Philosophy Marks of a Marist Student Graduation Outcomes
Guidelines for Physical Contact and Verbal Interactions between Faculty, Staff, and Students
Reporting Cases of Abuse
Academic Requirements
Required Core Courses
Academic Regulations
Grading System
Honor Roll
National Honor Society
Academic Probation - Eligibility
Academic Dishonesty
Grade Reports and Report Cards
Study Halls
Summer School
Learning Center
Record Access
Anticipated Absences
College Visits
Early Dismissal
Homeroom/Start of School Day
Discipline Policy
Alcohol, Drugs & Tobacco/Drug
Testing Policy
Assaults & Threats of Violence
Bullying/Prevention & Intervention
Cutting Classes
Gum, Candy, Food & Drinks
Infractions in the Classroom
Infractions involving Policies
Malicious Mischief
Public Displays of Affection
Sexual Harassment
Stealing & Vandalism
Student Searches
Activities, Clubs & Athletics
Athletic Regulations of the MIAA
After School
Appearance & Attire
Bus/Van Policy
Driving Privileges
Emergency Drills
Field Trips
ID Cards
Library/Media Center
Locker Rooms
Mail Address/Email/Phone
Pick-Up & Drop-Offs
School Facilities & Grounds
School Name
School Public Relations
Senior Break
Technology Rules & Regulations
Cell Phones
Telephone Messages from Home
Guidelines for Personal Use of
Student-Owned Mobile Devices
Tuition & Fees
Admissions Policy
Campus Store
Campus Ministry
Christian Service
Cancellations/Delayed Openings
Communication with School Staff
Guidance & Counseling Services
Health Services
Lost and Found
Missions Collections
Parents’ Guild
School-Parent/Guardian Partnership
Mission: Central Catholic High School makes Jesus known and loved. We educate the whole person for college and for life
with particular care for the least favored and those in need.
Central Catholic High School, founded by the Marist Brothers of the Schools, participates in the educational ministry of the
Catholic Church. Its purpose is threefold: to have students develop a relationship with Jesus and bear witness to His message, to
build a community that respects and promotes the dignity of every person, and to help students develop their God-given talents
and use them in the service of others. The school, inspired by the spirit of Saint Marcellin Champagnat, the founder of the
Marist Brothers, seeks to emulate the role of Mary through the nurturing of youth by a caring faculty and in the showing of a
special concern for the less fortunate.
To achieve these ends, Central Catholic's college preparatory curriculum and its extra-curricular activities are designed to foster
the spiritual, moral, intellectual, emotional and physical growth of the whole person. Central Catholic promotes a respect for
democratic ideals and recognizes the value of a student body, which respects diversity of cultural, ethnic, and social
backgrounds. Moreover, recognizing that learning is a life-long process, the school encourages students to think critically and
exhibit a willingness to help create a world, which is just and respectful of all God’s creation. Central Catholic High School is
fully accredited by the New England Association of Schools and Colleges.
As Marists educators who follow in the footsteps of Marcellin Champagnat, we are called to evangelize and make Jesus Christ
known and loved through the complete education of young men and women. We accompany our students in their development
as people who are rooted in Gospel and Marist values, who develop into good Christians and good citizens, “harmonizing faith,
culture and life.” As such, Marist students should be:
1. Faith-filled Disciples: Marist students come to possess a strong sense of God and a personal relationship with Jesus,
Mary and Saint Marcellin fostered through religious formation, a sacramental life, and prayer.
2. Empowered Witnesses: Marist students, recognizing Mary as their model and companion, become joyful witnesses to
God’s love in their lives, enabling them to see Christ in others, to live simply, morally and with integrity, respecting all
of life and creation.
3. Agents of Justice and Service: Marist students grow in their understanding of Catholic social teaching and stand in
compassionate solidarity with the least favored.
4. Servant Leaders: Marist students recognize that they are lovingly created by God with unique gifts and talents which,
through their Baptism, they are called to develop and share with the Church and the wider community.
5. Spirit-filled members of Family & Community: Marist students embody a spirit which celebrates and welcomes all
people as members of the one family created by God.
Students will demonstrate knowledge of Catholic beliefs and practices and apply these to ethical decision making.
Students will demonstrate and practice the knowledge, skills and self-discipline necessary to grow spiritually,
intellectually, emotionally, socially and physically.
Students will demonstrate knowledge of content, employ critical thinking skills and strategies, and demonstrate the
ability to read and write proficiently in all academic areas.
Students will effectively communicate ideas and share information in the context of written, oral, electronic and artistic
Students will demonstrate proficiency in assessing, managing, evaluating, and integrating technology and electronic
Students will work collaboratively, resolve conflicts respectfully and contribute responsibly to diverse communities.
Central Catholic High School strives to provide a safe and secure environment for the young people entrusted to its care. Most
cases of sexual abuse occur when the adult erodes appropriate boundaries between him- or herself and minors. For this reason,
the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops issued its Charter for the Protection of Children and Young People. Among other
safeguards, the Charter urges dioceses to establish and enforce boundary policies. Noting the great harm done to so many
youngsters throughout the country over many decades, Central Catholic requires faculty and staff to abide by a detailed boundary
policy for all adults who are agents of the school in any capacity.
A core principle is that school personnel should only interact with students when the school administration is aware of the
interaction and can supervise it. Counselors and teachers may need to speak to students privately, but always in a school room
with unobstructed glass in the door so that passersby can observe what is going on.
Teachers and staff can communicate with students by email about matters appropriate to their role in the school and transmitted
via the school network, so that the school can monitor the interchange. Faculty and staff should not have students in their homes
unless other adults are present and both the parents and a school administrator have been informed in advance of the event and
have given prior approval.
Physical contact between students and faculty or staff in the form of a handshake, a pat on the back, an arm around the shoulder,
or a hug is permissible when appropriate, and should only be done in public or plain view of others. Physical contact between
faculty and students through athletic activities must be school supervised.
Students should not be exposed to faculty or staff personal information. Communication between students and faculty or staff
should be in direct relationship to school matters. Students should not contact faculty or staff on their home telephone or cell
phone for social purposes. The only circumstance in which students should have and make use of a faculty or staff member’s
phone/cell number should be in the context of extracurricular school activities or athletics. Text messaging through cell phones
or other electronic devices or communicating with faculty or staff through social networking sites is also forbidden.
As these examples illustrate, school personnel can have appropriate off-campus contact with students but always related to
school business and with the advance knowledge and consent of parents and administrators. Boundary policies prevent potential
harm to minors and they also prevent false allegations against adults. If parents observe any contact with their son or daughter
that seems secretive, not related to school, or in any way makes parents uneasy, they should contact an administrator at the
school. Our first priority is to prevent harm before it happens.
In general, faculty or staff should only give gifts to groups of students and only when parents are notified and Administration is
aware of and approves the gift.
Central Catholic is committed to maintaining a safe and secure place of learning for our students. Abuse, in any form, violates
the very soul of Central Catholic’s philosophy and its mission and will not be tolerated. To this end Central Catholic will use all
reasonable means to prevent, investigate, address and remedy allegations of abuse. Any student who feels that they are the
victim of any type of physical, sexual, mental, or verbal abuse is strongly encouraged to seek the help of a faculty member,
administrator, guidance counselor or coach. Any member of the Central Catholic faculty, administration or staff who suspects or
is made aware of a case of abuse of a Central Catholic student is mandated by State Law to report such case or suspicion to the
appropriate authorities.
Each student is required to register for a minimum of six (6) courses each year. Freshmen & sophomores must take Physical
Education and Health. For graduation, students are required to pass all courses and complete the approved Christian Service
Religious Studies 4 years 4 credits
Humanities 4 years 4 credits
Mathematics 4 years 4 credits
Social Studies 3 years 3 credits
Science 3 years 3 credits
World Language 2 years 2 credits
Computer Technology ½ year .5 credit (Classes 2018-2019)
Intro. To Visual/Performing Arts ½ year .5 credit
Health 2 courses 1 credit
Physical Education 2 courses .5 credit
Visual Basic ½ year .5 credit (Class of 2019- 2020)
OCAET ½ year .5 credit (Class of 2019-2020)
Students who find it necessary to change a program of study or to withdraw from a course must consult with the
instructor of the course, a guidance counselor and obtain the approval of the Academic Dean.
Students may not join a class after three (3) weeks of instruction, without the approval of the Academic Dean.
Any student who fails three (3) 1.0 credit courses for the year must withdraw from Central Catholic. A senior who fails
three courses will be ineligible for a Central Catholic diploma.
Any student who fails a course must make up the course in the summer session. Students failing make-up courses or
failing to make up failed courses will not be readmitted to Central Catholic. The highest grade awarded to a student
who fails a class is a “C+.”
A student absent because of an approved anticipated absence, illness, or death in the family will be allowed to make up
all work missed. The Associate Dean of Students determines approval of anticipated absences.
A student’s numerical average in each subject area is determined by her/his performance in daily work, projects, presentations,
laboratory work, participation, tests and quizzes. The numerical average is converted to a letter grade and reported on the
student’s report card. The final grade for a course is based on the following: 20% for each of the four term grades (80% of the
final grade) and 10% for each semester exam (20% of the final grade). A student must earn a minimum final grade of 60% in
each subject area to obtain a passing grade of “D-” and receive credit for the course.
Grade Point Averages (GPA) are calculated at the end of each marking period and at the end of the year. GPA’s are calculated
using the table below. GPA’s are calculated on both a weighted and un-weighted basis. Un-weighted GPA’s or simple GPA’s
(SGPA) are used to determine the student’s quarter/term average and are printed on the student’s report card. The Honor Roll for
each term is determined by the student’s individual subject grades and her/his term average or un-weighted GPA. Weighted or
adjusted GPA’s (AGPA) are calculated based on the level of the course. Weighted GPA’s are not printed on the student’s report
card but are printed on a student’s transcript. CCHS does not rank students. Level 4 courses are not included in the
determination of a student’s GPA.
**Denotes values used to determine unweighted GPA
Honors are awarded for each of the four terms and are based on the student’s individual subject grades and her/his un-weighted
GPA. All courses are included in the calculation of the Honor Roll.
Distinguished Honors 3.9 or better GPA and No grade below “A-
High Honors 3.6 or better GPA and No grade below “B+”
Honors 3.0 or better GPA and No grade below “B-
Central Catholic’s Marist Chapter of the N.H.S.: The purpose of Central Catholic's Marist Chapter of the National Honor
Society is to create enthusiasm for scholarship, to stimulate a desire to render service, to promote leadership and to develop
character in the students. Academic nomination is based on a cumulative weighted GPA. The minimum acceptable cumulative
weighted GPA is 3.9. A sophomore’s GPA is based on his/her first three semesters of high school. A junior’s GPA is based on
five semesters of high school and a senior’s GPA is based on seven semesters of high school. A student who meets the above
academic requirement will be invited to complete an application for membership in the NHS. Membership is an honor bestowed
upon a student. Selection for membership is made by a five (5) member faculty council and is based on outstanding scholarship,
character, leadership and service. Once selected, members have the responsibility of continuing to demonstrate the qualities of
scholarship, leadership, service and character. Members can be removed from the National Honor Society according to policies
stated in the charter.
A student who fails two or more courses in a marking period loses the privilege of participating in athletic and extracurricular
activities and will be placed on Academic Probation. The ineligible period goes into effect when students, moderators and
coaches are officially notified by the Academic Dean and will remain in effect until the end of the next marking period.
Ineligibility does not apply to attending a school sponsored retreat or field trip.
The parent/guardian will be notified and should contact the student’s guidance counselor or the Academic Dean to discuss an
appropriate academic plan. Students on Academic Probation are required to attend the Learning Center three (3) days a week.
A student who fails two (2) courses in the 4th marking period of a school year will be placed on academic warning for the 1st
quarter of the next school year. If, when first quarter progress reports are issued, said student has two or more failing grades, the
student will be placed on Academic Probation for the remainder of the quarter. Continued enrollment at Central Catholic is
dependent on meeting the requirements of Academic Probation.
Dishonesty in earning academic grades is not tolerated or overlooked and will result in a failing grade on the work involved. The
following are examples of academic dishonesty:
Copying or submitting homework or other assignments created by another student
Allowing another student to copy homework or assignments
Using "cheat sheets" or unauthorized "aids" during a test
Copying answers from other students during a test, with or without the student's knowledge
Giving unauthorized assistance to other students during a test
Plagiarizing: representing in writing the thoughts or ideas of another as if they were one's own, without giving credit to
the original author; the wholesale copying of an author's work into one's own without citation.
Stealing, distributing, possessing or being in the presence of stolen tests, answers or other teacher materials.
Central Catholic recognizes the value of the Internet as an educational tool. Students should be aware, however, that the use of
the Internet and electronic mail could present educational risks. E-mailing, text messaging or instant messaging one’s work to
another student is a risk. That work has now entered a public domain and the original owner no longer has control over what is
done with that work. Another student, whether at Central Catholic or another institution, could submit it as his/her own. This
would constitute academic dishonesty. Also, students who abuse the use of legitimate web sites will be subject to academic
penalties. An example of such abuse would be plagiarism or quoting of information without citing the source.
In addition to the academic penalties stated above, academic dishonesty of any kind on semester exams may be grounds for
severe disciplinary action. Theft of a semester exam may be grounds for expulsion. All of these activities are considered serious
violations of academic integrity and are grounds for both academic and disciplinary penalties. All cases of academic dishonesty
are to be reported to the Academic Dean.
Students are expected to be fully prepared for their classes each day. This will require considerable study at home, as well as
proper use of free time during and after the school day. The average successful student will spend about three (3) hours a day
doing homework. Homework includes but is not limited to: reading, taking notes, research, written work, study and review of
the material covered in classes and preparation for the assessments. Students and parents should access the school website to
review the student’s class pages. Teachers post class assignments, as well as a schedule of announced quizzes and tests, due
dates for projects and links to important class materials.
Exams take place at the end of each semester. A student who misses a mid-term or final exam because of illness must provide
the Academic Dean with a doctor’s note verifying the student’s illness. All arrangements for make-up exams are made at the
discretion of the Academic Dean. All unexcused absences from a semester exam will result in the student receiving a failing
grade for the exam(s) missed. If a student has 5 or more consecutive excused absence days immediately before an exam period,
they will be contacted by the Academic Dean to determine the student’s exam schedule.
