Stay connected with Compton College:
First Six-Week Session: June 20 - July 27
Eight-Week Session: June 20 - August 10
Second Six-Week Session: July 3 - August 10
Summer 2023
See back page for important information
regarding instruction methods for online classes.
Currently enrolled students are eligible to receive:
FREE Parking!
One FREE Everytable meal per day!
A FREE Metro GoPass!
FREE wi- hotspots & laptop loans!
$20/week in Farmers Market vouchers!
Take the rst step – its fast and easy! Complete and submit your free application online.
New and returning students (those with an absence of two consecutive primary terms: fall or spring semesters; excluding summer
and winter terms) must complete an online application for admission.
You will receive an email with your Student ID # and further instructions within 2 business days excluding weekends and holidays.
Ocial transcripts from all accredited colleges and trade schools attended must be submitted to the Admissions & Records Oce
via email, tr[email protected]du, or in-person in the Administration Building. Students applying for Advanced Placement (AP)
credit must submit ocial copy of AP scores.
Need help paying for college? Apply for nancial aid by completing the:
Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) using school code 042817 for Compton College.
California Dream Act Application (CADAA) for eligible AB 540 students Use Compton College school code
A variety of scholarships are also available:nancial-aid/scholarships
For assistance with nancial aid applications or more information, call 310-900-1600, ext. 2935, or email [email protected]
Orientation provides an introduction to academic programs and support services to help you succeed.
Orientation is only oered online via the MyCompton portal. Students must have an activated Compton College student email
account to access the online Orientation. For more information, call the Welcome Center, 310-900-1600, ext. 2765, or send an email to
Focus on your goal! Meet with a counselor and complete an educational plan to identify classes that are
required to complete your certicate, degree or transfer program.
All students have the right to enroll in transfer-level English (ENGL 101) and math (MATH 110, 111, 120, 140, 150, and 170). For
additional recommendations based on high school GPA, please visit
Create an Educational Plan
For appointment information, call the Counseling Oce at 310-900-1600, ext. 2076, or email [email protected].
Ready to register for classes? Login to MyCompton and register for classes on or after your assigned Ticket
Time (registration appointment).
Registration is based on a priority system. Registration Priorities information is available online:
You can complete the Steps to Enrollment from the comfort
of your home by joining a virtual workshop.
Virtual Steps to Enrollment workshops are available Monday-Friday:nancial-aid
Juneteenth Holiday (Campus Closed) .............................................................. Monday, June 19, 2023
First Six-Week Session
Classes Begin ................................................................................................... Tuesday, June 20, 2023
First Day to Apply for Graduation (Summer) ................................................... Tuesday, June 20, 2023
Last Day to Add, Drop with no notation and a Refund .....................................Sunday, June 25, 2023
Independence Day Holiday Observed (Campus Closed) ..................................... Tuesday, July 4, 2023
Last Day to Drop with a “W” (Full Semester Courses) .......................................Monday, July 17, 2023
First Six-Week Session Ends .............................................................................Thursday, July 27, 2023
Eight-Week Session
Eight-Week Classes Begin ...............................................................................Tuesday, June 20, 2023
Last Day to Drop and be Eligible for a Refund ..................................................Tuesday, June 27, 2023
Last Day to Add ................................................................................................Tuesday, June 27, 2023
Last Day to Drop Without Notation on Permanent Record .............................. Tuesday, June 27, 2023
Independence Day Holiday Observed (Campus Closed) ..................................... Tuesday, July 4, 2023
Last Day to Drop with a “W” (Full Semester Courses) ......................................Thursday, July 26, 2023
Eight-Week Session Ends........................................................................... Thursday, August 10, 2023
Second Six-Week Session
Classes Begin ......................................................................................................Monday, July 3, 2023
Independence Day Holiday Observed (Campus Closed) ..................................... Tuesday, July 4, 2023
Last Day, to Add, Drop with no notation and a Refund ....................................... Sunday, July 9, 2023
Last Day to Apply for Graduation and Certificates (Summer) ..........................Thursday, July 20, 2023
Last Day to Drop with a “W” (Full-Semester Courses) .................................... Tuesday, August 1, 2023
Second Six-Week Session Ends .................................................................. Thursday, August 10, 2023
The Compton Community College District is
committed to providing an educational and
employment environment in which no person is
subjected to discrimination on the basis of actual
or perceived race, color, ancestry, national origin,
religion, creed, age (over 40), disability (mental or
physical), sex, gender (including pregnancy and
childbirth), sexual orientation, gender identity,
gender expression, medical condition, genetic
information, marital status, military and veteran
status, or retaliation; or on any other basis as
required by state and federal law.
Compton College is accredited by the
Accrediting Commission for Community
and Junior Colleges (ACCJC) of the Western
Association of Schools and Colleges
(WASC), an institutional accrediting
body recognized by the Commission
on Recognition of Postsecondary
Accreditation and the U.S. Department
of Education. Accreditation reports are
available on the Compton College website.
Mission Statement
Compton College is a welcoming and
inclusive community where diverse
students are supported to pursue and
attain student success. Compton College
provides solutions to challenges, utilizes
the latest techniques for preparing the
workforce and provides clear pathways
for completion of programs of study,
transition to a university, and securing
living-wage employment.
Academic Freedom
Board Policy 4030
The Compton Community College District
recognizes that the search for the truth and
the expressions of diverse opinions are
essential to a democratic society, learning,
and excellence in education, will encourage
and protect academic freedom. Academic
freedom is fundamental for the protection of
the rights of the faculty member in teaching
and of the student in learning. It carries with
it responsibilities correlative with rights.
Table of Contents
Registration Information ............ 5
Fees and Fee Holds ..................... 6
Counseling ................................. 7
Financial Aid ............................... 7
Campus Police ............................ 8
Student Right to Know ............... 8
Entry to Campus Protocol ........... 9
Summer 2023 Classes ......... 10
Enrollment Fee ........................................................ $46 for each credit unit
Health Fee ....................................................................... $19 per semester / $16 per term
Non-Resident Tuition (subject to change) ........................ $320 per unit plus $46 per unit
Credit by Examination ................................................................................... $46 per unit
Auditing ......................................................................................................... $15 per unit
Transcripts (rst two free) .....................................................................................$6 each
Course Catalog ....................................$5 (available for purchase through the Bookstore)
Parking Fee ...... FREE with a valid Compton College Student Parking Permit (see page 9)
Student Activities Fee* (optional) ........................................$10 per Fall/Spring semester
Student Representation Fee** (optional) ............................... $2 per Fall/Spring semester
Students are required to pay fees within ten (10) days of their enrollment in courses.
(Administrative Regulation 5031 – Fees)
For your convenience, we oer three ways to pay your fees:
Pay online! Just go to and click on MyCompton.
Bring American Express, Discover, MasterCard, Visa, cash or checks to the Bursars Oce (SSB 161).
Mail a check or money order to Compton Community College District, Bursar’s Oce; 1111 East Artesia
Boulevard, Compton, CA 90221. Mailed checks must be received in the Bursars Oce on or before
the deadline.
Bursars Oce (C-36) Hours: Monday-Thursday, 8:00 a.m. to 6:30 p.m.; Friday closed
Possible extended hours during the rst two weeks of each term.
