Philadelphia Department of Public Health
Instructions &
Application Form
Food Business
Plan Review for
Stationary Food
For other applications and
O ffice of Food Protection
Philadelphia Department
of Public Health
321 University Avenue, 2nd Floor
Philadelphia, PA
January 2015
Office of Food Protection, Philadelphia Department of Public Health - Stationary Application
Table of Contents
Welcome and Introduction 3
Where to Submit Plan Review Application 4
Fee Schedule 5
Flow Chart and Timeframes 6
Plan Review Instructions
A. Site Plan 7
B. Facility Plan 7
(1) Sanitary Structural Facility Information 8
(2) Electrical System Information 9
(3) Light Fixture Information 9
(4) Plumbing System Information 9
(5) Toilet Room Information 10
(6) Equipment Design and Construction Information 10
(7) Equipment Installation Information 13
(8) Ventilation Information 13
(9) Refuse & Recyclables Information 15
C. Menu Information/Food Handling 15
Appendices 16
Appendix A: Plumbing Requirements Guide
Appendix B: Grindable Food Waste Recycling Guide
Appendix C: Guidelines for Plastic Laminated Surfaces
Appendix D: Guidelines for Grease Disposal
Appendix E: Pre‐Operative Inspection Preparation Guide
Appendix F: Sample Plan Review Worksheet
Appendix G: List of Reference Publications
Checklist 28
Plan Review Application Form 31
Schedules 35
Schedule A: Surface Finish Detail Schedule
Schedule B: Equipment Schedule
January 2015
Office of Food Protection, Philadelphia Department of Public Health - Stationary Application
Office of Food Protection
321 University Avenue, 2
Philadelphia, PA 19104
Welcome! The City of Philadelphia is excited to welcome your food business to its outstanding
array of restaurants and other food establishments. These instructions are designed to help guide
you through the process of completing the required plan review application for a stationary food
As a food business owner, you are required to submit a Food Business Plan Review Application and
all related attachments to the Office of Food Protection, Philadelphia Department of Public Health
(PDPH). The PDPH will evaluate the submitted materials for compliance with the City’s Regulations
Governing Food Establishments.
Your Food Business Plan Review Application should be submitted AFTER zoning has been
approved but BEFORE beginning construction that is covered in the plan review (e.g.,
modification of the interior or installation of food equipment). You may incur additional fees if
you begin construction before receiving plan review approval.
The plan review process has been designed to help food business owners. Plan review not only
provides the PDPH with required information, but it also can identify potential problems while
still on paper and help to prevent costly modifications later. Issues for plan review include, but
are not limited to: site and floor plans, equipment and specifications, ventilation, plumbing and
electric, restroom facilities, surface finishes, refrigeration, and menu. A checklist of all required
information and attachments can be found on page 28.
For more information, please call or visit:
Office of Food Protection
Philadelphia Department of Public Health
321 University Avenue, 2nd Floor
Philadelphia, PA 19104
(215) 685‐7495
Monday‐Friday, 9 am‐4 pm
January 2015
Office of Food Protection, Philadelphia Department of Public Health - Stationary Application
Expedited Review and Inspection
If you want to request an expedited review and inspection, bring your application form and all
required materials to the Office of Food Protection. There is an expediting fee of $380.00 in
addition to the plan review fee and standard inspection fee of $190.00. Your plan review fee will
be assessed in person based on your establishment’s square footage. You must have all required
materials and pay by cashier’s check, money order or online credit card payment before review
can begin. Your review and inspection will be completed within 10 business days.
Where to Submit Completed Plan Review Application
You may submit the Food Business Plan Review Application in person or by mail. Do not submit
any fees when you submit the application. The Office of Food Protection will conduct a
preliminary review of your Application and mail or email (upon request) you a Plan Review
Worksheet and Fee Assessment Letter within 30 business days. The worksheet will indicate if
additional information is required.
After your completed worksheet and fee are received, the Department of Public Health will
notify you of a decision in 30 business days.
If your application is approved, you will receive instructions on how to schedule an inspection.
Most inspections can be scheduled within 10 business days.
If your application is missing information needed for approval, you will be notified and have 30
business days in which to respond.
Submit your plan either by mail or in person:
Office of Food Protection
Philadelphia Department of Public Health
321 University Avenue, 2nd Floor
Philadelphia, PA 19104
(215) 685‐7495
Monday‐Friday, 9 am‐4 pm
NOTE: All food establishments in Philadelphia must conform to all applicable local or
state agency codes or requirements, e.g.: PA Department of Labor and Industry, PA
Department of Environmental Protection, PA Liquor Control Board, Philadelphia Zoning,
Building or Plumbing Codes.
January 2015
Office of Food Protection, Philadelphia Department of Public Health - Stationary Application
Fee Schedule
Do not submit any fees with your Food Business Plan Review Application. Applicants should
not submit payment until specifically directed by the Department of Public Health. The
schedule below is provided for your general information only.
A. Required Fees:
1. Plan Review fee: Fees for new construction, extensive addition, renovation or
alteration are based on square footage of the affected establishment area:
Establishment Size Fee
1000 square feet or less $375.00
1001‐5000 square feet $875.00
5001‐10,000 square feet $1,500.00
10,000‐14,000 square feet $2,125.00
Above 14,000 square feet $2,125.00 plus $15.00 for each additional
100 square feet or portion thereof.
2. Pre‐operating Inspection fee: A fee of $190.00 for inspection of the facility before it
is open to the public.
