eclipse Visa Infinite Privilege
Certificates of Insurance
Summary of benefits .................................................................3
1. Out-of-province/country emergency medical insurance ...................................5
2. Trip cancellation/trip interruptioninsurance ............................................13
3. Car rental – collision/loss damage insurance ...........................................22
4. Common carrier insurance ..........................................................28
5. Flight delay insurance ..............................................................32
6. Baggage insurance ...............................................................35
7. Hotel burglary insurance ...........................................................39
8. Purchase security & extended warrantyinsurance ......................................43
9. Mobile device insurance ............................................................47
10. General conditions ...............................................................54
11. General provisions ................................................................54
12. Travel assistance services ..........................................................55
13. Collection and use of your personalinformation .......................................55
Table of contents
The BMO eclipse Visa Infinite Privilege* Card includes travel coverage – what’s next?
We want you to understand (and it is in your best interest to know) what your
certificates of insurance include, what they exclude, and what is limited (payable
but with limits). Please take time to read through your certificates of insurance
before you travel. Bolded and italicized terms are defined in your certificates
a) Travel insurance covers claims arising from sudden and unexpected situations
(e.g.,accidents and emergencies) and not follow-up or recurrent care.
To qualify for this insurance, you must meet all of the eligibility requirements.
This insurance contains limitations and exclusions (e.g., medical conditions that
are not stable, pregnancy, child born on a trip, excessive use of alcohol, high
riskactivities, etc.).
This insurance may not cover claims related to pre-existing medical conditions.
Contact the Operations Centre before seeking treatment or your benefits may be
limited or denied.
In the event of a claim your prior medical history may be reviewed.
In addition to the Important Information above, please be sure to read the
ImportantNotice section of each individual certificate of insurance.
The insurance products outlined in this booklet are underwritten by CUMIS General
Insurance Company, a member of The Co-operators group of companies and
administered by Allianz Global Assistance, which is a registered business name
of AZGA Service Canada Inc. Allianz Global Assistance provides claims and travel
assistance services on behalf of the underwriter.
Summary of benefits
The information in the chart below summarizes your insurance coverage as provided by the credit card. Coverage is subject to the terms and conditions listed in the certificates
of insurance that follow. For complete coverage details, please refer to the certificates of insurance. Unless otherwise indicated, all amounts are in Canadian currency.
Out-of-Province/Country Emergency Medical Insurance covers you for the reasonable
and customary charges arising from sudden and unforeseeable circumstances while
travelling outside your province or territory of residence.
Up to $5,000,000 per insured person, per trip
Twenty-two (22) consecutive days of coverage per trip, if you are age sixty-
four (64) or under on your departure date
Three (3) consecutive days of coverage per trip, if you are age sixty-five (65)
or over on your departure date
Trip Cancellation/Trip Interruption Insurance benefits are payable when:
your trip is cancelled as a result of a covered reason; or
your trip is interrupted or delayed as a result of a covered reason.
Trip Cancellation: up to $2,500 per insured person, per trip (maximum of
$5,000 per trip for all insured persons combined)
Trip Interruption and Trip Delay: up to $5,000 per insured person, per trip
(maximum of $25,000 per trip for all insured persons combined)
Car Rental – Collision/Loss Damage Insurance provides coverage for damage or theft of
a rental car, as well as valid rental agency towing charges and charges for loss-of-use,
when a covered loss occurs during the period of the rental car agreement. The total
rental period must not exceed forty-eight (48) consecutive days.
Rental period of up to forty-eight (48) consecutive days
Rental car with a Manufacturer’s Suggested Retail Price (MSRP) of up
Common Carrier Insurance provides coverage in the event of your accidental death or
dismemberment arising from an accidental bodily injury sustained while you are a
passenger on, or while you are entering or exiting, any licensed common carrier.
Up to $500,000 per insured person
Flight Delay Insurance provides coverage in the event of a delay of more than four (4) hours
in the arrival or departure of your regularly scheduled flight on a commercial airline.
Up to a maximum of $1,000 per trip for all insured persons combined, in
the event of a flight delay of more than four (4) hours
Baggage Insurance provides coverage if your baggage is delayed by the common carrier
for more than four (4) hours, lost, stolen or accidentally damaged while checked in with,
orcarried on, a common carrier during a trip.
Lost, Stolen or Damaged Baggage: up to $1,000 per insured person to a
maximum of $2,500 per trip for all insured persons combined
Baggage Delay: up to $500 per insured person to a maximum of $1,000 per
trip for all insured persons combined, for the purchase of essential items
Hotel Burglary Insurance provides coverage for the repair or replacement of personal
property that is lost, stolen or damaged due to burglary of your travel accommodation.
Up to $2,500 per occurrence for all insured persons combined
Purchase Security Insurance covers against theft of, or damage to, covered items within
the first one hundred and twenty (120) days from the date of purchase when you charge
the full purchase price of the items to the cardholder’s credit card.
Extended Warranty Insurance triples the original manufacturer’s warranty up to a
maximum extension of two (2) years when you charge the full purchase price of the
items to the cardholder’s credit card.
Purchase Security: up to one hundred and twenty (120) days from date
Extended Warranty: triples the original manufacturers warranty to a
maximum extension of two (2) years
Mobile Device Insurance provides coverage in the event your mobile device is lost,
stolen or accidentally damaged, anywhere in the world when:
a) the full purchase price of the mobile device is charged to the cardholder’s credit card; or
b) all or any portion of the purchase price of the mobile device is financed with the
cardholder’s credit card through a Canadian wireless service provider.
Up to $1,000 per occurrence
You may make one (1) claim in any twelve (12) consecutive month period
subject to a maximum of two (2) claims in any forty-eight (48) consecutive
month period per account
1. Out-of-province/country emergency
medical insurance
In this certificate of insurance, certain terms have defined meanings. Defined
terms are bold and italicized throughout this document. Please see section 1.9
for a list of defined terms.
1.1 Introduction
Out-of-Province/Country Emergency Medical Insurance covers you for the reasonable
and customary charges arising from sudden and unforeseeable circumstances while
travelling outside your province or territory of residence.
This certificate of insurance is underwritten by CUMIS General Insurance Company,
a member of The Co-operators group of companies (“CUMIS”, “we”,us” or “our)
under Group Policy No. FC320000-A (the “Policy”), effective July 6, 2023, issued to
Bank of Montreal (“BMO”). The insured person and any claimant under this insurance
may request a copy of the Group Policy subject to certain access restrictions. This
insurance is administered by Allianz Global Assistance through the Operations
Centre. The Operations Centre can be reached at 1 833 744-1266 or 519 514-1305.
All benefits are subject, in every respect, to the terms of the Policy, which alone
constitutes the agreement under which payments are made. Only BMO may
determine who is a cardholder, whether an account is in good standing and
whether the insurance pursuant to this certificate of insurance is in force.
1.2 What to do in the event of a medical emergency
In the event of a medical emergency, you must contact the Operations Centre:
From Canada and the United States call: 1 833 744-1266
From elsewhere call collect: 519 514-1305
You or someone on your behalf must notify the Operations Centre within twenty-
four (24) hours of the incident date or as soon as reasonably possible if you are
admitted to a hospital. When you contact the Operations Centre at the time of your
emergency, the Operations Centre can direct you to a hospital or physician in your
travel area. Where possible, the Operations Centre will arrange to pay the provider
directly for approved eligible expenses. If you do not notify the Operations Centre at
an early stage in your claim, you may receive inappropriate or unnecessary medical
treatment, which may not be covered by this insurance.
Note: Failure to contact the Operations Centre could result in your expenses not
being covered, denial or a delay in the settlement of your claim.
This certificate of insurance contains a provision
removing or restricting the right of the insured
person to designate persons to whom or for whose
benefit insurance money is to be payable.
It is important that you read and understand this certificate of insurance as
your coverage is subject to limitations and exclusions.
This certificate of insurance is designed to cover losses arising from sudden
and unforeseeable circumstances only.
Coverage under this certificate of insurance is secondary, in that it covers
expenses in excess of those payable by any other insurance plan or other
source of reimbursement.
This insurance may not cover claims related to pre-existing medical conditions.
In the event of a claim your prior medical history may be reviewed.
No person is eligible for coverage under more than one (1) certificate of
insurance providing insurance coverage similar to that provided hereunder. In
the event that any person is recorded by us as an insured person under more
than one (1) such certificate, such person shall be deemed to be insured only
under the certificate or policy which affords that person the greatest amount
of insurance coverage. This certificate of insurance replaces any certificate or
policy previously issued to the primary cardholder with respect to the Policy.
Neither the Operations Centre, nor BMO are responsible for the availability,
quality or results of any medical treatment or transportation, or the failure of
an insured person to obtain medical treatment.
1.3 Coverage eligibility
To be eligible for the Out-of-Province/Country Emergency Medical Insurance:
a) you must be a resident of Canada; and
b) you must be covered by a Canadian Government Health Insurance Plan (GHIP)
during the entire trip; and
c) the account must be in good standing.
Note: The trip does not need to be charged to the cardholder’s credit card to
be eligible for the emergency medical benefits provided that the account is in
1.4 Coverage period
Coverage begins when you leave your province or territory of residence. You will be
covered for the following coverage period:
a) the first twenty-two (22) consecutive days of your trip, including your departure
date, if you are age sixty-four (64) or under on your departure date; or
b) the first three (3) consecutive days of your trip, including your departure date, if
you are age sixty-five (65) or over on your departure date.
Coverage ends on the earliest of:
a) the date you have been absent from your province or territory of residence for
more than twenty-two (22) consecutive days, including your departure date, if
you are age sixty-four (64) or under; or
b) the date you have been absent from your province or territory of residence for
more than three (3) consecutive days, including your departure date, if you are
age sixty-five (65) or over; or
c) the date you return to your province or territory of residence; or
d) the date the account is cancelled or no longer in good standing; or
e) the date the Policy is cancelled by us or by BMO.
1.4.1 Optional extension of coverage
Your coverage period can be extended provided no event has occurred that would
give rise to a claim under this insurance and provided you request an extension by
phone prior to the end of your:
a) twenty-second (22nd) day of travel if you are age sixty-four (64) or under; or
b) third (3rd) day of travel if you are age sixty-five (65) or over.
Your total trip length including extensions cannot exceed the maximum number of
days for which you are covered under your GHIP (one hundred and eighty-three (183)
days or more depending on your province or territory of residence). The maximum
trip length, including extensions, is three hundred sixty-five (365) days from your
departure date.
To arrange for an extension, call the Operations Centre toll-free at 1 833 744-1266
while in Canada or the United States, or if elsewhere, call collect at 519 514-1305.
Premium payment for coverage extensions must be charged to the cardholder’s
credit card.
When making a claim hereunder, evidence of your departure date from, and your
scheduled and actual return dates to, your province or territory of residence will
1.4.2 Automatic extension of coverage
a) Hospitalization: When you are in a hospital due to an emergency on your
scheduled return date, your coverage will be automatically extended for as long
as you are in hospital plus a further period of up to three (3) days following your
discharge from the hospital.
b) Emergency Delay: The coverage period is automatically extended up to three (3)
days if you must delay your scheduled return due to the emergency of another
insured person.
c) Transportation Delay: The coverage period is automatically extended up to three
(3) days when your common carrier is delayed, or the automobile in which you
are travelling is involved in an accident or mechanical breakdown, preventing you
from returning on your scheduled return date.
1.5 Coverage benefits
Subject to the limitations and exclusions described in section 1.6, this Out-of-
Province/Country Emergency Medical Insurance covers reasonable and customary
charges incurred by you to a maximum of $5,000,000 (unless stated otherwise for a
specific benefit) for the following covered services arising from an emergency that
occurs during the coverage period.
1.5.1 Emergency hospital, ambulance and medical expenses
Hospital room and board charges, up to semi-private or the equivalent. If
medically necessary, expenses for treatment in an intensive or coronary care unit
are covered;
Treatment by a physician;
X-rays and other diagnostic tests;
Use of an operating room, anesthesia and surgical dressings;
The cost of a licensed ambulance service;
Emergency room charges;
Prescription drugs and medication, limited to a thirty (30) day supply;
The cost for rental or purchase of minor medical appliances such as wheelchairs
1.5.2 Private duty nursing expenses
Benefits are payable to a maximum of $5,000 per insured person for the
professional services of a registered nurse (not related to you by blood or marriage)
while hospitalized, provided these services are medically necessary and prescribed
by the attending physician.
1.5.3 Emergency air transportation or evacuation
The following are covered expenses provided they are approved and arranged in
advance by the Operations Centre:
Air ambulance to the nearest appropriate medical facility or to a Canadianhospital;
Transport on a licensed airline for emergency return to the insured person’s
province or territory of residence for immediate medical attention; and
A medical attendant to accompany you on the flight back to Canada.
1.5.4 Other professional services
Where the professional services of a physiotherapist, chiropractor, osteopath,
chiropodist or podiatrist are medically necessary, coverage will be provided to a
maximum of $150 per insured person per profession.
1.5.5 Emergency dental care expenses
This insurance covers the cost to repair or replace natural teeth or permanently
attached artificial teeth that are damaged as the result of an injury to the mouth, to
a maximum of $2,000 per insured person. Chewing accidents are not covered. To be
eligible for coverage, dental treatment must take place during your trip. Treatment
for the emergency relief of dental pain is covered to a maximum of $150 per
1.5.6 Transportation to the bedside
This insurance covers one (1) round-trip economy airfare by the most direct and
cost-effective route from Canada, plus accommodation and meals up to $200 per day
to a maximum of ten (10) days, for any one (1) immediate family member or close
a) be with you if you have been admitted to a hospital as an inpatient. You must be
expected to be an inpatient for at least seven (7) days outside your province or
territory of residence and have verification from the attending physician that the
situation is serious enough to require the visit; or
b) in the case of your death to identify your remains prior to release of your body,
1.5.7 Return of deceased
In the event of your death while on a trip, this insurance covers up to $3,000 for the
preparation and transportation of your remains, including your ashes in the case of
cremation, to your province or territory of residence. The cost of a burial coffin or urn
is not covered.
1.5.8 Meals and accommodation
If your return to Canada is delayed due to an emergency, this insurance covers the
cost for meals and accommodation expenses incurred after your planned return
date up to $200 per day to a maximum of ten (10) days per trip, for all insured
persons combined.
Note: With respect to any one covered event, meals and accommodation expenses
are payable under either Out-of-Province/Country Emergency Medical Insurance or
Trip Interruption Insurance, but not both.
1.5.9 Return of vehicle
You will be reimbursed up to a maximum of $1,000 for the cost of a commercial
agency to return the owned or rented vehicle used for your trip if:
a) as the result of a sickness, injury or death, neither you nor anyone travelling with
you is able to operate the vehicle; or
b) the vehicle becomes inoperable due to an accident.
Benefits will only be payable when the return of the vehicle is pre-approved and/or
arranged by the Operations Centre and the vehicle is returned to your residence or the
nearest appropriate rental agency within thirty (30) days of your return to Canada.
1.6 Limitations and exclusions
1.6.1 Limitations
The following conditions may limit your entitlement to benefits under this
a) Failure to Notify the Operations Centre. Receiving emergency treatment without
notifying the Operations Centre or proceeding with investigation, treatment or
surgery without our pre-approval, and which we do not consider emergency
treatment, may limit the benefits payable to you. You or someone on your behalf
must notify the Operations Centre within twenty-four (24) hours of the incident
date or as soon as reasonably possible before seeking treatment, so that the
Operations Centre may confirm coverage and provide pre-approval for treatment.
b) Transfer or Medical Repatriation. If the medical advisors of the Operations
Centre, in consultation with your attending physician, determine that you should
transfer to another facility for emergency treatment, or return to your province
or territory of residence, and you choose not to, benefits will not be paid for any
further medical treatment. Your refusal to be transferred, or to return to your
province or territory of residence, will release us of any liability for expenses
incurred after the proposed transfer date.
c) Pre-approval for Ongoing Treatment. After your medical emergency treatment
has started, the Operations Centre must assess and pre-approve additional
medical treatment. If you undergo tests as part of a medical investigation,
treatment or surgery, obtain treatment or undergo surgery that is not
pre-approved, your claim may not be paid. This includes invasive testing or
surgery, including but not limited to angioplasty and/or cardiac surgery, MRI
(Magnetic Resonance Imaging), CAT (Computer Axial Tomography) scans,
sonograms, ultrasounds and biopsies, and any associated diagnostic charges,
being performed except in extreme circumstances where surgery is performed on
an emergency basis.
1.6.2 Pre-existing medical conditions exclusion
If you are sixty-four (64) years of age or under, this insurance will not pay for
expenses incurred during the coverage period related to:
a) your medical condition or related condition, other than a minor ailment, that
was not stable at any time during the ninety (90) days immediately before your
coverage period began; or
b) any heart condition if you have used nitroglycerine in any form for a heart
condition during the ninety (90) days immediately before your coverage
period began; or
c) any lung/respiratory condition if you have an active prescription for or used home
oxygen or prednisone for a lung/respiratory condition during the ninety (90) days
before your coverage period began.
If you are sixty-five (65) years of age or older, this insurance will not pay for
expenses incurred during the coverage period related to:
a) your medical condition or related condition, other than a minor ailment, that
was not stable at any time during the one hundred and eighty (180) days
immediately before your coverage period began; or
b) any heart condition if you have used nitroglycerine in any form for a heart
condition during the one hundred and eighty (180) days immediately before your
coverage period began; or
c) any lung/respiratory condition if you have an active prescription for or used home
oxygen or prednisone for a lung/respiratory condition during the one hundred
and eighty (180) days before your coverage period began.
1.6.3 General exclusions
This insurance does not cover, provide services or pay claims resulting directly or
indirectly from:
a) Non-Emergency Services Non-emergency, experimental or elective treatment
(e.g. cosmetic treatment, regular care of a chronic medical conditionor any
treatment or surgery that is not required for relief of acute pain or suffering).
b) Recurrence or Continued Treatment The continued treatment, recurrence or
complication of a medical condition following emergency treatment during your
trip, if the medical advisors of the Operations Centre, in consultation with your
attending physician, determine that your emergency ended or that you are able
to return to Canada and you choose not toreturn.
c) Travelling for Treatment Any treatment or surgery if a trip is made for the
purpose of obtaining a diagnosis, treatment, surgery, investigation, palliative
care, or any alternative therapy, as well as any directly or indirectly-related
complication whether or not such trip is on the advice of a physician.
d) Travelling Against Medical Advice Any trip commenced or continued after a
physician advised you not to travel.
e) Failure to Follow Medical Advice A medical condition for which you delayed
or refused further treatment or investigation, which was recommended by your
physician before your departure date.
f) Non-compliance with Prescribed Treatment Any medical condition that
is the result of you not following treatment as prescribed to you, including
g) Mental, Nervous, Emotional Disorders – Mental, nervous or emotional disorders
that do not require immediate hospitalization.
h) Self-injury and Suicide – Intentional self-injury, suicide or attempted suicide.
i) Abuse of Alcohol, Drugs or Intoxicants
i. Any medical condition, including symptoms of withdrawal, arising from, or
in any way related to, your abuse or chronic use of alcohol, drugs or other
intoxicants whether prior to or during your trip.
ii. Any medical condition arising during your trip from, or in any way related
to, the abuse of alcohol (where the concentration of alcohol in your blood
exceeds eighty (80) milligrams of alcohol in one hundred (100) millilitres
of blood or exceeds the legal limit in the jurisdiction in which you were
travelling, whichever is less), drugs or other intoxicants.
j) Complications of Pregnancy or Delivery – Pregnancy, routine pre-natal care,
miscarriage, childbirth or complications of any of these conditions occurring
within nine (9) weeks of the expected date of birth.
k) Child Born During Trip A child born during a trip, even if born outside of the
nine (9) weeks before or after the expected delivery date, shall not be regarded
as an insured person and shall not have coverage under this certificate of
insurance for the entire duration of the trip in which the child is born.
l) Illegal Act Your involvement in the commission or attempted commission of a
criminal offence or illegal act.
m) War, Terrorist Event, Political Risk, etc. – War (declared or undeclared) or acts of
war; terrorist events; political risk or any participation in the armed forces.
n) Nuclear Reaction, Contamination, etc. – Nuclear reaction or radiation; radioactive,
biological or chemical contamination; seepage; pollution or contamination.
o) Sports and High-Risk Activities – Participation in professional sports; any speed
contest involving the use of a motor vehicle on land, water or air including
training activities, whether on approved tracks or elsewhere; full contact bodily
sports; SCUBA diving, unless you hold a basic SCUBA designation from a certified
school or other licensing body; hang-gliding; para-gliding; skydiving; parachuting;
bungee jumping; parasailing; spelunking; mountaineering; rock climbing; heli-
skiing; freestyle skiing; kite surfing; skiing outside of marked trails; or air travel
other than as a ticketed passenger.
p) Travel Advisory Your travel to a country, region or city with a published formal
travel advisory issued by the Canadian government, before your departure date,
advising travellers to avoid all travel, or to avoid non-essential travel, and you
have an emergency or medical condition related to the reason for the travel
warning, your claim will not be paid. This includes written warnings to avoid
non-essential travel, or to avoid all travel, on a common carrier. To view the
advisories, visit the Government of Canada Travel site. Please be advised that
events in such locations could restrict our ability to assistyou.
q) Sanctions Your travel to a sanctioned country for any business or activity to the
extent that such cover would violate any applicable national economic or trade
sanction law or regulations.
r) Other – Organ harvesting surgery; prescription refills.
