Design Assist—Collaborative
Design Approach Guidelines
for the Fabricated Structural
Steel Industry
© AISC 2024
American Institute of Steel Construction
All rights reserved. This book or any part thereof must not be reproduced
in any form without the written permission of the publisher.
The AISC logo is a registered trademark of AISC.
The information presented in this publication has been prepared following recognized principles of design
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of this edition.
Part II addresses Design Assist and
Delegated Connection Design as
applied to the fabricated structural
steel industry.
Part II was written by American Institute
of Steel Construction with significant
contribution from the AISC Committee
on the Code of Standard Practice and
a review by AIA Contract Documents.
AIA Contract Documents
AISC Code of Standard Practice
for Steel Buildings and Bridges
(ANSI/AISC 303-22)
AISC Steel Solutions Center
AISC | AIA Contract Documents Design Collaboration on Construction Projects – PART II 3
Design Assist—Collaborative Design Approach
Guidelines for the Fabricated Structural Steel Industry
1.1. Part I AISC Collaboration with AIA and Part II Review by ACD 5
1.2. Summary of Part I and Introduction to Part II 5
1.2.1. Design Assist Defined for Part I 6
1.2.2. Introduction to Part II: Design Assist as Applied to Fabricated Structural Steel 6
2.1. Overview of Design Assist and Design Delegation Model for the Fabricated 8
Structural Steel Industry
2.2. Application to All Common Project Delivery Methods and Contract Forms 8
3.1. General Requirements 9
3.1.1. Topics to Consider 9
3.1.2. Design Assist Work Plan 10
3.1.3. Contractual Role and Responsibility of the Parties 11
3.1.4. Contractual Allegiance of Each Party 11
3.1.5. Qualifications-Based Selection Process (QBS) for Selection of Design Assist 11
Team Members
3.1.6. Checklist for Design Assist Collaboration 11
3.2. Define Designated Organizational Leader and Members of the Design Assist Team 11
3.2.1. Designated Leader of Design Assist Team 11
3.2.2. Design Assist Team Members 11
3.3. Good Faith and Fair Dealing Among the Parties 12
3.4. Roles and Responsibilities of Each Party 12
3.4.1. Owner or Owner’s Agent 12
3.4.2. General Contractor (GC) or Construction Manager (CM) 12
3.4.3. Architect 12
3.4.4. Structural Engineer of Record (SER) 13
3.4.5. Fabricator 14
3.4.6. Erector 15
3.4.7. Other Parties Designated Part of the Design Assist Team 15
3.5. Requirements in ANSI/AISC 360-22, ANSI/AISC 341-22, and the Applicable Building Code 15
3.6. Requirements in the Code of Standard Practice for Steel Buildings and Bridges 15
(ANSI/AISC 303-22)
3.7. Importance of Frequent and Documented Communication Among Parties 16
3.8. Defining and Updating the Project’s Structural Steel Budget 16
3.9. Defining and Updating the Project Schedule 17
AISC | AIA Contract Documents Design Collaboration on Construction Projects – PART II 4
Design Assist—Collaborative Design Approach
Guidelines for the Fabricated Structural Steel Industry
3.10. Timing of Contract Execution with a Fabricator/Erector 17
3.11. Defining Scope, Quantity, and Character of the Work for Structural Steel Fabrication 17
and Erection
3.12. The Role of Contingencies and Allowances 18
3.12.1. Owner Contingency 18
3.12.2. GC or CM Contingency 18
3.12.3. Fabricator/Erector Contingency 18
3.12.4. Allowances 18
3.13. Delegated Connection Design and Allowances 19
3.14. Proprietary Information and Confidentiality 19
AISC | AIA Contract Documents Design Collaboration on Construction Projects – PART II 5
1.1. Part I AISC Collaboration with AIA and Part II Review by ACD
The American Institute of Architects (AIA), through members of the contract documents content
development team and Risk Management Committee, and the American Institute of Steel
Construction (AISC) collaborated on a Part I document published in August 2020 to provide
general guidance about design collaboration on construction projects. This document was entitled
“Delegated Design, Design Assist and Informal Involvement – What Does It All Mean?” Members
of the AIA Contract Documents (ACD) content development team
reviewed Part II for general
conformance with the principles set forth in the Part I document, which addressed three common
collaboration strategies: informal involvement, design assist, and delegated design. All are common
in various parts of the construction industry.
1.2. Summary of Part I and Introduction to Part II
Part I describes in general terms the roles and responsibilities of the various project participants
under each of the three design collaboration strategies and offers definitions and guidelines
that design professionals and the construction industry can adopt for their use. Part I focused
on collaboration strategies that have been employed in the construction industry for decades. It
pointed out that collaboration strategies are routinely used in the design of fire protection systems,
vertical transportation systems, mechanical systems, retaining walls, clean rooms, curtain walls, and
fabricated structural steel, to name a few of the more common applications. These collaboration
strategies range along a continuum from informal discussions (Informal Involvement) all the way to
contractor acceptance of design responsibility for certain defined elements of a project (delegated
design). The goal for each of the collaboration approaches described in Part I is to deliver a
project on a defined schedule and budget, minimizing the costs and impacts of design or other
changes issued later. It was further emphasized that these three collaboration strategies termed
(1) informal involvement, (2) design assist, and (3) delegated design are not considered project
delivery methods, but rather collaborative techniques that can be applied with any delivery method.
These include the traditional design-bid-build method and alternative delivery methods such as
design-build, construction manager at-risk/-advisor, and integrated project delivery as defined by
the Associated General Contractors of America (AGC) and the American Institute of Architects (AIA)
Primer on Project Delivery, 2nd Ed., and the American Institute of Architects (AIA) The Architect’s
Handbook of Professional Practice, 15th Ed.
One collaboration strategy discussed in Part I—informal involvement—is not discussed in Part II. As
explained in Part I, informal involvement is a separate and distinct strategy from design assist and
delegated design; it constitutes an informal exchange of information between a design professional
and contractor where there is typically no agreement, no compensation, and no expectation that
the contractor will guarantee or be responsible for the accuracy of the information provided. Refer
to the Part I document for further explanation.
In late 2020, the AIA partnered with True Wind Capital, a long-term growth-oriented private equity firm focused
on investing in high quality tech companies to invest in the ACD platform and product suite to enhance value to
members and customers. As a result of that partnership, a new business entity was created, ACD Operations LLC.
AIA Contract Documents are now developed through ACD Operations LLC and its content development team in
conjunction with the AIA Contract Documents Committee.
ACD did not review Part II regarding its application in the practice of architecture, the design team selection pro-
cess, or any review or endorsement of the Code of Standard Practice for Steel Buildings and Bridges (ANSI/AISC
303-22) or other published AISC specifications.
AISC | AIA Contract Documents Design Collaboration on Construction Projects – PART II 6
1.2.1. Design Assist Defined for Part I
In Part I, design assist, as applied in general to the various disciplines and systems used today
in the construction industry, was defined as a form of collaboration where a contractor provides
information to assist a design professional, typically before a price for the work has been agreed
upon or before the work has been awarded. The design professional and contractor typically
have separate written contracts with the owner that describe the scope of the contractor’s design
assist services and the extent to which the design professional can rely upon the contractor’s
information. The contractor may incur liability arising under contract for the information it provides,
but the design professional is responsible for incorporating and coordinating the contractor’s
information into its design and maintains professional responsibility for the overall design. It was
pointed out in Part I that the term “contractor” as referenced for the different disciplines and
building components commonly used on a project can apply to general contractors, construction
managers, specialty contractors, subcontractors, suppliers, and product manufacturers.
1.2.2. Introduction to Part II: Design Assist as Applied to Fabricated Structural Steel
This document complements Part I by describing in detail how two collaboration strategies
(design assist and delegated connection design) are currently applied specifically to fabricated
structural steel. For the purposes of this Part II document, the term “design assist” as it applies
to the structural steel industry is defined as follows:
A form of collaboration where a structural steel fabricator and/or erector (or a fabricator/
erector team under one contract, depending on project circumstances) provides information
under a contract with the owner or other party as designated by the owner, to assist a
structural engineer of record (SER) and other designated members of the design assist team
with the design of the structural steel for buildings or building-like structures.
The collaboration typically begins early in the design phase. The design assist fabricator/erector
contractor can be selected and potentially contracted to provide design assist work as early as
the conceptual design and as late as the construction document phase. The ability to impact
design diminishes with the progression of design completion.
In some cases, the design assist fabricator/erector team is contracted early with provisions to either
continue or terminate their engagement, depending on the perceived success of the design assist
efforts. The design assist team normally consists of the owner or owner’s agent, a construction
manager (CM) or general contractor (GC), architect, structural engineer of record (SER), fabricator/
erector and other members as agreed to by the design assist team. The design assist team member
participants will vary depending upon the delivery method used on the project and the owner’s
retention of a construction manager or other consultant to assist the owner in administering the
project. Note that Part II of this document uses the term “fabricator/erector” as if they are contracted
as one entity. When that is not the case on a project, the guidelines described can be applied to each
party separately as deemed appropriate for the project.
AISC | AIA Contract Documents Design Collaboration on Construction Projects – PART II 7
As parties enter a design assist process, there are several challenges that should be carefully
managed. First, there is the acknowledgment that design assist is itself not a unique delivery
method, but rather a form of collaboration that can be used with any project delivery method.
Second, all parties must manage expectations by clearly defining their responsibilities throughout
the collaboration process. This is particularly true in a fast-track environment where the design
assist and delivery process are proceeding without many of the important decisions having been
made and the architectural and structural design are still evolving—and possibly changing—to
accommodate the owner’s evolving project goals and program. It is important that the parties
acknowledge this dynamic and clearly define in their agreements the financial obligations and
schedule changes that may be required during the design assist process. This includes a need
to define how those changes will be identified, communicated, documented, agreed to, and
AISC | AIA Contract Documents Design Collaboration on Construction Projects – PART II 8
2.1. Overview of Design Assist and Design Delegation Model for the Fabricated Structural Steel
The design community and steel construction industry have long promoted collaborative design
strategies in the fabrication and erection of structural steel. With the fabricator/erector’s input, the
structural steel can be designed so it can be fabricated and erected more efficiently and rapidly to
shorten the schedule, providing earlier site access to other trades and earlier project occupancy
when this collaborative process is properly employed. Scheduling efficiency for structural steel
translates to cost savings by one or more of the following:
Reducing the overall critical path by completing the structure sooner,
Reducing general condition costs with a shorter construction schedule,
Increasing revenue from early occupancy due to faster construction, and
Reducing the likelihood of changes during construction.
