Student Handbook
877 BISON BLVD, BUFFALO, MN 55313 (763) 682-8100
Dear Students and Parents,
Welcome to Buffalo High School. We feel that our school is a special place. Our motto “Doing What’s
Best For All Kids” reflects our belief that every student deserves an excellent education and should be
treated with respect and care. We value positive relationships within our school community and use
them to build on our successes.
There are several ways that you can help to ensure that you are able to maximize your time at Buffalo
High School. As you look ahead to the challenges of the school year, we would like to share some tips
that we feel will help you accomplish this.
Set clear goals for your schoolwork and take responsibility for your success
Participate and excel in a wide variety of academic and extra-curricular areas
Have a positive attitude every day you come to school
Manage your time effectively by prioritizing your work
Build positive relationships with your teachers and peers
We will do all that we can to help each student in his or her pursuit of academic excellence and personal
happiness. It is our goal that every student leaves our school with a sense of accomplishment and
confidence. Most of all, we want our graduates to feel they were important members of our school
community and were honored and respected by our staff. On behalf of the entire staff at Buffalo High
School, I want to welcome you to the 2020-2021 school year. Together we will continue to build on our
tradition of excellence and challenge you to reach new heights.
Mark Mischke
Buffalo High School
General Student Information
Counseling and Guidance Services BHS has four guidance counselors to help you. Services offered
include assistance with educational planning, interpretation of test scores, occupational information,
career information, school and personal problems.
Psychological Services The school provides a psychologist in the area of testing and counseling.
Social Workers The school district provides social workers to help students with family and personal
Health Services A Licensed School Nurse (LSN) oversees and directs the functioning of the School Health
Office. A health assistant, who is trained in first aid and CPR, attends to the basic health needs of
students during the school day. Students who become ill or injured while at school are to report to the
health office. Through collaboration between the health assistant, LSN, and possibly other school staff, a
plan of care for the student will be determined. Parents will be contacted by the Health Office Staff if
the student needs to go home or have medical follow up. Students leaving school without reporting to
the health office will be considered truant.
Students who need to take medication during the school day are to bring the medication to the health
office. Parent permission must be documented in the health office for students to use medication at
school. In addition, a physician’s order is necessary for any use of prescription medications at
school. All Medication Permission forms are available in the health office and on the BHM Schools
Website Health Services under Health Plans and Forms. The school does not supply medications. The
health office phone number is 763.682.8121.
If students have special health needs or medical concerns, it is important for the health office staff to be
alerted and informed of these concerns. When a student has special or unique health concerns, please
contact the School Nurse, Principal, or Counselor for a health plan. Medical verification may be
necessary. The District Nurse can be reached at 763.682.8120 for any questions or concerns. To
promote the safety of all students using Vision of Buffalo Bus Company, parents are asked to provide
medical and emergency information to the bus company directly by emailing or calling Dawn Johnson
at djohnson@bhmschools.org or 763.682.8494. Due to confidentiality laws, the district is unable to
provide this information to the contracted transportation company.
Special Education Trained staff are available to provide students who have learning and physical
disabilities with help and support.
School Resource Officer Derek Jacobson is available to students, staff, and parents at Buffalo High
School. He can be reached at 763.682.8135.
The cafeteria will be open each day for breakfast and lunch. Breakfast is served from 8-8:50am. The cost
is $2.00 for students and $2.20 for adults. Ala Carte items can be purchased separately. Lunch includes
three menu options and a vast array of ala carte items. Lunch prices are $3.00 for students and $3.85 for
adults. Single serving milk is $0.50. Students have the opportunity to make deposits (cash or check) to
their account in the office or cafeteria area. Deposits received by 10:00 am will be ready for use at
lunch. Deposits can also be made within your Parent Portal account. Please remember that your PIN
(personal identification number) is confidential and for your use only. You will give the cashier your
name and you punch in your PIN number.
Breakfast and lunch are offered each day through the School Meals Program. Menus are posted on the
district website and emailed to guardians monthly. Students are assigned their own PIN for their meal
account. Students need to memorize their PIN. Please remind your student not to share their PIN with
friends. Meal account deposits can be made online with a credit or debit card at Campus Parent Portal,
or by sending cash or check to the school with your student. Please write your student’s full name or PIN
on the check/envelope if paying by cash or check.
Applications for the School Meals Program can be completed anytime during the school year. Online
applications are available at Infinite Campus Parent Portal. Paper applications are available by
contacting the District Nutrition Services Office (763.682.8775). Families must apply annually for
benefits. Parents will need to have a Parent Portal account to access the online application, make online
meal payments, and monitor student meal purchases. See your school office if you need to set up a
Parent Portal account.
Student meal costs are the responsibility of a student’s guardians. Email and text messages for meal
accounts with low and negative balances are sent to guardians Monday through Friday. All students will
be provided a complete meal regardless of meal account status. Students will not be denied a meal due
to a negative balance. We believe this is in the best interest of the student. Students will not be allowed
to purchase ala carte items if their account balance is negative. Students choosing to bring a breakfast or
lunch from home may use their meal account to purchase milk in the lunchroom. Please choose foods
that are nutritious when packing a breakfast or lunch from home for your student. A complete copy of
the Meal Account Management Policy is available on the district website. If you wish to receive a full
copy, please contact the District Nutrition Services Office.