*Students may opt-out of the Student Activities Fee within the rst two weeks of the semester by emailing the Oce of Student Develop-
ment at
**Any student wishing not to pay the Student Representation Fee may request to waive the fee with the Admissions & Records Oce. The
request must be submitted prior to the earliest refund deadline for the student’s enrolled classes.
Institutional Learning
Outcomes (ILOs)
1. Critical Thinking
Students apply critical, creative and
analytical skills to identify and solve
problems, analyze information,
synthesize and evaluate ideas, and
transform existing ideas into new
2. Communication
Students eectively communicate
with and respond to varied audiences
in written, spoken or signed, and
artistic forms.
3. Community and Personal
Students are productive and engaged
members of society, demonstrating
personal responsibility, and
community and social awareness
through their engagement in campus
programs and services.
4. Information Literacy
Students determine an information
need and use various media and
formats to develop a research strategy
and locate, evaluate, document,
and use information to accomplish
a specic purpose. Students
demonstrate an understanding of
the legal, social, and ethical aspects
related to information use.
Individual Program Learning Outcomes
(PLOs) are available in the Course Catalog,
available for purchase at the Bookstore
for $5 or access for free online at www.
Contact Us
1111 E. Artesia Blvd., Compton, CA 90221
Admissions Requirements
Any person over the age of 18 or
possessing a high school diploma or its
equivalent from the USA or other nation
shall be admitted unless prohibited by
law. If under the age of 18, students will
qualify if they have 1) graduated from
high school or 2) passed the California
High School Prociency Examination.
Compton College may admit as a special
part-time or special full-time student
anyone in grades 11 or 12 who, in the
opinion of the college president, may
benet from instruction.
Concurrently enrolled 11th- and 12th-
grade students must comply with all
policies, follow all procedures, and
meet all requirements by the published
deadlines for each semester and/or term.
California Residency
California State Assembly Bill 540
(AB540) allows any student who meets
all of the following requirements to be
exempt from paying nonresident tuition
at California Community Colleges, the
California State University (CSU), and the
University of California (UC).
1. The student must have attended
a high school (public or private) in
California for three or more years or
have attained credits equivalent to
three or more years of high school
coursework and a combination of
three or more years at a California
elementary or secondary school and
2. The student must have graduated
from a California high school
(public or private) or attained the
equivalent (e.g., General Educational
Development - GED or California High
School Prociency Exam) prior to the
start of the term at Compton College.
A student who meets the above
requirements must le an adavit
with the Admissions & Records Oce
at Compton College stating that he/
she has an application to legalize his/
her immigration status or will le an
application as soon as he/she is eligible
to do so. In addition to the adavit, the
student must also provide an ocial
high school transcript that clearly shows
attendance in all semesters and the date
of high school graduation. If the student
attended more than one California high
school, then ocial transcripts from all
high schools must be provided. If the
student graduated through equivalency
as mentioned above, then proof must be
Student information obtained in this
process is strictly condential unless
disclosure is required under the law.
Students who meet the criteria will
be exempted from the payment of
nonresident tuition but will not be
classied as “California Residents.”
Students will continue to be classied as
“Nonresidents.” Students who are in the
United States under a student or visitor
visa are not eligible.
Equivalent Courses
Courses completed at other colleges
and universities may be used to meet a
prerequisite. Some high school courses,
as stated in the catalog, may also be used
to meet a prerequisite. Students who have
completed equivalent courses at another
college or in high school must have copies
of necessary transcripts. Do not delay.
Order transcripts and clear prerequisites
prior to registration. Clearance for an
equivalent course may be obtained
electronically. Additional information is
available online at
Open Enrollment
Unless specically exempted by statute,
every course, course section, or class,
wherever oered and maintained by the
District, shall be fully open to enrollment
and participation by any person who
has been admitted to Compton College
and who meets such prerequisites as
may be established pursuant to Article
2.5 (commencing with Section 55200)
of Subchapter 1 of Chapter 6 of Division
6 of Title 5 of the California Code of
Student Records
Congress has provided in the “Family
Education Rights and Privacy Act” (FERPA)
that students have certain rights of access
to their education records. A copy of the
Act is located in the Library. Please contact
the Admissions and Records Oce for any
information regarding your rights under
the Act.
Unit Limitations
The students program of studies will
vary according to individual needs and
objectives. The maximum full-time
student program for a semester is 18 units
without a physical education class and
19 units with a physical education class.
The maximum program of study for a
six-week summer session is eight units.
The maximum program for an eight-
week summer session is nine units if one
unit is physical education. For the winter
term, the maximum program of study is
seven units. A student wishing to take
more than the maximum units may le an
Overload Petition through the Admissions
& Records Oce. Students must have
completed at least 15 transferable units
in one semester at Compton College with
a 2.75 grade-point average and an overall
grade-point average of 2.5 or higher to be
eligible for an overload.
Cross Enrollment at CSU
Dominguez Hills
Compton College students may enroll
at California State University, Dominguez
Hills without a formal admission oer.
Enrollment is on a space-available basis;
students can enroll in a maximum of
one course per semester at CSUDH for
$10 per course. All students must meet
cross enrollment eligibility requirements.
Additional information on requirements
and procedures may be obtained at the
Admissions & Records Oce webpage:
High School Students
By law, Compton College may restrict K-12
enrollment based on any of the following:
age, grade, academic preparation,
seat availability or registration priority.
Compton College will grant college credit
for completed coursework. Students
should consult their school counselor
and/or school district policy on enrolling
in college classes to earn high school
credits or dual credit.
Students - When you enroll in classes
at Compton College, you are considered
a college student and are expected
to act accordingly. Please familiarize
yourself with Compton College policies,
procedures, the college calendar, and
your rights as a student by reading the
class schedule and purchasing a college
catalog from the Bookstore.
Parents - when your child enrolls in
classes at Compton College, you lose some
rights aorded you by the K-12 system. As
per FERPA (Family Educational Rights and
Privacy Act), any business you conduct
on behalf of your college student must
be with the student’s written consent.
You, the parent, will need a note from
your child to access private educational
records or to act on his or her behalf.
Register Online
Your Compton College student email
is your login to the MyCompton portal.
You will need to use the following
temporary password to get access:
AaYYMMDD! (YY=last two digits of birth
year, MM=two-digit month, DD=two-
digit day) followed by an exclamation (!)
mark. You will be prompted to create a
new password and to authenticate your
Students on a waitlist for a class must
check their email daily to
nd out if a space becomes available in
the class. If a space becomes available,
an email is sent to the student with a
specied time to register for the class.
Students will not be automatically added
to the class. The waitlist time periods are
listed below:
48 hours to add the class for Winter
and Summer terms; and
72 hours for Summer and Fall
Log in to the MyCompton portal and
select “Register” to add the class to your
schedule. If you do not register for the
class within the allotted time you will
be removed from the waitlist. Waitlisted
students admitted to the class must pay
those class fees by the posted deadline.