1.7 Claim filing procedures
You or someone on your behalf must notify the Operations Centre immediately after
any emergency. Upon receipt of such notice, the Operations Centre will provide you
with the appropriate claim forms.
Operations Centre
c/o Allianz Global Assistance, Claims Department
P. O. Box 277
Waterloo, Ontario, Canada N2J 4A4
Toll-free Canada/U.S.A.: 1 833 744-1266
Collect worldwide: 519 514-1305
As a condition to the payment of benefits under this insurance, the Operations
Centre will need certain information from you if you need to file a claim. This
includes, and is not limited to, the following:
A fully completed claim form signed by you.
Proof of your departure date, your scheduled and actual return dates.
Proof of incident date.
Cause or nature of the sickness or injury.
Original receipts, invoices and itemized bills for all expenses.
Copy of your provincial or territorial GHIP health card number.
The provision of an authorization allowing the Operations Centre to secure
The provision of any forms or authorizations required by the Operations Centre
to pursue reimbursement from your GHIP, any other insurance and/or any
Any other documentation that may be required to process your claim.
1.8 Specific conditions
In addition to the specific conditions below, Out-of-Province/Country Emergency
Medical Insurance is subject to the General Conditions and General Provisions found
in sections10and 11.
1. The Out-of-Province/Country Emergency Medical Insurance provided herein is
supplemental in that it pays for covered expenses in excess of your GHIP and any
other insurance plan or source of reimbursement. Benefits payable under any
other insurance plan under which you may have coverage will be coordinated in
accordance with the current guidelines issued by the Canadian Life and Health
Insurance Association. Payment under the insurance and any other plan shall not
exceed 100% of the eligible charges incurred. This insurance also allows us/the
Operations Centre to receive in your name, and endorse and negotiate on your
behalf, these eligible payments. When GHIP and other insurance payments have
been made, this releases us and the other insurers from any further liability in
respect of that eligible claim.
2. You agree to cooperate fully with us, and as a condition to the payment of
benefits, the Operations Centre reserves the right to obtain all pertinent
records or information from any physician, dentist, practitioner, hospital, clinic,
insurer, individual or institution to assess the validity of a claim submitted
by or on behalf of any insured person. Failure to provide the requested
documentation to substantiate your claim under this certificate of insurance will
3. Physical Examination: The Operations Centre has the right to investigate the
circumstances of loss and to require a medical examination; and in the event of
death to require an autopsy at our cost, if not prohibited by law.
1.9 Definitions
In this certificate of insurance, certain terms have defined meanings. Defined
terms are bold and italicized throughout this document.
Account means the primary cardholder’s BMO eclipse Visa Infinite Privilege* Card
account, established in Canada by BMO.
Additional cardholder(s) means each person that BMO has issued a credit card to on
the primary cardholder’s account, at the primary cardholders request.
Cardholder means the primary cardholder and any additional cardholder.
Cardholder agreement means the BMO cardholder agreement that applies to and
governs the credit card and account.
Certificate of insurance means a summary of the benefits provided under the Group
Policy issued to BMO.
Common carrier means a passenger plane, bus, taxi, car service, train, cruise ship
or government-operated ferry system offering its transportation services to paying
passengers at published rates and scheduled times.
Coverage period means the first twenty-two (22) consecutive days of your trip
(including the departure date) if you are age sixty-four (64) or under on your
departure date, or the first three (3) consecutive days of your trip (including the
departure date) if you are age sixty-five (65) or older on your departure date.
Covered service(s) means a service or supply, specified herein, for which we provide
benefits under this certificate of insurance.
Credit card means the BMO eclipse Visa Infinite Privilege* Card and any other
payment device that BMO issues or provides to enable the cardholder to use
the account.
Departure date means the date on which you depart on your trip.
Dependent child(ren) means an unmarried natural, adopted, or step child of
a primary cardholder dependent on the primary cardholder or the primary
cardholder’s spouse for support who is:
a) twenty (20) years of age or under; or
b) twenty-five (25) years of age or under and a full-time student attending a
recognized college or university; or
c) twenty-one (21) years of age or older and permanently mentally or physically
challenged and incapable of self-support and became so while eligible as a
Emergency means a sudden and unforeseen medical condition, occurring during
your trip, which requires immediate treatment. An emergency no longer exists
when the evidence reviewed by the Operations Centre, in consultation with
your attending physician, indicates that no further treatment is required at your
destination or you are able to return to your province or territory of residence for
further treatment.
GHIP means the Government Health Insurance Plan of your Canadian province or
territory of residence.
Good standing means your account privileges have not expired, been revoked,
suspended or terminated and you are in full compliance with all the provisions of the
cardholder agreement.
Hospital means an institution that is licensed as an accredited hospital that is
staffed and operated for the care and treatment of inpatients and outpatients.
Treatment must be supervised by physicians and there must be registered nurses
on duty twenty-four (24) hours a day. Diagnostic and surgical capabilities must also
exist on the premises or in facilities controlled by the establishment. A hospital is
not an establishment used mainly as a clinic, extended or palliative care facility,
rehabilitation facility, addiction treatment centre, convalescent, rest or nursing home,
home for the aged or health spa.
Immediate family member means a spouse, child, including adopted children
and stepchildren, parent, sibling, legal guardian, parent-in-law, grandparents,
grandchildren, daughter-in-law, son-in-law, brother-in-law and sister-in-law.
Incident date means the first date you exhibited signs or symptoms and/or sought
treatment for a medical condition, sickness or injury.
Injury means any bodily harm caused by an accident which results in a covered loss
and which requires the immediate medical care or treatment of a physician.
Inpatient means a person who is treated as a registered bed patient in a hospital or
other facility and for whom a room and board charge is made.
Insured person means the primary cardholder, the primary cardholder’s spouse
and their dependent child(ren), and any additional cardholder on the account. The
spouse and/or dependent child(ren) of an additional cardholder are not eligible for
this insurance.
Medical condition(s) means any disease, sickness or injury (including symptoms of
undiagnosed conditions).
Medically necessary or medical necessity means the services or supplies provided
by a hospital, physician, licensed dentist or other licensed provider that are
required to identify or treat your sickness or injury and that the Operations Centre
determines are:
a) consistent with the symptom or diagnosis and treatment of your condition,
sickness, ailment or injury;
b) appropriate with regard to standards of good medical practice;
c) not solely for the convenience of you, a physician or other licensed
provider; and
d) the most appropriate supply or level of service that can be safely provided
to you.
When applied to the care of an inpatient, it further means that your medical
symptoms or condition require that the services cannot be safely provided to you
as an outpatient.
Minor ailment means a sickness or injury which ended more than thirty (30) days
before your coverage period began and which did not require:
a) treatment for a period longer than fifteen (15) consecutive days; or
b) more than one (1) follow-up visit to a physician; or
c) hospitalization, surgery, or referral to a specialist.
Operations Centre means the Operations Centre maintained by Allianz Global Assistance.
Outpatient means someone who receives a covered service while not an inpatient.
Physician means a person, other than you, a member of your family or a travelling
companion, licensed in the jurisdiction where the services are provided, to prescribe
and administer medical treatment including, but not limited to, a physician’s
assistant and nurse practitioner.
Political risk means any type of event, organized resistance or actions intending
or implying the intention to overthrow, supplant or change the existing ruler or
constitutional government, including but not limited to nationalization; confiscation;
expropriation (including selective discrimination and forced abandonment); deprivation;
requisition; revolution; rebellion; insurrection; civil commotion assuming to proportion
of or amounting to an uprising and military and usurped power.
Pre-existing medical condition(s) means a sickness, injury or medical condition,
whether or not diagnosed by a physician:
a) for which you exhibited signs or symptoms; or
b) for which you required or received medical consultation; and
c) which existed before your coverage period began.
Primary cardholder means the person who applied for the credit card and in
whose name BMO opened the account. A primary cardholder does not include an
additional cardholder.
Professional means you are considered professional by the governing body of the
sport and are paid for your participation whether you win or lose.
Reasonable and customary charges means charges incurred for goods and services
that are comparable to what other providers charge for similar goods and services in
the same geographical area.
Recurrence means the appearance of symptoms caused by or related to a medical
condition, which was previously diagnosed by a physician or for which treatment
was previously received.
Sickness means any sudden illness or disease requiring the immediate medical care
or treatment of a physician.
Signs or symptoms means any evidence of disease experienced by you or
recognized through observation.
Spouse means the person who is legally married to the primary cardholder; or if
there is no such person, the person who has been living with the primary cardholder
in a conjugal relationship and who resides in the same household as the primary
cardholder and is publicly represented as the spouse of the primary cardholder. For
the purposes of this insurance the primary cardholder may have only one (1) spouse.
Stable means any medical condition or related condition, including any heart
condition or any lung/respiratory condition for which:
a) there has been no new treatment; and
b) there has been no change in treatment or change in treatment frequency or
type; and
c) there have been no signs or symptoms or new diagnosis; and
d) there have been no test results showing deterioration; and
e) there has been no hospitalization; and
f) there has been no referral to a specialist (made or recommended) and you
are not awaiting surgery or the results of investigations performed by any
medical professional.
The following are also considered stable:
a) Routine (not prescribed by a physician) adjustment of insulin or Coumadin
(Warfarin) provided the medication was not first prescribed during:
i. the ninety (90) days before your coverage period began if you are sixty-
four (64) years of age or under; or
ii. the one hundred and eighty (180) days before your coverage period began
if you are sixty-five (65) years of age or older.
b) Change from a brand name medication to a generic medication provided the
medication was not first prescribed during:
i. the ninety (90) days before your coverage period began if you are sixty-
four (64) years of age or under; or
ii. the one hundred and eighty (180) days before your coverage period began
if you are sixty-five (65) years of age or older; and
iii. there is no increase or decrease in dosage.
Terrorist event means an act, including but not limited to the use of force or violence,
of any person or group(s) of persons, whether acting alone or on behalf of or in
connection with any organization(s), which constitutes terrorism as recognized by the
government authority or under the laws of your country of residence, and is committed
for political, religious, ethnic, ideological or similar purposes, including but not limited
to the intention to influence any government and/or to put the public, or any section
of the public, in fear. It does not include general civil disorder or unrest, protest,
rioting, political risk, or acts of war.
Treatment means a procedure prescribed, performed or recommended by a
physician for a medical condition. This includes but is not limited to prescribed
medication, investigative testing and surgery.
Trip means a period during which you are travelling outside of your province or
territory of residence and for which coverage is in effect.
We, our, us means CUMIS General Insurance Company, a member of The Co-operators
group of companies and/or Allianz Global Assistance.
You, your, yourself means the insured person.
2. Trip cancellation/trip
In this certificate of insurance, certain terms have defined meanings. Defined
terms are bold and italicized throughout this document. Please see section 2.8 for
a list of defined terms.
2.1 Introduction
Trip Cancellation/Trip Interruption Insurance benefits are payable when:
a) your trip is cancelled as a result of a covered reason, as outlined under section
2.3.4; or
b) your trip is interrupted or delayed as a result of a covered reason, as outlined
under section 2.4.5.
This certificate of insurance is underwritten by CUMIS General Insurance Company,
a member of The Co-operators group of companies (“CUMIS”, “we”,us” or “our)
under Group Policy No. FC320000-A (the “Policy”), effective July 6, 2023, issued to
Bank of Montreal (“BMO”). The insured person and any claimant under this insurance
may request a copy of the Group Policy subject to certain access restrictions. This
insurance is administered by Allianz Global Assistance through the Operations
Centre. The Operations Centre can be reached at 1 833 744-1266 or 519 514-1305.
All benefits are subject, in every respect, to the terms of the Policy, which alone
constitutes the agreement under which payments are made. Only BMO may
determine who is a cardholder, whether an account is in good standing and
whether the insurance pursuant to this certificate of insurance is in force.
2.2 What to do if you need to cancel, interrupt or delay your trip
If you need to cancel, interrupt or delay your trip, you must notify the Operations
Centre within forty-eight (48) hours of the incident date.
From Canada and the United States call: 1 833 744-1266
From elsewhere call collect: 519 514-1305
You must also contact your travel supplier as you may be eligible for reimbursement.
Note: If you do not notify the Operations Centre and your travel supplier within
forty-eight (48) hours this could result in your expenses not being covered, denial
or a delay in the settlement of your claim.
This certificate of insurance contains a provision
removing or restricting the right of the insured
person to designate persons to whom or for whose
benefit insurance money is to be payable.
It is important that you read and understand this certificate of insurance as
your coverage is subject to limitations and exclusions.
This certificate of insurance is designed to cover losses arising from sudden
and unforeseeable circumstances only.
Coverage under this certificate of insurance is secondary, in that it covers
expenses in excess of those payable by any other insurance plan or other
source of reimbursement.
This insurance may not cover claims related to pre-existing medicalconditions.
In the event of a claim your prior medical history may be reviewed.
No person is eligible for coverage under more than one (1) certificate of
insurance providing insurance coverage similar to that provided hereunder. In
the event that any person is recorded by us as an insured person under more
than one (1) such certificate, such person shall be deemed to be insured only
under the certificate or policy which affords that person the greatest amount
of insurance coverage. This certificate of insurance replaces any certificate or
policy previously issued to the primary cardholder with respect to the Policy.
2.3 Trip cancellation insurance (prior to departure)
2.3.1 Coverage eligibility
To be eligible for the Trip Cancellation Insurance:
a) you must be a resident of Canada; and
b) when booking the trip, the full or partial cost of the trip, including any applicable
taxes and/or fees, must be paid with the cardholder’s credit card; and
c) the account must be in good standing.
2.3.2 Coverage period
Coverage begins at the time of purchase of your prepaid trip and before any
cancellation penalties have been incurred.
Coverage ends the earliest of:
a) the time of your scheduled departure; or
b) the incident date; or
c) the date the account is cancelled or no longer in good standing; or
d) the date the Policy is cancelled by us or by BMO.
2.3.3 Coverage benefits
You will be reimbursed for the prepaid, non-refundable, non-transferable travel
arrangements charged to the cardholder’s credit card, for which no refunds are
offered by the travel supplier, up to $2,500 per insured person, per trip (maximum
of $5,000 per trip for all insured persons combined).
2.3.4 Covered reasons
Trip Cancellation benefits are payable when you cancel your trip prior to your
scheduled departure date as a result of a covered reason listed below.
The unexpected sickness (including being diagnosed with an epidemic or
pandemic disease such as COVID-19), injury or death of you, your immediate
family member, your travelling companion, your travelling companions
immediate family member or a caregiver with whom you have contracted to care
for a dependent in your absence. Sickness and injury must require the care and
attendance of aphysician.
Quarantine of you or your travelling companion.
Side effects and/or adverse reactions to vaccinations required for your trip.
Hospitalization or death of the host at your principal destination.
Complications of your, or your travelling companion’s, pregnancy within the first
thirty-one (31) weeks of pregnancy or complications following the normal full-
term birth of a child.
Cancellation of a planned business meeting due to death or hospitalization of the
person with whom you are to meet, or cancellation of a conference (for which
you paid registration fees) due to circumstances beyond your control or that of
your employer. Benefits are only payable to the insured person(s) attending the
meeting. Proof of registration will be required in the event of a claim.
A transfer by your employer necessitates a change of your permanent residence.
Involuntary loss of your principal employment provided a letter of termination or
official notice of layoff is produced, and provided you had no knowledge of this
loss at the time of trip payment.
Travel documents
Refusal of your, or your travelling companion’s, visa application for the
destination country provided that documentation shows you are eligible to
apply, that refusal is not due to late application, and that the application is not a
subsequent attempt for a visa that had been previously refused.
You, or your travelling companion, are selected for jury duty or subpoenaed
to appear as a witness in court whereby the date of the hearing conflicts with
A delay of a common carrier or automobile due to weather conditions, volcanic
eruption, natural disaster, mechanical failure, traffic accident, emergency road
closure (police report required, if available) or strike or lockout lasting more than
twenty-four (24) hours that causes you to miss a departure. Your travel plans must
include enough time to arrive at the departure point no less than two (2) hours
prior to your scheduled departure time.
A disaster renders your, or your travelling companion’s, principal residence
uninhabitable or your or your travelling companion’s place of business unusable.
Your call to service by the Canadian government with respect to reservists,
military, police or fire personnel.
The Canadian government issues a travel advisory, after you book your trip, for
your ticketed destination, for a period that includes your scheduled trip.
2.4 Trip interruption/trip delay insurance (after departure)
2.4.1 Coverage eligibility
To be eligible for the Trip Interruption/Trip Delay Insurance:
a) you must be a resident of Canada; and
b) when booking the trip, the full or partial cost of the trip, including applicable
taxes and/or fees, must be paid with the cardholder’s credit card; and
c) the account must be in good standing.
2.4.2 Coverage period
Coverage begins at the time of your departure on your trip.
Coverage ends on the earliest of:
a) the date you return to your province or territory of residence; or
b) the date the account is cancelled or no longer in good standing; or
c) the date the Policy is cancelled by us or by BMO.
2.4.3 Automatic extension of coverage
a) Hospitalization: When you are in a hospital due to an emergency on your
scheduled return date, your coverage will be automatically extended for as long
as you are in hospital plus a further period of up to three (3) days following your
discharge from the hospital.
b) Emergency Delay: The coverage period is automatically extended up to three (3)
days if you must delay your scheduled return due to the emergency of another
insured person.
2.4.4 Coverage benefits
If for one of the covered reasons listed below, you must interrupt an insured trip
already commenced, or delay your return beyond the scheduled return date, you will
be reimbursed as follows:
If you charged the full prepaid travel arrangements to the cardholder’s credit card,
your expenses, less any available refunds, will be reimbursed up to $5,000 per
insured person, per trip (maximum of $25,000 for all insured persons combined on
the same trip), for:
a) the extra cost to change your ticket to a one-way economy fare, via the most
cost-effective route, by regular scheduled transportation back to your departure
point or the next destination on your trip; or
b) if your existing ticket cannot be changed, the cost of a one-way economy fare
by regular scheduled transportation back to your departure point or the next
destination on your trip; and
c) the non-refundable portion of any unused prepaid travel arrangements (excluding
the cost of unused prepaid transportation) if your insured trip is interrupted; and
d) if your travelling companion’s trip is interrupted for any of the covered reasons
listed below, you will be reimbursed for the cost incurred to adjust your prepaid
accommodations to a single supplement; and
e) if for one of the reasons listed below your trip is interrupted or you must delay
the return portion of an insured trip beyond the date scheduled, we will also pay
the necessary and reasonable costs of accommodation and meals up to $200 per
day to a maximum of ten (10) days, per trip, for all insured persons combined.