PlusPortals is an online grading program that allows students and parents access to a student’s gradebook. Students and parents
must log into the portal to view grades. Access information to PlusPortals is provided by the Academic Dean. Report cards
will be issued at the end of each academic term.
All students in “Study” are expected to bring work to complete during the period.
Students in “Study” are to maintain a quiet atmosphere.
Students may request a pass to go to another location during the study. Students who have an authorized pass to leave
the study must return to the study five (5) minutes before period ends. Failure to do so will result in disciplinary action
by the Dean of Students.
Required courses that have a final grade of C- or lower may be retaken in the summer session. A student who
successfully completes the summer program may have his or her transcript changed to reflect the summer session grade.
The highest grade awarded in Summer School for a student improving their grade in a course is a B-. The highest
grade awarded for a student recovering a grade is C+.
Summer School Grading System
Final Summer Grade Permanent Record Card Grade
90 - 100 B-
86 89 C+ (The highest grade for a student who fails a class)
81 - 85 C
76 - 80 C-
73 - 75 D+
70 - 72 D
Below 70 F
The Learning Center, located in room 206 is open on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday from 2:30 p.m. 3:30 p.m. A student
who is in need of extra help or tutoring is encouraged to attend the Learning Center. The Center affords students the opportunity
for quiet study or tutorial assistance from a teacher or National Honor Society tutor.
In compliance with the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act, parents and students have the right to view their school
records. A 24-hour notice for such a request is necessary. Pursuant to the provisions of the above mentioned Act, parental rights
shall be transferred to the student upon the student’s 18
birthday. In the absence of a court order to the contrary, the school will
provide the non-custodial parent access to the student’s academic records. Non-custodial parents must make a formal written
request for this information. If there is a court order specifying that no information is to be given, it is the responsibility of the
custodial parent to provide the school with an official copy of the court order.
Transcripts will be issued upon the return of all CCHS property and the fulfillment of all financial obligations to the Business
Office. Official transcripts of students are sent directly from the Guidance Office to colleges, technical schools, and other
organizations. Students should allow two (2) weeks to process each transcript
When a student withdraws or transfers to another school, the parent must notify the school and complete a “Withdrawal Form.”
The ‘Withdrawal Form” will allow CCHS to forward an official transcript and health records to the school the student will be
In order for a student to receive credit for the year’s work, regular attendance is necessary. Parents and students must make
every attempt to schedule students' appointments outside of school hours. Students are expected to be present unless they have
an excused absence.
Excused Absence
Excused absences may include but are not necessarily limited to: student illness, a death in the family, a religious holiday, a
court appearance, authorized school field trips, college visits by seniors (2), or other medical, dental or therapeutic appointments
that could not be made outside the school day. When emergency medical visits during the school day are necessary, a student
should be away from school only for the time at the doctor/dentist office and return to school immediately after their
appointment. Verification of the appointment in the form of a note from the medical office is required.
Unexcused Absence
The school believes very strongly that neither parents nor students should be allowed to adjust the official school calendar for
their own convenience. Central Catholic respects the right of the parent in extraordinary circumstances to keep a student out of
school but, at the same time, parents should recognize that time taken from school is academically harmful to the student and is
to be avoided whenever possible. Unexcused absences include but are not limited to: family vacations while school is in session
and participation in non-Central Catholic sanctioned extra-curricular activities. Vacations should not be taken or extended
during school time. School days missed immediately before or after school vacations will not be excused without a phone call
on that day and a documented note (i.e. doctor or court notice) upon return to school. Failure to provide such a documented
note will result in the absence being deemed unexcused. A note from home does not automatically excuse a student. Even
if the absence meets the approval of a parent/guardian, the Associate Dean of Students makes the final determination as to
whether or not it is an excused absence. Unexcused absences still require a parent/guardian's note. All work required to be made
up by the classroom teacher must be completed within two (2) days of the student’s return to school. Extensions will be at the
discretion of the Academic Dean. Work not made up by the student will receive a grade of “0”. Teachers are not required to
make any special arrangements or provide any special instruction for a student with an unexcused absence. If, in the judgment of
a teacher and/or administrator, a pattern of absences coincides with the scheduling of exams, tests, quizzes, projects or papers, an
academic penalty may be imposed on a student.
Attendance Procedures
Whenever a student is absent from school, the parent or guardian must telephone the school between 7:00 a.m. and 8:30
a.m. on EACH day the student is absent.
On returning to school after an absence, and prior to homeroom, the student MUST report to the cafeteria and bring a
letter from home, explaining the specific reason for the absence. The letter is necessary even though the parent or
guardian has already phoned. If a student does not bring in a note with a specific reason or fails to report to the
Associate Dean of Students prior to homeroom on the day of return to school or at the time of late arrival, he/she
will receive a one-day warning. Failure to bring a note in on the second day will result in one detention being
When a student is absent, he/she should obtain his/her homework assignment by accessing the school website and/or by
contacting a fellow student.
On returning to school after an excused absence, students are responsible for contacting their teacher(s) to arrange
make-up assignments, tests and quizzes. Unless other arrangements are made with a teacher, work should be completed
within two (2) days of the student’s return to school. Due to a prolonged absence, a proposal for the arrangement and
completion of assignments must be submitted to and agreed upon by the Academic Dean.
Students who are absent for five (5) consecutive school days because of illness must present a doctor's note to the
Associate Dean of Students on the day he/she returns stating the number of days said student should have been excused
from school.
In order for a student to participate in or attend an extracurricular, athletic or school-sanctioned function, the student
must be present for at least 3 complete academic periods scheduled that day. A student who is not present for at least 3
complete academic periods will not be allowed to participate in or attend any athletic or extracurricular activity.
Violation of the policy may incur a disciplinary penalty from the Dean of Students and/or the Associate Dean of
A parent/guardian’s request for an anticipated absence must be in writing and submitted to the Associate Dean of Students at
least three days in advance of the absence. The Associate Dean of Students determines approval of anticipated absences. It is
the responsibility of the student to get assignments from teachers. Students must present the Anticipated Absence Form for
signatures to each of his/her teachers. This form must be returned to the Associate Dean of Students at the end of the school day.
Seniors will be permitted two (2) days for college visits and interviews. Central Catholic assigns ONE on October 19
, and the
second is to be planned by the student and his/her parent/guardian. The parent/guardian of the student must submit a note to the
Associate Dean of Students requesting an anticipated absence at least three (3) days prior to the college visit. A student must
submit the anticipated absence form to each of his/her teachers at least one (1) day prior to the absence. The day upon returning
from the college visit, the student must provide documentation on official college letterhead verifying a visit to the college or
A parent’s/guardian’s written request for an early dismissal must be submitted to the Associate Dean of Students prior to
homeroom on the day of the early dismissal. If the request is granted, the student will be responsible to make up all work
missed. Before leaving school for an early dismissal, the student must report to the main office to sign out. A student
returning to school on the same day of an early dismissal must report to the main office to sign in. Dismissal granted for medical
office visits will be excused when a student provides documentation from said medical office to the Associate Dean of Students
when he/she returns to school after the appointment.
Students must report to assigned homerooms by 7:40AM for attendance and announcements each day. A student late to school
and/or homeroom must report to the Associate Dean of Students in the cafeteria and may receive detention.
Students are expected to be in their homeroom by 7:40AM.
Students who arrive in their homeroom after 7:40AM will be considered tardy and must report to the Associate Dean of
Students in the cafeteria for a tardy slip.
Students who arrive to school after 7:40 AM must use the Main Entrance and report to the Baroni Room for a tardy slip.
All other entrances to the school will be locked.
Tardy Arrival Times:
o After 7:40 but before end of Period 1:
First offense (per term) - 1 detention
Subsequent offenses (per term) - 2 detentions
o Before the end of Period 2:
First offense (per term) 2 detentions
Subsequent offenses (per term) 3 detentions
o Before the end of Period 3:
First offense (per term) 3 detentions.
Subsequent offenses (per term) 5 detentions
A student tardy to school because of a scheduled medical visit must provide documentation from the medical office in
order for the lateness to be excused.
Students tardy to school on Meeting or Liturgy/Late Start scheduled school days will not be excused. All students who
are tardy on these days will incur a disciplinary penalty. In the event of an emergency medical visit, verification of the
appointment from the medical office is required.
Students have five (5) minutes between class periods. Students entering class after this time will be considered tardy.
Students tardy to class or study period will incur a disciplinary penalty.
A student and/or parental consultation with the Associate Dean of Students will take place after a student has been tardy
more than two times. Repeated tardiness may result in further disciplinary action.
Central Catholic recognizes its primary obligation to students is to maintain a safe learning environment. In order to carry out
this critically important obligation, Central Catholic has adopted a discipline policy, which gives the Administration authority to
impose distinct forms of discipline. These forms of discipline include: detention, probation, in-school suspension, out of school
suspension, short-term suspension (10 school days or less), long-term suspension (11 school days or more) and expulsion. In
some cases, parental withdrawal of the student may be recommended in lieu of expulsion. The choice of discipline shall depend
on the nature of the offense and shall be at the discretion of the Administration. Student discipline shall be imposed however,
subject to certain due process rights as stated below. This disciplinary policy gives the administration a full range of authority to
prevent, address and punish student behavior that is not conducive to a healthy learning environment. Such rules apply to all
student conduct on school grounds, on school buses, at school bus stops and in any activity or function at which the school is
involved. These rules may also apply to those activities, which start in school and continue off school premises. In some
instances the school retains the right to impose discipline on students’ activities, which occur off school premises and are
unrelated to school activities.
General Guidelines
The foundation of Central Catholic’s discipline policy lay in respecting the God-given dignity of every human being. Actions
that violate this God-given dignity, whether it is harassment or verbal abuse, will not be tolerated and subject to disciplinary
referral. Students are to be respectful and courteous to one another and to all school personnel and visitors. Mature and
appropriate behavior is expected at all times.
Students attending athletic events are expected to behave at all times in a respectful manner and to demonstrate good
sportsmanship. Disrespect and/or ridicule of opposing teams or officials will not be tolerated. If students misbehave at a
school-sponsored event or athletic event, home or away, they will have their ID cards confiscated, will have to leave the event,
and may be subject to further disciplinary action.
Students attending Central Catholic sponsored dances are expected to exhibit behavior that reflects the Christian morals and
values of the school. Any dancing deemed inappropriate by a chaperone or administrator is prohibited. A student may be
removed from a dance and the parent called if he/she is in non-compliance.
Central Catholic High School retains the right to impose immediate disciplinary action against students whose continued
presence the Administration believes poses a threat to the safety, security and welfare of other students, staff or other persons in
the school.
Representing CCHS
While Central Catholic does not attempt to regulate the private lives of its students during non-school hours, it does have a
concern with conduct that may bring discredit or harm to the name of the school or the reputation of the student body.
Consequently, behavior at school or away from school inappropriate to Christian moral standards or in violation of the law may
require discipline from the school. A student may be subject to disciplinary action for any conduct that is detrimental to the
common good, threatening, harmful, or offensive to other students and staff, or is of such a nature as to jeopardize the good name
of the school.
Types of Disciplinary Action
Weekday detention is held from 2:30PM to 3:15PM. Students must be in dress code, are to be prompt and must bring books to
read. No written work may be done during this time. Only textbooks, novels, or school notebooks are allowed as reading
material. Use of a iPad, calculator, or any electronic device is not allowed during detention. After school employment and/or
athletics and extracurricular activities will not be acceptable reasons for missing detention. Students receiving detention will be
given one day’s notice prior to the time they must serve the detention. The Dean of Students may assign “administrative
detention” for violations of the school’s disciplinary code, school policies or school procedures at another time other than the
regularly scheduled detention. A student failing to report to an assigned school detention may be given two additional
detentions for each detention missed.
Students who exhibit a continuous disregard for the rules and regulations of Central Catholic may be placed on Disciplinary
Probation. If a student wishes to remain at Central Catholic, he/she and the parent/guardian will be given a probationary contract
drawn up by the Dean of Students. Violation of the terms of the contract may result in further disciplinary action including
expulsion from Central Catholic. Refusal to agree to the terms of the contract will result in the student being asked to withdraw
from Central Catholic.
Students may be subject to in school or out of school suspension for a given number of school days for what are deemed major
offenses by a school administrator. Suspendable offenses include but are not limited to: truancy, cutting class, misconduct at a
school function, excessive number of detentions, leaving campus during the school day without authorization, disrespect,
insubordination, dishonesty, forging parent/guardian signatures and smoking. A student who is suspended may not attend any
classes and may not participate in or attend any school activities.
During the time of this suspension, the student will be required to make up all work missed. This work includes but is not
limited to: classwork, homework, quizzes, tests, projects and examinations. All classwork and assessments must be completed
within two school days. Teachers will not provide extra help to the student to teach the lessons missed while on suspension. The
suspension serves as a warning that any subsequent inappropriate behavior may be cause for further disciplinary action,
including expulsion from Central Catholic.
In some cases of major disciplinary infraction(s) or excessive infractions throughout the school year, the school administration
can request a parent/guardian to voluntarily withdraw the student from Central Catholic. The parent/guardian may accept or
reject this request. In the event the parent/guardian rejects this request, the administration may proceed with the expulsion
A student will be subject to expulsion for any conduct at school or away from school that is of such a nature as to jeopardize the
good name of Central Catholic. Offenses which may be grounds for expulsion include but are not limited to: two suspensions
within a year, failure to comply with terms of disciplinary probation, conduct detrimental to the safety of other students,
trafficking and/or possession of illegal drugs and alcohol, stealing, fighting, malicious mischief, theft of semester exams, threats
of violence, sexual harassment, damaging school property, assault, possession of weapons and harassment of members of the
Central Catholic community.
Student Due Process Rights
Before receiving a short-term suspension (10 days or less) a student shall be given:
1. Notice of the offense(s).
2. An explanation of the evidence.
3. The opportunity to present their side of the story to a school administrator.
The school may impose a short-term suspension while long-term suspension procedures or expulsion procedures are in process.
