Report No. CDOT-2007-9
Final Report
Carron Meaney, Mark Bakeman, Melissa Reed-Eckert, and Eli Wostl
June 2007
The contents of this report reflect the views of the
author(s), who is (are) responsible for the facts and
accuracy of the data presented herein. The contents
do not necessarily reflect the official views of the
Colorado Department of Transportation or the
Federal Highway Administration. This report does
not constitute a standard, specification, or regulation.
Technical Report Documentation
1. Report No.
2. Government Accession No. 3. Recipient's Catalog No.
5. Report Date June 2007 4. Title and Subtitle
Effectiveness of Ledges in Culverts for Small Mammal Passage
6. Performing Organization Code
7. Author(s) Carron A. Meaney, Mark Bakeman, Melissa Reed-Eckert,
and Eli Wostl
8. Performing Organization Report
10. Work Unit No. (TRAIS) 9. Performing Organization Name and Address
Meaney & Company
and Walsh Environmental Scientists and Engineers, LLC
11. Contract or Grant No.
13. Type of Report and Period
12. Sponsoring Agency Name and Address
Colorado Department of Transportation - Research Branch
4201 E. Arkansas Ave.
Denver, CO 80222
14. Sponsoring Agency Code
15. Supplementary Notes
Prepared in cooperation with the U.S. Department of Transportation, Federal Highway Administration
16. Abstract
Ledges were installed in six culverts in Boulder County, Colorado, to test their ability to facilitate small
mammal movement under roads and to determine whether Preble’s meadow jumping mice (Zapus
hudsonius preblei) would use such ledges. Ledge use was measured by recording photographs of mammals
on the ledge with motion-detecting cameras. Ledges connected to the streambank with removable ramps,
which served as a proxy for rendering the ledges accessible in order to test whether there was more usage
when the ramps were on (ledges accessible) than when they were off (ledges inaccessible). Nine mammal
species were captured using the ledges in 705 photographs during the study spanning two summers, 2005
and 2006. Preble’s meadow jumping mouse was photographed on the ledge only once during the pilot and
three times during the active study. There were 443 photographs of mammals on the ledge with ramps on
and 262 photographs with ramps off. Significant differences were found among the six culverts and
between ramp conditions. The ledges appear to present desirable passageways even with the ramps off, to
the extent that small mammals will climb up concrete walls to access them. Culvert dimensions and
vegetative cover did not show statistical correlations with the number of photographs, possibly because of
the small number of culverts.
The present study employed temporary wooden ledges. As a result of the positive findings in this study, the
g of permanent retrofits is recommended. Such ledge retrofits are simple, easy, and inexpensive ($17
to $20 per linear foot plus shipping and installation). They could be developed locally, which would
eliminate transportation costs. Recommendations resulting from the current study can be summarized as
follows: 1) expand the study to additional culverts and continue use of ledges in the most active culverts of
the present study, especially in Z. h. preblei habitat, to better determine factors affecting use by Preble’s, 2)
develop an appropriate permanent ledge retrofit design locally, or consider installation of pre-built steel
ledges and test their utility in Colorado, and 3) proactively begin discussions with the Colorado Department
of Transportation engineers for construction/installation of new culverts that contain built-in ledges.
17. Keywords
ramps, mitigation, habitat fragmentation, corridors,
ecoculverts, Preble's meadow jumping mouse
18. Distribution Statement
No restrictions. This document is available to
the public through the National Technical
Information Service,
Springfield, VA 22161
19. Security Classif. (of this report)
20. Security Classif. (of this page)
21. No. of Pages
22. Price
Form DOT F 1700.7 (8-72) Reproduction of completed page authorized
Carron Meaney,¹ Senior Ecologist, Mark Bakeman,² President, Melissa
Reed-Eckert,³ Ecologist, and Eli Wostl,
Report No. 2007-09
Prepared by ¹Walsh Environmental Scientists and Engineers, LLC,
4888 Pearl E. Circle, Suite 100, Boulder, Colorado 80301, ²Ensight
Technical Services, Incorporated, ³Bear Canyon Consulting, LLC, and
University of Colorado
Sponsored by the
Colorado Department of Transportation
In Cooperation with the
U.S. Department of Transportation
Federal Highway Administration
June 2007
Colorado Department of Transportation
Research Branch
4201 E. Arkansas Ave.
Denver, CO 80222
(303) 757-9506
Our thanks to Boulder County Transportation Department staff, Bill Eliasen and Dave
Webster, helped with processing Boulder County utilities permits and addressing
floodplain issues. Colorado Department of Transportation staff Dennis Allen provided
permits, Chris Kelly supported maintenance coordination, Roland Wostl championed the
research project from the beginning, and Roberto DeDios guided its process with Patricia
Martinek picking up at the end. Bob Crifasi, Duane Myers, Rich Koopman, Randy
Rhodes, and Robert Clyncke coordinated permission from ditch companies. Daniel
Fernandez provided assistance with data analysis. We also wish to thank the members of
the Study Panel for their interest and comments, namely Roland Wostl, Roberto DeDios,
Judy DeHaven, Francis (Yates) Opperman, Jeff Peterson, Richard Willard, and Alison
Deans Michael.
Executive Summary
Transportation corridors present a number of problems for wildlife that live in their
vicinity or that require crossings for dispersal or migration. One of the ecological impacts
of roads is an increase in fragmentation of small mammal habitat and populations.
Preble’s meadow jumping mouse (Zapus hudsonius preblei), a federally threatened
species that occurs along the Front Range of Colorado, has experienced habitat
fragmentation by roads including interstate highways. It is of particular value to search
for solutions that can reduce this fragmentation and facilitate movement of small
mammals under roadways.
