An overview of green supply chain management practices
in Bangladesh construction industries
Mohammed A. I. Chowdhury
, Arvind Upadhyay
, Briggs Austin
, Mostain
a, d
Cardiff Metropolitan University, United Kingdom
University of Brighton, United Kingdom
London School of Commerce, United Kingdom
Corresponding author: [email protected]
The contemporary trends of Green supply chain management (GSCM) are making awareness in the
construction industries. GSCM is working as a catalyst to gain competitive advantage and sustainability;
with environmental consciousness and globalization. This paper is based on literature review of GSCM
practices in Bangladesh construction industries.
Keywords: Construction industry, Green Supply chain management, Sustainability
Due to continuous globalization and innovative changes the organizations are inevitably
required to response quickly to the fast-changing competitive environment (Conti, 2013).
According to Hervani et al. (2005) and Srivastava (2007), GSCM practices are considered as
material management, green purchasing, green manufacturing, green design, reverse logistics
and green distribution/marketing that refer to the environmental integration of supply chain
management with consumers end-of-life management.
GSCM has also been conceptualized through the theory of remanufacturing, reuse and
recycling, which includes green design, total quality, environmental management, green
packaging, green procurement, eco-friendly transportation, and product end-of-life practices
(Hervani et al., 2005). Green purchasing, green design, reverse logistics, green manufacturing,
investment return, and internal environmental management are the major GSCM elements
(Amemba, et al., 2013; Sarkis et al., 2011; Zhu et al., 2008; Zhu et al., 2008; Hervani et al.,
2005; Carter, 1998) which play a significant role to attain sustainable environment.
GSCM practices have been investigated in the construction industry to attain environmental
sustainability emphasising on reducing solid waste (Begum et al., 2009; Ofori,2000).
Eventually, it is economically profitable, sustainable, and socially acceptable (Sarkis et al.,
2011). Even though GSCM is alleviating environmental issues through economic benefit to the
organizations (Eltayeb et al., 2010), the philosophy of GSCM is explored insignificantly in
construction industry for reducing waste. Studies of GSCM in developed countries have been
progressed significantly than those of developing countries. Despite the growing concern of
environmental sustainability, there is no significant progress of GSCM practices in the chosen
context, Bangladesh construction industry.
Bangladesh construction sector is booming by making a great contribution to the GDP of
10 % (UNEP, 2012). In Bangladesh, the lack of environmental practices lead environmental
hazard, climate change, less energy efficiency, insufficient waste management and more
carbon accumulation in the atmosphere. The application of environmental laws and regulation
is rare. As GSCM has already been sought as a sustainable tool to improve the supply chain
and overall business operation, this study has intended to review the relevant literature to
provide a perspective of GSCM practices which can be employed in Bangladesh construction
GSCM has emerged as an effective tool to ensure sustainability with a lower environmental
footprint through the reduction of waste and carbon. GSCM has enhanced the focus on research
application in business in different industrial sections (Srivastava, 2007; Sarkis et al., 2011;
Zhu et al., 2012; Tseng et al., 2013). In traditional methods of Supply Chain Management
(SCM), environmental hazards, wastage, climate change less efficiency are common
phenomena in Bangladesh.
Every major supply chain activity generates some level of waste consumes energy.
According to Zhu, Sarkis and Lai (2008), reduction in energy usage; waste generation issues
that need to be addressed throughout the supply chain. The continuous rapid growth of the
construction industry in Bangladesh has brought challenges relating to resource scarcity,
energy, waste generation some adverse environmental implications (UNEP, 2012; Ofori,
2000). The contemporary literature on GSCM is very weak in Bangladesh (Shah and
Muraduzaman, 2013).
Potentially, environmental issues having an impact on an overall aspect of the supply chain
from plant location, technologies employed, product design, manufacturing process,
packaging, energy consumption, logistics, raw material purchase, marketing, worker safety,
sales, and final product disposal (Waller, 1999; Wu Dunn, 1995). According to Bowen et al.