The BHM district has set forth methods that promote student wellness, prevent and reduce childhood
obesity, and assure that school meals and other food and beverages sold and otherwise made available
on the school campus during the school day are consistent with applicable minimum local, state, and
federal. A complete copy of the district’s Wellness Policy is available on the district website. If you wish
to receive a full copy, please contact the District Office.
At Buffalo High School, our policy states that all students, regardless of age, must adhere to the same
rules and regulations. Persons between the ages of 18 and 21 must follow the same regulations as those
students under 18 years of age. Buffalo High School requires that students 18 years and older must
provide parental verification of absences.
For the safety of our students, staff and general public who use our buildings, the district does not allow
the use of the latex (rubber) balloons in any capacity, in any school building, at any time of the day.
However, Mylar (foil) balloons are still allowed. Latex is a substance that can have a life threatening
impact when a person is exposed to it.
Every BHS student is expected to choose a locker. Hallway lockers and physical education lockers are “on
loan” to students for the school year and remain the property of District 877. The school reserves the
right to inspect lockers when building administrators deem such action necessary to insure the safety
and welfare of students and staff. It is the individual student’s responsibility to keep his or her locker
clean and neat inside and out. Students are advised not to keep money or other valuables in their
lockers. The school will not be responsible for lost or stolen property. Students are expected to keep
hallway and physical education lockers locked at all times. If the administration has reasonable suspicion
that a student may be in possession of something dangerous, illegal or that may cause a substantial
disruption to the school environment, the school reserves the right to search lockers or a student’s
personal property.
Students must purchase a padlock from the high school. These locks should be used for hallway and
physical education lockers. Only locks purchased through the school will be allowed on any school
lockers. Students may use locks purchased from the high school or middle school in previous years.
Students should be aware that school officials are allowed to search students and their lockers, motor
vehicles, and personal property when they have reasonable suspicion that a particular student is in
violation of school rules or the law, or may cause a substantial disruption to the school environment.
Canine searches may also be conducted.
District 877 shall permit the parents of a student or an eligible student who is or has been in attendance
in District 877 to inspect and review the educational records of the student except those records which
are made confidential by state or federal law. District 877 shall comply with a request immediately, if
possible or within five days of the date of request, excluding Saturdays, Sundays and legal holidays. If
District 877 cannot comply with the request within that time, the responsible authority shall so inform
the requestor and may have five additional days within which to comply, excluding Saturdays, Sundays
and legal holidays.
All public school 11
and 12
grade students are eligible to participate in this program. The purpose of
the program is to promote rigorous education pursuits and provide a wider variety of options to high
school students by enabling 11
and 12
grade students to enroll full-time or part-time, without cost to
them, in a non-sectarian course or program in any eligible Minnesota post-secondary institution.
Since every student must be under supervision every hour of the school day, students will not be
permitted in the hallways or other areas in or on school property without supervision during the class
“School day” is defined as the time from when a student gets on the bus in the morning or enters the
school district property by any mode of transportation to the time when a student gets off the bus at
the end of the school day or when a student leaves the school grounds by any mode of transportation
after the school day or after any school district sponsored activity. Buffalo High School operates on a
closed campus policy which includes lunch periods.
The purpose of Advisory is to create a community environment of learners where students and staff
experience belonging, foster healthy relationships, develop academic skills, and enhance school culture.
Every student will meet in an Advisory two times per week
Advisory is grade-level and mixed alpha by counselor
Balanced: Lessons focused on college/career readiness, academic support and planning,
social/emotional literacy
BASE TIME (Bison Academic Support & Enrichment)
The purpose of BASE TIME is to provide targeted, timely and systematic learning opportunities for all
BHS students based on student academic and enrichment needs.
Key guidelines regarding BASE time:
BASE time is Tuesday and Thursday
Standards-Based Intervention
Test prep study sessions / Test Make-up
Mentoring / Tutoring
Homework Help
Any visitors who come to the school during the school day must sign in and wear an identification
badge. We ask that all visitors follow these procedures so that we can ensure the safety of our students.
Students are not to bring other student guests during the school day. Requests for visitations due to
extenuating circumstances must be cleared by an administrator at least one day in advance.
On those days that BHS is in session, but WTC is not, WTC students will be allowed to leave campus
unless a parent notifies us that the student must stay at school. Students in WTC fourth block classes are
to follow the WTC schedule for that day.
Academic Information
Students needs 30 credits to graduate. Some students could earn 32 credits.
Students will be notified of specific course requirements for each grade level as the district in
accordance with state statutes determines them. Students are required by Minnesota State law to
demonstrate satisfactory completion of the credit requirements set forth and their understanding of
academic standards in order to receive a public high school diploma.
All BHS students are expected to adhere to the fundamental values of academic integrity, which include
honesty, trust, fairness, respect and responsibility. Scholastic dishonesty is defined as cheating on
assignments or tests, plagiarizing, altering, fabricating, forging or acting alone or in cooperation with
another to falsify records or to dishonestly obtain homework, tests or grades.
Alternative school students planning to graduate from BHS must attend a publicly accredited alternative
program to earn their credits. They must complete their program by May 15 to be eligible to participate
in the graduation ceremony at Buffalo High School. Please meet with a counselor to determine a plan
for graduation at BHS.
