Industry standard on in-water cleaning with capture
Version 1.0
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Industry standard for in-water cleaning with capture (Industry standard)
Industry standardIndustry standard
Industry standard
Industry standard
The Industry standard is one of two separate documents that outline performance-based
requirements for in-water cleaning of a ship’s hull, propeller and niche areas with the capture of the
materials that are removed during the process:
Approval procedure for in-water cleaning companies
Industry standard on in-water cleaning with capture.
In the documents, the stakeholders are ships, cleaning companies, independent approval bodies, an-
fouling system (AFS) manufacturers, ports and other local authories. The set- up is as follows:
1. The cleaning system and working procedures are tested and approved by an independent
approval body in accordance with the Approval procedure for in-water cleaning companies.
2. Aer approval, the quality systems of the cleaning company will be subject to periodic internal
audits and external audits carried out by the approval body.
3. Ships, AFS manufacturers and cleaning companies will use the requirements outlined in the
Industry standard on in-water cleaning for planning, conducng and reporng on the cleaning
4. For an approved cleaning company to operate in any given locaon, a local permit
must be
issued by the port and other relevant authories.
The Industry standard helps to ensure that the in-water cleaning of a ship’s hull, and niche areas
including the propeller, can be carried out safely, eciently and in an environmentally sustainable
The Industry standard has been wrien by an industry working group consisng of AFS
manufacturers, in-water cleaners, shipowners, ports, internaonal organisaons and authories.
The following were represented in the work: Akzo Nobel, BIMCO, C-Leanship, CMA Ships, DG Diving
Group, Dutch Ministry of Infrastructure and Water Management, Fleet Cleaner, Hapag-Lloyd, Hempel,
HullWiper, Internaonal Associaon of Classicaon Sociees, Internaonal Chamber of Shipping,
Minerva Shipping, Portland Port (UK), Port of Roerdam and PPG Coangs.
A reference group was asked twice to comment on the Industry standard and several parts of the
standard have been updated by correspondence. Members of the reference group represented
the following AFS manufacturers, authories, cleaning companies, internaonal organisaons
represenng shipowners, laboratories, research instutes, and shipowners:
Bernhard Schulte Shipmanagement, Chevron Shipping CO – Houston, ECOsubsea AS, Internaonal
Associaon of Independent Tanker Owners (INTERTANKO), Krisan Gerhard Jebsen Skipsrederi AS,
Laboratory for Aquac Research and Comparave Pathology, NACE Internaonal, SeaTec, SRN Group,
TecHullClean Pte. Ltd.
1 Note: local permits may require addional requirements to the ones in the Industry Standard on in-water cleaning with capture and the Approval
procedure for in-water cleaning companies.
Introducon ................................................... ......................................................................................................... 2
Foreword ................................................................................................................................................................ 4
1 Bibliography .................................................................................................................................................. 5
2 Scope ............................................................................................................................................................ 6
3  .................................................................................................................................... 7
4  .................................................................................................................................. 10
4.1 Biofouling management plan and record book .................................................................................................... 10
4.2 Reference areas .................................................................................................................................................... 10
4.3 Photos and videos ................................................................................................................................................ 11
5  ....................................................................................................................... 12
5.1 Assessment of biofouling growth ......................................................................................................................... 12
5.2 Assessment of the propulsion power and fuel consumpon ............................................................................... 13
6  .................................................................................................................................................. 14
6.1 Biofouling types .................................................................................................................................................... 14
6.2 Biofouling coverage .............................................................................................................................................. 15
6.3 AFS’ condion ................................................... .................................................................................................... 16
6.4 Service report aer inspecon ............................................................................................................................. 17
6.5 Inspecon report .................................................................................................................................................. 17
7  ..................................................................................................................................... 18
8  ............................................................................................................................ 20
8.1 Safety and environmental requirements for the cleaning company .................................................................... 20
8.2 Pre-assessment of the cleaning area ...................................................................................................... .............. 21
9  ...................................................................... 22
9.1 Operang requirements of niche area cleaning ................................................................................................... 23
9.2 Propeller cleaning ................................................................................................................................................. 23
9.3 Post-cleaning inspecon ...................................................................................................... ................................. 23
9.4 Post cleaning safety and environmental requirements ........................................................................................ 24
9.5 Service report aer cleaning ................................................................................................................................ 24
9.6 Cleaning report ..................................................................................................................................................... 24
10  ................................................................................................. 25
10.1 Coang system .................................................................................................................................................... 25
10.2 Marine growth prevenon systems (MGPS) ........................................................................................................ 26
10.3 Communicaon between shipowner and AFS manufacturer aer cleaning ........................................................ 26
11  ......................................................................................... 28
11.1 Procedures to manage materials and seawater euent ..................................................................................... 28
11.2 Material handling ................................................................................................................................................. 28
11.3 Auding of the cleaning system ........................................................................................................................... 29
11.4 Documentaon requirements .............................................................................................................................. 29
11.5 Underperforming systems .................................................................................................................................... 29
  ...................................................................... 30
  ........................................................................................................................................... 32
  .......................................................................................................... 35
  ......................................................................................................................................... 37
 Service report .............................................................................................................................................. 40
  ............................................................................................................................................ 41
 Industry standard on in-water cleaning with capture ............................................ 44
Ship’s documentaon ........................................................................................................................................... 45
In-water inspecon planning ...................................................................................................... .......................... 46
Inspecons ........................................................................................................................................................... 48
Pre-communicaon ............................................................................................................................................. 50
Pre-cleaning preparaons .................................................................................................................................... 52
Operang requirements of the cleaning system with capture ............................................................................. 53
Systems used to prevent biofouling growth ......................................................................................................... 57
Management of the handling of materials and seawater euent ....................................................................... 60
Communicaon ow chart ................................................................................................................................... 62
The work started three years ago because more and more ports were prohibing in-water cleaning
acvies in their areas. Further, there was a genuine desire among stakeholders to improve pracces
by establishing a minimum standard for the cleaning and capture of biofouling.
BIMCO would like to thank all members of the working group for their valuable me and construcve
contribuons. The reference group is also thanked for their comments and proposals to the text.
BIMCO, January 2021
Alliance for Coastal Technologies Marime Environmental Resource Center [ACT/MERC], Evaluaon of
Subsea Global Soluons in-Water Cleaning and Capture Technology for Ships (2019). ACT/MERC IWCC
Evaluaon Report ER01-19.
Burkard T. Watermann, Propeller Polishing Condion and Denions. LimnoMar (2019).
Clare Grandison, Richard Piola and Lyn Fletcher, A Review of Marine Growth Protecon System
(MGPS) Opons for the Royal Australian Navy (2011). DSTO-TR-2631.
Department of the Environment (DOE) and New Zealand Ministry for Primary Industries [MPI],
Anfouling and in-Water Cleaning Guidelines (2015). ISBN 978-1-76003-009-4 (online).
Eugene Georgiades, Abraham Growco & Daniel Kluza, Biosecurity, Technical Guidance on Biofouling
Management for Vessels Arriving to New Zealand (2018). Technical Paper No: 2018/07.
European Chemicals Agency, Guidance on the Biocidal Products Regulaon Volume II Ecacy –
Assessment and Evaluaon (Parts B+C) (2018). ISBN 978-92-9020-502-9.
Growco, A., Kluza, D., and E. Georgiades, Technical Advice: Evaluaon of in-Water Systems to
Reacvely Treat or Remove Biofouling within Vessel Internal Niche Areas (2019). Wellington: Ministry
for Primary Industries. ISBN No 978-1-98-859419-4 (online).
Growco, A., Kluza, D. & E. Georgiades, In-water systems to remove or treat biofouling in vessel sea
chests and internal pipework – Literature review (2016). ISBN No: 978-1-77665-210-5 (online).
Growco, A., Kluza, D. & E. Georgiades, Technical advice: Evaluaon of in-water systems to remove or
treat biofouling in vessel internal seawater systems (2019). ISBN No: 978-1-98-859419-4 (online).
IMO resoluon MEPC.207(62), The Guidelines for the control and management of ships’ biofouling to
minimize the transfer of invasive aquac species, Version 3.0 (2018).
Kirk-Othmer, Encyclopaedia of Chemical Technology, Volume 7 (2004).
Malcolm J. Brandt, Don D. Ratnayaka, Morrisey, D., and Woods, C., In-Water Cleaning Technologies:
Review of Informaon (2015). ISBN 978-1-77665-128-3 (online).
Morrisey, D., and Woods, C., In-Water Cleaning Technologies: Review of Informaon (2015). MPI ISBN
No: 978-1-77665-128-3 (online).
Morrisey, D., Inglis, G., Tait, L., Woods, C., Lewis, J., and Georgiades, E., Procedures for Evaluang in-
Water Systems to Remove or Treat Vessel Biofouling (2015). ISBN 978-1-77665-129-0 (online).
Ports of Ghent and Antwerp, Procedure hull cleaning (2020).
Scianni, C., and Georgiades, E., Vessel in-water cleaning or treatment: Idencaon of environmental
risks and science needs for evidence-based decision making (2019). Froners in Marine Science, 6,
Tiensor, D., Mora, C., Jetz, W. et al., Global paerns and predictors of marine biodiversity across taxa
(2010). Nature 466, Doi 10.1038/nature09329.
This Industry standard outlines the requirements for planning and carrying out in-water cleaning
while the ship is alongside or at anchorage. It addresses a planned approach by all stakeholders
connected to in-water cleaning: the shipowner, cleaning company, AFS manufacturer, the port and
other relevant authories.
This Industry standard applies to in-water cleaning methods with capture capabilies only and does
not apply to cleaning systems that cannot capture material during cleaning.
The hull, propeller and niche areas of the ship can be cleaned either in-water or in dry dock. Since the
scope of this standard is limited to in-water cleaning, the discussion about out of water cleaning is
The Industry standard addresses the in-water cleaning of ships carried out by cleaning companies
that are approved in accordance with the Approval procedure for in-water cleaning companies. Aer
the cleaning capability of the cleaning company has been tested, the approval cercate states the
types of biofouling, the height of hard calcareous biofouling and the coverage that the system can
clean and capture. Some niche areas located on the at surfaces of the ship’s hull (for example dock
support strips) are more suscepble to biofouling than the rest of the hull. If such niche areas contain
so and hard macro biofouling beyond the tested capability of the approved cleaning system, the
standard allows the cleaning of the idened niche areas to proceed providing the total area of the
fouled niche areas and hull does not cover more than 5% of the submerged area of the hull. If this
limit is exceeded, the cleaning shall be undertaken by a more capable cleaning company, out of water
or aer obtaining special permission from the authories. The Industry standard does not specify
a detailed descripon of the methods and/or techniques required for carrying out the cleaning.
However, the AFS manufacturer is encouraged to provide detailed informaon on recommended
cleaning methods including brush type and water pressure to the shipowner and the cleaning
The primary users of this Industry standard are shipowners, who are responsible for managing
biofouling on the ship’s hull, propeller and niche areas, and approved cleaning companies (ie
in accordance with the standard’s requirements for approval of in-water cleaning companies).
The Industry standard can also be used by ports and other authories for making decisions
regarding permits etc. Finally, the Industry standard provides a possibility to improve the level of
communicaon between shipowners and AFS manufacturers.
In this Industry standard, the management of biofouling is based on using responsive cleaning as part
of a ship’s normal maintenance system. Connual monitoring of changes in hull performance and
biofouling condion will enable the shipowner to iniate in-water cleaning with due diligence before
the biofouling growth becomes severe.
This Industry standard does not cover cleaning systems that do not capture materials during cleaning
(grooming), although systems with capture capability used in a proacve way are covered by this
Commercial aspects covered by a contract between the shipowner, AFS manufacturer and/or the
cleaning company and others are outside the scope of this Industry standard.
2 Scope
3 Terms and definitions
Accredited laboratory A laboratory veried to an appropriate level of experse, and whose
quality management system can perform specic test methods
accredited to internaonally accepted standards or recognized by the
government where the laboratory is located.
The combinaon of all component coangs, surface treatments
(including primer, sealer, an-corrosive and an-fouling coangs)
or other surface treatments used on a ship to control or prevent
aachment of unwanted aquac organisms.
 A coang, paint, surface treatment, surface, or device that is used on a
ship to control or prevent aachment of unwanted organisms.
Approval body An organizaon, which audits the cleaning company (including its
subsidiaries and sub-contractors) in accordance with the requirements
of the Industry standard on in-water cleaning with capture and the
Approval procedure for in-water cleaning companies and issues a
cercate of approval.
Biocide A chemical substance incorporated into an-fouling coangs to prevent
selement or survival of aquac organisms.
 The accumulaon of aquac organisms such as micro-organisms, algae,
and animals on surfaces and structures immersed in or exposed to the
aquac environment. Biofouling types can include so biofouling (slime
and so macrofouling), and hard calcareous biofouling (see below).
A ship-specic document(s), that includes details of the ship and
the biofouling management procedures consistent with the IMO's
Biofouling guidelines to minimize the transfer of invasive aquac
 A record book that captures all the acvies in relaon to the
biofouling of the ship as menoned in the IMO's Biofouling Guidelines
to minimize the transfer of invasive aquac species.
 These connect the cleaning unit to the unit ashore or on a barge. The
hoses may carry water to transport the captured material from the
cleaning unit to the separaon and/or treatment unit. Cables are used
to power the various units in the system.
 Refers to an inspecon of the area to be cleaned prior to conducng
the actual cleaning acvity or of the area that has just been cleaned.
 The cleaning device interacts with the ship’s hull and other areas to
remove and capture the material aached to the surface. This unit may
be operated by a diver or by a remotely operated vehicle (ROV) pilot.
 This unit houses the controls such as the remote control of ROVs,
communicaon devices with divers, camera monitors etc.
Diver A person, who is qualied to dive underwater safely using self-
contained breathing apparatus or other similar systems. He/she
is trained in one of the diving standards recognized by relevant
authories and has working knowledge on the use of tools normally
used in in-water cleaning/ visual inspecon as well as emergency
escape training.
 Oen referred to as hard calcareous biofouling, which consists of
organisms visible to the human eye. It can include barnacles, mussels
tube worms and bryozoans etc.
 A species which may pose threats to human, animal and plant life,
economic and cultural acvies and the aquac environment.
In-water cleaning The physical removal of biofouling from a ship in water.
Marine growth
An AFS used for the prevenon of biofouling accumulaon in internal
seawater cooling systems and sea chests and can include the use of
anodes, injecon systems, electrolysis, ultrasound or other methods.
Materials The solid substances captured during the cleaning of a ship. This may
include biofouling (macro and micro) growth, paint akes and the
maers contained within the AFC such as biocides, heavy metals,
silicon substances etc.
Niche areas Areas on a ship that may be more suscepble to biofouling due to
dierent hydrodynamic forces, coang system wear or damage, or
being inadequately painted, eg, sea chests, bow thrusters, propellers
and propeller shas, rope guards, inlet grangs, dry-dock support
strips, rudder pintle areas etc.
 Refers to the cleaning of the hull areas when the ship is out of water,
for example, in a dry-dock.
 A square or rectangle on the hull with an area of approximately 1
square metre, or a niche area that serves as a datum for inspecons
and/or cleanings.
Remotely operated
A vehicle that may be used as part of a cleaning unit, which is navigated
remotely from the surface to inspect and/or clean submerged hull and
niche areas.
Responsive cleaning Cleaning iniated by a marked reducon in the ship's performance or
when an inspecon shows that cleaning is necessary.
 Refers to the water that has been ltered, and/or treated to
specicaons menoned in this industry standard and is ready to be
discharged back into the environment.
 Refers to the water that is captured into the cleaning system during the
cleaning process. This water may sll contain biofouling, paint akes
and other associated solids.
 Refers to the eecveness of separang solid materials from water
during in water cleaning. The separaon unit used in connecon with
in-water cleaning shall be able to remove parcles of solid materials
that are larger than a dened limit.
 Consists of the equipment that uses physical processes to remove solid
material (macrofouling, coang chips, etc) from the collected water,
including but not limited to seling tanks, ltraon, and centrifugaon.
Separaon and treatment stages may be combined into one unit.
Ship A watercra of any type whatsoever operang in the aquac
environment including hydrofoil boats, air-cushion vehicles,
submersibles, oang cra, xed or oang plaorms (excluding
licensed aquaculture assets), oang storage units (FSUs) and oang
producon storage and o-loading units (FPSOs).
 Consists of organisms without calcareous shells or tubes, that develops
and overgrows the microfouling slime. It consists of large, disnct
mulcellular organisms visible to the human eye such as so corals,
sponges, hydroids, anemones, algae and tunicates.
Storage unit Captured material is pumped directly into tanks, a barge, etc. The
collected material and seawater in a storage unit can either be
appropriately disposed of or subsequently processed through a
separaon and/or treatment units.
Treatment unit Treatment consists of a physical, chemical or biological addion(s)
to alter or remove solid and/or dissolved material(s). The range of
treatments can include but are not limited to occulaon, metals
sorbent media, UV (ultraviolet) light and biocides. Treatment and
separaon stages may be combined into one unit.
4 Ships documentation
Biofouling management measures shall be outlined in the ship’s biofouling management plan, and
records of biofouling management pracces including all inspecon and cleaning reports shall be
documented in a biofouling record book.
For detailed informaon on what to put in the biofouling management plan and the biofouling record
book, please refer to the IMO’s Guidelines for the control and management of ships’ biofouling to
minimize the transfer of invasive aquac species (IMO Biofouling Guidelines).
 