For the last several decades, collaboration and early involvement by fabricators and erectors have
been used in the fabricated structural steel industry to enhance its advantages in accelerated design
and construction. The practice has been identified in the marketplace as “early involvement,” “fast
track construction,” “alternate delivery,” and more recently as “design assist.” The term “design
assist” has become common jargon in the design and construction industry, yet to date there is no
universally accepted definition of this term. Depending on how each party defines this involvement,
the framework of the relationship can vary from project to project, leaving some contractors
to wonder exactly what their roles, responsibilities, and liabilities are when they offer design
input. Contracts on some projects are often unclear about the responsibilities for design assist
involvement. A specific design assist contract is required to overcome these problems.
This document provides a clear definition of the term “design assist” as it applies to the fabricated
structural steel industry, clearly defines the responsibilities of all parties involved, and provides
explicit guidelines on how it can be applied to achieve the objectives described above for reduced
cost, reduced schedule, and increased success for all the parties involved.
The main goal of fabricators and erectors that pursue design assist projects is to participate in early
stages of project development to bring steel-specific input to the design, planning, budgeting,
and scheduling process so they can participate in a successful project as the selected fabricator/
erector team. Fabricator/erectors’ business plans seldom include providing stand-alone design
services. The design assist work plan should consider the fabricator/erector’s main goal, because the
compensation paid for the design assist work alone and the potential risk involved may make this
involvement unattractive to many fabricators and erectors.
2.2. Application to All Common Project Delivery Methods and Contract Forms
It was stated in Part I and repeated here in Part II, that design assist is a collaborative strategy that
can be applied to all the common delivery methods in vogue today, including design-bid-build
(DBB) and alternative delivery methods such as design-build (DB), construction manager at risk (CM
at-risk), and integrated project delivery (IPD).
AISC | AIA Contract Documents Design Collaboration on Construction Projects – PART II 9
3.1. General Requirements
3.1.1. Topics to Consider
Each project that uses a design assist approach must consider the following before an
agreement is reached among the parties and must develop a work plan that assigns roles and
responsibilities. The typical topics to be considered by members of the design assist team are
listed below and discussed further in the following text. (Refer also to Appendix A for items to
consider in a checklist form). Note the design assist process and sequence of items listed below
may vary for each project.
Topic 1: Identify owner, owner’s agent, or owner contact representative who has authority to
make decisions on behalf of owner.
Topic 2: Define the delivery method to be used for the project, typically DBB, DB, CM at-risk,
or IPD.
Topic 3: Identify design assist team members for the project consistent with the delivery method.
The qualifications-based selection process (QBS) described in this section is ideally suited.
Topic 4: Define the leader of the design assist team and their responsibilities.
Topic 5: Define the entity that holds the contract with the design assist fabricator/erector and
the compensation that will be paid for the design assist work. This may vary with the delivery
method selected and the owner’s preference.
Topic 6: Define whether, and under what conditions, the design assist fabricator/erector will
be allowed by contract to bid the work and to serve as the fabricator/erector performing the
work for the project. Define any conditions for performing the work, if applicable to the delivery
Topic 7: Prepare and execute a formal design assist work plan that defines the roles and
responsibilities of each member of the design assist team.
Topic 8: Define the contractual roles and responsibilities for each member of the design assist
team and confirm that the contract for each member includes and is consistent with the design
assist process and design assist work plan as they evolve. This may require later contract
modifications depending on the sequence and timing of contract execution for the various
parties of the design assist team.
Topic 9: Define the overall target project budget as well as the target budget assigned
specifically to structural steel fabrication and erection. Note that the target budget could change
for a variety of reasons as changes are made during the project.
Topic 10: Define management of the project contingencies for unknown items carried by the
owner and other parties such as the contractor [CM, GC, or owner’s designated representative
for construction (ODRC)] and fabricator/erector to avoid duplicated contingencies.
Topic 11: Define the various allowances carried for known items of unquantifiable cost at the
time of contract execution; this includes a separate allowance carried for connections that have
been delegated to be designed by the fabricator. Refer to the Code of Standard Practice for
Steel Buildings and Bridges (ANSI/AISC 303-22) Section 3.2.3(3) Option 3 requirements for
delegation of connection design to a fabricator. Note that these allowances could change if
design changes are made during the project.
AISC | AIA Contract Documents Design Collaboration on Construction Projects – PART II 10
Topic 12: Develop a project schedule with milestone dates for key decisions and deliverables for
each party. Note, too, that the schedule could change as changes are made during the project.
Topic 13: Review ANSI/AISC 303-22 to clearly define and document any contractual provisions
with the fabricator/erector that constitute “specific instructions to the contrary” as required by
Section 1.1 and other sections of ANSI/AISC 303-22. (Refer to Appendix B of this document.)
Topic 14: Define the scope, quantity, and character of work for the project that will be part of the
contract with the fabricator/erector. (Refer to Appendix C of this document.)
Topic 15: Review Section 3.2 of ANSI/AISC 303-22 pertaining to information required to be
shown and included on the contract documents, allowances to be defined for incomplete or
undefined information, and how the project is to be managed as information becomes available
or changes are made during the project. Review Section A4.2 of the Specification for Structural
Steel Buildings (ANSI/AISC 360-22) for requirements pertaining to structural design documents
and specifications. These references include requirements related to bidding of structural steel
for fabrication and erection as well as the basis of a contract with a fabricator/erector.
Topic 16: Establish clear lines of communication among all the parties to the design assist team.
Set up and require regular meetings throughout the project and provide a written record of the
meetings including action items and dates for resolution to all members of the design assist
team. Provide written documentation of all decisions that affect all team members. Commit to
freely sharing information that is necessary to accomplish the work.
Topic 17: Execute the contract with the fabricator/erector as soon as practical and prior to the
commitment of financial resources by the fabricator/erector (e.g., ordering structural steel;
placing mill orders; starting detailing, fabrication and erection activities, etc.).
Topic 18: Closely monitor and document any changes to the design, project schedule, and
milestones that affect the project budget and cost of the work. Formally approve in a timely
manner any changes that affect the schedule or cost of the work.
Topic 19: Consider defining an alternative dispute resolution process for the project to avoid
potential expensive and time-consuming litigation.
Topic 20: Resolve items of conflict among the design assist team members in a timely and
professional manner as they become known.
The design assist guidelines and key items to consider as described herein are intended to serve
as a general reference applicable to most fabricated structural steel projects. Of course, each
project has its own delivery method and set of circumstances that may warrant modifications
to the enclosed guidelines. The design assist work plan should be modified as required to
accommodate actual project conditions with input and agreement among all the affected
Additional issues that should be considered on each project are provided in the sections that
follow. A checklist of items to consider is presented in Appendix A as a convenient reference.
3.1.2. Design Assist Work Plan
The information discussed in this document serves as a guideline for the design assist team to
develop a formal work plan agreed to by all design assist team members. The work plan should
be agreed to and signed by all parties or referenced in a memorandum of understanding signed
by all parties. This practice will help to manage expectations and help ensure that all parties
have a clear understanding of their responsibilities as well as those of the other team members.
AISC | AIA Contract Documents Design Collaboration on Construction Projects – PART II 11
3.1.3. Contractual Role and Responsibility of the Parties
Each member participating in the design assist collaborative effort should have their role and
responsibility as defined in the work plan be clearly reflected in their respective contract. The
owner or designated agent should review all the contracts for coordination of the roles and
responsibilities assigned to each design assist team member.
3.1.4. Contractual Allegiance of Each Party
Each participant in the design assist work plan should designate their contractual relationship
as identified in each party’s contract. Knowledge of contractual relationships helps to provide
transparency throughout the design assist process.
3.1.5. Qualifications-Based Selection (QBS) Process for Selection of Design Assist Team
Owners should give careful consideration to the process used to select the members of the
design assist team. A QBS process is recommended as endorsed by American Council of
Engineering Companies (ACEC). As the name implies, selection is primarily based on the
necessary qualifications that each member brings to the team as related to the design assist
process; experience; a demonstrable record of teamwork; and success with the particular project
type, size, and complexity. While fees are always an important consideration, fee alone should
not be the primary driver of the selection process as it may not always yield the best results. It
is noteworthy that the federal government endorses a QBS approach as defined in the 1972
Brooks Bill which outlines the details of the QBS process.
3.1.6. Checklist for Design Assist Collaboration
Refer to Appendix A here for a detailed checklist that can be used in the planning and execution
of a structural steel project utilizing design assist. It can be modified to suit actual project
conditions which can vary for any given project.
3.2. Define the Designated Organizational Leader and Members of the Design Assist Team
3.2.1. Designated Leader of Design Assist Team
One of the project stakeholders must be designated as the organizational leader of the design
assist collaborative effort. Depending upon the delivery method used and the relationships
between the owner and design assist team members, this could be the owner/owner’s agent
directly, the GC/CM, the architect, or the structural engineer. All project stakeholders should
understand who is the designated organizational leader of the design assist process, and that
leader’s role and corresponding responsibilities should be reflected in the various contracts of
the design assist team members.
3.2.2. Design Assist Team Members
The members of the design assist team must be clearly identified. This generally includes the
owner and/or owner’s agent as applicable, GC or CM as applicable, architect, structural engineer
of record, fabricator/erector and any licensed engineer hired by them (if applicable), a delegated
connection designer employed by the fabricator (if applicable), the steel detailer, and any other
appropriate party designated by the leader of the design assist team.
AISC | AIA Contract Documents Design Collaboration on Construction Projects – PART II 12
3.3. Good Faith and Fair Dealing Among the Parties
It is crucial to the success of any design assist project that all designated team members act in
accordance with their duty for fair dealing, which is a fundamental concept of contract law, along
with meeting their contractual obligations. At a minimum this requires the parties to deal with each
other honestly, fairly, and in good faith. Efforts to work together as a dedicated team with mutual
trust and respect for each fellow team member should bolster the efficiency in using a design assist
3.4. Roles and Responsibilities of Each Party
Depending on the delivery method chosen for the project, the roles and responsibilities of the
design assist team members may vary. This is demonstrated in some typical cases that are discussed
in Appendix D and the flow charts shown in Figures D-1 through D-3.