B. Other Fees (if required):
1. Expedited Plan Review and Inspection fee: If you want to request an expedited
review and inspection, bring your application form and all required materials to the
Office of Food Protection. There is an expediting fee of $380.00 in addition to the
plan review fee and standard inspection fee of $190.00. Your plan review fee will be
assessed in person based on your establishment’s square footage. You must have all
required materials and pay by cashier’s check, money order, or online credit card
payment before review can begin. Your review and inspection will be completed
within 10 business days.
2. Post‐construction fee: An added fee of $250.00 will be assessed for establishments
that have begun installing/operating food equipment or otherwise beginning
interior modification before submitting plans to the Philadelphia Department of
Public Health. This fee is in addition to the plan review fee and standard inspection
fee of $190.00.
NEW! You can now pay your plan review fees online with a credit card. You will need
an email address, a daytime phone number, your invoice number, and the amount
owed. To learn more, call (215) 685‐7495.
January 2015
Office of Food Protection, Philadelphia Department of Public Health - Stationary Application
Flowchart and Timeframes
Business owner obtains Plan Review Application
and instructions, available at:
Business owner submits Plan Review Application
and required attachments in mail or in person to
Office of Food Protection (OFP).
OFP reviews Application and sends or emails the
business owner a Plan Review Worksheet and Fee
Assessment Letter within 30 business days.
The worksheet will indicate if additional
information is required.
Expedited Review
and Inspection
You can receive an
expedited review
and inspection for
an additional fee.
Please see the fee
schedule on page 5
for more details.
Business owner submits required fees and requested
additional information (if any) to OFP.
If submitted information is
If submitted information is
OFP sends plan review approval
letter within 30 business days. This
letter provides the owner with the
contact number to call to schedule
the pre‐operating inspection.
OFP requests missing information
within 30 business days.
Business owner submits requested
OFP conducts
pre‐operating inspection at the
scheduled time and issues
License Eligibility Report.
OFP sends plan review approval
letter within 30 business days.
OFP conducts
pre‐operating inspection
within 10 business days and
issues License Eligibility Report.
Business owner takes License
Eligibility Report to the
Department of Licenses &
Inspections to obtain food license.
January 2015
Office of Food Protection, Philadelphia Department of Public Health - Stationary Application
Plan Review Instructions
This section details the attachments required as part of your plan review submission. Required
attachments include both narrative and drawings, as indicated below. Plans must be clear,
concise, legible, to scale, and be of such size as to enable all information to be clearly shown.
No free hand drawings will be accepted. The following are required:
A. Site Plan
Submit an accurately scaled site plan showing the location of the food establishment in relation
to outside features (streets, buildings, refuse storage, ventilation system fan locations, water
supply and sewage disposal system features, etc.).
B. Facility Plan
Submit an accurately scaled floor plan of the facility showing all areas including:
Kitchen (food preparation area)
Bar area
Dining area
Toilet rooms
Customer/wait staff service area(s)
Basement/utilities area
Refuse/recycle storage area
The overall interior dimension of each affected floor, including basement, must be shown in
order to calculate the area of the establishment. Also include the location of all equipment,
including equipment for food and utensils/equipment storage, etc.
January 2015
Office of Food Protection, Philadelphia Department of Public Health - Stationary Application
1. Sanitary Structural Facility Information
Submit structural facility information that includes the following:
1. Surface finish details: Indicate the surface finishes selected, including the colors and
materials used on all surfaces (walls, floors, ceilings, cove moldings, and custom‐built
food service counters). The “Surface Finish Detail Schedule” form included in this
application may be used for this purpose (SCHEDULE A).
Sample Surface Finish Detail Schedule
Coved Base
Light Yellow
epoxy filled/
painted cinder
metal pan
2 x 4 Fluorescent
bulbs with plastic
block ceramic
suspended tile
silicone grout
cooking line
White vinyl
asbestos tile
Black vinyl
White high gloss
painted sheetrock
Recessed lights
with plastic shields
Red quarry tile
epoxy grout
Quarry tile
White ceramic
tile. Mastic grout
White vinyl coated
suspended tile
2 x 2 Fluorescent
bulbs with plastic
Toilet Room
Yellow ceramic
tile mastic grout
Ceramic tile
Wainscot White
satin enamel‐
painted sheetrock
latex semi‐
Sconce lighting
Red brick paver,
Furan resin grout
White epoxy
painted cement
2 x 4 Fluorescent
bulbs with plastic
Additional information required to be shown in plans when applicable:
Locations and type of slip resistant textured flooring.
Floors that are sloped or pitched to floor drains. Floor drains required in areas
subject to wet conditions or cleaning methods using water spraying or flooding.
January 2015
Office of Food Protection, Philadelphia Department of Public Health - Stationary Application
Overhead protection
Type of mortar and grout selected for tile work.
Materials or method for sealing utility lines that run through walls, floors and
Suspended ceiling tile must be approved. Provide manufacturers information for
material and surface finish, or submit sample of tile.
Indicate materials and methods for installation of beverage systems. Concealed
utility lines and penetrations through void spaces require approved sleeves and/or
2. Vermin Control Doors and Windows
Indicate or describe self‐closing devices on doors where required.
Indicate or describe screening or other insect‐control devices (include size of
Indicate or describe how fly control will be maintained.
2. Electrical System Information
Submit drawing indicating the location and number of electrical outlets in food and beverage
service areas.
3. Light Fixture Information
Submit drawing indicating the type and placement of all light fixtures, wattage or lamp
requirements for the fixture and means of protection (covers, globes, shields) in food and
beverage service areas.
