Texas Pattern Jury Charges—Business, Consumer, Insurance
& Employment (2018 Ed.)
PJC Files Quick Index
Chapter 100 Admonitory Instructions
100-1 Instructions to Jury Panel before Voir Dire Examination
100-2 Instructions to Jury after Jury Selection
100-3 Charge of the Court
100-3A Charge of the Court—Twelve-Member Jury
100-3B Charge of the Court—Six-Member Jury
100-3 alt addl certificate
100-4 Additional Instruction for Bifurcated Trial
100-4 addl instr pre-2003
100-4 alt addl certificate
100-5 Instructions to Jury after Verdict
100-6 Instruction to Jury If Permitted to Separate
100-7 Instruction If Jury Disagrees about Testimony
100-8 Circumstantial Evidence (Optional)
100-9 Instructions to Deadlocked Jury
100-10 Privilege—Generally No Inference
100-11 Fifth Amendment Privilege—Adverse Inference May Be Considered
100-12 Parallel Theories on Damages
100-13 Proximate Cause
100-14 Instruction on Spoliation
Chapter 101 Contracts
101-1 Basic Question—Existence
101-1 alt Q fail comply
101-1 alt Q bind terms
101-1 alt Q future agree
101-2 Basic Question—Compliance
101-2 alt Q limited
101-2 alt Qs disjunctive
101-2 addl instrs material
101-2 addl instr code duty
101-2 addl instr good faith
101-3 Instruction on Formation of Agreement
101-4 Instruction on Authority
101-5 Instruction on Ratification
101-6 Conditions Precedent (Comment)
101-7 Court’s Construction of Provision of Agreement (Comment)
101-8 Instruction on Ambiguous Provisions
101-9 Trade Custom (Comment)
101-10 Instruction on Time of Compliance
101-11 Instruction on Offer and Acceptance
101-12 Instruction on Withdrawal or Revocation of Offer
101-13 Instruction on Price
101-14 Consideration (Comment)
101-21 Defenses—Basic Question
101-22 Defenses—Instruction on Plaintiff’s Material Breach (Failure of Consideration)
101-22 addl instr time
101-23 Defenses—Instruction on Anticipatory Repudiation
101-24 Defenses—Instruction on Waiver
101-25 Defenses—Instruction on Equitable Estoppel
101-26 Defenses—Instruction on Duress
101-27 Defenses—Instruction on Undue Influence
101-28 Defenses—Instruction on Mutual Mistake of Fact
101-29 Defenses—Instruction on Mutual Mistake—Scrivener’s Error
101-30 Defenses—Instruction on Novation
101-31 Defenses—Instruction on Modification
101-32 Defenses—Instruction on Accord and Satisfaction
101-33 Defenses—Instruction on Mental Capacity
101-34 Defenses—Statute of Frauds (Comment)
101-35 Question on Main Purpose Doctrine
101-36 Third-Party Beneficiaries (Comment)
101-36 Q third party
101-37 Question and Instruction on Ambiguous Provisions
101-38 Question and Instruction on Reformation as an Alternative Cause of Action
101-41 Question on Promissory Estoppel
101-42 Question and Instruction on Quantum Meruit
101-43 Money Had and Received (Comment)
101-44 Unjust Enrichment (Comment)
101-46 Construction Contracts Distinguished from Ordinary Contracts (Comment)
101-47 Construction Contracts—Question and Instruction—Misapplication of Trust Funds
under the Texas Construction Trust Funds Act
101-47 intent defraud
101-47 prelim Q trustee
101-47 addl instr residential
101-48 Construction Contracts—Affirmative Defenses—Basic Questions
101-48 alt Q excuse
101-49 Construction Contracts—Affirmative Defenses—Instructions
101-50 Question on Prompt Payment to Contractors and Subcontractors
101-51 Question on Good-Faith Dispute
101-51 addl instr residential
101-56 Insurance Contracts Distinguished from Other Contracts (Comment)