Add or Drop Classes
Students can add classes online without
an add code until the day before the
rst class meeting. After the rst class
meeting, an Add Authorization Code is
needed to register for the class. Classes
are added through the MyCompton
student portal:
1. Go to, click on
MyCompton (top right corner)
2. Log in with username and password
3. Click on the STUDENT SERVICES
PLANNING link on the left-hand side
6. Search for classes by a variety of
options (Subject, CRN, Day, Time, etc.)
7. Select a class to add to your schedule
by clicking the ADD button
8. Click the SUBMIT button on the
bottom right to add the class to your
9. When adding the class with an Add
Authorization Code, you will be
prompted to enter the Add Code.
Before adding, drop the classes you
are no longer taking. If you have a time
conict (e.g., a class you are enrolled in
overlaps by one minute or more with a
course you are trying to add), you will
not be able to add the new class. An
Add Code only works for one student
10. Students have until 11:59 p.m. on
the date(s) listed in the Winter 2023
Calendar, available on page 3 of this
schedule, to add or drop classes.
1. Go to and click on
2. Login with username and password
3. Click on the STUDENT SERVICES
2. Check the box of the class you wish to
3. Click DROP from the drop-down menu
4. Click SUBMIT (Note: once you click
submit there is no going back. If you
drop a class in error, you will need
to contact the instructor as soon as
possible to request a reinstatement.)
5. Once you successfully drop the
class, review your class schedule
(scroll to the bottom of the screen
to view the updated schedule) to
make sure the class was dropped.
For more information and to view
Drop Policies, please visit www.
Drops and Withdrawals
It is the students responsibility to
process an ocial withdrawal from class.
Failure to do so may result in a letter
grade of A through F. A student who fails
to properly register or add a class will
NOT receive credit for that class. Adding
after the deadline is prohibited. If a
student drops after the refund deadline,
fees for the classes are forfeited. Any
class subsequently added will require
additional fees.
Students who want to transfer to a different
section must complete a Section-Level Transfer
form located online at
MyCompton Portal and Email
As a Compton College student, you are
assigned a free student email account
through Microsoft’s Oce 365 for
Education. Your student email address acts
as your login to your Oce 365 account
and the MyCompton portal. MyCompton
is our online portal that allows you to view
your registration date, register for classes,
access your student email, add or drop
classes, purchase a parking permit, pay
fees, view your nancial aid status, and
much more.
You are required to activate your Oce
365 account in order to log in to the
MyCompton portal, where you may
register for classes and access additional
student services. Click on the MyCompton
icon to activate your Oce 365 account.
Oce 365 and MyCompton Assistance
Support videos are available for help
activating your Oce 365 account
and logging in to MyCompton at
Need help logging into MyCompton?
Call the Helpdesk: 310-900-1234.
Fees and Fee Holds
Students are required to pay fees
within ten (10) days of their enrollment
in courses (AR-5031). A non-payment
hold may be placed on a student record
if registration fees are past due. This
hold will prevent the student from
registering or adding additional courses
for the next and/or future semesters.
To register for classes in an upcoming
semester or intersession, all fees must
be paid before registration begins. A fee
hold is automatically removed once the
balance is paid in full.
Refund of Fees
Students must drop their classes
through the online system, at MyCompton
according to the following schedule:
First Six-Week Session Summer 2023:
Sunday, June 25, 2023 for 100% refund.
Eight-Week Session Summer 2023:
Tuesday, June 27, 2023 for 100% refund.
Second Six-Week Session Summer 2023:
Sunday, July 9, 2023 for 100% refund
Refunds will be issued through BankMobile
before the end of the semester. For more
information about BankMobile, and to sign
up, visit
The Student Activities Fee and Student
Representation Fee (collected during fall
and spring terms) are non-refundable
after the second week of the semester.
Non-Resident Refunds
To receive a refund of your non-resident
tuition, you must drop your classes
through the online system at MyCompton
according to the following schedule:
First Six-Week Session Summer 2023:
Sunday, June 25, 2023 for 100% refund.
Eight-Week Session Summer 2023:
Tuesday, June 27, 2023 for 100% refund.
Second Six-Week Session Summer 2023:
Sunday, July 9, 2023 for 100% refund
Health Services Fee
The Student Health Center is open by
appointment only; no walk-ins. Please call
213-226-7480 to make an appointment.
Free COVID-19 tests and vaccines, as well
as u shots are available by appointment
for currently enrolled students who paid
the Health Services Fee.
Students must pay $19 each semester
(and $16 per term) to cover the operation,
supervision, programs, and services of the
Compton College Student Health Center.
Exception: Students who depend
exclusively upon prayer for healing in
accordance with the teachings of a bona
de religious sect, denomination or
Exempted: Part-time dual-enrolled high
school students are not required to pay
the Health Services Fee.
Refund: Students who withdraw from
all courses prior to the close of the second
week of the term will be eligible for a
refund of the Health Services Fee. Forms
to request a refund may be obtained
by emailing the Oce of Student
Development at studentdevelopment@
Prevent Flu This Fall - Get Vaccinated!
Following guidance from the California
Department of Public Health, Compton
College advises all students and
employees to get a u vaccine each fall to
help protect yourself and others from the
risk of illness, hospitalization, and death.
Students: Get your free u vaccine at
the Compton College St. John’s Student
Health Center. Call for an appointment:
For more information about the Student
Health Center and free services, go to
Student Activities Fee
All students are charged the $10 Student
Activities Fee when they register for
fall and spring classes. Student Activities
Stickers will not be distributed during the
campus closure, verication of payment
will be done through the student’s
nancial account summary. Students
may opt out of the Student Activities Fee
(also referred to as the Student Activities
Sticker) within the rst two weeks of the
To opt out, email the Oce of Student
Development at studentdevelopment@
Students who opted out of the fee
can pay the fee at any time during the
semester. Students who pay the Student
Activities Fee are entitled to Associated
Student Government (ASG) incentives,
which provides a variety of benets
including free or discounted admission to
ASG-sponsored events and free entry to
all Tartar Athletic home events.
Students who pay the Student
Activities Fee are also eligible to receive
exclusive ASG promotional items.
Student Representation Fee
The Student Representation Fee is a $2
charge collected at the time of registration
(fall and spring semesters only) for
each enrolled student for purposes of
providing student governmental aairs
representatives the means to express
their positions and viewpoints before
city, county, district, state, and federal
government as well as other public
agencies. The $2 Student Representation
Fee is used by the Compton College
Associated Student Government and the
Student Senate of California Community
Colleges to advocate and lobby for
legislative issues that aect and benet
community colleges and community
college students both at the state and
federal level. The fee is regulated by the
California Education Code 76060.5.
Any student wishing not to pay the
Student Representation Fee may request
to waive the fee with the Admissions
& Records Oce. The request must be
submitted prior to the earliest refund
deadline for the students enrolled classes.
Counseling services are made available
to students through drop-in advisement
or scheduled appointments. Counseling
appointments are available online at
counseling/appointments and in-person
(SSB - 2nd oor).
A student who has selected a major area
of study is strongly encouraged to see
one of the counselors assigned to that
Guided Pathway Division. An undeclared
or undecided student may see any
Students who believe they have met
a prerequisite for a course can email and have
their prerequisite(s) cleared and register
for class(es). For additional information
please visit the Counseling webpage.
