QuaesitUM QuaesitUM
Volume 3
Issue 1
Article 7
Change Blindness and Eyewitness Testimony: The Effects of Change Blindness and Eyewitness Testimony: The Effects of
Instruction, Time Intermission, and Gender-matched Observers Instruction, Time Intermission, and Gender-matched Observers
Blake Mitchell
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Mitchell, Blake (2016) "Change Blindness and Eyewitness Testimony: The Effects of Instruction, Time
Intermission, and Gender-matched Observers,"
: Vol. 3: Iss. 1, Article 7.
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Blake Mitchell graduated summa cum laude from the University of Mem-
phis in May 2015, obtaining a Bachelor of Arts degree in Psychology. As
a proud student at the UofM Lambuth campus, he was a member of the
Psychology Club and provided tutoring in a variety of subjects. Through-
out his academic discourse, he was absolutely fascinated with the science
concerning the brain—neuroscience. His interests sit on the frontier of
modern neuroscience: the mysteries surrounding the nature of conscious-
ness and the mechanics that store and retrieve our memories. He also takes
interest in quantum mechanics and how our brain functions at its smallest
scale. Currently, he plans to attend Vanderbilt University, where he hopes
to study cognitive neuroscience and earn his Ph.D. After this endeavor, he
dreams of procuring a career of emphatic devotion to scientic investiga-
tion and becoming a renowned interrogator of nature and an artful commu-
nicator of its reluctant testimonies. He is also the recipient of a Quaesitum
outstanding paper award.
Mitchell: Change Blindness and Eyewitness Testimony: The Effects of Instruc
Published by University of Memphis Digital Commons, 2016
Blake Mitchell
Change Blindness and Eyewitness Testimony: The Effects of
Instruction, Time Intermission, and Gender-matched Observers
Faculty Sponsor
Dr. Cheryl Bowers
QuaesitUM, Vol. 3, Iss. 1 [2016], Art. 7
Mitchell: Change Blindness and Eyewitness Testimony: The Effects of Instruc
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The purpose of this research was to further examine the parameters of
change blindness and its relevance to eyewitness identication by inves-
tigating the effects of instruction, time intermission, and gender-matched
observers. Participants were shown a short video depicting an opportu-
nity theft in which the identity of the burglar, and that of his accomplice,
changed throughout the lm. Half of the participants were given instruc-
tions to pay close attention, while the other half were not. All were tested
for awareness of change and content recall. As hypothesized, 82% of
participants did not notice substitutions among the perpetrators. Awareness
of change had some unexpected but interesting relationships with our oth-
er independent variables, the results of which are discussed in detail along
with corrective measures for future research. Collectively, the ndings of
this study delve deeper into the mechanics of change blindness, thereby
further illuminating the sophisticated interrelation between change blind-
ness and eyewitness testimony.
Note from author: This study was a collaborative effort to fulll requirements for a
PSYCH Stats & Research class at the University of Memphis Lambuth Campus. While
this paper is solely authored by me, the conception, preparation, and execution of its
contents are credited to each contributor equally: Naomi Adams, Mary Church, Kathryn
Cochran, Brittney Goode, Penny Hensley, Madison Kuykendall, Blake Mitchell, Brianna
Morton, Dianna Moss, Andrew Rush, Christy Williams, with faculty sponsor Dr. Cheryl
QuaesitUM, Vol. 3, Iss. 1 [2016], Art. 7
Change blindness is a psychological phenomenon that occurs when
a change in a visual stimulus goes unnoticed by its observer. This phenom-
enon can be likened to continuity errors in movies, where an object might
erroneously change location or position from one cut to another (e.g. a
vase is knocked over in one frame but then is standing upright in the next).
In most cases, this change in the background, or even foreground, is not
often noticed by the audience until after it is pointed out to them; in psy-
chology, this is known as change blindness. In recent years, research has
been conducted on this phenomenon in efforts to better understand some
of its qualities. In one of the earliest studies involving change blindness
(Levin & Simons, 1997), participants watched a short video of a person
getting up to answer a telephone call. Just before the actor reaches the
phone, a change in camera positioning coupled with a lm cut allows the
actor to swap identities with a completely new actor. Even though these
two actors differed dramatically in appearance, most of the viewers did not
report noticing this rather substantial, but intentional, continuity error. The
ndings of this study raised awareness of change blindness and ignited a
great interest within the scientic community, especially from groups who
were particularly interested in selective attention and short term memory.
