Simba Cassandra JDBC Driver with
SQL Connector
Installation and Configuration Guide
Simba Technologies Inc.
Version 2.0.4
November 29, 2019
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Installation and Configuration Guide
About This Guide
The Simba Cassandra JDBC Driver with SQL Connector Installation and
Configuration Guide explains how to install and configure the Simba Cassandra JDBC
Driver with SQL Connector on all supported platforms. The guide also provides details
related to features of the driver.
The guide is intended for end users of the Simba Cassandra JDBC Driver.
Knowledge Prerequisites
To use the Simba Cassandra JDBC Driver, the following knowledge is helpful:
l Familiarity with the platform on which you are using the Simba Cassandra JDBC
l Ability to use the data store to which the Simba Cassandra JDBC Driver is
l An understanding of the role of JDBCtechnologies in connecting to a data store
l Experience creating and configuring JDBCconnections
l Exposure to SQL
Document Conventions
Italics are used when referring to book and document titles.
Bold is used in procedures for graphical user interface elements that a user clicks and
text that a user types.
Monospace font indicates commands, source code or contents of text files.
A text box with a pencil icon indicates a short note appended to a paragraph.
Installation and Configuration Guide
A text box with an exclamation mark indicates an important comment related to the
preceding paragraph.
Installation and Configuration Guide
Table of Contents
About the Simba Cassandra JDBC Driver 7
System Requirements 8
Simba Cassandra JDBC Driver Files 9
Installing and Using the Simba Cassandra JDBC Driver 10
Referencing the JDBCDriver Libraries 10
Registering the Driver Class 11
Building the Connection URL 12
Configuring Authentication 15
Configuring Authentication for Cassandra Databases 15
Configuring Authentication for Astra Databases 15
Configuring SSL Connections 17
Configuring an SSL Connection without Identity Verification 17
Configuring One-Way SSL Authentication 17
Configuring Two-Way SSL Authentication 18
Configuring Logging 20
Features 22
SQL Connector 22
Data Types 22
User-Defined Types 25
Virtual Tables 25
Write-Back 28
Query Modes 28
Catalog and Schema Support 29
Security and Authentication 29
Driver Configuration Options 31
AuthMech 31
BinaryColumnLength 31
ConnectTimeoutMillis 32
DecimalColumnPrecision 32
DecimalColumnScale 32
DefaultKeyspace 33
EnableAsynchronousWrites 33
Installation and Configuration Guide
EnableCaseSensitive 33
EnableLatencyAware 34
EnableNullInsert 34
EnablePaging 35
EnableTokenAware 36
FlattenUDTColumn 36
LoadBalancingPolicy 37
LogLevel 37
LogPath 38
PWD 39
QueryMode 39
ReadTimeoutMillis 40
RowsPerPage 40
SecureConnectionBundlePath 41
SSLMode 41
SSLKeystorePath 42
SSLKeystorePwd 42
SSLTruststorePath 43
SSLTruststorePwd 43
StringColumnLength 44
TunableConsistency 44
UID 45
UseSslIdentityCheck 45
VarintColumnPrecision 45
VTTableNameSeparator 46
Third-Party Trademarks 47
Installation and Configuration Guide
About the Simba Cassandra JDBC Driver
The Simba Cassandra JDBC Driver enables Business Intelligence (BI), analytics, and
reporting on data that is stored in Apache Cassandra databases, including support for
databases hosted on the cloud as DataStax Astra databases. The driver complies with
the JDBC 4.0, 4.1, and 4.2 data standards.
Support for JDBC 4.0 is deprecated, and will be removed in a future release of this
driver. For more information, see the release notes.
JDBC is one of the most established and widely supported APIs for connecting to and
working with databases. At the heart of the technology is the JDBC driver, which
connects an application to the database. For more information about JDBC, see Data
Access Standards on the Simba Technologies
This guide is suitable for users who want to access data residing within Cassandra
from their desktop environment. Application developers might also find the information
helpful. Refer to your application for details on connecting via JDBC.
Installation and Configuration Guide About the Simba Cassandra JDBC Driver
System Requirements
Each machine where you use the Simba Cassandra JDBC Driver must have Java
Runtime Environment (JRE) 7.0 or 8.0 installed. If you are using the driver with
JDBCAPI version 4.2, or connecting to DataStax Astra databases, then you must use
JRE 8.0.
The driver supports Apache Cassandra versions 2.1 through 3.11.
Installation and Configuration Guide System Requirements
Simba Cassandra JDBC Driver Files
The Simba Cassandra JDBC Driver is delivered in the following ZIP archives, where
[Version] is the version number of the driver:
The archive contains the driver supporting the JDBC API version indicated in the
archive name, as well as release notes and third-party license information. In addition,
the required third-party libraries and dependencies are packaged and shared in the
driver JARfile in the archive.
Support for JDBC 4.0 is deprecated, and will be removed in a future release of this
driver. For more information, see the release notes.
Installation and Configuration Guide Simba Cassandra JDBC Driver Files
Installing and Using the Simba Cassandra JDBC Driver
To install the Simba Cassandra JDBC Driver on your machine, extract the files from
the appropriate ZIParchive to the directory of your choice.