Financial Aid Programs
Compton College School Codes:
FAFSA - 042817
Dream Act - 04281700
Compton College oers nancial
assistance to students through the
Federal Pell Grant, Federal Supplemental
Educational Opportunity Grant, Federal
Direct Loan (Subsidized, Unsubsidized, and
Parent Plus), Private Loans, Federal Work
Study, Cal Grants B & C, Cal Grant Student
with Dependent A, B, and C, Student
Success Completion Grant (SSCG), Chaee
Grant, and the California College Promise
Grant, and other state grants. Please note
that the California College Promise Grant
only covers enrollment fees; students may
be responsible to pay other fees including
health, student representation, and
student activities fees.
Apply for nancial aid by completing the
Free Application for Federal Student Aid
(FAFSA) online at If you
are a California Dream Act Student (AB
540), complete the California Dream Act
Application (CADAA), in lieu of the FAFSA,
The best time to complete your FAFSA or
CADAA is between October 1 and March
2 for the upcoming academic year. (For
example, apply October 1, 2022 for the
2023-2024 year.) Although applications
are accepted year-round, you may qualify
for more aid if you apply by March 2.
Additionally, there is a March 2 priority
ling deadline every year to be considered
for additional grants, like Cal Grant.
Ensure that you are also meeting the
Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP)
policy. (SAP is determined at the end
of each semester for the subsequent
semester.) To maintain eligibility for
the California College Promise Grant,
students must meet academic and
progress standards by maintaining a
cumulative grade-point average (GPA)
of 2.0 and must complete more than
50% of units attempted. For additional
information, contact the Financial Aid
Oce. Call 310-900- 1600, ext. 2935, or
email nancialaid@
Return of Title IV Funds/Unocial
Withdrawal (Stopping/Dropping Out):
Federal regulations require a student to
complete the term for which they were
funded. If you have ocially or unocially
withdrawn from all of your classes,
stopped attending all your classes, or
did not successfully complete any of
your classes (received all F’s), the College
is required to calculate how much of the
semester you did attend to determine
how much of the aid you have “earned.”
You will be required to pay back the
portion of nancial aid you did not earn.
This is called Return of Title IV, or R2T4.
When the Financial Aid Oce calculates
the Return to Title IV calculation, we must
use the last date of enrollment and/or
your last date of academic activity, as
reported by your instructors, to determine
how much aid you have earned. This date
determines how much, if anything, you
must repay if you do not successfully
complete any of your courses.
You may not be required to repay your
nancial aid under these rules if you only
drop one or two courses and remain
enrolled in at least one nancial aid-
funded course. It is only required when
a student is no longer enrolled in or does
not pass all courses for a term.
More information can be found at www.
These awards are granted to students
who best t the requirements established
for each scholarship. For a list of
scholarships, information as to their
requirements, and application forms and
deadlines, please contact the Financial
Aid Oce, or visit
Textbooks may be purchased online at
Merchandise must be in new condition,
in a sealed package, clean and free of all
markings and bearing all original tags. A
10% restocking fee may be assessed on
all refunds. Textbooks can be returned for
a full refund within the rst week of the
Summer and fall semesters. Textbooks
purchased for summer and winter terms
have three days from the start of classes
to return for a full refund. Textbooks must
be in the same condition as purchased
and must be accompanied by a register
receipt for a full refund.
Student ID Card
All students are required to obtain a
free Compton College identication card.
Student ID cards are available in the Oce
of Student Development (R-61).
The California Dream Act Service Incentive Grant Program (DSIG) will award up to $4,500
per academic year to eligible students. California Dream Act Applicant (CADAA) students who
have a Cal Grant A award and are Cal Grant B eligible are encouraged to perform at least 150 hours
per semester of community or volunteer service to qualify for this grant. Learn more and apply at
The Learning-Aligned Employment Program (LAEP) oers eligible students at public colleges
and universities the opportunity to earn cash for college while working in an area related to their
education and career goals. Students also have access to potential full-time employment after
graduation as well as opportunities to network and learn new job skills. Learn more at www.csac.
Holield Library
The Library’s collection includes print
and electronic books, audiovisual
materials, periodicals, and multiple
databases. Library services can be found
in the Canvas Student Hub. In person
library services, reserve textbooks, and
study rooms are available by walk-in
(please check Holield Library webpage
for specic days/times of operation).
For more information, email library@, or visit www.compton.
edu/library/ to chat with a librarian.
Student Success Center
The Student Success Center (SSC)
includes the Multidisciplinary Lab and
the SSC Tutorial Program. All SSC services
are free for currently enrolled Compton
College students. The SSC oers in-person
and online services. Please check SSC
webpage (
success-center) to access schedules,
instructions, tutorials, and other academic
support services. For more information,
or to contact an SSC sta member, email
Welcome Center
The Welcome Center is located on the
rst oor of the Student Services Building
and assists new, continuing, and returning
students with the enrollment process.
Services include application assistance,
registration support, MyCompton Portal
navigation, and much more.
For more information, contact the
Welcome Center sta in person, via email
at, via
phone at 310-900-1600, ext. 2765, or visit:
Students who enroll in a class but do
not attend the rst scheduled class
meeting may be dropped from the roster.
Additionally, their place in the class will
be given to students on the waiting list.
If an illness or emergency prevents a
student from attending the rst class
session, the student must contact the
instructor. A student who registers for a
class and never attends is still responsible
for dropping the class. Failure to properly
drop a class by the appropriate deadline
may result in a “W” and may hold the
student responsible for any and all fees
associated with the class. The burden of
proof is on the student.
Children in Classrooms
Children are not permitted in classrooms
while class is in session.
Attendance in class is limited to ocially
enrolled students and authorized visitors
or authorized guests only. In addition,
students shall not allow children to be left
unattended or unsupervised anywhere at
Compton College.
A transcript of the students academic
record at Compton College may be
requested online at
transcripts. College work from other
colleges will not be included on the
Compton College transcript. Academic
transcripts and documents from other
colleges must be requested from those
colleges. The rst two Compton College
transcripts are free.
Campus Police
The Compton College Police
Department is committed to providing
a safe campus environment, including
crime prevention and personal safety, for
its students, faculty, and visitors. Compton
College Police patrol the campus 24 hours
a day, and 365 days a year. The ocers,
and support sta are available to provide
professional service to the campus
The safety and well-being of students,
faculty, sta and visitors is always a top
priority at Compton College.
In an emergency, contact campus
police 24/7 by calling 911 from any
phone on campus; or by calling 310-
900-1600, ext. 2999 from a cell phone.
Immediately report any suspicious
activity to campus police.
First aid, as well as help in all
emergency situations, is provided
through the police department.
310-900-1600, ext. 2790
Emergencies & After-Hours: 911
Receive campus safety
information instantly via text
message or email:
Simply text CCPD1 to 888777
and receive real-time alerts
directly from Compton College
Campus Police.
Student Right to Know Information
The Compton College Police Department provides professional law enforcement services to Compton College. The police
department is located in the Public Safety Building, at the Artesia Entrance to campus. The police department also provides rst
aid services in emergency situations. The police department is open 24 hours per day and may be reached by calling 310-900-
1600, ext. 2999.
