For purchases made on Platinum debit cards issued
on or after 29 September 2021
Information Booklet
Available on Platinum Debit Cards
Debit Card
This document contains details of the insurance cover benefits
included under your Commonwealth Bank Platinum debit card
for purchases made on or after 29 September 2021.
These covers are only available to you if you are a cardholder of
a current and valid Commonwealth Bank Platinum debit card.
These covers are automatically available but you are not obliged
to accept any of them. However, if you want to make a claim
under any of these covers, you will be bound by this document
which sets out the terms and conditions (including any
exclusions) of the insurance cover.
This booklet contains important information about the insurer,
Zurich Australian Insurance Limited (ZAIL), ABN 13 000 296 640,
AFS Licence Number 232507 (referred to as “we, our and us” in
relation to the insurance), its agent Cover-More Insurance Services
Pty Ltd ABN 95 003 114 145, AFSL 241713 (Cover-More) as
well as the Commonwealth Bank and other relevant persons.
The Commonwealth Bank is not the insurer of the insurance
referred to in this booklet. It and any of its related corporations
do not guarantee, and are not liable to pay, any of the benefits
under these covers.
Things you need to
The benefits table on the next two pages gives a summary
view to help you understand the insurance covers available.
• The Included Cover is available to cardholders under a
Group Policy entered into by the Commonwealth Bank
with us, not with you. See page 27 for details of this
Terms, conditions, limits and sub-limits apply that is why it
is important you read this booklet carefully.
Exclusions apply to restrict, limit and/or exclude cover.
Read the general exclusions on pages 12-15 and the
exclusions under each benefit section carefully to see what
we don’t cover.
Cover is only provided during the period of cover – which
diers for each type of cover.
Certain words have special meanings and are shown in bold.
See Words with special meaning, pages 10-12.
For example you, your means the cardholder.
Welcome ................................................................................................. 3
Things you need to understand .................................................................. 3
Contact details .............................................................................. back cover
Helpful tips ............................................................................................................. 4
How to make a claim ............................................................................................ 6
Important Information ................................................................... 7-15
Who issues and insures this product? .............................................................. 7
Policy conditions ................................................................................................... 7
Words with special meaning ............................................................................10
General exclusions ..............................................................................................12
Platinum Debit Card Insurances ................................................. 16-21
Price Guarantee ................................................................................................... 17
Purchase Security ...............................................................................................18
Extended Warranty .............................................................................................20
General Information ......................................................................22-28
General Insurance Code of Practice ................................................................ 22
Financial Claims Scheme ..................................................................................22
We respect your privacy.....................................................................................23
Complaints and disputes resolution process ................................................26
About the Group Policy .....................................................................................27
Change of terms and conditions ....................................................................28
Table of benefits
Platinum debit card spend covers Platinum debit card
Benefits for a cardholder Excess applies Maximum cover limit
Price Guarantee
Personal goods if price dierence is more
than $75
- Up to $500
Purchase Security Insurance
Personal goods
Limit will not exceed the actual purchase price of the personal
goods charged to the Platinum debit card.
Jewellery, watches and fine arts sub-limit
per claim
Overall limit in a 12 month period in respect
of any one Platinum debit card
Extended Warranty Insurance
Personal goods
Limit will not exceed the actual purchase price of the personal
goods charged to the Platinum debit card.
Overall limit in a 12 month period in respect
of any one Platinum debit card
Helpful tips
Safety of your belongings
Keep valuables with you rather than checking them in with
the transport provider as they are not covered by us when
checked-in (unless security regulations meant you were
forced to check them in).
Do not leave valuables in a motor vehicle at any time as they
are not covered.
Items left unattended in any motor vehicle (for example, a
car, campervan or motorhome) or towed land vehicle during
daylight hours are not covered, unless they are stored in
the concealed storage compartment of the locked motor
vehicle or towed land vehicle and forced entry was gained.
Don’t leave items unattended in ANY motor vehicle or towed
land vehicle overnight, as they’re not covered.
Do not leave your belongings unattended in a public place.
Unattended belongings are not covered by us.
These covers are provided for Platinum cardholders at
no additional cost if personal goods are charged to the
cardholder’s Platinum debit card.
Remember to check for your items. We do not cover items
left behind in any accommodation after you have checked
out, left behind in any aircraft, ship, train, tram, taxi or bus,
or left behind, forgotten, misplaced or walked away from in a
public place.