BHS students who are unable to accumulate the credits and testing components necessary to graduate
will be notified by letter after the May 15 deadline that they will not be allowed to participate in the
graduation ceremony. Students who are eligible to graduate but fail a class(es) last term, may
participate in the graduation ceremony, but will not receive a diploma until they have met all BHS
requirements. Please meet with a counselor to determine a plan for graduation from Buffalo High
Seniors interested in early graduation must see their counselor by mid-term quarter three of their senior
year. A student who participates in the summer term or after-school program at an ALC or other state-
approved learning year program are ineligible for early graduation. Students who have chosen to
accelerate their learning by accessing coursework outside Minnesota public education may still be
eligible. A student who is enrolled in a CIS course during the second semester is unable to graduate early
due to District 877’s financial commitment for the college credit. See your counselor for more
Buffalo High School is a test center for the American College Testing (ACT) program. It serves as a
regional site for the area high school students to take the ACT exam during the school year. Information
and registration materials for the ACT are available in the counseling office.
Students have the responsibility to complete all assigned work within a class and an A, B, C, D, and F
system is employed for recognizing scholastic achievement. This marking system denotes “A” as
excellent and “F” for failing.
Each term is approximately nine weeks. Infinite Campus is available for students and parents to have
continual access of academic progress. Hard copies of mid-term reports will be printed by request only
for parents and guardians attending conferences.
Students must complete all course work and graduation standards before the end of the term. In the
event that an extenuating situation exists which may require additional time for completing course
work, a student must request an Incomplete Grade Permission Form from their teacher. The student
must convince the teacher that the additional time request is reasonable. If the incomplete grade is
granted, the student must complete all work assigned by the teacher within the agreed upon time
Students are reminded that an incomplete term grade will become an F if the extension is not granted
or the work not completed in the allotted time frame. Incomplete grades can delay graduation. Each
student will work with his or her teacher for all incompletes.
Buffalo High School’s grading system is based on the following grade-point system:
(A+/A) = 4.0
(B) = 3.00
(C) = 2.00
(D) = 1.00
(A-) = 3.67
(B-) = 2.67
(C-) = 1.67
(D-) = 0.67
(B+) = 3.33
(C+) = 2.33
(D+) = 1.33
(F) = 0.00
Students will be recognized for scholastic achievement by a published honor roll. To be included on the
“A” honor roll, students must achieve a grade point average of 3.67 or above. To be included on the “B”
honor roll, students must achieve a grade point average from 3.00 to 3.66.
If you have an incomplete grade, your name may not appear on the published honor roll. CIS classes
require that students receive both a high school grade and a college grade.
Buffalo High School recognizes superior academic achievement. A special program will be held in the
spring to honor students. Students are eligible for departmental awards determined by teachers. One
senior male and one senior female will be selected to be inducted into the Buffalo High School Hall of
Fame. Seniors are eligible for the Presidential Academic Excellence Awards (3.67 cumulative GPA).
Junior and Senior students with 4.0 cumulative GPAs are also honored. Students must be at BHS for at
least 2 full terms (at least eight classes) during terms 1 through 3 of the current school year to be eligible
for AE awards. This includes PSEO and transfer students.
Students in all grades are eligible to win a BHS Letter if their current GPA meets a certain standard. The
standard has been set at a cumulative GPA over the first three terms of the academic year. Letters for
11th and 12th grade students will be awarded at the Academic Excellence Program.
Grades 9 and 10 = 3.80
Grade 11 = 3.75
Grade 12 = 3.70
Graduating seniors are recognized for their scholastic achievement and will wear the symbolic gold cord
during the commencement exercises. To achieve honor graduate status, a student must earn a
cumulative grade point average of 3.67 or above for their 9-12 school years. This GPA is calculated after
the third term of the senior year.
Seniors in good academic standing will be excused from classes the Friday before Prom.
Attendance Procedures
The administration and faculty of Buffalo High School believe that regular school attendance is a
significant and valuable component of a student’s education. Regular attendance is directly correlated
to successful academic achievement. Moreover, consistent school attendance is one means by which a
student develops responsibility and self-discipline. For these reasons, student absence from school
should be limited to those instances in which it is unavoidable. Each student, his or her parent or
guardian, and the school share an obligation to encourage and ensure the student’s continuous school
attendance. The school may request medical verification for excessive absences. This philosophy is
reflected and implemented in the Attendance Policy of BHS.
In order to leave the school during the school day, students must obtain an “Out of Building Pass” prior
to leaving. This pass may be picked up from 8:20 8:50 am or during passing times. Parents/guardians
are asked to provide the office with a note or phone call (to Attendance Hotline 763.682.8181) that
gives the student permission to leave. Please make every effort to schedule personal appointments
outside of the school day. If students leave the building at any time without a pass and signing out, the
absence will be considered a truancy.
A student will be considered absent when he/she is missing from school for any day or part of the day.
Teachers will make students aware of specific absence/attendance expectations. It is the student’s
responsibility to know each of their teacher’s specific policies.
When absences from school become habitual, a letter requesting medical verification will be sent home.
From that point on, all additional absences will require medical verification to be considered excused.