In accordance with the Federal Jeanne Clery Disclosure of Campus Security Policy and Campus Crime Statistics Act, the
Compton College Police Department has posted the Compton College Annual Security Report, and all required statistical
data on the police department webpage: This information is
also available in printed form in the lobby of the Police Department, Library-Student Success Center, Administration, Student
Development, Bookstore, and can be mailed upon request.
Student Right-to-Know Rates
In compliance with the Student Right-to-Know and Campus Security Act of 1990 (Public Law 101-542), it is the policy of our college district
to make available its completion and transfer rates to all current and prospective students. Summer 2021 Cohort rates are available here:
Barbara Calhoun - President
(Trustee Area 2)
Juanita Doplemore - Vice President
(Trustee Area 4)
Andres Ramos - Clerk
(Trustee Area 1)
Sonia Lopez - Member
(Trustee Area 3)
Sharoni Little - Member
(Trustee Area 5)
Compton College Entry to Campus Protocol
To help ensure the health and safety of the Compton College campus
community and the public, all individuals, regardless of vaccination
status, must wear a mask at all times when indoors and in the
presence of others, except when actively eating or drinking, preferably
Students are encouraged to perform daily health screenings for
infectious diseases,including COVID-19, and to stay home or seek
medical care for any symptoms identied.
To report a conrmed positive COVID-19 case, use the online “COVID-19
Positive Follow-up Questionnaire via the MyCompton portal.
Parking & Trac Enforcement
The Vehicle Code Laws of the State of
California, the ordinances of Los Angeles
County, and the Trac and Parking
Regulations of the Compton Community
College District (CCCD) are in eect 24
hours per day, seven days per week
including weekends and holidays, unless
otherwise specied*, and are enforced by
the Compton College Police Department
pursuant to section 21113 (a) (c) (f) of the
California Vehicle Code. Compton College
Police will issue citations to violators of
these regulations. Parking violations are a
minimum of $40.
*Eective July 1, 2022, current students
may park for free on campus with a
college-issued parking permit. Details
available at
Parking availability is subject to
change, and lots may be closed or
restricted for special events.
The basic speed limit is 15 mph in all
posted areas.
The use of skateboards, scooters, roller
skates and bicycles is not permitted on
campus. It is a violation of California
Vehicle Code section 21113(F) to
operate those items (motorized or
nonmotorized) on campus.
The CCCD shall not be liable for the
loss or damage caused to any vehicle
parked in a district parking lot.
Students/visitors with disabilities who
have been issued a DMV Disabled Person
(DP) placard may park in any designated
disabled person stall. Failure to display the
DP placard will result in the issuance of a
citation. See California Code of Regulations
- Title 5, Section 54100; Ed Code 67301(a).
If you have lost property at Compton
College, please stop by the Public Safety
Building (located at the Artesia Blvd.
entrance to campus). Lost property
not claimed within 90 days is disposed
of in accordance with district policy.
Sexual and Gender-
Based Misconduct
It is the policy of Compton College to
provide an education, employment,
and environment free from sexual
and gender-based misconduct. Sexual
and gender-based misconduct is any
unwelcome gender or sex-based verbal
or physical conduct that may or may not
be sexual in nature. This includes sexual
assault, domestic and dating violence,
stalking, and sexual harassment such as
unwelcome sexual advances, requests
for sexual favors, and any other unlawful
sexual or gender-based conduct or
communication as dened and otherwise
prohibited by law.
Sexual and gender-based misconduct
violates the policy of the District
and provisions of the California Fair
Employment Act, Education Code,
and Title IX law. Sexual and gender-
based misconduct shall be immediately
reported to the Districts Title IX
Coordinator. Reports can be made online
by completing an Incident Report &
Referral Form at
Detailed information, including applicable
District policies and regulations, is
available online at https://go.boarddocs.
com/ca/compton/Board.nsf/Public# and
in the Oce of Human Resources located
on campus at C-38.
Unlawful Discrimination
Compton College arms its policy to
provide an educational and employment
environment in which no person shall
be unlawfully denied admission, access
or benet to, or employment in any
program or activity that is administered,
funded directly by, or that receives
nancial assistance from the State
Chancellor or Board of Governors of the
California Community Colleges on the
basis of race, color, national origin, sex
and gender (including sexual harassment,
sexual orientation, and gender identity),
disability, and age as required by Title
VI, Title IX, Section 504, and the Age
Discrimination Act. Students or employees
with questions, concerns, or complaints of
unlawful discrimination may contact and/
or le a complaint with these oces:
Student Contacts:
Compton College Equal
Employment Ocer: Director of
Diversity, Compliance, and Title IX
(310) 900-1600, ext. 2144
California Community Colleges
System Oce, Attention: Legal Aairs
Division: 1102 Q Street, Suite 4400,
Sacramento, CA 95811
U.S. Department of Education,
Oce for Civil Rights, San Francisco
Oce: 50 Beale Street, Suite 7200, San
Francisco, CA 94105
132 General Human Anatomy 50102 Eong Otukonyong Lec/Lab MTWR 0700-1135 MS 110
132 General Human Anatomy 50106 Hassan Elfarissi Lec/Lab MTWR 1745-2215 CANVAS
Auto Collision Repair and Painting
150 Beg: Automotive Painting I 50316 Brent Kooiman Lec/Lab TW 0800-1835 VT 187/190
101 Principles of Biology I 50212 Muhammad Raque Lec/Lab MTWR 1230-1730 MS 108
115 Environ Aspects Biology 50183 Donna Khalid Online
102 Fundamentals of Chemistry 50114 Gautam Dhar Lec/Lab MTWR 0800-1145 MS 228
102 Fundamentals of Chemistry 50115 Susan Morvaridi Lec/Lab MTWR 1800-2145 CANVAS
Computer Information Systems
63 Prgm Fundmntls: Apple Swft I 50309 Mohammad Khalilzadeh Lec MTWR 1045-1335 CANVAS
63 Prgm Fundmntls: Apple Swft I 50244 Mehdi Peiravi Lec MTWR 1800-2050 CANVAS
64 Prgm Fundmntls: Apple Swft II 50245 Farhang Zarrinkelk Lec MTWR 0800-1050 CANVAS
102 Oce Applications 50310 Abdirashid Yahye Online
Computer Science
103 Computer Programming in Java 50278 Rafael Diaz Lec/Lab MTWR 1800-2105 CANVAS
125 Cosmetology Applications 50258 Lec/Lab MTWR 1700-2210 TV 1
130 Adv Cosmetology Applicatn 50143 Stephen Ellis Lec/Lab MTWR 0800-1630 TV 1
101 Physical Geology 50299 Gilamichael Domenico Lec MTWR 0900-1030 CTHS
103 Physical Geology Lab 50300 Gilamichael Domenico Lab MTWR 1045-1215 CTHS
Courses printed in the Class Schedule are subject to change.