Report any loss or theft to the police within 7 days of when
you first become aware of the incident, as a police report
is required so we can validate that the incident occurred.
Also, your belongings may have been handed in and may be
recovered or the police may have a chance to follow up an
alleged crime.
• Additionally, we require the relevant report from the related
party. For example, an Airline Property Irregularity Report
(PIR) is also required if your items were lost or stolen when
travelling with an airline.
• If you are unable to provide us with a copy of the relevant
report, you must provide us with a reasonable explanation
and details of the time and place you made the report,
including their contact details.
How to make a claim
Follow the prompts to complete your claim and the checklist to
gather the supporting documents you need to submit with it.
Submit the claim online
Upload your scanned supporting documents when submitting
the claim online, or
If you are unable to upload documents, still submit the claim
online, but post the documents to us. We will give you a claim
number to note on the original supporting documents.
Card Insurances
C/o Cover-More
PO Box 2027
North Sydney NSW 2059
We need original supporting documents, so if you are uploading
your documents, please hold on to them as we may request
them. If you are posting them, keep a copy.
Important Information
Who issues and insures these products?
These products are issued by Cover-More on behalf of the
insurer. Cover-More administers the policy (including customer
service, medical assessments and claims management) and
arranges the issue of the insurance to the Commonwealth Bank
who then provides the cardholder with the covers described in
this booklet under the Group Policy.
Zurich Australian Insurance Limited
ZAIL is the insurer and is part of the Zurich Insurance Group, a
leading multi-line insurer that serves its customers in global and
local markets. Zurich provides a wide range of general insurance
and life insurance products and services in more than 210
countries and territories. Zurich’s customers include individuals,
small businesses, and mid-sized and large companies, including
multinational corporations. ZAILs contact details are:
Zurich Australian Insurance Limited
PO Box 677, North Sydney NSW 2059
Policy conditions
1. Excess – what you contribute to your claim
The excess is the first amount of a claim that we will not pay for.
It is your contribution to your claim if it is approved by us. The
excess applicable to each benefit is shown in the benefits table
pages 4-5.
2. Claims
You must report the theft, wilful damage or accidental loss
of your property/personal goods/valuables to the police, the
transport provider or accommodation provider as relevant
within 7 days of you first becoming aware of the loss or theft.
You should obtain a report confirming the incident to submit
to us with your claim.
You must take all reasonable steps to prevent or minimise
a claim. This includes taking adequate and reasonable
precautions to protect your property/personal goods.
You must not make any oer, promise of payment, or admit
any liability without our written consent.
You must advise us of any claim, or occurrence that may give
rise to a claim, as soon as possible and within 60 days of the
event except, for Price Guarantee, for which you must advise
us and claim within 30 days of purchase.
Check that the amount you want to claim is higher than
any excess applicable to your claim
5. You must help us to make any recoveries
We have the right to recover, from any other party in your
name, money payable under the policy or to choose to defend
any action brought against you. You must provide reasonable
assistance to us.
We will apply any money we recover from someone else under a
right of subrogation in the following order:
1. To us, our costs (administration and legal) arising from the
2. To us, an amount equal to the amount that we paid to you in
respect of any of the covers provided
3. To you, your uninsured loss (less your excess)
4. To you, your excess.
Once we pay your total loss, we will keep all money left over.
If we have paid your total loss and you receive a payment from
someone else for that loss or damage, you must pay us the
amount of that payment up to the amount of the claim we paid
If we pay you for lost or damaged property and you later recover
the property or it is replaced by a third party, you must pay us
the amount of the claim we paid you.
6. Other insurance
If you are insured, or entitled to receive a benefit or make a
claim, under any other insurance policy in respect of the same
loss as your claim under our covers, then:
you must give us full details of the other insurance policy,
to the extent permitted by law, we will not be liable to
provide indemnity until the indemnity amount under any
other policy is exhausted, or
we may seek, from the other insurer, contribution for any
amounts we have paid.
7. Subrogation
We may, at our discretion, undertake in your name and on
your behalf, control and settlement of proceedings for our own
benefit to recover compensation or secure indemnity from any
party in respect of any of the covers provided.
You are to assist us and give us permission to do everything
required to recover compensation or secure indemnity
from other parties, to which we may become entitled or
subrogated, upon us accepting your claim in respect of any
of the covers provided.
This is regardless of whether we have yet paid your claim,
whether or not the amount we pay you is less than full
compensation for your loss or whether your claim is paid under
a non-indemnity or an indemnity clause.
