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March 16, 2022
This is a non-binding proposal of terms and conditions of settlement between the City of San Antonio
(the “City”), Erik Walsh,
and William McManus
(collectively, “Defendants”) and the Office of the
Texas Attorney General (“the OAG”), to settle the Travis County Litigation
and the Bexar County
subject to approval by the San Antonio City Council in its sole and absolute discretion.
To fully and completely resolve the Travis County Litigation and the Bexar County Litigation (the
“Lawsuits”) and any claims that could have been brought under those Lawsuits, Defendants and the
OAG (collectively, “the Parties”) will enter into a settlement agreement in accordance with the
following terms:
1. In the settlement agreement, the City will agree that it does not have immunity from
enforcement of the settlement agreement, and the Parties will agree that the presiding judge
in the Travis County Litigation, Judge Meachum, will retain jurisdiction over the Travis
County Litigation for twelve (12) months from the date the settlement agreement is fully
executed and tendered, to oversee the implementation of the following terms of the settlement
(a) Not as admission of guilt and not for the purposes of paying any penalties, but to put
an end to the costly and time-consuming Lawsuits, the City will tender to the OAG
$300,000.00 (the “Settlement Payment”).
(b) The Settlement Payment will be tendered not later than twenty-one (21) business days
from the date a settlement agreement is fully executed and tendered to each party.
(c) The City will revise General Manual Procedure 618.11(A) and the Communication
Protocol, as reflected in Exhibits A and B, attached hereto.
(d) The City will train the San Antonio Police Department (“SAPD”) on the revised
General Manual Procedure 618.11(A) and the revised Communication Protocol. The
City will provide copies of the PowerPoint training slides relating to General Manual
618.11(A) and the Communication Protocol to the OAG for review and approval, and
the OAG will have fourteen (14) business days to comment on or request changes to
the training slides.
2. The Parties agree that, if at any time, the OAG believes Defendants have not complied with
the settlement terms set forth in Section 1(a)(d) above, the OAG can file a Motion to Compel
Enforcement of the Settlement Agreement, requesting the relief the OAG deems appropriate.
3. Within two (2) business days after implementation of each and every settlement term set forth
in Section 1(a)–(d) above, the Parties agree to do the following:
(a) Defendants will file a certification of compliance in the Travis County Litigation and
request a dismissal with prejudice in the Travis County Litigation; and
In his Official Capacity as City Manager for the City of San Antonio.
In his individual and Official Capacity as Chief of the San Antonio Police Department.
Ken Paxton, in his Official Capacity as Attorney General of Texas v. William McManus, in his Official Capacity as
Chief of the San Antonio Police Department; City of San Antonio; and Erik Walsh, in his official capacity as City Manager
of City of San Antonio, Cause No. D-1-GN-18-007133, pending in the 345
District Court of Travis County, Texas (the
“Travis County Litigation”).
Ken Paxton, in his Official Capacity as Attorney General of Texas v. William McManus, in his Official Capacity as
Chief of the San Antonio Police Department; Cause No. 2021-CI-00942, filed in the 45
Judicial District of Bexar County,
Texas (the “Bexar County Litigation”).
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(b) the OAG will file a notice of nonsuit with prejudice in the Bexar County Litigation
and a voluntary dismissal with prejudice in the Bexar County Appeal
the “Dismissal Documents”).
4. The settlement agreement will contain a broad-form release, releasing Defendants from any
and all claims of alleged violations of Subchapter C of Chapter 752 of the Texas Government
Code including, without limitation, known or unknown claims and claims that could have
been brought in the Lawsuits, up to the date the settlement agreement is fully executed and
tendered to each party.
5. The Parties acknowledge and agree that the settlement agreement is a compromise and
settlement of disputed matters, and that neither the settlement agreement nor the furnishing of
consideration under the settlement agreement shall be deemed or construed at any time for
any purpose as an admission of any liability or responsibility for any wrongdoing of any kind
by any Defendant, including any violation of Subchapter C of Chapter 752 of the Texas
Government Code. The OAG agrees that it shall not be deemed to have prevailed in any
respect against any Defendant for the purpose of an attorneys fee award, prevailing party
costs, or for any other purpose, and that attorney’s fees and costs incurred by the Parties with
respect to the settlement thereof are to be borne by the party incurring same.