In-water cleaning is a tool to be considered as part of eecve biofouling management and any
acons and events, such as in-water inspecons, cleaning operaons, maintenance and incidents
related to it should be reected in the biofouling management plan and record book.
In addion to the IMO Biofouling Guidelines, the following informaon should be reected in the
biofouling management plan:
reference areas to be used for inspecons and reporng
informaon on the chemicals, such as chlorine or sodium hypochlorite, used in MGPS, including
the recommended amount of chemicals that should be used
conngency planning for managing biofouling when the ship is inacve for an extended period.
conngency planning for incidents such as grounding, contact with a tug etc that may cause
damage to the AFS.
In conjuncon with the biofouling management plan, the ship shall maintain a biofouling record book
that itemises all inspecons and biofouling management acons undertaken. The record book should
include documentaon or references to documentaon about acons undertaken in connecon with
biofouling management such as service reports, incidents, video/photo recordings of inspecon/
cleaning etc.
The biofouling management plan and record book may be stand-alone documents, or integrated in
part, or fully, into exisng operaonal and procedural manuals and/or planned maintenance system
Readers should refer to the IMO Biofouling Guidelines for a more detailed descripon on the content
of the biofouling record book.
Annex 1 shows a sample of a biofouling record book referring to in-water cleaning acons.
The biofouling record book must be retained on the ship for the life of the ship.
 
Reference areas should be used for monitoring biofouling and controlling the ecacy of the cleaning
2 If the biofouling management plan does not include reference areas, alternave methods to inspect can be used to ensure that the enre
underwater area will be inspected.
A minimum of ten reference areas, represenng the enre underwater area forward to a including
vercal sides, at boom and niche areas, shall be determined and included in the biofouling
management plan. The number of reference areas should increase in proporon to the size of the
ship size to ensure an adequate representaon of the fouling on the ships’ hull and niche areas.
The number of reference areas shall ensure that inspecons can be carried out in accordance with
chapter 6.
More informaon about determining the reference areas can be found in Annex 2. Examples of
documenng management acons in the biofouling record book using reference areas are shown in
Annex 1.
 
Photos and videos of reference areas and other relevant areas shall document inspecons and the
results of in-water cleaning.
Photographs and videos shall have a scale that uses the metric system, so the size of the pictured area
and the size of the biofouling can be esmated. The scale may be added electronically.
The following requirements should be fullled when the underwater visibility is minimum 0.5 metres:
a. Photographs and videos should clearly depict the condion of the AFS and biofouling growth
b. Photographs and videos should have an electronic stamp with the following details:
the number of the reference area or the locaon of the area on the ship by using for example
distance from deck line or boom, frame number or any other relevant descripon, to depict
where the picture has been taken, and date and me
c. Name of the ship or other unique idener, if possible.
The me stamp can also include:
locaon (port)
details about the cleaning itself such as water pressure or speed of brush rotaon.
If the visibility is less than 0.5 metres, inspecons or cleanings should not be carried out unless there
is a special reason for doing so, and the system is able to navigate safely under such condions.
More informaon about photographs and/or videos can be found in Annex 3.
5 In-water inspection planning
This chapter describes methods that can be used to determine when to perform an in-water
inspecon to iniate in-water cleaning before the biofouling growth and coverage become severe.
The biofouling management plan should specify under which condions in-water inspecons may be
conducted. Some inspecons are prescheduled in accordance with the ship’s planned maintenance
system (PMS) while others are planned in accordance with the operaonal prole of the ship. The
decision to conduct an in-water inspecon should be based on, but not limited to the following:
1. risk assessment of biofouling growth
2. assessment of the propulsion power and fuel consumpon over a specied period (hull
performance monitoring)
3. statutory and class IWS (in-water survey) between dry docks
4. availability of services provided by divers eg regular propeller polishing or cleaning or underwater
5. idle periods or specic lay ups for example as spulated in a charter party or in a contract with
the AFS manufacturer
6. mandatory inspecon requirements according to relevant regulatory regimes before proceeding
to an arrival port or waters of a coastal state
7. requested by the charterer eg due to failure of the AFS
8. inspecons carried out at planned intervals in accordance with the PMS
9. inspecons requested by the AFS manufacturer.
 
Biofouling growth is dependent on the operaonal prole of the ship and the biofouling management
pracces applied. A risk assessment is a useful tool to help determine how oen in-water inspecons
will be necessary.
The following factors should be considered when determining the risk of biofouling growth and the
need to carry out an in-water inspecon:
Water salinity Biofouling growth increases with salinity up to 25-36 PSU (Praccal Salinity Unit), aer which it
levels o. This is due to an increase in species’ richness.
Water temperature It is generally understood that the world’s oceans are divided into three main water
temperature areas: Tropical, temperate and polar. The risk of accumulang biofouling will vary
in each of these areas as a result of the variaon in sea water temperature.
For example in tropical waters, where the temperature of the water is >25°C, there may be
an increase in biofouling growth as the seling-competent larvae is dispersed in the water
throughout the year whereas, colder waters <15°C tend to have a seasonal risk of biofouling
Depth of water and
distance from shore
An increase in depth of water decreases the risk of biofouling owing to the increase in distance
to adult biofouling organisms, which reduces the likelihood of organisms seling on the ship.
Hull roughness High roughness provides an ideal selement surface for biofouling organisms.
Age of an-fouling
The eecveness of an AFS may decrease with age if for example the acve substance has
Ulizaon rate and idle
Depending on local environmental condions and type of AFS used, extended idle periods may
allow an increase in biofouling. For example, calcareous organisms establish on a ship within
5-8 days. Some species may signicantly aect the AFS capabilies.
Speed Biofouling growth may increase when the ship operates at a lower speed than that which is
recommended for the specied AFS.
Damage to the an-
fouling coang
A ship which frequently visits ports will tend to damage the an-fouling coang due to fricon
with fenders etc.
Ports or anchorages, where high dal variaons result in the ship standing on the seabed
during low des, may damage the boom paint.
The areas that are more prone to coang damage are tug-points, fender points, anchor chain
abrasion, areas that are le dry during ballast voyages etc.
The above is a non-exhausve list.
Table 1: Factors aecng biofouling growth and specic associated risk.
 
Biofouling on the hull will result in an increase in a ship’s propulsion power demand and subsequently
fuel consumpon. A hull performance monitoring system can be used to assess the changes in the
propulsion power and fuel consumpon of the ship, and the changes may indicate a degradaon of
hull or propeller condion.
The following is a non-exhausve list of methods available:
1. online hull performance monitoring systems using sensors and collecng high frequency data
2. semi-automac or manual calculaons using data collected from ship’s sta (eg noon reports)
3. conducng speed trials and comparing the performance data with previous speed trial reports.
6 Inspections
As menoned in chapter 5, in-water inspecons should be carried out to determine if a cleaning is
necessary. The reason for iniang the inspecon shall be included in the biofouling record book.
The inspecon should give an overview of the condion of the hull and niche areas and be used to
determine the most appropriate method of in-water cleaning based on the level of fouling.
During the inspecon of the underwater area (hull and niche areas) of the ship, the following shall be
1. types of biofouling
2. percentage of biofouling coverage
3. height of hard calcareous biofouling
4. condion of the AFS on the hull and reference areas.
The photos and videos from the underwater inspecon should be retained in the biofouling record
book and used to compare the result of the cleaning acvity.
The inspecon shall be carried out aer having taken into consideraon the in-water condions
such as dal ow, sea state and visibility etc and shall ensure that the result provides a realisc
representaon of the overall condion of the submerged area of the hull to the shipowner, AFS
manufacturer, port, local authority etc.
Inspecons and cleaning acvies may be carried out by either the same company or dierent
companies providing each company has the necessary approval. When doing so, all safety concerns
must be taken into consideraon.
 
For the purpose of in-water cleaning, communicaon with AFS manufacturers, authories etc the
following details about dierent biofouling types shall as a minimum be reported for each reference
area or other inspected niche areas:
1. percentage of biofouling cover for each reference area as well as biofouling cover of the total
underwater area
2. for so biofouling
a. slime
b. so macrofouling
3. for hard calcareous biofouling, the height of the organisms.
The below table gives examples of the biofouling types menoned above:
 
Micro Macro Macro
Slime So corals Barnacles
Sponges Mussels
Hydroids Tube worms
Anemones Bryozoa
Algae Oysters
Table 2: Examples of biofouling types.
 
During inspecons as well as before and aer the cleaning, the biofouling coverage scale as depicted
below should be used to dene the extent of biofouling on the hull and niche areas.
An esmaon shall be recorded of the total biofouling coverage and total hard calcareous biofouling
coverage of the hull. The extent of biofouling observed during the inspecon shall also be given for
each reference area.
10%5%2% 20% 30% 40%
50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100%
Figure 1: Coverage of biofouling in reference areas.
10%5%2% 20% 30% 40%
50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100%
 
Any damage to the condion of the AFS, which is observed during an inspecon or cleaning, shall be
reported. The following descripons as visualised in the table below should be used for reporng:
Type  
Adhesion The failure of adhesion between a
coang and a metallic surface that
is directly aributable to cathodic
protecon condions. It is oen
iniated by a defect in the coang
system, such as accidental damage,
imperfect applicaon or excessive
Blistering Dome shaped projecons or
blisters in dry paint lm.
 Paint coangs with visible cracks
which may penetrate down to the
 Viscous ow of solid at ordinary
temperatures. The distoron of
solid coang under sustained
pressure during curing.
Defects associated with
detachment of coang.
 The connuous release of the
outermost binder material into
the seawater during the ship’s
The eect on the anfouling
coang system caused by contact
with the seabed or bank.
Figure 2: Examples of coang damage.
 
The service report contains basic informaon about the inspecon that was carried out. This service
report shall be completed by the inspecon company and be handed over to the masteror another
representave of the ship. A format of the service report can be found in Annex 5.
 
