Thomas F. Raykovich
A Research Paper
Submitted in Partial Fulfillment of the
Requirements for the Degree of
Education Specialist
With a Major in
Counseling and Psychological Services
Approved 6 Semester Credits
Field Study Chair
Field Study Committee Members:
The Graduate College
University of Wisconsin-Stout
January 2000
The Graduate College
University of Wisconsin-Stout
Menomonie, WI 54751
Raykovich Thomas F.
Education Specialist in Counseling & Psychological Services Dr. Thomas Modahl January
2000 37 pages
American Psychological Association (APA) Publication Manual
From a historical perspective, the general public has largely accepted the claims of
quality made by institutions of higher learning (Pascarella & Terenzini, 1991). Overall, the
view of most individuals concerning post secondary education has been very positive. In recent
years, however, the perception of higher learning has become more critical and cynical.
In response to the public=s growing aversion toward many colleges and universities, the
federal government, state government, and many accrediting associations have strongly
suggested, and in some cases required, that institutions of higher learning assess the educational
outcomes of students to document and improve the quality of their academic offerings (Ewell,
Nicolet Area Technical College, a public community college serving approximately
1500 students annually, is located in rural Northcentral Wisconsin. The College has developed
an assessment plan which proposes to determine to whether Nicolet College is fulfilling its
Mission, Vision, Values, and Goals, and to refine and enhance the programs and services of the
institution. The assessment plan will provide the college staff with the detailed information
needed to continually improve the quality of educational programs, services, and facilities. It
was decided that a major component of this assessment plan would include the assessment of
critical thinking skills. The California Critical Thinking Skills Test (CCTST) was chosen as the
College=s test pilot instrument for evaluating critical thinking ability. This decision was based,
in part, on the CCTST manual=s description of the test which indicates the CCTST was
specifically developed to measure the Askills@ dimension of critical thinking, targeting core
critical thinking abilities regarded to be essential elements in a college education. The purpose
of this Causal Comparative study seeks to determine if the California Critical Thinking Test will
detect differences in critical thinking skills between first and fourth semester program students
attending Nicolet Area Technical College.
The subjects for this study were two groups of Nicolet Area Technical College students
enrolled in programs of substantial length (45 credit hours minimum). One group consisted of
students enrolled in first semester classes and the other of students enrolled in their fourth
semester, preparing to graduate. The first group, consisting of fifty-three students enrolled in
various general education courses, were administered the California Critical Thinking Test
shortly after enrollment. The second group administered the test, consisted of fifty students who
had applied for graduation in December 1999. A t-Test for Independent Samples was the
statistic of choice to accept or reject the null hypotheses.
Null: There will be no significant difference between California Critical Thinking Skills
Test scores of matriculating Nicolet Area Technical College students and those preparing to
The findings will be used to determine if this test is an appropriate measure to use in
assessing the critical thinking skills of students attending Nicolet Area Technical College.
Should it be found that the California Critical Thinking Test is an appropriate measure, Nicolet
students, chosen at random, will be pre-tested (during enrollment) and tested again when
applying for graduation.
The results of this study indicate the average mean test score of Nicolet College students
enrolled in their fourth semester was significantly higher on the California Critical Thinking
Skills Test (CCTST) than the average mean test score earned by first semester Nicolet College
students. Additionally, there was a statistically significant increase in the mean test scores of
fourth semester students on the Analysis, Evaluation, Deductive and Inductive sub-scale areas of
the CCTST.
List of Tables .................................................................................................................................vi
Chapter I Introduction..................................................................................................................... 1
Statement of Problem.......................................................................................................... 4
Purpose of the Study ........................................................................................................... 4
Definition of Terms............................................................................................................. 5
Chapter II Review of Literature ...................................................................................................... 8
Chapter III Design of Study.......................................................................................................... 21
The Population .................................................................................................................. 21
Description of the measuring Instrument.......................................................................... 22
Data Collection.................................................................................................................. 23
Statistical Procedure..........................................................................................................24
Limitations ........................................................................................................................25
Summary ........................................................................................................................... 25
Chapter IV Results ........................................................................................................................26
Data Analysis ....................................................................................................................26
Chapter V Summary...................................................................................................................... 34
Summary ........................................................................................................................... 34
Discussion ......................................................................................................................... 36
Precautions ....................................................................................................................... .38
1. Total Critical Thinking Scores
First and fourth semester student comparison................................................................... 27
2. Analysis
First and fourth semester student comparison................................................................... 28
3. Evaluation
First and fourth semester student comparison................................................................... 29
4. Inference
First and fourth semester student comparison................................................................... 30
5. Deductive
First and fourth semester student comparison................................................................... 31
6. Inductive
First and fourth semester student comparison................................................................... 32
7. Percentile scores for over-all critical thinking and individual sub-scales
First and fourth semester student comparison................................................................... 33
From a historical perspective, the general public has largely accepted the claims of
quality made by institutions of higher learning (Pascarella & Terenzini, 1991). Overall, the
view of most individuals concerning post secondary education has been very positive. In recent
years, however, the perception of higher learning has become more critical and cynical. Several
blue ribbon advisory panels have issued reports criticizing the quality of higher education and
have called for colleges and universities to assess student performance in relation to the
colleges= institutional objectives (Osterlind, 1997). According to the Wingspread Group
(1993), AEducation is in trouble and with it our nation=s hope for the future@ (p.24). The report
goes on to challenge the higher education community to improve the intellectual ability of its
students. The spirit of this challenge is evident in the groups conclusion: AA generation ago, we
told educators we wanted more people with a college credential and more research-based
knowledge. Educators responded accordingly. Now we need to ask for different things.
Students must value achievement, not simply seek a credential.@ (Wingspread Group, 1993, p.
24). A 20-year review into the effects of college education on student learning concluded that
the evidence concerning the net effects of college on the development of general cognitive skills
is minimal and rather limited in scope (Pascarella & Terenzini, 1991).
The Resource Group on Adult Literacy and Lifelong Learning (1991), states in its interim
report to the National Education Goals Panel that very limited information is available on the
ability of college graduates to solve problems, communicate, or to think critically.