4. Plumbing System Information
Submit a detailed plan of the plumbing system, including:
1. Water connections to all food service equipment (steam tables, potato peelers, etc.).
2. The type and location of backflow prevention devices provided for all equipment that is
directly connected to the potable water supply and all hose bibbs.
January 2015
Office of Food Protection, Philadelphia Department of Public Health - Stationary Application
3. The location of all drinking fountains.
4. A complete description of the hot water generating system, including; hot water heater
capacity, recovery rate, hot water supply temperature(s). Sufficient hot water to meet
the peak demands of the establishment operation must be provided.
5. The location of all sanitary waste fixtures, floor drains, garbage grinder, grease traps,
mop receptacles, ejector pits, etc. Refer to “Food Establishment Plumbing
Requirements Guide(Appendix A) and “Food Establishment Grindable Food Waste
Recycling & Garbage Grinder Installation Guide” (Appendix B) for more information
about plumbing features and requirements.
5. Toilet Room Information
Show the location of toilet rooms, hand wash stations and storage area/facilities for storing
employee personal items. Show on plans all toilet room fixtures as well as ventilation details.
Hand wash station facilities need to include soap and towel dispensers, hand wash sign, and
waste receptacles (see diagram below).
6. Equipment Design and Construction Information
Submit information about the design and construction of all equipment, including:
1. Complete the “Equipment Schedule” provided as an attachment to this guide
(SCHEDULE B). The manufacturer and the model for all equipment must be provided
(see sample below).
All food equipment should be certified or classified for sanitation design and
construction in accordance with criteria set forth by an American National Standards
Institute (ANSI) accredited certification program. Accredited ANSI certification
programs may include: National Sanitation Foundation (NSF), Baking Industry Sanitation
January 2015
Office of Food Protection, Philadelphia Department of Public Health - Stationary Application
Standards Committee (BISSC), Commercial Refrigeration Manufactures Association
(CRMA), Edison Test Laboratories (ETL), Underwriter Laboratories Food Division (UL), or
other appropriate testing agency.)
NOTE: Plastic laminate is a restricted use material for food service equipment items.
Refer to the “Guidelines for Approved Uses of Plastic Laminated Surfaces, Cabinetry and
Millwork” for additional information (APPENDIX C).
Method of Installation
3 compartment
H & M
Sealed to wall GE‐1201 sealant
Meat slicer
A & E Equipment
6 Burner Stove
Atlas Range Co.
Spaced‐ 8" from wall, 12" on side,
6"off floor
Atlas Range Co.
Moveable‐ Gas, on casters with
special cut‐off and quick
disconnect coupling
Exhaust Hood
Bill's Stainless
Steel Metal
Sealed Dow Corning Silastic (R)
734 RTV
Walk‐in Box
Cold King
Cowled to walls‐ metal trim
2. Submit Manufacturer’s catalog cut sheets (see sample below) to show listing with the
applicable certifying agencies. If the equipment does not bear the mark of approval of
any of these agencies, a set of detailed shop drawings may be evaluated to determine
compliance with these standards.
January 2015
Office of Food Protection, Philadelphia Department of Public Health - Stationary Application
3. Numerically scaled thermometers, accurate to ±3F must be indicated for all hot and
cold food storage or service units.
4. Adequate storage facilities for all equipment and food must be clearly shown. Indicate
the type and placement of shelves. Chemicals (pesticides, cleaning agents, medications,
first‐aid supplies, etc.) must be stored in a separate area or storage unit.
5. Equipment for food display or customer self‐service must provide for adequate
protection from contamination at all times. Automatic ice dispensers are required for
customer self‐service of drink ice. Food shields, sneeze guards or other protective
devices in food display areas where foods are subject to possible customer
contamination must be submitted with cross‐section drawings or other information
clearly showing how food will be protected (see sample below).
6. Indicate the location and type of all sinks. Separate sinks are required for mops and
other floor cleaning devices, hand washing, cleaning and sanitizing of multi‐use utensils,
food preparation, and etc. Hand washing facilities must be conveniently located to all
food service, food preparation, and ware washing areas.
January 2015
Office of Food Protection, Philadelphia Department of Public Health - Stationary Application
7. Equipment Installation Information
Submit information about the installation of all equipment. Installation must be shown to
conform to at least one of the following methods:
a. Moveable proper casters are provided, or the item is small and light enough to be
easily moved or carried by one person for normal daily cleaning.
b. Sealed properly sealed to walls, floors, or adjacent equipment. Indicate the
materials used to seal (type of approved sealant, welding, trim strips, etc.).
c. Spaced ‐ adequately spaced from adjacent walls, floors, or equipment. Adequate
clearance must be provided beneath all equipment. Spacing of an equipment item
or group of items from a wall requires free access to the sides of the equipment.
Space from the wall:
6 inches for total equipment length of less than 4 feet;
8 inches for total equipment length between 4 and 8 feet;
12 inches for total length between 8 and 12 feet; and
18 inches for lengths greater than 12 feet.
Clearly indicate spacing distances.
Note: utility lines installed behind equipment may require additional spacing.
8. Ventilation Information
Submit information about the design, construction and installation of the ventilation system.
1. Indicate the location of establishment ventilation systems for all areas including toilet
rooms, store rooms, kitchen, and utensil washing areas. All kitchen ventilation
equipment must be designed in accordance with the National Fire Protection Association
(NFPA Code No. 96‐1991), and ANSI accredited certification program standards.
