Guidance for 3rd Party
Press Releases and Events
Congratulations on your project award!
We look forward to working with you as you begin work and achieve
future project milestones.
To assist in your eorts, we have created a communications toolkit. Please use this
as a reference when planning a public event, when writing a press release, or when
you need to work with NYSERDA.
The templates and checklists will show you how to work with NYSERDA on the following:
Plan an event
Draft a media advisory, press release, and event invitation
Request a NYSERDA quote and review of your press release
Request a NYSERDA speaker for your event
Take and use photos from your project and associated events/announcements
Event Planning
Use this sample checklist when planning an event.
Please keep your NYSERDA
project manager informed of
upcoming milestones and
potential events including
groundbreakings/ribbon cuttings.
Note that you are encouraged,
and in certain cases required,
to contact the NYSERDA
Communications, Marketing, and
Events teams for certain requests
such as plans to issue a press
release mentioning NYSERDA
support, announcing awards or
project milestones, and media
events related to a NYSERDA-
supported project.
Three Months Out
q Send your NYSERDA project manager a summary
of your planned event and include:
Proposed date and time
Length of program
Proposed location address—indoor or outdoor
Proposed event type—virtual, in-person, or hybrid
(in-person with live-streamed component or virtual
Project status and what will be announced
Possible speakers and emcee
Draft elected ocials’ invite list
Media event or invite-only
q Complete the online Event Request Form to request
NYSERDA participation in your event and include a
summary of the event including other invited speakers.
q Schedule event site visit and be sure to consider:
Safety of site and any preparation or cleanup
needed to be event ready
Best place to set up staging, podium, and chairs
Parking and ADA compliant access
Directional, backdrop, project highlights signage needs
Best locations for photo opportunities
Access to electricity
For outdoor events, arrangements in case of inclement
weather (clearing walkways, plowing, sand, salt, etc.)
q Identify vendor needs such as tent/chair rental, audio/
video, podium, staging, portable restrooms, and printer
and request quotes for estimated costs and services.
Consider where will these vendor’s deliverables
be located.
q Determine materials/posters needed and begin
q With input from Communications team, invite
speakers to participate; provide them with background
information and run of show including length and
focus of remarks expected.
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Two Months
q Check in with your NYSERDA project manager to provide an update on the event.
q Confirm that you have submitted your event request form to NYSERDA to
request a speaker/participation.
q Draft save-the-dates, invitations, and post-event thank you notes for event
attendance (see downloadable templates if needed).
q Develop media list. Include local and regional media outlets that might attend,
as well as trade publications that would be interested in the announcement
even if they are unable to attend.
q Finalize site logistics and identify an alternate event location, in case needed.
Draft or finalize floor plans, schematics.
Make sure there is a holding room, or designated outside area if outside,
for speakers and/or VIPs.
Consider a private space if a speaker or VIP needs to take a phone call.
q Confirm production of event materials — such as signs, backdrop, videos, etc. —
are on schedule.
One Month
q Send event run of show to NYSERDA project manager with the list of invited
speakers and highlight the invited elected ocials.
q Draft media advisory.
q Share draft press release with NYSERDA program manager for review and approval
(see downloadable template).
Provide deadline to receive the release back.
Indicate if you are requesting a quote from NYSERDA.
Provide NYSERDA with social media handles (Facebook, Twitter,
LinkedIn, Instagram).
Program manager will review and send to NYSERDA Communications
for review, approval, and quote.
Program manager will return to the requester the approved release,
with any edits and/or quotes.
Press release should go out after the event concludes.
Three Weeks
q Write a blog post or article for publication.
q Share the draft with NYSERDA program manager for review.
Two Weeks
q Send final instructions to speakers and confirm their attendance including:
Run of show
Parking instructions
On-site contact
The name of the person who will introduce them
q Identify who will greet VIPs and convey that name/phone number to speakers.
q Finalize vendors and confirm they have correct date/time to arrive/set up.
q Visit site to check condition and meet vendors on-site so they know where to set up.
Guidance for 3rd Party Press Releases and Events
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One Week
q Send final run of show to NYSERDA program manager.
q Provide a list of speakers, including any elected ocials confirmed to attend.
q Provide number of attendees/attendee makeup.
q Confirm location.
q Create reserved seat signs with names of speakers, VIPs, elected ocials, etc.
for chairs.
q Assign roles for the team supporting the event and meet with them to review
assignments and tasks (manage speakers and VIPs, vendor deliveries and set up).
q Draft social media and share with NYSERDA program manager for amplification
and awareness of social media handles.
Two Days Before
q Send Media Advisory.
q Check that your site/location is ready.
q If possible, begin setting up for the event—stage, backdrop, sound, lighting,
tables, and chairs (for registration, food, and beverage, etc.).
q Check registrations numbers.
q Consider sending a final push to invitees to drive attendance.
q Confirm that all press release content is accurate.
q Confirm vendor deliveries, materials, etc.
Day Of
q Coordinate set up, vendors, VIP handling, seating.
q Resend Media Advisory the morning of your event.
q Take photos to share on social media.
q Deploy social media posts.
q Send press release after event concludes.
q Notify NYSERDA program contact and NYSERDA communications when
release goes out/social media is deployed and send photo for possible
NYSERDA use on social media.
q Make follow up calls to the media.
q Monitor the news to check if stories have run.
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Guidance for 3rd Party Press Releases and Events
Post Event Activity
q Share links to any news stories that have run about your project/event.
q Send social media posts (if you did not the day of the event).
q Share posted blog or article link.
q Update website with news coverage/press release.
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Social Media
Contact: NYSERDA Social Media Manager and Communications, CC Program Manager
Please use any applicable hashtag for your project. We encourage you to share
your good news through social media channels and tag @NYSERDA so we may
reshare posts to help amplify your recognition.
Reminder: Per the terms of your award, you are not allowed to share the
announcement on social media until after NYSERDA has issued its press release
announcing the award.
Any use of the NYSERDA logo must be pre-approved and adhere to guidelines
that you will receive from marketing upon your request for logo usage. Please use
our logo request form. Marketing has final approval prior to deployment.
Contact: Marketing with CC to Social Media contact
We love photos of your projects! When sending, indicate if we may use the photo on
our website and social media. See the photo release form to have individuals review
and sign to ensure that they approve the use of their image by both your organization/
company and NYSERDA.
For iPhone photos, please know that we are unable to use photos taken in the high
eciency, HEIC, format in Windows.
To save your images as JPEGS, go to: SETTINGS > Scroll down to CAMERA > FORMATS
> Check MOST COMPATIBLE. That should save the images as JPEGS.
Please send photos as attachments with the following:
Completed photo release form
Crediting information
Brief caption that includes location
Speaker Requests
Contact: Events and Program Manager
Your program contacts at NYSERDA are happy to consider speaker requests for project
milestone events. If new opportunities arise for NYSERDA sta to join you at an event,
please send speaking invitations with plenty of advance notice by completing the
online event request form to request a NYSERDA speaker.
Guidance for 3rd Party Press Releases and Events
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