101-57 Insurance Contracts—Compliance—Specific Policy Language
101-58 Insurance Contracts—Coverage and Damages Question—Specific Policy Language
101-59 Insurance Contracts—Exclusions, Limitations, Avoidance, and Other Affirmative
Defenses—Specific Policy Language
101-59 alt Q excuse
101-60 Insurance Contracts—Conditions Precedent and Prejudice (Comment)
01-60 alt Q condition precedent
101-60 alt Q prejudice
Chapter 102 The Texas Deceptive Trade Practices Act and Chapter 541 of the Texas
Insurance Code
102-1 Question and Instructions on False, Misleading, or Deceptive Act or Practice
(DTPA § 17.46(b))
102-2 Description of Goods or Services or Affiliation of Persons (DTPA § 17.46(b)(5))
102-2 alt instr affiliation
102-3 Quality of Goods or Services (DTPA § 17.46(b)(7))
102-4 Misrepresented and Unlawful Agreements (DTPA § 17.46(b)(12))
102-4 alt instr unlawful
102-5 Failure to Disclose Information (DTPA § 17.46(b)(24))
102-6 Other “Laundry List” Violations (DTPA § 17.46(b)) (Comment)
102-7 Question and Instructions on Unconscionable Action or Course of Action
(DTPA §§ 17.50(a)(3) and 17.45(5))
102-8 Question and Instructions on Warranty (DTPA § 17.50(a)(2); Tex. UCC §§ 2.313–.315)
102-9 Express Warranty—Goods or Services (DTPA § 17.50(a)(2); Tex. UCC § 2.313)
102-9 alt Q-instrs knowledge
102-10 Implied Warranty of Merchantability—Goods (DTPA § 17.50(a)(2);
Tex. UCC § 2.314(b)(3))
102-10 alt elements merchantability
102-11 Implied Warranty of Fitness for Particular Purpose—Goods (DTPA § 17.50(a)(2);
Tex. UCC § 2.315)
102-12 Implied Warranty of Good and Workmanlike Performance—Services
(DTPA § 17.50(a)(2))
102-13 Implied Warranty of Habitability (DTPA § 17.50(a)(2))
102-14 Question on Insurance Code Chapter 541
102-16 Misrepresentations or False Advertising of Policy Contracts—Insurance
(Tex. Ins. Code § 541.051(1))
102-17 False Information or Advertising—Insurance (Tex. Ins. Code § 541.052)
102-18 Unfair Insurance Settlement Practices (Tex. Ins. Code § 541.060)
102-18 addl instr liability
102-19 Misrepresentation—Insurance (Tex. Ins. Code § 541.061)
102-21 Question and Instructions on Knowing or Intentional Conduct
102-21 alt def knowingly
102-21 addl def intentionally
102-22 Defenses to Deceptive Trade Practices Act and Insurance Code Chapter 541 Claims
102-23 Statute of Limitations (DTPA § 17.565; Tex. Ins. Code § 541.162)
102-23 addl Q inducement
102-24 Counterclaim—Bad Faith or Harassment (DTPA § 17.50(c); Tex. Ins. Code ch. 541,
subch. D) (Comment)
102-25 Prompt Payment of Claims Act—Violation of Insurer’s Duty to Acknowledge Notice of
Claim, Commence Investigation, and Request Information after Receiving Notice
of Claim (Tex. Ins. Code § 542.055)
102-25 addl Q date
102-25 addl instr notice
102-25 addl instr def agent
102-25 addl instr plaintiff agent
102-25 alt def business day
102-26 Prompt Payment of Claims Act—Violation of Insurer’s Duty to Notify Claimant of
Acceptance, Rejection, or Need for More Time after Receiving All Necessary
Information Reasonably Requested from Claimant (Tex. Ins. Code § 542.056)
102-26 addl Q date
102-26 addl instr def agent
102-26 addl instr plaintiff agent
102-26 addl Qs exception
102-27 Prompt Payment of Claims Act—Violation of Insurer’s Duty to Pay after Notice to
Claimant that Insurer Will Pay All or Part of Claim (Tex. Ins. Code § 542.057)
102-27 addl Q date
102-27 addl instr def agent
102-27 addl instr plaintiff agent
102-27 alt def business day
