Mary Elizabeth Davis, PhD
Superintendent of Schools
P.O. Box 769
Canton, Georgia 30169
The Cherokee County School District (CCSD) Academic Achievement Recognition
Manual is designed to provide information on ways in which students are
acknowledged for their academic accomplishments. Some recognitions are dependent
upon school participation, student participation and or academic performance levels.
Please contact your local school for current information regarding which recognition
programs they participate in annually.
Table of Contents *
Click on title to advance to that section
*These Recognitions are dependent upon school participation and are not mandatory.
Elementary School Academic Achievement Awards and Recognition .............................................. 5
Awards and Recognition ........................................................................................................................................................ 5
Report Cards ............................................................................................................................................................................. 5
Modified Curriculum Grades 3-12 ....................................................................................................................................... 5
Attendance ............................................................................................................................................................................... 5
CCSD Academic Bowl* ........................................................................................................................................................... 5
CCSD Reading Bowl* .............................................................................................................................................................. 5
Citizenship Award ................................................................................................................................................................... 5
Georgia Young Authors Writing Competition .................................................................................................................. 5
Honor Roll ................................................................................................................................................................................. 6
Junior Beta Club Division I Grades 4-5 ........................................................................................................................... 6
Merit List ................................................................................................................................................................................... 6
PTA Reflections Contest* ...................................................................................................................................................... 6
President’s Award for Educational Achievement ............................................................................................................ 6
President’s Award for Educational Excellence ................................................................................................................. 7
Presidential Youth Fitness Program .................................................................................................................................... 7
Science Olympiad .................................................................................................................................................................... 7
Social Studies Fair* .................................................................................................................................................................. 7
Spelling Bee .............................................................................................................................................................................. 7
Student Council* ...................................................................................................................................................................... 7
Yes I Can Awards ..................................................................................................................................................................... 8
Middle School Academic Achievement Awards and Recognition ............................................... 9
Report Cards ............................................................................................................................................................................. 9
Attendance ............................................................................................................................................................................... 9
Honor Roll ................................................................................................................................................................................. 9
Merit List ................................................................................................................................................................................... 9
All-State Band* ........................................................................................................................................................................ 9
All-State Chorus* ..................................................................................................................................................................... 9
CCSD Academic Bowl .......................................................................................................................................................... 10
CCSD Reading Bowl.............................................................................................................................................................. 10
CCSD Tome Student Literacy Society* ............................................................................................................................ 10
Citizenship Award ................................................................................................................................................................. 10
Georgia Young Authors Writing Competition ................................................................................................................ 10
Junior Beta Club Division II Grades 6-8 ........................................................................................................................ 10
PTA Reflections Contest* .................................................................................................................................................... 10
President’s Award for Educational Achievement .......................................................................................................... 11
President’s Award for Educational Excellence ............................................................................................................... 11
Presidential Youth Fitness Program .................................................................................................................................. 11
Principal’s Academic Awards .............................................................................................................................................. 11
Science Fair* ........................................................................................................................................................................... 11
Social Studies Fair* ................................................................................................................................................................ 12
Optimist Club Awards for Students in the ACHIEVE Program .................................................................................. 12
Spelling Bee ............................................................................................................................................................................ 12
Student Council* .................................................................................................................................................................... 12
High School Academic Achievement Awards, Recognition and Honors ................................ 13
Report Cards ........................................................................................................................................................................... 13
Honor Roll ............................................................................................................................................................................... 13
Academic Excellence Certificate ........................................................................................................................................ 13
Academic Letters ................................................................................................................................................................... 13
All-State Band* ...................................................................................................................................................................... 13
All-State Chorus* ................................................................................................................................................................... 13
CCSD Tome Student Literacy Society* ............................................................................................................................ 14
Cherokee County Scholars Banquet ................................................................................................................................. 14
Cherokee County Who’s Who ........................................................................................................................................... 14
Citizenship Award ................................................................................................................................................................. 14
Class Officers/Student Government Association Representative (SGA) ................................................................. 14
Daughters of the American Revolution (DAR) Good Citizen Award ......................................................................... 14
Georgia Certificate of Merit ................................................................................................................................................ 15
Georgia Scholar ...................................................................................................................................................................... 15
Georgia Young Authors Writing Competition ................................................................................................................ 15
Girls State/Boys State* ........................................................................................................................................................ 15
Governor’s Honors Program (GHP) ................................................................................................................................... 15
Honor Graduates ................................................................................................................................................................... 15
Hugh O’Brian Youth Leadership Program (HOBY) ........................................................................................................ 15
Lamp of Knowledge .............................................................................................................................................................. 16
National Beta Club ................................................................................................................................................................ 16
National Honor Society........................................................................................................................................................ 16
National Merit Scholarship Program ................................................................................................................................. 16
National Recognition Program ........................................................................................................................................... 16
National Technical Honor Society (NTHS........................................................................................................................ 16
PTA Reflections Contest* .................................................................................................................................................... 16
President’s Award for Educational Achievement .......................................................................................................... 16
President’s Award for Educational Excellence ............................................................................................................... 17
Presidential Youth Fitness Program .................................................................................................................................. 17
Principal’s Leadership Award .............................................................................................................................................. 17
Ray Kroc Youth Achievement Award ............................................................................................................................... 17
STAR Student ......................................................................................................................................................................... 17
Scholar Athlete ...................................................................................................................................................................... 18
Scholarships ............................................................................................................................................................................ 18
Science Fair* ........................................................................................................................................................................... 18
Social Studies Fair* ................................................................................................................................................................ 18
Optimist Club Awards for Students in the ACHIEVE Program ................................................................................... 18
Superintendent’s Key Scholar Program............................................................................................................................ 19
Teen Leadership Cherokee ................................................................................................................................................. 19
United States Presidential Scholars Program ................................................................................................................. 19
United States Senate Youth Program ............................................................................................................................... 19
Valedictorian/Salutatorian .................................................................................................................................................. 19
Wendy’s High School Heisman Award ............................................................................................................................. 19
Century Leaders............................................................................................................................................................. 20
Superintendent’s Key Scholar Program........................................................................................................ APPENDIX A
Additional Student Recognition Opportunities .......................................................................................... APPENDIX B
Special Education Awards of Excellence ...................................................................................................... APPENDIX C
Elementary School Academic Achievement
Awards and Recognition
Elementary schools honor student achievements as follows:
Report Cards--The reporting of student progress to parents follows District procedures and is in
accordance with Georgia Statutes, Georgia Board of Education administrative rules, and School
Board Policies, rules and regulations. Report cards are issued at the end of every nine weeks of
school and cover a period of approximately 45 school days. Report cards are distributed to students
for delivery to their parents/guardians according to the annual School District calendar. CCSD
Grading Guidelines can be found
Modified Curriculum Grades 3-12
Students on a modified curriculum who are assessed using the Georgia Alternate Assessment
(GAA), will receive grades based on individual needs and connected to grade-level standards on a
pre-requisite/entry level. The students will be assessed on their content knowledge and
independent level in all academic subject areas. Students with the most significant needs (Engage
program) will be assessed on their level of engagement in all academic subject areas. The students
will be evaluated using the same reporting procedures as their grade-level peers.