Reporting Procedure: Late Arrivals, Early Departures, and Absences Attendance Hotline 763.682.8181
Before or on the morning of a student’s absence, late arrival or early departure, the student’s
parent/guardian is requested to call the Attendance Hotline at 763.682.8181. This number may be
accessed 24 hours per day.
Valid excuses for absence/tardies are illness, medical or dental appointments, death of family member
or close relative, religious reasons, official school field trips, co-curricular events, suspension, and up to
two (2) days for significant family event, and other absences/tardies at the discretion of the building
Those absences/tardies which are not listed under Excused Absences Definition and are not excused by
an administrator shall be considered unexcused. This may include missing the bus, oversleeping, or
personal reasons. Three unexcused tardies are equivalent to one unexcused absence.
Students who are absent because of activities, vacations, and other scheduled or prearranged activities
must notify the office with an advanced notification before their absence or the absence may be
considered unexcused/truant. Advance notification forms are available in the office. Homework must be
completed in advance of the absence or other arrangements should be made with your teachers.
Examples: College fairs, state tournaments, family vacations.
When a student returns to class from an unanticipated absence, the teacher will provide make-up work
and a clearly defined due date.
We believe that being on time is a very important life skill. Students are expected to be in class when the
block begins. Students who are tardy for first block should sign in with the greeter and receive a pass to
class. Teachers will inform students of their individual tardy policy. Tardiness may result in loss of credit
for coursework missed, and time may be made up outside of the school day.
Definition: When a student is absent from class without parental request or administrative approval, the
absence is considered a truancy. Absences that are not excused within two days are truancies. It is the
student’s responsibility to make sure his or her absences are verified.
due, etc.).
Truancies will be dealt with as follows:
1. For a student’s first and second truancy, the student may be required to meet with an
2. For any additional truancy, the student may be sent home pending a parent conference.
3. Continual or habitual truancy may result in the loss of credit.
4. Continual truancy will be reported to the Wright County Truancy Intervention Program.
Expected Behaviors and Requirements
Students are expected to demonstrate appropriate behavior in the school, in the classroom, and at all
school activities. Good behavior is necessary to provide a successful educational environment. The
following guidelines will help insure that the educational program can function to the best advantage for
all students and staff.
1. Be present in classes daily.
2. Be in class on time.
3. Be prepared for class.
4. Bring all required materials to class (i.e. books, paper, pencils, physical education clothes, etc.).
5. Be attentive and participate in classroom activities.
6. Make an effort to be successful.
7. Show respect for teachers, other students, and school property by not engaging in activities that
disturb the class or school environment.
8. Do not use vulgar or offensive language to staff members or other students. This includes any
written, verbal or implied threats, as well as writing on lockers, walls, etc.
9. Follow the directions of teachers and supervisors. Insubordination or the refusal to follow the
directions of a teacher or supervisor is considered serious.
10. Help keep classrooms and the school neat and clean.
11. Take care of school property (i.e. books and equipment).
12. Do not bring valuables to school. Keep personal property in your possession or in a locked
13. Students will have opportunities to recite the Pledge of Allegiance. Any person may elect not to
and students must respect another person’s right to make that choice.
14. Ethical use of electronic equipment and technology is expected.
Handheld devices such as cell phones and other electronic devices may be appropriately used before
school until 8:50am. By 8:50am when the school day begins, all devices must be appropriately stowed
away. Personal devices may be used during passing times and lunch, as well as after 3:25pm. Teachers
may allow students the use of phones during instructional time. If students choose to bring a phone to
school, the school is not responsible for loss, damage, or theft. If technology misuse is an issue, student
will be directed to return the device to their backpack or locker, and if refused, the student's parent may
be required to pick the item up at school. The student may lose the privilege of bringing their device to
school as well. Operation of all electronic devices are prohibited in bathroom and locker room areas.
Students may be assigned detention for infractions of school rules or disruptive behavior.
Clothing is generally acceptable for school wear as long as it does not jeopardize anyone’s health or
safety, does not disrupt the teaching/learning process, does not create school disorder, and is not
immodest in any respect (e.g., students are to wear shoes or sandals and keep the torso and
undergarments covered). Students may not wear clothing or accessories that display words or images
directly or indirectly advertising alcohol, tobacco, drugs or related products or which promote the use of
these products, or that are profane, obscene, or sexually suggestive.
Buffalo High School is a tobacco free school. Student use and/or possession of tobacco in any form,
including e-cigarettes, will not be permitted on or adjacent to, or within sight of any district property, on
district property, on district school buses or loading or unloading areas or at any school event, home or
away. Minnesota State Law prohibits anyone under 21 to possess/use tobacco. In addition to receiving
school consequences, violators will be referred to the School Resource Officer. Multiple tobacco
violations may result in long-term suspension or expulsion.
It is recommended that all students use school transportation.
Student granted permission to drive a vehicle to school agree to abide by the following regulations:
Follow all school rules listed and implied in the student handbook.
Conform to all state and local driving laws and regulations.
Consent to a complete search of the vehicle for any reason.
Display a valid BHS parking permit from the rear view mirror.
Park correctly in the student designated parking area.
Obey speed limits (15 mph limit in the parking lots).