Researchers were eager to explore the boundaries of change blind-
ness. Some posited that the awareness of change existed in the observers
subconscious but simply wasn’t available for retrieval (Simons, et al.,
2002). With regard to subconscious retention, “the observer must form a
consciously accessible visual representation of the original stimulus that
can be tracked over time and form a basis for later recognition” (Most, et
al., 2005). Subsequent work began to address on the seeming interrelation
between change blindness and eyewitness testimony. The idea was that
this aw in our attenuation system had some relevance to the clockwork
behind faulty eyewitness testimony and the misidentication of perpetra-
tors. Recent research has illustrated this interrelation between the eyewit-
ness and change blindness literatures (Davies & Hine, 2007), identifying
multiple risk factors of change blindness. In their study, Davies and Hine
created a 2-min video clip depicting an opportunity theft from a student
house. Midway through the lm, the burglar’s identity changed (aided by
lming techniques). The participants in this study were split randomly into
two groups: the intentional group and the incidental group. Participants in
Mitchell: Change Blindness and Eyewitness Testimony: The Effects of Instruc
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the intentional group were told to pay close attention to the contents of the
lm because they would be tested later on. Participants in the incidental
group were given an ominous description of the video along with a false
pretense for its purpose. The paradigm was set up this way in order to test
whether or not priming participants to focus and pay attention would have
a signicant effect on awareness of change rates and content recall scores.
In total, only 39% of all the participants noticed the burglars identity
change during the lm. Participants who noticed the change were, as de-
scribed by Davies and Hine, “drawn disproportionally from the intentional
condition, a highly signicant effect” showing that the priming received
by the intentional group was effective. Participants who were in the inten-
tional group also received signicantly higher content questionnaire scores
than did those in the incidental group. Lastly, in an effort to explicitly
demonstrate the interrelation between change blindness and eyewitness
testimony, Davies and Hine also created a photo lineup from which par-
ticipants were asked to identify the perpetrator. The results conrmed that
participants in the intentional condition were signicantly more likely to
correctly select both actors than were participants in the incidental group.
Davies & Hine report that “all the participants who recognized both actors
detected the change, whereas none of participants who did not notice se-
lected both burglars from the lineup.” From this research, one can reason-
ably conclude that priming participants to pay attention does in fact have a
positive effect on notice of change and content recall. Furthermore, Da-
vies and Hine adequately demonstrated a signicant relationship between
change blindness and eyewitness testimony by incorporating a photo
lineup in their paradigm. The current research wishes to build on these
ideas—further testing their validity—and also incorporate new indepen-
dent variables such as time intermission and gender-matched observers.
Hypotheses and Design
The research detailed by this paper was modeled after the research
done by Davies & Hine (2007), including the creation of a video that
depicts an opportunity theft and a follow-up content questionnaire. In our
study, there were two main dependent variables: (a) awareness of change
and (b) memory score on the content questionnaire. In addition to Davies
and Hine’s burglar, we added another factor to the paradigm: a lookout
QuaesitUM, Vol. 3, Iss. 1 [2016], Art. 7
for the burglar. As Davies and Hine did, we hypothesized that those in
the intentional group would be more likely to notice the changes and less
prone to change blindness. Going beyond Davies and Hine’s research, we
also hypothesized that the interval between change, or the time intermis-
sion that occurred between the identity swaps, would have an impact on
awareness of change. Specically, participants were expected to identify
the change in the burglar more often than the lookout because the burglar
change happened within a few seconds. Alternatively, participants were
expected to fail to notice the change in the lookouts since approximately
two minutes elapsed between the switch. Also, beyond Davies and Hine’s
analysis, we intentionally selected male actors to play the burglar and fe-
male actresses to play the lookout. We hypothesized that male and female
participants would perform differently on their notice of change based on
the gender of the target. While expecting a difference, we did not predict
whether males would do better at noticing the male burglar or female
lookout identity change. Likewise, while expecting a difference, we did
not predict whether females would do better at noticing the change in the
male burglar or female lookout.
A community college sample of 55 participants were pooled to-
gether from four separate General Psychology classes. We designated two
of the classes to the intentional group, while the remaining two classes be-
came the incidental group. The groups were not perfectly equal in volume,
although they were relatively close, and they did not contain an equal ratio
of male to female participants (40 males and 15 females).