3.4.1. Owner or Owner’s Agent
The owner or owner’s agent must establish a detailed project program in collaboration with the
architect and other design assist team members. The program should identify project functions
and space planning that are anticipated. In addition, the initial target budget, target start date,
and a target substantial completion date of the project should be established. If the owner or
owner’s agent is designated as the organizational leader of the design assist team, this role
should be established at the start of the design assist effort. It is critical that the owner works
with the team members to make all decisions in a timely manner and avoid unexpected changes
as the architectural design and structural design progresses. When untimely changes are made,
they can often lead to delays in the schedule and increases in the cost of the work. Any changes
from past decisions that are made as the project proceeds should be documented for record.
3.4.2. General Contractor (GC) or Construction Manager (CM)
Depending on the delivery method chosen and the owner’s preference, the GC or CM is often
designated as the leader of the design assist team. In this role, the GC/CM manages the overall
design assist team and is responsible for establishing effective and regular communication guidelines
among the parties. This includes establishing regular project meetings; setting goals and deadlines
for assigned tasks; and documenting all decisions made at the meetings. The GC/CM maintains the
target budget and project schedule and updates them based on updated drawings and information
requested from the various parties at designated milestones agreed to in the design assist work plan.
3.4.3. Architect
The architect normally works with the owner to establish the project program, a target budget,
and desired target schedule for substantial completion of the project. The design assist process
can serve to inform the architect and the overall building design about design options, cost, and
schedule. The architect can then develop plans and specifications at designated milestone dates
and distribute such documents to the design assist team in a timely fashion as defined in the
design assist work plan.
AISC | AIA Contract Documents Design Collaboration on Construction Projects – PART II 13
Most accelerated schedule projects demand that the architect and other project consultants
commit to establishing a building design early on, while requesting critical information from
the owner in a specified order and according to the predetermined target schedule established
by the GC/CM. This process allows the structural design to proceed with early foundation
permitting, early mill orders, and other critical path items in a phased construction schedule
that reduces construction time. The architect and structural engineer must work together to
furnish the critical information needed by the GC/CM and the fabricator/erector to establish
construction costs and set the construction schedule according to the work plan that evolves in
the design assist process. Column locations, grid lines, and the overall building geometry should
be established early on so the structural engineer can proceed with the structural design. The
design assist work plan can then inform the architect in developing the architectural design in
a sequence and timing that allows the structural design to proceed in an orderly fashion with
minimal changes that could delay the schedule. Unexpected changes to the owner’s program
and the architectural design that violate the established work plan can be avoided. These
changes often lead to increases in the project cost and schedule. The design assist process can
serve to avoid these problems.
3.4.4. Structural Engineer of Record (SER)
The structural engineer of record (SER), frequently referred to as the engineer of record (EOR),
bears the responsibility to produce a structural design that meets the requirements of the
applicable building code and accommodate the cost and schedule reflecting the work plan
established by mutual agreement among design assist team members. This requires close
collaboration with the architect and other project consultants to advance the building design
in the order and sequence that accommodates the project cost and schedule as defined in the
work plan.
The architect and structural engineer working together should clearly define the complete
building geometry and then maintain that geometry as much as possible throughout the
subsequent design development. This includes all column locations and gridlines; floor and roof
elevations; floor edge locations; building elevations and sections; connection type limitations;
acceptable lateral system and brace locations; and all other information required by the
fabricator to commence ordering materials and preparing fabrication documents as dictated by
the project schedule.
The structural engineer and fabricator/erector should work together to decide upon preferred
connection types, material preferences, and desired fabrication/erection methods to optimize
the structural system. The SER must be willing and able to collaborate with the fabricator/
erector, seeking input from the multiple departments (such as purchasing, shipping, detailing,
fabrication, erection, and estimating). The SER must then be willing and able to incorporate
the agreed-upon components into the final design. A detailed list of items required by the
structural design to allow construction to commence can be found in ANSI/AISC 303-22
Section 3.1, “Structural Design Documents and Specifications Issued for Construction.” Further
guidelines for partially complete design documents that may be issued as contract documents
to accommodate an accelerated schedule can be found in ANSI/AISC 303-22 Section 3.2.2,
“Structural Design Documents and Specifications Issued as Contract Documents.” These
sections of ANSI/AISC 303-22 cover the SER’s issuance of design documents and specifications
that serve as construction and/or contract documents for the fabricator/erector.
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3.4.5. Fabricator
The fabricator is clearly a key participant and crucial to the success of any design assist structural
steel project, working in close collaboration with the rest of the team to optimize the design,
minimize cost, and accommodate the project schedule. Their design assist consulting services
include providing information about the quality, availability, and cost of materials; fabrication
costs; and connection types best suited to the structural engineer’s design intent. The fabricator/
erector’s role is to gather and disseminate information from all internal departments and
effectively communicate it to the SER and other members of the design assist team.
The type of information and level of assistance can vary by project. Items to consider include
the following: material availability and cost: shipping implications that impact design; pricing
estimates for alternate designs; material versus labor cost tradeoffs; connection preferences;
and other input that has the potential to improve the design and construction process. Given
the wide variation in industry practice over recent years, it is essential that the scope of work,
responsibilities, project conditions, and expectations be clearly laid out and documented in the
design assist work plan and contract with the fabricator/erector.
When project specifications reference ANSI/AISC 303-22 as a controlling document, the trade
practices and industry standards defined within it are mandatory unless specific instructions
to the contrary are provided in the contract documents. In a design assist project involving
fabricated structural steel, the fabricator/erector serving in a design assist consulting role must
be compensated for their design assist consulting services. If applicable to the project and
project delivery method, the parties should establish the conditions and timing for implementing
a contract beyond the agreement for initial consulting services. Refer to Section 3.10 of this
document for specific requirements.
The design assist team should together establish allowances for any portion of the structural
design that is incomplete when the fabricator’s contract commences as defined in Section 9 of
ANSI/AISC 303-22. The allowances will be converted to final costs at a time when the design
is complete and the cost of the work can reasonably be determined by the fabricator. Refer to
Section 3.12 of this document for specific requirements.
When the SER elects to delegate the connection design to the fabricator, it must follow the
requirements defined in ANSI/AISC 303-22 Section 3.2.3(3) Option 3; and it is required that
allowances be established for the fabrication and erection of all connections until such a time
when the connections are designed by the delegated connection designer and approved by the
SER. A guarantee of the contract price and contract time from a fabricator/erector should not be
sought until the scope of work has been defined to an extent that will allow for accurate pricing
and scheduling and there is a fair accommodation of allowances and contingencies. Refer to
Section 3.13 of this document for discussion of delegated connection design and the required
allowances for it.
AISC | AIA Contract Documents Design Collaboration on Construction Projects – PART II 15
3.4.6. Erector
In many cases, the fabricator and erector will be a single entity under one contract and
the conditions described in the previous section apply to both parties. If the erector has a
separate design assist contract, the same conditions described for the fabricator apply to the
erector in the design assist planning, management, and execution. Erector input can include
considerations such as crane requirements, erection sequencing, bolt/weld preference, and
other factors that can guide an efficient design. ANSI/AISC 303-22 Section 7 states that the
erector may plan the erection process in the most efficient manner consistent with the contract
3.4.7. Other Parties Designated Part of the Design Assist Team
Depending on the type of project and project conditions, the owner may elect to include other
members as part of the design assist team. Possible examples include the delegated connection
designer and the designated structural steel detailer employed by the fabricator/erector to
prepare fabrication and erection documents.
3.5. Requirements in ANSI/AISC 360-22, ANSI/AISC 341-22, and the Applicable Building Code
The 2022 edition of the Specification for Structural Steel Buildings (ANSI/AISC 360-22) and the
Seismic Provisions for Structural Steel Buildings (ANSI/AISC 341-22) both contain updated and new
requirements for design documents and specifications issued for construction. These requirements
are specifically established to address the final documents that are to be used to construct the
building and therefore deal directly with life safety and serviceability requirements. Both standards
(ANSI/AISC 360 and ANSI/AISC 341) are referenced in most applicable building codes, including
the International Building Code.
The requirements stated in Section A4 of the 2022 editions of both ANSI/AISC standards are legally
required to have the force of law by virtue of their incorporation into most building codes. It is
important that the entire design assist team have a thorough understanding of these requirements
when the final scope of work and responsibilities are defined within the respective contracts of each
party. ANSI/AISC 360-22 Section A4 also addresses requirements for releasing design documents
and specifications in general, as well as proper labeling of these documents to define their purpose
and date of issue. A new ANSI/AISC 360-22 Section A5 addresses the requirements for review and
approval of the structural design documents and specifications issued for construction.
3.6. Requirements in the Code of Standard Practice for Steel Buildings and Bridges
(ANSI/AISC 303-22)
A fundamental principle of design assist as applied to structural steel is that in the absence of
any specific instructions to the contrary in the contract documents, the trade practices defined in
ANSI/AISC 303-22 govern the fabrication and erection of the structural steel on a project. Section
1.1 of the Code states that the contract with the fabricator/erector shall identify by Code section
number any specific instructions to the contrary that deviate from the design documents and
specifications. These new requirements are intended to help ensure a common understanding of
the scope of work and conditions of the contract for the work. Section 1.1 also makes it clear that
any modifications specified must be fair and balanced without shifting risk unfairly to any of the
parties to the contract. A summary of items that are considered as industry custom and practice
applicable to the contract with a fabricator/erector, unless specific modifications are identified on
the structural documents or specifically identified by Code section number in the contract, can be
found in Appendix B of this document.
AISC | AIA Contract Documents Design Collaboration on Construction Projects – PART II 16
ANSI/AISC 303-22 and ANSI/AISC 360-22 Section A4 contain new requirements for issuing
structural design documents that are to be used for any purpose, such as budget pricing,
guaranteed maximum pricing (GMP), for permit, for mill order, or issued for construction. Design
documents and specifications that are issued for construction by the SER must include the
requirements as contained in Section A4 of both ANSI/AISC 360-22 and ANSI/AISC 341-22 as well
as the applicable building code. ANSI/AISC 360-22 Section A4.2 requires design documents and
specifications released for any other purpose by another party to have proper labeling by the SER
with the purpose and date. ANSI/AISC 303-22 Section 3.2.2 also requires incomplete contract
documents (such as structural design documents, specifications, or a contract for structural steel
that specify items the team knows will be part of a project but that have not yet been completely
defined) to incorporate specific monetary allowances reflecting mutual agreement of the design
assist team. These allowances are also required to address specific connections that are delegated
by the SER as defined in ANSI/AISC 303-22 Section 3.2.3(3) for Option 3. Once the design of
these items is complete and defined so that accurate costs for the work can be determined, the
allowances are converted to actual costs in the contract for construction per ANSI/AISC 303-22
Section 9.1.5.