Temporary ledges were installed in six culverts to investigate small mammal movement
under roads. Small mammal ledge use was measured by recording mammal passage with
motion-detecting cameras. Ledges were connected to the streambank with removable
ramps in order to test whether there was more usage when the ramps were on (ledges
accessible) than when they were off (ledges inaccessible). The study tested whether
Preble’s meadow jumping mouse made use of the ledges, and whether they and other
small mammals used the ledges more when they were accessible.
A total of 12 mammal species were photographed or observed using the culverts
(including the culvert bottom) during the study spanning two summers, 2005 and 2006.
Nine species used the installed ledges as documented in 705 photographs of small
mammals on the ledge. Z. h. preblei individuals were photographed on the ledge once
during the pilot and three times during the active study. There were 443 photographs of
mammals on the ledge when the ramps were on and 262 photographs when the ramps
were off. Both an analysis-of-variance and a nonparametric Kruskal-Wallis test were
used to determine whether there was an effect due to differences in culverts and to
whether the ramps were on or off over the ten two-week time periods of the two-year
study. Significant differences among culverts and between ramp conditions were found
by both types of analyses. In addition to utilizing the ledges with the ramps on, the ledges
present desirable passageways even with the ramps off, to the extent that small mammals
will clamber their way up concrete walls to access them. Culvert dimensions and
vegetative cover did not show statistical correlations with the number of mammals on the
ledge, possibly because of the small number of culverts (six).
This study employed temporary wooden ledges. As a result of the positive findings, the
implementation of permanent retrofit ledges, at $17 to $20 per linear foot plus
installation, is strongly encouraged. A permanent retrofit ledge design can be developed
in Colorado, and involvement of Colorado Department of Transportation (CDOT)
engineers is strongly encouraged. The development of culverts with built-in ledges, as
used in Europe, is also encouraged.
Implementation Statement
The present study tests the concept of temporary wooden ledges in culverts that will not
withstand long-term use. The testing of permanent retrofits made of a durable material
such as metal is recommended. Roscoe Steel and Culvert Company in Montana has
developed permanent retrofit installations for sale ( They have
installed these retrofits in 11 culverts in Montana on Highway 93. The ledge retrofits are
simple, easy, and inexpensive ($17 to $20 per linear foot plus shipping and installation).
Such retrofits could be developed locally, which would eliminate the transportation costs
for shipping steel ledges from Montana to Colorado.
Other than this recommended materials specification change, the design, general
construction, testing, and methodology components appear to have worked very well. No
anticipated changes are recommended in these factors. A change is recommended in
terms of the number of culverts used. The current study used only six.
The current study demonstrates that ledges are readily used by small mammals; however,
the data are equivocal on use by Preble’s meadow jumping mouse. Further testing with
larger sample sizes (more culverts) can serve to better determine whether Preble’s will
use the ledges on a regular basis. An excellent opportunity to test permanent retrofit
ledges has recently been provided by a Biological Opinion from the U.S. Fish and
Wildlife Service (USFWS), dated December 28, 2006. In this letter, addressed to Larry
Svoboda of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, USFWS has included the
installation of four permanent ledges as a conservation measure for off-site mitigation for
a wastewater treatment plant to be constructed in the town of Eldorado Springs, Boulder
County, Colorado. Included in this project are four of the same ditches employed in the
current study.
Ecoculverts, used in Europe, have raised dry ledges on each side of the water to allow for
animal movement (Veenbaas and Brandjes 1999, cited in Forman et al. 2003). This is an
excellent approach, and is highly recommended for consideration by CDOT.
The recommendations resulting from the current study can be summarized as follows:
Expand the study to include additional culverts and continue the use of ledges in
the most active culverts of the present study, especially in Preble’s meadow
jumping mouse habitat, to better determine factors affecting use by Preble’s;
Develop an appropriate permanent ledge retrofit design locally, or consider
installation of Roscoe Steel ledges and test their utility in Colorado; and
Proactively begin discussions with CDOT engineers for construction/installation
of new culverts that contain built-in ledges.
Table of Contents
Introduction......................................................................................................................... 1
Methods............................................................................................................................... 5
Results............................................................................................................................... 10
Discussion......................................................................................................................... 21
Conclusions and Recommendations................................................................................. 27
References......................................................................................................................... 29
Appendix A - Photographs of the Culverts Used in the Study........................................A-1
List of Tables
Table A. Culverts used in the study…..................………………………………….....10
Table B. Species observed using culverts during the project and number of
photographs taken during experimental portion of the study…………………………....12
List of Figures
Figure 1. Locations of six culverts with ledges in Boulder, Colorado….……………….11
Figure 2. Photographs of various mammal species captured by remote-sensing cameras in
Figure 3. Number of photographs of mammals on the ledge with ramps on and off…....14
Figure 4. Number of photographs of mammals on the ledges at six different culverts
Figure 5. Species richness of small mammals photographed at six culverts..…….……..16
Figure 6. Number of photographs of mammals on the ledge with ramps on and off in
2005 and 2006……………….……………………………………………………….…..17
Figure 7. Mammal species on the ledge with the ramp on and off………………………18
Figure 8. Number of photographs of mammals on the ledges in the ten periods from June
through September, 2005, and May through September, 2006………………………….19
Figure 9. Three events of Preble’s meadow jumping mice on ledges photographed during
the study…………………………………………………………………..……………..20
Transportation corridors present a number of problems for wildlife that live in their
vicinity or that require crossings for dispersal or migration. It has been estimated that
approximately one-fifth of the U.S. land area is directly affected ecologically by the
system of public roads (Forman 2000). Ecological impacts are due to loss of habitat
patches; formation of barriers that isolate habitat patches and result in fragmentation;
creation of disturbance due to noise, light, and air pollution; and road-kill mortality (van
Bohemen 2004). The current study is focused on the problem caused by fragmentation to
small mammal populations and presents one solution to this problem.