102-28 Prompt Payment of Claims Act—Violation of Insurer’s Duty to Pay Claim within Sixty
Days of Receipt of All Necessary Information Reasonably Requested from
Claimant (Tex. Ins. Code § 542.058)
102-28 addl Q date
102-28 addl instr def agent
102-28 addl instr plaintiff agent
Chapter 103 Good Faith and Fair Dealing
103-1 Common-Law Duty of Good Faith and Fair Dealing—Question and Instruction on
Insurance Claim Denial or Delay in Payment
103-2 Duty of Good Faith under the Uniform Commercial Code (Comment)
103-3 Duty of Good Faith by Express Contract (Comment)
Chapter 104 Fiduciary Duty
104-1 Question and Instruction—Existence of Relationship of Trust and Confidence
104-2 Question and Instruction—Breach of Fiduciary Duty Defined by Common Law—
Burden on Fiduciary
104-3 Question and Instruction—Breach of Fiduciary Duty Defined by Common Law—
Burden on Beneficiary
104-4 Question and Instruction—Breach of Fiduciary Duty Defined by Statute or Agreement—
Burden on Fiduciary
104-5 Question and Instruction—Breach of Fiduciary Duty Defined by Statute or Agreement—
Burden on Beneficiary
Chapter 105 Fraud and Negligent Misrepresentation
105-1 Question on Common-Law Fraud—Intentional Misrepresentation
105-2 Instruction on Common-Law Fraud—Intentional Misrepresentation
105-3 Definitions of Misrepresentation—Intentional Misrepresentation
105-3A Factual Misrepresentation
105-3B Promise of Future Action
105-3C Opinion Mixed with Fact
105-3D False Statement of Opinion
105-3E Opinion Made with Special Knowledge
105-4 Instruction on Common-Law Fraud—Failure to Disclose When There Is Duty to
105-5 Question on Statute of Limitations—Common-Law Fraud
105-7 Question on Statutory Fraud (Real Estate or Stock Transaction)
105-8 Instruction on Statutory Fraud—Factual Misrepresentation
105-9 Instruction on Statutory Fraud—False Promise
105-10 Question and Instructions on Benefiting from Statutory Fraud
105-11 Question and Instruction on Actual Awareness of Statutory Fraud
105-11 alt instr pre-2003
105-12 Question and Instructions on Violation of Texas Securities Act—Factual
105-13 Instruction on Violation of Texas Securities Act—Material Fact—Prediction or
Statement of Belief
105-14 Question on Defenses to Violation of Texas Securities Act—Factual Misrepresentation
105-15 Question on Defenses to Violation of Texas Securities Act—Buyer
105-16 Violation of Texas Securities Act—Control-Person Liability (Comment)
105-17 Question on Defense to Control-Person Liability
105-18 Question and Instructions on Violation of Texas Securities Act—Aiding Violation
105-19 Question and Instruction on Negligent Misrepresentation
105-25 Question and Instruction on Transfers Fraudulent as to Present and Future Creditors—
Actual Fraud (Tex. Bus. & Com. Code § 24.005(a)(1))
105-25 def insider
105-25 def affiliate
105-25 instr insolvent
105-25 def transfer
105-26 Question on Reasonably Equivalent Value—Constructive Fraud (Tex. Bus. & Com.
Code §§ 24.005(a)(2), 24.006(a))
105-26 instr value
105-26 def transfer
105-27 Question on Constructive Fraud (Tex. Bus. & Com. Code §§ 24.005(a)(2), 24.006(a))
105-27 instr insolvent
105-28 Question on Constructive Fraud—Transfer to Insider (Tex. Bus. & Com. Code
§ 24.006(b))
105-28 def insider
105-28 def affiliate
105-28 instr insolvent
105-28 def transfer
105-29 Question and Instruction on Good Faith and Reasonably Equivalent Value—Affirmative
Defense to Fraudulent Transfer Based on Actual Fraud (Tex. Bus. & Com.