For the most current information,
course descriptions, and requirements, view the Searchable Schedule available online at
Low Cost Textbooks or Zero Textbooks Cost - Learn more
about textbook aordability at
Course # Course Title CRN Instructor Instruction Method Days Time Location
June 20 - August 10
+ FREE Wi-Fi Hotspots, Financial and Housing Grants,
and Food Resources
Information available @
Monday-Thursday, 10:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. and Closed Friday
Current students may pick up
@ the on-campus cafeteria
Course # Course Title CRN Instructor Instruction Method Days Time Location
Lec: Student must either attend
or log in to Canvas at the specied
day/time note. Classes on Canvas
are conducted through Zoom.
Online: Students may log in to Canvas any day or
time they choose (there is no set meeting times)
but will need to login for the rst time during the
rst week of class to avoid being dropped.
: Student must either attend
or log in to Canvas at the specied
day/time note. Labs on Canvas are
conducted through Zoom.
Hybrid: These classes are a
combination of Lec or Lab, and
Online instruction with some
specied times in person or on Zoom.
Classes with a location of ‘CANVAS’ do not meet in person.
Log in to Canvas through MyCompton for class information.
Classes listed in green are Online classes.
110 Structures/Concepts in Math 50280 Fonzie Nguyen Online
150 Elemntry Statistcs W/Probablty 50128 Jose Martinez Online
150 Elemntry Statistcs W/Probablty 50129 Miguel Ornelas Online
15C Statistics Corequisite 50286 Matin Lackpour Lec TR 1115-1320 MS 206
165 Calc for Bus and Social Sci 50240 Jose Martinez Hybrid TR 0800-1015 MS 208
180 Pre-Calculus 50287 Minh Can Lec MTWR 0830-1120 DHS
180 Pre-Calculus 50216 Gayathri Manikandan Online
190 Sgl Var Calc/Anlyt Geometry I 50131 Donald Roach Lec MTWR 1100-1350 CANVAS
133 General Microbiology 50150 Fazal Aasi Lec/Lab MTWR 0700-1200 MS 107
133 General Microbiology 50156 Eyob Wallano Lec/Lab MTWR 1715-2215 CANVAS
143 Intro and Prep for Nursing 50163 Shirlisa Johnson Lec R 0800-1215 AHB 102
143 Intro and Prep for Nursing 50206 Lessie Barber Lec T 1630-2135 AHB 100
144 Dosage Calculations 50167 Saundra Boseld Lec M 0930-1345 AHB 119
Lab W 0930-1240 AHB 119
144 Dosage Calculations 50168 Kimberly Waters Harris Lec M 1430-1845 AHB 119
Lab W 1430-1740 AHB 119
146 Health Assessment 50176 Eliza Rivera-Mitu Lec T 1100-1845 AHB 121/141
146 Health Assessment 50177 Eliza Rivera-Mitu Lec T 1100-1445 AHB 121
Lab W 0800-1110 AHB 142
146 Health Assessment 50178 Eliza Rivera-Mitu Lec T 1100-1445 AHB 121
Lab W 1140-1450 AHB 141
146 Health Assessment 50179 Eliza Rivera-Mitu Lec T 1100-1445 AHB 121
Lab W 1800-2110 AHB 142
Physical Education
102 Walking for Fitness 50152 Shannon Williams Lab MTWR 0800-0930 CANVAS
168 O Seas Trng Crs Cnt Teams 50260 David Austin Lab MTWR 0900-1030 CTRK
171 O Seas Trng Men Ftbl Tm 50261 David Banuelos Lab MTWR 1730-1900 CFLD
111 Descriptive Intro-Physics 50257 Mahbub Khan Online
131 Human Physiology 50124 Seyed Ahmadpanah Lec/Lab MTWR 0700-1135 MS 103
131 Human Physiology 50135 Emma Adams Lec/Lab MTWR 1730-2200 CANVAS
101 Elementary Spanish I 50187 Josena Bedolla Online
105 Basic Weldng for Allied Fields 50307 Pamela Richardson Lec/Lab MTWR 0800-1045 VT 173/175
Administration of Justice
134 Intro to Crime Analysis 50174 Donald Mason Online
135 Report Writing 50292 Emir Saar Online
101 Intro to Physical Anthropology 50133 James Sera Online
101 Art/Visual Cultr: Glbl Perspec 50314 Lec MTWR 1030-1245 WILL
101 Art/Visual Cultr: Glbl Perspec 50323 Mayela Rodriguez Lec MTWR 1330-1545 FHS
101 Art/Visual Cultr: Glbl Perspec 50220 Mayela Rodriguez Lec MTWR 1600-1810 LHS
101 Art/Visual Cultr: Glbl Perspec 50137 Vanessa Madrid Online
120 The Solar System 50111 Kent Schwitkis Online
100 Fundamentals of Biology 50112 Samuel Lee Lec/Lab MTWR 0800-1240 MS
120 Business Management 50201 Donna McGovern Online
125 Introduction to Business 50308 Lec MTWR 1130-1345 CTHS
Child Development
103 Child Growth and Development 50107 Juan Quinones Lec MTWR 0800-1015 IB1 260
103 Child Growth and Development 50320 Juan Quinones Lec MTWR 1400-1615 FHS
114 Observing/Guiding Children 50272 Michelle Amado Online
Communications Studies
100 Public Speaking 50194 Scott Wolfe Lec MTWR 0800-1015 WILL
100 Public Speaking 50195 Lec MTWR 0800-1015 WILL
100 Public Speaking 50108 Lec MTWR 1030-1240 IB1 205
100 Public Speaking 50196 Scott Wolfe Lec MTWR 1030-1245 WILL
100 Public Speaking 50197 Lec MTWR 1030-1245 WILL
100 Public Speaking 50198 Lec MTWR 1030-1245 WILL
100 Public Speaking 50109 Selene Aguirre Online
Course # Course Title CRN Instructor Instruction Method Days Time Location
June 20 - July 27
Courses printed in the Class Schedule are subject to change.
For the most current information,
course descriptions, and requirements, view the Searchable Schedule available online at
Low Cost Textbooks or Zero Textbooks Cost - Learn more
about textbook aordability at
Course # Course Title CRN Instructor Instruction Method Days Time Location
Lec: Student must either attend
or log in to Canvas at the specied
day/time note. Classes on Canvas
are conducted through Zoom.
Online: Students may log in to Canvas any day or
time they choose (there is no set meeting times)
but will need to login for the rst time during the
rst week of class to avoid being dropped.
: Student must either attend
or log in to Canvas at the specied
day/time note. Labs on Canvas are
conducted through Zoom.
Hybrid: These classes are a
combination of Lec or Lab, and
Online instruction with some
specied times in person or on Zoom.
Classes with a location of ‘CANVAS’ do not meet in person.
Log in to Canvas through MyCompton for class information.
Classes listed in green are Online classes.