Before receiving a long-term suspension (11 days or more) or a permanent expulsion, the student shall be given:
1. A hearing before the Principal.
2. A written notice of the offense(s).
3. The right to be represented by a lawyer or advocate (at student expense).
4. Adequate time to prepare for the hearing (three school days).
5. An explanation of the evidence.
6. The opportunity to present witnesses and testimony on the student’s behalf.
7. A prompt written decision.
Any student who is expelled from the school shall have the opportunity to appeal the decision to the President. The expelled
student shall have five (5) days from the receipt of notice of expulsion in which to give written notice of his/her appeal to the
Policy Goals. In the service of the safety of all Central Catholic High School students, the goals of our policies regarding drugs,
alcohol and tobacco are (1) to maintain a campus free of drugs, alcohol and tobacco, (2) to support our students in choosing not
to use these substances, (3) to assist students who have problems in this area.
Use, Possession, and Distribution of Alcohol and Drugs. The use, possession and/or distribution of, or attempts to possess or
distribute alcohol, marijuana or other drugs on school grounds, school transportation, or at school-sponsored activities (including
school sponsored events that take place off-campus) is forbidden. Infractions against this regulation are considered grievous in
themselves and a danger to other students. Students violating this regulation may be subject to immediate expulsion.
Use of Alcohol and Drugs Prior to Attending School and School Events. The use of alcohol, marijuana or other drugs prior
to attending school or any other school-sponsored event (including school-sponsored events that take place off-campus) is also
forbidden. Students violating this regulation will be immediately suspended pending more serious disciplinary action.
Use, Possession and Distribution of Tobacco and Nicotine Products. Smoking, vaping and the use, possession or distribution
of tobacco and nicotine products are prohibited in all areas of the school building, on the school grounds, in parking areas, in
student vehicles, on the sidewalks that adjoin the school, on school transportation or at school sponsored activities. Students
violating this regulation will be suspended pending more serious disciplinary action.
Suspension for Substance-Related Incidents. The American Psychiatric Association specifies that when the use of alcohol or
other substances interferes with a student’s fulfillment of school obligations, a Substance Abuse Disorder may be indicated.
Substance related suspensions in particular are cited as an example. For this reason, when a student is suspended from school as
a result of an incident involving the use, possession and/or distribution of, or attempts to possess or distribute alcohol and/or
other substances, Central Catholic High School requires that:
The student must undergo a complete substance abuse assessment performed by a properly credentialed mental-health
provider. The choice of the provider must be approved by the Principal. The cost of such an assessment will be the
responsibility of the student and/or parent/guardian.
The student and his/her parents must sign an authorization allowing the service provider to release to the Principal of
Central Catholic High School the results of the substance abuse assessment.
The student must show evidence of compliance with these requirements (e.g. show that an appointment has been made)
within one week of the suspension.
Compliance with these requirements is a condition of reinstatement to Central Catholic High School following the suspension.
Failure to comply may lead to expulsion.
After reviewing the results of the substance abuse assessment, the Principal may oblige the student to undertake further
professional treatment as a condition of continued enrollment at Central Catholic High School.
Deterrence. As a deterrent to the use, possession, or distribution of drugs, alcohol and tobacco by Central Catholic High School
students, the school reserves the right to employ the following measures:
1) Search of the student’s person: The School may conduct a search of a student’s person and belongings upon “reasonable
suspicion” that a violation of the law or school rules has occurred or is occurring. Reasonable suspicion may be based
on facts provided by a reliable informant or personal observation which causes the School Administration to believe that
search of a particular person, place, or thing would lead to the discovery of evidence of a violation of School policy or
of state law. The search of a student’s person shall be conducted by a person of the same gender as the person being
searched. Another authorized person of the same gender will be present as a witness, if practicable. The parent or
guardian of any student searched under this provision shall be notified of the search as soon as is reasonably possible.
Searches of the person of a student shall be limited to a search of the clothing of the student and any object in
possession of the student, such as a purse, briefcase or backpack. Searches of the person shall be conducted out of the
presence of other students and as privately as possible. At least one but not more than three additional persons of the
same gender as the student being searched shall witness but not participate in the search. A refusal to submit to a search
may result in disciplinary action up to and including expulsion from the School.
2) Lockers and Desks: Lockers and other property of the school may be searched at any time without student consent.
Locking devices of any kind may be removed without prior notice to the student to facilitate such a search. The school
may also employ the use of trained drug sniffing dogs to discover drugs. A positive alert by a canine shall be deemed
reasonable suspicion to search a student.
3) Motor Vehicles: The School may search a motor vehicle located in or around School premises upon reasonable
suspicion that the vehicle may contain illegal items or items that may be harmful to the student or others. In addition,
viewing such items in plain sight in a student’s motor vehicle may also form the basis for a search of the motor vehicle.
The School may also employ the use of trained drug sniffing dogs to sniff around motor vehicles located in or around
the School. A positive alert by a canine shall be deemed reasonable suspicion to search the motor vehicle in question.
4) Discovered Items: Drugs, alcohol, and tobacco or any other illegal items or substances reasonably determined to be a
threat to the safety or security of the student or any other member of the School community may be seized by School
authorities. The School may turn seized items over to law enforcement officials for disposition.
5) Drug Testing: When there is a “reasonable suspicion” that a student may be involved in the use, possession, or
distribution of alcohol or drugs, the School will require the student to be tested at the student’s expense. A refusal to
submit to testing may result in disciplinary action up to and including withdrawal from the school. Drug test results
will be reported to the parents/guardians and to the Principal but will not be released to legal authorities. Positive drug
tests may result in disciplinary measures.
6) Breathalyzer Testing: Central Catholic High School has adopted a Breathalyzer Testing Policy and Plan because of the
real problem of alcohol use among underage youth in our society. Central Catholic is demonstrating its leadership and
commitment to the well-being of its students by fully endorsing this plan in an effort to prevent alcohol misuse. Central
Catholic is dedicated to promoting healthy lifestyles, a safe school environment, academic excellence and personal
growth of its students. This testing plan is adopted to assist in this mission. Central Catholic believes testing will serve
as a deterrent to alcohol use and provide students a reason to refuse alcohol when tempted by peers. Central Catholic
students can serve as positive, alcohol-free role models for other students to emulate and follow. Furthermore, the
testing can better assure the safety of students before and during school and school events. This testing is done to assist
students in making positive decisions regarding their personal behavior as well as promoting the safety of others.
Central Catholic High School administration and staff may request a breathalyzer test from any student while at school
or a school sponsored or school sanctioned event (including school sponsored events that take place off-campus) upon
“reasonable suspicion” that the student may be involved in the use of alcohol. If a student refuses to perform the
breathalyzer test, the student’s parent and/or guardian will be called. The student will also be denied access or be
required to leave the school or the school related event and be immediately suspended pending further disciplinary
The breathalyzer device to be used is certified as accurate and reliable by the Department of Transportation and the
National Highway Traffic Safety Administration.
Upon belief that a student may be under the influence of alcohol, Central Catholic staff will first question the student in
a private location in the presence of another staff member. After speaking with the student, if the staff members
determine that there is “reasonable suspicion” that the student has consumed alcohol, the staff may request that the
student perform a breathalyzer test.
The disclosure of student test results will be strictly limited. All test results will remain strictly confidential between
the student, the parent/guardian and the Central Catholic principal and designated administrative staff, unless otherwise
required by law. The school will contact the parent/guardian as soon as practical following a positive result.
If the test produces a positive result indicating that the student has consumed alcohol then the student’s parent/guardian
will be called to remove the individual from the school or the school sponsored event. The student will also be
immediately suspended pending further disciplinary action. School personnel will not initiate criminal charges or other
legal action based solely on a positive test result.
Asking for Help. Any student who voluntarily seeks the assistance of any school official with regard to a substance abuse
problem will be referred for professional assistance and will not be subject to disciplinary measures, provided that no violation of
school policies subsequently occurs. Central Catholic recognizes a clear difference between a person using drugs and one who is
supplying drugs to others. We sincerely hope that a student who may be involved in the use of drugs consults with a counselor
Role of Parents. The appropriate role of parents is to require their children both to comply with school policies and to cooperate
fully with deterrence measures. Parents also bear responsibility for ensuring that their children are protected from unchaperoned
parties or any social setting where drugs, alcohol and tobacco use is likely. It is unrealistic to expect that Central Catholic High
School can regulate the behavior of students at parties and other gatherings that are held off-campus and that are not sponsored
or supervised by the school.
Notice. Upon admission to Central Catholic High School, and as a condition of matriculation, students and parents will give
written consent and approval to the school’s policies regarding drugs, alcohol and tobacco by signing the Central Catholic High
School Student/Parent Handbook awareness and agreement form.
Central Catholic High School recognizes that our students face many challenges that may become obstacles to their adolescent
growth and development. One of these obstacles is the temptation of the illegal use of alcohol and drugs. For the past years we
have used a Breathalyzer to test students when there was a reasonable suspicion that they were under the influence of alcohol.
This year we will continue to administer a drug test in school when there is a reasonable suspicion that a student is illegally using
drugs. The cost of this test will be at the student/parent expense.
To further work together helping our students make healthy life-style choices, the school will also employ the use of MA State
Police drug sniffing dogs in random classrooms, corridors, and the parking lot. If there is a positive alert by the canine, the
matter will be handled internally unless there is a significant amount of an illegal substance found indicating the intent to
Drug Screening Policy
I. Drug Screening
When there is reasonable suspicion that a student may be involved in the use, possession, or distribution of alcohol
or drugs, the school will require the student to be tested at the student’s expense. A refusal to submit to testing may
result in disciplinary action up to and including withdrawal from the school. Drug tests will be reported to the
Principal but will not be released to legal authorities. Positive drug tests may result in disciplinary measures.
II. Drug Screening Method
1. The student will be required to provide a urine sample for screening.
2. The sample will be collected in the privacy of the nurse’s bathroom.
3. The screening test will be performed on the sample in a private room in the nurse’s office. The school nurse
and a school administrator or two school administrators will administer the test.
4. The student’s parent/guardian will be notified as soon as possible that a drug screening has been conducted and
informed of the results of such screening.
III. Appeal of Test Results
1. If a student and/or parent/guardian feel that the test results are erroneous, the student or family has the right to
request to have the sample sent to a lab for confirmation at the expense of the student/family.
IV. Confidentiality and Dissemination of Results
1. Tests results will be confidential. In the event of a positive result that information will be shared with the
2. Parents /guardians will be notified as soon as possible by phone of the administration of the drug screening.
3. A positive test result will result in the Dean of Students scheduling a confidential conference with the student
and parents/guardians.
4. The conference will include:
a. An explanation of the test results including type of drug.
b. Counseling options to assess the level of intervention needed.
c. After a positive test result, retesting (at the student’s expense) will be at the discretion of the
d. A second positive test, anytime within the student’s attendance at Central Catholic, may result in
disciplinary consequences up to and including request for withdrawal or expulsion.
5. Central Catholic pledges to keep information respecting positive drug tests and the follow up procedures of the
school confidential.
6. Central Catholic will not initiate criminal charges or other legal action against the student or the student’s
parents/guardians based solely on a positive drug test obtained in the screening program.
Discriminatory Behavior. The Central Catholic community enjoys the benefits of a tolerant and diverse atmosphere and,
therefore, it will not tolerate any discriminatory behavior in word or in deed. Examples of such behavior would include, but are
not limited to, offensive, discriminatory, demeaning or insulting language or action, that is based on appearance, race, gender,
ethnicity, religious beliefs, socio-economic or sexual orientation, perceived or actual. Students found to have violated this policy
will be subject to disciplinary action up to and including suspension and/or permanent expulsion from the School.
Fighting. Fighting in school, on school grounds, in the areas around the school or at any school-sponsored event is punishable
by suspension and/or permanent expulsion from the School.
Violent Behavior. Central Catholic will not tolerate violent behavior whether it takes the form or hazing, bullying, assaulting
another, fighting with another or any other form of violent behavior. Students found to have violated this policy will be subject
to disciplinary action up to and including suspension and/or permanent expulsion from the School.
Violent Language or Threats of Violence.
In order to preserve the comfort, safety and security of our students, Central Catholic will not tolerate violent language or threats
of violence, in any form, against any member of the Central Catholic community no matter how said language or threats are
communicated. Students found to have violated this policy will be subject to disciplinary action up to and including suspension
and/or permanent expulsion from the School. Members of our community are expected to immediately bring their knowledge of
any such incidents to the attention of an administrator. All such incidents will be thoroughly investigated by the school
administration. Serious incidents will also be referred to local law enforcement agencies for criminal prosecution.
Central Catholic High School will abide by the following Massachusetts General Law regarding bullying in schools. Students
who participate in the act of bullying will be subject to severe disciplinary action, which may include Suspension, Disciplinary
Probation, or request for Withdrawal or Expulsion.
Chapter 92: “The Commonwealth of Massachusetts – 2010 An Act relative to Bullying in Schools.
“Bullying” is defined as, the repeated use by one or more students of a written, verbal or electronic expression or a physical act
or gesture or any combination thereof, directed at a victim that: (i) causes physical or emotional harm to the victim or damage to
the victim’s property; (ii) places the victim in reasonable fear of harm to himself or of damage to his property; (iii) creates a
hostile environment at school for the victim; (iv) infringes on the rights of the victim at school; or (v) materially and substantially
disrupts the education process or the orderly operation of a school. Bullying shall include cyber-bullying.
Cyber-bullying” is defined as, bullying through the use of technology or any electronic communication, which shall include,
but shall not be limited to, any transfer of signs, signals, writing, images, sounds, data, or intelligence of any nature transmitted
in whole or in part by a wire, radio, electromagnetic, photo electronic or photo optical system, including, but not limited to,
electronic mail, internet communications, text messages, instant messages or facsimile communications. Cyber-bullying shall
also include (i) the creation of a webpage or blog in which the creator assumes the identity of another person or (ii) the knowing
impersonation of another person as the author of a posted content or messages, if the creation or impersonation creates any of the
conditions enumerated in clauses (i) to (v), inclusive, of the definition of bullying. Cyber-bullying shall also include the
distribution by electronic means of a communication to more than one person or the posting of material on an electronic medium
that may be accessed by one or more persons, if the distribution or posting creates any of the conditions enumerated in clauses (i)
to (v), inclusive, of the definition of bullying.