6. The Parties will not initiate contact with media until after the San Antonio City Council has
approved the terms of this settlement in an open meeting, provided no party shall be prohibited
from responding to any media or third-party reports or inquiries.
7. By March 18, 2022, the Parties will jointly request the Court continue the March 28, 2022
trial date in the Travis County Litigation, with the express agreement that, if a settlement is
not reached by April 29, 2022, the Parties will notify Judge Meachum requesting that that trial
be reset to July 2022, or as soon as practicable thereafter for Judge Meachum. The Parties
agree that neither party will request that the Bexar County Litigation be tried prior to the
Travis County Litigation.
8. The City agrees further that it will not change the revised language in General Manual
Procedure 618.11(A) or the Communication Protocol—as addressed in Section 1(c) above
and set forth in Exhibits A and B, attached heretoabsent a change in the law or a court order.
9. Each party will provide any necessary documents to effectuate the terms of the settlement.
This document is intended to summarize the material terms of settlement and is not inclusive of all
terms to be included in a settlement agreement, a draft of which will be provided by Defendants’
counsel to the OAG. This term sheet represents the negotiations between the Parties and shall be
considered a confidential settlement communication made under Texas Rule of Evidence 408.
Ken Paxton, in his Official Capacity as Attorney General of Texas (Appellant) v. William McManus, in his Official
Capacity as Chief of the San Antonio Police Department (Appellee); Cause No. 04-21-00547-CV, pending in the Court
of Appeals for the Fourth District of Texas (the “Bexar County Appeal”).
San Antonio Police Department
San Antonio Police DepartmentSan Antonio Police Department
San Antonio Police Department
Procedure 618 – Racial/Bias Profiling/Immigration Policy
General Manual Procedures – Section 600 Operations Procedures Page 1 of 9 Effective Date: September 19, 2018
Office with Primary
Effective Date:
Prior Revision Date:
September 19, 2018
Sept. 1, 2017
Office(s) with Secondary
TEC, FCD, IDC, COS, CIA Number of Pages: 8
Forms Referenced in Procedure:
SAPD Form #2-2
SAPD Form 2-3
SAPD Form #200-OR
SAPD Form #87-J15
SAPD Form #24-1A
SAPD Form #2055 GCD
Related Procedures: 508
This procedure reaffirms the San Antonio Police Department’s commitment to unbiased policing in all its encounters
between officers and any persons; and to establish procedures to ensure public confidence and mutual trust through the
provision of services in a fair and equitable fashion; and to protect our officers from unwarranted accusations of
misconduct when they act within the dictates of Department policy and the law.
A. It is the policy of the San Antonio Police Department to provide equal protection to all citizens. Toward this end,
police officers employed by the San Antonio Police Department are strictly prohibited from engaging in racial/bias
profiling in any aspect of law enforcement-initiated actions.
B. Police Officers shall not use race, national origin, citizenship, religion, ethnicity, age, gender, gender expression,
gender identity, sexual orientation, or physical or mental disability for a law enforcement-initiated action, except to
determine whether a person matches a specific description of a particular suspect.
.03 TERMINOLOGY (For specific use within this procedure, see Glossary)
Field Contact Gender Expression Gender Identity Interview
Law Enforcement-Initiated Action Motor Vehicle Stop Pedestrian Stop Probable Cause
Racial/Bias Profiling Reasonable Suspicion Search Stop and Frisk
A. Each officer has a responsibility for preventing racial/bias profiling. Officers must remain customer-oriented, while
also considering their safety and the safety of others. Officers should:
1. Extend a customary greeting to each person they stop or detain;
2. Identify themselves by name;
3. Explain the reason for the stop or detention;
4. Afford the person the opportunity to provide their explanation of their behavior;
5. Politely ask for the person’s identification; and
6. Remain courteous and project a professional demeanor during the interview or questioning.
B. Officers shall refrain from participating in or encouraging any actions or statements which could be perceived as
racial/bias profiling. They must document the law enforcement-initiated action and report any acts or perceived acts
of racial/bias profiling in accordance with Subsection .05B of this procedure.
San Antonio Police Department
San Antonio Police DepartmentSan Antonio Police Department
San Antonio Police Department
Procedure 618 – Racial/Bias Profiling/Immigration Policy
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C. Each officer is responsible for assisting in the prevention of racial/bias profiling by the following actions:
1. Officers making custodial/non-custodial arrests shall base the arrests on probable cause supporting the elements
of the offense and not on racial/bias profiling.