Computer Information Systems
113 Intro-Comptr Info System 50263 Mohsen Sahebjame Online
Contemporary Health
101 Persnl/Communty Health Issues 50160 Krysti Rosario Online
140 Cosmetology Practicum 50180 Stephen Ellis Lec/Lab MTWR 0800-1630 TV 1
101 Reading and Composition 50117 Jose Bernaudo Lec MTWR 0800-1105 IB1 201
101 Reading and Composition 50105 Jose bernaudo Online
101 Reading and Composition 50118 David Maruyama Online
101 Reading and Composition 50273 Nikki Williams Online
103 Critical Thinking/Comp 50120 Judith Crozier Online
English as a Second Language
12 ESL - Level 1 50313 Brittany Olayele Lec MTWR 1030-1245 CANVAS
Ethnic Studies
101 Introduction to Ethnic Studies 50302 Christian Green Lec MTWR 1130-1345 IB1 260
110 Film Analysis and Appreciation 50252 Michael Golding Lec MTWR 1100-1315 WILL
110 Film Analysis and Appreciation 50242 Jared Gordon Online
101 Physical Geology 50169 Mussie Okbamichael Online
103 Physical Geology Lab 50213 Mussie Okbamichael Online
101 U.S. History to 1877 50235 Dustin Black Online
102 U.S. History - 1877-Present 50140 Dustin Black Online
140 Hist of Early Civilizations 50141 William Van Benschoten Online
Human Development
110 Strat for Creating Success 50253 Theresa Barragan-Echeverria Lec MTWR 0900-1115 DHS
110 Strat for Creating Success 50297 Gabriela Quintero Lec MTWR 0900-1115 CHS
110 Strat for Creating Success 50331 Lec MTWR 0900-1115 CTHS
110 Strat for Creating Success 50298 Emmanuel Aguiar Lec MTWR 1130-1345 CTHS
110 Strat for Creating Success 50332 Lec MTWR 1145-1400 CHS
110 Strat for Creating Success 50254 Lec MTWR 1300-1515 DHS
110 Strat for Creating Success 50123 Jasmine Phillips Online
101 Intro to the Humanities 50142 Amber Gillis Online
104 Legal Environmnt Business 50231 Sahar Adabzadeh Lec MTWR 1030-1335 CANVAS
Course # Course Title CRN Instructor Instruction Method Days Time Location
Lec: Student must either attend
or log in to Canvas at the specied
day/time note. Classes on Canvas
are conducted through Zoom.
Online: Students may log in to Canvas any day or
time they choose (there is no set meeting times)
but will need to login for the rst time during the
rst week of class to avoid being dropped.
: Student must either attend
or log in to Canvas at the specied
day/time note. Labs on Canvas are
conducted through Zoom.
Hybrid: These classes are a
combination of Lec or Lab, and
Online instruction with some
specied times in person or on Zoom.
Classes with a location of ‘CANVAS’ do not meet in person.
Log in to Canvas through MyCompton for class information.
Classes listed in green are Online classes.
Machine Tool Technology
160 General Metals 50241 Michael Vanoverbeck Lec MTWR 0800-1145 VT 165/167
130 College Algebra 50282 Donald Roach Lec MTWR 1400-1615 CANVAS
150 Elemntry Statistcs W/Probablty 50284 Evan Skorka Lec MTWR 0800-1105 MS 205
150 Elemntry Statistcs W/Probablty 50101 Jose Villalobos Online
170 Trigonometry 50130 Gayathri Manikandan Hybrid MW 1100-1255 MS 212
Medical Terminology
101 Medical Terminology 50170 Michele Green Online
101 Medical Terminology 50268 Michele Green Online
Nutrition and Foods
110 Nutrition 50325 Rebecca Engstrom Lec MTWR 0800-1015 IB1 101
110 Nutrition 50326 Rebecca Engstrom Lec MTWR 1030-1245 IB1 101
110 Nutrition 50161 Jill Gray Online
120 General Physics 50193 John Hobgood Lec/Lab MTWR 1700-2140 CANVAS
101 General Psychology 50330 Donte Green Lec MTWR 0900-1115 CHS
101 General Psychology 50210 Michael Miguel Lec MTWR 1130-1345 CANVAS
101 General Psychology 50200 Donte Green Lec MTWR 1400-1615 LHS
116 Lifespan Development 50182 David McPatchell Online
Real Estate
114 Real Estate Finance I 50181 John Yeressian Online
Sign Language
111 American Sign Language I 50218 Victor Monroy Lec MTWR 1200-1505 DHS
101 Introduction to Sociology 50264 Sue Park Lec MTWR 0900-1115 IB1 102
101 Introduction to Sociology 50329 Arlana Walton Lec MTWR 0900-1115 BVHS
101 Introduction to Sociology 50184 Sacramento Mendoza Ramos Online
102 The Family 50318 Lenana Flippin Lec MTWR 0800-1015 IB1 105
102 The Family 50319 Lenana Flippin Lec MTWR 1030-1245 IB1 105
104 Social Problems 50237 Peter Aguilera Online
103 Intermediate Spanish I 50199 Juan Tavarez Lec MTWR 1030-1435 IB1 260
103 Theatre Appreciation 50312 Stefani Baez Lec MTWR 0800-1015 WILL
103 Theatre Appreciation 50249 Lesley Asistio Lec MTWR 1030-1245 WILL
103 Theatre Appreciation 50188 Stefani Baez Online
Courses printed in the Class Schedule are subject to change.
For the most current information,
course descriptions, and requirements, view the Searchable Schedule available online at
Low Cost Textbooks or Zero Textbooks Cost - Learn more
about textbook aordability at
July 3 - August 10
Course # Course Title CRN Instructor Instruction Method Days Time Location
Administration of Justice
132 Forensic Crime Scene Investig 50227 Donald Mason Online
102 Intro Cultural Anthropology 50233 Alberto Vigil Online
100 Fundamentals of Biology 50113 Timothy Reonisto Online
Child Development
103 Child Growth and Development 50158 Pamella West Online
104 The Home, School, Community 50234 Samitha Givens Online
150 Survey Children Special Needs 50159 Pamella West Online
Communications Studies
100 Public Speaking 50207 Minodora Moldoveanu Online
100 Public Speaking 50274 Erin Cooper Online
Educational Development
33 Specic Lrng Strategies 50172 Lec MTWR 1000-1210 CANVAS
101 Reading and Composition 50119 Sarah George Online
103 Critical Thinking/Comp 50186 Valerie Woodward Online
Ethnic Studies
101 Introduction to Ethnic Studies 50208 Marjeritta Phillips Online
103 The Chicano in Contmpry U.S. 50230 Marjeritta Phillips Online
101 U.S. History to 1877 50138 William Van Benschoten Online
102 U.S. History - 1877-Present 50185 Kendahl Radclie Online
Human Development
110 Strat for Creating Success 50122 Roza Ekimyan Online
150 Elemntry Statistcs W/Probablty 50215 Jose Villalobos Hybrid TR 1800-2005 CANVAS
150 Elemntry Statistcs W/Probablty 50127 Malinni Roeun Online
Medical Terminology
101 Medical Terminology 50144 Lec MTWR 0900-1110 IB1 202
Physical Education
163 O Seas Trng Men Bsktbll 50136 Keith Hollimon Lab MTWR 1300-1510 X 20
165 O Seas Trng Wmn Bsktbll 50151 Lewis Nelson Lab MTWR 1730-1940 X 20
175 O Seas Trng Men Soccer 50149 Jose Garcia Lab MTWR 1330-1540 CFLD
178 O Seas Trng Wmn Soccer 50148 Diego Back Lab MTWR 0800-1010 CFLD
189 OSeasn Train Intercoll Esprt 50328 Vincent Cajayon Lab MTWR 1300-1510 TV 8
Lec: Student must either attend
or log in to Canvas at the specied
day/time note. Classes on Canvas
are conducted through Zoom.