If you received a license file through email, then you must copy the file into the
same directory as the driver JAR file before you can use the Simba Cassandra
JDBC Driver.
To access a Cassandra data store using the Simba Cassandra JDBC Driver, you need
to configure the following:
l The list of driver library files (see Referencing the JDBCDriver Libraries on page
l The Driver or DataSource class (see Registering the Driver Class on page
l The connection URLfor the driver (see Building the Connection URL on page
The Simba Cassandra JDBC Driver provides read-write access to Cassandra data.
Referencing the JDBCDriver Libraries
Before you use the Simba Cassandra JDBC Driver, the JDBCapplication or Java
code that you are using to connect to your data must be able to access the driver
JARfiles. In the application or code, specify all the JAR files that you extracted from
the ZIP archive.
Using the Driver in a JDBC Application
Most JDBCapplications provide a set of configuration options for adding a list of driver
library files. Use the provided options to include all the JAR files from the ZIP archive
as part of the driver configuration in the application. For more information, see the
documentation for your JDBC application.
Using the Driver in Java Code
You must include all the driver library files in the class path. This is the path that the
Java Runtime Environment searches for classes and other resource files. For more
information, see "Setting the Class Path" in the appropriate Java SE Documentation.
Installation and Configuration Guide Installing and Using the Simba Cassandra
JDBC Driver
For Java SE7:
l For Windows:
l For Linux and Solaris:
For Java SE 8:
l For Windows:
l For Linux and Solaris:
Registering the Driver Class
Before connecting to your data, you must register the appropriate class for your
The following classes are used to connect the Simba Cassandra JDBC Driver to
Cassandra data stores:
l The Driver classes extend java.sql.Driver.
l The DataSource classes extend javax.sql.DataSource and
To support JDBC 4.0, classes with the following fully-qualified class names (FQCNs)
are available:
Support for JDBC 4.0 is deprecated, and will be removed in a future release of this
driver. For more information, see the release notes.
To support JDBC 4.1, classes with the following FQCNs are available:
To support JDBC 4.2, classes with the following FQCNs are available:
Installation and Configuration Guide Installing and Using the Simba Cassandra
JDBC Driver
The following sample code shows how to use the DriverManager class to establish
a connection for JDBC 4.2:
private static Connection connectViaDM() throws Exception
Connection connection = null;
connection = DriverManager.getConnection(CONNECTION_URL);
return connection;
The following sample code shows how to use the DataSource class to establish a
private static Connection connectViaDS() throws Exception
Connection connection = null;
DataSource ds = new com.simba.cassandra.jdbc42.DataSource
connection = ds.getConnection();
return connection;
Building the Connection URL
Use the connection URL to supply connection information to the database that you are
accessing. Depending on whether you are connecting to a database that is hosted on
a Cassandra server or an Astra instance, different connection properties are required.
l Cassandra Connection URLs on page 12
l Astra Connection URLs on page 13
l Properties are case-sensitive.
l Do not duplicate properties in the connection URL.
Cassandra Connection URLs
When connecting to Cassandra, at minimum you must specify the DNS or IP address
of the Cassandra server. Depending on the server configuration, other settings such as
those related to authentication and SSL encryption might also be required.
Installation and Configuration Guide Installing and Using the Simba Cassandra
JDBC Driver
The following is the format of a basic connection URL for connecting to Cassandra,
where [Host] is the DNS or IPaddress of the server:
By default, the driver connects to port 9042.
You can specify optional settings such as the number of the TCP port to connect to or
any of the connection properties supported by the driver. For a list of the properties
available in the driver, see Driver Configuration Options on page 31.
The following is the format of a Cassandra connection URL that specifies some
optional settings:
For example, to connect to port 9000 on a Cassandra server installed on the local
machine, and authenticate the connection using a user name and password, you
would use the following connection URL:
Astra Connection URLs
When connecting to Astra, at minimum you must provide credentials for authentication
and SSL encryption.
For more information about configuring authentication and SSL, see the following:
l Configuring Authentication on page 15
l Configuring SSL Connections on page 17
The following is the format of a basic connection URL for connecting to Astra:
The variables are defined as follows:
l [UserName] is the user name that you use to access the Astra database.
l [Password] is the password corresponding to your user name.
Installation and Configuration Guide Installing and Using the Simba Cassandra
JDBC Driver
l [BundlePath] is the full path and name of the secure connection bundle
associated with your Astra database. To make sure that the connection URLis
compatible with all JDBCapplications, escape the backslashes (\) in your file
path by typing another backslash.
For example:
You can also specify optional settings, such as SSL settings for overriding the SSL
certificates in the secure connection bundle. For a list of the properties available in the
driver, see Driver Configuration Options on page 31.