Code § 24.009(a))
105-29 instr value
105-30 Question on Affirmative Defense for Insider (Tex. Bus. & Com. Code § 24.009(f))
105-31 Question on Extinguishment of Cause of Action (Tex. Bus. & Com. Code § 24.010)
105-32 Remedies for Fraudulent Transfers (Tex. Bus. & Com. Code § 24.008) (Comment)
105-32 addl Q 1 amount
105-32 addl Q 2 amount
105-32 addl Q 3 amount
Chapter 106 Interference with Existing and Prospective Contract
106-1 Question and Instruction—Intentional Interference with Existing Contract
106-2 Question—Defense of Legal Justification
106-3 Wrongful Interference with Prospective Contractual or Business Relations (Comment)
106-4 Contracts Terminable at Will or on Notice (Comment)
Chapter 107 Employment
107-1 Breach of Employment Agreement (Comment)
107-1 alt Q property interest
107-2 Instruction on Good Cause as Defense to Early Discharge
107-3 Question on Wrongful Discharge for Refusing to Perform an Illegal Act
107-4 Question and Instruction on Retaliation under Texas Whistleblower Act
107-4 addl Q good faith belief
107-5 Question and Instruction on Retaliation for Seeking Workers’ Compensation Benefits
107-5 addl instr proceeding
107-6 Question and Instruction on Unlawful Employment Practices
107-6 alt Qs-instrs disparate impact
107-6 alt Qs age
107-7 Question on After-Acquired Evidence of Employee Misconduct
107-8 Instruction on Damages Reduction for After-Acquired Evidence of Employee
107-9 Question and Instruction on Retaliation
107-10 Instruction on Constructive Discharge
107-11 Instruction on Disability
107-11 addl instr disability
107-11 addl instr mitigation
107-12 Question and Instruction on Failure to Make Reasonable Workplace Accommodation
107-13 Question and Instruction on Undue Hardship Defense
107-14 Question on Good-Faith Effort to Make Reasonable Workplace Accommodation
107-15 Instruction on Sex Discrimination
107-16 Instruction on Religious Observance or Practice
107-17 Question and Instruction on Defense of Undue Hardship to Accommodate Religious
Observances or Practices
107-18 Question Limiting Relief in Unlawful Employment Practices
107-19 Question and Instruction on Bona Fide Occupational Qualification Defense
107-20 Question on Harassment
107-21 Instruction on Sexual Harassment by Supervisor Involving Tangible Employment Action
(Quid Pro Quo)
107-22 Instruction on Harassment by Nonsupervisory Employee (Hostile Environment)
107-23 Instruction on Harassment by Supervisory Employee Not Involving Tangible
Employment Action (Hostile Environment)
107-23 alt instr sexual harassment
107-24 Question and Instruction on Affirmative Defense to Harassment Where No Tangible
Employment Action Occurred
107-25 Question Limiting Relief for Retaliation under Texas Whistleblower Act
Chapter 108 Piercing the Corporate Veil
108-1 Basic Question
108-2 Instruction on Alter Ego
108-2 alt instr noncontract
108-3 Instruction on Sham to Perpetrate a Fraud
108-3 alt instr noncontract
108-4 Instruction on Evasion of Existing Legal Obligation
108-4 alt instr noncontract
108-5 Instruction on Circumvention of a Statute
108-5 alt instr noncontract
108-6 Instruction on Protection of Crime or Justification of Wrong
108-6 alt instr noncontract
108-7 Instruction on Monopoly
108-7 alt instr noncontract
Chapter 109 Civil Conspiracy
109-1 Question and Instruction on Conspiracy
Chapter 110 Defamation, Business Disparagement, and Invasion of Privacy
110-1 Libel and Slander (Comment on Broad Form)
110-2 Question and Instruction on Publication
110-3 Question and Instructions on Defamatory
110-3 alt Q no publication dispute
110-4 Question and Instruction on Falsity
110-5 Question and Instruction on Negligence
110-6 Question and Instructions on Actual Malice