2. Officers conducting a lawful detention, including stop and frisks, shall base the lawful detention on reasonable
suspicion at the time of the stop and not on racial/bias profiling.
3. Officers conducting field contacts (interviews) shall do so in accordance with GM Procedure 508, Field
4. Officers shall refrain from participating in or encouraging any actions or statements which could be reasonably
perceived as racial/bias profiling.
5. Officers shall report any acts of racial/bias profiling in writing to their immediate supervisor.
D. Supervisory officers shall monitor the actions of the officers under their command to ensure racial/bias profiling
does not occur and is not condoned. Supervisors shall:
1. Take immediate and appropriate remedial action whenever they observe, or are made aware of, any racial/bias
2. Immediately document any complaint or observed incident of any acts or perceived acts of racial/bias profiling
in accordance with Section .05.
3. Immediately submit all reports of racial/bias profiling through their chain of command to their Division
A. The San Antonio Police Department will accept and investigate all complaints from any person who believes he/she
has been stopped or searched based on racial/bias profiling. No person shall be intimidated, coerced, or discouraged
in any manner from filing a complaint, nor discriminated against because he/she filed such a complaint.
B. Any Officer who receives an allegation of racial/bias profiling, including the officer who initiated the stop, shall
immediately report the allegation of racial/bias profiling to his/her immediate supervisor.
1. The Officer shall also document the allegation in writing on SAPD Form #2-2, Incident Report.
2. The incident report shall include the nature of the complaint or allegation along with the name, address and
telephone number of each complainant and witness.
3. After the incident, the report shall be immediately completed and given to the Officer’s supervisor.
4. The Officer shall also explain to the complainant the Department’s process for filing a complaint with the
Internal Affairs Unit.
5. If the complainant request to speak with a supervisor, the Officer shall immediately notify a supervisor of the
C. Supervisory officers addressing racial/biased profiling complaints shall:
1. Immediately notify the Section Commanders or Unit Directors of any cases where an officer is involved in
allegations of serious misconduct or suspected criminal activity;
San Antonio Police Department
San Antonio Police DepartmentSan Antonio Police Department
San Antonio Police Department
Procedure 618 – Racial/Bias Profiling/Immigration Policy
General Manual Procedures – Section 600 Operations Procedures Page 3 of 9 Effective Date: September 19, 2018
2. Immediately contact and interview the complainants;
3. Refer the complainants to the Internal Affairs Unit to initiate formal complaints;
4. Interview and obtain written reports from the subject officers of the complaints. Officers who are the subject of
the complaint shall submit their written reports on SAPD Form #200-OR, Officer’s Response to a Complaint;
5. Obtain necessary information, which assists in the evaluation of the complaints;
6. Prepare preliminary complaint investigation packets including the information provided by the complainants,
witnesses, the officers’ reports, and the supervisors’ reports;
7. Supervisors will not enumerate or make recommendations as to the specific rule, regulation, policy, or
procedure violated, nor will they make a recommendation as to punishment. Supervisors will only recommend
either no disciplinary action is necessary or the complaint should be forwarded to the Internal Affairs Unit for
further investigation;
8. Route the preliminary complaint investigation packets through the chain of command to their Division
9. The Division Commander shall route the completed complaint investigation packet to the Internal Affairs Unit.
D. The Internal Affairs Unit investigates all complaints of racial/bias profiling against officers. The Internal Affairs
Unit presents the findings of all formal complaint investigations of racial/bias profiling to the Chief's Advisory
Action Board. The complainants will receive written notification advising them of the final disposition of their
The Department shall be responsible for providing training to all officers in racial/bias profiling to emphasize the need to
respect the rights of all citizens to be free from unreasonable government intrusion or law enforcement-initiated action.
This training shall include:
A. Cadet Training;
B. Annual In-Service Training;
C. Input from those classes of persons identified in this policy in development of curriculum;
D. Incorporation of the TCOLE Curriculum; and
E. Specific lesson plans for Patrol Officers, Supervisors, FTOs, etc.
A. The SAPD considers racial/bias profiling a serious form of officer misconduct. The Department shall take direct
and immediate actions to prevent such behavior, and to remedy all reported instances of racial/bias profiling.