According to Lopez (1998), Associate Director of the North Central Association of
Colleges and Schools Commission on Institutions of Higher Education (NCA), public and
private two-year, four-year, and doctoral institutions face a major challenge in addressing the
assessment of student learning.
In response to the public=s growing aversion toward many colleges and universities,
federal and state governments, and many accrediting associations have strongly suggested, and in
some cases required, that institutions of higher learning assess the educational outcomes of
students to document and improve the quality of their academic offerings (Ewell, 1991). Studies
have found that a high percentage of America=s post secondary institutions, a number as high as
82 %, have indeed initiated some form of outcomes assessment (El-Khawas, 1990). Even
though there is widespread use of outcomes assessment being conducted in American higher
education, there is little evidence available concerning what college students know and what
skills they possess. Almost all institutions of higher learning have incorporated some form of
survey or questionnaire that probes student attitudes about their educational experiences.
Evaluation teams have been highly critical of this form of self reported data, however, since the
surveys do not focus on what the student has actually accomplished, nor do they
assess learning (Lopez, 1998).
There are various ways to assess student learning, such as standardized tests, portfolios,
and locally developed tests. In choosing an assessment instrument, Lopez (1998) stressed the
importance of sound methodology and measures. The instrument should measure factors the
college feels students are to know, and the scores derived should be appropriate and logical
inferences about student learning (Lopez, 1998).
The North Central Association of Colleges and Schools Commission on Institutions of
Higher Education (NCA) is a membership organization made up of educational institutions in the
nineteen-state North Central region. The association is committed to developing and
maintaining high standards of educational excellence. In order for Nicolet College to be a
member of the North Central Association, it has to meet all twenty General Institutional
Requirements. General Institutional Requirement Number Sixteen emphasizes the importance of
the Aassessment of student academic achievement including the general education component of
the program and is linked to expected learning outcomes@ (AHandbook of Accreditation,@ 1997,
p. 23-24). The Commission believes that the assessment of student academic achievement is
imperative in evaluating overall institutional effectiveness (AHandbook of Accreditation,@
Nicolet Area Technical College, a public community college serving approximately
1500 students annually, is located in rural Northcentral Wisconsin. The College has developed
an assessment plan which proposes to determine whether Nicolet College is fulfilling its
Mission, Vision, Values, and Goals, and to refine and enhance the programs and services of the
institution. The assessment plan will provide the college staff with the detailed information
needed to continually improve the quality of educational programs, services, and facilities. It
was decided that a major component of this assessment plan would include the assessment of
critical thinking skills. The California Critical Thinking Skills Test (CCTST) was chosen as the
College=s test pilot instrument for evaluating critical thinking ability. This decision was based,
in part, on the CCTST manual=s description of the test which indicates the CCTST was
specifically developed to measure the Askills@ dimension of critical thinking, targeting core
critical thinking abilities regarded to be essential elements in a college education.
Statement of the Problem
Research shows the assessment of student academic achievement is key to the
improvement of student learning, in aiding educational institutions with issues related to
accountability, and in documenting the importance of higher education. According to Nicolet
College=s Assessment Plan (1995), critical thinking is a key element in the process of student
learning. The College, therefore, has identified a need to assess critical thinking ability and is
considering the California Critical Thinking Skills Test as the instrument to help it accomplish
this objective. In order to make that decision, however, more information is needed to help the
College determine if this test is appropriate for its population of students.
Purpose of the Study
The purpose of this Causal Comparative study seeks to determine if the California
Critical Thinking Test will detect differences in critical thinking skills between first and fourth
semester students enrolled in two year programming at Nicolet Area Technical College.
Null Hypothesis
There will be no significant difference in the scores on the California Critical Thinking
Skills Test between students who are enrolling and students who are preparing to graduate from
Nicolet Area Technical College.
Alternate Hypothesis
Students who are preparing to graduate from Nicolet Area Technical College will have
significantly higher scores on the California Critical Thinking Skills Test than students who have
just enrolled.
Definition of Terms
General Institutional Requirements (GIR)
: Define institutional parameters, establish a
threshold of institutional development, and mirror the North Central Association=s basic
expectations of all affiliated institutions of higher education (Handbook of Accreditation
[HOA],@ 1997)..
Critical Thinking: AThe process of personal, self regulatory judgement. This process
gives reasoned consideration to evidence, context, conceptualizations, methods, and criteria @
(The American Philosophical Association Delphi Report, 1990). Thus defined as the cognitive
process which effects problem-solving and decision-making.
General Education: Although every educational institution has it=s own definition of
general education, according to the Nicolet Area Technical College Assessment Plan (1990), the
mission of general education at Nicolet Area Technical College is to:
Provide an educational base of knowledge that is designed to foster customary skills,
intellectual concepts and attitudes that all educated individuals should possess. General
education furnishes explicit instruction in important lifelong skills needed for success in
career, home, community, and the larger society. This commitment to general education
is found in the essential competencies for all graduates from the college which have
become known as core abilities (p.4).
Core Abilities:
Address broad cognitive skills and perceptions that are transferrable and
go beyond the framework of a specific class. Nicolet=s core abilities are: Educational program
competence, solid foundation skills, effective communications, critical thinking skills, self-
directed inquiry and growth, self awareness and esteem, community commitment, and global
awareness and sensitivity (Nicolet Area Technical College Assessment Plan, 1995).
The following are definitions of the five California Critical Thinking Skills (CCTST)
sub-scales, as defined in the CCTST Manual, (Facione, Facione, Blohm, Howard and Giancarlo,
To comprehend and express the meaning or significance of a wide variety of experiences,
situations, data, events, judgements, conventions, beliefs, rules, procedures, or criteria.
Analysis also means to identify the intended and actual inferential relationships among
statements, questions, concepts, descriptions, or other forms of representation intended to
express beliefs, judgements, experiences, reasons, information, or opinions (Facione, et
al., 1998, p.5).
To assess the credibility of statements or other representations which are accounts or a
description of a person=s perception, experience, situation, judgement, belief, or opinion;
and to assess the logical strength of the actual or intended inferential relationships among
statements, descriptions, questions or other forms of representations. To state the results
of one=s reasoning; to justify that reasoning in terms of the evidential, conceptual,
methodological, criteriological, and contextual considerations upon which one=s results
were based; and to present one=s reasoning in the form of cogent arguments (Facione, et
al., 1998, p.5).