3.7. Importance of Frequent and Documented Communication Among Parties
For design assist to be successful, it is imperative that regular, open, and candid communications
and project meetings occur with all the design assist team members. The project meetings should
address project progress, potential problems, updates on the responsibilities of each party,
action items, and documentation of all decisions made during the design assist process. A written
record of project meetings and all decisions made should be compiled for the project record
and distributed to all members of the design assist team for review. This places a burden and
responsibility on the organizational leader of the design assist team to help the owner ensure that
the cost of all items is being accounted for on a project. Each member of the design assist team
must provide input to the process to ensure that the owner’s program is satisfied in the final design
and construction within the established budget and schedule.
3.8. Defining and Updating the Project’s Structural Steel Budget
Alternate delivery methods using accelerated design and construction with design assist require
that the design assist team discuss and define appropriate contingencies for items they don’t
anticipate. Allowances for items not sufficiently defined at the time of contract execution with the
fabricator/erector should also be established. The allowances should be converted to actual agreed-
upon construction costs as these costs are determined.
For this process to be successful, it is important that careful upfront planning and regular
communication occur throughout the project among all the parties to the design assist team. For
items where allowances have been established for known items of unknown cost, the contract with
the fabricator/erector should clearly define the agreed-upon scope, quantity, and character of the
work. Refer to Appendix C for guidelines for addressing the scope, quantity, and character of the
work for structural steel fabrication and erection. The design assist planning process should consider
potential costs and scheduling of other trades that interact with structural steel based on past
experience of the design assist team members.
AISC | AIA Contract Documents Design Collaboration on Construction Projects – PART II 17
3.9. Defining and Updating the Project Schedule
Developing an accurate project schedule requires careful planning among all team members
with regular and frequent communication to update the schedule as the design progresses.
Interruptions or changes to the normal sequence and flow of the work as established by the
project schedule, because of owner program changes, structural design, detailing, connection
design, fabrication document preparation, fabrication, shipping, delivery, or unloading of
components for erection can have a negative effect on fabrication and erection costs. Untimely
owner program changes or architectural design changes can lead to changes in the structural
design, detailing, fabrication documents, and/or fabrication schedules, all of which can impact
fabrication and erection costs as well as design fees for the A/E team. These changes must be
properly addressed for the success of any design assist approach.
3.10. Timing of Contract Execution with a Fabricator/Erector
It is required that the fabricator/erector be compensated for design assist services pursuant to a
formal design assist consultant agreement. The conditions and timing upon which a contract for
the fabricator/erector may be executed (beyond the initial design assist consulting services) for the
actual fabrication and erection of the structural steel is an owner option that can vary depending
on project conditions. As the structural design evolves and the fabricator/erector updates the cost
and schedule to conform to the owner’s budget, a new contract or earlier contract modification
can be executed as an owner option to also fabricate and erect the structural steel.
There must be a clear understanding that the owner may terminate the fabricator/erector’s design
assist consulting services at any point before the final design if the fabricator/erector states that
they can no longer accommodate the SER’s design and comes to an agreement with the owner
on the final cost and schedule of the work. If the owner and fabricator/erector agree on the final
cost and schedule for the work at the end of the designated structural design and design assist
consulting services period, then a new or extended contract can be executed for the fabrication
and erection work. Otherwise, the owner retains the right to bid the design as completed by the
SER through the design assist process with the stipulation that the fabricator/erector does not
retain ownership of its design assist contributions.
Clearly, under this scenario, it is in every party’s best interest to plan the project carefully and
maintain the established budget and schedule to optimize the chances for success of the design
assist project. In any case, it is recommended that a formal construction contract be in place
to fabricate and erect the structural steel prior to any materials being ordered and any cost
commitments made for ordering of material, detailing services, or other costs associated with the
final agreed-upon fabrication and erection work.
3.11. Defining Scope, Quantity, and Character of the Work for Structural Steel Fabrication
and Erection
One of the biggest challenges faced by the design assist team is identifying accurate allowances
in the budget for work that is not completely defined at the time the final budget for the work
is established, which is usually at the end of the design assist period. This is particularly true for
connection design work that is delegated to a fabricator but defined only conceptually on the
structural design documents and specifications issued for establishing a final budget for the work.
ANSI/AISC 303-22 Section 3.2.4(2) requires that the SER show project-specific connection details
with sufficient information to accurately estimate the work. Experience has shown that a large
portion of the fabricated structural steel cost is in the detailing, shop fabrication labor, and erection
time associated with connections and member reinforcement required at connections.
AISC | AIA Contract Documents Design Collaboration on Construction Projects – PART II 18
Another challenge is defining the scope, quantity, and character of the work on a project so that
equitable adjustments in the cost of the work can be made when changes in the design occur
that lead to change order requests. Refer to Appendix C for guidelines on factors to consider in
defining the scope, quantity, and character of the work required to determine accurate fabrication
and erection costs.
3.12. The Role of Contingencies and Allowances
It is common and responsible practice for the design assist team members to establish reasonable
contingencies in the project budget to accommodate unforeseen costs that can occur as well as
allowances for items known to be required but not quantifiable at the time of contract execution. It
is acknowledged that in some cases contingency costs are not necessarily shared with all members
of the design assist team. However, the more transparency there can be in the design assist
process with shared budget information, the more opportunity there is for avoiding a duplication
of costs that can lead to an expanded budget.
3.12.1. Owner Contingency
The owner usually carries a monetary contingency to cover additions, modifications, and
omissions that can occur in the scope of the work as the design progresses.
3.12.2. GC or CM Contingency
The GC or CM typically carries a monetary contingency specified in its contract with the owner
to cover the cost of risks in construction. This contingency should include unexpected and
unforeseen costs associated with all facets of the GC/CM’s contractual responsibilities, including
fabrication and erection, but excluding all design-associated issues. Unexpected or unforeseen
costs associated with any design-related issues are treated as changes and are governed by the
appropriate contractual change order provisions. A design assist process that is well-conceived
and carried out may mitigate the number of structural steel design changes and, thus, limit
disputes and allow for a more efficient construction process. Consideration should be given to
additional costs associated with the work of other trades.
3.12.3. Fabricator/Erector Contingency
It is recommended that the fabricator/erector also carry a structural steel contingency for items
that, based on experience in the industry, may cause unforeseen costs and schedule extensions.
It is important that transparency among the parties be maintained through discussion in project
meetings to avoid unnecessary duplication. Some owners may prefer to have one contingency
amount from all subcontractors included in the contractor’s contingency.
3.12.4. Allowances
For any portion of the architectural and structural design that has known but undefined or
incomplete items that are not addressed by the design documents during the design assist
period, the design assist team must establish mutually agreed upon allowances for the
fabrication and erection of those items as discussed in ANSI/AISC 303-22 Sections 3.2.2 and
9. The allowances are converted to actual costs at a time when the design is complete and the
fabricator/erector can make accurate cost and schedule determinations.
AISC | AIA Contract Documents Design Collaboration on Construction Projects – PART II 19
3.13. Delegated Connection Design and Allowances
For projects selecting Option 3 for delegated connection design under ANSI/AISC 303-22 Section
3.2.3(3), the connections defined and shown conceptually by the structural engineer on the design
documents are to be used as the basis for mutually agreed-upon allowances. ANSI/AISC 303-22
defines allowances in the glossary and Section 9 discusses them further.
Allowances may also be required for licensing of proprietary technology to be used in the structural
steel design, such as proprietary seismic connections. The delegated connection design process
demands careful consideration of all the different connection types applicable to all the different
member sizes and types envisioned on the project. The scope, quantity, and character of the
work for the identified member and connection types (including material quantity for connections
and member reinforcement, shop labor costs, shipping costs, and erection costs) must be carefully
developed into applicable allowances. These allowances must be documented in the contract with
the fabricator/erector. Once the connections are designed and the fabricator/erector can accurately
determine the final fabrication and erection costs, the allowances specified in the contract are
converted to final costs for the work per ANSI/AISC 303-22 Section 9.1.5. The GC/CM must manage
the process of monitoring and evaluating the fabrication/erection budget as it evolves during the
design assist process via updates from the fabricator/erector team in close collaboration with the
structural engineer. Refer to Appendix C of this document for guidelines on developing allowances
based on the scope, quantity, and character of the work as defined in ANSI/AISC 303-22.
3.14. Proprietary Information and Confidentiality
Project participants may have proprietary approaches to their work that provide an advantage over
competitors—which may be lost if reasonable precautions are not taken to prevent disclosure. The
nature of design assist will likely encourage sharing of such information during the design process.
Parties with proprietary information may seek to protect their information from unintended third-
party disclosure through reasonable means, such as confidentiality and non-disclosure agreements.
The use of such agreements is encouraged to incentivize open discussion.
AISC | AIA Contract Documents Design Collaboration on Construction Projects – PART II 20
Part I of the AIA/AISC collaboration resulted in a paper recently published entitled “Delegated Design,
Design Assist and Informal Involvement – What Does It All Mean.” It describes in general terms the roles
and responsibilities of the project participants under each of three design collaboration strategies and
offers definitions and guidelines that design professionals and the construction industry can adopt for their
use. The three strategies were identified as informal collaboration, design assist, and delegated design.
Part I focused on collaboration strategies that have been employed in the construction industry for
decades. It pointed out that collaboration strategies are routinely used in the design of fire protection
systems, vertical transportation systems, mechanical systems, retaining walls, clean rooms, curtain walls,
and fabricated structural steel, to name a few of the more common applications. These collaboration
strategies range along a continuum from informal discussions all the way to contractor acceptance
of responsibility for certain defined elements of a project. It was further emphasized that the three
collaboration strategies described are not considered project delivery methods but rather collaborative
techniques that can be applied with any delivery methods that are used. These include the traditional
design-bid-build method and alternative delivery methods such as design-build, CM at-risk or as advisor,
and integrated project delivery.