Bullying shall be prohibited: (i) on school grounds, property immediately adjacent to school grounds, at a school-sponsored or
school-related activity, function or program whether on or off school grounds, at a school bus stop, on a school bus or other
vehicle owned, leased or used by CCHS, or through the use of technology or an electronic device owned, leased or used by
CCHS and (ii) at a location, activity, function or program that is not school-related, or through the use of technology or an
electronic device that is not owned, leased or used by CCHS, if the bullying creates a hostile environment at school for the
victim, infringes on the rights of the victim at school or materially and substantially disrupts the education process or the orderly
operation of a school.
Retaliation against a person who reports bullying, provides information during an investigation of bullying, or witnesses or has
reliable information about bullying shall be prohibited.
Central Catholic High School is committed to maintaining a school environment where each student is challenged to reach
his/her full potential by fostering in each child a love of learning and by providing an environment that also fosters respect and
understanding of one another. In this regard, it is essential that a safe, positive and productive educational environment be
established where students can attain the highest academic achievement and where no student shall be subject to bullying, cyber-
bullying and the effects thereof. Central Catholic’s expectation of all members of its community is that all are treated with
respect, dignity and civility. Anything less than this is not acceptable and will not be tolerated.
Aggressor is a student or member of the Central Catholic community who engages in bullying, cyber-bullying or retaliation.
Bullying is the repeated use by one or more students of a written, verbal, or electronic expression or a physical act or gesture or
any combination thereof, directed at a target that:
causes physical harm to the target or emotional harm to the target’s reputation or damage to the target’s property;
places the target in reasonable fear of harm to him/herself or of damage to his property;
creates a hostile environment at school for the target;
infringes on the rights of the target at school; or
materially and substantially disrupts the education process or the orderly operation of the school.
Bullying may include, but is not limited to, conduct such as physical intimidation or assault, including intimidating an individual
into taking action against his/her will; oral or written threats; teasing; putdowns; name-calling; stalking; threatening looks,
gestures or actions; cruel rumors; false accusations; and social isolation.
Cyber-bullying is bullying through the use of technology or any electronic communication, which shall include, but not be
limited to, any transfer of signs, signals, writing, images, sounds, data or intelligence of any nature transmitted in whole or in
part by a wire, radio, electromagnetic, photo electronic or photo optical system, including, but not limited to, electronic mail,
internet communications, instant messages or facsimile communications. Cyber-bullying also includes:
the creation of a web page or blog in which the creator assumes the identity of another person;
the knowing impersonation of another person as the author of posted content or messages, if the creation or
impersonation creates any of the conditions enumerated above in the definition of bullying; and
the distribution by electronic means of a communication to more than one person or the posting of material on an
electronic medium that may be accessed by one or more persons, if the distribution of posting creates any of the
conditions enumerated above in the definition of bullying.
Cyber-bullying may include conduct such as sending derogatory, harassing or threatening email messages, instant messages, or
text messages; creating websites that ridicule, humiliate, or intimidate others; and posting on websites or disseminating
embarrassing or inappropriate pictures or images of others.
Bullying is prohibited on school grounds, property immediately adjacent to school grounds, at a school sponsored or school
related activity, function or program whether on or off school grounds, at a school bus stop, on a school bus or other vehicle
owned, leased or used by the school, or through the use of technology or an electronic owned, leased or used by the school.
Bullying is also prohibited at a location, activity, function or program that is not school-related, or through the use of technology
or an electronic device that is not owned, leased or used by the school, if the acts create a hostile environment at school for the
target, infringes on the rights of the target at school or materially and substantially disrupts the educational process or the orderly
operation of the school.
Hostile environment is a situation in which bullying causes the school environment to be permeated with intimidation, ridicule
or insult that is sufficiently severe or pervasive to alter the condition of a student’s education.
Retaliation is any form of intimidation, reprisal, or harassment directed against a person who reports bullying, provides
information during an investigation of bullying, or witnesses or has reliable information about bullying. Retaliation is
Target is a student against whom bullying, cyber-bullying or retaliation has been perpetrated.
Central Catholic High School’s Bullying Prevention and Intervention Plan has been developed in consultation with teachers,
administrators, counselors, the school nurse and parents. Notice and a public comment period by families of students currently at
the school was provided before the plan was adopted by the school. The school and parents/guardians all have a role in teaching
students/children to have an understanding of and respect for diversity and difference. The school administration, faculty and
staff are responsible for setting priorities and staying current with research on methods to prevent and effectively respond to
The Plan is intended to be a reflection of our Mission as a Catholic Marist School and is consistent with policies stated in the
Student-Parent Handbook. As part of the development of the plan, school leaders have assessed the effectiveness of current
programs and reviewed current policies and procedures involving reporting alleged situations of bullying. Based on this review,
Central Catholic will make decisions for prevention strategies including, but not limited to, professional development, age-
appropriate curricula, and identifying in-school and out of school support services.
Central Catholic is committed to providing all students with a safe learning environment that is free from bullying. The school
will take specific steps to create a safe, supportive environment for all members of its community and provide all students with
the knowledge, skills and strategies to prevent or respond to bullying.
Faculty and Staff Notification
At the beginning of each school year, Central Catholic faculty/staff will be provided written notice of the RCAB policy and the
school’s bullying prevention and intervention plan. Relevant sections will be included in the CCHS Faculty Handbook.
Reporting Obligations
Reporting by Staff: Central Catholic faculty/staff shall immediately report any instance of bullying or retaliation s/he has
witnessed or become aware of to the Principal or designated administrator.
Reporting by Students, Parents/Guardians, or Others: Central Catholic expects students, parents/guardians, and others who
witness or become aware of any instance of bullying or retaliation involving a student to report it to the Principal or designated
administrator. An individual may make an anonymous report of bullying or retaliation, however, no disciplinary action may be
taken against a student solely on the basis of an anonymous report. Students, parent/guardians, and others may file a written
report (Exhibit A). A student who knowingly makes a false accusation of bullying or retaliation may be subject to disciplinary
Reporting to Local Law Enforcement: At any point after receipt of a report of bullying or retaliation, or during or after an
investigation, if the Principal has a reasonable basis to believe that the incident may involve criminal conduct, the Principal will
notify the local law enforcement agency. In addition, if an incident of bullying or retaliation occurs on school grounds and
involves a former student under the age of 21 who is no longer enrolled in school, the Principal shall contact the local law
enforcement agency if he or she has reasonable basis to believe that criminal charges may be pursued.
Reporting to an Administrator or Another School District or School: If an incident of bullying or retaliation involves
students from more than one school district, charter school, non-public school, approved private special education day or
residential school or collaborative school, the Principal first informed of the incident will promptly notify the appropriate
administrator of the other school so that both may take appropriate action.
The Principal or designated administrator shall investigate promptly a report of bullying or retaliation, giving consideration to all
the circumstances at hand, including the nature of the allegations and the ages of the students involved.
Pre-Investigation: Even before fully investigating allegations of bullying or retaliation, school personnel will consider whether
there is a need to take immediate steps to support the alleged target and/or protect the alleged target from further potential
incidents of concern. In taking any such action, the rights of the alleged target and alleged aggressor will be considered.
Interviews: The Principal or designated administrator will interview the alleged aggressor and witnesses. The Principal or
designated administrator will remind the alleged aggressor, target and witnesses that retaliation against persons whom they
believe may have reported the incidents or cooperated with the investigation is strictly prohibited and will result in disciplinary
action. To the extent practicable, the Principal or designated administrator will maintain confidentiality during the investigative
process. A written record of the investigation will be maintained (Exhibit B).
The Principal or designated administrator will make a determination based upon all of the facts and circumstances. If, after
investigation, bullying or retaliation is substantiated, the school will take steps reasonably calculated to prevent recurrence and
ensure that the target is not restricted in participating in school or in benefitting from school activities. It will also be determined
what remedial action is required, if any and what responsive actions and/or disciplinary action are necessary. The following are
examples of steps that may be taken to prevent the recurrence or bullying or retaliation: parent conferences, transferring
student’s classroom, limiting or denying student access to a part, or area, of the school, exclusion from participation in school-
sponsored or school-related activities and/or extracurricular activities, arranging for communication between the parties to assist
them in resolving issues which have arisen between them, making a referral for counseling.
The Principal or designated administrator will promptly notify the parents or guardians of the target or aggressor about the
results of the investigation and, if bullying or retaliation is found, what action is being taken to prevent further acts of bullying or
retaliation. Because of the legal requirements regarding the confidentiality of student records, the Principal cannot report
specific information to the target’s parent/guardian about the disciplinary action taken unless it involves a “stay away” order or
other directive that the target must be aware of in order to report violations.
Students must be present for all assigned periods or activities. This includes Homeroom, classes, studies, and lunch in the
cafeteria. A student's failure to comply with this regulation may result in the loss of academic credit for the class (es) missed and
five (5) days of detention for each class period cut.
Gambling, in any form, is not allowed. Students found to have violated this policy will be subject to disciplinary action up to and
including suspension and/ or permanent expulsion from the school.
Gum chewing is not allowed anywhere in the school building. Two (2) school detentions will be given to any student chewing
gum. Food, drinks and candy are not allowed in corridors and instructional areas at any time. Two (2) school detentions will be
given to any student who is eating food or drinking a beverage n the above said areas. Food, drinks and candy may be consumed
after school only in the cafeteria, Raider Pub and on the Memorial Gym floor.
Pursuant to Chapter 536 of the Massachusetts General Laws, it is crime to participate in or organizing hazing or for a person at
the scene of such crime to fail to report the incident. Central Catholic High School will comply with this law and where
appropriate, impose disciplinary action by the school.
Chapter 536: "The Commonwealth of Massachusetts - 1985 - An Act prohibiting the Practice of Hazing.
Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representative in General Court assembled, and by the authority of the same, as
Chapter 269 of the General Laws is hereby amended by adding the following three sections:
Section 17. Whoever is a principal organizer or participant in the crime of hazing as defined herein shall be punished by a fine
of not more than three thousand dollars or by imprisonment in a house of correction for not more than one year, or by both such
fine and imprisonment. The term "hazing" as used in this section and in sections eighteen and nineteen, shall mean any conduct
or method of initiation into any student organization, whether on public or private property, which willfully or recklessly
endangers the physical or mental health of any student or other person. Such conduct shall include whipping, beating, branding,
calisthenics, exposure to the weather, forced consumption of any food, liquor, beverage, drug or other substance, or any other
brutal treatment or forced physical activity which is likely to adversely affect the physical health or safety of any such student or
other person, or which subjects such student or other person, to extreme mental stress, including extended deprivation of sleep or
rest or extended isolation. Notwithstanding any other provision of this section to the contrary, consent shall not be available as a
defense to any prosecution under this section (added by St. 1985, c.536: amended by St. 1987, c.665.)
Section 18. Whoever knows that another person is the victim of hazing as defined in Section 17 and is at the scene of such crime
shall, to the extent that such person can do so without danger or peril to himself or others, report such crime to an appropriate law
enforcement official as soon as reasonably practicable. Whoever fails to report such crime shall be punished by a fine of not
more than $500.
REQUIRED. Each institution of secondary education and each public and private institution of post-secondary education shall
issue to every student group, student team or student organization which is part of such institution or is recognized by the
institution or permitted by the institution of use its name or facilities or is known by the institution to exist as an unaffiliated
student group, student team or student organization, a copy of this section and sections seventeen and eighteen; provided,
however, that an institution’s compliance with this section’s requirements that an institution issue copies of this section and
sections seventeen and eighteen to unaffiliated student groups, teams or organizations shall not constitute evidence of the
institution’s recognition or endorsement of said unaffiliated student groups, teams or organizations. Each such group, team or
organization shall distribute a copy of this section and sections seventeen and eighteen to each of its members, plebes, pledges or
applicants for membership. It shall be the duty of each such group, team or organization, acting through its designate officer, to
deliver annually, to the institution an attested acknowledgment stating that such group, team or organization has received a copy
of this section and said sections seventeen and eighteen, that each of its members, plebes, pledges, or applicants has received a
copy of sections seventeen and eighteen, and that such group, team or organization understands and agrees to comply with the
provisions of this section and sections seventeen and eighteen. Each institution of secondary education and each public or
private institution of post-secondary education shall, at least, annually, before or at the start of enrollment, deliver to each person
who enrolls as a full time student in such institution a copy of this section and sections seventeen and eighteen. Each institution
of secondary education and each public or private institution of post-secondary instruction shall file, at least annually, a report
with the regents of higher education and in the case of secondary schools, the board of education, certifying that such institution
has complied with its responsibility to inform student groups, teams or organizations and to notify each full time student enrolled
by it or the provisions of this section and sections seventeen and eighteen and also certifying that said institution has adopted a
disciplinary policy with regard to the organizers and participants of hazing, and that such policy has been set forth with
appropriate emphasis in the student handbook or similar means of communicating the institutions policies to its students. The
board of regents and, in the case of secondary schools, the board of education shall promulgate regulations governing the content
and frequency of such reports, and shall forthwith report to the attorney general any such institution, which fails to make such
report. (Added by St. 1985, c.536; amended by St. 1987, c. 665.)
The teacher involved will handle most behavioral infractions that occur in the classroom. The teacher will point out the error in
behavior and the changes expected. The teacher may issue the student a “teacher detention” and/or call the parents. Students
receiving detention will be given one day’s notice prior to the time they must serve the detention. If a student is given a “teacher
detention”, it is the responsibility of the student to know where and when they are to report to the teacher. Any student failing to
meet the obligation to serve a teacher detention will automatically receive a school detention. If the student cannot locate the
teacher who issued the detention, they must contact the Dean of Students or the main office. If the student is unresponsive to the
changes in behavior that the teacher wants to see in the student, then the student will be referred to the Dean of Students. The
Dean of Students will then arrange a conference with the student. The conference may include the parents and the teacher
involved. The Dean of Students will then proceed with the appropriate disciplinary action.
A student who is told to leave a classroom or supervised area must report immediately to the Main Office. Parents will
be called and appropriate disciplinary action will be taken.