If there is a delay in claim notification, or you do not provide
sucient detail for us to consider your claim, we can reduce
any claim payable by the amount of prejudice we have
suered because of the delay.
You must at your own expense, supply any documents
in support of your claim, which we may request. This can
include proof of your residential status and age, proof you
are eligible for insurance cover (e.g. your credit card account
statement and credit card receipt to confirm your eligibility
for the insurance), an original police report, receipts,
valuations and a repair quote. If required we may ask you to
translate into English any documents to enable us to assess
your claim.
For claims relating to a mobile phone or device with phone
capabilities you must supply us with the IMEI (International
Mobile Equipment Identity). You must also block the IMEI
number (by Australian telecommunication providers) of the
stolen or lost mobile phone or device.
You must co-operate fully in the assessment or investigation
of your claim.
When making a claim, you have a responsibility to assist
us and to act in an honest and truthful manner. If you or
anyone acting on your behalf uses fraudulent, false or
exaggerated means to make a claim under this policy, we
may not pay the claim in whole or in part. We may inform
the Commonwealth Bank of the situation and you may no
longer be eligible for any (or all) of the covers in this booklet.
We may also report you to the appropriate authorities and
you may be prosecuted.
• If we agreed to pay a claim under your policy we will base
any claim payment on the Goods and Services Tax (GST)
inclusive costs (up to the relevant limits of liability). If you are
entitled to claim an input tax credit in respect of a cost for
which a claim is made, or would be entitled to an input tax
credit if you were to incur the relevant cost (i.e. in replacing a
lost or stolen item), the amount we would otherwise pay will
be reduced by the amount of that input tax credit.
3. Claims are payable in Australian dollars
All claims and amounts payable are paid in Australian dollars at
the rate of exchange applicable at the time the expenses were
incurred. We will pay you unless you tell us to pay someone else.
Payment will be made by direct credit to an Australian bank
account nominated by you.
4. If you can claim from anyone else, we will only make
up the dierence
In the case that policy condition 6. Other insurance does not
apply, if you can make a claim against someone in relation to
a loss or expense in respect of any of the covers provided and
they do not pay you the full amount of your claim, we will make
up the dierence. You must claim from them first.
Included Cover
means the cover described in the Platinum Credit Card
Insurances section of this booklet.
personal goods
means new personal property acquired for personal, domestic
or household use and valuables (except to the extent otherwise
specified as being excluded), but does not include:
• for Purchase Security Insurance, items purchased
by instalment (e.g. mobile phones) prior to the final
payment being made
furniture, furnishings or household appliances unless
covered under the Extended Warranty Insurance
items with an original purchase price over $20,000
items acquired for the purpose of re-supply/re-sale
items acquired to undergo transformation in a business
computer software, or information stored on any
electronic device or other media, including digital
photos, downloaded files, electronic applications,
programmed data or non-tangible items
bullion, cash, collections such as stamps, coins and
cards, lottery tickets or other gambling-related items,
negotiable instruments, securities, manuscripts or books
of account, trading cards, tickets of any description or
travellers cheques
consumable or perishable items (including but not
limited to drugs, food, fuel or oil), animals or plant
airplanes, automobiles, boats, motorboats or any other
motorised vehicles and their integral parts and installed
second-hand items, including antiques
items of contraband, and
real estate and movable fixtures or fittings (including
but not limited to dishwashers and fixed air
conditioners) that form, or are intended to form, part of
any home, oce or real estate.
Platinum debit card
means a current and valid Commonwealth Bank Platinum debit
card issued by the Commonwealth Bank.
public place
means any place the public has access to, including but not limited
to airports, bus terminals, buses, cruise ships, planes, stations,
taxis, trains, wharves and beaches, galleries, hostels, hotels, hotel
foyers and grounds, museums, private car parks, public toilets,
shops, streets, restaurants and general access areas.
transport provider
means a properly licensed coach operator, airline, cruise line,
shipping line or railway company.
8. Policy interpretation
All insurance covers will be interpreted in accordance with the
law of New South Wales, Australia.
9. Sanctions
Notwithstanding any other terms, we shall not be deemed to
provide cover or make any payments or provide any service or
benefit to any person or other party to the extent that such
cover, payment, service, benefit and/or any business or activity
of the person would violate any applicable trade or economic
sanctions law or regulation.
Words with special meaning
In this booklet words in bold have the meanings shown below.