110-7 Actual Malice in Cases of Qualified Privilege (Comment)
110-8 Question and Instructions on Defense of Substantial Truth
110-9 Question and Instructions on Defamatory False Impression
110-10 Question and Instruction on Negligence (Defamatory False Impression)
110-11 Question and Instructions on Actual Malice (Defamatory False Impression)
110-12 Question on Defamatory Parody or Satire
110-13 Question and Instruction on Negligence (Defamatory Parody or Satire)
110-13 alt Q falsity disputed
110-14 Question and Instruction on Actual Malice (Defamatory Parody or Satire)
110-15 Question and Instructions on Business Disparagement
110-16 Question and Instruction on Intrusion
110-17 Question and Instruction on Publication of Private Facts
110-17 alt Q public concern
110-17 addl instr matter
110-18 Question and Instruction on Invasion of Privacy by Misappropriation
110-19 False Light Invasion of Privacy (Comment)
110-20 Defamation Mitigation Act (Comment)
Chapter 111 Misappropriation of Trade Secrets
111-1 Question and Instructions on Existence of Trade Secret
111-1 alt Q broad form
111-1 sample instrs
111-1 def reverse engineer
111-2 Question and Instructions on Trade-Secret Misappropriation
111-2 addl instr use
11-2 addl Q date
111-2 addl instr former employee
Chapter 115 Damages
115-1 Predicate—Instruction Conditioning Damages Questions on Liability
115-2 Instruction on Whether Compensatory Damages Are Subject to Income Taxes (Actions
Filed on or after September 1, 2003)
115-3 Question on Contract Damages
115-3 addl instr sep theories
115-3 alt instr sep elements
115-3 alt Q insurance
115-4 Sample Instructions on Direct and Incidental Damages—Contracts
115-4 addl sample instrs
115-5 Instructions on Consequential Damages—Contracts
115-6 Question on Promissory Estoppel—Reliance Damages
115-6 alt instr sep elements
115-7 Question on Quantum Meruit Recovery
115-8 Defensive Instruction on Mitigation—Contract Damages
115-9 Question and Instruction on Deceptive Trade Practice Damages
115-9 alt instr sep elements
115-10 Sample Instructions—Deceptive Trade Practice Damages
115-11 Question on Additional Damages—Deceptive Trade Practices
115-12 Contribution—Deceptive Trade Practices Act and Insurance Code Chapter 541
115-13 Question and Instruction on Actual Damages under Insurance Code Chapter 541
115-13 alt instr sep elements
115-14 Question and Instruction on Actual Damages for Breach of Duty of Good Faith and Fair
115-14 alt instr sep elements
115-15 Remedies for Breach of Fiduciary Duty (Comment)
115-16 Question on Profit Disgorgement—Amount of Profit
115-17 Question on Fee Forfeiture—Amount of Fee
115-18 Question on Actual Damages for Breach of Fiduciary Duty
115-18 alt instr sep elements
115-19 Question and Instruction on Direct Damages Resulting from Fraud
115-19 alt instr sep elements
115-20 Question and Instruction on Consequential Damages Caused by Fraud
115-20 alt instr sep elements
115-21 Question and Instruction on Monetary Loss Caused by Negligent Misrepresentation
115-21 alt instr sep elements
15-21 addl instr sep theories
115-22 Question on Damages for Intentional Interference with Existing Contract or for Wrongful
Interference with Prospective Contractual Relations
115-22 alt instr sep elements
115-22 addl instr sep theories
115-24 Sample Instructions on Direct and Incidental Damages—Breach of Employment
115-25 Defensive Instruction on Mitigation—Breach of Employment Agreement Damages
115-26 Question and Instruction on Damages for Wrongful Discharge for Refusing to Perform
an Illegal Act
115-26 alt instr sep elements
115-27 Question and Instructions on Damages for Retaliation under Texas Whistleblower Act
115-27 alt instr sep elements
115-28 Question and Instruction on Damages—Retaliation for Seeking Workers’ Compensation