Any student caught purchasing, using, or in possession of smoke bombs, pepper gas, mace or any other substance or objects that
could disrupt the normal routine of school and/or cause harm to any member of the school community will be subject to
suspension and possible expulsion. This would also include the inappropriate activation of alarms on school property.
In keeping with an atmosphere conducive to learning, inappropriate displays of affection between students are not permitted
within the school building, on the grounds, or on school buses/vans. This includes but is not limited to holding hands and
kissing. Students engaging in said activity will receive detention.
Policy: Central Catholic High School is committed to providing an educational environment that is free of sexual harassment.
Sexual harassment is completely unacceptable and will not be tolerated in any form. It is also a violation of this policy to
condone sexual harassment by another person. For purposes of this policy, to "condone" sexual harassment means to participate
in such harassment by inciting, encouraging, fostering or otherwise giving support or approval to that harassment. Also
prohibited is any retaliation against any other person because he/she complains of sexual harassment or assists a school
investigation of harassment and any intimidation, coercion or other attempted interference with an investigation of a harassment
complaint. The school will take seriously all complaints of sexual harassment, the condoning of sexual harassment or retaliation
and will have each complaint thoroughly investigated.
Sexual Harassment by Students: Students are prohibited from making unwelcome sexual advances or requests for sexual favors
and from engaging in any other verbal or physical conduct of a sexual nature when those advances, requests or conduct have the
purpose or effect of unreasonably interfering with the education of another student or the working environment of any employee
of the school by creating an intimidating, hostile, humiliating or sexually-offensive educational or working environment. This
includes students' conduct on buses and school- related activities.
Sexual Harassment by a School Employee: It is a violation of school policy for any teacher, administrator or other school
employee, male or female, to sexually harass a student. For purposes of this prohibition, sexual harassment means any sexual
advances, requests for sexual favors and other verbal or physical conduct of a sexual nature - when submission to or rejection of
such advances, requests or conduct is made either explicitly or implicitly a term or condition of the provision of educational
benefits, privileges or placement services or as a basis for the evaluation of academic achievement; or when such advances,
requests or conduct have the purpose or effect of unreasonably interfering with an individual's education by creating an
intimidating, hostile, humiliating or sexually- offensive educational environment. Any condoning of sexual harassment of a
student and any retaliation against a student because he/she complains of sexual harassment or assists a school investigation of
such a complaint is also prohibited.
Examples and Further Policy Discussion: Whether particular language or conduct constitutes sexual harassment depends upon
the circumstances of the incident and will be determined by the school on a case-by-case basis. The following are, however,
some examples of language and conduct, which all students of the school are cautioned to avoid. This is not an exhaustive list.
Comments to, or about, any student or school employee on his/her appearance that are sexually-graphic or would otherwise tend
to be degrading. Any physical contact of a sexual nature. Jokes or other remarks with sexual content that are graphic or may
otherwise be offensive to others. Sexually suggestive sounds or gestures, display of objects, posters, pictures or photos of a
sexual nature are all examples of sexual harassment.
Procedure for Complaint and Investigation: If any student believes that he/she has been subjected to sexual harassment,
whether by a student, a school employee or any other person who comes on school property with permission, or that he/she has
witnessed the sexual harassment of another, the student should report the incident promptly to the Principal or any other
administrator with whom the student feels comfortable. A complaint of sexual harassment by a student or by a parent on the
student's behalf may also be made to any counselor or teacher. A counselor or teacher who receives such a complaint will
promptly notify the appropriate administrator to initiate an investigation. It is the policy of the school to have all complaints
of sexual harassment promptly and fully investigated and to take any steps necessary to remedy the situation. Normally, the
investigation of a complaint of sexual harassment will be conducted by the Principal and will include separate private interviews
with the complainant, each person accused of harassment and each witness, if any. The interview will ordinarily be documented
by the administrator conducting the investigation, but those interviewed may also be asked to provide a written statement. All
students are expected to cooperate fully with any investigation of sexual harassment. Information provided during an
investigation of sexual harassment will be treated as confidential. This means that such information will be shared with others
on a need-to-know basis only. The parent or guardian of the complainant and those accused may be notified. In appropriate
circumstances, as determined by the school, the accused may be informed of the identity of the complainant or witnesses, but, in
those circumstances, the accused will be cautioned against reprisals or recrimination or any attempted intimidation or coercion of
the complainant or witnesses. At the conclusion of the investigation, the administrator will prepare a report, which will be
shared with both the complainant and person or persons accused of harassment.
Disciplinary Action: Any student found to have sexually-harassed another individual is subject to disciplinary sanctions, up to
and including suspension, request for withdrawal or permanent expulsion from the school. Any retaliation, discrimination or
other adverse action, such as intimidation, threats or coercion, taken against a student or school employee because he/she
complains of sexual harassment or assists an investigation of harassment will also result in disciplinary sanctions, up to and
including suspension, request for withdrawal or permanent expulsion from the school. Any student found to have condoned
sexual harassment by another may, depending upon the extent of his/her participation, be subject to disciplinary action.
Both stealing and vandalism represent serious violations of trust and respect for others and will not be tolerated at Central
Catholic. A student who damages or steals school property or the property of a member of the Central Catholic community must
make monetary restitution for any necessary repairs or replacements. The student will be subject to disciplinary action up to and
including suspension, request for withdrawal, and/or permanent expulsion from the School.
Central Catholic’s policy is that “the interests of students will be involved, but no more than is necessary to achieve the
legitimate end of preserving order in the schools”. When there is reasonable suspicion that a search will turn up evidence that a
student has violated or is violating either the law or the rules of the school, a school official may search the student’s person,
belongings, locker, electronic devices, and automobile. In order to maintain a safe and secure school environment, the school
reserves the right to use any and all legal means in the conduct of student searches.
If a student is going to be personally searched, the student’s parent/guardian will be notified as soon as is reasonably possible.
The search will take place in the presence of at least one but not more than three witnesses of the same gender. Searches may
include student lockers and automobiles. Should the student refuse to cooperate with a search, the parent/guardian will be called
and the police may be summoned. *New Jersey vs. T.L.O. 53 U.S.L.W. 4083, 4087-4088
A student is truant if absent from school without the parent's/guardian's knowledge or consent. A student is also considered
truant if he/she leaves the building or school function without administrative authorization. Truancy is considered an absence
that is not excused and will result in the student receiving a zero (0) for the assignments, tests and quizzes missed. The
parent/guardian of the truant will be notified and may be required to meet with the Dean of Students before the student is
readmitted to school. A student who is truant will be suspended and must serve ten days of detention. The school does not
accept responsibility for the student’s behavior while truant.
Students in possession of any dangerous weapon, including knives and guns (real or otherwise), or any other instrument that
could be considered harmful to any member of the school community, whether on their person, in their book bags, in their
lockers, in their automobiles or at school functions are subject to immediate suspension, request for withdrawal and/or expulsion.
Rules and regulations governing the student's participation in individual activities are made by the respective coach/moderator,
subject to approval by the Athletic or Activities Director. Students participating in athletics and activities must comply with all
rules of Central Catholic High School and in the case of athletes with the MIAA (Massachusetts Interscholastic Athletic
Association). The right to do so is delegated by the Administration of the school, and it is therefore, incumbent upon the student
to be aware of and to abide by the rules and regulations that govern the activity.
However, if at any time, the Administration, coaching staff or moderator feels that the primary aims of the school, effective
learning and the development of character are being seriously impeded by a student's participation in an activity, the student will
be obliged to withdraw from participation in the activity. This suspension of the student's privilege of participation can be for a
limited span of time or for the duration of the season.
The school offers over thirty (30) extra-curricular clubs and activities aside from athletics. Students are encouraged to join and
contribute to these activities over their years at Central Catholic. Many of the fondest and lasting memories and friendships of
the high school years will be forged through taking part in these activities. Interested students can contact the Director of
Activities for information and meetings of these clubs.
Central Catholic High School believes in the inherent good derived from student participation in interscholastic athletics. The
development of physical aptitudes, personal fitness, self-discipline and self-discovery, as well as the lessons learned about team
membership, sportsmanship and responsibility are chief among these benefits. Central Catholic High School sponsors student-
athletes in twenty six (27) sports in competitions governed by the Massachusetts Interscholastic Athletic Association (MIAA)
and the Merrimack Valley Conference (MVC) as well as two (2) seasons of cheerleading under the MSSAA.
The Athletics Handbook for Students and Parents
Participation in interscholastic athletics is a privilege, and as such carries associated responsibilities. The “CCHS Athletics
Handbook for Students and Parents” contains the policies, procedures and guidelines for athletic participation for CCHS
students. Student-athletes and their parents or guardians must be aware of and agree to abide by these policies, procedures and
guidelines. This handbook is available online at www.centralcatholic.net.
Central Catholic is subject to and complies with the rules and regulations of the Massachusetts Interscholastic Athletic
Association (MIAA). All student athletes and coaches agree to be governed by these regulations. A complete version of the
MIAA Handbook of Rules and Regulations Governing Athletics can be viewed at www.miaa.net. Questions pertaining to the
MIAA or its rules/regulations may be directed to the Director of Athletics. While all the rules of MIAA are important, there are
several rules which seem to raise the most important questions and which are most frequently cited. To avoid any confusion,
both of these rules are listed below EXACTLY as they appear in the MIAA Blue Book.
Loyalty to the High School Team: Bona Fide Team Members (MIAA Handbook, Rule #45)
A bona fide member of the school team is a student who is consistently present for, and actively participates in, all high school
team sessions (e.g. practices, tryouts, competitions). Bona fide members of a school team are precluded from missing a high
school practice or competition in order to participate in a non-school athletic activity/event in any sport recognized by the
MIAA. Penalties:
First Offense Student athlete is suspended for 25% of the season.
Second Offense Student athlete is suspended for an additional 25% of the season and is ineligible for tournament play
immediately upon confirmation of the violation.
Student Athlete Chemical Health Regulations (MIAA Handbook, Rule #62.1)
From the earliest fall practice date to the conclusion of the academic year or final athletic event (whichever is latest), a student
shall not, regardless of the quantity, use or consume, possess, buy/sell or give away any beverage containing alcohol, tobacco
products, steroids, marijuana or any controlled substance. This policy includes products such as “NA (non-alcoholic) or near
beer.” It is not a violation for a student to be in possession of a legally- defined drug specifically prescribed for the student's
own use by his/her doctor. This rule represents only a minimum standard upon which schools may develop more stringent
requirements. This MIAA statewide minimum standard is not intended to render “guilt by association”, e.g. many student
athletes might be present at a party where only a few violated the standard. If a student in violation of this rule is unable to
participate in interscholastic sports because of injury, academics, or otherwise, the penalty will not take effect until that student
is able to participate again.
A. Minimum penalties:
First Violation: When the Principal confirms, following an opportunity for the student to be heard, that a violation occurred, the
student shall lose eligibility for the next consecutive interscholastic contests totaling 25% of all contests in that sport. No
exception is permitted for a student who becomes a participant in a treatment program. It is recommended that the student be
allowed to remain at practice for the purpose of rehabilitation. All decimal part of an event will be truncated i.e. all fractional
part of an event will be dropped when calculating the 25% of the season.
Second and Subsequent Violations: When the Principal confirms, following an opportunity for the student to be heard, that a
second or subsequent violations occurred, the student shall lose eligibility for the next consecutive interscholastic contests
totaling 60% of all contests in that sport. For the student, these penalties will be determined by the season the violation occurs.
All decimal part of an event will be truncated i.e. all fractional part of an event will be dropped when calculating the 60% of the
If after second or subsequent violations, the student on his/her own volition becomes a participant in an approved chemical
dependency program or treatment program, the student may be certified for reinstatement in M.I.A.A. activities after a minimum
period of 40% of events. The high school principal in collaboration with a Chemical Dependency Program or Treatment
Program must certify that a student is attending or issue a certificate of completion. If a student does not complete the program,
the penalty reverts back to 60% of the season. All decimal part of an event will be truncated i.e. all fractional part of an event
will be dropped when calculating the 40% of the season.
Penalties shall be cumulative each academic year but serving the penalty could carry over for one year. Or, if the penalty
period is not completed during the season of violation, the penalty shall carry over to the student’s next season of actual
participation, which may affect the eligibility status of the student during the next academic year (e.g. A student plays only
football: he violates the rule in the winter and/or the spring of the same academic year: he would serve the penalty{ies} during
the fall season of the next academic year).
Student Eligibility: Physical Examinations/Medical Coverage/Concussions (MIAA Handbook, Rule #56.1)
All students must pass a physical examination within 13 months (395 days) of the start of each season. Students who meet this
criteria at the start of the season will remain eligible for that season. Physical examinations must be performed by a duly
registered Physician, Physician’s Assistant or Nurse Practitioner.
The following rules are in line with MIAA rules and apply for participating in the Athletic Program at Central Catholic:
Any student who wishes to represent Central Catholic High School in interscholastic athletics must have at
least one complete physical examination per year.
This examination must take place prior to the student's first actual participation during the year and be kept on
file in the School Nurse’s Office.
The physical examination expires 13 months from the date of the previous medical exam on file. If no
examination is on file, a student-athlete may not participate until one is submitted.
Under new Massachusetts State Law, ALL student-athletes AND at least one parent or legal guardian
MUST ANNUALLY review the NFHS Guidelines regarding concussions and attest to that fact before a
student-athlete is deemed eligible for interscholastic athletic participation.
All students MUST be covered by some type of medical policy (through home or available through CCHS for a nominal fee)
before participating in extra-curricular activities.
Since the cost of a school-wide Medical Insurance Policy for athletes is prohibitive, it is mandatory that some
form of home Medical Insurance Policy cover each student who represents the school in interscholastic
competition. The name and number of this policy should also be on file in both the nurse's office records and
in the Athletic records’ area.
Any student who is not covered by any type of home medical policy will not be allowed to represent Central
Catholic and to participate in any interscholastic competition.
For student-athletes without medical insurance, it is the responsibility of the student and parent/guardian to
purchase school medical coverage or the student-athlete may not participate in athletics until coverage is
obtained. This plan is relatively inexpensive and is available through a private insurance company. This plan is
an accident insurance and does not cover incidents of a pre-existing condition.