To identify and secure elements needed to draw reasonable conclusions; to form
conjectures and hypotheses, to consider relevant information and to deduce the
consequences flowing from the data, statements, principles, evidence, judgements,
beliefs, opinions, concepts, descriptions, questions, or other forms of representation@
(Facione, et al., 1998, p. 5-6).
Matriculate: To enroll, especially in a college or university, as a candidate for a degree
(Thorndike & Barnhart, 1983).
Substantial Length: Student must be enrolled for at least 45 credit hours to be considered
in an academic program of substantial length (AHandbook of Accreditation,@ 1997).
Review of Literature
Institutional Accreditation
In American institutions, accreditation is a uniquely voluntary process. Voluntary
accreditation has two basic purposes: Quality assurance and institutional and program
involvement. Institutional accreditation evaluates and accredits an educational institution as a
whole. It assesses educational activities, governance, financial stability, admissions, student
services, institutional services, student academic achievement, institutional effectiveness, and
relationships with constituencies outside the institution (AHandbook of Accreditation [HOA],@
Six regional agencies provide institutional accreditation, those being: Middle States, New
England, North Central, Northwest, Southern, and Western. Although they function independent
of one another, these six regional associations cooperate with and accept one another=s
accreditation (AHOA,@ 1997).
The primary purposes of the North Central Association of Colleges and Schools
Commission of Institutions of Higher Education are the public=s determination of institutional
quality and the encouragement of continual institutional self-improvement. In this process, the
Commission has organized the issues of institutional evaluation into broad areas called Criteria
for Accreditation. It is important to note that the Commission sets high expectations for its
members in all five Criteria for Accreditation areas and all of these Criteria must be to met to
satisfy full accreditation requirements (AHOA,@ 1997).
Criteria 3 and 4 deal with whether the institution can accomplish its stated purposes
and improve its educational effectiveness. While the Commission cannot guarantee that an
institution will accomplish its purposes, it does represent the best peer judgement about the
institution=s future at the time of the evaluation. In choosing to be part of NCA, an institution
seeks not only external validation, but also accepts responsibility for improving educational
offerings. In order to meet this criteria, it will need to have the necessary resources to maintain
strengths, correct weaknesses, and respond to changing societal educational needs (AHOA,@
In 1989, The Commission adopted its current assessment initiative. Through this
initiative, educational institutions interested in learning whether they are accomplishing what
they claim to be accomplishing inevitably find ways in which they can improve (AHOA,@ 1997).
Recently, the Commission has determined that an effective program for assessing student
academic achievement is an imperative piece of the puzzle in support of an institution=s claims
educational effectiveness. Although the measurement of learning outcomes is only one aspect
of an overall effective educational program, NCA recognizes the importance of assessment data
in contributing to successful decision making within an institution, especially in faculty and
curriculum development. The Commission also indicated that unless an institution is prepared
to integrate assessment into the institutional budgeting process, even the best plan will fail. Thus
the long-range success of assessment of student learning and its ability to enhance educational
quality depends on several factors including: Governing board support, appropriate leadership
support, sufficient resources for ongoing assessment, funding, and an appropriate avenue for
ways in which assessment information can influence institutional priorities (AHOA,@ 1997).
The Nicolet Area Technical College Assessment Plan
According to the Executive Summary of the Assessment Plan of Nicolet Area Technical
College (1995), AThe overriding purpose of the Assessment Plan is to determine to what degree
Nicolet College is fulfilling its mission, vision, values, and goals and to strengthen the programs
and services of the College@ (p. ii).
Nicolet College Mission: In service to people of Northern Wisconsin, we deliver
superior community college education that transforms lives and enriches
Nicolet College Vision: To be a model college recognized for educational excellence and
valued as a vital resource by the people of Northern Wisconsin...
Nicolet College Values: We believe in the worth and dignity of the individual, and we
therefore commit to treating each person with kindness and respect. We honor individual
freedom of inquiry and individual and group contributions to governance. We value
education as a life-long process. We value our students, and we strive to empower them
to realize their educational goals. We value our staff and board, and we strive to support
one another in our common efforts to contribute fully to the success of Nicolet College.
We value our communities, and we strive to enrich them by being responsive to their
needs through partnerships (Nicolet Area Technical College Catalog, 1998, p.3-5).
The Executive Summary of the Assessment Plan of Nicolet Area Technical College
(1995) indicates the assessment plan will provide the college with detailed information needed to
improve educational programs, services, and facilities. Nicolet College=s Assessment Plan is
linked to its mission, goals, and objectives as outlined in the following Assessment Plan goals:
1. Validate that programs and services are delivered as are represented by publications.
2. Increase the awareness and expectations for quality in all educational endeavors.
3. Incorporate results into future planning, policy decisions, and resource allocation.
4. Develop measurable outcomes and set program standards.
5. Publicly promote exemplary programs and services and to increase information
throughout the college district to stimulate interest and confidence in college
6. Create a culture where stakeholders are part of and committed to improving the
quality of teaching and learning at Nicolet Area Technical College.
The concept of assessment has changed from one which was added on to instruction from
the outside to periodically check on its effectiveness, to a comprehensive process of
continuous improvement where the use of evidence and discipline are part of the delivery of
instruction itself. Ewell (as cited in IEASSA, 1994), states the whole point of assessment
according to most practitioners is institutional improvement.
According to Allen, et al., (1985) an appropriate assessment program will contribute to
student growth and development, resulting in increased competence, self knowledge, self esteem,
and confidence. Allen stresses, that students at Alverno College have found their assessment
program Ato be one of the most distinctive and powerful parts of learning@ (p.54).
For over 60 years, educational institutions have been examined in an effort to determine
their effectiveness (Morgan & Welker, 1991). In the mid-1970's, numerous reports emphasized
the need for the development of excellence in the educational experience. The mid-1980's
stressed increased accountability in higher education, accurate measurement of institutional
effectiveness, and evidence that educational institutions were accomplishing their stated
objectives. One of the main obstacles to determining institutional effectiveness has been that
few colleges have common criteria for determining institutional effectiveness (Cameron, 1978).