B. Officers who are found to have engaged in racial/bias profiling will be subject to appropriate corrective action
including, but not limited to, referral to the Officer Concern Program, and/or discipline such as discharge or criminal
San Antonio Police Department
San Antonio Police DepartmentSan Antonio Police Department
San Antonio Police Department
Procedure 618 – Racial/Bias Profiling/Immigration Policy
General Manual Procedures – Section 600 Operations Procedures Page 4 of 9 Effective Date: September 19, 2018
A. Racial Profile data must be collected on the operator of any motor vehicle stopped for an alleged violation of a law
or ordinance. Officers who initiate a motor vehicle stop, which does not result in the production of an Incident or
Offense report, shall document such occurrence by submitting one the following forms:
1. Traffic citation;
2. Traffic warning citation;
3. Field Interview (Form 2-3);
4. DWI report (Form 24-1A); or
5. Gang Contact Data Sheet (Form 2055-GCD).
B. The above forms are designed for the primary purpose of law enforcement; however, they have been modified to
comply with governmental mandates on racial/bias profiling. As such, they must be filled-out correctly, completely,
and on a timely basis.
C. Profile Data shall be filled out only once for each individual (operator of motor vehicle only). If a traffic citation or
warning citation is the only documentation of the motor vehicle stop, the information shall be included on the
citation. If an Incident Report, Offense Report, Field Interview, DWI Report, or Gang Form is written, the profile
data should go on the report or form and not on the citation.
D. Officers making motor vehicle stops requiring racial profile data collection on the citation must complete the
following boxes on the citation for the operator of the motor vehicle:
1. Box A1 – Location of Profile Data
a. 0 Profile data on citation
b. 1 – Profile data on report (case # required)
2. Box A2 – Race/Ethnicity known prior to detention
a. 0 NO
b. 1 – YES
3. Box A3 – Race/Ethnicity
a. 1 White
b. 2 – Black
c. 3 Hispanic
d. 4 – Asian/Pacific Islander
e. 5 Native American
f. 6 – Middle Eastern/East Indian
San Antonio Police Department
San Antonio Police DepartmentSan Antonio Police Department
San Antonio Police Department
Procedure 618 – Racial/Bias Profiling/Immigration Policy
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4. Box A4 – Initial reason for the stop
a. 0 Traffic law violation
b. 1 – Other law violation
c. 2 Dispatched – with vehicle description
d. 3 – Dispatched – with officer initiated stop
e. 4 Field contact
f. 5 – Suspicious conduct
5. Box A5 – Search
a. 0 None
b. 1 – Consent
c. 2 Non-consent
6. Box A6 – Reason for search
a. 0 N/A
b. 1 – Contraband/evidence in plain view
c. 2 Probable cause
d. 3 – Reasonable suspicion
e. 4 Vehicle towed
f. 5 – Arrest
7. Box A7 – Contraband or evidence
a. 0 None
b. 1Yes See report** (case # required)
** If the answer to this question is yes,” a report needs to be written and the profile data should go on the
report and not on the citation.
8. Box A8 – Custodial Arrest Made
a. 0 No
b. 1Yes See report** (case # required)
** If the answer to this question is yes,” a report needs to be written and the profile data should go on the
report and not on the citation.
San Antonio Police Department
San Antonio Police DepartmentSan Antonio Police Department
San Antonio Police Department
Procedure 618 – Racial/Bias Profiling/Immigration Policy
General Manual Procedures – Section 600 Operations Procedures Page 6 of 9 Effective Date: September 19, 2018
E. Officers making motor vehicle stops requiring racial profile data collection on a form other than a traffic or warning
citation shall fill out the report completely, listing the following information in the appropriate boxes for the
operator of the motor vehicle:
1. Race/Ethnicity known prior to detention
a. 0 NO
b. 1 – YES
2. Reason for stop
a. 0 Traffic law violation
b. 1 – Other law violation
c. 2 Dispatched – with vehicle description
d. 3 – Dispatched – with officer initiated stop
e. 4 Field contact
f. 5 – Suspicious conduct
3. Search
a. 0 None
b. 1 – Consent
c. 2 Non-consent
4. Reason for search
a. 0 N/A
b. 1 – Contraband/evidence in plain view
c. 2 Probable cause
d. 3 – Reasonable suspicion
e. 4 Vehicle towed
f. 5 – Arrest
5. Custodial Arrest Made
a. 0 No
b. 1 – Yes – Violation of Penal Code
c. 2 Yes – Violation of Traffic Law
d. 3 – Yes – Violation of Ordinance
San Antonio Police Department
San Antonio Police DepartmentSan Antonio Police Department
San Antonio Police Department
Procedure 618 – Racial/Bias Profiling/Immigration Policy
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e. 4 Yes – Warrant
f. 5 – Yes – Other Law Violation
6. Citation Issued
a. 0 None
b. 1 – Written warning
c. 2 Written traffic citation
d. 3 – Misdemeanor citation
7. Contraband or evidence
a. 0 None
b. 1 – Drugs/Paraphernalia
c. 2 Money
d. 3 – Firearm
e. 4 Knife/Edged Weapon
f. 5 – Other Weapon
g. 6 – Alcohol/Tobacco
h. 7 – Stolen Property
i. 8 – Other
F. Failure by an officer to document a traffic or pedestrian stop; field contact; or any other officer-initiated interaction,
as required by this procedure, shall not constitute prima facie evidence of racial profiling.