The use of the singular shall also include the use of the plural
and vice versa.
act of terrorism
means any act by a person, alone or with an organisation or
foreign government, who:
a. uses or threatens force or violence
b. aims to create public fear, or
c. aims to resist or influence a government, or has ideological,
religious, ethnic or similar aims.
means a person residing in Australia or Norfolk Island to whom
the Commonwealth Bank has issued a Platinum debit card.
Persons residing in Australia, unless otherwise approved by us in
writing as a cardholder, must have:
an Australian Medicare card
an Australian issued Temporary Work (skilled) Visa (subclass
457), or
an Australian Visa that:
authorises them to live and work in Australia, and
requires them to maintain a minimum level of health
insurance coverage as required by the Department of
Home Aairs.
Commonwealth Bank
means Commonwealth Bank of Australia
ABN 48 123 123 124.
concealed storage compartment
means a boot, glove box, enclosed centre console, or concealed
cargo area of a motor vehicle.
Group Policy
means the insurance policy issued by us to the Commonwealth
Bank, in relation to Platinum Credit Card Insurances.
6. loss or damage caused by detention, confiscation or
destruction by customs or other ocials or authorities
7. claims arising from an act of terrorism
8. any expenses recoverable by compensation under any
workers compensation or transport accident laws, or by
any government sponsored fund, plan or medical benefit
scheme, or any other similar type of legislation required to be
eected by, or under, a law
9. claims arising from any unlawful act committed by you
10. claims arising from, or prohibited under, any government
intervention, prohibition, sanction, regulation or restriction or
court order
11. claims which in any way relate to your:
a. chronic use of alcohol
b. substance abuse, drug abuse (whether over the counter,
prescription or otherwise), or
c. ingestion of any non-prescription drug or substance
(e.g. marijuana, ecstasy, heroin) involving, arising from or related to your impairment
due to you drinking too much alcohol:
a. which is evidenced by the results of a blood test which
show that your blood alcohol concentration level is
0.19% or above. (The level of alcohol in your blood is
called blood alcohol concentration (BAC). As a point of
reference, a BAC of 0.19% is almost four times the legal
driving BAC limit range in Australia which is currently
0.05%), or
b. taking into account the following, where available:
i. the report of a medical practitioner or forensic
ii. the witness report of a third party
iii. your own admission, or
iv. the description of events you described to us or the
treating medical professional (e.g. paramedic, nurse,
doctor) as documented in their records, or
13. claims involving, or arising from, any event that is
intentionally caused by you or by a person acting with your
Baggage and personal eects
We will not pay for:
14. damage, loss or theft of valuables placed in the care of a
transport provider (unless security regulations prevented you
from keeping the valuables with you), including any loss from
the point of check in until collection by you from the baggage
carousel or collection area at the end of your flight, journey or
15. valuables left unattended in a motor vehicle at any time,
even if stored in a concealed storage compartment
means not on your person or within your sight and reach.
means articles made of or containing gold, precious metals
or stones, semi-precious stones or silver; binoculars; furs;
jewellery; mobile phones; photographic, audio, video, tablet
computer, computer and electrical equipment of any kind
(including but not limited to devices such as drones, computer
games, portable navigation equipment or media); precious
metals; precious or semi-precious stones; smart phones;
telescopes and watches.
we, our or us
means Zurich Australian Insurance Limited
ABN 13 000 296 640, AFS Licence Number 232507.
you, your or yourself
means the cardholder.
General exclusions
These exclusions apply to all covers described in this booklet
unless specified otherwise. They are listed in no particular order.