Populations of small mammals are fragmented by roads and highways that bisect the
habitat and drainages along which they occur (Forman and Alexander 1998; Theobald et
al. 1997; Trombulak and Frissell 2000). This may be due to dispersal abilities, low
probability of surviving highway crossings, or behavioral avoidance of open highway
expanses (Conrey and Mills 2001). Roads inhibit the movement of rodents (Clark et al.
2001; Kozel and Fleharty 1979) and affect their community structure and density (Adams
and Geiss 1983). Preliminary results suggest that movement is hindered more by wider
(four-lane) than narrower (two-lane) road crossings.
Species differ in their ability to negotiate roadway crossings: Red-backed voles
(Clethrionomys gapperi) and chipmunks (Neotamias sp.) are inhibited more than deer
mice (Peromyscus maniculatus) (Conrey and Mills 2001). Some species (prairie voles
[Microtus ochrogaster] and cotton rats [Sigmodon hispidus]) are inhibited even on
narrow dirt roads (Swihart and Slade 1984). In another study, very small percentages of
white-footed mice (P. leucopus) and eastern chipmunks (Tamias striatus) crossed the
roadway, suggesting that clearance distance between open habitats was a factor (Oxley et
al. 1974).
Whereas these population fragmentation effects can occur in a relatively short time
frame, genetic effects of fragmentation typically occur over a longer time frame, and
have recently been demonstrated. Genetic differentiation occurred in European bank
voles (Clethrionomys glareolus) on either side of a four-lane highway over only 25 years
(Gerlach and Musolf 2000). These population and genetic effects of roadways present a
significant problem to natural populations of small mammals. Because human
populations continue to increase and require expansion of transportation routes through
both new and wider roadways, it is of particular value to search for solutions that can
safely facilitate movement of small mammals under roadways in order to reduce
population and genetic fragmentation.
Passageways under highways via underpasses and drainage culverts were used by many
native mammals in California (Ng et al. 2004). Barrier walls and culverts reduced
roadkill in Florida from 2,411 to 158 in a 12-month period (Dodd et al. 2004). In
Montana, the installation of ledges in culverts facilitated movement of 14 species of small
mammals. Again, species differences were found: deer mice readily used ledges but
meadow voles (Microtus pennsylvanicus) required a tube installed underneath the ledge
which they used instead of the ledge (Foresman 2001, 2004).
The riparian-dwelling Preble’s meadow jumping mouse (Zapus hudsonius preblei), a
subspecies that is federally listed as threatened, may be substantially impacted where
roads cross over drainages that they occupy. Populations of this mouse have been
reduced, extirpated, and fragmented by development, grazing, gravel mining, and other
activities. A Recovery Plan for the species was initiated (U.S. Department of Interior
2003), Critical Habitat has been determined, and efforts are underway all along the
Colorado Front Range to conduct research on their populations (Meaney et al. 2002,
2003) and to develop plans to protect populations of this subspecies. However, in
February 2005 the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS) issued a 12-month finding
on a petition to delist the mouse. The decision on whether to delist the mouse has been
postponed and is now anticipated in June 2007.
In Colorado Springs, Colorado, the construction of a large (65-meter [m]-long) culvert
along Pine Creek at an I-25 exit may have fragmented a population of Z. h. preblei. At
that site, animals were successfully trapped in June and August for 4 consecutive years
on both ends of a newly installed culvert. Although the animals were permanently
marked, there was no evidence of jumping mice passing from one end of the culvert to
the other (Meaney and Ruggles 2000). Other drainages occupied by Z. h. preblei also
flow into Monument Creek, which contains the largest population of the subspecies in El
Paso County. All these tributaries are bisected by I-25. Roads can cause small
populations to become fragmented due to reduced connectivity with adjacent
subpopulations (Carr et al. 2002). These smaller subpopulations are at greater risk of
extirpation than are larger interconnected populations.
The installation of ledges in culverts could mitigate this fragmentation effect. At another
site, there is evidence from ongoing Colorado Department of Transportation (CDOT)
research near the town of Monument and I-25 that Preble’s meadow jumping mice do, at
least occasionally, use culverts to cross under roads when there is a dry culvert section
available. Both male and female adults and juveniles crossed through a 91-m-long
concrete box culvert under I-25 along Dirty Woman Creek (Ensight 1999). Artificial
cover stations were used to facilitate culvert usage, and jumping mice were found to cross
through the culvert both with and without the cover stations. However, such movements
were rare, with only five individually marked animals making the passage through the
culvert over an eight-year period. Movements occurred during times of high and low
water levels in the culvert; however, there was always at least some portion of the culvert
bottom that was not inundated. Additional data from this drainage have shown that
Preble’s meadow jumping mice have moved under two-lane paved roads, presumably
through corrugated metal culverts. Movement through the I-25 culvert may have been
related to Preble’s population density – in high-density years there was more movement,
and in low-density years there was little detected movement.
Below-road passages are common in the landscape; many are designed for road runoff,
drainage culverts, or movement of livestock and people. These passages are used by
animals and can be important linkages and corridors for local wildlife. However, many
could be used more effectively. Both transportation and natural resource agencies have
overlooked these existing passages and their potential for improvement, even though
substantial gains can be realized with relatively little investment (Forman et al. 2003).
The purpose of this study is to determine whether the installation of ledges in culverts
containing water will facilitate the movement of small mammals, including Z. h. preblei,
from one side to the other. The null and alternative hypotheses are:
Ho: Preble’s meadow jumping mouse will not use ledges installed in
Preble’s meadow jumping mouse will use ledges installed in culverts.
Ho: Small mammals will show no difference in their use of ledges with access to ledges
(access ramps on) versus no access to ledges (access ramps off).
: Small mammals will show a greater use of culverts with access to ledges than
without access to ledges.