Note: With respect to any one covered event, meals and accommodation
expenses are payable under either Trip Interruption Insurance or
Out-of-Province/Country Emergency Medical Insurance, but not both.
If you charged a portion of the prepaid travel arrangements to the cardholder’s
credit card, reimbursement for benefits a), b) and e) will be reimbursed as indicated
above. Benefits c) and d) will be limited to the lesser of, the amount charged on
the credit card or $5,000 per insured person, per trip (maximum of $25,000 for all
insured personscombined on the same trip).
Note: In the event your trip is interrupted or delayed as a result of the bankruptcy
or insolvency of a travel supplier, as listed under Transportation covered reason
below, you will only be eligible for benefits a) or b) listed above.
2.4.5 Covered reasons
Trip Interruption or Trip Delay benefits are payable when a covered reason listed
below occurs before your scheduled return date.
The unexpected sickness (including being diagnosed with an epidemic or
pandemic disease such as COVID-19), injury or death of you, your immediate
family member, your travelling companion, your travelling companions
immediate family member or a caregiver with whom you have contracted to care
for a dependent in your absence. Sickness and injury must require the care and
attendance of aphysician.
Quarantine of you or your travelling companion.
Side effects and/or adverse reactions to vaccinations required for your trip.
Hospitalization or death of the host at your principal destination.
Complications of your or your travelling companion’s pregnancy within the first
thirty-one (31) weeks of pregnancy or complications following the normal full-
term birth of a child.
Cancellation of a planned business meeting due to death or hospitalization of the
person with whom you are to meet, or cancellation of a conference (for which
you paid registration fees) due to circumstances beyond your control or that of
your employer. Benefits are only payable to the insured person(s) attending the
meeting. Proof of registration will be required in the event of a claim.
You or your travelling companion are selected for jury duty or subpoenaed
to appear as a witness in court whereby the date of the hearing conflicts with
If after you have departed on your trip a travel supplier stops all service
completely as a result of bankruptcy or insolvency. See note under 2.4.4 Coverage
benefits for more information.
A delay of a common carrier or automobile due to weather conditions, volcanic
eruption, natural disaster, mechanical failure, traffic accident, emergency road
closure (police report required, if available) or strike or lockout lasting more than
twenty-four (24) hours that causes you to miss a departure. Your travel plans must
include enough time to arrive at the departure point no less than two (2) hours
prior to your scheduled departure time.
Hijacking of your common carrier while en route to your scheduled
destination point.
A disaster renders your or your travelling companion’s principal residence
uninhabitable or your or your travelling companion’s place of business unusable.
Your call to service by the Canadian government with respect to reservists,
military, police or fire personnel.
The Canadian government issues a travel advisory, after you depart on your trip,
for your ticketed destination, for a period that includes your scheduled trip.
2.5 Limitations and exclusions
The following limitations and exclusions apply to Trip Cancellation Insurance and
TripInterruption/Trip Delay Insurance.
2.5.1 Pre-existing medical conditions exclusion
This insurance will not pay for expenses incurred during the coverage period
a) your medical condition or related condition, other than a minor ailment, that
was not stable at any time during the ninety (90) days immediately before your
coverage period began; or
b) any heart condition if you have used nitroglycerine in any form for a heart
condition during the ninety (90) days immediately before your coverage period
began; or
c) any lung/respiratory condition if you have an active prescription for or used home
oxygen or prednisone for a lung/respiratory condition during the ninety (90) days
before your coverage period began.
2.5.2 General exclusions
This insurance does not cover, provide services or pay claims resulting from:
a) Known Event
i. Any reason, circumstance or event that you were aware of on the date you
booked your trip, and that could have reasonably been expected to prevent
you from travelling as booked (applies to Trip Cancellation benefits only).
ii. Any reason, circumstance or event that you were aware of prior to
your departure date, and that could have reasonably been expected
to necessitate your immediate return or delayed return (applies to Trip
Interruption/Trip Delay benefits only).
b) Travelling Against Medical Advice – Any trip commenced or continued after a
physician advised you not to travel.
c) Non-compliance with Prescribed Treatment Any medical condition that
is the result of you not following treatment as prescribed to you, including
d) Death or Illness of Host – The death or serious and/or terminal illness of a
person when the purpose of the trip is to provide support and physical care for
e) Mental, Nervous, Emotional Disorders – Mental, nervous or emotional disorders
that do not require immediate hospitalization.
f) Self-injury and Suicide – Intentional self-injury, suicide or attempted suicide.
g) Abuse of Alcohol, Drugs or Intoxicants
i. Any medical condition, including symptoms of withdrawal, arising from, or
in any way related to, your abuse or chronic use of alcohol, drugs or other
intoxicants whether prior to or during your trip.
ii. Any medical condition arising during your trip from, or in any way related
to, the abuse of alcohol (where the concentration of alcohol in your blood
exceeds eighty (80) milligrams of alcohol in one hundred (100) millilitres
of blood or exceeds the legal limit in the jurisdiction in which you were
travelling, whichever is less), drugs or other intoxicants.
h) Complications of Pregnancy or Delivery – Pregnancy, routine pre-natal care,
miscarriage, childbirth or complications of any of these conditions occurring
within nine (9) weeks of the expected date of birth.
i) Child Born During Trip A child born during a trip, even if born outside of the nine
(9) weeks before or after the expected delivery date, shall not be regarded as an
insured person and shall not have coverage under this certificate of insurance
for the entire duration of the trip in which the child is born.
j) Illegal Act Your involvement in the commission or attempted commission of a
criminal offence or illegal act.
k) War, Terrorist Event, Political Risk, etc. – War (declared or undeclared) or acts of
war; terrorist events; political risk or any participation in the armed forces.
l) Nuclear Reaction, Contamination, etc. – Nuclear reaction or radiation;
radioactive, biological or chemical contamination; seepage; pollution
or contamination.
m) Sports and High-Risk Activities Participation in professional sports; any speed
contest involving the use of a motor vehicle on land, water or air including
training activities, whether on approved tracks or elsewhere; full contact
bodily sports; SCUBA diving, unless you hold a basic SCUBA designation from a
certified school or other licensing body; hang-gliding; para-gliding; sky diving;
parachuting; bungee jumping; parasailing; spelunking; mountaineering; rock
climbing; heli-skiing; freestyle skiing; kite surfing; skiing outside of marked trails;
or air travel other than as a ticketed passenger.
n) Bankruptcy or Insolvency – Default of a travel supplier ceasing operations
as a result of bankruptcy or insolvency except as expressly covered under Trip
Interruption Transportation covered reason. No protection is provided for failure of
a travel agent, agency or broker.
o) Travel Documents – Non-presentation of required travel documents (e.g., visa,
passport, inoculation/vaccination reports).
p) Travel Advisory
i. A travel advisory issued for your destination, before you booked your trip
and your trip is cancelled as a result of the reason for the travel warning
(applies to Trip Cancellation benefits only).
ii. A travel advisory issued for your destination, before your departure date
and your trip is interrupted or delayed as a result of the reason for the
travel warning (applies to Trip Interruption/Trip Delay benefits only).
iii. A travel advisory, related directly or indirectly to a previously lifted travel
advisory and your trip is cancelled, interrupted or delayed as a result of
the reason for the travel warning (applies to Trip Cancellation and Trip
Interruption/Trip Delay benefits).
q) Sanctions Your travel to a sanctioned country for any business or activity to the
extent that such cover would violate any applicable national economic or trade
sanction law or regulations.
r) Other – Organ harvesting surgery.
2.6 Claim filing procedures
You or someone on your behalf must notify the Operations Centre immediately if
you should have to cancel, interrupt or delay your trip. Upon receipt of such notice,
the Operations Centre will provide you with the appropriate claim forms.
Operations Centre
c/o Allianz Global Assistance, Claims Department
P. O. Box 277
Waterloo, Ontario, Canada N2J 4A4
Toll-free Canada/U.S.A.: 1 833 744-1266
Collect worldwide: 519 514-1305
As a condition to the payment of benefits under this insurance, the Operations
Centre will need certain information from you if you need to file a claim. This
includes, and is not limited to, the following:
A fully completed claim form signed by you.
Proof of your scheduled and actual departure date and return date.
Any appropriate documentation supporting the cause and the incident date.
A physician form completed by the physician stating the diagnosis that caused
the cancellation, interruption or delay.
Original itemized bills, receipts, and proof of other insurance payments.
Certified death certificate in the event of a death.
Original unused tickets, copies of invoices, proof of payments, and other
documents that substantiate the cost or occurrence of the trip cancellation,
interruption or delay.
Documentation of refunds received from the travel supplier(s) and/or
Copy of the supplier’s literature that describes penalties.
A letter or an itemized bill from the travel supplier stating the non-refundable
amounts of the trip costs.
A copy of theprimarycardholder’smonthly billing statement and/or receipt
reflecting payment of the prepaid travel arrangements.
Any other documentation that may be required to process your claim.
2.7 Specific condition
In addition to the specific condition below, Trip Cancellation Insurance and Trip
Interruption/Trip Delay Insurance are subject to the General Conditions and General
Provisions found in sections 10 and 11.
You agree to cooperate fully with the Operations Centre, and as a condition to the
payment of benefits, the Operations Centre reserves the right to obtain all pertinent
records or information from you. Failure to provide the requested documentation to
substantiate your claim under this certificate of insurance will invalidate your claim.
2.8 Definitions
In this certificate of insurance, certain terms have defined meanings. Defined
terms are bold and italicized throughout this document.
Accommodation means an establishment that provides commercial short-term
accommodation for the general public, issues proof of transaction and is licensed
under the law of its jurisdiction. An accommodation includes a business that operates
a vacation rental or shared accommodation but excludes any timeshare properties
Account means the primary cardholder’s BMO eclipse Visa Infinite Privilege* Card
account, established in Canada by BMO.
Additional cardholder(s) means each person that BMO has issued a credit card to on
the primary cardholder’s account, at the primary cardholders request.
Cardholder means the primary cardholder and any additional cardholder.
Cardholder agreement means the BMO cardholder agreement that applies to and
governs the credit card and account.
Certificate of insurance means a summary of the benefits provided under the Group
Policy issued to BMO.
Common carrier means a passenger plane, bus, taxi, car service, train, cruise ship
or government-operated ferry system offering its transportation services to paying
passengers at published rates and scheduled times.
Coverage period means the time insurance is in effect, as indicated in the various
Coverage Period sections of this certificate of insurance.
Credit card means the BMO eclipse Visa Infinite Privilege* Card and any other
payment device that BMO issues or provides to enable the cardholder to use
the account.
Departure date means the date on which you depart on your trip.
Dependent child(ren) means an unmarried natural, adopted, or step child of
a primary cardholder dependent on the primary cardholder or the primary
cardholder’s spouse for support who is:
a) twenty (20) years of age or under; or
b) twenty-five (25) years of age or under and a full-time student attending a
recognized college or university; or
c) twenty-one (21) years of age or older and permanently mentally or physically
challenged and incapable of self-support and became so while eligible as a
dependent child.
Emergency means a sudden and unforeseen medical condition, occurring during
your trip, which requires immediate treatment. An emergency no longer exists
when the evidence reviewed by the Operations Centre, in consultation with
your attending physician, indicates that no further treatment is required at your
destination or you are able to return to your province or territory of residence for
further treatment.
Epidemic means a contagious disease widely occurring in a community at a
particular time recognized or referred to as an epidemic by a representative of the
World Health Organization (WHO) or an official government authority.
Good standing means your account privileges have not expired, been revoked,
suspended or terminated and you are in full compliance with all the provisions of the
cardholder agreement.
Hospital means an institution that is licensed as an accredited hospital that is staffed
and operated for the care and treatment of inpatients and outpatients. Treatment
must be supervised by physicians and there must be registered nurses on duty
twenty-four (24) hours a day. Diagnostic and surgical capabilities must also exist on
the premises or in facilities controlled by the establishment.
A hospital is not an establishment used mainly as a clinic, extended or palliative
care facility, rehabilitation facility, addiction treatment centre, convalescent, rest or
nursing home, home for the aged or health spa.
Immediate family member means a spouse, child including adopted children
and stepchildren, parent, sibling, legal guardian, parent-in-law, grandparents,
grandchildren, daughter-in-law, son-in-law, brother-in-law and sister-in-law.
Incident date means the date the cause of cancellation, interruption, delay or
Injury means any bodily harm caused by an accident which results in a covered
loss and which requires the immediate medical care or treatment of a physician.
Insured person means the primary cardholder, the primary cardholder’s spouse
and their dependent child(ren), and any additional cardholder on the account. The
spouse and/or dependent child(ren) of an additional cardholder are not eligible for
this insurance.
Medical condition(s) means any disease, sickness or injury (including symptoms of
undiagnosed conditions).
Minor ailment means a sickness or injury which ended more than thirty (30) days
before your coverage period began and which did not require:
a) treatment for a period longer than fifteen (15) consecutive days; or
b) more than one (1) follow-up visit to a physician; or
c) hospitalization, surgery, or referral to a specialist.
Operations Centre means the Operations Centre maintained by Allianz
Global Assistance.
Pandemic means an epidemic that occurs over a wide geographic area and is
recognized or referred to as a pandemic by a representative of the World Health
Organization (WHO) or an official government authority.
Physician means a person, other than you, a member of your family or a travelling
companion, licensed in the jurisdiction where the services are provided, to prescribe
and administer medical treatment including, but not limited to, a physician’s
assistant and nurse practitioner.
Political risk means any type of event, organized resistance or actions intending
or implying the intention to overthrow, supplant or change the existing ruler or
constitutional government, including but not limited to nationalization; confiscation;
expropriation (including selective discrimination and forced abandonment); deprivation;
requisition; revolution; rebellion; insurrection; civil commotion assuming to proportion
of or amounting to an uprising and military and usurped power.
Pre-existing medical condition(s) means a sickness, injury or medical condition,
whether or not diagnosed by a physician:
a) for which you exhibited signs or symptoms; or
b) for which you required or received medical consultation; and
c) which existed before your coverage period began.
Primary cardholder means the person who applied for the credit card and in
whose name BMO opened the account. A primary cardholder does not include an
additional cardholder.
Professional means you are considered professional by the governing body of the
sport and are paid for your participation whether you win or lose.
Quarantine means mandatory involuntary confinement by order or other official
directive of a government, public or regulatory authority, a physician, or the captain
of a commercial vessel on which you are booked to travel during your trip, which
is intended to stop the spread of a contagious disease to which you or a travelling
companion has been exposed.
Refund(s) means cash, credit, or a voucher for future travel that you are eligible to
receive from a travel supplier, or any credit, recovery, or reimbursement you are
eligible to receive from your employer, another insurance company, or any other entity.
Sickness means any sudden illness or disease requiring the immediate medical care
or treatment of a physician.
Signs or symptoms means any evidence of disease experienced by you or
recognized through observation.
Spouse means the person who is legally married to the primary cardholder; or if
there is no such person, the person who has been living with the primary cardholder
in a conjugal relationship and who resides in the same household as the primary
cardholder and is publicly represented as the spouse of the primary cardholder. For
the purposes of this insurance the primary cardholder may have only one (1) spouse.
Stable means any medical condition or related condition, including any heart
condition or any lung/respiratory condition for which:
a) there has been no new treatment; and
b) there has been no change in treatment or change in treatment frequency
or type; and
c) there have been no signs or symptoms or new diagnosis; and
d) there have been no test results showing deterioration; and
e) there has been no hospitalization; and
f) there has been no referral to a specialist (made or recommended) and you
are not awaiting surgery or the results of investigations performed by any
The following are also considered stable:
a) Routine (not prescribed by a physician) adjustment of insulin or Coumadin
(Warfarin) provided the medication was not first prescribed during the ninety
(90) days before your coverage period began.
b) Change from a brand name medication to a generic medication provided the
medication was not first prescribed during the ninety (90) days before your
coverage period began and there is no increase or decrease in dosage.
Terrorist event means an act, including but not limited to the use of force or violence,
of any person or group(s) of persons, whether acting alone or on behalf of or in
connection with any organization(s), which constitutes terrorism as recognized by the
government authority or under the laws of your country of residence, and is committed
for political, religious, ethnic, ideological or similar purposes, including but not limited
to the intention to influence any government and/or to put the public, or any section
of the public, in fear. It does not include general civil disorder or unrest, protest,
rioting, political risk, or acts of war.
Ticket means evidence of a fare, including any applicable taxes and/or fees, paid
for travel on a common carrier, which has been completely or partially charged to
the account.
Travel Advisory means a published formal notice issued by the Canadian government
advising travellers to avoid non-essential travel or to avoid all travel to any destination
included in your trip, for a period that includes your scheduled trip. This includes
written warnings to avoid non-essential travel, or to avoid all travel, on a common
Travelling companion is any person who travels with the cardholder for the entire
trip and whose fare for transportation and/or accommodation was partially or fully
prepaid at the same time as the cardholder.
Travel supplier means a tour operator, travel wholesaler, airline, cruise line, provider
of ground transportation or provider of commercial accommodation to you that
is contracted to provide travel services to you and that is licensed, registered or
otherwise legally authorized to operate and provide travel services.
Treatment means a procedure prescribed, performed or recommended by a
physician for a medical condition. This includes but is not limited to prescribed
medication, investigative testing and surgery.
Trip means a period during which you are travelling outside of your province or
territory of residence and for which the full or partial cost of travel arrangements has
been charged to the cardholder’s credit card.
We, our, us means CUMIS General Insurance Company, a member of The Co-operators
group of companies and/or Allianz Global Assistance.
You, your, yourself means the insured person.
3. Car rental – collision/loss
damage insurance
In this certificate of insurance, certain terms have defined meanings. Defined
terms are bold and italicized throughout this document. Please see section 3.9 for
a list of defined terms.
3.1 Introduction
Car Rental – Collision/Loss Damage Insurance provides coverage for damage or theft
of a rental car, as well as valid rental agency towing charges and charges for loss-of-
use, when a covered loss occurs during the period of the rental car agreement. The
total rental period must not exceed forty-eight (48) consecutive days.
This certificate of insurance is underwritten by CUMIS General Insurance Company,
a member of The Co-operators group of companies (“CUMIS”, “we”,us” or “our)
under Group Policy No. FC320000-A (the “Policy”), effective July 6, 2023, issued to
Bank of Montreal (“BMO”). The insured person and any claimant under this insurance
may request a copy of the Group Policy subject to certain access restrictions. This
insurance is administered by Allianz Global Assistance through the Operations
Centre. The Operations Centre can be reached at 1 833 744-1266 or 519 514-1305.
All benefits are subject, in every respect, to the terms of the Policy, which alone
constitutes the agreement under which payments are made. Only BMO may
determine who is a cardholder, whether an account is in good standing and
whether the insurance pursuant to this certificate of insurance is in force.
3.2 What to do if your rental car sustains any damage, loss or theft
If your rental car sustains any damage, loss or theft, you must contact the
Operations Centre immediately after any loss or occurrence.
From Canada and the United States call: 1 833 744-1266
From elsewhere call collect: 519 514-1305
This certificate of insurance contains a provision
removing or restricting the right of the insured
person to designate persons to whom or for whose
benefit insurance money is to be payable.
It is important that you read and understand this certificate of insurance as
your coverage is subject to limitations and exclusions.
This certificate of insurance is designed to cover losses arising from sudden
and unforeseeable circumstances only.
Coverage under this certificate of insurance is secondary, in that it covers
expenses in excess of those payable by any other insurance plan or other
source of reimbursement.
This coverage does not provide any form of third-party automobile, property
damage or personal injury liability insurance. It is your responsibility to
ensure you have adequate third-party insurance, either through your own
automobile insurance policy, or by accepting the insurance offered through
the rental agency.