This document is Part II of that paper, describing in detail how two collaboration strategies, design
assist and delegated connection design, are currently being applied specifically to fabricated structural
steel. It can be applied to all the common contract forms and delivery methods in use today in the
construction industry. Section 3 outlines in detail the fundamental principles involved in applying a
design assist strategy for fabricated structural steel. Each of the principles described is important to the
success of the strategy. The parties must deal with each other honestly, fairly, and in good faith to help
ensure the success of the project. A written design assist work plan defining roles and responsibilities
is recommended; open, honest, and regular communication among the team members is essential for
the success of this process. All communication and meeting decisions should be documented for the
record. Three example cases of design assist models that have been used successfully on many different
structure types, project sizes, and degrees of complexity are presented for reference. These examples
are described in detail in Appendix D and the Figures D-1 through D-3 flow charts.
As the parties enter a design assist collaboration model, there are several challenges that should be
carefully managed. All parties must manage expectations by clearly defining the responsibilities of each
of the parties in the collaboration process. This is particularly true in a fast-track environment where
the delivery process is occurring before many of the important decisions have been made and the
architectural and structural design are still evolving (and possibly changing) to accommodate the owner’s
evolving project goals and program. It is important that the parties acknowledge this context and clearly
define the contractual obligations for financial and schedule adjustments that are to be made as changes
occur during the process. This includes a need to define how those changes will be identified, agreed to,
communicated, documented, and compensated.
AISC | AIA Contract Documents Design Collaboration on Construction Projects – PART II 21
Appendix A outlines the design assist procedure in a checklist form for convenient reference in managing
the design assist process. Appendix B and Table B-1 provide a checklist for managing the design assist
plan in conjunction with ANSI/AISC 303-22, which describes trade practices and industry standards that
apply to design assist collaboration in all delivery methods. Note that when project specifications invoke
ANSI/AISC 303-22, it applies as written unless specific instructions to the contrary are documented in the
contract documents or shown in the structural design documents and specifications. Finally, Appendix
C and Table C-1 provide detailed guidelines for defining the scope, quantity, and character to establish
allowances for unquantifiable work to be performed by a fabricator/erector. The criteria described can be
used to establish the basis for the original contract cost and cost parameters that can be used to assess
any changes to the scope as the design is completed and any changes are made during the design
and construction phases of the project. Criteria are also presented for defining owner and contractor
contingencies for unanticipated work as well as for establishing allowances for known work that cannot
be reasonably estimated at the time of executing the contract with the fabricator/erector. This includes
establishing an allowance for the cost of connections when delegated connection design (Option 3 in
ANSI/AISC 303-22) is specified by the structural engineer. Appendix D provides several model examples
for how the design assist process can work for different contract types.
AISC | AIA Contract Documents Design Collaboration on Construction Projects – PART II 22
AESS (architecturally exposed structural steel)
ACD (AIA Contract Documents)
AGC (Associated General Contractors of America)
AIA (American Institute of Architects)
AISC (American Institute of Steel Construction)
CM (construction manager)
CM at-risk (construction manager at-risk)
DB (design-build)
DBB (design-bid-build)
EOR (engineer of record)
GC (general contractor)
IPD (integrated project delivery)
ODRC (owner’s designated representative for construction, often the GC or CM depending on delivery
ODRD (owner’s designated representative for design, often the SER or EOR)
QBS (qualifications-based selection)
RFI (request for information)
SER (structural engineer of record)
Allowance. A monetary amount included in a contract as a placeholder for work that is anticipated but
not defined at the time the contract is executed.
Contract documents. The documents that define the responsibilities of the parties that are involved in
bidding, fabricating, and erecting structural steel. Contract documents include the design documents,
the specifications, and the contract.
Design assist (as applied to the structural steel industry). A form of collaboration where a fabricator and
erector (or a fabricator/erector team under one contract, depending on project circumstances) provide
information under a design assist contract with the owner, or other party as designated by the owner, to
assist a structural engineer of record (SER) and other designated members of the design assist team in
the design of the structural steel for buildings or building-like structures.
Design assist work plan. A formal agreement developed by all parties of a design assist collaboration
that defines the design assist process to be employed on a structural steel project. It defines the roles
and responsibilities of all parties and is either signed by all parties or referenced in a memorandum of
understanding signed by all parties. The roles and responsibilities of the parties agreed to in the work
plan are contained in the contracts of the various parties.
AISC | AIA Contract Documents Design Collaboration on Construction Projects – PART II 23
Design documents. Design drawings, design model, or a combination of drawings and models.
EOR. engineer, engineer of record. See structural engineer of record.
Erector. The entity that is responsible for the erection of the structural steel.
Fabricator. The entity that is responsible for detailing and fabricating the structural steel.
Owner. The entity that is identified as such in the contract documents.
Issued for construction. The engineer of record’s designation that the design documents and
specifications are authorized to be used to construct the steel structure depicted in the design
documents and specifications and that these design documents and specifications incorporate
information that is to be provided per the requirements of Section A4 of the Specification for Structural
Steel Buildings (ANSI/AISC 360-22) and Section 3 of ANSI/AISC 303-22.
Owner’s designated representative for construction (ODRC). The owner or the entity that is responsible
to the owner for the overall construction of the project, including its planning, quality, and completion.
This is usually the general contractor, the construction manager, or a similar authority at the jobsite.
Owner’s designated representative for design (ODRD). The owner or the entity that is responsible to the
owner for the overall structural design of the project, including the structural steel frame. This is usually
the structural engineer of record.
Released for construction. The term that describes the status of contract documents that are in such a
condition that the fabricator/erector can rely upon them for the performance of their work, subject to
the ODRD’s designation that the design documents and specifications have been released for contract
documents as required by Sections 3.0 and 3.2 of ANSI/AISC 303-22, including the ordering of material,
the preparation of shop and erection drawings, or fabrication and erection models.
Scope, quantity, and character of the work. A project-specific description of the structural steel that
is fabricated and erected as shown in the design documents and specifications that are part of the
contract documents. The description is defined by the type, cost, and availability of structural steel and
related materials in the marketplace; the type of members and assemblies (including beams, girders,
columns, trusses, moment frames, braced frames, transfer members, and other types as shown on the
design documents); the types of connections and member reinforcement, including quantities of bolts
and welds; the number of pieces; the material and labor rates required for fabrication and erection of
all members including their connections (where material and labor rates are agreed to be part of the
contract terms for defining total cost); the size and weight of the members, assemblies and connections;
the surface area of members as required for coatings; the project schedule for fabrication and erection;
and other project-specific qualities that define the cost of the work to be performed on the project.
Specifications. The portion of the contract documents that consists of the written requirements for
materials, standards, and workmanship.
Structural engineer of record (SER). The licensed professional who is responsible for sealing the contract
documents, which indicates that he or she has performed or supervised the analysis, design, and
document preparation for the structure and has knowledge of the load-carrying structural system.
AISC | AIA Contract Documents Design Collaboration on Construction Projects – PART II 24
AIA-AISC (2019), Part I – Delegated Design, Design Assist, Informal Involvement – What Does It All
Mean?, AIA, Washington DC.
AIA (2013), The Architect’s Handbook of Professional Practice, 15th Ed., American Institute of Architects,
John Wiley & Sons, New Jersey.
AIA-AGC Project Delivery Primer Task Force (2011), Primer on Project Delivery, 2nd Ed., American
Institute of Architects, Washington, DC.
AISC (2022a), Code of Standard Practice for Steel Buildings and Bridges, ANSI/AISC 303-22, American
Institute of Steel Construction, Chicago, IL.
AISC (2022b), Seismic Provisions for Structural Steel Buildings, ANSI/AISC 341-22, American Institute of
Steel Construction, Chicago, IL.
AISC (2022c), Specification for Structural Steel Buildings, ANSI/AISC 360-22, American Institute of Steel
Construction, Chicago, IL.
AISC | AIA Contract Documents Design Collaboration on Construction Projects – PART II 25
Appendix A provides a global checklist for application of a design assist collaboration for a fabricated
structural steel project. The designated organizational leader of the design assist team (commonly the
GC or CM, the owner’s designated agent, or the architect) should use this checklist for information to
guide the process and to inform all members of the design assist team of their respective roles and
responsibilities as defined in the work plan.
This design assist method of collaboration can apply to all types of fabricated structural steel projects
and building types. It should be recognized that each project has its own set of circumstances that
warrant modifications to the enclosed design assist collaboration approach. This checklist should be
modified as required for actual project conditions with input and agreement among all the affected
parties. Refer to Appendix B for the important role that ANSI/AISC 303-22 plays in the design assist
method of collaboration as defined in Part II of this paper. Refer also to Appendix C that defines the
scope, quantity, and character of the work for the specific project that is a key factor for determining the
cost and schedule and any cost (or the effects of any costs) or schedule changes that may occur after the
contract is executed with the fabricator/erector.
It is crucial to the success of any design assist project that all designated team members act in
accordance with their duty and fair dealing, which is a fundamental concept of contract law, along with
meeting their contractual obligations. At a minimum this requires the parties to deal with each other
honestly, fairly, and in good faith. Further, efforts to work together as a dedicated team with mutual trust
and respect for each fellow team member should bolster the efficiency in using a design assist process.
Enclosed below is a convenient checklist that can be referenced for items to be considered and defined
in the management of a project utilizing design assist:
1. Identify owner, owner’s agent, or owner contact representative who has authority to make decisions
on behalf of owner.
2. Define the delivery method to be used for the project, typically design-bid-build (DBB), design-build
(DB), construction manager at-risk (CM at-risk), or integrated project delivery (IPD).
3. Identify design assist team members for the project consistent with the delivery method. The
qualifications-based selection process (QBS) described in this section is ideally suited.
4. Define the leader of the design assist team and their responsibilities.
5. Define the entity that holds the contract with the design assist fabricator/erector and the
compensation that will be paid for the design assist work. This may vary with the delivery method
selected and the owner’s preference.
6. Define whether, and under what conditions, the design assist fabricator/erector will be allowed by
contract to bid the work and to serve as the fabricator/erector performing the work for the project.
Define any conditions for performing the work, if applicable to the delivery method.
7. Prepare and execute a formal design assist work plan that defines the roles and responsibilities of
each member of the design assist team.
8. Define the contractual roles and responsibilities for each member of the design assist team and
confirm that the contract for each member includes and is consistent with the design assist process
and design assist work plan as they evolve. This may require later contract modifications depending
on the sequence and timing of contract execution for the various parties of the design assist team.
