Consignment Application to the Kalona Historical Village Gift Shop
What is your medium:
Price Range:
Do you have your own display equipment?
If yes, please describe:
Is there anything more you wish to tell us about your work:
Please attach photographs of examples of your work.
Email this form, with attachments, to
The Consignment Committee meets once a month. We will contact you after decisions have been made.
Consignment Agreement
WHEREFORE, __________, Consignor of certain items more particularly
described hereinafter and Kalona Historical Village Gift Shop, Consignee for and
in exchange of good and sufficient consideration and the mutual promises and
undertakings set forth in this Consignment Agreement (“Agreement”) do agree to
the following:
1. Ownership. Consignor warrants, covenants and agrees that the items being
sold are owned by Consignor and that the parties agree that title to the
consignment shall remain in Consignor until such consignment is sold by
2. Description of Consignment. Consignor agrees to deliver and Consignee
agrees to accept for the purpose of sale on the terms and conditions hereinafter
recited in this Agreement, the following described items. Consignor to provide
accurate lists of consigned items; successive lists will be appended to this
3. Price. The offering price(s) are to be determined by Consignor. Consignee
agrees to inform Consignor of bona fide offers to purchase the consigned items
for prices less than the asking price set by Consignor. Consignor reserves the
exclusive right to accept a price less than the offering price.
4. Time of Payment(s) to Consignor. Consignor agrees that Consignee shall
make full payment on the sale of any consigned items on the first day of the
month following such sale.
5. Amount(s) of Payment(s) to Consignor. Consignor and Consignee that an
amount of 80% of the selling price as set by Consignor shall be due and payable
to Consignor upon the sale of the items subject to this Agreement if the
Consignor is a member in good standing of the Kalona Historical Society (KHS).
If a Consignor is not a member of the KHS, Consignor shall receive 70% of the
selling price. Consignee shall provide a monthly written statement listing all sales
made of the items subject to this Agreement.
6. Termination of this Consignment Agreement. Consignee may terminate
this Agreement at any time by returning to Consignor all of the unsold items
which are the subject of this Agreement. Consignor may terminate this
Agreement at any time so long as such termination is made before the sale of
items which are subject to this Agreement. All unsold items to be picked up by
Consignor at termination.
7. Operation of Consignee’s Business. Consignee shall have the exclusive
right to determine the business operation and management of its premises.
Consignor shall have no liability or responsibility for the operation and
management of Consignee’s business, employees or agents.
8. Advertising. Consignee may use Consignor’s name or other identifying
information in the advertising, promotion and sale of the consigned items.
9. Assignment. This Agreement is not assignable and may not be modified
other than by a written modification agreed to and signed by both parties.
10. Construction. This Agreement shall be construed and governed according
to the laws of the State of Iowa.
11. Waiver. Waiver, forbearance, course of dealing or trade usage shall not
affect the right of a party to demand performance of any term or condition of this
AGREED AND EXECUTED, this the _____ day of __________________,
Consignor: ____________________________________
Name: ____________________________________
Address: ____________________________________
Phone: ____________________________________
Email: ____________________________________
Consignee: ___________________________
Nancy Roth, Managing Director
signing on behalf of the
Kalona Historical Village Gift Shop
Address: 715 D Avenue
Kalona, Iowa 52247