No person is eligible for coverage under more than one (1) certificate of
insurance providing insurance coverage similar to that provided hereunder. In
the event that any person is recorded by us as an insured person under more
than one (1) such certificate, such person shall be deemed to be insured only
under the certificate or policy which affords that person the greatest amount
of insurance coverage. This certificate of insurance replaces any certificate or
policy previously issued to the primary cardholder with respect to the Policy.
3.3 Coverage eligibility
You are eligible for the Car Rental – Collision/Loss Damage Insurance when you enter
into a non-renewable rental car agreement for a rental car, where the total rental
period does not exceed forty-eight (48) days, subject to limitations and exclusions
and the following requirements:
a) you are a resident of Canada;
b) the rental car must be rented by the cardholder; and
c) the rental car must be rented from a commercial car rental agency; and
d) the full cost, including applicable taxes and/or fees of the rental car must be
charged to the cardholder’s credit card. An eligible rental car included in a
pre-paid travel package is covered if the full cost of the travel package was
charged to the account; and
e) you must not rent more than one (1) vehicle at a time during a rental period; and
f) you must decline the Collision Damage Waiver (CDW) benefits (or similar
provisions, such as “loss damage waiver) offered by the rental agency (when
not prohibited by law). If there is no space on the rental car agreement to decline
coverage, you must write on the contract “I decline the CDW provided by the
rental agency ”; and
g) the rental car must have been operated by:
i. the insured person listed on the rental car agreement and authorized to
operate the rental car under the rental car agreement in accordance with
its conditions when the loss occurs; or
ii. any authorized driver who has been given permission by the primary
cardholder to operate the rental car, provided the additional person is
listed on the rental car agreement. All drivers must qualify under and
follow the terms of the rental car agreement and they must be legally
licensed and permitted to operate the rental car under the laws of the
jurisdiction in which the rental car will be operated; and
h) the account must be in good standing.
3.4 Coverage period
Coverage begins as soon as the insured person who is authorized to operate the
rental car under the rental car agreement takes control of the rental car.
The total rental period must not exceed forty-eight (48) consecutive days. If the
rental period exceeds forty-eight (48) consecutive days, coverage under this
certificate of insurance will be void. In order to break the consecutive day cycle, a
full calendar day must exist between rental periods.
Coverage ends at the earliest of:
a) the time when the rental agency assumes control of the rental car, whether it be
at its place of business or elsewhere. Rental car keys left in a locked drop box does
not constitute that the rental agency has assumed control of the rental car; or
b) the end of the chosen rental period; or
c) the date the account is cancelled or no longer in good standing; or
d) the date the Policy is cancelled by us or by BMO.
3.5 Coverage benefits
Subject to the terms and conditions, you are covered for a rental car with a
Manufacturer’s Suggested Retail Price (MSRP), in its model year, up to a maximum
of $85,000 for:
a) damage to the rental car; and
b) theft of the rental car or any of its respective parts or accessories; and
c) rental agency charges for valid loss-of-use, while the rental car is being repaired; and
d) reasonable and customary charges for towing the rental car to the nearest
available facility.
Note: This coverage does not provide any form of third-party automobile, property
damage or personal injury liability insurance. It is your responsibility to have
adequate third-party insurance, either through your own automobile insurance
policy, or by accepting the insurance offered through the rental agency.
The amount of the benefit payable will be equal to, the lesser of, the cost of the
repair (including loss-of-use) or the replacement cost of your rental car which has
been damaged or stolen, less any amount or portion of the loss assumed, waived or
paid by the car rental agency, its insurer, or a third-party insurer.
3.6 Limitations and exclusions
3.6.1 Limitations
The following conditions may limit your entitlement to benefits under this certificate
a) MSRP over $85,000: There is no coverage for any vehicle with a Manufacturer’s
Suggested Retail Price (MSRP), in its model year, over $85,000.
b) Additional Rental Fees: There is no coverage for additional rental fees charged by
the rental agency for a replacement vehicle if required by you for the remainder
of the original rental period.
c) Rental Period in Excess of Forty-eight (48) Days: This coverage does not apply
to rental cars when your rental period is more than forty-eight (48) consecutive
days, or your rental period is extended for more than forty-eight (48) consecutive
days by renewing or taking out a new rental car agreement with the same or
another rental agency for the same vehicle or other vehicles.
d) This coverage will not pay for the cost of any insurance offered by or purchased
through the car rental agency, even if such cost is mandatory or included in the
price of the vehicle rental.
3.6.2 Exclusions
We will not pay any of the rental car benefits if a claim is directly or indirectly a
result of one (1) or more of the following:
a) Excluded Vehicles – Vehicles which belong to the following categories are
i. vans (except as defined below);
ii. trucks (including pick-ups) or any vehicle that can be spontaneously
reconfigured into a pick-up truck;
iii. campers or trailers;
iv. vehicles towing or propelling trailers or any other object;
v. off-road vehicles (Sport Utility Vehicles are covered, provided they are not
used as off-road vehicles, are driven on maintained roads and do not have
an open cargobed);
vi. motorcycles, mopeds or motorbikes;
vii. expensive or exotic vehicles with an MSRP, in their model year, greater
than $85,000;
viii. antique vehicles which are over twenty (20) years old or when their models
have not been manufactured for ten (10) years or more;
ix. recreational vehicles or vehicles not licensed for road use;
x. leased vehicles, with buyback guarantee;
xi. limousines, however, standard production models of these vehicles that are
not used as limousines are not excluded provided that they have an MSRP, in
their model year, of $85,000 or less.
Note: Vans are not excluded provided that they:
are for private passenger use with seating for no more than eight (8) occupants
including the driver; and
do not exceed a “3/4 ton” rating; and
are not designed for recreational use (such as but not limited to camping,
operation on roads not maintained by a federal, provincial, state or local
authority and is designed and manufactured for off-road use); and
are not to be used for hire by others.
b) Damage Wear and tear, gradual deterioration, mechanical or electrical
breakdown or failure, insects or vermin, inherent flaw or damage; damage
caused by the use of incorrect fuel type.
c) Loss of Vehicle Entry Device – Loss, damage or misplacement of vehicle
d) Diminished Value – The amount by which the resale value of a damaged
(or damage repaired) rental car has been reduced for having a significant
e) Violation of Rental Car Agreement – Operation of the rental car in violation of
the terms of the rental car agreement.
f) Intentional Acts – Damage due to intentional acts.
g) Off-road Operation – Damage caused to the rental car by use off of publicly
maintained roads.
h) Speed Contests – Damage caused to the rental car while driving at a rate of
speed that is a marked departure from the lawful rate of speed.
i) Self-injury and Suicide – Suicide, attempted suicide or self-inflicted injury.
j) Abuse of Alcohol, Drugs or Intoxicants –The abuse of alcohol (where the
concentration of alcohol in your blood exceeds eighty (80) milligrams of alcohol
in one hundred (100) millilitres of blood or exceeds the legal limit in the
jurisdiction where the vehicle is being operated, whichever is less), drugs or
other intoxicants.
k) Drugs or Poison – Any voluntary taking of poison, toxic substances or non-toxic
substances or drugs, sedatives or narcotics, whether illicit or prescribed, in such
quantity that they become toxic, or voluntary inhalation of a gas.
l) Illegal Trade – Transporting contraband or illegal trade.
m) Criminal Offence – Committing or attempting to commit a criminal offence or
dishonest or fraudulent acts or committing or provoking an assault.
n) War, Terrorist Event, Political Risk, etc. – War (declared or undeclared) or acts of
war; terrorist events; political risk or any participation in the armed forces.
o) Nuclear Reaction, Contamination, etc. – Nuclear reaction; radiation; radioactive,
biological or chemical contamination; seepage; pollution or contamination.
p) Liability – Liability other than for loss of, or damage to, the rental car.
q) Personal InjuryYour personal injury.
r) Expenses – Expenses assumed waived or paid by the commercial car rental
agency or its insurers or payable under any other insurance.
s) Confiscation – Confiscation by order of any government or public authority.
t) Seizure or Destruction Seizure or destruction under a quarantine or
customs regulation.
u) Travel Advisory – You travel to a country, region or city with a published formal
travel advisory issued by the Canadian government, before your departure date,
advising travellers to avoid all travel, or to avoid non-essential travel and your
rental car claim is in any way related to the reason for the travel advisory.
v) SanctionsYour travel to a sanctioned country for any business or activity to the
extent that such cover would violate any applicable national economic or trade
sanction law or regulations.
3.7 Claim filing procedures
You must notify the Operations Centre immediately after any loss or occurrence.
Upon receipt of such notice, the Operations Centre will provide you with the
appropriate claimforms.
Operations Centre
c/o Allianz Global Assistance, Claims Department
P. O. Box 277
Waterloo, Ontario, Canada N2J 4A4
Toll-free Canada/U.S.A.: 1 833 744-1266
Collect worldwide: 519 514-1305
As a condition to the payment of benefits under this insurance, the Operations
Centre will need certain information from you if you need to file a claim. This
includes, and is not limited to, the following:
A fully completed claim form signed by you.
A copy of the original police report when the resulting loss from damage or theft
was over $500.
A copy of the driver’s license of the insured person who was driving the rental car
at the time of the accident.
A copy of the loss/damage report you completed with the rental agency.
The front and back pages of the opened and closed-out original rental car agreement
or if applicable, a copy of your membership agreement with the car sharing
program; a copy of the visual inspection report completed prior to assuming control
of the vehicle and confirmation of your time booked.
A copy of the primary cardholder’s monthly billing statement and/or receipt
reflecting that the cost of the rental car was paid in full using the cardholder’s
credit card. This charge must appear on your statement within ninety (90) days of
the incident.
An itemized statement of repairs for the rental vehicle (unless our representative
has seen the car).
Photo of the damaged vehicle.
If the loss-of-use is charged, a copy of the rental agency’s daily utilization log
from the date the rental car was not available for rental, to the date the rental car
became available to rent.
Any other documentation that may be required to process your claim.
3.8 Specific conditions
In addition to the specific conditions below, Car Rental – Collision/Loss Damage
Insurance is subject to the General Conditions and General Provisions found in
sections 10 and 11.
1. Due Diligence: The primary cardholder and any insured person shall use
diligence and do all things reasonable to avoid or diminish any loss of or damage
to property protected by this insurance.
2. You agree to cooperate fully with us, and as a condition to the payment
of benefits, the Operations Centre reserves the right to obtain all
pertinent records or information from you. Failure to provide the requested
documentation to substantiate your claim under this certificate of insurance
will invalidate your claim.
3.9 Definitions
In this certificate of insurance, certain terms have defined meanings. Defined
terms are bold and italicized throughout this document.
Account means the primary cardholder’s BMO eclipse Visa Infinite Privilege* Card
account, established in Canada by BMO.
Additional cardholder(s) means each person that BMO has issued a credit card to on
the primary cardholder’s account, at the primary cardholders request.
Authorized driver means any driver who is permitted to operate the rental car by
the primary cardholder and who is listed on the rental car agreement.
Cardholder means the primary cardholder and any additional cardholder.
Cardholder agreement means the BMO cardholder agreement that applies to and
governs the credit card and account.
Car sharing program means a car rental club which gives its members twenty-four
(24) hour access to a fleet of cars parked in a convenient location.
Certificate of insurance means a summary of the benefits provided under the Group
Policy issued to BMO.
Credit card means the BMO eclipse Visa Infinite Privilege* Card and any other
payment device that BMO issues or provides to enable the cardholder to use
the account.
Departure date means the date on which you depart on your trip.
Dependent child(ren) means an unmarried natural, adopted, or step child of
a primary cardholder dependent on the primary cardholder or the primary
cardholder’s spouse for support who is:
a) twenty (20) years of age or under; or
b) twenty-five (25) years of age or under and a full-time student attending a
recognized college or university; or
c) twenty-one (21) years of age or older and permanently mentally or physically
challenged and incapable of self-support and became so while eligible as a
dependent child.
Good standing means your account privileges have not expired, been revoked,
suspended or terminated and you are in full compliance with all the provisions of the
cardholder agreement.
Injury means any bodily harm caused by an accident which results in a covered loss
and which requires the immediate medical care or treatment of a physician.
Insured person means the primary cardholder, the primary carholder’s spouse
and their dependent child(ren), any additional cardholder on the account or
any authorized driver. The spouse and/or dependent child(ren) of an additional
cardholder or authorized driver are not eligible for this insurance.
Medical condition(s) means any disease, sickness or injury (including symptoms of
undiagnosed conditions).
Operations Centre means the Operations Centre maintained by Allianz
Global Assistance.
Physician means a person, other than you, a member of your family or a travelling
companion, licensed in the jurisdiction where the services are provided, to prescribe
and administer medical treatment including, but not limited to, a physician’s
assistant and nurse practitioner.
Political risk means any type of event, organized resistance or actions intending
or implying the intention to overthrow, supplant or change the existing ruler or
constitutional government, including but not limited to nationalization; confiscation;
expropriation (including selective discrimination and forced abandonment); deprivation;
requisition; revolution; rebellion; insurrection; civil commotion assuming to proportion
of or amounting to an uprising and military and usurped power.
Primary cardholder means the person who applied for the credit card and in
whose name BMO opened the account. A primary cardholder does not include an
additional cardholder.
Reasonable and customary charges means charges incurred for goods and services
that are comparable to what other providers charge for similar goods and services in
the same geographical area.
Rental agency means a licensed automobile rental agency that rents vehicles and
issues a rental car agreement. Rental agencies include both automobile rental
agencies as well as car sharing programs.
Rental car means a land motor vehicle with four (4) wheels, that is designed for use
mainly on public roads and which you have rented from a rental agency for your
personal use for the period of time shown on the rental car agreement. With regards
to the Collision/Loss Damage benefit, a rental car may also include a car sharing
program of which you are a member.
Rental car agreement means the entire written contract that you receive when
renting a car from a rental agency that describes in full all of the terms and
conditions of the rental, as well as the responsibilities of all parties under the rental
car agreement. With regards to the Collision/Loss Damage benefit, a rental car
agreement may also include a commercial car sharing program of which you are a
member and the terms and conditions thereof.
Sickness means any sudden illness or disease requiring the immediate medical care
or treatment of a physician.
Spouse means the person who is legally married to the primary cardholder; or if
there is no such person, the person who has been living with the primary cardholder
in a conjugal relationship and who resides in the same household as the primary
cardholder and is publicly represented as the spouse of the primary cardholder. For
the purposes of this insurance the primary cardholder may have only one (1) spouse.
Terrorist event means an act, including but not limited to the use of force or violence,
of any person or group(s) of persons, whether acting alone or on behalf of or in
connection with any organization(s), which constitutes terrorism as recognized by the
government authority or under the laws of your country of residence, and is committed
for political, religious, ethnic, ideological or similar purposes, including but not limited
to the intention to influence any government and/or to put the public, or any section
of the public, in fear. It does not include general civil disorder or unrest, protest,
rioting, political risk, or acts of war.
Treatment means a procedure prescribed, performed or recommended by a
physician for a medical condition. This includes but is not limited to prescribed
medication, investigative testing and surgery.
We, our, us means CUMIS General Insurance Company, a member of The Co-operators
group of companies and/or Allianz Global Assistance.
You, your, yourself means the insured person.
4. Common carrier insurance
In this certificate of insurance, certain terms have defined meanings. Defined
terms are bold and italicized throughout this document. Please see section 4.11 for
a list of defined terms.
4.1 Introduction
Common Carrier Insurance provides coverage in the event of your accidental death or
dismemberment resulting from an accidental bodily injury sustained while you are
a passenger on, or while you are entering or exiting, any licensed common carrier
provided that the full cost of your ticket is charged to the cardholder’s credit card.
This certificate of insurance is underwritten by CUMIS General Insurance Company,
a member of The Co-operators group of companies (“CUMIS”, “we”,us” or “our)
under Group Policy No. FC320000-A (the “Policy”), effective July 6, 2023, issued to
Bank of Montreal (“BMO”). The insured person and any claimant under this insurance
may request a copy of the Group Policy subject to certain access restrictions. This
insurance is administered by Allianz Global Assistance through the Operations
Centre. The Operations Centre can be reached at 1 833 744-1266 or 519 514-1305.
All benefits are subject, in every respect, to the terms of the Policy, which alone
constitutes the agreement under which payments are made. Only BMO may
determine who is a cardholder, whether an account is in good standing and
whether the insurance pursuant to this certificate of insurance is in force.
4.2 What to do if you experience a loss
In the event of a loss, you must contact the Operations Centre:
From Canada and the United States call: 1 833 744-1266
From elsewhere call collect: 519 514-1305
It is important that you read and understand this certificate of insurance as
your coverage is subject to limitations and exclusions.
This certificate of insurance is designed to cover losses arising from sudden
and unforeseeable circumstances only.
No person is eligible for coverage under more than one (1) certificate of
insurance providing insurance coverage similar to that provided hereunder. In
the event that any person is recorded by us as an insured person under more
than one (1) such certificate, such person shall be deemed to be insured only
under the certificate or policy which affords that person the greatest amount
of insurance coverage. This certificate of insurance replaces any certificate or
policy previously issued to the primary cardholder with respect to the Policy.
4.3 Coverage eligibility
To be eligible for Common Carrier Insurance:
a) you must be a resident of Canada;
b) you must pay the full cost of your ticket, including any applicable taxes and/or
fees, with the cardholder’s credit card; and
c) the account must be in good standing.
4.4 Coverage period
If the full cost of the ticket has been charged to the cardholder’s credit card prior to
departure for the airport, terminal, port or station, coverage is provided:
a) for common carrier travel (not including courtesy transportation provided without
a specific charge) directly to the airport, terminal, port or station, immediately
preceding the scheduled departure of the common carrier;
b) while at the airport, terminal, port or station; and
c) for common carrier travel (not including courtesy transportation provided without
a specific charge) immediately following the scheduled arrival of the common
carrier at the airport, terminal, port or station.
Note: If the full cost of your ticket has not been charged to the cardholders credit
card prior to departure for the airport, terminal, port or station, coverage begins
at the time the full cost of your ticket is charged to the cardholder’s credit card.
4.5 Coverage benefits
The following benefit amounts are payable for your loss resulting from an
accidental bodily injury that occurs while you are a passenger on, or while you are
entering or exiting, any licensed common carrier. The loss must occur within one (1)
year from the date of the accident:
Loss Benefit Amount
Loss of Life $500,000
Loss of Both Hands and/or Both Feet $500,000
Loss of One Foot or One Hand and the Entire Sight of One Eye $500,000
Loss of Entire Sight of Both Eyes $500,000
Loss of One Hand and One Foot $500,000
Loss of Speech and Hearing $500,000
Loss of One Hand or One Foot $250,000
Loss of Entire Sight of One Eye $250,000
Loss of Speech or Hearing $250,000
Loss of Thumb and Index Finger on the Same Hand $125,000
We will pay the single largest applicable benefit amount. In no event will duplicate
request forms or multiple credit cards obligate us to pay any amount in excess of the
stated benefit amount for any one loss sustained by any one insured person as the
result of any one accident.
If more than one insured person suffers a loss in the same accident, our total
liability for all such losses will be limited to a maximum limit of insurance equal to
$1,500,000. The total amount payable with respect to the covered insured persons
suffering a loss will be proportionately divided among the covered insured persons
suffering a loss, based on each applicable benefit amount.
4.6 Exposure and disappearance
If by reason of an accident covered under this certificate of insurance an insured
person is unavoidably exposed to the elements and as a result of such exposure
suffers a loss for which indemnity is otherwise payable hereunder, such loss will
be covered hereunder. If the body of an insured person has not been found within
twelve (12) months after the date of disappearance as the result of the sinking
or wrecking of a common carrier in which the insured person was riding at the
time of the accident and under such circumstances as would otherwise be covered
hereunder, it will be presumed that the insured person suffered loss of life resulting
from accidental bodily injury.
4.7 Beneficiary
Any loss of life benefit payable under this certificate of insurance will be paid to
your estate, unless a beneficiary designation has been filed with Allianz Global
Assistance. All other benefits are payable to you. If you wish to designate a specific
beneficiary, please contact the Operations Centre at 1 833 744-1266 or 519 514-1305.