Attendance certificates are awarded for the following categories of attendance:
Platinum Award for Perfect Attendance: For no absences, tardies, or early check-outs.
Gold Award for Perfect Attendance: For no absences and fewer than five tardies/early
Silver Award for Excellent Attendance: For three or fewer absences and fewer than five
tardies/early check-outs.
Award of Merit for Excellent Attendance: For three or fewer absences.
CCSD Academic Bowl
The CCSD Academic Bowl is a timed competition designed to encourage academic achievement. At
the elementary school level competition is open to students in grades 4-5.
CCSD Reading Bowl
The CCSD Reading Bowl is a timed competition designed to encourage reading. Open to students
grades four through eight, the CCSD Reading Bowl features questions from books selected by the
CCSD Reading Bowl Committee.
Citizenship Award
National Association of Elementary School Principals (NAESP) and the National Association of
Secondary School Principals (NASSP) jointly administer the American Citizenship Award. Model
students who receive this prestigious honor inspire and encourage other students to strive to be
better citizens. Criteria is established at the local school level.
Georgia Young Authors Writing Competition
Georgia Young Authors Writing Contest encourages students to develop enthusiasm for and
expertise in their writing, provides a context to celebrate writing successes, and recognizes student
achievement in arts and academics. The competition has been engaging Georgia students for more
than two decades and is open to any student currently enrolled in Georgia’s public schools, grades
Honor Roll
Honor Roll consists of students who earn all As in each academic subject in grades 4-5 each
quarter. Neither participation courses nor conduct is considered to determine Honor Roll.
Junior Beta Club Division I Grades 4-5
To promote the ideals of academic achievement, character, service and leadership among
elementary and secondary school students.
To be eligible for membership for the Junior Beta Club, the student must meet all of the following
Earn all A’s in all core academic classes in previous and/or current school year ELA,
Reading, Math, Science, and Social Studies
Achieve a 3 or 4 on the previous year’s Georgia Milestones Assessment in ELA and Math
Exhibit exemplary behavior, character and attitude
Have no more than 5 unexcused absences in previous and/or current school year
Believing that exemplary student effort and achievement should be encouraged and rewarded, and
seeking to cultivate ideals of service and leadership in our citizens of tomorrow, the governing body
of the National Honorary Beta Club has instituted this organization for promotion of these ideals
and those stated in the Beta Creed. As a member of the Junior Beta Club in Cherokee County,
students must adhere to the Beta mission and learn to embrace and embody its four pillars.
Merit List
Merit List consists of students who earn all As and/or Bs in each academic subject in grades 4-5
each quarter. Neither participation courses nor conduct is considered to determine Merit List. If a
student is on the Honor Roll, he/she is not included on the Merit List.
Academic Subjects include
Accelerated Intellectual Movement--AIM
Social Studies
Students who receive one of these designations are recognized within the school.
PTA Reflections Contest
PTA Reflections is a nationally acclaimed student recognition program to encourage artistic
creativity in the classroom and at home. Students will reflect on a common theme and create
original works of art in the categories of dance choreography, film production, literature, music
composition, photography and visual arts. Students of all grades and abilities may participate.
President’s Award for Educational Achievement
The purpose of this award is to recognize students that show outstanding educational growth,
improvement, commitment or intellectual development in their academic subjects but do not meet
the criteria for the President’s Award for Educational Excellence. This award is not comparable to
the President’s Award for Educational Excellence and should not be used or seen as a second tier
award, for it recognizes a very different type of academic achievement. It is meant to encourage
and reward students who work hard and give their best effort in school, often in the face of special
obstacles to their learning.
President’s Award for Educational Excellence
The purpose of this award is to recognize academic success in the classroom. To be eligible for this
award, students at each award level (elementary, middle, or high school) must meet rigorous
requirements for Grade Point Average or School Criteria/Standards and either Standardized
Achievement Test or recommendation by a teacher plus one other staff member for outstanding
achievement in a core curriculum course.