Online: Students may log in to Canvas any day or
time they choose (there is no set meeting times)
but will need to login for the rst time during the
rst week of class to avoid being dropped.
: Student must either attend
or log in to Canvas at the specied
day/time note. Labs on Canvas are
conducted through Zoom.
Hybrid: These classes are a
combination of Lec or Lab, and
Online instruction with some
specied times in person or on Zoom.
Classes with a location of ‘CANVAS’ do not meet in person.
Log in to Canvas through MyCompton for class information.
Classes listed in green are Online classes.
Please note: Offsite classes will be held in-person at the location listed.
Course # Course Title CRN Instructor Instruction Method Days Time Location
101 Art/Visual Cultr: Glbl Perspec 50314 Lec MTWR 1030-1245 WILL
101 Art/Visual Cultr: Glbl Perspec 50323 Mayela Rodriguez Lec MTWR 1330-1545 FHS
101 Art/Visual Cultr: Glbl Perspec 50220 Mayela Rodriguez Lec MTWR 1600-1810 LHS
125 Introduction to Business 50308 Lec MTWR 1130-1345 CTHS
Child Development
103 Child Growth and Development 50320 Juan Quinones Lec MTWR 1400-1615 FHS
Communications Studies
100 Public Speaking 50194 Scott Wolfe Lec MTWR 0800-1015 WILL
100 Public Speaking 50195 Lec MTWR 0800-1015 WILL
100 Public Speaking 50196 Scott Wolfe Lec MTWR 1030-1245 WILL
100 Public Speaking 50197 Lec MTWR 1030-1245 WILL
100 Public Speaking 50198 Lec MTWR 1030-1245 WILL
110 Film Analysis and Appreciation 50252 Michael Golding Lec MTWR 1100-1315 WILL
Course # Course Title CRN Instructor Instruction Method Days Time Location
Political Science
101 Governments US/Calif 50303 Edward Gonzalez Lec MTWR 1030-1240 IB1 106
101 Governments US/Calif 50153 Jesse Mills Online
101 Governments US/Calif 50209 Jesse Mills Online
102 Intro to Comparative Politics 50305 Steven Gonzales Online
101 General Psychology 50162 Bradeld Conn Online
101 General Psychology 50275 Kevin Dooley Online
107 Physiological Psychology 50306 David McPatchell Online
116 Lifespan Development 50204 Bradeld Conn Online
101 Introduction to Sociology 50154 Sacramento Mendoza Ramos Online
101 Introduction to Sociology 50270 Corina Diaz Online
102 The Family 50155 Corina Diaz Online
104 Social Problems 50269 Stephanie Eaves Online
101 Physical Geology 50299
Gilamichael Domenico Lec MTWR 0900-1030 CTHS
103 Physical Geology Lab 50300
Gilamichael Domenico Lab MTWR 1045-1215 CTHS
Human Development
110 Strat for Creating Success 50253
Theresa Barragan-Echeverria Lec MTWR 0900-1115 DHS
110 Strat for Creating Success 50297 Gabriela Quintero Lec MTWR 0900-1115 CHS
110 Strat for Creating Success 50331 Lec MTWR 0900-1115 CTHS
110 Strat for Creating Success 50298 Emmanuel Aguiar Lec MTWR 1130-1345 CTHS
110 Strat for Creating Success 50332 Lec MTWR 1145-1400 CHS
110 Strat for Creating Success 50254 Lec MTWR 1300-1515 DHS
180 Pre-Calculus 50287 Minh Can Lec MTWR 0830-1120 DHS
101 General Psychology 50330 Donte Green Lec MTWR 0900-1115 CHS
101 General Psychology 50200 Donte Green Lec MTWR 1400-1615 LHS
Sign Language
111 American Sign Language I 50218 Victor Monroy Lec MTWR 1200-1505 DHS
101 Introduction to Sociology 50329 Arlana Walton Lec MTWR 0900-1115 BVHS
103 Theatre Appreciation 50312 Stefani Baez Lec MTWR 0800-1015 WILL
103 Theatre Appreciation 50249 Lesley Asistio Lec MTWR 1030-1245 WILL
Course # Course Title CRN Instructor Instruction Method Days Time Location
Buena Vista High School (BVHS)
13717 Michelson Street, Lakewood, CA 90712
Centennial High School (CTHS)
2606 North Central Avenue, Compton, CA 90222
Compton High School (CHS)
601 South Acacia Avenue, Compton, CA 90220
Dominguez High School (DHS)
15301 South San Jose Avenue, Compton, CA 90221
Firebaugh High School (FHS)
5246 Martin Luther King Jr. Boulevard, Lynwood, CA 90262
Lynwood High School (LHS)
4050 East Imperial Highway, Lynwood, CA 90262
Willowbrook Middle School (WILL)
2601 North Wilmington Avenue, Compton, CA 90222
Courses printed in the Class Schedule are subject to change.
For the most current information,
course descriptions, and requirements, view the Searchable Schedule available online at
Low Cost Textbooks or Zero Textbooks Cost - Learn more
about textbook aordability at
Monday, Tuesday & Thursday: 8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
Wednesday 8:00 a.m. to 6:30 p.m.
Friday 8:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m.
Eective April 10, 2023, many student support services and programs
have moved into the NEW Student Services Building.
Student Services Oces are also available via Cranium Café.
To speak with a member of the Student Services Division go online to
and choose the oce/program you need to connect with.
Student Services
• Annual Physicals/Pap Smears
Wound Care
• Birth Control Counseling/ Free Condoms
• Bloodwork
• COVID-19 Testing
• Individual Behavioral Health Services
• General Health Care Consultation • Lab Results • Referrals • Counseling/Therapy
Walk-Ins Welcome, Appointments Recommended.
Call 213-2267480 and identify yourself as a Compton College student
or stop by the Health Center in M4, north of the Gym.
Check to see if you are eleigible to receive benets - Click here to complete the online authorization form.
1111 East Artesia Boulevard
Compton, CA 90221
Welcome to Compton College!
There are many ways to take classes at Compton College. Find exible class
oerings that t into your schedule. Explore your options and learn more
about SUMMER 2023 classes at the bottom of page 11.
In-Person: On-campus class
Online Lecture: Specied class time
Online Anytime: Attend class at your own pace
Hybrid: Combination of online/in-person instruction
All students should log in to Canvas (available via the MyCompton student portal) for additional
information about class meetings and course requirements.
Check your email often for information from your instructor, and make sure to con-
tact your instructor if you have any questions.
For course descriptions, prerequisite/corequisites, and transferability, please refer to the 2022-2023
Course Catalog available online at Printed course catalogs are available for pur-
chase through the Bookstore.
Register online today for SUMMER 2023 classes!
New Students: See page 2 for the Compton College Steps to Enrollment. Virtual workshops available Monday-Friday.
Remember to check
Compton Colleges
online calendar every
week for a schedule of
events and informational
workshops created just
for students!