A. The Department shall be responsible for providing public information relating to the agency’s efforts to comply with
government mandates on racial/bias profiling. This will include public education relating to the agency’s complaint
process. Avenues for this information may include the distribution of the San Antonio Police Department Internal
Affairs Unit pamphlets and News/Press releases.
B. It is the responsibility of the Police Media Services Detail to ensure copies of news articles, educational stories, and
videos relating to racial/bias profiling are annually maintained to provide documentation of this Department’s
commitment to educating the public.
A. All racial/bias information required to be collected in accordance with Article 2.133 of the Code of Criminal
Procedure must be compiled and analyzed annuall
San Antonio Police Department
San Antonio Police DepartmentSan Antonio Police Department
San Antonio Police Department
Procedure 618 – Racial/Bias Profiling/Immigration Policy
General Manual Procedures – Section 600 Operations Procedures Page 8 of 9 Effective Date: September 19, 2018
B. In accordance with Article 2.134 of the Code of Criminal Procedure, the previous year’s information collected on
racial/bias profiling must be submitted to the governing body of the City of San Antonio and to the Texas
Commission on Law Enforcement (TCOLE) by March 1
of each year.
A. National Origin, immigration status, ethnicity or race are not a basis for an arrest and officers will not base any
arrest on those
1. The San Antonio Police Department, in conjunction with other entities, will assist crime victims and witnesses
in obtaining U-Visas. The U-Visa is an immigration benefit that can be sought by victims of certain crimes who
are currently assisting or have previously assisted law enforcement in the investigation or
prosecution of a crime, or who are likely to be helpful in the investigation or prosecution of criminal activity.
2. Arrested persons will have their identities verified by Bexar County Deputies at the Bexar County Jail.
Decisions regarding deportation are not/will not be made by SAPD officers.
3. Officers do not conduct background checks on everyone they encounter.
B. Officers will verify identification and perform a background check on people to whom they are issuing a citation,
legally detaining, arresting, or processing for magistration.
1. Officers may take into custody any person who cannot provide valid identification or sufficient information for
an officer to confirm the person’s identity.
2. Valid identification includes, but is not limited to, state identification cards, driver’s license, government IDs
such as passports or military ID. The Matricula Consular,” issued by the Mexican Consulate, will also be
considered an acceptable form of identification.
3. Once identity has been confirmed, officers will decide whether to release a person who is being detained who is
either a witness or the recipient of a citation, or based on probable cause, arrest the person.
C. Officers will not detain and/or arrest an individual based on the fact or suspicion that they are in the United States
1. The enforcement priorities of the San Antonio Police Department are to protect public safety and foster
community trust. The priorities do not include asking individuals for proof of citizenship or legal residency.
2. Officers may not inquire into the immigration status of a victim of or witness to an alleged criminal offense
unless the officer determines that the inquiry is necessary to:
(1) investigate the offense; or
(2) provide the victim or witness with information about federal visas designed to protect individuals providing
assistance to law enforcement.
3. Officers are authorized to arrest persons based on probable cause that a crime has been committed. Immigration
status alone is not probable cause for an arrest.
4. Officers having reasonable suspicion that a person or persons may by a victim or suspect in human trafficking
will immediately notify a supervisor and the appropriate follow-up unit, and will handle matter in accordance
with GM Proc. 713, Human Trafficking.
Deleted: Officers will not refer persons to Immigration and
Customs Enforcement (ICE) unless the person has a federal
deportation warrant.