AISC | AIA Contract Documents Design Collaboration on Construction Projects – PART II 26
9. Define the overall target project budget as well as the target budget assigned specifically to
structural steel fabrication and erection. Note that the target budget could change for a variety of
reasons as changes are made during the project.
10. Define management of the project contingencies carried by the owner and other parties such as the
contractor [CM, GC or owner’s designated representative for construction (ODRC)] and fabricator/
erector to avoid duplicated contingencies.
11. Define the various allowances carried for unknown or undefined items at the time of contract
execution; this includes a separate allowance carried for the connections that have been delegated
to be designed by the fabricator. Refer to ANSI/AISC 303-22 Section 3.2.3(3) Option 3 requirements
for delegation of connection design to a fabricator. Note that allowances could change if design
changes are made during the project.
12. Develop a project schedule with milestone dates for key decisions and deliverables for each party.
Note, too, that the schedule could change as changes are made during the project.
13. Review ANSI/AISC 303-22 to clearly define and document any contractual provisions with the
fabricator/erector that constitute “specific instructions to the contrary” as stated in and required by
Section 1.1 and other sections of ANSI/AISC 303-22. (Refer to Appendix B of this document.)
14. Define the scope, quantity and character of work for the project that will be part of the contract with
the fabricator/erector. (Refer to Appendix C of this document.)
15. Review Section 3.2 of ANSI/AISC 303-22 pertaining to information required to be shown and
included on the contract documents, allowances to be defined for incomplete or undefined
information and how the project is to be managed as information becomes available or changes
are made during the project. Review Section A4.2 of ANSI/AISC 360-22 for requirements pertaining
to structural design documents and specifications. These references include requirements related
to bidding of structural steel for fabrication and erection as well as the basis of a contract with a
16. Establish clear lines of communication among all the parties to the design assist team, set up and
require regular meetings throughout the project and provide a written record of the meetings
including action items and dates for resolution of them to all members of the design assist team.
Provide written documentation of all decisions that affect all team members. Commit to freely
sharing information that is necessary to accomplish the work.
17. Execute the contract with the fabricator/erector as soon as practical and prior to the commitment
of financial resources by the fabricator/erector (e.g., ordering structural steel; placing mill orders;
starting fabrication and erection activities, etc.).
18. Closely monitor and document any changes to the design, project schedule and milestones that
affect the project budget and cost of the work. Formally approve in a timely manner any changes
that affect the schedule or cost of the work.
19. Consider defining an alternative dispute resolution process for the project instead of litigation.
20. Resolve items of conflict among the design assist team members in a timely and professional manner
as they become known.
AISC | AIA Contract Documents Design Collaboration on Construction Projects – PART II 27
Appendix B provides a general checklist of trade practices and standards involved in the design and
construction of steel buildings, bridges, and other structures as defined in ANSI/AISC 303 that are
applicable to the design assist method as described in the various examples in Appendix D. It is
included to provide guidance to the design assist team for many of the requirements that are covered in
ANSI/AISC 303-22 and which apply to the design assist process, barring any project-specific exceptions
or modifications.
A fundamental principle of design assist as applied to structural steel is that in the absence of any
specific instructions to the contrary in the contract documents, the trade practices defined in ANSI/
AISC 303-22 govern the fabrication and erection of the structural steel on a project. Section 1.1 of
ANSI/AISC 303-22 states that the contract with the fabricator or erector shall identify by ANSI/AISC
303-22 section number any specific instructions to the contrary not contained in the design documents
and specifications. These new requirements are intended to help ensure a common understanding of
the scope of work and conditions of the contract for the work. This section also makes it clear that any
modifications specified must be fair and balanced without shifting risk unfairly to any of the parties to
the contract.
The design assist method of collaboration defined in Part II of this document is intended to fully
embrace and adhere to all trade practices and industry standards as defined in ANSI/AISC 303-22 and
any modifications made to it. Refer to the Code and its commentary for additional information that
applies when managing the design assist plan as defined in this Part II paper. A summary of items that
should be considered from ANSI/AISC 303-22 can be found in Appendix B of this document.
Scope Section 1
1. Section 1 states that all Code of Standard Practice for Steel Buildings and
Bridges (ANSI/AISC 303-22) provisions apply unless any modifications are
specifically listed by section number and clearly defined in the contract.
This procedure should be implemented in the design assist plan.
2. The design assist provisions in Part II are intended to follow all trade
practices and industry standards as defined in ANSI/AISC 303-22 unless
specific instructions to the contrary are defined in the contract documents.
of Materials
Definition of
Structural Steel
Section 2
Items that are, and are not, defined as structural steel must be defined in the
design assist plan.
and for
Section 3
1. Section 3.1 of ANSI/AISC 303-22 lists all items that are required to be
shown on design documents and specifications issued for construction,
which references Section A4 of ANSI/AISC 360-22 and ANSI/AISC 341-22
and the IBC or applicable building code. The requirements should be
reviewed and modified as required to suit the project type.
2. Requirements for design documents and specifications issued as part of
the contract with a fabricator/erector for any applicable delivery method
are defined in Section 3.2 of ANSI/AISC 303-22. This includes design assist
3. All design documents and specifications released on the project must be
labeled by the EOR for the purpose of issuance as stated in Section 3 of
ANSI/AISC 303-22. This section refers to Section A4.2 of ANSI/AISC 360-
4. Requirements for managing the design process for member reinforcement
and all connections are defined in Section 3.
5. These requirements apply to the design assist project unless specific
instructions to the contrary are defined in the contract.
AISC | AIA Contract Documents Design Collaboration on Construction Projects – PART II 28
of Each Party
Section 4
Section 4 of ANSI/AISC 303-22 defines the requirements for the owner and
fabricator, when the fabricator is contracted to fabricate the final steel frame,
for approval documents. These requirements apply to the design assist project
unless specific instructions to the contrary are defined in the contract.
for Materials
Section 5
Section 5 of ANSI/AISC 303-22 defines requirements for materials that are
specified on the project. These requirements apply to the design assist project
unless specific instructions to the contrary are defined in the contract. Note
the requirements listed in Sections 5 through 11 generally apply to all projects,
including design assist projects.
and Delivery
Section 6
1. Section 6 of ANSI/AISC 303-22 lists all the fabrication requirements
that apply to the project unless specific instructions to the contrary are
provided in the contract.
2. Standard practice for the treatment of shop cleaning and painting of
structural steel applies unless specific provisions to the contrary are
defined in the contract with the fabricator.
Section 7
1. It is stated in Section 7.1 of ANSI/AISC 303-22 that the erector will plan
to erect the structure in the most efficient and convenient method unless
a specific sequence or plan is defined, agreed to, and documented in the
2. The GC/CM (ODRC) must define any non-steel items that are part of the
erection sequence that must be imposed on the erector’s work plan.
3. The SER must define the lateral load resisting system and state any special
erection conditions that must be adhered to by the erector to maintain
stability, position, shores, jacking, or other requirements that are required
by the design.
4. Any temporary supports or shores that are required for purposes other
than as needed by the erector for the erection procedure and work plan
must be communicated by the ODRC to the erector and stipulated in the
5. Field painting requirements applicable to the erector that deviate from
ANSI/AISC 303-22 must be stipulated in the contract.
6. All erection requirements stipulated in Section 7 apply to the design
assist project unless specific instructions to the contrary are defined in the
Section 8
1. The fabricator and erector’s quality control program requirements
are defined in the applicable building code; design documents and
specifications; and ANSI/AISC 303-22 Section 8.
2. The QC requirements stated above apply to the design assist project
unless specific instructions to the contrary are defined in the contract.
Section 9
1. The provisions stated in Section 9 of ANSI/AISC 303-22 apply to the
design assist project unless specific instructions to the contrary are
documented in the contract.
2. Refer to Appendix A for other contract provisions that apply to the design
assist project.
3. Refer to Appendix C Table C-1 for contract provisions that apply that
related to the scope, quantity, and character of the work performed by the
Steel (AESS)
Section 10
1. All AESS should be identified in the contract documents according to
the requirements of Section 10 of ANSI/AISC 303-22, unless alternative
provisions are specified.
2. A mock-up fabricated and approved in the shop and placed in the field
should be specified for AESS Categories 3 and 4 unless stated otherwise in
the contract documents.
3. Refer to Table 10.1 (the Category AESS Matrix) in ANSI/AISC 303-22 for
additional requirements.
and Erection
Tolerances Section 11
1. Fabrication and erection tolerances are specified in Section 11 of ANSI/
AISC 303-22 and apply to the design assist project unless specific
instructions to the contrary are stated in the contract.
2. The design documents and specifications should define any modifications
to these tolerances and any additional tolerances that apply to the project
that are not specified in ANSI/AISC 303-22.
AISC | AIA Contract Documents Design Collaboration on Construction Projects – PART II 29
Appendix C describes the characteristics of the structural steel design that define the term “scope,
quantity, and character of the work” for a project. The information contained here is intended to
assist the members of the design assist collaboration team in defining the initial scope of work and
later changes in the work so that accurate costs of the work can be determined. This applies to lump
sum contracts and other contract types (see ANSI/AISC 303-22 Section 9.1) for the steel fabrication
and erection scope of work that is defined in the contract documents and to unit prices that must be
established when setting allowances for work that is undefined at the time of contract execution. The
allowances are later converted to actual committed costs after the design is completed and an accurate
cost and schedule can be determined.
The term “scope, quantity, and character of the work” is defined as:
Scope, quantity, and character of the work. A project-specific description of the structural steel
that is fabricated and erected as shown in the design documents and specifications that are part of
the contract documents. The description is defined by the type, cost, and availability of structural
steel and related materials in the marketplace; the type of members and assemblies (including
beams, girders, columns, trusses, moment frames, braced frames, transfer members, and other
types as shown on the design documents); the types of connections and member reinforcement,
including quantities of bolts and welds; the number of pieces; the material and labor rates required
for fabrication and erection of all members including their connections (where material and labor
rates are agreed to be part of the contract terms for defining total cost); the size and weight of the
members, assemblies and connections; the surface area of members as required for coatings; the
project schedule for fabrication and erection; and other project-specific qualities that define the cost
of the work to be performed on the project.