The inspecon report is the nal report of the inspecon. It shall be completed by the cleaning
company and contain the following: The ship’s details and dra at the me of survey; names of
stakeholders in aendance, an-fouling system type and date applied. It shall include details of the
inspecon and any observaons including detailed informaon about the biofouling types, condion
of the AFS and biofouling coverage on the underwater area of the ship as well as the reference areas.
Photos and/or videos shall form part of the documentaon.
A copy of the inspecon report should be retained by the ship and kept with the biofouling record
An example of the minimum content for an inspecon report is provided in the Annex 4 to this
Industry standard.
7 Pre-communication
When the decision to clean the ship’s hull and/or niche areas has been taken, the shipowner should
request a list of approved cleaning companies from the port.
The shipowner shall send the following informaon to the appointed cleaning company:
1. age of AFS and its expected service life mespan
2. previous damage to the AFS if any
3. type of an-fouling coang and the coang manufacturers advice on cleaning
4. list or drawing arrangement of reference areas
5. the area(s) of the ship to be cleaned. For example, does the ship need a full cleaning or has a
paral cleaning been done previously by another company?
6. niche areas needing to be cleaned and divided into the following categories:
a. niche areas present on the vercal side or the boom of the ship that can be readily cleaned
b. propellers
c. niche areas that need special cleaning equipment and procedures
7. previous inspecon/cleaning reports since the AFS was applied
8. place where the cleaning is to be carried out (berth/anchorage)
9. available amount of me for cleaning
10. other operaons planned by the ship such as repairs, bunkering, storing, etc
11. transfer of the ship within port area, alongside and at anchorage, if relevant
12. any other relevant informaon, such as idle periods.
The cleaning company shall inform the shipowner about the regulatory requirements and standards
applicable for cleaning in the specied port and if the cleaning company can provide the required
The appointed cleaning company shall inform the shipowner about the following:
1. categories that the company has been approved to operate in accordance with the Industry
standard for in-water cleaning with capture:
a. hull, and niche areas present on the vercal side or the boom of the ship that can be readily
b. propellers
c. niche areas or hull areas that due to bends, turns etc need special cleaning equipment and
2. local cleaning permit (issued by the port and/or other relevant authority) and evidence of
approval (cercate issued by an approval body in accordance with the Approval procedure of
cleaning companies)
3. environmental condions, in which the cleaning company is permied to operate, including sea
state, weather condions, visibility, etc
4. the equipment that will be used for cleaning the ship’s hull and/or niche areas such as cleaning
units, umbilical, control unit, separaon and treatment unit including use of acve substances, if
5. cleaning procedure, type of AFC or MGPS that the company has been approved to clean eg by a
manufacturer etc
6. place of cleaning either alongside and/or anchorage area
7. the required length of me to conduct the cleaning
8. limitaons associated with performing the cleaning
9. capture, separaon, treatment and waste disposal processes
10. local port requirements
11. any other relevant informaon.
The cleaning company shall supply the informaon, which is required by the local regulaons, to the
port/relevant authories in order to be allowed to proceed with the cleaning.
If niche areas on the vercal sides or the boom of the ship contain so and hard macro biofouling
beyond the tested capability of the approved cleaning system, the standard allows the cleaning of the
idened niche areas to proceed providing the total area of the fouled hull and niche areas does not
cover more than 5% of the submerged area of the hull. If this limit is exceeded, the cleaning shall be
undertaken either out of water or aer obtaining special permission from the relevant authories. If
such permission is granted, then the cleaning system shall sll adhere to the requirements detailed
within this Industry standard to manage the risk to the port environment.
There are no exempons for the approved special cleaning equipment that handle other niche areas,
as the cleaning system must be able to capture the so and hard macro biofouling in accordance with
this Industry standard.
The cleaning company shall maintain communicaon with the ship, port and other relevant
authories throughout the cleaning operaon and comply with any instrucons in accordance with
operaonal protocols specic to the ship and the port.  
8 Pre-cleaning preparations
A meeng shall be held between the ship and the cleaning company’s representave to determine
appropriate safety parameters and relevant informaon on how to access niche areas.
The cleaning company shall plan the cleaning meculously to ensure that the process is undertaken
eciently, safely and in an environmentally sound manner. The cleaning company should submit an
outline of the operaon plan to the ship and the port.
The cleaning company shall plan its resources to avoid/minimise breakdowns/interrupons.
Communicaon between the ship and in-water cleaner shall be planned and tested.
Before the planned operaon, funconal checks, pre-dive checks of the cleaning and capture system
plus the associated ancillary equipment shall be conducted.
An approved pre-dive checklist for guidance shall be used and cross checked with the record of any
possible defects and recent repairs
The ship shall follow established procedures to ensure that equipment such as thrusters, propellers
etc are locked or tagged out in order to ensure they cannot be used while the diver and/or ROV are in
the water. The divers, if any, must witness the locking and tagging of equipment prior to entering the
 
Before the commencement of the cleaning acvity, the cleaning company shall conduct an inspecon
of the area to be cleaned and a safety check of equipment etc, as per the list below:
1. The cleaning acvity shall be planned to ensure the safety of the personnel, equipment and ship
during the enre operaon. The underwater cleaning route should be well planned to avoid
losing orientaon underwater. As a minimum, the planning should take into consideraon water
visibility, current, dal variaons, weather condions, simultaneous operaons such as bunkering,
ballasng/de-ballasng, movement of cranes, obstrucons at the quay such as fenders, mooring
dolphins, other ships in the area, pinch points and locaon of surface support (for divers
emergency evacuaon).
2. Establish safety procedures should the movements of other ships aect the cleaning operaon.
3. Agree on a meline regarding the securing of key systems and equipment. For example, the
propeller shall not be able to move during the cleaning process and the cathodic hull protecon
system should be powered o whilst the hull is being cleaned.
4. Procedures shall be in place to ensure that all systems and equipment, including personal
protecon equipment (PPE) are funconal and sll within their operaonal life.
5. Establish how to minimise the risk of loss of material when planning the cleaning in complex
areas eg in the vicinity of bends, turns etc.
6. Conngency plans and procedures shall be in place to prevent and migate the exceedance of any
safety and/or environmental parameters and ensure that the cleaning operaons are suspended
and remain suspended unl such parameters are safely restored.
3 Such checklists are dependent on local regulaons and diving equipment and are thus outside the scope of this Industry standard.
7. Outline emergency shut down procedures designed to prevent the spill of biofouling euent back
into port waters.
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Based on a previous inspecon report and/ or a pre-inspecon of the submerged area of the ship, a
pre-assessment of the cleaning areas shall be carried out by the cleaning company in accordance with
the following:
1. To conrm that the observed biofouling lies within the cleaning systems capabilies.
2. The cleaning company should, if applicable, inform or seek approval of the port authority to
commence operaons.
3. A check of the operaonal area should be conducted to take note of the following:
a. if there is enough clearance to clean the side of the ship. For example, quay side clearance,
fender obstrucons etc
b. clearance under the ship throughout the operaon, taking into consideraon the expected rise
and fall of de and change in the dra of the ship
c. any potenal movements of ships which could aect the cleaning operaon.
4. Any areas of concern as a result of the inspecon, shall be discussed with the ship and/or port or
other authories before proceeding with the cleaning acvity.
5. AFS damage shall be discussed with the ship to establish if the cleaning should proceed.
6. Any discrepancies between the records on the ship and the actual condion of underwater hull
or niche areas of the ship, shall be discussed with the ship before proceeding with the cleaning
7. The cleaning company must outline the sequence of cleaning with the ship to ensure best results
in terms of safety, quality and protecon of the environment.
The cleaning company shall inform the port/relevant authories if it suspects that the type or
coverage of biofouling on the ship is outside the capability of their system.
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Operating requirements of the cleaning system with capture
An in-water cleaning system may consist of the units that are shown in gure 3.
A control unit houses the controls such as remote control of ROVs, communicaon devices with
divers, camera monitors etc.
The cleaning unit is used to clean the hull, propeller and/or niche areas. It can be operated by a diver
using a cleaning technology or by a ROV. The cleaning unit removes and captures materials and is
aached to the separaon and treatment or storage unit by hoses.
The hoses provide means of transporng the captured material and seawater from the cleaning unit
to the separaon and treatment unit or a storage unit. Cables are used for communicaon purposes
and to power the ROV or other cleaning technology.
Some cleaning systems pump the captured material and seawater into a storage unit eg a barge
or mono-hull tanker. The captured material and seawater in the storage unit will subsequently be
pumped to the separaon and treatment unit(s).
The separaon unit houses the equipment that removes the captured material and the seawater
The treatment unit can be used as an integrated part of the separaon unit or as an addional unit to
treat the inuent water further aer the separaon unit. Treatment may include use of heat, biocides,
or ultra-violet light.
Figure 3: Schemac diagram of a cleaning system.
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The cleaning must be conducted using approved systems and procedures as outlined in the Approval
procedure for in-water cleaning companies.
1. When choosing the cleaning equipment, careful consideraon should be given to the informaon
received from the AFS manufacturers and/or ship to ensure the performance of the AFS is not
2. The cleaning unit must be able to safely reach the secon of underwater area that has to be
cleaned and be able to remove visible biofouling
3. Procedures must be in place to avoid accidental releases into the water and the cleaning system
shall capture the dislodged material. If a cleaning unit accidentally releases material into the
sea, it shall be assessed to nd the root cause. In case of consecuve malfuncons or when a
malfuncon results in the release of captured materials to the marine environment, the cleaning
equipment shall be taken out of service and tested. Any accidental release should be recorded in
the cleaning acvity log with the conngency measures taken and the relevant authories should
be alerted of the incident.
4. Pictures and/or videos shall be used to document the eecveness of the cleaning. The
photographs and videos should conform to the specicaons menoned in the Annex 3 of this
Industry standard.
The cleaning company shall maintain a log of all cleaning acvies. It should include the name and
IMO number of the ship, the AFS, type of cleaning, amount of material captured, records (or copies
of records) of the disposal of all such material and sea water euent, plus records of accidental
discharges, if any. The log shall be available on request by the port and other relevant authories and
retained for 3 years or longer if so required by a port or other relevant authority. A representave
video or photos of the enre cleaning for each ship shall be kept for a minimum period of 1 year.
 
In-water niche area cleaning shall be carried out using systems and procedures that are approved in
accordance with the Approval procedure for in-water cleaning companies.
Cleaning of niche areas shall be done by removal and capture of all material.
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When cleaning a propeller, which has biofouling growth, this Industry standard fully applies.
The Industry standard does not cover polishing a hard and tenacious layer of calcareous chalk without
 
1. A post-cleaning inspecon shall be carried out upon compleon of the operaon.
2. The post cleaning inspecon can be done during the cleaning process by using cameras installed
on the ROV unit. It is important that the photos and videos are able to clearly depict the exact
condion of the hull, and AFS plus any biofouling. If this cannot be achieved, then the cleaning
company shall conduct a post-cleaning inspecon aer the cleaning acvity is completed.
4 Some types of biofouling will adhere to the surface and will leave residual biofouling, oen non-viable, skeletal remnants, even aer cleaning, which
cannot be removed without damaging the AFS. Examples include the baseplates of barnacles and bases of worm tubes.
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3. This inspecon shall cover the enre area that was cleaned with special aenon to the reference
4. Photographs and/or videos should be used to collect and retain evidence of the cleaning acvity
and demonstrate eecve removal and capture of biofouling have taken place. Photos and/
or videos of at least all the reference areas within the cleaned area shall be documented and
retained as evidence.
5. A service report should be completed by the cleaning company in the format menoned in
Annex 5 of the Industry standard.
6. If the cleaning acvity did not cover the enre planned area or areas, documentaon shall be
made to show where the cleaning started and where it stopped. The documentaon shall be
suciently detailed to enable another in-water cleaning company to connue the cleaning at the
next available opportunity. This documentaon should be recorded in the cleaning report and in
the biofouling record book.
 
A post cleaning meeng must be held to terminate the permit and to conrm that ship’s equipment
and machinery can be reinstated to the normal operaonal status.
Aer the following procedures have been completed, a post cleaning meeng must be held:
1. Aer compleng all in-water cleaning acvies, the equipment should be removed from the
water and brought back to their original posions.
2. All underwater grangs shall be safely restored to their original state.
3. All remaining material in the in-water cleaning system including the hoses, separaon and
treatment units shall be contained and disposed of in a safe manner. The cleaning company shall
ensure the material does not nd its way into the local marine environment.
4. When conrmaon has been received that all cleaning equipment and personnel have been
removed from the water, the ship can be made operaonal by releasing locked out or tagged out
 
This service report contains basic informaon about the cleaning that was carried out. The cleaning
company shall hand over the service report to the master or another representave of the ship at the
post cleaning meeng and before the ship’s departure. A format of the service report can be found in
Annex 5.
 