Presidential Youth Fitness Program
The Presidential Youth Fitness Program provides educators with the necessary tools and
information to achieve excellence through quality fitness education and assessment practices. The
Presidential Youth Fitness Program was launched in 2012 to phase out the Presidential Physical
Fitness Test. This program to assess student fitness levels now provides additional tools and
resources to ensure students are fit for life. With an evolved approach, the fitness assessment has
moved away from recognizing athletic fitness to providing a barometer on student’s health.
To be eligible to receive a Presidential Youth Fitness Award, a student must score in the Healthy
Fitness Zone® in at least five test categories of the Fitness Gram assessment.
With the introduction of Fitness Gram, participation in the Presidential Youth Fitness Program is an
optional school-based activity.
Science Olympiad
Science Olympiad is one of the premier science competitions in the nation, providing rigorous,
standards-based challenges to teams in all 50 states. The vision of Science Olympiad is to increase
student and teacher participation in science, technology, engineering and math (STEM). Science
Olympiad events take advantage of the natural curiosity of each student and allow for in-depth
hands-on experiences. Events may involve chemistry, biology, physics, engineering, meteorology,
astronomy, geology, and more. Some events are academic events where you take a test at the
competition. Some events are lab events where you do something hands-on and possibly take a
written test as well. And others are building events where you design, build, and test a device and
then bring it to the tournament to compete, or possibly even built a new device during the event
using the skills learned from participating on a Science Olympiad team.
Social Studies Fair
Local, regional and state social studies fairs annually present exhibitions of student work from
grades 5- 12. Each project is designed to show research and conclusions about the study of people
and their relationships to their physical and social environment.
Spelling Bee
Spelling bees offer an opportunity for students to exhibit their proficiency in the art of spelling. All
students in grades 4-8 will have the opportunity to participate at the school level.
Student Council
Any student meeting the academic eligibility requirement of the respective school may place his or
her name in nomination for student council representative. Candidates must follow the guidelines
for speeches and posters provided in the nomination/information packet of the respective school.
Elections for student council officers will be determined by the student government by-laws of the
respective school. This process will occur in the spring, unless otherwise requested by the Student
Council and principal and authorized by the Office of School Operations.
Yes I Can Awards
Each elementary school will award one recipient per grade level to receive the “Yes I Can” Award
during your school’s end of the year awards ceremony. The categories you can choose from are
Academics- Write a paragraph describing how your student has made progress/changes that
have affected their academic development.
The Arts- Write a paragraph describing how the student created a project and how it has
impacted his/her creativity.
School and Community- Write a paragraph sharing how the student has impacted his/her
school and community.
Self-advocacy- Write a paragraph describing how the student is using self-advocacy skills to
impact his/her education
Technology- Share the type of technology the student is now using to influence his/her
school day.
Department of Special Education will email principals to nominate one overall winner at their school
to be recognize at the School Board meeting. Nominating teachers must write a paragraph
describing how the student has made progress/changes in the category selected. School staff must
confirm with parents that they consent to this public recognition prior to submission to the
Department of Special Education. Students will be recognized at a School Board meeting.
Middle School Academic Achievement
Awards and Recognition
Middle schools honor student achievements are as follows:
Report Cards
The reporting of student progress to parents follows District procedures and is in accordance with
Georgia Statutes, Georgia Board of Education administrative rules, and School Board Policies, rules
and regulations. Report cards are issued at the end of every nine weeks of school and cover a
period of approximately 45 school days. Report cards are distributed to students for delivery to
their parents/guardians according to the annual School District calendar. CCSD Grading Guidelines
can be found here.
Attendance certificates are awarded for the following categories of attendance:
Platinum Award for Perfect Attendance: For no absences, tardies, or early check-outs.
Gold Award for Perfect Attendance: For no absences and fewer than five tardies/early
Silver Award for Excellent Attendance: For three or fewer absences and fewer than five
tardies/early check-outs.
Award of Merit for Excellent Attendance: For three or fewer absences.
Honor Roll
Honor Roll consists of students who earn all A’s in each academic subject each quarter/semester.
Conduct is not considered when determining Honor Roll.
Merit List
Merit List consists of students who earn all A’s and/or B’s in each academic subject each
quarter/semester. Conduct is not considered when determining Merit List. If a student is on the
Honor Roll, he/she is not included on the Merit List.
Academic subjects include:
English Literature/Composition
Social Studies
Spanish I
Literacy Workshop
Physical Education
Connection Classes
Students who receive one of these designations are recognized within the school.
All-State Band
The Georgia Music Educators Association (GMEA) sponsors an All-State Band annually to showcase
the most talented students in the state of Georgia. Students are selected for participation by an
extremely competitive audition process.
tate Chorus
The Georgia Music Educators Association (GMEA) sponsors All-State Chorus to provide Georgia
choral students (grades 7-12) an opportunity to rehearse and perform with a large group of singers
who have demonstrated advanced skills in the areas of singing and music reading and to work with
a renowned conductor.
CCSD Academic Bowl
The CCSD Academic Bowl is a timed competition designed to encourage academic achievement. At
the middle level, competition is open to students in grades 6-8.
CCSD Reading Bowl
The CCSD Reading Bowl is a timed competition designed to encourage reading. Open to students
grades four through eight, the CCSD Reading Bowl features questions from books selected by the
CCSD Reading Bowl Committee.
CCSD Tome Student Literacy Society
CCSD Tome Student Literacy Society provides student competitions across multiple literacies
among 6
grade students. Service, collaboration, competition-based club activities, and clean,
entertaining, encouraging literature are available to promote self-esteem, leadership skills, character
ethics, and nurture critical thinking, creativity, and imagination in the digital age.
Citizenship Award
National Association of Elementary School Principals (NAESP) and the National Association of
Secondary School Principals (NASSP) jointly administer the American Citizenship Award. Model
students who receive this prestigious honor inspire and encourage other students to strive to be
better citizens. Criteria is established at the local school level.