It must be recognized that many of the items addressed in this definition will not be determined
until the design for the items listed above are completed and shown on the design documents at
some time during the design assist period. In an accelerated design and construction process, the
design is continually evolving until issued for construction, and the cost and schedule for the work
must be updated by the fabricator/erector and other members of the design assist team. Many of the
characteristics that can define the term “scope, quantity, and character of the work” are shown in Table
C-1. Members of the design assist team should all agree on a detailed description and cost of the work,
including means to assess changes in the cost of the work that are to be applied to a particular project,
using the enclosed table as a guideline. The table should be modified as appropriate and supplemented
with any additional requirements that apply to a specific project. Because the AISC design standards
and ANSI/AISC 303-22 must address all the many kinds of buildings and structures, it is not possible
for these standards to define the work or the means of addressing changes to the work using any one
definition and set of parameters. This must be worked out among the members of the design assist team
and included in the work plan and contract with the fabricator/erector.
AISC | AIA Contract Documents Design Collaboration on Construction Projects – PART II 30
Steel Items
ANSI/AISC 303-22
Section 2
Structural steel included in the cost of the work is based on the definition for structural steel
as defined in ANSI/AISC 303-22 unless specified otherwise in the contract documents.
1. All items specifically added in the contract to the list of structural steel items from what
is listed in ANSI/AISC 303-22 are to be specifically identified in the contract.
2. All items that are specifically excluded in the contract from the list of structural steel
items listed in ANSI/AISC 303-22 are to be specifically identified in the contract.
ANSI/AISC 303-22
Section 9
The method used to calculate the weight of structural steel assemblies, members,
connections, and all other components should be based on gross weight as determined
from the design documents and specifications and as defined in ANSI/AISC 303-22, unless
a specific alternate method is defined in the contract.
1. When weights of members and connections are determined using the design
documents and specifications and used to define the work, the SER should specify
the offset dimensions from the work point required to permit a calculation of member
2. Estimated connection weights and conceptual project specific connection details for
Option 3 delegated connection design shown on the design documents should include
all components, bolts, and welds required to determine an accurate cost for the work.
This information should be developed by the SER (working with the design assist
fabricator) and used to define the allowances that are part of the final budget submitted
to the owner at the end of the design assist period.
ANSI/AISC 303-22
Section 9
Allowances should be established and agreed to by all members of the design assist team
at the time of contract execution wherever elements of the structural design are not yet
defined and accurately shown on the design documents and specifications. The allowances
should be converted to actual committed fabrication and erection costs when the design is
complete and the cost of the work can accurately be determined.
Define all
Design Documents
and Specifications
ANSI/AISC 303-22
Sections 6 and 11
For all members, the design assist fabricator/erector (working with the SER and design assist
team members) should consider the following in establishing a budget and allowances:
1. Number of pieces for fabrication
2. Weight of all members and assemblies to be fabricated
3. Shop and field splice number and locations, welded or bolted splice type
4. Material type (plate, rolled shape), ASTM Grade, and any special material requirements
5. End connection types and loads per ANSI/AISC 303-22, size and quantity of bolts & welds
6. Member reinforcement at end connections and along the member
7. Stiffeners, doublers
8. Additional fabrication tolerances or any that differ from ANSI/AISC 303-22
9. Any special requirements affecting fabrication cost not noted above
Identify all architecturally exposed structural steel (AESS) members and assemblies. Refer to
ANSI/AISC 303-22 Section 10
Identify any members that are required to be shop-assembled into one assembly prior to
leaving the fabrication shop and shipping to the project site.
The above information should also be considered by the fabricator/erector performing the
work in establishing unit prices that are included in the contract for determining the cost for
changes in the work.
Assembly of
Design Documents
and Specifications
1. Define performance criteria and loads
2. Identify manufacturers for bidding
Items incl.
Joint Details
Define all
for Erection
ANSI/AISC 303-22
Sections 7 and 11
For all members, the design assist fabricator/erector working with the EOR and design assist
team members should consider the following in establishing a budget and allowances:
1. Number of pieces for erection
2. Define all member and assembly weights to be erected, crane size and number of
cranes required
3. Define number of field splices and locations, welded or bolted splice type
4. End connection types and loads per ANSI/AISC 303-22, size and quantity of bolts &
5. Erection tolerances that deviate from ANSI/AISC 303-22
6. Any special erection sequence or conditions
7. Any special requirements affecting erection cost not noted above
8. Any members to be erected as an assembly
9. All AESS members and assemblies. Refer to ANSI/AISC 303-22 Section 10.
The above information should also be considered for determining the unit price cost for
changes in the work.
Assembly of
AISC | AIA Contract Documents Design Collaboration on Construction Projects – PART II 31
ANSI/AISC 303-22
Sections 3, 6,
and 7
1. ANSI/AISC 303-22 provisions apply unless otherwise specified.
2. Identify all members to be left unpainted.
3. Identify surface preparation for all painted and unpainted members and
4. Identify all members that are to be shop-painted, paint type, number of coats, and
coat thickness.
5. Define paint system requirements at all connections.
6. Determine responsibility for field touch-up painting.
ANSI/AISC 303-22
Sections 3 and 6
1. ANSI/AISC 303-22 provisions apply unless otherwise specified.
2. Identify surface preparation for galvanized members.
3. Identify all members to be hot dip galvanized or coated and coating thickness.
4. Define requirements at all connections.
5. Determine responsibility for field touch-up of coatings.
Quality Control
QC for Shop
and Erection
Building Code,
Design Documents
and Specifications,
ANSI/AISC 303-22
Section 8
1. Identify any special QC requirements that modify or supplement the requirements
of the applicable building code, ANSI/AISC 360-22, ANSI/AISC 341-22, and ANSI/
AISC 303-22 contained in the design documents and specifications.
2. Identify any special QC requirements that could interrupt the normal flow of
optimum fabrication or erection sequence and schedule as planned by the
QA for Shop
Building Code,
Design Documents
and Specifications,
ANSI/AISC 303-22
Section 8
1. Identify any special QA requirements that modify or supplement the requirements
of the applicable building code, ANSI/AISC 360-22, ANSI/AISC 341-22, and ANSI/
AISC 303-22 contained in the design documents and specifications
2. Identify any special QA requirements that could interrupt the normal flow of
optimum fabrication or erection sequence and schedule as planned by the
Project schedule
as prepared by the
Define schedule milestones that are required to achieve the established schedule for
ordering material, fabrication, and erection.
Details, and
Project Schedule
as prepared by the
1. Identify number of members and assemblies to be shipped to the site to meet the
required schedule developed by the ODRC.
2. Identify shipping weights.
3. Define any limitations on shipping that could affect normal fabrication and erection
schedule and cost as defined by fabricator/erector.
Site Laydown,
Details, and
Site Layout and
Project Schedule
1. Identify marshalling, laydown areas, and site access points.
2. Identify crane locations for erection.
3. Define dimension and weight limits.
4. Identify work hour restrictions.
5. Define any other site restrictions.
Methods and
Unit Cost Rates
Design Documents
and Specifications,
ANSI/AISC 303-22
Section 9
1. The contract should identify the method(s) of payment for the work according to
the options specified in ANSI/AISC 303-22 Section 9. Some projects may require
different methods of payment for different components or conditions on the same
project. An initial method of payment based on the contract documents may be
a lump sum fixed price for all work that is defined, and other methods (e.g. unit
price, price per item, etc.) may be required for allowance items or change orders
that occur later in the project. Methods of payment can be defined as:
a. Lump-sum fixed price for the work defined in the contract documents
b. Price per pound
c. Price per item
d. Unit-cost prices for categories of structural stee
Other methods of payment should be defined in the contract documents.
2. Define fabrication manhours/ton for all member categories where stipulated in the
contract as backup for unit-cost member categories.
3. Define what percent change in actual unit cost constitutes a justification for a
higher or lower unit-cost rate change for each category of unit cost. This may be
specified in contract negotiations for each member type and project type, size, and
1. Many items identified in the table will not be known initially and will be defined as the design assist
collaboration progresses. Allowances should be developed for items known to be required on the
project that are not defined until after the contract is signed and a final cost is determined.
AISC | AIA Contract Documents Design Collaboration on Construction Projects – PART II 32
Different approaches have been used to apply a design assist collaboration method to structural steel
fabrication and erection. As previously discussed, design assist can apply to any of the common industry
delivery methods such as design-bid-build (DBB), design-build (DB), construction manager at risk (CM
at-risk), CM as advisor, and integrated product delivery (IPD).
The common topics for consideration for all design assist projects in structural steel are:
A fabricator/erector is brought into the project early on as a consultant to the owner and design
team to bring their skill, experience, and knowledge of market conditions to reduce project cost and
shorten the schedule for construction.
It is crucial to the success of any design assist project that all designated team members act in
accordance with their duty and fair dealing and work with each other honestly, fairly, and in
good faith.
A qualifications-based selection (QBS) process used in selection of the design assist team members
is recommended.
A documentation of the work plan defining the roles and responsibilities of the parties is
recommended to be agreed to and signed by all parties or referenced in a memorandum of
understanding signed by the parties.
Conformance to the applicable building code, ANSI/AISC 360-22, and ANSI/AISC 341 requirements
is mandatory.
Conformance to the trade practices and industry standards defined in ANSI/AISC 303-22 (except
for specific instructions to the contrary defined in the contract with the fabricator/erector) is a
fundamental principle in the industry.
Frequent and documented communication among the design assist team members is essential.
Evaluation and frequent updates to the project budget and schedule are required.
Clear definition of the scope, quantity, and character of the work for the fabrication/erection is
essential for cost control.
Establishment of appropriate contingencies for the work and setting of allowances for work that is
undefined at the time of contract execution is also important.
The variables that exist for application to the different delivery methods and project types are:
Experience and knowledge of the owner and the role the owner plays in the process. Does the
owner have the in-house experience and knowledge to manage the process, or do they rely on an
agent or GC/CM to manage the process?
The contract form used can vary, and the contractual relationships and services provided can change
depending on the delivery method chosen.
It is required that the fabricator/erector be compensated for design assist services pursuant to a
formal design assist consultant agreement. The main goal of fabricators and erectors that pursue
design assist projects is to participate in early stages of project development bringing steel-specific
expertise and input to the design, planning, budgeting, and scheduling process, so they can
participate in a successful project as the selected fabricator/erector team. The conditions and timing
upon which a contract for the design assist consultant may be executed, (beyond the initial design
assist consulting services) for the actual fabrication and erection of the structural steel is an owner
option that can vary depending on project conditions.