The results of the cleaning operaon shall be accurately documented in the cleaning report as
described in Annex 6, and shall be retained on board the ship, along with the biofouling record book.
The cleaning report shall contain informaon based on documentaon from reference areas or other
areas if available about the biofouling observed prior to cleaning, details of the cleaning performed
plus the state of the AFC before and aer cleaning.
Further, it shall provide detailed informaon about the locaon of the cleaned areas to enable
another in-water cleaning company to connue the cleaning if necessary.
Cleaning reports shall be retained for a period of two years on board the ship and thereaer with the
shipping company unl at least ve years have elapsed since the date of the cleaning.
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10 Systems used to prevent biofouling growth
According to the IMO Biofouling Guidelines, the ship’s biofouling management plan should include
details of the AFS, and operaonal pracces used.
There are ways to reduce the likelihood of biofouling on the underwater hull and niche areas such as:
1. An-fouling coang system (AFC)
2. Marine growth prevenon system (MGPS)
To ensure the use of appropriate methods and equipment, the cleaning company should prior to
commencing the work gather informaon such as:
1. type/specicaon of the cleaning equipment to be used
2. manufacturers recommendaons for in-water cleaning based on the coang properes
3. details of the areas, to which each specic treatment/cleaning is to be applied
4. any other details relevant to the processes (eg chemicals required for treatment, any discharge
The IMO Biofouling Guidelines include a number of issues that needs to be communicated between
the AFS supplier and the ship. The following informaon provided by the AFC supplier must be
included in the biofouling management plan and record book:
1. type of AFC
a. manufacturer, product names and the locaon on the ship where the AFS has been applied
b. in case dierent coang types have been used for the hull and the niche areas, this should be
2. AFC specicaons
a. dry lm thickness of coangs
b. the expected service lifeme of the an-fouling coang
c. operang condions required for coangs to be eecve
d. any other specicaons relevant to the AFS performance
e. any addional products/chemicals used in conjuncon with the AFS (either to increase
durability or prepare the surfaces)
f. aachments in form of the material safety data sheet and technical data sheet.
This is a combinaon of all component coangs and/or surface treatments (such as primer, sealer,
an-corrosive e-coat, and an-fouling coangs etc) used on a ship to control or prevent the
aachment of unwanted aquac organisms.
The lifeme of an AFS depends on several factors such as thickness of the paint, operang parameters
of the ship, cleaning frequency etc.
AFS manufacturers should supply informaon about the expected lifeme of the AFS applied on the
ship, along with the condions that need to be fullled in order to ensure the an-fouling coangs
INDUSTRY STANDARD ON IN-WATER CLEANING WITH CAPTURE v1.0 26
If available, the following specic informaon used to determine the appropriate AFS and relevant
scheme for the ship shall be recorded in the biofouling management plan and record book, in
addion to the informaon already required in the biofouling management plan:
assumed typical operang speed of the ship (knots)
assumed acvity period (%)
maximum acceptable idle period (where relevant)
assumed areas of operaon
other relevant informaon pertaining to ensuring AFS performance.
The above is the minimum informaon required but more may be needed depending on the specic
coang system. It is crical that these assumpons are periodically reviewed during the ship’s
operaons to idenfy periods that the AFS will or may not perform according to the manufacturers
technical specicaons. Deviaons from these parameters should be discussed with the coang
manufacturer to determine the impact on the ecacy of the specied coang scheme.
MGPS systems use several technologies to reduce the likelihood of biofouling growth in niche areas.
Some of these are not technically robust and providing an overview of all available methods is beyond
the scope of this document.
The MGPS manufacturer should provide instrucons on the cleaning and protecon of the MGPS
during cleaning.
The following informaon provided by the MGPS supplier must be included in the biofouling
management plan and record book as appropriate:
a. type of MGPS
b. date of applicaon and performance period/lifeme
c. locaon(s) where MGPS was/were installed
d. the expected eecve lifeme of consumable elements of the MGPS
e. operang condions required for MGPS to be eecve
f. dosing and applicaon frequency of MGPS (as applicable)
g. any other specicaons relevant to the MGPS’ performance.
When using a system that injects chemicals such as chlorine or sodium hypochlorite, the
manufacturer should provide informaon about the recommended amount of chemical that should
be used and include chemical safety as well as emergency and neutralizaon protocols.
When the cleaning acvity has been completed and the cleaning report has been received, the
shipowner should provide the following cleaning informaon to the AFS manufacturer:
details from the cleaning report including any reported damage to the AFS, excluding
commercially sensive informaon
date of cleaning
INDUSTRY STANDARD ON IN-WATER CLEANING WITH CAPTURE v1.0 27
number of previous cleans since the applicaon or installaon
cleaning company
method used during cleaning (diver, ROV)
nechanism of clean (brush, waterjet, cavitaon etc).
The AFS manufacturer should compare the available data of their product with the informaon
received from the shipowner in order to be able to give an esmaon of the remaining lifeme of the
AFS. This assessment including any recommendaons that need to be met for the remaining lifeme
of the AFS should be communicated to the shipowner.
INDUSTRY STANDARD ON IN-WATER CLEANING WITH CAPTURE v1.0 28
Management of materials and seawater effluent
This chapter sets the standards for the capture and handling of removed materials in connecon with
in-water cleaning. The handling of seawater euent prior to its release back into the sea are also
included in this chapter.
This chapter is not intended to replace requirements of local port state control and other
relevant authories. The cleaning company should seek advice regarding the required tesng and
environmental sampling regimes for each individual port, where the cleaning will take place. Local
requirements concerning eg disposal of material captured during a cleaning operaon must be met.
This chapter also outlines the standards according to which approved cleaning companies shall carry
out internal auding of their systems to ensure the required level of ecacy.
The cleaning company shall have procedures in place to avoid release of materials throughout the
enre cleaning operaon, including when mobilising and demobilising the equipment. Use of non-
return valves should be described, if available.
11.2 Material handling
The cleaning company shall have procedures in place that describe the handling of material as well as
the capture, separaon and/or treatment of seawater.
The approval cercate of the cleaning company shows that the following criteria have been tested
and fullled:
1. The in-water cleaning process removes at least 90% of macrofouling (ie individuals or colonies
visible to the human eye).
2. The separaon and/or treatment of captured materials during in-water cleaning both: (1)
removes at least 90% (by mass) of material from seawater inuent and (2) at least 95% of
parculate material in euent water is 10 µm in equivalent spherical diameter (ESD);
3. Local water quality parameters of Total Suspended Solids (TSS) are not elevated above ambient
levels during the same me period.
The approval cercate of the cleaning company may also show that the following criteria have been
tested and fullled:
4. Local water quality parameters of dissolved and parculate biocides found in AFC are not
elevated signicantly above ambient levels during the same me period.
The tesng of the system has been described in detail in the Approval procedure for in-water cleaning
In addion, the separated material shall be disposed of in accordance with local regulaons and sea
water euent shall conform with the specicaons of the port.
INDUSTRY STANDARD ON IN-WATER CLEANING WITH CAPTURE v1.0 29
The cleaning company shall carry out internal audits to check the cleaning system’s safety
requirements and ability to capture material during operaon at least once every 12 months unless
higher frequency is required by relevant authories.
Prior reports in connecon with internal auding of cleaning systems shall be given to the approval
body before the below menoned audits are iniated. If required, internal audit reports should also
be sent to the port and/or local authories.
An annual vericaon audit is an external audit that involves vericaon of documents and a visual
inspecon of the cleaning system and its units.
Aer any major substanal technical change that has a direct impact on the operaonal manual and
necessitates training of personnel, a renewal or re-endorsement of the cercate shall be carried out.
Every ve years, the approval must be renewed though tesng and external auding. If required,
outcomes of external audits should be submied to the port and/or local authories.
More details on approval, cercaon and quality insurance can be found in the Approval procedure
for in-water cleaning companies. If required, outcomes of external audits should be submied to the
port and/or local authories.
Date of audits must be entered into the cleaning companys log of cleaning acvies and refer to
audit reports and test results.
The cleaning company shall maintain a log of all cleaning acvies. This should include the number
of cleaning operaons carried out, the name and IMO number of the ship, the AFS, type of cleaning,
amount of material captured, records (or copies of records) of disposal of such material and sea
water euent, records of accidental discharges if any (including records of having reported this to the
relevant authories) and all relevant laboratory results to conrm the ecacy of the system.
Commercially sensive informaon shall not be stored by the cleaning companies, unless authorised
by the respecve owners of such informaon. Should there be a need for any further informaon
later, the same shall be sourced from the righul owner of such informaon.
Underperformance of cleaning systems must be immediately reported to the port, the approval body
and relevant authories.
Any underperforming cleaning system shall be repaired or replaced to the sasfacon of the approval
body issuing the cercate and local authories issuing the permit.
INDUSTRY STANDARD ON IN-WATER CLEANING WITH CAPTURE v1.0 30
Sample in-water cleaning actions in a biofouling record book
Details of all inspecons and biofouling management measures undertaken on the ship shall be
entered into the biofouling record book. The following shows a number of examples that have been
entered into dierent biofouling record books.
The tables should be read in conjuncon with Appendix 2 of the IMO Biofouling Guidelines. The item
numbers in the table refer to this appendix.
Date  
15-Jan-2018 2.2 a 05 Jan 2018, Dubai anchorage, assessment indicates biofouling growth on hull.
Reference areas 1.1, 1.2, 2.1, 2.2,3 .1,3.2, 4.1, 4.2, 5.1, 6.1, 6.2 found to be
covered with so biofouling.
2.2 b Enre underwater hull including reference areas and 8 niche areas inspected.
2.2 c 10% biofouling growth observed on the hull and niche areas. Hard calcareous
biofouling covering between 2-5% of the enre underwater hull areas observed.
Height of hard calcareous ranges between 5 to 15 mm.
2.2 d Refer to hull inspecon report no: XXXX, dated: XXXX, for more informaon.
2.2 e Name of oce in charge:
Date  
15-Jan-2018 2.3 a 05 Jan 2018, Dubai anchorage
2.3 b A half of hull including reference areas 1.1, 1.2, 2.1, 2.2, 3.1, 3.2, 4.1, 4.2, 5.1,
6.1, 6.2 cleaned. Following niche areas cleaned – propeller, rudder, sea chest, a
echo sounder probe.
2.3 c High pressure water jets and vacuum sucon used.
2.3 d  10% Biofouling growth observed on the hull and niche areas.
Hard calcareous biofouling covering less than 5% of the enre underwater hull
areas observed.
 A half of hull, including reference areas 1.1, 1.2, 2.1, 2.2, 3.1,
3.2, 4.1, 4.2, 5.1, 6.1, 6.2 cleaned, and documentaon shows no biofouling in
these areas.
2.3 e See cleaning report no: XXXX, dated: XXXX
And associated photographs and videos.
2.3 f Ship permit to work No: XXXX, dated: XXXX Port permit to work No: XXXX, dated:
2.3 g Name of oce in charge:
INDUSTRY STANDARD ON IN-WATER CLEANING WITH CAPTURE v1.0 31
Date  
15-Jan-2018 2.3 a 05 Jan 2018, Dubai anchorage
2.3 b A half of hull including reference areas 1.1, 1.2, 2.1, 2.2, 3.1, 3.2, 4.1, 4.2, 5.1,
6.1, 6.2 cleaned. Following niche areas cleaned – propeller, rudder, sea chest, a
echo sounder probe.
2.3 c High pressure water jets and vacuum sucon used.
2.3 d  10% Biofouling growth observed on the hull and niche areas.
Hard calcareous biofouling covering less than 5% of the enre underwater hull
areas observed.
 A half of hull, including reference areas 1.1, 1.2, 2.1, 2.2, 3.1,
3.2, 4.1, 4.2, 5.1, 6.1, 6.2 cleaned, and documentaon shows no biofouling in
these areas.
2.3 e See cleaning report no: XXXX, dated: XXXX
And associated photographs and videos.
2.3 f Ship permit to work No: XXXX, dated: XXXX Port permit to work No: XXXX, dated:
2.3 g Name of oce in charge:
Date  
15-Jan-2018 2.4 a 05 Jan 2018, Dubai anchorage
2.4 b Signicant growth of biofouling was observed in the seawater cooling pipes.
Predominant type of biofouling was goose neck barnacles.
2.4 c Cleaned to the extent possible
2.4 d Vacuum sucon, manual tools
2.4 e See cleaning report no: XXXX, dated: XXXX
2.4 f Name of oce in charge:
Date  
01-Mar-2020 2.6 a Ship anchored at Fujairah anchorage.
01-Apr-2020 2.6 b Anchor aweigh and ship resumed voyage to Ruwais.
02-Apr-2020 2.6 c Ship headed for an underwater hull inspecon.
02-Apr-2020 2.6 d Sea chest blanked o / Echo Sounder probe raised etc.
Date  
15-Feb-2019 2.9 a During port entry, tug made metal to metal contact with ship’s hull. AFS damage
may have occurred. Hull to be inspected during ship’s port stay.
Reference areas
A set of reference areas should be determined for use of inspecon and to gauge the ecacy of the
Reference areas located on the hull should be prepared as early as possible in the life of the ship,
and preferably as soon as the hull has been coated or re-coated with a new AFS. The outline of the
reference areas could be done using contrasng colours.
Reference areas shall give a general representaon of the submerged areas of the enre ship’s hull
and niche areas. When selecng the areas, it should be considered that dierent areas of the hull are
aected by biofouling to varying degrees.
Already exisng idencaon marks, such as dra marks, tank/hold marks, load line marks and
other easily idenable locaons, sea chests, discharges, transducers, boom plugs on the ship’s hull
should be used whenever possible. Ships, that are assigned in-water cleaning class notaons, have
addional hull markings that can be used.
When determining the reference areas, the underwater hull of the ship should be divided into
vercally separated areas and each assigned a reference locaon.
The underwater hull area of the ship should be divided into enough longitudinally (fore and a
direcon) separated secons. See gure 4.
Figure 4: Ship divided into longitudinally separated vercal secons.
In each of these secons, one or more reference areas should be selected. Studying the following
plans and reports may help in this process:
1. general arrangement plan
2. plans showing exisng hull markings
3. boom plug plan
4. shell expansion plan
5. previous in-water inspecon reports that help to indicate which areas divers found easy to reach
or idenfy, as there will be repeated menon of the same areas in mulple reports
6. dry-dock reports.
The result of a selecon of reference areas can be seen on gure 5.
Figure 5: Example of reference areas and their numbering.
1. The number and locaon of the selected areas should represent the enre underwater hull and
niche areas of the ship. This means choosing reference areas at various depths of the vercal hull
as well as the boom of the ship.
2. Reference areas should be named/numbered for easy idencaon. Numbering should be such
that, it is easily idenable, and easy to be sequenally inspected by a diver or camera/ROV.
3. The reference areas shall be inserted in the biofouling management plan and a similar entry shall
be made in a separate secon in the biofouling record book.
Alternave method in case the reference areas are not marked by contrasng colours etc:
1. The underwater hull area of the ship should be divided longitudinally into (fore and a direcon)
separate secons that represent the whole underwater area.
2. In each of these zones, reference areas should be selected at preassigned dras of the ship. For
example, at the depth 6 meter, 4 meter, 2 meter and 0 meter (boom) on each side of the hull.
3. For each of these areas, an exisng hull marking above the water line such as dra mark, load line
mark, cargo hold number, cargo tank number, pilot boarding area marking, tug marks should be
