Maryland Division of Securities
200 St. Paul Place
Baltimore, MD 21202
This checklist was developed by the Maryland
Division of Securities to assist investors in
choosing a financial adviser. It may be used
during an interview or sent to an adviser as
part of a preliminary screening.
J. Joseph Curran, Jr.
Attorney General
Carmen M. Shepard
Donna Hill Staton
Deputy Attorneys General
Melanie Senter Lubin
Securities Commissioner
200 St. Paul Place
Baltimore, Maryland 21202
(410) 576-6360
TTY for Deaf: (410)576-6372
D.C. Metro: 565-0451
Fax: (410) 576-6532
Using the Financial Adviser Interview Checklist
We developed the Financial Adviser Interview Checklist to assist you
in choosing a financial adviser. You can use the checklist during a pre-
liminary interview or send it to an adviser as part of an initial screening.
We recommend that you interview several individuals from different
firms in order to choose an adviser whose investment strategy most
closely matches your risk tolerance and financial goals. It is equally
important to review the adviser’s Form ADV, Part II or other disclosure
document – information that the adviser is required by law to provide to
The person you choose as your financial adviser should respond to
these questions, and should have a number of questions to ask you in
return. The financial adviser should determine your financial circum-
stances, your investment experience, and your investment goals before
recommending any plan. It is important to choose a financial adviser who
is qualified through training and experience, who puts your financial
well-being first, and who conducts business in compliance with appli-
cable laws.
The Financial Adviser Interview Checklist contains five basic sections:
“About the Advisers Practice”
will give you information on what kind
of clients the adviser services. Generally, the more experience the adviser
has with people like you, the better. Ask the adviser for permission to
speak with clients, and ask these clients how much better off they are as a
result of the services of the adviser.
“Experience, Licenses and Education”
will give you information about
how long the adviser has been in business, and the adviser’s professional
background. For instance, you may want to check to see if the adviser is
primarily a stockbroker or an insurance agent. Depending on your needs,
you may want to look for broader experience.
“Services and Products”
will tell you how the adviser implements
recommendations. Avoid advisers who try to sell” a product rather than
provide sound advice appropriate to your financial situation and goals.
“How the Adviser is Paid”
will tell you how the adviser is compensated.
It is important that you understand and agree with the adviser’s method
of compensation, which is generally calculated in one of three ways:
1)A fee-only adviser charges on a hourly or flat-rate basis.
The adviser provides advice but does not sell products.
2)A fee and commission adviser provides advice for a fee,
and earns commissions on particular products sold to a client.
3)A commission-only adviser earns money from the
financia products sold and does not charge a fee for advice.
Under certain circumstances, advisers may charge a “performance
fee, which is a fee that is based on the increase in value of the account.
Maryland law permits an adviser to charge a performance fee only if a
client has at least $500,000 under management of the adviser, or whose
net worth exceeds $1,000,000.
“Regulatory and Compliance”
will give you information on the
adviser’s disciplinary history.
Please call the Division to inquire about the advisers
registration and to check on disciplinary history.
The Maryland Securities Division
(410) 576-6360
Call us…we’re here to help!
Adviser Information
Name: ___________________________________________________________________________________________________
Name under which business is conducted, if different:_________________________________________________________
Address: __________________________________________________________________________________________________
City:________________________________________ State: _____ Zip: _______________Phone: ________________________
About the Adviser’s Practice
1. How many clients do you currently serve?
fewer than 25 25 - 50 51 - 100 over 100
2. What is your clients’ most common investment objective? Please rank in order, with 1 being most common
and 4 being least common.
1) ____________________________________ 3) ____________________________________
2) ____________________________________ 4) ____________________________________
3. What is your clients’ most common age range? Please rank in order on a scale from 1 to 4,
with 1 being most common and 4 being least common.
___ under 35 ___ 36 - 50 ___ 51 - 65 ___ over 65
4. What is your clients’ most common income range? (Total income per household before taxes.)
Please rank in order on a scale from 1 to 4, with 1 being most common and 4 being least common.