According to a report by the Institutional Effectiveness and Assessment of Student
Academic Achievement (IEASSA) (1994), there are two core indicators from the Wisconsin
Technical College System which speak directly to the assessment of student achievement.
1. Identification of Student Functional Skills at Entry
The proportion of an entering student cohort for which the institution has
information describing functional skills in reading, mathematics, written and oral
communication, and technical fields. Standardized or local tests administered to
students at entry that include the determination of functional skills in reading,
mathematics, and written and oral communication. Also desirable are tests of
applied skills for students in specific technical fields (p. 4).
Basically all colleges in the Wisconsin Technical College System collect data from
entering students in the areas of reading, writing, and mathematics. Applied skills are typically
not assessed at entry and this is an area that, according to the Wisconsin Technical College
System, needs to be further developed. It should be noted that Nicolet College does have
an applied writing (essay) component.
2. Student Knowledge and Skills at Exit
The knowledge and skills achieved by students at the time of exit from college in
some or all of the following areas: reading, mathematics, written and oral
communication, general education and applied technology. Different methods are
used at exit to collect data from students documenting knowledge and skills in
basic education, general education, and applied technology. Possible methods of
assessment include pre-and post-tests, portfolio performance evaluation,
demonstrated competency or practical application, assessment of verbal and non-
verbal communication skills, assessment of critical thinking and problem-solving
skills, student description of achievement and competencies, and competency
based grading (p.4).
Colleges periodically collect student outcome data at exit, especially to satisfy
requirements of self study for accreditation. Common practice does not exist among the
Wisconsin Technical College System. Again, it has been recommended that this process be
further developed (IEASSA, 1994).
Implementation of the Wisconsin Instructional Design System (WIDS) requires that all
courses and programs determine competencies and/or outcomes that accompany appropriate
measures of learner mastery. Outcomes must relay to learners what primary skills, knowledge,
and attitudes they will learn; be measurable and observable; and require learning at the
application level or higher. General education competencies and core abilities need to be
measured in all courses (IEASSA, 1994).
According to the Executive Summary of the Assessment Plan of Nicolet Area Technical
College, (1994), general education and core abilities are defined as follows:
The mission of general education at Nicolet College is to provide an
educational core of knowledge that is intended to impart common skills,
intellectual concepts, and attitudes that every educated person should possess.
General education provides explicit instruction in the essential lifelong skills
required for success in career, home, community, and the larger society.
Core abilities are the broadest outcomes, skills, or purposes that are
addressed throughout a course or program rather than in one specific unit or
lesson. Core abilities address broad knowledge, skills, and attitudes that are
transferrable and go beyond the context of a specific course. Core abilities are
institutional outcomes for students. Core abilities are imbedded in the curriculum
and are assessed simultaneously with lesson, unit, or course outcomes (p. 4).
Critical Thinking
According to Toulmin, Rieke, and Janik, (1979), the ability to think critically is one of
the most crucial survival skills in society today. The lack of these skills can keep people from
participating effectively in a democratic society.
After decades of ignoring the heart of education, the eighties witnessed a growth in the
process of inquiry, learning, and thinking rather than the accumulation of disjointed skills and
information. Through conferences and position papers, the critical thinking movement gained
momentum throughout the decade. This movement lead to the development of lesson plans
incorporating critical thinking instruction in elementary, and secondary schools, as well as in
college level courses in critical thinking. Critical thinking related publications and staff
development programs are now major growth areas. Critical thinking is no longer characterized
as a cottage industry (The American Philosophical Association, 1990) .
From a historical perspective, the areas of philosophy, psychology, and education, have
accepted a myriad of individual, often overlapping definitions of the words Acritical thinking.@
There seems to be as many definitions of critical thinking as there are authors on the subject. In
1987, as the need for a clear consensus definition of critical thinking became ever apparent, the
Committee on Pre-College Philosophy of the American Philosophical Society (APS) began
making inquires into the construct of critical thinking and its assessment. Using the Delphi
methodology, a facilitator conducted an anonymous, two-year intercommunication between 46
critical thinking experts drawn from the fields of philosophy, psychology, and education. These
experts, located from across the United States and Canada, did reach the first consensus
definition, and this research has been called the Delphi Report (Facione, 1990).
The Delphi report was successful in identifying a specific definition for critical thinking
and also in the description of a critical thinker. According to Facione, (1990), it would be
impossible to understand the teaching of critical thinking without a profile of the consummate
critical thinker. The Delphi Report consensus definition regarding critical thinking, as well as
its interpretation of the ideal critical thinker is as follows:
We understand critical thinking to be purposeful , self-regulatory judgement
which results in interpretation, analysis, evaluation, and inference as well as
explanation of the evidential, conceptual, methodological, criteriological, or
contextual considerations upon which that judgement was based. Critical thinking
is essential as a tool of inquiry... Critical thinking is a pervasive and self-
rectifying human phenomenon. The ideal critical thinker is habitually inquisitive,
well-informed, honest in facing personal biases, prudent in making judgements,
willing to reconsider, clear about the issues, orderly in complex matters, diligent
in seeking relevant information, reasonable in the selection of criteria,
focused on inquiry, and persistent in seeking results which are as precise as the
subject and the circumstances of inquiry permit... (Facione, 1990)
The above definition is intended to be a guide to curriculum development and the
assessment of critical thinking. For example, in applying this definition to writing curriculum for
college students in specific programs, it may be helpful to substitute Aautomotive technician, or
computer programmer@ in place of Aideal critical thinker@ (Facione & Facione, 1994).
The Executive Summary of the Assessment Plan of Nicolet Area Technical College
(1995, p 5), identifies critical thinking skills through students possessing and demonstrating core
ability skills in the following:
synthesis comparison
creativity analysis
logic skepticism
evaluation evolution/adaptation
One of the most frequently cited reasons for the failure of education in America is the
inability of American students to read and think critically. A study conducted by the National
Commission on Excellence in Education reported that many 17-year-old=s do not possess the
higher level intellectual abilities we expect from them. An alarming 40 % cannot draw
inferences from written material and only one-fifth can write a convincing essay. Further, the
Study notes that all subject matter contributes to the development of critical thinking (AA Nation
at Risk,@ 1983).