Central Catholic, by this policy, absolves itself from responsibility of medical expenses incurred by an athlete
If a student remains after school to use the library, participate in an organized school activity, seek extra help or serve detention,
he/she must be in a supervised area. Areas in which students are not allowed to congregate include but are not limited to the
theatre, small gym, hallways, stairways and conference rooms. Students found in an unsupervised area will be asked to leave the
area. Students who fail to comply with this request will be referred to the Dean of Students.
A student who wants to have an announcement made over the P.A. or put into the homeroom daily announcements must have it
approved by an administrator, teacher or moderator/coach.
The purpose of Central Catholic’s Dress Code is to establish an atmosphere conducive to learning and foster pride in appearance.
All students are required to dress appropriately in accordance with the dress code outlined in the Student/Parent Handbook.
Dress must be neat, clean and modest. Students must be in dress code from 7:40 AM through 2:10 PM. Students serving
detention must also follow dress code rules. Dress Code requirements apply on field trips and mid-year and final exam days.
Students in violation of the Dress Code will be issued detention(s). The Dean of Students and/or the Associate Dean of Students
make the final determination on appearance and attire violations.
Penalties for dress code violations per quarter
First offense 1 detention
Second offense 3 detentions
Third offense 5 detentions and meeting with the parent/guardian
Subsequent violations 5 detentions and/or suspension from school
Dress Code for All Students:
Shirt/Blouse: All students will be required to wear approved shirts/blouses as offered through the CCHS Customized
Land’s End Website. All shirts must have the approved Central Catholic logo purchased exclusively from the Lands’
DRESS CODE. Shirts must be properly sized. Ill-fitting shirts/blouses are not permitted. Alterations of the Lands’
End dress code shirt are not permitted. Students wearing ill-fitting Lands’ End shirts will receive one warning to
provide opportunity to place order with Land’s End. Student must submit written proof of purchase or face possible
detention. Subsequent violations will result in a detention being issued. Only one button below the collar may be open.
Non-distracting short sleeve t-shirts may be worn under a dress code shirt. . All dress code shirts from Lands’ End
must be fitted properly and must be completely tucked in at all times.
Pants/Slacks: All pants/slacks must have belt loops and be worn with a belt, which must be visible and fastened at the
waist. The length of the pant leg must be long enough to cover the sock.
All pants must be purchased from the Lands’ End school uniform website or catalogue and have the approved Central
Catholic logo.
The following are also NOT PERMITTED:
o Pants that are excessively tight, baggy, oversized, or worn below the waist
o Slit, cut ripped or torn pants
o Belts that tie or have fringe including scarves used as belts
Sweaters: Only Lands’ End dress code crew, V-neck or cardigan sweaters or vests bearing the approved Central
Catholic logo may be worn. Sweaters must be worn over the approved dress code shirt. The collar of the shirt/blouse
must be visible. Hooded, tight, form fitting, baggy or over-sized sweaters are NOT permitted. Sweatshirts are also
NOT permitted.
Fleece: Only Lands’ End dress code fleece vests or jackets bearing the approved Central Catholic logo may be worn.
Fleece must be worn over the approved dress code shirt and vests or jackets are to be zipped such that the dress code
shirt is visible.
Footwear: Central Catholic requires a dress code shoe for all students. Acceptable styles for boys and girls are
Leather Boat Shoes in the following colors: Tan, Brown, Black, Blue, or Grey. Socks must be worn and shoes with
laces must be tied.
Eyewear: Contact lenses, which are unnatural in color or distracting, are not allowed.
Hats: Hats may not be worn anywhere in the school until after 2:10PM. Hats are permitted in the gym, locker rooms
and weight room after 2:10PM.
Sunglasses: Sunglasses may not be worn in the school.
Skirts: The only approved dress code skirt for all year levels is the solid color Lands’ End skirt. Girls must wear skirts
with a dress code shirt or blouse. The length of the skirt must be no shorter than one inch above the middle of the
kneecap. No tight or form fitting skirts may be worn. Girls must wear solid color socks or tights (no patterns) with
Accessories: Girls may wear no more than one earring in each ear. The earring must be a small stud or hoop (no
“barbells”). Earrings or studs (including clear studs) in a nose, tongue, lip or eyebrow are not allowed. A thin
non-distracting necklace may be worn. Students may wear one ring on each hand and a small bracelet or watch. No
other jewelry is allowed.
Personal Grooming: Students are expected to be neat and clean in appearance. Hair is to be clean and neatly styled.
Extreme (bright, distracting or unnatural) hair color and hairstyles are not allowed. If makeup is worn, it must be
moderate and conservative. No visible tattoos are permitted. Visible body piercing of any type, with the exception of
earrings, is prohibited. The Dean of Students and/or the Associate Dean of Students make the final determination on
violations regarding personal grooming.
Accessories: Earrings or studs (including clear studs) are not allowed on any part of the body. A thin non-distracting
necklace may be worn. Students may wear one ring on each hand and a small bracelet or watch. No other jewelry is
Personal Grooming: Students are expected to be neat and clean in appearance. Hair is to be clean and neatly styled.
Extreme (bright, distracting or unnatural) hair color and hairstyles are not allowed. Boys must be clean-shaven at all
times. Mustaches and beards are not allowed. Sideburns may not exceed the top of the earlobe. Hair length is not to
exceed the top of the collar and not to fall below the top of the eyebrows. Ponytails, shaved hair under longer hair,
shaved heads (hair less than 1/8 inch), mushroom styles, shaved lines and designs are not allowed. No visible tattoos or
body piercing of any type is allowed. Detention will be assigned to any student not in compliance with these personal
grooming guidelines. The Dean of Students and/or the Associate Dean of Students make the final determination on
violations regarding personal grooming.
Students who arrive at school before 7:30AM must report directly to the supervised cafeteria area. Students are not to linger in
locker rooms, unsupervised areas, or be at their lockers during this time. Students must enter the building via the Memorial Gym
or the main entrance. After 7:40AM, students arriving to school may only use the main entrance. All other entrances will be
Under no circumstances are personal items such as book bags and pocketbooks to be left unattended before, during or after
school. If a student’s book bag or pocketbook is not being carried by the student, it should be locked up in a school or athletic
Whether it be on public or private bus or van transportation, the ride to and from the school is considered to be an extension of
the school day and students are subject to school regulations. The bus/van driver is in charge of the vehicle and is due proper
respect. The driver will report any misbehavior to the Dean of Students. Inappropriate behavior includes smoking, yelling,
putting head or arms out of the windows, throwing things and harassment. Inappropriate behavior or vandalism will not be
tolerated and will result in disciplinary action and the loss of transportation privileges.
All students must eat lunch in the school cafeteria and are expected to keep the cafeteria clean.
Food, candy and drinks are allowed ONLY in the cafeteria, the Raider Pub and the Memorial Gymnasium.
Lunches are NOT to be brought into the classrooms or any other areas of the school other than the cafeteria.
At the end of each lunch period students are responsible for cleaning off and tidying up the table and the area around the
table. Recyclable beverage containers should be put in the recycle bins that are located throughout the cafeteria.
Students who leave their table a mess will be subject to disciplinary action.
Students who use the cafeteria at times other than lunch periods should leave the area neat and clean.
Only the bathrooms located outside the cafeteria are to be used during lunch periods.
Students may not leave the cafeteria for any reason without a proctor’s permission.
Students are to remain seated during the last five (5) minutes of lunch and may leave only when dismissed by the
Vending machines are off limits during the last five (5) minutes of all lunch periods.
Central Catholic will NOT accept vendor deliveries of any kind for students. Please do not have food, gifts, or flowers delivered
to the school.
Driving to school is a privilege granted to the student by the Administration and in cooperation with the parent/guardian. Central
Catholic property is private property and regulations have been established to maintain general order and safety.
While driving on campus and access roads, care is to be exercised and speed is not to exceed 10 m.p.h.
In compliance with MA state law, “Click It or Ticket”, seat belts must be worn at all times by drivers and passengers of
motor vehicles.
Excessive speed, reckless driving, allowing passengers to hang out windows or sit on the outside of the vehicle will be
cause for detention and possible revocation of the student’s driving privilege.
No student is allowed to park a vehicle on the school campus without authorization of the Dean of Students.
To obtain authorization to park on school property, a student must get a Parking Permit Application from the Dean of
Students. The application is to be completed by the student, signed by both the student and his/her parent/guardian and
presented as per instructions on the application. Students will receive an authorized school Parking Permit that is to be
placed on the vehicle as instructed.
Vehicles must be parked in the assigned student parking area.
Vehicles without the proper parking permit or which are parked in an unauthorized area, will be towed at the owner’s
expense. The student will receive detention and may have his/her parking privilege permanently revoked.
Students are NOT allowed to go to their vehicles during the school day without authorization from an administrator.
Going to a vehicle without authorization will result in detention.
Loitering around vehicles either before or after school is prohibited.
Because of the limited number of parking spaces available, parking privileges are extended first to seniors, then juniors,
and if space available, to sophomores.
Although Central Catholic has a security service on duty on school grounds during regularly scheduled classes, the
school is not responsible for theft or damage to vehicles in the lots.
To discourage automobile break-ins, all vehicles must be locked and valuables placed out of sight.
Central Catholic neither recommends nor provides security for students parking on city streets that surround school
property. Any vehicle vandalized in said areas will become the sole responsibility of its owner.
Students who regularly violate school regulations will have their parking permits suspended or revoked.
Central Catholic has established various emergency plans to address critical situations. Students are required to cooperate fully
with all instructions given during the emergency.
When the fire alarm sounds, students must leave the school by the routes designated for each room.
Silence must be maintained both in leaving the school and while attendance is taken outside. Any student who acts
inappropriately during a fire drill or emergency drill is to be reported to the Dean of Students.
Students are to remain with their teacher and class throughout the drill/emergency.
During a fire drill no one is to remain in the school or delay exit from the school.
Students are to return to class with their teacher when directed to do so.
In the event of a lock down procedure, students are expected to explicitly follow the directions of the classroom teacher.
In the event of a school evacuation for the day, the designated pick-up area for students will be communicated to
parents/guardians through Honeywell’s Instant Alert system.
If a student damages or loses school property, uniforms or equipment, further use of that property or equipment may be forfeited
and appropriate disciplinary penalties will be imposed. The student assumes monetary responsibility for all damages and losses.
Attendance at all school-sponsored field trips is mandatory. Students can be denied participation in a field trip if they fail to
meet academic or behavioral requirements. Before the student participates in a field trip, he/she will be given a parental
permission form. Some field trips will require students to pay a participation fee.
For the safety of all those in the building, school personnel must know the identity of all persons in the school. ID Cards will be
issued to students. Students MUST have their ID cards on their person in school and at all school- sponsored activities. Failure
to have an ID will result in detention. If the ID card is lost, the student must report to the Dean of Students to arrange for a
The school library hours are 7:00AM 6:00PM Monday through Thursday, and 7:00AM-2:30 on Friday.
Library policies regarding behavior are the same as the school policies for behavior outlined in this handbook.
Appropriate behavior and respect for the rights of others to use the library media center for quiet study, research, and
reading is expected at all times, including during the posted before and/or after school hours. Examples of inappropriate
behavior which may lead to removal from the library and/or disciplinary action include but are not limited to: room
disruption due to excessive noise level, destructive behavior, profanity and/or vulgarity, eating and drinking, and
general disregard for library rules and/or responsibilities.
Library policies regarding the use of mobile devices and appropriate computer and internet use are the same as the
school policies outlined in this handbook. Students may use their personal mobile device from 7:35am-2:10pm for
academic purposes only unless permission is granted otherwise by a library staff member. If a library staff member asks
a student to put away his/her mobile device because of games or other non-instructional activities during these times,
the student must comply. Cell phones may not be visible or be used during the school day. Please refer to the
handbook for detailed information about the acceptable use policies for use of the internet and the use of mobile
A pass is necessary to enter the library during homeroom and during regularly scheduled class hours. The pass must be
stamped when entering and departing the library and returned to the teacher who issued it before the end of the class
period. The only times a student may enter the school library without a pass are before 7:40AM or after 2:10PM.
Students may use the library during lunch periods. Students who use the library during lunch must sign in and out of the
library at the circulations desk.
Students using the library computers must log in and out with the Librarian or Library Assistant.
Books may be taken out for a two-week period. Books must be checked out at the circulation desk. Books may be
renewed for an additional two weeks.
The student must pay for lost and damaged books.
Students who do not observe the library regulations will lose the privilege of using the library.
The Associate Dean of Students assigns a locker to each student. Lockers must be kept locked at all times and
secured with a black school combination lock. Students should not give their locker combination to any another
The school assumes no responsibility for the safeguard or replacement of articles left in the lockers.
Lockers are the property of the school and are under direct control and supervision of the Administration. The
Administration retains the right to conduct unannounced inspections or searches of any locker at any time.
Nothing permanent (stickers) or inappropriate should be attached to the lockers.
Students must clean out their lockers during the week of final exams.
Students are not allowed to share or change lockers without permission of the Associate Dean of Students.
Care in opening and closing lockers is necessary. Payment for damage to a locker is the responsibility of the student.
Students MUST use a lock that has been officially distributed by the school. All freshmen must purchase a black lock
for school lockers and a blue lock for athletic/PE lockers during the first week of school. Lost locks must be purchased
or replaced with locks from the bookstore or the Associate Dean of Students.
Students may go to their lockers between classes, but are responsible for arriving at their next class on time.
Students may be in a locker room only if it is supervised. Students may not loiter in the locker rooms before school. At no time
are boys and girls to enter each other's locker room. Only blue, Central Catholic issued locks may be used in the locker room.
To prevent theft or loss, all personal gear must be locked in a locker. Central Catholic is not responsible for personal items
missing from a locker room. Athletic lockers MUST be cleaned out at the end of each athletic season (fall, winter, spring). Any
items remaining in athletic lockers after the completion of the season will be removed by the Administration. Central Catholic is
not responsible for items removed.
Changes of mail address, e-mail address and/or phone number must be made immediately to the secretary in the Main Office.
This is essential so that the school can communicate efficiently with parents or guardians. Since an increasing number of school
communications may be sent to parents/guardians via email, cell phone and other electronic devices, it is the responsibility of the
parent/guardian to inform the school of any such changes.