All vehicles on campus must be registered.
Violations may result in, but are not limited to the following measures: parking/driving permit
suspended or cancelled, vehicle towed at owner’s expense or immobilized (booted) and fined.
Snowmobiles and motorcycles must be registered and parked in designated areas. A $100.00 per year
(or $50.00 if student starts driving after first semester) parking fee and application must be received to
obtain a validated student parking permit for parking on campus. Only one vehicle from the parking
application may use the permit on any day. Any additional drivers or vehicles must purchase a daily
permit for $3.00.
The possession or use of drugs or alcohol is a serious violation of state laws and punishable by fines
and/or imprisonment. Violators will be reported to the proper authorities and/or social agencies.
Students who are under the influence of chemicals while at school, or who consume, sell, give away, or
have possession of drugs, paraphernalia, or alcohol on school property or at school sponsored activities
may be suspended or expelled from school. Illegal substances and related items will be confiscated.
Before the student can be readmitted to school, a conference consisting of parents, student, and the
principal will be arranged to determine the best course of action for the student and the school. If
exclusion or expulsion is recommended, it will follow state law. In addition, principals may send a
student home if the principal suspects (via smell, action, and/or appearance) that a student has used
drugs/alcohol. Our goal is to handle the situation in a manner that is in the best interest of the student,
the student body and staff.
wRight Choice is an alternative consequence to an out-of-school suspension. The program is a joint
effort between the Buffalo-Hanover-Montrose School District and Wright County Court Services. wRight
Choice provides academic and behavioral support for students who display inappropriate behavior at
Occasionally it becomes necessary to suspend a student from school. In this event, the Minnesota State
Law (MSA 127.26-127.40) will govern all procedures. Students may be suspended from school for any of
the following:
1. Violation of any school regulation.
2. Conduct which materially and substantially disrupts the right of others to an education (this
includes test cheating, harassment, threats of physical or mental harm, and/or offensive
3. Conduct which endangers persons or property (fighting, vandalism, stealing).
4. Other violations included in the District School Discipline Policy.
Expulsion is defined by Minnesota State Law (MSA 127.26 127.40) as: “Expulsion” means an action
taken by a school board to prohibit an enrolled pupil from further attendance for a period that shall not
extend beyond one calendar year. Students will be recommended to the Board of Education of
Independent School District 877 for expulsion from school for severe or persistent violation of school
A student’s parent or guardian must attend a meeting with a school counselor if they are pursuing a
withdrawal from Buffalo High School.
It is our priority to provide our students with a safe and secure environment in which to learn. We have
studied our safety needs and taken steps to meet those needs. We have developed plans to deal with
various possible emergency situations. We have a school resource officer who proactively works with
students and parents to identify any possible safety problems. There are AEDs spread throughout the
building. The community Safe Schools Committee meets each month to discuss safety issues such as
traffic, drinking, drugs, probation, transportation, bomb threats, tornadoes, etc. The issue of student
safety is taken seriously at BHS. Current practices will be continuously reviewed and improved.
Potential safety hazards exist for students in the following areas:
1. Fire Alarms - Periodic fire drills will be held during the school year.
2. Fire extinguisher - Students who tamper with a fire extinguisher may be suspended from school. In
addition, they will be responsible for costs incurred for inspection, recharge or replacement.
3. Fire crackers - Possession or use of any firecrackers, stink bombs, smoke bombs, or any other
pyrotechnic device in the building or on school grounds is forbidden. Violators will be turned over to
the appropriate local authorities for prosecution. Students may be suspended or expelled for
possession or use of these devices.
It is the policy of the Independent School District 877 to maintain a learning and working environment
that is free from threats or harmful influence of any person(s) or group(s) that exhibit and promote
violence and disruptive behaviors. The Board of Education is committed to promoting healthy human
relationships, working and learning environments that are physically and psychologically safe.
It shall be a violation of this policy for any pupil or staff member to possess a firearm or a dangerous
weapon when in the school building or school grounds, on the school bus or on any school-related
activity. District personnel or students shall not bring or store a “dangerous weapon” on school
property. This policy does not apply to firearm safety, color guard, or marksmanship courses or
approved activities that may be conducted on school property.
Scope and Application:
Independent School District 877 shall take proactive measures to eliminate violence in our schools by
protecting children and employees whose health or welfare may be jeopardized through acts of
violence. Each school will strive to make schools safe by promoting safe and secure learning and working
A student who brings a firearm to school may be expelled for up to 365 calendar days. The
Superintendent may, on a case by case basis, recommend to the Board of Education a modification on
this requirement. Students with disabilities may be expelled for behavior unrelated to their disabilities
as long as procedural safeguards required by IDEA and Section 504 are followed. Students will be
expelled according to the Pupil Fair Dismissal Act. Any person in violation of this policy will be referred
to the local law enforcement agency.
During the first weeks of school all students will receive copies of the Buffalo High School Computer and
Internet Usage Policy. Students will sign a sheet saying that they know, understand, and will abide by
these policies. Computers at BHS are to be used for schoolwork and all printing must be related to
school projects. Technology use, including Google Apps for Education, in the BHM School District is
governed by School Board Policy 525 (Acceptable Use). Parents who wish to have their student opt out
of Google Apps may contact their student’s principal.