It is getting increasingly more important to know how to use resources to discover new
information or to problem solve in an age where access to knowledge is general and immediate
(Clarke & Biddle, 1993). Clarke and Brittle, (1993) also argue that the test of today=s
curriculum is to teach students to govern their own minds, and that if thinking strategies were
taught and demonstrated in the academic disciplines, high school and college students could
better understand the classroom experience and control and direct intellectual work. AInstructors
in the academic disciplines could and should therefore teach them as surely as they teach the
subject knowledge those strategies have produced@ (p.12).
Although there is agreement on the importance of critical thinking in higher education,
there is debate as to how these skills should be taught (MacAdam, 1995). Talaska (1992), has
compiled a number of essays by many scholars representing diverse contemporary theoretical
views of critical reasoning. He identified two central questions:
1. Is critical thinking a general skill apart from content or knowledge context?
2. Should critical thinking be taught as a skill in itself or integrated with other teaching
and learning programs?
Learning must be active rather than passive. Critical thinking cannot be taught by a
teacher standing at the chalk board, but must be learned by the students themselves working
cooperatively or individually (Clark & Biddle, 1993).
According to Barnes, (as cited in Paul, 1992) extensive content coverage through lecture
and mindless memorization combined with passive students, perpetuate lower order thinking and
learning that many students currently associate with going to school. Students need to take an
active role in thinking to conclusion in order to achieve higher order learning. Many students
leave school with fragmentary opinions and undisciplined beliefs, leading to limited intellectual
ability, morality, as well as motivational level.
Critical Thinking Standardized Assessment
According to the new Roget=s Thesaurus (Chapman, 1992, p. 842), a synonym for the
word Acritical@ is Acrucial.@ Critical thinking skills are crucial to human development and
society; therefore, developing an appropriate test to assess critical thinking is a monumentally
important task, according to Ennis, (1993). Although there are many tests available that require
some form of critical thinking, there are few that measure critical thinking as their primary
objective. The shortage of critical thinking tests is rather unfortunate; many more are needed to
fit various testing situations and purposes of critical thinking testing. In choosing a critical
thinking assessment instrument, Ennis, (1993), advises that one not depend solely on claims
made by test authors and publishers; he recommends the following questions be considered:
1. Is the test based upon a defensible conception of critical thinking?
2. How comprehensive is the coverage of this conception?
3. Does it seem to do a good job assessing the level of your students?
There are many ways of assessing critical thinking skills including: standardized tests,
locally developed (customized) tests, portfolios, essays, and performance/competency
assessment. This assessment can be done longitudinally or cross sectionally (Ennis, 1993).
In terms of standardized critical thinking skills test instruments, Ennis (1993) indicated
almost all are of a multiple choice format which he believes to be an advantage for institutions in
terms of cost, efficiency; and time, however, he cautions that they may lack comprehensiveness.
He indicated the need for additional research and development in this area.
California Critical Thinking Skills Test (CCTST)
According to Facione and Facione (1994), prior to the development of the CCTST there
were only three test instruments available for assessing critical thinking skills at the college
level. Each of these instruments however were developed based upon different theoretical
constructs. This difference limits the potential for establishing concurrent validity between them.
Before the Delphi Project there was not a clear definition of critical thinking. The
CCTST was the first assessment tool to derive its construct validity from this well honed
definition. The CCTST first published in 1992, is an objectively scored standardized instrument
that assesses the cognitive skills dimension of critical thinking. It is a a timed (45 minute), 34
item, multiple choice test which, according to the manual Atargets those critical thinking skills
regarded to be essential elements in a college education@(p.1). There are five scores one can
obtain from this assessment instrument: an overall critical thinking score, and five sub-scores.
These five sub-scores are analysis, evaluation, inference, deductive reasoning, and inductive
reasoning (Facione, et al.)
According to a review by McMorris in The Twelfth Mental Measurements
Yearbook, (as cited in Conoley & Impaira, 1995), The California Critical Thinking Skills Test
does not have the history, reliability, or number of norm reference groups like the Watson-Glaser
Critical Thinking Appraisal. McMorris felt that there was great potential for misinterpretation,
as there is not mention in the manual of standard error of measurement, information on
difference scores, or the need for interpretation by a qualified counselor/psychometrist.
Another concern was the single college norm reference group represented by a California state
college. Obviously, one would have a rather difficult time using this norm reference group to
compare students at a rural Northern Wisconsin community college. In a second review,
Michael (as cited in Conoley & Impaira, 1995), felt the CCTST appeared to possess substantial
content validity, probably more that its competitors, due to the collective wisdom of the scholars
who contributed to its development. To summarize, both reviewers had areas where they felt
the test was strong, and, conversely, they felt there were also areas of significant weakness. The
CCTST seems to have exceptional potential; however, as recommended, it appears that more
psychometric research is needed to permit widespread use of this test instrument in both college
undergraduate and graduate programs.
Critical thinking is likely to continue to be a significant component of secondary
and postsecondary education. Current literature seems to indicate that there is, has
been, and continues to be debate not only on the definition of critical thinking, but on
teaching/learning and the assessment of critical thinking skills as well.
The area of critical thinking is a topic that we need to continue to research. The
assessment of student gains is imperative to improving teaching and learning and overall
institutional effectiveness, not to mention obtaining and maintaining accreditation from the North
Central Association of Colleges and Schools Commission on Institutions of Higher Education.
Design of the Study
In an effort to determine if the California Critical Thinking Skills Test (CCTST) will
identify differences in critical thinking skills between first and fourth semester program students
attending Nicolet Area Technical College, a causal-comparative study was conducted. The
study was conducted comparing matriculating Nicolet College students and students preparing
for graduation. The Null and Alternate Hypotheses follow:
Null Hypothesis
There will be no significant difference in the scores on the California Critical Thinking
Skills Test between students who are enrolling and students who are preparing to graduate from
Nicolet Area Technical College.