The following is the format of an Astra connection URL that specifies some optional
Installation and Configuration Guide Installing and Using the Simba Cassandra
JDBC Driver
Configuring Authentication
Some Cassandra databases require authentication for access, while all Astra
databases require authentication. You can configure the Simba Cassandra JDBC
Driver to authenticate your connection to the database by providing the necessary
credentials.For more information, see the following:
l Configuring Authentication for Cassandra Databases on page 15
l Configuring Authentication for Astra Databases on page 15
You provide this information to the driver in the connection URL. For more information
about the syntax of the connection URL, see Building the Connection URL on page 12.
Configuring Authentication for Cassandra Databases
Some Cassandra databases require you to authenticate your connection by providing
a user name and password.
To configure authentication for Cassandra databases:
1. Set the AuthMech property to 1.
2. Set the UID property to an appropriate user name for accessing the database.
3. Set the PWD property to the password corresponding to the user name you
For example:
Configuring Authentication for Astra Databases
To connect to an Astra database, you must authenticate your connection by providing
a user name, password, and secure connection bundle.
To obtain the secure connection bundle associated with your Astra database,
download it from the DataStax Constellation console. For more information, see
"Obtaining database credentials" in the DataStax Astra documentation:
Installation and Configuration Guide Configuring Authentication
To configure authentication for Astra databases:
1. Set the AuthMech property to 2.
2. Set the UID property to an appropriate user name for accessing the database.
3. Set the PWD property to the password corresponding to the user name you
4. Set the SecureConnectionBundlePath property to the full path and name of
the secure connection bundle associated with your Astra database. To make
sure that the connection URLis compatible with all JDBCapplications, escape
the backslashes (\) in your file path by typing another backslash.
For example:
Installation and Configuration Guide Configuring Authentication
Configuring SSL Connections
In this documentation, "SSL" indicates both TLS(Transport Layer Security)and
SSL (Secure Sockets Layer). The driver supports industry-standard versions of
If you are connecting to a Cassandra server that has SSL enabled, you can configure
the driver to connect to an SSL-enabled socket. When connecting to a server over
SSL, the driver supports identity verification between the client (the driver itself) and
the server.
If you are connecting to an Astra instance instead, then SSL encryption with identity
verification between the client and the server is always required. Typically, the secure
connection bundle that you use to authenticate your connection to Astra already
includes the required SSL certificates, and the driver defaults to using those certificates
when connecting to Astra, so you do not need to configure any additional SSL settings.
However, you have the option of overriding the SSL certificates in the bundle by
specifying other certificate information in your connection URL. For more information,
see Configuring Two-Way SSL Authentication on page 18.
Configuring an SSL Connection without Identity
You can configure a connection that uses SSL but does not verify the identity of the
server or the driver.
You provide this information to the driver in the connection URL. For more information
about the syntax of the connection URL, see Building the Connection URL on page 12.
To configure an SSL connection without verification:
1. Set the SSLMode property to 1.
2. Set the UseSslIdentityCheck property to 0.
Configuring One-Way SSL Authentication
You can configure one-way SSL authentication so that the driver verifies the identity of
the Cassandra server.
Installation and Configuration Guide Configuring SSL Connections
One-way authentication requires a TrustStore containing a signed, trusted SSL
certificate for verifying the identity of the server. You can create a TrustStore and
configure the driver to use it. If you do not configure the driver to use a specific
TrustStore, then the driver uses the TrustStore named jssecacerts. If
jssecacerts is not available, then the driver uses cacerts instead.
You provide this information to the driver in the connection URL. For more information
about the syntax of the connection URL, see Building the Connection URL on page 12.
To configure one-way SSL authentication:
1. If you are not using one of the default Java TrustStores, then configure the driver
to access your TrustStore:
a. Set the SSLTruststorePath property to the full path of the TrustStore.
b. Set the SSLTruststorePwd property to your password for accessing the
2. Set the SSLMode property to 1.
3. Set the UseSslIdentityCheck property to 1.
Configuring Two-Way SSL Authentication
When connecting to Cassandra, you can configure two-way SSLverification so that
the driver and the server verify each other.
Two-way authentication requires a TrustStore containing a signed, trusted SSL
certificate for verifying the identity of the server, and a KeyStore containing a similar
certificate for verifying the identity of the driver. You can create a TrustStore and
configure the driver to use it. If you do not configure the driver to use a specific
TrustStore, then the driver uses the TrustStore named jssecacerts. If
jssecacerts is not available, then the driver uses cacerts instead.
When connecting to Astra, two-way SSL verification is always enabled, and the
required certificates are typically provided through the secure connection bundle.
However, you can override the SSL certificates in the bundle by configuring the driver
to use a TrustStore and KeyStore instead.
These settings are configured in the connection URL. For more information about the
syntax of the connection URL, see Building the Connection URL on page 12.
To configure two-way SSL verification:
1. If you are not using one of the default Java TrustStores, then configure the driver
to access your TrustStore:
Installation and Configuration Guide Configuring SSL Connections
a. Set the SSLTruststorePath property to the full path of the TrustStore.
b. Set the SSLTruststorePwd property to your password for accessing the
2. Configure the driver to access your KeyStore:
a. Set the SSLKeystorePath property to the full path of the KeyStore.
b. Set the SSLKeystorePwd property to your password for accessing the
3. Set the SSLMode property to 2.
4. If you are connecting to a Cassandra server, set the UseSslIdentityCheck
property to 1.