2. All ventilation systems must be shown indicating supply and exhaust outlets, size and run
of ducts, and equipment used. Adequate supply of make‐up air is necessary for the
proper operation of all exhaust systems. Indicate how the air balance is achieved (where
make‐up air comes from). A detail of the final exhaust outlet must be provided. Supply
the following information:
a. The resistance for which the kitchen exhaust fan(s) was selected.
January 2015
Office of Food Protection, Philadelphia Department of Public Health - Stationary Application
NOTE: All exhaust hood shop drawings must
include the manufacturer’s name (make sure
they comply with ANSI Standards) and exhaust
fan & make-up air capacity measured in CFMs.
b. The designed exhaust capacity for each kitchen ventilation hood (cubic feet per
minute ‐ c.f.m.).
c. The designed make up air capacity for each kitchen ventilation hood (c.f.m.).
d. Type and method of installation of the lighting and fire‐protection systems within the
kitchen exhaust hoods. Only vertical fire‐protection system piping exposed within
the hood, and only ANSI accredited certification program standards approved light
fixtures and concealed electrical conduit is approved.
e. Manufacturers’ name and model # information is required to be submitted. This
information must match data plate information on the hood.
January 2015
Office of Food Protection, Philadelphia Department of Public Health - Stationary Application
9. Refuse & Recyclables Information
Submit information about the facilities for refuse and recyclables.
1. Describe facilities to be provided for storage of refuse containers and recyclables
including all storage areas and all handling equipment provided. Describe the type, size
and location for all storage containers (cans, dumpster, compactors etc.).
NOTE: Dumpsters, if over two cubic yards in size, must have a built‐in drain with
approved stopper at the lowest point of the container for cleaning purposes.
2. Indicate facilities provided for cleaning of refuse storage containers. Liquid waste from
cleaning must be disposed of in an approved manner (sewage system).
NOTE: Outside refuse storage areas must be provided with proper surface finishes, must
have an approved sanitary drain, and must be designed for proper drainage.
3. Information about cooking oil recycling must be provided. Please refer to the “Grease
Disposal Guide” for more information (APPENDIX D).
C. Menu Information/Food Handling
Submit a complete menu and/or description of the foods to be handled. Note: Consumer
advisory information for any raw or undercooked foods must be indicated on proposed menus.
Evaluation of food handling procedures within retail establishments and food processing
establishments must include all appropriate information required to assess the food handling
operation. This may include but not be limited to:
Hazard Analysis Critical Control Point (HACCP) plans
Process control information
Sanitation Standard Operating Procedure (SSOP)
Personnel training requirements
Proposed food labels
Specialized equipment maintenance procedures
Chemical, biological or physical property analysis for food products
Food transportation procedures
Special operational procedures
Cleaning schedules
January 2015
Office of Food Protection, Philadelphia Department of Public Health - Stationary Application
Food Establishment Plumbing Requirements Guide
Utensil Washing Sink ‐ A utensil washing sink, normally one or three compartments, with all
compartments/basins sized to immerse the largest item to be washed, must be provided.
Three compartment sinks are routinely required for all food facilities preparing potentially
hazardous food. An exemption to a three‐compartment sink may be granted based upon
individual review of menu and complexity of operation. Plumbing Code requires a direct
connection for a utensil washing sink which may or may not have a grease trap.
Grease Trap or Interceptor ‐ The mandatory installation and sizing of grease trap units are
regulatory requirements governed by the Industrial Waste Unit of the Water Department.
The piping to the grease trap is regulated by the Plumbing Code. A sink plumbed to a
grease trap may not have the normally required trapped drain. In particular food
processing applications when significant quantities of grease or fat may be discharged a
grease trap may precede the required indirect waste connection. The installation of a
grease trap must allow for adequate clearance, at least six inches, between it and adjacent
equipment or walls so as to facilitate cleaning of the area. In addition, the location of the
grease trap must allow for easy servicing and maintenance of the unit itself.
Hand Washing Facilities Conveniently located hand washing facilities are required for all food
service areas. Hand washing sinks in toilet rooms are not approved as a means of meeting
this requirement. Approval for the use of a sink other than a specific hand wash sink, i.e.
utility sink, janitorial sink, garbage grinder sink, for meeting hand washing facility
requirements may be considered upon review of the operation and facility design.
Food Preparation ‐ A separate food preparation sink plumbed with an indirect waste
connection to the plumbing system is required when menu or food preparation practices
indicate the need for such equipment. Typically, full service restaurants, salad bar, and
seafood operations require food preparation sinks.
Installation Location Criteria ‐ Food preparation sinks as well as other food contact surfaces
must be protected from potential sources of contamination. Example: A minimum
separation space of two feet is required between a food preparation sink and adjacent hand
wash or utensil sink. An approved physical barrier may be considered as an alternative
means of protection.
Garbage Grinders ‐ Food establishments installing garbage grinders in accordance with the
Streets Department requirements must comply with Plumbing Code and Health Code
requirements. Due to physical plumbing requirements for the installation of commercial
grinders their installation is normally limited to being provided in a separate dedicated sink
or as part of an automated dishwashing system‐‐i.e. scrap sink or scraping trough. When
January 2015
Office of Food Protection, Philadelphia Department of Public Health - Stationary Application
appropriate, the separate grinder sink may be approved for use to meet hand washing
facility requirements. When the primary purpose of a grinder is for waste from food
preparation, installation of a garbage grinder as an integral component of the food
preparation equipment will be evaluated upon specific request. Garbage grinder
installation requires a direct connection to the plumbing system and must not be connected
to a grease trap.