___ $0 - $35,000 yr. ___ $36,000 - $75,000 yr. ___ $76,000 - $150,000 yr. ___ in excess of $150,000 yr.
5. Do you take discretionary authority over client accounts? yes no
If yes, is there an independent review of such accounts? yes no How often? __________________
6. Will you provide me with references from clients? yes no
Name: ______________________________________________________ Phone: ________________________
Name: ______________________________________________________ Phone: ________________________
Name: ______________________________________________________ Phone: ________________________
7. Will you provide me with a sample copy of a plan or a sample list of recommendations? yes no
Please provide me with a current copy of your Form ADV, Part II, or disclosure document.
Experience, Licenses and Education
1. How long have you been offering financial planning or investment advisory services? # _____ years
2. How long have you been registered as an investment adviser or investment adviser representative?
# _____ years with the Securities and Exchange Commission # _____ years with the State of Maryland
3. How many firms have you worked for as an adviser or planner? # _____ firms
Please list names and dates:
________________________________________________ _______________________________________________
________________________________________________ _______________________________________________
________________________________________________ _______________________________________________
4. What licenses or professional designations are you eligible to use? Please indicate all that apply.
1)________________________ / Year received: _______ 2)______________________ / Year received: _______
I am required to complete _____ hours of continuing education in order to maintain my professional designation.
Securities Licenses:
Stocks and Bonds / Year received: _______ Mutual Funds / Year received: _______
Commodities/Futures / Year received: _______
Insurance Licenses:
Life Insurance / Year received: _______ Health/Disability Insurance / Year received: _______
Property/Casualty Insurance / Year received: _______
5. What educational degrees have you earned?
School__________________________________ Degree ______ Major________________ Year received: ________
School__________________________________ Degree ______ Major________________ Year received: ________
School__________________________________ Degree ______ Major________________ Year received: ________
Services and Products
1. Which financial services do you provide? Please check all that apply.
Comprehensive Financial Planning Tax Preparation Investment and Asset Management
Tax Planning Brokerage Services Retirement Planning
Mutual Fund Selection Estate Planning Timing Service
Business Planning Insurance Educational Funding
Other (specify):_____________________
2. Will you provide a written analysis of my particular financial situation and recommendations?
yes no
3. Will you offer continuous advice? yes no
4. Do you take custody of assets? yes no
If yes, are you insured? yes no
Will you provide proof of insurance? yes no
5. Do you recommend specific investment products? yes no
If yes, which products do you offer? Please check all that apply.
Stocks United States Government Securities Bonds
Municipal Securities Mutual Funds Options
Futures/Commodities Limited Partnerships Insurance Products
Certificates of Deposit Coins or Other Collectibles (specify):__________________________
Other (specify): ____________________________
6. Do you provide assistance with implementation? yes no
How the Adviser is Paid
1. How are you compensated? Please check all that apply.
Fee (specify): initial hourly retainer
percentage of assets managed
performance fee
Commissions and loads for financial products purchased or sold
On-going fees for financial products purchased
Fee offset (You charge a flat fee that is offset by commissions earned.)
Salary Other (specify): ______________________
2. How is your compensation calculated? Please indicate all that apply.
Based on an hourly rate of $________
Fee range of $________
Minimum fee of $________
Percentage (_____%) of $________ Other (specify): ______________________
3. Are your fees negotiable? yes no
4. Will you inform clients in advance of:
the amount of commissions or loads they will pay on the purchase or sale of any product?
yes no
any discounted sales charge related to a quantity purchase of any product? yes no
any special or enhanced compensation you receive on the sale of any product? yes no
5. Do you or any related party receive compensation from any persons or firms to whom
I may be referred? yes no
Regulatory and Compliance
If your answer to any of the following is “yes”, please complete the section describing the event or proceeding.
(Attach a separate explanation if necessary.)
1. Has any court ever entered a judgment against you in connection with any investment-related activity?
yes no
2. Have you ever been involved in an arbitration proceeding that was settled or decided against you?
yes no
3. Have you ever been the subject of an order issued by a:
Federal regulatory agency? yes no
State regulatory agency? yes no
Self-regulatory organization? yes no
4. Have you been discharged or permitted to resign because you were accused of violating industry standards
or investment-related statutes? yes no
5. Are you currently involved, directly or indirectly, in any regulatory investigation or action, customer
complaint, civil litigation or criminal proceeding? yes no
Description of event or proceeding:_________________________________________________________________