1. The Insolvency, Restructuring and Dissolution Act (“the Act”) was passed in
Parliament on 1 October 2018, and assented to by the President on 31 October
2. The enactment of the Act arose from the Insolvency Law Review Committee’s
(“ILRC”) recommendations in October 2013 for a holistic update of Singapore’s
personal and corporate insolvency and debt restructuring laws. The
recommendations included the enactment of a new omnibus legislation. The
omnibus legislation consolidates the personal and corporate regimes, which are
presently in two separate statutes, into a single piece of legislation. Further
information on the ILRC’s recommendations, as well as the report, can be found
here and here.
3. In May 2015, the Committee to Strengthen Singapore as an International Centre
for Debt Restructuring (“Restructuring Committee”) was formed. The
Restructuring Committee built on the ILRC’s recommendations, made further
recommendations focused on strengthening the debt restructuring ecosystem in
Singapore. Further information on the Restructuring Committee’s
recommendations, as well as the report itself, can be found here and here.
4. Due to the large number of recommendations of the two Committees, a phased
approach was taken to implement the recommendations of the two Committees.
5. First phase: In July 2015, amendments were made to the Bankruptcy Act to create
a more rehabilitative discharge framework for bankrupts, and to encourage
institutional creditors to exercise financial prudence when granting credit (“BA
6. Second phase: In March 2017, amendments to the Companies Act enhanced
Singapore’s corporate rescue and restructuring processes as well as positioned
Singapore as a regional forum of choice for debt restructuring (“CA Reforms”).
7. Final phase: The Insolvency, Restructuring and Dissolution Act implemented the
remaining recommendations of the ILRC and Restructuring Committee, which
were not enacted in the BA Reforms and CA Reforms, and further reforms to the
debt restructuring regime, pursuant to industry feedback.
8. Since the passing of the Act, extensive work has been undertaken to draft the 48
related pieces of subsidiary legislation for the Act, and effect the necessary system
updates to bring the Act into force.
a. A significant number of subsidiary legislation were entirely new pieces
(including two new standalone Rules of Court setting out court procedure
for corporate and personal restructuring and insolvency proceedings).
b. In addition, a root and branch review had been undertaken in respect of all
the related subsidiary legislation to update and modernise the relevant
c. Public and closed group consultations were also carried out for the novel
pieces of subsidiary legislation as part of the drafting process.