AccuScript High Fidelity 1
cDNA Synthesis Kit
Catalog #200820
Revision C.0
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AccuScript High Fidelity 1
Strand cDNA Synthesis Kit
Materials Provided .............................................................................................................................. 1
Storage Conditions .............................................................................................................................. 1
Additional Materials Required .......................................................................................................... 1
Introduction ......................................................................................................................................... 2
Preprotocol Considerations ................................................................................................................ 2
RNA Isolation ........................................................................................................................ 2
cDNA Synthesis Primers ....................................................................................................... 3
cDNA Synthesis Reaction ..................................................................................................... 3
The Reverse Transcriptase-Mediated Polymerase Chain Reaction Protocol ................................ 4
Synthesis of First-Strand cDNA Using Reverse Transcriptase ............................................. 4
Amplification of First-Strand cDNA using the Polymerase Chain Reaction ........................ 6
Troubleshooting .................................................................................................................................. 8
References ............................................................................................................................................ 8
MSDS Information .............................................................................................................................. 8
Quick-Reference Protocol ................................................................................................................ 10
AccuScript High Fidelity 1
Strand cDNA Synthesis Kit
Materials provided Concentration Quantity
AccuScript High Fidelity RT 50 reactions
AccuScript RT buffer
10× 100 µl
Oligo(dT) primer (18-mers) 0.5 µg/µl 25 µg
Random primers (9-mers) 0.1 µg/µl 15 µg
100 mM dNTP Mix 25 mM each dNTP 40 µl
100 mM DTT 100 mM 100 µl
RNase-free water 1.2 ml
RNase Block 40 U/µl 1000 U
The AccuScript high fidelity 1
strand cDNA synthesis kit provides enough reagents for 50 reactions.
The 10× AccuScript RT buffer contains 0.5 M Tris-HCl (pH 8.3), 0.75 M KCl, 0.03 M MgCl
All Reagents: –20°C
PfuUltra DNA polymerase & reaction buffer (optional)
Thin-walled PCR tubes (optional)
Revision C.0 © Agilent Technologies, Inc. 2015.
AccuScript High Fidelity 1
Strand cDNA Synthesis Kit 1
Reverse transcriptases exhibit significantly higher error rates than other
known DNA polymerases, introducing errors at frequencies of one per 1,500
to 30,000 nucleotides during cDNA synthesis.
To solve this problem, we
developed AccuScript reverse transcriptase, a Moloney murine leukemia
virus reverse transcriptase (MMLV-RT) derivative combined with a
proofreading 3’-5’ exonuclease.
AccuScript reverse transcriptase delivers
the highest reverse-transcription accuracy while promoting full length
cDNA synthesis and superior performance in RT-PCR. AccuScript reverse
transcriptase delivers greater than three-fold higher accuracy compared to
leading reverse transcriptases, representing a significant advancement in
cDNA synthesis accuracy. Additionally, the AccuScript high fidelity 1
strand cDNA synthesis kit applies this superior performance to the
amplification of specific complementary DNA (cDNA) fragments from
limited amounts of RNA using a reverse transcriptase-mediated polymerase
chain reaction (RT-PCR) which results in high yield, full length cDNA. The
first-strand synthesis protocol generates a heterogeneous population of
cDNA molecules from all available poly(A)+ mRNA or total RNA, while
subsequent amplification with sequence-specific primers yields a
homogeneous population of the specific cDNA of interest, eliminating the
need for amplification and screening of a cDNA library. Resulting
populations of cDNA can be used for microarray, conventional and real time
PCR amplification.
The AccuScript high fidelity 1
strand cDNA synthesis kit delivers robust
first strand cDNA, superior RT-PCR yields from low RNA input amounts
and exceptional full-length cDNA capabilitymaking it the perfect choice
for any application requiring premium first strand cDNA.
RNA Isolation
High-quality intact RNA is essential for successful synthesis of full-length
cDNA and yield of long RT-PCR products. Total and poly(A)
RNA can be
rapidly isolated and purified using the Stratagene Absolutely RNA
purification kits. Oligo(dT)-selection for poly(A)
RNA is typically not
necessary, although including this step may improve the yield of specific
cDNA templates. RNA samples with an OD
of 1.8–2.0 are optimal.
Take precautions to minimize the potential for contamination by
ribonucleases (RNases). RNA isolation should be performed under
RNase-free conditions. Wear gloves and use sterile tubes, pipet tips, and
RNase-free or DEPC-treated water. (Although DEPC-treated water may be
used for RNA isolation, use the RNase-free water provided, instead of
DEPC-treated water, as the water component in the cDNA synthesis
reaction since DEPC can inhibit PCR.) Use of an RNase inhibitor, such as
Stratagene RNase Block Ribonuclease Inhibitor, is recommended when
isolating RNA from samples high in RNase activity.