Mop Waste ‐ Adequate approved facilities for discharging mop water is required. A floor
mounted basin is recommended for ease of use; however, janitor's closets and utility sinks
are also commonly used facilities. Discharge of cleaning waste to City streets or sewer
inlets is prohibited.
Exterior Refuse Storage ‐ Exterior refuse storage areas when permitted by licensure are
required to have facilities for cleaning and maintaining the area in a sanitary condition. All
new facilities must have this area properly sloped to a drain which is installed in accordance
with the Philadelphia Plumbing Code.
Water Requirements ‐ Sufficient hot water to meet the peak demands of the establishment
operation must be provided.
Water Supply Protection
1. Approved backflow prevention devices must be installed on the building water main
(i.e., RPZ, reduced pressure zone device, double check valve assembly).
2. Approved backflow prevention devices must be installed on all direct potable water
connections to food service equipment (i.e. soda dispensing systems, coffee machines)
and potential cross connections (i.e. hose bibbs).
3. The use of water line tapping devices to supply soda systems, ice machines, etc. is not
approved. The establishment operator is responsible for having appropriate
connections available with approved vacuum breakers for such installations.
4. Cross connections between potable and non‐potable sources and submerged inlets
must be eliminated.
Waste Water Drainage
1. All food preparation, processing, dispensing etc. equipment must be properly designed
to have all liquid waste discharge to the plumbing system by an indirect waste
2. Indirect waste drains must be properly air gapped, two times the pipe diameter
3. Indirect waste drains must be located to provide easy sight and cleaning access.
4. The indirect waste receptacles, hub drains, funnel drains, floor sinks, etc. must provide
effective capture of the discharge.
January 2015
Office of Food Protection, Philadelphia Department of Public Health - Stationary Application
Plumbing Code Notations
1. All drain lines must be properly trapped at the highest practical point of the discharge
2. All piping must be of approved materials; i.e. plastic piping is not approved.
3. All piping diameter size must be approved for the fixture. Example: Walk‐in
refrigeration unit evaporator pan has factory supplied 1/2 inch drain.
4. All indirect waste drain fixtures must be at least one inch above the floor level.
5. Floor drains are required in all rooms where floors are subjected to the flooding type
cleaning or where normal operations release or discharge water or liquid waste on the
floor. Floor drains are to have flooring sloped to the drain.
Sanitary Installation Practices
1. Traps must be located a sufficient height above the floor to facilitate cleaning.
2. Drain lines that run under equipment must be elevated off floor to promote cleaning
3. Drain lines that run along the wall must be spaced a minimum of one inch to provide
cleaning access or a properly designed and sealed chase or enclosure should be used.
4. All wall, floor, ceiling penetrations must be properly sealed.
5. Sleeves are required when approved permanent sealing of lines running through
building structures cannot be done. Example: Soda supply lines passing through a wall
between rooms must have a sleeve installed through which the lines will run.
5. A leak proof sanitary trough must be installed under any overhead soil line that is
exposed within a food preparation area.
January 2015
Office of Food Protection, Philadelphia Department of Public Health - Stationary Application
Food Establishment Grindable Food Waste Recycling
& Garbage Grinder Installation Guide
Food establishments that produce grindable food waste are required to properly recycle this
product as the proper means of disposal. Grindable food waste is not to be discarded as
general refuse. Grindable food waste can be properly disposed of by installing and using a
garbage disposal/grinder to recycle this product using the City of Philadelphia’s sewage system.
Other means of handling this material for recycling must be approved and be properly
Food establishments installing garbage grinders must ensure that the installation complies
The Philadelphia Department of Public Health;
Department of Licenses and Inspections; and
The Philadelphia Water Department requirements
The installation of garbage grinders has generated concern within the foodservice industry
regarding the correct and acceptable methods of installing garbage grinders. In an effort to
provide food establishments with this installation guide, the Plumbing Unit of the Department
of Licenses and Inspections and the Industrial Waste Unit of the Water Department were
consulted and illustrations presented were reviewed.
General Requirements and Restrictions:
1. Installation of garbage grinder requires direct connection to the plumbing system.
2. Garbage grinders shall not be connected to a grease trap.
3. Garbage grinders shall not be placed in any basin of an equipment washing sink.
4. Garbage grinders shall not be placed in any basin of a sink used for food preparation.
5. The type of garbage grinder and method of installation must comply with all plumbing
code requirements.
The following illustrations and notes are provided to guide the food establishment operator
concerning appropriate and proper placement and plumbing of garbage grinders:
A. Separate Grinder Sink A one compartment free standing sink may be installed with a
properly plumbed garbage disposal unit. When such an installation is used, a request may be
made for evaluation and use of this sink to meet hand washing facility requirements.
Installation of a garbage grinder in a wall‐hung hand sink cannot be approved.
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Office of Food Protection, Philadelphia Department of Public Health - Stationary Application
B. Pot sink with Drainboard Installation A garbage grinder may be installed on a three
compartment sink drain board with proper cutout and cone assembly.
C. Dishwasher with Scrap Sink and Grinder A scrap sink with grinder may be installed separate
from the pre‐rinse sink of an automated dishwashing system. The pre‐rinse sink is required to
be plumbed to the grease trap; whereas, the grinder unit must be directly connected as noted
D. Combination Grinder/Food Prep Sink Arrangement ‐ This installation may be approved when
the source of grindable food wastes are generated principally by a food preparation operation.