4.8 Limitations and exclusions
This insurance does not cover, provide services for or pay claims resulting from:
a) Sickness Sickness, illness, bodily or mental infirmity or disease of any kind.
b) Treatment – Medical or surgical treatment or complications arising therefrom,
except when required as a direct result of an accidental bodily injury.
c) Intentional Act – Suicide, attempted suicide or self-inflicted injury.
d) Illegal Act Your involvement in the commission or attempted commission of a
criminal offence or illegal act.
e) Abuse of Drugs or Intoxicants Any voluntary taking of poison, toxic
substances or non-toxic substances or drugs, sedatives or narcotics, whether
illicit or prescribed, in such quantity that they become toxic, or voluntary
inhalation of agas.
f) War, Terrorist Event, Political Risk, etc. War (declared or undeclared) or acts of
war; terrorist events; political risk or any service in the armed forces.
g) Nuclear Reaction, Contamination, etc. – Exposure to nuclear reaction or radiation;
radioactive, biological or chemical contamination.
h) Operating or Learning to Operate an Aircraft Your operating, learning to
operate or serving as a member of the crew of any aircraft.
i) Sanctions Your travel to a sanctioned country for any business or activity to the
extent that such cover would violate any applicable national economic or trade
sanction law or regulations.
4.9 Claim filing procedures
You must contact the Operations Centre as soon as reasonably possible to report a
claim. Upon receipt of such notice, the Operations Centre will provide you with the
appropriate claim forms.
Operations Centre
c/o Allianz Global Assistance, Claims Department
P. O. Box 277
Waterloo, Ontario, Canada N2J 4A4
Toll-free Canada/U.S.A.: 1 833 744-1266
Collect worldwide: 519 514-1305
As a condition to the payment of benefits under this insurance, the Operations
Centre will need certain information from you if you need to file a claim. This
includes, and is not limited to, the following:
A fully completed claim form signed by you.
A copy of the primary cardholder’s monthly billing statement and/or receipt
reflecting that the cost of the common carrier ticket was paid in full using the
cardholder’s credit card. This charge must appear on your statement within
ninety (90) days of the incident.
A certified copy of the death certificate, if applicable.
A certified copy of all documents supporting the claimants authority (e.g. Letters
Testamentary, Letters of Administration, Guardianship papers, etc.), if applicable.
Copies of all police reports, newspaper articles, etc., describing the accident.
Any other documentation that may be required to process your claim.
4.10 Specific conditions
In addition to the specific conditions below, Common Carrier Insurance is subject to
the General Conditions and General Provisions found in sections 10 and 11.
1. Due Diligence: You shall use diligence and do all things reasonable to avoid or
diminish any loss or accidental bodily injury.
2. You agree to cooperate fully with us, and as a condition to the payment of
benefits, the Operations Centre reserves the right to obtain all pertinent
records or information from any physician, dentist, practitioner, hospital, clinic,
insurer, individual or institution to assess the validity of a claim submitted
by or on behalf of any insured person. Failure to provide the requested
documentation to substantiate your claim under this certificate of insurance
will invalidate your claim.
3. Physical Examination: The Operations Centre has the right to investigate the
circumstances of loss and to require a medical examination; and in the event of
death to require an autopsy at our cost, if not prohibited by law.
4.11 Definitions
In this certificate of insurance, certain terms have defined meanings. Defined
terms are bold and italicized throughout this document.
Accidental bodily injury means bodily injury caused directly and independently of
all other causes by external and purely accidental means. The accident must occur
during the coverage period and the loss to which the insurance applies must result
within three hundred and sixty-five (365) days of the date of the bodily injury and
must not result from any of the exclusions.
Account means the primary cardholder’s BMO eclipse Visa Infinite Privilege* Card
account, established in Canada by BMO.
Additional cardholder(s) means each person that BMO has issued a credit card to on
the primary cardholder’s account, at the primary cardholders request.
Benefit amount means the loss amount set out in this certificate of insurance
applicable at the time the full cost of your ticket was charged to the cardholder’s
Cardholder means the primary cardholder and any additional cardholder.
Cardholder agreement means the BMO cardholder agreement that applies to and
governs the credit card and account.
Certificate of insurance means a summary of the benefits provided under the Group
Policy issued to BMO.
Common carrier means a passenger plane, bus, taxi, car service, train, cruise ship
or government-operated ferry system offering its transportation services to paying
passengers at published rates and scheduled times.
Coverage period means the time insurance is in effect, as indicated in the Coverage
Period section of this certificate of insurance.
Credit card means the BMO eclipse Visa Infinite Privilege* Card and any other
payment device that BMO issues or provides to enable the cardholder to use
the account.
Dependent child(ren) means an unmarried natural, adopted, or step child of
a primary cardholder dependent on the primary cardholder or the primary
cardholder’s spouse for support who is:
a) twenty (20) years of age or under; or
b) twenty-five (25) years of age or under and a full-time student attending a
recognized college or university; or
c) twenty-one (21) years of age or older and permanently mentally or physically
challenged and incapable of self-support and became so while eligible as a
dependent child.
Good standing means your account privileges have not expired, been revoked,
suspended or terminated and you are in full compliance with all the provisions of the
cardholder agreement.
Insured person means the primary cardholder, the primary cardholders spouse
and their dependentchild(ren), and any additional cardholder on the account. The
spouse and/or dependent child(ren) of an additional cardholder are not eligible for
this insurance.
Loss, with reference to loss of life, means death, including clinical death determined
by the local governing medical authorities. Loss means, with reference to a hand or
foot, complete and permanent severance through or above the wrist or ankle joint;
with reference to arm or leg means complete and permanent severance through
or above the elbow or knee joint; with reference to thumb and index finger means
complete and permanent severance of the thumb and index finger of the same
hand. With reference to hearing, loss means the permanent and irrecoverable total
loss of hearing in both ears, as determined by a physician; with reference to sight,
loss means the permanent and irrecoverable loss of the entire sight, meaning that
the remaining vision must be no better than 20/200 using a corrective aid or device
as determined by a physician; with reference to speech, loss means the permanent
and irrecoverable total loss of the capability of speech without the aid of mechanical
devices, as determined by aphysician.
Operations Centre means the Operations Centre maintained by Allianz
Physician means a person, other than you, a member of your family or a travelling
companion, licensed in the jurisdiction where the services are provided, to prescribe
and administer medical treatment including, but not limited to, a physician’s assistant
and nurse practitioner.
Political risk means any type of event, organized resistance or actions intending
or implying the intention to overthrow, supplant or change the existing ruler or
constitutional government, including but not limited to nationalization; confiscation;
expropriation (including selective discrimination and forced abandonment); deprivation;
requisition; revolution; rebellion; insurrection; civil commotion assuming to proportion
of or amounting to an uprising and military and usurped power.
Primary cardholder means the person who applied for the credit card and in
whose name BMO opened the account. A primary cardholder does not include an
additional cardholder.
Spouse means the person who is legally married to the primary cardholder; or if
there is no such person, the person who has been living with the primary cardholder
in a conjugal relationship and who resides in the same household as the primary
cardholder and is publicly represented as the spouse of the primary cardholder. For
the purposes of this insurance the primary cardholder may have only one (1) spouse.
Terrorist event means an act, including but not limited to the use of force or violence,
of any person or group(s) of persons, whether acting alone or on behalf of or in
connection with any organization(s), which constitutes terrorism as recognized by the
government authority or under the laws of your country of residence, and is committed
for political, religious, ethnic, ideological or similar purposes, including but not limited
to the intention to influence any government and/or to put the public, or any section
of the public, in fear. It does not include general civil disorder or unrest, protest,
rioting, political risk, or acts of war.
Ticket means evidence of full fare, including any applicable taxes and/or fees, paid
for travel on a common carrier, which has been completely charged to the account.
We, our, us means CUMIS General Insurance Company, a member of The Co-operators
group of companies and/or Allianz Global Assistance.
You, your, yourself means the insured person.
5. Flight delay insurance
In this certificate of insurance, certain terms have defined meanings. Defined
terms are bold and italicized throughout this document. Please see section 5.9 for
a list of defined terms.
5.1 Introduction
Flight Delay Insurance provides coverage for reasonable additional accommodation
and travelling expenses in the event of a delay of more than four (4) hours in the
arrival or departure of your regularly scheduled flight on a commercial airline.
This certificate of insurance is underwritten by CUMIS General Insurance Company,
a member of The Co-operators group of companies (“CUMIS”, “we”,us” or “our)
under Group Policy No. FC320000-A (the “Policy”), effective July 6, 2023, issued to
Bank of Montreal (“BMO”). The insured person and any claimant under this insurance
may request a copy of the Group Policy subject to certain access restrictions. This
insurance is administered by Allianz Global Assistance through the Operations
Centre. The Operations Centre can be reached at 1 833 744-1266 or 519 514-1305.
All benefits are subject, in every respect, to the terms of the Policy, which alone
constitutes the agreement under which payments are made. Only BMO may
determine who is a cardholder, whether an account is in good standing and
whether the insurance pursuant to this certificate of insurance is in force.
5.2 What to do if your flight is delayed
If your flight is delayed you must contact the Operations Centre immediately after
learning of any delay.
From Canada and the United States call: 1 833 744-1266
From elsewhere call collect: 519 514-1305
This certificate of insurance contains a provision
removing or restricting the right of the insured
person to designate persons to whom or for whose
benefit insurance money is to be payable.
It is important that you read and understand this certificate of insurance as
your coverage is subject to limitations and exclusions.
This certificate of insurance is designed to cover losses arising from sudden
and unforeseeable circumstances only.
Coverage under this certificate of insurance is secondary, in that it covers
expenses in excess of those payable by any other insurance plan or other
source of reimbursement.
No person is eligible for coverage under more than one (1) certificate of
insurance providing insurance coverage similar to that provided hereunder. In
the event that any person is recorded by us as an insured person under more
than one (1) such certificate, such person shall be deemed to be insured only
under the certificate or policy which affords that person the greatest amount
of insurance coverage. This certificate of insurance replaces any certificate or
policy previously issued to the primary cardholder with respect to the Policy.
5.3 Coverage eligibility
To be eligible for the Flight Delay Insurance:
a) you must be a resident of Canada;
b) you must pay the full cost of your ticket, including any applicable taxes and/or
fees, with the cardholder’s credit card; and
c) the account must be in good standing.
5.4 Coverage period
Coverage begins at the time of your departure on your trip.
Coverage ends on the earliest of:
a) the time you return to your original departure point; or
b) the date the account is cancelled or no longer in good standing; or
c) the date the Policy is cancelled by us or by BMO.
5.5 Coverage benefits
Flight Delay Insurance benefits are payable in the event of a delay of more than
four (4) hours in the arrival or departure of your regularly scheduled flight on a
commercial airline. You will be reimbursed up to a maximum of $1,000 per trip for all
insured persons combined, for reasonable, additional accommodation and travelling
expenses. Expenses must be incurred by you as a result of the delay. Prepaid
expenses are not covered.
5.6 Limitations and exclusions
This insurance does not cover, provide services or pay claims resulting from:
a) Operating or Learning to Operate an AircraftYour operating, learning to
operate or serving as a member of the crew of any aircraft.
b) Illegal Act Your involvement in the commission or attempted commission of a
criminal offence or illegal act.
c) War, Terrorist Event, Political Risk, etc. – War (declared or undeclared) or acts of
war; terrorist events; political risk or any participation in the armed forces.
d) Bankruptcy or Insolvency – Default of a travel supplier ceasing operations as a
result of bankruptcy or insolvency.
e) SanctionsYour travel to a sanctioned country for any business or activity to the
extent that such cover would violate any applicable national economic or trade
sanction law or regulations.
5.7 Claim filing procedures
You must notify the Operations Centre immediately after learning of any delay of
your flight. Upon receipt of such notice, the Operations Centre will provide you with
the appropriate claim forms.
Operations Centre
c/o Allianz Global Assistance, Claims Department
P. O. Box 277
Waterloo, Ontario, Canada N2J 4A4
Toll-free Canada/U.S.A.: 1 833 744-1266
Collect worldwide: 519 514-1305
As a condition to the payment of benefits under this insurance, the Operations
Centre will need certain information from you if you need to file a claim. This
includes, and is not limited to, the following:
A fully completed claim form signed by you.
Proof of your scheduled departure time.
Original receipts and invoices for all expenses.
Originals of any refunds or expense allowances received from your travel supplier.
Original commercial airline report or other report that verifies the cause and
duration of the delay.
A copy of the primary cardholder’s monthly billing statement and/or receipt
reflecting that the ticket was paid in full using the cardholder’s credit card.
Any other documentation that may be required to process your claim.
5.8 Specific condition
In addition to the specific condition below, Flight Delay Insurance is subject to the
General Conditions and General Provisions found in sections 10 and 11.
You agree to cooperate fully with the Operations Centre, and as a condition to the
payment of benefits, the Operations Centre reserves the right to obtain all pertinent
records or information from you. Failure to provide the requested documentation to
substantiate your claim under this certificate of insurance will invalidate your claim.
5.9 Definitions
In this certificate of insurance, certain terms have defined meanings. Defined terms
are bold and italicized throughout this document.
Accommodation means an establishment that provides commercial short-term
accommodation for the general public, issues proof of transaction and is licensed
under the law of its jurisdiction. An accommodation includes a business that operates
a vacation rental or shared accommodation but excludes any timeshare properties
Account means the primary cardholder’s BMO eclipse Visa Infinite Privilege* Card
account, established in Canada by BMO.
Additional cardholder(s) means each person that BMO has issued a credit card to on
the primary cardholder’s account, at the primary cardholders request.
Cardholder means the primary cardholder and any additional cardholder.
Cardholder agreement means the BMO cardholder agreement that applies to and
governs the credit card and account.
Certificate of insurance means a summary of the benefits provided under the Group
Policy issued to BMO.
Credit card means the BMO eclipse Visa Infinite Privilege* Card and any other
payment device that BMO issues or provides to enable the cardholder to use
the account.
Dependent child(ren) means an unmarried natural, adopted, or step child of
a primary cardholder dependent on the primary cardholder or the primary
cardholder’s spouse for support who is:
a) twenty (20) years of age or under; or
b) twenty-five (25) years of age or under and a full-time student attending a
recognized college or university; or
c) twenty-one (21) years of age or older and permanently mentally or physically
challenged and incapable of self-support and became so while eligible as a
dependent child.
Good standing means your account privileges have not expired, been revoked,
suspended or terminated and you are in full compliance with all the provisions of the
cardholder agreement.
Insured person means the primary cardholder, the primary cardholders spouse
and their dependentchild(ren), and any additional cardholder on the account. The
spouse and/or dependent child(ren) of an additional cardholder are not eligible for
this insurance.
Operations Centre means the Operations Centre maintained by Allianz
Global Assistance.
Political risk means any type of event, organized resistance or actions intending
or implying the intention to overthrow, supplant or change the existing ruler or
constitutional government, including but not limited to nationalization; confiscation;
expropriation (including selective discrimination and forced abandonment); deprivation;
requisition; revolution; rebellion; insurrection; civil commotion assuming to proportion
of or amounting to an uprising and military and usurped power.
Primary cardholder means the person who applied for the credit card and in
whose name BMO opened the account. A primary cardholder does not include an
additional cardholder.
Spouse means the person who is legally married to the primary cardholder; or if
there is no such person, the person who has been living with the primary cardholder
in a conjugal relationship and who resides in the same household as the primary
cardholder and is publicly represented as the spouse of the primary cardholder. For
the purposes of this insurance the primary cardholder may have only one (1) spouse.
Terrorist event means an act, including but not limited to the use of force or violence,
of any person or group(s) of persons, whether acting alone or on behalf of or in
connection with any organization(s), which constitutes terrorism as recognized by the
government authority or under the laws of your country of residence, and is committed
for political, religious, ethnic, ideological or similar purposes, including but not limited
to the intention to influence any government and/or to put the public, or any section
of the public, in fear. It does not include general civil disorder or unrest, protest,
rioting, political risk, or acts of war..
Ticket means evidence of full fare, including any applicable taxes and/or fees, paid
for travel on a commercial airline, which has been completely charged to the account.
Travel supplier means a tour operator, travel wholesaler, airline, cruise line, provider
of ground transportation or provider of commercial accommodation to you that
is contracted to provide travel services to you and that is licensed, registered or
otherwise legally authorized to operate and provide travel services.
Trip means a period during which you are travelling outside of your province or
territory of residence and for which the full cost of your ticket has been charged to
the cardholder’s credit card.
We, our, us means CUMIS General Insurance Company, a member of The Co-operators
group of companies and/or Allianz Global Assistance.
You, your, yourself means the insured person.
6. Baggage insurance
In this certificate of insurance, certain terms have defined meanings. Defined
terms are bold and italicized throughout this document. Please see section 6.9 for
a list of defined terms.
6.1 Introduction
Baggage Insurance provides coverage if your baggage is delayed by the common
carrier for more than four (4) hours, or if your baggage is lost, stolen or accidentally
damaged while checked in with, or carried on, a common carrier during your trip.
This certificate of insurance is underwritten by CUMIS General Insurance Company,
a member of The Co-operators group of companies (“CUMIS”, “we”,us” or “our)
under Group Policy No. FC320000-A (the “Policy”), effective July 6, 2023, issued to
Bank of Montreal (“BMO”). The insured person and any claimant under this insurance
may request a copy of the Group Policy subject to certain access restrictions. This
insurance is administered by Allianz Global Assistance through the Operations
Centre. The Operations Centre can be reached at 1 833 744-1266 or 519 514-1305.
All benefits are subject, in every respect, to the terms of the Policy, which alone
constitutes the agreement under which payments are made. Only BMO may
determine who is a cardholder, whether an account is in good standing and
whether the insurance pursuant to this certificate of insurance is in force.
6.2 What to do if your baggage is delayed, lost, damaged or stolen
If your baggage is delayed or if your baggage is lost, stolen or accidentally damaged
while checked in with, or carried on, a common carrier during your trip, you must
contact the Operations Centre immediately after learning of any loss or occurrence.
From Canada and the United States call: 1 833 744-1266
From elsewhere call collect: 519 514-1305
This certificate of insurance contains a provision
removing or restricting the right of the insured
person to designate persons to whom or for whose
benefit insurance money is to be payable.
It is important that you read and understand this certificate of insurance as
your coverage is subject to limitations and exclusions.
This certificate of insurance is designed to cover losses arising from sudden
and unforeseeable circumstances only.
Coverage under this certificate of insurance is secondary, in that it covers
expenses in excess of those payable by any other insurance plan or other
source of reimbursement.
No person is eligible for coverage under more than one (1) certificate of
insurance providing insurance coverage similar to that provided hereunder. In
the event that any person is recorded by us as an insured person under more
than one (1) such certificate, such person shall be deemed to be insured only
under the certificate or policy which affords that person the greatest amount
of insurance coverage. This certificate of insurance replaces any certificate or
policy previously issued to the primary cardholder with respect to the Policy.
6.3 Coverage eligibility
To be eligible for Baggage Insurance:
a) you must be a resident of Canada; and
b) you must pay the full cost of your ticket, including any applicable taxes and/or
fees with the cardholders credit card; and
c) the account must be in good standing.
6.4 Coverage period
Coverage begins at the time your baggage is checked in with, or carried on, a
common carrier during your trip.
Coverage ends on the earliest of:
a) the time the checked-in baggage has been unloaded and placed in the common
carrier’s baggage pick-up area for retrieval by you and, for carry-on baggage,
when you leave the common carrier; or
b) the date the account is cancelled or no longer in good standing; or
c) the date the Policy is cancelled by us or by BMO.