It is the policy of Independent School District 877 to maintain a learning and working environment that
is free of racial, religious, sexual harassment, and violence.
It shall be a violation of this policy for any student or employee of School District 877 to harass a student
or employee through conduct or communication of a racial, religious, sexual, or hazing nature.
The school district will act to investigate all complaints, either formal or informal, verbal or written. The
school district will discipline any student or employee who violates this policy.
Students are requested to complete a “Student Concern Report Form” to provide documentation of any
racial, religious, sexual harassment and hazing. These forms are available in the front office.
In accordance with the Minnesota Data Practices Act, Buffalo-Hanover-Montrose Schools may release
the following information without permission unless the district has been notified that is should not be
Student’s name, address and telephone number
Student’s gender and date of place of birth
Major field of study
Participation in officially recognized activities or sports
Weight and height of members of athletic teams
Dates of attendance and grade levels completed
Degrees and awards received
Most recent previous educational agency or institution attended
Photographs for school district publications and local newspaper*
Parents or students ages 18 or older who do not want this information released must notify the district
in writing.
*Throughout the year, photographs are taken in classrooms and at school activities. Some of these may
be published in district publications or submitted to local newspapers. Parents may request that their
children’s photographs and identifying names not be published. This request must be made in writing to
the District Communications Coordinator.
Copies of the school discipline, truancy, harassment, hazing, and equal opportunity policies are available
to access on the district website in the policies section.
Transcript requests are conducted online via www.parchment.com.
After an account is created, Parchment will deliver your official school verified and approved transcript
to the college and/or organization you choose. Cost ranges from $3-4. Find more details in the Student
Services Office.
Buffalo-Hanover-Montrose ISD 877 gives notice to parents of students currently in attendance in the
school district, eligible students currently in attendance in the school district, and students currently in
attendance in the school district of their rights regarding the conduct of surveys, collection and use of
information for marketing purposes, and certain physical examinations.
Parents, eligible students, and students are hereby informed that they have the following rights:
1. All instructional materials, including teacher’s manuals, films, tapes, or other supplementary
material which will be used in connection with any survey, analysis, or evaluation as part of any
program funded in whole or in part by the U.S. Department of Education, shall be available for
inspection by parents or guardians of students.
2. No student shall be required, as part of any program funded in whole or in part by the U.S.
Department of Education, without the prior consent of the student (if the student is an adult or
emancipated minor), or in the case of an unemancipated minor, without the prior written consent of
the parent, to submit to a survey that reveals information concerning:
a. Political affiliations or beliefs of the student or the student’s parent;
b. Mental and psychological problems of the student or the student’s family;
c. Sex behavior or attitudes;
d. Illegal, antisocial, self-incriminating, or demeaning behavior;
e. Critical appraisals of other individuals with whom respondents have close family
f. Legally recognized privileged or analogous relationships, such as those of lawyers,
physicians, and ministers;
g. Religious practices, affiliations, or beliefs of the student or the student’s parent; or
h. Income (other than that required by law to determine eligibility for participation in a
program or for receiving financial assistance under such program).
3. A parent, on behalf of a student or an eligible student, has the right to receive notice and an
opportunity to opt the student out of participating in:
a. Activities involving the collection, disclosure, or use of personal information collected
from students for the purpose of marketing or for selling that information, or otherwise
providing that information to others for that purpose.
b. The administration of any third-party survey (non-Department of Education funded)
containing one or more of the items contained in Paragraph 1.b., above.
c. Any emergency, invasive physical examination or screening that is required as a
condition of attendance, administered by the school or its agent, and not necessary to protect
the immediate health and safety of a student, except for hearing, vision, or scoliosis
screenings, or any physical examination or screening permitted or required under state law.
4. This notice does not preempt applicable state law that may require parental notification.
5. The school district has developed and adopted a policy, in consultation with parents, regarding
these rights, as well as arrangements to protect student privacy in the administration of protected
surveys and the collection, disclosure, or use of personal information for marketing, sales, or other
distribution purposes.
6. The school district will directly notify parents and eligible students of these policies at least
annually at the start of each school year and after any substantive changes.
7. The school district will directly notify parents and eligible students, at least annually at the start
of each school year, of the specific or approximate dates of the following activities and provide an
opportunity to opt a student out of participating in:
a. Collection, disclosure, or use of personal information for marketing, sales, or other
b. Administration of any protected information survey not funded in whole or in part by
the U.S. Department of Education.
c. Any nonemergency, invasive physical examination or screening as described above.
8. Parents/eligible students who believe their rights have been violated may file a complaint with:
Family Policy Compliance Office
U.S. Department of Education 400 Maryland Avenue SW
Washington, DC 20202-5920
When a student enrolls in an activity at Buffalo High School the student is under the jurisdiction of the
Minnesota State High School League and Buffalo High School Activity Policies/Regulations. In addition, a
seventh or eighth grader who is selected to be on a high school team, shall be under the same
jurisdiction. Requirements to be a Buffalo High School Activities Program Participant include:
1. To be involved in a Buffalo High School activity one must:
a. Have a current physical exam form on file in the Activity Office, which is due every three
b. Have the Minnesota State High School League and Buffalo High School Eligibility
Statement and Health Questionnaire signed by the athlete and parent/guardian.
c. Be in good standing with the scholarship, racial/religious/sexual harassment, hazing, and
chemical policies.
d. Register and pay fees online for the activity through Parent Portal via the “School Store”
tab. You may access the site at
https://campus.bhmschools.org/campus/portal/parents/buffalo.jsp. Students who do
not have internet access may still register and pay fees at the BHS Activity Office.
e. Be aware that School District 877 does not provide medical insurance for athletes. Each
person should secure his/her own coverage.
f. Have the Addendum to Minnesota State High School League Code of Student
Responsibilities signed by parent and athlete.