Georgia Young Authors Writing Competition
Georgia Young Authors Writing Contest encourages students to develop enthusiasm for and
expertise in their writing, provides a context to celebrate writing successes, and recognizes student
achievement in arts and academics. The competition has been engaging Georgia students for more
than two decades and is open to any student currently enrolled in Georgia’s public schools, grades
Junior Beta Club Division II Grades 6-8
To promote the ideals of academic achievement, character, service and leadership among
elementary and secondary school students.
To be eligible for membership for the Junior Beta Club, the student must meet all of the following
Earn all A’s in all core academic classes in previous and/or current school year English
Lit/Comp; Literacy Workshop, Math, Science, and Social Studies (in Elementary School,
gifted resource class is also included)
Achieve a 3 or 4 on the previous year’s Georgia Milestones Assessment in ELA and Math
Exhibit exemplary behavior, character and attitude
Have no more than 5 unexcused absences in previous and/or current school year
The governing body of the National Honorary Beta Club has instituted this organization for
encouraging and rewarding exemplary student effort and achievement, while cultivating service and
leadership in the citizens of tomorrow. As a member of the Junior Beta Club in Cherokee County,
students must adhere to the Beta mission and learn to embrace and embody its four pillars.
PTA Reflections Contest
PTA Reflections is a nationally acclaimed student recognition program to encourage artistic
creativity in the classroom and at home. Students will reflect on a common theme and create
original works of art in the categories of dance choreography, film production, literature, music
composition, photography and visual arts. Students of all grades and abilities may participate.
President’s Award for Educational Achievement
The purpose of this award is to recognize students that show outstanding educational growth,
improvement, commitment or intellectual development in their academic subjects but do not meet
the criteria for the President’s Award for Educational Excellence. This award is not comparable to
the President’s Award for Educational Excellence and should not be used or seen as a second tier
award, for it recognizes a very different type of academic achievement. It is meant to encourage
and reward students who work hard and give their best effort in school, often in the face of special
obstacles to their learning.
President’s Award for Educational Excellence
The purpose of this award is to recognize academic success in the classroom. To be eligible for this
award, students at each award level (elementary, middle, or high school) must meet rigorous
requirements for Grade Point Average or School Criteria/Standards and either Standardized
Achievement Test or recommendation by a teacher plus one other staff member for outstanding
achievement in a core curriculum course.
Presidential Youth Fitness Program
The Presidential Youth Fitness Program provides educators with the necessary tools and
information to achieve excellence through quality fitness education and assessment practices. The
Presidential Youth Fitness Program was launched in 2012 to phase out the Presidential Physical
Fitness Test. This program to assess student fitness levels now provides additional tools and
resources to ensure students are fit for life. With an evolved approach, the fitness assessment has
moved away from recognizing athletic fitness to providing a barometer on student’s health.
To be eligible to receive a Presidential Youth Fitness Award, a student must score in the Healthy
Fitness Zone® in at least five test categories of the Fitness Gram assessment.
With the introduction of Fitness Gram, participation in the Presidential Youth Fitness Program is an
optional school-based activity.
Principal’s Academic Awards
Awarded at the end of eighth grade to students who earned a yearly average, in grades six, seventh,
and eighth grades, of 90.0, in each academic subject throughout middle school.
Science Fair
The Georgia Science & Engineering Fair (GSEF) is Georgia’s premier forum for students to showcase
their original research, compete for awards, and interact with top-level professional scientists. The
science fair system in Georgia serves not only to recognize students for their achievements, but also
to prepare students to succeed and flourish in an increasingly complex and highly technical world by
becoming problem solvers, critical thinkers, reflective learners, and more productive and influential
members of their communities.
The Georgia Science and Engineering Fair (GSEF) is dedicated to encouraging all Georgia's teachers
and school districts to incorporate active science and engineering research into their classrooms in
order to help students 1) develop a love for science, 2) learn to isolate important problems and to
attack and solve these problems within the framework of organized, logical thought, careful
research, and a detailed analysis of facts, and 3) showcase and celebrate their achievements.
Social Studies Fair
Local, regional and state social studies fairs annually present exhibitions of student work from
grades 5- 12. Each project is designed to show research and conclusions about the study of people
and their relationships to their physical and social environment.
Optimist Club Awards for Students in the ACHIEVE PROGRAM
Each year the Optimist Club invites the District to participate in the annual Optimist Awards for
middle and high school students in the ACHIEVE Program. The Optimist Club recognizes one
student, nominated by their teacher, from each school. Students receive awards in the following
Most Improved
Outstanding Achievement
Positive Attitude
Other Categories as Determined by Staff
In addition to students being recognized for outstanding achievement, each year the Optimist Club
also recognizes one middle school and one high school Special Education ACHIEVE teacher and
paraprofessional to receive the “Outstanding Achievement in Education” award.
Spelling Bee
Spelling bees offer an opportunity for students to exhibit their proficiency in the art of spelling. All
students in grades 4-8 will have the opportunity to participate at the school level.
Student Council
Any student meeting the academic eligibility requirement of the respective school may place his or
her name in nomination for student council representative. Candidates must follow the guidelines
for speeches and posters provided in the nomination/information packet of the respective school.
Elections for student council officers will be determined by the student government by-laws of the
respective school. This process will occur in the spring, unless otherwise requested by the Student
Council and principal and authorized by the Office of School Operations.