6.5 Coverage benefits
Baggage Insurance covers:
a) Baggage loss, theft or damage: you will be reimbursed the actual cash
value of baggage and personal effects up to $1,000 per insured person, to a
maximum of $2,500 per trip for all insured persons combined, for loss, theft
or damage of baggage and/or personal effects worn or used by you when
checked in with, or carried on, a common carrier during your trip. Coverage is
limited to $500 per item.
b) Baggage delay: If your checked baggage is delayed by the common carrier
for more than four (4) hours, during the trip en route to your destination and
before returning to your original point of departure, you will be reimbursed up
to $500 per insured person, to a maximum of $1,000 per trip for all insured
persons combined, for the purchase of essential items. Purchases must be made
within thirty-six (36) hours of your arrival at your destination. The cost of items
purchased under this benefit will reduce the maximum amount payable under a)
above if it is later determined that your personal baggage has been lost, stolen
or damaged.
Note: This benefit is only available for your outbound travel; baggage delay is
not available on your return travel back to your province or territory of residence.
6.6 Limitations and exclusions
This insurance does not cover, provide services or pay claims resulting from:
a) Wear and Tear – Loss caused by normal wear and tear, gradual deterioration,
moths, or vermin.
b) Animals, Automobiles, Money, etc. – Loss of animals; automobiles, (including
equipment and contents), trailers, motorcycles, bicycles, boats, motors,
other conveyances or their accessories; souvenirs, fragile or collectible items;
consumable or perishable goods (e.g., any items that have an expiry date,
including food, cosmetics, fragrances, lotions and skin products); household
effects and furnishings; contact lenses, prescription glasses, non-prescription
sunglasses; artificial teeth and prostheses, medical equipment and appliances;
money, securities; tickets, documents; any property pertaining to as business,
profession or occupation; personal computers; software; or cellular phones.
c) Jewelry, Furs and Camera Equipment – Loss or damage to jewelry, gems,
watches and furs or garments trimmed with fur, or camera equipment.
d) Illegal Act – Your involvement in the commission or attempted commission of a
criminal offence or illegal act.
e) Items Otherwise Insured – Items specifically or otherwise insured.
f) Sanctions Your travel to a sanctioned country for any business or activity to the
extent that such cover would violate any applicable national economic or trade
sanction law or regulations.
g) Other – Loss of covered and non-covered items sustained due to any process
or while being worked upon; radiation; confiscation by any government
authority; war (declared or undeclared) or acts of war; or contraband or illegal
transportation or trade.
6.7 Claim filing procedures
You must notify the Operations Centre immediately after learning of any loss or
occurrence. Upon receipt of such notice, the Operations Centre will provide you with
the appropriate claim forms.
Operations Centre
c/o Allianz Global Assistance, Claims Department
P. O. Box 277
Waterloo, Ontario, Canada N2J 4A4
Toll-free Canada/U.S.A.: 1 833 744-1266
Collect worldwide: 519 514-1305
As a condition to the payment of benefits under this insurance, the Operations
Centre will need certain information from you if you need to file a claim. This
includes, and is not limited to, the following:
A fully completed claim form signed by you.
A copy of the baggage claim ticket.
A copy of the primary cardholder’s monthly billing statement and/or receipt
reflecting that the ticket was paid in full using the cardholder’s credit card.
Proof of delay of checked baggage from the common carrier (Baggage Delay).
Original receipts for essential items purchased (Baggage Delay).
Original claim determination from the common carrier (Baggage Loss/
Original police report or other report of local authorities (Baggage Loss/
Any other documentation that may be required to process your claim.
6.8 Specific conditions
In addition to the specific conditions below, Baggage Insurance is subject to the
General Conditions and General Provisions found in sections 10 and 11.
1. Due Diligence – The primary cardholder and any insured person shall use
diligence and do all things reasonable to avoid or diminish any loss of or damage
to the personal property protected by this insurance.
2. You agree to cooperate fully with Operation Centre, and as a condition to the
payment of benefits, the Operations Centre reserves the right to obtain all
pertinent records or information from you. Failure to provide the requested
documentation to substantiate your claim under this certificate of insurance will
invalidate your claim.
3. In the event of loss of an article which is part of a pair or set, the measure of loss
shall be at a reasonable and fair proportion of the total value of the pair or set,
giving consideration to the importance of such article and with the understanding
that such loss shall not be construed to mean total loss of the pair or set.
4. We shall not be liable beyond the actual cash value of the property at the
time any loss occurs. We reserve the right to repair or replace any damaged or
lost property with other of like quality and value, and to require submission of
property for appraisal of damage.
5. Benefits are only available to the extent that the personal property in question is
not otherwise protected or insured in whole or in part. Benefits are in excess of
all other applicable valid insurance, indemnity protection or warranty available
to you in respect of the personal property subject to the claim. We will only
be liable for the excess of the amount of the loss or damage over the amount
covered under such other insurance, indemnity or protection and for the amount
of any applicable deductible, only if all other insurance has been exhausted and
subject to the exclusions, terms and limits of liability set out in this certificate of
insurance. This coverage will not apply as contributing insurance and this non-
contribution provision shall prevail despite any non-contribution provision in other
insurance, indemnity or protection policies or contracts.
6.9 Definitions
In this certificate of insurance, certain terms have defined meanings. Defined
terms are bold and italicized throughout this document.
Account means the primary cardholder’s BMO eclipse Visa Infinite Privilege* Card
account, established in Canada by BMO.
Actual cash value means the lesser of:
a) the actual purchase price of a similar item;
b) the actual cash value of the item at the time of loss, which includes deduction
for depreciation (for items without receipts, the insurance will pay up to 75%
of the determined depreciated value); or
c) the cost to repair or replace the item.
Additional cardholder(s) means each person that BMO has issued a credit card to on
the primary cardholder’s account, at the primary cardholders request.
Baggage means luggage and personal possessions, whether owned, borrowed or
rented, and taken by you on your trip.
Cardholder means the primary cardholder and any additional cardholder.
Cardholder agreement means the BMO cardholder agreement that applies to and
governs the credit card and account.
Certificate of insurance means a summary of the benefits provided under the Group
Policy issued to BMO.
Common carrier means a passenger plane, bus, taxi, car service, train, cruise ship
or government-operated ferry system offering its transportation services to paying
passengers at published rates and scheduled times.
Credit card means the BMO eclipse Visa Infinite Privilege* Card and any other
payment device that BMO issues or provides to enable the cardholder to use
the account.
Dependent child(ren) means an unmarried natural, adopted, or step child of
a primary cardholder dependent on the primary cardholder or the primary
cardholder’s spouse for support who is:
a) twenty (20) years of age or under; or
b) twenty-five (25) years of age or under and a full-time student attending a
recognized college or university; or
c) twenty-one (21) years of age or older and permanently mentally or physically
challenged and incapable of self-support and became so while eligible as a
dependent child.
Essential items means necessary clothing and/or toiletries purchased during the
time period in which checked baggage has been delayed.
Good standing means your account privileges have not expired, been revoked,
suspended or terminated and you are in full compliance with all the provisions of the
cardholder agreement.
Insured person means the primary cardholder, the primary cardholder’s spouse
and their dependent child(ren), and any additional cardholder on the account. The
spouse and/or dependent child(ren) of an additional cardholder are not eligible for
this insurance.
Operations Centre means the Operations Centre maintained by Allianz
Global Assistance.
Personal effects means property normally worn or designed to be carried on or by
an insured person solely for private purposes and not used for business.
Primary cardholder means the person who applied for the credit card and in
whose name BMO opened the account. A primary cardholder does not include an
additional cardholder.
Spouse means the person who is legally married to the primary cardholder; or if
there is no such person, the person who has been living with the primary cardholder
in a conjugal relationship and who resides in the same household as the primary
cardholder and is publicly represented as the spouse of the primary cardholder. For
the purposes of this insurance the primary cardholder may have only one (1) spouse.
Ticket means evidence of full fare, including any applicable taxes and/or fees, paid
for travel on a common carrier, which has been completely charged to the account.
Trip means a period during which you are travelling outside of your province or
territory of residence and for which the full cost of your ticket has been charged to
the cardholder’s credit card.
We, our, us means CUMIS General Insurance Company, a member of The Co-operators
group of companies and/or Allianz Global Assistance.
You, your, yourself means the insured person.
7. Hotel burglary insurance
In this certificate of insurance, certain terms have defined meanings. Defined
terms are bold and italicized throughout this document. Please see section 7.9 for
a list of defined terms.
7.1 Introduction
Hotel Burglary Insurance provides coverage for the repair or replacement of your
personal property that is lost, stolen or damaged due to burglary of your travel
This certificate of insurance is underwritten by CUMIS General Insurance Company,
a member of The Co-operators group of companies (“CUMIS”, “we”,us” or “our)
under Group Policy No. FC320000-A (the “Policy”), effective July 6, 2023, issued to
Bank of Montreal (“BMO”). The insured person and any claimant under this insurance
may request a copy of the Group Policy subject to certain access restrictions. This
insurance is administered by Allianz Global Assistance through the Operations
Centre. The Operations Centre can be reached at 1 833 744-1266 or 519 514-1305.
All benefits are subject, in every respect, to the terms of the Policy, which alone
constitutes the agreement under which payments are made. Only BMO may
determine who is a cardholder, whether an account is in good standing and
whether the insurance pursuant to this certificate of insurance is in force.
7.2 What to do if you experience a loss, theft or damage due
to burglary
If your personal property is lost, stolen or damaged due to burglary of your travel
accommodation, you must contact the Operations Centre immediately after learning
of any loss or occurrence.
From Canada and the United States call: 1 833 744-1266
From elsewhere call collect: 519 514-1305
This certificate of insurance contains a provision
removing or restricting the right of the insured
person to designate persons to whom or for whose
benefit insurance money is tobe payable.
It is important that you read and understand this certificate of insurance as
your coverage is subject to limitations and exclusions.
This certificate of insurance is designed to cover losses arising from sudden
and unforeseeable circumstances only.
Coverage under this certificate of insurance is secondary, in that it covers
expenses in excess of those payable by any other insurance plan or other
source of reimbursement.
No person is eligible for coverage under more than one (1) certificate of
insurance providing insurance coverage similar to that provided hereunder. In
the event that any person is recorded by us as an insured person under more
than one (1) such certificate, such person shall be deemed to be insured only
under the certificate or policy which affords that person the greatest amount
of insurance coverage. This certificate of insurance replaces any certificate or
policy previously issued to the primary cardholder with respect to the Policy.
7.3 Coverage eligibility
To be eligible for Hotel Burglary Insurance:
a) you must be a resident of Canada; and
b) you must pay the full cost of your travel accommodation, including any
applicable taxes, with the cardholder’s credit card; and
c) the account must be in good standing.
7.4 Coverage period
Coverage begins at the actual time you check into your travel accommodation.
Coverage ends on the earliest of:
a) the time you check-out from your travel accommodation; or
b) the date the account is cancelled or no longer in good standing; or
c) the date the Policy is cancelled by us or by BMO.
7.5 Coverage benefits
This insurance provides coverage in the event your personal property is lost or
damaged, as a result of burglary of your travel accommodation while registered as
a guest.
The maximum benefit payable for any one (1) claim is the lesser of:
a) the actual replacement value of your personal property at the time of burglary; or
b) the cost to replace your personal property with property of like quality and value
if an identical replacement cannot be reasonably obtained; or
c) the cost to repair your personal property to its condition prior to the burglary.
The maximum benefit payable for all insured persons combined under this
certificate of insurance is $2,500 per burglary occurrence.
7.6 Limitations and exclusions
This insurance does not cover, provide services or pay claims resulting from:
a) War, Terrorist Event, Political Risk, etc. – War (declared or undeclared) or acts of
war; terrorist events; political risk or any participation in the armed forces.
b) Money or Perishable Goods – The loss of or damage to money (whether paper or
coin), tickets, consumable or perishable goods (e.g., any items that have an expiry
date, including food, cosmetics, fragrances, lotions and skin products), bullion,
banknotes, negotiable instruments or other numismatic property.
c) Illegal Act Your involvement in the commission or attempted commission of a
criminal offence or illegal act.
d) Mysterious Disappearance Mysterious disappearance of the article of personal
property in question.
e) Failure to Secure Accommodation Your failure to make a reasonable effort to
protect your personal property or to secure your travel accommodation.
f) Sanctions Your travel to a sanctioned country for any business or activity to the
extent that such cover would violate any applicable national economic or trade
sanction law or regulations.
7.7 Claim filing procedures
You must notify the Operations Centre immediately after learning of any loss or
occurrence. Upon receipt of such notice, the Operations Centre will provide you with
the appropriate claim forms.
Operations Centre
c/o Allianz Global Assistance, Claims Department
P. O. Box 277
Waterloo, Ontario, Canada N2J 4A4
Toll-free Canada/U.S.A.: 1 833 744-1266
Collect worldwide: 519 514-1305
As a condition to the payment of benefits under this insurance, we will need certain
information from you if you need to file a claim. This includes, and is not limited to,
the following:
A fully completed claim form signed by you.
Charge slip for the travel accommodation.
A copy of the primary cardholder’s monthly billing statement and/or receipt
reflecting that the travel accommodation was paid in full using the cardholder’s
credit card.
The loss, expense or service for which benefits are being claimed (original
Original police report or other report to local authorities confirming the burglary.
The travel accommodation’s burglary report.
Receipts for the repair or replacement of your personal property.
Any other documentation that may be required to process your claim.
7.8 Specific conditions
In addition to the specific conditions below, Hotel Burglary Insurance is subject to the
General Conditions and General Provisions found in sections 10 and 11.
1. Due Diligence – The primary cardholder and any insured person shall use
diligence and do all things reasonable to avoid or diminish any loss of or damage
to the personal property protected by this insurance.
2. You agree to cooperate fully with us, and as a condition to the payment of benefits,
the Operations Centre reserves the right to obtain all pertinent records or information
from you. Failure to provide the requested documentation to substantiate your claim
under this certificate of insurance will invalidate your claim.
3. Benefits are only available to the extent that the personal property in question is
not otherwise protected or insured in whole or in part. Benefits are in excess of
all other applicable valid insurance, indemnity protection or warranty available
to you in respect of the personal property subject to the claim. We will only
be liable for the excess of the amount of the loss or damage over the amount
covered under such other insurance, indemnity or protection and for the amount
of any applicable deductible, only if all other insurance has been exhausted and
subject to the exclusions, terms and limits of liability set out in this certificate of
insurance. This coverage will not apply as contributing insurance and this non-
contribution provision shall prevail despite any non-contribution provision in other
insurance, indemnity or protection policies or contracts.
7.9 Definitions
In this certificate of insurance, certain terms have defined meanings. Defined
terms are bold and italicized throughout this document.
Accommodation means an establishment that provides commercial short-term
accommodation for the general public, issues proof of transaction and is licensed
under the law of its jurisdiction. An accommodation includes a business that
operates a vacation rental or shared accommodation but excludes any timeshare
properties or arrangements.
Account means the primary cardholder’s BMO eclipse Visa Infinite Privilege* Card
account, established in Canada by BMO.
Additional cardholder(s) means each person that BMO has issued a credit card to on
the primary cardholder’s account, at the primary cardholders request.
Burglary means the loss of or damage to your personal property resulting from the
wrongful entry into your travel accommodation for which there is visible evidence of
forcible entry made by tools, explosives, electricity or chemicals.
Cardholder means the primary cardholder and any additional cardholder.
Cardholder agreement means the BMO cardholder agreement that applies to and
governs the credit card and account.
Certificate of insurance means a summary of the benefits provided under the Group
Policy issued to BMO.
Credit card means the BMO eclipse Visa Infinite Privilege* Card and any other
payment device that BMO issues or provides to enable the cardholder to use
the account.
Dependent child(ren) means an unmarried natural, adopted, or step child of
a primary cardholder dependent on the primary cardholder or the primary
cardholder’s spouse for support who is:
a) twenty (20) years of age or under; or
b) twenty-five (25) years of age or under and a full-time student attending a
recognized college or university; or
c) twenty-one (21) years of age or older, permanently mentally or physically
challenged and incapable of self-support and became so while eligible as a
dependent child.
Good standing means your account privileges have not expired, been revoked,
suspended or terminated and you are in full compliance with all the provisions of the
cardholder agreement.
Insured person means the primary cardholder, the primary cardholder’s spouse
and their dependent child(ren), and any additional cardholder on the account. The
spouse and/or dependent child(ren) of an additional cardholder are not eligible for
this insurance.
Mysterious disappearance means when the article of personal property in question
cannot be located and the circumstances of its disappearance cannot be explained
and do not lend themselves to a reasonable inference that a theft occurred.
Operations Centre means the Operations Centre maintained by Allianz
Global Assistance.
Political risk means any type of event, organized resistance or actions intending
or implying the intention to overthrow, supplant or change the existing ruler or
constitutional government, including but not limited to nationalization; confiscation;
expropriation (including selective discrimination and forced abandonment); deprivation;
requisition; revolution; rebellion; insurrection; civil commotion assuming to proportion
of or amounting to an uprising and military and usurped power.
Primary cardholder means the person who applied for the credit card and in whose
name BMO opened the account. A primary cardholder does not include an additional
Spouse means the person who is legally married to the primary cardholder; or if
there is no such person, the person who has been living with the primary cardholder
in a conjugal relationship and who resides in the same household as the primary
cardholder and is publicly represented as the spouse of the primary cardholder. For
the purposes of this insurance the primary cardholder may have only one (1) spouse.
Terrorist event means an act, including but not limited to the use of force or violence,
of any person or group(s) of persons, whether acting alone or on behalf of or in
connection with any organization(s), which constitutes terrorism as recognized by the
government authority or under the laws of your country of residence, and is committed
for political, religious, ethnic, ideological or similar purposes, including but not limited
to the intention to influence any government and/or to put the public, or any section
of the public, in fear. It does not include general civil disorder or unrest, protest,
rioting, political risk, or acts of war.
We, our, us means CUMIS General Insurance Company, a member of The Co-operators
group of companies and/or Allianz Global Assistance.
You, your, yourself means the insured person.
8. Purchase security & extended
In this certificate of insurance, certain terms have defined meanings. Defined
terms are bold and italicized throughout this document. Please see section 8.8 for
a list of defined terms.
8.1 Introduction
Purchase Security Insurance covers against theft of, or damage to, covered items
within the first one hundred and twenty (120) days from the date of purchase.
Extended Warranty Insurance triples the original manufacturer’s warranty up to a
maximum extension of two (2) years.
This certificate of insurance is underwritten by CUMIS General Insurance Company,
a member of The Co-operators group of companies (“CUMIS”, “we”,us” or “our)
under Group Policy No. FC320000-A (the “Policy”), effective July 6, 2023, issued to
Bank of Montreal (“BMO”). The insured person and any claimant under this insurance
may request a copy of the Group Policy subject to certain access restrictions. This
insurance is administered by Allianz Global Assistance through the Operations
Centre. The Operations Centre can be reached at 1 833 744-1266 or 519 514-1305.
All benefits are subject, in every respect, to the terms of the Policy, which alone
constitutes the agreement under which payments are made. Only BMO may
determine who is a cardholder, whether an account is in good standing and
whether the insurance pursuant to this certificate of insurance is in force.
8.2 What to do if you have a loss or occurrence
You must notify the Operations Centre immediately after any loss or occurrence.
From Canada and the United States call: 1 833 744-1266
From elsewhere call collect: 519 514-1305
This certificate of insurance contains a provision
removing or restricting the right of the insured
person to designate persons to whom or for whose
benefit insurance money is to be payable.
It is important that you read and understand this certificate of insurance as
your coverage is subject to limitations and exclusions.
This certificate of insurance is designed to cover losses arising from sudden
and unforeseeable circumstances only.
Coverage under this certificate of insurance is secondary coverage to any
other insurance plan or manufacturer’s warranty, in that it covers expenses in
excess of those payable by any other plan or other source of reimbursement.
No person is eligible for coverage under more than one (1) certificate of
insurance providing insurance coverage similar to that provided hereunder. In
the event that any person is recorded by us as an insured person under more
than one (1) such certificate, such person shall be deemed to be insured only
under the certificate or policy which affords that person the greatest amount
of insurance coverage. This certificate of insurance replaces any certificate or
policy previously issued to the primary cardholder with respect to the Policy.
