Planning & Development Department
Development Services Division
2600 Fresno Street, Third Floor, Room 3043
Fresno, CA 93721-3604
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rev. 04/2020
Contents Requirement Checklist
Detailed Requirements for Contents Contained in Plans and documents required
for Planning Development Applications
Please use this information sheet as a checklist in conjunction with the appropriate Submittal
Checklist to ensure all plans and documents uploaded to the FAASTER system contain the
information necessary. If you have any questions about the items requested, please call the
Current Planning Division at (559) 621-8277. If your plans do not contain the information
listed below, your application will be deemed incomplete and rejected.
Detailed requirements for Operational Statement (Page 1), Site Plans (Pages 2-4), Elevations
(Page 4) and Landscape Plans (Page 5) are listed below. Additional information may be required
if there is a Specialized Checklist for a particular use.
Operational Statement Requirements
Project Site Address
Assessor’s Parcel Number(s) (APN’s)
Existing General Plan land use designation
Existing zone district
Identify the Community plan and Specific Plan (if applicable)
Describe efforts that have been made to discuss the proposal with neighbors
Describe how the proposal is complementary to the surrounding neighborhood
Describe how the proposal helps implement the Fresno General Plan
Describe, in detail, the proposed use(s)
Detail the hours of operation and the number of employees
Detail the expected daily visitors/users/guests
Describe any reasonably foreseeable effects from construction and/or operation of the site
that may impact the neighbors
Detail all security measures
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Site Plan layout must include the following:
General information:
Sheet size minimum of 24” x 36” (folded to 8½” x 11” size for project file folder)
Date of preparation
Title block
Scale: 1” = 30’ or larger (engineers scale only)
North arrow
Vicinity map depicting four major streets (1/2 square mile)
Existing and proposed planned land use designation
Existing and proposed zone district
Assessor’s Parcel Number(s) (APN’s)
Project site address
Contact information of the Property Owner, Applicant and Design Consultant
Standard Notes and Requirements
Other required on-site information:
Property lines and dimensions
Note that the entire parcel of record (i.e., created pursuant to the State of California Subdivision
Map Act and the Fresno Municipal Code) must be identified including a legal description. If only
a portion of an existing parcel is to be developed, a key map shall be included depicting the
entire parcel.
Phase lines (if applicable)
Scope of work: all items shall be listed as existing (to remain or to be removed), proposed or
Easements, both existing and proposed
Points of access (vehicular and pedestrian)
Buildings, existing and proposed, and their dimensions and setbacks from property lines
Setback line illustrated with a dashed line and labeled
Landscaped areas, existing and proposed
Recycling and refuse enclosures
All existing and proposed pad, utility vaults, transformers, backflow prevention devices, gas
meters, free standing mailboxes, and type/location/height, of proposed lights/light poles, fire
hydrants, etc.
Fences/walls, existing and proposed, including height and type
Signs, existing and proposed
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Summary table that includes the following in square feet, acres and percentage:
Project site area (net and gross)
Existing building area (per building and use)
Proposed building area (per building and use)
Building coverage (i.e., lot coverage)
Paved area
Landscape area
Parking area information:
All existing and proposed paved surfaces (walkways, driveways, etc.)
All existing and proposed parking spaces with dimensions. Show degree of angled stalls.
Identify the three foot vehicle overhang adjacent to a continuous curb. No obstructions are
permitted within the overhang.
Lighting is not to be included within the required three foot overhang area
All existing and proposed bicycle parking spaces
All existing and proposed loading zones (min. 12 ft. by 40 ft.; If loading zone is to be located
within a building, depict on floor plan)
Walkways that are adjacent to parking areas shall be a minimum of seven feet in width
Curbs must be six inches in height
Wheel stops (if needed) must be six inches in height
Fire lanes must be clearly depicted
Summary table that includes the following:
Number of parking spaces provided (standard and compact)
Number of parking spaces required
Number of accessible parking spaces provided
Number of accessible parking spaces required
Number of bicycle parking spaces provided
Number of bicycle parking spaces required
Ratio of parking spaces to floor area
Circulation aisles clearly depicted and dimensioned
Directional arrows
Disability parking, ramps and signage (including all site details)
Paving per the Department of Public Works Standards (i.e., P-41, P-42 and P-43)
Planters: provide planter dimensions and radii
Shopping centers: clearly depict shopping cart collection areas including a six inch high curb
Shopping centers: clearly depict redemption centers
Shopping centers: clearly depict pedestrian paths, both internally and to the surrounding
properties and outdoor dining areas (i.e., patios, benches, etc.)
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Off-site information:
Adjacent land use and zoning designations
Adjacent streets, freeways, and railroads (labeled and dimensioned)
Section lines and center lines
All existing and proposed dedications. Provide a dimension from the section and center lines to
the existing and proposed property lines.
Street Improvements: Identify existing and proposed curb, gutter, sidewalks (provide width),
driveway approaches (provide width), accessible ramps (provide radius), bus bays, traffic
signals, etc.
All street furniture including utility poles, boxes, guy wires, signs, street lights (specify if wood or
metal pole), fire hydrants, bus stop benches, trash receptacles, tree wells, etc.
Identify the required four foot minimum path of travel along the public sidewalk adjacent to
Median Islands: Identify and specify if existing to remain, proposed or to be modified
Intersections: If the proposed project is on street corner, provide the entire intersection on the
site plan. If located on a major intersection, also provide existing striping
Canals: Identify adjacent canals and provide a proposed cross section complete with
dimensions (unless proposed to be piped)
Sewer: Location and size of existing and proposed sewer lines and manholes
Water: Location and size of existing and proposed water lines
Storm Drain: Location of existing and proposed storm drain facilities
Vacations: Identify and dimension all vacations
Tree wells and method of irrigation
Elevations and Floor Plans must include the following:
Elevations labeled appropriately (i.e., north, south, east and west) of all proposed buildings
General architectural features (i.e., window and door locations, trim, materials, etc.)
All wall-mounted equipment (i.e., lights, gutters, downspouts, etc.)
All mechanical and electrical equipment and how it will be screened from the public right of way
(i.e., HVAC units, meters, etc.)
Emergency exits and pathways
Height of each proposed building to the highest point of the structure measured from the
nearest public right of way and a dashed line clearly depicting the maximum height limit of the
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Landscape and Irrigation Plans must include the following:
All landscape areas
All trees, including species, both on-site and off-site (i.e., tree wells within the public right of
Diameter of trees to be removed, measured four feet above grade
Summary table that includes the following:
Number of trees per species
Number of trees required per the Fresno Municipal Code
Percent of parking lot shading that will be provided in 15 years
Proposed species of trees
MWELO calculations and hydrozones