This appendix will present three example models that have been used and are relatively common in the
industry. Numerous other variations on these examples are also possible. The third example, which uses
the CM at-risk delivery method, is a very common model that has many advantages and is believed to
have a large probability of success if the basic principles of Section 3 of this document are followed.
AISC | AIA Contract Documents Design Collaboration on Construction Projects – PART II 33
D.1 Case 1 Example Model: DBB
In this example model, a fabricator/erector is hired under contract as a design assist consultant for
the owner or CM as advisor serving as the owner’s agent. The contract states that the fabrication and
erection work will be bid and negotiated after the design is completed. There is no agreement that
this fabricator/erector will perform the work under a later contract. This example is explained further as
STEP 1: The owner hires an architect who in turn hires an SER and other consultants as part of the design
team. A QBS process is used by the owner to hire the design team.
STEP 2: A fabricator/erector is hired for design assist consultation under contract to the owner or owner’s
agent using a QBS process.
STEP 3: The fabricator/erector works collaboratively with the SER and the members of the design team
to optimize the structural steel design and to develop the budget and schedule for this work as the
design progresses.
STEP 4: At the end of the design, the owner puts the building design, including the structural steel
fabrication and erection, out to a select group of GC/CM bidders. Each GC/CM bidder selects a
fabricator/erector to be part of the construction team or competitively solicits bids from various
fabricators and erectors. The design assist fabricator/erector consultant may or may not (at the owner’s
preference) be allowed to submit a bid on one or more of the GC/CM teams.
STEP 5: The owner selects a GC/CM based on qualifications, schedule, and cost of the work.
STEP 6: The selected fabricator/erector must perform the work based on the information provided
by the SER as shown on the design documents but may submit requests for information (RFI) for any
changes requested to optimize cost and schedule. Any changes must be approved in the normal
construction administration period by the owner and design team.
This process has the advantage of bringing informed knowledge about structural steel fabrication and
erection cost, schedule, and overall market conditions to the project. However, some of this information
may not be preferred by the successful fabricator/erector who may propose changes to the design
based on its own preferences. Thus, the structural engineer may have to redesign some of the work if
the requested change is in turn approved by the owner as a benefit to the overall project. The redesign
work may be an additional cost borne by the owner or successful fabricator/erector depending on the
perceived benefit to the owner, considering both the overall project cost and schedule of construction.
See Fig. D-1.
AISC | AIA Contract Documents Design Collaboration on Construction Projects – PART II 34
1. Owner agent representative is at owner’s option.
2. Leader of design assist team may vary at owner’s option.
3. Design assist consultant fabricator/erector may be permitted to bid the work with other bidders at
owner’s option.
4. Owner bids to multiple general contractors (GC).
Design Assist Team
Note 1
Note 2
Note 3
Note 4
AISC | AIA Contract Documents Design Collaboration on Construction Projects – PART II 35
D.2 Case 2 Example Model: DB
While both design assist and design build can take on many forms in practice, this case will focus on two
possible design build scenarios. The scenario selected often depends on the past relationship(s) with
the owner of the different parties involved. It may also depend on the sophistication of the owner with
the particular delivery method. Scenario A represents a case in which a single entity, frequently a GC,
contracts with an owner for the single-source responsibility to design and then build a project to the
owner’s performance requirements and other criteria. In this scenario, a fabricator/erector serves as a
design assist consultant to the owner. See Fig. D-2a. Scenario B represents a case in which a fabricator/
erector contracts with another party (for example, the owner) to design, fabricate, and erect the structural
frame as a design-builder. See Fig. D-2b.
Design Assist in Scenario A:
In this scenario, an owner may wish to retain a fabricator/erector as a design assist consultant
to provide advice on such topics as a recommended structural steel framing system, its layout,
members, materials, etc.; recommendations on performance criteria for the structural system;
the budget; and the schedule to complete the system. The design assist consultant may also be
retained to evaluate the sufficiency of the various fabricator/erector design build proposals received
or to evaluate the work of the design-build contractor to ensure its conformity to the design-build
In Scenario A, the single responsible design-build entity may elect to have their own in-house
structural engineers or an external structural engineering consultant design the structural steel
framing. The completed design could be bid to eligible fabricator/erectors, or the fabricator/erector
could be chosen through negotiation. An alternative approach would be for the single responsible
design-build party to contract with a fabricator/erector to design and build (fabricate and erect) the
structural frame. This alternative is related to Scenario B.
Design Assist in Scenario B:
In this scenario, the fabricator/erector is responsible to design and build (fabricate and erect) the
structural frame. The contract for this design build work could be made with a variety of entities
depending on the overall project environment. For example, the design build contract could be
with the owner (in the case of multiple prime contracts with or without a construction manager), with
a single responsible design build entity as described above, or perhaps another third party such as
an entity that has responsibility for the design and/or construction of the building shell. While the
possibilities are seemingly endless as to who has contracted with the fabricator/erector, one thing is
constant: The fabricator/erector has design-build responsibility.
In Scenario B, the design assist fabricator/erector consultant can be retained by the party that best
benefits from their advice. That entity is most likely the party that is setting performance criteria,
evaluating the design-build proposals, and confirming that the design-build work conforms to the
performance criteria. In both scenarios, the most likely major beneficiary of design assist advice is
the owner. Whether the design build fabricator/erector is retained directly by the owner or indirectly
through others is a project-specific detail.
AISC | AIA Contract Documents Design Collaboration on Construction Projects – PART II 36
1. Owner agent representative is at owner’s option.
2. Design builder CM/GC may hold all contracts with design team or contracts only with architect, who
then holds all consultant contracts.
3. Owner contracts directly with design builder CM/GC.
4. Leader of design assist team is usually design builder CM/GC but may vary at owner’s option.
5. Design assist fabricator/erector sets performance criteria, sets the budget and schedule, evaluates
fabricator/erector proposals and monitors work of design builder CM/GC.
6. Design assist consultant fabricator/erector may be permitted to bid or negotiate to perform the work
at owner’s option. Otherwise, design builder CM/GC may bid to multiple fabricator/erectors.
Design Assist Team
Note 1
Note 2
Note 3, 4
Note 5
Note 6
AISC | AIA Contract Documents Design Collaboration on Construction Projects – PART II 37
1. Owner agent representative is at owner’s option.
2. Structural consultant for owner sets performance criteria, evaluates design build proposals and reviews
all design build structural designs. May act as leader of design assist team if owner elects not to hire a
CM advisor.
3. Construction manager acts as advisor to owner, optional hire for owner.
4. Design assist consultant fabricator/erector sets performance criteria with structural consultant,
evaluates design build frame proposals and monitors work of design builder of frame.
5. Separate design builder for foundation and building shell with own design team.
6. Design build fabricator/erector for structural frame designs, fabricates and erects the structural frame.
7. Design assist fabricator/erector may be allowed to bid as design builder at owner’s option.
Design Assist Team
Note 1
Note 2
Note 4
Note 5
Note 6
Fdn. & Bldg.
Note 3
Note 7
AISC | AIA Contract Documents Design Collaboration on Construction Projects – PART II 38
D.3 Case 3 Example Model: CM at-Risk
CM at-risk is a model that has been successful for many different structure types, sizes, and complexities.
When applied using the fundamental principles described in Section 3 of this document, it fairly balances
the risks across the various stakeholders and often represents the best opportunity for achieving the
owner’s goals for project success. While variations to this model can certainly be considered, it is
important to balance the risks with the rewards for each stakeholder. In some instances, practices such
as the early bidding of fabrication and erection of structural steel using incomplete progress level
design drawings shift risk without shifting reward. The more uncompensated risk that is shifted to the
design team, fabricator, or erector by these practices, the more the project costs may increase to cover
these originally unanticipated risks; inevitably, there will be an increased possibility for change orders,
misunderstanding, miscommunication, disputes, and possible litigation. These conditions and potential
risks may be detrimental to the project in the long run, despite the purported short-term gains. This
example model is shown in the Figure D-3 and is explained further as follows:
STEP 1: The owner selects the design assist team (GC/CM, architect, and structural engineer) using
a QBS process. The GC/CM provides a guaranteed maximum price (GMP) cost and schedule under
contract with the owner. The GC/CM consults with a fabricator/erector to establish the steel contract
STEP 2: A fabricator/erector is chosen among a qualified shortlist of candidates for design assist
consultation under contract based on a QBS process and interviews, with the other members of the
design assist team participating and providing feedback to the owner and GC/CM.
STEP 3: The fabricator/erector works collaboratively with the SER and GC/CM to optimize the design
and to further develop the budget and schedule as the design progresses.
STEP 4: The consultant contract with the fabricator/erector states that they will be designated by the
owner to fabricate and erect the structural steel as long as the budget and schedule are developed and
maintained during the design period to the satisfaction and approval of the owner and other design
assist team members.
STEP 5: If the design assist fabricator/erector fails to maintain the established schedule and budget
to the satisfaction of the owner or if there is a failure to reach agreement on these or other material
terms, the owner may elect to put the final design documents and specifications out to a select list of
fabricator/erector bidders.
STEP 6: If the condition in Step 5 applies, the owner may select the final fabricator/erector based on
qualifications, negotiation of terms, cost, and schedule of the work.
It is usually in the interest of the owner to award a contract for fabrication and erection to the fabricator/
erector consultant in order to preserve the established schedule and maintain the design assumptions
and decisions worked out with the structural engineer and design assist team. This would avoid the
need for a potential redesign with a different fabricator/erector team. It is usually in the interest of the
fabricator/erector consultant to maintain the budget and schedule established as the design progresses
to have the opportunity to fabricate and erect the work. If such a win-win scenario can be achieved, it
can avoid any need by the owner to bid the final design documents and specifications.
AISC | AIA Contract Documents Design Collaboration on Construction Projects – PART II 39
1. Owner agent representative is at owner’s option.
2. Owner may hold all contracts with design team or contracts only with architect, who then holds all
consultant contracts.
3. Owner contracts directly with CM/GC under a GMP contract.
4. Leader of design assist team is usually CM/GC but may vary at owner’s option.
5. Design assist consultant fabricator/erector may be permitted to perform the work at owner’s option
with budget and schedule control conditions, which is preferred option to benefit all members of
design assist team. Otherwise, owner may bid to multiple fabricator/erectors.
Design Assist Team
Note 1
Note 2
Note 5
Note 3, 4
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