(2001), there are two types of green supply chain- greening the supply process and product
based green supply. Van and Hoek (1999) state that GSCM practices include a strategic
commitment to the environment, designing product, environmental commitment by the
supplier, that could be disassembled, recycled or reused, adopting life cycle approach (LCA),
to design manufacture of the product and process services. The supplier (Upstream) and
customer focused (downstream) movement into the supply chain have getting attention to the
environmental issues risks associated with an organization good service (Wise and
Baumgartner, 1999).
According to Waste concern agency (2012), the construction sector has been growing fast
in Bangladesh, contributing employment of 2.88 million by 2014 and 3.32 million by 2020. In
the construction sector employment, an annual growth rate is 7.36 %. Due to the absence of
necessary Public Policy, financial constraint, technical capability gap are the common
phenomena in the construction sector in Bangladesh. The GDP is 6.7 % during 1995-96 to
2008-2009 and 10 % in 2012 (UNEP, 2012). The volume of municipal solid wastes including
construction waste in Dhaka, Bangladesh are generating in urban area-3,000 tons/day (Waste
Concern 2005, JICA (2005)). According to REHAB (2014), there is a total of 1081 construction
companies in Bangladesh.
The green practices by construction companies are not real reported by Talford (1995).
Bangladesh National Building Code (BNBC) need to be revised for the effective use of green
construction materials. Due to unplanned urbanization reorientation of the lifestyle excessive
amount of waste in generated in Bangladesh. Bangladesh is facing solid waste dilemma due to
lack of public awareness community sensitization (Kassim Ali, 2006).
In the UK, the construction sector is the largest sector of the UK economy contributing £90
billion 10% of the total UK employment (UK construction, 2013). However, the construction
sector is generating the largest amount- of waste, approximately 104- 110 million tonnes /yr,
per capita waste in the UK is 1538 kg /Yr whereas EU-27 per capita of waste 1638kg/Yr (Digest
of Waste Resource Statistics, 2015). The UK government set a target to reduce the waste in
the construction industry, for this purpose the Site Waste Management Plans (SWMP)
Regulations 2008 is applying for all construction projects. However, Australia generates about
14 million tonnes /Yr, (SWMCI, 2013), US -136 million tonnes /Yr (Yuan, 2012), and Holland
4.25 thousand million tonnes /yr (Seydel et al., 1998) of construction waste.
The Construction Industry (CI) is one of the largest sector more dynamic industry using
more energy, consuming raw materials than any other economic activity (Malia et al., 2013).
Construction activities are not environmentally sound because of various adverse impacts as a
result of noise, resource depletion, dust, discharge of toxic waste air pollution, etc. (Lu and
Yuan, 2011). However, for the development of a country economy, construction industry plays
a major role. It’s representing 28.5% of the European Industry (EI) as well as contributing 7.0%
of its economy. It’s produced the bulk amount of waste creates impacts on the environments
(Eurostat, Environment and Energy, 2011).
Aziz and Hafez (2013) investigated that over the past 40 years, the productivity of
construction industry has been declining worldwide; to improve the situation lean construction
is the best way. Lean construction helps to increase design, production, delivery as well as
management. However, there are many difficulties to adopt lean concept in the construction
industry (Kim and Park, 2006). Kim and Park (2006) proved that lean construction is an
innovative construction management method. Lean concept practice implementation in the
construction industry is profitable sustainable (Aziz and Hafez, 2013; Marhani et al., 2012;
Eriksson, 2010; Tezel, 2007; Kim and Park, 2006). Ofori (2000) stated that integrated
construction supply chain is the best way, to reduce waste and develop positive environmental
impact. A number of organizations like the environment agency the UK government,
BREEAM (Building Research Establishment Environmental Assessment Methodology), the
construction industry board (CIB), Building Research Establishment (BRE) Waste concerns,
Bangladesh Association of Construction Industry (BACI), the Construction Products
Association (CPA), US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) etc have stated their concerns
to make sustainable of the construction sector.