8.3 Purchase security insurance
8.3.1 Coverage eligibility
To be eligible for Purchase Security Insurance:
a) you must be a resident of Canada; and
b) you must pay the full purchase price of personal property or gift items with the
cardholder’s credit card; and
c) the account must be in good standing.
8.3.2 Coverage period
Coverage begins on the date of purchase, subject to the terms and conditions of this
certificate of insurance. There is no registration required.
Coverage ends on the earliest of:
a) the one hundred and twenty-first (121st) day from the date of purchase; or
b) the date the account is cancelled or no longer in good standing; or
c) the date the Policy is cancelled by us or by BMO.
8.3.3 Coverage benefits
This insurance covers against theft of, or damage to, covered items anywhere in the
world. If such item is stolen or damaged, it will be repaired, replaced or you will be
reimbursed the purchase price, at the Operations Centres discretion. The overall
lifetime maximum of applicable insurance for Purchase Security and Extended
Warranty combined is $60,000 per account.
8.3.4 Limitations and exclusions
In addition to the limitations and exclusions listed below, Purchase Security Insurance
is also subject to the General Limitations and Exclusions found in section 8.5.
The following items are not covered:
a) Money – Traveller’s cheques, money (paper or coin), tickets, documents, bullion,
banknotes, negotiable instruments or other numismatic property.
b) Animals and Plants – Animals, fish, birds or living plants.
c) Consumable and Perishable Goods – Consumable and/or perishable goods (e.g.
any items that have an expiry date, including food, cosmetics, fragrances, lotions
and skinproducts).
d) Mail Order Purchases – Mail order purchases or purchases made from an online
site, until delivered and accepted by you in perfect condition.
e) Jewelry and Furs – Jewelry, gems, watches and furs or garments trimmed
with fur stored in baggage unless such baggage is hand carried under your
f) Other – items left behind.
8.4 Extended warranty insurance
8.4.1 Coverage eligibility
To be eligible for Extended Warranty Insurance:
a) you must be a resident of Canada; and
b) you must pay the full purchase price of personal property or gift items with the
cardholder’s credit card; and
c) the account must be in good standing.
Regardless of where the item is purchased the original manufacturers warranty must
be valid in Canada. Coverage is available automatically, except when the original
manufacturer’s warranty exceeds five (5) years, in which case you must register the
item with the Operations Centre within one (1) year of the date of purchase.
8.4.2 Coverage benefits
Extended Warranty Insurance triples the original manufacturer’s warranty up to a
maximum extension of two (2) years. We will reimburse you, at the Operations
Centre’s discretion, the lesser of the cost to repair or to replace the item. Terms of the
extension will be in accordance with the original manufacturer’s warranty, excluding
any extended warranty offered by the manufacturer or any other party. The overall
lifetime maximum of applicable insurance for Extended Warranty and Purchase
Security combined is $60,000 per account.
8.4.3 Limitations and exclusions
In addition to the limitations and exclusions listed below, Extended Warranty Insurance
is also subject to the General Limitations and Exclusions found in section 8.5.
a) Extended warranty benefits end automatically when the original manufacturer
ceases to carry on business for any reason whatsoever.
b) Items with a lifetime warranty are not covered.
c) The extended warranty applies only to any parts and/or labour costs resulting
from mechanical breakdown or failure of a covered item, or any other
obligations that were specifically covered under the terms of the original
manufacturer’s warranty that is valid in Canada. The Operations Centre, may,
at its sole option, elect to replace the item should it prove to be less expensive
than the cost of repair.
Note: This insurance reflects the terms and conditions of the original
manufacturer’s warranty. Therefore, if the original warranty did not have the
option for replacement instead of repair, this insurance will not have the option
of replacement.
8.5 General limitations and exclusions
The following general limitations and exclusions apply to Purchase Security Insurance
and Extended Warranty Insurance.
8.5.1 Limitations
a) Eligible items that you give as a gift are covered, however you, not the recipient,
must make the claim for benefits.
b) Theft from a vehicle or residence when evidence of forcible entry is not apparent
regardless of whether or not all entry points were locked.
8.5.2 Exclusions
Claims resulting from the following are not covered:
a) Illegal Act – Fraud; confiscation by authorities, risks of contraband, illegal activities.
b) War, Terrorist Event, Political Risk, etc. – War (declared or undeclared) or acts of
war; terrorist events; political risk or any participation in the armed forces.
c) Nuclear Reaction, Contamination, etc. Nuclear reaction or radiation; radioactive,
biological or chemical contamination; seepage; pollution or contamination.
d) Delay or Loss-of-Use – Delay, loss-of-use, or consequential damages.
e) Misuse, Wear and Tear – Misuse, abuse, normal wear and tear, gradual
deterioration, inherent product defects.
f) Used and Refurbished Items – Used and/or pre-owned items, newly purchased
items that have been rebuilt, refurbished or returned and re-sold.
g) Vehicles Automobiles, trailers, motorcycles, motorboats, or accessories attached
to or mounted on such property, airplanes, drones, motor scooters, snow blowers,
riding lawnmowers, golf carts, lawn tractors, motorized wheelchairs or any other
motorized vehicles except for miniature electrically powered vehicles intended for
children or any of their respective parts or accessories.
h) Installation Process – Loss or damage while undergoing any installation process
or while being worked on, where damage results from such installation process
or work.
i) Natural Disasters – Loss or damage caused by a natural disaster, including flood
or earthquake.
j) Temperature and Atmospheric Changes Setting, expansion or contraction,
bulging, buckling or cracking, temperature changes, freezing, heating,
atmospheric changes, dampness or dryness, evaporation and/or leakage of
contents, exposure to light, change in texture, finish or colour, rust or corrosion.
k) Sports Equipment – Loss or damage to sports equipment and/or goods due to the
use thereof.
l) Mysterious Disappearance Mysterious disappearance of the article of personal
property or gift in question.
m) Unconditional Guarantee – Products purchased with an unconditional guarantee.
n) Commercial Property – Any and all property items and/or equipment intended for
commercial use. Personal property used for a business is not covered. Examples
include but are not limited to office furniture and equipment.
o) Property, Punitive or Exemplary Damages – Bodily injury, property damages,
consequential damages, punitive damages, exemplary damages, attorney’s fees
and other ancillary costs are not covered.
p) Sanctions Your travel to a sanctioned country for any business or activity to the
extent that such cover would violate any applicable national economic or trade
sanction law or regulations.
q) Other – Insects or vermin; one of a kind items that cannot be replaced.
8.6 Claim filing procedures
You must notify the Operations Centre immediately after learning of any loss or
occurrence. Upon receipt of such notice, the Operations Centre will provide you with
the appropriate claim forms.
Operations Centre
c/o Allianz Global Assistance, Claims Department
P. O. Box 277
Waterloo, Ontario, Canada N2J 4A4
Toll-free Canada/U.S.A.: 1 833 744-1266
Collect worldwide: 519 514-1305
As a condition to the payment of benefits under this insurance, the Operations
Centre will need certain information from you if you need to file a claim. This
includes, and is not limited to, the following:
A fully completed claim form signed by you.
A copy of the original store receipt for the item purchased.
A copy of the primary cardholder’s monthly billing statement reflecting the item
purchased was paid in full using the cardholder’s credit card.
A copy of the original store receipt for the replacement item, if applicable.
Photo of the damaged item, if applicable.
At the sole discretion of the Operations Centre, you may be required to send at
your own expense, the damaged item on which a claim is based to an address
designated by the Operations Centre.
Declaration’s page from any other applicable insurance or a notarized statement
that the cardholder has no other insurance.
Original police report or other report to local authorities (Purchase Security).
A copy of the repair bill or estimate (from the manufacturer’s authorized repair
facility for Extended Warranty).
A copy of the manufacturers original Canadian warranty (Extended Warranty).
Any other documentation that may be required to process your claim.
8.7 Specific conditions
In addition to the specific conditions below, Purchase Security Insurance and
Extended Warranty Insurance are subject to the General Conditions and General
Provisions found in sections 10 and 11.
1. Due DiligenceYou shall use diligence and do all things reasonable to avoid or
diminish any loss of or damage to property protected by this insurance.
2. You agree to cooperate fully with us, and as a condition to the payment of benefits,
the Operations Centre reserves the right to obtain all pertinent records or information
from you. Failure to provide the requested documentation to substantiate your claim
under this certificate of insurance will invalidate your claim.
3. Benefits are only available to the extent that the item in question is not
otherwise protected or insured in whole or in part. Benefits are in excess of all
other applicable valid insurance, indemnity protection or warranty available to
you in respect of the item subject to the claim. We will only be liable for the
excess of the amount of the loss or damage over the amount covered under such
other insurance, indemnity or protection and for the amount of any applicable
deductible, only if all other insurance has been exhausted and subject to the
exclusions, terms and limits of liability set out in this certificate of insurance.
This coverage will not apply as contributing insurance and this “non-contribution”
provision shall prevail despite any “non-contribution” provision in other insurance,
indemnity or protection policies or contracts.
4. Where a covered item is part of a pair or set, you will receive no more than
the value of the particular part or parts stolen or damaged, regardless of any
special value that the item may have as part of an aggregate purchase price of
such pair or set.
5. The Operations Centre, may, at its sole option, elect to a) repair, rebuild or replace
the item stolen or damaged (whether wholly or in part), upon notifying you of its
intention to do so within sixty (60) days following receipt of the required proof of
loss; or b) reimburse you for the item, not exceeding the purchase price.
6. You will be entitled to receive no more than the original purchase price of the
covered item as recorded on the credit card sales receipt.
8.8 Definitions
In this certificate of insurance, certain terms have defined meanings. Those
defined terms are in bold and italicized throughout this document.
Account means the primary cardholder’s BMO eclipse Visa Infinite Privilege* Card
account, established in Canada by BMO.
Additional cardholder(s) means each person that BMO has issued a credit card to on
the primary cardholder’s account, at the primary cardholders request.
Cardholder means the primary cardholder and any additional cardholder.
Cardholder agreement means the BMO cardholder agreement that applies to and
governs the credit card and account.
Certificate of insurance means a summary of the benefits provided under the Group
Policy issued to BMO.
Credit card means the BMO eclipse Visa Infinite Privilege* Card and any other
payment device that BMO issues or provides to enable the cardholder to use
the account.
Dependent child(ren) means an unmarried natural, adopted, or step child of
a primary cardholder dependent on the primary cardholder or the primary
cardholder’s spouse for support who is:
a) twenty (20) years of age or under; or
b) twenty-five (25) years of age or under and a full-time student attending a
recognized college or university; or
c) twenty-one (21) years of age or older and permanently mentally or physically
challenged and incapable of self-support and became so while eligible as a
dependent child.
Gift means the voluntary transfer of tangible moveable property without
consideration and intended for personal use only.
Good standing means your account privileges have not expired, been revoked,
suspended or terminated and you are in full compliance with all the provisions of the
cardholder agreement.
Insured person means the primary cardholder, the primary cardholder’s spouse
and their dependent child(ren), and any additional cardholder on the account. The
spouse and/or dependent child(ren) of an additional cardholder are not eligible for
this insurance.
Mysterious disappearance means when the article of personal property or gift in
question cannot be located and the circumstances of its disappearance cannot be
explained and do not lend themselves to a reasonable inference that a theft occurred.
Operations Centre means the Operations Centre maintained by Allianz
Personal property means tangible, moveable property purchased with the
cardholder’s credit card and intended for personal use.
Political risk means any type of event, organized resistance or actions intending
or implying the intention to overthrow, supplant or change the existing ruler or
constitutional government, including but not limited to nationalization; confiscation;
expropriation (including selective discrimination and forced abandonment); deprivation;
requisition; revolution; rebellion; insurrection; civil commotion assuming to proportion
of or amounting to an uprising and military and usurped power.
Primary cardholder means the person who applied for the credit card and in
whose name BMO opened the account. A primary cardholder does not include an
additional cardholder.
Purchase price means the full cost of an item (including taxes) evidenced by a
receipt and charged to the cardholder’s credit card.
Spouse means the person who is legally married to the primary cardholder; or if
there is no such person, the person who has been living with the primary cardholder
in a conjugal relationship and who resides in the same household as the primary
cardholder and is publicly represented as the spouse of the primary cardholder. For
the purposes of this insurance the primary cardholder may have only one (1) spouse.
Terrorist event means an act, including but not limited to the use of force or violence,
of any person or group(s) of persons, whether acting alone or on behalf of or in
connection with any organization(s), which constitutes terrorism as recognized by the
government authority or under the laws of your country of residence, and is committed
for political, religious, ethnic, ideological or similar purposes, including but not limited
to the intention to influence any government and/or to put the public, or any section
of the public, in fear. It does not include general civil disorder or unrest, protest,
rioting, political risk, or acts of war.
We, our, us means CUMIS General Insurance Company, a member of The Co-operators
group of companies and/or Allianz Global Assistance.
You, your, yourself means the insured person.
9. Mobile device insurance
In this certificate of insurance, certain terms have defined meanings. Defined
terms are bold and italicized throughout this document. Please see section 9.9 for
a list of defined terms.
9.1 Introduction
Mobile Device Insurance provides coverage in the event your mobile device is lost,
stolen or accidentally damaged, anywhere in the world.
This certificate of insurance is underwritten by CUMIS General Insurance Company,
a member of The Co-operators group of companies (“CUMIS”, “we”,us” or “our)
under Group Policy No. FC320000-A (the “Policy”), effective July 6, 2023, issued to
Bank of Montreal (“BMO”). The insured person and any claimant under this insurance
may request a copy of the Group Policy subject to certain access restrictions. This
insurance is administered by Allianz Global Assistance through the Operations
Centre. The Operations Centre can be reached at 1 833 744-1266 or 519 514-1305.
All benefits are subject, in every respect, to the terms of the Policy, which alone
constitutes the agreement under which payments are made. Only BMO may
determine who is a cardholder, whether an account is in good standing and
whether the insurance pursuant to this certificate of insurance is in force.
9.2 What to do if your mobile device is lost, stolen or
If your mobile device is lost, stolen or accidentally damaged, you must contact the
Operations Centre immediately after learning of any loss or occurrence.
From Canada and the United States call: 1 833 744-1266
From elsewhere call collect: 519 514-1305
In the event your mobile device is accidentally damaged, you must contact the
Operations Centre for approval prior to obtaining repair services or replacing your
mobile device, failure to do so may make your claim ineligible.
In the event of loss or theft of your mobile device, you must notify your Canadian
wireless service provider to suspend your wireless services within forty-eight (48)
hours of the date of loss. In addition, in the event of theft, you must also notify the
police within seven (7) days of the loss.
This certificate of insurance contains a provision
removing or restricting the right of the insured
person to designate persons to whom or for whose
benefit insurance money is tobe payable.
This certificate of insurancecontains a clause which may limit the amount
It is important that you read and understand this certificate of insurance as
your coverage is subject to limitations and exclusions.
This certificate of insurance is designed to cover losses arising from sudden
and unforeseeable circumstances only.
Coverage under this certificate of insurance is secondary coverage to any
other insurance plan, manufacturer’s warranty or extended warranty, in that it
covers expenses in excess of those payable by any other plan or other source
of reimbursement.
No person is eligible for coverage under more than one (1) certificate of
insurance providing insurance coverage similar to that provided hereunder. In
the event that any person is recorded by us as an insured person under more
than one (1) such certificate, such person shall be deemed to be insured only
under the certificate or policy which affords that person the greatest amount
of insurance coverage. This certificate of insurance replaces any certificate or
policy previously issued to the primary cardholder with respect to the Policy.
9.3 Coverage eligibility
If the purchase price is paid in full
To be eligible for Mobile Device Insurance:
a) you must be a resident of Canada; and
b) the full purchase price of the mobile device must be paid with the cardholder’s
credit card; and
c) if the mobile device is equipped with cellular data technology, you must activate
it with a Canadian wireless service provider; and
d) the account must be in good standing.
If the purchase price is financed
To be eligible for Mobile Device Insurance:
a) you must be a resident of Canada; and
b) the purchase price must be fully or partially financed through a fixed-term
contract with your Canadian wireless service provider; and
c) all your monthly wireless bill payments must be charged to the cardholder’s
credit card for the entire duration of the plan; and
d) the account must be in good standing.
9.4 Coverage period
If the full purchase price is charged to the cardholder’s credit card:
Coverage begins on the one hundred and twenty-first (121
day following the date
of purchase of the mobile device (in order to avoid overlap with Purchase Security
Insurance coverage on the credit card).
Coverage ends on the earliest of:
a) two (2) years from the date of purchase of your mobile device; or
b) the date the account is cancelled or no longer in good standing; or
c) the date the Policy is cancelled by us or by BMO.
If you finance all or any portion of the purchase price with the cardholder’s credit
card through a fixed-term contract with a Canadian wireless service provider:
Coverage begins on the date the first transaction related to the mobile device is
charged to the cardholder’s credit card.
Coverage ends on the earliest of:
a) two (2) years from the date the first transaction related to the mobile device is
charged to the cardholder’s credit card; or
b) the date one (1) monthly wireless payment was not charged to the cardholder’s
credit card (Exception: Once you have fully paid the purchase price under your
Canadian wireless service provider’s installment plan, this reason for coverage
ending no longer applies); or
c) the date the account is cancelled or no longer in good standing; or
d) the date the Policy is cancelled by us or by BMO.
9.5 Coverage benefits
This insurance provides coverage in the event your mobile device is lost, stolen or
accidentally damaged, anywhere in the world.
Subject to the terms and conditions of this certificate of insurance:
1. If your mobile device is lost or stolen, you will be reimbursed the replacement
cost as determined below.
2. If your mobile device is accidentally damaged, you will be reimbursed the lesser
of its repair or replacement cost as determined below.
You may make one (1) claim in any twelve (12) consecutive month period subject to
a maximum of two (2) claims in any forty-eight (48) consecutive month period, per
account. Note: Limitations apply. Refer to Limitations section 9.6.1.
The maximum benefit payable for any one (1) claim is the lesser of:
a) the actual replacement cost of your mobile device not exceeding the depreciated
value, atthe date of loss, and less the deductible; or
b) the repair cost of your mobile device less the deductible; or
c) $1,000.
Note: Prior to proceeding with any action, repair services, or replacement of the
mobile device, you must obtain our approval in order to ensure eligibility for
payment of your claim.
If you purchase a new mobile device with a purchase price of $800 and file a
claim for loss six (6) months after purchase, the maximum reimbursement will be
calculated asfollows:
Purchase price $ 800.00
Less depreciation (2% x 6 months x $800) $ 96.00
Equals depreciated value $ 704.00
Less deductible (10% x $704) $ 70.40
Maximum Benefit Payable $ 633.60
If your mobile device is lost or stolen and, upon approval of your claim, you
purchase a replacement mobile device for a price of $700 including applicable
taxes, the maximum benefit payable to you, as per the example provided,
would be $633.60.
A replacement mobile device must be of the same make and model as the
original mobile device, or in the event the same make and model is not
available, of like kind and quality with comparable features and functionality as
the original mobile device.
If you purchase a new mobile device with a purchase price of $800 and file a claim
six (6) months after purchase for a repair cost of $300 inclusive of tax, the maximum
reimbursement will be calculated as follows:
Repair Cost $ 300.00
Less deductible (10% x $300) $ 30.00
Maximum Benefit Payable $ 270.00
Payment of benefits
Once we approve your claim, you can proceed with the repair or replacement
of your mobile device. Benefits payable under this coverage will be paid upon
receipt of evidence that the repair or replacement cost has been charged to the
cardholder’s credit card.