chosen as pre-reference mark.
4. If there are not enough exisng markings or disnguishing hull structures, the shipowner
may choose to mark addional marking on the vercal surface above the water line for easy
Figure 5 illustrates the choice of reference areas.
INDUSTRY STANDARD ON IN-WATER CLEANING WITH CAPTURE v1.0 35
Standards of photographs and videos
Photographs and/or videos taken by a diver or ROV should follow certain specicaons to conform
with this standard. The purpose of the photographs/videos is to support the diver/ROV inspecon
and to document the biofouling and AFS condion.
Photograph of reference areas:
1. The photograph should depict the general condion of the area and should, if visibility permits,
cover the enre reference area. In the event of restricted visibility, the reference area can be
photographed using a mosaic of photographs.
2. The diver/camera operator should carefully choose the camera sengs to ensure proper lighng,
exposure, focus, colour, tone etc for capturing an accurate image.
3. The angle of the picture should be chosen carefully to ensure a true reecon of the marine
growth and/or damages to AFS system, if any. The correct angle, without use of IT programs to
compensate, is perpendicular to the surface.
Figure 6: Camera angle and locaon.
The reference area number should be idenable on the photograph. This may be done either during
lming or later during the eding process.
NACE Internaonal has published a standard, SP21421 – 2017, for underwater evaluaon of
biofouling degree on ships hulls, which is designed to facilitate descripons of degree of biofouling.
This standard uses pictures with examples of high quality and gives standards for scale etc.
INDUSTRY STANDARD ON IN-WATER CLEANING WITH CAPTURE v1.0 36
1. Speed: The diver or the cleaning supervisor should determine the speed keeping the following
factors in mind:
a. size of the eld-of-view in video
b. sunlight and associated glare
c. area of the ship being videoed
d. video equipments capability.
2. In any case, the swimming speed over the hull should not exceed 30 cm/s (0.6 knots) to prevent
blurring of the image in individual frames.
3. The reference areas should be captured within the video. If the video camera is unable to cover
an enre reference area in one run, a system should be in place to enable sampling of recordings
to show the enre reference area.
Inspection report
Inspecon reports should as a minimum include the following:
Date of report:
Name of the ship
IMO number
Name of the company performing the service
Evidence of cleaning company authorizaon This is evidence that the company is authorised to conduct operaons as per this
Industry standard. Could be authorizaon number or copy of the approval cercate.
Document ID / job number
Posion of the ship / geographical locaon
of ship
Type, age, and size of the ship
Date of inspecon
Arrival dra (forward, midships, a) F: M: A:
Current (knots) XX knots
Visibility of water XX metres
Sea state Calm, fair, rough etc
Weather Sunny, cloudy, rainy etc
Type and age of an-fouling system(s) Self-polishing paint (SPC), foul release coang (FRC), hard paint, others
Date of applicaon or number of years/months since applicaon
Ship’s specic details Number of propellers –
Number of rudders –
Bow, stern, azimuth thrusters –
Time – contractor alongside
Time – start operaons
Time – completed operaons
Delays, if any with reasons
Descripon of inspecon carried out Number of divers, ROVs and recorded metables
Damage and/or special events, if any
Biofouling coverage observed (% of hull) and
type observed
The percentage should state the coverage of biofouling of areas inspected. For
example, if only the a half of the ship was inspected and 5% cover was seen in this
area, then the report should state – “5% biofouling coverage seen from midships
to a end of the ship”. Care should be taken to not menon this as 2.5% of the
enre underwater surface or 5% of the enre underwater surface as this may dier
Area Number XX
Each area that is inspected should be described below
Name of the an-fouling system
Type of an-fouling or MGPS
Condion of the an-fouling system
Type of paint defects observed and extent
(% of area)
Intact / detached / cracked / blistered / cold ow / orange peel / sagging (tears) /
polished o / damage due to external contact (tug, fenders, grounding)
Is biofouling observed?
Type of biofouling observed and extent
(% of area or dimensions in length and
So biofouling, select applicable Coverage (%)
Micro Slime
Macro So corals
Hard calcareous biofouling, select applicable Coverage (%)
Macro Barnacles
Tube worms
Other (specify)
Predominant type of biofouling observed, if
any. Please ck.
Slime So corals
Tube worms
Other (specify)
Method used for the inspecon (divers, ROV)
Photos and/or videos of the area
Any other comments
Area number XX
Each area that is inspected should be described below
To repeat the items as menoned above.
The report should contain separate details of
all inspected areas.
An entry should be made separately for every area inspected and details menoned
above to be included.
 Each area that is inspected should be described below
To repeat the items as menoned above.
The report should contain separate details of
all inspected areas.
An entry should be made separately for every area inspected and details menoned
above to be included.
Number of propellers
Number of blades on the propellers
Pods Yes / No
Blade type Fixed pitch / Controllable pitch
Boss cap ns Yes / No
Propeller diameter XX mm
AFS coang if any
AFS condion Intact / detached / cracked / blistered / cold ow / orange peel / sagging(tears) /
polished o / damage due to external contact (grounding)
Slime So corals
Tube worms
Other (specify)
Other sediments Coverage of calcium
Boss cap N/A / secure / keepers intact / bolted cover secure / covered
Boss anode % depleted
Blade fastenings N/A / secure /keepers intact / covered / not visible
Visible damage Cavitaon / ping – details – depth of damage in mm
Any other ndings
Name and posion of the person in charge
of the service acvity / cleaning company
representave including signature and date:
Name and posion of the person in charge of
the ship/shipowner representave including
signature and date:
Service report
The service report should at least include the following:
Date of report:
Name of the ship
IMO number
Name of the company performing the service
Evidence of cleaning company authorizaon This is evidence that the company is authorised to conduct operaons as per this
Industry standard. Could be authorizaon number or copy of the approval cercate.
Document ID / job number
Posion of the ship / geographical locaon of
Last inspecon/cleaning Date, locaon, (company)
Date(s) of inspecon/cleaning
Arrival dra (forward, midships, a) F: M: A:
Current XX knots
Visibility of water XX metres
Sea state Calm, fair, rough etc
Weather Sunny, cloudy, rainy etc
Time – contractor alongside
Time – start operaons
Time – complete operaons
Delays, if any with reasons
Descripon of service acvity carried out Should include a descripon of all the services carried out on the ship. This may
include type of inspecon, or type of cleaning etc. In case a cleaning was only partly
nished the descripon should include enough informaon of the start and stop of
the acvity to enable another cleaner to connue the cleaning.
Descripon of the materials captured and
A short descripon of what was captured and how it was handled should be included.
General descripon of evidence collected
and evidence of cleaning that will accompany
the cleaning report
A short descripon of what will be included in the nal report should be included
AFS damage and/or special occurrences if
Name and posion of the person in charge
of the service acvity / cleaning company
representave including signature and date:
Name and posion of the person in charge of
the ship/shipowner representave including
signature and date:
Cleaning report
The cleaning report should as a minimum include:
Date of report:
Name of the ship
IMO number
Principal dimensions
(length * breadth * depth)
Name of the company performing the service
Document idencaon / job number
Posion of the ship / geographical locaon of
Last cleaning Date, locaon, (company)
Date(s) of cleaning (present cleaning)
Arrival dra (forward, midships, a) F: M: A:
Exact posion of cleaning Cleaning locaon ie berth number, terminal, mooring buoys, mooring dolphins,
anchorage (name of anchorage) etc
Descripon of posion Availability of space for cleaning between ship and quay, presence of other ships
such as bunker barges, lowest under keel clearance during the enre stay of the ship,
blocking parts of the hull (eg fender area) etc
Current XX knots
Visibility of water XX metres
Sea state Calm, fair, rough etc
Weather Sunny, cloudy, rainy etc
Type and age of an-fouling system(s)
Last cleaning details (if available) Date, locaon, (company)
Vessel specic details Number of propellers, rudders, bow thruster, stern thruster, azimuth thrusters etc
Time – contractor alongside
Time – start operaons
Time – complete operaons
Delays, if any with reasons
Descripon of cleaning acvity carried out Should include a descripon of all the services carried out on the ship. This may
include type of inspecon, or type of cleaning etc. In case a cleaning was only partly
nished the descripon should include enough informaon of the start and stop of
the acvity to enable another cleaner to connue the cleaning.
Descripon of the materials captured and
A short descripon of what was captured and how it was handled should be
Damage and or special occurrences if any A short descripon of what will be included in the nal report should be included
Area number XX
Each area that is cleaned should be described below
Hull cleaning: Starng point, area cleaned and end point. A sketch eg on the general
arrangement may be used.
Detailed descripon of the niche areas in queson
Condion of the an-fouling system before
Type of biofouling observed and extent
(% of area or dimensions in length and
Select applicable
Coverage before (%) Coverage aer (%)
Micro Slime
Macro So corals
Macro Barnacles
Tube worms
Other (specify)
Condion of the an-fouling system aer
Pictures of the area before cleaning
Pictures of the area aer cleaning
Area number XX
Each area that is cleaned should be described below
To repeat the items as menoned above.
The report should contain separate details of
all cleaned areas.
An entry should be made separately for every area cleaned and details menoned
above to be included.
Number of propellers
Number of blades on the propellers
Pods Yes / No
Blade type Fixed pitch / Controllable pitch
Boss cap ns Yes / No
Propeller diameter XX mm
AFS coang if any
AFS condion Intact / detached / cracked / blistered/ cold ow/ orange peel / sagging(tears) /
polished o / damage due to external contact (grounding)
Slime So corals
Tube worms
Other (specify)
Other sediments Coverage of calcium
Boss cap N/A / secure / keepers intact / bolted cover secure / covered
Boss anode % depleted
Blade fastenings N/A/ secure / keepers intact / covered / not visible
Visible damage Cavitaon / ping – details – depth of damage in mm
Condion of the an-fouling system aer
Pictures of the area before cleaning
Pictures of the area aer cleaning
Any other ndings
Treatment details
What is the esmated amount of materials
By weight
What treatment of seawater was done? eg technology used to separate and treat
Name and posion of the person in charge
of the service acvity / cleaning company
representave including signature and date:
Name and posion of the person in charge of
the ship/shipowner representave including
signature and date:
Explanatory notes to the Industry standard on
in-water cleaning with capture
It has been necessary to divide niche areas into dierent categories because the same piece of
equipment cannot be used to clean all of them:
a. The hull itself and niche areas present on the vercal side or the boom of the ship that can be
readily cleaned without using special equipment. On such areas, the equipment used is designed
to clean large at areas fast, which includes remotely operated vehicles (ROV’s) and divers.
b. Propellers. The Industry standard addresses cleaning of the propeller with capture.
c. Niche areas that for example are built into the hull and/or have bends or corners have to be
cleaned with special equipment and therefore are non-comparable to (a) and (b).
A cleaning company can be approved for one or more of the categories. The approval process involves
a test of the equipment and the cercate will specify which category or categories the cleaning
company is approved to perform.
Biofouling will build-up faster in areas, where it has not been possible to apply an AFS, for example
dock block areas, which can be categorized as a niche area in the above-menoned category (a).
On average dry-dock support strips situated on the boom of the ship (also referred to as block
marks) are dened as niche areas and can be calculated to cover between 0.6% and 1.5% of the
submerged hull area dependant on the kind and size of the ship. The Industry standard, therefore,
presumes that the above-menoned category (a) niche areas may be equal to 5% of the submerged
hull area and an ROV or a diver can use normal equipment to clean them.
Dock block areas may be more fouled than the surrounding coated areas, some of which may be
hard calcareous biofouling with a height that lies beyond that for which the cleaning unit has been
The references areas are used to esmate the total percentage coverage by taking the average
coverage of all the reference areas as well as other observed areas.
The following is a non-exhausve list of niche areas:
1. sea chests
2. thrusters (bow, stern, azimuth etc)
3. tunnels associated with these thrusters
4. propeller shas
5. grangs (all grangs underwater)
6. access hatches and covers
7. rudder, rudder stock, hinge/pintle area
8. stern tube seal, rope guard external/internal
9. propeller and boss cap
10. bilge keels
11. cathodic protecon anodes
12. stabilizers and associated ns, spoilers
13. inlet/outlet pipes (all pipes underwater)
14. transducers (echo sounder, speed log)
15. pitot tubes
16. bulbous bow
17. tug push points
18. areas of the hull that have been in contact with fenders
19. areas of the hull that have been in contact with anchor chains
20. waterline (boot top area)
21. anchor chains and chain lockers
22. edges and weld joints
23. any free ood spaces that may be immersed either wholly or partly when the ship is aoat.
There are a variety of methods available for cleaning the hull and niche areas. Some companies
use ROVs and others use divers. Further, some cleaners use brushes, whilst others use water jets
and other types of equipment. The Industry standard does not delve into the details of any specic
cleaning methods and techniques nor does it provide any form of rang. Instead, the Industry
standard concentrates on the processes for relevant stakeholders that will ensure a safe, ecient and
environmentally sound in-water cleaning process.
In 2011, IMO adopted the guidelines recommending the use of a biofouling management plan and
biofouling record book (Resoluon MEPC.207(62), 2011 Guidelines for the Control and management
of Ships’ Biofouling to Minimize the Transfer of Invasive Aquac Species (IMO Biofouling Guidelines).
The informaon in the IMO Biofouling Guidelines has formed the basis of the Industry standard.
In this chapter, the requirements for the recordings that should be made by the ship in addion to
the IMO Biofouling Guidelines are listed. Further, some coastal states and port states may require
addional documentaon.
The ship specic informaon that should be included in the biofouling management plan can be
found from the inial ship specicaon documents and docking survey les. Other sources of this
informaon are the shipyard or AFS manufacturer.
From a praccal point of view, it may be benecial to incorporate biofouling management in the PMS
of the ship and/or the ship’s SMS.
The biofouling record book should assist the shipowner and operator to evaluate the ecacy of the
specic AFS, the operaonal pracces on the ship and the biofouling management plan in general.
The biofouling record book should be completed, so that relevant authories can assess the potenal
biofouling risk of the ship quickly and eciently, thus minimising potenal delays to the ship’s
The Instute of Marine Engineering, Science and Technology (IMarEST) and Internaonal Paint and
Print Ink Council (IPPIC) have provided a template for the biofouling management plan, which is
recognised by some coastal state authories for invasive species prevenon. It can be downloaded
from the internet
5 
The Industry standard introduces reference areas, which will serve as areas that are used to measure
the ecacy of the cleaning. By denion, a niche area is a reference area.
During every inspecon, aenon should be paid to the reference areas and ensure informaon is
being recorded correctly. The condion of reference areas will help give an indicaon of biofouling
growth, therefore, accurate inspecon and recording of details will be of upmost importance. It may
not be possible to inspect all reference areas during one inspecon, so every new inspecon should
select dierent reference areas in order to represent the enre underwater area. A full inspecon