No student is permitted to walk through the halls while classes are in session without an authorized yellow pass from a teacher,
administrator, guidance counselor or staff member. Violators are subject to disciplinary penalties from the Dean of Students.
In the morning, in the interest of student and staff safety, vehicles that drop off students should do so in the “Drop-
Off/Pick-Up Lane” in front of the main entrance. Students should not be dropped off in the “Thru-Lane”, “Bus-Lane”,
middle or rear of the parking lot.
Parents are not to drop off students in the rear faculty parking lot. THIS LOT IS FOR FACULTY ONLY.
Students are not be picked up or dropped off on Hampshire Street. Traffic on Hampshire Street makes it
hazardous to do so.
Students should be picked up in front of the main entrance in the “Drop-Off/Pick-Up Lane”.
While driving on campus and access roads, speeds are not to exceed 10 mph.
Students may not remain in a classroom or area of the school without adult supervision. Students are not to loiter in the parking
lots before or after school.
No individual or group may use the name, logo, school crest or any other representation of Central Catholic High School without
prior written approval of the school administration. This includes all articles of clothing required by our dress code that are not
purchased from Lands’ End. Without written consent of the Principal, the use of the school name or logos, or representations of
the school on any unauthorized websites or other electronic media is prohibited.
Occasionally the school wishes to promote to the general public the efforts, successes and high quality participation of students
in various phases of school life. In the process, the Office of Institutional Advancement, the Admissions Office, among others,
seeking to promote the mission of CCHS, makes use of quotes from students and students in photos and/or videos.
Parents/guardians can give or withhold consent for students to be included in this type of promotional material. In giving
consent, the parent/guardian releases the school, its agents and employees from all claims, demands and liabilities in connection
with the above.
Seniors have a “senior break” from 10:10AM 10:20AM.
Students on break MUST be in the cafeteria or their period 3 classrooms.
Students must be in their period 3 classroom by 10:20AM. Seniors late to period 3 classes will be considered tardy.
At the end of senior break, seniors are responsible for cleaning off the tables.
Senior break is a privilege, which can be suspended or revoked for academic or disciplinary reasons.
Students are responsible for good behavior on school computer networks just as they are in the classroom. The network is
provided for students for educational purposes only. Access to network services is given to students who agree to act in a
responsible manner. Parent permission is required and access is a privilege - not a right. Individual users of the Central Catholic
computer network are responsible for their behavior and communications over the network. Users must comply with Central
Catholic standards and will honor the agreements they have signed. Beyond the clarification of such standards, Central Catholic
is not responsible for restricting, monitoring or controlling the communications of individuals using the network. The network
administrator may review files and communications to maintain system integrity and insure that users are using the system
responsibly. Users should not expect that files stored on the network would be private.
The following are not permitted on the network:
Attempting to access or accessing confidential school computer files
Attempting to bypass the internet site filter
Deleting, adding to, or modifying the installed hardware or software on any school computers unless given explicit
Downloading or installing any software on school computers unless given explicit authorization by the IT Department.
Defacing, damaging, or vandalizing any school computers. This includes, but is not limited to, any of the following
activities: opening the cover on a computer, stressing or removing any cables, removing any keys or parts, placing any
substance on or in any part of the computer and/or inserting inappropriate objects into any part of the machine. Users
must not eat or drink when using the computers. Vandalism includes, but is not limited to, damaging Central Catholic
High School computer equipment and electronics and uploading, downloading, or creation of computer viruses.
Attempting to obtain access to restricted sites, servers, files, databases, etc. are prohibited
Unauthorized access to other systems (e.g. “hacking”) is prohibited
Use of internet chat protocols (e.g. “instant messaging”, “messaging boards”) are not allowed
Changing the orientation of the screen using key strokes
Stalking or harassing communications
Sending or displaying offensive and/or pornographic messages or pictures
Using obscene language
Harassing, insulting or attacking others
Violating copyright laws
Using another’s password
Violations of privacy and ownership such as trespassing in another’s folder, work or files
Intentionally wasting limited resources
Using the network for commercial purposes
Using the school name or logo
On-line gambling of any form
Violations may result in loss of access, as well as other disciplinary or legal action.
Before a student can access the Internet for research materials, the student must perform the following procedures:
Read the Internet Rules and Regulations
Read and sign the Internet User Agreement and Parent Permission section
Have a parent or guardian read the Internet Rules and Regulations
Have a parent or guardian read and sign the Internet User Agreement and Parent Permission section
Internet Use:
Students at Central Catholic High School have access to the school-wide communications network and the Internet. To gain
access to the Internet, all students must obtain parental permission and must sign and return the enclosed Internet user agreement
to the Main Office.
As part of Central Catholic’s commitment to academic excellence and technology enhancement, students will be provided with
access to the Internet. Access to the Internet will enable students to explore thousands of libraries, databases, and bulletin boards
throughout the world. Students and parents/guardians should be warned that some material accessible via the Internet might
contain items that are inaccurate or are inappropriate or potentially offensive to some people. While our intent is to make Internet
access available to further educational goals and objectives, students may find ways to access other materials as well. We believe
that the benefits to students from access to the Internet, in the form of information resources and opportunities for collaboration,
exceed any disadvantages. The school makes use of site filtering software in order to limit access to inappropriate materials
available on the Internet. But ultimately, parents and guardians of minors are responsible for setting and conveying the standards
that their children should follow when using media and information sources at Central Catholic.
Cell phones may not be visible or be used during the school day (7:35AM 2:15PM), unless specifically instructed by the
classroom teacher for instructional purposes. Students are prohibited from using cell phones in any other areas of the school
building/grounds at any time during the school day. Any student in possession of a cell phone during the school day will receive
the following consequences:
offense Three (3) school detentions are assigned and the Dean of Students will communicate consequences by phone with
the parents/guardians.
offense Five (5) school detentions are assigned and the Dean of Students will meet with the parents/guardians.
offense Five (5) school detentions are assigned and student could face potential suspension.
In addition to the consequences outlined above, the use or presence of a cell phone in the classroom at the time of a test, quiz, or
other assessment will result in the student receiving a grade of “0” on the assessment, unless the student was specifically
instructed by the classroom teacher.
When there is a reasonable suspicion that a student’s cell phone or social networking website may evidence that a student has
violated the law or the regulations of the school, a school official may view the messages or images sent or received on an
electronic communication/gaming device or the postings and messages sent or received on a social networking website.
Parents needing to communicate with their son/daughter during the school day should call the Main Office. All messages given
to the receptionist in the Main Office or left on voice mail will be delivered to the student by the end of the school day.
Emergency phone calls to home may be made by going to the Main Office.
Central Catholic High School
Guidelines for Personal Use of Student-Owned Mobile Devices
Central Catholic High School provides all students access to a wireless network and the option of bringing in a personal laptop as
means to enhance their education. The purpose of this policy is to assure that students recognize the limitations the school
imposes on their use of personal mobile devices. A personal mobile device includes laptops, tablets, netbooks and e-book
readers. In addition to this policy, the use of any school computer, including all personal mobile devices, also requires students
to abide by the CCHS Acceptable Use Policy.
Guidelines for General Usage
1. Student use of a personal mobile device must support the instructional and learning activities currently occurring in
each classroom and lab.
2. Students may at times be requested by the teacher to turn off and put away a personal mobile device such as testing
situations that do not require the support of the mobile device or when the device is not used to support the instruction
or learning in the classroom.
3. Students should be aware that the use of the mobile device could cause distraction for others in the classroom especially
in regards to audio. If an assignment requires audio, a teacher may request or allow audio through headphones.
4. Students may use their personal mobile device from 7:35am-2:10pm for academic purposes only unless permission is
granted otherwise by a faculty/staff member. If a CCHS faculty/staff member asks a student to put away his/her mobile
device because of games or other non-instructional activities during these times, the student must comply.
5. Students are responsible for maintaining the integrity of software required for facilitating academic activities.
6. File sharing programs are not allowed to be used during school hours.
7. Before 7:35am and after 2:10pm, students may use their personal mobile device for academic and non-academic
8. The school reserves the right to access an individual’s mobile device at any time.
9. Students engaged in non-academic activities on their mobile device from 7:35am-2:10pm may receive detention and/or
have their mobile device taken and lose such privilege.
10. All personal mobile devices brought to school must have an up-to-date antivirus program installed. The school has the
right to verify this at any time.
11. All materials including photos, music, language etc., stored on a student’s mobile device should be appropriate for
12. Students should not leave their mobile device unattended in hallways, classrooms, cafeteria or unlocked lockers. The
school accepts no responsibility for personal property brought into the school.
13. Students will be allowed to access a school printer from their mobile device in the library. Students may not connect to
any other printer in the school.
14. The CCHS Technology Department does not support the hardware or software on personal mobile devices.
15. Students should fully charge their mobile device prior to bringing the equipment to school. Students are not permitted
to charge their devices during academic classes.
16. Students may not use their mobile device for picture taking or video without the permission of the faculty/staff member.
17. Students may not use their mobile device to send, access, upload, download, or distribute offensive, profane,
threatening, pornographic, obscene, or sexually explicit materials or those that can be interpreted as harassing or
18. Students may not use their mobile device’s camera, video, Face Time or other apps in any way that is offensive,
profane, threatening, obscene, or damaging to another person
19. Students may not use their mobile device to take photographs, audio or video of other students, guests, or school
personnel without his/her permission
20. Students may not use their mobile device for the use of screen protector that prohibits others from viewing screen
21. Students may not use their mobile device for the use of chat rooms and websites selling term papers, book reports and
other forms of student work
22. Students may not use their mobile device for illegal file-sharing sites
23. Students may not use their mobile device for spamming, sending mass or inappropriate emails.
24. Students may not use their mobile device for gaining access to other students’ accounts, files, and/or data
25. Students may not use their mobile device for use of the school’s Internet, network or e-mail accounts for financial or
commercial gain or for any illegal activity.
26. Students may not use their mobile device for any form of anonymous and/or false communications.
27. Students may not use their mobile device to participate in credit card fraud, electronic forgery or other forms of illegal
28. Students may not use their mobile device to vandalize (any malicious attempt to harm or destroy hardware, software, or
data, including but not limited to the uploading or creation of computer viruses or computer programs that can infiltrate
computer systems and/or damage software components) of school equipment.
29. Students may not use their mobile device to bypass the school’s web filter through a proxy server, VPN, hotspot or
using 3g/4g.
30. Students are not allowed to send mass emails to the Central Catholic community or to any outside groups
Consequences of General Usage
A student found in violation of these guidelines will receive the following consequences:
offense Three (3) school detentions are assigned and the Dean of Students will communicate consequences by phone
with the parents/guardians.
offense Five (5) school detentions are assigned and the Dean of Students will meet with the parents/guardians.
offense Five (5) school detentions are assigned and student could face potential suspension.
Student Responsibility
CCHS accepts no responsibility for personal property brought to the school by students. This includes all personal mobile
and digital devices.
Students who choose to bring a mobile device to school assume total responsibility for the mobile device. A mobile device
that is stolen or damaged is the responsibility of the students and their parents or guardians.
Students should take all responsible steps to protect against loss or damage of their personal mobile device.
Access Control and Authentication
1. No student shall knowingly gain access to, or attempt to gain access to, any computer, computer system, computer
network, information storage media, or peripheral equipment without the consent of authorized school personnel.
2. To use a personal mobile device within the school, students and parents must have signed the acceptable use policy.
3. Students can only access the internet and the school network via a wireless connection using “authenticated
credentials.” Any student found connecting his/her laptop to the network using an Ethernet cable plugged into a wall
jack will have his/her mobile device confiscated and lose personal mobile device access privileges.
Families have three different payment options to choose from to meet their annual tuition obligation to Central Catholic High
Option A Full tuition paid directly to the school by June 15.
Option B Two (one-half installments) paid directly to the school by June 15 and November 15.
Option C Eleven monthly installments paid directly to Tuition Management System beginning June 15. There is a
$45.00 annual processing fee if Option C is chosen.
The Board of Directors of Central Catholic High School has adopted the following policy regarding tuition:
Monthly installment payments are due to TMS Inc. by the 15
of each month or a late fee of $30.00 is applied.
A $20.00 service charge will be added to an account for every check returned to Central Catholic for insufficient funds.
If by August 1
, an account is more than 30 days in arrears, notification will be sent to the parent/guardian that the
student will not be allowed to attend classes in September. Upon receipt of payment, the student will be reinstated.
If tuition is more than one month in arrears at the time of semester exams in January or final exams in June, the student
will not be permitted to take the exams and semester or final grade reports will appear incomplete. Once the tuition
amount is current, the student will be allowed to complete the exams.
If tuition is more than 45 days in arrears, then the parent or guardian will be requested to withdraw the student from
Central Catholic High School. As soon as tuition is current, the student may be reinstated unless more than ten (10)
school days has elapsed since said withdrawal.
Tuition payments for the current school year must be completed by April 15
If a student transfers from Central Catholic, the full monthly tuition payment will be charged for the most recent month
where attendance has been recorded.
If any financial problems or extenuating circumstances exist such that the parent/guardian is unable to make a tuition
payment, the parent/guardian is urged and encouraged to contact the Central Catholic Business Office. At that time
other arrangements may be negotiated with the Business Office.
Central Catholic High School offers limited financial aid to families demonstrating a financial need. Inquiries about
financial aid should be made to the Business Office.
Seniors are charged an additional fee of $250.00 to cover graduation expenses. This fee is added to the annual cost of
tuition. Seniors will not be permitted to receive a diploma unless all tuition and graduation fees are paid in full. .
Through August 7
Refund less $350.00 registration fee for students in class of 2018, 2019 & 2020; refund less
registration fee of $1,000 for students in class of 2021.
Through August 14
Refund less 40% of scheduled monthly payments
Through August 21
Refund less 60% of scheduled monthly payments
Through August 28
Refund less 70% of scheduled monthly payments
Beginning September 5
No refund of scheduled payments
Note: Scheduled monthly payments refer to the amount that would be due if the 11 monthly payment option was selected.