We lmed a 4-min video specically for this experiment that de-
picted an opportunity theft from a vacant house. The lm consists of four
actors: two males (burglar) and two females (lookout). The rst female
actress who played the lookout in the rst scene was of average build
with brown hair and a rounded face; she wore a dark shirt with bold white
letters on the front; she sat with casual posture and appeared tranquil. The
second female actress who played the lookout in the nal scene was of
slim build with brown hair and a narrow face; she wore a black shirt with
small letters on the front; she sat with poor posture and appeared worried.
The rst male actor who played the burglar on screen for the rst half
of the lm had a heavier build with dark brown hair and a rounded face;
Mitchell: Change Blindness and Eyewitness Testimony: The Effects of Instruc
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he wore a black hoodie with blue jeans, green shoes, and carried a black
backpack; he moved at a slow pace and conducted himself calmly. The
second male actor who played the burglar on screen for the second half of
the lm had an average-to-heavy build with light brown hair and a round-
ed face; he wore a black hoodie with black pants, blue shoes, and carried
the exact same backpack; he moved with haste and was in much more of a
hurry than the rst actor.
The lm opened with a long shot of a white SUV cruising up the
street toward the camera. A cut is made to the drivers side of the parked
vehicle, in which Lookout 1 is seen glancing down at her phone. The lm
then shows Burglar 1 walking down the street toward a house. The bur-
glar uses a crowbar to enter the house and begins searching for valuables.
He searches the living room and nds a camera, a laptop, and a gaming
controller. Burglar 1 then walks into the kitchen and disappears around a
corner. The camera then changes position to the inside of a bedroom where
Burglar 2 is seen entering. He searches the room and nds an iPad, a stack
of cash, jewelry, and headphones. He glances at his phone for a moment
and then leaves the room and exits the house. The lm cuts to an outside
view of the burglar leaving and pans over to the driver’s side of the white
SUV, where Lookout 2 is seen watching the burglar approach her. The
burglar proceeds to load the vehicle with the stolen items and drives off
with the lookout. The female lookout actresses were on screen for approx-
imately 20 seconds each and the male burglar actors were on screen for
approximately 90 seconds each.
We created a content questionnaire that was prefaced by open-end-
ed questions about what the participant saw. The rst questions, (“Did you
notice anything unusual about the burglar throughout the lm? If so, de-
scribe.”) and (“Did you notice anything change about the burglar through-
out the lm?”) probed for evidence of awareness of changed identity
with regard to the male burglar. This was followed with a set of mirrored
questions related to the female lookout. The rest of questionnaire featured
questions that tested content recall such as (“In the blanks below, please
list 6 items that you remember being stolen in the lm), which we convert-
ed into a memory score.
The participants were tested one class at a time by two experiment-
ers: one to handle materials and one for presentation. When the intentional
QuaesitUM, Vol. 3, Iss. 1 [2016], Art. 7
condition was being tested, the participants were instructed to pay close
attention to the lm because there would be a content questionnaire to ll
out afterwards. Participants in the incidental condition were simply given
an ominous description of the lm they were about to watch: “A short lm
depicting an opportunity theft that conveys the importance of increased
campus security.” After the lm, all participants were given the same con-
tent questionnaire to complete. The experimenters stressed that everyone
should work on their own and remain silent until everyone had completed
the questionnaire. As a precaution, we made sure to delay debrieng until
all of the participants had been tested to maintain internal validity.
Notice of Change vs. No Notice of Change
A chi-square goodness-of-t test was calculated comparing the fre-
quency of occurrence of participants who noticed the male burglar change
to those who did not notice the change. It was hypothesized that most
participants would not notice the male burglar change. A signicant differ-
ence was found (χ² (1) = 22.273, p < .01) between participants who did not
notice a change (n = 45) and participants who did notice a change (n = 10).
As hypothesized, most participants were affected by change blindness and
did not notice the male burglar change.
A chi-square goodness-of-t test was also calculated comparing
the frequency of occurrence of participants who noticed the female driv-
er change to those who did not notice a change. It was hypothesized that
most participants would not notice the female driver change. A signicant
difference was found (χ² (1) = 36.818, p < .01) between participants who
did not notice a change (n = 50) and participants who did notice a change
(n = 5); as hypothesized, most participants were affected by change blind-
ness and did not notice either change.