should cover the enre ship and in addion inspect other relevant locaons between areas that are
not designated as reference areas.
The minimum number of reference areas menoned in the Industry standard is ten, but on a large
ship and taking the number of niche areas into account, more areas will be needed. On at surfaces,
reference areas should be carefully chosen to ensure that they are sucient in number and spread
out in such a way that as a whole, they are representave of the enre underwater area of the ship.
The total number of reference areas should be manageable, and the maximum number of reference
areas should be chosen to ensure that the inspecon will be praccal.
Today, most reference areas on the hull are unmarked. When repainng the hull or when building a
new ship, the marking of these areas should be considered.
If the quality is good, a photo says more than a thousand words. The Industry standard sets minimum
requirements for sll photos and videos used for documentaon both before and aer cleaning.
In general, biofouling management should be based on an assessment of the ship’s condion in
combinaon with visual in-water inspecons. The assessment may include an on-line monitoring
system collecng data from sensors, analysis of manually collected data such as from noon reports,
dedicated speed trials, employment of diving contractors to conduct inspecons, use of ROVs, or crew
inspecons using underwater cameras and drones.
At mes, local regulaons demand that a ship arrives aer it has carried out an in-water inspecon
and, if necessary, a cleaning of the hull and niche areas. Also, certain commercial agreements as
specied in the contract between the shipowner and the charterer or the AFS manufacturer can
necessitate an inspecon.
Whenever a propeller cleaning operaon takes place, it is recommended that the scope includes a
hull and niche areas inspecon to determine the level of biofouling, condion of the AFC (existence
of blisters, peeling o or any other sign of deterioraon) and hull damage. Propulsion improvement
devices, scrubber outlets and transducers may also be inspected to establish if cleaning is required.
A risk assessment can vary in sophiscaon depending on whether it is based on eet stascs or on
the actual trade of the ship. It should be noted that some coastal states perform a risk assessment
on a ship, prior to arrival at port to determine if access may be granted or if an inspecon of the
biofouling is required.
Based on the predominant trading areas and operaonal prole of the ship, the risk of biofouling
growth can be described by using the following risk groups, nong that acve biofouling management
can be used to improve a ship’s risk group:
The ship trades and operates in a way that the risk of biofouling can be
considered as low.
The risk of biofouling growth is present due to the trade and operaon paern
of the ship
The ship’s trade and operaon paern results in a high risk of biofouling growth.
The extent to which the operaonal prole of the ship is in the “high risk” or “medium risk”
categories triggers shorter periods between in-water inspecons.
The following explains the factors in more detail:
Water salinity – Scienc evidence suggests that the number of living organisms increase in
water, which has a higher level of salt and minerals.
Water temperature – I0t has been shown that global marine biodiversity is correlated with water
temperature. The western Pacic Ocean and broad equatorial regions of the oceans in general
host the greatest diversity
. Locally, coastal regions and areas with higher water temperatures
will host a greater diversity as a result of more favourable nutrients, sunlight and other factors
associated with species’ abundance. So, there is an increased chance of biofouling accumulaon
on the surface of the ships operang in these warmer areas compared with cooler water bodies.
Depth of water and distance to shore – As the depth of water increases, the abundance of
biofouling species typically decreases as a result of changing environmental condions. As such,
ships operang in trans-connental routes as opposed to coastal ones typically experience a
lower biofouling challenge.
Hull roughness – A rough hull provides an ideal substrate for biofouling organisms. With todays
technology it is not possible to reliably measure the hull’s roughness underwater on a commercial
scale. This may change as technology evolves.
Age of an-fouling coang – By design, self-polishing or ablave AFS erodes over me, but the
predictable characterisc of the product helps ensure proper ecacy. The impact of potenal
cleaning should be taken into consideraon during the paint specicaon process. Unplanned
cleaning may accelerate coang loss, thus making it dicult to reliably measure the remaining
lifeme span of the AFS when the ship is in the water or to ancipate coang depleon. Dierent
coloured layers of coang can give a visible indicaon of polishing/erosion speed. This will not be
the case with non-polishing coangs, such as epoxy or silicone-based systems.
Surface treatment – The extent of surface treatment done at last drydocking has an impact on
the potenal biofouling growth on a hull. Full blast means that there is a low risk, while spot blast
(especially if consecuve spot blasts have been conducted on previous drydocking) constute a
signicant risk.
Ulisaon rate and idle me – This has a very direct and large impact on aachment of biofouling
organisms onto a ship’s hull. The risk of biofouling for a ship increases with idle me and/or low
ulisaon rates. This is especially the case with coangs that are dependent on polishing or water
fricon to facilitate biofouling control, ie waterow over the hull surface is necessary to maintain
the coangs surface condion. The AFS manufacturers recommendaons regarding idle periods
and speed proles for the ship provided should be adhered to. Failure to do so increases the
risk that accumulated biofouling may not detach even if the ship meets recommended cruising
speeds. In such cases, cleaning may be required to correct the coangs surface condion.
6 Tiensor, D., Mora, C., Jetz, W. et al. Global paerns and predictors of marine biodiversity across taxa. Nature 466, 1098–1101 (2010) doi:10.1038/
Speed – Coangs should be chosen to match the operang prole and speed of the ship. In cases,
where ships operate below the recommended speed, biofouling can accumulate, especially if
this connues for extended periods. Only when a ship travels at speeds specied by the AFS
manufacturer, will biofouling aachment be prevented. It should be noted that some niche
areas will be exposed to dierent water ows when the speed changes and this may reduce the
biofouling accumulaon.
Damage to the AFC – The AFC can get damaged by physical contact with hard and heavy objects
such as fenders, tugs, anchor chain, sing on seabed during low des etc. Areas with damaged or
missing AFC may no longer be protected against biofouling growth.
The hull and propeller performance monitoring are carried out by analysing the data collected from
the ship either manually for example by noon reports or automacally through high frequency data
collecon tools.
A standardized method to measure the performance of a ship’s hull through the water can be found
in the internaonal standard ISO 19030, which outlines general principles on how to measure changes
in hull and propeller performance, and denes the four performance indicators for hull and propeller
maintenance as well as repair and retrot acvies. The standard outlines a series that consist of
three separate parts:
Part 1: General principles – Ships and marine technology – Measurement of changes in hull and
propeller performance
Part 2: Default method – Ships and marine technology – Measurement of changes in hull and
propeller performance
Part 3: Ships and marine technology – Measurement of changes in hull and propeller
performance – alternave methods.
It should be noted that a high frequency data collecon system gives a beer esmaon of the level
of biofouling, the condion of the AFS on the hull and the state of the propeller. This informaon can
help determine when a hull inspecon may be needed, the outcome of which may lead to hull and/or
propeller cleaning.
In the absence of an online data collecon system, dedicated ship trials can also help determine the
hull eciency in terms of power and fuel consumpon variaons at certain loading condions.
Ship trials require planning to minimise the disrupon to the ship’s schedule and crew’s roune.
Also, commercial commitments need to be taken into consideraon in order to plan the possibility of
performing return runs.
Besides the use of an eecve hull and propeller performance monitoring system to ascertain if
expected performance targets are met, an operator should also set up a documented drydocking
procedure with quaned quality control metrics. Drydocking strategy comprises of the selecon
of the appropriate an-fouling suitable for the type of ship, its expected trade prole, coang
applicaon and surface preparaon (extent and quality).
Hull inspecons are carried out for various reasons and may be a part of the ship’s operaon cycle.
Documentaon of an inspecon is crucial to biofouling management. Missing or inaccurate
documents can lead to delays, and/or extra costs. It is, therefore, important to ensure the inspecon
is suciently documented to full the following purposes:
be a decision tool for the shipowner as to when to iniate a cleaning
funcon as documentaon for authories
provide enough informaon for the cleaning company to visualise and plan the cleaning regarding
cleaning method, equipment and procedures.
This documentaon may also be required when dealing with the commercial aspects such as
assigning responsibility or nancial burdens.
In this context, details should be provided about biofouling types, coverage, height or length, and the
condion of the AFS.
The Industry standard is based on an esmaon of the biofouling coverage of the reference areas
as well as an esmaon of the total coverage. There are other standards that are based on the
biofouling coverage. The table below is a comparison between dierent popular standards:
Industry standard ASTM 
FR 0, FR 10, FR 20 Code L, Code M, Code H
FR 20 Code H
So corals, sponges, hydroids,
anemones, tunicates
FR 30 Under revision
So corals, sponges, hydroids,
anemones, tunicates
FR 40 (tubeworms), FR 50 (barnacles),
FR 60 (tubeworms and barnacles) (less
than 6.4 mm in height)
FR 70 (tubeworms and barnacles),
FR 80, Fr 90, (more than 6.4 mm in
height) and Fr 100
Under revision
Table 1: Comparison between biofouling categorisaons.
ASTM refers to: Naval Ships’ Technical Manual, chapter 081, Waterborne Underwater Hull Cleaning of
Navy Ships, 2006.
NACE refers to: SP21421 “Pictorial Standard for Underwater Evaluaon of Fouling Degree on Ship
Hulls”, 2020.
Further NACE TG 581, “Standard Pracce Inspecng and Reporng Biofouling and Anfouling Systems
Condion during an In-water survey, 2020 provides an Appendix with indicave comparison of
common biofouling rangs and scales used by the industry.
The dierent types and scales of biofouling listed in the Industry standard can be used as praccal
tools for planning and carrying out in-water cleaning.
Dierent types of biofouling will result from dierent hydrodynamic drag. This increase in drag can
be up to 40%
. The impact depends on type, distribuon and growth, which are rarely homogenous,
thereby adding to the complexity of the problem.
7 See for example: Schultz, M. P., Bendick, J. A., Holm, E. R. and Hertel, W. M. (2011) Economic impact of biofouling on a naval surface ship, Biofouling,
27: 1, 87 – 98.
In order to make the Industry standard praccal, it has been decided to use visual assessment tools
and pictorial reporng. The reporng should describe the size, coverage and overall type of biofouling
rather than delve into the detail of the dierent types of biofouling.
A ship’s AFS may have a set of terms and condions that ensure a specic performance level.
The method, by which this is determined, will vary depending on the company and product. For
example, performance can be measured according to the extent of biofouling observed on the
ship during the lifeme or based on fuel consumpon rates or other associated parameters such
as power consumpon of the ship. It is typical to set a threshold, which is dened as the “failure
point. It is important to note that the failure point agreed upon with the manufacturer may not
always correspond to regulatory requirements for hull cleanliness. Data sharing requirements may
be required dependant on the basis of the agreement regarding performance measurement and the
provision of the data used to conrm any failure.
It is important for the shipowner, cleaner and AFS manufacturer to have knowledge of the AFS
condion. The use of a pictorial guidance has been chosen to ensure the Industry standard is easy to
use. Some types of damage and the extent of the damage may prevent cleaning from being iniated.
This will have to be decided on a case by case basis aer contacng the AFS manufacturer.
There are standards, which can also be used to assess the condion of the AFC. Examples can be
found in the following standards ASTM D610, Standard Pracce for Evaluang Degree of Rusng
on Painted Steel Surfaces, and SSPC-VIS2-68T, Standard Method of Evaluang Degree of Rusng on
Painted Steel Surfaces.
The full details of the inspecon and/or cleaning are contained in the inspecon/ cleaning reports.
However, since the level of detail is high and me consuming, the report may not be ready at the
same me as the work is completed. In these situaons, a service report containing minimum
details of the work will be submied by the company to the master of the ship as a preliminary
The inspecon report spulated in the Industry standard is aimed at the inspecon of biofouling
and should not be confused with the in-water inspecons carried out as part of class or statutory
It is important that the inspecon describes the biofouling growth in the various reference areas, the
condion of AFS and that the conclusion esmates the total percentage growth of biofouling on the
Apart from appending the report itself to the biofouling record book, the ship should add all the
relevant informaon from the inspecon report into the biofouling record book.
The cleaning should be seen as a part of the whole biofouling management process. Annex 1 provides
an overview of the communicaon ow between the various pares using the Industry standard
when conducng hull inspecon and/or in-water cleaning.
Only approved cleaning companies should be used for cleaning acvies. The shipowner should ask
to see proof of approval and the cleaning company shall provide informaon about the permits and
approval cercates in its possession.
The shipowner should provide enough informaon to enable the cleaning company to plan the
praccal cleaning. This informaon can be found in the ship’s biofouling management plan as well as
in previous in-water inspecon and cleaning reports.
There is a reducon in the performance of some types of AFS during the second half of their lifespan.
Sharing the age of AFS and its expected lifespan will give an indicaon of the growth of biofouling that
can be expected on the hull and/or niche areas.
Details of other planned acvies such as bunkering operaons, storing operaons etc should be
shared with the cleaning company. This informaon is parcularly relevant for the cleaning companys
risk assessment if the inspecon and/or cleaning operaon is going to be conducted.
The cleaning company should be informed if the ship has had any prolonged idle periods or if any
other risk of biofouling can be expected in accordance with the ship’s operaonal prole.
Informaon about the type of equipment used for cleaning the ship’s hull and niche areas is crucial
and must be provided by the cleaning company. The ship should then check if the proposed method is
in accordance with the AFS applied.
The informaon provided by the cleaning company will enable the ship to plan internal procedures to
accommodate the in-water cleaning and any measures to be applied during the process.
If the AFS has exceeded its operaonal life, the cleaning company should refuse to conduct the
cleaning operaon. However, the master of the ship and cleaning company, can reach a special
agreement with the local authories to conduct the cleaning. It should be noted that during the
cleaning of a ship coated with an expired AFS, the coang may have a higher risk of being damaged
and present an increased risk of chemical contaminaon to the environment. Generally, in-water
cleaning of coangs that have exceeded their operaonal life is not recommended.
The most noceable dierence between operang alongside or at anchorage is the ability of the ROV
or diver to safely access all immersed areas of the ship to carry out a full inspecon or cleaning.
When aending a ship alongside, due consideraon should be given to the ship’s berthing
arrangement. The ship should be moored alongside in such a way that allows safe access to the in-
board side of the ship.
In some countries, the authories, who are responsible for issuing permits, will be located in the port
whilst others are a central authority of a country or a region. In some instances, local regulaons
may call for a permit for each cleaning operaon. A cleaning permit may include requirements for a
communicaon plan outlining the emergency stops necessary to avoid damage to safety, health and