Each compartment must be separately and properly plumbed; the food prep compartment
must be indirectly connected with an air gap waste drain; the grinder compartment must be
directly connected.
January 2015
Office of Food Protection, Philadelphia Department of Public Health - Stationary Application
Guidelines for Approved Uses of Plastic Laminated Surfaces, Cabinetry and Millwork
Fabrication approval of custom laminated surfaces requires submission of appropriate drawings
and details showing all construction features.
1. Work tables or surfaces used for food preparation or areas subject to cutting, chipping
or similar operations, cannot be of a plastic laminate construction.
2. Plastic laminate construction is not approved in areas where surfaces are in routine
contact with heated objects in excess of 275F or above (e.g. no hot food cooking or
warming units).
3. Plastic laminate counter construction is not approved for drop‐in sink units with the
exception of hand washing sinks.
Required Design Features for Cabinetry and Laminated Millwork:
1. All laminated surfaces must have the appropriate grade of laminated material required
under Standard #35 of the National Sanitation Foundation (NSF).
2. All exposed surfaces must be laminated.
3. All laminated surfaces must be constructed to provide a continuous plane that joins in a
tightly formed 90 angle.
4. Counter top(s) when part of a cabinet unit must be an integral part of the constructed
unit(s). The use of supporting blocks, strips or other means of counter top support are
5. Doors on cabinet units must have approved slip pin hinges. Fixed hinges, piano hinges or
internal concealed hinges are not permitted.
6. Drawers must meet NSF Standard #2 design requirements.
7. All surface penetrations must be properly grommetted. All cut outs must have all
exposed edges properly laminated prior to installations of drop in equipment.
8. The lowest horizontal surface must be six inches above the finished floor.
9. Wall hung units require an integral sanitary sloped top.
January 2015
Office of Food Protection, Philadelphia Department of Public Health - Stationary Application
Guidelines for Grease Disposal
(excerpted from the Philadelphia Water Department
publication “What should you know?”)
For Commercial Establishments:
Restaurants and other businesses dealing with significant amounts of grease must install
devices such as grease traps. A grease trap is a device designed to prevent grease, oil, solids,
and other debris from entering the sewer system.
Grease traps should be checked periodically for backups, foul odors, and high Biochemical
Oxygen Demand levels to ensure that they are functioning correctly. A reliable pumper should
also pump the trap out to remove collected oil and grease at regular intervals. Remember that
the grease trap is meant solely to handle the grease that inevitably gets into the drains from
washing dishes and cooking utensils. It does not allow you to dump your grease into the drains.
You should have a contract with a reputable cooking oil disposal and recycling service providers
who must give you a service agreement stating how often, where, and what quantities are
involved in the disposal of your cooking oil and greases. Do not take the services of a friend or
neighbor who offers to take the grease off your hands for a “small fee. ”Choose rendering
services that provide cleanup responses to accidental spills of cooking oil and grease at your
business. Choose a company that will remove waste from and clean grease traps. The same
rendering provider may provide this service also, or you may have to look for a different one.
Do some research and find the best cooking oil and grease disposal service to suit your needs.
January 2015
Office of Food Protection, Philadelphia Department of Public Health - Stationary Application
Food Establishment Pre‐Operative Inspection Preparation Guide
1. All construction must be completed in all food service areas.
2. All equipment must be cleaned and in a "ready to operate" condition.
3. All refrigeration units must be operating and provided with readily visible thermometers
to verify operating temperature of the refrigeration units.
4. All stationary food equipment must be properly sealed to adjoining surfaces or
equipment using approved food grade adhesive sealant and/or properly designed trim
or enclosure pieces. Proof of the type of adhesive sealant used must be on the premises
at the time of inspection.
5. Toilet facilities must be ready for use and equipped with employee hand wash reminder
signs, soap, single service towels, and self‐closing doors. The mechanical ventilation
must be working and properly ducted to the outside air.
6. Soap and single service towel dispensers must be installed at all hand wash sinks.
7. Approved drying rack(s) or other equipment must be provided at the three
compartment sink for proper air drying of utensils and equipment.
8. Ice machine(s) must be cleaned and sanitized prior to use for ice production. A written
procedure for the cleaning and sanitizing of the ice machines must be available for
review. If this service is provided by contract, a copy of the service contract and a
record of work performed shall be provided to the establishment and kept available for
9. Cleaning supplies and cleaning equipment storage facilities must be provided. An
approved storage rack must be installed for hanging of mop(s), broom(s) and other
cleaning equipment items.
10. An approved sanitizer must be present on the premises. The proper use of all sanitizing
chemicals must be demonstrated for each three compartment sink and/or mechanical
11. Hot and cold running water must be supplied to all sinks, food equipment and plumbing
fixtures requiring water.
January 2015
Office of Food Protection, Philadelphia Department of Public Health - Stationary Application
12. All plumbing fixtures must work properly and have no leaks present.
13. Approved backflow prevention devices must be provided for all hose bibbs and water
feed lines to soda systems and other equipment (i.e. some coffee machines, etc.). Be
prepared to show where these backflow devices are located.
14. All food and food service items when present must be properly stored on approved
shelving or dunnage racks in food storage areas.
