day.
Appendix H:
Observation Rubrics
Handwashing Rubric
Notes and Definitions: Contaminated hands: Hands that have come into contact with
potentially contaminated material (raw food, contaminated equipment, touching of face or
other parts of body or clothing) and that have not been washed according to CDCs
recommended guidelines for proper handwashing.
Elements of handwashing:
Wet your hands with clean, running water (warm or cold), turn off the tap, and apply
Lather your hands by rubbing them together with the soap. Be sure to lather the
backs of your hands, between your fingers, and under your nails.
Scrub your hands for at least 20 seconds.
Rinse your hands well under clean, running water.
Dry your hands using a clean (one use/paper) towel or air dry them.
For a successful handwashing attempt, all elements should occur in the sequence listed
Food Safety Consumer Research Project: Meal Preparation Experiment Related to Poultry Washing
Indirect Cross-Contamination Rubric
Notes and Definitions:
Contaminated equipment: Equipment that has come into contact with potentially
contaminated food or another potentially contaminated surface and that has not been
properly washed and sanitized.
Was it cleaned and sanitized before next use?
Contaminated equipment (or surface) was considered cleaned if the participant used soap
and water to scrub the surface and wiped it dry with a clean, one-use towel. Contaminated
equipment or surface was considered sanitized if the participant used one of the provided
sanitizers (containing chlorine bleach, quaternary ammonia, or alcohol-based) to spray the
equipment/surface and wiped it dry with a clean, one-use towel. For an attempt to be
considered successful, the contaminated equipment or surface had to first be cleaned and
then sanitized. Contaminated hands: Hands that have come into contact with potentially
contaminated material (raw food, contaminated equipment, touching of face or other parts
of body or clothing) and that have not been washed according to CDCs recommended
guidelines for proper handwashing.
Appendix H — Observation Rubrics
Thermometer Rubric