High School Academic Achievement
Awards, Recognition and Honors
Individual high schools may have recognition beyond those listed. Service recognition may be based
on the school’s affiliation with specific civic and community organizations within their area. All
Cherokee County School District recognitions that are determined by GPA will use weighted
grades. High schools honor student achievements are as follows:
Report Cards
The reporting of student progress to parents follows District procedures and is in accordance with
Georgia Statutes, Georgia Board of Education administrative rules, and School Board Policies, rules
and regulations. Report cards or quarterly progress reports are issued at the end of every semester
and cover a period of approximately 90 school days. Report cards are distributed to students for
delivery to their parents/guardians according to the School Board calendar. CCSD Grading
Guidelines can be found here.
Attendance certificates are awarded for the following categories of attendance:
Platinum Award for Perfect Attendance: For no absences, tardies, or early check-outs.
Gold Award for Perfect Attendance: For no absences and fewer than five tardies/early
Silver Award for Excellent Attendance: For three or fewer absences and fewer than five
tardies/early check-outs.
Award of Merit for Excellent Attendance: For three or fewer absences.
Honor Roll
High school students will be placed on the Honor Roll when their weighted NGA is 90 or above.
Academic Excellence Certificate
A certificate recognizing academic excellence is awarded to students who have a cumulative NGA
of 90.0 or above at the end of 3 ½ years.
Academic Letters
Academic letters are awarded to students who have maintained a weighted NGA of 90.0 or above
each year for 2 consecutive years. Letters are presented in the fall.
All-State Band
The Georgia Music Educators Association (GMEA) sponsors an All-State Band annually to showcase
the most talented students in the state of Georgia. Students are selected for participation by an
extremely competitive audition process.
tate Chorus
The Georgia Music Educators Association (GMEA) sponsors All-State Chorus to provide Georgia
choral students (grades 7-12) an opportunity to rehearse and perform with a large group of singers
who have demonstrated advanced skills in the areas of singing and music reading.
CCSD Tome Student Literacy Society
CCSD Tome Student Literacy Society provides student competitions across multiple literacies
among 6
grade students. Service, collaboration, competition-based club activities, and clean,
entertaining, encouraging literature are available to promote self-esteem, leadership skills, character
ethics, and nurture critical thinking, creativity, and imagination in the digital age.
Cherokee County Scholars Banquet
The Cherokee County Scholars Banquet is held each year in May. The purpose of the banquet is to
recognize and honor the Valedictorian and Salutatorian from each high school. Each Valedictorian
and Salutatorian invites his/her parents and a teacher of his/her choice who has significantly
contributed to the student’s academic success.
Cherokee County Who’s Who
Who’s Who is the principal and faculty’s opportunity to recognize seniors who have contributed the
most to the schools overall program. Faculty members nominate those students who work publicly
and behind the scenes to make all programs distinctive and competitive. Students nominated must
have a GPA of at least 90 and be a candidate for graduation at the end of the current school year.
After the nominations are compiled, the faculty votes to determine which students have made the
most significant contribution to the school.
Citizenship Award
National Association of Elementary School Principals (NAESP) and the National Association of
Secondary School Principals (NASSP) jointly administer the American Citizenship Award. Model
students who receive this prestigious honor inspire and encourage other students to strive to be
better citizens. Criteria is established at the local school level.
Class Officers/Student Government Association Representative (SGA)
The School Board recognizes the importance of student involvement and representation regarding
various aspects of the educational process, especially at the high school level as students are
preparing for higher education, work and life.
Accordingly, each high school will establish and maintain an active Student Government Association
(also referred to as a School Advisory Board).
The members of the Student Government Association (SGA) will be determined by the student
government standards of the respective school. Recommended members are the presidents and
vice-presidents of the classes and student council members.
Daughters of the American Revolution (DAR) Good Citizen Award
The DAR Good Citizens Award and Scholarship Contest is intended to encourage and reward the
qualities of good citizenship. This award recognizes and rewards individuals who possess good
citizenship qualities of dependability, service, leadership and patriotism in their homes, schools and
communities. These students are selected by their teachers and peers because they demonstrate
these qualities to an outstanding degree. This program is only open to high school seniors and only
one student per year may be honored as a school’s DAR Good Citizen.
For more information, please visit:
Georgia Certificate of Merit
University of Georgia (UGA) recognizes 11
grade students who have excelled academically. Juniors
who are ranked in the top 5% of their class at the end of their fifth semester receive a Certificate of
Merit from UGA.
Georgia Scholar
Pursuant to State Board Policy 160-4-2-.23, the Georgia Scholar Program is an effort by the
Georgia Department of Education to identify and recognize high school seniors who have achieved
excellence in school and community life. The program is coordinated by the Georgia Department of
Education’s Excellence Recognition Office and through local coordinators in each public school
system and private schools throughout the state.
Georgia Young Authors Writing Competition
Georgia Young Authors Writing Contest encourages students to develop enthusiasm for and
expertise in their writing, provides a context to celebrate writing successes, and recognizes student
achievement in arts and academics. The competition has been engaging Georgia students for more
than two decades and is open to any student currently enrolled in Georgia’s public schools, grades
Girls State/Boys State
Boys and Girls State is among the most respected and selective educational programs of
government instruction for U.S. high school students. The program is one in which participants learn
about rights, privileges and responsibilities of U.S. citizens in a one-week intensive program. Most
programs are held on a college campus and students live in the dorms. The selection process occurs
during the junior year and the program takes place between the junior and senior year.
For more information regarding Boys State, please visit:
For more information regarding Girls State, please visit:
Governor’s Honors Program (GHP)
Pursuant to State Board Policy 160-4-2-.09, the Georgia Governor's Honors Program (GHP) is a
summer residential instructional program designed to provide intellectually gifted and artistically
talented high school students challenging and enriching educational opportunities not usually
available during the regular school year. Activities are designed to provide each participant with
opportunities to acquire the skills, knowledge and attitudes to become independent, life-long
Honor Graduates
The distinction of Honor Graduate will be awarded to graduating seniors who have a weighted NGA
of 90.0 or above. These students will receive the recognition at graduation.