The contemporary GSCM practices by the companies are widely diffused, for
environmental performance improvement and gaining competitive advantages in the business
(Testa and Iraldo, 2010). In globalization, GSCM is a complimentary with other management
practice. However, sustainability, social progress, competitiveness, globalization, economic-
dynamism and environmental performance go hand in hand (Balkyte and Tvaronavičiene,
2010). Sustainable competiveness is a new concept in international globalization for
sustainable development and wellbeing. Lall (2001) mentioned that in developing country
policy maker worry about their national competitiveness in relation to international
competitiveness. This competiveness brings the revolutionary changes in construction industry
for example lean construction (Abdullah et al., 2009).
The conventional green initiatives are associated with many weaknesses (Sarkis, 2006).
Environmental consciousness, climate change, natural calamities ecological imbalance,
general supply chain are upgraded to green supply chain to diminish the impacts and improve
the environment with sustainable practices of organizations (Sarkis et al., 2011; Hervani et al.,
2005). The construction impact on the environment is a major issue in Bangladesh.
Construction industry produces the bulk amount of waste and practices traditional supply chain
without sustainable concern (Begum et al., 2009). Due to globalization, the GSCM principal
practices are playing a significant role not only in manufacturing but also in technology, can
be used by the other business sectors such as government, education, and services
(Khiewnavawongsa and Schmidt, 2007).
A construction supply chain is more complex compared to manufacturing supply chain
usually consist of numerous participants complex structure (Cheng et al., 2010; Meng, 2012).
SCM application practices in the construction industry the effective construction supply chain
depends upon the collaboration and coordination between supply chain partners contractors
(Horvath, 2001); progressively accepted supply chain collaborations as an approach (Briscoe
and Dainty, 2005). Construction supply chain includes consultants, project clients, main
specialist contractors, and various supplier key elements. According to Cox et al., (2006), in
construction supply chain end-users contractor’s relationship are considered the main
In recent years, major manufacturers around the globe have developed implemented more
comprehensive supply chain to improve their environmental practices through green supply
chain (Begum et al., 2009; Rao, 2002). An organisation or a company green supply chain
practices by internal integrated environmental management activities and external employing
market-based mechanisms (Vachon, 2007). GSM practices by the suppliers with the motivation
training, arranged by the organisation for better practice. For example Pfizer, the
pharmaceutical company arranged workshops training for their supplier to promote
environmental practice purpose by this way the suppliers can improve (Rao, 2002). The
practices of GSCM involved reduce the emission of greenhouse gasses, increasing energy
efficiency, saving natural resources by reducing wastage, environmentally friendly
biodegradable packaging, recycling techniques with best green procurement integrate
environmental management with hybrid technology for transportation (Chaturvedi, 2010;
Luthra et al., 2009; Srivastava, 2007).
GSCM practices in various ways, from purchasing to integrated lifecycle management as
an upstream supply chain, manufacturers reverse logistics to the integrated downstream supply
chain, closing loop with reverse logistics, suppliers to customers followed by reuse and
recycling (Zhu and Sarkis, 2006). Green procurement is an upstream element of Green supply
chain management that was examined by Kahannali et al., (2015) and its helps to bring social,
environmental, economic and intangible benefit.
Design changes can help to reduce waste processing and recycling cost (Chen and Sheu,
2009). According to McLennan(2004), through sensitive design to eliminate hazardous
environmental impact is the ultimate aim. In the design stage, the fundamental of waste
hierarchy, for example, the three Rs reduce, reuse and recycle should be considered for
sustainability. By applying appropriate design is possible to extract maximum benefits from
the products, in that circumstances construction industry can generate the least amount of
Due to global warming, the environmentalist put perseveres on manufacturing companies
to practice green manufacturing (GM) (Ofori, 2000). The GM practice is not only improving
the environment (Deif, 2011) but also impact on the shareholders, consumers, as well as
increase the company perception in the competitive market (Zhu and Sarkis, 2004). By practice
of lean (Yang, 2011) and JIT manufacturing (Inman et al., 2011) companies can achieve the
sustainability in manufacturing. ISO 9000 and ISO 14000 code of practice lead to
environmental sustaibility (Marimon et al., 2009). Six Sigma is an useful methodology to
reduce waste and effecive in every step of manufacturing and production process (Timans et
al., 2012).
