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Latham & Watkins Investment Funds Practice
February 4, 2022 | Number 2927
SEC Proposes Changes to Form PF for Private Equity and
Large Hedge Fund Advisers
Upon publication of the proposed rule in the Federal Register, stakeholders will have a 30-
day period in which to comment.
On January 26, 2022, the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) published a proposed rule that, if
adopted, would modify reporting requirements and thresholds under Form PF for certain registered
investment advisers of private equity funds, hedge funds, and liquidity funds (collectively, private funds).
The proposed rule would:
Require private equity fund and large hedge fund advisers to submit reports (current reports) to the
SEC within one business day of the occurrence of certain triggering events
Lower the reporting threshold for “large private equity fund advisers” from $2 billion to $1.5 billion in
private equity fund assets under management (AUM)
Expand the information that large private equity fund advisers must report in Form PF
Require liquidity fund managers to report information similar to the information that money market
funds report on Form N-MFP
Private Equity Fund Advisers
Reporting Threshold
Form PF is a required filing for registered investment advisers that manage one or more private funds
accounting for at least $150 million in AUM. Form PF imposes a number of additional reporting
requirements for certain large private fund advisers, including large private equity fund advisers.
Currently, a large private equity fund adviser is any adviser that manages private equity funds accounting
for at least $2 billion of such adviser’s AUM. In its proposal, the SEC would reduce this threshold to $1.5
billion, thus expanding the pool of private equity fund managers that would be subject to additional
reporting obligations under Form PF as large private equity fund advisers.
Current Reports
In addition to expanding the group of private equity fund managers subject to additional reporting
requirements as large private equity fund advisers, the proposed rule would increase and enhance the
Latham & Watkins February 4, 2022 | Number 2927 | Page 2
reporting requirements for private equity fund advisers. One such proposed amendment would require all
private equity fund advisers that are required to file Form PF to file survey-style reports with the SEC
one business day
of the occurrence of one or more events, including:
Adviser-led secondary transactions
General partner or limited partner clawbacks
Removal of a fund’s general partner
Termination of the investment period of a fund
Termination of a fund
Additional Disclosures
The SEC’s proposed rule would also increase the additional information large private equity fund advisers
are required to provide in Form PF. Proposed amendments would add prongs for each private equity fund
advised by the manager relating to:
The fund’s investment strategies, including an estimate of the percentage of investment capital
deployed for each such strategy
Restructuring or recapitalization of portfolio companies subsequent to the completion of the fund’s
investment period
Investments in portfolio companies in which another fund advised by the manager or such manager’s
related persons invested in a different class of securities
Use of leverage at the fund-level
Financing of or extension of credit to portfolio companies by the manager or the manager’s related
The fund’s controlled portfolio companies (CPCs) and the borrowings and liabilities of such CPCs
Large Hedge Fund Advisers
Current Reports
The SEC’s proposed rule would also impose current reporting requirements on large hedge fund
advisers, requiring such managers to file current reports with the SEC within
one business day
of the
occurrence of events relating to one of the following:
Extraordinary investment losses over a rolling 10-business-day period
Significant increases in the total dollar value of margin, collateral, or an equivalent over a rolling 10-
business-day period
Receipt of a notice of default by the fund on a call for margin, collateral, or an equivalent, resulting in
a deficit that the fund will not be able to cover or address by adding additional funds
Latham & Watkins February 4, 2022 | Number 2927 | Page 3
A determination by the manager that a fund is unable to meet a call for margin, collateral, or an
Default by a fund’s counterparty on call for margin, collateral, or an equivalent or other payment
A material change in the relationship between a fund and one or more of its prime brokers
Significant decline in unencumbered cash over a rolling 10-business-day period
Significant disruption or degradation of a fund’s key operations
Various events concerning withdrawals and redemptions
Large Liquidity Fund Advisers
Modified Reporting
In addition to the proposed enhanced reporting requirements for large private equity and hedge fund
advisers, the SEC’s proposed rule would modify current reporting requirements for large liquidity fund
advisers to substantially track the information filed by registered money market funds with the SEC, in
particular the information captured in Form N-MFP.
If implemented, the proposed rule could significantly increase the reporting burden under Form PF for
private fund managers by expanding the group of advisers with additional reporting requirements,
imposing immediate reporting requirements on all private equity fund managers and all large hedge fund
managers required to file Form PF upon the occurrence of various triggering events, and increasing the
volume of information large private fund managers must provide in the form.
The proposed rule will be open for comment for a 30-day period upon publication in the Federal Register.
If you have questions about this Client Alert, please contact one of the authors listed below or the Latham
lawyer with whom you normally consult:
Laura N. Ferrell
Nabil Sabki
Daniel A. Filstrup
Latham & Watkins February 4, 2022 | Number 2927 | Page 4
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