Installation and Configuration Guide Configuring SSL Connections
Configuring Logging
To help troubleshoot issues, you can enable logging in the driver.
Only enable logging long enough to capture an issue. Logging decreases
performance and can consume a large quantity of disk space.
The settings for logging apply to every connection that uses the Simba Cassandra
JDBC Driver, so make sure to disable the feature after you are done using it.
In the connection URL, set the LogLevel key to enable logging at the desired level of
detail. The following table lists the logging levels provided by the Simba Cassandra
JDBC Driver, in order from least verbose to most verbose.
LogLevel Value Description
Disable all logging.
Log severe error events that lead the driver to abort.
Log error events that might allow the driver to continue
Log events that might result in an error if action is not taken.
Log general information that describes the progress of the
Log detailed information that is useful for debugging the
Log all driver activity.
To enable logging:
1. Set the LogLevel property to the desired level of information to include in log
2. Set the LogPath property to the full path to the folder where you want to save
log files. To make sure that the connection URLis compatible with all
JDBCapplications, escape the backslashes (\) in your file path by typing
another backslash.
Installation and Configuration Guide Configuring Logging
For example, the following connection URLenables logging level 3 and saves
the log files in the C:\temp folder:
3. To make sure that the new settings take effect, restart your JDBC application and
reconnect to the server.
The Simba Cassandra JDBC Driver produces the following log files in the location
specified in the LogPath property:
l A CassandraJDBC_driver.log file that logs driver activity that is not specific
to a connection.
l A CassandraJDBC_connection_[Number].log file for each connection
made to the database, where [Number] is a number that identifies each log file.
This file logs driver activity that is specific to the connection.
If the LogPath value is invalid, then the driver sends the logged information to the
standard output stream (System.out).
To disable logging:
1. Set the LogLevel property to 0.
2. To make sure that the new setting takes effect, restart your JDBC application and
reconnect to the server.
Installation and Configuration Guide Configuring Logging
More information is provided on the following features of the Simba Cassandra JDBC
l SQL Connector on page 22
l Data Types on page 22
l User-Defined Types on page 25
l Virtual Tables on page 25
l Write-Back on page 28
l Query Modes on page 28
l Catalog and Schema Support on page 29
l Security and Authentication on page 29
SQL Connector
The SQL Connector feature of the driver enables applications to execute standard SQL
queries against Cassandra. It converts SQL-92 queries to CQL operations and
processes the results. When the driver is configured to work in SQL With CQL Fallback
mode, it uses the SQL Connector to handle SQL queries by loading and processing
the data in memory. This feature enables the driver to support SQL operations that
cannot be executed natively through CQL queries, such as column filtering and table
Data Types
The Simba Cassandra JDBC Driver supports many common data formats, converting
between CQL, SQL, and Java data types. The following table lists the supported data
type mappings.
To support complex data types such as lists, maps, and sets, the driver renormalizes
the data into virtual tables. For more information, see Virtual Tables on page 25.
Additionally, the driver can be configured to flatten UDT data into columns. For more
information, see User-Defined Types on page 25.
CQL Type SQL Type Java Type
Installation and Configuration Guide Features
CQL Type SQL Type Java Type
See the note below.
DATE DATE java.sql.Date
See the note below.
See the note below.
The data is renormalized
into a virtual table.
The data is renormalized
into a virtual table.
The data is renormalized
into a virtual table.
Installation and Configuration Guide Features
CQL Type SQL Type Java Type
TIME TIME java.sql.Time
See the note below.
TIMESTAMP java.sql.Timestamp
See the note below.
l The scale and precision for data of type DECIMAL are determined by
configurable settings in the driver. For more information, see
DecimalColumnScale on page 32 and DecimalColumnPrecision on page
l The precision for data of type NUMERIC are determined by configurable
settings in the driver. For more information, see VarintColumnPrecision on
page 45.
l If you insert a BLOB type, then the number of HEX digits must be even.
0xABC is not accepted as a valid binary literal. When you insert binary literal
input as a string the driver truncates the last digit. "ABC" is inserted as "AB",
for example.
l Cassandra internally represents a TIMESTAMP value as a 64-bit signed
integer value representing the number of milliseconds since epoch January
1 1970 at 00:00:00 GMT. The range of TIMESTAMP values supported by the
Simba Cassandra JDBC Driver is from "1601-01-01 00:00:00.000" to "9999-
12-31 23:59:59.999".
Installation and Configuration Guide Features
User-Defined Types
The Simba Cassandra JDBC Driver can be configured to provide support for
Cassandra user-defined types by flattening the underlying subtypes into their own
individual columns in the table. Specifically, user-defined types are supported as base
data or as part of a collection. For information about enabling this feature, see
FlattenUDTColumn on page 36.
The column names for user-defined types are constructed in the following format:
l [Column_name] is the name of column that contains the user-defined type.
l [Subtype_name] is the name of the subtype in the user-defined type.