Alternate Hypothesis
Students who are preparing to graduate from Nicolet Area Technical College will have
significantly higher scores on the California Critical Thinking Skills Test than students who have
just enrolled.
The sample population for this study consisted of 103 students enrolled in programming
of substantial length (2 years, or 45 credits) at Nicolet Area Technical College. Of this sample,
53 were incoming (first semester) students, and 50 were students preparing for graduation. The
incoming students were taking general education courses and were administered the test
instrument during class time under their instructor=s direction. The other group of students were
chosen at random and were required to take the examination under the direction of the Nicolet
College Assessment committee upon application for graduation.
Description of the Measurement Instrument
The California Critical Thinking Skills Test provides percentile ranking scores.
Percentiles can be obtained for an overall critical thinking score, and/or for the following sub-
scales: Analysis, Evaluation, Inference, Deduction, and Induction. There are three norm
reference groups, including a sample group comprised of 781 college students (Facione, et al.,
An alternate form method was used to calculate the reliability of the CCTST. The
CCTST manual estimates the reliability to be at 0.78. Although this is less than .80 which is
suggested for internal consistency on tests intended to measure a single ability, it should be noted
that the CCTST assesses numerous factors (Facione, et al., 1998). According to Norris and
Ennis (1990), reliability ratings of .65 - .75 are adequate on multiple factor test instruments,
since on these tests there is no theoretical reason for the test items to correlate highly with one
According to Facione, et al., (1998), the specified domain used to determine content
validity is essentially the definition of critical thinking as outlined by the Delphi group. The
CCTST manual states that each of the items chosen for inclusion in the test was based upon a
theoretical relationship to the Delphi critical thinking conceptualization. The CCTST manual
cites several studies involving the CCTST as the primary research tool which support that the
test measures precisely what it purports to measure, thus supporting its case for construct
validity. The issue of face validity is addressed by the nature of the questions asked, in that s
students must make judgements, draw inferences, evaluate reasoning, and justify their inferences
and evaluations. Face validity was further supported by student responses to the test, by faculty
committees who have adopted the CCTST as the instrument of choice for student placement, as
well as, by a number of research projects examining critical thinking issues that have chosen to
use the CCTST in their project. In terms of criterion validity, the CCTST has been found to
correlate with college level grade point average, the Graduate Record Examination, and with
SAT Verbal and Math scores (Facione, et al., 1998).
Nicolet College students will be administered Form A or Form B (equivalent forms) of
the CCTST and these scores will be compared to a CCTST norm group consisting of 781
college students from a comprehensive, urban, state university. It should be noted that none of
these students had completed a course in critical thinking. Their college experience ranged from
completing no semester units, to completing enough units to qualify for graduation. The mean
age of the students was 22 with a standard deviation of 4.457 (Facione, et al.,1998).
The CCTST manual did not provide information regarding specific reading level
requirements. According to the Gamco Readability Analysis which employs the Fry Readability
Formula, samples taken from random reading passages were at the 12
, 14
and 17
plus grade
Data Collection
The California Critical Thinking Skills Test (CCTST) was given to first semester students
during the month of October, 1999, as a pre-test indicator of the participants= critical thinking
ability. The CCTST was also administered during the month of December 1999, to students
who had essentially completed their two-year programs and had applied for graduation.
Statistical Procedure
This section will address the procedure that will be used in making a decision to accept or
reject the null.
Null Hypothesis
There will be no significant difference in the scores on the California Critical Thinking
Skills Test between students who are enrolling and students who are preparing to graduate from
Nicolet Area Technical College.
Alternate Hypothesis
Students who are preparing to graduate from Nicolet Area Technical College will have
significantly higher scores on the California Critical Thinking Skills Test than students who have
just enrolled.
Data taken from the California Critical Thinking Skills Test was statistically analyzed
and the index of choice used to find the significance of the difference between the means of the
two samples was the t-test for independent samples. The predetermined level at which the null
hypothesis will be rejected, or the level of significance, will be set at .05, as according to Ary,
Lucy, and Razavieh, (1985), AThe most commonly used levels of significance in the field of
education are the .05 and .01 levels@ (p.155). At the .05 level of significance, the null
hypothesis will be rejected only if the estimated probability of the observed relationship being a
chance occurrence is five in one hundred, thus greatly limiting the chances of
committing a type I error (Ary, Lucy, & Razavieh, 1985).
This study is limited by the geographical area of the population used in the study.
Students involved in the study were mainly from rural Northcentral Wisconsin. Caution should
be taken when generalizing the results of this study with other geographic areas.
Historically, people have, in general, accepted the premise that attending a college or
university would result in an improvement in one=s ability to think critically. The trend recently
however, has taken a more cynical turn, as students are graduating from post secondary
institutions of higher learning without possessing the basic life skills necessary to obtain and
maintain employment. Governing agencies such as the North Central Association of Colleges
and Schools Commission on Institutions of Higher Education have responded to these concerns
and have set forth specific criteria for measuring core abilities. In examining ways to assess
these broad cognitive skills, many colleges and universities have adopted entrance/exit testing
procedures, including the assessment of critical thinking skills.
Nicolet Area Technical College=s Assessment committee has expressed a desire to adopt
an assessment program to measure student outcomes related to core abilities. Part of this plan
seeks to address critical thinking skills. This study was devised to aid Nicolet College in
determining whether the California Critical Thinking Skills instrument would be an appropriate
measure for assessing the critical thinking growth provided through the Nicolet College
The purpose of this causal-comparative study was to test the following null hypothesis:
There will be no significant difference in the scores on the California Critical Thinking Skills
Test (CCTST) between matriculating students and students who are preparing to graduate from
Nicolet Area Technical College.
The subjects for this study were 103 Nicolet Area Technical College students. Fifty-three
of which were first semester (incoming) students and 50 were fourth semester (outgoing)
students. These students were administered the California Critical Thinking Skills Test. Critical
thinking scores were obtained in six areas on the CCTST. These scores consisted of an over-all
critical thinking score and five sub-scale scores in the areas of analysis, evaluation, inference,
deductive reasoning, and inductive reasoning. The first three scales-analysis, evaluation, and
inference-make up a major portion of critical thinking theory as identified by the Delphi group
(Facione, 1990). The last two-inductive and deductive reasoning-are more traditional critical
thinking characterizations.
