Name of Award Gift Monetary Award Description of Award Administering Authority
Excellence in Student Services & Leadership Award Certificate $500 - Centrally funded
The purpose of the Excellence in Student Service and Leadership Award is to recognize the outstanding
contributions of a graduating student. Departments and staff members throughout the Office of Graduate Student
Life, recognize their significant leadership and service in a variety of capacities. The recipient will have exhibited
exceptional commitment to supporting the needs and interests of our BUSPH community and emerged as leaders
among their peers.
Graduate Student Life
Student Award for Excellence in Public Health Practice Certificate $500 - Centrally funded
The Activist Lab offers the Student Award for Excellence in Practice in recognition of outstanding and innovative
public health practice. This award is intended to honor a MPH student who has gone above and beyond in
contributing to the health of the public. Through their advocacy work, community engagement, or public policy
endeavors, this student will have shown exceptional drive and promise in creating lasting improvements in the
health of our local, regional, and global community .All students of the School of Public Health graduating during
the academic year are eligible.
Practice Committee
Gail Douglas Award Name on plaque $1000 - Centrally funded
The Gail H. Douglas Award was established in June 2006, on the occasion of the retirement of Gail Douglas, RN’68,
MPH ’88, who was Professor of Health Services and served BUSPH as the Associate Dean of Students and Acting
Associate Dean of Public Health Practice. She recognized the critical role that public health practitioners play in
fulfilling the mission of our school and in furthering the health of the public. The Douglas Award honors a person
whose primary role is as a public health practitioner in the community. The recipient has contributed to the
BUSPH community in one or more of the following categories:
• Shows dedication to training BUSPH students by establishing meaningful practicum projects and providing
excellence in practicum supervisory support
• Participates in practice-based teaching in BUSPH courses, providing a valuable link between the academic and
practice arenas
• Collaborates with BUSPH faculty in the conduct of innovative practice-based public health research
• Is a leader in public health service, improving the lives of underserved individuals and communities
Practice Committee
Community Health Sciences “Rising Star” Award Certificate $500 - Centrally funded
The Community Health Sciences department is proud to introduce a new award for concentrators in Maternal and
Child Health (MCH) and Social and Behavioral Sciences (SB). The CHS Rising Star Award will be presented to two
students, one in each concentration, who exemplify academic excellence through maintaining a commitment to
public health. Eligible candidates must be in their last semester of a MPH or DrPH program. Each recipient will be
selected by members of the CHS Education Committee and will receive $500 towards their attendance and
presentation at the American Public Health Association’s annual meeting.
CHS Selection Committee
Restuccia Award for Achievement in Social Justice in Community Health Certificate $500 - Department funded
Every year, the Community Health Sciences Department will present The Restuccia Award for Achievement in
Social Justice in Community Health to a student concentrating in Maternal and Child Health or Social and
Behavioral Sciences, as well as students in the Community Assessment, Program Design, Implementation, and
Evaluation (CAPDIE), Health Communication and Promotion (HCP), Maternal and Child Health (MCH), and Mental
Health and Substance Use (MHSU) certificates, who has exemplified equity-driven public health action during their
time at BUSPH. Eligible nominees will have either graduated in January or will graduate in May or September with
an MPH and be in good academic standing* at the time of selection in April. Winners will have demonstrated
exceptional work that has promoted community engagement and mobilization around issues of health equity, has
worked to involve diverse stakeholders, and has elevated the goals and voices of those most impacted by
inequities. This award honors the legacy of Robert Restuccia, who dedicated his professional life to ensuring
equitable access to health care, and cultivating authentic community collaboration and leadership. Rob founded
the advocacy organization Health Care for All in Massachusetts, and was a long-time Executive Director of the
national organization Community Catalyst, impacting both state and national policies through consumer-driven
Students may be nominated by themselves, peers, or Community Health Sciences staff or faculty. Recipients will
be selected by CHS Department faculty.
*Good Academic Standing includes all of the criteria for being eligible for graduation, including maintaining a GPA
of at least 3.0, completing all core courses with at least a B-, completing a practicum and passing the functional
certificate ILE
CHS Selection Committee
Awards Presented at BUSPH Awards Ceremony
Name of Award Gift
Monetary Award
Description of Award Administering Authority
James F. Burgess Award for the Best Student Paper in Health Services
Certificate $500 - Department funded
Professor Burgess dedicated his research career to multi-disciplinary collaborations focused on highly relevant
issues in health policy and health services research. This award recognizes a student paper that best embodies
those values. Eligible papers will be submitted or accepted for publication in a peer-reviewed health services
research journal during the academic year and written by a current student in the MS or PhD programs in HLPM at
BUSPH or a student who graduated in the previous year.