A list was compiled of all culverts in Boulder County, Colorado, that were within 10
kilometers (km) of known or potential populations of Z. h. preblei. The assumption was
made that habitat suitable for this species would also provide habitat for numerous other
small mammal species, as years of trapping surveys have indicated. Researchers located
and examined 48 culverts. Culverts were eliminated from consideration for the following
Permission from the ditch company or adjacent private landowner to
install ledges was denied.
There was more than one culvert opening and often one of the openings
was dry, allowing easy passage without a ledge.
The culvert was too small to fit a person and a ledge (typically less than 1
m in height or width or both).
The culvert did not contain running water for at least two months or
clearly had dry banks for a substantial portion of the season, as was the
case for bridges over streams.
The water current and depth were deemed too dangerous for working
inside the culvert.
Extensive barn swallow (Hirundo rustica) or cliff swallow (Petrochelidon
pyrrhonota) nests were present.
The culvert was gated and access was denied.
The high-water mark suggested the ledge would be flooded during the
active season.
Excessive development in the vicinity of the culvert existed.
This process of elimination resulted in seven culverts deemed suitable for the project.
One of these culverts was subsequently rejected. The six remaining culverts were
outfitted with wooden ledges (2.54 x 15.24-centimeter [cm] cedar planks, typically 1.83
m long) attached end to end. We glued blocks of wood (5 x 10.16-cm blocks, 30.48 cm
long) to the culvert wall above the high-water line at 1.83-m intervals with Liquid Nails
glue applied with a caulk gun. These served as anchors for the ledge planks, which were
placed on top and screwed into the blocks.
Ramps, also made of 2.54 x 15.24-cm cedar planks, were outfitted with hinges and
attached to the end of the ledge. They were angle-cut to provide the best horizontal angle
to reach the bank, and the hinge allowed for the best vertical angle, so that they provided
access from solid ground along the bank to the ledge. During the first year of the study,
the access ramps were taken on and off as a means to make the ledges accessible and
inaccessible, respectively. This was far more cost-effective than removing and replacing
the entire ledge for the 2-week time intervals that defined each sample period. During the
second year, both the ramp and first board of the ledge were removed at both ends of the
Small mammal movements through the
culverts were assessed with
photographs. Still cameras were
purchased from TrailMaster (Goodson &
Associates, Inc., Lenexa, Kansas). We
employed the TM 550 monitor and
motion-sensitive camera setup, a passive
sensing unit that detects infrared waves
and microwaves (for temperature
differential and movement,
respectively). Monitors recorded all
interruption incidents of the cone-shaped beam. Motion-sensitive cameras allowed for
remote sensing of animals by photographs taken when criteria were met to trigger the
Goodhue Ditch at U.S. 36. Ramp is long and
vegetation is well-developed; ledge not visible
inside culvert. Note green netting for birds.
The cameras were attached to the
culvert with the use of 5 x 10.16-cm
wooden blocks glued to the sidewall.
One culvert required suspension of the
camera unit from the culvert ceiling
because of its width, and one had a
wood beam running through the center
that allowed for direct attachment.
Metal L-shaped plates were built and
used to provide a platform to
accommodate the camera and monitor as well as a vertical component for attachment to
the culvert.
Camera (left) and monitor (right) installation.
They are placed on a metal platform attached to the
culvert wall.
Cameras and monitors were extensively field-tested for two months prior to the initiation
of the experiment, as settings and angles require much adjusting. The units were placed in
the middle of the culvert, except in Culvert 4 and Culvert 7 due to the small opening or
fast-running (and therefore dangerous) water. This positioning served to avoid
photographing animals that may have entered and turned around, rather than passing all
the way through. Cameras were angled to focus on the ledge. We had hoped to angle the
cameras to pick up the bottom of the culvert as well; however, this was not possible in
most cases. Cameras and monitors were checked weekly and film was replaced as
needed. We employed 200 ASA Fuji film with 24 or 36 exposures.
The experiment ran from June 1 through September 21, 2005 (16 weeks), and from May
2 through September 19, 2006 (20 weeks). Ten two-week periods were defined in 2006
and eight such periods were employed in 2005. A given culvert alternated between
having ramps on for two weeks and ramps off for two weeks, generally within each
month of the summer season. Each culvert was randomly assigned to the ramp on or off
condition for the first period with subsequent alternating conditions per period.
Culvert dimensions (length, width, and height) were measured and water depth was noted
weekly in 2005. Vegetative cover was assessed at each culvert entrance in 2005. Three
adjacent vegetation sampling quadrats were established immediately upstream and
downstream of each culvert. One 5 x 5-m quadrat was situated on each bank and a third
quadrat was defined as the area between the two bank quadrats and centered on the
culvert. Within each quadrat the percent foliar cover (to the nearest 5 percent) of tree,
shrub, forb, and graminoid species was recorded. Regression analysis was used to assess
the relationship of these parameters with the number of photographs of small mammals
on the ledge.
The study employed a multifactor analysis of variance (ANOVA) (MANOVA) on the
number of photographs of mammals on the ledges during the 10 periods, as well as
various regression analyses on culvert dimensions, vegetation, and water levels. For the
MANOVA, we tested the significance of two factors: the ledges with ramps (on or off),
and culvert. The dependent variable (number of mammals photographed on the ledge)
was square root transformed. When assumptions of the ANOVA test could not be met,
the Kruskal-Wallis test was employed. This test does not require normally distributed
data and tolerates heterogeneous variance.
Small mammals were identified from photographs by their color, relative tail length,
body carriage, and shape. Familiarity with these species from small mammal trapping in
the region facilitated identifications. Shrews were identified only to genus (as Sorex sp.).
The seven originally selected culverts are listed in Table A and shown on Figure 1.