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San Antonio Police Department
San Antonio Police DepartmentSan Antonio Police Department
San Antonio Police Department
Procedure 618 – Racial/Bias Profiling/Immigration Policy
General Manual Procedures – Section 600 Operations Procedures Page 9 of 9 Effective Date: September 19, 2018
D. Consistent with other procedures outlined in this General Manual, officers are authorized to communicate with
federal agents regarding suspected human smuggling or trafficking cases.
SAPD Communication Protocol
Human Smuggling or Trafficking Incident
In responding to a potential human smuggling or trafficking incident, the San Antonio Police
Department (SAPD) may determine that undocumented persons are potential witnesses to the offense.
The protocol for handling this type of situation follows:
If a San Antonio Police Officer is dispatched to or arrives at a scene involving an investigation of
human smuggling or trafficking, whether state or federal, then the investigation constitutes a “Police
Incident” under the General Manual due to heightened community interest. As a result, the Command
Notification process will be initiated
and will be as follows:
1. Notifications within SAPD chain of command (Proc. 314 – Command Notification):
(a) Any officer dispatched to or finding a scene involving human smuggling or
trafficking will immediately request a Supervisory officer to respond to the
(b) The Supervisor-In-Charge is responsible for notification of the appropriate
command personnel, ultimately resulting in notification to a Deputy Chief, or if
unavailable, an Assistant Chief.
(c) Notification to the Chief of Police as appropriate.
2. Notifications to SAPD Investigative personnel:
(a) The reporting officer is responsible for notifying the assigned follow up unit
(Special Victims or Night CID), either by direct call or through the dispatcher.
(b) In the notification the reporting officer will provide the following information if
Type of the vehicle or vehicles involved
Approximate number of individuals involved
Approximate number of children/minors
General description of the scope and nature of medical attention required
for the individuals involved.
3. Notification of the Department of Homeland Security, Homeland Security Investigations
(a) The initial notification
should be made by the assigned follow up unit personnel
to the HSI San Antonio duty agent by contacting the National Law Enforcement
Communication Center (Call Sign: C-100) at (1-800-973-2867). If contact with
the primary duty agent is unsuccessful, the back-up agent should be requested.
In the unlikely event that both agents are unavailable, the follow up unit may
contact HSI management through contacts provided by HSI. Follow up unit
personnel should advise the duty agent of the following:
The type of incident and the need for federal investigative
Approximate number of individuals involved
Type of the vehicle or vehicles involved
Approximate number of children/minors
General description of the scope and nature of medical attention
required for the individuals involved.
(b) Nothing in this Communication Protocol prohibits any SAPD Officer from
communicating with ICE (which includes HSI and ERO) about a Police Incident.
(c) The HSI duty agent will pursue all potential federal criminal violations against
the human smugglers/traffickers. If HSI determines there are no criminal charges
or ICE
to be pursued, HSI will coordinate with ICE Enforcement and Removal
Operations (ERO) for any administrative action deemed appropriate.
(d) The HSI duty agent will coordinate with other stakeholders and federal
authorities, including arranging transportation for suspects, victims and witnesses
and mobilizing investigative resources.
If assistance is requested by an HSI agent, SAPD personnel will assist as
reasonable or necessary and, at the discretion of the Chief of Police or Deputy
Chief, offer to conduct the investigation jointly with HSI.
(f) Unless HSI investigators clearly state
that HSI will lead the investigation, SAPD
personnel will conduct the investigation as a Police Incident under SAPD
procedures, for filing with the Bexar County District Attorney’s Office.
4. Notification of the Office of the Chief:
(a) Communications Unit personnel notified of a Human Smuggling or Human
Trafficking Incident will immediately notify the designated personnel assigned to
the Office of the Chief.
(b) Follow up unit personnel assigned to a Human Smuggling or Human Trafficking
Incident will ensure notification of the designated personnel assigned to the
Office of the Chief.
5. Notification to City’s Immigration Liaison
(a) The Office of the Chief is responsible for notifying the City’s Immigration
6. Notification to Social Service agencies
The City’s Immigration Liaison will notify Catholic Charities (773-678-2377)
and RAICES (202-459-1977/210-544-7811).
Among other services, these agencies can provide aid and assistance to
undocumented persons who are not arrested.
any HSI agentinvestigator(s) who arrive at
the scene
The Offices of the Chief
also assist in