15. Kitchen exhaust systems must be operational and have air flow properly balanced.
16. All construction and surface finish applications are required to be completed prior to
January 2015
Office of Food Protection, Philadelphia Department of Public Health - Stationary Application
Vermin Control
Electrical System Details:
Sample Plan Review Worksheet
Establishment Name:
Total Fees: $
Establishment Type:
OR Reviewer:
FR Reviewer:
Filing Fee: $
Establishment Address:
Inspection Fee: $
Philadelphia, PA
Other Fee: $
Zip code:
Plan Review Fee: $
Scope of Work:
Reported Square Footage:
Calculated Square Footage:
Listed below are the items required for approval:
S-Satisfactory, N-Information Needed, N/A-Not Applicable, E-Existing, OR-Office Review, FR-Field Review
Site Plan (Accurately Scaled)
Floor Plan (Accurately Scaled):
Kitchen (Food Preparation Area)
Bar Area
Storage/ Off-Site Support Storage Area
Customer/Wait Staff Service Area
Dining Area
Basement/Utilities Area
Refuse/Recycle Storage Area
Menu Information & Details:
Description of Food Operation
Food Transportation
Consumer Advisory
Sanitary Structural Facility Details:
Surface Finish Schedule & Details
Sealed Utility Lines
Overhead Protection
Light Fixture Information & Details:
Plumbing System Information & Installation
Food Equipment Water Connections
Backflow Prevention Device (s)
Water Heater (s) (location, size, temperature,
recovery rate):
Sanitary Drainage System:
Mop Receptacles/Sink
Grease Traps
Floor Drain (s)
Indirect Waste Drainage
January 2015
Office of Food Protection, Philadelphia Department of Public Health - Stationary Application
Hand washing: Employees
Hand washing: Customers
nical Ware washing Equipment Details:
Indirect Waste Type/Fixture (s)
Toilet Room Details (Location, Fixtures,
Employee Area (Personal Storage):
Equipment Information & Details:
Design & Construction: Catalog Cut sheets
Custom Equipment: Shop Drawing/Specification
Cabinetry/Millwork Details
Food Storage: Bulk/Refrigeration
Non-Food Storage
Utensil Storage : Clean Storage
Soiled Storage
Chemical Storage:
Linen Storage Details (Clean & Soiled):
Sneeze guard/Food Display Protection:
Drink & Ice Dispensing Equipment:
Sinks: Utensil Washing
Food Preparation
Laundry Facility Details:
Equipment Installation Details:
Aisle/Work Space
Equipment Protection
Cooking Exhaust Hood Design & Details:
Make-up Air Design & Details:
Size & Run of Duct (s)
Fan Location (s)
Capacity (CFM)
Light Fixture/Conduit
Fire Protection System
Mechanical Ware washing Exhaust:
Refuse & Recyclable:
Interior: Garbage Grinder Installation
Storage: Type of Containers
Cleaning Method
Exterior: Type of Containers
Surface Finish
Cleaning Methods
Sanitary Drains
Cooking Grease Recycling:
Container Type & Location
Recycler’s Name
Smoking Policy & Signage Details:
January 2015
Office of Food Protection, Philadelphia Department of Public Health - Stationary Application
List of Reference Publications
Please be advised that listing the resources below does not imply recommendation or
endorsement by the City of Philadelphia Department of Public Health
Baking Industry Sanitation Standards Committee
Intertek Testing Services
National Sanitation Foundation International
Pennsylvania Department of Agriculture
The 3A Sanitary Standards Sources
Underwriters Laboratories, Inc.
January 2015
Office of Food Protection, Philadelphia Department of Public Health - Stationary Application
Please complete this checklist to ensure that your Plan Review Application is complete. The
accuracy of your submission will help to avoid processing delays and/or the rejection of your
plans. Please include a completed checklist with your application.
Application Form (all questions answered and boxes completed)
Site Plan
accurately scaled site plan of the facility showing the location of the food
establishment in relation to outside features
Facility Plan
accurately scaled floor plan of the facility showing all areas including, kitchens, bars,
dining facilities, toilet rooms, basements, refuse and recyclable storage areas:
1. Sanitary Structural Facility Information
complete Surface Finish Details Schedule (Schedule A)
vermin control
2. Electrical System Information
electrical plan showing all outlets
3. Light Fixture Information
type and placement of all light fixtures
wattage or lamp requirements for the fixtures
means of protection in food service areas
4. Plumbing System Information
water connections to all food service equipment
type and location of backflow prevention devices
location of all drinking fountains
description of the hot water generating system
location of all sanitary waste fixtures, floor drains, garbage grinder, grease traps,
mop receptacles, ejector pits, etc.
5. Toilet Room Information
location of toilet rooms, hand wash stations and storage area/facilities
toilet room fixtures
January 2015
Office of Food Protection, Philadelphia Department of Public Health - Stationary Application
6. Equipment Design and Construction Information
complete Equipment Schedule (Schedule B)
manufacturer’s catalog cut sheets
numerically scaled thermometers
adequate storage facilities for all equipment and food
type and placement of shelves
separate area or storage unit for chemical supplies, etc.