Hugh O’Brian Youth Leadership Program (HOBY)
Founded in 1958, HOBY’s mission is to inspire and develop our global community of youth and
volunteers to a life dedicated to leadership, service, and innovation. HOBY provides students, for
whom most are selected by their schools, to participate in a unique leadership training, service-
learning, and motivation-building experiences beginning a lifelong dedication to improving the lives
of others. Programs are available for freshmen, sophomores, juniors, and seniors
For more information, please visit:
Lamp of Knowledge
The Lamp of Knowledge is awarded to students who have maintained a weighted NGA of 90.0 or
above each year for 3 consecutive years. Lamps are presented in the fall.
National Beta Club
The National Beta Club promotes ideals of Character, Service and Leadership among secondary
school students, to reward meritorious achievement and to encourage and assist students in
continuing their education after high school.
National Honor Society
The National Honor Society (NHS) recognizes outstanding high school students. NHS serves to
honor those students who have demonstrated excellence in the areas of Scholarship, Leadership,
Service, and Character.
National Merit Scholarship Program
The National Merit® Scholarship Program is an academic competition for recognition and
scholarships. High school students enter the National Merit Program by taking the Preliminary
SAT/National Merit Scholarship Qualifying Test (PSAT/NMSQT®) in the eleventh grade and by
meeting published program entry/participation requirements.
Additional Information regarding National Merit can found by clicking here.
National Recognition Program
The National Recognition Program is a College Board program that creates pathways to college for
underrepresented students by awarding them academic honors and connecting them with
universities across the country. Students must have a 3.5 GPA or higher to be considered and
qualify for this program by earning a score of 3 or higher on at least two AP exams or scoring in the
top 10% of the state on the PSAT in their Sophomore or Junior year. Students must also identify as
Black, African American, Latino, Hispanic, Indigenous, or attend high school in a rural area or small
Additional Information regarding the National Recognition Program can be found by clicking here.
National Technical Honor Society (NTHS)
For over 30 years, NTHS has been the acknowledged leader in the recognition of outstanding
student achievement in Career and Technical Education (CTE). The NTHS serves approximately
100,000 active members and nearly a million members since its inception in 1984. NTHS honors
the achievements of top CTE students, provides scholarships to encourage the pursuit of higher
education, and cultivates excellence in today’s highly competitive, skilled workforce. In 2018, NTHS
awarded over $225,000 in scholarships to NTHS members.
For more information, please visit
PTA Reflections Contest
PTA Reflections is a nationally acclaimed student recognition program to encourage artistic
creativity in the classroom and at home. Students will reflect on a common theme and create
original works of art in the categories of dance choreography, film production, literature, music
composition, photography and visual arts. Students of all grades and abilities may participate.
President’s Award for Educational Achievement
The purpose of this award is to recognize students that show outstanding educational growth,
improvement, commitment or intellectual development in their academic subjects but do not meet
the criteria for the President’s Award for Educational Excellence. This award is not comparable to
the President’s Award for Educational Excellence and should not be used or seen as a second tier
award, for it recognizes a very different type of academic achievement. It is meant to encourage
and reward students who work hard and give their best effort in school, often in the face of special
obstacles to their learning.
President’s Award for Educational Excellence
The purpose of this award is to recognize academic success in the classroom. To be eligible for this
award, students at each award level (elementary, middle, or high school) must meet rigorous
requirements for Grade Point Average or School Criteria/Standards and either Standardized
Achievement Test or recommendation by a teacher plus one other staff member for outstanding
achievement in a core curriculum course.
Presidential Youth Fitness Program
The Presidential Youth Fitness Program provides educators with the necessary tools and
information to achieve excellence through quality fitness education and assessment practices. The
Presidential Youth Fitness Program was launched in 2012 to phase out the Presidential Physical
Fitness Test. This new program to assess student fitness levels now provides additional tools and
resources to ensure students are fit for life. With an evolved approach, the fitness assessment has
moved away from recognizing athletic fitness to providing a barometer on student’s health.
To be eligible to receive a Presidential Youth Fitness Award, a student must score in the Healthy
Fitness Zone® in at least five test categories of the Fitness Gram assessment.
With the introduction of Fitness Gram, participation in the Presidential Youth Fitness Program is an
optional school-based activity.
Principal’s Leadership Award
The National Association of Secondary School Principals (NASSP) and Herff Jones co-sponsor the
Principal’s Leadership Award (PLA), Recognizing Outstanding Student Leaders for the school year.
This scholarship award affords high school principals the opportunity to recognize a student leader
by nominating him or her for a national scholarship.
Ray Kroc Youth Achievement Award
The Ray Kroc Youth Achievement Award was created in memory of McDonald’s founder to
recognize students who have met the challenges that face young people as they grow into
productive, responsible adults. Each school selects one senior who has earned the respect of
teachers and fellow students through notable contributions to both the school and the community.
The Ray Kroc recipient is someone who gives back by participating in some form of charitable
volunteer work through the school or within the community, who is hard-working and self-
motivated, who displays integrity, and who sets a good example for his or her peers simply by being
a thoughtful, caring person.
STAR Student
STAR student is an academic achievement based primarily on SAT scores. Based on all SAT scores
posted through the November test date of the twelfth grade, the student with the highest
combined score is identified. The program requires that the scores be equal to or higher than the
latest available national average on both the verbal and the math sections. The STAR student must
be ranked in the top 10% of his or her class, based on cumulative grades through the junior year.