Photographs of all the culverts, located in Boulder, Colorado, are provided in Appendix
A. Culvert 6 (South Branch) was eliminated from the study, leaving a sample size of six,
because it was discovered that vehicles driving over the road caused vibrations that
triggered the monitor and camera. Although 530 photographs were taken in both years at
this culvert, only two were of mammals on the ledge and the remainder were blank.
Table A. Culverts used in the study
Culvert Location Culvert Type
Dimension (m)
Width x Height
Length (m)
Culvert 1
Dry Creek No. 2
US 36 CBC 1.9 x 1.25 47.5
Culvert 2
US 36 CBC 2.4 x 1.3 46.8
Culvert 3
Goodhue Ditch
US 36 CBC 4.9 x 1.2 47
Culvert 4
East Boulder Ditch
RCC 1 x 1 38.7
Culvert 5
Marshall Road CBC 1.85 x 0.9 9
Culvert 6²
South Branch
Crane Hollow
Timber bridge
with concrete
3.8 x 1.2 8.6
Culvert 7
Davidson Ditch
SH 170
Springs Road)
CBC 3.7 x 1.2 27.2
CBC = concrete box culvert; RCC = round concrete culvert
Ramp lengths ranged from 1.0 to 3.95 m, and the mean length was 2.34 m.
²Culvert 6 was rejected due to vibrations from cars that triggered the monitor and
Figure 1. Locations of six culverts with ledges in Boulder, Colorado
A total of 12 mammal species were photographed or observed using the culverts (on the
ledge, on the wall, or on the bottom of the culvert) and nine species were photographed
using the ledge during the entire project (Table B). Five species of birds were captured by
the camera flying around and sitting on the ledge, as well as numerous spiders and a few
Table B. Species observed using culverts during the project
Common Name Scientific Name On Ledge?
Shrew Sorex sp. Yes
Rock squirrel
Spermophilus variegatus
Black-tailed prairie dog
Cynomys ludovicianus
Deer mouse
Peromyscus maniculatus
Mexican woodrat
Neotoma mexicana
Norway rat
Rattus norvegicus
House mouse
Mus musculus
Meadow vole
Microtus pennsylvanicus
Preble’s meadow jumping mouse
Zapus hudsonius preblei
Canis latrans
Procyon lotor
Striped skunk
Mephitis mephitis
Barn swallow
Hirundo rustica
Song sparrow
Melospiza melodia
Brewer’s blackbird
Euphagus cyanocephalus
Belted kingfisher
Ceryle alcyon
Great blue heron
Ardea herodias
A total of 3,830 events were recorded by the monitors (the beam was triggered by a
movement event) and 2,105 photographs were taken in the six culverts during the 16- and
18-week study over two seasons. Of these, 906 were photographs of animals; the
remainder were blank indicating that the monitor was triggered but the camera did not
capture anything. Of these 906 animal photographs, 722 were of mammals. Of these, 705
were photographs of mammals on the ledges (Figure 2). Many photographs were
triggered by birds flying in and out, and by spiders.
Deer mouse on ledge.
Meadow vole at Davidson Ditch.
House mouse at Marshallville Ditch at
Marshall Road.
Preble’s meadow jumping mouse at
Goodhue Ditch during pilot portion of study.
Mexican woodrat at Davidson Ditch.
Figure 2. Photographs of various mammal species captured by remote-sensing
cameras in culverts
There were more photographs of mammals on the ledges when the ramps were on (443
photographs) versus when they were off (262 photographs) (Figure 3).
Mammals on Ledge
Ramp Condition
Off On
Figure 3. Number of photographs of mammals on the ledges with ramps on and off
The question of interest was whether there was a significant difference in the number of
mammals photographed on the ledge with the ramp on or off. The other factor of note
was the culvert. There were differences among the culverts in their dimensions, the
vegetation at their entrance, and the small mammal communities in the ditches that
passed through the culverts. A MANOVA was used to test the effect of the ramp (were
there more photographed mammals when the ramps were on versus off?) and culvert
(were there differences in the number of photographed mammals among the different
culverts?). The data set was skewed, with most small mammal species showing low to
modest movement numbers, and deer mice typically having values 10 to 50 times that of
the other species.
To better approximate a normal distribution, and to render the discrete data continuous,
the dependent variable (number of mammals on ledge) was square root transformed for
the MANOVA. There were significant effects of culvert and ramp on the number of
mammals on the ledge (F = 10.16 and 9.08, p = 0.0 and 0.0034 for culvert and ramp,
respectively). The interaction between the two factors was not significant (F = 0.15, p =
0.9802). However, the data did not meet the assumptions of normality of residuals and
equality of variances, and the nonparametric Kruskal-Wallis test was employed. The
Kruskal-Wallis test showed significant differences between culverts (H = 29.384, p =
0.000) and between ramp conditions (H = 7.356, p = 0.0067).
Figure 4 shows the differences among the culverts and ramp conditions. Culvert 3,
Goodhue Ditch, had the greatest amount of overall activity. Culverts 1, 2, and 7 had
medium activity, and Culverts 4 and 5 had the least. Culverts 1, 2, and 3 crossed under
US 36, a four-lane highway with a jersey (concrete highway) barrier. Culvert 4 was very
small, with a 1-m-diameter opening, and Culvert 5 was under a very small two-lane road
in a quiet, rural residential area.
Mammals on Ledge
Cu lve rt
Figure 4. Number of photographs of mammals on the ledges at six different culverts
In addition to differences in the amount of activity at the different culverts, there were
also differences in small mammal species richness. Although Culvert 3 had the greatest
amount of activity, the activity was due to a high number of deer mice. Culverts 1 and 3
had the lowest species richness, with only three species each. Culverts 4 and 5, with low
overall activity, had the highest richness with five species each. Culvert 2 was relatively
high or intermediate on both measures, with a high overall activity level and four species
(Figure 5).