For example, a user-defined type that contains a user's full name is created as follows:
CREATE TYPE fullname
(first_name text, last_name text)
The driver creates a table that contains two columns, id:text and
name:fullname. The driver then reads the data from this table as follows:
"id", "name_first_name", "name_last_name"
"a", "Chris", "Kwan"
Virtual Tables
One advantage of the Apache Cassandra design is the ability to store data that is
denormalized into a fewer number of tables. By taking advantage of nested data
structures such as sets, lists, and maps, transactions can be simplified. However, the
JDBC interface does not natively support accessing this type of data. By renormalizing
the data contained within collections (sets, lists, and maps) into virtual tables, the
Simba Cassandra JDBC Driver allows users to directly interact with the data but leave
the storage of the data in its denormalized form in Cassandra.
If a table contains any collection columns, when the table is queried for the first time,
the driver creates the following virtual tables:
l A base table, which contains the same data as the real table except for the
collection columns.
l A virtual table for each collection column, which expands the nested data.
Installation and Configuration Guide Features
Virtual tables refer to the data in the real table, enabling the driver to access the
denormalized data. By querying the virtual tables, you can access the contents of
Cassandra collections via JDBC. When you write or modify data in a virtual table, the
data in the real table in the Cassandra database is updated.
The base table and virtual tables appear as additional tables in the list of tables that
exist in the database. The base table uses the same name as the real table that it
represents. The virtual tables that represent collections are named using the name of
the real table, a separator (_ vt_ by default), and the name of the column.
For example, consider the following table. ExampleTable is a Cassandra database
table that contains an integer primary key column named pk_int, a list column, a map
column, and a set column (named StringSet).
pk_int List Map StringSet
1 ["1", "2" , "3"] {"S1" : "a", "S2" : "b" } {"A", "B", "C" }
3 ["100", "101", "102", "105"] {"S1" : "t" } {"A", "E" }
The driver would generate multiple virtual tables to represent this single table. The first
virtual table is the base table, which is shown below.
The base table contains the same data as the original database table except for the
collections, which are omitted from this table and expanded in other virtual tables.
The following three tables show the virtual tables that renormalize the data from the
List, Map, and StringSet columns.
pk_int List#index List#value
1 0 1
1 1 2
1 2 3
Installation and Configuration Guide Features
pk_int List#index List#value
3 0 100
3 1 101
3 2 102
3 3 105
pk_int Map#key Map#value
1 S1 a
1 S2 b
3 S1 t
pk_int StringSet#value
1 A
1 B
1 C
3 A
3 E
The foreign key columns in the virtual tables reference the primary key columns in the
real table, and indicate which real table row the virtual table row corresponds to. The
columns with names that end with #index or #key indicate the position of the data
within the original list or map. The columns with names that end with #value contain
the expanded data from the collection.
The data in the virtual tables can be selected, inserted, and updated as if they were
normal tables, and the driver will handle the storage details within Cassandra. You can
also explicitly append data to the end of a list by inserting a row of data with the index
column set to -1.
Installation and Configuration Guide Features
For example, to append 106 to the List column in ExampleTable, where pk_int = 3, use
the following query:
INSERT INTO "ExampleTable_vt_List" (pk_int, "List#index",
"List#value") VALUES (3, -1, '106')
The Simba Cassandra JDBC Driver supports Data Manipulation Languages (DML)
statements such as INSERT, UPDATE, and DELETE.
Collection (LIST/MAP/SET) within collection DML operations are not supported.
Because Cassandra supports the UPSERT operation instead of INSERT and
UPDATE, when you execute an INSERT or UPDATE statement using the Simba
Cassandra JDBC Driver, the resulting behavior is an UPSERT operation. When you
use the driver to write data to a Cassandra database, the INSERT and UPDATE
operations both set the column value regardless of whether the data already exists.
You can use the TRUNCATE TABLE statement to delete rows from non-virtual tables.
However, to delete rows from virtual tables, you must use the DELETE FROM
statement instead.
Query Modes
The Simba Cassandra JDBC Driver can be configured to process queries as SQL
statements or as CQLstatements.
The default query mode used by the driver is SQL With CQLFallback. In this query
mode, the driver treats all incoming queries as SQL. If an error occurs while handling
the query as SQL, then the driver will pass the original query to Cassandra to execute
as CQL. However, because Cassandra is not aware of virtual tables, incoming queries
that reference virtual tables will fail when they are passed through to the server to be
executed as CQL.
You can configure the driver to work in CQL mode by setting the QueryMode
connection property to 1. In this query mode, the driver treats all incoming queries as
CQL, so any queries written in a non-CQL syntax will fail.
Alternatively, you can configure the driver to work in SQL mode by setting the
QueryMode connection property to 2. When working in SQL mode, the driver treats all
incoming queries as SQL, so any queries that are not written in standard SQL-92
syntax will fail.
Installation and Configuration Guide Features
When working in CQL mode, the driver does not expose any virtual tables. This
happens because virtual table metadata is exposed only by the driver; Cassandra
metadata does not contain any information relating to virtual tables. Virtual tables are
only accessible via SQL mode.