The Effect of Instruction on Change Blindness
A chi-square test of independence was calculated comparing the
frequency of participants who noticed the male burglar change and fe-
male driver changes in the intentional condition to that of the incidental
condition. It was hypothesized that signicantly more participants in the
intentional condition would notice the male burglar and the female driver
changes than participants in the incidental condition. No signicant rela-
tionship was found between condition and whether or not the participant
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noticed the female driver change (χ² (1) = .066, p > .05). A signicant re-
lationship, however, was found between condition and whether or not the
participant noticed the male burglar change (χ² (1) = 3.194, p < .05). The
results show that participants who were primed to pay attention were more
likely to notice the change in the male burglar, but not the female driver.
The Effect of Instruction on Memory Score
An independent-sample t-test was computed to compare the mem-
ory scores of participants in the intentional condition to memory scores of
participants in the incidental condition. It was hypothesized that memory
scores would be signicantly higher for participants in the intentional con-
dition. No signicant difference was found (t(53) = 1.187, p > .05), how-
ever, between the memory scores of participants in the intentional group
(M = 7, sd = 1.56) and the memory scores of participants in the incidental
group (M = 6.5, sd = 1.42). Being primed to pay attention, therefore, did
not have a signicant impact on content memory.
The Effect of Time Intermission on Change Blindness
A chi-square test of independence was calculated comparing the
frequency of participants who noticed a change in the male burglar (no
time interval) to that of the female driver (two minute interval). A signi-
cant difference was found (χ² (1) = 6.466, p < .05). The results show that
signicantly more participants noticed the male burglar change (n = 10)
than the female driver change (n = 5). This result suggests that time-inter-
mission had a signicant impact on change blindness, but this interpreta-
tion is not fully supported by the statistics used (full analysis found in the
discussion section).
The Effect of Gender-Matched Observers on Change Blindness
A chi-square test of independence was also calculated comparing
the frequency of male participants who noticed the male burglar change to
female participants who noticed the male burglar change. It was hypoth-
esized that there would be a signicant interaction between male partici-
pants and recognition of male burglar change. No signicant interaction
was found (χ² (1) = .490, p > .05), however. Gender matched participants
did not differ signicantly from non-gender matched participants in
whether or not they noticed the male burglar change.
A chi-square test of independence was also calculated comparing
QuaesitUM, Vol. 3, Iss. 1 [2016], Art. 7
the frequency of female participants who noticed the female driver change
to male participants who noticed the female driver change. It was hypoth-
esized that there would be a signicant interaction between female partic-
ipants and recognition of female driver change, but no signicant interac-
tion was found (χ² (1) = .636, p > .05). Gender matched participants did
not differ signicantly from non-gender matched participants in whether
or not they noticed the male burglar change.
As expected, 82% of participants did not notice the identity change
of the male burglar and 91% of participants did not notice the identity
change of the female lookout. In other words, most participants, regard-
less of which condition they were in, did not show signs of awareness of
the changes made in identities throughout the lm. Although this result
had the highest expectation, we were still surprised by how high the rates
were for change blindness. The changes in clothing and appearance, even
if argued as subtle, were accompanied by radical changes in demeanor
between the actors. We therefore recommend that future research push
change blindness further by creating even more discernable differences
between actors (perhaps incorporate a shift from dull colored attire to
brightly colored attire).
With regard to the effects of instruction, there was a signicant re-
lationship between awareness of change of the male burglar’s identity and
condition, indicating that priming participants to pay close attention had a
positive effect on change blindness. This result was anticipated due to re-
sults obtained by Davies & Hine (2007). However, awareness of change of
female lookout did not share the same relationship with condition. At this
point in the analysis, a bit of ambiguity surrounds this result, for it could
be caused by the time intermission variable that distinguishes the burglar
from the lookout identity swaps, or it might be related to the gender of the
actors. Further speculation also raises a concern of overlay between our
variables, which would justify further study.
In terms of the interaction between instruction and memory score,
we were surprised to nd that there was no signicant difference between
the memory score of participants who were instructed to pay close atten-
tion and that of participants who were not, indicating that ‘priming’ partic-
ipants to remember content did not signicantly affect their memory score.
This result was perhaps the most unexpected because it disagrees with
Mitchell: Change Blindness and Eyewitness Testimony: The Effects of Instruc
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Davies’ research. We believe this result may be due to the difculty of our
content questionnaire. Our memory score was heavily based on how many
stolen items the participant could ‘recall’ from their memory after watch-
ing the lm. In any situation, we know that content recall (ll in the blank)
is much more difcult than content recognition (multiple choice). Further-
more, it could be argued that the items stolen in the video were not com-
prised of prototypical objects in their respective category. For instance, the
camera that was snatched up was a digital camera that was small and com-
pact; it could have been mistaken for something else. Some of the objects
were also displayed in poor lighting, which should be addressed in future
paradigms of similar nature. Lastly, we propose a more dynamic memory
score be created for future research, one that includes a mixture of both
recognition and recall questions; this should yield a more effective tool for
accurately conveying both the quality and quantity of content retention.