Mammals on Ledge
Sorex sp
Figure 5. Species richness of small mammals photographed at six culverts
Mioc=prairie vole, Mipe=meadow vole, Mumu=house mouse, Neme=Mexican
woodrat, Pema=deer mouse, Prlo=raccoon, Rano=Norway rat, Sorex sp=shrew,
Spva=rock squirrel, Zahu=Preble’s meadow jumping mouse
indicates a break in the range for PEMA values
Culvert 1 PEMA = 110 animals
Culvert 2 PEMA = 109 animals
Culvert 3 PEMA = 304 animals
It is noteworthy that small mammals did access ledges when the ramps were off (Figures
3 and 4). However, all six culverts had more activity when the ramps were on than with
the ramps off. The distances that small mammals negotiated from the streambank (solid
ground) to the ramp ranged from 39 to 78 cm and the distance from the ramp to the top of
the culvert ranged from 20 to 80 cm; for those ledges that ended above water rather than
solid ground, the lateral distance was 42 to 148 cm. Culvert 1 (Dry Creek No. 2 Ditch)
was one of the two culverts with high activity without the ramp and is shown below.
End of ledge at Dry Creek No.
2 Ditch culvert at U.S. 36. Note
hinge to connect ramp. Distance
from ledge to ground is 54 cm.
Bird nettin
is visible.
In 2006, the study ran for an extra month because it
was started in May to capture potential early season
activity, as occurred during the pilot in 2005. With
this larger data set, we looked at the potential
difference in use of ledges with ramps off and on.
The results suggest a small difference, with 87 and
109 animals in 2005 and 174 and 333 animals in
2006 with the ramps off and on, respectively
(Figure 6). These differences represent 11 percent
and 31 percent of the total for 2005 and 2006,
Mammals on Ledge
2005 2006
Figure 6. Number of photographs of mammals on the ledges with ramps on
and off in 2005 and 2006
We evaluated whether certain species had a better ability to access the ledges with the
ramps off (Figure 7). All species accessed the ledges more frequently when the ramp was
on than when it was off. The prairie vole, shrew, and Preble’s meadow jumping mouse
did not access the ledges when the ramps were off, but they also used the ledges
infrequently altogether. Small mammals, and deer mice in particular with their overall
high level of activity, clearly have the ability to walk on the vertical concrete wall.
Mioc Mipe Mumu Neme Pema Prlo Rano Sorex
Spva Zahu
Number Mammals On Ledge
Figure 7. Mammal species on the ledges with the ramps on and off
Mioc=prairie vole, Mipe=meadow vole, Mumu=house mouse, Neme=Mexican
woodrat, Pema=deer mouse, Prlo=raccoon, Rano=Norway rat, Sorex sp=shrew,
Spva=rock squirrel, Zahu=Preble’s meadow jumping mouse
indicates a break in the range for PEMA values
PEMA ramp on = 351
PEMA ramp off = 225
The mammal-on-ledge activity showed some variation and some overall consistency
across periods (Figure 8). The highest activity occurred during Periods 3 through 8, June
through August.
Mammals on Ledge
Per iod
Figure 8. Number of photographs of mammals on the ledges in the ten periods from
June through September 2005, and May through September 2006
We evaluated the culvert dimensions (length, height, and width). Length of the culvert
was assumed to address potential differences in use by small mammals between shorter
(two-lane road) and longer (four-lane road) culverts. Simple regression analysis showed
no significant correlation at the α = 0.05 level between the total number of mammals
photographed on the ledge for each culvert and its length (r
= 0.74, p = 0.0958, n = 6),
width (r
= 0.78, p = 0.0699), or height (r
= 0.72, p = 0.1053), although the correlations
were high.
We evaluated the potential correlation of vegetation at the entrances to the culverts and
the mammal activity on the ledge. We combined percent cover for all six plots at each
culvert (three on the upstream end and three on the downstream end) across all four plant
cover types to determine a total foliar cover value (total foliar cover = tree + shrub + forb
+ grass cover). There was no significant correlation in the number of mammals on the
ledge with percent cover (r
= 0.171, p = 0.7454, n = 6).
Four photographs captured Preble’s meadow jumping mouse using the ledges. The first
photograph was taken during the pilot portion of the study in May 2005, on Goodhue
Ditch (Culvert 3) under U.S. 36 (Figure 2). Because of the animal photographed in May
2005, the study was started earlier in 2006 (at the beginning of May). Goodhue Ditch
provided excellent habitat, had high overall use of the ledge and low species richness, and
was dominated by deer mice. The second photograph was taken July 21, 2005, on
Marshallville Ditch at Marshall Road (Culvert 5), under a small two-lane road in a rural
residential area where overall activity was low and species richness was high. The third
and fourth photographs were from Goodhue Ditch, taken May 28 and June 16, 2006,
respectively (Figure 9).
Figure 9. Three events of Preble’s meadow jumping mice on ledges photographed
during the study
Note: Clockwise from upper left: July 21, 2005 at Culvert 5; May 28, 2006 at Culvert 3;
and June 16, 2006 at Culvert 3.
The results of this study show that ledges installed in culverts containing water are
readily used by small mammals as evidenced by 705 photographs documenting small
mammal passage on ledges in six culverts. Furthermore, these culvert ledges are
employed by a broad range of species, including nine species of mammals documented in
this study. Culverts, and more notably culverts with ledges, serve as valuable
passageways in an environment fragmented by roads.