Common exclusions
We will not pay for:
1. any other loss, damage or additional expenses following on
from the event for which you are claiming that is not covered
under this insurance. Examples of such loss, damage or
additional expense would be the cost of replacing locks after
losing keys, costs incurred in preparing a claim or loss of
2. claims arising from your failure to take reasonable care or
put yourself in a situation where a reasonable person could
foresee that loss, theft or damage to property, or a death,
illness or bodily injury might happen, except in an attempt to
protect the safety of a person or to protect property
3. claims arising as a result of war, invasion, act of foreign
enemy, hostilities (whether war be declared or not), civil
war, rebellion, revolution, insurrection or military or usurped
4. claims which in any way relate to radioactivity, ionising rays,
or the use, existence or escape of any nuclear fuel, nuclear
material or nuclear waste
5. claims arising from biological and/or chemical materials,
substances, compounds or the like used directly or indirectly
for the purpose to harm or to destroy human life and/or
create public fear
16. personal goods left:
a. behind in any cruise cabin, hostel, hotel or motel room
or peer to peer service type accommodation (including
but not limited to Airbnb) after you have checked out
b. unattended in a public place
c. behind in/on any aircraft, bus, car, peer to peer service
transport vehicle (including but not limited to Uber),
rental car, ship, taxi, train, tram or any other vehicle or
d. behind, forgotten, misplaced or walked away from in a
public place
e. unattended in any motor vehicle overnight even if they
were in a concealed storage compartment
f. unattended in any motor vehicle other than overnight,
unless they were stored in a concealed storage
compartment of a locked motor vehicle and forced entry
was gained
g. under the supervision of somebody who is not you or
your travel companion, or
h. with a person who steals or deliberately damages them
17.loss or theft that is not reported to the:
a. police or security personnel
b. responsible transport provider (if your items are lost or
stolen while travelling with a transport provider), or
c. accommodation provider
All cases of loss or theft must be reported as soon as
possible and within 7 days. A copy of the relevant report
must be submitted for any claim involving loss or theft. If
you are unable to provide us with a copy of the relevant
report, you must provide us with a reasonable explanation
and details of the time and place you made the report,
including their contact details
18. a mobile phone or device with phone capabilities if you are
unable to supply the IMEI (International Mobile Equipment
19. cash, bank notes, currency notes, cheques or negotiable
20. watercraft of any type (other than surfboards)
21. sporting equipment (including bicycles) damaged, lost or
stolen while in use
22. skis, poles, boots, bindings, snowboards or ice skates.
23. items that are being sent to you, unaccompanied by you or
under a freight contract
24. an electrical or mechanical fault or breakdown unless
covered under Extended Warranty
25. loss of, or damage to, any item that is brittle or fragile
(except photographic or video equipment), unless the loss
or damage is caused by thieves, burglars, fire, or a collision
involving the means of transport in which you are travelling
26. damage caused by atmospheric or climatic conditions; wear
and tear; vermin; or any process of cleaning or alteration
27. consequential damage caused while an item is being
serviced, repaired or restored, unless we have authorised the
28. loss of, or damage to, items that are commercial samples;
works of art and antiques, or items you take to sell while
29. deterioration, normal wear and tear, or damage arising from
inherent defects in the property/personal goods, or
30. any defective item or any defect in an item unless covered
under Extended Warranty.
Insurance will apply for purchases made using your Platinum
debit card.
These insurance covers are subject to the conditions, exclusions,
limits, sub-limits and terms following and must be read in
conjunction with Important Information. You must also check
General exclusions for other reasons why we will not pay.
Included at no extra cost upon spend.
Debit Card
Price Guarantee
Who is eligible?
Cardholders are eligible for Price Guarantee cover when the
whole purchase price of a personal good is charged to the
cardholder’s Platinum debit card and the price dierence is
more than $75.
What is covered?
Cover is subject to the following and the details contained in
Important Information.
This cover refunds the cardholder the dierence in price if,
within 21 days of the purchase, they advise us that they have,
subsequent to their purchase, received a printed or emailed
catalogue showing the same personal goods for a lower price
in a store within 25 kilometres of the store that the personal
goods were purchased, and the price dierence is greater than
To make a claim, you must report the cheaper article and
submit your claim to us within 30 days of the purchase of the
item that is the subject of the claim.
The cheaper personal goods must be: the same model number,
the same model year and produced by the same manufacturer
as the personal goods purchased by you.
What is the cover limit?
Provided the price dierence is greater than $75, we will refund
the price dierence up to a maximum amount of $500 for any
one item, set or pair items (including attached and unattached
What is not covered?
This section does not cover personal goods purchased or
advertised exclusively on the internet.
Purchase Security
Purchase Security is a cover available to Platinum debit card
cardholders, subject to the following terms and conditions and
the details contained in Important Information of this booklet.
This cover provides 90 consecutive days of cover (from the
date of purchase) in the event of loss, theft or damage of a wide
range of new personal goods purchased anywhere in the world,
when those items are charged to the cardholder’s Platinum
debit card. Cover limits and policy exclusions apply.
There is no cover if the personal goods are left behind,
forgotten, misplaced or walked away from etc. Please refer to
the Helpful tips section on page 4 and General exclusions
pages 12-15.