9.6 Limitations and exclusions
9.6.1 Limitations
a) Benefits are only available to the extent that the mobile device in question is
not otherwise protected or insured in whole or in part. Benefits are in excess of
all other applicable valid insurance, indemnity protection or warranty available
to you in respect of the mobile device subject to the claim. We will only be liable
for the excess of the amount of the loss or damage over the amount covered
under such other insurance, indemnity or protection and for the amount of
any applicable deductible, only if all other insurance has been exhausted and
subject to the exclusions, terms and limits of liability set out in this certificate of
insurance. This coverage will not apply as contributing insurance and this non-
contribution provision shall prevail despite any non-contribution provision in other
insurance, indemnity or protection policies or contracts. This coverage will apply
only as excess insurance over any other valid and collectible insurance that would
apply in the absence of this coverage. If the deductible of the other insurance is
higher than this coverage, this coverage will respond subject to its deductible.
b) If you have one (1) or more credit card(s) issued to you by BMO that provide
mobile device insurance, the maximum number of claims under all such
credit card accounts combined is limited to one (1) claim in any twelve (12)
consecutive month period and two (2) claims in any forty-eight (48) consecutive
month period.
c) This insurance provides certain benefits for which the manufacturer may not
provide coverage. However, this insurance does not replace the manufacturer’s
warranty or warranty obligations. Furthermore, the manufacturer is solely
responsible for parts and services that are covered by the manufacturer’s
warranty and warrantyobligations.
9.6.2 Excluded items
The following items are excluded from coverage under this certificate of insurance:
a) Mobile devices:
i. that have been purchased by, or for, a business.
ii. that have been purchased for resale.
iii. that have been previously used, previously owned, or refurbished.
iv. that have been modified from their original state.
v. being shipped, until received and accepted by you in new and
vi. stolen from baggage, unless such baggage is hand-carried under your
personal supervision or your travelling companions supervision with your
b) Accessories for your mobile device, whether included with your mobile device in
the original manufacturer’s package or purchased separately.
c) Batteries.
d) Laptop computers.
9.6.3 General exclusions
This insurance does not cover, provide services or pay claims resulting from:
a) Misuse, Wear and Tear – Misuse, improper installation, lack of care, normal wear
and tear, mechanical breakdown, gradual deterioration, latent defect or inherent
b) Criminal Acts – Loss or damage resulting from intentional or criminal acts by you
or your family members.
c) War, Terrorist Event, Political Risk, etc. – War (declared or undeclared) or acts of
war; terrorist events; political risk or any participation in the armed forces.
d) Nuclear Reaction, Contamination, etc. – Nuclear reaction or radiation;
radioactive, biological or chemical contamination; seepage; pollution
or contamination.
e) Natural Disasters – Loss or damage caused by a natural disaster, including flood
or earthquake.
f) Mysterious Disappearance Mysterious disappearance of the mobile device.
g) Power Surges – Power surges, artificially generated electrical currents or
h) Software or Network Issues – Software; wireless service provider or
network issues; cyber risk.
i) Cosmetic Damage – Cosmetic damage that does not affect functionality.
j) Delay or Loss-of-Use – Delay, loss-of-use, or incidental and consequential
damages including bodily injury, property, punitive and exemplary damages and
legal fees.
k) SanctionsYour travel to a sanctioned country for any business or activity to the
extent that such cover would violate any applicable national economic or trade
sanction law or regulations.
l) Other confiscation by authorities.
9.7 Claim filing procedures
You must notify the Operations Centre immediately after learning of any loss or
occurrence. Upon receipt of such notice, the Operations Centre will provide you with
the appropriate claim forms.
Operations Centre
c/o Allianz Global Assistance, Claims Department
P. O. Box 277
Waterloo, Ontario, Canada N2J 4A4
Toll-free Canada/U.S.A.: 1 833 744-1266
Collect worldwide: 519 514-1305
As a condition to the payment of benefits under this insurance, the Operations
Centre will need certain information from you if you need to file a claim. This
includes, and is not limited to, the following:
A fully completed claim form signed by you.
A copy of the original store receipt for the mobile device purchased.
If you charged the full purchase price of the mobile device to the cardholder’s
credit card, the statement and/or receipt showing that the mobile device was
paid in full using the credit card.
If your mobile device was funded through a plan, proof of any partial upfront
payments and proof of uninterrupted monthly wireless bill payments made to the
credit card for up to twelve (12) months immediately preceding the date of loss.
A copy of the written repair estimate if claiming for the mobile device that has
been accidentally damaged.
The date and time you advised your wireless service provider that your mobile
device was lost or stolen.
Original police report or other report to local authorities.
If claiming for an accidentally damaged mobile device, a copy of the original
manufacturer’s warranty.
At the sole discretion of the Operations Centre, you may be required to send at
your own expense, the damaged item on which a claim is based to an address
designated by the Operations Centre. Prior to proceeding with any repair services
or replacement of the mobile device, you must obtain the Operations Centre’s
approval in order to ensure eligibility for payment of your claim.
The Operations Centre may request, at its sole discretion, that you repair or
replace the mobile device. You must charge the cost of the repair or replacement
to the credit card.
9.8 Specific conditions
In addition to the specific conditions below, Mobile Device Insurance is subject to the
General Conditions and General Provisions found in sections 10 and 11.
1. Due DiligenceYou shall use diligence and do all things reasonable to avoid or
diminish any loss of or damage to the mobile device protected by this insurance.
2. You agree to cooperate fully with us, and as a condition to the payment of benefits,
the Operations Centre reserves the right to obtain all pertinent records or information
from you. Failure to provide the requested documentation to substantiate your claim
under this certificate of insurance will invalidate your claim.
3. GiftsMobile devices that you give as gifts are covered provided the eligibility
requirements are met. In the event of a claim, you, not the recipient of the gift,
must make the claim for benefits.
4. Replacement Condition – If a mobile device was replaced under this coverage,
the replacement mobile device must be charged to the cardholder’s credit card
in order for this coverage to apply to the replacement mobile device.
9.9 Definitions
In this certificate of insurance, certain terms have defined meanings. Defined
terms are bold and italicized throughout this document.
Accidentally damaged means your mobile device has been damaged by an
unexpected and unintentional external event, such as drops, cracks and spills that
occur during normal daily usage of the mobile device as the manufacturer intended.
Account means the primary cardholder’s BMO eclipse Visa Infinite Privilege* Card
account, established in Canada by BMO.
Additional cardholder(s) means each person that BMO has issued a credit card to on
the primary cardholder’s account, at the primary cardholders request.
Cardholder means the primary cardholder and any additional cardholder.
Cardholder agreement means the BMO cardholder agreement that applies to and
governs the credit card and account.
Certificate of insurance means a summary of the benefits provided under the Group
Policy issued to BMO.
Credit card means the BMO eclipse Visa Infinite Privilege* Card and any other
payment device that BMO issues or provides to enable the cardholder to use
the account.
Cyber risk means any loss, damage, liability, claim, cost, or expense of any nature
directly or indirectly caused by, contributed to by, resulting from, or arising out of or
in connection with, any one or more instances of any of the following:
Any unauthorized, malicious, or illegal act, or the threat of such act(s), involving
access to, or the processing, use, or operation of, any computer system;
Any error or omission involving access to, or the processing, use, or operation of
any computer system;
Any partial or total unavailability or failure to access, process, use, or operate any
computer system; or
Any loss of use, reduction in functionality, repair, replacement, restoration or
reproduction of any data, including any amount pertaining to the value of such data.
Computer System means any computer, hardware, software, or communication system
or electronic device (including but not limited to smart phone, laptop, tablet, wearable
device), server, cloud, microcontroller, or similar system, including any associated
input, output, data storage device, networking equipment, or backup facility.
Deductible means the dollar amount for which you are responsible before any
amount is payable under this certificate of insurance. For a replacement claim,
the deductible is equal to 10% of the depreciated value, at the date of loss, of the
mobile device subject to a $25 minimum. For a repair claim, the deductible is equal
to 10% of the repair cost subject to a $25 minimum.
Dependent child(ren) means an unmarried natural, adopted, or step child of
a primary cardholder dependent on the primary cardholder or the primary
cardholder’s spouse for support who is:
a) twenty (20) years of age or under; or
b) twenty-five (25) years of age or under and a full-time student attending a
recognized college or university; or
c) twenty-one (21) years of age or older and permanently mentally or physically
challenged and incapable of self-support and became so while eligible as a
dependent child.
Depreciated value means the purchase price of the mobile device less the
depreciation cost of 2% for each completed month from the date of purchase.
Good standing means your account privileges have not expired, been revoked,
suspended or terminated and you are in full compliance with all the provisions of the
cardholder agreement.
Insured person means the primary cardholder, the primary cardholders spouse
and their dependent child(ren), and any additional cardholder on the account.
The spouse and/or dependent child(ren) of an additional cardholder are not
eligible for this insurance.
Mobile device means a new cellular phone, smartphone or tablet (portable single-
panel touchscreen computer), which has wireless communication capabilities and
which has been purchased for personal use.
Mysterious disappearance means when the mobile device in question cannot be
located and the circumstances of its disappearance cannot be explained and do not
lend themselves to a reasonable inference that a theft occurred.
Operations Centre means the Operations Centre maintained by Allianz
Global Assistance.
Political risk means any type of event, organized resistance or actions intending
or implying the intention to overthrow, supplant or change the existing ruler or
constitutional government, including but not limited to nationalization; confiscation;
expropriation (including selective discrimination and forced abandonment); deprivation;
requisition; revolution; rebellion; insurrection; civil commotion assuming to proportion
of or amounting to an uprising and military and usurped power.
Primary cardholder means the person who applied for the credit card and in
whose name BMO opened the account. A primary cardholder does not include an
additional cardholder.
Purchase price means the full cost of the mobile device including any applicable
sales taxes less any costs or fees associated with the purchase of the mobile device
such as insurance premiums, customs duty, delivery and transportation costs or
similar costs orfees.
Spouse means the person who is legally married to the primary cardholder; or if
there is no such person, the person who has been living with the primary cardholder
in a conjugal relationship and who resides in the same household as the primary
cardholder and is publicly represented as the spouse of the primary cardholder. For
the purposes of this insurance the primary cardholder may have only one (1) spouse.
Terrorist event means an act, including but not limited to the use of force or violence,
of any person or group(s) of persons, whether acting alone or on behalf of or in
connection with any organization(s), which constitutes terrorism as recognized by the
government authority or under the laws of your country of residence, and is committed
for political, religious, ethnic, ideological or similar purposes, including but not limited
to the intention to influence any government and/or to put the public, or any section
of the public, in fear. It does not include general civil disorder or unrest, protest,
rioting, political risk, or acts of war.
We, our, us means CUMIS General Insurance Company, a member of The Co-operators
group of companies and/or Allianz Global Assistance.
You, your, yourself means the insured person.
10. General conditions
The following general conditions apply to ALL certificates of insurance.
1. Misrepresentation and Non-Disclosure: You must be accurate and complete
in your dealings with us at all times. You have an obligation to disclose every
material fact to us. Any information that has been misrepresented or misstated
to us by you or is incomplete may result in the certificate of insurance being null
and void at our option, and any claim submitted shall not be payable. We will
not pay a claim if you, any person insured under the certificate of insurance or
anyone acting on your behalf attempts to deceive us or makes a fraudulent, false
or exaggerated statement of claim.
2. In the event of a payment under the certificate of insurance, the Operations
Centre, on our behalf, has the right to proceed in your name against third parties
who may be responsible for giving rise to a claim under this insurance. We have
full rights of subrogation. You will execute and deliver such documents, and fully
cooperate with the Operations Centre, so as to allow the Operations Centre to
fully assert our right to subrogation. You will not do anything after the loss to
prejudice such rights.
3. You must repay to us amounts paid or authorized for payment on your behalf
if the Operations Centre later determines the amount is not payable under
4. You, or someone acting on your behalf, must give written notice of a claim to the
Operations Centre not later than thirty (30) days from the date the claim arises.
The Operations Centre must be provided by you or someone acting on your
behalf with satisfactory proof of claim no later than ninety (90) days from the
date the claimarises.
Failure to give notice of claim or furnish proof of loss within the time prescribed
does not invalidate the claim if it is shown that it was not reasonably possible
to give notice or furnish proof within the time so prescribed and if the notice or
proof is given or furnished as soon as reasonably possible, and in no event later
than one (1) year from the date of the event for which benefits are being claimed.
Failure to provide the requested documentation to substantiate your claim under
the certificate of insurance will invalidate your claim.
5. Assignment: No other person or entity shall have any right, remedy or claim
(legal or equitable) to these benefits. You shall not assign these benefits.
11. General provisions
The following general provisions apply to ALL certificates of insurance.
1. Currency: All amounts stated in the certificate of insurance are in Canadian
currency unless otherwise indicated. If you have paid a covered expense, you will
be reimbursed in Canadian currency at the prevailing rate of exchange on the
date the service was provided.
2. Payment of Benefits: Benefits payable under the certificate of insurance will be
paid within sixty (60) days of receipt of satisfactory proof of loss. Payment made
in good faith will discharge us to the extent of this claim.
3. Benefits Limited to Incurred Expenses: The total benefits paid to you from all
sources cannot exceed the actual expenses which you have incurred.
4. Interest: This insurance does not pay interest on benefits or for interest on
charges made to the credit card.
5. Waiver: Notwithstanding anything to the contrary, no provision of the certificate
of insurance shall be deemed to have been waived, either in whole or in part,
unless the waiver is clearly stated in writing and signed by us.
6. Governing Laws: The benefits, terms and conditions of the certificate of
insurance shall be governed by the insurance laws of the province or territory in
Canada where you normally reside.
7. Conflict with Laws: Any provision of the certificate of insurance, which is in
conflict with any federal, provincial or territorial law of your place of residence, is
hereby amended to conform to the minimum requirements of that law.
8. Limitation of Action: Every action or proceeding against an insurer for the recovery
of insurance money payable under the contract is absolutely barred unless commenced
within the time set out in the Insurance Act (for actions or proceedings governed by
the laws of Alberta and British Columbia), The Insurance Act (for actions or proceedings
governed by the laws of Manitoba), the Limitations Act, 2002 (for actions or proceedings
governed by the laws of Ontario), The Limitations Act (for actions or proceedings
governed by the laws of Saskatchewan), or other applicable legislation. For those
actions or proceedings governed by the laws of Quebec, the prescriptive period is set
out in the Quebec Civil Code.
9. You, your heirs and assigns consent to the venue of any action or arbitration
being only in the province or territory where the certificate of insurance was
issued and at a venue we and/or the Operations Centre choose.
12. Travel assistance services
Terms that are bold and italicized are defined in the “Definitions” sections of each
certificate of insurance.
Assistance services are available to you twenty-four (24) hours a day, seven (7) days
a week. The Operations Centre can provide you with important information you
need before your trip and emergency medical services or non-medical emergency
services you may require during your trip.
Note: The assistance services listed below are for your convenience only. Any
expenses incurred related to utilizing these helpful services may not be covered
under the certificates of insurance. Please refer to the benefit wording in each
certificate of insurance for details of what is covered.
Pre-trip assistance services
Passport and travel visa information
Health hazards and travel advisories
Inoculation and vaccination requirements
Weather information
Currency exchange information
Consulate and embassy locations
Coverage-related questions and inquiries
Medical emergency assistance services
Monitoring the status of your medical case and communicating between patient,
family physician, employer, travel supplier, consulate, etc.
Coordinating travel arrangements as follows:
- emergency medical transportation and treatment while you are travelling, at
the request of you or your physician;
- escort and transportation home for stranded dependent children and/or other
extended family members or friends while you are in hospital;
- your return home if you become ill or injured;
- services for the repatriation of your remains should you die away from home.
Non-medical emergency assistance services
Emergency Cash Transfer – in the event of an emergency, the Operations Centre
will coordinate between you and your friend, family member, business or credit
card company for a cash transfer.
Lost Baggage – the Operations Centre will help you replace lost or stolen
baggage and personal effects.
Document and Ticket Replacement – the Operations Centre will help you replace
lost or stolen travel documents and/or airline tickets.
Emergency Message Services – the Operations Centre will take emergency
messages from or for you.
Legal Services – the Operations Centre will help you contact a local attorney or
the appropriate consular officer if you are arrested or detained, are in a traffic
accident or otherwise require legal help.
Bail Bond Services – the Operations Centre will help you in coordinating these
services in all available locations.
13. Collection and use of your
Protecting your personal information is a top priority. This Personal Information
Notice explains how and what types of personal data will be collected, why it is
collected and to whom it is shared or disclosed. PLEASE READ THIS NOTICE CAREFULLY.
CUMIS General Insurance Company, a member of The Co-operators group of companies
(the “insurer”) and the insurer’s insurance administrator, Allianz Global Assistance, and
the insurer’s agents, representatives and reinsurers (for the purpose of this Personal
Information Notice collectively “we” “us” and “our) require your personal information.
Personal information we collect
We will collect your personal information including but not limited to:
Surname, First name
Date of Birth
Telephone numbers
Email addresses
Credit/debit card and bank account information
Sensitive personal information such as: Medical information relating to your health
status, excluding genetic test results.
How will we obtain and use your personal information?
This personal information is collected for the following insurance purposes when
offering and providing insurance and related services:
To identify and communicate with you
To consider any application for insurance
If approved, to issue a policy or certificate of insurance
To administer insurance and related benefits
To evaluate insurance risk, manage and coordinate claims, re-price medical
expenses and negotiate payment of claims expenses
To adjudicate claims and to determine eligibility for insurance benefits
To provide assistance services
For fraud prevention and debt collection purposes
As required or permitted by law
We reserve our right to collect personal information, necessary for insurance
purposes, from the following individuals:
Individuals who apply for insurance products
Certificate holder and/or policyholders
Insureds and/or claimants
Family members, spouses, or as a last resort friends or travelling companions
of a certificate or policyholder, insured or claimant, in cases where the proper
individual is unable, for medical or other reasons, to communicate directly with us.
Who will have access to your personal information?
We disclose information for insurance purposes, to and with, third parties such as, but
not necessarily limited to, other Allianz group companies, health care practitioners
and facilities in Canada and abroad, government and private health insurers and
family members and friends/travelling companions of the certificate holder or
policyholder, insured or claimant and agencies. We may also use and disclose
information from our existing files for insurance purposes. Our employees who
require this information for the purposes of their duties will have access to this file.
Upon your request and authorization, we may also disclose this information to other
persons. From time to time, and if permitted by applicable law, we may also collect,
use or disclose personal information in order to offer additional or upgraded products
and services (the “optional purposes). In some instances we may additionally maintain
or communicate or transfer information to health care and other service providers
located outside of Canada. As a result, personal information may be accessible to
regulatory authorities in accordance with the law of these otherjurisdictions.
What are your rights in respect of your personal data?
When permitted by applicable law and regulations you have the right to:
Access your personal data held about you
Withdraw consent at any time where your personal data is processed
Update or correct your personal information so that it is always accurate
Delete your personal information from our records, if it is no longer needed for the
purposes indicated above
File a complaint with us and/or relevant data protection authority
You may exercise these rights by contacting the Privacy Officer at
How long do we keep your personal data?
We will retain the personal information we collect for a specified period of time and
in a storage method appropriate with legal and our internal corporate requirements.
Personal information will be securely destroyed following the expiration of the
appropriate retention period. Individuals have a right to request to access or
correct personal information we have on file by contacting the Privacy Officer at or by writing to:
Privacy Officer
Allianz Global Assistance
700 Jamieson Parkway
Cambridge, ON N3C 4N6
How can you contact us?
For information about how to obtain access to written information about our policies
and procedures with respect to service providers outside of Canada, please contact
the Privacy Officer at
For a complete copy of our Privacy Policy please visit
How often do we update this privacy notice?
We regularly review this Privacy Notice. We will ensure the most recent version is
available on our website,
Contact information
Please contact Allianz Global Assistance with any questions or claims.
700 Jamieson Parkway
Cambridge, ON N3C 4N6
Toll-free: 1 833 744-1266 (In Canada & U.S.)
CUMIS General Insurance Company
P.O. Box 5065, 151 North Service Road
Burlington, ON L7R 4C2
Toll-free: 1-800-263-9120
BMO is a registered trademark of Bank of Montreal.
* Trademark of Visa International Service Association and used under license.