Catalog and Schema Support
The Simba Cassandra JDBC Driver supports both catalogs and schemas to make it
easy for the driver to work with various JDBC applications. Since Cassandra only
organizes column families into keyspaces, the driver provides a synthetic catalog
named CASSANDRA under which all of the keyspaces are organized. The driver also
maps the JDBC schema to the Cassandra keyspace. The driver provides access to all
of the schemas/databases that are listed under this catalog, ensuring compatibility with
standard BI tools.
Security and Authentication
To protect data from unauthorized access, some Cassandra data stores require
connections to be authenticated with user credentials or the SSL protocol. The Simba
Cassandra JDBC Driver provides full support for these authentication protocols.
In this documentation, "SSL" indicates both TLS(Transport Layer Security)and
SSL (Secure Sockets Layer). The driver supports industry-standard versions of
The driver provides a mechanism that allows you to authenticate your connection
using your Cassandra user name and password. The driver also supports
authentication to Astra databases, which require a user name, password, and secure
connection bundle. For more information about configuring authentication for your
connection, see Configuring Authentication on page 15.
Additionally, the driver supports the following types of SSL connections:
l No identity verification
l One-way authentication
l Two-way authentication
Depending on the configuration of your Cassandra server, you might have the option of
connecting without using SSL encryption. However, Astra instances always require
SSLencryption with two-way authentication.
Installation and Configuration Guide Features
It is recommended that you enable SSL whenever you connect to a server that is
configured to support it. SSL encryption protects data and credentials when they are
transferred over the network, and provides stronger security than authentication alone.
For detailed configuration instructions, see Configuring SSL Connections on page 17.
The SSL version that the driver supports depends on the JVM version that you are
using. For information about the SSL versions that are supported by each version of
Java, see "Diagnosing TLS, SSL, and HTTPS" on the Java Platform Group Product
Management Blog:
The SSL version used for the connection is the highest version that is supported
by both the driver and the server, which is determined at connection time.
Installation and Configuration Guide Features
Driver Configuration Options
Driver Configuration Options lists and describes the properties that you can use to
configure the behavior of the Simba Cassandra JDBC Driver.
You can set configuration properties using the connection URL. For more information,
see Building the Connection URL on page 12.
Property names and values are case-sensitive.
Default Value Data Type Required
Integer No
This property specifies whether the driver connects to a Cassandra or Astra database,
and whether the driver authenticates the connection.
l 0: The driver connects to a Cassandra database without authenticating the
l 1: The driver connects to a Cassandra database, and authenticates the
connection using a user name and password.
l 2: The driver connects to an Astra database, and authenticates the connection
using a user name, password, and secure connection bundle.
Default Value Data Type Required
Integer No
The maximum data length for BLOB columns.
Installation and Configuration Guide Driver Configuration Options
Default Value Data Type Required
MILLIS value configured
on the server, which
defaults to 5000.
Integer No
The number of milliseconds that the driver waits before ending an attempt to connect to
the server.
Default Value Data Type Required
Integer No
The precision that the driver uses when working with DECIMAL data.
The maximum value that you can set for this property is 32767.
Default Value Data Type Required
Integer No
The scale that the driver uses when working with DECIMAL data.
Installation and Configuration Guide Driver Configuration Options
l When you insert a value with a greater scale than this setting, the driver
truncates the inserted value without returning any messages about the
l The maximum value that you can set for this property is 32767.
Default Value Data Type Required
None String No
The default keyspace (schema) to connect to in Cassandra.
Default Value Data Type Required
Integer No
This property specifies whether the driver uses asynchronous inserts or batch
l 1: The driver uses asynchronous insertion.
l 0: The driver uses batch insertion.
Default Value Data Type Required
Integer No
Installation and Configuration Guide Driver Configuration Options
This property specifies whether the driver differentiates between capital and lower-
case letters in schema, table, and column names.
l 1: The driver differentiates between capital and lower-case letters in schema,
table, and column names. It is recommended that you enclose the names of all
schemas, tables, and columns in double quotation marks (") if this option is
l 0: The driver ignores the capitalization of schema, table, and column names.
l If the naming conventions for your Cassandra server are case-sensitive, you
must leave this property set to 1.
l If you are using the driver in a BI tool such as Tableau or Lumira, it is
recommended that you leave this property set to 1.
l If this property is set to 0, then queries that use case-sensitive schema, table,
and column names are not supported.
Default Value Data Type Required
Integer No
This property specifies whether the driver uses a latency-awareness algorithm to
distribute the load away from slower-performing nodes.
l 1: The driver uses the latency-awareness algorithm.
l 0: The driver does not use the latency-awareness algorithm.
Default Value Data Type Required
Integer No
Installation and Configuration Guide Driver Configuration Options
This property specifies how the driver inserts NULL values.
l 1: The driver inserts all NULL values as specified in INSERT statements.
l 0: If an INSERT statement only specifies NULL values for a column or does not
specify any values for a column, then the driver omits that column when
executing the INSERT statement.