2 AccuScript High Fidelity 1
Strand cDNA Synthesis Kit
cDNA Synthesis Primers
is recommended for priming polyadenylated RNA and is
provided with this kit. Use of Oligo(dT)
allows the subsequent
amplification of products of multiple transcripts from a single first-strand
synthesis reaction. Random 9-mers, also provided with this kit, are efficient
primers for the detection of multiple short RT-PCR targets. If random
9-mers are used, the first-strand synthesis reaction must be incubated at
25°C for 10 minutes to extend the primers prior to increasing the reaction
temperature to 42°C for cDNA synthesis. Gene-specific primers anneal only
to defined sequences and are used to synthesize cDNA from particular
mRNA transcripts rather than from the entire mRNA population in the
sample. Specificity of priming with gene-specific primers may be improved
by optimizing annealing and reaction temperatures.
cDNA Synthesis Reaction
Incubation Temperature and Duration
Denaturation of the RNA template and primer by incubating the reaction at
65°C for 5 minutes is essential.
AccuScript RT is effective between 37 and 42°C. A 60-minute incubation
for the first-strand synthesis reaction is recommended for most targets. A
shorter incubation time (1530 minutes) may be sufficient for some targets
and applications. Rare RNA sequences, long transcripts, or targets at the 5´
end of long transcripts benefit from a longer incubation at 42°C (up to
90 minutes).
AccuScript RT Inhibition of PCR
AccuScript RT can inhibit subsequent PCR and is inactivated by incubation
at 70°C after the cDNA synthesis reaction is complete. For long RNA
targets, it is advisable to increase the incubation time for reverse
transcription rather than increasing the amount of AccuScript RT in
the reaction.
RNase Inhibitor
We recommend adding RNase Block RNase inhibitor (20 U per 20-µl
reaction) to the first-strand synthesis reaction, as specified in the following
protocol. The use of RNase inhibitor at higher concentrations may reduce
product yield. If RNase inhibitor is omitted from the reaction, increase the
volume of water accordingly.
AccuScript High Fidelity 1
Strand cDNA Synthesis Kit 3
Note Wear gloves at all times during the first-strand cDNA synthesis
and PCR amplification procedures and while handling materials
and equipment to prevent contamination by ribonucleases
Synthesis of First-Strand cDNA Using Reverse Transcriptase
Note Mix and spin each component in a microcentrifuge before use.
1. Prepare the cDNA synthesis reaction by adding the following
components to a microcentrifuge tube in order:
RNase-free water to total volume 16.5 µl
2.0 µl of AccuScript RT Buffer (10×)
1.0 µl of a gene-specific primer (0.1 µg /µl) OR oligo(dT) primer
(0.5 µg/µl) OR 3 µl of random primers (0.1 µg/µl)
0.8 µl of dNTP mix (25 mM each dNTP)
X µl of RNA. The quantity of RNA depends on the RNA purity,
message abundance, and size of the target:
RNA Quantity
Total RNA, target <2 kb 10200 ng
Total RNA, target >2 kb 2005000 ng
mRNA (all targets) 0.1100 ng
2. Incubate the reaction at 65°C for 5 minutes.
3. Cool the reaction at room temperature to allow the primers to anneal to
the RNA (approximately 5 minutes).
4. Add the following components to the reaction, in order, for a final
reaction volume of 20 µl:
2 µl of 100 mM DTT
1 µl of AccuScript RT
0.5 µl of RNase Block ribonuclease inhibitor (40 U/ µl)
Note To prevent heat inactivation, AccuScript RT and RNase Block
must be added after the reactions have cooled to room
temperature following the 65°C incubation.
5. If using random primers, incubate the reaction at 25°C for 10 minutes to
extend the primers prior to the 42°C synthesis step. If using oligo(dT) or
gene-specific primers, proceed to step 6.
4 AccuScript High Fidelity 1
Strand cDNA Synthesis Kit
6. Place the tube in a temperature-controlled thermal block at 42°C and
incubate the reaction for 60 minutes.
7. Terminate cDNA synthesis by incubating the reaction at 70ºC for
15 minutes.
8. Place the completed first-strand cDNA synthesis reaction on ice for use
in downstream applications. If performing RT-PCR, proceed to the
PCR amplification protocol (see Amplification of First-Strand cDNA
Using the Polymerase Chain Reaction). For long-term storage, place
the reaction at 20°C.
AccuScript High Fidelity 1
Strand cDNA Synthesis Kit 5
Amplification of First-Strand cDNA using the Polymerase Chain
Notes cDNA synthesis reaction products should be stored at 20°C until
Mix and spin each component in a microcentrifuge before use.
A protocol for amplification using Stratagene high-fidelity
PfuUltra DNA polymerase is detailed below. This protocol could
be adapted to other PCR enzymes. Amplification with a high-
fidelity PCR enzyme is strongly recommended, however, in order
to realize the benefits of high-fidelity reverse transcription
provided by AccuScript RT.