Central Catholic accepts students regardless of race, color, religious affiliation, sexual orientation, national or ethnic origin. It is
important to remember that all students are accepted on an annual basis. The acceptance of the registration fee for the following
year does not necessarily constitute final acceptance or continuation at Central Catholic. Re-acceptance for successive years will
be based on the attitude, behavior, and academic achievement of the student and is entirely the decision of the school, made in
the best interest of Central Catholic.
With the exception of a few items, students are required to purchase books through Follett Virtual Campus or through the links at
(www.centralcatholic.net/textbooks). Published study guides (paper or electronic) or notes are not to be substituted for reading
assignments. Students are cautioned to check the Follett Virtual Campus website before buying second hand books. Central
Catholic is not responsible for students purchasing books through private sales.
Books, notebooks, etc. should be stored and locked in the student assigned locker. Books or personal belongings should not be
left unattended during the school day. This includes the locker room during PE or athletic participation, cafeteria,
classrooms etc. Central Catholic is not responsible for replacement of lost or stolen books or personal belongings.
The school store is located off the main lobby. Central Catholic gift items, spirit wear, stationary items and school locks may be
purchased at the school store. Contact the Main Office for scheduled Campus Store hours.
Central Catholic seeks to foster spiritual and moral growth, a necessary part of personal development. Integral to a balanced
religious education program are liturgies, prayer services and the Sacrament of Reconciliation as well as the opportunity to serve
the wider community. The Campus Ministry Office offers the following:
Retreat programs for each year level
Christian Service “One Day” Program
Mission Awareness Program
Volunteer program at local shelters and soup kitchens
When the Campus Ministry Center is open and supervised, the area is opened to students. A pass must be obtained from a
teacher to go to the Campus Ministry Center.
The school Chapel is open throughout the school day. Because the Blessed Sacrament is reserved, the Chapel invites an
atmosphere of reverence and meditation. The Campus Ministry Center (room 213) and the school Chapel are located on the
second floor of the south wing.
Central Catholic seeks to teach its students that they have a responsibility to serve the needs of others. To this end, in order to
receive a CCHS diploma, a student must complete the minimum of required hours of Christian Service. The guideline for
acceptable Christian Service is that service to others should respond to the tenets of Catholic social teaching. The service is to be
completed at an approved agency or institution. The Christian Service coordinator must approve all service projects. Students
who would like to perform service other than the various opportunities made available through the school can submit a form
prior to service for acceptance. Forms can be found in Campus Ministry or online. Students can work towards completing the
Christian service hour’s requirement from the beginning of freshmen year. For freshmen, sophomores, and juniors, the goal is to
complete these hours no later than the end of grade 11. The minimum number of Christian Service hours required for a CCHS
diploma is 24 hours of service…”ONE DAY”.
Seniors must have completed their One Day service by the end of junior year. A grade of “F” for “One Day Christian Service”
appears on all senior year progress reports and report cards until delinquency in meeting this graduation requirement is remedied.
Any senior who does not complete their required service by May 1 will also not be permitted to attend Senior Day and, if service
is not completed by Senior Day, he/she will not receive a diploma at graduation.
Juniors have until the completion of junior year to satisfactorily complete their graduation requirement of One Day Christian
Service. Beginning with 3
term progress report, juniors who have not completed their service requirement will receive a grade
of “Incomplete” until the Christian Service requirement has been successfully fulfilled.
Sophomores and Freshmen are required to complete 24 hours of One Day Christian Service to the least favored and have until
the completion of junior year to do so. Beginning in the 3
term of junior year, the consequences listed above will be in effect.
In the event of inclement weather, parents and students are to check one of the following T.V. stations: channels 4, 5, 7 and FOX
25. A specific announcement for “CENTRAL CATHOLIC” will be made if school is cancelled. The Honeywell’s Instant
Alert system will announce all delays, early dismissals, and cancellations. A school-closing announcement for Lawrence or
other cities/towns does not automatically apply to Central Catholic.
Teachers / Administration: Parents/guardians wishing to contact a teacher and/or administrator can expect returned
communication within 2 school days. Parents/guardians who need to meet with a teacher and/or administrator should make an
The elevators and lifts are for faculty and staff use. If a student must use the elevators or lifts for a medical condition, written
permission must be obtained from an Administrator or School Nurse. Unauthorized use of the elevators or lifts before, during
and after school will result in school detention.
As the designated fund-raising agency of the school, the Office of Institutional Advancement organizes, plans, implements and
regulates all programs intended to raise funds for Central Catholic High School. No fundraising effort for any purpose may be
initiated independent of the Office of Institutional Advancement.
Counseling is the heart of the Guidance Program. It is concerned with promoting the students' self-understanding and self-
acceptance, facilitating personal decision-making and resolving special problems. All students are assigned a guidance
counselor as they enter Central Catholic. Counseling may take place individually, or in groups, depending on the student's needs
and the issues to be addressed. Counseling sessions are conducted routinely on all year levels with students meeting individually
with their counselor at least once during the school year. Students will receive their guidance appointment passes the day before
their conference. Students must notify their teachers of the day and time of their appointment. In addition, students can request
an appointment for a guidance conference by contacting their counselor.
The Guidance Department is responsible for providing the following services to students: Academic and Curriculum Counseling,
Personal and Social Adjustment Counseling, Career and College Information, College Placement Services, and all necessary
college preparatory scholastic testing programs.
Skilled nursing services are available at all times during the regular school day for students who routinely need medication or
other intervention during school hours. The Health Office is located off the main lobby adjacent to the Main Office.
If a student feels ill he/she should inform their teacher who will send them with a yellow pass to the Health Office. If the school
nurse determines that the student is too ill to remain in school, she will authorize dismissal and notify the parent/guardian. A
student may not call a parent/guardian from a cell phone or other electronic communication device to request a dismissal
for illness.
Medications in school: It is school policy to administer medication during school hours only when necessary and only with an
order from a physician and written permission from the parent/guardian. The school nurse will provide the necessary permission
form for parent and student signature. To protect all students, this permission and information must be completed and returned
to school if a student needs to receive ANY medication during the school day, this includes "over the counter" medications.
Pregnancy: If, in confidence, a student discloses to a Central Catholic staff member the suspicion of being pregnant or actual
pregnancy, the staff member and student shall inform the student’s guidance counselor. The health and well-being of the student
are the primary concern of the school. Unless otherwise stated by the student and parent, such information will remain
confidential. A student who is pregnant may continue to attend Central Catholic until her physician advises otherwise. The
student may return to school when the physician states that it is medically prudent to do so. Every effort will be made to help
with a successful transition back to school.
Students who have lost items in school should report the loss to the Assistant Principal/Dean of Students. Items found around
the school should be turned in to the Main Office. Students may claim lost items in the Main Office before and after school or
during lunch.
Mission collections are the primary vehicle by which Central Catholic raises money within our school community in support of
charitable causes. Collecting money for “the missions” is a long-standing and proud tradition at Central Catholic and in all
Marist schools.
The student “mission representative” in each homeroom collects daily donations from students and faculty during homeroom.
These monies are collected, totaled and reported by the Campus Ministry Office and deposited with the school’s business office.
The funds are distributed with the approval of the President of the school according to established priorities. These priorities are:
a) Support for Marist world missions, Marist institutions and initiatives, particularly in times of emergency and
b) Support for local charities that provide support for the poor in our community.
All parents/guardians are encouraged to become members of the Parents’ Guild, which meets regularly and sponsors various
social, spiritual and fund raising events throughout the school year. Parents/guardians should call the Office of Institutional
Advancement for more information about the Guild.
Any student who wishes to hang signs, posters, flyers, etc. in any area inside of the school building must obtain the permission of
the Dean of Students.
Central Catholic High School recognizes parents/guardians as the primary educators of their children. The education of students
at Central Catholic is, therefore, a freely chosen partnership between the student’s parents/guardians and the school.
By enrolling a child at Central Catholic, parents/guardians agree to support and act in accordance with the policies and
procedures outlined in the Student/Parent Handbook and to pay stipulated tuition and fees. Additionally, parents/guardians are
encouraged to support the school community through constructive communication with teachers and administrators.
If the school’s mission and program are in conflict with the values of an individual parent/guardian or student, if the student does
not contribute positively to the academic and religious environment of the school, if a student or parent/guardian refuses to abide
by school policies and/or the decisions of school authorities, or if a disagreement between the school and a parent/guardian
becomes irreconcilable, Central Catholic High School reserves the right to dissolve its partnership with a family and require the
parent/guardian to withdraw his or her child.
People who wish to visit the school must use the Main Entrance and report to the Main Office. An official visitor’s
badge will be assigned and must be worn during the visit.
Students must request approval from the Administration before bringing guests to school.
Former students who wish to visit teachers must do so after regular class hours have ended.
The School reserves the right to amend any provision(s) contained within the Student-Parent Handbook in its sole discretion. Students and
parents/guardians will be notified in writing as soon as is reasonably possible of any such amendments. Similarly, the School reserves the
right to waive or delete any provision(s) contained within the Student-Parent Handbook also in it sole discretion.
1. Name of Reporter/Person Filing the Report: __________________________________________________________
(Note: Reports may be made anonymously, but no disciplinary action will be taken against an alleged Aggressor solely on the basis of an
anonymous report.)
2. Check whether you are the: Target of the behavior Reporter (not the Target)
3. Check whether you are a: Student Staff member (specify role) ________________________________
Parent/Guardian Administrator Other (specify) _______________________
Your contact information/telephone number:_________________________________________________________
4. If student, state your school: _________________________________________________ Grade: _____________
5. If staff member, state your school or work site: ______________________________________________________
6. Information about the Incident:
Name of Target (of behavior): ___________________________________________________________________
Name of Aggressor (Person who engaged in the behavior): ____________________________________________
Date(s) of Incident(s): ___________________________________________________________________________
Time When Incident(s) Occurred: _______________________________________________________________
Location of Incident(s) (Be as specific as possible): ____________________________________________________
7. Witnesses (List people who saw the incident or have information about it):
Name: _________________________________________ Student Staff Other ________________________
Name: _________________________________________ Student Staff Other ________________________
Name: _________________________________________ Student Staff Other ________________________
8. Describe the details of the incident (including names of people involved, what occurred, and what each person did and
said, including specific words used). Please use additional sheets of paper if necessary and attach them to this document.
9. Signature of Person Filing this Report: ___________________________________________ Date: ______________
(Note: Reports may be filed anonymously.)
10: Form Given to: __________________________________ Position: ______________________ Date: __________
Signature: ______________________________________________________ Date Received: _______________
1. Investigator(s):___________________________________________________ Position(s):________________________
2. Interviews:
□ Interviewed Aggressor Name: ___________________________________ Date: ___________________
□ Interviewed Target Name: ___________________________________ Date: ___________________
□ Interviewed witnesses Name: ___________________________________ Date: ___________________
Name: ___________________________________ Date: ___________________
3. Any prior documented Incidents by the Aggressor? □ Yes □ No
If yes, have incidents involved Target or Target group previously? □ Yes □ No
Any previous incidents with findings of BULLYING, RETALIATION □ Yes □ No
Summary of Investigation:
(Please use additional sheets of paper and attach to this document as needed)
1. Finding of bullying or retaliation:
□ YES □ NO
□ Bullying □ Incident documented as ___________________________
Retaliation □ Discipline referral only_____________________________
2. Contacts:
Target’s parent/guardian Date:______________ Aggressor’s parent/guardian Date: _________________
Catholic Schools Office Date: ______________ □ Law Enforcement Date: ___________________
3. Action Taken:
□ Loss of Privileges □ Detention □ Referral □ Suspension
□ Community Service □ Education □ Other ________________________________
4. Describe Safety Planning: _____________________________________________________________________________
Follow-up with Target: scheduled for __________________________ Initial and date when completed: _________
Follow-up with Aggressor: scheduled for _______________________ Initial and date when completed: _________
Report forwarded to Principal: Date__________________
(If principal was not the investigator)
Signature and Title: ___________________________________________________________ Date: _________________
Central Catholic High School Schedules
Daily Schedule
Meeting Schedule
Period 1
Period 1
Period 2
Period 2
Period 3
Period 3
Period 4
*Lunch 1
Period 4
*Lunch 1
Period 4
*Lunch 2
Period 4
*Lunch 2
Period 4
*Lunch 3
Period 4
*Lunch 3
Period 5
Period 5
Liturgy Schedule
Afternoon Assembly
Early Dismissal
Period 1
Period 1
Period 2
Period 2
Period 1
Period 3
Period 3
Period 2
Period 4
*Lunch 1
Period 4
Period 3
Period 4
*Lunch 2
Period 5
Period 4
*Lunch 1
Period 4
*Lunch 3
Period 4
*Lunch 2
Period 5
Period 4
*Lunch 3
Period 5
Central Catholic High School Schedules Delayed Start
60 Minute Late Start Schedule
HR 8:40-8:55
Period 1 9:00-9:50
Period 2 9:55-10:45
Period 3 10:50-11:30
Period 4 11:35-12:05 *Lunch 1
12:10-12:40 *Lunch 2
12:45-1:15 *Lunch 3
Period 5 1:20-2:10
2 Hour Late Start
HR 9:40-9:50
Period 1 9:55-10:30
Period 2 10:35-11:10
Period 3 11:15-11:50
Period 4 11:55-12:25 *Lunch 1
12:30-1:00 *Lunch 2
1:05-1:35 *Lunch 3
Period 5 1:40-2:10
90 Minute Late Start
HR 9:10-9:20
Period 1 9:25-10:10
Period 2 10:15-11:00
Period 3 11:05-11:50
Period 4 11:55-12:20 *Lunch 1
12:25-12:50 *Lunch 2
12:55-1:20 *Lunch 3
Period 5 1:25-2:10
(Please check one of the two options)
I understand he/she will be held accountable for inappropriate use of these services.
I understand the Internet services are to be used for educational purposes only.
I agree not to hold Central Catholic or any of its employees responsible for the performance of the system or the content of said material accessed
through it.
_______________________________________ _______________________ ____________________________
________________________________________ ____________________________
________________________________________ ____________________________
To help insure we have correct information for school use, please provide the following contacts:
Home address_____________________________________________________ Home phone ____________________________________________________
Parent’s/Guardian’s place of employment and work phone number(s)
Parent’s/Guardian’s cell phone numbers(s)
Parent’s/Guardian’s email address(es)