HLPM Selection Committee
Katherine M. Skinner Memorial Prize for Commitment to the Study of
Women's Health Issues
$500 - Centrally funded
This prize was established to honor the memory of Dr. Katherine M. Skinner, a sociologist and former member of
the Health Services/Health Policy and Management faculty. Katherine Skinner, RN, PhD, had one of the first
research grants in the country to study the health and well-being of women veterans. She discovered disparities in
access to care for women soldiers, as well significant sexual violence in the military. Katherine was a woman of
courage and conviction and felt it her personal responsibility to speak on behalf of these women who had years
before served their country. This prize was established to honor Katherine Skinner and her many
accomplishments, to support her love of education, to promote her passion to improve lives through scientific
research, and to recognize her special interest in improving women’s health and health care. It is awarded
annually to a student at Boston University School of Public Health who has shown dedication to the study of
women’s health issues.
HLPM Selection Committee
Allan R. Meyers Memorial Award for Excellence in Health Policy &
Certificate $500 - Centrally funded
This award is presented annually to one or more graduating students from the Department of Health Law, Policy
and Management, who exemplify the late Professor Meyers’ commitments to academic excellence, to careful
research – particularly into the problems of disabled and other underserved patients, and to developing solutions
that ameliorate those problems.
HLPM Selection Committee
Dr. William B. Patterson Memorial Prize for Excellence in Environmental and
Occupational Health
Certificate $500 - Centrally funded
This award is given annually in memory of Dr. William B. Patterson and his commitment to public health, medicine
and education. It is awarded to one graduating master degree student who has shown exemplary academic
performance or dedication to research with a preference for students who have demonstrated a desire to make a
meaningful contribution to the field of environmental and occupational health.
EH Selection Committee
Dr. Theodore Colton Prize for Excellence in Epidemiology Certificate $500 - Centrally funded
This prize is awarded in honor of Theodore Colton, Department of Epidemiology Chair Emeritus, at the close of
each academic year. It is given to a student concentrating in this area for exemplary academic performance in
epidemiology. Dr. Colton, who is the founding Chairman of the Department of Epidemiology and Biostatistics, has
dedicated much of his career to the education of future epidemiologists. The yearly award has been established
for an exceptional MPH student who, we believe, will go on to make a notable contribution to the field.
EPI Selection Committee
Epidemiology Academic Excellence Award Certificate $500 - Department funded
This award is given annually to a graduating Epidemiology Master of Science student who has demonstrated
exemplary academic performance. The award acknowledges not only the student’s academic achievement but
also their potential to make important contributions to the field of epidemiology.
EPI Selection Committee
Health Law, Ethics & Human Rights Award Capstone Award Certificate $500 - Centrally funded
This award is given to the student with the best academic performance who is enrolled in the Health Policy and
Law certificate or the Human Rights & Social Justice certificate. Academic performance is measured by excellence
in the quality and accuracy of written papers and oral presentations, as well as grades in HPL or HRSJ certificate
courses. The Center for Health Law, Ethics and Human Rights selects the award recipient annually.
HLEHR Selection Committee
The John Snow, Inc. Award in Global Health Certificate $500 - Centrally funded
This award is in recognition of capacity for original thinking and inspiring others to think; vision, leadership and
leadership potential; academic achievement; outstanding practicum or community service; and active
participation in courses and activities as an SPH student. The award is sponsored by John Snow Inc. to support
BUSPH and acknowledge an outstanding student's achievement and potential to contribute to international public
GH Selection Committee
Herb Kayne Prize for Excellence in Biostatistics Certificate $500 - Centrally funded
The Department of Biostatistics awards an annual prize for the Most Outstanding MPH Student in Biostatistics at
the School. Since 1999, this monetary prize is given to an MPH student whose performance was excellent in the
Biostatistics concentration. This prize is an expression of our gratitude to Herb Kayne, PhD, for his commitment to
teaching epidemiology and biostatistics at SPH and his long-enduring interest in and dedication to his students in
the MPH Program.
BS Selection Committee
Biostatistics Academic Excellence Award Certificate $500 - Department funded
Established in 2018 to recognize outstanding academic achievement, the Department of Biostatistics confers this
award annually to a graduating Master’s student who has consistently demonstrated exemplary academic
performance throughout the program. Selection is based on academic performance, rigor and breadth of
coursework, and faculty recommendations. This annual award includes a monetary prize.
BS Selection Committee
Biostatistics Excellence in Research Award Certificate $500 - Department funded
Established in 2018 to recognize the importance of the role of biostatisticians in research, the Department of
Biostatistics confers this award annually to a graduating Biostatistics Masters’ student who has exceeded
expectations in their research activities. The recipient of this award has demonstrated outstanding performance
and dedication to research in the field of biostatistics. This annual award includes a monetary prize.