the environment.
Permit condions are likely to be country and port specic. The permit is issued according to the local
health, safety, biosecurity and environmental regulaons. Many of these permits only allow cleaning
of ships once all the safety parameters are adhered to. Should any of the condions change the
cleaning may have to be suspended unl such parameters are restored.
 This refers to pre-operaon checks, which the cleaning company should perform
using ROV or divers to assess the level and coverage of biofouling and AFS condion, and to ensure
that the cleaning technology is suitable.
 This refers to a safety system, where key systems and equipment of the ship are
isolated from operaon in order to ensure the safety of the cleaning operaon. For example, when
cleaning is being carried out the propeller should be turned o and secured. The cathodic hull
protecon system should also be powered o during the cleaning.
 The cleaning procedure should not be conducted in a manner that impairs the
current and future performance of the an-fouling system. Certain cleaning procedures may damage
the AFS without being immediately visible but may later accelerate biofouling growth. Rough edges
on the wheels of the unit or other parts of the equipment that touches the ship’s AFS during cleaning
may cause slight damage to the AFS.
Any exisng damage to the AFS should be carefully documented by the cleaning company and
brought to the aenon of the master. It should be noted that the performance of an impaired AFS
should not be expected to be the same aer the compleon of the cleaning operaon.
 There may be instances when the cleaning of the enre hull and niche areas are not
possible. There could be several reasons for this, such as size of the ship, duraon in port/anchorage,
operaonal dicules that led to the suspension of a cleaning acvity midway etc.
In these circumstances, the ship should connue its cleaning acvity at the next available opportunity.
To achieve this, the cleaning report should include specic details such as the reference areas to
give an overview as to which areas were cleaned. This will enable other pares, including the next
cleaning company, to connue cleaning from where it was le o.
The process necessary before the cleaning commences is described in this part of the Industry
The ship and the cleaning company representaves should meet before the start of the cleaning
operaon. This meeng should address any last-minute changes of the planned operaon and focus
on safety during the cleaning process.
The risk assessment should take into consideraon any applicable rise and fall of de and/or change
in dra of ship during loading and unloading/cargo operaons. Changes to these may aect the
operang clearance between the ship and seabed. A careful assessment of these condions should
be made prior inspecon and/or cleaning acvies. The clearance between the ship and quay side
should also be carefully considered as part of the risk assessment.
Safety and environmental requirements for the cleaning company
The safety and environment elements of the Industry standard are based on the general approval of
the in-water cleaners equipment and procedures by an approval body and the permit given by local
authories that allows the cleaner to operate at certain locaons. In some cases, to issue the permit,
local authories will also have to approve the equipment and procedures.
The cleaning permit is issued according to the local health, safety, biosecurity and environmental
regulaons and the cleaning of the ship is dependent on adherence to all the safety parameters
and to adherence with the set environmental parameters. Should any of the condions change or
environmental limits be exceeded, the cleaning shall be suspended unl such parameters can be
A pre-cleaning assessment can help safeguard the interests of both the ship and cleaning company.
For example, when the actual biofouling observed on the hull is more than what is ancipated
by the ship or when previous cleaning acvies has resulted in damage, the cleaning company is
safeguarded by documentaon from a pre-cleaning assessment. On the other hand, if the pre-
inspecon report is clean and damage is caused to the AFS by the cleaning company, the shipowners
interests are safeguarded.
A pre-assessment can be carried out by a suitably trained diver or by use of an ROV. This should
include an inspecon of the enre area that is planned to be cleaned in that session.
The inspecon should also be used to assess any damage to AFS, any unexpected growth of
If this assessment reveals things such as hard calcareous biofouling growth above the capability of the
cleaning system and covering more than 5% of the enre underwater area of the ship, the condion
is outside the scope of the Industry standard. However, the cleaning may be conducted subject to
special permission from the port or other authories and a special agreement between ship and
cleaning company.
Mutual planning between the cleaning company and the ship is key to a safe and ecient cleaning
operaon that protects the marine environment.
A system used for cleaning the ship’s hull and niche areas may contain several parts. Depending on
the technology used, the system may consist of a cleaning unit, cables, hoses, control unit, ltraon
unit, storage unit and a separaon and/or treatment unit. Some of these may be combined into one
The choice of cleaning system depends on many factors, such as:
1. Ship’s condion – dra and trim. Since most cleaning systems can only clean below the
waterline, it is ideal to clean the ship at its deepest dra ie fully loaded condion. However, this
is not praccal for all ship types. Commercial agreements for tankers and bulkers may restrict
them from carrying out hull cleaning, when in fully loaded condion. Therefore, the ship should
endeavour to be in the best possible dra/trim condion that is praccal for its type and trading
paern when carrying out cleaning acvies.
2. Water visibility – This is an important criterion for obtaining proper records in form of
photographs and videos during inspecons and cleaning. Generally, it is beer to conduct the
in-water inspecons in clear water, but this is not always possible.
3. Availability of a cleaning company – Even if planned well in advance, the availability of an
approved cleaning company may be a problem somemes due to changes in other ships’
schedules etc.
4. Other operaons – At mes, bunkering, ballasng or other maintenance operaons may pose a
hindrance to conducng in-water operaons.
5. Port and terminal requirements – Some authories may allow in-water cleaning only in a
designated berth and/or anchorage while others may restrict cleaning to anchorages outside the
ports limits. The risks are dierent when conducng a cleaning operaon at berth compared to
an anchorage. In the port, frequent movement of ships in close vicinity should be considered.
At the anchorage, movement of other ships, swinging of one’s own ship around the anchor
cable, increased current and dal ows etc should be considered. The ship should observe any
operaonal procedures in the port that will make it necessary to suspend the cleaning acvies
for example if the permissible weather condions are exceeded.
6. Weather, sea state, currents – It is more dicult to conduct in-water cleaning in rough weather
and high waves. This factor is amplied when conducng the inspecon and cleaning at
anchorages in open water. The manoeuvrability of barges, carrying the cleaning equipment
and treatment units, will also be aected by rough weather condions. The risk assessment
should carefully capture all these points. If the cleaning operaon is performed at anchorage,
the anchor watch should observe wind, current, and waves to ascertain if and when it might be
necessary to suspend the cleaning operaons.
7. Cleaning area – Physical restricons at berth such as fenders, oil protecon booms etc may
cause a hindrance to the cleaning acvity. Water depth in some ports may not allow a diver or
an ROV to move easily and safely under the ship.
8. While it is recommended to clean at the most convenient locaon, it is not always feasible. For
example, regulaons may require a ship to be cleaned prior to heading into the territorial sea
of certain coastal states. Under such circumstances, the ship may be restricted in the choice of
cleaning companies and locaons.
9. The amount of me available compared to the me required to clean the designated area
should be carefully checked. This check should ensure that quality is not compromised by trying
to cover too big an area in too short a period of me.
10. The sequence of cleaning should be carefully planned and discussed with the master of the
ship. For example: If the boom area needs to be cleaned, then the vercal sides, which will
come into contact with the cable, should be cleaned rst. If the boom areas are cleaned rst,
the cable may come into contact with the vercal sides, which could result in biofouling growth
detaching and being released into the water.
11. Accidental dislodgement or release of biofouling may take place even if all countermeasures
have been taken by the cleaners. The cause for any accident should always be examined and all
incidents shall be recorded in the cleaning log and reported.
12. Cameras may be incorporated in the cleaning unit itself to capture the required pictures and/or
videos while conducng the cleaning.
The risks involved in accidental release are related to both safety and environment. An accidental
release may be caused by one or more of the following:
1. damage to cables between the cleaning and surface units
2. operang equipment in exceedance of operaonal limits (level of biofouling, weather condions,
current, etc)
3. damage to cleaning machines
4. inclement weather – posing a challenge for the cleaning machine to maintain the required sucon
and adhesion eect on the surface being cleaned
5. damage to the holding tank on the surface
6. failure to separate material or other associated components in the treatment unit of the system.
The result of accidental release could be one or more of the following, the list of which is non-
1. injury to personnel involved
2. release of invasive aquac species that may result in damage to the marine environment
3. release of AFS materials, which may include biocides, heavy metal compounds into the local
waters, aecng the marine environment
4. disrupon of the service being carried out
5. possible clean-up operaons as required by local authories
6. possible delay to the ship operaons.
Therefore, it is important to have a procedure in place to migate the risk to both safety and
environment in case of an accidental release of material. This is akin to a spill response procedure.
This procedure may include:
1. informing all relevant port and local authories for example environmental protecon agencies
2. engaging in spill containment operaon and monitoring aer the event
3. engaging in clean-up operaons
4. assisng eected pares as appropriate.
In the event of a black out or total loss of power, care should be taken to recover the diver and the
cleaning unit to the surface without releasing any biofouling into the water column.
In the event of a leakage of biofouling or other material into the water, operaons should be stopped
immediately. Every eort should be made to stop the leakage and minimise the spread in the water
whilst safely recovering the hull cleaning unit.
Quancaon of the captured material gives an indicaon of the amount of biofouling present on
the ship. Quancaon may also give an indicaon of any leakage of biofouling into the water at any
other stage of capture such as the hose. For example, if the ship was found to be fouled uniformly
over the enre surface of the hull but during the separaon and quancaon process, less biofouling
was captured by the system than expected, then there is a strong likelihood that the system is not
funconing correctly.
It is hard to separate all water or moisture from the solid materials immediately. As biofouling is
a living organism with moisture, it will connue to lose moisture as it dries once removed from
the water. Therefore, if the biofouling is allowed to dry, there will a signicant change in the
measurements of weight or volume, every me a new reading is taken. In order to maintain a
balance and some standardisaon in the quancaon process, the Industry standard requires that
quancaon is done within one hour of the compleon of the cleaning acvity. This will also ensure
that there is no undue delay to the ship/port operaons and disposal of the material.
Some niche areas will form structures inside the plang of the hull, and this will make cleaning of
niche areas more dicult compared to hull cleaning and cleaning companies will have to be approved
and tested accordingly. Niche area cleaning may be undertaken by divers using special equipment
or by ROVs that can clean niche areas. Technology is evolving and in me beer equipment may be
Due to dierent water ow paerns in niche areas compared to the hull, the growth of biofouling in
niche areas is generally higher and more dicult to remove and capture.
Aside from biofouling, propellers also develop a tenacious, hard, rough layer of calcareous chalk,
produced as a by-product to the cathodic protecon system. Ships usually have zinc or anodes that
generate a ow of electrons to areas of AFC damage on the hull and propeller to prevent corrosion.
This causes the areas of bare metal to become cathodic, which reduces oxygen and water to hydroxyl
ions that react with calcium, magnesium and carbon dioxide to form calcium and magnesium
carbonates (chalk). The chalk deposits add protecon to the surface but also cause signicant
roughening. The amount, rate and type of deposit is dependent on cathodic current density and
ambient seawater condions. Chalk generally forms faster in tropical waters
Cleaning of propellers is conducted by specialized cleaning companies approved in accordance with
the Approval procedure for in-water cleaning companies. The Industry standard does not deal with
such propeller polishing but rather in-water cleaning and capture of biofouling on the propeller that
may be coated.
8 Propeller Polishing Condion and Denions, compiled by Burkard T. Watermann, LimnoMar.
One of the most important inputs to the cleaning report should come from the post cleaning
inspecon. The post cleaning inspecon helps in checking two important things:
1. The area cleaned is free of visible biofouling.
2. The AFS has not been damaged during the cleaning process.
This can help pares safeguard their own interests in the event of a future claim. When proper care is
taken while cleaning the ship, it is in the interests of the cleaning company to ensure that this is well
Systems, which use ROVs as cleaning equipment, may not have to conduct a separate post cleaning
inspecon but instead use strategically mounted cameras on the ROV that photograph the cleaned
hull. Thus, the inspecon is completed at the same me as the cleaning. However, it is essenal that
the photos and videos can clearly depict the exact condion of the hull: existence of any biofouling
if there is any and the condion of the an-fouling coang. Images must live up to the specicaons
required by the Industry standard for in-water cleaning with capture. If the ROVs photographs are
not to specicaon, a diver or other equipment will have to be employed for the task.
The cleaning report and post cleaning inspecon report may be combined into one report, providing
all the necessary details have been suciently captured. This report will provide the ship with proof
of compliance with various local regulaons.
Once the cleaning operaon is completed, all systems on the ship that were locked or tagged out
from operaon should be brought back into their normal operaonal state.
This cannot be done unl the cleaning company representave has conrmed to the master that the
divers and all the equipment have been taken out of the water to a safe area and that the cleaning
and/or inspecon operaon has been completed.
The cleaning report contains detailed informaon, which means that it is not available immediately
aer the cleaning operaon. However, to provide the master of the ship with proof that the acvity
has been carried out in accordance with the requirements of various pares, the cleaning company
shall issue a service report that contains the basic informaon on the job performed. This serves
as preliminary documentaon of the cleaning process. The service report contains less informaon
than the cleaning report but can be used by the master to inform involved pares, such as port,
commercial enes, regulatory bodies etc.
The detailed cleaning report will be created and forwarded at a later date by the cleaning company to
either the ship’s master or the shipowner depending on the agreement.
This report contains all the informaon about the cleaning operaon. The cleaning company should
ll in all the details required.
The cleaning report should be suciently detailed to ensure the shipowner has all the necessary
informaon on the cleaning operaon. It is acceptable if due to various reasons, a full cleaning of
the ship cannot be completed in one aempt. The cleaning report template is made in such a way to
enable the next cleaning company to connue the process aer the previous cleaning operaon.