Ties are permitted at the school, system, and district level; but only one student receives Governor’s
Scholarship monetary award. The Lions Club sponsors the program locally.
Scholar Athlete
A Scholar Athlete patch is awarded to students who receive an Academic Letter or Lamp of
Knowledge and have lettered in a varsity sport.
Numerous academic, athletic, memorial, church and civic scholarships are awarded yearly to
deserving students. Many of these scholarships require a formal application process. Students
should consult their counselor concerning applying for scholarships. There is a formal recognition of
scholarship recipients during the spring of the senior year. Students and parents must notify and
present verification for scholarships received in order to be recognized by the school.
Science Fair
The Georgia Science & Engineering Fair (GSEF) is Georgia’s premier forum for students to showcase
their original research, compete for awards, and interact with top-level professional scientists. The
science fair system in Georgia serves not only to recognize students for their achievements, but also
to prepare students to succeed and flourish in an increasingly complex and highly technical world by
becoming problem solvers, critical thinkers, reflective learners, and more productive and influential
members of their communities.
The Georgia Science and Engineering Fair (GSEF) is dedicated to encouraging all Georgia's teachers
and school districts to incorporate active science and engineering research into their classrooms in
order to help students 1) develop a love for science, 2) learn to isolate important problems and to
attack and solve these problems within the framework of organized, logical thought, careful
research, and a detailed analysis of facts, and 3) showcase and celebrate their achievements
Social Studies Fair
Local, regional and state social studies fairs annually present exhibitions of student work from
grades 5- 12. Each project is designed to show research and conclusions about the study of people
and their relationships to their physical and social environment.
Optimist Club Awards for Students in the Achieve Program
Each year the Optimist Club invites the District to participate in the annual Optimist Awards for
middle and high school students in the ACHIEVE Program. The Optimist Club recognizes one
student, nominated by their teacher, from each school. Students receive awards in the following
Most Improved
Outstanding Achievement
Positive Attitude
Other Categories as Determined by Staff
In addition to students being recognized for outstanding achievement, each year the Optimist Club
also recognizes one middle school and one high school Special Education ACHIEVE teacher and
paraprofessional to receive the “Outstanding Achievement in Education” award.
Superintendent’s Key Scholar Program
Superintendent’s Key Scholar Program is a districtwide academic recognition initiative honoring
Cherokee County School District students’ achievement starting in grade nine through National
Merit Scholarship Finalist qualification in grade twelve.
(See Appendix A for more information).
Teen Leadership Cherokee
Teen Leadership Cherokee is designed to develop the knowledge and leadership skills of Cherokee
County tenth graders so they may confidently become our leaders of tomorrow. Participation in
Teen Leadership Cherokee will demonstrate that in this transient society, a diverse group of people
working together, rather than individually, can be effective in solving the problems faced by the
Additional information regarding Teen Leadership Cherokee can be found by clicking here.
United States Presidential Scholars Program
The U.S. Presidential Scholars Program was established in 1964, by executive order of the
President, to recognize and honor some of our nation's most distinguished graduating high school
seniors. In 1979, the program was extended to recognize students who demonstrate exceptional
talent in the visual, creative and performing arts. In 2015, the program was again extended to
recognize students who demonstrate ability and accomplishment in career and technical education
fields. Each year, up to 161 students are named as Presidential Scholars, one of the nation's highest
honors for high school students.
United States Senate Youth Program
United States Senate Youth Program was created for outstanding high school students to help
broaden their knowledge and understanding of Congress and the legislative process in our nation’s
Capitol; to demonstrate the importance of a freely elected legislature in the perpetuation of an
effective democratic system of government; and, to dramatize in particular the crucial role the
Senate performs in the maintenance of our government.
Pursuant to CCSD Board Policy IHC Class Ranking, the graduating senior with the highest class
ranking as determined by the weighted numeric average, NGA, shall be recognized as Valedictorian.
The student with the second highest class ranking, as determined by weighted numeric grade
average will be recognized as Salutatorian. The weighted numeric grade average will be calculated
to the four decimal places or more until a tie is resolved. Students participating in Dual Enrollment
programs are eligible for Valedictorian or Salutatorian recognition per statutory requirements. A
Dual Enrollment student who moves into the local school system after his or her sophomore year
and has not taken any courses on site at the participating eligible high school will not be eligible for
Valedictorian or Salutatorian recognition. Transfer credit used for Valedictorian or Salutatorian will
be accepted only from an Accredited School in accordance with Board Policy on Awarding Units of
Credit and Acceptance of Transfer Credit and/or Grades (JBC(4)).
Wendy’s High School Heisman Award
The Wendy’s High School Heisman honors both male and female high school students who excel in
academics, athletics and student leadership. We want to hear from all student-athletes who work
hard, are dedicated, and have become role models for their school’s underclassmen!
Additional information regarding Wendy's High School Heisman can be found here.
Century Leaders
21st Century Leaders is a collaboration of business and professional leaders inspiring high school
students to take on leadership positions, explore career opportunities, and give back to their
communities by connecting them with a diverse group of enthusiastic peers, passionate
professionals and powerful ideas, transforming their skills, attitudes, and abilities through training
and hands-on experiences.
For more information, please visit
Superintendent’s Key Scholar Program
Superintendent’s Key Scholar Program supports the Cherokee County School District’s Major System
Priority of establishing internationally competitive standards for student performance and an
accountability system and policy framework designed to ensure that all students are challenged
individually and collectively to meet more rigorous standards.
The Superintendent’s Key Scholar Program identifies and nurtures high-achieving students, encouraging
them to achieve at even higher academic levels. The following grade levels are recognized utilizing the
Preliminary SAT 8/9 (PSAT 8/9) or the Preliminary SAT/National Merit Scholarship Qualifying Test
(PSAT/NMSQT). Students at each grade level listed below meet specific assessment criteria and receive
specific Cherokee County School District academic recognition.