If an item is damaged, lost or stolen we will repair the item if
it is practical and economic to do so. If it is not practical and
economic to repair the item, we will replace the item or provide
you with a replacement voucher if the item is available from our
usual suppliers. If the above do not apply, we will pay you the
monetary value of the item.
Where the item is part of a pair or set, you will receive no more
than the value of the particular part or parts lost, stolen or
damaged, regardless of any special value that the item may
have by way of being part of such pair or set.
Here are some examples of items considered as only one item
for the purpose of this insurance. The appropriate single item
limit will be applied: a camera, camera accessories, lenses
and tripod (attached or not); a smart phone and cover/case; a
matched or unmatched set of golf clubs, golf bag and buggy; a
necklace and pendant; a charm bracelet and charms.
Terms and conditions
1. This cover provides automatic insurance protection for
new personal goods when their purchase is charged to
the cardholder’s Platinum debit card unless the personal
goods and/or claims are excluded by the policy’s terms
and conditions, or the cardholder fails to comply with the
policy conditions in this booklet. For the avoidance of doubt,
personal goods being purchased by instalment payments
(e.g. mobile phone contracts) are not covered until the final
payment is made.
2. Cover extends to permanent Australian residents who
receive the new personal goods as a gift from a cardholder
who has purchased the personal goods in accordance with
point 1 above. For the purpose of this cover, these persons
are also referred to as cardholder or cardholders.
3. The personal goods are insured anywhere in the world for
90 consecutive days from the date of purchase in the event
of loss, theft or damage. However, there is no cover until you
have taken possession of the personal goods.
4. An excess of $100 applies. The excess is the first amount
of a claim that we will not pay for. It is deducted from your
claim if it is approved by us.
What are the cover limits?
We will pay the lesser of:
the actual amount which has been charged to the
cardholder’s Platinum debit card to purchase the personal
goods, or
$3,000 per claim in respect of jewellery, watches and fine
up to a maximum of $125,000 in any 12 month period in
respect of any one Platinum debit card.
The table below sets out examples of how extended warranty
periods apply:
Australian warranty period Extended warranty period
7 days 7 days
14 days 14 days
1 month 1 month
6 months 6 months
1 to 5 years 1 year
Over 5 years No cover
3. Only covered breakdowns are eligible for Extended Warranty.
A covered breakdown means the failure of personal goods
to operate for the purpose for which they were designed as
a result of a breakdown or defect, provided the breakdown or
defect is covered by the terms of the Australian warranty.
4. You must take all reasonable care to protect and maintain
the personal goods insured under this cover.
5. If a claim is to be paid under this cover, you must obtain
approval from us prior to proceeding with any repairs or
replacement of the personal goods, which have broken
down, or are defective. You must also retain the personal
goods or parts for our inspection.
6. An excess of $100 applies. The excess is the first amount
of a claim that we will not pay for. It is deducted from your
claim if it is approved by us.
What are the cover limits?
Our liability for claims made under this cover shall not exceed
the actual purchase price of the personal goods charged to the
Platinum debit card, up to a maximum of $30,000 in any 12
month period in respect of any one Platinum debit card.
Extended Warranty
Extended Warranty is a cover available to Commonwealth
Bank Platinum debit card cardholders, subject to the following
terms and conditions and the details contained in Important
Information of this booklet.
The purpose of the cover is to extend the manufacturer’s
expressed written Australian warranty on personal goods
(the warranty that is applicable and able to be fulfilled within
Australia and that has been properly registered with the
manufacturer). This is provided the purchase is charged to the
cardholder’s Platinum debit card or is purchased by redeeming
Commonwealth Awards points.
The personal goods may come with guarantees from the seller
and/or the manufacturer that cannot be excluded under the
Australian Consumer Law or other relevant law and that may
entitle you to a replacement or refund for a major failure and
compensation for any other reasonably foreseeable loss or
damage. You may also be entitled to have the goods repaired
or replaced, if the goods fail to be of acceptable quality and the
failure does not amount to a major failure.
This Extended Warranty operates alongside, and in addition
to, and does not change or take away any rights you may have
under, the Australian Consumer Law in relation to your personal
goods. However, you can choose to make a claim under this
cover even if you have rights under the law.
Terms and conditions
1. The cover provided by this Extended Warranty in respect of
personal goods purchased comes into eect at the end of
the Australian warranty period that applies to those personal
goods and covers the cost to repair or replace the personal
2. This Extended Warranty period will be for a duration
equivalent to the Australian warranty period, up to a
maximum of one full year, and does not apply if the
Australian warranty exceeds five years.