Data Analysis
Since the purpose of this study focused on whether the CCTST would discriminate
between the critical thinking skills of students attending Nicolet College enrolled in their first
semester and those enrolled in their fourth semester, a statistical analysis was conducted on the
total mean scores of these two groups. The following data was compiled using a t-test for
independent samples.
The null hypothesis was rejected and the alternate hypothesis was accepted by this
researcher. To determine significance, the probability level was set at the .05 level. It was
found that the CCTST mean score for the group of students who were preparing to graduate from
Nicolet College (14.06) was significantly higher than the scores on the CCTST obtained by
students who were in their first semester (11.21), (t-value of 3.87, df = 101, p<.05).
(see Figure 1).
Figure 1
Total Critical Thinking Scores on the California Critical
Thinking Skills Test for First and Fourth Semester Comparison
Mean Score
While not having been addressed by the null hypothesis, as an area of interest to this
researcher, data analysis was done on the five sub-tests of the CCTST. Again the level of
significance was set at .05 for the t-value analysis of each sub-scale.
n=53 n=50
It was found that there was a statistically significant difference in the total mean test
scores between first and fourth semester Nicolet College students on the California Critical
Thinking Skills Test in the Analysis Sub-scale (see Figure 2).
Figure 2
There was a statistically significant difference between the total mean test scores of first
semester students and fourth semester Nicolet College students on the California Critical
n=50 n=53
Thinking Skills Test - Evaluation Sub-scale (see Figure 3).
Figure 3
Although it was found that there was a difference between the total mean scores of first
semester students and fourth semester Nicolet College students on the California Critical
n=50 n=53
Thinking Skills Test - Inference Sub-scale, this difference was not statistically significant
(Figure 4).
Figure 4
There was a statistically significant difference between the total mean test scores of first
n=53 n=50
and fourth semester Nicolet College students on the California Critical Thinking Skills -
Deductive Sub-scale (Figure 5).
Figure 5
n=53 n=50
A statistically significant difference was found between the mean test scores of first
semester and fourth semester Nicolet College students on the California Critical Thinking Skills
Test - Inductive Sub-scale (see Figure 6).
Figure 6
n=53 n=50
Additional information that may prove helpful in further defining the critical thinking
abilities of first and fourth semester Nicolet College students, as assessed by the California
Critical Thinking Skills Test, was obtained by comparing student raw scores to a norm group
representation derived from the California Critical Thinking Skills Test Manual (Norm Group
1). This norm group consisted of 781 college students enrolled at a comprehensive, urban state
university. None of the students in this norm group had completed a formal critical thinking
course and were typically of junior standing, although some had completed no collegiate work
and others were qualified for graduation (Facione, et al., 1998, p. 10). The percentiles in Figure
7 were obtained by converting Nicolet College student total raw scores to percentiles based
upon a comparison to this norm group.
Figure 7
According to Figure 7, Nicolet College student=s critical thinking skills are typically
below the average mean scores of the norm group represented by the test publisher.
Chapter V
Historically the general population has accepted claims made by institutions of higher
learning regarding the value of higher education. Today, however, students, parents, employers,
accrediting institutions, and colleges are questioning whether students are getting real value for
their money, (i.e. Are students receiving what has been promised to them in terms of a quality
education?) In an effort to substantiate claims of quality, the Wisconsin
Technical College
System has instituted an educational guarantee called the Guaranteed Retraining Policy. This
policy states that:
The Wisconsin Technical College System guarantees up to six free credits of
additional instruction within the same occupational program to Wisconsin graduates of a
vocational diploma or associate degree program if: Within 90 days after initial
employment, the graduates employer certifies to the District Board that the graduate lacks
the entry-level job skills and specifies in writing the specific areas of deficiency (Nicolet
Area Technical College Catalog, 1998, p.7).
In order to define and measure student learning, improve the teaching and learning
process and overall institutional effectiveness, and to meet Northcentral Association (NCA)
accreditation mandates, Nicolet College has formed an Assessment Committee. One of the
initial charges of this committee is to identify and determine the appropriateness of various
assessment procedures and instruments for use in the Nicolet Assessment Program. Because
NCA has identified critical thinking as an important factor to consider in assessing student
learning, this study was undertaken to aid Nicolet College in selecting an appropriate instrument
for assessing students= critical thinking skills.
The results of this study indicate the average mean test score of Nicolet College students
enrolled in their fourth semester was significantly higher on the California Critical Thinking
Skills Test (CCTST) than the mean test score earned by first semester Nicolet College students.
Through additional research, it was found that on the five (CCTST) sub-scales, the total
mean scores of fourth semester students were significantly higher than those of first semester
students, with the exception of the Inference Sub-scale. It should be noted that although a
statistically significant difference between the scores of first and fourth semester students was
not found on the Inference sub-scale, this sub-scale did yield a higher mean score for the fourth
semester students.
Although the overall mean test scores for Nicolet College students was below that of the
test publisher=s norm group most closely representing Nicolet College students (Group 1), there
are some fundamental differences among these two groups of college students that need to be
addressed. The Group 1 test norms consist of college students attending an urban four-year,
liberal arts university located in California, as opposed to Nicolet College which is a small, rural,
Midwestern, community technical college . Additionally, most of the students in Norm Group 1
are reported to be of junior (5-6 semester) standing, whereas Nicolet students were in their 1
or 4
semesters. This research could however indicate that although there was an improvement
in critical thinking ability between 1
and 4
semester Nicolet College students, there may be
room for further growth.
In related research done by the author of the CCTST, four quasi-experimental studies
were conducted to explore the attributes of the CCTST. A pretest/posttest, case/control study
design was utilized to gather data to determine the CCTST=s validity and reliability, to assess
instrumentation effects, and to measure student gain scores after a course in critical thinking.
Cases were students enrolled in one of four course offerings in critical thinking. Controls
consisted of students who had not taken a critical thinking course, but took the course
AIntroduction to Philosophy.@ The total number of students participating in the study was 1673.