Consider the following before modifying this property:
l It is recommended that you leave this property set to the default value of 0 so that
the driver does not insert NULL values into empty cells and create tombstones,
which might decrease server performance and cause errors to occur. However,
this setting might decrease driver performance when executing INSERT
statements that affect a large number of rows.
l It is recommended that you set this property to 1 only when executing INSERT
statements that do not contain unnecessary NULL values, because inserting
NULL values into empty columns creates tombstones.
For more information about tombstones, see "About deletes" in the Apache Cassandra
2.0 documentation:
Default Value Data Type Required
Integer No
This property specifies whether to split large result sets into pages.
l 1: The driver splits large result sets into pages.
l 0: The driver fetches all results into memory regardless of the result set size.
Also, see the related driver configuration option RowsPerPage on page 40.
Installation and Configuration Guide Driver Configuration Options
Default Value Data Type Required
Integer No
This property specifies whether to use a token-aware policy to improve load balancing
and latency.
l 1: The driver uses the token-aware policy.
l 0: The token-aware policy is not used.
Default Value Data Type Required
Integer No
This property specifies how the driver handles user-defined types (UDT).
l 1: The driver flattens UDT data into columns. During read and write operations,
the subtypes and metadata of the UDT data are retained in the column typing
and metadata.
When this property is enabled, the following limitations also apply:
l The driver cannot insert nested collections as VARCHAR data.
l If a map contains two user-defined types with identical field names (that is,
if the key and value of the map are of the same user-defined type), then a
column name collision occurs.
l If a table uses a user-defined type as its primary key, then when you
execute an INSERT statement on that table, the fields of the primary key
cannnot be NULL.
l 0: The driver exposes UDT values as string values. The subtypes and metadata
of the UDT data are not maintained during read and write operations, and the
driver provides only partial support for write operations.
Installation and Configuration Guide Driver Configuration Options
Default Value Data Type Required
Integer No
This property specifies the load balancing policy to be used.
l 1: The Round Robin policy is used. The driver cycles through all nodes in the
cluster on a per-query basis.
l 0:The DC Aware policy is used. For each query, all nodes in a primary "local"
data center are tried before any nodes from other data centers.
Default Value Data Type Required
Integer No
Use this property to enable or disable logging in the driver and to specify the amount of
detail included in log files.
Only enable logging long enough to capture an issue. Logging decreases
performance and can consume a large quantity of disk space.
The settings for logging apply to every connection that uses the Simba Cassandra
JDBC Driver, so make sure to disable the feature after you are done using it.
Set the property to one of the following numbers:
l 0: Disable all logging.
l 1: Enable logging on the FATAL level, which logs very severe error events that
will lead the driver to abort.
l 2:Enable logging on the ERROR level, which logs error events that might still
allow the driver to continue running.
Installation and Configuration Guide Driver Configuration Options
l 3:Enable logging on the WARNING level, which logs events that might result in
an error if action is not taken.
l 4:Enable logging on the INFO level, which logs general information that
describes the progress of the driver.
l 5:Enable logging on the DEBUG level, which logs detailed information that is
useful for debugging the driver.
l 6:Enable logging on the TRACE level, which logs all driver activity.
When logging is enabled, the driver produces the following log files in the location
specified in the LogPath property:
l A CassandraJDBC_driver.log file that logs driver activity that is not specific
to a connection.
l A CassandraJDBC_connection_[Number].log file for each connection
made to the database, where [Number] is a number that identifies each log file.
This file logs driver activity that is specific to the connection.
If the LogPath value is invalid, then the driver sends the logged information to the
standard output stream (System.out).
Default Value Data Type Required
The current working
String No
The full path to the folder where the driver saves log files when logging is enabled.
To make sure that the connection URL is compatible with all JDBC applications, it
is recommended that you escape the backslashes (\) in your file path by typing
another backslash.
Installation and Configuration Guide Driver Configuration Options
Default Value Data Type Required
None String Yes, if AuthMech is set
to 1 or 2.
The password corresponding to the user name that you provided using the property
UID on page 45.
Default Value Data Type Required
Integer No
This property specifies the query mode to use when sending queries to Cassandra.
l 0:The driver uses the SQL With CQLFallback query mode. The driver executes
all queries in SQLby default, but if a query fails, then the driver executes the
query in CQL.
l 1:The driver uses the CQL query mode and executes all queries in CQL.
l 2: The driver uses the SQL query mode and executes all queries in SQL.
When working in CQL mode, the driver does not expose any virtual tables. This
happens because virtual table metadata is exposed only by the driver; Cassandra
metadata does not contain any information relating to virtual tables. Virtual tables
are only accessible via SQL mode.
Installation and Configuration Guide Driver Configuration Options
Default Value Data Type Required
configured on the server,
which defaults to 12000.
Integer No
The number of milliseconds that the driver waits before ending an attempt to read data
from a particular server node.