2. To be in any other Student Activity one must also follow the rules/guidelines of the MSHSL:
a. Have the Minnesota State High School League and Buffalo High School Eligibility
Statement signed by the student and parent/guardian.
b. Be in good standing with scholarship, racial/religious/sexual harassment, hazing and
chemical policies.
c. Pay the necessary fee for the activity or have the waiver form signed by the Activities
d. Have the Addendum to Minnesota State High School League Code of Student
Responsibilities signed by parent and participant.
3. Penalties
a. Penalties for violation of racial/religious/sexual harassment, hazing and chemical
policies will be administered as follows:
i. Category I Activities include those activities with a defined season and will be
administered as seen in the Athletic Eligibility Information brochure.
1. First Violation: After confirmation of the first violation, the student shall
lose eligibility for the next two weeks.
2. Second Violation: After confirmation, the student shall lose eligibility for
the next three weeks, or six contests, whichever is greater.
3. Third and Subsequent Violations: After confirmation, the student shall
lose eligibility for the next four weeks, or twelve contests, whichever is
4. Accumulative Penalties: Penalties shall be accumulative beginning with
the student’s first participation in a League activity and continuing
through the student’s high school career.
5. Denial Qualification: A student shall be disqualified from all activity for
nine additional weeks beyond the student’s original period of
ineligibility when the student denies violation of the rule, is allowed to
participate and then is subsequently found guilty of the violation.
ii. Category II Activities include other co-curricular activities that do not have a
defined season and the penalties will be as follows:
1. Each member school shall develop penalties that it will apply to the
participants in these activities. An appropriate penalty shall be
administered at the discretion of the Activities Director and High School
4. Student Code:
a. Co-curricular participants must make a strong classroom effort. They must also have
positive attitudes and good attendance. These qualities may be expected both in-season
and off-season.
b. Co-curricular participants must behave in a proper manner before, after and during
their activity.
c. Co-curricular participants must behave properly in the community at all times.
Student Code of Responsibility as stated in the Minnesota State High School League eligibility brochure
must be followed. If not, the following penalties can be administered by the Principal in cooperation
with the Activities Director.
1. Warning
2. Suspension from school or activity or both
3. Reported to higher authority outside of school
4. Required to do certain amount of community service
The purpose of the Activities Program is to provide additional educational opportunities for Buffalo High
School students. Beneficial attributes of participation are fun, commitment, affiliation and reaching
common goals. A student’s responsibility for participation in Activities is to maintain satisfactory
progress towards graduation. A student’s academic progress is evaluated eight times per year: at mid-
term and with quarter grades. Any student who fails any number of semester classes can be put on
“academic alert” and may continue to participate in the Activity. (A student may be “nurtured” by a
coach and encouraged to improve, but it is still the ultimate responsibility of the student to maintain
satisfactory progress.) Parents are also encouraged to contact the coach and the student’s teachers to
support the student in making academic progress. At any time, the Administration and/or the coach
have the discretion to suspend the student from the activity if adequate progress does not occur.
Seasonal Activities - Starting Dates (*Approximate)
Girls and Boys Cross Country..................................................................August 17
Girls Tennis ............................................................................................August 17
Football..................................................................................................August 17
Girls Swimming and Diving ....................................................................August 17
Soccer ....................................................................................................August 17
Volleyball ...............................................................................................August 17
Adapted Soccer…………..…………….…….……………………………………...……….. August 31
Fall Play ...........................................................................................September 14
Girls Dance Team ................................................................................ October 19
Girls Hockey......................................................................................... October 26
Mock Trial.......................................................................................... November 2
Girls Gymnastics ................................................................................ November 9
Girls Basketball .................................................................................. November 9
Boys Hockey ...................................................................................... November 9
One Act Play .................................................................................... November 16
Adapted Floor Hockey ……………………...….……..………………………….. November 16
Wrestling ......................................................................................... November 16
Boys Basketball................................................................................ November 16
Knowledge Bowl.............................................................................. November 16
Boys Swimming and Diving ............................................................. November 23
Spring Play ............................................................................................February 8
MAAA Softball...........................................................................................March 8
Girls Softball...............................................................................................March 8
Track & Field .............................................................................................March 8
Baseball ..................................................................................................March 15
Golf..........................................................................................................March 22
Boys Tennis .............................................................................................March 22
Lacrosse ..................................................................................................March 29
Summer Marching Band *Color Guard & Drumline …...............................April 12
Summer Marching Band *Instrumental ...................................................... May 3
SCHEDULES: The most up to date schedules are available at www.lakeconference.org.
Students should listen to the daily announcements or refer to monitors for organization meetings.