Like the Nicolet study, the test was administered in college classrooms within a 45-minute time
frame. Results of this study indicate that significant gains in the CCTST total score were
observed in the case group (students who took a critical thinking skills course) as compared to
the control group who took the course AIntroduction to Philosophy@ (Facione & Facione, 1994).
If it is the goal of Nicolet College to improve student critical thinking abilities, this
research would seem to suggest that Nicolet College may want to identify current critical
thinking courses, adapt curriculum and incorporate at least one of these classes, or at minimum,
infuse portions of these identified courses into the core program curriculum to ensure that critical
thinking skills are a part of all the Nicolet College educational offerings. Another possibility
would be to require that all Nicolet College students take an actual critical thinking course.
In somewhat conflicting research, Harris and Clemmons, (1990), conducted a study to
determine an appropriate test of critical thinking to screen college freshman. The study took
place at a comprehensive university with an enrollment of 14,000 students. Matriculating
students with entry level test scores in English, math, and reading below certain cut scores were
required to engage in remedial instruction. This remedial program of study included a
mandatory three semester hour critical thinking course. Through preliminary research, it was
found that the Watson Glaser Critical Thinking Appraisal (WGCTA) and California Critical
Thinking Skills Test (CCTST) met their standardized test requirements. If either test proved to
be a good predictor, it would possibly be used as a placement test allowing students to Atest out@
of the critical thinking course. Prediction was based upon the extent to which students scoring
above the median on the pre-test were also above the median on their overall course grade
(Harris & Clemmons, 1996).
To help minimize variables, all sections of the course were taught by the same professor
using the same lesson plans, course materials, and course evaluations. A comparison between
pre-test scores and course grades was then made. Fifty percent of those who placed above the
median on the CCTST pre-test, and 61.5 of those who placed above the median on the WGCTA
pre-test, also completed the course above the median. The difference of the mean scores for
both the CCTST and the WGCTA were found to be statistically insignificant, suggesting that the
course had little effect on the students= critical thinking abilities.
With only half (CCTST) or slightly more than half (WGCTA) of those above the
median on the pre-test also in the top half in terms of course grades, the notion that doing
well on the pre-test indicates a likelihood of doing well in the course is reduced to about
the same odds as a coin-toss.
Because of the results of the study, the university did not feel confident that either test
was appropriate for placement purposes, therefore they chose to delay making a decision
regarding a critical thinking skills screening assessment instrument until further research is
conducted (Harris and Clemmons, 1990).
In regards to the above study, and of particular interest to this researcher, was the mean
score for the developmental students on the CCTST of 10.9. While this score is significantly
below the mean of the norm group reported by the CCTST test publisher (15), it is important to
note that this norm group probably did not include a significant number of students enrolled
in remedial education. This researcher was not surprised, therefore, to see a mean score
significantly below that reported by the test publisher. Also, because these students were in
remedial education, one would question whether many of them possessed the reading level
necessary to comprehend the CCTST. As noted in chapter III of this study, according to the Fry
Readability Formula, the CCTST contains passages written at the 17
grade level equivalent.
An additional factor for consideration regarding this study was the relationship between course
content and content of the tests. Was the content of these tests the same, or at minimum, highly
similar to what was being taught in the critical thinking course? If not, this study basically
compared apples to oranges.
In terms of the Nicolet study, there were several confounding variables which should be
addressed, since they may have had an impact on the findings of this study. These potential
limitations include:
$ Students not taking the test seriously (random guessing).
$ Limited sample size.
$ The use of a single assessment instrument to assess critical thinking ability.
$ Outside factors that may be influencing a growth in critical thinking ability, such as
maturation, employment, health, major life changes, etc.
$ One may be an exceptional critical thinker at college entrance, therefore there may not be a
significant amount of growth in this area as a result of the Nicolet College educational
$ The lack of an improved score on the critical thinking examination may, or may not, be the
result of a poor or ineffective test instrument.
$ Limited geographical area of the population used in this study.
$ Through the process of attrition, students ill-prepared for the rigors of post-secondary
education either drop out or fail. In all likelihood, some of these students were part of the
first semester group. There is a high probability that students who make it to the fourth
semester are good students, possessing at least a moderate level of critical thinking ability,
thus emphasizing the importance of pre-and post-testing the same students.
$ The CCTST requires a rather high reading level, up to and beyond the 17
equivalent; therefore, it is possible that students who took this test instrument may
not have had the reading ability necessary to comprehend some of the reading passages.
$ The test starts out with items that appeared to be very difficult. According to many student
responses, the test=s first question seemed extremely difficult, which fostered negative
feelings almost immediately, causing several students to simply quit or guess. It would seem
that a transition from basic to more complex material would have been more appropriate.
$ According to several students taking the test, the literary topics were not very interesting,
especially to the typical student enrolled in technical college programming. The test,
therefore, seemed to be better suited to liberal arts students.
Considering the preceding study results, related research, and precautions, the following
recommendations are made for consideration in the adoption of a critical thinking skills
assessment instrument for use in a program designed to pre/post test students at Nicolet College.
1. Further research should be conducted to include a greater population of Nicolet
college students. Ideally, this study could be cross-validated by the testing of students
throughout the Wisconsin Technical College System for comparison purposes.
2. For the sake of expediting the study, incoming and exiting students were assessed
concurrently and inferences regarding growth in critical thinking were then made. It seems
that a more valid research method for measuring growth in critical thinking ability would be to
conduct a longitudinal study pre-and post-testing the same sample of students.
3. Although research determined the California Critical Thinking Skills Test did
discriminate between the scores of first and fourth semester Nicolet College students, further
research is warranted using additional critical thinking assessment instruments, such as the
Watson Glaser Critical thinking Appraisal and Cornell Critical Thinking Test. Comparisons
should be made and a recommendation for adoption of the most appropriate test for
assessing Nicolet College students should then be made based on this data.
4. In light of the Nicolet College Mission Statement which stresses the delivery of
Asuperior community college education,@ Nicolet may want to consider developing a course
specific to critical thinking to further develop it=s students critical thinking abilities. This course
could be a requirement for all program students, or identify critical thinking type courses
taught at Nicolet College, and if students are not mandated to take one of these courses, infuse
critical thinking components from these courses into all program curriculum.
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