If you set this property to 0, then timeouts are disabled for read operations.
l Because this timeout behavior is applied on a per-node basis, if your query
is executed on more than one node, the actual interval of time that passes
before the query times out may differ from your ReadTimeoutMillis
l It is recommended that you set this property to a value that is greater than the
other timeout settings configured on the server. Timeout settings for the
Cassandra server are determined by the properties in the
cassandra.yaml file that are suffixed with _request_timeout_in_
Default Value Data Type Required
Integer No
When result set paging is enabled, use this option to specify the maximum number of
rows to display on each page.
Also, see the related driver configuration option EnablePaging on page 35.
Installation and Configuration Guide Driver Configuration Options
Default Value Data Type Required
None String Yes, if connecting to an
Astra database.
The full path and name of the secure connection bundle associated with your Astra
To make sure that the connection URLis compatible with all JDBCapplications,
escape the backslashes (\) in your file path by typing another backslash
You can download the secure connection bundle from the DataStax Constellation
console. For more information, see "Obtaining database credentials" in the DataStax
Astra documentation:
Default Value Data Type Required
0 when connecting to
Cassandra, or 3 when
connecting to Astra.
Integer No
This property specifies how the driver uses SSL to connect to the server.
If you are connecting to a Cassandra database, set this property to one of the following
l 0:The driver does not use SSL to connect to the server.
Installation and Configuration Guide Driver Configuration Options
l 1:If the UseSslIdentityCheck property is also set to 1, the driver connects
using one-way SSLauthentication. Otherwise, the driver connects to the server
using SSL but does not verify the identity of the server.
l 2: If the UseSslIdentityCheck property is also set to 1, the driver connects
using two-way SSLauthentication. Otherwise, the driver connects to the server
using SSL, but the driver and the server do not verify each other.
Or, if you are connecting to an Astra database, set this property to one of the following
l 2: The driver connects using two-way SSL authentication, and overrides the
SSLcertificates in the secure connection bundle. For more information, see
Configuring SSL Connections on page 17.
l 3: The driver connects using two-way SSLauthentication, and uses the
SSLcertificates that are included in the secure connection bundle. For more
information, see SecureConnectionBundlePath on page 41.
Default Value Data Type Required
None String Yes, if SSLMode=2.
The full path of the Java KeyStore containing the certificate for verifying the client.
See also the property SSLKeystorePwd on page 42.
Default Value Data Type Required
None String No
The password to use when checking the integrity of the KeyStore.
See also the property SSLKeystorePath on page 42.
Installation and Configuration Guide Driver Configuration Options
Default Value Data Type Required
jssecacerts, if it
If jssecacerts does
not exist, then cacerts
is used. The default
location of cacerts is
String Yes, if SSLMode=1 or
This property is applicable only when SSLMode is set to 1 or 2. For more
information, see Configuring SSL Connections on page 17.
The full path of the Java TrustStore containing an SSL certificate for verifying the
See also the property SSLTruststorePwd on page 43.
Default Value Data Type Required
None String Yes, if SSLMode=1 or
This property is applicable only when SSLMode is set to 1 or 2. For more
information, see Configuring SSL Connections on page 17.
The password to use when checking the integrity of the TrustStore.
See also the property SSLTruststorePath on page 43.
Installation and Configuration Guide Driver Configuration Options
Default Value Data Type Required
Integer No
The maximum data length for ASCII, TEXT, and VARCHAR columns.
Default Value Data Type Required
Integer No
The specific Cassandra replica or the number of Cassandra replicas that must process
a query in order for the query to be considered successful.
The following values are supported, where each value corresponds to one of the
consistency levels available in Cassandra:
l 0 for ANY
l 1 for ONE
l 2 for TWO
l 3 for THREE
l 4 for QUORUM
l 5 for ALL
l 10 for LOCAL_ONE
For detailed information about each consistency level, see "Configuring data
consistency" in the Apache Cassandra 2.0 documentation:
Installation and Configuration Guide Driver Configuration Options
Default Value Data Type Required
None String Yes, if AuthMech is set
to 1 or 2.
The user name that you use to access the database.
Default Value Data Type Required
Integer No
This property is not applicable to Astra connections.
This property specifies whether the driver requires the host name of the server to match
the host name in the certificate during SSLverification.
l 1: The driver requires the host name of the server to match the host name in the
l 0: The driver allows the host name of the server to not match the host name in the
Default Value Data Type Required
Integer No
The precision that the driver uses when working with NUMERIC data.
Installation and Configuration Guide Driver Configuration Options
The maximum value that you can set for this property is 32767.
Default Value Data Type Required
String No
The separator for naming a virtual table built from a collection.
The name of a virtual table consists of the name of the table in the database, then the
separator, and then the name of the collection.
For example, DatabaseTableName_vt_CollectionName.
For more information about virtual tables, see Virtual Tables on page 25.
Installation and Configuration Guide Driver Configuration Options
Third-Party Trademarks
Oracle and Java are registered trademarks of Oracle and/or its affiliates. Other names
may be trademarks of their respective owners.
Apache Cassandra, Apache, and Cassandra are trademarks of The Apache Software
Foundation or its subsidiaries in Canada, the United States and/or other countries.
All other trademarks are trademarks of their respective owners.
Installation and Configuration Guide Third-Party Trademarks