115-28 alt instr sep elements
115-30 Question and Instruction on Unlawful Employment Practices Damages
115-30 alt instr sep elements
115-31 Predicate Question and Instruction on Exemplary Damages for Unlawful Employment
115-31 alt instr multiple defendants
115-32 Question on Employer Liability for Exemplary Damages for Conduct of Supervisor
115-33 Question and Instructions—Defamation General Damages
115-33 alt instr nominal damages
115-33 alt instr sep elements
115-34 Question and Instructions—Defamation Special Damages
115-34 alt instr sep elements
115-35 Question and Instructions—Invasion of Privacy Damages
115-35 alt instr sep elements
115-36 Proportionate Responsibility
115-36 alt answers addl responsible
115-36 alt Q comparative
115-37 Predicate Question and Instruction on Award of Exemplary Damages
115-37A Question and Instruction for Actions Filed before September 1, 2003
115-37B Question and Instruction for Actions Filed on or after September 1, 2003
115-37 alt Q fraud
15-37 addl instr gross neg
115-37 alt instr multiple defendants
115-38 Question and Instruction on Exemplary Damages
115-38 alt instr pre-2003
115-38 alt instr multiple defendants
115-39 Question and Instruction for Imputing Liability for Exemplary Damages
115-39A Question and Instruction Imputing Malice to a Corporation—Causes of Action Accruing
on or after September 1, 1995, and Filed before September 1, 2003
115-39B Question and Instruction Imputing Gross Negligence to a Corporation—Actions Filed on
or after September 1, 2003
115-40 Question and Instructions—Securing Execution of Document by Deception as a Ground
for Removing Limitation on Exemplary Damages
(Tex. Civ. Prac. & Rem. Code § 41.008(c)(11))
15-40 alt def service
115-40 alt instr pre-2003
115-41 Question and Instruction—Fraudulent Destruction, Removal, Alteration, or Concealment
of Writing as a Ground for Removing Limitation on Exemplary
Damages (Tex. Civ. Prac. & Rem. Code § 41.008(c)(12))
15-41 alt instr pre-2003
115-42 Question and Instructions—Forgery as a Ground for Removing Limitation on Exemplary
Damages (Tex. Civ. Prac. & Rem. Code § 41.008(c)(8))
115-42 alt instr pre-2003
115-43 Question and Instructions—Theft as a Ground for Removing Limitation on Exemplary
Damages (Tex. Civ. Prac. & Rem. Code § 41.008(c)(13))
115-43 alt def 1 deprive
115-43 alt def 2 deprive
115-43 alt instrs consent
115-43 alt instr pre-2003
115-44 Question and Instruction—Commercial (Fiduciary) Bribery as a Ground for Removing
Limitation on Exemplary Damages (Tex. Civ. Prac. & Rem. Code § 41.008(c)(9))
115-44 addl def consent
115-44 addl def benefit
115-44 alt def knowing conduct
115-44 alt Q bribery
115-44 alt instr pre-2003
115-45 Question and Instructions—Misapplication of Fiduciary Property as a Ground for
Removing Limitation on Exemplary Damages
(Tex. Civ. Prac. & Rem. Code § 41.008(c)(10))
115-45 alt def knowing conduct
115-45 addl def agreement
115-45 alt Q financial institution
115-45 alt instr pre-2003
15-46 Other Conduct of Defendant Authorizing Removal of Limitation on Exemplary
Damages Award (Comment)
115-48 Question and Instruction on Damages for Misapplication of Trust Funds under the
Texas Construction Trust Funds Act
115-48 addl instr excuse
115-49 Question and Instructions on Prompt Payment to Contractors and Subcontractors
115-54 Question on Trade-Secret Misappropriation Damages
115-54 alt instr sep elements
115-55 Sample Instructions on Actual Damages—Trade-Secret Misappropriation
115-55 addl sample hypo sale
115-60 Question on Attorney’s Fees
115-60 addl instr factors
Chapter 1
16 Preservation of Charge Error
116-1 Preservation of Charge Error (Comment)
116-2 Broad-Form Issues and The Casteel Doctrine (Comment)