We respect your privacy
In this Privacy Notice the use ofwe”,our or “us” means both
Cover-More and the insurer, unless specified otherwise.
Why your personal information is collected
We collect your personal information (including sensitive
information) to help us in:
• identifying you and conducting necessary checks
determining what services or products we can provide to
you and/or others
issuing, managing and administering services and products
provided to you and/or others including claims investigation,
handling and payment, and
improving services and products, e.g. training and
developing representatives, product and service research,
data analysis and business strategy development.
Cover-More also collects your personal information to provide
you with special oers of other services and products that may
be of interest to you.
How your personal information is collected
We may collect your personal information through websites,
from data you or your travel consultant input directly, or
through cookies and other web analytic tools, also via email, fax,
telephone or in writing.
We collect personal information directly from you unless:
you have consented to collection from someone else
it is unreasonable or impracticable for us to do so, or
the law permits us to collect from someone else.
We also collect additional personal information from other third
parties to provide you with our services and products. If you
provide personal information to us about another person you
must only do so with their consent and agree to make them
aware of this Privacy Notice.
Who we disclose your personal information to
We may disclose your personal information to other parties and
service providers for the reasons explained above. The other
parties and service providers include:
insurers and reinsurers
travel providers and your travel consultant
our lawyers and other professional advisers
our related companies and other representatives or
contractors who we have hired to provide services or to
monitor the services provided by us or our agents, our
products or operations, and/or
other parties we may be able to claim or recover against or
other parties where permitted or required by law.
General Information
General Insurance Code of Practice
We are a signatory to the General Insurance Code of Practice (the
Code) and support the Code. The objectives of the Code are:
to commit us to high standards of service;
to promote better, more informed relations between us and
to maintain and promote trust and confidence in the general
insurance industry;
to provide fair and eective mechanisms for the resolution
of complaints and disputes you make about us; and
to promote continuous improvement of the general
insurance industry through education and training.
Further information about the Code and your rights under it is
available at or by contacting us.
Financial Claims Scheme
If the insurer becomes insolvent, you may be entitled to
payment under the Financial Claims Scheme (FCS). Access to
the FCS is subject to eligibility criteria. Please visit for
Additional parties and service providers are detailed in the
Cover-More Privacy Policy and the insurers Privacy Statement.
The contractual arrangements that we have in place with these
parties and service providers generally include an obligation for
them to comply with Australian privacy laws.
We may need to disclose personal information about you
to other parties and service providers, some of whom may
be located overseas. Who they are may change from time to
time. Generally these recipients will be located in the overseas
countries you travelled to over the duration of your policy and
your claim. These recipients would usually be service providers,
such as providers of travel-related services, investigators,
assessors and facilitators or our related entities that carry out
services on our behalf in relation to your policy and your claim.
Further details of these types of recipients are set out in the
Cover-More Privacy Policy and the insurers Privacy Statement.
We may not always be able to take reasonable steps to ensure
that these recipients comply with the Privacy Act 1988. Some
of the countries where these recipients are based may not oer
the same protection or obligations that are oered by the Act in
Australia. By acquiring the services and products from us, you
agree that you may not be able to seek redress under the Act, or
from us and/or from the recipients in overseas countries, or to
the extent permitted by law.
You and any other traveller included on the policy consent to
these uses and disclosures unless you tell Cover-More, using
the contact details following.
Your choices
If you choose not to provide your personal information and/
or choose not to consent and/or withdraw your consent to the
use and disclosure of your personal information, set out in this
Privacy Notice, at any stage, we may not be able to provide our
services or products or manage and administer services and
products to you and/or others.
If you wish to withdraw your consent, including for things such
as receiving information on products and oers, please contact
Cover-More using the following methods.
More information
For more information about how your personal information is
collected, used or disclosed, how to access or seek correction to
your personal information or how to make a complaint and how
such a complaint will be handled, please contact us or refer to
the relevant website.
Cover-More Privacy Ocer
Cover-More Insurance Services Pty Ltd
Mail: PO Box 2027, North Sydney NSW 2059 Australia
Email: privacy.o
Call: 1300 72 88 22
ZAIL Privacy Ocer
Zurich Australian Insurance Limited
Mail: PO Box 677, North Sydney NSW 2059
Email: privacy.o[email protected]
Call: 132 687
Complaints and disputes resolution
We and Cover-More are committed to resolving any complaint
or dispute fairly.