Amplification using PfuUltra DNA Polymerase
1. Add the following components in order to sterile thin-walled PCR
for each PCR amplification reaction:
37.6 µl of RNase-free water
5 µl of 10× PfuUltra PCR buffer
2 µl of 25 mM MgSO
0.4 µl of dNTP mix (25 mM each dNTP)
1 µl of upstream primer (0.1 µg/µl)
1 µl of downstream primer (0.1 µg/µl)
2 µl of experimental first-strand cDNA reaction
1 µl of PfuUltra DNA polymerase (2.5 U/µl)
2. If the thermal cycler does not have a hot top assembly, overlay each
reaction with one or two drops (20–40 µl) of nuclease-free mineral oil
to prevent evaporation and condensation during thermal cycling.
The PfuUltra reaction buffer (supplied with the enzyme) contains MgSO
at a final
concentration of 2 mM. For amplification of cDNA using this enzyme, the reaction mixture
should be supplemented with MgSO
to a final concentration of 3 mM.
Thin-walled tubes are highly recommended for use with Stratagene thermal cyclers. These
tubes ensure ideal contact with the multiblock design, permit efficient heat transfer, and
maximize thermal-cycling performance.
6 AccuScript High Fidelity 1
Strand cDNA Synthesis Kit
3. Place the amplification reactions in a thermal cycler, and run the
thermal-cycling program below.
PCR Cycling Program for PfuUltra DNA Polymerase in RT-PCR
Thermal cycler Cycles Temperature Duration
Single or multiple block 1 95°C 1 minute
40 95°C 30 seconds
30 seconds
68°C 3 minutes/kb
1 68°C 10 minutes
RoboCycler temperature
1 95°C 1 minute
40 95°C 1 minute
1 minute
68°C 3 minutes/kb
1 68°C 10 minutes
Use the annealing temperature appropriate for the specific primer pair used in the
For targets <1 kb, use a 3-minute extension time.
4. Analyze the PCR products by loading 10 µl of each PCR amplification
reaction (taken from below the mineral oil layer) into separate lanes of
a 0.8% (w/v) agarose gel.
AccuScript High Fidelity 1
Strand cDNA Synthesis Kit 7
Observation Suggestion
No or low yield of first-strand cDNA Verify the integrity of the RNA by denaturing agarose gel electrophoresis to
ensure it is not degraded.
Replace the RNA. Use Stratagene Absolutely RNA or Absolutely mRNA
purification kits to isolate intact total RNA or mRNA, respectively.
Isolate the RNA in the presence of a ribonuclease inhibitor, and ensure that all
RT-PCR reagents and labware are free of RNases.
Reduce the volume of the target RNA or remove RT inhibitors (SDS, EDTA,
guanidinium chloride, formamide, Na
, or spermidine) with an additional
70% (v/v) ethanol wash following ethanol precipitation.
In some cases RNase Block ribonuclease inhibitor can inhibit the cDNA
reaction. Reduce or eliminate the RNase Block.
Increase the length of the 42°C cDNA synthesis reaction to 90 minutes to
allow for the synthesis of cDNA from rare or long RNA targets.
Increase the concentration of the template RNA.
Add the AccuScript RT after the reactions have cooled to room-temperature
following the 65°C denaturation step, and synthesize cDNA at 42°C.
Confirm that the cDNA synthesis primer is complementary to the target
sequence; change the primer type [oligo(dT), gene-specific, or random].
If using random primers, incubate the reaction at 25°C for 10 minutes prior to
increasing the temperature to 42°C for cDNA synthesis. This allows better
annealing of random primers to RNA.
In the case of eukaryotic RNA, use the oligo(dT) primer.
1. Roberts, J. D., Bebenek, K. and Kunkel, T. A. (1988) Science 242:1171-1173.
2. Arezi, B. and Hogrefe, H. H. (2007) Anal Biochem 360(1):84-91.
The Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS) information for Stratagene products is provided on the web at Simply enter the catalog number to retrieve any associated MSDS’s
in a print-ready format. MSDS documents are not included with product shipments.
8 AccuScript High Fidelity 1
Strand cDNA Synthesis Kit
AccuScript High Fidelity 1
Strand cDNA Synthesis Kit
Catalog #200820
cDNA Synthesis
Add the following reagents, in order, to a microcentrifuge tube:
Reagent Volume ( for 20 µl final reaction volume)
RNase-free water To final volume of 16.5 µl
10 × AccuScript RT buffer 2.0 µl
Primer 1 µl gene-specific primer (0.1 µg/µl)
OR 1 µl oligo(dT) primer (0.5 µg/µl)
OR 3 µl random primers (0.1 µg/µl)
dNTP mix (25 mM each) 0.8 µl
Sample RNA X µl
Incubate the reaction at 65°C for 5 minutes, then cool to room temperature (approximately
5 minutes).
Add the following components, in order:
2 µl of 100 mM DTT
1 µl of AccuScript RT
0.5 µl of RNase Block
If using random primers, incubate the reactions at 25°C for 10 minutes to allow primer
extension prior to completing the following step.
Incubate the reaction at 42°C for 60 minutes.
Terminate cDNA synthesis by incubating the reaction at 70ºC for 15 minutes. Place the
reaction on ice for use in downstream applications or at 20°C for long-term storage.