International Club
Class Cabinets
BHS Singers
Hoofprint Newspaper
National Honor Society
Tatanka Yearbook
Jazz Band
Treble Singers
Student Council
Clay Target
Competitive Cheer
Culinary Team
Students who participate in the following activities will pay:
Category #1 Lacrosse, Basketball, Football, Golf, Gymnastics, Hockey, Wrestling: $200.00
Category #2 Baseball, Cross Country, Softball, Soccer, Swim & Dive, Tennis, Volleyball, Track & Field,
Dance Team: $165.00
Category #3 BHS Singers, Knowledge Bowl, Mock Trial, Summer Marching Band, Multi-Act Play, One-Act
Play, Musicals, Business Professionals of America, Adapted Soccer, Adapted Floor Hockey, Adapted
Softball: $130.00
Category #4 One-Act Play Crew and Student Directors, and Tech Crew for all productions: $25.00
An appropriate fee will be charged for solo/ensemble participation.
Class Officers, yearbook staff, and choir and band activities (except for solo/ensemble participants) do
not receive monies for transportation and/or supplies and therefore are exempt from the fee system.
National competitions of Buffalo High School will not be funded.
Our district uses FeePay for online registration and payments.
1. Online registration and payment is available via Parent Portal within the “School Store” tab.
2. The registration and fee payment must be completed before you are able to practice or participate.
3. Fees may be waived in cases of undue hardship. Fees will also be waived or reduced if a student
qualifies for the “free or reduced lunch program.” The parent notification letter for free or reduced
meals must be shown upon request.
4. Family Fee Allowance - The maximum fee amount for any family is $750.00. Families are responsible
to track fees paid each year. When the amount of $750.00 is reached, families should send a letter
of request for the family allowance to include detailed payment documentation. Fees will then be
waived for the family for the remainder of the school year.
5. Middle School students competing on high school teams must pay high school fees, unless
otherwise approved by the Activities Director.
6. REFUNDS - They are available upon request. A request form can be secured from the Activities
If you have made outstanding achievements (lettered) in the activity as well as finished the season in
good standing, then you will be awarded the block letter “B”. One “B” will be awarded per student along
with a designated activity pin. The season begins with the first day of practice and ends with the awards
presentation at the end of the season.
Good sportsmanship is viewed by Buffalo High School as the behaviors that demonstrates
understanding and commitment to fair play, ethical behavior and integrity. Buffalo High School expects
good sportsmanship from students during school and at all school events.
Every chapter of the National Honor Society has four main goals:
To create an enthusiasm for scholarship
To stimulate a desire to render services
To promote worthy leadership
To encourage the development of character in fellow students
Membership in the Buffalo chapter of National Honor Society is based on the following criteria:
1. The student must have achieved a grade point average of 3.67 or higher. New members are
considered at the beginning of the junior and senior years using the most current GPA.
2. The student is given an opportunity to describe, through an information sheet and application,
his/her service experiences in our school and community.
3. A letter of recommendation regarding the student’s service performance will be needed from a
community member who is not an employer, a family member, or a district teacher/coach.
4. Faculty members (six teachers, one from each of the four core subject areas - math, science,
English, social studies, or five teachers and one coach or adviser) will evaluate each candidate on
character/attitude and leadership.
5. Students are scored individually based on service, leadership, character, and attitude. The
advisers and administration will evaluate each candidate and extend an invitation for
membership at that time.
The National Honor Society is seeking students who have consistently demonstrated excellence in
character, scholarship, leadership, and who show an enthusiastic willingness to serve others. The
Executive Council and advisers reserve the right to deny membership. The excitement and satisfaction of
this organization is achieved by active participation in service projects.
NHS members are REQUIRED to:
Attend all meetings.
Complete the required number of volunteer service hours in approved activities designated by
the executive council, advisers, and administration.
Maintain a GPA of 3.67 or higher.
Comply with all BHS Activity Guidelines.
School sponsored dances are an extension of the normal school day and all school rules apply. Students
are permitted to bring one guest to a dance. The guest’s name must be signed up with a principal. The
administration reserves the right to turn away guests at the door if they are not on the lists. All guests
must be enrolled at a high school. Prom guests must be high school students or 20 years of age and
For further information concerning MSHSL rules or regulations contact:
Tom Bauman, Activities Director 763-682-8108
Buffalo High School
877 Bison Boulevard
Buffalo, MN 55313
Ph: 763.682.8100
F: 763.682.8118
Eden Prairie High School
17185 Valley View Road
Eden Prairie, MN 55346
Ph: 952.975.8100
Edina High School
6754 Valley View Road
Edina, MN 55439
Ph: 952.848.3800
F: 952.848.3818
Hopkins High School
2400 Lindbergh Drive
Minnetonka, MN 55305
Ph: 952.988.4691
F: 952.988.4546
Minnetonka High School
18301 Highway 7
Minnetonka, MN 55345
Ph: 952.401.5700
F: 952.401.5905
St. Michael-Albertville
High School
5800 Jamison Avenue NE
St. Michael, MN 55376
Ph: 763.497.2192
F: 763.497.6586
Wayzata High School
4955 Peony Lane North
Plymouth, MN 55446
Ph: 763.745.6600
F: 763.745.6691