Both the presence or absence of ledges in culverts, and the differences among the six
culverts, significantly affected the number of small mammals that passed through the
culverts (α = 0.05). The culverts were inherently different in type, style, length, and
width. It is likely that certain ditches had higher abundances of small mammals than did
others, and thus some culverts would receive more use as a consequence. In addition,
some of the culverts were frequented by spiders building webs and birds flying in and
out, both of which tripped the cameras and likely precluded capturing small mammals on
film. During the second year, mesh netting was reinforced on the culvert entrances to
prevent use by birds. The higher mammal activity level in 2006 may have been a result.
Culvert 3, on Goodhue Ditch at U.S. 36, had the greatest amount of activity (Figure 4).
Goodhue Ditch provides excellent habitat, with lush vegetation along its banks. It also is
a culvert in which it is possible to see end-to-end. Even at night, this may present a
detectible difference. East Boulder Ditch (Culvert 4) is dark, Marshallville Ditch at U.S.
36 (Culvert 2) is dark and has a bend in it, and Davidson Ditch (Culvert 7) has a bend in
it. None of the small mammal species documented in the photographs are strictly
fossorial, and the degree of ambient light may be a factor in the use of culverts.
The assumption was made that the ramps were necessary to access the ledges.
Interestingly, this was not the case because small mammals accessed the ledges even
when the ramps were off. However, all culverts as well as species showed more use of
the ledges with the ramps on. Small mammals appear to have an ability to climb vertical
concrete walls. Whether the animals climbed down onto the ledge from above (20 to 80
cm) or climbed up to it from the closest point along the bank (39 to 78 cm) is not known.
A few photographs captured animals on the concrete wall of the culvert including a shrew
and a deer mouse that was trying to reach a cliff swallow nest above the ledge. It appears
that the ledge was of such utility to these small mammals that they made reasonable
efforts to get to it.
Deer mouse climbing concrete wall toward a cliff swallow nest.
Twelve species of mammals used the culverts in the present study, which was
comparable to use in a study in Montana where 14 species were documented using six
culverts (Foresman 2004). In that study, 14 species also employed the ledges, whereas
only nine species were observed to use the ledges in the current study (Table B). The
Montana study also found differences in use by species, with deer mice readily using the
ledges but voles avoiding them, whereas meadow voles used the ledges in the present
study. The Montana study used ledges constructed of metal grating with a solid metal
edge. Mice always used the solid metal edge, and perhaps voles had no tolerance for the
grating substrate. In the Montana study, tubes were installed (similar to gutter drain
pipes) under the ledges, which facilitated use by voles.
The present study documented use by Preble’s meadow jumping mouse once during the
pilot (May 2005) and three times during the study in May, June, and July in two culverts.
The six culverts were selected for their proximity to South Boulder Creek, habitat for the
main population of Preble’s meadow jumping mouse in Boulder County (Meaney et al.
2002, 2003). East Boulder Ditch is also known to be occupied, with densities of 34 to 86
animals per km along the ditch in the stretch immediately adjacent to Culvert 4. That
culvert has the smallest opening of all the culverts, 1 m in diameter, and a length of 38 m.
It is possible that the narrower opening affected the lack of use by Preble’s meadow
jumping mouse. However, the East Boulder Ditch culvert had relatively low use overall,
albeit a high species richness (Figures 4 and 5). Davidson Ditch (Culvert 7) is within
approximately 50 m of a known population of Preble’s meadow jumping mice along
South Boulder Creek; however, none were photographed. Goodhue Ditch (Culvert 3),
with three Preble’s meadow jumping mice, was noteworthy for having the greatest
overall activity (Figure 4) and excellent habitat, albeit low species richness (Figure 5).
Marshallville Ditch at Marshall Road (Culvert 5), also with one photograph of Preble’s,
is a very short culvert in a rural residential neighborhood with a section of mowed lawn
adjacent to the ditch. It had low overall use and high species richness.
It is interesting that the level of activity, measured mostly by deer mice, appeared
inversely correlated with species richness. That is not necessarily typical for small
mammal trapping efforts. Across the 10 periods, activity was generally consistent with
highest activity during the middle of the summer. The increase is likely due to the
addition of the year’s young. The decline in September may be due to reductions in water
levels such that animals may have had some access to dry banks to pass through the
culverts without using the ledges.
A number of studies have found a relationship between culvert use and characteristics
such as culvert dimension. In Spain, length of the culvert was negatively correlated with a
crossing index for small mammals, whereas height, width, and openness were positively
correlated with the crossing index, which was determined solely from track plates in and
near the culvert (Yanes et al. 1995). The lack of correlation between small mammal
photographs and culvert dimensions in the present study may be due to a small sample
size of six culverts, in comparison with the Spanish study, which had a sample of 17
culverts (Yanes et al. 1995). Another study, using sooted track plates, found a negative
correlation between culvert use and road width for two of five taxa (coyotes [Canis
latrans] and red squirrels [Tamiasciurus hudsonicus]). Small mammals such as mice,
although the most common culvert users, had been removed from subsequent analyses
because their tracks did not show up on track plates adjacent to the culverts (Clevenger et
al. 2001). In another study, landscape variables were important in determining the
probability and frequency of underpass use, whereas dimension variables were more
important in determining the frequency of use (Haas and Crooks 2001).
Another factor that is generally found to relate directly with culvert use is vegetative
cover and/or height. In Montana, use of culverts increased with percent cover and height
of vegetation, although no statistical analyses were conducted on the six culverts
employed in that study (Foresman 2004). The present study did not show that
relationship, and it is suspected that the small number of culverts is a factor.
Mammals have an excellent ability to learn. This is significant to the present study
because animals had to learn to use the ledges. For example, it is likely that if a mouse
accessed a ledge when the ramps were on, it would then have a greater motivation to
access the ledge when the “ramps off” condition was encountered, having previously
learned the utility of this new passageway. However, it is not known whether all the
photographs taken with ramps off were animals that had previously accessed the ledges
when the ramps were on. Because animals were not marked, it also is not known how
many times a particular individual made use of the ledges, or how many different
individual mammals made use of the ledges.