food display/customer self‐service protection from contamination
automatic ice dispensers for customer self‐service
food shields, sneeze guards and other protective devices
location and type of all sinks
hand washing facilities
7. Equipment Installation Information
8. Ventilation Information
location of approved ventilation systems
description of approved ventilation systems
9. Refuse & Recyclables Information
storage facilities for refuse containers and recyclables
outside refuse storage areas
cooking oil recycling
Menu Information/Food Handling
complete menu and/or description of the foods to be handled, and description of food
handling procedures
January 2015
Office of Food Protection, Philadelphia Department of Public Health - Stationary Application
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January 2015
Office of Food Protection, Philadelphia Department of Public Health - Stationary Application
Plan Review Application Form
Office of Food Protection
321 University Avenue, 2
Philadelphia, PA 19104
A. Establishment Information
Establishment Name (doing business as):
Address, City, Zip:
Establishment Phone: Fax:
Email: Website:
Establishment Square Footage: Establishment Occupancy (if known):
Hours of Operation: Mon‐Fri ; Sat ; Sun ; Closed ; Other
Anticipated Total Number of Employees Working Per Shift:
Licensee (owner, partnership, or corporation)
Co. President
City, State
Zip Phone
Fax Email
Phila. Business Privilege # (if available)
Plan Review Contact Person (other than licensee;
person who should receive all correspondence)
Designer Contractor Manager
City, State
Zip Phone
Establishment emergency contact name:
Establishment emergency contact phone #:
January 2015
Office of Food Protection, Philadelphia Department of Public Health - Stationary Application
B. Category of Application
Please select one:
New Construction
Work Start Date:
Work Completion Date:
Conversion (the addition of food handling to an existing non‐food establishment)
Work Start Date: Work Completion Date:
Modification (the remodeling or alteration of an existing food establishment or change
that affects the way the establishment operates, which may or may not include the
categories listed below. Check all items that apply.
Installation of equipment (new or used)
Installation of surface finishes (i.e. walls, floors, ceilings)
Installation of custom millwork, cabinetry or plastic laminated surfaces
Replacement or relocation of permanently installed equipment
Expansion of food facility
Addition of customer dining or eat‐in service
Work Start Date: Work Completion Date:
C. Scope of Operation (brief description of the work done)
D. Establishment Type (indicate all that apply)
Restaurant (alcohol service) # seats
Restaurant (no alcohol service) # seats
Wholesale Warehouse/Processor
Grocery Market (retail sales, prepared & prepackaged foods)
Institution (health, child, adult, educational services)
Specify Max # for Service
January 2015
Office of Food Protection, Philadelphia Department of Public Health - Stationary Application
Prepackaged Food Retail Sales
Other (specify)
January 2015
Office of Food Protection, Philadelphia Department of Public Health - Stationary Application
E. Operational Details
Answer YES or NO to ALL items:
Food safety certified individual is present
at all hours of operation with valid City of
Philadelphia Food Safety Certificate.
Hot food is prepared.
There is a written Employee Health
Policy, which includes restrictions and
exclusions for food workers who are ill,
infectious, have cuts, or lesions.
Food is prepared in advance for
later service.
A written food safety plan (HACCP) is
provided. Must be submitted for sushi,
smoked meat, vacuum packaging,
bottling fresh juices, and other
specialized food processing.
Food is cooked, cooled and
reheated (example: pot of soup,
chili, roast beef, rice, gravy,
leftover food, etc.).
Raw or Undercooked food is served
(rare/medium done steaks, eggs,
hamburgers, shellfish etc.). Consumer
Advisory information is required.
Food is handled by customer
(buffet bars, hotdogs, microwave
use, etc.).
Shellfish is handled (clams, oysters, etc.).
Shellfish tags must be kept for 90 days.
Hot beverage is provided (coffee,
tea, etc.).
Raw food items are washed‐ any type:
vegetable, fruit, meat, etc.).
Beverage is handled by customer
(coffee, soda, ice, etc.).
Food or food items are stored in a
remote or auxiliary area.
Outdoor food/beverage handling
is provided (outdoor cooking, bar,
Basement or sublevel is present.
Delivery service is provided.
Live food is handled (seafood, birds,
livestock, etc.)
Hood for cooking exhaust is
Food is stored or prepared in multiple
floors (example: basement, 2
Cooking oil waste is generated.
Dining room or toilet room is provided on
multiple floors (basement, 2
floor, etc.).
Dishwashing machine is provided
(specify low or high temperature).
COMPLETE THIS BOX ONLY when the sale of food is: 1) not the principal enterprise, 2) is limited to
only prepackaged food items, and 3) involves less than 15% of the retail display area. Examples
include: hardware stores, clothing stores, toy stores, etc., selling pre‐packaged snacks.
Establishments are required to submit a simple floor plan showing affected food and beverage display
Total Retail Display Square Footage:
Retail Food Sales Square Footage:
January 2015
Office of Food Protection, Philadelphia Department of Public Health - Stationary Application
I certify that the information provided on this application is correct to the best of my knowledge.
I understand that incomplete or illegible application will be returned unprocessed.
Applicant Name (Print):
Applicant Signature: _
Foods with trans fats are served.
Menu labeling signs are in place.
Has PA liquor license.
No smoking signs are in place.
Has FASD (Fetal Alcohol Spectrum
Disorder) sign in place.
Grindable food waste is
Has inside storage room for trash.
Has outside dumpster/trash cans.
Re-usable containers from customers are
accepted. If yes, provide additional details
on reusable container program.
Tobacco is sold. If yes, provide a
copy of the Philadelphia Tobacco
Retailer Permit.
F. Menu
Please attach menu to application.
January 2015
Office of Food Protection, Philadelphia Department of Public Health - Stationary Application
Room / Area
Coved Base
Lighting &
Food Prep.
Dry Storage
Toilet Room
Janitor Closet
Dining Area
Provide details regarding the collection frequency and collector as a part of your refuse/recyclable
handling information:
January 2015
Office of Food Protection, Philadelphia Department of Public Health - Stationary Application
Equipment Description
Manufacturer's Name
Model No.
Method of