In addressing one of our unique hypotheses, awareness of change
appears to be signicantly related to the time intermission between each
identity change. This interpretation derives from the data analysis show-
ing that signicantly more participants noticed the male burglar identity
change (no intermission) than the female driver change (two-and-a-half
minute intermission), which would indicate that change blindness is, at the
very least, somewhat dependent on time intermission. This result seems
to alleviate our confusion about an earlier result—the absence of a rela-
tionship between awareness of change of female lookout and condition.
However, upon review, this result should still be treated with caution due
to a reasonable possibility of variable confounding. It is possible that other
variables, such as the burglar’s gender or his role in the lm, might have
contributed or had an unwelcomed effect on the recorded result. Therefore,
the analysis does not serve as sufcient evidence to support the claim that
time-intermission signicantly affected awareness of change within our
study; however, it does not evoke a rejection of our hypothesis, either. Fu-
ture research should further investigate the relevancy of time-intermission
on change blindness by taking greater care in controlling for this variable,
for there are still adequate reasons to pursue this facet of change blindness.
Lastly, no signicant interaction was found between gen-
der-matched participants and awareness of change, indicating that aware-
ness of change of either the male or female perpetrators was not inuenced
by the participant’s gender. This result was neither expected nor unexpect-
ed, as we did not have predictions for this variable. It is also worth noting
QuaesitUM, Vol. 3, Iss. 1 [2016], Art. 7
that our participant pool was not made up of an equal number of male and
female participants, which we fear may have skewed the results on this
particular test. Of course, future research would do well to control for an
equal ratio of male to female participants when testing for this variable.
Nevertheless, these results mostly strengthen the ndings of prior
research conducted by Davies & Hines (2007) and adequately demonstrate
the relevance of change blindness on eyewitness identication literature.
At this point in the investigation, it would be logically indefensible to deny
the validity of change blindness or the fact that primed individuals are
less likely to experience it. This study succeeds in further examining the
infrastructure of this phenomenon and makes laudable attempts at explor-
ing the relevancy of two unique variables—the effects of time intermission
and gender-matched observers. Although certainty was not obtained from
every result, the groundwork has certainly been laid for future research to
build on these ideas and learn from the limitation mentioned above.
The study of change blindness is certainly important in understand-
ing more about how attention, perception, and memory are intertwined,
but this line of research has an even greater practical application in our
justice system—where eyewitness misidentication has led to a stagger-
ing number of wrongful convictions. The change blindness found in this
study builds on previous research in demonstrating the fallible nature
of memory and reveals that eyewitness testimony may not be the most
reliable resource in ascertaining the truth. Unfortunately, this is contrary
to what many judges, litigators, and active jurors may currently believe.
Eyewitness testimony is currently held in high regard in terms of accura-
cy and reliability; more disturbingly, it has served as the turning point in
securing thousands of successful, but wrongful convictions. A rst step in
minimizing this problem begins with encouraging researchers in eyewit-
ness testimony to take a closer look at the relevance of change blindness,
and to begin disseminating their ndings to the public and to our judicial
ofcials. The goal is to reform public predispositions about eyewitness
testimony by revealing the fallible nature of memory and instances where
change blindness comes into play.
Mitchell: Change Blindness and Eyewitness Testimony: The Effects of Instruc
Published by University of Memphis Digital Commons, 2016
Davies, G., & Hine, S. (2007). Change Blindness and Eyewitness
Testimony. Journal of Psychology, 141(4), 423-434.
Levin, D. T., & Simons, D. J. (1997). Failure to detect changes to attended
objects in motion pictures. Psychonomic Bulletin and Review, 4,
Most, S. B., Scholl, B. J., Clifford, E. R., & Simons, D. J. (2005). What
you see is what you set: Sustained inattentional blindness and the
capture of awareness. Psychological Review, 112, 217-242.
Simons, D. J., Chabris, C. F., Schnur, T. T., & Levin, D. T. (2002).
Evidence for preserved representations of change blindness.
Consciousness and Cognition, 11, 78-97.
QuaesitUM, Vol. 3, Iss. 1 [2016], Art. 7