If you have a complaint about an insurance product we
issued or the service you have received (from us or one of our
representatives), please contact us. We will put you in contact
with someone who can help to resolve the complaint. You can
talk over the phone, email or write:
Call Cover-More on 1300 467 951
Write to the Customer Relations Manager
Post: PO Box 2027, North Sydney NSW 2059
We will acknowledge receipt of your complaint within 24 hours
or as soon as practicable.
If you are not satisfied with our initial response, you may use our
Internal Dispute resolution process.
We expect that our internal dispute resolution process will deal
fairly and promptly with your complaint, however, you may take
your complaint to the Australian Financial Complaints Authority
(AFCA) at any time.
AFCA is an independent dispute resolution scheme. We
are a member of this scheme and we agree to be bound by
its determinations about a dispute. AFCA provides fair and
independent financial services complaint resolution that is free
to you.
Their contact details are:
Australian Financial Complaints Authority
Call: 1800 931 678
Address: GPO Box 3, Melbourne VIC 3001
If your complaint or dispute falls outside the AFCA rules, you
can seek independent legal advice or access any other external
dispute resolution options that may be available to you.
About the Group Policy
The Group Policy is a contract of insurance between us and the
Commonwealth Bank who is the insured entity under the policy.
Access to benefits under the Group Policy is provided to
cardholders solely by operation of section 48 of the Insurance
Contracts Act 1984.
Cardholders do not enter into any agreement with us and
cannot vary or cancel the Group Policy, as they are not the
contracting insured. If we or the Commonwealth Bank cancel or
vary the Group Policy, neither we or the Commonwealth Bank
need to obtain consent to do so.
We do not provide any notices to cardholders. We only send
notices to the Commonwealth Bank (to whom we have
contractual obligations).
You are not obliged to accept any of the cover benefits, but
if you wish to make a claim under the Group Policy then you
have the same obligations to us as the Commonwealth Bank
in accordance with the Insurance Contracts Act. We have the
same rights regarding cardholders as we have regarding the
Commonwealth Bank.
Neither we nor the Commonwealth Bank hold anything in trust,
for the benefit of, or on your behalf under the Group Policy.
The Commonwealth Bank does not act on our behalf or on your
behalf in relation to the insurance.
Any person who may be eligible should consider obtaining
advice as to whether the benefits are appropriate or useful
for their needs, from a person who is licensed to give such
advice. No advice is provided by us, our representatives or the
Commonwealth Bank that this insurance is appropriate or
useful for any persons needs. Nothing prevents such persons
from entering into other insurance arrangements.
Termination of the Group Policy
The Commonwealth Bank may terminate or vary the Group
Policy at any time. If this happens, the Commonwealth Bank
give the cardholder written notice of the variation or
termination, or
advise the cardholder that a variation or termination will
In these circumstances, the Commonwealth Bank will not
provide the cardholder with a copy of the actual changes
made to the cover. The Commonwealth Bank will direct the
cardholder to the relevant website URL for the details of the
variation or termination and inform the cardholder that they
can call the Commonwealth Bank to request that a copy of the
actual changes is sent to the cardholder by post or email.
Purchases made in accordance with the existing Included Cover
before the Group Policy is varied or terminated will still be
eligible for that cover. Any purchases made after the variation
or termination of the Group Policy will not be eligible for the
existing cover.
Change of terms and conditions
From time to time, and where permitted by law, we may
change parts of this Information Booklet. We will issue you/the
cardholder with a new Information Booklet or a Supplementary
Information Booklet or other compliant document to update the
relevant details, except in limited cases. Any updates, which are
not materially adverse to you/the cardholder from the view of a
reasonable person deciding whether to acquire this insurance,
can be found on
You/the cardholder can obtain a paper copy of any updated
information, without charge, by calling Cover-More on
1300 467 951.
P59_CBA Platinum Debit Card Insurances_PCUS-017388-2021_02
Date prepared:
10 August 2021
Issue: 4
Contact details
Platinum Debit Card Insurances
General enquiries
To ask about claims or other details about the
insurance included with your Platinum debit card,
please call or email:
1300 467 951 (within Australia)
+61 2 8907 5060 (from overseas)
How to make a claim – See page 6
Commonwealth Bank
By phone
13 2221 131 576
Personal and Business Non-Awards
Business Awards customers
From overseas
+61 2 9999 3283