Preble’s meadow jumping mouse is a long-lived small mammal. Whereas deer mice
seldom live one year, Preble’s can live three or four years (Meaney et al. 2002). This
longevity allows for learning to occur. Furthermore, Preble’s are known to travel great
distances. They are excellent dispersers and travel from summering areas to hibernation
sites. These factors combined (i.e., relative longevity and high vagility) suggest a
potential utility of ledges in culverts for Preble’s. However, given that only 3 of the 705
photographs taken during the study documented use by Preble’s, they used the ledges
infrequently. And although long-lived, the majority of individuals will not make it
through one active season. Alternately, if Preble’s are typically 5 percent of the local
small mammal population, and they use the ledges as readily as the other small mammals
that use them, there should have been approximately 35 Preble’s meadow jumping mouse
photos out of the 705 total. However, even if Preble’s movements on ledges are rare,
there still may be tangible benefits of a few animals moving from one side of a culvert to
another, allowing connectivity among adjacent populations. And given the low cost for
installation of permanent ledges, this is a very good value and well worth the effort.
In Australia, a rare small mammal, the mountain pygmy-possum (Burramys parvus), was
experiencing population declines due to fragmentation of its habitat by roads and other
development. By constructing tunnels containing rocks to imitate this marsupial’s habitat
(talus), natural movements were restored and population and survival rates increased
(Mansergh and Scotts 1989, cited in Forman et al. 2003). There is the opportunity for a
similar degree of success with Preble’s meadow jumping mouse.
A telephone survey to evaluate the use and effectiveness of wildlife crossings revealed
that, as of September 2005, there were at least 460 terrestrial and 300 aquatic crossings in
North America. New roads are being planned and constructed with permeability to
wildlife as part of the process (Cramer and Bissonette 2005). Mitigation measures
designed to lessen the impact of roads on wildlife are a necessary and significant
component of a sustainable transportation strategy and, although various techniques are
being employed, there is an urgent need for rigorous evaluation of these measures and for
the development and testing of new ones (Forman et al. 2003).
This is an important area of research and will provide “win-win” solutions for the
enhanced mobility of wildlife in the face of growing transportation corridors. Studies are
currently underway to determine how best to proceed with new roadways with
considerations for animal migrations and movement, underpass/overpass locations, and
construction details (Brodziewska 2005). The present study reveals the utility of
retrofitting existing structures for small mammal passage through culverts and a small but
inexpensive benefit for Preble’s meadow jumping mice.
Conclusions and Recommendations
This two-year study is the first study to our knowledge that applies an experimental
procedure to evaluate the utility to small mammals of ledges installed in culverts. This
appears to offer a significant and inexpensive means for increasing the permeability of
roadways to small mammals. This research project demonstrates that small mammals
readily make use of ledges in water-filled culverts to pass under roadways.
The testing of permanent retrofits is recommended. The present study tests the concept
with materials that will not withstand long-term use. Roscoe Steel and Culvert Company
in Montana sells permanent retrofit ledges ( The
recommendation is to implement a working process with CDOT engineers and staff to
assess the potential use of this retrofit equipment in Colorado, and to test its
effectiveness. It was discovered that the ledge construction used in the Montana study
(metal grating with 1-inch-wide diamond-shaped openings) was not optimal because the
lattice openings were too large for small mammals. The final design used #13 flat
galvanized expanded metal mesh (Foresman 2004). These types of engineering details are
significant and require field-testing in Colorado to maximize the benefits. It may also be
more cost-effective to find a local source for permanent retrofit ledges in Colorado. A
further step recommended for implementation is the development and construction of
culverts with pre-installed ledges. These can be directly formed in the concrete.
Another option includes using multiple-cell culverts that are built under roads. One cell
serves as a low-flow channel, and generally conducts water during the growing season.
The other cell(s) are built at a higher grade, and remain dry except during storm events.
The latter cells can be used by small mammals for passage.
The study of transportation and wildlife is a relatively new field. Much has been learned,
and much remains to be understood. The presence of roads has negative impacts on many
animals for a variety of reasons and culverts appear to have general positive impact on
animal movement. The use of ledges in culverts that contain water is clearly
demonstrated in the present study to facilitate movement by many species of small
mammals. The main recommendation pursuant to the present study is to initiate a
program to install permanent ledges in culverts where Preble’s populations are bisected
by roads. Although the number of Preble’s meadow jumping mice using the ledges was
small, the authors feel that Preble’s have great potential to use these ledges given time
and sufficient exposure to them. In summary, the recommendations for Colorado are:
Expand the study to additional culverts and continue use of ledges in the most
active culverts of the present study, especially in Preble’s meadow jumping
mouse habitat, to better determine factors affecting use by Preble’s;
Develop an appropriate permanent ledge retrofit design locally, or consider
installation of Roscoe Steel ledges and test their utility in Colorado; and
Proactively begin discussions with CDOT engineers for construction/installation
of new culverts that contain built-in ledges.
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Appendix A: Photographs of the Culverts Used in the Study.
Culvert 1. Dry Creek Ditch No. 2 at U.S. 36.
Culvert 2. Marshallville at U.S. 36.
Culvert 3. Goodhue Ditch at U.S. 36. Bird netting visible.
Culvert 4. East Boulder Ditch. This is a round concrete culvert and the smallest diameter
(1 m) of all the culverts.
Culvert 5. Marshallville Ditch at Marshall Road. Both ledge and ramp visible at right;
note strap hinge to connect them.
Culvert 6. South Branch of St. Vrain Creek at Crane Hollow Road. This culvert was
eliminated from the study (see text). Ledge is inside culvert, ramp is on wing wall.
Culvert 7. Davidson Ditch at State Highway 170 in Eldorado Springs.