High School
Grades 9, 10, 11 Superintendent’s Key Scholar
Tier I- 9
Grade scoring at the 85
percentile or higher on the National User Total
Percentile in the fall of the current school year
CCSD Certificate of Achievement
School Recognition
Tier II 10
and 11
Grade scoring 185 or higher on the PSAT/NMSQT National Merit
Selection Index in the fall of the current school year
CCSD Certificate of Achievement
School Recognition
Introduction to CCSD Board of Education and Superintendent
Tier III – 10
and 11
Grade scoring 200 or higher on the PSAT/NMSQT National Merit
Selection Index in the fall of the current school year
CCSD Certificate of Achievement
School Recognition
Introduction to CCSD Board of Education and Superintendent
Key School cord or tassel or stole
Graduation Recognition
Grade 12 National Merit Scholarship Finalist
PSAT/NMSQT selection index for National Merit Scholarship changes yearly (National
Merit Scholarship Corporation determination) based on Grade 11 PSAT score
CCSD Certificate of Achievement
Senior Honor Recognition
National Merit Scholarship Certificate of Achievement
Recognition at Graduation/National Merit Scholarship Medallion
Additional Student Recognition Opportunities
Below are some events/activities that may be available for your child. Please contact your local
school for current information regarding which recognition programs they participate in annually.
American Legion Award
The Award Medal represents the educational symbolism of the School Award Medal Program and
associates it with The American Legion and its purposes. The medal is applicable for award to either
boys or girls in the graduating class of elementary, middle and high schools.
Career and Technical Instruction Spring State Leadership Conference Competition
Career and Technical Instruction hosts the spring conference each year where students from across
the state of Georgia are given the opportunity to compete in 27 competitive events representing
career pathways. The purpose of this conference is to educate students with disabilities about the
resources and career pathways available. The competitive events are an avenue for students to
apply their many employability skills of their chosen career pathway and present it to a panel of
volunteer judges in that career field. Public speaking, interview skills, leadership skills and the
importance of time management are just a few of the elements that each student will participate in
at the conference. Student entries and attendance in this event and competition are organized by
CCSD Career Technical Instruction Teachers.
Japanese Art Exchange
Each year six elementary schools (one per Zone) are chosen to submit five 2-D paintings or
drawings. The school’s art teacher selects pieces of artwork which are then sent to Japan in
exchange for artwork created by Japan’s students. CCSD’s student artwork is displayed in Meguro
City, Japan and artwork from Japan is displayed at the six selected CCSD elementary schools.
Students whose artwork is chosen for the exchange will receive a certificate from Japan when
artwork is returned as well as have their artwork displayed at the Cherokee Arts Center during the
elementary art show in the spring.
Optimist Club Contests & Awards
The Essay Contest: Young people are given the opportunity to write about their own opinions
regarding the world in which they live. The approach can encompass a young person’s personal
experience, the experience of their country or a more historical perspective. In additional to
developing skills for written expression, participants also have the opportunity to win a college
Oratorical Contest: The contest is designed for youth to gain experience in public speaking and
provide them with the opportunity to compete for a college scholarship. Specific rules are
established by the local Optimist Club.
Optimist Award: The South Cherokee Optimist Club annually sponsors “Optimist Awards for
Middle/High School Students with Intellectual Disabilities”. Recipients are honored each year at a
special awards breakfast.
Special Olympics
The Cherokee County Special Olympics Awareness Day provides a glimpse of the year-round sports
training and athletic competition for children and adults with intellectual disabilities. Their goal is to
help bring persons with intellectual disabilities into the larger society under conditions whereby
they are accepted, respected, and given the chance to become useful and productive citizens. As
they achieve this goal through their sports program, they demonstrate that Special Olympics has a
unique value: to show the world that every person counts and that every person can be something
good when we all work together.
Terrific Kids (Sponsored by Kiwanis Club)
Terrific Kids is a student-recognition program that promotes character development, self-esteem
and perseverance. “Terrific” is an acronym for Thoughtful, Enthusiastic, Respectful, Responsible,
Inclusive, Friendly, Inquisitive and Capable.
Special Education Awards of Excellence
The Department of Education will be contacting the District’s Department of Special Education
when the application time is open. Please recognize one outstanding senior in your district who has
demonstrated excellence. The Georgia Department of Education will review all applications and
identify one winner from each GLRS region. We will be sure to share the winner’s information with
district leadership.
Excellence might manifest in the following ways:
Outstanding Academic Achievement
Outstanding Athletic Achievement
Innovative use of technology
Exemplary growth in social and or peer relationships
Participation in organizations and clubs
Exemplary participation in the Arts (creative writing, visual and performing arts)
Exemplary involvement in the community
Acceptance into one of the branches of the military
The following are some of the questions/information that will be included in the application:
The student has earned or is planning to earn a General Education Diploma with outstanding
academic achievement and or extracurricular involvement in school/community, and is transitioning
A college/university
A technical college
Full-time employment
Career Education
Please provide the details of the student’s achievements: Including specific scholarship and
college/university/technical school information, academic/career achievements, awards, grade
point average, extracurricular activities, life skills, and any other accomplishments of the student as
it relates to his/her academic program during high school.
Is there any specific post-graduation information that you would like to share?
Please provide copies of any examples of his/her work, awards received, documentation of
completion of career pathways, and/or letters supporting your nomination.
Will an interpreter or translator be needed for a video call? Yes or No
Is the Award of Excellence certificate needed in an alternate format (i.e., Braille)? Yes or No