BS Selection Committee
Name of Award Gift
Monetary Award
Description of Award Administering Authority
Biostatistics Doctoral Applied Research Paper Award Certificate $500 - Department funded
Established in 2018 to recognize the leadership role of biostatisticians in biomedical research, the Department of
Biostatistics confers this award annually to a graduating PhD student in Biostatistics who has completed an
outstanding applied research paper. The winner of this award has written a high-quality paper that has either
been submitted or accepted for publication in a peer-reviewed academic journal. This annual award includes a
monetary prize.
BS Selection Committee
Delta Omega Honor Society Certificate and stole
Membership fee paid
Founded in 1924, Delta Omega is the honorary society for graduate studies in public health. It celebrates
excellent academic achievement, devotion to public health principles, and outstanding service in public health.
Determined by the Registrar
Healthcare Management Upsilon Phi Delta Honor Society Certificate and pin N/A
Upsilon Phi Delta is a national academic honor society for students in healthcare administration. The mission of
the Upsilon Phi Delta Honor Society is to recognize, reward and encourage academic achievements, service to the
community and contributions to the healthcare management profession. Students are accepted into the UPD
Honor Society on the basis of outstanding academic achievement.
Determined by Certificate Director
Excellence in Teaching Award For Teaching in the Core Award Plaque $500 - Centrally funded
The excellence in teaching awards are meant to recognize faculty instructors who have enriched the educational
experience for SPH students. This award recognizes an instructor who demonstrates excellence in teaching in
PH717, PH718, PH719 or PH720, stimulates interest in the material, motivates students, and promotes student
Education Committee
Excellence in Teaching Award For Student Engagement Award Plaque $500 - Centrally funded
The excellence in teaching awards are meant to recognize faculty instructors who have enriched the educational
experience for SPH students. This award recognizes an instructor who encourages active learning and creativity,
connects with students in meaningful ways, and motivates students to engage in the educational process.
Education Committee
Excellence in Teaching Award For Dedication to Student Learning Award Plaque $500 - Centrally funded
The excellence in teaching awards are meant to recognize faculty instructors who have enriched the educational
experience for SPH students. This award recognizes an instructor who motivates and inspires students, is available
to students inside and outside of the classroom, engages with students in community-wide educational and
scholarly activities.
Education Committee
Excellence in Teaching Award Outstanding New Instructor Award Plaque $500 - Centrally funded
The excellence in teaching awards are meant to recognize faculty instructors who have enriched the educational
experience for SPH students. This award recognizes an instructor who demonstrates excellence in teaching in the
first two years at SPH, stimulates interest in the material, motivates students, and promotes student learning.
Education Committee
Excellence in Teaching Award Innovation in the Classroom Award Plaque $500 - Centrally funded
The excellence in teaching awards are meant to recognize faculty instructors who have enriched the educational
experience for SPH students. This award recognizes an instructor who uses new pedagogical techniques or
instructional technologies, or uses traditional techniques and technologies in new and creative ways, provides
enhanced learning opportunities for students.
Education Committee
Excellence in Research Early Career Award Award Plaque $500 - Centrally funded
The early career excellence award recognizes the outstanding contribution of one junior faculty member whose
primary academic appointment is at BUSPH. Recipients should have scholarly accomplishments that advance
public health research and improves the health of the communities.
Research Committee
Excellence in Research Innovation Award Award Plaque $500 - Centrally funded
The innovation in research award recognizes a faculty member whose work shifts existing paradigms, uses novel
methodologies, or applies existing methodologies in new ways toward the goal of improving public health.
Primary faculty at BUSPH of all ranks and tracks are eligible for this award.
Research Committee
Excellence in Research Mentoring Award Award Plaque $500 - Centrally funded
The award for mentoring in research recognizes the sustained contribution toward mentoring junior faculty, post-
docs, and students in research. The award is given to one mid-career or senior faculty member whose primary
academic appointment is at BUSPH.
Research Committee
Staff Excellence Award in Collaboration Award Plaque $500 - Centrally funded
Recognition of an individual who has played a key and potentially under-recognized role in making a
complicated collaboration between multiple groups successful. This could include an individual who has
gone above and beyond to enable collaborative and successful work.
ADA/People Services
Staff Excellence Award in Mentorship or Training Award Plaque $500 - Centrally funded
An individual who has played a key role in teaching, guiding, or being a role model for other staff. The
nominee for this excellence award does not have to be a formal mentor but rather an individual that
seizes opportunities to educate and guide others around them.
ADA/People Services
Staff Excellence Award in Leadership Award Plaque $500 - Centrally funded
Recognition of an individual who has played a key role in the leadership of personnel, resource(s) or
ADA/People Services
Staff Excellence Awards
Faculty Excellence in Research Awards
Faculty Excellence in Teaching Awards
Honor Societies - Student Awards