Iinvestment recovery (IR) practice is revealed that it brings both social, economic and
environmental benefit. Prahinski and Kocabasoglu (2006) state that at least 70% profit
generated by IR, eventually IR is a true driver of the organization.
Practicing ISO 14001 certification by companies it improves not only environmental
performance but also business growth; fulfill the international requirements, promote the
marketplace business competitiveness as well (Rao, 2005; Zhu and Sarkis, 2006).
Product life cycle assessment is the important thing for GSCM. In this case material impact,
design, data inventory, improvement, product process, analysis, need to carefully consideration
for life cycle assessment (Hervani et al., 2005).
For strategic GSCM practice the planning, operation levels of business organization are
distinguished as a strategic, tactical operation level. GSCM practices are internal environmental
management, cooperation with supplier customers, to motivate green purchasing for
marinating environmental requirements, investment recovery and eco-design (Zhu and Sarkis,
2006). Internal environmental management practices in the organization are a critical element
of the implementation of innovation (Kumar and Chandrakar, 2012). Zhu and Sarkis (2004)
mentioned that IEM encompass senior manager commitments, mid-level manager’s support,
cross-functional assistance, total quality management, environmental compliance auditing
program, and ISO 14001 Certification.
Bangadesh is a developing country,however there are very few GSCM practices in the
construction industry due to lack of legislation implementation, insufficent knowledge of
Table 1: GSCM elements practice and environmental performance
Country Focus
Indication of
Mahmood et
al., 2013
and Agarwal,
Holt and
Zhu et al.,
Jr et al., 2012
Ortiz etal.,
Building life
cycle; Building
(Here, Green purchasing (GP); Eco design (ED); Reverse logistics (RL), Green manufacturing (GM);
internal environmental management (IEM), Investment recovery (IR); Co-operation with customers
(CWC), Green Distribution (GD))
environemntal sustainability, poor mangement, lack of corordination and cooperation, lack of
customer, manufacturer and supplier awerness. Developing countries like India, Thailand, and
Indonesia have been practiceing GSCM situation better than Bangladsh. Developed countries
like Swizerland, USA, UK, Canada, Australia, Malayasia, China etc. have established GSCM
practices in the construction industries.GSCM elements practices are shown in Table 1. GSCM
practice is inevitable, finally this table (1) indicate researh gap in construction industry.
EPI measures the environmental performance of national protection endeavour in 178
countries. Bangladesh is a developing country. According to EPI (2014), Bangladesh overall
EPI ranks 169 (Score-25.61) out of 178 countries. Whereas, in 2012, her ranks at 115 out of
132 countries; based on 22 performance indicators. In that report there is no data on climate
and energy of Bangladesh. It’s indicating that very poor green practices. EPI ranks evaluation
indicates that Bangladesh performance is very weak. Based on EPI (2014) reports, the highest
and lowest ranks were occupied by Switzerland (overall score-87.67) and Somalia (overall
score 15.47) respectively.
This research study based on literature review of GSCM practices in the construction
industries that are highlights for the cost effective and easy to implement to achieve
environmental sustainability. The adoption of GSCM practices in Bangladesh construction
industry has a lot of barriers (i.e. lack of awareness) and most of the companies not responding
positively. The overall green practices in Bangladesh below the satisfactory level based on EPI
(2014) ranks. However, contemporary green initiative taken by the Government will lead to
future practice of green SCM. This is the first research study of GSCM practices in Bangladesh
construction industry. This study is the benchmark of further research to find out relationship
between GSCM practices and construction industry for improving sustainability.
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