Apart from appending the report itself to the biofouling record book, relevant informaon should be
also entered in the biofouling record book by the ship.
There are many dierent systems used to prevent biofouling growth and the Industry standard has
been limited to the most popular or promising systems that are currently on the market. This list is
likely to change in accordance with technological developments and innovaon.
An AFC is a paint coang system using biofouling resistant materials, which is applied on the
immersed part of the ship’s hull. It can be used for piping and other unpainted components of the
underwater hull. Marine growth prevenon systems (MGPSs) using ultrasound, cathodes, anodes and
the process of electrolysis are used to control biofouling in niche areas such as sea chests and internal
seawater cooling systems. Other innovave procedures are also available to control biofouling
however, their use is not yet established in commercial shipping.
The biofouling management plan should also include a descripon of the submerged areas, where
there is no AFS.
The shipowner shall enter the informaon provided by the AFS manufacturer into the biofouling
management plan. This informaon will become the core reference document for all future in-water
inspecons and cleaning. It is important to obtain all relevant details of the AFS and in parcular any
recommendaons on cleaning. The quality of a future in-water cleaning depends on the robustness of
this informaon and therefore, it is essenal to have all the details accurately recorded and retained
onboard the ship.
The AFS manufacturer should supply any informaon that may be required in order to properly
plan and conduct an in-water cleaning operaon. The IMO Biofouling Guidelines species the
minimum level of informaon that should be supplied. Such informaon is necessary to ensure a
sound foundaon, on which the in-water cleaning can be carried out in accordance with the Industry
Several dierent an-fouling coangs are used on ship surfaces depending on the operang prole,
therefore, using the right cleaning equipment and method is extremely important. The incorrect use
of equipment and/or methods for cleaning may impair the performance, damage the surface or even
remove the coang.
Any in-water cleaning damage to the AFC can have a signicant impact on the performance of a
ship oen resulng in loss of me and increased costs. As such the primary aim of the AFS selecon
process, which is based on seng targets for the ship’s performance between drydocking periods,
should be to minimize the number of in-water cleanings.
Coangs systems can broadly be categorised into the following ve groups:
 In coangs of this type, the acve substance(s) has (have) been physically
mixed (“freely associated”) into a resin matrix. Upon exposure to seawater,
the slightly acidic matrix slowly dissolves releasing the acve substance(s) into
the water. Seawater is slightly alkaline (pH 8) and the acidic matrix dissolves.
Connuous dissoluon of the coang surface will occur resulng in fresh acve
substance(s) being released unl eventually the lm is depleted. Soluble matrix
an-fouling products typically show a biocide release rate curve, which decays
exponenally. The soluble matrix coangs have reduced mechanical properes
that limit their lm thickness.
The paint lm’s thickness of these coangs depletes over me in an imprecise
manner and the lm does not show smoothing characteriscs on ships in
service. Such coangs are normally specied for a lifeme of typically 12-36
months on a commercial ship.
 This type of coang contains a mixture of resins that together form an
insoluble binder phase. One or more acve substances are physically mixed
into this matrix. As seawater enters the paint lm, the biocides are released
by dissoluon and diusion from within the insoluble matrix. Aer the acve
substance has been released from the lm, the binder remains intact and
an empty “honeycomb” structure (the leached layer) remains at the paint
surface. This type of coang has a high inial release rate, which decreases
exponenally with me as the acve substance(s) has (have) to travel further
through the paint lm. The rate of diusion of biocide from within the lm
then becomes a liming factor in maintaining an eecve biocide release rate,
thereby prevenng biofouling. Insoluble matrix an-fouling coangs do not
show lm-depleon or polishing as the resin is insoluble. The biocide release
process connues unl the coang is depleted.
The higher mechanical strength obtained with these coangs allows for
applicaons of thicker systems and coang lifemes of typically 12- 36 months
are aainable for commercial ships, although some products (predominantly in
the pleasure cra sector) can have lifemes in excess of 5 years.
 This group is currently the most common and covers a range of dierent
technologies that deliver the acve substance through a gradual depleon/
ablaon of the paint lm throughout the lifeme of the coang. These
coangs use binder systems, which control polishing behaviour by dierent
mechanisms. A broad range of binder technologies are found in this group
that has replaced tributyln (TBT) copolymer-based paints, which have been
withdrawn from use. Binder systems range from those based on the dissoluon
of metal carboxylates and polymers relying on ion-exchange, to polymers
relying on hydrolysis to control the rate of polishing.
Modicaon of the binder systems and pigment phases of products within
this group can be used to tailor them to dierent end users. The protecon
requirements of a fast moving and very acve ship can be very dierent from
that of a slow moving, less acve one. Such modicaons can also be used
to tailor performance to accommodate the potenal intensity of biofouling.
The dierent binder technologies can be used alone or in combinaon, which
results in products with varying levels of an-fouling protecon. Other binder
components may also be added in order to modify the overall properes of the
paint lm.
Typical dry-docking intervals for ships coated with self-polishing an-fouling
paints range from 24 to 60 months. However, these systems may also be
specied for lifemes beyond this period.
Fouling release These coangs prevent biofouling growth by reducing the adhesion strength
of the biofouling on the coang, thereby allowing the coang to “release” the
biofouling once the ship has passed a certain speed through the water. This
is achieved by using resin systems that provide a smooth, low surface energy,
which reduces the tenacity of the biofouling organisms’ “glue”. Biocides may
also be used in these systems to provide a “hybrid” coang that has both
biocidal and biofouling release properes.
These coangs are used in a wider range of applicaons within both pleasure
cra and commercial sectors. Typical dry-docking intervals for ships coated
with biofouling release coangs range from 12 to 60 months, unless specied
for a lifeme beyond this period.
 This type of coang contains a mixture of resins that together form an
insoluble binder phase, which are very hard, mechanically robust coangs.
Biocide free insoluble matrix an-fouling coangs do not show lm-depleon
or polishing as the resin is insoluble. Biofouling prevenon is achieved by
creang a smooth surface and regular hull cleaning. The process of cleaning
achieves two things, biofouling removal and polishing of the coang surface to
maintain the smooth surface. Such coangs require regular cleaning to ensure
eecve biofouling control.
Table 2: Dierent paint categories and their lifemes (source: European Chemicals Agency, 2018).
Determining the remaining lifeme of an AFC is heavily dependent on the type of technology that is
used in the coang system. The resins used and the fundamental properes of each resin will have
a direct eect on the way that biofouling is controlled and on the maximum lifeme, during which
acceptable biofouling control can be maintained.
The following methods can be used to esmate the remaining lifeme of an an-fouling system:
dry lm thickness (DFT) measurements
the layers in the an-fouling system.
However, with the technology that is available today, these methods are not reliable, especially when
measured under water. Future technology may evolve to ensure a higher degree of accuracy. Unl
such me, the Industry standard highlights the importance of communicaon with AFS manufacturers
to obtain the best esmate of the remaining lifeme of the coang.
The following paragraphs give a more detailed descripon of these methods:
DFT measurements can be ascertained by using DFT gauges, varying in size from hand-held portables
to rugged shore-power-supplied units. The variaon in magnec force between a metal surface and
self-contained permanent magnets is measured. Instruments are available for use in drydock as well
as underwater.
When the probe of the gauge is placed perpendicular to the surface of the ship, the gauge returns a
measurement that represents the distance from the probe to the metal surface beneath.
This method is not free from errors. Most of the me, there is a layer of biofouling on the hull and the
thickness measurement gauge returns a reading that includes this biofouling layer. Also, it does not
consider the uneven wear and tear as a result of a ship’s operaonal cycle.
Some of the AFS have several layers of paint in dierent colours. As a layer leaches out, a new layer is
visible. This use of dierent colours helps to esmate the remaining lifeme of the coang. However,
it is oen dicult to clearly dene between the layers due to the under-water visibility. When there
is uneven leaching, due to dierent water ows over various areas, there is a risk, the esmaon will
somemes be incorrect.
The AFS manufacturer will inform the shipowner about which methods should be used for cleaning
each coang and this should be recorded in the biofouling management plan. Abrasive brushes are
generally not recommended for the cleaning of AFC unless the fouling is parcularly severe. Brush
type should match the type of coang to be cleaned, so that biofouling can be eecvely removed
whilst minimising damage to the underlying an-fouling coang.
A MGPS uses dierent methods to protect niche areas. The most common systems used are:
1. chemical dosing system
2. ultrasonic system
3. electrolyc system.
To ensure connual and eecve operaon, the manufacturers maintenance roune should be
carried out. This may include replacing the anodes at specied intervals.
A MGPS releases a small amount of chemical into the water of the niche area such as sea chests.
While some systems require chemicals to be manually added, others produce chemicals by breaking
down the water molecules of seawater. The presence of chemicals inhibits the selement of marine
growth to those parts of the ship.
Ultrasonic systems use pulsed acousc energy (generated by electrical discharge causing an
electrohydraulic shock) in pipes to prevent any selement of biofouling in seawater systems used on
Electrolycal systems use copper, aluminium and ferrous anodes and sends metal ions through the
water to form a thin lm over pipelines, coolers, heat exchangers etc that come in contact with
sea water. This layer of metal ions inhibits the marine organisms from aaching themselves to the
The communicaon between shipowner and AFS manufacturer is very important especially when
esmang the remaining lifeme of the coang system or MGPS.
AFS manufacturers may also comment on the method of cleaning used and if it had anything to do
with the performance of the coang or MGPS.
The Industry standard concentrates on cleaning systems used to remove and capture the biofouling
from the ship’s hull or niche areas.
The material captured from the ship contains a mixture of biofouling, paint akes and associated
metals and compounds, which are hard to separate from each other.
Once the material is removed from the ship and captured, it should be separated from the water that
may be treated further and discharged back into the sea, subject to approval from local authories.
The captured biofouling material should be quaned. Quancaon can be done either by weight
or volume or a combinaon of both. Quancaon can be done either before or aer the separaon
process. It is recommended to separate as much solid material from the water, as reasonably
praccable, before undertaking the quancaon process.
The cleaning company has to have been approved before it is allowed to operate. During the approval
process, an approval body will closely scrunise the sea water euent and capture specicaons. The
samples will be measured by an independent laboratory. This is described in detail in the Approval
procedure for in-water cleaning companies.
Cleaning companies shall pay close aenon to the sea water euent specicaon and have
procedures in place that include self-monitoring and the periodic maintenance of automac euent
monitoring devices, separaon equipment changes and back ush acvies etc so as to avoid
exceeding the sea water euent parameters. The self-audit in this chapter is part of the intermediate
control of the cleaning system.
In case the diver company is unable to provide a separaon system, captured material can be
collected in storage units and treated by mobile separaon units.
Furthermore, the port or local authories issue a permit that allows the cleaning company to operate
under certain requirements.
Material handling
The aim of the Industry standard is to minimize biofouling or any other parculate materials entering
the marine environment.
The standard also aims at avoiding aecng the environment negavely by addressing means to
capture dissolved components such as copper or zinc that is linked to the AFS. As the requirements
of various coastal states vary a lot with regards to dissolved components, a requirement of capture
of dissolved components has been made oponal. Some cleaning companies may be approved for
this but if that is not the case it is recommended that that a risk-based approach is used to establish
the potenal impact on water quality in consultaon with the local authories in order to obtain a
The selecon of 10 micron as a measure allows a single analycal method to be used to measure both
the parculate associated with the AFS and the biological components.
The selecon of 10 microns is seen to be possible in accordance with today’s technology. Filtraon
down to smaller sizes reecng the risk of releasing spores or propagules around the 2 µm size
category raises dicules for cleaning companies in terms of best available technology to achieve
this. Also, too strict a limit could hold back cleaning to the detriment of marine biosecurity.
The recommendaons in the standard do not and are not intended to replace the requirements
of local authories meaning that any system approved according to this standard will also need to
comply with local specicaons prior to operaon.
The rate at which biocide is released from AFC is complex as it depends on several factors. Such
factors include coang type, coang age, water quality parameters (notably temperature, pH and
salinity), the local hydrodynamic regime and history of the coang. In connecon with cleaning, some
AFS may leach more just aer a cleaning operaon because the layer is more exposed to the water.
Due to the variety of cleaning systems and various methods available to clean a ship, the best way to
test their performance is to check the results of the cleaning.
Therefore, the performance of cleaning systems is evaluated by collecng samples and tesng them
in accredited laboratories. The results of such tests should conform to the specicaons menoned in
the Approval procedure for in-water cleaning companies.
The cleaning company shall have a procedure to ensure that cleanings are carried out in accordance
with the Industry standard. This shall be demonstrated by an internal audit mechanism not exceeding
12 months.
A good quality assurance system helps in ensuring that samples are collected in a responsible way,
can be properly idened, safely transported, tested in an accredited laboratory etc. The results shall
be properly documented and shared with relevant, authorised pares.
The approval body and/or port and relevant local authories may be part of the process in various
ways, for example, some may only need to see the results while others may want to witness the
sampling and/or analysis processes. All this should be considered and accommodated to ensure that
the robustness of the Industry standard is maintained.
This secon describes the conngency measures that will have to be performed in case the cleaning
system fails.
  
AFS specicaons,
cleaning guidelines/
and opmal
operaonal prole
Based on the
cleaning report,
esmates the AFS’
remaining lifeme
and performance
management plan
and record book
Prepares its
operaons to
conform to this
standard and
obtains approval
cercate from
approval body
Issue(s) a local
cleaning permit
(aer detailing local
requirements) to
cleaning company
Conducts a risk
assessment and
ensures that
correct method
and equipment of
is used
applicaon for
Issue(s) approval
to commence
compliance with
local regulaons
carried out as per
Proof of inspecon/
cleaning (service
on collecon,
treatment and
Full report of
suspended if
risk parameters
Operaon stopped/
Shipowner hires
cleaning company
in accordance with
AFS manufacturers
Risk assessment and
safety procedure
on board during
cleaning operaon
Ship returns to
normal operaonal
Biofouling record
Shipowners les
Ship’s operaonal
prole and previous